Aspects for the week beginning 22 December 2024
Blogs 2
I wrote last week about new computer, and losing my Astrology programme. I now have a shiny new 21st century astro-programme, Solar Fire version 9, and am in the throes of learning to use it. Bear with me! Next week I will write the review of the old year and the week after a review of the new year. After that, I hope to have mastered the ins and outs of the new computer and astro-programme in order to resume my usual weekly astrological investigations. In the meantime, I am able to continue writing the Aspects, and to keep up my private astrological work such as Year Ahead Updates and the baby charts which constitute much of my work.
Monday 23rd
It seems that the planetary energies will be stressed this week! Find time for rest and recuperation among the preparations for Christmas, and for some relaxation between Christmas and New Year.
The Nodal Axis squares the Sun tomorrow, challenging us to stay on our karmic path even if group pressure tries to sway our individuality. We have to find a way to honour our own way, while staying in integrity with society or outside pressures. It may present as a power struggle, but can be an opportunity to find higher solutions.
On the same day, Venus sextiles Chiron, a congenial and healing influence, especially for relationships. It is a good day to combine the Arts with Healing, such as creativity which involves and brings about healing. Surrounded by squares, this is the best aspect of the week.
Tuesday 24th
Tuesday is an important day, with Saturn squaring Jupiter in the evening, the main event of the week. This represents a struggle for progress, with opposite styles vying for expression or balance. You could see a dilemma being played out, either in your own life or in society. For example, economy (Saturn) may impede the desire for expansion (Jupiter). These dilemmas are certainly to be seen in the “difficult decisions” the new government are having to make.
Thursday 26th
Thursday (Boxing Day) brings an opposition between Mercury and Jupiter. You might be ambitious to get things done, but at the same time overstretch yourself. This aspect may bring about communication and travel complexity. You may feel you need to be in two places at once, and be summoned hither and thither. Geminis and Virgos may need to factor in some extra relaxation time. However, it is very mind-broadening, if not information-overloading. But you may feel heady with new ideas.
Friday 27th
Saturn squaring Mercury occurs around breakfast-time. This brings up mental weariness. So much so that you may have to put your thought processes on the back burner for a while, trying meditation or gentle exercise instead. This may give your mind a rest and a refresh or a reset.
Saturday 28th
Then along comes another square on Saturday (also breakfast-time). Uranus squares Venus, which may contribute to an abrasive day for meetings. The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead. Relationships can be disrupted, and subject to misunderstandings. On the other hand, on a higher level, it can open up telepathic communication between individuals.
Happy Christmas to all my readers!
This week may well represent a time of clearing, to make way for the awesome opportunities that await in 2025.
The week in bullet points:
- Tomorrow – taking stock of karma; relationship healing
- Tuesday – the main wrangle
- Thursday – mentally over-stretching
- Friday – mental weariness
- Saturday – relationship challenges
December 22nd, 2024 at 5:56 pm
Hi Lana
Thanks for the aspects, helping to guide me through the week.
All best wishes for your mastering of the Astro programme. Also good wishes for a happy Christmas, and eventual meeting up with your family.
Love Sarah
December 23rd, 2024 at 11:33 am
Dear Sarah
Many thanks for your comment!
And for your well-wishes.
I also extend warmest Christmas wishes to you and your family, and for your continued recuperation.
Hope you navigate the aspects nimbly, too.