Aspects for the week beginning 12 January 2025
Jean-Marie Le Pen (1928 – 2025)
“We knew, by fighting him, what a fighter he was”
~ Francois Bayrou
Jean-Marie Le Pen, founder of the “Front National” in France, died this week at the age of 96. He founded the movement in 1972, long before Nigel Farage took us into Brexit and Europe was hit by a wave of (far-right) populism and nationalism. You could say he was ahead of his time…
Birth Chart
Jean-Marie was born on 20th June 2028. Whatever the natal picture of his birth chart (with a time and an Ascendant) tells us, it cannot predict the nature of a soul’s choices. Many of us would look at his preaching of hatred and xenophobia as being wrong-headed, but he had a vast following, and one that grew when his daughter Marine took over his party. Whatever the set of aspects etc. in the birth chart, and I have known people born around that time who did not take such a path, it is up to the individual what they make of their inherent birth chart.
Two Archetypes stand out prominently straight away when looking at the chart: The Warrior, and The Patriot, responsible for much of his mindset, attitudes and policies.
The Warrior
The evidence for this Archetype: the Sun sextile Mars, the Moon square Mars (hot-headed and quick to react emotionally), Mars in Aries, and Mars square the Midheaven (a negative form of warriorship on his career path). In his time he was accused of assault and battery, torture, and the like. He went to war, serving with the Foreign Legion.
The Patriot
The evidence for this Archetype: Moon in Cancer (with Mercury and Pluto also in that sign), and Moon conjunct the I.C. in Cancer. His ideology was not only based on patriotism, but he was also a monarchist.
Other features of his chart include the Sun in Gemini, Mercury square Uranus (not afraid to be controversial – in fact, he courted controversy). He had Saturn conjunct his South Node in Sagittarius, so may have brought in a lot of bitterness (and hatred?) from past lives. He also had Uranus closely sextile North Node, a strong Inner Rebel linked in with his Karmic Mission. His Midheaven was in Capricorn in 9th House, giving him a leaning towards politics and ambition in that arena.
He was talented, intelligent and charismatic, though. His qualities included Mercury sextile Chiron (problem-solving abilities), Mars loosely conjunct Jupiter (a passionate enthusiasm), and Saturn loosely trine Uranus (a strong ability to combine the old and the new). His Ascendant in Taurus gave him steadfastness, strength of will and perseverance. Stephen Jessel in the Guardian Obituary credits “the brutal power of his oratory” (this shown by Mercury conjunct his Pluto). This is far from an exhaustive analysis of his chart, but enough for now.
Life and Career
Jean was born in a small town in Brittany, later hyphenating his name to Jean-Marie. He was an only son. He had Neptune in the 4th House of Home and Family, and the family lived by the sea. His father was a fisherman, and Jean-Marie left school and began working on a transatlantic vessel at the age of 13. Though his education was disrupted, he later caught up by studying at the Faculty of Law in Paris, where he sold a monarchist newspaper on the streets. Subsequently, he became head of the student union in Toulouse, and president of an association of law students whose main activity was street-brawling with the communists (engaging fully with the Inner Warrior Archetype!). On gaining his law degree, he joined the Foreign Legion, engaging in French Indochina (now Vietnam), and in 1957 went to Algeria as an intelligence office, where he was accused of the torture of Algerian prisoners.
By 1962 he was creating a company in the music industry specializing in historical recordings, among which were songs of the Popular Front and Nazi marches. And on 5th October 1972, he founded the Front National. With Mars exactly conjunct Pluto on that date, it was founded on violence!
[If I might be allowed a personal digression here, the National Front in England was founded on 7th February 1967, which was a few years before the Front National, but with a similar ethos. One of its founders was Martin Webster, who owned a bookshop in St. Albans at that time. Sixth formers at the time would buy their books there, not knowing the sinister background. I still have history books from his bookshop, some I bought and some gifted by a friend. Martin Webster continued to be associated with the movement, until he was ousted in 1983.]
Jean-Marie began to run in presidential elections, starting in 1974, with varying success. His focus was on immigration, the European Union, and unemployment, very much of his later English counterpart Nigel Farage who founded UKIP much later in 1993. However there is a story that at school in 1981, a teacher was worried about his alleged fascist views. Nigel, like Jean-Marie, has Mars in Aries.
Le Pen made statements downplaying the Holocaust as a detail of history, and discriminatory remarks about Muslims in France (witness his controversial Mercury square Uranus). His peak success politically came in 2002 when he got to the second round of the French presidential election (obtaining 16.86% of the votes in the first round), but was beaten by Jacques Chirac. The date of this event “21st April” has apparently become a well-known phrase and saying. Transiting Uranus was exactly trine his natal Sun at the time (a surprise success and breakthrough). From 1984 to 2019 he served as an M.E.P.
Marine Le Pen
In 2011 he handed the presidency of the Front National to his daughter Marine, but she expelled him in 2015 for making controversial statements (including reiterating that the Holocaust was a detail in history). At the time, Neptune (scandal) was squaring his Nodal Axis (karma). Marine tried to “clean up” the party and its views to make it more acceptable to a wider range of the public.
I wrote in 2017:
“A Sun Sign Leo, Marine has 0 Air planets, and thus relies heavily on instinct, though she does have an analytical conjunction of the Sun with Mercury in Leo. Her chart has many strengths, and ambition is a strong feature: the Sun/Mercury in Leo is competitive, is suited to leadership, and is placed in her 10th House of career. The Sun strengthens her Ascendant and personality with a sextile, and the Sun also sextiles her North Node exactly, so leadership is part of her karmic mission and she has a strong sense of destiny as being born to lead.”
As of three years ago, she has renamed her “detoxified” party Rassemblement National or Rally National. Having fallen out with his daughter, he supported his granddaughter Marion Marechal-Le Pen, a niece of Marine. Suffering from ill-health in later years, he was placed “under legal protection” by his family in April 2024, and died from heart complications on 7th January 2025. There were celebrations in the streets of France at the news.
John Henley of the Guardian observed this week: “Meanwhile Jean-Marie Le Pen’s core political platform has been al but normalised, adopted by mainstream centre-right parties across Europe desperate to win back voters.”
It’s clear that his impact has been immense on history, but whether for good or ill, it depends where you stand.
“I’m not saying the gas chambers didn’t exist. I haven’t seen them myself. I haven’t particularly studied the question. But I believe it’s just a detail in the history of World War II.”
~ Jean-Marie Le Pen, 1987
We start the week with two trines, which is good going. Take advantage this evening of the first one, Mars trine Neptune. Under this aspect the peaceful spiritual warrior can flourish skilfully. You can combine your passions with your spiritual path. Meditation with movement is favoured, e.g. yoga, tai chi and qijong. Peaceful demonstrations also chime well with this aspect.
Tomorrow (Monday 13th) at breakfast-time there is a trine between the Sun and Uranus. It’s a veritable new broom of an aspect! This is a hopeful influence. It may bring an unexpected go ahead to forge on with innovative plans and original creativity. It is an ideal aspect for reinforcing your New Year’s Resolutions and Affirmations for the coming year, updating them, or thinking up new ones to add to your list. You may be in a position to spring a happy surprise on someone.
There may be a hint of tension permeating the day, for late evening brings a Full Moon at 24 degrees Cancer. This is one of the most emotional full moons of the year…time to watch that weepie movie on TV! The Moon in Cancer opposing the Sun in Capricorn may lead you to reflect on your work-life balance, ahead of the new working year. If interacting with elderly relatives, take a packet of tissues!
Tuesday (14th) brings a square, but probably the most innocuous of squares, being composed of the two benefic planets – that’s Venus square Jupiter. This is a very social and sociable aspect, but can be gauche, awkward, or inappropriate. Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.
Be wary of the opposition between Mars and the Sun in the early hours of Thursday (16th). Try not to retire the night before on an argument, and be prepared for some restlessness in the sleep hours. The day brings a contrast to the congeniality of Tuesday…It’s more about dodging conflict, unless you are a seasoned Warrior and can take the heat (if you have strong Aries or Mars in your birth chart). Energy will be high, so it is a good time to arrange activities which channel this energy constructively during the daytime hours.
We end the week, as we started it, on a congenial note. The Sun will be sextile Neptune on Friday (17th). The saying goes that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, but the Sun sextile Neptune gives you the best chance of creating beauty and inspiration in your life. If spiritual harmony and creativity are some of the goals and aspirations you have this year, you can safely and profitably cultivate them on Friday.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – the peaceful warrior
- Tomorrow – new brooms sweep clean; emotional high tide
- Tuesday – laughter, but at whose expense?
- Thursday – the warmongerer
- Friday – spiritual harmony
January 12th, 2025 at 5:59 pm
Hi Lana
More complex politics in your blog. Thanks for researching it so I can read and understand a little. Fascinating to read about the Martin Webster bookshop back in 1967. I went to the local library and read as much Science Fiction as I could find. Sigh , I never was much of a political follower.
Aspect wise this isn’t too bad, just be wary on Thursday.
Love Sarah
January 13th, 2025 at 8:42 am
Dear Sarah
Thanks very much for your comment.
I went through a science fiction phase around the age of 11, but had it knocked out of me. Just getting back into it.
Not a very savoury choice of blog subject this week, I’m afraid, and another rum Gemini. Also I am aware that the Warrior Archetype has been framed in a negative way, but of course there are many with this Archetype and it doesn’t have to be negative. Might be a subject of a separate future blog.
And we have the peaceful warrior and the warmongerer in the aspects this week.
Hope this week is helpful to you,
January 18th, 2025 at 9:45 pm
Dear Lana
My heart sank at the discovery of another bad Gemini. The rest of us more normal Geminis have to work extra hard to compensate , to shift the balance, don’t we, Sarah!
Regarding Martin Webster, did you remember that I worked at his Yeoman Bookshop during 6th form? Wish I’d kept a diary of that period
On a brighter note, yesterday Friday 17th , the “spiritual harmony” flowed over us as a family
Love Janet x
January 19th, 2025 at 12:48 pm
Dear Janet
Thanks very much for your comment!
Wow, I had associated you with the Yeoman bookshop, but hadn’t remembered that you actually worked there!
Incredible to think we had no knowledge of what was going on behind the scenes, and the ramifications for Britain and France. The books our schoolmate Pat gave me from there were about the making of Modern France, which is ironic in the light of this blog.
I inwardly cringed writing the blog knowing how you would feel about yet another Gemini disgracing the sign. But I know enough good’uns.
Good to hear you experienced the beneficence of the Sun sextile Neptune.