Aspects for the week beginning 16 March 2025
Mark Carney
Prime Minister of Canada
“Thank you, Canada, for trusting in me, for challenging me, and for granting me the privilege to serve the best country, and the best people, on Earth.”
~ Mark Carney
On Friday 14th, the day of the Lunar Eclipse in Virgo, Mark Carney was sworn in as the new (the 24th) Prime Minister of Canada, at what is thought to be a uniquely challenging time in its history, in his words: “The greatest crisis of our generation”. It faces a double assault from its neighbour and erstwhile ally, the United States, over tariffs and the threat by Donald Trump of being assimilated as a “51st state”. We know Mark Carney here in the U.K. as a competent former governor of the Bank of England. What is he made of, and is he up to the task of taking on the man who would rule the world? It was a very timely inauguration, because at his birth the Moon was in Virgo and the Sun in Pisces, as at the Eclipse which occurred on the very day of his taking over the new role.
Birth Chart
I wrote about Mark Carney in 2019:
“Canadian Mark Carney has an interesting chart. The highlights include: Sun in Pisces, Venus conjunct Chiron, at 18 deg Pisces, and Uranus/Moon/Mars/Pluto conjunct in Virgo. He has 0 planets in Air, so relies on instinct; 5 planets in Earth, so is grounded and sensible; and with 7 planets in the Mutable signs, is very adaptable. His Sun in the genius sign of Pisces is well aspected, being sextile Jupiter and trine Neptune. He has Mercury unaspected, which can show a very independent mind. Mercury is in Aries, a placement I associate with great numeracy. With Mars closely conjunct Pluto in his chart, he’s had to fight some tough battles in his life. He also has a high number of oppositions in his chart, another sign of having to balance difficult situations as a pattern in his life. He also has difficult karma, with no less than 6 planetary squares to his Nodal Axis!”
The fact that he has such a difficult chart (more difficult than Donald Trump’s, and has worked through his triple opposition of planets in Pisces and Virgo shows great strength of character
Life and Career
Carney was born on in Fort Smith, Northwest Territories, Canada. He attended High School in Edmonton, and then went on to study economics at Harvard. For his postgraduate studies, he moved to the University of Oxford. His master’s thesis was “Competitive advantage and the advantage of competition: a theoretical analysis of national champions, learning-by-dong and spillovers”. His DPhil thesis was titled “The dynamic advantage of competition”. While at Oxford, he met his wife Diana Fox, also an economist, and they have raised four children.
Carney worked for Goldman Sachs for thirteen years, after which he worked for the Bank of Canada. He took a role as a senior minister in the Department of Finance Canada on 15th November 2004: at the time he had the progressive transits of Neptune sextile his natal Mercury in Aries (his brainpower), and Chiron trine his natal Jupiter (onwards and upwards). He rose to become governor of the Bank of Canada in 2008, and saw his country’s finances through the financial crash of that era, where he earned a reputation for being a trustworthy and safe pair of hands, when it came to finance.
During the years of the Cameron government, Chancellor Osborne became very keen to have Mark Carney as governor of the Bank of England. Eventually, Osborne succeeded in persuading him, and Mark Carney took on the role on 1st July 2013. Uranus was making a direct transit to his Mercury in Aries (note its role in his numeracy, and in the earlier transit of 2004). The North Node was also sextile his natal Pluto in the 2nd House of Finance. It was another important step in his career and karmic mission.
He discharged his duties well here in the U.K., being a stabilizing and reassuring voice in the Brexit years, and at the inception of the Covid pandemic. He warned against leaving the E.U. as it would impact the country’s finances adversely. He and his wife moved back to Canada in 2020. He did have a detractor in Liz Truss, however. She stated this year:
“I strongly recommend not backing Mark Carney for his policies on net zero. It was disastrous for Britain. It would be disastrous for Canada.”
In March 2020 Carney became the U.N. special envoy for climate action and finance. More recently, he has entered the world of politics, specifically in the Liberal Party of Canada. He held a post as leader of a Task Force on Economic Growth in Trudeau’s government, and in January this year formally announced his candidacy for the top job when it became clear that Justin Trudeau would be leaving the post.
Justin Trudeau’s premiership was under increasing criticism and unpopularity, but when Donald Trump took over as President of the United State in January this year, and immediately made threats to raise tariffs against Canada and intimated that he held ambitions for Canada to become the 51st state of America, Trudeau’s robust stand raised the Liberal Party’s standing in the polls. Mark Carney was elected leader of the Liberal Party, and therefore Prime Minister, on March 9th, with the expectation that he would hold an election this year.
Carney’s swearing in on Friday came under the transit of Jupiter trine his natal Saturn. Incidentally, that is the same transit under which Boris Johnson became Prime Minister [a fun fact].
The chart of Canada in comparison with that of Mark Carney shows its Saturn trine his North Node. That shows a karmic responsibility on his part, and he has a good record in the past with regard to fiscal responsibility. Economics is a great part of the problem of the entanglement with Donald Trump’s regime. In terms of transits, the Nodal Axis is currently squaring Canada’s Neptune in Sagittarius in its 5th House, showing up a sense of uncertainty and question of identity. However, Canadians have rallied to the call, and apparently (according to Newsnight) are more united than ever. And hopefully, Mark Carney will continue to be a safe pair of hands.
“We will never, in any shape or form, be part of the U.S. We are very fundamentally a different country.”
~ Mark Carney
Tomorrow (Monday 17th) the aspects begin with a conjunction of the Sun with the North Node at 27 degrees Pisces. this could bring a show of power by someone in your circle. However, this show of power is firmly subject to the laws of karma. It could also heighten creativity if you are unattached to the power play of others. It could also bring a show of power from Donald Trump or Vladimir Putin. Less likely, but also possible, a show of power from Volodymyr Zelenskyy or the European Union.
Another conjunction occurs on Wednesday (19th) at 29 degrees Pisces, between the Sun and Neptune. Neptune combined with the Sun so intensely can bring high spiritual experiences and inspiration, especially if you are channelling or working with your creativity, in art or music for instance. But for some, for example if you have a difficult aspect to Neptune in your natal chart, it may bring confusion.
We arrive at the Spring Equinox on Thursday (20th), with the Sun entering Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological New Year. It is the beginning of a generally more active, conscious, dynamic way of relating to the world (from the Sun’s more introspective time of its recent passage through Pisces). For the population generally, if your energy has been a little low lately, you may feel revived. You may be wandering lonely as a cloud and come across a host of golden daffodils.
Our last feature of the week is Venus sextile Pluto, which occurs on Friday (21st). This aspect has the capacity to get to the root of a problem, be it Love and/or Money, both of which are represented by aspects of Venus and Pluto. It could be a time of difficult but rewarding soul searching with loved ones. In finance, there could be hard won but satisfying bargaining and balancing – a suitable day for Mark Carney to operate. If you are an artist or musician, you could take a step further in your art, and deepen the value and content of the material you are working with.
The week in bullet points:
- Tomorrow – karmic power play
- Wednesday – confusion
- Thursday – freshness
- Friday – difficult but rewarding
March 16th, 2025 at 2:20 pm
Dear Lana,
I hope you’re doing well!
I’d love to hear your astrological insights on the upcoming Indian Wells Masters men’s final in a few hours.
The match is set for Sunday, March 17, 2025, featuring:
Jack Draper (born December 22, 2001, Sutton, England)
Holger Rune (born April 29, 2003, Gentofte, Denmark)
If you have a moment, I’d be very interested in your perspective on how their astrological profiles or cosmic influences might shape their performances.
Looking forward to your thoughts!
P.S. I’m not sure if my first message went through. If it did, please disregard and delete it.
March 16th, 2025 at 5:35 pm
Hi Lana
Thanks for today’s informative blog. I have read a little in my paper about Mark Carney, and thought he sounded solid. You have filled in some blanks nicely for me. 2 things, whatever does Liz Truss know and how nice not to read anything about Farage and have to be reminded of his gurning face. All good wishes to Canada.
I hope the week flows well, aspects a bit challenging but as ever thanks for your insights.
Love Sarah
March 16th, 2025 at 6:33 pm
Dear Ladina
Thanks for the question.
I’ve had a busy day, but I see that Jack Draper doesn’t play until 9 pm UK time, so I will try and have a look in the meantime.
Good to hear that he was able to beat Alcaraz.
March 16th, 2025 at 6:59 pm
Dear Ladina
I haven’t looked at Jack Draper’s chart before…
His Sun is in the first degree of Capricorn, so he is quite dogged and persevering. His Sun is exactly conjunct Chiron, so he has healing capacity and problem-solving ability. Both his parents are tennis players.
His transits at the moment are not remarkable, so maybe that has freed him up in some way to get this far in the tournament.
Holger Rune is two years younger. I don’t know if that gives him a slight advantage. In their synastry, Rune’s Saturn conjuncts Draper’s North Node, which can be quite serious for both of them, possibly more difficult for Draper. But, Rune’s Venus is sextile with Draper’s Saturn, which softens the contact for Draper.
Rune’s transits for today: Jupiter trines his natal Neptune, which could be quite heady and inspirational (I don’t know how he has been playing in recent days, but that may have come showing through).
So, I will have to go with Rune. But it is just possible that the lack of exact transits for Draper gives him a sense of freedom to play his best game.