Aspects for the week beginning 23 December 2007
It’s a quiet Christmas on the aspect front, you may be pleased to know if you found last week a bit much. The North Node is still caught in the crack between Pisces and Aquarius, so the karmic sea-change described last week is still going on, and some of you may have sensed it as a different perception of life, less paranoia and more serene detachment or acceptance. I should have been ringing a bell just before dawn this morning, as the Sun is conjunct Jupiter: Jupiter’s parting shot of grace and hope before it gets fully down to its business in Capricorn of balancing reality and faith. It will require us to back up our dreams with practical actions and not only to rely on the Universe or our Guardian Angels to do all the work. They will anyway, but they can get more done with our co-operation. It’s Christmas week, and I can unembarrassedly mention Guardian Angels. It’s so difficult sometimes, trying to please the agnostic and humanistic readers as well as the totally New Age or the religious among us. So apologies in advance if I have toppled over the line for you personally. Make the most of today, because as you may be able to feel in your waters, there’s a Full Moon first thing tomorrow, and there may be some tension in the air generally tomorrow. The Full Moon consists of the Moon in early Cancer opposing the Sun in early Capricorn, and at this time there may be a dilemma concerning the pull between home and work. For instance, you may be the only commuter in your train carriage to work, as many will be starting their festivities already and will have left their working year behind. Hard on the heels of the Full Moon we have two oppositions tomorrow (Monday 24 December, also known as Christmas Eve). Mars opposes the Moon, then the Sun, so first we have an emotional tussle (should have taken a sickie), and then we have a more physical tussle (confrontations such as road rage, rail rage, telephone rage etc.) A good time to re-tune yourself to the higher possibilities of the North Node in Aquarius: Peace on Earth and Good Will to All Men and Women. Mercury trines Saturn on Christmas Day, which at least is a harmonious aspect, though not as romantic or glowing as we could have for that day. Happy Christmas to you anyway, and hope you have the Christmas you wish for. Remember to tune into Maitreya’s Christmas message at 3 p.m. which catches his blessing in the form of the Part of Fortune on the cusp of the eighth house. The Mercury-Saturn trine suits the practical approach on Christmas Day, so if you’ve given a practical present it should be a winner. If however you’ve got a whimsical approach to present-buying, you’ll get the reaction “What do I need one of those for?” There will be plain speaking, but not the wounding variety which sits in the memory until the next Christmas. Dinners might be a bit unimaginative: Turkey, brussels, roasties and pud…unless you’re having a vegetarian alternative which throws the format wide open. I think you’ve got the gist of that aspect now, no need to labour it. In contrast, Boxing Day (also known as December 26) will see us letting our hair down and whooping it up after all that restraint. If you bottled out of that Amy Winehouse impersonation (no pun intended), go for it on Boxing Day! It could be a while until you see these particular family members again, and if they’ve had a sherry or two they might even sing along. The rest of the week is yours to do with as you wish, because the planets are having a seasonal break from work. But they, and I, will be back on Sunday 30 to blog the New Year in.
December 23rd, 2007 at 4:17 pm
Not sure if I have been anticipating tensions too early, but my serenity has gone walk about and all is a bit of a struggle. I am willing to say that my Guardian Angel is continuing the work of my support, and I have been thinking that in some way I am not quite being true to myself, but not made any more progress than that. Perhaps tomorrows’ Full Moon will set me straight. Thanks, Lana, for the penultimate time this year for your bloggy insights, love Sarah.
December 23rd, 2007 at 7:13 pm
Hi Lana
I have had a couple of days of qite a bit of relief and serenity around me and can hadly believe there will be tensions… maybe i will fight in Waitrose( at 8am), for the last pack of shitake mushrooms for my veggie recipe for christmas dinner or go into a rage because they have no Choc orange pannetone christmas puds left! ah woe… if that’s all i have to worry about then so be it. I feel a bit blessed as I type. I had completely forgotten about the full moon till I looked up at the sky and saw this wondrous sight…. auspicious or what! Blessings be Lana… thanks so much for your insights!