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Aspects for the week beginning 9 December 2018

Question Time

Question Time has been an enduring institution at the BBC since it began on 25th September 1979, as a spin off of the radio programme Any Questions (itself an enduring institution since 12th October 1948).  David Dimbleby hosts his final edition of the show this coming Thursday, 13th December, while this week it was announced that Fiona Bruce will take over the mantle of Chairperson.

Natal Chart

The main focus of the chart of Question Time are the signs Virgo, Libra and Scorpio.  The North Node and Saturn are in Virgo. The Sun, Venus, Mercury and Pluto are in trying-to-be-fair-and-balanced Libra, with Mercury conjunct Venus providing a platform for discussion.  The Moon and Uranus are in Scorpio.

The chart of Any Questions also fell into a similar area of the zodiac, with Venus and Saturn  in Virgo, Sun and Neptune in Libra, and Mercury, Mars and Chiron in Scorpio.  The Moon is in Scorpio, providing a spirit of enquiry, and the North Node is in Virgo.

Robin Day

The first host for Question Time was the flamboyant Robin Day, he of the polka dot bow ties and sharp wit.  His Sun was at the very beginning of the incisive sign of Scorpio, again falling into this sector of the zodiac.  This was a defining opportunity for him, the Question Time Jupiter was sextile his Sun, and he managed ten years as Chair.

Robin Day had the Sun, Venus and Jupiter in Scorpio; Mars, Mercury and Saturn in Libra.  Known for his cutting wit (“The Grand Inquisitor”), he had a T-square formed by Mercury square Pluto and Mercury opposite Chiron.  The flamboyant side of his nature is shown by the Full Moon at his birth, and Venus trine Uranus.  He also had an enquiring spirit searching for the truth: Jupiter square Neptune.

As a student at Oxford University, he became president of the debating society.  Dick Taverne described him as: “The most outstanding television journalist of his generation. He transformed the television interview, changed the relationship between politicians and television, and strove to assert balance and rationality into the medium’s treatment of current affairs”

His last programme was aired on 12th July 1989, with Pluto on his Venus (a goodbye) and Pluto trine his Pluto (self-empowerment).

Peter Sissons

Peter Sissons was the next broadcaster to pick up the baton, between 1989 and 1993.  From a fixed venue in London, the programme began to tour the country, a feature it retains to this day.  Peter hails from a different segment of the zodiac, with the Sun in Cancer.

Peter has Mercury conjunct Jupiter in Cancer, indicating an enquiring mind with a broad range of interests.  His North Node is in Virgo, in karmic harmony with the Question Time North Node in Virgo, and he also has Moon in Virgo.  His Mercury/Jupiter conjunction sextiles the Question Time North Node, providing extra karmic connection.  In his chart comparison with Robin Day, his Jupiter sextiles exactly Robin Day’s North Node, showing the karmic opportunity provided by Robin Day.

An interesting feature of his background was that he attended junior school in Liverpool with John Lennon and Jimmy Tarbuck, then attended the Liverpool Institute for Boys with George Harrison and Paul McCartney.

When he left Question Time, Jupiter was trine his natal Jupiter/Mercury and sextile his natal North Node, so he may have seen it as a liberation.  He continued to work at the BBC Nine O’Clock News and the Ten O’Clock News, but in January 2003 he was dropped from his post.  He claimed that the changes were due to the ageism within the broadcasting company policies at the time, and the astrology certainly shows that theme, with Saturn (Ageism) transiting his natal Venus in Gemini.

In his 2011 autobiography “When One Door Closes”, he criticized the BBC for being, as he saw it, too left wing.  This is interesting, since these days the opposite is suspected.  The whole concept of Question Time, of course, demands a fair and balanced debate.

David Dimbleby

David Dimbleby has sat in the Question Time chair for a quarter of a century!  He comes from the Dimbleby broadcasting dynasty (Gemini Richard, his father, and leo Jonathan, his brother).  Like Robin Day, the original chairperson, he has Sun in Scorpio which is actually conjunct Robin’s Sun.  But David Dimbleby has Scorpio magnified, because his Pluto is exactly square to his natal Sun.  And he owns his Sun sign, having had a Scorpion tattoo inscribed on his shoulder.  Mercury and the North Node are also in Scorpio in his birth chart.  With Mercury opposite Uranus, he is not afraid to be controversial.  And like Robin Day, he also has Mars in Libra.  mars sextile exactly Pluto gives him the ability to handle hostile forces (e.g. in the audience!).  And also in common with Robin Day, he also has Uranus close to his South Node.

His synastry with the Question Time chart in sustaining that role includes his Pluto (ruling planet) sextile the Question Time Sun (durability), his Pluto conjunct the Question Time Mars (endless energy) and his Mars sextile its Mars (drive).

While at Oxford University, David Dimbleby was a member of the notorious Bullingdon Club (as were David Cameron, George Osborne and Boris Johnson).

In his long tenure, he missed a programme on 12th November 2009, when John Humphries stood in for him.  He had been knocked out by a rearing bullock at his farm.  Most notably, Pluto was squaring his natal Mars at the time, which depicts a personal danger.

At the announcement of his leaving, Uranus was opposite his natal Sun (breaking away) and squaring his Pluto (also breaking away).  Increasingly, the last two years, the predominant proportion of time has been given to questions about Brexit, which has been very tedious and repetitive, and the questions and answers seem to go round in a circle.  No wonder Dimbleby is retiring!  His last programme will be this Thursday 13th December 2018, where his farewell transits will be Mars trine his North Node in Scorpio, and Saturn opposite his Chiron.

David Dimbleby is of course himself an institution on the BBC, and has hosted many a General Election through the night.  So he will probably keep his hand in, in the coming years.

Fiona Bruce

Fiona Bruce has been chosen as Dimbleby’s successor.  Apparently, she performed well in front of trial runs with audiences, impressing “with her authority, warmth, and ability to connect with the audience and champion their concerns.”

Fiona is a Sun in Taurus.  Interestingly, Jeremy Paxman was considered for the role at the time David Dimbleby was chosen.  Jeremy has been nicknamed as “the Rottweiler”, but seems to have softened in recent years.  Jeremy Paxman is a Taurean, like Fiona.  This sign gives her qualities of doggedness and stamina when dealing with the challenges of the role.

Like Peter Sissons, she has Mercury conjunct Jupiter (endless curiosity), and hers is part of a triple conjunction with the Sun.  With 5 planets in Earth signs, she would be very grounded, but Sun trine exactly Uranus would make her a quick thinker, and also prevent her from being too stuck in the mud.  Her chart does have more similarity with Peter Sissons’ generally, with the Sun sextile exactly a North Node in Cancer (her role in the Antiques Road Show).  Jupiter sextile exactly Saturn may give her a balanced judgement.  She has the mid-1960s high energy conjunction of Uranus/Pluto in Virgo (she once sang in punk bands).  Uranus sextile exactly the North Node gives her leadership, and good group consciousness.  Neptune trine exactly her Chiron brings healing qualities.

In her relationship with the Question Time chart, its Saturn squares her Venus, so she may feel tied down.  Its Neptune also squares her Chiron, so may be draining to her healing energies.  The role could take its toll – though she has said she will continue her other programmes, but she may have to re-think.  Her Pluto is exactly sextile that of Robin Day, symbolic of carrying on a tradition over the generations.  At the announcement of the take over, Saturn was trine her Mercury (a mental commitment).  Her first programme will be on Thursday 10th January, when Saturn will be trine her Pluto, marking a long term project.  But Pluto will be square her Mars, which will not be easy.  David Dimbleby’s length of service in the role will be hard to beat!


Aspects this week are extremely thin on the ground, as to be almost non-existent.  Two planets change direction, mercifully forwards (but these events are not aspects).  There is only one aspect as such, and that occurs today.  So make it last!

Chiron is stationary, prior to turning direct today.  This is a helpful step on  your healing pathway, a boost to your healing energies, and will assist you in finding new healing avenues.

On the day that Chiron went direct last December, I noted: “Interesting that yesterday when Chiron (the Healer) went Direct, a new treatment for diabetes was announced: a liquid diet of 800 calories a day, which applied for several weeks enabled enough weight loss to remove fat from around the pancreas, and bring about remission.”  There have been further developments to this story during the course of the last year.  The government has even announced in the last month that very low calorie diets are to be introduced to tackle type 2 diabetes.

Also today, as if to emphasize this healing trend, Mercury trines Chiron, which provides more of the same.  Because we experienced this recently (on 4th) when Mercury was retrograde, now that Mercury is retracing its steps, we might find healing themes recurring.  As mentioned last week, Mercury trine Chiron describes healing on a mental level (positive thinking, writing and affirmations), and helps to combine conventional and alternative or complementary healing approaches.  If you noticed such a theme last week, the flow may continue this week.

On Wednesday (12th), Mercury re-enters Sagittarius, from its retrograde period retracing its path in Scorpio.  It went into Sagittarius at the end of October, before dipping back to Scorpio.  Mercury in Sagittarius is fun loving, so buy some joke books as stocking fillers for those you love, young and old!  Mental expansion and curiosity are also prevalent with this placement, so books fostering keen interests will be welcome this Christmas and into the New Year while Mercury is in Sagittarius.  “Knock, knock, who’s there?” and “Did you know…?” are phrases that may be ringing in your ears.

All these influences will be hanging around for most of the week if  you need them.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – healing progress and mental avenues of healing
  • Wednesday – fun loving, and a thirst for knowledge

Aspects for the week beginning 2 December 2018

George H.W. Bush (1924 – 2018)

Another former president of the United States of America died this week: the elder Bush.  Contemplating his life takes us nostalgically back to an era when progress seemed to be happening in the world…

George Herbert Walker Bush was well prepared for his role as president, having built his character and life experience through service in the second World War, as a businessman in the oil industry, as a Congressman and as a Vice President.  Then as fate would have it, his period of office as president coincided with important world changes.  His Ascendant was exactly conjunct the North Node, indicating that he was a karmic catalyst.

Birth Chart

George had the Sun in Gemini, the Moon in Libra and   his Ascendant in Leo.  His Sun was exactly square Uranus, so he was strong willed and not afraid to be controversial.  He had Venus conjunct Pluto in Cancer, so he was a man of deep feelings and patriotism.  Mars was exactly trine Saturn in his chart, indicating measured action, and he was described as a “pragmatic caretaker” which is descriptive of that trine.  He found strength through his religious faith, and that is reflected by the positive interaction of Jupiter trine Neptune in his chart.

The Bush Years

His inauguration as president took place on 20th January 1989, and he was defeated by Bill Clinton in the election of 1992.  His term in the most powerful office in the world was uniquely important in history, as has been mentioned.


At the time of his inauguration, and dominating the first year of his presidency, there was a world changing triple alchemical conjunction of Saturn, Uranus and Neptune in the cauldron of Capricorn.  At this point in time, the triple conjunction was trine the North Node in Pisces, activating world karma.  In his inaugural address, he stated:

“… a new breeze is blowing, and a world refreshed by freedom seems reborn; for in man’s heart, if not in fact, the day of the dictator is over. … A new breeze is blowing, and a nation refreshed by freedom stands ready to push on. There is new ground to be broken, and new action to be taken”.

The fall of the Berlin Wall

“Bliss it was in that dawn to be alive. But to be young was very heaven!” So wrote Wordsworth about the French Revolution, but the fall of the Berlin Wall on 9th November 1989 had the same momentous atmosphere of rebirth.  The dissolving of long term barriers and the prospect of unification gave rise to a sense of optimism and the world heading in the right direction.

How did we come from there, to here, now?  To having a president talk of walls between countries.  It makes you wonder what has happened in the years in between to reverse this spirit.

At the time of the fall of the Berlin Wall, Saturn and Neptune had come together exactly at 10 degrees Capricorn.  It is interesting to note that Saturn, which has a 29 year cycle, reaches that point of 10 degrees Capricorn this very month, around the Christmas period.  Pause for thought: again, how did we get from there to here, with fascism on the rise in Germany and across Europe, seemingly the opposite of progress.  How will Saturn manifest in that position this time round, very differently it would seem.  Saturn and Capricorn represent walls, and Neptune represents dissolution.  This time Neptune is not quite engaging with Saturn, but at the end of January they are in harmonious sextile relationship with each other: yet another indication (as mentioned in earlier blogs) that January could be a very important month in the history of the world.

Meeting of Bush and Gorbachev

The progress in the year of 1989 continued right through to its end, when on 2nd and 3rd December President Bush met with Mikhail Gorbachev, in talks which were to become the ending of the Cold War.

Gorbachev said about this meeting: “I assured the President of the United States that the Soviet Union would never start a hot war against the United States of America. And we would like our relations to develop in such a way that they would open greater possibilities for cooperation…. This is just the beginning. We are just at the very beginning of our road, long road to a long-lasting, peaceful period.”

As well as the triple conjunction, which was just still operational at that point, Pluto was also trine Chiron, an indication of deep healing and change.  Bush’s transits were not easy, including an opposition between Saturn and his natal Pluto.  But the multitude of transits for Gorbachev certainly showed that it was a huge step for him.  These included:  Neptune sextile his Sun (a spiritual step), Uranus trine his Neptune (constructive complexity), and Mars trine his Pluto (boldness and courage).

Again, how did we get from there, to a situation now where we seem to have the beginnings of a new Cold War?  Various actions by Vladimir Putin have fostered mistrust, and specifically the poisoning of the Skripals in Salisbury meant that the U.K. and her allies could not afford to turn a blind eye to interference from Russia abroad.

Mikhail Gorbachev presided over liberal and economic reforms at home (Glasnost and Perestroika) and friendlier relations abroad.  This led however to his political demise and the break up of the Soviet Union.  On 25 December 1991, Boris Yeltsin took over from Gorbachev.  Bush and Yeltsin continued to build a relationship, and created a strategic partnership.

The First Gulf War

On 2nd August 1990 Saddam Hussein invaded the rich oil fields of Kuwait.  By this time the Uranus-Neptune conjunction of change was still operational, but Saturn had moved on, towards the end of Capricorn.  The most constructive era had passed, and a more sinister relationship was to begin, the long term struggle between the Bushes (the 41st and 43rd Presidents) and Saddam Hussein.  A dangerous opposition of Mars and Pluto was at work at that moment.  The Nodal Axis was square to Saddam’s Sun at the time and Jupiter was on his Pluto, daring him on to do his worst.

There followed some attempts at negotiations, but Bush and his allies prepared for war.  Margaret Thatcher was most encouraging in this, but George Bush Senior was not without the warrior archetype, having Mars closely opposite the Ascendant in his chart, and Mars exactly conjunct South Node  (past life warriorship).

On 16th January 1991 the U.S. led a counter-invasion to push Iraq back from Kuwait.  This coincided with a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn.  The strategy was conducted by air for just over a month, until 24th February when they were joined by a ground force.  The war then concluded after 100 hours.  It was probably the most challenging thing Bush Senior had to do in his lifetime, and Pluto was transiting his I.C. in Scorpio in his 3rd House.

This was 1991, and it was not until George Bush Junior initiated war with Iraq in 2003, that the matter was concluded, and Saddam Hussein was removed.  I wrote in 2009:

“The well-known story of the First Gulf War started with Saddam’s annexation of Kuwait in August 1990, when Jupiter was exactly conjunct his natal Pluto and opposite his natal Jupiter, obviously shored up by the full hilt of Jupiterian energy to his natal opposition.  The world watched with bated breath through Operation Desert Storm in January 1991, when Mars was squaring George Bush Senior’s Nodal Axis (again, destined for war).  The U.S. (as part of a U.N. endorsed force) was in saviour role to Kuwait: the Jupiter in its chart sextile exactly the natal Kuwait Pluto.  Eventually, the situation simmered down, and was left simmering for years in the subconscious mind of his son George W. Bush Junior.  When he came to power, this karma was re-activated, setting the stage for the Second Gulf War of 2003.”

Bush Senior always seemed a proper, grown up president, and his son seemed in contrast to be immature.  But George Bush Junior now seems acceptable, next to the super-immature persona of the current president Donald Trump.


George Bush Senior struggled to find success in the economic field.  Continuing the policies of his predecessor Ronald Reagan led to a recession, and he received widespread criticism for that.


George Bush was diagnosed with Parkinson’s Disease, but continued to be active in various ways, despite being wheelchair bound.  He did not recover, however, from the death of his wife Barbara.  They had been married for 73 years, and she died in April 2018.  Her Sun was exactly trine his Moon.  They were both Geminis, so must have been twins for each other.  Her Mars was sextile his Midheaven, an energetic support for his career, and her Jupiter was sextile his Uranus, a recipe for success.  He released the following statement when she died:

“We have faith she is in heaven, and we know life will go on – as she would have it. So cross the Bushes off your worry list.”

This week, Neptune was square to his Jupiter, and Pluto was trine his Midheaven.  His strength of character and profound contribution has been acknowledged in tributes from around the world.  When he left office, the letter he wrote to his successor Bill Clinton, which has been widely circulated this week, showed both graciousness and wisdom.

from Barack Obama:

“George HW Bush’s life is a testament to the notion that public service is a noble, joyous calling.  And he did tremendous good along the journey” said former president Barack Obama, who had visited Bush in Houston earlier last week, for a final meeting in what had become a warm friendship.”

from Mikhail Gorbachev:

“We had a chance to work together during the years of tremendous changes.  It was a dramatic time that demanded great responsibility from everyone.  The result was an end to the cold war and the nuclear arms race”


This afternoon, Venus enters Scorpio, where she stays until 7th January.  This is a time when deep feelings can be experienced and expressed.  There is a greater sense of intimacy in  your relationships and more profound understanding.

We also have Chiron trine the North Node, bringing the possibility of karmic healing.  We may bring up past life experiences of training as healers, in the various ancient modalities.  If focussed on the present, we may become aware of and notice the laws of cause and effect and consequences, and what heals and works in our lives.

Tomorrow (Monday, 3rd) the Sun squares Mars very early in the morning in the U.K. (so you may experience the aggro before you retire to bed if you are a night owl).  Aggro, irritation and conflict are all possible under this aspect, so an early night may be a good way of keeping out of mischief.  Your dreams (or nightmares) may be extra vivid, energetic or graphic, though.  But it may be easier dealing only with your own inner turmoil.

Mercury trines Chiron on Tuesday (4th), so more chance to avail yourself of the healing in the Universe.  This will be on more of a mental level (whereas Sunday’s opportunity is more holistic), so practising positive thinking and writing or speaking affirmations is an ideal approach that day.  Also, combining the approaches of conventional and alternative medicine is favoured.  Mercury trine Chiron also assists in problem-solving.

Mercury also trines the North Node that day, strengthening our mental equipment and also bringing insights around karma and past lives.  Sisterhood and brotherhood and camaraderie can also be experienced under this aspect, as well as enhanced teaching and learning.

On Wednesday (5th) we may experience a loss of clarity, with the Sun square Neptune, clouding issues and throwing up mysteries, and possibly making us aware of our illusions.  Dreams will need to be firmed up and become more realistic.  The aspect occurs at 22.22 Hrs in the U.K., so all the twos might be a clue to the mysteries.

If you felt indecisive on Wednesday, some things may become clearer on Thursday (6th) when Mercury is stationary, prior to turning direct.  You may feel some relief about certain delays resolving themselves.  For example, there may be a respite in the flow of correspondence before Christmas cards gum up the works.  There might be the right kind of leaves on the line, too.

We have a New Moon in Sagittarius on Friday (7th) at 15 degrees of Sagittarius.  New Moons tend to be upbeat, and Sagittarian New Moons more upbeat than most, focussing on expansion, the planning of holidays, deep study and learning, global issues, and matters of faith.  Re-play your affirmations, with more confidence.  You can have powerful inner conversations under this New Moon.

In the afternoon, Mars conjoins Neptune, which may empower the spirit, but for some it may serve to confuse, especially if they are dashing about trying to bag items on their Christmas shopping list.  More meditative activities such as Tai Chi, Yoga and Qijong will achieve a greater sense of balance and serenity.  It is difficult to have one foot in the material world and one foot in the spiritual world, but some can do it.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – deep feelings, and karmic healing
  • Tomorrow – abrasive
  • Tuesday – healing, helpful karma, and past life insights
  • Wednesday – fogginess
  • Thursday – improving communications
  • Friday – optimistic new beginnings, balancing matter and spirit


Aspects for the week beginning 25 November 2018

Protests in France

“There is no place for violence in the [French] Republic.” ~ Emmanuel Macron

French citizens have had enough this week of footing the bill over fuel, and keeping Emmanuel Macron in the luxurious style of a would be Napoleon IV.  Even acknowledging the justification of their cause, and knowing the propensity of the French for revolution, it was still shocking to see the Champs Elysees ablaze last night.  It was also startling to see the water cannon employed for crowd control.  [A fun fact about water cannon is that Boris Johnson bought £85,022 worth of water cannon for London a few years ago, and it has just been sold off at £11,025 possibly to  be placed in a museum.]

Emmanuel Macron

I devoted a blog to Emmanuel Macron in April last year, and analyzed his birth chart to an extent:

“The Sun is conjunct exactly with Mercury, giving him the capacity for concentrated thought, at the end of Sagittarius in his 12th House of Inner Vision. He studied Philosophy (Sagittarius) at University, and in debate has a considerable mental agility.  The capacity for application and hard work is further accentuated by the Sun/Mercury trine Saturn.  His Ascendant is in Capricorn, the sign of Politics.”

This was at a time when he was seen as the most centrist candidate for the French election, and an acceptable swerve from the right wing Marine Le Pen.  Much has been made since of his presidential style and penchant for pomp, and he gave an interesting interview with Andrew Marr in January, describing himself as a Jupiterian (whatever he meant by it).  Certainly, his Sun is exactly conjunct Mercury in Jupiter’s sign of Sagittarius and opposes Jupiter closely.  That makes him Jupiterian by any astrological standards.  But his popularity ratings have been consistently low and plummeting during his “reign” (recently standing at 21% in September), and his public are not amused.

Current Protests

The “yellow vests” (gilets jaunes) protests have been raging for two weekends in a row in Paris, and other parts of France.  The name is descriptive of the yellow jackets which French motorists are required to keep in their cars, by law, in case of emergency.  The protesters are calling Macron a “thief”.  Last year, Macron introduced taxes on fuel (designed to encourage more environmental awareness and usage of transport).  It is interesting that this conflict is occurring during a period of Mercury (transport) retrograde, and the Full Moon at 0 degrees Gemini (transport issues).  The protests have a wide support throughout the population, at almost 80% approval.


Emmanuel Macron’s current transits are:-

Uranus trine his Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius in his 12th House – surprise, surprise!; Chiron square his Sun/Mercury – crisis; Neptune sextile his Moon in Taurus in 4th House – he serenely stands by his policies. Uranus square his Ascendant on 4th House cusp, close to natal Chiron – shock and awe, with more shock to come when Uranus transits Chiron next March (2019). The South Node is on his Ascendant, very karmically, as a direct consequences of his policies!  And Chiron sextiles his Ascendant on the 3rd House cusp, which I think points to his stated aim being ecological (however that doesn’t necessarily wash with the population who are cynical about that stated aim).

The transits for the chart of France shows Jupiter on its Moon, high emotion, even if not constructive – the fire and enthusiasm of Jupiter can sometimes manifest in anger; Uranus opposes the French natal Neptune, which is a chaotic mix.  Uranus, as in Macron’s chart, squares the Ascendant (bringing disruption and shock) and in the same position on the 4th House cusp (shock) because they both have 28 degrees rising (amazingly), with Uranus transiting the natal Saturn also next March, which seems to be an important time for Macron and France.

Last word

The last word goes to a Parisian student (Joel Mouillesceaux), quoted in the Observer this morning:

“We’re here because we’ve had enough.  It’s always the same people who have to pay for the madness of others.  We have to work to pay, work some more to pay some more and it’s been like that for years.  It’s been like it since I was born [Age: 24], president after president, and now we’re saying that’s enough”.


In the early hours of this morning Neptune was stationary, prior to going direct, at 13 degrees 42 minutes Pisces.  Neptune stays at 13 degrees 42 until 1st December, so though you may feel some spiritual comfort immediately, after 1st December you may detect greater flow and movement on your spiritual path.

One of the highlights of the astrological year takes place tomorrow (Monday 26th), that bright conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter (in Sagittarius this year, which gives it extra oomph).  Hallelujahs may be heard ringing through the land, although as the conjunction takes place at 6.33 a.m. in the U.K. it may coincide with the dawn chorus.  Apparently, the dawn chorus is quieter in the winter and in recent years the birds have been adjusting their chorus to an earlier time because of human noise pollution, e.g. much earlier near airports.  I digress, but it is a good day to sing or express thanks and joy, and an extra helping of luck may come your way.  A good day to meditate on what makes you happy, and put your enthusiasms into practice.

A more fractious thread may run through the day (that of Mercury square Mars) although that should not diminish your enjoyment of the Sun conjunct Jupiter.  You may have to guard against minor cuts and bruises, so it would pay to go through health and safety features before the abseil, or whatever you chose as your fun activity courtesy of Sun/Jupiter.  Words may also be cutting under this square, and people may sound their criticisms more freely.  In terms of travel, long distance travel (Sun/Jupiter in Sagittarius) will fare better than short distance travel (Mercury/Mars), but of course in order to go the distance you have to take shorter forays in between…That’s a bit of a conundrum.

Tuesday (27th) brings another conjunction, that of the Sun and Mercury in Sagittarius, which is much more straightforward in terms of transport and clearer in ideas.  This favours travel plans, such as in the booking of foreign holidays, and philosophical conjectures, as well as sporting interests.  It also supports global vision and interests.

Tuesday is a supportive day altogether, as it brings two more helpful aspects: Mars sextile Saturn, and Mercury conjunct Jupiter.  Mars sextile Saturn occurs in the evening, and helps to stabilize and firm up any plans, foundations or active projects you are currently undertaking.

Even later in the day, Mercury conjoins Jupiter at 4 degrees Sagittarius, which is mentally stimulating, good for business, and good news for communications (though Mercury is still retrograde, which takes away some of the shine).  Nevertheless if your transport issues have taken a battering recently, there may be light at the end of the tunnel.  Hopefully that will translate into some gains for the people in their fuel crisis in France.

Wednesday (28th) brings a focus on relationship karma, in the shape of Venus squaring the Nodal Axis.  This may present itself especially in the search for harmony within groups of people, and that can include families.  You may be seeking answers to questions regarding ethical behaviour, and the consequences arising from past actions, and balancing the needs of various people.

Saturday (1st December) may be challenging on the social front, with Venus opposing Uranus.  Be clear from your heart, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, as cross currents and crossed purposes can occur.

Mercury Retrograde also enters Scorpio that day, from Sagittarius.  A lackadaisical attitude may give way to a more suspicious outlook, or a desire to get to the nitty gritty of an issue.  You may have left a stone unturned since 30th October, when Mercury was last in Scorpio, which a closer investigation can reveal.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – returning on your spiritual path
  • Monday – luck and hope, but also minor incidents and irritations
  • Tuesday – concentrate your mind, firm up your plans and sell your ideas
  • Wednesday – relationship karma
  • Saturday – relationship disruptions, the need to examine loopholes

Aspects for the week beginning 18 November 2018

Brexit Update No. 4

“Shortly after eight in the morning came the first resignation.  Someone no one had ever heard of quitting a job no one knew he had.” – Jon Crace

This is at least my fourth piece about Brexit, which is not bad considering I studiously avoid the subject…

Theresa May

It was quite a week for the indomitable Theresa May, and no day was quite as lonely as Thursday, with her support dramatically eroding, after submitting her 500 page Brexit deal document.

Neither the right nor the left of the Conservative or Labour parties like it.

But what’s a girl to do?

In the words of Ricky Nelson:

“You see, ya can’t please everyone, so ya got to please yourself”

The Brexit referendum vote went 52% to the Brexiteers and 48% to the Remainers.  So, in her logic, what she is delivering (neither here nor there) is delivering proportionally what the people asked for.

On that fateful Thursday, Mars was opposing her natal Pluto (indications of danger; well she did face a lot of hostility).

So at this moment in time, she is in a precarious position, with several resignations, a new Brexit secretary, Jacob Rees Mogg triggering a vote of no confidence in her with the 1922 committee, the possibility that 48 letters may begin a new leadership contest, and the remote possibility of a general election which may turn the tide against the Conservative Party.  We are nearly at the end of the two year Brexit process, but nowhere near to a  deal.  All other U.K. society concerns (such as poverty and the N.H.S.) have been sidelined in order to deal with Brexit, and the U.N. are flagging up the parlous state of the poor here.  Has there ever been such a dire moment in our history, since the second World War?


The 1922 Chart for the United Kingdom is very sparse on transits, but the 1801 Chart shows Jupiter exactly trine its Jupiter at this time.  Jupiter also sextiles its Uranus, and Pluto sextiles its Neptune.  Those transits would suggest an opportunity of some sort – whether to embrace the flawed deal, or whether to adopt the third option (cancel Brexit).

What was the darkest hour of the second World War?  “The darkest hour” was a phrase itself coined by Winston Churchill for a phase beginning in June 1940 with the fall of France.  Saturn was sextile the UK Uranus and Pluto, for the 1922 chart.  For the 1801 chart, Saturn was trine our Sun, Uranus was square our Saturn, and Pluto was on our Jupiter and sextile our Uranus.  Mixed transits, but with the hope of a fight back. No resemblance, to the current climate. For Winston Churchill, Chiron was trine his Mercury (problem solving), Neptune was square his Venus, the North Node was transiting his North Node (bringing out the bulldog), and Saturn was square his Saturn.

Conservative Party

The Conservative Party, so torn apart, has Pluto sextile its Sun (transformation), and Jupiter on its Venus (emphasis on relationships, but not the kind being displayed this week.  As I said in October: “Therefore the Party seems more resilient than one would think, especially if you are hoping for its imminent overthrow.”

Jacob Rees Mogg

Some of those who have resigned (e.g. Boris Johnson, who resigned earlier and whose star may be on the wane, and Dominic Raab) have been seen to have ambitions for the top job.  But Jacob Rees Mogg, who has played a part in this crisis, has stated that is not his intention. This week Pluto was square his Venus (a ruptured relationship, with arguably some ruthlessness on his part),  and North Node sextile his Uranus (karmic opportunism).

Michael Gove

Michael Gove kept everyone guessing for a day – “will he or won’t he resign?” after turning down the job of Brexit Secretary.  He has decided to fight from within, and with four other Brexiteers in the cabinet, is trying to find a way to amend the current deal which is on the table.  Jupiter is squaring his Sun, in upbeat mood for him.  And Pluto is trine his Pluto, bringing self-empowerment.  He certainly seems strongly poised at the moment, holding a balance of power.

Stephen Barclay

New Brexit Secretary on the block Stephen Barclay is a Taurean, so Theresa may expect more loyalty from him that the previous one who helped fashion a deal then declared it to be rubbish.  Dominic Raab served in the post from just 9th July to 15th November.  Stephen Barclay’s brief is to oversee withdrawal negotiations, and not to re-hash the negotiations.  His birth chart portrays him to be an upbeat chap, with Sun trine Jupiter, Mercury opposite Uranus (not afraid to be controversial) and Mercury conjunct Chiron (a problem-solving mind, which he needs to have in this context).  He also has Jupiter square Uranus, so may be a bit of a chancer (well he has been handed a poisoned chalice).  He has Pluto trine his North Node (his karmic mission is to be an agent of change), and his North Node is currently squared by Uranus (big change for him, personally – he has just risen up in the ranks).

Jeremy Corbyn

Jeremy Corbyn has been fairly enigmatic on the subject of Brexit, suggesting recently in a German magazine that there was no going back on Brexit, and then being contradicted by the Brexit shadow spokesperson Keir Starmer.  Labour MPs when asked about the current deal and the crisis in the Tory Party, always reply that Theresa May should stand down, and there should be a general election.  One wonders if anyone really wants to be in power at this time and sort out the current mess.  At least if the Tories were to see it through, they could be blamed for it.  If Labour took over now, it is difficult to know how they would solve it, and it is not clear what they would do, because their stated position (as on their website) is:

“We will scrap the Conservatives’ Brexit White Paper and replace it with fresh negotiating priorities that have a strong emphasis on retaining the benefits of the Single Market and the Customs Union”

This position will not satisfy the Brexiteers any more than that of the Conservatives.  Maybe they should have taken a more pro-Remain stance, or be supporting the Peoples Vote movement, for more clarity and success.  Certainly I do believe that a Socialist government would do their best to address the inequalities in our society, however, whatever they would or would not be able to do about Brexit.

Despite all that, Jeremy’s transits looked quite chipper this week: Pluto trine his Mars (strength) and Jupiter sextile his Jupiter (luck).  On the adverse side, Mars was opposite his Saturn, and Chiron was square his Uranus.  But Uranus was trine his Saturn.  It might have been a week of opportunity for him.  But he seems to have been increasingly at odds in the last few weeks with the shadow Chancellor, John McDonnell, and doesn’t seem completely on the same page as Keir Starmer.

Labour Party

Uranus is currently sextile the Labour Party natal Mars, which could be a dynamic opportunity.

Keir Starmer

I wrote in September:

“Keir Starmer, sometimes tipped as a future leader of the Labour Party, is in charge of shadow policy on Brexit…  He seems to have a steady hand on the tiller.  He has … Uranus trine his Uranus, so he may surprise us at the beginning of this term.”  Well he has been more forthright and confident in recent weeks.  But his transits last week were more lacklustre (Saturn opposite his Mars and Jupiter square his Uranus), so I do not think his time has come quite yet.

Arlene Foster   

Arlene Foster and the DUP hold one of the fingers on the balance of power, in that they conferred a majority on Theresa May’s government in the 2017 election.  Whereas the Scottish National Party feel they have been left completely out in the cold in the Brexit process, Theresa was not able to ignore the Irish question.  Many people feel that the Irish question (of its border) has held up the process of Brexit too long, and some would happily ignore it.  But peace in Ireland was too hard won (as Tony Blair reminds us) not to attend to the matter with diligence.  Arlene herself was not happy this week, as it was felt that even the diligence which has been put into the document has not yielded a satisfactory outcome.  Arlene has Saturn opposite her Mercury (unhappiness with a document!)  She also has Pluto trine her Saturn (holding significant power), and Chiron trine her Neptune (some healing on a sensitive issue).

Brexit Chart

What of the current transit to the Brexit chart (for March 2017)?  Jupiter is trine its Venus (so it is quite congenial in terms of there being a current deal on the table), Neptune is sextile its Mars (sensitivity and constructiveness), Pluto square its Jupiter (big power struggles).  Pluto square its Jupiter reflects and goes back to the Pluto-Jupiter square in the original Brexit chart.  Divisive as ever.  Pluto seems to override the benefits of the other transits.  They should never have demoted him to a dwarf planet.

European Union

There is also a reflection of that Jupiter-Pluto dynamic in the transits to the European Union.  Of course, the European Union has a lot more on its mind than our conundrum, but Jupiter is currently squaring its Pluto, which is a power struggle which is not as difficult as the Pluto square to the Jupiter of our Brexit chart.  Do entities such as Brexit and the European Union have feelings…?

A Brief Handy Glossary

I don’t know about you, but I have spent the last fortnight trying to work out what “Backstop” means, in the context of Brexit.  We have a whole new dictionary….


Definition from Sky News:

“A customs plan to avoid a ‘hard border between Ireland and N Ireland if a Brexit trade deal isn’t reached’ ”

Customs Union

Definition from Google dictionary:

“a group of states that have agreed to charge the same import duties as each other and usually to allow free trade between themselves.”

Frictionless Borders

(A favourite phrase of Theresa’s)

Definition from The Independent:

” ‘Trade as frictionless as possible’ is the formulation used by British minsters to mean the lowest level of customs controls, tariffs, quotas and restrictions as can be negotiated.”


Explanation from The Guardian, Friday 16/11/18: Gaby Hinsliff:

“Perhaps she is banking on what the academic Rob Ford calls “Brexhaustion”, or the fact that for every man or woman glued to every twist and turn there is probably one who barely cares now how this thing ends, just so long as it ends.”

The End of the Affair

From last week’s Blog:

What can we anticipate during the eighteen month stay of the North Node in Cancer?  …In just under six months’ time we are due to leave the European Union, and if we were to have a one year transition period, that would take us to the end of this karmic cycle.  …North Node in Cancer can make communities more insular, and less open to unity with other countries, and mutual global concerns.”


“For the first year of this eighteen month period, Jupiter will be in its own sign of Sagittarius, countering in some respects, perhaps within the House it falls in in your birth chart, the insularity of North Node in Cancer.”

“One way in which Jupiter in Sagittarius can work in contrast to the North Node in Cancer, is in reaching out and establishing wider trade links with faraway places for the U.K.”

Although I am a Remoaner, and I would love a People’s Vote, and there are Brexiters who regret their original vote, I think the Brexiteers would be protesting on the streets if the government did not try and deliver Brexit.  So I personally feel a bit defeatist about the whole thing.

We have two eclipses in January (on 6th and 21st), plus in the middle of January Jupiter is square Neptune (spiritual confusion), so January could be an important turning point in the process.

The day of the Brexit deadline (29th March 2019), Mercury is exactly conjunction Neptune (mental confusion) and the Moon is conjunct Pluto (emotional depth), so I expect it will take a while before we realize at the time what the effects actually are.  We’ll certainly be in the middle of a lot of soul searching, collectively.


Tuesday (20th) brings dynamism to the week, with a square between Mars and Jupiter.  This creates a huge amount of energy and enthusiasm, and it is up to you how you use it.  You can’t legislate for those who may misuse it outlandishly, for people can easily go over the top with this wild, spare energy.   It is also a very spontaneous energy, so not easy to plan ahead for, but if you are logging in to the blog early in the week, you may work with it in your higher imagination or creative visualization, to more constructive effect.  In parliamentary proceedings, we may hear of fiery exchanges, produced by the fire of Mars and the fire of Jupiter set against each other!

On Thursday (22nd) the Sun enters Sagittarius, and from an intense collective mood, spirits may pick up.  For some, that might mean an increasing enthusiasm for the preparations for the Christmas season.  Holidays are coming… Cold weather is forecast for the U.K., but hearts may be warming up.  Sagittarius is sandwiched between two very serious signs, Scorpio and Capricorn, and the run up to Christmas often holds all the excitement and anticipation.  Christmas itself comes under the sign of Capricorn, and often has its serious aspects.  So your enthusiasm and preparations now can help create and inject warmth into the big day, in advance.  Your future self will thank you.

In the early hours of Friday (23rd) the Moon is Full at 0 degrees Gemini, with the Sun in opposition in Sagittarius. The principle of the polarity of Gemini/Sagittarius is Communication, whether in its more surface nature (Gemini) or on a deeper level (Sagittarius).  Issues concerning public transport, and social media, could come to a head.  Mark Zuckerberg seems to be in a quandary at the moment, and at the Full Moon he will have Uranus on his Mercury, the Nodal Axis square his Mercury, Uranus opposing his Pluto, and the Nodal Axis square his Pluto.  To paraphrase, the Nodal Axis squares his natal Mercury-Uranus opposition, with Uranus transiting the opposition.  He could make an important announcement around then, about his life, and the future of Facebook.  In your own life, you may want to review how you could better use transport and social media.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – high energy and enthusiasm
  • Thursday – gathering enthusiasm
  • Friday – emotional tension

Aspects for the week beginning 11 November 2018

North Node enters Cancer

Last week (on 6th November) the True North Node left Leo and entered Cancer.  So you may have seen the beginnings of this cycle.  This week (on Friday) the Mean North Node enters Cancer.  In terms of timing, we are currently (on this Armistice Day) between the two, and certainly within the orb of the essence of the influence and meaning of the North Node’s entry into Cancer.  Its sojourn in this sign will take eighteen months, a  karmic cycle.  The North Node takes 18 years to go round the zodiac, which represents another karmic cycle.  One often hears of something, e.g. a job, lasting 18 months, and that is often a sign that karma has influenced the timing of its beginning and ending.

Difference between True North Node and Mean North Node

There is a difference in the way these two positions are calculated.  The reading for the True North Node appears to oscillate to and fro, whereas for the Mean North Node an average is taken which produces a steady progression, say from 1 degree Leo to 29 degrees Cancer (the Nodal Axis moves backwards).  They are in fact the same thing.

What they represent

The transiting North Node represents collective karma.  In a birth chart, the North Node represents the individual karmic mission for the current lifetime moving towards the future and future lifetimes.  It can also represent karmic rewards.  There may be a slight difference in manifestation of the Mean and True Nodes in transit, e.g. the Mean Node may be more practical and the True Node more spiritual (I am still researching this idea).

North Node in Leo

What was the meaning of North Node in Leo?  Leo is one of the signs which represents the Will, and Power.  I would say that the last eighteen months has coincided with the rise of right wing regimes, particularly in Europe, but to some extent also around the world.  In your own life, you may have noticed a long standing battle of wills or power struggle, where two or more people have vied to have their needs met.  On the plus side, you may have come into your power to a greater degree, and built more confidence in asserting your needs.

North Node in Cancer

What can we anticipate during the eighteen month stay of the North Node in Cancer?  The political manifestation shifts significantly more towards Nationalism, Tribalism and Patriotism.  In just under six months’ time we are due to leave the European Union, and if we were to have a one year transition period, that would take us to the end of this karmic cycle.  On the Andrew Marr show this centenary Armistice Day Sir Harold Evans, veteran British-American journalist emphasized the prominent role of Nationalism in the causes of the First World War.  A close second to Religion, Nationalism has probably been the cause of most wars throughout history.  North Node in Cancer can make communities more insular, and less open to unity with other countries, and mutual global concerns.  The sign of Cancer reminds us that charity begins at home, for instance.  With poverty increasing in our society (in the U.K. at least), people may be more inclined to draw in their horns and look after their own.  Governments may be less inclined to support struggling nations such as in the Third World.  Nesting, and fostering family relationships, may be a karmic imperative for us in our personal lives during this period.  We may, however, drop the power play and posturing and clash of wills which characterized the period of North Node in Leo.  We may acknowledge that blood is thicker than water, that you can’t choose your family but you need them, and they need you.

Jupiter in Sagittarius

For the first year of this eighteen month period, Jupiter will be in its own sign of Sagittarius, countering in some respects, perhaps within the House it falls in in your birth chart, the insularity of North Node in Cancer.  Jupiter promotes expansion, openness and generosity, a sense of live and let live, and living in a global society.  So this may provide balance, in certain ways, in the next year.

Nodal Axis Polarity

The North Node is one end of a polarity with the South Node.  Collectively, the South Node represents our path of least resistance karmically, where we may have outmoded habits or even faults needing correction, or mistakes we have made in the past.  If manifesting positively, it can also represent good karma we have accrued in the past.  In our own personal lives, it represents our past life in this lifetime and how we started out, but also our habits and qualities carried over from past lives, such as the soul paths we have trodden in lineages such as warriorship, scholarship or the Arts.  It is where we are travelling from.  The South Node is now entering Capricorn, which represents structure, administration and politics, and harvesting the wisdom we have gained along those lines.  It is leaving Aquarius, which represented a clinical scientific approach, but also humanitarian ways (such as the way communities have pulled together in troubled times, like  in the aftermath of the Grenfell Tower inferno).  Thus in our collective and personal lives, organizational skills may come into blossom during this eighteen month period.

Liver Rescue

You may remember I wrote about the first two books of Anthony William in January 2017 (“Medical Medium” and “Life Changing Foods”).  My enthusiasm for the work of this author has not diminished!  Last year, he published “Thyroid Healing”, and now his fourth book “Liver Rescue” has just been published, which I am in the middle of reading.  It is easy to read, but it is the heaviest book yet, I can hardly lift it!  But if you have any suspicion that your liver health needs upgrading, do read it.  According to Anthony William, we are all walking round with livers which need much more care.  They apparently do so much on our behalf.  But, to quote him:

“Luckily, the liver is very forgiving. It has great patience”

 The timing of this book is most interesting, astrologically.  For Jupiter has just gone into its own sign of Sagittarius, and Jupiter and Sagittarius in medical astrology represent the liver.  Therefore this book has arrived at the right time for us all to pay respects to and upgrade our liver health.


On this very special Armistice Day, the anniversary of the ending of the First World War, we have the perfect aspect to meet it: Sun sextile Pluto.  Sun sextile Pluto honours those who have gone before us, assists us in looking at how we remember our ancestors and those who have passed, helps us reflect on the self-destructive traits in human nature which have led to wars, helps us look deeply into our collective and personal psychology.  If we do nothing else today, that is worthwhile.

On Thursday (15th) Mars is sextile Uranus, which represents a go ahead, dynamic energy with a surprise twist (usually positive).  It is a day you can get things done, especially if mechanics, electricity, household appliances, engineering or cars are involved.

In the evening, Mars enters Pisces, from the more strident sign of Aquarius where it has been on and off since may (a longer stay than usual in one sign).  While Aquarius is humanitarian, and looks after the underdog, Pisces is even more compassionate, and very empathetic.  Mars represents our use of energy, and so it may not be so direct, but it will be more in touch with emotional needs (ours, or others).  Pisces is also a very charitable sign, so with Mars in Pisces for the rest of this year, and for the run up to Christmas and Christmas itself, it is a good time to support our favourite charities, and put our money where our mouth is, so to speak.

On Friday (16th) Venus is Stationary, prior to going Direct.  Venus has been retrograde since 5th October, and relationships may have been tested and put through their paces in that time.  You may have realized the true worth of some of your relationships.  You can pause, breathe and relax into that knowledge.  That doesn’t mean relationships will suddenly be easy, but you will have learned something important for moving forward.

The same day, the Mean North Node enters Cancer (see above, for the general flavour of the event).  You may have begun to feel the influence of North Node in Cancer since last Tuesday (6th).  It may be a personal marker for you in some way, such as the anniversary of a passing, or the conclusion of one project, and the prospect of another.  It represents a switch in collective karma from Power, and Creative manifestation to Family and patriotism.  Within your own personal birth chart, it depends how it plays out according to the area of life (the House) it falls in.  For most people, it will fall in the middle of a House and alter the way you look at the issues of that House karmically, but if you have a 0 degree Ascendant (as I have) it will switch Houses (in my case, it switches from Family to Communication).  The transiting North Node especially represents how collective themes affect our lives.

Mercury is Stationary prior to going Retrograde on Saturday (17th) – do I hear a collective groan?  As if to anticipate this Southeastern rail have published a special timetable to accommodate the difficulty of navigating Autumn leaves on the line…Of course, all the usual rules apply: make your communications clear, upgrade your computer systems, send all your parcels by Special Delivery, and, above all, Don’t Panic.  Right brained processes, such as painting and inventing, can flourish when the left brain gets out of the way or is not dominant.  Sometimes it is easier to get in the flow of life when you are not overly focussed on schedules and controlling details.  New ideas and energies can enter in more easily, and not all of them of the disruptive variety! Some influences may be of a higher order.  Unusual solutions may be found, such as those residing outside the box, when necessity is the mother of invention.  You may think you may need to be in a certain place at a certain time, then find yourself truly in the right place at the right time, a place you may not have anticipated but equally interesting.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – remembrance and deep reflection
  • Thursday – electric; emotional
  • Friday – relationship harmony; family karma
  • Saturday – possible communication glitches


Aspects for the week beginning 4 November 2018

Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha

Profile of a Philanthropist

Week long funeral ceremonies are under way in Thailand for the owner of Leicester Football Club Vichai Srivaddhanaprabha, who died in a helicopter accident while leaving a local match at 8.30 p.m. on Saturday 27th October.  He seems to have been a very special man, charitable and well loved, as well as an exemplary Football Club owner.  We arrived the next day in Leicester, for personal reasons, and so were able to chat to locals about it, and get a first hand sense of his importance to the City.  His contribution was immense, to local charities and especially the hospitals.  The people of Leicester remember him for his kindness and personability.  All his work was imbued with his religious conviction as a Buddhist and belief in karma, he brought monks to bless the football players, and we heard talk of processions of elephants too.  It was, of course, under his management that Leicester won the Premier League title in 2016.

Birth Charts

There are three dates of birth ascribed to him, which poses a problem for the Astrologer. 3rd or 4th April 1958, and 5 June 1958. The 4th April 1958 chart seems most convincing.

For the chart of 4th April 1958, the Sun is exactly sextile Mars, indicating a strong connection with football.  The Sun also trines Uranus, bringing originality and brilliance to his creativity and self-expression.  With Moon in Libra and Mercury sextile Venus he would have had good diplomatic skills.  Mercury opposite Jupiter gave him great global vision, and the ability to work with foreign cultures.  That date also shows up an exact trine between Mercury and Pluto, which can mean business acumen on a grand scale, which fits the profile of this billionaire businessman.  Mercury is closely conjunct the South Node, and this implies that a flair for business was built up in past lives.  Another treasure to be found in this birth chart is Venus exactly trine Jupiter, showing philanthropy and a love for humanity.  Venus trine Neptune/North Node represents compassion and charity, qualities for which he was an ambassador.  He had the balanced judgement of Jupiter sextile Saturn, while his Venus sextile Saturn shows his loyalty and commitment.  And, last but not least, he lived his philosophy of Religion/Karmic Awareness/Spirituality depicted so eloquently by a triple conjunction of Jupiter/North Node/Neptune.

Premier League Win

The transits for Vichai at the time his football team won the Premier League title were Mars trine his Uranus (excitement), Uranus sextile his Chiron (unexpected healing) and Venus on his South Node (harmonious karma).

Transits at the time of the accident

At the time of the helicopter accident, which proved fatal, transiting Uranus (accidents) was conjunct Vichai’s natal Mercury (helicopters), and  the Nodal Axis (karma) was square his natal Mercury.

Aiyawatt Srivaddhanaprabha

Vichai’s son Aiyawatt, who has been Vice Chair of the football club, has expressed the desire to carry on his father’s work.  Does he have the qualities needed?  He certainly has been in training for some time, and presumably shares his father’s values and ways of working.  We only have the month of his birth (July 1985).  We can’t draw many conclusions from this, but Aiyawatt’s Jupiter may be sextile Vichai’s Sun (they worked successfully together) and Aiyawatt’s Pluto may be conjunct Vichai’s North Node (taking over from him after death, to help continue his karmic mission).

This Week

Leicester City played Cardiff yesterday, and due respects were paid by the people of Cardiff in welcoming the team.  They were playing for Vichai, and secured a 1-0 win, although they had stated the  score would not matter.  Immediately after the match, the team flew to Thailand for his funeral.

Footballers have been notably articulate, eloquent and heartfelt in their tributes to this kind man.  Last words go to striker Jamie Vardy from the Leicester team:

“It’ll be massively important we attend.  We are a close-knit group and one big family and one of the main reasons for that is Vichai, so it’s massively important.”

Jupiter in Sagittarius

Jupiter will be saying goodbye to Scorpio, and moving into jolly Sagittarius on Thursday this week, for its year long stay in that sign.  Can Jupiter make a real difference to our lives?  Well it certainly had impact over the last year.  It left Libra just as the Harvey Weinstein scandal broke, and that gave rise to the Me Too movement.  Often it is Saturn who, through struggle, yields the most enduring benefits and gifts.  Sometimes the benefits of Jupiter seem like pie in the sky, or frivolous gains.  The issues around the treatment of women, the balance of the sexes, and the discomfort of the casting couch have been around for a long time.  But this time the truthfulness around sexuality (Jupiter in Scorpio) was revealed and the consequences have had a lasting impact; a breakthrough came and a stronghold was achieved on this problem.  Many women have been able to speak about trauma they had been holding on to for decades.  There is still a way to go.  A few years ago, the Jimmy Savile scandal unleashed many such revelations, and prosecutions were made (one being Rolf Harris), but the problem was that some (one being Cliff Richard) were identified before being able to establish their innocence.  Just this week, just as Jupiter is leaving Scorpio, Paul Gambaccini successfully sued the CPS for that very issue.  So there are nuances we have to get right.

What can we look forward to during this once-in-twelve-year treat of Jupiter’s sojourn through Sagittarius?  Global issues are favoured, and that includes climate change.  We have been issued the starkest warnings about this, and about the proliferation of plastic in our seas, e.g. is the fish that we eat full of plastic?  This is an area in which Jupiter in Sagittarius could help mitigate or claw back some of our excesses (with our co-operation of course).

General quality of life is also something Jupiter in Sagittarius can help us with.  The pursuit of happiness, and right philosophies of life can be engendered under this configuration.  There may be improvements in the economy (however unlikely that may sound now).

If you know the House position Sagittarius falls in within  your chart, you will be able to consciously work with that area of life to bring optimum results.  Even if you don’t, the joy and luck may show you where you are experiencing the effect.

You may think back to the period of November 2006 to December 2007, and the benefits which Jupiter in Sagittarius brought to you then.  For me, as a Sagittarian, I started this blog during that period, early in 2007, when Jupiter in Sagittarius was sextile my natal Neptune in Libra..


A positive week starts with Sun trine Neptune on Tuesday (6th).  It is good news week, and the first trine sets a spiritual focus.  It holds the possibility of aligning with your highest spiritual sources.  It would be a good time to meditate on setting the highest tone for the week, or practising your Tai Chi or Qijong moves to perfection.  If you are engaged in the Arts, you may be especially inspired.  If engaged in sciences, you may be able to access inspiration from your unconscious or from the collective unconscious.

The early evening sees Uranus retrograding back into Aries for a time, after its initial foray into Taurus.  Maybe you have some unfinished business, some personal goals or battles to see through.  Since the Spring, you may have had some new challenges present themselves based on groundbreaking changes brought on by Uranus in Taurus.  Before you can tackle them wholeheartedly, you need to squeeze out every ounce of the teachings of Uranus in Aries.  On a global scale Uranus in Aries coincided with the Arab Spring; we certainly would like to complete that process, with the ensuing wars of ISIS, and the lingering atrocities in Syria and the Yemen. So in your life there may be some loose ends you are longing to tie up, on a seven year old cycle.

Wednesday (7th) brings a New Moon (the first new beginning of the week) in the sign of Scorpio, which makes it more profound than most.  Scorpio is a sign which encourages clearing out of old outworn material, so continues the theme of Uranus’ re-entry into Aries.  You might find yourself being ruthless with your de-cluttering, in accordance with your recent re-evaluation of the past.  Sometimes a certain length of time has to go by before you are ready to let go of an object or a situation.  In the letting go, you can now move forward afresh.

The big movement this week is the entry of Jupiter into Sagittarius on Thursday 8th (see above).  The world is due for some good news.  The march of progress seems to have brought nothing of the sort in the last few years, with steady deterioration in the areas of climate change, pollution and politics.  In our U.K. society, the country has never been in such a mess (much of it Brexit-related).  I was out yesterday in my locality collecting signatures because 46 out of 53 Children’s Centres in Norfolk are due to close; we have lost our police station and other vital services.   All over the country the need for food banks has mushroomed (yes, this is a party political broadcast…!)

So, with Jupiter in Sagittarius for a year, the most benign placement for the benign planet, can superhero Jupiter save us?  Or at least claw back some of the damage?  Jupiter in Sagittarius is helpful to all zodiac signs, but especially uplifting for Sagittarians out there, with their ruling planet in its own sign.  That is a reason to be cheerful, and this year may see you regain some joie de vivre which may have been eroded of late.  It is an excellent year to find the formula for your happiness and your philosophy of life.  Success may come in all forms, e.g. a business boost for entrepreneurs (which goes against the grain of what we are expecting from the impending Brexit, and may mitigate problems).  The shift of Jupiter into Sagittarius takes place at 12.38 Hrs in the U.K.  Will you feel that shift?  If you don’t feel the impact immediately, you have a year to make it work for you.

Interestingly, the Moon goes into Sagittarius the same day, at 18.59 Hrs in the U.K.  If you are sensitive to the Moon, you may register this as an uplift or boost which alerts you to the possible benefits of Jupiter’s presence in Sagittarius.

And if you miss that cue, you have a third chance to register the event (3 is one of the numbers of Sagittarius and Jupiter).  For at 19.06 Hrs the Moon conjoins Jupiter in Sagittarius, further crystallizing our hopes and wishes for the possibilities held by this event.

In this fortuitous week, we end with a trine, for Friday (9th) sees Venus in such an engagement with Mars.  This adds to our enjoyment of life, and enhances the relationships between the sexes.  There may be an important success in relation to the Me Too movement, for instance.  It is quite a touchy feely aspect, but with some balance, so hopefully interactions will respect personal boundaries.  Body awareness, whether it be through yoga, or massage, will bring a sense of wellbeing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – spiritual
  • Wednesday – new beginning
  • Thursday – good news
  • Friday – sensuality

Aspects for the week beginning 28 October 2018

Fleetwood Mac – A Soul Group – Part 5:  Rumours

“The making of Rumours almost killed us”

~ Mick Fleetwood

Fleetwood Mac are in the news again, on two counts.  One, for their court case with Lindsey Buckingham.  And two, for their forthcoming tour.  They apparently fired Lindsey in January, and he has sued.  A band spokesperson said: “Fleetwood Mac looks forward to their day in court.”  They will be playing at Wembley in June 2019.  No doubt that will all be included in Part 25 of my ongoing series, if I carry on that far.

In Part 4, Lindsey Buckingham and Stevie Nicks joined Fleetwood Mac.  In this part of the story, I will look at the making of the phenomenal album Rumours, which you could say was the apotheosis of the group, but also reportedly their nadir in terms of drug dependency and relationship break-ups.  It is one of my favourite albums of all time.


“Rumours” was Fleetwood Mac’s 11th album, and was released on 4th February 1977.  It was so named because John McVie thought it sounded like a bunch of rumours.  The success of the album was such that they dined out on it for many years, and in some respects they still do.

The making of the album was descriptively expressed by Chris Stone, one of the Record Plant’s owners: “The band would come in at 7 at night, have a big feast, party till 1 or 2 in the morning, and then when they were so whacked-out they couldn’t do anything, they’d start recording”.

Birth Chart

What’s in the astrological anatomy of a music album?

It has a Full Moon, expressing and eliciting strong emotions.  Sun in Aquarius and Moon in Leo.  That represents the group expression (Sun in Aquarius) opposite (clashing with) the individual egos (Moon in Leo) of the band members and their conflicts.  With Jupiter square the Moon and Saturn, and in a T square with the Sun, this represents both the exuberance (Jupiter) of this album, but also the underlying heartache (Saturn).  The Sun was exactly sextile Neptune, representing the inspirational perfection of this album creatively.  Mercury exactly trine Jupiter represents the commercial supersuccess which it received.  Venus was unaspected, so it represents a one off in terms of musical genius, a complete freedom of artistic and musical expression.  Mars closely square the Nodal Axis represents the group conflict which was going on at the time, as a backdrop to all the creativity.  As they say in the Alice Bailey esoteric tradition, it represents the 4th Psychological Ray of Art and Harmony through Conflict.  Saturn closely square Uranus represents the personal earthquakes they were going through.  Saturn exactly sextile Pluto represents the sheer strength of the album: such sustained brilliance.  Last but not least, Chiron was exactly on the South Node in Aries, representing personal past life karma seeking healing, and succeeding, for this album speaks much about emotional healing through the expression of heartache and description of various relationship dilemmas.

Mick Fleetwood

It was during this period that Mick Fleetwood’s marriage to Jenny Boyd broke down, as Uranus was squaring his natal Pluto.  He wrote, in “Play On”:

“By the time we set about writing for Rumours, we had all fallen to pieces; after seven years John and Christine called it quits, Lindsey and Stevie’s four year relationship was over, and my marriage to Jenny on its way to divorce”.


Side One

  1. “Second Hand News” by Lindsey Buckingham

Written about his break up with Stevie Nicks: “…One thing I think you should know I ain’t gonna miss you when you go”

  1. “Dreams” by Stevie Nicks

Written about her break up with Lindsey Buckingham: “… It’s only right that you should Play it the way you feel it But listen carefully to the sound of your loneliness…”  It took her 10 minutes to write.

  1. “Never Going Back Again” by Lindsey Buckingham

Written after a brief relationship with a New England woman: “… Been down one time
Been down two times I’m never going back again…”

  1. “Don’t Stop” by Christine McVie with Lindsey Buckingham

Written about Christine McVie’s separation from John McVie “… Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow Don’t stop, it’ll soon be here It’ll be, better than before Yesterday’s gone, yesterday’s gone”

  1. “Go Your Own Way” by Lindsey Buckingham

Written about his break up with Stevie Nicks “… You can go your own way
Go your own way You can call it Another lonely day
”  Electrifying song inspired by “Street Fighting Man” by the Rolling Stones.  Stevie Nicks objected to some of the lyrics.

Mick Fleetwood: “I love playing this song. It’s one of my favourites because I get to kick the hell out of my drums, and it’s got that wonderfully primal part. It’s a great ‘let loose’ stage song, in which I can revert to my old animal ways and not be quite so polite.”

  1. “Songbird” by Christine McVie

“… And the songbirds keep singing Like they know the score And I love you I love you I love you Like never before”  Written in half an hour.  A beautiful, melodic,  inspired song.  Eva Cassidy took this to new heights in 1998.

Side Two

7.  “The Chain” by Buckingham, Fleetwood, C. McVie, J. McVie and Nicks

“…I can still hear you saying You would never break the chain”.  The collective song, written by all the group.  However, Stevie Nicks claims: “We split [the royalties] five ways but the fact is I wrote most of those words and most of that melody”

8.  “You Make Loving Fun” by Christine McVie

Written about her relationship with a lighting director after she split up with John McVie.

“Sweet wonderful you You make me happy with the things you do…”

9.  “I Don’t Want to Know” by Stevie Nicks with Lindsey Buckingham

Written by the pair in 1974 before they joined Fleetwood Mac.  “I don’t want to know the reasons why Love keeps right on walking on down the line“.  The harmonies between them are superb, reminiscent of the Everly Brothers (according to Stevie herself).  Symbolizes their creative tension.

10.  “Oh Daddy” by Christine McVie

Written allegedly about Mick Fleetwood and his wife Jenny who had just got back together, but it is also claimed that it was written for the lighting director who Christine McVie dated when she broke up with John. “…If I can make you see If there’s been a fool around It’s got to be me”

11.  “Gold Dust Woman” by Stevie Nicks

Written about Los Angeles city life and her struggle with drugs. Did she make you cry Make you break down Shatter your illusions of love And is it over now do you know how Pick up the pieces and go home.” 

Every one a gem. 


“Stevie Nicks” by Zoe Howe

“Play On” by Mick Fleetwood



Today’s aspect is the Sun sextile Saturn, lending a serious, sensible, sober vibration to the day.  This may seem mundane, but is entirely constructive, and favours laying down long term plans and foundations, and taking responsibility in your life.

If Sunday seems a bit pedestrian, then Monday (29th), as the best day of the week, looks to be spectacular, with a conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter.  It’s the day most likely to bring good news.  It is good for sales transactions, taking in study work, and travel.  It can bring out wit and humour, and increase optimism.

The mental lightheartedness extends into Wednesday (31st), when Mercury leaves forensically minded Scorpio and enters fun-loving Sagittarius.  It will veritably be the time to practise your stand up comedy routine, and channel your inner Romesh Ranganathan.  Mercury will be in Sagittarius into the New Year, because it turns retrograde during that time, but it will briefly dip back into Scorpio at the beginning of December.  So it will be a season of mental and geographical exploration.  A Happy Halloween is on the cards.

Another astrological influence occurring on Wednesday is Venus opposite Uranus, which could bring some tension or unpredictability in relationships.  You may need to deal with a contentious or disruptive issue.  There may be misunderstandings, so be clear from your heart.

Venus is travelling in retrograde motion, and on the same day it returns to Libra, from Scorpio.  Although you may need to go over old ground, Venus is happier and more harmonious in its own sign of Libra, and that may assist you in finding the sweet words to overcome any tensions.  Refer back to a time when the relationship was entirely harmonious, and what brought you together in the first place.  Remember what that relationship has brought to you over time.

The week in bullet points:

·         Today – serious progress

·         Tomorrow – high achieving

·         Wednesday – complex; some lightheartedness, relationship changes



Aspects for the week beginning 21 October 2018

Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Part 3

Here is the last blog analysing the remaining contestants in this competition.  Maybe I have saved the best till last, as it happens.

Seann Walsh

Over the last two weeks, Seann and Katya have been the talk of Strictly, and to some extent have diverted attention from the main event, i.e. the dancing.  His outstanding dance with Katya on Saturday 6th October also coincided with the breaking of the story about their public kiss.  Then his ex-partner Rebecca Humphries described his controlling behaviour, calling her a “psycho” for suspecting something.  Then the public were left to arbitrate on the matter, and voted to keep them in last week.

Seann has the Sun in Sagittarius sextile Jupiter, which absolutely fits the Comedian Archetype.  He also has the Sun loosely conjunct Uranus, which adds the Rebel Archetype.  It’s a very freedom-loving combination.  His stand-up comedy style has been described as “impressively universal”, a quality of Sagittarius.  Mercury is conjunct exactly Saturn in his birthchart, which can sometimes make schooling difficult – he left school with one GCSE (in Drama). He has Venus conjunct Saturn too, which can make it difficult to access his feelings.  Jupiter squares Pluto in his chart, which can use power unwisely.  And Pluto is conjunct closely with the South Node – which can indicate some harsh past life karma.

At the time of their best dance (the paso doble), and the height of their controversy, Mars was square Seann’s Nodal Axis (in karmic hot water), and Saturn was conjunct his natal Neptune (perhaps contributing to an error of judgement).  Also, the North Node (karma) was trine his Mercury/Saturn conjunction, so he was very focussed during that dance.  At the end of the contest, Jupiter will be close to his natal Sun towards Christmas and into the New Year, so he may still be trusting to luck, but I don’t think he’ll be in the running for the Glitterball.

His dance partner, the immensely creative Katya Jones, won last year, with Joe McFadden.  Here was my verdict early in the tournament on Joe’s chances:

“At the end of the series, there is a distinct lack of transits, so despite his brilliant start, circumstances may see him out of the competition before the final…

…At the end of the competition, she [Katya] still has Neptune squaring her Jupiter, but Jupiter sextiles her Saturn (an uplifting and steadying factor), Mars sextile her Uranus (electrifying moments), Neptune still sextile her Neptune, but the added bonus of Jupiter conjunct Pluto, so if the planets don’t come forward for Joe maybe her planets might pull them both through.”

Katya’s genius may therefore have been a large factor in Joe’s success (but not to take away from Joe’s own brilliance).

So what is the sizzling, irresistable chemistry between the two of them?  Katya’s Venus opposes Seann’s Saturn/Venus, she warms that lack of feeling.  Her Mars sextiles his North Node, again she brings warmth, and they do make a spark.  Their Jupiters are exactly trine, so they make a successful partnership.  And her Jupiter is conjunct his Chiron, healing for them both.

Her transits at the time of the controversial kiss, and the inspired dance, were the North Node sextile her Venus (a karmic relationship), Neptune sextile her Saturn (letting go of inhibition) and Neptune trine her Pluto (a deep experience).  In the week leading up to that, Jupiter had been opposite her natal Sun (throwing caution to the wind, and being swept off her feet by a Sagittarian!).  At the end of the contest, she still has Neptune sextile her Saturn and Neptune trine her Pluto.  Pluto is moving to trine her natal Sun, which peaks in early February next year, signalling important changes in her life.  Perhaps it will be around that time that she hears whether she will be taking part in next year’s contest.  Interestingly, Seann Walsh will have Jupiter conjunct his Sun at that time, so it will be an important time for him, too.

But what of Katya’s husband, dancer and choreographer Neil Jones, and Seann’s ex-partner, actress Rebecca Humphries?  We do not have a birth date for Rebecca, but we do have a birth chart for Neil.  His transits at the time of the crisis were Neptune sextile his Sun, and Mars sextile his Uranus, which were not too damaging, though Neptune can still create scandal and illusion even when well aspected.  According to Katya, all was well between them at the time.

They don’t have an easy chemistry as a couple, with her Pluto opposite his Sun (a psychological challenge).  But they have two steady, stable and sober interaspects, in her Saturn trine his Sun, and her North Node trine his Saturn.  His transits for early February 2019 (which look like an important time for Seann and Katya) are Uranus trine his Neptune, and Pluto trine his Mars.  They are powerful transits, and also indicative of change.

Vick Hope

Vick is a radio broadcaster with Sun/Mercury in Libra square Uranus, so is very individualistic, and not afraid to be controversial.  Her Moon in Leo likes to put on a show.  She has a very challenging birth chart (I counted 13 squares), so may have overcome a good few hurdles in her life to arrive where she is now.  Her Mercury conjunct Mars gives her quick mental reactions, which is very useful when picking up moves and when a fast pace is required, such as in last week’s quickstep, when it became clear that from an unpromising first appearance she had made the greatest progress. Mercury/Mars also gives her the gift of the gab as a broadcaster, the ability to speak spontaneously (she can speak French, Spanish and Portuguese).  She is not risk averse (Jupiter opposite Uranus) and that may also help her process in the competition.  There is a really caring side to her (Jupiter conjunct Chiron in Cancer) and she is involved in humanitarian work, as a human rights activist and ambassador to Amnesty International.

Vick’s transits this weekend are Mars square her Venus (sensuality) and Saturn square her Mars (some inhibition), so she may dip slightly in parts of the dance.  But Uranus is trine her Uranus, so she is well capable of surprising us at this time – this aspect peaked at the beginning of October, when her game started to pick up.  Neptune trines her Pluto, so she is having a rich and deep experience.  At the end of the contest, Saturn will be opposite her Jupiter, and on her Neptune (not easy) but Neptune will still be trine Pluto.

Sizzling Sicilian new boy Graziano di Prima (he’s just 24) partners Vick, and from a disappointing first round the pair of them have impressed the judges with the progress they have made.  Graziano is a Taurean, so he should be quite supportive in nature.  He has a deep North Node/Pluto conjunction  in Scorpio sextile a conjunction of Neptune/Uranus in Capricorn, so can be complex in a constructive way.  He is very grounded, with half his planets in the Earth signs, and strong willed with half his planets in the Fixed Quadruplicity.  His talent for dance is shown by Neptune trine his Sun and sextile his North Node.

Chemistry-wise, they have their Jupiters exactly trine, so if they should get to the final it may be their chemistry which is the key to their success.  Strangely enough, Seann and Katya also have that interaspect.  This weekend, Graziano has Pluto trine his Sun, so will be capable of displaying his skill in a thorough way.  Chiron will be sextile his Mercury, so mentally he will be on tip top form too.  Pluto squaring his Mars may make him accident-prone though.

By the end of the contest, the North Node will be sextile his Mercury (his karma will be helpful), Chiron will still be sextile his Mercury, and Saturn will be sextile his Jupiter (sound judgement).  So his final transits are quite promising, and as we saw last year with Katya and Joe McFadden, that can tip the scales.

Joe Sugg

Born on a New Moon in Virgo, Joe is a real perfectionist, with an attention to detail (no sloppy Joe!).  He is also strong willed, with half his planets in the Fixed signs.  He likes to be quirky (Sun trine Uranus), and Bruno and Claudia have commented on this trait. He has definite ability when it comes to dance (Sun trine Neptune).  He also has a penchant for performing (Sun exactly trine North Node, and North Node closely conjunct Neptune), and electrical energy (Mars  square Uranus).  He could be the dark horse of the competition, currently riding at the middle of the road on the scoreboard.  With Mercury conjunct Venus he also has writing talent, being the author of graphic novels.  He is most known as a You Tuber.

Joe’s transits this weekend show Saturn squaring his Mars (some inhibition), Uranus square his Saturn (difficult energy), South Node on his Saturn (having to work on his weaknesses), but on the plus side Neptune sextile his Neptune (spiritual serenity) and Pluto sextile his Pluto (empowerment).  It may not be his best week, but the Neptune and Pluto transits may outweigh the other difficulties and keep him in the contest.  For the end of the contest, Saturn will be on his Uranus (a clashing energy, but may bring out extra discipline), Uranus will be trine his Jupiter (a wonderful surprise, there is another hint that he may be the dark horse), and Neptune will still be sextile his Neptune.

His partner, Dianne Buswell, appeared briefly last year partnered with the Rev. Richard Cole, but now has a better hold in the competition.  She is another supportive Taurean, with Chiron, Mars and the Moon in Cancer (the sign of musical rhythm).  Like Joe, she has Mercury conjunct Jupiter, so they will communicate well between them.  She has the North Node at 0 degrees Pisces (the sign associated with dance).

There may be an element of their relationship which is a huge challenge, especially to Dianne, as Joe’s Pluto opposes her Sun.  His Mars also squares her Uranus, so physically they may not always be in sync. Her transits for this weekend are Pluto trine her Sun (a moving performance), Neptune sextile her Saturn (capable of nuance), Saturn on her Uranus (some clashing energy) and Neptune trine her Pluto (a rich and deep experience), so she will enjoy the performance.  At the end of the contest Mars will be sextile her Sun (an injection of energy), Neptune will still be sextile her Saturn and trine her Pluto, so that’s looking good for her.  I wouldn’t rule out this pair getting to the semi-finals, or even the finals, but for Dianne particularly the whole season will likely to be transformative for her.

Danny John-Jules

I had never watched Red Dwarf (or Death in Paradise) and so was unfamiliar with Danny John Jules, but he won me over from his first steps.  There is something very charismatic about his energy and unique dancing style.  In his birth chart, he has fewer aspects than average, and maybe that makes for a free spirit.  He has the Sun in Virgo, so is another Virgoan  perfectionist.  The Sun is in a T-square with Mars and Jupiter, so he possesses high energy, not always controllable.  He has Mercury square Saturn, and Saturn in his chart, unusually, is exactly Stationary.  So mentally he is disciplined; Craig implied he was stuck in one style.  But he has got style.  His musicality comes from Mercury and Venus in Libra.  Darcy and Shirley have praised him for his “extraordinary posture” and “amazing vertical line”.

His partner Amy Dowden debuted last year with Brian Conley, but I have not been able to obtain a birth date for her.  His transits this weekend and for the end of the contest are quite low key.  Possibly because he has few natal aspects, he has fewer transits.  He has his Second Saturn Return early in the New Year, which will be an important time for restructuring his life.  So with Danny John-Jules having few natal aspects, and few transits, and no birth date for Amy Dowden, sadly I cannot properly evaluate this couple!

Lauren Steadman

Lauren, a Paralympian, is a sporty Sagittarian.  She has a huge portion of her chart unoccupied, a chart shaping known as “Locomotive”.  This is a shaping which lends energy and drive to the individual, for which Astrologer Margaret Hone gave the description: “The temperament reveals a self-driving individuality”.  She also has the chart of a leader, with half of her planets in the Cardinal signs, and the Sun being conjunct the North Node.  Apart from this conjunction, and a trine with Chiron, her Sun is unaspected, again making for a great deal of independence and individuality.  She loves people, with her Venus trine exactly Jupiter –  but at the same time has Venus conjunct Saturn which Seann Walsh has (which can make it difficult to access feelings).  Mars is trine exactly with Pluto giving her access to a powerhouse of energy – Darcy has described her as having a “strong core”.  She is, of course, superfit, for a Strictly contestant.

Her partner A.J. Pritchard did very well on Masterchef recently, I must say!  I described his chart in 2016: “He has Venus, Sun, North Node, Jupiter and Pluto in Scorpio.  He also has the sensitive and complex conjunction of Neptune and Uranus which occurred in the early 1990s.” There is some friction between their charts: His Mercury squares her Mars, and their Venuses are square.  But there is also some healing: His Mercury sextiles her Chiron.  It is not a remarkable synastry.  Her transits this weekend are Mars on her Saturn (fighting spirit), but she may not have the greatest of weeks.  If she gets through this week, at the end of the contest Jupiter is in her sign and on her Mercury, which could bring her a real high.  His transits at the moment also are low key, but more promising at the end if they make it: Neptune will be close to a trine with his Sun (inspiration), he will have a Venus Return around then (I don’t know the exact date of the end of the series), Saturn will be sextile his natal Venus (controlled artistry), and Pluto on his Neptune (a profound experience).

Having looked at all the contestants now, none of them really stand out for final transits!  My own favourites are Faye Tozer and Ashley Roberts.


Monday (22nd) begins the week with a sextile between Mercury and Pluto, which is a helpful day for combining rational thought with deepest feelings.  They may not always coincide but together they may come together in a useful blend of mind, body and spirit.

The Sun enters Scorpio on Tuesday (23rd), so a happy birthday season to all Scorpios!  Under the Sun in Libra, we will have been exercising our diplomatic and peacemaking skills, but now we need to confront the deeper issues and find more lasting solutions which treat the causes and not just the symptoms of a situation.  For this we need more insight, resolve and conviction, qualities of this sign.

The next day (Wednesday 24th) the Sun immediately encounters an opposition from Uranus, and you will need your new insight, resolve and conviction.  The element of the unexpected will be testing those very qualities.  Be open and flexible, and use your intuition to the max.

At lunchtime, Venus sextiles Saturn, which may stabilize matters, at least matters of the heart, art or money.  Loyalties and alliances may help to reorganize the day and possibly minimize any disruption from the Sun-Uranus opposition.  The two issues however may be entirely separate.

The Full Moon  at 1 degree Taurus arrives at 16.45 Hrs in the U.K.  It should make some impact, as it conjoins Uranus while it opposes the Sun.  Altogether, this could be an emotionally demanding day, despite the stabilizing sextile between Venus and Saturn, so make sure you have some extra emotional resources handy, whether that be meditation, a friendly ear, or an artistic project.

A very congenial conjunction graces the end of the week, for the Sun conjoins Venus Retrograde at 3 degrees Scorpio on Friday (26th).  This restores emotional warmth if it was lacking earlier in the week, and may bring some financial ease or a minor windfall.  The Arts are favoured, as are cultural trips, or if spending a domestic day you may be inspired to a spot of cake baking.

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – profound thought
  • Tuesday – profound being
  • Wednesday – eventful
  • Friday – love and light


Aspects for the week beginning 14 October 2018

Jamal Khashoggi

The disappearance of Jamal Khashoggi seemingly within the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul remains a mystery.  It has been claimed that the Saudi Arabian journalist was killed inside the embassy, as he did not emerge.  Khashoggi was a long term critic of the Saudi regime, on issues such as women’s rights and the intervention against Yemen.  The U.K. government continues to profit from arms trade deals with Saudi Arabia.


His surname was made famous by his uncle, Adnan Khashoggi, who was an arms dealer on behalf of the Saudi government, and who led a luxury lifestyle.  Dodi Al-Fayed was Jamal’s cousin, and their Marses are exactly conjunct.

Birth Chart

Khashoggi is, or was, a Sunsign Libran with Venus, the North Node, Mercury, and possibly the Moon also in that sign.  He was reported to have visited the Saudi Arabian Consulate in order to obtain documents to marry his Turkish fiancee, who waited for him outside, and who reported him missing after the consulate closed for the day.

Mercury is conjunct his North Node, so it is part of his karmic mission to be a journalist, and speak out.  Jupiter conjunct Neptune will have given him a strong conscience.

He has, or had, Mars square closely to Pluto, indicating that he could be a victim of violence.

Transits for disappearance

What did happen to him when he entered the Embassy on 2nd October 2018?  His transits for the time were Mars squaring his Jupiter, Saturn sextile his Neptune, and Saturn trine his Pluto.  But most tellingly of all, Pluto squaring his Sun: the possibility that he could have met his end.

The Turkish police claim that a 15-member team killed him and disposed of his body.  They claim there was no CCTV evidence for him leaving the building, and that there is video evidence of his killing.

Saudi Arabia

Saudi Arabia is currently largely ruled by Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman, a controversial leader, who has made some reforms (e.g. allowing women to drive) but who seems to run as brutal a regime as ever, and has supervised the war which has caused so much suffering to the Yemeni people.

The Crown Prince himself has some difficult squares in his birth chart (difficult for others to cope with).  He has Mercury square Saturn, Venus square Pluto, Mars square Saturn, and Jupiter square Pluto, which constitute inner conflicts but also conflicts with others.  Some might say that some of the brutality of his actions lie among these aspects.

Jamal’s astrological relationship with the Crown Prince is mixed, but has a telling power issue in their Plutos being exactly sextile.  The relationship between Khashoggi and the Saudi Arabian chart is more shocking, with the Saudi Arabian Uranus conjunct Khashoggi’s South Node (surprise karma).

Sadly, although Khashoggi was set to marry a Turkish woman, his synastry with the chart of Turkey is not a happy one:  its Pluto squares his Venus, and its Saturn is on his Mercury (both heavy weather connections).  Not a place for effective refuge, for him.

The U.S. government has condemned the alleged killing of Khashoggi, even though they have been as enthusiastic about the arms trade as the U.K.  Khashoggi is legally a resident of the United States.  There has been no reaction from the Arab media, according to Al-Jazeera.


The U.K. response has been more muted.  Emily Thornberry, writing in the Observer today, and interviewed on the Andrew Marr Show claims Britain must hold the Saudis to account for Jamal Khashoggi.  She claims Foreign Secretary Jeremy Hunt did not comment for a week after the event.  She criticizes the hosting of the Crown Prince by Theresa May earlier this year, describing him as “the architect of the war in Yemen, directly responsible for the deaths of thousands of civilians as a result of airstrikes and humanitarian blockades.”

What, apart from oil, money and arms, keeps the U.K. so bonded with Saudi Arabia?  Astrologically, their Jupiters are exactly sextile, traditionally a sign of luck and success in a relationship.  It would take a strong conscience to rise about the feelgood nature of that connection!  Money still talks.


We have a congenial conjunction tomorrow (Monday 15th) between Mercury and Venus at 8 degrees Scorpio, a chance to articulate fine words, and set them to music or accompany them with appropriate illustrations.  With the placement of this conjunction in Scorpio, they won’t just be fine words, they will have a deeper meaning too.  The verbal or written contribution may address negotiations, relationships, human rights, or cultural themes.  Aspects this week are thin on the ground, so you would do well to make this project your credo for the week.  If you know which House into which the conjunction falls in your chart, you can further train your focus for maximum effect and truth.

Another aspect on Friday morning (19th), Mercury trine Neptune, continues the theme of nice words.  So the middle of the week is cocooned by these two aspects.  Mercury trine Neptune spiritualizes and sensitizes communications, and can take them to a whole new level.  Therefore the responses to any communications you make on Monday should be positive ones, and take you smoothly through the week, peaking like soft meringues with Friday morning’s influence.  “Aah…” you may sigh, resting on your laurels at that point.

The interlude of your rest period, however, will be short lived, for late afternoon, early evening, Mars squares Mercury. “What just happened?!” you may exclaim, from your position on the chaise longue.   Just as you had established a new order of diplomacy and understanding, a new argumentative thread begins.  This may come from another quarter entirely, and not disrupt your earlier work this week.  But it may be a new battle, or war of words, to fight, react to, or ignore.  And of course, it is your choice how you do respond.  But your shared credo from early in the week may serve to help smooth things over, or clarify things.  If you are communicating with a new set of people, they will either buy your ideas for peace, or you will have to negotiate anew.  Or you may be arguing with yourself over a new issue.  Take care of simple health and safety measures, as carelessness may disrupt conditions.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – smooth communications
  • Friday – sublime communications, followed by fractiousness

Aspects for the week beginning 7 October 2018

Charles Aznavour (1924 – 2018)

“He knew that the real France was a France of welcome.  This son of immigrants, who had not studied, knew that in France … the French language was a sanctuary more sacred than any other.”

~ Emmanuel Macron

Charles Aznavour, popularly known as the French Frank Sinatra, was born in Paris to Armenian immigrants.  The family sheltered Jews in the second world war, and Charles and his sister later received an award for their actions.  His career was assisted early on by his bond with Edith Piaf, herself a legendary songstress in French culture.

Birth Chart

Aznavour’s Sun was at 0 degrees Gemini in his 5th House of Creativity and Children (he wrote over 1000 songs, and had 6 children).  With Edith’s Moon conjunct this point at 0 degrees Gemini, she was the Moon to his Sun.

We have birth times for both Charles and Edith, and Aznavour’s Ascendant in Capricorn, with Moon in 12th House also in that sign, points to the slightly melancholy quality to his singing.  Venus exactly conjunct Pluto in his chart gave rise to a deep, sonorous voice, and profound feeling conveyed in his musical presentation.

His Mercury sextile exactly Venus gives rise to two Archetypes in his chart and life: the Songwriter, and the Diplomat.  His legacy of songs are more prominent, but he did act in the role of ambassador for Armenia (to Switzerland), and a delegate to the United Nations.

One of his most memorable hits was the song “She”,  a song that reflects the nostalgia of his Moon in 12th House.  It was released at the time of his Chiron return in 1974.  This means it would represent something of his Inner Healer, Chiron being placed at the base of his chart in Aries, early in 4th House:

 “She may be the reason I survive
The why and wherefore I’m alive
The one I’ll care for through the rough and ready years
Me, I’ll take her laughter and her tears
And make them all my souvenirs
For where she goes I’ve got to be
The meaning of my life is she”

Edith Piaf

Early in his career, Edith Piaf invited Aznavour to open for her at the Moulin Rouge, and advised him on his singing style.  They were flatmates for a time, and also were involved in a car crash together in 1951.  They were definitely karmically linked, and with  her Mercury trine his North Node, they had a brother/sister relationship. Other highlights of their synastry which indicate her part in his career were her Jupiter on his Uranus (her role in his success) and her Ascendant conjunct his Midheaven or Careerpoint.

His last few months

On 12th May this year, just before his 94th birthday, he suffered a fall at his home breaking his arm, and though he vowed to keep performing sadly he had to cancel some shows, but he continued to give interviews even up to three days before his passing.  At the time of the fall, Pluto was on his Ascendant, a challenging transit for any time of life.  By the time of his passing on 1st October 2018 Neptune was sextile his Moon, a gentle transit for his journey.

“…Yesterday, when I was young
The taste of life was sweet as rain upon my tongue
I teased at life as if it were a foolish game
The way the evening breeze may tease a candle flame
The thousand dreams I dreamed, the splendid things I planned
I always built to last on weak and shifting sand
I lived by night and shunned the naked light of the day
And only now I see how the years ran away

Yesterday, when I was young
So many happy songs were waiting to be sung
So many wild pleasures lay in store for me
And so much pain my dazzled eyes refused to see
I ran so fast that time and youth at last ran out
I never stopped to think what life was all about
And every conversation I can now recall
Concerned itself with me and nothing else at all…”

~ Charles Aznavour


We’re working our way towards a New Moon at 15 degrees Libra at the moment, which occurs at 3.47 a.m. on Tuesday (9th) in the U.K.   So the next two days it would be helpful to focus on your aspirations for relationship, diplomacy, justice, art and music – all provinces of the sign of Libra.  Crystallize your intent, shape your visualizations, and construct your affirmations on what is important to you.  Programme it into your subconscious before falling asleep on Monday night – and hey presto!  Either you have enlightenment during your sleep, or not…  But whether or not you are conscious of beneficial changes or shifts, they may still be running and bear fruit over the next month.

The next day, Wednesday (10th) sees Mercury’s entry into Scorpio.  You may be leaving behind some of the intellectual issues around relationship, diplomacy, justice, art and music and occupying your mind more forensically on deeper issues generally about life, or the deeper dimensions of those issues.  Mercury stays in Scorpio for the rest of this month, and so for that time frame the collective mindset will be trained to look deeper at various issues and beyond the superficial gloss of society’s values.  In your own personal life, too, you will have more courage to look at what really matters, and to worry less about how things appear to others.

In the late afternoon, or early evening we have an opposition between Mercury and Uranus.  So no sooner do we have a switch in mindset than we are confronted with a conundrum to test out our views.  Perhaps a controversial subject comes up, challenging us to think outside the box.  We may feel mentally overwhelmed, or be given too much information with a futuristic slant.  We may need to take a mental siesta, if frazzled.  Advance intuition, or meditation may help to attune ourselves to what is required, and keep us in the flow or in the zone.

Thursday (11th) brings a square between Venus and Mars to the table, an aspect we last met in September.  This is a passionate aspect, but one where there may signals may be confused or misread, as Venus represents love and Mars sexuality, and there are so many permutations in between.  You may need to be aware of issues around political correctness, and the “Me Too” movement may be a particular hot topic.  How to resolve the age old battle of the sexes now that Kavanaugh has been sworn in and Christine Ford’s testimony swept aside…?

Some of this angst will be relevant to the aspect on Friday (12th) which is the Sun square Pluto, so again the depth of experience of life is the issue, but in a more holistic sense than in the mental considerations of Wednesday.  But also there may be undertones of Thursday’s sexual tensions, with the deeper implications coming to the fore.  With Pluto squaring the Sun, there can be no hiding or sweeping under the carpet.  You have to look at the nitty gritty, whether it be a psychological issue facing you, or a challenge from outside yourself (say, from authority, or criticism from others).

A more helpful aspect on the same day, Mercury sextile Saturn, will enable you to attain some sense of proportion, and apply your mind sensibly.  If you are needing to attend to paperwork or documentation, this aspect could be useful.  It also enables straight talking, or plain speaking.  On what could be an emotional day, this may be a boon.  So there may be a highly charged atmosphere, but one person may be able to articulate or summarize in a logical and clear manner how the situation stands.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – new beginning
  • Wednesday – deeper patterns of thought, but also disruption
  • Thursday – social passions and wranglings
  • Friday – drama, and sense