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Christine McVie (1943 – 2022)

A Re-Post from 5 August 2018, about Christine McVie who passed away this week:

Fleetwood Mac – A Soul Group – Part 3:  Christine Perfect/McVie

“If you wake up and don’t want to smile
If it takes just a little while
Open your eyes and look at the day
You’ll see things in a different way”

from “Don’t Stop” by Christine McVie

Christine McVie

Time to introduce the first female member of the band, but before Christine’s arrival, they had to deal with the loss of founder member Peter Green.  The band were doing well, releasing two albums in 1968, “Fleetwood Mac” and “Mr. Wonderful”.  They continued to increase their fan base.

Although he had founded the group, Peter Green, was becoming increasingly unhappy with the way of life.  Belonging to the band gradually became dissonant with his developing philosophy of life.  He told Mick:

“Mick I don’t want to waste my life.  That’s what I’m doing.  I’m wasting my life.”

He was becoming increasingly sensitive to the suffering in the world, and wanted to give all his money to the poor.  He was obsessed with his search for God.  Mick described the reaction of the rest of the group: “We agreed with the beauty of his idealism, but we were practical.”

During their European tour of February 1970, he took LSD with some German hippies, and effectively left the band.  The effect on the band, according to Mick, was “like taking the rudder out of a sailing boat”.  Mick stepped into the role of leader, but there was a huge void: “Luckily we knew the finest blues-woman and piano player in all of England, Christine Perfect.

Christine was a member of the group Chicken Shack, who had married John McVie in August 1968.

Her Birth Chart

She fitted right into the band, astrologically.  As we saw in Part 1, three of the original members of the band were Cancerian (Mick Fleetwood, Jeremy Spencer and Bob Brunning).

The soul characteristic of the group was about expressing human emotion.  So of the 6 members introduced thus far, four were Cancerian, though one had left (Bob Brunning).  When I come to write my future blog on Music band Sun signs, Fleetwood Mac will represent that sign!  From Part 2 in the series, we saw that John McVie’s North Node in Cancer gave him a karmic key into the group.

As well as being a vocalist and keyboard player, Christine was a major force in terms of songwriting for the group, and this is shown by her conjunction of Venus and Chiron (across the cusp of Leo/Virgo).  Adele also has this conjunction, which has the ability to express the poignancy of love.  Christine’s hits would later form the core of the great album Rumours, which included Don’t Stop, Little Lies, Everywhere, and You Make Loving Fun.


In her synastry with John McVie, there was much tension (which may have been creative).  Her Sun squared his Jupiter, her Venus squared his Sun, and their Marses were squared.  On the plus side, her Jupiter was conjunct his Mars, and her Uranus trine his Neptune.

Their transits on their marriage (after a two week romance) were Mars sextile her Uranus (whirlwind relationship) and conjunct her Pluto (a force of nature); and for John the transits were more involved but positive (three trines), giving him more personal stability.

For her personal and working relationship with Mick Fleetwood: Mick’s Jupiter was trine exactly Christine’s Sun (success).  His Saturn was supportive of her Uranus in a sextile, balancing discipline and innovation.  His Saturn was also conjunct her Pluto, which was more difficult, and his Chiron aspects were a little antagonistic, so again there may have been some creative tension between these two.

As for her relationship with Peter Green, who had been best man at their wedding: harmoniously, her Jupiter trined his Venus.  And as so often when someone replaces someone else in a role or line up, there is an exact, powerful Pluto interaspect (as I have mentioned before) – in this case, her Pluto was exactly square his Sun.

Her synastry with the chart of the band (see Part 1) was largely harmonious: her Saturn sextile its Sun, her Mercury trine its Mars, her North Node conjunct its Jupiter (a beneficial karmic link), and her Sun sextile its Pluto.  Her Mercury squared its Saturn, so she may have brought some challenging thought to bear.


Christine joined Fleetwood Mac on tour at the start of 1970, and Mick Fleetwood describes the state of affairs at that time:

“The band’s new formula remained true to our roots, showcasing Jeremy’s skills, whilst allowing Danny to do more melodic rock…Christine became the glue…”

On a personal note, we went to see them at Nottingham University (before hubby and I were married) in early 1971.  We were a little disappointed by their performance at the time, Christine had already joined them, but it was before some of their dizzier heights as a group.  I do seem to recall they played Albatross, Black Magic Woman and Man of the World.  We always remember different things.  Hubby recalls some hiccups, such as a lack of co-ordination between the drummer and the bassist, while trying to get the rhythm right.  They were about to lose Jeremy Spencer (departing in February 1971) and Danny Kirwan, but about to gain Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks (subjects of Part 4).


“Play On” by Mick Fleetwood

Aspects for the week beginning 27 November 2022

Finding Solutions

A Guest Blog by Janet Leng

On Sunday 13th November I had a sudden brainwave and by the end of the day was starting to put plans in action with a meeting arranged for first thing Tuesday morning. During the course of the meeting my brainwave turned into an up and running partnership, taking off at the speed of light. Being heavily involved in these  plans I hadn’t looked at Lana’s blog (as it would probably be about Strictly and I wouldn’t have a clue as to who all the people were anyway ) so it was a couple of days later when I was telling her about my news that she jumped on the fact that it fitted perfectly with Tuesday’s aspects and asked if I would write about it in an upcoming blog. I had a quick look at the aspects for Tuesday 15th November and immediately saw exactly what she meant with the quick succession of Mercury sextile Pluto, Sun trine Neptune and Venus trine Jupiter through the morning.  So here I am.

I’ll start at the beginning. A year ago, I began volunteer work with an anti-waste organisation called Olio. I work three days a week, often more, on Olio contracts with the big store chains to collect surplus food and distribute it via an app to save it from being chucked in a skip and thrown away. During this year I have given away many thousands of food items in my neighbourhood.

In the beginning we often received ridiculously huge bread surplus which resulted in driving miles to community larders to pass on our own surplus stock. When Russia invaded Ukraine it struck me that wheat production and our imports would be seriously impacted and, to me, that meant this current overproduction was a real problem. I wracked my brains in an effort to find industrial size freezer space we could “borrow” for use to store bread in the community but got nowhere fast.

Moving on to Saturday 12th November I read a lengthy piece about the dire financial situation in schools whose dwindling budgets, already hit by spiralling costs, were having to feed pupils coming to school having had no breakfast and bringing no lunch with them either. Some schools were having to choose between feeding kids or paying a teaching assistant. I was shocked to learn that to qualify for free school dinners a family income had to fall below £9000 per year. How would a family manage on £10,000? I asked myself.

And that’s how I came to have a brainwave the next day. Why had I never thought of it before?

I remembered my son’s best friend (a school vice principal responsible for child safe guarding and wellbeing at a local academy school)  telling me how during the pandemic the teachers were taking out food parcels to families and that they were now continuing due to the cost of living crisis hitting some of their students living in areas of high deprivation. I asked him if they were doing breakfast clubs- they are – and by Sunday night he’d put me in touch with a lovely teacher whose remit is links with the community to ask if I could help with a supply of food. He immediately suggested we set up a partnership and arranged a meeting for Tuesday morning.

Within minutes we’d worked out a framework and I was introduced to the school chef and her deputy who are putting in extra hours providing a free breakfast for any child. I’d brought a few bits and pieces with me to get them started and then I was off home to collect more and I’ve been filling up their freezers since then. It’s a win-win-win and I’ve also succeeded in achieving my aim in reducing food miles and keeping everything in the local community.

A number of other volunteers like me have come on board and are letting me know when suitable items appear in their collections. I then have a team of local mums who have signed up to the app and will request the items for the school through the app so everything is correctly accounted for to Olio and to the big stores. And I run around collecting the food and taking to the school.  Volunteers who collect from Bookers the Wholesalers are on the case collecting items suitable for the fortnightly food hampers for me so we’ve gone way beyond the initial question of “What can I do with all this spare bread?”

The high point was Wednesday 16th when I picked up 42 packs of muffins, both blueberry and chocolate , and I was able to take in one for every child at breakfast club the next day.

Within the fortnight breakfast club has received supplies of milk, spread, ham and cheese for toasties, pepperoni and mozzarella slices to go on mini pizzas made from Milk Roll bread, sausage rolls, bagels, English muffins and endless types of bread. Towards the Fridays hampers we donated tins of spaghetti hoops, wraps, bake at home baguettes, sliced focaccia, sourdough rolls, tins of tomatoes, caramel filled crepes. And more bread!

So everyone is happy and the managers at my stores love it. I’ve told Lana that the inside of my head feels like a telephone exchange with all the coordination needed.  Funnily enough I didn’t spot anything relating to that in her aspects for the week but  I suspect that Mercury has a hand in it somewhere!


Janet is retired and lives in York.  She is doing sterling work, and it is to be hoped that these sort of initiatives spread and alleviate some of the problems in our society at the moment.  It is a shame that such people are having to remedy the shortfall of our governments.  But it’s an illustration of how work on the ground can bring hope.  The aspects for the week beginning 13th November were exceptionally helpful, a rare tidal wave of good vibes, and I had the expectation that they would together help to bring about useful shifts.

So, on to the prospects for this week: Tomorrow (Monday 28th), Mars trines Saturn.  This constructive trine may seem unexciting, but it does mean that hard work can pay off.  Think through what you want to achieve, and set about steadily allowing it to unfold, with some concrete or physical input or ignition on your part.  A trine not to be sniffed at.

On Tuesday (29th) Mercury opposes Mars, which could cause you may make minor slip ups because you will feel like going quickly and pushing through agendas fast.  Heated debates, irritability and incident-proneness could also be a feature of Mercury opposite Mars.  As Janet put it: “the inside of my head feels like a telephone exchange with all the coordination needed.”  Geminis particularly need to take note.

On Wednesday (30th) there is another pedestrian but progressive aspect, in the shape of Mercury sextile Saturn.  Thoughts and feelings can be channelled and harnessed into constructive plans and ideas.  Mental foundations can be laid.  The aspect favours documentation and knuckling down to form-filling etc.  If Geminis and Virgos were a little discombobulated on Tuesday, they have the chance to regain their balance.

There’s another opposition on Thursday (1st December), that between Venus and Mars, so there may be tension between the sexes, or a tussle between your own inner male and female.  Both may be wanting different things: Venus, from Sagittarius wants to spread the love, and Mars from Gemini wants to focus energy.  The battle for the remote control may centre around TV soap operas vs the World Cup.  Who is being the selfish one?  Is there a win win position?

Aspects are concentrated into the early hours of Friday (2nd), starting with a square between Mercury and Neptune.  This may disrupt sleep patterns, so you may have a wakeful period in the night, trying to sort your thoughts.  Some undefinable snag may be nagging at you.  If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note.  Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go.  There could be some scandals in the news.

Shortly after, but still in the early hours, Venus sextiles Saturn.  Relationships need consideration, and will repay the time and loyalty you give them.  It is a helpful aspect for laying the foundations of artistic or musical work.  During the course of the day, the two aspects may make themselves known, so you may have mixed results and for different activities, but some of the day will be smooth sailing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – constructive
  • Tuesday – fractious
  • Wednesday – constructive
  • Thursday – split desires
  • Friday – confusion; loyalty; mixed fortunes

Aspects for the week beginning 20 November 2022

Xi Jinping

This week, Joe Biden met up with Xi Jinping of China at the COP27 climate summit.  Named in recent years the most powerful man in the world, at this point in time Xi Jinping holds a crucial position in the power balance of the world.  Not only does his country hold great responsibility in reducing carbon dioxide emissions (as the highest emitter), but Xi Jinping in his closeness to Vladimir Putin may hold the key to the outcome of the war in Ukraine.  He is an inscrutable figure, and it is an interesting time to look at his chart and his life.

Birth Chart

With Sun conjunct Mars in Gemini, Xi Jinping is a warrior of the mind; he has called his attitude to foreign relations “wolf warrior diplomacy”.  The power and strength of his Sun is shored up by a trine from Saturn, a trine from Neptune and a sextile from Pluto.  We do not have a birth time, but we know that his Moon lies in the powerful sign of Leo, giving him a desire to dominate emotionally.  His mental make-up is more complex, and as Mercury is his ruling planet it carries weight in his chart and his life: Mercury squares Saturn (a serious frame of mind), conjoins Uranus (some brilliance), squares Neptune (an air of mental mystery) and opposes Chiron (having to think quickly to solve problems).  Jupiter trines his North Node (karmic mission) and inclines him to leadership.  Saturn is exactly conjunct Neptune, a difficult conjunction which occurred in 1953 and affects most people born that  year.  The conjunction is squared by the opposition of Uranus and Chiron, forming a T-square.  Uranus squaring Neptune when overcome enables a person to handle complexity.

Life and Career

Xinping was born in Beijing, with his father holding various posts of responsibility within the PRC (People’s Republic of China).  At the age of 10, his father was removed from power, and the family’s life changed dramatically.  His father was publicly denounced as an enemy of the revolution, and his mother was forced to disown him, and his father was eventually imprisoned.  These were years of great hardship for the family.

In 1975 he began studying at Tsinghua University, his subject being chemical engineering but at the same time it was an immersion in  Chinese political education, studying the ideas of Marx, Lenin and Mao Zedong.  He became a member of the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) and secured a post as governor of Fujian in 1999.  A quotation ascribed to him in 2000 describes his thought at the time:

“People who have little contact with power, who are far from it, always see these things as mysterious and novel. But what I see is not just the superficial things: the power, the flowers, the glory, the applause. I see the bullpens and how people can blow hot and cold. I understand politics on a deeper level.”

In 2002 he gained a doctorate in law and ideology, from the same University.  He continued to hold a succession of posts in his inexorable climb to power, and became general secretary of the CCP in 2012.  A quote attributed to him at that time was:

“Our people … expect better education, more stable jobs, better income, more reliable social security, medical care of a higher standard, more comfortable living conditions, and a more beautiful environment.”

Lee Kuan Yew, a former Prime Minister of Singapore, described his character as he saw it in this period:

“…a thoughtful man who has gone through many trials and tribulations…I would put him in the Nelson Mandela class of persons. A person with enormous emotional stability who does not allow his personal misfortunes or sufferings affect his judgment. In other words, he is impressive”.

He eventually became president of the PRC on 14th March 2013.  His transits at the time were a Jupiter Return, and Uranus trine his Jupiter (the latter transit especially often coinciding with the elevation of status).  His first stated aim was to tackle corruption, and has taken an authoritarian approach in his policies, with autocratic ambitions in his long term aims.

The Covid pandemic originated in China at the beginning of 2020, and Jinping has pursued a zero tolerance policy, even up to now, whereas many other countries have concentrated on vaccination programmes, and damage limitation.

In recent years, he has been sabre-rattling against Taiwanese independence, and human rights have been violated against the Uighur population (often described as amounting to “genocide”).  On October 23rd this year, like Putin, seizing advantage and opportunity with transiting Uranus sextile his natal Uranus, he cemented his third term and political longevity.

Xi Jinping and his wife Peng have one daughter, and they live in North West Beijing.

Comparison to China Chart

His chart has an astonishing set of exact links to the chart of China: his Saturn squares its Sun (ruling with a rod of iron), his Chiron in Capricorn on its Sun (an authoritarian brand of his concept of healing), his North Node on its Mercury/Mars conjunction (a karmic stamp on its ideology; he has been described as having a cultish brand as leader, and that which brings out a warriorlike style of language), and his Mercury square its Neptune (the country having an almost mesmeric effect on him).

Meeting with Joe Biden

Unlike a proposed meeting with our Rishi Sunak, which was cancelled at the last minute because the details of Jinping’s private meeting with Justin Trudeau of Canada were leaked, Jinping’s meeting with Joe Biden did take place.  In their synastry Xi Jinping’s Pluto squares Biden’s Mercury, which can be menacing for the latter, and Jinping still has Uranus sextile his Uranus. But Biden has recently had protective transits from Jupiter (witness the recent mid-term election results) and on the day of the meeting Jupiter was trine his natal Venus, and he experienced a Venus Return (a reaching out).  They covered a lot of ground, discussing issues such as climate change, economy, and human rights, and the thorny issue of Taiwan, but agreed to maintain stability within their world roles, agreeing to try to work together.

Relationship with Putin

Xi Jinping is a long term friend and ally of Putin.  The two of them were born about six months apart, and share positionings of the outer planets. During the early stages of Putin’s war against Ukraine expressed solidarity with Russia.  This stance cooled a little, as it became clear that the consequences affected world trade and world relations, and Jinping’s attitude has become a little more ambiguous.  President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine hopes that China can tip the balance in ending the war, because of his relationship with Putin.  In the meantime, Xi Jinping is keeping us guessing!


In the early hours of tomorrow morning (Monday, 21st) we have the uplifting prospect of the Sun trine Jupiter.  For some that might mean a lucky break, for others a much needed good night’s sleep (in the U.K.!), and still others may be kept awake with creative ideas and possibilities!  It’s all good.  This is a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow.  It may provide a day of good cheer, laughter, adventure, golden opportunity and looking ahead to the future with optimism.

Another aspect in the late evening does nothing to dispel that mood: Mercury conjunct Venus.  Indeed, it may enable some of that sunburst of ideas to be communicated, discussed, and start the ball rolling towards making practical use of what has come to you.  This conjunction is ideal for socializing, conversation, artistic or literary endeavours, or negotiations (at that time of night perhaps a flurry of texting).  Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative.

The next day, Tuesday 22nd, the Sun enters Sagittarius, which ushers in the season of celebration.  ‘Tis the season to be jolly, at least in the preparation and anticipation of Christmas, though ingenuity will be needed all round as everyone recognizes the need to draw in the economic horns.  Many will have no choice but to do so, but it throws us even more on to the spirit of the matter, and helps us to focus on our values.  Sagittarius also represents philosophy, working out your ethics, values and how you feel about the meaning of life, and religion

There’s a New Moon at 1 degree Sagittarius on Wednesday (23rd), in the late evening.  New Moons tend to be upbeat, and Sagittarian New Moons more upbeat than most, focussing on expansion, the planning of holidays, deep study and learning, global issues, and matters of faith.  Re-play your affirmations, with more confidence.  You can have powerful inner conversations under this New Moon.

Immediately afterwards, and in the last hour of the day, Jupiter will be Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  This may enable something to happen or gain progress which has been prevented up to now.  Jupiter has been retrograde since the end of July.  Jupiter moving forward might bring a breath of fresh air to your week’s plans, peppering them with promise.  You may see the light at the end of one tunnel, or resume an earlier goal. Again, you may be fired up with ideas at bed-time, so spend some time writing them down, or dosing yourself with Nytol!

On Thursday (24th) and Friday (25th) there is the opportunity to tune into some Fixed Stars in the constellation of Scorpio, as our Sun is aligned with Dscubba on Thursday, and Graffias on Friday.  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld provide us with the following information:

For Dscubba (otherwise known as Isidis:

“Dscubba can bring into clearer focus the many aspects of one’s past behaviour.  This can bring into focus unconscious judgements and how they interrelate to one’s current live, to each other, and most importantly to beings who have stood as important aspects or important symbols of various characteristics in the past.  The intersection with small groups that presented energy of a difficult nature to a person can be overcome and worked with more consciously by use of this star.”

and for Graffias:

“Emotions associated with one’s family situation that may be buried or difficult to access can be brought into greater focus.  The use of synchronized dreaming between the children and the parents in a family will be significantly enhanced.  Use of this star system is recommended in times of emotional stress and difficulty for the family such as often occurs with illness or the teenage years.”

Hoping it’s a positive week for you all!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – blessings!
  • Tuesday – celebration
  • Wednesday – new beginning, a helpful turning of the tide
  • Thursday – insights into the past
  • Friday – helpful family interactions

Aspects for the week beginning 13 November 2022

Strictly Come Dancing 2022 – Part 3

This is my third blog attempting to cover the contestants for this year’s contest.  So far, some really wonderful dancers have been eliminated because the public have been voting in the “joke” performer Tony Adams.  Meanwhile he has honed his dance skills, to make it more difficult to eliminate him.  As there are five contestants I haven’t yet covered, I am now completing my researches.

Helen Skelton

Helen Skelton is a Cancerian mother of three, and her big breakthrough came when she began presenting Blue Peter in 2008.  She subsequently took part in many adventurous challenges, as Blue Peter presenters often do!  These included kayaking down the Amazon, and cycling to the South Pole, all for charity.  This adventurous streak comes from her Sun trine Jupiter and South Node in Sagittarius.  She trained originally in Journalism, and has a trine between her Mercury and Jupiter which fits her for that and for presenting.  She has a tricky love life, with a T-square between Venus and Jupiter/Uranus opposite her Chiron.  She married in 2013, and had her third child last December (2021), and she reported that her husband had left in April of this year.  But her Jupiter/Uranus conjunction is very enterprising.  She has had Pluto opposing her Sun this year, including during the period of the Strictly contest, so she has been super brave to take part (natally she has the resources of an unaspected Mars and Moon in Scorpio).

She is paired with Gorka Marquez, of whom I have written “With the Sun exactly trine his Neptune, he is born to dance.  The Moon square Mars means he could be quick to temper.  But Mercury trine exactly Saturn at the same time gives him good concentration – he could be a hard taskmaster.”

Their synastry shows his Venus trine her natal Neptune, a natural attunement which translates well into dance; his Venus sextile her natal Pluto, which enables her to express her deep feelings, his Mars on her Chiron, so her wounds are brought up to the surface for healing; his Uranus trine her natal Venus, he can take her out of herself – all in all, a healing relationship.

Their prospects for the tournament: this weekend for her – she has Neptune square her Nodal Axis (some confusion), Pluto still opposite her natal Sun, and Pluto square her Pluto. Gorka does not have standout transits.  For the final weekend:  she will still have Neptune square her Nodal Axis and Pluto square her Pluto, but Pluto square her Saturn will add some strength.  Gorka will have Mars square his natal Sun (danger zone) and Uranus opposite his natal Pluto (difficult change).  Therefore they may go out of the contest imminently, despite being a great dance couple – last week’s jive was superb.

Tyler West

Tyler has the Sun in Aries, and boy does he have the energy to match!  He has worked presenting children’s television programmes, as well as broadcasting on radio.  With half his planets (5) in Cardinal signs, he is a natural leader – that may stand him in good stead in the ballroom dances!  His Sun is conjunct Mercury, so he may be good with numbers – again that will help count the beats, especially in the cha cha!  His Sun in Aries is conjunct Mars, which adds extra energy on top of the natural energy of Aries.  And his Sun squares Jupiter, providing extra enthusiasm, making for a wholehearted individual.  His Sun exactly opposes Chiron, so he may be prone to health crises.  Mercury exactly squares Jupiter, so he may be prone to overload himself with information or things to do.  Venus trines Neptune in his chart, which is superb for dance sensitivity.  He is not all confidence though, as Saturn conjoins with his Mars from the sign of Pisces, so he sometimes considers his direction carefully.  Mars sextile Uranus provides electrical energy, and we’ve certainly seen a lot of electricity in his performances.  And Mars (my how supercharged his Mars is!) trines Pluto, giving him a powerhouse of energy.  With Chiron conjunct his North Node in Libra, there is healing potential in his karmic mission, possibly in the realm of relationships.

He is paired with bright red-haired Dianne Buswell (who advised on “hair” on The Wheel), of whom I have written “She is a… supportive Taurean, with Chiron, Mars and the Moon in Cancer (the sign of musical rhythm).”  Their synastry shows her Mercury sextile his Mars (good mutual co-ordination), their Venuses exactly conjunct (a harmonious personal relationship). Tyler has his Neptune trine her Venus, ideal for dancing.  Their Marses are locked in an exact square, so some tension to balance out the harmony!  His Chiron trines her Jupiter, to mutual benefit.  Her Neptune squares his Sun, which can confuse him; and her Neptune also squares his Chiron, creating a creative T-square of tension.

Their performance level was raised again last night. Their transits this weekend: Tyler has Uranus trine his Jupiter (the power to surprise with a good result), and Jupiter on his Saturn (raising his game).  She has Saturn square her Sun (a slightly stifled performance), but North Node trine her Saturn (on point karmically), Chiron square her Saturn (other factors hampering her), North Node trine her Neptune (on point spiritually), Chiron square her Neptune (perhaps some health issue going on) and the South Node on her Pluto (dealing with something karmically in her life) – a lot of complexity going on for her.

Their transits at the final: Mars sextiles his Sun (dancing with strength, speed and vigour), Chiron on his Sun (health issues or healing), Pluto trine his Venus (reaching potential artistically), Uranus still trine his Jupiter, Jupiter still on his Saturn, Pluto on his Neptune.  He could overcome all issues and reach the final.

For Dianne, Pluto trines her Venus (reaching potential artistically), Chiron still squares her Neptune.  But if she gets through the intervening period, some of her tricky aspects will be receding, and she too could overcome all issues.  This astrologically could be a contending pair for the final.

Fleur East

Fleur is half-Ghanaian, and studied journalism and contemporary history at London University, before coming second in X-Factor in 2014.  A passionate, energetic and driven Scorpio, she comes across on the dance floor as a force of nature.  Of course, she has Pluto conjunct her Sun, magnifying her Scorpio qualities.  She has half (5) of her planets in the Fixed signs, making her very strong willed indeed, in whatever she sets her mind to.  Sun exactly sextile Neptune increases her sensitivity, and also her talent for the medium of dance.  Mercury conjoins Pluto, so she is a deep thinker.  And with Mercury also trine Chiron, she has a problem-solving brain.  Jupiter trine Saturn gives her balanced judgement, and Jupiter trine Uranus gives her entrepreneurial skills.  The Nodal Axis is at 0 degrees Aries, a point which focuses karmically on the development of the Self.  She scored 39 points last night for her “Hot, Hot, Hot!” Samba, topping the leaderboard.

Some of the new professionals this year are “Hot, Hot, Hot!”  She is partnered with newbie Vito Coppola, with a suitably musical Sun and Moon sign of Libra.  Their synastry shows her Mars on his Mercury (his mind is fired up by her energy!)  Her Mercury conjoins his Venus, which is good for communication and friendship.  There is also a spark, with her Mars square his Uranus.

Their transits now: She has Neptune trine her Venus (inspired dance), Chiron opposite her Mars (slight dancer of injury), Saturn sextile her Saturn (incredible discipline) and Mars opposite her natal Uranus (unpredictability in her life).  He has Pluto trine his Jupiter (all power to him at the moment), Nodal Axis square his Saturn (tempers some of his will, on the other hand, through karmic considerations), and Chiron square his natal Uranus (unpredictability, including in health).

Their transits for the final:  She still has Neptune trine her Venus (so she could follow through with a beautiful level of dancing), Mars trine her Mars (super energy, through the roof even for her), and Chiron still opposite her Mars (still on the edge).  He will have Pluto exactly trine his Jupiter to the day (a phenomenal high), Mars trine his Saturn (extra effort), Chiron sextile his Saturn (problem resolving), but Saturn square his Pluto.  They could make the final, but I don’t think they will lift the trophy.  She has been in the dance-off twice.  Can she win over the public?

Tony Adams

Tony Adams has de-railed this contest.  Can he continue to do so?

As a Libran, ex-Arsenal playerTony Adams does not have a typically footballing chart, but Libra may explain his ability to learn musicality, enough to keep him in the game of Strictly.  Like Fleur East, he has 5 planets in the Fixed signs, and the determination to go with that.  Moreover, his Sun is loosely conjunct Venus, so the musicality which looked completely lacking on his first appearance in Strictly, was there beneath the surface.  Mercury square Jupiter describes a mind that gets overstretched, which could also be applied to some comments from the judges that he is “all over the place”.  He was born during the high intensity years of the mid-1960s when the anarchic and chaotic conjunction of Uranus and Pluto was operative in Virgo.  He has been the wild card in the competition, and this may be described by his karmic mission of Uranus (the wild card) trine his North Node (karma), as if it is his job to shake things up.

He is partnered with the brilliant Katya Jones, of whom I have written “a solid dependable Taurean, with the nimbleness of a few planets sprinkled in Gemini.  She has a very positive mindset from Mercury conjunct Jupiter, which together with Joe’s positivity can move mountains.”  Is there no rawness she cannot tame?  She is also incredibly ingenious in her choreography.  Their synastry, though there is rumoured tension between them, has a surprising dynamism, from his Uranus trine her Sun, and his Jupiter sextile her Venus.  The tension comes from his Venus square her Mars.

Their prospects?  This weekend Mars is square his Saturn, and Uranus is transiting his North Node, plus he has Neptune on his Chiron.  This could be the week he goes out.  For Katya, her transits are lacklustre, which supports this.  She has done her best!

For the final (a highly unlikely prospect), he has Saturn square his Neptune (disappointment and disillusionment, though he must be realistic!)  It may refer to something else in his life.  Katya will have Saturn square her Sun (deflation), Mars on her Jupiter (a desire for pastures new), Chiron sextile her natal Jupiter (recuperation, and possibly a new opportunity), and Chiron square her Neptune (some draining of energy at the same time).

I need say no more.

Molly Rainford

Young singer Molly Rainford, born in the year 2000, is a definite favourite with the judges.  She has the verve of her Sun in Sagittarius, and has had consistently high scores but has been in the dance-off.  She entered the public eye as an 11-year old on Britain’s Got Talent, but has subsequently worked as an actress and television presenter.  She has half her planets (5) in Air signs, so primarily processes her experiences through the mind.  However, she produced a steamy Rumba last night, and was pronounced by one of the judges to have given a “more mature” performance.  She has Mercury sextile Venus in her natal chart, so is a good communicator., and Mars trines Jupiter giving her the ability to combine energy and enthusiasm.  There is also an electrical quality to her energy, with Mars trine Uranus.  She also has the energy powerhouse Mars sextile Pluto, so she can always find the energy she needs.  Jupiter trine Neptune means she can be inspired, and has enough faith in life and in herself to do well.  Power can be a sticky issue for her though, with Jupiter opposite Pluto.

She is partnered with incoming new professional Carlos Gu.  We do not have a birth date for him, though!  We know his age to be 28, so he could be proving himself on his first Saturn Return.  So on transits we can only go on Molly’s own prospects.  This weekend she has the South Node on her Mercury, it’s an important and instructive time for her, and karmic, too.  Pluto is trine her natal Saturn, so she may feel powerful and in control.  Uranus squaring her natal Uranus brings the surprise element in her life now – she certainly was pleasantly surprised at her score last night.  Chiron also trines her Pluto.  Looking forward, beyond Blackpool next week, and right to the end of the contest, Mars will be opposite her natal Pluto (explosive) but Jupiter will be trine her Sun (lucky), which is an unusual mixture.  What may tip the balance is that the Pluto trine to her natal Saturn is exact on the day, and that could produce an exciting and tight final.  She may get there.

So…we have three possible contenders this week for the final: Tyler West, Fleur East and Molly Rainford, in that order.  Also highlighted from an earlier blog Kym Marsh, though the public do not seem keen on any of the women, having put them in the dance-offs.


Some reasonable aspects this week, and we start today with Venus sextile Pluto.  This aspect has the capacity to get to the root of a problem, be it Love and/or Money, both of which are represented by aspects of Venus and Pluto.  It could be a time of difficult but rewarding soul searching with loved ones.  In finance, there could be hard won but satisfying bargaining and balancing.  If you are an artist or musician, you could take a step further in your art, and deepen the value and content of the material you are working with.

Tuesday (15th) brings another sextile, that of Mercury with Pluto, which takes place in the early hours of the morning.  You could make real progress, or have deeply meaningful dreams.  This aspect can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  If you have something important lined up, you may be successful in getting your point across.

Just a little later, but still in the early hours, the Sun trines Neptune, enhancing inspiration even further.  Your dreams could be magical, and produce a morning glow!  It promises a graceful day:   expand your consciousness, and allow your imagination to embellish your work, or project in hand.

After breakfast, we are treated to the best aspect of the year (most Astrologers would agree), that of Venus trine Jupiter.  Something may provide you with a richness of heart.  Venus with Jupiter is so very social, and can be romantic too.  It’s an aspect to savour and enjoy.  Proposals and engagements often occur under this combination.

Venus enters Sagittarius on Wednesday (16th), which expands the social outlook.  You may be gearing up for Christmas or be getting into party mood.  Venus in Sagittarius ensures that the mood stays through to 10th December, when she enters Capricorn.  The mood is there if you need it.  Venus in Sagittarius is a good-will-to-all men and women vibe.

More good news for that day, the aspect of good news itself: Mercury trine Jupiter.  This could bring productivity, and good conversation.  .  Mercury trine Jupiter expands our minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, and can bring opportunities.  It is also helpful for writing projects and studying.

Another change of sign occurs on Thursday (17th), with Mercury entering Sagittarius.  Mercury leaves the intense mental requirements of Scorpio, and enters into the more upbeat mindset of the sign of Sagittarius.  Increased optimism may give rise to widening horizons, more positivity, and luck.

More positivity on Friday (18th), with the Sun sextile with Pluto, which can bring powerful help.  If you dig deep, you can find the treasure you need.  It is a profound aspect which may help to show us the direction we need to solve our collective problems, and understanding the meaning behind our dilemmas.  This sextile can bring a profound air of quiet contemplation.  Use the opportunity of this aspect to strengthen your situation…

…For the more difficult aspect of Mars square Neptune occurs right at the end of the week, on Saturday (19th), after hopefully a week of real progress, so allow some space on the Saturday to digest experiences and deal with any strange glitches.  Mars likes to act unimpeded, but Neptune forces it to be more sensitive, and possibly also more spiritualized.  Energies may be frittered, and water currents could be flowing in unhelpful directions, e.g. leaks.  Generally under such an aspect, meditation can be helpful, and particularly those which combine physical movement with a stilling of the mind, such as Tai Chi.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Love and Money in Harmony
  • Tuesday – Deep and Meaningful; Enhanced Inspiration; Social and Romantic
  • Wednesday – Expanding Social Outlook; Expansive Communication
  • Thursday – Increased Optimism
  • Friday – Digging Deep to find Treasure
  • Saturday – Drained Energy

Aspects for the week beginning 6 November 2022

Scorpio Careers

This is the eighth in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under the sign of Scorpio, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Scorpio looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are a Scorpio (in Sun or Ascendant sign) and have found an ideal or fulfilling career, please do share that under comments.


This is the number one profession for a Scorpio, which satisfies their intense need to know all about the mysteries of the human psyche.  They are often extremely insightful people, and have a strong drive to help.

Famous Example: Hermann Rorschach, the Swiss psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, who invented the visual Rorschach inkblot test.  Birthdate: 8 November

Brian Weiss: Psychiatrist and hypnotherapist, who writes about past and future lives, in his books, such as Same Soul Many Bodies

Personal note: In our family, we have a Psychiatrist and a Psychologist, both sharing the birthday 14 November, but born in different years.

Doctors, too are frequently found under this sign.  Psychiatrists need to train first as doctors, whereas Psychologists do not.

Famous Example: Dr. Christian Barnard, also born 8 November – The heart surgeon who carried out the first heart transplant in 1967.

Social Workers, too, are able to use their drive and insight to help society, especially if they have Scorpio planets.


I wrote about detectives in the context of Scorpio Archetypes:

“The Detective Archetype is well suited to Scorpio because of its love of mysteries and crime fiction, and the forensic mind exemplified where someone has Mercury in Scorpio particularly.  Where someone has say several planets in Scorpio in the 12th House you may suspect they have the Detective Archetype, or even its relative the Spy Archetype.  It’s fun to conjecture.”

Crime Fiction Authors and Mystery Writers would also come  under this category.

Other Professions

Insurance broker, and banking, dealing with other people’s money

In Science, Research Chemists and Nuclear Physicists

In the Armed Forces, Sailor

Sex therapists

Policeman/Policewoman – Scorpio’s ruling planet Pluto represents the Police force.  They are recruiting now!

In film-making, the Horror genre!


Mediumship, the interface between this life and the next

Whatever the choices made, be sure that Scorpios contribute hugely to society with their drive, and insight, and sheer perseverance.


A mixed bag this week!

This morning Mercury conjoins the South Node.  This brings to your attention information about karma or past lives, especially connected to the Teacher Archetype, or siblings.  There may be a gathering around this time, which entails pooling information.  You may learn something which is beneficial to your evolution or that of a group.  You may be remembering ancestors.

Tomorrow, Monday (7th), Saturn squares Venus in the morning.  Maybe you were wrestling with a conundrum overnight…Maybe you felt let down by someone or you disappointed yourself in some way.  Forgiveness could be a solution, in that case.  Perhaps the way the changes are taking shape are not quite to your liking, but it is not too late to change them.  It may be about the way something looks, or the way something makes you feel, but some warmth of heart can make a difference.  Relationships need work.

Tension may build up to the Full Moon and Eclipse at 16 degrees Taurus in the late morning of Tuesday (8th).  Your emotions may be stirred and you may be motivated to try to resolve in an issue you care passionately about (Taurus and the Sun in opposite sign Scorpio are Fixed signs).  If you are of an artistic bent, you can plough this feeling into your creativity.  You may get a sense of how an issue will pan out over the next six months.  Eclipses may be considered turning points, and the COP27 conference on climate change this week will certainly exercise passions, and attempt a turning point.

In the afternoon, there is a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 16 degrees Scorpio, which will concentrate minds on the deeper issues.  Tuesday may be a key date in the conference, with some possible heightened drama added.  But Sun and Mercury together may come up with some insightful solutions, and coming after the eclipse may be accompanied by a little more calmness and relief from the drama of the eclipse.  Hope may be rekindled and the light at the end of the tunnel glimpsed.  If it is your birthday on 8th, it may prove extra memorable.

The early hours of Wednesday (9th) brings an opposition between Uranus and Mercury, and may keep your mind active prior to falling asleep.  You may be trying to figure out the answer to a puzzle, or be downloading information from your superconscious mind.  In trying to implement ideas during the day, you may encounter technical hitches and glitches, though.

This effect is compounded at around breakfast time by Uranus also opposing the Sun.  Issues which seemed crystal clear yesterday afternoon may be tested for their worth, or a flurry of communication may be needed to institute them.  A change of orientation may be required in some way.  Earlier insights, either from the day itself or earlier in the week, may lead you to understand what changes are required.  Expect the unexpected.  Be open and flexible, and use your intuition to the max.

Mercury squares Saturn on Thursday (10th) around breakfast time.  Your rethinks may turn into mental weariness.  So much so that you may have to put your thought processes on the back burner for a while, trying meditation or gentle exercise instead.  This may give your mind a rest and a refresh or a reset.  If  you are worried, send healing to the situation to your best level.  The stuckness may suggest a new strand to your philosophy of life, incorporating the quality of resilience.  “What is being required here?” is a useful question. More haste less speed may also be a useful mantra to follow. Travel and communications could be slow, and mirror this process.  There may be intensive talks in the beleaguered rail disputes.

There may be better news and a better news come lunchtime, when Venus trines Neptune.  This is  usually a serene planetary dance, but may be hampered a little by the Mercury/Saturn influence.  Dance is one of the art forms enhanced by this trine, and we are now half way through the pleasure season of Strictly Come Dancing, and possibly practising in the kitchen.!  Whatever your art form, it can be enhanced, and if you are an observer there is the great enjoyment in being an audience.  In relationship, there is a potential for spiritual bonding.

We are back to the squares on Friday (11th), with Saturn this time squaring the Sun.  This could ground some of the inspiration and bring it into reality.  Practical initiatives are supported by this aspect.  It is a good aspect for setting up solid foundations, for instance.  However, it could also produce delay in a project.

Finally, we end on an encouraging note, with Mercury trine Neptune on Saturday (12th).  .  This aspect brings the possibility of mysteries being solved, e.g. around health conditions.  In personal applications, things may fall into place spiritually, and you may be ready to talk about a sensitive subject.  This trine brings mental inspiration, transcendent wisdom, higher harmony, spiritual journeys, and insight.  A small kindness can bring about significant mental healing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – karmic information
  • Tomorrow – forgiveness
  • Tuesday – turning point; concentrated minds
  • Wednesday – active minds; changes
  • Thursday – stuckness; then some soothing balm
  • Friday – be practical
  • Saturday – spiritual thinking

Aspects for the week beginning 30 October 2022

Rishi Sunak

They say a week is a long time in politics, and this week has certainly changed the political landscape.  We now have our third Prime Minister in just a few months, our youngest, and first Asian Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak.

The Outgoing Prime Minister

The transits for the transition are interesting.  At the time of the original line up for the job when Boris Johnson resigned, Liz Truss had the long challenge of retrograde Pluto opposing her natal Mercury, which looked to suggest that she would not get the job.  She got the job, trashed the nation’s economy, and gradually the transit came to its exact peak: and that was when she resigned, exact to the minute.  For her own personal journey, she needed to see the limitations of her own mindset (Mercury).  Rishi, at the time of his resignation from Boris’ cabinet, which triggered a mass vote of no confidence in Boris and his resignation, had Saturn square his natal Uranus – an inner conflict.  Saturn was also transiting his karmic South Node.  But now, at this point in time, taking up the reins of governing the country, Saturn trines his natal Pluto (a serious responsibility).  He had to wait for the opportunity to lead (despite warning Conservative party members of what would happen under Liz’s vision), and Liz Truss meanwhile made lives harder, especially those of mortgage payers, and tightened the screw on Rishi Sunak’s own task.

Birth Chart

When he took over as Chancellor in February 2020, I wrote about Rishi’s natal chart:

“He has the Sun, Mercury and Chiron in Taurus, the sign of money.  With the Sun/Mercury trine Saturn, he has a great deal of common sense…He has a preponderance of planets in the Mutable signs (adaptability and flexibility), but he also has Uranus opposite his Sun (so is capable of rebellion).  It is an intriguing combination, in terms of his future role.  He has Mars closely conjunct Jupiter, energy allied with enthusiasm, which I feel has contributed to his success (at 39, he is a very young age for a Chancellor).”

To that, I would add that he has eight aspects to his Nodal Axis, which signifies someone who is deeply enmeshed in the lives of others, in terms of their karmic mission.

Life and Career

Rishi Sunak was born in Southampton, his parents having emigrated from East Africa to the U.K. in the 1960s, though the family were Punjabi in origin, and Rishi himself is a practising Hindu. His father is a G.P., and his mother a Pharmacist.  Growing up, he attended Winchester College, a boarding school, where he became head boy.  He went to Oxford University, and gained a first in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.  He then studied at Stanford University in the U.S.A., where he met his wife Akshata Murthy.

He only entered politics as recently as 2015, taking over the Conservative seat of Richmond in North Yorkshire from William Hague who was retiring.  He then served as a member of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs Select Committee.  He voted for Brexit in 2016.  He supported Boris Johnson’s campaign to become Conservative leader when Theresa May resigned, and became Chancellor in Boris Johnson’s cabinet when Sajid Javid resigned on a point of principle.

At that point I wrote:

“His rise to fame took a steep upward curve on 24th July 2019 when he was appointed Chief Secretary to the Treasury.  At the time, Pluto (life-changing) was exactly trine his natal Sun/Mercury in Taurus (his talent with money).  His transits this week show Uranus trine his natal Mars/Jupiter – a sudden breakthrough, plus Pluto sextile his natal Uranus (major changes in his favour, propelling him into power).”

He was prominent in decision-making throughout the pandemic, instituting the furlough scheme to help those individuals and business who could not work because of lockdown.  He introduced the “Eat Out to Help Out” scheme, to get the economy flowing again when the first lockdown eased: this had the desired effect, and raised morale, but increased the spread of Covid.  He then resisted a further lockdown, on economic grounds, but this proved unsuccessful.

With the economy becoming more difficult to manage, because of Covid and then the Ukraine war, and the incessant lying of the Prime Minister Boris Johnson over partying and other matters, he then resigned in July 2022 on a matter of integrity, on the same day as Sajid Javid, which brought down the government.  The two of them seemed to have their fates tied, as Rishi had become Chancellor because Sajid resigned on principle.  Interestingly, they may be part of a band of brothers from a past life, because Sajid’s Mars is exactly conjunct Rishi’s South Node.

The In-Laws

Fun numerological fact about Rishi Sunak and his wife: In 2022, they were deemed the 222nd richest people in Britain.

The greatest source of their wealth is Rishi’s father-in-law N. R. Narayana Murthy, an Indian billionaire who founded the tech company Infosys. He is a fascinating figure, worthy of a blog all of his own.  He leads a modest lifestyle, without ostentation.  According to the Guardian:

“He lives in the same Bengaluru flat with his wife, Sudha, that he did decades ago, drives a small car, clears up the dishes, and cleans his own toilet.”

An interesting story is also in circulation about his wife:

‘A Train Ticket Examiner (TTE) who was on duty on a Bangalore bound train from Mumbai, once caught a girl who was hiding under the seats.  She was around 13 or 14 years old.  The TTE asked the girl to produce her ticket. The girl hesitantly replied that she had no ticket.  So the TTE told the girl to get off the train immediately.

Suddenly, a voice from behind said “I will pay for her”.

That was the voice of Mrs. Usha Bhattacharya, who was a college lecturer  by profession. Mrs. Bhattacharya paid for the girl’s ticket and requested her to sit near her.  She asked the girl what her what her name was. “Chitra”, the  girl replied.

“Where are you going?”

“I have nowhere to go.” the girl said..

“Then come with me.” Mrs. Bhattacharya told her.

After reaching Bangalore, Mrs. Bhattacharya handed over the girl to an NGO, to be taken care of. Later Mrs. Bhattacharya shifted to Delhi and the two lost contact with each other.

After around 20 years Mrs. Bhattacharya was invited to San Francisco (USA) to deliver a lecture in a college there.  She happened to be in a restaurant, having a quiet meal on her own.  After she finished she asked for the bill, but she was told that bill was already paid for. When she turned back, she saw a woman with her husband smiling at her. Mrs. Bhattacharya asked the couple, “Why did you pay my bill? ”

The young woman replied, “Ma’am, the bill I paid is extremely little compared to the fare you paid for me on that train journey from Mumbai to Bangalore”.  Tears rolled down from the eyes of both women.  “Oh Chitra… It’s you..!!!” Mrs. Bhattacharya exclaimed, happily astonished.  While hugging each other, the young lady said, “Ma’am, my name is not Chitra now. I am Sudha Murty. And this is my husband … Narayan Murty”. ‘


Sunak famously stood on a platform of advocating higher taxation (until inflation is under control), and firmly wanted to tell the population the hard and realistic truths of our economic situation.  His Chanceller, Jeremy Hunt, has been entrusted to handle the current economic crisis, and steady the market.  On green policies, Rishi has supported a green levy in the past, but now he has refused to attend the COP27 Climate conference in Egypt, which Liz Truss persuaded King Charles not to attend (despite his fervent passion on environmental matters).  Rishi Sunak cited more pressing domestic matters to attend to, but climate change is the most pressing emergency for the whole planet.  That is disappointing to many.  He has re-imposed the ban on fracking, which Liz Truss had wanted to reverse.  But one of the biggest headaches he faces at the moment is his appointment of Suella Braverman as Home Secretary, after she resigned from Liz Truss’s cabinet for a breach of ministerial rules.  Suella stands for some inhumane policies, such as the exportation of refugees to Rwanda, which does not seem to chime with Rishi’s intended standard of “integrity”.

In order to secure his position, he has chosen a wide ranging cabinet within his party, but Suella, as part of the far right, represents policies he himself may not agree with, so she may not last long in the role.  The question remains that, although he is a safer pair of hands on the economy, he may be a one trick pony  in the sense that he may not have the qualities needed for some other departments of governing which need skilled attention.  But this may be his fate, to try to use his financial skill to steady the economy at such a time of crisis.  So he himself may not endure in the post as long as he would like.  A great proportion of the population would dearly love a general election.


There is precious little in the way of aspects this week, so I am including two Fixed Stars of interest for the middle of the week.

Today, at lunchtime, Mars is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde, which does not occur very often.  So energy, movement and activity could experience some stuckness.  Mars is currently having a long stay in Gemini, where it is scattered and mentally focussed, but busy and to some extent productive.  Don’t be surprised if it’s stop-go on some of your active projects.  You may be required to hop from one activity to another, taking a step here and a step there, wherever you can.  Spinning plates come to mind…People born under Aries will especially need to exercise patience and self-control in this retrograde period, which lasts into January.

On Thursday, 3rd November, our Sun is aligned with two Fixed Stars.  The first is Acrux, the Alpha star from the Southern Cross.  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld provides the following information:

“This star has an ability to reverse chronic illnesses in some individuals.  In dealing with chronic disturbances, certain patterns often need to be understood better, and these patterns can be seen more clearly with the influence of this star.  The rapidly spinning star can shift the spin within an individual.  These spins take place at subtle levels in the permanent atom and in the most important core nerves in the brain.  This star can shift the orientation of these spins in many beneficial ways.”

If  you are so minded, you can play the marvellous song “Southern Cross” by Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young.  Here are some of the lyrics:

“When  you see the Southern Cross for the first time

You understand now why you came this way

‘Cause the truth you might be running from is so small

But it’s as big as the promise

The promise of a coming day”

The other star which aligns with our Sun on the same day is Alphecca, the Alpha star in Coronae Borealis.  “Starlight Elixirs” advises:

“The ability to juggle several ideas at once and make clear decisions will be enhanced.  There will usually be an increase in a type of psychic functioning which can assist with extracting the truth from a situation or from conflicting points of view.  Various aspects of understanding of truth will be made more available to most people when utilizing this star.”  This might be useful when spinning plates.

Lastly, on Saturday (5th) Uranus will oppose Venus and you may wonder what is going on with relationships. Uranus opposes Venus and keeps her (and you) on her/your toes. Telepathy will be useful in understanding your opposite number, or even a group situation.   In fact, group consciousness may be more suited to the requirements of this capricious aspect.  It occurs in the late evening of Saturday, and may also make for exciting encounters, or lively party atmospheres.  Don’t overdo the alcohol, though, you may just need to keep your wits about you.  And be mindful of pets if letting off fireworks…They may feel quite skittish under this aspect.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – a slowing down of progress in projects
  • Thursday – healing; spinning plates
  • Saturday – disruption in relationships

Aspects for the week beginning 23 October 2022

Strictly Come Dancing 2022 – Part 2

We’ve had a chance now to see what the contestants are made of, and a great standard has been set, with No. 10 Scores already handed out.  Craig Revel Horwood has often been awarding scores that are either abysmally low or very high, developing a Jekyll and Hyde persona.  Last night was an enthralling sojourn through the last hundred years of the BBC, as the contestants performed theme tunes for everything from Blue Peter to Casualty.  Here are my next four analyses:

Jayde Adams

Larger than life personality Jayde Adams has left me wondering where astrologically all her gusto comes from.  It turns out that she is a Sagittarian, so it is Jupiterian gusto, as befitting a comedian.  She is a female warrior, with the Sun sextile Mars.  With the Sun exactly conjunct her I.C. she has strong roots in her life.  And the Sun’s opposition to Chiron makes her very aware of her own wounds.  She has the Moon exactly conjunct Venus, so a deep understanding of the female side of life, and it is in a triple conjunction with her ruler Jupiter, so that is what she is able to transmit in her comedy.  Mercury conjunct Neptune gives the ability to channel, and the ability to engage her brain while dancing, too.  Venus conjunct Jupiter indicates a love of humanity.  Mars square Pluto gives a fierce energy, with a deal of suffering in the past.  She is a healer (Midheaven conjunct Chiron and Chiron trine Mars) and will be able to merge her conventional career (presumably as a comedian) with her karmic mission, having the Midheaven loosely conjunct her North Node.  Her stated aim around dancing with a female professional on Strictly is that she would not be able to find a male professional built like a rugby player.

Of her partner Karen Hauer she has said: “It does give me an advantage because I can lift her.”  I have previously written of Karen: “She has a dreamy Moon/Venus conjunction in Pisces, gliding with a trine to her North Node, so she will always do well in ballroom dancing!  With three planets in Libra, she also connects well in partnership”.  They both therefore have the conjunction of the Moon and Venus, increasing the sympathy and empathy between them.  And remarkably their conjunctions are sextile with one another, so there is a profound mutual understanding.  Their synastry also shows  Jayde’s Neptune (her dancing ability) exactly trine Karen’s Sun, and Karen’s Uranus (ingenuity) exactly conjunct Jayde’s Sun.  A remarkable match altogether.

Of their prospects in the competition, currently Jayde has Mars opposite her natal Mercury, so she could be quite nervy, and Jupiter square her Neptune (a heightened spiritual feeling, though some dance moves which are overblown), and Pluto trines her North Node (it’s an important time for her evolution).  And Karen has Mars trine her natal Pluto, so she will be bringing strong energy; Saturn trine her Saturn, she will be a strong disciplinarian right now; and Uranus is sextile her North Node (so she will be bringing her ingenuity to the table, and possibly feeling that her link with Jayde is karmic).  Last night they performed a Charleston to the Ballad of  Barry and Freda by Victoria Wood.

For the end of the competition, Jayde will have Mars opposite her natal Uranus (the possibility of an injury knocking her out of the competition), and Saturn square her natal Saturn (something is likely to be blocking her); Jupiter square her Neptune and Pluto trine her North Node will still be operational.  Let’s hope we have many more lovely performances from her. And Karen will have Saturn square her Chiron (also the possibility of frustration, blocking and health issues) but Uranus sextile her natal Venus, a friend for life.

Will Mellor

I know him best as the villain Harvey in Coronation Street, but he is known for countless other roles, for example in Two Pints of Lager and a Packet of Crisps, and he has starred in Broadchurch.  He has scored highly in the contest so far, except for when he went down with a cold a week ago.

Will has half his planets (5) in the Cardinal signs, which would make him a good leader.  He has intelligence, with the Sun closely conjunct Mercury, and with the placing of this conjunction in Aries I would expect him to have a talent for accounting.  One of the judges described him as “pushy” yesterday.  His Sun is exactly trine Neptune, so he is imaginative and can channel when portraying a role.  With the Sun/Mercury opposite Pluto, he can do drama too (hence the villain Harvey in Corrie, a convincing murderer).  Venus trines Saturn in his chart, so he is loyal in friendship.  Mars is closely trine Uranus, so he may have a talent for engineering too.  Like Jayde, he has Mars square Pluto, so I will reiterate “a fierce energy, with a deal of suffering in the past.”  He also has the Warrior Archetype, with Mars trine the North Node.

His dance partner is Nancy Xu, who has the Sun in performing Leo, but a fair deal of Earth signs, so is at the same time very grounded.  She is a hard taskmaster, with the Sun opposite Saturn, and has a dynamic and hardworking triple conjunction of Venus/Mars/Mercury in Virgo.  She also has a powerful square between Jupiter and Pluto.  Their synastry shows his Uranus square her Sun (there could be the occasional estrangement between them), and his Pluto square her Uranus (capable of instilling transformations in each other), plus his Mars sextiles her Venus (they will be able to portray the romance, and indeed at least one of their dances was pretty raunchy).

As to their transits, his at the moment are Chiron on his Sun (hence the cold!), Neptune on his Venus (social confusion; connecting with dance and music forms), Pluto opposite his Saturn (some inner conflict), and Chiron trine his Neptune (his dance muse operating beautifully). Hers are the North Node trine her natal Neptune (formative experiences in dance, perhaps euphoric), Chiron square her natal Neptune (she may not feel 100%), and Uranus opposite her natal Pluto (a time of transformation).  Last night they performed a strident version of a Viennese Waltz to the theme tune of Line of Duty.

At the end of the contest, his transits are looking very low key, so that could mean, despite his obvious talent, he may not make it to the final.  Hers will be Saturn opposite her Jupiter (she may be stopped in her tracks), but the North Node trine her natal Uranus (there may be an exciting opportunity opening up for her around that time), and Uranus trine her natal Neptune (again, further opportunity).

Ellie Taylor

Another female comedian, another Sagittarian, is tall and lanky Ellie Taylor.  She was born in the same segment (the first decanate) of Sagittarius as Jayde, and in fact their Suns are only one degree apart.  But Ellie is even more Sagittarian (anything for a laugh) than Jayde, with the Sun/Uranus, Jupiter (the ruling planet of Sagittarius)/Mercury and Neptune all in that sign.  She really has a radiant air of joviality, and I admit, does make me smile.  In another coincidence, she also has the Sun sextile Mars (though exact), which I pointed out for Jayde was the “female warrior”.  Her Sun conjunct Uranus gives her a brilliant quick-fire quality, worthy of appearances on Mock the Week (now sadly gone this week).  She has a facility with words, from Mercury exactly sextile Venus, and a wide ranging mind (from Mercury conjunct Jupiter).  Mars sextile Uranus gives an electrical quality to her energy.

She is partnered with Johannes Radebe, of who I wrote when he joined Strictly:

“He has 6 Fire planets, and was born close to a New Moon in Taurus.  His dance credentials include the Sun closely trine Neptune.  He could do well in the dramatic dances such as the Paso Doble, with the Sun opposite closely Pluto.”  Ellie too is high in Fire (5 planets), so there may be fiery exchanges between the two of them.  Their synastry shows: her Sun trine his Venus (a high mutual regard), but her Mars opposes his Venus, which could bring some tension.  His Saturn sextile her Venus will be loyal and protective, though.

As for their prospects in the competition:  Her transits now show up Saturn sextile her Jupiter (she will be trying really hard to be disciplined).  His transits now show Mars sextile his Mercury (extra vigour of body and mind), Pluto square his Mercury (some mental tension, almost explosive), Chiron sextile his Mars (some learning about healing), and Chiron on his Jupiter (learning about comedy).  Last night they performed a beautiful tango to the theme tune of Casualty.  Hearing it will never be the same again – it will always conjure up for me their splendid performance.

Her transits at the end show Saturn sextile her Mercury (a healthy acceptance of her limits and boundaries), Saturn trine her natal Venus (a quiet sense of satisfaction in what she did accomplish), and the South Node on her natal Saturn (some karmic lesson and learning).  His transits at the end  have Chiron still on his Jupiter, and Saturn sextile his Saturn (a steady phase in his career).  Therefore, nothing from either of them to show an appearance at the final.

Hamza Yassin

Sudanese born Hamza Yassin is such an arresting and engaging performer: I could watch his long locks swinging around the dance floor lilke a whirling dervish all night long!  He is a wild life expert, but also appears on CBeebies, as I found out recently when my little granddaughter visited.  He exudes the Piscean gentleness and shyness of his Sun sign, yet holds a spellbinding power from something else in his chart (we do not have a birth time).  He’s a cameraman (Pisces and Neptune rule the filmic arts).  He is definitely his own man, with 7 planets in Cardinal signs, and is appropriately earthy for a wildlife expert (6 planets in Earth).  However, he has 0 Fire planets, which is maybe why he comes over as being so calm.  His Sun trines Jupiter, giving him a love of freedom and wide open spaces.  With Mercury exactly conjunct his North Node, his karmic mission is to be a Teacher. He has a complex energy (Mars aspects) with Mars conjunct Saturn (some restraint), Mars conjunct Neptune (great physical sensitivity) and Mars sextile Pluto (deep but constructive energies; that is possibly the spellbinding power I referred to earlier).

He is partnered with new professional Polishwoman Jowita Przystal, who won the competition “The Greatest Dancer”, part of the prize being to appear on Strictly.  She is a performing Leo, with Mercury sextile Jupiter (signifying prowess in linguistics and wide-ranging travel).  Her dominant element is Water (5 planets), so she will portray emotion well.  Their synastry shows a good mental rapport (Her Mercury trine his Uranus) with possible telepathy, a karmic link (her Venus trines his North Node, great dynamism between them (her Jupiter sextiles his Uranus), and her Pluto sextile his Venus (deep relating).

His transits now: Uranus trine his Mars, electrifying moves, Jupiter square his Jupiter, expansive moves, Chiron square his Neptune (out of his comfort zone), North Node trine his Neptune (coming into his Inner Dancer), Saturn square his natal Pluto (some tough psychological aspects to this challenge) and Uranus opposite his Pluto (a time of transformation and change).  That’s a lot for one person to be dealing with at one time!  Last night they performed a quickstep in Polar Exploration suits.

Her transits now: Neptune sextile her natal Uranus (a time of dealing with complexity), and Pluto sextile her natal Pluto (self-empowerment). His transits at the end of the contest: Uranus square his natal Mercury (he could be mentally exhausted).  Her transits at the end of the contest: She will still have Neptune sextile her natal Uranus.  I think somehow their chances will peter out before the final.

None of these four seem to have outstanding winning transits.  So I will be looking at four more in the not too distant future, in the quest to find outstanding final transits!


Last week’s aspects were certainly true to form: I highlighted drama on Wednesday, from Pluto squaring the Sun.  This manifested in the resignation/sacking of Suella Braverman, the Home Secretary, then later bullying in Parliament in the fracking vote.  Then I wrote “more drama” for Thursday, based on Pluto squaring Venus.  That of course, was the resignation of the Prime Minister herself, the “not a quitter” Liz Truss.  I may be writing about a new Prime Minister next Sunday!

Today’s aspects are numerous enough to put down a timetable for you:

1 a.m.: Mercury trine Saturn – This combines mental work with practicality, and brings focus and realism to the mental activities.  So it is a good day for making plans.  Serious conversations can also safely take place under this aspect.

4.07 a.m.: Saturn Stationary, prior to turning Direct – This may be experienced as a relief to some, especially for Capricornians, and may release some of their chains or burdens.  Certain matters which have been stuck since June, may slowly start to make progress again.

7.52 a.m.: Venus enters Scorpio, so emotions and passions could be heightened.  This is a time when deep feelings can be experienced and expressed.  Her previous sojourn through Libra focussed on relationships, and on entering Scorpio the quality of relationship deepens.  You can take a relationship to the next level.  Venus will change sign again on 16th November, so make the most of the opportunity.

10.36 a.m: Sun enters Scorpio – Under the Sun in Libra, we were going for negotiation, but now we need to confront the deeper issues and find more lasting solutions which treat the causes and not just the symptoms of a situation.  For this we need more insight, resolve and conviction, qualities of this sign.  The Scorpio gig is a grittier requirement.  You may see two sides becoming more entrenched in a stand off.  With two ingresses in one day, into the same day, you may register the sea-change.

Tuesday (25th) is the chance of a new beginning, with the New Moon and Eclipse at 2 degrees Scorpio.  By then we may be starting to get to grips with the Scorpio season, and sense where we need to place our intentions, be it on financial matters (a Scorpio province) or sending healing for the turbulent world economy.  This is one of the most potent New Moons of the year, and a heightened turning point by virtue of being an Eclipse.  It is a good time to re-set your intentions about life, and to create a new beginning.  Re-setting our government is obviously on the cards for Tuesday, as Monday will be crucial for knowing better how we stand in relation to a new Prime Minister. There may be a certain amount of letting go required, before the fresh start can be established.  You might find yourself being ruthless with your de-cluttering, in accordance with your recent re-evaluation of the past.

The early hours of Thursday (27th) brings us a welcome trine, that of Mercury with Mars.  This will bring a better sense of flow, with Mercury trine Mars.  Your dream life may be vivid.  You may emerge early in the morning starting the day bright and breezy.  Communications may zip along, and the day could be very productive.  You can put your ideas into practice.  Much can be accomplished, in the morning.

But at lunchtime (in the U.K.), Pluto will square Mercury, and there may be a setback or a reversal, so make sure your actions in the morning are solid.  Perhaps there is a twist in the political plot, in the manner of last week.  You may encounter awkward communications or travel.  You may need extra ‘me time’ in order to separate yourself from worried pronouncements about the state of the world.  If you do engage in chatter, choose a worthwhile subject.

Friday (28th) sees Jupiter re-enter Pisces, from its retrograde motion, just briefly until 20th December.  Jupiter entered Aries in May, bringing a much more go-ahead vibe, so we will be back in a more compassionate and introverted mode until just before Christmas.  This may be in connection with the much more thoughtful and stripped back run up to a more economical Christmas that many of us face.  The brashness of Trussonomics will be rowed back on, in this period, before we can recover a little of the gung ho way of being which characterizes Jupiter in Aries.  Then we might be able to do Jupiter in Aries more wisely, or have a more grown up government.  A general election could do that…

Our final astrological feature of the week is Mercury entering Scorpio on Saturday (29th).  By then we’ll be fully immersed in the Scorpio energies.  Collectively, we will look into matters more deeply and forensically.  In your own personal life, you will have more courage to look at what really matters, and to worry less about how things appear to others.  In politics, there will need to be greater accountability, and the holding up of hands, as befits this sign.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – complex energies, deep and steady
  • Tuesday – new beginning
  • Thursday – the early bird catches the worm; then the worm turns
  • Friday – back to caring and sharing
  • Saturday – courage and depth

Aspects for the week beginning 16 October 2022

Libra Careers

As we are in Libra season, it’s time to write about Libran careers. This is the eighth in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under this sign, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Libran looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are a Libran (in Sun or Ascendant sign) and have found an ideal or fulfilling career, please do share that under comments.


Art is one of the great talents of Libra.

Famous Examples: Mark Rothko, Theodore Gericault, Caravaggio, Johannes Vermeer, Alberto Giacometti

Whereas Taurus is artistic in a more earthy sense, e.g. pottery and sculpture, Libra is a designer, so Fashion Designers (e.g. Ralph Lauren), and Interior Designers (e.g. Terence Conran) have this skillset.

Librans also make good Painters and Decorators.


In the world of the Arts, music is of equal importance, and just as fellow Venus-ruled sign Taurus can be skilled say in playing a musical instrument, the Libran skill is heightened especially in musical composition.  Both signs often excel in singing.

Famous Singers: Olivia Newton-John and Cliff Richard; Sting; John Lennon; Bob Geldof, Bruce Springsteen

Famous Musicians: John Entwistle, Julian Cope


Librans are often dubbed “the beautiful people of the zodiac”.  The beauty industry encompasses many forms of profession, e.g. make-up artists and models.

Hairdresser/Barber is a major line of work.

A cosmetic surgeon may also be included in this category.

Diplomat/ Mediator

This quality can be used at any level, from internationally (e.g. Charles Aznavour, who was primarily a singer, but did work as a diplomat), to a relationship or marriage guidance counsellor.  The sociability and social skills of this sign, especially in a one-to-one context, works well in the Human Resources departments of a larger organization.

In sport, tennis players, Famous Examples: Maria Bueno, Serena Williams, Naomi Osaka, Martina Hingis, Martina Navratilova, Roscoe Tanner, Juan Martin del Potro

Other Occupations: Lawyer, Aeronautical Engineer;

I wrote about Libran Archetypes on 20/9/2015, and will reproduce that here:


Librans are well known for their love of justice and fairness.

Advocate – Traditional

Traditionally, the Advocate is squarely Libran, associated with the law profession and promoting equality.  In her “Archetype Cards” Caroline Myss defines it embodying “a lifelong devotion to championing the rights of others and a passion to transform social injustices.”

Advocate – Modern (with Aquarius)

In her book “Archetypes” Caroline Myss introduces new forms of Archetypes for the modern world.  For the Advocate, she progresses the picture:

“The Advocate may be the most unfamiliar archetype among our family of ten.  That’s because this is a relatively recent addition to the cosmic theatre, having emerged as a recognized pattern of power with the rise of civil consciousness and social action in the 1960s”

Her final thought is: “There has never been a time in history so primed for the talents of true Advocates.  Listen to your heart, find your cause, and commit to it.”

Famous Examples: John Lennon, Sun in Libra, Advocate of Peace, with Ascendant in Aries the Action Hero, partnered by Yoko Ono, Sun in Aquarius, the Social Activist.

Sting and Bob Geldof, Librans born in the same week of the same year, are Advocates for a number of causes.

Married couple Catherine Zeta Jones and Michael Douglas share a birthday in Libra, and have hosted a Nobel Peace Prize concert together.  He has been involved in supporting the causes of human rights, nuclear disarmament and gun control (specifically prompted by the death of John Lennon).”

Above all, a Libran will contribute beauty, harmony and elegance to their chosen profession, and often be able to mediate in relations between employees.  They may also play a useful role in representing their fellows in Unions.


This week truly is a roller-coaster, so you will need to fasten your safety belts, put on your hard hat (make like a prime minister), and then be open to the highs.

We start tomorrow evening (Monday 17th) on a high, for the Sun trines Mars, reviving our energies for whatever task we have in hand.  It favours the yang side of the male/female equation or balance.  Sporting interests can flourish, or any vigorous pursuits.  It’s a good evening for striking out on a new venture.

There’s another high in the early hours of Wednesday (19th), with another trine: that of Venus with Mars.  This betokens harmony between the sexes, or within the structure and relationship of your own anima and animus.  It would be a good opportunity for sharing and balancing roles, such as career and parenting.  Body awareness, whether it be through yoga, or massage, will bring a sense of wellbeing. Within the night hours, it may bring sensuous dreams.

At lunchtime on Wednesday, there is more of a low…in the shape of Pluto squaring the Sun.  This is a deep soul searching aspect.  There is no whitewashing or kicking the can down the road, as if you try to gloss over something you could meet it in another guise.  Divine the message which the Universe is trying to download to you, for your greater knowledge.

More trickiness later in the day, with an opposition between Mercury and Chiron.  and that is related to health challenges and check ups.  This may bring up some ingenuity in problem-solving, too.  Communications may urge and stimulate you to find solutions.

Thursday (20th) brings another square, that of Venus with Pluto.  Deep feeling issues may be preying on your mind and give rise to vivid dreams, or even nightmares in the later stages of sleep.  These will require some psychological soul-searching for a true interpretation, and may spur on honest-as-you-can-be interpersonal communication.

Lastly, there is a sweet conjunction on Saturday evening (22nd), between the Sun and Venus.  If you are an artist or a musician, it is the day you can produce your best creative output or performance.  If neither, then love or money may be beneficiaries of this combination.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – energy, vim and vigour
  • Wednesday – sensuality; drama; health issues
  • Thursday – more drama
  • Saturday – sweetness


Aspects for the week beginning 9 October 2022

Loretta Lynn (1932 – 2022)

“Well, I was borned a coal miner’s daughter
In a cabin, on a hill in Butcher Holler
We were poor but we had love
That’s the one thing that daddy made sure of”

~ Loretta Lynn

Country singer Loretta Lynn died peacefully in her sleep in Tennessee at the age of 90 this week.  Together with her friend and mentor Patsy Cline who was born in the same year, she was a pioneer of the genre.  The drama of her life was set out in her autobiography, which was then made into a film starring Sissy Spacek.

Birth Chart

Loretta had over half her planets (6) in Fire signs.  You would expect a high rating of Water signs for the passion of a Country singer, but she only had one planet in Water (Pluto in Cancer, the placing of her generation).  So the passion in her songwriting and delivery lay in the spiritedness of Fire.  She had the chart of a leader: half her planets (5) in Cardinal signs, and the Sun in Aries (the Pioneer, she certainly led a movement).  In a tribute, Carrie Underwood said that Loretta was “never afraid to be herself and speak her mind”.  Drama was her middle name, with the Sun/Uranus square to Pluto, the Uranus/Pluto square being exact.  Her trademark title was that of being a “Coal Miner’s Daughter” (the title of a song, a book and a film), which reflects her Sun/Pluto square, where the Sun (father) squares Pluto (coal-mining).  With the Moon trine Mars, she was able to project emotion (in her case through singing).  However, the difficulty of her early years is depicted by the Moon exactly opposite Saturn.  Astrologer Alex Trenoweth describes this aspect in “Mirror Mirror, The Astrology of Famous People and the Actors who Portrayed them”: “Saturn brings heaviness, responsibility and hard work and with its connection to the Moon, the emotions and memories of the past can be very serious”.  Mercury/Uranus trine Jupiter brought a great deal of travel in her life, and a brilliant mind firing on all cylinders, as well as an entrepreneurial spirit.  The square between Mercury and Pluto brought various health difficulties, including pneumonia (Mercury rules the lungs).  Her Venus (love and music) had several aspects: its close sextile to Mars was good for writing passionate tunes about philandering husbands.  Venus also sextile Jupiter indicated a very sociable individual with a love for humanity.  Venus trine Saturn gave the quality of loyalty (she stuck by her man).  Venus square Neptune left her susceptible to deception in relationships (the philandering husband); and last but not least, Venus conjunct the Midheaven marked her out for singing as a career.  Energy allied to enthusiasm was shown in Mars trine Jupiter, while the Midheaven (Careerpoint) sextile Jupiter bestowed lucky breaks in her career path.

Life and Career

Loretta was born in Butcher Hollow, Kentucky.  She was the oldest daughter and second child in a large family of eight children, with Cherokee heritage on her mother’s side.  The youngest daughter was Crystal Gayle, she of the record-breakingly long hair, whose music was more mainstream.  Loretta married Oliver Lynn when she was 15, and they began a large family of their own, comprising six children. At her death she counted more than 20 grandchildren. She used the ups and downs of marriage as material for her songwriting.  She taught herself to play the guitar, and formed a band, releasing her first single in 1960, “I’m a Honky Tonk Girl”.  At the end of the year, she was named No. 4 in the category of Most Promising Country Female Artist, in Billboard magazine.  That was also the year she began appearing at the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville.  Another high in her career was in 1967, when she reached No. 1 in the charts with “Don’t Come Home A-Drinkin’ (With Lovin’ on Your Mind)”.  She released her successful song “Coal Miner’s Daughter” in 1970, and published her autobiography of the same name in 1976, detailing her impoverished childhood.  The Oscar-winning biopic of the same name followed in 1980.  Philandering husbands were not the only subjects of her songs, for she began to write more political songs, e.g. about female emancipation (“The Pill”), and on wider politics about Vietnam.  In the 1970s she formed a duetting partnership with singer Conway Twitty.  Her husband died in 1996, from diabetes, after a life marred by alcoholism.  She continued performing until late in life, but suffered a stroke in 2017, and broke her hip in 2018, which curtailed her activities.

A few years ago, hubby and I trotted off to the Corn Exchange in King’s Lynn (a rare thing) to attend a Crystal Gayle concert, and we were fortunate enough to see the legend that was Loretta Lynn, as she came on stage later to support her sister, together with Peggy Sue, another sister, so were treated to a flavour of that sisterhood.

“Yeah, I’m proud to be a coal miner’s daughter
I remember well, the well where I drew water
The work we done was hard
At night we’d sleep ’cause we were tired”

~ Loretta Lynn


We are working our way up to a Full Moon this evening at 16 degrees Aries.  The Full Moon in Aries (emotional needs) opposes the Sun in Libra (balancing your own interests with that of the other) so it is a tussle, as it always is with a Full Moon.  This Full Moon is about Selfhood and Relationship, and bringing the two into balance.  So if you feel emotional tension increasing into the evening, it should subside after 8.55 p.m. (U.K. time).  That’s after the results show for Strictly Come Dancing, and hopefully you will breathe a sigh of relief that your favourite hasn’t been eliminated.

Tomorrow (Monday 10th) there is a different kind of tension, that stemming from an opposition between Venus and Chiron.  But again, it underlines the need for healing in relationships.  Minor health conditions may be caused by stress, and reducing stress may help to ease the conditions.  Music and meditation may be the way forward.  The issues may be connected with one’s inner female, or one’s relationships.  It may be an artistic conundrum.

The evening brings information which may be helpful to relationships, for Mercury enters the sign of Libra, re-entering after its retrograde period.  This brings a new mental focus on cultural themes, which could bring more pure enjoyment: art and music being fundamental areas for Libra, and decision-making. Mercury in Libra is slightly more relaxed than Mercury in Virgo, and it stays  only until 29th October, so it will be fast-moving.  Geminis and Virgoans may feel as though life is moving at a super-fast pace!

A comfortable trine occurs in the early hours of Wednesday (12th), between the Sun and Saturn.  This is a more down to earth aspect, but solid and productive.  If you are asleep at the time, you should sleep soundly!  If you are engaged in creativity, it can help ensure that it works on a practical level.  Simplifying your plans, or making economies, may make them more workable. This is especially useful to bear in mind if you own a business, and are considering staffing and resources.  One solid step at a time, and one day at a time.  By the end of the day, you may feel that you have honoured more than one area of your life.

Just before we reach dawn, Mars squares Neptune, which again may occur during sleep, and could produce a more bizarre dreaming phase than early in the night (check your fitbit for REM states!).  Confusion may reign, so take that time for thinking things through, if you have insomnia, to create a smoother ride for the day time. Meditation and activities which combine meditation and movement, can be helpful for centring, during the day itself, if you sense that this aspect is still operating on your consciousness.

By breakfast time, another influence altogether is operational, that of Mercury opposite Jupiter, again a different type of tension.  This may bring about communication and travel complexity.  You may feel you need to be in two places at once, and be summoned hither and thither.  Geminis and Virgos may need to factor in some extra relaxation time.  However, it is very mind-broadening, if not mind-stretching, if not information-overloading.  But you may feel heady with new ideas.  With so much going on first thing, you might want to provide a light schedule for the rest of the day, if possible, to digest your experiences.

An early breakfast aspect occurs on Friday (14th), comprising of Venus trine Saturn.  This brings hope, of people coming together with more commitment and loyalty.  Venus can provide a softening role to a hard line stance.  It is conciliatory, which may be just what is needed.  Relationships may need serious resolving, and this aspect can help, whether on a personal level, or between the North and South.  Liz Truss may U-turn on a previous hard line policy.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emotional high tide
  • Tomorrow – need for healing in relationships; harmonious information
  • Wednesday – the early bird catches the worm: sound features; then a bizarre phase; information overload
  • Friday – hope of commitment and loyalty.  Stand by your man.

Aspects for the week beginning 2 October 2022

Liz Truss and Kwazi Kwarteng

Dream Team or Nightmare Team?

This new duo running the country have been re-named “Kamikwasi Kwarteng and Librium Liz” by John Crace of the Guardian.  What do their birth charts tell us?  I was originally set to write about Liz when the Queen died, but now find myself writing about the pair in the aftermath of Kwarteng’s “mini-budget” and the dramatic fall of the pound.

Liz Truss

I wrote about Liz in 2019, during the Tory leadership contest when Boris Johnson was elected:


Liz Truss (odds 50/1)

“Just for fun.  Liz Truss has not yet declared her candidacy, but is rumoured to be considering it.  I only include her because she is my local M.P.  Like Jeremy Hunt she unnerves me, but for different reasons.  Her deadpan voice and slightly soulless gaze worry me, and some of the stances in parliamentary voting she has taken have lacked compassion.  She sits in a Tory heartland, and most of the people I know who have met her have been underwhelmed by her intellect.  She has Mercury conjunct Saturn, so there is some slowness mentally, but otherwise she has done well climbing on the political ladder without accomplishing anything remarkable.  She has Jupiter exactly square Saturn natally, which can indicate a strong Inner Saboteur.”

Her birth chart

Her birth chart reveals that she was born to lead and enjoys the limelight: she has half her planets (5) in the Cardinal signs, the Sun in Leo, and the Sun trine the North Node (karmic mission).  Her Sun squares Uranus, giving her an unbending and contrary nature.  She has a difficult T-square composed of  the Sun/Mercury conjunction, with an exact opposition of Chiron and Uranus, making her a square peg in a round hole.  Mercury square Uranus means she is not afraid to be controversial, “I don’t mind being unpopular”.  Moon in Pisces opposite Venus indicates there may be some disharmony with women, although she has been generous with providing her cabinet with women.  Mars in Taurus is very stubborn.  She has Jupiter exactly square Saturn, another indication of being a square peg in a round hole.  Her opposition between Jupiter and Uranus shows she is a gambler by nature, possible a Chancer.  She has the difficult Saturn-Uranus square, an aspect coming close this week to reappearing, which may be significant for her.

Life and Career

Her father was a professor of pure mathematics, and her mother worked as a nurse and teacher.   Their politics was much further to the left than her current stance, which has caused problems in terms of their support of her policies, though her early politics is unrecognizable compared to her current extreme right wing stance.  She went to a comprehensive school in Leeds, and the teachers and pupils were offended by her description of her education there as being inadequate during her leadership contest.  She went on to study Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University.  She married in 2000, and in 2004 and 2005 she had an affair with Mark Field, a married Tory politician (possibly indicated by Venus square Neptune in her birth chart).  Her early employment was at Shell.  She became an MP for South West Norfolk in 2010, the year David Cameron became Prime Minister, and was taken under the wing of the then Chancellor George Osborne, the architect of the regime of austerity. As our local MP she did not seem very active, though she supported the prevention of a waste incinerator being built in King’s Lynn.  However, the Queen Elizabeth Hospital in King’s Lynn has been crumbling in recent years, and this week was reported to be the joint worst in the country, without any interest shown on her part.  She worked through several government departments after 2010, but her work was not distinguished enough to merit her slogan “delivery, delivery, delivery” in the Tory leadership contest.  [Please note I am not deliberately criticizing, merely stating facts].  In her recent role as Foreign Secretary, she has been very blunt in her condemnation of Vladimir Putin (visiting Russia earlier this year sporting a Russian hat), and she recently insulted both Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland and Emmanuel Macron, President of France.  But she achieved the release of Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe from an Iranian prison, which was rumoured to have been an opportune moment for the troubled Tory party – an overdue and welcome achievement.

The leadership contest after Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister is so fresh in our memories, as not to necessitate a historical account!  Her transits on becoming Prime Minister were Mars opposite her Neptune (spiritual zeal), and Jupiter opposite her natal Pluto (taking power, but not necessarily in a balanced way).

Kwasi Kwarteng

Old friends Liz Truss and Kwasi Kwarting both became MPs in 2010, the year Cameron became Prime Minister.  They were born in the same year, two months apart.

His Birth Chart

Kwasi has 0 Earth planets, suggesting he is not very grounded.  He has 6 of his 10 planets in Cardinal signs, so he likes to be a leader.  With 0 Fixed planets, he may lack staying power.  It is being suggested that he may be the fall guy if the unpopularity of their joint economic policy requires someone to take the blame.  He is an intellectual Gemini Sun exactly sextile Mars in Aries, a Verbal Warrior.  He has the Warrior linked with his karma, too, with Mars trine the North Node. His Sun conjunct the South Node may mean he is used to power, from past lives, possibly in Egypt.  He has Mercury trine Uranus, showing an innovative mind (he has been described as brilliant).  Mars opposite Pluto could show an inclination to railroad policies, disregarding obstacles or people.  Neither Liz nor Kwasi show diplomatic skills.  Jupiter exactly squares Saturn, just like Liz, a bit of the square peg in a round hole syndrome she has…that’s one way they flock together.  Their synastry shows a personal magnetism, with his Venus sextile her Mars, a mental affinity with her Jupiter sextile his Mercury, and their outer planets are conjunct by virtue of the closeness of their age.

His Life and Career

Kwasi is an only child, and his mother is a barrister, his father an economist. He was educated at an independent preparatory school, then Eton College. He then attended Cambridge University  where he read classics and history.  He worked initially as a colomnist at the Daily Telegraph.  In 2016 he voted in favour of Brexit, and he became Business Secretary in 2021 under Boris Johnson’s leadership.  Liz Truss appointed him as Chancellor on 6th September, and he produced his shock mini-budget on 23rd September, abolishing the 45% higher rate of income tax thus favouring the richest strata of society, and scrapped the limit on banker’s bonuses (in order to grow the economy).  The pound slumped to an all time low within days.

He has been described variously.  In an article in the Guardian, it is reported that one ally described him as having a “brilliant mind and is unbelievably intelligent, but sometimes too impatient and direct.”

Another description, from a Tory MP stated he was “the worst combination of laziness and arrogance.”

He is married, has a daughter, and lives in Greenwich, near Liz Truss.

On Trickle-Down Economics

“The problem with zombie ideas is that they encourage other undead ideas to rise up too. It already seems that Kwarteng, instead of killing off the trickle-down zombie, will revive the austerity zombie; even though tax cuts never generate growth, and austerity never arrests the growth rate of public debt, the UK is destined to be haunted by these two zombies for two more years.”

~ Yanis Varoufakis, writing in the Guardian

Labour are now 33% ahead in the polls, and Liz Truss this week completed a bruising set of interviews on local radio.  She needs to show leadership this week at the Tory Party Conference.

The future seems uncertain, both for the two of them, and the country.  I did mention during the Tory leadership contest that for Liz  “In the New Year, Pluto will exactly sextile her natal North Node, so a new phase of karma is likely to come about.”


We have had six planets retrograde, which necessitated a great deal of inner searching.  But Mercury turns Direct today, and Pluto will also do so later this week. So today’s event is a long-awaited (well, three weeks) boost, especially if you have been struggling with computers, I.T. and broadband connections, or delays in communications (which I have!).  There may be some accompanying sense of relief.  You can certainly pick up momentum on some projects which involve paperwork and documentation, and make some more essential journeys (as long as they are not by train!).

On Tuesday (4th) Saturn comes close to revisiting its square with Uranus, which may register in  your life.  You may revisit some of last year’s issues, hopefully to resolve and understand them finally.  It has been a conflict between the old and the new, or the new trying to make its way through.  That day may be particularly significant for Liz Truss, as she has the square exact in her chart.

Fast forward to Friday 7th (mid weeks have been fairly empty lately!) and we have a helpful trine between Mercury and Pluto.  Mercury trine Pluto is mentally harmonious if not challenging us to dig deeper.  This aspect is conducive to psychological reflection, and earnest conversations between friends or colleagues.  It is good for in-depth consultations and negotiations, and researching past lives.

Friday’s trine is well timed, because on Saturday (8th) Pluto will be Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  The previous day’s trine will enable a thorough going over of outstanding psychological issues, so that a movement forward can take place on the Saturday.  It will be a fresh start, psychologically.  We may feel we are making headway in our transitions, or at least gaining a foothold on a more salubrious path.  Although we are still living in stressful times, we may be able to size up our tunnel, even if the light at the end may not yet be showing itself.  If you have a breakthrough on Saturday, that may be the sign you need.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – communications go ahead
  • Tuesday – a confronting of long standing issues, and possible resolution
  • Friday – deep and satisfying conversation
  • Saturday – psychological go ahead