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Aspects for the week beginning 23 September 2018

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Part 2

We are being served our first opportunity to see the contestants compete this weekend, and so it is time to take a look at the next four with their eye on the glitterball.

Lee Ryan

Lee Ryan, member of the boy band Blue, has Sun in Gemini conjunct North Node exactly, and so is a born performer.  He also has Verbal Warrior energy, as Mars is added to make this a triple conjunction.  Many times his Verbal Warrior has landed him in hot water, not least when the 9/11 attacks took place and he stated: “What about whales? They are ignoring animals that are more important.”  With Mercury opposite Uranus, he is not afraid to be controversial.

Having Venus trine Uranus, he likes novelty and variety in his love life; with Mars in Gemini, he likes to have two strings to his bow; and with Sun opposite Neptune intrigue follows him.  He currently has a girlfriend but already much is being made of his closeness to his new dance partner Nadiya.  Although he has a powerhouse of energy (Mars trine Pluto), on the dance floor his Mercury opposite Jupiter may expose a difficulty in concentration.

His partner Nadiya Bychkova finished in 6th place in the competition last year.  She’s a very perfectionistic Sun, Mercury and Mars in Virgo, with all the brilliance of Sun exactly trine Uranus, and all the energy of Mars sextile Pluto.  Although they are already “close” their astrological compatibility is not remarkable, with her Mercury square his Neptune.

This weekend Lee has Mars sextile his Jupiter (he’ll throw himself into proceedings with enthusiasm).  Uranus trines Nadiya’s Sun, forming a Grand Trine with her Uranus-Sun natal trine, so she will be on sparkling form.  At the end of the contest Lee has Uranus opposite his Saturn (pushing him out of his comfort zone) and Uranus trine his Neptune, which may be inspirational for him.  She has Jupiter sextile her natal Venus at the end of the contest, so she will be enjoying life socially or romantically, and Neptune will be trine her Chiron (she will be in good shape and highly tuned physically), but Saturn will be on her natal Neptune, so there may be some inner conflict going on, and Neptune will be opposite her natal Mars, so her footwork may not be as sharp as usual.  Overall prospects of this duo? Not outstanding.

Faye Tozer

Excuse me while I do a little jig…for Faye Tozer has an available birth time!  This means we have her vital statistics, which are Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Pisces and Ascendant in Scorpio.  Like Lee Ryan, she has Sun conjunct exactly the North Node, marking her out as a born performer.  His conjunction is in Gemini, so he could be quite light on his feet, and hers is in Scorpio, so her performance may have more depth or emotion. Both have very striking charts, in different ways.  Though they can both sing and dance, her chart is more emphatically geared to dancing, and reached fame as a member of the band Steps.  Her Moon at 29 degrees Pisces shows a special aptitude and sensitivity to dance, with Neptune closely trine Midheaven ensuring a career in dance, and a vehicle for that talent.  Jupiter also trine her Midheaven, provided lucky career breaks, most crucially teaming up in a band which specialized in choreographed moves.  When Steps were formed, Neptune by transit was sextile exactly her natal Moon at 29 degrees Pisces in 5th House.  Venus conjunct Pluto in Libra provides musicality and depth of artistic performance.  I think she will earn some special praise from Craig Revell Horwood.  She has electrical energy, personality and good co-ordination  (Mars closely trine Uranus/Ascendant).  She may also have great inspiration from Jupiter trine Neptune.  She claims that she can get a bit distracted – if that is true, it would possibly be due to her Mercury being virtually unaspected.

Her partner Govanni Pernice is by now a veteran of Strictly Come Dancing.  Astrologically, they would communicate well, as his Neptune and Sun sextile her Mercury.  His Mars sextiles her Saturn and his Jupiter squares her Uranus, so he can coax her to overcome any lack of self-confidence.  This weekend, Faye has Jupiter conjunct her Sun, which is lucky, but she also has some blocks, in Saturn opposite her Mars and Mars opposite her Saturn.  Something is holding her back a little.  Uranus sextiles her Mars, so she’ll be extra electrical in her energy and performance.  However, Uranus opposite her Ascendant may make her prone to injury, especially in the ankle region early on in the contest.  My guess is that she will make a sparkling entrance to the competition.  Giovanni will be very focussed with Pluto trine his Mercury and Mars trine his Mars, plus the North Node sextile his Mars and conjoining his Jupiter.  The end of the contest does not look so spectacular for Faye, despite a trine from the North Node to her Moon which will make her feel generally mellow.  Giovanni too seems to lose momentum for some reason by the end of the contest, with only a mildly encouraging Mars trine to his Saturn.  They will start well, and on paper they seem a good partnership, but their finishing transits do not stand out.

Katie Piper

Katie Piper is well known for having survived an acid attack prompted by a former boyfriend (Danny Lynch), and emerged despite this trauma as a philanthropist and television presenter.  She has Sun in Libra, as befits her original profession as a beautician and model.  She has an original mind (Uranus exactly sextile her Mercury), her North Node (karmic mission) is in Gemini, and her Mercury is sextile Jupiter, which describe the media element of her career.  She has some disruptive energies in her natal chart, (Mars square Uranus, Venus square Uranus and Chiron, and Mars square Jupiter).  But the transit which occurred when she was attacked was Saturn square her natal Chiron.  She may have some strange past life karma, with Neptune conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius.

She is teamed with Gorka Marquez, and at the pairing described their “great chemistry”.  His Mercury squares her Nodal Axis, so they may have a strong brother/sister relationship.  His Mars is on her Chiron, bringing out her Inner Healer, but his Saturn squares her Sun which implies that he will be quite a disciplinarian in their relationship. This weekend Katie has Pluto square her natal Sun, so she will find the regime quite demanding and challenging, at least initially.  Perhaps she will have difficulty balancing her personal life with the rigours of dance practice.  Gorka has quite a mixture of light and shade transits: Mars trine his Mars and opposite his Jupiter, Neptune trine his Pluto, Pluto trine his Mercury (good concentration and focus) and Pluto on his Saturn (challenges for him, too).  At the end of the Strictly season, Katie will have Mars square her Nodal Axis, Jupiter square her Mars, Uranus opposite her Pluto (all challenging), but the blessing of a Jupiter Return, so she could be one of those players who  gradually improve and ease into the contest.  At the end, Gorka will have Mars opposite his Mercury (fractiousness), but to balance that out Mars sextile his Saturn (a fairly supportive transit).  Again, I don’t think this is a pairing that will continue to the finish.

Charles Venn

Playing the senior nurse Jacob Masters in Casualty since 2015, actor Charles Venn has a dramatic birth chart to match some of the dramatic storylines he has been given since he joined the programme.  He is very much an action man, with a tight T square between Mars, Pluto and the Sun.  So he’ll excel in the fast and furious dances!  He previously starred in two footballing dramas, early on in his career.  With Mercury trine Mars, he has good co-ordination and quick reflexes.  Helpful aspects for dance are Mercury loosely trine Neptune and Mars trine Neptune, which may help him get into character and master the footwork.  He’s impatient though, and with Mars opposite exactly Pluto may feel like giving up at some point.

He is partnered with Karen Clifton, and they have an interesting synastry, as she has aspects that bring out his explosiveness (her Mars squares exactly his Sun; their Marses are closely opposite each other; her Mars is closely conjunct his Pluto) and other aspects which may help to control and shape his fiery T square energies (her Saturn conjoins his Uranus; her Pluto trines his Saturn).  It looks like a stressful but energetic partnership.

This weekend he has Saturn opposite his natal Sun, so he may not enjoy the discipline of the dance, and Saturn squares his natal Mars, so his energies are challenged.  But Mars sextiles his Mars (strengthening his energy in other ways) and  the North Node trine his Mars (he needs the experience karmically!).  Other challenging transits include Pluto square his natal Uranus (a shock to his system) and Chiron opposite his natal Pluto (although he enjoys fitness, he may overdo things physically).  So not an easy start for him, overall.  Karen has Neptune on her Venus (so may be confused romantically), Mars trine her Mars (also energized), Saturn square her natal Mars (as has Charles, so they may have a similar block), the North Node sextile her Mars (again, she needs the experience, karmically!) and Pluto square her natal Saturn (hard work).  At the end of the contest, he has the North Node conjunct his Mercury – he will have learned a lot, and will take a keen interest in proceedings; and Chiron will be trine his natal Mercury, so he will be feeling balanced healthwise.   Karen will have Saturn trine her Mercury, so she will be feeling philosophical, or stoical.  I don’t see this pairing enduring to the end, either.

So an interesting mix of couples here, and some may do very well, but I don’t think the winning pair are in this batch.  I will be along with Part 3 in a few weeks’ time, when the contest is more embedded.


The Sun swans into the beautiful sign of Libra on Sunday 23rd September at 1.54 a.m., in the annual event known as the Autumn Equinox.  We will be required to wave the summer goodbye and look for the colours of the new season, and the fall of leaves.  The leaves have been turning colour already, on trees which, like all of nature, are currently confused by global warming.  There is a theme of balance with Libra, not least in its inception with the night and day hours being equal.  So it is a good time to take stock, and ponder what is in balance in your life and what may be out of kilter and needing attention.

It’s an up and down week, and the afternoon may bring communication or travel difficulties, with the flattening effect of Saturn squaring Mercury.  Weather could also be disruptive, and patience may need to be your mantra.

Monday (24th) brings a brisker vibe, in the shape of Mars trine Mercury.  In contrast, communications may zip along, and the day could be very productive.  So what you lose in delays and obstructions on Sunday, you may recoup on Monday.

You may feel the sap rising, or the emotional temperature, on that day, because there is a Full Moon at 2 degrees Aries in the early hours of Tuesday (25th).  This Full Moon presents a tussle between self-interest (Moon in Aries) and catering for the needs of others (Sun in Libra).  Emotionally, you may connect with aspects of your Inner Child which demand the attention.  So the balance of Libra is still important, but there may be more personal considerations you may have ignored for a while which you have to take into account.

At the other end of the day, nearly midnight, the Sun squares Saturn, which may again bring a flattening of mood, and complicate the contemplations of the Full Moon (to be selfish or not to be selfish), because guilt or other negative emotions may creep in to test you further.  It is important to release negative emotions therefore, and see them for what they are.

Our energies will be revived again on Thursday (27th), when the Sun trines Mars.  The weather may turn warmer, too.  Sun trine Mars favours all energetic pursuits, such as keeping fit, sporting activities, training for marathons and dog walking.  It’s a rousing time to start an active project.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – equilibrium; communications delayed
  • Monday – brisk business
  • Tuesday – weighing up alternatives; a flattening of mood
  • Thursday – energetic revival

Aspects for the week beginning 16 September 2018

Fenella Fielding (1927 – 2018)

“She reminds me of the great raconteur Quentin Crisp – the same love of language, mastery of its rhythms, perfectly formed sentences, and a joie de vivre even when relating her profound despair.”

 The Guardian

Fenella Fielding may well have been before your time, dear reader.  But in my childhood and teenage years, she was a household name, and a captivating character.  She died this week, at the ripe old age of 90.

Birth Chart

With 6 of her 10 planets in water signs, Fenella had a very emotional chart.  Her Sun was of course in sultry Scorpio (it could not be otherwise, with her femme fatale image), and it was exactly trine Jupiter, which ensured many opportunities in life (some of which she chose not to take up).  She was said to be cheerful and optimistic, as befits a positive natal Jupiter.

Her Ascendant was in theatrical Leo, with Neptune rising, creating a personality of glamour, mystique and allure.  Marylin Monroe also had Neptune rising in Leo.

Saturn in 4th House depicts her difficult childhood, with difficult parents and a violent father who stood in her way initially when trying to make a name for herself in the acting profession.

Mercury in Scorpio produced the trademark husky voice, which was a gift to impressionists.  Mercury was also conjunct Mars, giving her an easy wit – she could be spontaneously funny.

She was an intellectual, keeping Plato by her bedside, interpreting Ibsen, Wilde and Chekhov  masterfully on stage, and taking part in intelligent activism.  That her mind was the foundation of her life and art is shown by a forensic Mercury conjunct the I.C. in Scorpio in 3rd House.

She also had a powerhouse of energy, with Mars closely trine Pluto and loosely trine Jupiter, in a loose Grand Water Trine.

Life and Relationships

Many felt that Fenella did not reach her full potential, and often attribute that to her having become typecast from the role of vampish Valeria in Carry on Screaming (1966).  The Times deemed her Hedda Gabler to be “one of the experiences of a lifetime”. She turned down some possible prestigious roles.  I do think that she had a fondness for comedy, despite her genius as a serious actor.

Her autobiography “Do you mind if I smoke?” revealed some of the harmonies and tensions between herself and some co-stars.

Ron Moody gave her her first big break.  The connections between their charts are extensive and include: Her Pluto opposite his Sun (life changing), her Mars square his Venus (magnetism), her Jupiter trine his Mars (mutually energizing), and her North Node sextile his Neptune (a karmic and spiritual link).

She found Kenneth Williams, who she worked with in several productions, very difficult.  In their synastry, his Moon square her Venus may hint at a personal antipathy.  There are some more harmonious links between them, but his Mercury square her Saturn hints at problematic communication.

Theatre critic Michael Coveney recalls she “dressed in clothes of a severe line, with white collars back and front, clasped with big jewellery, which gave her the appearance of an unlikely modern nun on the run.  No one ever had such a laughing drawl, or haughtier, naughtier intonations”.

He reveals in the Guardian Obituary that she never married, but “for 20 years she kept two lovers on the go, one of them married, without either knowing of the other’s existence”.


Fenella had a strong urge to maintain her working life, even in recent years.  She suffered a stroke a few weeks ago, and with a transiting Uranus conjunction to her natal Chiron she passed over.  But Saturn was also trine her natal Chiron (the Inner Healer) enabling a coming to terms with her transition.  She had a good innings, but, in common with many others, I would have liked to have seen more of her!


Today, Mercury trines Pluto, which is an excellent aspect for talking about things that matter.  Make sure you wring every ounce of meaning out of your conversations, or in your writing.

As Alexander Pope said, “drink deep, or taste not the Pierian spring: there shallow draughts intoxicate the brain, and drinking largely sobers us again.”  That’s a good description of Mercury trine Pluto.

We are fortunate to also have today a sextile between Mercury and Jupiter, so Geminis and Virgos could have some very constructive communication today.  Mercury sextile Jupiter favours broadening the mind, and boosts business ventures.  You may also experience new ways of looking at things.

Tuesday (18th) is more tricky, with Mars square Uranus.  This is a wild electrical energy, and caution should be your watchword, both in human interactions (with any volatile types) or in relation to the environment (such as freak storms).

Friday (21st) serves up a sparkling mental outlook, with the Sun conjunct Mercury at 28 degrees Virgo.  This aspect occurs early in the morning in the U.K. (the previous evening in the U.S.) and your dreams could reveal to you in a message an important way of managing or organizing your life.  On waking you might feel extra keen to be productive or push on with a project.

Mercury goes into Libra on Saturday (22nd) and you’ll be open to new relationships as you go about your business or social life.  Artistic and musical creativity will add special colour to your outlook, and be extra engaging.  You will have gathered facts while Mercury was in Virgo, and now you can add colour to those facts.  The contenders for the new series of Strictly Come Dancing will have been put through their paces, and will now be ready to show you what they can do.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – deep, satisfying and uplifting conversations
  • Tuesday – tricky, or even explosive
  • Friday – mental clarity
  • Saturday – colouring in


Aspects for the week beginning 9 September 2018

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Part 1

The new hopefuls were paired up last night, and the nation is full of anticipation of another sparkling season of Strictly Come Dancing.  Non-viewers please forgive this generalization!  Here are my first four assessments.

Ranj Singh

The popular TV doctor Ranj Singh is a very independent character, with an unaspected Sun in Cancer.  As a doctor, he specialized in paediatrics, which is a Cancerian province.  Venus in Gemini.  With Saturn conjunct his North Node in Virgo (a responsible attitude to health) trine exactly Chiron – a karmic mission involved with healing is sealed.

At the beginning of this series of Strictly Come Dancing this weekend, Mars is trine his natal Mars (he is truly fired up!), and Chiron is sextile his natal Mars (so he is physically fit).  At the end of the contest (I can only take a guess at that date at the moment), Mars squares his Neptune, Jupiter squares his Saturn, Saturn trines his Saturn, and Uranus squares his Mercury.  That is not a glowing set of culminating transits, more steady than anything, but he could still do well, e.g. get to the semi-final or even the final.

All the contestants seemed delighted with their pairings last night, and Ranj declared that he and Janette Manrara “get on well”. Her Mars sextiles his Mercury, so they will communicate well, physically and mentally.  Her Jupiter sextiles his Pluto, so she will bring him confidence, and he will contribute power.  They have a couple of exact squares between them, but their sextiled Saturns enables them to work together in a disciplined way.  At the end of the tournament, Janette will have Chiron opposite her Mars (a possible health or injury issue), Jupiter on her Uranus (the power of surprise) and Chiron square her Neptune (again, a health issue possible).

Susannah Constantine

Susannah Constantine, one half of Trinny and Susannah, made her name on their show “What Not to Wear” in the early 2000s.  Back in the day, I used to pray that they never came to my door, but nevertheless they were highly popular style consultants.  Susannah does in fact have an amazingly talented Grand Trine in Water to her Venus (fashion and taste), so astrologically she has the credentials for her chosen path. She has Venus in Cancer trine Jupiter/Chiron in Pisces and Neptune in Scorpio.  She also has the hugely energetic trine between Mars and Pluto.  Trinny and Susannah are both Air signs, and Trinny’s Sun trines Susannah’s Mercury, which is good for a business partnership.

She’ll obviously be interested in the costumes and sequins in the Strictly experience.  This weekend she has the Nodal Axis squaring her Mars and Mercury square her Mercury, so she could be quite nervy, though they won’t be facing judgement for a few weeks.  By the end of the contest, she has Neptune trine her Venus (bringing out the best in her dancing, including inspiration) and Jupiter square her Pluto (experiencing her power, though not without struggle).  She will be on a high, even if it is just the thrill of having taken part in the series.

Susannah was paired with the veteran Anton du Beke, so she will be guaranteed some laughs.  Interestingly, and unusually, they don’t have a strong connection astrologically, so it will be fascinating to see how they do get on.  Their strongest link, which is an amiable one,  is his Jupiter two degrees away from her Venus, which is very pivotal in her chart.  At the end of the tournament Anton has Chiron square his Venus, which is not a happy aspect.  But he’ll still be energetic and strong, with Mars trine his Neptune and Pluto sextile his Neptune.  Given the fact that Anton has never got close to winning, this pair do not seem likely to get within reach of the glitterball.

Ashley Roberts

“It is the mind that creates either heaven or hell. So, the mind needs to be controlled. Then we won’t have to experience sorrow. There will be only bliss, bliss, and bliss.” —Amma (Sri Mata Amritanandamayi Devi)

Ashley Roberts was a member of the Pussycat Dolls, together with other members who have a high profile in the U.K. such as Nicole Scherzinger and Kimberly Wyatt, who have also taken part in reality shows here.  She left the group in 2010 and in the following year, Ashley followed the “hugging saint”, Amma.

When Ashley took part in I’m a Celebrity in 2012 (in which she was runner up), I wrote the following:

“Ashley is a perfectionistic Virgo, with 4 planets in elegant Libra.  … she has the push me-pull you conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn.  She comes across as quite level-headed, so has it well balanced.  I think the contrast of her US identity gives her an advantage, as she is able to be more detached from some of the British concerns and personalities, and makes her more able to make light of the experience (“Another day in Paradise” she observed wryly.)  She has a spiritual side, yoga and meditation being part of her daily ritual, and these will help sustain her for at least a few more days.”

Her transits this weekend are Mars squaring her Venus (out of her comfort zone, but enjoyable), Saturn sextile her Venus (holding her own),  and Uranus opposite her Venus (a bit of a shock to her system).  At the end of the contest, she has Jupiter trine her Mars (superb for co-ordination and energy), and Saturn square her Saturn (a bit of a struggle, could be quite tired).  Despite the latter, I think she could be a front runner, or contender for the glitterball.

Ashley was paired with Pasha Kovalev, and they have a karmic connection (her South Node on his Sun).  Her Uranus sextiles his Mercury, so there will be a lot of telepathy between them.  Her Uranus sextiles his Saturn, so she may bring something new to his performance.  Her Neptune squares his Sun, so there may be confusion or merging in their personalities.  Her Pluto also sextiles his Neptune, so they will communicate on a deep level.  At the end of the contest, Pasha has Uranus square his Sun (there may be an upset or disruption for him – at best, excitement), the South Node will be on his Sun (Ashley will be having a Nodal Return, so an important time for them both karmically), Saturn will be trine his Jupiter (steady progress).  Maybe Pashley (as they may come to be known) will come second.

Graeme Swann

Graeme Swann the former cricketer, now commentator on the sport, is rather out of my realm of knowledge, so I tried to read his autobiography on hubby’s kindle, and found that it was…all about…cricket.  He has a marvellously sporty birth chart, with the Sun exactly conjunct Mercury in Aries trine Jupiter.  He has Mars on the South Node, possibly depicting warriorship in past lives.  Emotionally, he has quite a detached planetary picture, with an almost unaspected Moon in Aquarius, possible square Uranus and Chiron, together with Venus in Aquarius square Uranus.  According to hubby, he was able to be quite detached from the drama when he was playing cricket.  One of his best aspects is Mercury trine Jupiter, giving him a wide ranging and humorous mind. He is quick witted and good at impressions. Mars closely trine Uranus gives him electrical energy, which you may see on the dance floor.

His transits for last night were: North Node trine his Sun (this could change his life!), Jupiter trine his Mars (at a physical peak), Pluto sextile his Mars (super energetic), but Pluto square his Pluto (may feel he has bitten off more than he can chew).  The astrological picture at the end of the contest for him shows up a Mars Return (aligned energy), Uranus square his Jupiter (surprises), Chiron trine his Jupiter (learning and healing), Jupiter square his Saturn (encouragement), Saturn trine his Saturn (bringing out his powers of discipline), Pluto sextile his Uranus (meeting unexpected challenges), and Mars square his Neptune (his sensitivity stretched to the limit).  That’s quite a line up, so he could do well, but certainly there will be a lot going on in his life at that time.

Graeme has been partnered up with the dynamic Oti Mabuse, and he showed us his flossing moves as taught by his 7 year old son (but judge Craig Revel Horwood was not keen on his hip action).  Grame and Oti are likely to produce some stunning dance performances.  His North Node trines her Mars, so she could bring out his leadership qualities, essential for the male dancer.  His Mars (which has a return at the end of the contest) sextiles her Saturn, bringing out their ability to work with precision.  His Uranus sextiles her Saturn, so he may bring something new to her performance (as with Ashley and Pasha).  In addition, her Uranus trines his Chiron, so they will be problem-solving inventively at a higher level throughout the series.  At the end of the contest, Oti has Uranus square her Jupiter (exciting) and the North Node on her Jupiter (karmic rewarding), Chiron trine her Jupiter (miraculous healing), Mars sextile her Saturn (great control allied to movement), but a difficult Pluto on her Saturn.  Despite the latter transit, they could win the contest.

I’ll write about the next four when the contest starts for real.  Keep viewing, if not dancing!


This morning, Venus went into Scorpio.  She will be there a while, as she turns retrograde on 5th October, then returns to Libra at the end of October.  Venus is harmonious in Libra, but her affections deepen when she enters Scorpio, and are that bit more demonstrative. Greater intimacy is therefore a feature of Venus in Scorpio.  There’s a chance to understand your relationship more profoundly.

Around tea-time, there is a New Moon in Virgo, which freshens up health and fitness regimes, and new resolves in that area.  It also encourages ecological awareness and practices, such as standing firm against fracking.  What you intend this afternoon and evening may be an important focus for you over the coming month.

Tomorrow (Monday 10th) Comet 21P/Giacobini-Zinner comes close, near to the Fixed Star Capella in the constellation of Auriga.  The appearances of comets may highlight something unusual  in our lives – think back to earlier visits from comets in your life.

From: “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld, we learn that Capella

“can help people bring spiritual ideas into a form that can be practical and applied well in the world.  This is an energy of resonance and connection.  When translated into human terms, these energies are best shared by working with love, compassion, and understanding.  Capella can be helpful in strengthening family connections, family ties, and awareness in one’s own biological family of certain pastlife connections that can improve family relationship.”

The event may be visible through binoculars.

Mars returns to Aquarius in the early hours of Tuesday (11th), and you may feel that you have tied up some loose ends while Mars was in its recent stint in Capricorn, and are able to turn your attention to wider social ventures, such as supporting the underdog or encouraging community projects.  Mars in Aquarius is about teamwork, but also about activating friendships (e.g. engaging in shared leisure interests together).  Mars stays in this sign until the middle of November, so if you are wanting to rally the troops in a common cause this is your time.

Around noon, the Sun sextiles Jupiter, one of the best aspects of the week.  Some luck may come your way, but if you are in a dance competition some luck may also turn up for the others.  Just take advantage of the upbeat vibe in terms of your own goals, and without comparing yourself.

In the afternoon, the Sun trines Pluto, an aspect which can make a profound difference to your performance, whether on the dance floor or elsewhere.  It can bring meaningful creative expression, and psychological insight into whatever is your current preoccupation.  There’s an element of drama and passion, without the destructiveness that can sometimes manifest with those qualities.

Wednesday (12th)  is the pivotal day, with the heavyweight aspect of Jupiter sextile Pluto working to improve your life.  Optimism combines with power, to again lend meaningful action to our lives (which seems to be a theme this week).  It may be a day of grand gestures, for instance.  Those who have not been working to use power wisely, or soften their egos, may overstep the mark (I can think of a couple of blond male politicians), but otherwise this constitutes another very constructive force this week.

Another aspect occurring on the same day, but not quite as powerful in its operation, is the disruptive Venus opposite Uranus.  So you may see cross-currents or crossed purposes, with hopefully the constructive element gaining the upper hand.  Uranus opposing Venus is disruptive socially, for example bringing unexpected misunderstandings or estrangements in relationships.  If a stand-off is unavoidable, then you may need to surrender to the bigger picture.

Venus sextiles Saturn on Thursday (13th), so there may be some reparation or conciliation in the disruption to relationship from Wednesday.  This aspect can re-establish loyalties, and hopefully bring relationships back on track, providing the issues surrounding the earlier disagreements are understood.

The astrological atmosphere around on Friday (14th) is one of fuzziness, mental confusion, or unclear health issues.  Journeys may be long and complicated, and conversations convoluted.  It may be difficult to extricate yourself or disentangle yourself from a situation or a conversation.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sincere; a new beginning
  • Tomorrow – signs and wonders; family connections
  • Tuesday – new enthusiasm for group activities; a stroke of luck; creative depth
  • Wednesday – the meaning of life; disrupted relationships
  • Thursday – loyalty
  • Friday – fogginess

Aspects for the week beginning 2 September 2018

U.K. Politics – Autumn Term 2018

With both our main parties tearing themselves apart at this point in time, and the country still divided over Brexit, I thought I would take a look at the current state of play astrologically in U.K. politics.

U.K. Chart

Neptunian confusion reigns supreme in the (1922) U.K. chart at the moment.  So it is no wonder we are in the state we’re in.  Jupiter from Scorpio in 6th House squares its natal Neptune in Leo in 3rd House, so its communications are unclear or exaggerated.  Neptune from Pisces in its 10th House squares its natal Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius in 7th, so its reputation and relationships are unclear. There is a sense that it has “lost its way”.

Theresa May

Aside from practising her dance moves in Africa, she is limbering up for the challenges of a new term, walking a tightrope with Brexit, trying to maintain her Chequers proposal, and staving off a challenge to her leadership.  She is ready for the fight, with Mars trine her natal Mercury, Jupiter sextile her natal Jupiter (still smiling), and Mars sextile her natal Saturn.  However, with Mars square her natal Neptune, she is facing subversive factions.

Conservative Party

The transits to the chart of the Conservative Party show a deep state of flux, but ultimately for its healing.  The following transits apply: Pluto sextile its natal Sun (transformation), Chiron trine its Venus (attempts at healing), North Node trine its Mars (resolve) and Neptune sextile its Pluto (embracing complexity).  Therefore the Party seems more resilient than one would think, especially if you are hoping for its imminent overthrow.

Boris Johnson

It is always being reported that Boris Johnson is hungry for the top job, and that there is a movement afoot to unseat Theresa.  He resigned over the Chequers proposal just after David Davis, but has been lying fairly low (for him) apart from offering journalists a cup of tea.  Nevertheless, his current transits look positive (for him) with Chiron from Aries in 6th House sextile his Mars in 8th in Gemini, so he is currently emboldened.  Neptune from Pisces in 6th House currently sextiles his natal Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House, so he is quietly confident (as distinct from being the usual noisily so), and even more tellingly transiting Neptune is trine his natal Neptune in Scorpio in 2nd House, so he is regrouping spiritually. I don’t think we have seen the last of his ambition.


Using the chart for when Brexit was triggered we find:

Saturn square its Venus – stuckness, and difficult relationships and economic issues, Chiron on its Venus (a desperate attempt to address its wounds), and Pluto square its Jupiter (total chaos).  The question of the Irish border remains an imponderable, one which all attempts at negotiation or compromise fail to address properly.

Chequers Proposal

This is Theresa’s baby, an attempt to find a middle way through the minefield, beset by extremists on either side.  Alternatives seem to be No Deal (indigestible to many, but not so unfavourable to Theresa herself), or the People’s Vote (our right to have a final say to the arrangements that are arrived at, which Theresa has ruled out on her part).  Current transits to the chart of her proposal are: Neptune trine its Sun and Saturn trine its Uranus, not unfavourable transits.  It is said that Europe have ruled it out, but maybe there is still a chance.

Dominic Raab

Dominic Raab, newly appointed Brexit minister in place of David Davis, seems less averse to the hard work required.  He is a Piscean, with his Sun/Mercury square Neptune.  So he has sensitivity but also stealth, and may encounter complicated problems.  His natal Jupiter trine exactly Saturn is good for balanced judgement.  Very favourably, he has an exact Grand Trine in Air between Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus, which may stand him, and us, in good stead.  His current transits are a lot of energy, vim and vigour: Mars on his Venus and trine his Mars, but nothing substantial at this time.  It might be worth looking at his chart again in a few months’ time (when we are getting really desperate).

Jeremy Corbyn

Leading the Labour Party, Jeremy is currently under fire for not dealing effectively with the anti-semitism issue (e.g. allowing Ken Livingstone two years breathing space to decide to resign), and not being sufficiently forthright about Brexit.  He nearly won the last election, but has lost some ground since then.  Those of us who want a fairer society are becoming increasingly anxious that it is not going to happen. Currently, Neptune is square his Venus (under a cloud of suspicion), Pluto trine his Mars (he is standing firm), Uranus is square his Jupiter (being unstabilized at the same time), and Chiron sextile his Jupiter (inwardly there is some healing going on).

Labour Party

Like the Conservative Party, the Labour Party is currently tearing itself apart, with John McDonnell visibly straining to try and keep the peace this morning on the Andrew Marr show.  But in its natal chart, Neptune squares its Pluto, which is a formidable and deep seated challenge to its existence.

Frank Field

Frank Field is a deeply respected veteran Labour politician, who has achieved a lot in the traditional Labour field of combating poverty.  He resigned the Labour whip this week, ostensibly because of the anti-semitism issue.  Vocal left-wingers such as Owen Jones put the emphasis on the fact that he has supported the government over Brexit initiatives, and incurred unpopularity in his local constituency.  But he also raises the issue of bullying over the Momentum inspired deselection of MPs who do not toe the party line.  His current transits show the North Node (karma) sextile his natal Uranus (Inner Rebel) and closely conjunct with his natal Pluto (total transformation).  This emphasizes his innate need to be an individual (natal Sun unaspected).

Keir Starmer

Keir Starmer, sometimes tipped as a future leader of the Labour Party, is in charge of shadow policy on Brexit, the counterpart to Dominic Raab.  He seems to have a steady hand on the tiller.  He has a Solar Return today (i.e. it’s his birthday), and Uranus is trine his Uranus, so he may surprise us at the beginning of this term.

Jonathan Sacks

Former Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks launched an attack on the failure to address anti-semitism this week, around the same time that Frank Field resigned.  It’s an important time for him in expressing his truth, with Jupiter trine his Sun, and Jupiter square his Saturn (overcoming his natural caution).  Jupiter is also on his South Node, so he is addressing some past life karma.  He was interviewed at length this morning by Andrew Marr, and stood firm on his assertions.  John McDonnell then had the opportunity to respond on behalf of the Labour Party, urging a face to face dialogue between Jonathan Sacks and Jeremy Corbyn


Tomorrow (Monday 3rd) Mercury sextiles Venus, which is a delightful start to the week.  It’s a very social and communicative vibe, suitable for friendly and creative discussion and co-operation.  Artistic collaborations thrive under this aspect.

Mercury enters Virgo on Thursday (6th), and if you have already started working on your Autumn schedules, this placement will enable you to get down to the nitty gritty and flesh out your plans in more detail.  There will also be more emphasis on health and ecological awareness, such as dealing with the proliferation of plastic.

On the same day, Saturn is stationary, prior to going direct, at 2 degrees Capricorn.  If you know which House this falls in, in your chart, you will have more idea how to apply it. Certain matters which have been stuck since April, may slowly start to make progress again.  You may feel you can move forward, though cautiously.  One more retrograde planet less.

An exciting aspect on Friday (7th) makes us more inclined to shake ourselves out of a mental rut: Mercury trine Uranus.  We may have an idea, a bolt from the blue, which takes hold and interests us enough to act upon it.  This aspect is good for innovation, originality, surprise communications, and upgrading technology.  Look to the future, literally.

That aspect interlocks with another trine, Mercury trine Saturn, on the same day, to form a Grand Trine in Earth.  This means that a great deal can be accomplished on that day, and grand plans could come to fruition.  Mercury trine Saturn favours laying down plans, and even attending to some of the detail then and there.  You may get quite absorbed in what you are doing.  Your proposals will be coherent and sound, and incorporate the new while honouring the old.  This trine in particular will be good for tackling documentation, such as letters or emails you have been meaning to getting around to for some time.

Towards the evening, the Sun opposes Neptune, and it may be a good time to take a rest or a break.  Maybe with all you achieved earlier on in the day, you have been working harder than intended, or work filled up more time than you could comfortably spare.  Your concentration may not be so acute in the evening, and issues may seem more clouded or confused.  Conundrums may present themselves to you.

Saturday (8th) brings a change of emphasis, one more centred around human emotions, with Venus squaring Mars.  This may bring up issues around political correctness or social manners between the sexes.  You may be drawn to interaction and enjoy the sensuality, but caution is the watchword.

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – social niceties
  • Thursday – more detailed work; some slow progress
  • Friday – bright ideas, mental application, later confusion
  • Saturday – sensuality

Aspects for the week beginning 26 August 2018

Fleetwood Mac – A Soul Group – Part 4:  Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham

Twists and Turns

More arrivals and departures were to take place before the establishment of the group’s renaissance due to the energy of Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham.  First Jeremy Spencer got involved with a brainwashing cult “Children of God” and virtually disappeared while they were on tour.  The breakaway planet of Uranus was squaring his Sun, and the brainwashing planet Pluto was squaring his Mercury (brain).  So they lost one of their Cancerians.

He was replaced in 1971 by Leonine Bob Welch, from California.  Mick Fleetwood recalls: “Bob brought vocal harmonies to the band and he wrote with Chris, designing songs around their shared tunefulness”.  He played rhythm guitar.

Next Danny Kirwan left, in the middle of a U.S. tour in 1972.  He had always been emotionally fragile, and as well as finding the touring a great strain he also argued with Bob Welch.  His last album with Fleetwood Mac was “Bare Trees”, for which he contributed 5 songs.  He died in June this year (2018), and in the Guardian Obituary by Adam Sweeting, his role in the band’s history was described thus: “Kirwan can thus be seen as the missing link between the original Fleetwood Mac, planted squarely in the British blues boom, and the band’s megastar LA-based incarnation featuring Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham”.  Danny was a Taurean.

Bob Weston temporarily replaced Danny Kirwan from 1972 to 1973.   He was a Scorpio, like Peter Green.  Some of his Leo planets were antagonistic to his Scorpio planets.  He took the role of co-lead on guitar, together with Bob Welch. Weston did not feel his contribution was recognized.  He also began a secret affair with Mick Fleetwood’s wife Jenny (they were astrological twins, born on the same day of the same year according to Mick Fleetwood, but I have charts a week apart).  In October  1973 he was dropped from the band.

When Bob Welch left the band in December 1974 (as his marriage was on the rocks), Neptune was trine exactly his natal Mercury/Pluto conjunction (time for a change).  There was again a void to fill, and so began the era of Buckingham Nicks.

Meeting of Nicks and Buckingham

Two more Californians, Stevie Nicks and Lindsey Buckingham had attended the same school, and Buckingham played in a band called Fritz founded by Javier Pacheco.  When that band needed a female vocalist, Buckingham recommended Stevie who had sung with him.  They later became romantically involved (by 1971). Later on in their relationship, he had fallen ill with mononucleosis, was bedridden for 9 months, and she supported him financially.  They obtained a recording contract under the name of Buckingham Nicks, but struggled financially until they caught the ear of Mick Fleetwood at a crucial moment in time.  They were both prolific and enthusiastic songwriters, and would contribute much in that way in the new line up of Fleetwood Mac.  Starting from a predominently Cancerian line up, they now accommodated two Air signs.

Stevie Nicks birth chart

Stevie’s Cancerian credentials were Venus conjunct the I.C. in that sign, in the 3rd House of Songwriting.  Her Sun is in early Gemini closely square to Mars.  Her mental planets Mercury and Uranus form a sparky conjunction in Gemini, also in her 3rd House of Songwriting.  She has energy in spades, with Mars trine Jupiter  She is most associated with the song “Rhiannon”, the name of a Celtic Goddess, and her Moon (Goddess) is at the top of her chart, conjunct her Midheaven (Careerpoint and Persona) in her 9th House of Religion/Philosophy.  She has a very karmic exact square between her Pluto and the Nodal Axis.

Lindsey Buckingham birth chart

What immediately strikes you about Lindsey Buckingham’s chart is his hugely energetic but possibly destructive Mars/Pluto conjunction on his performing Leo Ascendant.  That he spent months of exhaustion after contracting mononucleosis may have been partly due to adrenal burnout from this demanding conjunction.  Neptune is on his South Node in Libra, sapping away at him psychologically if not physically.  So that high energy conjunction is paradoxically difficult to balance.  Aside from Leo, the other focus in his chart are his Sun/Mercury and Neptune/South Node in Libra.  The North Node provides support in being exactly trine his Mars/Pluto.  His relationship with Stevie was rocked by joining Fleetwood Mac, but their careers took an upward trajectory.

Their Synastry

The intricacies of their relationship were depicted by Lindsey’s Sun/Mercury conjunct exactly Stevie’s Neptune (very much a “can’t live with you, can’t live without you” connection).  Stevie’s aura of glamour and illusion was brought out by this liaison.  Lindsey’s Venus was exactly conjunct Stevie’s Chiron, one of interconnecting wounding and healing.  His Mars/Pluto was exactly conjunct her Saturn, so that would frustrate his energies and reveal his blocks.  His Neptune squared her Moon, so brought up her own emotional intricacies, including her own relationship with the Goddess energy.  What bound them together was their exactly trined Ascendants in fire signs (Stevie’s was in Aries).

with the group

Though the band had by now gone through many transformations, it is worth looking at their synastry with the original chart of the band.  Stevie’s North Node (karma) was exactly trine the band’s Venus (musicality).  Her South Node (past life karma) was exactly conjunct with its Mars (energy).  So, that was a very karmic connection.  Lindsey had positive energetic connections with the band’s chart, such as his Saturn sextile the band’s Mars, his Mars conjunct the band’s Jupiter, his North Node trine the band’s Jupiter, plus his Jupiter trine the band’s Uranus – his was a real infusion of successful new energy.

with Mick Fleetwood

Stevie later became romantically involved with Mick Fleetwood, and he describes her in his autobiography as a soul mate, drawn by a mutual love of the mystical and a shared taste for drama.  His Venus was exactly sextile her Pluto, a deep relationship indeed.  Mick described his respect for Lindsey as a musician, in his autobiography: “Lindsey…can play any instrument I’ve ever seen put in front of him…We think the same about music but feel it differently”.

with Christine McVie

Stevie and Christine became lifelong friends.  Christine’s Moon was probably trine Stevie’s Venus (though we do not know her birth time), balancing out Stevie’s own natal Venus-Moon opposition.  Their Marses were exactly trine, too.  In her autobiography of Stevie Nicks Zoe Howe describes them together: “Stevie was as wide eyed and adventurous as Christine was assured and down to earth.” As their relationships fell apart (John McVie drank heavily), they sought refuge in each other’s company.

First Album

Stevie and Lindsey joined Fleetwood Mac after Bob Welch left at the end of  December 1974.  Jupiter was sextile Stevie’s North Node (a karmic opportunity), Jupiter was opposite Lindsey’s Saturn, easing his path, and the North Node was sextile Mick Fleetwood’s Neptune (a serendipitous hiring for him).

Their first gig was at El Paso, Texas, on 15th May 1975, where they played “Rhiannon”.

  Mars was square Stevie’s Uranus (a happening time), Jupiter trine her Pluto (new power to her elbow), Neptune sextile her Neptune (she was coming into her stride spiritually).  Lindsey was having a rough ride astrologically, for Saturn squared his Neptune (at sea).  On the plus side, Uranus trined his Moon (changes), Neptune sextiled his Mercury (inspiration) and Pluto sextiled his Chiron (healing allied with power).

Howe writes:

“for Fleetwood, those early rehearsals with Stevie and Lindsay reminded him of the energy of the Peter Green/ Jeremy Spencer days”

Their first album together as a group was entitled “Fleetwood Mac” (released July 1975), which proved a resounding success.  But the extra pressures on their private lives racheted up their consumption of cocaine and alcohol, which would have repercussions on all their lives.

Zoe Howe provides their fashion styles in this period: (For Stevie:) “Black chiffon, handkerchief skirts, shawls and a top hat… a Witchy rock goddess”.  (For Lindsey:) “silk kimonos, velvet jackets and Byronic white shirts”. (For Christine:) “fashionable gypsy-Raquel threads, head-scarves and boots”. (For Mick:) “theatrical Victorian style with billowing sleeves, waistcoats, pocket watches and knickerbockers”.  And for John: “looks like he’s going to the beach” (an observation by Stevie Nicks).

By the final date of their 1975 tour (22nd December), they were all in meltdown.  Stevie had frequent throat problems, Mick’s marriage to Jenny was breaking up, and so was the McVie’s marriage.  Most of the group had a transformative transit of Neptune trine their Plutos, common to their peer group.

Part 5 of this series will tell the tale of their piece de resistance, the album “Rumours”.


“Stevie Nicks” by Zoe Howe

“Play On” by Mick Fleetwood



Sunday’s main events, began with a Full Moon in Pisces.  This is the most emotional of the Full Moons of the year, but also the most spiritual, in that we come to the end of a spiritual cycle.  It is also the most compassionate, and ecological disasters are still evoking are emotions.  The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that we are all One.

Also on Sunday, Venus was be square Pluto, a difficult aspect psychologically and emotionally.  Soul-searching, letting go and forgiveness work under this challenge.  Heart to hearts also work.  In relationships, you may have tackled difficult issues, or waited for a more suitable time to tackle difficult issues.  Just as we are all One, so are relationships Eternal.

Today, Monday (27th) sees Mars stationary, prior to going direct, at 28 degrees Capricorn if you can place this within your chart Houses.  If you have felt you were swimming against the tide, this direct turn can release some energy and sense of purpose.  We still have to wait for a few more retrograde planets to turn direct, but you may benefit from this one, especially if born under Aries, or if Mars is strongly accentuated in your natal chart.  This could be a physical renewal.

Tomorrow (Tuesday 28th) brings a dynamic square between Mercury and Jupiter.  That is a full on aspect, liable to overstretching, but sometimes pleasantly so.  There is a great deal of exchange of information, people to see and things to do, not to mention places to visit.  It is the last aspect of the week, so even if you do experience “too much information”, you can parcel it up, divide it into sections, and study it throughout the week.  It could keep you occupied and entertained all that time.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – emotions at full flood, psychological soul-searching
  • Monday – full steam ahead
  • Tuesday – educational and communicative

Aspects for the week beginning 19 August 2018

Aretha Franklin (1942 – 2018)

“Her voice could scald or soothe, singing with equal intimacy and intensity to her God or a faithless lover”

~ Richard Williams, The Guardian

Aretha Franklin died on Thursday this week, two days before Kofi Annan (see earlier blog).  She has, with the golden strength of her voice, been described as the Queen of Soul, and her music has been meaningful to many lives.  Glowing tributes have been pouring in from Presidents (Obama, Clinton) and musicians (Tom Jones, Carole King), and it is clear that she holds a prominent place in the hearts of many.  In her politics, she was a Democrat, and she performed at Barack Obama’s inauguration.  She performed with many other artists in musical collaborations, and her last appearance was last November (2017) at a benefit concert on behalf of  the Elton John AIDS Foundation.  She was born in Memphis, but is most closely associated with Detroit.

Birth Chart

Aretha has three conjunctions in her birth chart.  The first, Mars conjunct Jupiter, combines energy and enthusiasm in spades.  This, together with her Scorpio Ascendant, breathes so much life into her singing.

Her other two conjunctions are not so easy.  Second up, is Chiron conjunct Pluto, which can bring dark and challenging experiences in life, though it is a conjunction common to those born in her year of 1942, in the middle of World War II.

Thirdly her Saturn was conjunct Uranus, another of those difficult conjunctions in those war years.  This can bring personal earthquakes.  Her mother died when she was only  9 years old, when Pluto was opposing her natal Venus in 4th House.  When barely into her teens, she had two sons.   She certainly had a turbulent and stormy love life, with her marriage to Ted White in particular subjecting her to abuse.

Like Kofi Annan, she had the Sun in Aries.  As we know her birth time, we can see that it is placed in the 5th House of Performance.  It is also powerfully trined with her Chiron/Pluto conjunction, adding a transformative quality to her performance.

She had a great deal of mental energy, with her Mercury in Pisces closely square to the Mars/Jupiter conjunction.

Family Connections

Both Aretha’s parents were musical.  Her father Clarence (“the man with the million dollar voice”) was an itinerant preacher and singer, and her mother was a piano player and singer.  She came through a background of gospel and church music, which she infused later into her pop ballads.

Her father was a friend of Martin Luther King, and she herself was close to him.  The chart connections between the three are close and karmic, suggesting perhaps that they may have been from the same soul group.  Aretha’s own influence, channelling her soul into songs which influenced millions, demanding respect for women’s rights, and supporting the cause of human rights and freedom for black people, created a considerable impact and legacy in a different way from Martin Luther King.

Father and daughter had a spiritual link, with their Neptunes exactly sextile, and his Uranus was trine her Mars, offering telepathy and electricity to her energies in their relationship.  Her father had a dynamic mental interaction with Martin Luther King, with his Uranus on King’s Mercury.  Even more profoundly, his Pluto sextiled Martin Luther King’s Jupiter/Neptune trine (which represented the essence of his spirituality).  Aretha went on tour with Martin Luther King when she was 16.  Her Moon was conjunct his Pluto, and her Sun was conjunct his Uranus (both very dynamic connections).  Her Uranus was exactly conjunct with King’s North Node, and his Venus closely conjunct her South Node, which were karmic.  She sang at his funeral.


She found success in her singing career when she changed her label to Atlantic Records.  In January 1967 she recorded the poignant “I Never Loved a Man (The Way I Love You).  In April of the same year, she made a revolutionary recording of RESPECT by Otis Redding, which is possibly her most popular song, and certainly meaningful in the civil rights and feminism movements.  My own favourite is “Say a Little Prayer”, which I bought just before starting University in 1968, and so has special emotional associations for me.


She seems to have had a long running battle with pancreatic cancer, which considering when it was first rumoured (2011) she seems to have managed to cope with very well, continuing to perform until recently.  Pancreatic cancer was given as the cause of her final illness.  At the end, she was surrounded by those she loved, and had been visited by Stevie Wonder and Jesse Jackson. Another outstanding life, well lived.


Mercury went Direct this morning.  Can you tell?  I am hoping that this is a turning point, because we’ve had an extremely difficult week on our local railway line, between Norfolk and London.  So, good communications to you, until the next time Mercury goes retrograde.

More good news: Jupiter trines Neptune today, a magical unicorn type of energy, for those who like that.  It is a great aspect, and a rare one, for aligning spirituality with religion and for the good of all.  Martin Luther King had this trine in his birth chart, as has been mentioned earlier.  Make the most of the sacredness of this aspect today, and if you miss it today it will still be around to some extent, gradually fading over the week.

On Thursday (23rd) the Sun enters Virgo, which marks a new sense of purpose, after the enjoyment of the holiday season.  There is a renewed work ethic, new ideas for improving health and working conditions.  A new resolve to institute health and fitness regimes, and work rotas and practices.

The Sun trines Uranus on Saturday (25th), so if you missed out on the bounty of Jupiter trine Neptune at the beginning of the week, latecomers to the blog may be able to capitalize on  the inventiveness and creativity that is the potential of Sun trine Uranus.  Social projects and science initiatives benefit from this trine.  There could be an electrical excitement in the air.

Late in the evening, the Sun trines Saturn, so we have on the day an Earth Grand Trine, which is most constructive.  The Sun brings together the solid qualities and achievements of Saturn, and the innovative achievements of Uranus.  So you may be able to combine the old and the new in ways that are satisfying to all on that day.

I will be away on Sunday (26th) and will post the week’s aspects the following Monday (27th).  Therefore, I will just mention Sunday’s main events, beginning with a Full Moon in Pisces.  This is the most emotional of the Full Moons of the year, but also the most spiritual, in that we come to the end of a spiritual cycle.  It is also the most compassionate, and ecological disasters are still evoking are emotions.  At the Pisces Full Moon last year, we had just heard about floods in Texas and India.  This year we have recently had the Genoa bridge collapse, and floods in Kerala (India again). Rescues are ongoing for both at this time.  The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that we are all One.

Also on Sunday, Venus will be square Pluto, a difficult aspect psychologically and emotionally.  Soul-searching, letting go and forgiveness work under this challenge.  Heart to hearts also work.  In a relationship, you may feel that you want to stop communicating altogether.  If so, the communication will go underground, or wait for a more suitable time to tackle difficult issues.  Just as we are all One, so are relationships Eternal.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – communications a go go; the spiritual harmonizes with the religious
  • Thursday – a refreshing of work themes
  • Saturday – sparkling newness and reverence for the old
  • Sunday (26th) – the deepest compassion, and deep relationship issues


Kofi Annan (1938 – 2018)

Kofi Annan

“Wherever there was suffering or need, he reached out and touched many people with his deep compassion and empathy”

~ The Kofi Annan Foundation

Kofi Annan, an icon of diplomacy, departed this world this week, almost universally loved and respected, someone who did his best to make the world a better place.

Birth Chart

Annan had  the Sun in Aries, unaspected – making for a very independent soul.  We do not have a birth time for him.  His Moon may have been in Cancer (if born in the morning) or Leo (if born after noon).

There are several signatures in his chart which speak of peacemaking and negotiation.  Firstly, Mercury conjunct Venus in the strong, calm and stable sign of Taurus. Interestingly, he died on the day of a Mercury/Venus conjunction, a classic conjunction for diplomacy.

Another indication of his outstanding skill is his Mars (his ruling planet) trine exactly Neptune, which depicts the Peacemaker Archetype in that it can elevate the human energies above aggressive tendencies.

The third aspect I would pick out was his Jupiter in humanitarian Aquarius closely trine his natal Chiron, providing the vision and confidence to want to heal the world and improve its condition.

In his tribute, Putin himself pointed out “his wisdom and courage, his ability to make informed decisions even in the most complex, critical situations.”  This partly derives from his Uranus trine Neptune.

There was also his tireless energy, in Mars square Jupiter.

With Pluto trine closely his North Node, Kofi Annan made a very profound karmic contribution to the world.


Kofi Annan was born in Ghana, and originally studied Economics and Management.  But one of his first jobs was at the World Health Organization in Geneva in 1962, where he realized there were bigger issues to be dealt with in the world.  From there he went to work in various departments at the U.N., including that of Peacekeeping Operations.  When his predecessor at the top position Boutros Boutros-Ghali was away in August 1995, he stepped in and proved his mettle at decision making during a crisis.  His transits at the time were very telling: Mars was trine his Jupiter, and Pluto trine his Pluto (empowerment).

He became Secretary General of the U.N. in January 1997, and served two terms, until December 2006. On taking up office, Mars was sextile his North Node in Scorpio, boosting his karmic mission. He set about reforming the institution, seeing where its inefficiencies lay, expanding for example the Security Council.  As is usually the case, his period in office was marked by turbulence on the world stage.

Regrets, he had a few

He berated himself over events related to the genocide in Rwanda, and in Bosnia (Srebrenica).  He tried, and failed, to persuade Messrs. Bush and Blair to desist from the war in Iraq (declaring it to be illegal).  But any failures acted for him as a spur in his life to do better, and continue his efforts, even after he had left office.

Nobel Peace Prize

In 2001 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, jointly with the U.N. (Antonio Guterres said “In many ways [he] was the U.N.”).  Kofi’s Sun in Aries is within two degrees of the Ascendant of the U.N. chart, and the U.N. Uranus was closely sextile Annan’s Sun.  At the time of the award, Mars completed a Grand Trine with his natal Mars trine Neptune (which highlighted his talent for peacekeeping).  His achievements were cited as revitalizing the U.N., giving priority to human rights, commitment to containing the spread of HIV in Africa, and opposition to international terrorism.

Efforts after leaving Office

In 2007 he founded the Kofi Annan Foundation, working on international development for a fairer world, and promoting conflict resolution.  In 2012, with hopeful Jupiter on his Mercury, he took up the post of special envoy to Syria, where the civil war was raging, and still rages.  After 6 months, he withdrew (with Uranus on his Saturn), citing frustration with the lack of progress by the U.N. in conflict resolution.  He also led a commission in 2016 to investigate the Rohingya crisis.


At his death, Pluto (the planet of transition) formed a Grand Trine with his natal Mars/Neptune trine, as if to emphasize the description that his was a life well lived.  When interviewed in the Guardian in 2012 about his approach to diplomacy, he described it thus:

“You have to understand what drives them, appeal to their pride and vanity, and offer them a way out that saves face.”

Aspects for the week beginning 12 August 2018

Richard III – A Reprise

Richard Of York Gave Battle In Vain

Red Orange Yellow Green Blue Indigo Violet

I last wrote about Richard III in February 2013 when the findings from his unearthing in the Leicester car park were televised.  So I think an update now would not be too self-indulgent.

I wrote at the time:

“The television programme was fascinating, especially the role of his advocate, Philippa Langley, of the Richard III Society.  She became intensely involved after reading a biography of Richard III 15 years ago, and while standing in a car park in Leicester identified the spot where he had been buried.  Thus began a chain of events leading up to first his unearthing, and then the confirmation of his identification. I was very moved by her faith in him, and her own faith in her intuition.  She must have a very special karmic link with him.”

Last weekend, hubby and I travelled up to York, to watch a performance of Shakespeare’s Richard III at their new pop-up theatre (open until 2nd September).  In June, we both saw a breakfast TV report about the theatre, and both had a very strong urge to go to it.  On the train bound for Peterborough (the second leg of a three part journey) we met a chatty fellow traveller.  It emerged that he was a Richard III enthusiast, and declared that he had been to Bosworth Field in Leicestershire, the scene of Richard’s demise, and found it to be “most eerie”.

I had printed out my original blog for reference, which commented on the event:

“The chart of his death at Bosworth Field takes on a huge significance as being the turning point of the continuation of the royal line (not his).  It is a real what-might-have-been moment.  Fittingly, Pluto at his death was exactly sextile the U.K. Sun, indicating a complete change of course for the royal line (Sun).”

It all added to the anticipation of our visit and the main theatrical event.  Two days before we set off, we watched the Laurence Olivier film of Richard III, and were both captivated.  Despite some friends of ours feeling that he was a “ham actor”, we were both amazed at the portrayal and even subtleties of his expression.  We were both looking forward to going.  I was reminded of how vast a soul Shakespeare was to write all those plays, and the imagination of the histories especially.  I wondered whether he tuned into the akashic records.  But it is generally accepted that he distorted Richard III’s character and Machiavellian deeds to please the Tudors.

Why does the story still interest us, I wonder?  The Leicester car park story has added great intrigue, but I remember back to one History Department Christmas party at Nottingham University, back in 1969.  My Medieval English History lecturer invited us all for a hot toddy, dimmed the lights, and in front of a coal fire whispered “Who killed the Princes in the tower?”  My memory blanks out after that, because I just wasn’t interested.  Oh how I now wish I had listened more carefully…

There were to be more hors d’oeuvres to the main course, as my friend Janet popped back to York from the middle of her holiday to take us round some old haunts of Richard III.  This was most informative, factually and atmospherically, and reminded us of the strength of feeling there still is in York for the king.  For this reason I am including a guest blog by Janet about one of the reasons his burial at Leicester continues to rankle.

I took time to study one of the well known portraits of Richard III which I had seen many times before but particularly struck me forcibly, and I feel there is much more to tune into in that portrait.  The face has gentleness and sensitivity, which you don’t associate with the accepted accounts of Richard III’s character, and particularly the one as portrayed by Shakespeare.  This most famous of his portraits I feel conveys a compassion which it would have been difficult for an artist to manufacture.  Yes, artists often enhanced the beauty of a subject, but the delicacy and subtlety of this portrait I felt to be genuine.

I had written: “Another issue arising was his effeminacy.   Rather than having an effeminate chart, I see him as graceful with four planets in the sign of Libra.  The bone expert on the programme actually used the term ‘gracilis’ as an alternative to feminine.”

In our wanderings, I photographed some blurb, and was later pleased to find the birth date of Anne Neville, his wife.  That set me wondering if I should write a sequel to my original blog about Richard III, based on our current visit.

In Shakespeare’s play, Richard III seduces Anne Neville (played by Clare Bloom in the film) having killed her husband, and then goes on to marry her.  In their synastry, I found her Mercury to be trine his Neptune (being beguiled by him!), her Saturn trine his Uranus (his persuasiveness to an alternative lifestyle), her Neptune conjunct his Sun (she enraptured him), and her Neptune sextile his Pluto (a deep interaction).  They had a child, Edward of Middleham, who sadly died aged 10.

So, the main event of our trip was a long production of Richard III.  The actor portraying Richard III was young, and did not have quite the gravitas or menace of an Laurence Olivier, but nevertheless it was a very good production.    We marvelled, knowing the strength of feeling in York about Shakespeare’s hatchet job on Richard, that the play was even being shown.  Would the performance show more sympathy towards him in deference to that?  No it didn’t.

My original blog was written before they had settled on where to bury Richard:

“The next question on the agenda was where he should be laid to rest.  Should he go to York Minster, Leicester Cathedral, or Middleham Castle where he lived peaceably early in life ?  Or even Fotheringay Castle, where he started out that life. There is evidence to suggest that he wished to be buried at York Minster, according to the historian A.J. Pollard. The Soul that was or is Richard may have incarnated in between that lifetime and this, but it is clear that he has literally moved heaven and earth to rescue that portion of his soul which was trapped and restless under the Leicester car park.”

I concluded:

“For me the process of choosing his final resting place should go to Philippa Langley, who found him.  She clearly has a special connection with  him, and the capacity to find out his true wishes.”

Over to Janet, who can provide the York perspective:

Guest Blog, by Janet

Earlier this year there was an item in the York Press that a very senior York figure was moving on to an even more senior position elsewhere.

Here are two of the comments that appeared under the article – giving you a flavour of local feeling

redexile15th May 12:07 pm

Good riddance.

YorkNewcastle15th May 6:51 pm

Thank God. Thank you Lord for delivering us from the plague on our houses.

So who could it be?

It was in fact, The Very Reverend  Vivienne Faull  – Dean of York Minster .

Yes, she, who announced very firmly that York Minster didn’t want Richard III , made it very clear that reburial in York was not an option.

At this you could hear a sharp intake of breath all over York, for Vivienne Faull had been inaugurated only on December 1 2012 just a few months after Richard’s discovery in August. And her previous job? She had in fact spent the last twelve years at Leicester Cathedral as Provost and subsequently as Dean  during which time she had been involved in the negotiations over the proposed archaeological excavations in the search for Richard. Her insistence that Richard should be reburied in Leicester appeared in the agreements made with the University of Leicester.

Vivienne Faull clearly had little idea of the antagonism she would face in York.  Richard III is one of us! He’s ours! After his death and humiliation in Leicester, the townspeople of York continued to show their loyalty to him, to the extent that an emissary of Henry VII was afraid to enter the city in  the aftermath of Bosworth Field.

‘Forsomuch as the forsaid Sir Roger Cotam durst not for fere of deth come thrugh the citie to speake with the maire and his brethre, it was thought that they shuld goo unto him, wherupn the maireand his brethre went unto the sign of the boore and ther they speak with the said knight, which shewed unto them that the king named and proclaimed Henry the vii grete them well, and wold be unto them and this citie as good and gratiouse soveraign lord as any of his noble progenitors was before. 

To publicly display loyalty to a Plantagenet when a Tudor had taken the throne was a brave move.

There is very strong feeling pro Richard in York to this day – something Vivienne Faull underestimated.

Legal opposition to Leicester as burial place began.  The laws on exhumation and reburial state that human remains should be reinterred in the closest consecrated ground. As a quickly dug hole was hardly likely to be Richard’s chosen burial place so I’m not sure why this law was applied. Richard himself had planned to found and fund a large chantry chapel and college of one hundred priests to say masses for his soul and the souls of his family. His death occurred before the plan could be put into action.

In addition, in 1483 Richard crowned his son, Edward, as Prince of Wales in York Minster in 1483. Although we can’t be absolutely sure he wanted to be buried in York we do have these events as clues to his thinking   and the wishes of the deceased are supposed to be taken into account when reburial occurs.

So there we are. I was going to sign off as “Mrs Angry of York”  but instead I’ll finish with a few more words from the York Press comments section.

Emperor Palpatine15th May 8:24 pm
“Richard III is now at rest in Leicester and he should stay there because the argument between Leicester and York is finished. Personally I believe he should have come to York but it’s a debate that is closed.

That said, at the time she behaved disgracefully. She said York Minster didn’t want him and where did she used to work? Leicester. An honourable person would have declared a previous interest and stayed out of it. But not her, she stabbed York in the back and in my view disregarded Richard’s clear wishes.

She gave Leicester a eulogy during a homily at the Minster and incensed one man so much he was arrested! She even boasted about “being the enemy in York’s midst” – her words!

She doesn’t appear to have behaved very well in the bell ringing saga either. I think York is well rid of this woman.“

Oh, and by the way Vivienne Faull will be the new Bishop of Bristol. Watch out Bristol!


A last word, from Lana:  There was a feeling that Leicester’s later lucky year in football was brought by Richard III.  I feel that the karmic pendulum is going to swing backwards and forwards through time.  My Moon in Libra would like to think there was a win-win situation for the ongoing War of the Roses.  But so often there are situations which are difficult to bring to unity.  If anyone from Leicester would like to have right to reply, I would be happy to put their case.


Today the North Node sextiles Venus, ideal for smoothing over karmic issues, resolving relationship karma and easing connections. It is more about forgiveness and laying aside grievances than exacting karmic balance.  The law of karma works automatically – you don’t need to engineer it.  Your own knowledge is not complete enough.

Tomorrow (Monday 13th) Mars in retrograde motion leaves Aquarius and re-enters Capricorn.  This may have the effect of slowing down action, but action taken will be firmed up, based on realism, more authoritative, and less idealistic.  It may be that you have some unfinished business, need to polish up a project you started in the spring, or you need to attend to the finer detail.  Perhaps an element of the work needs to be corrected.

Between Monday and Saturday there are four days without major aspects.  Normally, I might fill in with some Fixed Stars, but there aren’t any.  Or I might go to minor aspects, but there aren’t any.  This could be a creative space, or a space to hone some of the themes of the week.

We end the week with a beautiful sextile between Mercury and Venus on Saturday 18th.  It’s a day for congenial communications, intelligent artwork, or enjoying nature.  Discussion and negotiation are satisfying under this aspect.

Appropriately, we are having a full reunion of the Quiet Office members on that day, it being the only day we could all manage, and that is something which hasn’t happened for a few years (November 2015 to be exact).  We are meeting at the Botanical Gardens in Cambridge, which is also very fitting.  I don’t try and shoehorn events into the aspects, but it is lovely when they dovetail perfectly.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – smooth karma
  • Monday – raking over old ground
  • Saturday – cafe culture

Aspects for the week beginning 5 August 2018

Fleetwood Mac – A Soul Group – Part 3:  Christine Perfect/McVie

“If you wake up and don’t want to smile
If it takes just a little while
Open your eyes and look at the day
You’ll see things in a different way”

from “Don’t Stop” by Christine McVie

Christine McVie

Time to introduce the first female member of the band, but before Christine’s arrival, they had to deal with the loss of founder member Peter Green.  The band were doing well, releasing two albums in 1968, “Fleetwood Mac” and “Mr. Wonderful”.  They continued to increase their fan base.

Although he had founded the group, Peter Green, was becoming increasingly unhappy with the way of life.  Belonging to the band gradually became dissonant with his developing philosophy of life.  He told Mick:

“Mick I don’t want to waste my life.  That’s what I’m doing.  I’m wasting my life.”

He was becoming increasingly sensitive to the suffering in the world, and wanted to give all his money to the poor.  He was obsessed with his search for God.  Mick described the reaction of the rest of the group: “We agreed with the beauty of his idealism, but we were practical.”

During their European tour of February 1970, he took LSD with some German hippies, and effectively left the band.  The effect on the band, according to Mick, was “like taking the rudder out of a sailing boat”.  Mick stepped into the role of leader, but there was a huge void: “Luckily we knew the finest blues-woman and piano player in all of England, Christine Perfect.

Christine was a member of the group Chicken Shack, who had married John McVie in August 1968.

Her Birth Chart

She fitted right into the band, astrologically.  As we saw in Part 1, three of the original members of the band were Cancerian (Mick Fleetwood, Jeremy Spencer and Bob Brunning).

The soul characteristic of the group was about expressing human emotion.  So of the 6 members introduced thus far, four were Cancerian, though one had left (Bob Brunning).  When I come to write my future blog on Music band Sun signs, Fleetwood Mac will represent that sign!  From Part 2 in the series, we saw that John McVie’s North Node in Cancer gave him a karmic key into the group.

As well as being a vocalist and keyboard player, Christine was a major force in terms of songwriting for the group, and this is shown by her conjunction of Venus and Chiron (across the cusp of Leo/Virgo).  Adele also has this conjunction, which has the ability to express the poignancy of love.  Christine’s hits would later form the core of the great album Rumours, which included Don’t Stop, Little Lies, Everywhere, and You Make Loving Fun.


In her synastry with John McVie, there was much tension (which may have been creative).  Her Sun squared his Jupiter, her Venus squared his Sun, and their Marses were squared.  On the plus side, her Jupiter was conjunct his Mars, and her Uranus trine his Neptune.

Their transits on their marriage (after a two week romance) were Mars sextile her Uranus (whirlwind relationship) and conjunct her Pluto (a force of nature); and for John the transits were more involved but positive (three trines), giving him more personal stability.

For her personal and working relationship with Mick Fleetwood: Mick’s Jupiter was trine exactly Christine’s Sun (success).  His Saturn was supportive of her Uranus in a sextile, balancing discipline and innovation.  His Saturn was also conjunct her Pluto, which was more difficult, and his Chiron aspects were a little antagonistic, so again there may have been some creative tension between these two.

As for her relationship with Peter Green, who had been best man at their wedding: harmoniously, her Jupiter trined his Venus.  And as so often when someone replaces someone else in a role or line up, there is an exact, powerful Pluto interaspect (as I have mentioned before) – in this case, her Pluto was exactly square his Sun.

Her synastry with the chart of the band (see Part 1) was largely harmonious: her Saturn sextile its Sun, her Mercury trine its Mars, her North Node conjunct its Jupiter (a beneficial karmic link), and her Sun sextile its Pluto.  Her Mercury squared its Saturn, so she may have brought some challenging thought to bear.


Christine joined Fleetwood Mac on tour at the start of 1970, and Mick Fleetwood describes the state of affairs at that time:

“The band’s new formula remained true to our roots, showcasing Jeremy’s skills, whilst allowing Danny to do more melodic rock…Christine became the glue…”

On a personal note, we went to see them at Nottingham University (before hubby and I were married) in early 1971.  We were a little disappointed by their performance at the time, Christine had already joined them, but it was before some of their dizzier heights as a group.  I do seem to recall they played Albatross, Black Magic Woman and Man of the World.  We always remember different things.  Hubby recalls some hiccups, such as a lack of co-ordination between the drummer and the bassist, while trying to get the rhythm right.  They were about to lose Jeremy Spencer (departing in February 1971) and Danny Kirwan, but about to gain Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks (subjects of Part 4).


“Play On” by Mick Fleetwood



On Monday (6th) the Sun squares Jupiter, and we’ll be making hay in the sunshine, but things could get a little out of hand, a bit like when you overdo a joke.  However, you may laugh till you cry, and that can be a rare thing.

At exactly the same moment (23.37 Hrs) Venus enters Libra, another good-time astrological feature, but with a cooler style.  Social charm wins the day.  Harmony in the Arts, sartorial elegance, peace and fairness, are all keynotes of Venus in Libra.

Between them, these two could get the party started.  Trouble is, it’s almost bedtime for some folks, so it may be cocoa or camomile tea all round, over some upbeat late night discussion.

Breakfast on Tuesday (7th) may be a continuation of the same, with coffee (decaffeinated or otherwise), blueberries and bananas, and more amiable discussion based on stimulation from the night before and dream interpretations.

Uranus is stationary prior to turning retrograde mid-afternoon, which could stop the mood in its tracks.  There may be a diversion to attend to.  Much has been made of the current plethora of retrograde planets (including everyone’s favourite, Mercury), so this adds to the season of inward reflection and revisioning.  In the case of Uranus, the element of the unexpected comes to the fore, so you may see some goalposts moving.

The early hours of Wednesday (8th) brings a trine between Venus and Mars, and the interplay between the sexes is warm, or that between your own inner male and female sides.  This aspect favours sensual activities, such as aromatherapy massages.  Book an appointment with your favourite practitioner.  I treated myself to a facial just before my daughter’s wedding.  I was surprised to find that it included the neck, shoulders, arms hands and feet (“for extra relaxation”).  I am not given to advertising, but the appointment was at Clarins, attached to John Lewis, in Cambridge, so that is a firm and hearty recommendation.  Feel free to advertise your favourite practitioner around, under comments.

Venus also opposes Chiron on Wednesday, so that may bring up issues which need healing, even though Venus trine Mars is very much of a balancing aspect.  It may be a case of “Now I am nice and settled, what is next for me to deal with?”.  The issues may be connected with one’s inner female, or one’s relationships.  It may be an artistic conundrum.

The next two aspects occur in the early hours.  There may be a rhythm of early morning waking, for instance, in response.  The Sun conjuncts Mercury at 16 degrees Leo in the early hours of Thursday (9th) and there could be an important message for you in dreams, or on waking.  You could try posing a question before you nod off, and may find the solution appearing on waking.  It is an aspect which brings clarity of thought and illumination.  If you are writing a play, for instance, the perfect line could come to you.

In the early hours of Friday (10th) Venus squares Saturn, which may be deflating in relationships and the Arts, or costly to the purse.  Saturn has a lesson for us in economy, whether in connection with effort or resources, and may require us to move towards greater simplicity.  In a relationship, you may need to move from 20 texts a day to the discipline of say twice a day.  Somebody may be getting drained.

Mercury squares Jupiter on Saturday morning (11th) and we have another full on day, with this aspect overstretching and overloading us mentally, but that could be enjoyably so.  Travel could be an important feature of the day, such as a holiday or leisure outing, or a guided tour.  It’s a good day to practise speaking foreign languages, which could become useful post-Brexit (I don’ t think I’ve mentioned Brexit for at least two weeks).

The big aspect of the day is the third eclipse of the season, a New Moon at 18 degrees Leo.  Leo can bring drama, but if you are writing a theatre script or preparing one for the Christmas pantomime, then the vividness of this eclipse could be useful.  It is helpful to know what House the eclipse fall in within your chart, so that you can apply the energies with more consciousness.  But otherwise, treat it as an enhanced new moon with new intentions, and creativity as a keyword or power, an opportunity to create a fresh start in your life.

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – jolly and elegant
  • Tuesday – emphasis on the element of the unexpected
  • Wednesday – sensuous, but in need of relationship healing
  • Thursday – the clarity of the higher mind
  • Friday – pause for thought in relationships
  • Saturday – mentally interesting, and a turning point

Aspects for the week beginning 29 July 2018

Imran Khan

Imran Khan emerged this week as the new Prime Minister of Pakistan, after twenty two years of striving for that aim.  His early incarnations had included cricketer and playboy, and he was one half of a celebrity couple with Jemima Khan (nee Goldsmith).  He was also a philanthropist, and founded a cancer hospital after the death of his mother.

Birth Chart

I am using the accepted date of 5th October 1952 for his birthchart.  At one time, the Pakistan Cricket Board gave out his birthdate as 25th November in that year, but this proved to be erroneous.

Many features of his life and personality can be seen to be derived from his Sun sign, Libra.  He was, for example, known for his good looks in his playboy days.  He has a political bent, in Sun conjunct Saturn, but at the same time a rebellious streak, in Sun/Saturn square Uranus.  This brings a conflict between the old and the new.  There are traits of leadership: he has half his planets (5) in Cardinal signs, and his Sun trines the North Node (a karmic mission which includes leadership).  His Moon in Taurus (the exact position of which is vague as we do not have a birth time) trines his Chiron (Inner Healer) in Capricorn, which symbolizes the hospital built in memory of his mother.  Venus also sextiles his Chiron, encouraging healing ways.  He is not afraid to be controversial, with Mercury square Uranus. He does have a complex mind, with Mercury also conjunct Saturn/Neptune, sextile Pluto and trine his North Node.  Mercury trine closely the North Node found expression in his founding a technical college (in 2008).  His mind would be continually on the go, in all different directions.  He has Jupiter sextile closely Uranus (The Entrepreneur and Philanthropist), and Jupiter square Pluto (a love of power).  But a standout aspect in his chart is Mars trine Pluto, a powerhouse of energy, helpful in sport. Pluto on his South Node in Leo suggests power in past lives, perhaps in Egypt.


Khan was educated at University in England, graduating with a degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics from Keble College, Oxford.  In the early years of the 1970s he also began his cricketing career, and cultivated his playboy image, reported to have been “non-stop partying” at nightclubs, though he was teetotal.  He was quoted as saying: “I never claim to have led an angelic life”.

The Cricketer

Imran was active as a very good all round cricketer for two decades, from 1971 to 1992.  He made his name especially as a fast bowler (Mars trine Pluto).  He reached his peak in 1982, becoming captain of his country’s team, and led Pakistan to victory at the 1992 Cricket World Cup.


In 1995, Khan married Jemima Goldsmith, daughter of James Goldsmith and Lady Annabel Goldsmith.  A golden couple, and a union between Islam (Khan) and Judaism (the Goldsmith clan).  Their synastry was not unproblematic: His Venus was square her Sun, and his Saturn opposed her Chiron, but his Mars was sextile her Mercury (a lively communication) and his Neptune trine her Jupiter (much good will between them).  Jupiter was sextile his Sun when they married, and Jemima’s Venus received strong aspects from the outer planets, so there was great hope at that time.  Lady Diana became a close friend and visited them in Lahore.  The couple had two sons, Sulaiman Isa and Kasim, and Jemima moved to Pakistan, but though she converted to Islam she could not settle there, and was under attack for her ethnicity, especially when Imran’s political ambitions attracted enemies.

They divorced, amicably, in 2004, and Jemima returned to the U.K.  She was reported to be delighted at his victory this week.


Imran Khan founded his political party, the Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf, in 1996, motivated by a sense of justice and appalled by the political corruption in politics and poverty in society.  It was to be a long and slow battle, to attain political power (natal Jupiter square Pluto), with many viscissitudes.  He was offered some positions of power, such as that of Prime Minister to Musharraf in 1999, but turned them down, not wishing to be associated with corruption. In 2007 he was placed under house arrest, with Neptune (incarceration) conjunct his North Node and square his Jupiter, and Mars square his Sun (personal danger).  In 2011 he addressed huge rallies, and became thought of as a real political threat to the ruling parties.  Just before the elections of 2013, with Pluto square his Sun, he fell headfirst from a stage and was hospitalized, but his party emerged as the second largest party at that point in time, forming the opposition.


This week’s victory sees the fulfilment of his natal desire for power (Jupiter square Pluto) in that Pluto has moved to trine his natal Jupiter.

The course of true politics, of course, never does run smoothly.  There have been accusations of vote rigging, and of cosying up to the powerful military.  He did, in his victory speech, try to strike a unifying tone (very Libran).

Simon Tisdall writing in the Guardian and Observer describes Pakistan as “a divided nation that is  also one of the world’s most impoverished and unstable states”.  Undeniably, however well-motivated Khan might be, he may be hamstrung in all sorts of ways and by all sorts of warring factions in trying to accomplish his aims. Tisdall feels that his premiership may enable a shift in international relations.  The chart of Pakistan shows a conjunction between its Jupiter (its aspirations) and Imran’s Pluto (his desire for power), which is a significant combination with potential, but not always easy to achieve with the “honesty and integrity” which Imran professes. But it is worth a try.


Aspects this week centre around Thursday and Friday.  Therefore I am providing some input from the Fixed Stars, for those of you who like to work with them.

Tomorrow (Monday 30th) our Sun aligns with the Fixed Star South Asellus in the constellation of Cancer.  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld  provides the following seed thoughts for this star:

“Some way of relating to teenagers through animals has been discovered as a powerful means of creating better bonds and a better sense of self….Communication with the animal kingdoms and to a lesser extent the plant kingdom will be enhanced for most people.  This will especially apply to mammals and their ability to share their needs with people.  This will work best with animals in the wild or animals who are nom-domesticated…  The closer to the wild state, the more the influence.  People may become aware in a very personal way how the family of humanity can combine with the family of animals.  They may recognize their own ability to communicate with animals and trust it a little bit more.”

Thursday’s (2nd August) aspect is Mars square Uranus, a disruptive, electric type of energy.  Wilful types may try and railroad proceedings for more diplomatic or gentler types.  The latter would do well to disengage until the energy is more to their liking, or more workable for them.  Mechanical items can go wrong, or tempers could get frayed. This aspect can often bring literal thunderstorms, weatherwise.

Friday (3rd) could bring some rebalancing of that state of affairs, with a sextile between Mars and Chiron.  The wilful types may see that their way of doing things is not working in a group situation (it may work for them on their own), and invite some healing input from others.  Healing actions and efforts can thrive under this aspect.

Two Fixed Stars are operational on Saturday (4th): Acubens in Cancer, and Kochab in Ursa Minor.

Bernadette Brady, in her book on the Fixed Stars, cites Rigor as attributing Acubens with “a logical mind, strength, perseverance and good organization”.  She also states that the star is linked with “the energy of giving life, the gateway of life”.

“Starlight Elixirs” offers the following:

“In this star you see some of the more generalized tendencies of Cancer that have a symbolic effect on people such as a willingness to express and work out family issues, to understand the nature of the home, and to create this more clearly. There is some general influence here with better understanding of the subtle forces involved in creating a home, such as through the Chinese art of geomancy known a feng shui.”

For the other star of the day, Kochab (again from “Starlight Elixirs):

“This star can assist people in grounding information from their past lives.  This is a way in which one becomes more comfortable with one’s past lives, as if these lives are running concurrently or parallel to one’s present life and can affect the person in positive ways.  The ability to accept this easily, feel good about the information, and take it in by actually owning it and really knowing it, this is far beyond a verbal or intellectual process.  This can generate a deeper sense of power within the individual.”

Anyone for a regression?

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – animal communication
  • Thursday – disrupted energies
  • Friday – healing energies
  • Saturday – home and family issues; past lives