Aries Archetypes

This is the third of my new series specifically on astrological Archetypes.  We are now in the month of Aries, and it is time to embrace the potential of that sign, turning the spotlight on its Archetypes.  The Sun entered Aries on Thursday 20th March, and we have here in the U.K. had a taste of spring since that equinoctial point.

Aries is one of the signs which most embodies individuality (“the one-off”), but paradoxically because its nature is very basic in a birth chart it can take on or be coloured by other signs or planets I find.  Energy and heat are often clues when guessing.  Paradoxically, too, there are many Archetypes linked with Aries, but few intrinsic to that sign, so you won’t find many here.

So, following, are the Archetypes I highlighted back in my 2016 blog, and then some chronological historic examples of Ariens and their Archetypes, from history:

“Inner Warrior

The Inner Warrior Archetype speaks for itself: bold, active and protective.  It comes up in many charts where there is a strong Mars.  We all need to be able to stand up for ourselves.  When linked with the North Node, it represents the fact that the person has trained in the warrior tradition in past lives.  The modern tradition emphasizes the way of the Peaceful Warrior, as expounded by Dan Millman.  Hopefully, we have all had enough of war by now.


The Pioneer refers to the fact that Aries is the first sign of the zodiac, and likes to be first!  It also contains the courage of breaking new ground, going boldly where no one has gone before.


Although other signs approach sport from different angles, e.g. the Leo through competition, the Sagittarian via horse riding and archery particularly, and the Aquarian through teamwork, Aries represents the building of the strength of the physical body.  So the modern craze for keep fit and membership of the gym suit the Arien very well.  You see women body building as enthusiastically as men in this 21st Century, although even fifty years ago it was a rarity.  One related Archetypal figure is Tarzan, that raw male, the He-Man, hero of early 20th Century film.

Athlete is one of the modern Archetypes identified by Caroline Myss.  She acknowledges that this archetype was born in the original Greek Olympics.  Her final thought for the athlete is: “this is your time to shine. Through your commitment to your own physical well being and self-care, you are helping to set a new standard of personal health and individual responsibility. In doing so, you are changing the world for the better. ”

The Activist

The Activist is certainly associated with Aries, but shows up more clearly in a chart when combined with Aquarius, e.g. where the urgent Mars energy associates with the reforming zeal of Uranus (ruling planet of Aquarius).  A supreme example of an Activist was Guy Fawkes, famed for his Gunpower plot.

The Hero

Here is another Archetype which Aries shares with another sign, in this case Leo.  Both have leadership qualities, but Aries has the courage and bravery which stand out in a Hero.  The Hero Archetype is quite complex, and open to various interpretations and journeyings.

The Engineer

Aries is associated with mechanics generally, but especially when combining Mars and Uranus, engineering is hallmarked in a birth chart.  An example of a supreme Aries engineer is Isambard Kingdom Brunel, who was voted second in a 2001 public poll conducted by the BBC, selecting the 100 Greatest Britons.  Outstanding in his field!  In addition to the Sun, he had Mars, its ruling planet, in that sign.

Historical Ariens

The Warrior

Charlemagne (2/4/748 – 28/1/814)

King of the Franks, Charlemagne conquered and built a vast empire stretching across Europe.  Charlemagne had Mercury, Moon, Sun and Chiron in Aries, which is a good stock of Aries energy!  Napoleon Bonaparte considered himself a reincarnation of Charlemagne, and modelled his coronation on that of his “predecessor”.  Like Charlemagne, he built a vast empire, and fostered culture (the Carolingian Renaissance was a product of Charlemagne’s reign).  But most tellingly, there are undeniable similarities in their charts (although Napoleon was a Leo).

Here is an interesting quotation from “Understanding Karmic Complexes” by Patricia L. Walsh:

“I had noticed from many regressions with clients that past life soldiers and warriors have had an archetypal experience arise spontaneously. In the afterlife they wanted only to find a spot of greenness and lay down in the grass. Since it happened frequently with past life Roman soldiers in particular, I thought it was part of the past cultural belief system , a memory of the Elysian Fields – the Greco-Roman paradise of the afterlife. But other soldiers, after death, also longed for their place in the grass.”

The Athletes

The association of athleticism with Aries comes from their boundless energy.  I have here examples of five athletes, all born on what seems to be a potent day for this energy, at the beginning of Aries, 23rd March (today’s date).  This is also the birthday of my own brother, who has all the energy in our family!  Football is the sport I most associate with Mars and Aries, but these examples are more varied.

Roger Bannister (23/3/1904 – 3/3/2018)

Roger Bannister, who ran the first four minute mile on 26th July 1952, exemplifies the Aries ability to “break the mould”.  He had the Sun conjunct Uranus in Aries, Uranus adding the qualities of surprise and innovation.

Mo Farah (23/3/1983)

“I would have loved to play for Arsenal, but I was never good enough.  I played at school and for the local club until I was 14, but I was only good because I could cross the ball and run.  I didn’t have any other skills.  I joined a running club instead.”

Another hugely successful track athlete, Mo Farah has had an illustrious career.  He has the Sun and ruler Mars in Aries.  Growing up, he wanted to be a car mechanic or a footballer (both Aries careers), and his twin brother is an engineer (also an Aries archetype).  His choice of running within sport is consistent with his North Node (karmic mission) in Gemini (the runner’s sign) exactly square his natal Mercury (the runner’s planet).

Chris Hoy (23/3/1976)

The next two “Athletes” are record-beating cyclists.  The first is Chris Hoy, whose bravery and courage (Aries traits) match his athleticism.  He was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer in 2024, but his positive state of mind has inspired everyone.  He has the Sun in Aries, together with a positive-healing conjunction of Jupiter-Chiron in that sign.

Jason Kenny (23/3/1988)

Jason Kenny is a record-breaking track cyclist.  Jason’s brilliance is shown by Uranus conjunct his Sun.  His Mercury (the bike) is well-aspected: it sextiles Neptune and trines Pluto, and he’s got a good head on his shoulders.

Steve Redgrave (23/3/1962)

Multi-Olympic gold wining rower has the Sun at the same point in Aries as the other four.  He also has Venus in Aries, but crucially, his ruler Mars is in the water sign Pisces.

The Escapologist

Here’s a new one!  Aries represents the newly emerging chick from its shell, and two of the most prominent escapologists were born under this sign: Harry Houdini and David Blaine.  They literally cannot be confined!

Harry Houdini (24/3/1874 – 31/10/1926

We have a birth time for Harry Houdini, which explains a lot about the finer structure of his escapology: Saturn on an Aquarian Ascendant opposing Uranus, squaring onto his Nodal Axis.  His Aries credentials are also impeccable: the Sun, Venus, Chiron and Neptune all in that sign.

David Blaine (4/4/1973)

David Blaine is also Aries, with the Sun, Venus, Chiron and possibly also the Moon in that sign.  His birth chart does not have the same structure as Houdini’s, but he does crucially share two talented aspects with Houdini.  They are Venus conjunct Chiron (some practical problem-solving ability) with their Chirons exactly conjunct in Aries; and ruler Mars trine Pluto (a powerhouse of energy – the huge mental and physical energy required to break out).

Apologies in this account for the omission of feminine examples (perhaps you can supply some).  Maybe in a future series, I can remedy this.  Aries is known as a male sign, with male energy, and also historically females have not been so well-documented.  Females who can strongly embody Aries Archetypes  include the Female Warrior such as Boudicea (who does not come with a birth date) and the Wild Woman (a counterpart to Tarzan).  While the Sun is in Aries (until 20th April), you can connect with your own Aries Archetypes, or Mars energy if you do not have any Aries planets, and act them out (Aries is nothing if not an action woman or man!).


This morning, in the very early hours, the Sun conjoined Venus at 2 degrees Aries.  This may bring harmony to the proceedings of the day.  If you are an artist or a musician, it is a day you when you can produce your best creative output or performance.  If neither, then love or money may be beneficiaries of this combination.

This evening, at the other end of the day, the Sun will be sextile Pluto.  This can bring powerful help.  If you dig deep, you can find the treasure you need.  It is a profound aspect which may help to show us the direction we need to solve our collective problems, and understanding the meaning behind our dilemmas.  This sextile can bring a profound air of quiet contemplation.  It is a valuable time of assessment.

Tomorrow, Monday 24th, we are graced with another conjunction, this time between the Sun and Mercury, at 4 degrees Aries), which may bring an extra special quality to the day.  It is a good time to apply your mind with clarity, concentrate and focus, and make important statements.  Your perceptions may be heightened, both with regard to the microcosm (seeing the daisies) or the macrocosm (seeing things from a larger perspective than you are accustomed to seeing the issues).

Mercury sextiles Pluto on Tuesday (25th).  You could make real progress under this aspect.  This aspect can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  If you have something important lined up, you may be successful in getting your point across.  There is a note of caution, however, with Mercury still retrograde, so pay extra attention to detail.

At breakfast-time on Thursday, Venus retrogrades back to Pisces, from Aries.  There may be something you neglected to do when Venus was in Pisces in January: you may need to dot the i’s and cross the t’s, or close some loopholes.  Recall the gentleness and sensitivity of Pisces, a resource we may look back on with nostalgia after Saturn and Neptune move into Aries this year.  You can afford to be more “woke” for instance!  Venus in Pisces is unashamedly emotional and easily prone to tears, so don’t be surprised to release the tears which have been stoically been held back.  Just turn on the daily news forecast…This placing will enable charities to be more easily heard, and the Arts to acquire inspiration.  Venus will remain in Pisces until the end of April.

In the evening, at the other end of the day, Venus will conjoin with Neptune at the last degree (29) of Pisces, heralding Neptune’s farewell to that sign.  You could be feeling very nostalgic!  It could be a serene, highly spiritual and artistically inspired conjunction, full of unconditional love.  This conjunction can express the best of the divine feminine.

The Eclipsed New Moon occurs at 9 degrees Aries on Saturday (29th).  This may bring cheer and vigour, and a renewed sense of purpose.  It is a time to look to the future, as much as is possible.  You may feel the urge to re-organize your lifestyle.  If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well…The New Moon in Aries is one of the brightest of the year in terms of its potential.  However, being an eclipse. it increases the sense of having to let go of something, in order to create the space for what is new to come forth.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Love and Understanding
  • Tomorrow – Mental Application
  • Tuesday – Profound Communication; a Softening
  • Thursday – Nostalgia and Inspiration
  • Saturday – New Beginning; Turning Point