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Aspects for the week beginning 12 January 2020

Saturn conjunct Pluto

As you may know by now, the two great planets Saturn and Pluto make a grand conjunction today, a conjunction which heavily impact our lives, and the world in general.  For ourselves, the conjunction may highlight a challenge which we may already be aware of.  In the world, there are current challenges connected with international relations, climate change (witness the Australian bush fires), and particularly in the U.K. Brexit challenges, and a crisis for the monarchy.

It is a rare conjunction, having occurred in 1914 (the start of the First World War), 1947, and 1982.  People born with this conjunction in their natal charts may have faced huge challenges, and overcome great hurdles, but have great character, and are also immensely strong and resilient.  And strength and resilience is what to aim for as we navigate these times, whatever we may be struggling with. Transformation will always be part of the outcome, if Pluto has anything to do with it; and Saturn helps us face reality.

The effects vary according to what House the conjunction occupies in your chart, if you know your Ascendant.  Better still, if you know the degree of your Ascendant, you can fine tune its effect (bearing in mind that different House systems produce slightly different results).  The conjunction takes place at 22 degrees Capricorn, so if you have planets at 22 degrees they may be affected.

Here are some possibilities:

Saturn/Pluto in your 1st House (likely if you have a Capricorn Ascendant) –

The Challenge: Some physical discomfort, such as tiredness

The Potential Resolution: Action leading to better health and fitness; paradoxically, that may mean more surrender and rest.

Saturn/Pluto in your 2nd House (likely if you have a Sagittarian Ascendant) –

The Challenge: A large but necessary expense

The Potential Resolution: Realizing the value and worth of your financial transaction

Saturn/Pluto in your 3rd House (likely if you have a Scorpio Ascendant)

The Challenge: Fear of the consequences of speaking out

The Potential Resolution: A calm and measured written or verbal expression

Saturn/Pluto in your 4th House (likely if you have a Libran Ascendant)

The Challenge: Family disagreements

The Potential Resolution: Getting to the root of family issues

Saturn/Pluto in your 5th House (likely if you have a Virgo Ascendant)

The Challenge: A creative block

The Potential Resolution: Clearing and decluttering to make for a more creative space

Saturn/Pluto in your 6th House (likely if you have a Leo Ascendant)

The Challenge: A health issue, or problem in  your work space

The Potential Resolution: Seeking your Inner Healer, or rearranging office furniture

Saturn/Pluto in your 7th House (likely if you have a Cancerian Ascendant)

The Challenge: Difficult interpersonal issues

The Potential Resolution: Honest communication leading to more understanding

Saturn/Pluto in your 8th House (likely if you have a Gemini Ascendant)

The Challenge: Financial entanglements, or difficult spiritual initiations

The Potential Resolution: Releasing or separating financial obligations, or breaking through to a higher spiritual level

Saturn/Pluto in your 9th House (likely if you have a Taurus Ascendant)

The Challenge: Philosophy of life not working properly

The Potential Resolution: Finding the higher perspective and making changes to your philosophy

Saturn/Pluto in your 10th House (likely if you have an Aries Ascendant)

The Challenge: A desired career path blocked

The Potential Resolution: A sidestep which proves better for you

Saturn/Pluto in your 11th House (likely if you have a Pisces Ascendant)

The Challenge: Fear or intimidation in a group

The Potential Resolution: Finding your way to being able to stand as an individual within the group

Saturn/Pluto in your 12th House (likely if you have an Aquarian Ascendant)

The Challenge: An unconscious block makes itself known

The Potential Resolution: Understanding the message from your unconscious, and acting upon it to make your conscious life better

Some examples of famous people or places who have been in the news this week:

Prince Harry has certainly dropped a bombshell this week, with the Saturn-Pluto directly in his 1st House.  The two planets have been working in his 1st House over a period of time, and the tensions have resulted in the attempt to break away from the institutions and lifestyles associated with the royal family.  Moreover, his Sun at 22 degrees Virgo is trined exactly by the conjunction, and so he would see this as an act of empowerment.

The Queen has her Ascendant at 21 degrees Capricorn, trine Harry’s Sun, and the Saturn-Pluto conjunction has been around this point recently.  She has had her fair share of angst recently with the scandal surrounding Prince Andrew, so is having to deal with this conjunction in a very personal way.  She has Jupiter and Neptune in Fire signs at 22 degrees, so is also buffeted by the conjunction transiting them.

Boris Johnson has an Ascendant of 11degrees Libra, and the conjunction falls in his 4th House of Home and Family.  It may also relate to his relationship with his country.  He does not have any planets at 22 degrees of the signs. He now has to negotiate a viable trade deal with the E.U. within a year, something the experts say is difficult.

Donald Trump has an Ascendant of 29 degrees Leo (so almost all of his1st House is in Virgo).  The Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurs in his 5th House, but it quincunxes his natal Sun in Gemini (so directly influences his mood) and forms a close opposition to his Saturn in Cancer in 11th House of Friendship, so he may be disappointed in his allies.  Occurring in his 5th House, the conjunction may have an effect on his self-image.

Meghan Markle’s Ascendant is 24 degrees Cancer, and therefore the conjunction falls at the very end of her 6th House of Service: she is certainly wanting to modify the forms under which she gives service.  It is also close to an opposition with her Ascendant, so the coming year will be difficult for her, and put some strain on her relationships (Descendant). With her natal Pluto at 21 degrees Libra, there is also a continuation of a great deal of inner psychological and soul searching from last year.

Iran: The Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurs in Iran’s 6th House, and directly impacts the chart, with the North Node of Karma exactly sextile the Iranian Saturn, and Mars exactly opposite the Iranian Moon. The country has certainly had a turbulent run up to this conjunction: Following the U.S. assassination of the military leader Qasem Soleimani, Iran has been forced to admit it accidentally shot down a plane bound for Ukraine, and there have been calls for the resignation of Iran’s supreme leader the Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei to resign.

Ireland: A breakthrough which has occurred at this time is the new Stormont deal, enabling Northern Ireland to form a government again, after three years of inability to move forward.  The Saturn-Pluto conjunction occurs in the 8th House of Transformations in the Northern Ireland chart, and its timing indicates that new births can arise now.  However, the transits to the Northern Ireland chart show that other supportive transits have helped to engineer this breakthrough:  transiting Jupiter (at the beginning of its 8th House)  exactly sextiles its natal Jupiter (in its 6th House of working relations)  and natal Uranus (sudden breakthroughs, in its 10th House of potential and reputation).

The causes of current situations can to a great extent be seen, as they have been building for some time, whether in a personal or wider situation.  That provides some understanding, looking at the past.  For dealing with the present, a friend  of mine drew attention to the work of Astrologer Melanie Reinhard on the asteroid centaur Chariklo, which she says has been conjunct Saturn and Pluto in the last year.  Melanie’s groundbreaking original work on Chiron was crucial to understanding of that asteroid, and she says Chariklo was the wife of Chiron, and represents holding sacred space and bearing witness.  Something we are having to do now, especially  in our relationship with the world.  As for making sense of current crises and looking to the future, the question is why are these things happening, what is intended by the Universe (assuming there is a reason or end product), and how will that look like when we all come through it, which we must.  In working with this, you may want to do a spot of future life progression, and envision what you would like the future to look like.


The main event (Saturn conjunct Pluto) occurs at 16.59 Hrs in the U.K. today.  Meanwhile, it is preceded by two other conjunctions.  At 9.51 a.m. Mercury was conjunct Saturn at 22 degrees Capricorn (it is all happening at that degree), prompting communications of a serious nature.  You may have found yourself attending to minute detail, or scrutinizing something, perhaps with a view to solving a problem.

At 10.14 a.m. Mercury was conjunct Pluto, again at 22 degrees Capricorn, continuing the scrutiny and concentration, but going deeper psychologically.  Conversations and communications deepen in nature, and causes of situations and circumstances may be uncovered, such as motives.  We all become detectives.

The main event of Saturn conjunct Pluto, as mentioned, will be at 16.59 Hrs (also at 22 degrees Capricorn), for those who may be reading the blog today.  This constitutes a challenge, likely to have been coming on for some time, with complex causes, which may need a new approach in your life, or a deeper understanding.  Ultimately, a breakthrough may be won through as a consequence.

Two more conjunctions occur tomorrow (Monday 13th), and the first is the Sun conjunct Pluto at 13.21 Hrs (again at 22 degrees Capricorn).  It is an intense couple of days!  But a word to those whose birthday is 13th January (or either side of that date) who have their natal Sun at 22 degrees Capricorn.  The events of the Saturn-Pluto conjunction will be especially relevant to you, or you may find yourself the centre of attention (not necessarily for the reason that it’s your birthday!).  You may also hold the keys to understanding the times, for others.

Sun conjunct Pluto deepens the quality of our experience, whatever we happen to be working on.   The royal family are reported to be holding a summit at Sandringham tomorrow on the future role of Meghan and Prince Harry.  They will aim to get to the deeper issues and causes, and try to find solutions going forward.  There is no evading the deeper issues under this aspect.  Get down to the nitty gritty.

At 15.16 Hrs the Sun conjuncts Saturn, so it is more concentration, but focussed on the practicalities  such as “what can we do about the situation?”,  having thrashed out the deeper causes to the best of our ability.  The Saturn part of the equation demands responsibility, commitment, and common sense.  With all these conjunctions at 22 degrees Capricorn, we have faced reality, and are now making decisions based on our researches, soul-searching and advice.

There is a different focus, should you need one, in the evening, for Venus enters Pisces, bringing in a greater component of compassion.  You may have been looking at things in a mental or practical way, and may be able to relax a little and allow the heart greater expression.  The trend towards tenderness lasts until her entry into Aries on 7th February.  Charities can be honoured and prioritized, and the Arts can be especially inspired during that period.

Exciting waters on Wednesday (15th) when Venus sextiles Uranus, a good day for socializing and meeting new people.  The Universe may arrange for you to bump into an old friend, and you can look at life and people in a new light.

There is also some newness about on Thursday (16th) when Mercury enters Aquarius, and this is in our collective mental outlook.  We have wrestled with the realities of Mercury in Capricorn, and can now look ahead embrace some new ideas about the future.  Perhaps there are ideas we have not quite been ready to accept before this point.  Mercury will be in Aquarius until 3rd February, so get ready for a progressive time in terms of your thought processes.

Saturday (18th) may seem a bit too progressive mentally, bordering on the bizarre, when Mercury makes a square to Uranus.  Back up your computer files, and consider I.T. loopholes, as this is a time when you may experience glitches in this area.  Disrupted travel, such as train services, may also be in the air – I have already had to reschedule a Saturday meeting in London because our local line will not be running into King’s Cross for eight weekends.  Again,  consider why these things are happening, and what is intended by the Universe – I once, under this aspect, downloaded a whole lot of new philosophy whilst sitting on a train!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Intense day 1
  • Tomorrow – Intense day 2; compassion
  • Wednesday – Exciting
  • Thursday – New Ideas
  • Saturday – Disruption

Aspects for the week beginning 5 January 2020


Welcome to the year 2020: Again New Hopes, New Dreams and a Fresh Start.  This time it’s a New Decade, and as many have pointed out, 20:20 Vision.  It seems to be a year of extremes, but also a year of achievement.  A most significant year both personally and globally.  My impression of the shape of the year is that it will begin in great difficulty (Saturn conjunct Pluto), there will be an attempt at higher balancing during the course of the year (three sextiles between Jupiter and Neptune), then a moment of hope at the end (Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius).

If you want to start working with the aspects from now, here is a guide to some of the major astrological events coming up.

2020 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:


This January will be very important for everyone, very much about facing reality.

Friday 3rd: (last Friday) Mars entered Sagittarius – A bright, adventurous note.  Stays in Sagittarius until 16th February.

10th: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon at 20 degrees Cancer) – turning point and high tide of emotion.

Saturday 11th: Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Change and progress, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.

Sunday 12th:  Saturn conjunct Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn – Huge challenges, both personal and worldwide, e.g. repercussions from Brexit and Climate Change.  Also the Nuclear issue (Kim Jong Un rejects his pact with Trump; Iran retaliates against the killing of its military leader).


Sunday 16th: Mars enters Capricorn – A sense of purpose, determination and ambition. Stays in Capricorn until 30th March.

Monday 17th: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 10th March.

Thursday 20th: Jupiter sextile Neptune – Religion and Spirituality in Harmony.


Tuesday 10th:  Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Friday 20th: Spring Equinox.  The Sun enters Aries – the beginning of the Astrological New Year.  Day and Night of equal length.

Sunday 22nd: Saturn enters Aquarius – a significant shift of effort to the mental plane.

Monday 30th: Mars enters Aquarius – more social co-operation for the good of all.  Stays in Aquarius until 13th May.


Sunday 5th: Jupiter conjunct Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn – empowering for some.  Otherwise the surge of power needs to be controlled.

Saturday 25th: Pluto stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – A level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.


Monday 11th: Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground.  Retrograde period ends 29th September.

Wednesday 13th: **Mars enters Pisces – A more compassionate motivation.  Stays in Pisces  until 28th June.

Same day: Venus is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Relationships need work.  Retrograde period ends 25th June.

Thursday 14th: Jupiter is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – Revising your Philosophy.  Retrograde period ends 13th September.


Friday 5th: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon at 15 degrees Sagittarius) – turning point, and mentally adventurous.

Thursday18th: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 12th July.

Saturday 20th: Summer Solstice.  The Sun enters Cancer.  The peak of the Light.

Sunday 21st: Solar Eclipse (New Moon at 0 degrees Cancer) – A new beginning, emotionally.

Tuesday 23rd: Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Some retrospection on the Spiritual path.  Retrograde period ends 29th November.

Thursday 25th: Venus Direct – Relationships more straightforward.

28th: Mars enters its own sign of Aries – Energy much more direct.  Stays in Aries the rest of the year, and until January 2021 (a very long stay!).

30th: Jupiter conjunct Pluto (2nd pass) – As 5th April, empowering for some.  Otherwise the surge of power needs to be controlled.


Wednesday 1st:  Saturn, in Retrograde motion, re-enters Capricorn – tying up old loose ends.  Stays in Capricorn until 17th December.

Sunday 5th:  Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon at 13 degrees Capricorn) – turning point, and practical emotion.

Sunday12th: Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Monday 27th: Jupiter sextile Neptune (2nd pass). As Thursday 20th February: Religion and Spirituality in Harmony.


Saturday 15th: Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Rebellion, and bids for freedom.  Retrograde period ends 14th January 2021.


Wednesday 9th: Mars Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – energies out of sync.  Retrograde period ends 14th November.

Sunday 13th: Jupiter Direct – straightening out your Philosophy.

Tuesday 22nd: Autumn Equinox.  The Sun enters Libra – A time of balance.  Day and Night of equal length.

Tuesday 29th: Saturn Direct – Less struggle.


Sunday 4th: Pluto Direct – Psychological progress.

Monday 12th: Jupiter sextile Neptune (2rd pass). As Thursday 20th February and 27th July: Religion and Spirituality in Harmony, perfecting.

Wednesday 14th: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 3rd November.


Tuesday 3rd: Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Thursday 12th: Jupiter conjunct Pluto (3rd pass) – As 5th April and 30th June, empowering for some.  Otherwise the surge of power needs to be controlled.  Some facets of this combination being mastered.

Saturday 14th: Mars Direct.  Energies more straightforward.

29th: Neptune Direct. Spiritual path clearing.

30th: Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon at 8 degrees Gemini) – turning point, and intellectual challenge.


Monday 14th: Solar Eclipse (New Moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius) – turning point, a bold new beginning.

Thursday 17th: Saturn re-enters Aquarius – establishing the significant shift of effort to the mental plane.

Saturday 19th: Jupiter enters Aquarius – Brave New World!

Monday 21st: **Winter Solstice.  The Sun enters Capricorn.  The beginning of the Return of the Light.

Same day: Jupiter conjunct Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius – one of the significators of an Aquarian New Age.  The need to achieve balance, but a real moving forward. 20:20 vision.

 ** Days when there are two significant shifts occurring


As we reel at the worldwide implications of Donald Trump’s assassination of Qasem Soleimani, not least the impact on Nazanin Zhagari Ratfliffe in the Iranian jail, there is some spiritual balm arriving on Tuesday 7th (the calm before the storm, perhaps?).

Soleimani has the violent Mars-Pluto square in his natal chart, and his death could be predestined, with transiting Uranus squaring his natal Uranus (shock) and Pluto sextile his natal North Node (the sense of an ending, karmically).

But let’s enjoy the astrological fruits of the middle of the week.  Sun sextile Neptune brings inspiration and spiritual harmony.  It can be immensely creative.  If these are some of your goals and aspirations for the start of the year, you can safely cultivate them on Tuesday.

Wednesday (8th) continues the benefits of Tuesday, with Neptune this time sextile Mercury.  It will do for Geminis and Virgos what Tuesday did for Leos: heighten their spirituality.  For us generally, our minds will be able to receive higher guidance more easily.  We will be able to make more sense of the subtleties of our reality, or of facts put before us.

The first astrological feature of Friday (10th) is the Sun conjunct Mercury at 19 degrees Capricorn.  Mentally, things can be seen as crystal clear under this conjunction.  Exceptional mental focus can achieve a great deal in the morning and in the afternoon.  This conjunction in Capricorn is supremely organizational.

But as the mood builds throughout the day, by early evening we register the emotional tension of a Lunar Eclipse (a Full Moon at 20 degrees Cancer), a turning point and high tide of emotion.  There may be an escalation of passion in the war of words between heads of nations, for instance.  In your own life, you may be torn between personal and professional loyalties.

A helpful turn of events may come in the very early hours of Saturday (11th), as Uranus will be Stationary, prior to turning Direct.   Change and progress are possible, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.  It is just possible that a head of state may have a U-turn, in the right direction, but with the Saturn-Pluto conjunction due the very next day, it may be too late to avert difficulties which have been a long time brewing.

In your own life, early on Saturday morning (or very late on Friday), it is a good time to do all  you can to alleviate any collective, tribal, or social difficulties which you can see.  Having done all you can, you have to relax, as we all need a break!  For example, a friend of mine has been tweeting heads of state to try to avert some of the global problems we are facing.  But closer to home, you may see what could be done in the family setting, or in the community.   Intuition will flow better, and future vision come into view.

Preview for Sunday 12th: Possibly the most important day of the year. Saturn conjunct Pluto at 22 degrees Capricorn – Huge challenges, both personal and worldwide, e.g. repercussions from Brexit and Climate Change.  Also the Nuclear issue (Kim Jong Un rejects his pact with Trump; Iran retaliates against the killing of its military leader). More next week.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – Spiritual harmony
  • Wednesday – Mental inspiration
  • Friday – Mental clarity; emotional high tide
  • Saturday – Unexpected progress; stay steady


Aspects for the week beginning 29 December 2019

Baba Ram Dass (1931 – 2019)

“Be Here Now” ~ Baba Ram Dass

Spiritual teacher Baba Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) died this week.  He was part of the consciousness-raising movement of the 1960s, together with Timothy Leary, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.

Birth Chart

Ram Dass had 0 planets in the Air signs, relying on instinct.  The Sun was exactly conjunct Uranus in his chart, bringing up the Pioneer and Rebel Archetypes.  This conjunction, making a close triple conjunction with his North Node (karmic mission) is placed in his 9th House of higher philosophy, making him an innovator in this field.  This conjunction was not easy, being part of a T-square with Jupiter/Saturn opposite Pluto: he steered himself through the minefield that was 1960s consciousness exploded with LSD, to become a beloved teacher.  His philosophy was very much informed by Hinduism.  We have an accurate birth time for him, which gives him Pluto on a Cancerian Ascendant (psychological and emotional trials), and his Moon squaring  Neptune describes both drug taking and mysticism.  Mercury sextile Venus describes his ability to put into words his mystical experiences.

Religion and Consciousness

He was born Jewish, but did not relate to the religion in his youth, and became an atheist.  He recalled: “I didn’t have one whiff of God until I took psychedelics”.  He gained a doctorate in psychology (Pluto on the Ascendant natally) at Stanford University.  His doctoral thesis was on the subject of “achievement anxiety”.

In 1958 he became an assistant clinical psychology professor at Cambridge, Massachussetts.  His specialism was human motivation and personality development. It was at Cambridge that he met Timothy Leary, who became famous for his experimentation with psychedelic drugs under controlled conditions.

In 1961 Alpert (Ram Dass) began to work with Leary.  He also worked with Walter Pahnke with theology students, exploring the effects of drugs on mystical experience.  Their work proved controversial, and Alpert and Leary moved to New York in 1963.  There they founded a group with the purpose of  raising consciousness and the divinity within, through drugs.

In 1967 Alpert travelled to India, where he encountered the guru Maharaj-ji, and found spiritual love; Maharaj-ji re-named him Baba Ram Dass.  He returned to the U.S. and in 1971 published a book of his teachings, entitled  “Be Here Now”, under his new name.  In the book, he recounted his spiritual journey.  He subsequently began to teach and work with groups for the betterment of society.  One of his students was Elizabeth Kubler-Ross, whose valuable work with the dying is legendary.  Ram Dass gave all his profits from his books and teachings to charities.

He re-examined his original religion Judaism at the age of 60, with the explanation “My belief is that I wasn’t born into Judaism by accident, and so I needed to find ways to honor that. From a Hindu perspective, you are born as what you need to deal with, and if you just try and push it away, whatever it is, it’s got you.”

In later life he worked with other new age teachers such as Jack Kornfield (author of The Art of Forgiveness, Lovingkindness and Peace”)  and Wayne Dyer.


In February 1997 he suffered a stroke, which left him with expressive aphasia, making it more difficult for him to speak.  The way he saw this was “The stroke was giving me lessons, and I realized that was grace—fierce grace … Death is the biggest change we’ll face, so we need to practice change.”  This attitude was entirely consistent with his main transit of the time, Neptune sextile his Midheaven in Pisces in the 9th House (a spiritual surrender and orientation).

“The heart surrenders everything to the moment. The mind judges and holds back.”

~ Baba Ram Dass

“Home is not somewhere else.

It is here, in life and death, in the eternal dance of consciousness, weaving together form and the formless mystery from which it all comes.

Ram Dass is the vastness reminding us that in the end, there is only love.” ~

eulogy by Jack Kornfield


Mercury left Sagittarius and entered Capricorn early this morning, almost declaring an end to the party season.  Now we have the Sun, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn, plus two of the asteroids, Ceres and Pholus.  We are well and truly in the mental mode of Capricorn, which is practicality, and systematic and methodical thinking. Mercury in Capricorn favours planning (so helps with planning the forthcoming year), and if you had bright ideas over the festive season while Mercury was in Sagittarius you may start to put them into action, or shape them into a practical plan to precede action.  Official documentation may need to be worked on, forms to fill, authorities to interview, etc.

There is uplift for the mind tomorrow evening (Monday 30th) when Uranus trines Mercury, adding innovation and originality to the mix.  If you lacked inspiration as you worked on Sunday, Uranus will add extra spice to your mind, ideas, plans, and documentation. You will be more able to think outside the box.  Mental brilliance, technological upgrades, lightbulb moments, and futuristic inspiration can be yours.  You can upgrade technological appliances more easily under this aspect.  You may receive new ideas about your path for 2019, embellishing your hopes and wishes ready for the start of the year.


Even better news arrives on Thursday (2nd January), with a conjunction between Mercury and Jupiter.  This favours learning and education, communication and good news, sales and transport.  It’s an optimistic mindset, so good for the start of the year.  If your transport issues have taken a battering recently, there may be light at the end of the tunnel, though this is usually the time of year rail networks announce price rises (so it’s good news for the providers).  And it will be good for business and the high street sales.  Aside from that, there should be plenty of enjoyment and philosophical awareness around on that day.

Mars enters Sagittarius on Friday (3rd), which is another bright note.  Mars tends to be intense and combative in Scorpio, so in Sagittarius it can use its energy differently; it has permission to be an Adventurer!  If you haven’t gone back to work yet, and you want to re-kindle your inner pirate, you could watch old swashbuckling Errol Flynn films, or the Pirates of the Caribbean series.  Whether to channel your inner Errol Flynn or Johnny Depp, you decide.  A new fitness regime would have added gusto at this time, or the mental gymnastics of a new philosophical study.

Whatever you choose to go for, Happy New Year to you!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – knuckling down to mental work
  • Tomorrow – mental brilliance
  • Thursday – good news
  • Friday – new energy

Review of the Year 2019

Review of the Year 2019

That was the Year that Was – Selections from the blogs…



Andy Murray

“You are a champion on and off the court.  So sorry you cannot retire on your own terms, but remember to look to the future.  Your greatest impact on the world may be yet to come.  Your voice for equality will inspire future generations.  Much love to you and your family”

~ Billie Jean King

I am sure there could not have been a dry eye in the U.K. on Friday seeing Andy Murray’s press conference ahead of the Australian Open, at the news that he is likely to retire this year.

Hip Injury

The thought that he has been playing, for years, in such pain with his hip, is eye-watering in itself, quite apart from the emotional agony of having to curtail his career.  He is considering having another hip operation, just so as to improve his quality of life (even putting shoes and socks on in the morning is a trial).



The Independence Group

Last Monday we were driving to Leicester and it was suddenly announced that a group of Labour MPs were lining up for a Press Conference, which helped to while away the journey.  We were riveted as we listened to each one and their reasons for leaving the Labour Party and their hopes for their small group.  I was dismayed at the damage to the Labour Party, but understood where they were coming from, and then two days later the “three Amigos”, female MPs from the Tory Party, made a similar attack on the Tory Party and Theresa May’s effort to keep her Party together, and joined the seven (who had by then become eight).  The aspects for last Monday were full on, and the Sun sextile Uranus particularly conducive to seizing the day



Greta Thunberg

“Skolstrejk for Klimatet”

School Strike for the Climate

Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this week, a week which saw the second day of school strikes on behalf of the climate (a month after the first) in the U.K, with similar action around the world.  She began this action last August in Sweden, with the powerful words:

“We kids most often don’t do what you tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you grown-ups don’t give a shit about my future, I won’t either. My name is Greta and I’m in ninth grade. And I refuse school for the climate until the Swedish general election.”

At the age of 16, she is a similar age to that of Malala Yousafzai at the time she won the Peace Prize, but it is quite rare for one so young to make such an impact.

Birth Chart

Greta has a concentration of planets in Earth sign Capricorn, the sign of seriousness and responsibility.  Her Sun in Capricorn exactly conjunct Chiron, so she is a healer and problem-solver.  Both her Sun and Moon are in this sign, and they may be conjunct, i.e. she may have been born on  a New Moon, or at least close to one.  That would confer the ability to  bring a freshness of outlook, energy and thought to bear on a longstanding problem.




One of the greatest and most beautiful Cathedrals in the world, Notre-Dame in Paris, was shockingly partially destroyed by fire on Monday evening.  The next day, as the damage was assessed, new hope arose and its rebuilding was pledged.

It is an incomprehensible marvel to contemplate how such an edifice was created over its 170 years of building, using medieval methods, the finest artistry, with the devotion of its workers, some of whom may have spent nearly their whole lifetimes on the project.

I am not well travelled, but I have been to Paris several times in this lifetime (as well as in past lives) and have a huge fondness and sentimentality for the city.  And Notre-Dame is undoubtedly the soul of the city.



Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

Welcome to the world, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor!  He is already creating controversy over his first name Archie, so could be an exciting addition to our royal family.  He was born apparently at the Portland Clinic in London, and not at home in Windsor as planned, so could be full of surprises!  But his mother Meghan has already pronounced him to be calm, with “the sweetest temperament”, both adjectives which can be applied to his Sun sign Taurus. The royal couple, Harry and Meghan decided to include the name Mountbatten in the mix, and there is a link with Lord Louis Mountbatten in that his Mars is conjunct with Archie’s Part of Fortune, so perhaps Archie has this ancestor watching over him.  His chart also has very positive ties to that of his grandmother Diana Princess of Wales, so again she will be cheering him on from the other side (this includes a telepathic link of her Mercury to his Uranus).



Conservative Party Leadership – Part 3

I cannot believe that I find myself writing again about the Conservative Party leadership contest.  Switch off now, if you find the topic agonizing.  The contest formally begins tomorrow, Monday 10th.  Some candidates pulled out last week, but there are still a couple of candidates I haven’t covered, and they are both outsiders.

The Drug Issue

The top runners have set out their past drug habits: Michael Gove has just admitted to taking cocaine 20 years ago, Boris took some while at University, and Jeremy Hunt once took a cannabis lassi.  Rory Stewart smoked some opium in Afghanistan.  In a late flurry yesterday, not to be outdone, Andrea Leadsom, Matt Hancock and Dominic Raab all admitted to taking cannabis at University. Presumably this is something we need to know…For me, it is the quality of their consciousness right now which is more worthy of scrutiny, as well as their innate character.  The drugs of course may have had a permanent effect on some of them.  There is an outcry in Michael Gove’s case that he is a hypocrite, in relation to the drugs admission.  Politics of course is full of hypocrisy, and very few of the candidates can be seen as blameless in that respect.  I am not an admirer of Gove, but am in the “Anything but Boris” camp.



Anniversary of the Moon Landing

“One small step for Man.  One giant leap for Mankind”

~ Neil Armstrong

The 50th anniversary of the manned Moon landing coincides with the Lunar Eclipse on Tuesday 16th July.  I heard this week that someone dubbed the Moon landing as the most significant event of the 20th Century. Maddeningly, I can’t remember who it was or who they were quoting! And Google is not helping, and Alexa doesn’t live here.  I have a vague recollection it might have been Gyles Brandreth on Gogglebox (which was hilarious) quoting someone while watching the Moon landing with Sheila Hancock.  If anyone can confirm that, I would be grateful.



Jair Bolsonaro

For me the most important event of the week was the burning of the Amazon rainforest and its implications for the planet.

The president of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro, bears a huge responsibility for this  catastrophic event, and the destabilization of the earth’s ecosystem.

Just this lunchtime at the G7 Summit, £18m was pledged to help put out the fires, mainly for aircraft and technical support.  US President Donald Trump, who refuses to acknowledge the seriousness of climate change, was notably absent from the discussion.  Bolsinaro is an admirer of Trump and seems to model himself on him.



Ruth Davidson

On Wednesday last week, Boris Johnson announced the drastic step that he would prorogue parliament, and we were told to expect Ruth Davidson’s resignation the next morning.  Ruth Davidson, who has been Leader of the Scottish Conservative Party for the past 8 years, is a unique and capable politician, once hailed as a future leader of the Tory Party.  Such was her influence that the Conservative presence of MPs in Scotland went from only one (herself) to 13, a factor that helped to retain the balance of power for the Tories.  A feat that Caroline Lucas in England has not been able to pull off for the Green Party, sadly.

Resignation Speech

So it was, that she resigned first thing on Thursday morning.  As a Remainer, she has been struggling over Brexit, and there had been no secret about her having a difficult relationship with Boris Johnson (in their synastry, his Pluto is on her Saturn), but her speech was diplomatic and spared Johnson too much embarrassment.  She focussed on other reasons for stepping down, such as the toll electioneering would take on her new family life, after the birth of her son Finn.  In her speech she told how she had looked Boris in the eye, and he had assured her he was trying to get a Brexit deal.



Ginger Baker

“When the city of Atlantis stood serene above the sea,
Long time before our time when the world was free,
Those were the days.”

~ Those Were The Days, co-written by Ginger Baker and Mike Taylor, from “Wheels of Fire” 1968

Outstanding drummer Ginger Baker died last Sunday.  He didn’t like the term “rock drummer” preferring to be known as a “jazz drummer”.  He was 80 years old, but had survived a lifetime of poor health.  His working life encompassed the membership of several bands, but he is most known for his time in the legendary band Cream during the heady late ’60s.

Birth Chart

We do not have a birth time for the flame-haired Ginger, but his well-known fieriness comes from having half his planets in Fire signs.  It’s a volatile, dry heat of fire, and not an emotional passion, for he had no Water planets.  He did though have 6 (over half) his planets in the Fixed signs, so was very headstrong.

His Sun in Leo denotes the showmanship and natural leadership that he is reputed to have, and its conjunction with Venus inclined him to music.  He was also known for his unpredictability and eccentricity, and that shows up with Sun/Venus square Uranus.



General Election 2019

So… we have a pre-Christmas election date, of 12th December.  Will this election be fought on the sole issue of Brexit?  I thought I would take a brief look at the chart for that date, and the transits for the leaders of the various political parties.

Notice how often Neptune (confusion) comes up in the transits…

Transits for the Prime Minister

Is Boris going to “get Brexit done”?   He needs more Conservative MPs on his deck in order to secure his deal, and so we find ourselves in the throes of a December election (a phenomenon not seen since 1923).  He has refused an alliance with Nigel Farage and the Brexit Party (as recommended by their mutual friend Donald Trump) so he risks the Brexit vote being split.

Boris’ transits at the time of the December election are quite reasonable: Chiron from Aries in his 6th House sextiles his natal Mars in Gemini in 8th House, he’ll be feeling strong.  Mars from Scorpio in his 2nd House will oppose his natal Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House, he’ll be feeling optimistic.  Neptune from Pisces in his 6th House will be sextile his natal Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House, a magic wand is not out of the question for him.  Mars will be on his natal Neptune in Scorpio in 2nd House, inflaming his spiritual will, and also his desire to spend, spend, spend.  Neptune from Pisces in his 6th House will be trine his natal Neptune in  his 2nd House, he will be at peace with himself.  Luck may be on his side.

… But if the question is which leader has the better transits, that would most likely to be Boris Johnson.  Peace and certainty seem still to be distant, and January will bring new challenges, so the election will not bring instant solutions.



Baba Ram Dass (1931 – 2019)

“Be Here Now” ~ Baba Ram Dass

Spiritual teacher Baba Ram Dass (Richard Alpert) died this week.  He was part of the consciousness-raising movement of the 1960s, together with Timothy Leary, Jack Kerouac and Allen Ginsberg.

Birth Chart

Ram Dass had 0 planets in the Air signs, relying on instinct.  The Sun was exactly conjunct Uranus in his chart, bringing up the Pioneer and Rebel Archetypes.  This conjunction, making a close triple conjunction with his North Node (karmic mission) is placed in his 9th House of higher philosophy, making him an innovator in this field.  This conjunction was not easy, being part of a T-square with Jupiter/Saturn opposite Pluto: he steered himself through the minefield that was 1960s consciousness exploded with LSD, to become a beloved teacher.  His philosophy was very much informed by Hinduism.  We have an accurate birth time for him, which gives him Pluto on a Cancerian Ascendant (psychological and emotional trials), and his Moon squaring  Neptune describes both drug taking and mysticism.  Mercury sextile Venus describes his ability to put into words his mystical experiences.


That Was the Decade That Was

That Was the Decade That Was

Selections from the blogs over the last decade, for those who like to look back, and with the benefit of hindsight…




One effect of the Mercury retrograde last week was the panic of the British newspaper presses (Mercury) after the surge in popularity of Nick Clegg.  Having vested interests one way or the other (Conservative or Labour) it was unthinkable to them that the Lib Dems might be in the running, or that there might be a hung parliament.  They then set out to discredit the Lib Dems and their leader Nick Clegg with outraged headlines easily obtained from the smear campaigns of the Labour and Conservative factions.  They must redress the imbalance!  Meanwhile it is clear that the British public are not at all worried by the idea of a hung parliament, and may even be warming to the idea.  However, Nick Clegg was not able to uphold the huge surge and his popularity has slid back a little, so much so that the leaders are now running almost neck and neck.  This is the state of play as the 4th Saturn-Uranus opposition kicks in tomorrow (Monday 26th), the most important astrological feature of this week.




Within hours of Uranus entering Aries, a large scale disaster unfolded on our screens coming from Japan: earthquake, followed by tsunami and then nuclear plant meltdown.  The national chart of Japan shows the sword of Damocles which has been present in the form of a Grand Cross between the natal Mercury, Saturn, Uranus and Chiron.  I associate Saturn/Uranus with earthquakes, and Japan has a square between them natally, thus predisposing them to earthquakes.  This earthquake, long expected, occurred as Jupiter activated the Grand Cross by transiting the natal Mercury.  Jupiter comes to that position every 12 years, so what distinguishes this time from other such moments?  …The Head of Disaster Management for the Red Cross was saying on Radio 5 Live this morning that in terms of unmet humanitarian need the situation in Libya and Tunisia is still more demanding, partly because of the sophisticated level of organization which the Japanese have in place.  The scenes in Japan (brought from mobile phones to satellites to our TVs) have been incredibly graphic and nightmarishly surreal, with especially poignant reports about children being snatched from water or being checked for radiation, and all hearts are with them.




Later today Vladimir Putin is likely to cement his position at the helm of Russia. He was President for two terms, 8 years between 2000 and 2008. For constitutional reasons he was not allowed a third consecutive term. His protege Medvedev took over as President for 4 years and Putin became Prime Minister.   A reversal of roles is now the expected outcome of today’s election.  In his natal chart Putin has the power-hungry aspect of Jupiter square Pluto.  His natal Mars (Inner Warrior) is at the galactic centre, magnifying his power and emphasizing warriorship.  His South Node is in Leo, indicating that he would be accustomed to power in past lives.  Jupiter trine Pluto this month may benefit his efforts to acquire power. Currently, transiting Neptune is squaring his natal Moon, bringing emotional illusion e.g. about the level of support he has from people.  Putin is often referred to as Medvedev’s mentor. Medvedev is a Virgoan, and that is the sign of service,  though we do not know how willing he is to serve Putin at this time. He may have other plans…Pluto is currently trine his Mercury, heightening his mental power at this time, and he would have a psychological grasp of his current situation. There is very interesting synastry (astrological comparison) between them, based on a pattern of Putin’s planets leading Medvedev’s by one sign, showing a symbiotic teacher-pupil relationship, and the capacity for close collaboration. The ability to collaborate is borne out by a trine between Putin’s Uranus and Medvedev’s Neptune, but although they have collaborated in the past there has to be the continued will to do so.  They may have drawn up a Soul Contract before incarnation, but may renegotiate it in their next lifetime, and reverse their power roles.  Venus opposing Saturn today will produce a sense of flatness or even disappointment for politicians trying to win hearts.




Nigel Farage and the conundrum of UKIP

The face of British politics is said to have changed dramatically this week, with one in four voters plumping for UKIP.  David Cameron has been forced to retract his earlier impression of the party as “fruitcakes and closet racists” modifying his tune to “We need to show respect for people who have taken the choice to support this party”.

What is the demographic of the voting section?  A few 80 year old women I know have found themselves voting for or sympathetic to what the party stands for, and some women find Nigel Farage personally fascinating.  There is no doubt in my mind that UKIP inherits some strands of the National Front, British National Party and EDL philosophies, and targets immigrants as being the source of our society’s ills.

The Observer leader this morning describes its voters:

“The Ukip surge is a warning.  Immediate analysis indicates that two groups, in the main, have been swayed by Farage.  They are the less qualified, working-class, older male and the lower middle class”.




Iraq (Update)

 Iraq is arguably at its worst low ever, having been taken over by the extremist Islamist group i.S.I.S.  Next door, Syria too is also arguably at its worst low ever, with Assad newly “elected” while continuing to slaughter his own subjects.

The Guardian reported: “The UN has warned that the Isis fighters have committed  summary executions and rape on their irresistible advance”.  So they have not been listening, then, to the anti-rape in war conference this week hosted by Angelina Jolie and William Hague.


 I.S.I.S. (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) whose army are marching steadily towards Baghdad, are apparently even more extreme in their outlook and methods than Alkaida.  Last week they “took” Mosul and Tikrit.

The chart for Isis shows a successful use of force (Mars sextile Pluto) while current transits show Isis being dealt a free will hand currently with Jupiter exactly trine its North Node.




Paris Shootings – Part 2

Just when you thought it was safe to hop on the Eurostar and spend a weekend in Paris, things got a whole lot worse, and the prospect seems further away.  There can’t be many people who didn’t spend the weekend thinking about the people of Paris, and racking their brains for the solution to the worldwide problem of ISIS/ISIL/Islamic State.

For myself, I cannot imagine that this is what Mohammed had in mind as the founder of Islam. Islam, in common with Christianity and Judaism, has at its heart the Ten Commandments, notably among which lies the injunction “Thou Shalt Not Kill”.

What attracts young people to such an existence of incessently fighting?  Is it the glorification of violence in film?  Or is it because we have created such an unpalatable society which has alienated them?

And poor Paris, why them, twice in one year?  Is it because the French have banned the burka, and been proactive in the war in Syria?  In January, the magazine which was targeted had been actively provoking a reaction with their anti-Islamic cartoons.  But this latest spree of brutality does not have such a direct cause.




Theresa May

Another tumultuous week: On Monday, Andrea Leadsom pulled out of the Conservative leadership contest, disrupting Angela Eagle’s Labour leadership bid (Mercury square Uranus), David Cameron stepped down as Prime Minister and Theresa May prepared to take on that mantle.  Theresa May met the Queen and was asked to form a cabinet on Wednesday, and surprised us with some of her appointments: it was portrayed as a brutal culling of the existing order (the Notting Hill set) by the media.  On Thursday evening, a lorry driver ploughed through crowds in Nice (Mars quincunx Uranus), killing at least 84 people; and on Friday evening, there was an attempted coup in Turkey (Sun square Uranus), killing at least 265.  It is all too much for the head, heart and soul.  I intend to concentrate today on Theresa May, our new Prime Minister, and though there is much I could write about her new cabinet, I will keep that to a bare minimum.




Westminster Terror

On Wednesday, Westminster Bridge was the scene of a terrorist incident and Parliament and its surrounding buildings were in lockdown. A British born man, Khalid Masood, drove into passersby then tried to enter the gates of Parliament, and stabbed a policeman to death.  Five people died in total, including the perpetrator, and fifty people were injured.  Though many potential attacks have been foiled since, this was the first attack of its scale in London since 7/7/05.  There are many questions yet to be answered and issues raised, such as whether he was acting alone, what were his motives, and how far he was influenced by radicalization by ISIS, whether police in the City should be armed, and how far the police can keep tabs on all suspects. I will have a brief look at the charts of some of those involved, though crucially some important dates are currently missing, such as the birth date of the brave and heroic policeman who lost his life, Keith Palmer.





(A tale of two Russian fathers and daughters)

Salisbury is a wonderful place, close to my heart.  I visit family there once a month.  It is utterly bizarre to be watching it on the news daily, in the context of a Russian spy mystery.  Father and daughter Sergei and Yulia Skripal were found last Sunday in an extremely distressed condition on a bench near the centre of the city.  The cause of their physical distress was a nerve agent, which apparently could only have been developed by a state.  The police officer who first rendered aid to the pair was also affected, and is in hospital in serious condition.  A passing doctor also tended them, but was not affected.  They have been praised for their incredible courage.  Like Amber Rudd, our Home Secretary, it is not for me to point the finger until the truth has been established.




Greta Thunberg

“Skolstrejk for Klimatet”

School Strike for the Climate

Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this week, a week which saw the second day of school strikes on behalf of the climate (a month after the first) in the U.K, with similar action around the world.  She began this action last August in Sweden, with the powerful words:

“We kids most often don’t do what you tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you grown-ups don’t give a shit about my future, I won’t either. My name is Greta and I’m in ninth grade. And I refuse school for the climate until the Swedish general election.”

At the age of 16, she is a similar age to that of Malala Yousafzai at the time she won the Peace Prize, but it is quite rare for one so young to make such an impact.

Birth Chart

Greta has a concentration of planets in Earth sign Capricorn, the sign of seriousness and responsibility.  Her Sun in Capricorn exactly conjunct Chiron, so she is a healer and problem-solver.  Both her Sun and Moon are in this sign, and they may be conjunct, i.e. she may have been born on  a New Moon, or at least close to one.  That would confer the ability to  bring a freshness of outlook, energy and thought to bear on a longstanding problem.


Aspects for the week beginning 22 December 2019

Governor of the Bank of England

Andrew Bailey is replacing Mark Carney as the Governor of the Bank of England, a role which had been crucial since the latter took it up in 2013, and will be every bit as crucial during the Brexit years.

Mark Carney

Canadian Mark Carney has an interesting chart. The highlights include: Sun in Pisces, Venus conjunct Chiron, at 18 deg Pisces, and Uranus/Moon/Mars/Pluto conjunct in Virgo.  He has 0 planets in Air, so relies on instinct; 5 planets in Earth, so is grounded and sensible; and with 7 planets in the Mutable signs, is very adaptable.  His Sun in the genius sign of Pisces is well aspected, being sextile Jupiter and trine Neptune.  He has Mercury unaspected, which can show a very independent mind.  Mercury is in Aries, a placement I associate with great numeracy.  With Mars closely conjunct Pluto in his chart, he’s had to fight some tough battles in his life.  He also has a high number of oppositions in his chart, another sign of having to balance difficult situations as a pattern in his life.  He also has difficult karma, with no less than 6 planetary squares to his Nodal Axis!

He took over as Governor on 1st July 2013, when Pluto was exactly opposite the Sun (a dramatic change in Banking).  Uranus was exactly conjunct his Mercury in Aries (a new mental challenge for him).  Pluto was sextile his natal Saturn (a huge responsibility).  They say the post is one of the most powerful in Britain, and currently carries a global influence.  Interestingly, the Ascendant at the time he took over was conjunct the Sun in the Bank of England’s chart.  He was destined to steer us through those years, and he seemed a steady hand on the tiller.

He is due to relinquish the role on 16th March 2020, and astrologically it seems a time of freedom and relief for him, with Jupiter trine his Jupiter.  There may be new challenges in his personal life at the time, with Neptune on his Venus, square his Nodal Axis, and conjunct his Chiron.

Andrew Bailey

It is not clear at the moment whether the new Governor will be more under the thumb of the new Conservative government under Boris Johnson.  Bailey is a very different character, a Fire Sign, born with the Sun in Aries.  Like Mark Carney, he has the accounting, economics and numeracy aptitude of Mercury in Aries.  He has an exact square between Jupiter and Pluto, indicating a love of power, and of course it all depends how that power is used: history will reveal that.  Saturn trine Pluto is a very practical aspect, so he will be diligent.  He may  hold some karmic surprises, with Uranus sextile exactly his North Node.

The post he currently holds is that of the Chief Executive of the Financial Conduct Authority.  He had two powerful trines this week, with the announcement of his appointment: Jupiter closely trine his natal Pluto, which is about taking power; and Uranus trine his natal Pluto exactly, which is about huge change.  It is a good time for him to prepare for the changes in his life.  When he takes up his new role on 17th March next year, it’s a time he may be feeling jangled, with Uranus closely opposite his natal Neptune, but that is hardly surprising given the complexity and responsibility of the job.

Sajid Javid

Bailey was recommended for the position by our current Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sajid Javid.  From their synastry, they would have a good working partnership, with Javid’s Sun sextile Bailey’s North Node (the choice may have had a karmic connotation).  Javid’s Mercury sextiles Bailey’s Chiron, which favours problem-solving; Javid’s Venus is conjunct Bailey’s Jupiter (favourable socially) but plays into Bailey’s Jupiter-Pluto power-hungry square, with Bailey’s Pluto square Javid’s Venus.  We might wonder, at times, who is playing who.  Their Marses are exactly trine, so another indication of vigorous work between them.  Bailey’s Saturn is exactly trine Javid’s Pluto, reinforcing Bailey’s own practical and diligent natal trine.  Interestingly, Bailey’s Uranus exactly opposes Javid’s Sun, so there may be times when they are distant, or even fall out (though we may not know about it).

Bank of England

By and large, Bailey has excellent links with the chart of the Bank of England: Bailey’s North Node is exactly sextile the Bank’s Sun (exactly the same link as with Javid);  The Bank’s Venus (money) is sextile Bailey’s Pluto (financial power);  the Bank’s Pluto trines Bailey’s Jupiter (success in power; and supplying Bailey’s natal desire for power).  One fly in the ointment is the Bank’s Neptune squaring Bailey’s Mars, so there may be hidden factors sapping Bailey’s will, or encouraging secrets.

U.K. Chart

Bailey has tenuous links with the 1922 U.K. chart, which include a square from Bailey’s Chiron to the U.K. Venus, not a happy combination.  However, he has very strong links to the 1801 Union chart, such as an exact trine between their Jupiters, and an exact opposition between their Plutos.  This may have significance in terms of Scotland’s struggle for Independence in the wake of Brexit, and Bailey may have strong personal views about that.

We may have hardly heard of him now, but he is likely to become a household name in the new Johnson era.


“Little darling, it’s been a long cold lonely winter
Little darling, it feels like years since it’s been here

Here comes the sun (doo doo doo)
Here comes the sun, and I say
It’s all right”

~ George Harrison

Early this morning, the Sun entered Capricorn, and the light of the Sun was reborn in the Winter Solstice.  For many this will be a relief, and a sense of a new dawn, especially for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.).  The Sun’s entry into Capricorn is a return to practicality, after the aspirational month of Sagittarius.  It is a time to look at the general structure and order of things, and your relationship with authority and the institutions which govern our society (so looking at the new Governor of the Bank of England in my blog is not so random!).

But the picture today is not quite so simple, as there are two aspects to consider, and the first is Uranus square Venus, which may throw plans or relationships into disarray.  It is not an easy day for meetings.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.  If you are going into a conversation, avoid those issues you know are contentious, for instance.

We have a strong aspect later in the day, though, which may counter some of the earlier difficulties, or run alongside them.  Mars sextiles Pluto, which is a dynamic and energetic active aspect.  So it is a day when you can get something done (that has a ring of a slogan about it).  If you want to push something through, then today is the day.  But bear in mind the Uranus-Venus square if you are mindful of offending someone in the process.

Christmas Eve (Tuesday 24th) is more straightforward, with the Sun trine Uranus.  It is a good day to forge ahead with innovative plans and original creativity.  Late Christmas shopping could be blessed with some surprise finds (especially on electrical and tech goods).  And there’s a tremendous sense of anticipation (the journey to Christmas is the goal!).  Excitement rules on Christmas Eve.

There isn’t a major aspect on Christmas Day, so some of the Uranus/Sun trine may still be applicable and characterize the day.  There is a minor Mercury/Mars semi-sextile, which could be a little irritable, but we can ignore that, in the spirit of peace and goodwill.

Boxing Day ( Thursday 26th) brings a New Moon and Eclipse at 4 degrees Capricorn, so that may be the most significant day of the entire week.  Reflect on the past year, put away the toys, and plan a constructive year ahead.  It may be a turning point, in some way.  It is a good time to focus your intentions on new beginnings related to the structures and organization of your life, relations with authority and the institutions of society.

But the most fun day of the week, and one of the luckiest in the year, presents itself on Friday (27th): the Sun conjunct Jupiter at 5 degrees Capricorn.  That’s the day for a party, if you are so inclined.  Or a grand leisure outing.  A good day to meditate on what makes you happy, and put your enthusiasms into practice.  Above all, it is time for Hope.

Merry Christmas Everyone!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Sober up and lighten up; avoid fall-outs; get something done
  • Tuesday – Enlightenment and surprise
  • Thursday – New beginnings
  • Friday – Fun, fun, fun

Aspects for the week beginning 15 December 2019

Glenda Jackson

Glenda Jackson made a significant appearance on our television screens last Sunday, at the tender age of 83, in a drama production called “Elizabeth is Missing” about an elderly woman gradually suffering from increasing dementia.  This comes towards the end of a lifetime of achievement, starting with a dazzling film career in her youth (think back to “Women in Love” and “Sunday Bloody Sunday”), then as a Labour MP with integrity in her middle years.

Birth Chart

Glenda has half her planets in Earth signs, and that fits with her earthy image, reinforced by a gritty close sextile from Saturn to her Sun.  But the Sun also trines Neptune, ensuring that there is a higher focus to her nature as well.  She has an extreme emotional range: Moon conjunct Jupiter, so emotionally is able to focus positively, and Moon closely square Saturn, so she is able to portray the more negative states of emotion such as depression.  Moon also square Neptune is ideal for being able to portray the emotionally confused state of descending dementia.  And there is an added emotional sensitivity to trauma, from the Moon opposite Chiron.  She will have had a lifetime’s effort to alleviate the wounds of human emotion and suffering in society.  I believe she was an exceptionally sincere politician.  Mercury/Chiron squaring Neptune would show that she can see the nuances of arguments and points of view, sometimes to her own detriment.  Her Venus (ruling planet) conjuncts Uranus so she has a sparkling social side (despite being fundamentally introverted through Sun in Taurus/Ascendant in Cancer), which takes delight in provocation or shocking the established order.  This Venus/Uranus conjunction is sextile her natal Ascendant and trine her North Node, which gives her the charisma and sense of destiny of film star status.  Her Mars sextiles closely Pluto, which provides power and strength, and more grittiness.


Glenda played the character Gudrun in the film Women in Love (adapted from the novel by D.H. Lawrence), released in September 1969.  She was noted by Brian McFarlane for “Her blazing intelligence, sexual challenge and abrasiveness”.  The transits show a sextile of Pluto to her natal Pluto (self-empowerment) as a broad shift in her career, but looking at the detail of her transits we also see Uranus square her Ascendant (the ability to shock), Neptune opposite her Mars and square her natal Midheaven (sensationalism).  Twenty years later she played Gudrun’s mother in the adaptation of a sequel novel by D.H. Lawrence, the film of the Rainbow, also a Ken Russell film.  Other notable films were “Sunday Bloody Sunday” and “The Music Lovers”, both films of 1971.

In 1992, she completely changed course in her life, opting to become Labour M.P. for Hampstead and Highgate.  Jupiter was trine her natal Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in 11th House, an auspicious start to a political career which lasted 23 years.  Jupiter was also trine her natal North Node, meaning that she was in true alignment with her karmic path.  Thus a Grand Trine was formed, and it often is when there are such good Jupiter transits that a person embarks on something new.  Another indication of a new path was the Uranus/Neptune conjunction of 1992 in Capricorn trine her natal Sun: that conjunction brought the winds of change through many peoples’ lives.  She felt that Thatcherism had destroyed society and she wanted to do all she could to alleviate that.

She served under Tony Blair for two years, but then became a critic of his, most notably over the issue of the Iraq war.  In June 2011 she announced that she would retire at the 2015 election.  She had a decisive transit of Mars sextile her natal Pluto at that point.  Saturn was trine her Mercury, which is more of a calculated type of decision making.  Uranus was square her Ascendant  and Pluto trine her natal Uranus (time for another complete change).  Pluto was transiting her natal North Node in Capricorn in the 7th House (she sensed the necessity of change).  She actually retired around the time of the 2015 election, with a Mars Return (a renewal of her energy), Mars squaring her Midheaven (in charge of her career path), Jupiter sextile her Chiron (new healing space for her), Uranus trine her natal Moon in Sagittarius in her 6th House of Working Conditions,  and Neptune square her natal Mercury (a relaxation of mental work, a new creative and spiritual mental space).

She returned to acting, and as an actress, in the third act of her extraordinary life, she has lost no power.  She took on the extraordinary and demanding role of King Lear, for example.  In her new role in the television drama, the transits show Saturn trine her natal Sun (a serious portrayal of the problems of being elderly).  The Guardian gave the drama five stars for its first episode.  It has been conjectured that in her portrayal of an elderly woman with dementia, she has drawn on her experiences as an MP in her community as well as researching the illness.  Social problems and deprivations were of great concern to her in her time as a politician (and she has criticized the  failings of  recent Tory governments to tackle problems such as poverty and homelessness).  She says dealing with dementia is still down the political ladder of priorities.


I won’t comment on the result of the General Election, except to say that from the time the date was announced, I predicted that Boris Johnson would win on the grounds that his transits were very lucky for this period, and the others (including those of Jeremy Corbyn and Jo Swinson) were not helpful.

We have a very helpful transit today: that of  Jupiter trine Uranus.  This is a wonderful transit for springing surprises, entering into entrepreneurial arrangements, even for taking risks (and this from a risk-averse astrologer!).  It’s a trine which Richard Branson has in his natal chart, and he has taken risks a good many risks in his time.  Donald Trump also has this trine exact in his chart, and he of course is an entrepreneur and takes risks.  If you want a more respectable role model for Jupiter trine Uranus, you could take Frank Lampard, who has done well at Chelsea as football manager.  Anyway, this account of Jupiter trine Uranus is mainly to show you that you can bring out your Inner Entrepreneur successfully today.  I hope it proves to be a good day, as it is my 70th birthday!

Savour the trine between Jupiter and Uranus throughout the first half of the week, because our next aspect does not appear until Thursday (19th).  This aspect is Mars sextile Saturn, and it is useful on a practical level.  It is good for both beginning and finishing practical and active projects, e.g. for putting that final piece in a jigsaw.  The early part of the week should go with a swing because of the Jupiter/Uranus connection, but if you are struggling, some solid ground could be regained with the added boost of Mars sextile Saturn.

More caution is needed on Friday (20th) however, when we encounter a square between the Mercury and Neptune.  We may find that we have been subject to illusion, for example about what someone or something can do for us.  We may have been caught up in the sensationalism of an event,  a product or a personality.  Illusion and confusion are provinces of the difficult face of Neptune, and need patience and spirituality to wade through to clarity.  This square can see us still in thrall, or waking up to reality and realizing that we have been in thrall.  This aspect may contribute to misunderstandings, so keep your communications clear.

Also early on Friday morning, Venus leaves Capricorn and enters Aquarius.  This may lighten the social mood, though you will still need to be aware of the illusory Neptunian vibes, but you may have some extra mental energy to deal with its effects, such as the telepathic superpowers of Aquarius.  You will feel more connected to people, but not in a clingy way, more in the mode of a higher evolutionary consciousness.  We might, in the immortal words of David Cameron, feel “we’re all in it together”.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Fabulous
  • Thursday – Achievement
  • Friday – Illusion and Social Connection

Aspects for the week beginning 8 December 2019

NATO’s 70th Anniversary

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization celebrated its 70th anniversary this week in Watford.  The Organization had its origins in the aftermath of the second World War, and in April 1949 the North Atlantic Treaty was signed by twelve countries, prior to the formation of NATO in August 1949, as an alliance for the purposes of defence and peacekeeping.  The original twelve nations has now been expanded to 29.  In their meeting this week, we took an unexpected peek behind the scenes.

Transits for the gathering

A chart for the original Treaty reveals a transit of Jupiter trine its Saturn, indicative of some lighter moments occurring.

The transits for the chart of the Organization itself has some more conflicting undercurrents, with Mars sextile its natal Saturn, emphasizing conflict; Mars  square its natal Midheaven, more conflict; Saturn square its Nodal Axis, some group karma going on; Uranus sextile its natal Uranus – surprises; Uranus on the Descendant, disrupted relationships; and Pluto opposite its Mars in Cancer in 9th House of International Relations, more conflict.

Justin Trudeau

We’ve all been at that office party, where a group have been making fun of someone, only to be caught out, or have we?  Only this wasn’t an office party.  It was a serious meeting about world defences.  Who would have thought it?  A small circle of dignitaries were filmed having a lighthearted moment, and at the centre of them was Justin Trudeau, the prime minister of Canada.  The group was making fun of Donald Trump’s penchant for lengthy press conferences.  They were unaware that they were being filmed, and that their words were discernable.  Justin Trudeau did have a suitable transit that day for over the top humour, or being caught out inappropriately, and that was Jupiter squaring his natal Mars.  When it was brought to his attention, Trump accused him of being two-faced.

Donald Trump

After a bad day at the office, Donald decided to leave the party early and cancel his last press conference.  He put Justin Trudeau’s remark down to being annoyed at being called to account over not paying up his 2% share of dues to NATO.  Otherwise, Trump was found to be much more favourable to NATO than hitherto (having called it obsolete in 2016), criticizing Emmanuel Macron of France as “very, very nasty” for his comment that  NATO was “brain dead”.  He and Melania looked very serious on their arrival in England, and throughout their visit, with possibly his impeachment proceedings on their minds.  The North Node (karma – he had kept them waiting) was on his natal Mercury in his 11th House of Organizations;  Mars was square his Pluto (he was the victim); and Saturn was square to his Jupiter (he was not in a position to enjoy the joke).

Emmanuel Macron

Emmanuel Macron of France was directly opposite Trudeau, and fully participating in the hilarity.  He too had trouble at home, for a large scale strike was scheduled the next day.  He also was involved with disagreement with Donald Trump over NATO, when he criticized its inability to deal with the behaviour of member Turkey in its aggression in Syria, the actions of Turkey being counter to the policy of NATO, and allied to Russia.  Macron has Jupiter on his natal Sun/Mercury in Sagittarius, so feeling confident; he has Jupiter trine his natal Saturn (up for a laugh); but the utter chaos at home is shown by Neptune square his natal Neptune; spiritually at the moment he is not so sure as he seems.

Boris Johnson

Boris Johnson, standing to the right of Macron in the small group, was not overheard to remark or respond, but he was definitely there.  Later in the day he was asked about it and he denied it ever happened: “That’s complete nonsense. I don’t know where that’s come from.”  But Boris is on a lucky streak at the moment, with Chiron sextile his natal Mars, Neptune sextile his natal Jupiter and Neptune trine his Neptune.  That lucky streak may see him through the election next Thursday 12th December.  On Friday night’s head to head with Jeremy Corbyn, neither of them were seen to land a knockout punch.

Princess Anne

Princess Anne was caught up in two comic moments at that meeting.  She was stood between Justin Trudeau and Emmanuel Macron, and opposite Boris Johnson, but in that group incident we could not properly see her reaction to the merriment.  The other incident was when the Queen gestured to her to ask why she wasn’t standing with her to greet the guests, and Princess Anne gestured “search me!” as if to say she did not know what was going on.  Princess Anne’s transits were mixed: Uranus opposed her Mars (an unpredictable day), but Uranus was sextile her Jupiter (the comic moments) and Saturn was trine her Saturn (there for duty).  I can imagine she enjoyed the humour.

Recep Erdogan

Recep Erdogan of Turkey is at the moment a fly in the ointment for NATO, courting the Russians (e.g. purchasing their military hardware), hounding the Kurds, and flouting NATO’s official line.  Macron especially expressed his concern about it on Tuesday, and the fact that NATO was unable to deal with he situation.  Before the summit, Macron had said: “When I look at Turkey, they are now fighting against those who fought with us shoulder to shoulder against ISIS”.   Erdogan has Mars on his Saturn (tense) and the North Node trine his Saturn, and has agreed not to undermine NATO’s efforts to crush Islamic State in Syria.

Going Forward

NATO leaders have agreed to review their policies over the next year on this, and in relation to threats from Russia, China and worldwide terrorism.  The NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said this week: “We are 29 different counties, from both sides of the Atlantic, with different history, different geography, and different political parties in power. So of course there are differences. Anything else would be very strange.”

So it’s a happy birthday to the well-meaning peacekeeping organization!  But it was interesting to see the human side behind the stiff protocol.


Neptune squared the Sun this morning, so you may have felt a little confused, lost, or even  dizzy first thing.  It’s a mood of “Where am I?  What am I doing?”.  There are various routes to take from there, a strong breakfast coffee, a prolonged meditation, some grounding and tree-hugging in nature, for instance.  By the evening, Neptune is in a more mellow mood, so the fog may  fade gradually over the day.

In the evening, Venus sextiles Neptune, making way for a beautiful expression of spirituality and the arts.  There is a great deal more harmony in relationships, as people are much more in tune with each other.  Love and clarity may start to replace paranoia and illusion.

Tomorrow, Monday (9th) Mercury leaves the intensity of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius, and mentally that brings more lightheartedness and expansion.  There’s room for humour, but spare a thought for the one who has to leave early for a flight home…There’s time to hone your sense of humour, sarcasm-free, because Mercury is in Sagittarius until 29th December (so right through Christmas), and Mercury is travelling fast this month, so those quick-fire wisecracks could bring a laugh a minute – it’s a great time for the comedy profession!

Despite Mercury in Sagittarius, Wednesday (11th) may be altogether more sober, because there is a conjunction between Venus and Saturn, and you will be looking more seriously at your close relationships, and evaluating what is important to you.  The care of the elderly may be a particular preoccupation.  The optimum condition for this conjunction would be loyalty and commitment, but there may need to be some letting go before that can be arrived at.

Election Day (Thursday 12th) is dominated by the emotional and mental tension of a Full Moon at 19 degrees Gemini.  The spiritual civil war over Brexit comes to a climax, and the two sides can do no more to convince each other of their view of what is best for  Britain.  The tussle of Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius is a tussle over communication, and that is the principle which can also bring them to a whole.  The Full Moon peaks early in the morning, so you may find the tension starting to dissipate from that point.  Once you have cast your vote, you can relax, at least until the first results late in the evening.

On Friday (13th), the post-Election day, we have two contrasting aspects.  One is Mars trine Neptune, under which the spiritual warrior flourishes.  You can combine your passions with your spiritual path.  Meditation with movement is favoured, e.g. yoga, tai chi and qijong.  Peaceful demonstrations, such as the school strike, also chime well with this aspect.

In the mid-afternoon, there is a much deeper mood, brought by a conjunction between Venus and Pluto.  There is much more reflection about the enormity of changes, and the impact on humanity.  You may need to do some soul-searching in order to have a handle on your feelings.  In your interactions, deep honesty may be required. A strong dose of chamomile tea and lavender may be needed all round.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – confusion, clarifying, and beauty
  • Tomorrow – mental lightheartedness
  • Wednesday – sober
  • Thursday – emotional and mental tension, dissipating
  • Friday – spiritual and physical harmony; depth of feelings

Aspects for the week beginning 1 December 2019

Clive James (1939 – 2019)

Polymath Clive James died this week at the age of 80, after a very long illness.  He was known for his acerbic wit, and produced a prolific quantity of books in his lifetime.  He wrote regular newspaper columns, and was in his heyday a regular personality on our television screens.  Australian by birth, he chose to make England his adopted country, and died in his Cambridge home.

Birth Chart

A Libran Sun Sign, Clive had a need to be liked, despite all the cutting soundbites he made as a critic.  The Arts were definitely his sphere of activity and influence, another Libran trait.  His Sun was in a square with Chiron natally, so there was an element of woundedness and self-deprecation (his father died in a plane crash when he was six years old, which he described as deeply formative).  His Moon was in Cancer in the 3rd House, a literary placement: he read English Literature at Cambridge, and also wrote four novels (specifically a province of Moon in Cancer in 3rd House), as well as his poetry and other literary output.  His Moon (emotions) received a complex set of aspects in his chart: Moon trine Jupiter (“I’ve had a lucky life, and I’m grateful for it”), Moon exactly square Saturn, Moon conjunct Pluto, and Moon square exactly the Nodal Axis (the latter three aspects making him emotionally deep and conflicted).  Mercury conjunct Venus in Libra is the Writer Archetype, and in accordance with the sign of Libra where the conjunction was placed, he wrote about the Arts; placed in the 6th House of Working Conditions, it made him a workaholic in this respect.  Mercury conjunct the North Node and trine the Midheaven represented a Media and Broadcasting career, and the North Node exactly trine his Midheaven (Careerpoint) ensured that his conventional career and his karmic mission were exactly in tune, a factor in his success.  His enthusiasm and joie de vivre is shown by Mars in Aquarius sextile Jupiter: Rachel Cooke writing in the Observer this morning says: “He could squeeze such pleasure from things”.  His sense of power comes from an exact trine between Jupiter and Pluto.  Saturn was conjunct closely South Node in Aries, suggesting difficult past lives, and Saturn implying lives in Russia – he was polylingual, and writes in his book Cultural Amnesia ” some languages are inherently more beautiful than others, and Russian is among the most beautiful of all.”  Most arrestingly, Uranus was exactly conjunct his Ascendant in Taurus, which gave him that maverick quality.

Education and Career

He first obtained a degree at Sydney University, in English and Psychology.  After he moved to England, he studied at Pembroke College, Cambridge, where he read English Literature, and became President of the Cambridge Footlights.  He specialized in Percy Bysshe Shelley (his Sun was exactly sextile with Shelley’s).  Between 1972 and 1982 he became television critic for the Observer, and I remember we avidly read his column on a Sunday morning.  He had a huge presence on television for a time, with various shows, and promoted the comic performer Margarita Pracatan who used to do a star turn at the end of a show (there is no birth date available for her).  He also presented shows about television programmes all over the world, alerting us to the cruelty of some Japanese game shows.  He wrote a number of autobiographies and compilations of his critiques.

Politics and Religion

James’ stated political stance was that of a liberal social democrat.  One of his most memorable quotes came at the beginning of Margaret Thatcher’s reign as Prime Minister in 1979:

“Now that the incoming Tory Government has made greed patriotic there is no use pretending that we aren’t going to have a much easier time of it. Except, of course, for those of us who are going to have a much harder time of it. But in one thing we are all united.  We are all doomed to cope with five years of Margaret Thatcher’s liturgical tones…”

In religion, he was a firm Atheist (Mars in Aquarius in the 9th House of Religion).


In January 2010, after a lifelong penchant for drink and cigarettes, he was diagnosed with emphysema and kidney failure (Uranus was opposite his natal Neptune).  In April 2011 he confirmed he had been diagnosed with leukaemia (when Saturn was on his Sun, Jupiter squared his Chiron, and Uranus was on his Jupiter).  This concentrated his mind on matters of life and death, and in 2014 he wrote a farewell poem Japanese Maple:

Your death, near now, is of an easy sort.

So slow a fading out brings no real pain.

Breath growing short

Is just uncomfortable. You feel the drain

Of energy, but thought and sight remain:

Enhanced, in fact. When did you ever see

So much sweet beauty as when fine rain falls

On that small tree”

But, life continued, and under the care of Addenbrooke’s Hospital, he was grateful (and embarrassed) to have his life prolonged by experimental treatments.  This gave him the opportunity to continue his prolific literary output, and he also continued to give interviews.

In February of this year 2019 he underwent surgery for skin cancer, which did not go well, and caused a marked deterioration in his condition, leaving him frail and blind (among other transits, Pluto was square his natal Venus).  On his passing this week,  Uranus was square his natal Pluto,  Pluto was trine his natal Uranus to the day (the final transition) and Pluto was trine his natal Ascendant in Taurus from 9th House cusp of Religion and about to enter that House (the atheist was about to find out the truth).


Jupiter in Capricorn

Tomorrow (Monday 2nd December), Jupiter leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn, and we may discern a distinct shift in how we view the world, and our philosophy of life, around tea-time.

Jupiter spends a year in each sign…What has Jupiter in Sagittarius done for us?  Jupiter represents global issues, and during this time climate change has come to the fore thanks to the Swedish teenager Greta Thunberg, who is still travelling by sea to Lisbon, due to land on Tuesday.  Her own movement gave rise to another movement, Extinction Rebellion, which was founded 9 days before Jupiter went into Sagittarius.  However, there is still so far to go, and scientists agree we have reached the tipping point in our damage to the planet.  Jupiter in Sagittarius needed to bring hope, but there are still so many difficulties facing us, and that is partly down to Saturn and Pluto’s presence in Capricorn.

So Sagittarians (ruled by Jupiter) may feel a greater sense of seriousness, discipline and responsibility when their planet goes into Capricorn, but there will be some balancing because Capricorns (who have been bearing the brunt of the challenging planets) will receive some lightening of their load with the presence of Jupiter in their sign.  They may not feel the benefit (unless they are born early in their sign) until after the conjunction of Saturn and Pluto on 12th January (which will be challenging generally).  Late in 2020 (December 21st) Jupiter and Saturn will enter Aquarius together and conjoin at 0 degrees of that sign, which will be another major turning point.

If you know the House position Capricorn falls in within  your chart, you will be able to consciously work with that area of life to bring optimum results.  With Saturn and Pluto in that House, most likely it is an area you have been struggling with, and Jupiter will attempt to bring some enlightenment.  You may think back to the period of December 2007 to January 2009, and the benefits which Jupiter in Capricorn brought to you then.  Jupiter in Capricorn favours ambition and career advancement, politics, and public institutions.  Politics and public services have been battered since Pluto and Saturn entered Capricorn, and the much needed reforms that are due have been promised by all parties in the run up to the U.K. election on December 12th.  The issue of Brexit and its consequences of course continues to dominate, so it will be interesting to see whether we can get past this civil war enough to attend to other matters of great concern.  So Capricorns!  This is your year to lighten up.


Mercury sextiles Pluto on Tuesday (3rd), which can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  If you have something important lined up, you may be successful in getting your point across.

In the afternoon, Venus sextiles Mars, which is an altogether more relaxing prospect.  Time for some pleasure and enjoyment, which may include romance.  Take a break and socialize, but with Mercury sextile Pluto still operational, conversation could be soul-searchingly interesting.  With two sextiles, Tuesday is possibly the best day of the week, if you are planning something special.

Fixed Stars

With the rest of the week bereft of Aspects, I turn to the Fixed Stars to add meaning to the week.  There is an alignment of our Sun to Rastaban in the constellation of Draco, also occurring on Tuesday.  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld provides the following complexion on the influence of this star:

“There are multiple influences from this star which can be useful in dealing with inner conflict and with trying to sort out ideas that do not necessarily make sense or that do not fit well together.  It may at first seem that you are only adding energy to the difficulties.  This will eventually sharpen the contrast and highlights between the competing ideas and allow you to take a higher form in which you are able to utilize the approach that works best in your life.  Then what may also emerge from this is an attitude in which there is laughter or separation from the competing ideas, and then you do not take that entire issue so seriously.”

Saturday (7th) avails us of the blessings of the star Wei in the constellation of Scorpio.  Again from “Starlight Elixirs”:

“This star can enhance hands-on healing energy to people.  The practitioner of Reiki, various form of massage, acupuncture or acupressure will do well to utilize this star.  The energies that are transferred are largely those already available in the person’s development; thus they simply are able to be more consistent and apply these energies more regularly than they have before.  Some energies from past lives served as a healer, energies of one’s guides that have direct healing capacities, or unconscious energies that might be available only under stimulating circumstances, will all be more clearly available to the healer.”

So it is nice to end the week on a healing vibe.  The energies of the Fixed Stars are far out, and have a subtler impression on us, so you may need to actively tune in.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – discipline and boundaries for some; more freedom for others
  • Tuesday – deep communication; pleasure; adjustment
  • Saturday – healing

Aspects for the week beginning 24 November 2019

Martin Kemp

I’m a Libra and try to take a balanced view of any situation.” ~

Martin Kemp, in an interview

Bassist in the band Spandau Ballet, Martin Kemp, and his wife Shirlie released their first album together on Friday, “In The Swing Of It”.  Librans are dubbed the beautiful people of the zodiac, and Martin certainly was first in the queue when they handed out good looks.  He brought out his Autobiography “True” in 2000, and while I read it at the time (I remember poignant detailed narrative about his two brain operations), I could not locate it for the purposes of this blog (it’s buried, somewhere under 19 years of autobiographies, sadly).  I also remember it for a gentle philosophical outlook and faith in life.

Birth Chart

Martin is a double Libran, with both the Sun and Ascendant in that sign, and the Sun conjunct the Ascendant from the 12th House of the Unconscious.  He was born on a New Moon in Libra, with the Moon rising in his chart in that sign (Spandau Ballet were part of the New Romantic movement, and Libra is the sign of romance, too).  With a triple conjunction of Mars/Mercury/Neptune in Scorpio also in his 1st House, he has great personality, charisma and magnetism.  Libra is the sign of the Singer/Musical Archetype, and in addition he has Venus (music and singing) trine his natal Midheaven (Careerpoint).  Natal Mars (the head in medical Astrology) conjunct Neptune may have been a factor in his brain tumours and surgery, though I hasten to add that if you have that conjunction in your chart your chances of that medical condition are still remote.  Worthy of note too is the fact that he has The North Node conjunct Uranus (karmic bands) and Pluto in the 11th House of Bands and teamwork, in Leo, the sign of Performance.


Spandau Ballet were formed when Martin joined Gary’s band in July 1979, when Pluto (ruler of his 2nd House of Finance) was on Martin’s Sun in Libra.  They enjoyed 11 years of success, with such iconic hits as “To Cut a Long Story Short”, “True” and “Gold” (the virtual theme tune to the London 2012 Olympics!).  The band split up in 1990, with later acrimony and legal proceedings (in 1999) related to royalties for the songs (which had been written by Martin’s brother Gary), in a tussle with Tony Hadley, lead singer, and others.

The two brothers went on to develop the acting side of their careers, notably as the Kray twins in the film “The Krays”.  Later on, Martin played villain Steve Owen in the soap series Eastenders, from December 1998.  For his explosive exit from the soap, he had suitably final transits: Pluto sextile his natal Sun in Libra in 12th, and Pluto sextile his natal Ascendant.

The band reunited in 2009, announcing their return on 25th March of that year.  On that day, Chiron was conjunct Neptune in Aquarius – symbolic of a group spiritual healing.  Jupiter was trine exactly Martin’s natal Ascendant on his Creative 5th House cusp, and Uranus was trine his natal Midheaven (Careerpoint).


Martin undertook surgery for two benign brain tumours, beginning in February 1995.  At that time, Neptune was transiting Martin’s I.C. and Saturn (uncertain foundations to life).  It was a difficult time for his wife Shirlie, who in addition to looking after him at home, had two young children to bring up and look after.


“We’re best friends…Martin is my family, he’s my home.” ~

Shirlie, from an interview

Shirlie Kemp, nee Holliman, was one half of the pop duo Pepsi & Shirlie, and girlfriend of Andrew Ridgeley of Wham when she got together with Martin.  But they had both previously fallen for each other on sight or on screen.  Martin says he literally fell in love when he saw her on the television, and she had seen him with Spandau Ballet and was instantly smitten.  She said she thought he had a kind face.  It was George Michael (the other half of Wham) who brought Shirlie and Martin together, and even accompanied them on their first date.  Shirlie is an Aries, a very balancing and complementary sign for Libra.  In their synastry, their Venuses are trined in Virgo and Taurus, a harmonious love.

Theirs is a true romance, and in the videos of the album there is consequently a naturalness to their performance.  The current transits for the album are interesting: For Martin, Mars trine his natal Chiron in Pisces in his 5th House gives him a satisfaction through the healing that creativity brings.  Transiting Pluto trine exactly his natal Venus in Virgo in 12th House is a deep expression of his relationship with Shirley.  For her, Jupiter is trine exactly her Sun – a huge success and showcase for her!  Saturn also trines her natal Venus – an expression of the loyalty and commitment of their relationship.


Roman Kemp is the younger of their two children, and is currently appearing in I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here.  He normally works as a radio presenter.  So far in the Jungle he has revealed that it was his Nan’s suggestion that Gary bring Martin into the band Spandau Ballet, and that he has seen a UFO.  He describes his father as his best friend.   Martin’s Sun is conjunct Roman’s Jupiter, which suggests a shared sense of humour.  They have a karmic link, in Martin’s Ascendant sextile Roman’s North Node.  George Michael was Roman’s godfather.

Gary Kemp

Martin’s brother Gary of course has played an important role in his life, from bringing him into Spandau Ballet, to co-starring in the Krays.  They are both Libran, a singing/musical brotherhood.  Martin Moon’s in Libra is exactly conjunct Gary’s Sun in Libra, always an important significator of a personal relationship.  They have strong energy for working together: Gary’s Pluto sextiles Martin’s Mars.  Gary’s transits for some of the milestones they shared are:

In the formation of the band, the North Node sextile his Mercury (working karma); for the winning of the legal battle (more significant for Gary), Mars was sextile his natal Saturn (a fight for integrity), but Pluto was square his natal Venus (depicting the huge strain of a longstanding battle for his musical rights).  At the time, Martin had Jupiter on his Descendant (a victory for someone very close to him).  For the reunion of the band in 2009, the Nodal Axis (group karma) squared Gary’s natal Neptune in Scorpio.  2009 was an important year for the brothers, as their parents died within days of each other: Martin had Pluto sextile his Chiron, and Gary had Pluto on his Saturn – a lot to digest, psychologically.

George Michael

It’s beginning to look a lot like a Soul Group…

Shirlie was a backing singer with Wham, and as has been mentioned, a girlfriend of Andrew Ridgeley (who has just brought out his own autobiography).  Shirley and George had a lovely link of Shirlie’s Jupiter closely trine George’s Sun.  Martin’s Chiron was exactly trine George’s Sun.   As for the making of the new album from Martin and Shirlie, she has said: “I could feel him [George Michael’s presence] while I was singing, I knew he was smiling at this. Could this gift have come from him? I don’t know. It’s a lovely  thought, though.”  George’s music is currently being featured in the film “Last Christmas”.

Do a job you are passionate about because it will bring you happiness – all the money in the world is worth nothing if you’re not happy.” ~

Martin Kemp, in an interview


“I’m comin’ up so you better you better get this party started
Get this party started on a Saturday night”

~ sung by Pink

On Friday, the Sun entering Sagittarius set the scene for

“…the general festive pre-Christmas season of Sagittarius. ‘Tis the season to be jolly,… Your enthusiasm and preparations now can help create and inject warmth into the big day, in advance”  I wrote, and hopefully, you felt it.

Today we have the ultimate party aspect, and the best aspect of the year, Venus conjunct Jupiter (at 28 degrees Sagittarius, close to the Galactic Centre), an even more upbeat version of that conjunction than most years, as Jupiter is still in Sagittarius (and more depth and gravitas coming from the Galactic Centre).  Jupiter is soon to enter Capricorn, and will be more sober and sensible in that sign, so let your hair down and embrace the silly season.  It is a great conjunction for getting out and socializing, and pulling out the best jokes from your joke book (if you are not a natural comedian).  It is also a conjunction of Unconditional Love and Forgiveness.

In the afternoon, Uranus opposes Mars, so be vigilant for the element of the unexpected.  If you are driving, for instance, check your tyres or any safety issues which may be on the brink.  Another possibility is tempers fraying (yes I agree, it seems unfair to have that on the same day as the perfect social aspect).  It is also the sort of aspect which brings out the Activist Archetype, so you may be campaigning for a particular party or against climate change, or whatever is your highest priority.

On Tuesday (26th) Venus enters Capricorn.  So we have just got the party started, and the great party goer Venus decides to leave Sagittarius, the party venue, leaving the Sun and Jupiter in that sign to keep the background music playing.  So the party may temporarily fall a little flat; Mercury and Mars are still in the intense preceding sign Scorpio, and Venus joins heavyweights Saturn and Pluto in the more responsible sign of Capricorn.  Mercury will revive the party a little when it enters Sagittarius on 9th December, but by then Jupiter will have deserted the party for more serious duties in Capricorn.  The moral of this story is to keep the party bubbling along.  Meanwhile, Venus needs to bring her skill in human relations into the workplace, into administration and public institutions, and into politics (currently much needed).  So if you have started to set up some entertainment for the Christmas period, think further ahead to what might be needed for your relationships to move forward in 2020, and also what is needed in the structures of your life, and begin working towards that.  The upside of Venus in Capricorn is more commitment, loyalty and realism.   The dance of the various planets may seem a bit complicated at this time, but we all have to juggle work and pleasure.

But Tuesday is not bleak!  There is a New Moon in Sagittarius at 4 degrees – yes, the Moon just snuck into the party at 8.11 a.m., and there she will stay for two days, keeping that rhythm going.  The New Moon of course always carries the potential for a new beginning, and in Sagittarius the focus is the global picture.  We may have a message from Greta Thunberg to keep us on track, from her ocean voyage in the middle of the North Atlantic.  She is due to arrive in Lisbon in early December.  It is a good day to declare your intentions for the next month or year in relation to the planet, even if it is an intention to vote Green in the coming election.

Wednesday (27th) brings more progress, this time on the spiritual front, for Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  It is an opportunity to fine tune relationships, art, or spiritual practices.  After the turnaround has been achieved you may detect greater flow and movement on your spiritual path.  Interactions may be subtle, but subtlety can be powerful.

We are blessed with two trines  on Thursday (28th)!  The first is Mercury trine Neptune, which occurred on 13th of this month, just before Mercury turned direct.  This brings mental inspiration, transcendent wisdom, higher harmony, spiritual journeys, and insight.

In the early evening, Venus will be trine Uranus, so there is a good chance of igniting that party on Thursday.  Venus and Uranus combine to bring exciting meetings, reunions, and sparkling relationships.   In the field of the Arts, it can bring originality and surprise, e.g. to a performance of music.  Ideas for assisting the problems in our society may also crop up, such as community based solutions.

An aspect occurring on Saturday (30th), Mercury sextile Saturn, can enable us to bring all the outlandish ideas of the week into practical reality, as long as we put the work in.  If you are a creative type, you may have received all sorts of ideas this week, which may have seemed like pie in the sky.  Saturday’s aspect affords the opportunity to bake that pie.  [Boris still has the oven ready microwave meal, bear in mind – sorry, couldn’t resist that].  If, however, you have a lot of outstanding paperwork, now’s the time to deal with it.  That will be just as satisfying as completing the entry form for next year’s “Masterchef”.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sparkling socializing; beware of loopholes
  • Tuesday – duty calls; new beginning
  • Wednesday – spiritual progress
  • Thursday – mental inspiration; social excitement
  • Saturday – practical mental achievement