Aspects for the week beginning 5 January 2025
Welcome to the year 2025: A year of Unprecedented Change. I have never seen a year like it in terms of sign changes: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and the Nodal Axis all change, and of course Pluto has just entrenched itself in Aquarius. The year’s changes may start slowly at first, so you have time to let go of old ways, before the sign changes fully kick in. Times quoted are for the U.K. I have omitted the Saturn-Neptune conjunction from this schedule because it does not perfect until 2026, nevertheless its influence pervades the year in an insidious way, where you see man’s inhumanity to man across the world.
It’s more important than ever this year to create your own future and opportunities. Even if you are someone that resists or fears change, be pro-active. Dream and hope. Take steps towards the changes that you want to happen, e.g. if you have been thinking about moving house. If you feel that health deteriorates as you age, take at least baby steps towards health improvements – set yourself goals even if you are not that way inclined naturally. Now is not the year to drift, as that will just bring the changes which the Universe deems fit for your evolution. That can happen anyway, but expressing your own intentions will enable you to set the flow to your advantage. The world will change, regardless. Some innovations may not be to your liking, e.g. Donald Trump in the White House, but you can find satisfaction on your own terms in your own life. Overcome inertia. Seize the Year!
If you want to start working with the aspects from now, here is a guide to some of the major astrological events coming up. This calendar is packed with information, so you may want to print it out for your fridge (people do, you know!). Your essential guide!
2025 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:
Mon 6th: 10.44 a.m. – Mars enters Cancer – Deepening emotion [applies till 18 April]
Weds 29th: 20.50 Hrs – North Node, retrograding as it does, enters Pisces. A new era (step 1): From karmic self-interest to compassion.
Thurs 30th: 16.21 Hrs – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Change and progress, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected. Enabling progress for the New Age.
Tues 4th: 9.40 a.m. – Jupiter Stationary, prior to turning Direct – The feel of progress.
Mon 24th: 2 a.m. – Mars Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Physical and practical progress. Energetic upgrade.
Sun 2nd: 00.36 Hrs – Venus Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Re-examining of relationships.
Fri 14th: 6.55 a.m. – Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 23 degrees Virgo – A turning point, and emotional high tide.
Sat 15th: 6.46 a.m. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult. Retrograde period ends 7 April.
Thurs 20th: 9.01 a.m. – Spring Equinox – Sun enters Aries. The beginning of the Astrological New Year. Day and Night of equal length.
Sat 29th: 10.58 a.m. – Solar Eclipse at 9 degrees Aries – A turning point, and new beginning.
Sun 30th: 12 Noon – Neptune enters Aries – A new era (step 2): divesting illusion and moving towards personal emancipation.
Fri 4th: 16.21 Hrs – Saturn sextile Uranus – A major rebalancing between the old and the new.
Mon 7th: 11.08 a.m. – Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period]. Communications smoother.
Sun 13th: 1.03 a.m. -Venus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Relationships making progress.
Fri 18th: 4.21 a.m. – Mars enters Leo – Expressing Fire and Creativity [applies till 17 June]
Sun 27th: 1.05 a.m. – Pluto opposes Mars – High clashing energies. Stay out of the fray.
Sun 4th: 15.25 Hrs. – Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – A level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.
Sun 25th: 3.35 a.m. – Saturn enters Aries – A new era (step 3): A huge dose of Reality.
Mon 9th: 21.02 Hrs – Jupiter enters Cancer – A new era (step 4): Turning us towards family life, or a sense of belonging in Soul groups.
Sun 15th: 14.36 Hrs – Saturn squares Jupiter – An Impasse. Not reliable for making decisions.
Tues 17th: 8.35 a.m. – Mars enters Virgo – A more purposeful, nose-to-the-grindstone shoulder to the wheel application of energy. [applies until 6 Aug]
Thurs 19th: 3.16 a.m. – Neptune squares Jupiter – A major aspect of confusion, between spirituality and religion. The effects of A.I. likely to be prominent in questioning our reality, too.
Sat 21st: 2.42 a.m. – Summer Solstice – Sun enters Cancer. The peak of the Light.
Fri 4th: 21.35 Hrs. – Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Some retrospection on the Spiritual path. Retrograde period ends 11th December.
Mon 7th: 7.45 a.m. – Uranus enters Gemini – A new era (step 5): Innovation in thought. Initially perplexing.
Sun 13th: 13.08 Hrs – Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground. Retrograde period ends 28th November.
Fri 18th: 4.45 a.m. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications rendered more difficult. Retrograde period ends 11th August.
Weds 6th: 23.23 Hrs. – Mars enters Libra – A need for balance, especially between opposing factions.
Mon 11th: 7.29 a.m. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Direct. Communications smoother.
Tues 12th: 3.32 a.m. – Saturn sextile Uranus – As Fri 4 Apr: A major rebalancing between the old and the new, contd.
5.30 a.m. – Venus conjunct Jupiter – A celebratory day: one of the best aspects of the year.
Fri 29th: 00.09 a.m. – Uranus sextile Neptune – A major reorganization in order to incorporate more complexity and a deeper understanding.
(A busy month)
Mon 1st: 8.07 a.m.- Saturn retrogrades back into Pisces temporarily – There is unfinished work in addressing and letting go of past hurts.
Sat 6th: 4.52 a.m. – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Rebellion, and bids for freedom. Retrograde period ends 30th February 2026.
Sun 7th: 18.09 Hrs. – Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 15 degrees Pisces – A turning point, and emotional high tide.
Sun 21st: 19.54 Hrs. – Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Virgo – A turning point, and new beginning.
Mon 22nd: 7.54 a.m. – Mars enters Scorpio – Battle mode; battle lines drawn; prepare to defend the underdog, or provide strength and support.
18.19 Hrs. – Autumn Equinox – The Sun enters Libra – A time of balance. Day and Night of equal length.
Weds 24th: – 11.52 a.m. – Pluto squares Mars – High clashing energies. Stay out of the fray.
14th: 2.54 a.m. – Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Psychological journey more straightforward. Comparable to the ascent from the Underworld.
Weds 22nd: 9.48 a.m. – Neptune retrogrades back into Pisces temporarily – There is unfinished work in addressing and letting go of past sensitivities and honing compassion.
(A busy month)
Tues 4th: 13.01 Hrs. – Mars enters Sagittarius – A bright, adventurous note. Stays in Sagittarius until 15 December.
Sat 8th: 2.22 a.m. – Uranus retrogrades back into Taurus temporarily – There is unfinished work in practical innovations started in the last seven years, before new ideas can start to be put into practice in earnest.
Sun 9th: 19.01 Hrs – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult. Retrograde period ends 30 November.
Tues 11th: 16.42 Hrs. – Jupiter Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – More examination of detail needed, for hopes and dreams to be realizable.
Thurs 20th: 14.39 Hrs. – Uranus sextile Neptune – A major reorganization in order to incorporate more complexity and a deeper understanding. As 29 August, contd.
Weds 26th: 16.31 Hrs. – Venus trine Jupiter – A celebratory day: one of the best aspects of the year.
Fri 28th: 3.51 a.m. – Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Less struggle.
Sat 29th: 17.39 Hrs. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Communications smoother.
Weds 10th: 12.24 Hrs. – Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Direct. Spiritual path clearing.
Mon 15th: 7.34 a.m. – Mars enters Capricorn – A time for responsible action. Slow and steady wins the race. [applies till 23rd January 2026]
Sun 21st: 15.03 Hrs. – Winter Solstice. The Sun enters Capricorn. The beginning of the Return of the Light.
Prominent Figures
Here I am taking a brief look at the charts of a few of those prominent figures who are affecting lives across the globe.
Donald Trump
With Jupiter on his natal North Node at election time last year, he was probably a sure fire winner. He currently has Pluto starting its journey through his 6th House of Health, so has some deep seated issues, and Saturn will be entering his 8th House during the course of the year, so he may be aware of his mortality (which was highlighted in last year’s assassination attempt). But he has some sort of triumph to look forward to around 18/19th July when Jupiter transits his natal Mercury in Cancer in his 11th House of Allies.
Keir Starmer
Keir’s chart is difficult to read at this moment of time, without a birth time. He does have some uplift, perhaps an achievement, when Jupiter transits his natal Mars in Cancer around 10th July. Supplementing this information by looking at one of the U.K. charts (I use the 1922 chart) there are two glimmers of progress from Jupiter for this country: 18th July (when Jupiter trines the natal Jupiter in 5th House). This would brighten our profile, and may tie in with a deal with the U.S. (see Donald Trump). Also 26/7 July (when Jupiter reaches the U.K. Pluto in its natal 2nd House of Finance), which may see the economy see a surge in growth.
Vladimir Putin
Vladimir’s chart has been under contention over the years, but I still use the one we started with before others were put forward (maybe to throw us off the scent!). Currently he may be rattled, with a quincunx from Uranus to his natal Mercury which has lasted from 20th December and goes on till 12th March. It was during this period that the fall of Assad in Syria took place, and though he has claimed otherwise, it was a crisis for him. There is a sense of him treading water, but 3rd/4th September seems the best time for him this year. Maybe he will make a settlement to end the invasion of Ukraine at that time.
Benjamin Netanyahu
Like Putin, Netanyahu has had a long term quincunx operating. In his case it is Neptune quincunx his natal Sun in Libra since 10th October, and going on to the beginning of February. Cosmic Joke: Funny how these two warmongers are both born under Libra! Anyway, perhaps this transit has confused him as to spiritual morality, and Neptune can operate from fear and paranoia. He does not want to lose his crown – it’s all he’s got. A bright spot for him this year is around 1st July when Jupiter reaches his natal Uranus in Cancer in his 7th House of Close Relationships. Donald Trump may give him some hope. Looking at the chart of Israel, Pluto is at the Nadir (the 4th House cusp and then the I.C.) over this period and that is an all time low. Pluto transits its I.C. on 22nd/23rd February, and then again on 19/20th July, which is an intensification of this energy, though the exact time of this chart is in question.
Volodymyr Zelenskyy
Volodymyr has the most interesting and possibly dynamic transits over this year, despite the fact that in the current state of play with the invasion of Ukraine things look as bleak as ever. I don’t know where he gets his spirit from, but he is an Aquarian, and that Aquarian energy may count for some of his fighting spirit. He has got a lot going on astrologically these next two years. Pluto opposing his natal Mars (situated at 0 degrees Leo) has seen a brutal year. Neptune has been squaring his natal Jupiter since 10th October, and going on to the beginning of February (yes the same period as Netanyahu’s Neptune transit), and there may have been times he questioned his own faith. Pluto is moving on now and squaring his natal Chiron, exact today. He will be feeling the bruising of this last year, but has been talking about a possible settlement with Putin, and with Jupiter now in his 1st House, he may experience some help this year. 27/28th May seems the likeliest time for him to receive this, with a Jupiter Return taking place.
Nigel Farage
He who executed Brexit and now threatens the Conservative Party and hobnobs with Donald Trump and Elon Musk needs to be included in this brief survey. Nigel’s signature is Pluto on the Ascendant (he deals in high stakes, and lives on the edge in some ways: witness his near death experience on Election day on 6th May 2010. He has had a few rebirths since. His star does seem to be on the rise at the moment, and he has stated he would like to be Prime Minister come the next election. On 26th June Uranus transits his natal Venus in 9th House, so he will be a subject of intrigue, here and abroad (presumably America) at that time. He’ll also be high flying around 7th/8th July when Jupiter transits his natal North Node in his 10th House of Career – July seems an important month for a few of these prominent characters. Maybe there will be some sort of Summit held. That ties in with the above statement under the year ahead guidelines: “Mon 7th: 7.45 a.m. – Uranus enters Gemini – A new era (step 5): Innovation in thought. Initially perplexing.” – some sort of international meeting of minds. The next couple of days 8th/9th extends his high point, and consolidates a favourable time for him with Jupiter sextile his natal Uranus in 12th House, which partly represents his power to Surprise.
That concludes my guide and prognostications for 2025, and I really do wish you All a very Happy, Peaceful and Healthy New Year!
Today Mars trines the North Node. We might be galvanized to action, especially from a karmic standpoint. You may feel there is something you must do, or right a wrong, put something straight. Dogs, cars and men are ruled by Mars, and these may be involved in the karmic interaction or be triggers, hopefully in a constructive way.
Tomorrow, Monday 6th, Mars Retrogrades back into the sign of Cancer in the morning. That’s “Deepening emotion [applies till 18 April]”. It was in Cancer broadly in September and October, so there may have been something in your Autumn schedule which got shelved or waylaid (by Christmas preparations, perhaps?) which you need to finally nail before April. As Cancer rules the Home and Family, it may be in that area of life that you need to attend to detail, but if you know what House Cancer occupies in your chart, that will redefine with more accuracy what you need to attend to.
At lunchtime on the same day, Neptune squares Mercury. This can bring difficult weather patterns. Some undefinable snag may be nagging at you. If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note. Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go. There could be some scandals in the news, too. Don’t forget to operate from the optimum mindset of Neptune (compassion) rather than its underside of fear and paranoia.
Skipping to Wednesday (8th) we find Mercury entering the sign of Capricorn. The mental mode of Capricorn is practicality, and systematic and methodical thinking. Mercury in Capricorn favours planning (so helps with planning events for next year. Official documentation may need to be worked on, forms to fill, authorities to interview, etc.
That’s all for this week – no Fixed Stars showed up for the second half of the week, but hopefully you will have enough to digest!
Here’s to a better New Year!
The week in bullet points:
- Today – action stations!
- Monday – deepening emotion; confused minds
- Wednesday – practical minds
January 5th, 2025 at 5:20 pm
Hi Lana
What a lot of information today. I need a printer so I can print it all for my fridge. Until then I will return and return. Thanks for the insights. I’ll do my best to embrace change.
Love Sarah
January 6th, 2025 at 8:32 am
Thanks for all the hard work you must have put in to this comprehensive overview of the year. What a lot to digest. Do you have birth data for Elon Musk?
Well done for getting your head around your new IT setup too.
January 6th, 2025 at 12:18 pm
Dear Sarah
Thanks very much for your comment!
As this is longer than my usual New Year offering, you may need a bigger fridge…
All good wishes for starting your new year,
January 6th, 2025 at 1:05 pm
Dear Daph
Thanks very much for your comment!
I did put in a bit more than is usual for New Year. Someone posed a question to me on 30th December, which made me think people might want more than just the basic planetary info.
Thanks too for your encouragement over the new IT set up…I am getting there…
As for Elon Musk, I have written about him:
“We find Elon Musk’s Sun unaspected (individualism) except for a square to Uranus (invention and futurism) – his main connection with reality. He lacks personal aspects generally… His technological aspirations are reinforced by a conjunction of Mars and the North Node (karmic mission) in Aquarius, the sign of technology and futurism. Mars/North Node/Aquarius represents engineering, and even specifically symbolizes his electric car company Tesla, which was named after the earlier passionate inventor and futurist Nikola Tesla… Musk has an exact sextile between Pluto and Jupiter, which enables him to build projects on a large and powerful scale.”
Looking at his transits this year, as with Zelensky, he has a lot going on this year. Pluto is entering his 8th House, which is a power trip. Neptune and Saturn will be crossing his 10th House cusp, which will alter the way he relates to the world. Uranus will cross his 12th House cusp (22nd June) and Saturn in 12th House (8th August) which may be a wake-up call. Jupiter is square his Pluto (October 2024 to February 2025) which may be bringing an abuse of power to a peak. Then he experiences more expansion, with Jupiter transiting his Ascendant (6/7 June), Sun (5th July): self-expression, or megalomania, and Mercury (11/12th August, spelling space travel success? The end of the last week of July seems crucial to a few of these characters, so may be a world wide event or repercussion.
I suspect that Donald Trump may not trust Elon Musk 100% and their relationship will become more rocky, as it is difficult for two world wide egos to rub along together.
January 6th, 2025 at 8:38 pm
Dear Lana,
There is a wealth of information and guidance here to assist in navigating the coming year….and some goals are coming to realisation relatively easily ….eg going back to baking my own bread as a move towards even fewer processed foods/ingredients. Other aspirations feel harder to birth yet actually …I am getting there with some of these and stamina will be needed to hold to the desire to let intentions arise and be realised.
I read the aspects with interest nd the accounts of individuals, even the difficult warmongering ones but my eyes just slid away when I tried to read about Nigel Farage. Oh dear.
January 7th, 2025 at 10:05 am
Dear Yaz
Thanks very much for your comment!
I like your innovations for Pluto in Aquarius! I am having to learn the ways of a new computer and astro programme, am on a new regime for my diabetes, and now that I have sound on my computer, will be attending a futuristic summit. That’s enough change for one week or month!
I am surprised you managed to get as far as Nigel Farage, past the warmongerers! No sooner had I posted about him, than Elon Musk declared he was not fit to lead his party!
Here’s to the week, the month and the year!
January 7th, 2025 at 1:47 pm
Dear Lana
What a huge amount of effort and work you put into this blog though I suspect you will be referring to it yourself as the year progresses. I’m not afraid of change but I do wish the changes could all be sensible ones!
I found this in the aspects as being very apt for me at the moment, not on an emotional Cancerian plane as suggested but definitely family related. “there may have been something in your Autumn schedule which got shelved or waylaid (by Christmas preparations, perhaps?) which you need to finally nail before April. As Cancer rules the Home and Family, it may be in that area of life that you need to attend to detail,”
Pretty much everything got shelved for the huge amount of volunteer hours I’ve had to put in! And there are other projects falling by the wayside as a result.
I wasnt happy reading about the world figures. Elon Musk getting more alarming by the day. I could almost see him in the pay of Putin!
And who does he think he is – meddling in politics world wide? I’m looking forward to his “wake up call” Maybe he’ll eventually implode.
Love Janet
January 8th, 2025 at 10:35 am
Dear Janet
Thanks very much for your comment!
You’re right, I will be referring to this myself as the year progresses!!
I am quite change averse by nature (Taurus Ascendant) but feel this year we have to grasp the nettle.
Thanks for your observation on the aspects. Not everyone can think back so precisely, and make the connection.
Yes it is uncomfortable to think that the villains in the world seem to be getting away literally with murder. Since I wrote about prominent figures, the picture with Elon Musk and with Donald Trump (now seeking world expansion) has become more bizarre than ever. One can only hope that they will eventually boomerang back.
Keep up the good work, food-distribution-wise.