Aspects for the week beginning 15 April 2007
You can have a lazy Sunday today: there aren’t any aspects to speak of. Just chill out. In fact, you can have an extra day off too, as you don’t have to work on any aspects until Tuesday (17th), which is the next New Moon. Here’s an experiment: Try making a special wish on the New Moon and see how long the results take to appear – maybe instantly, or at the next Full Moon or by the time of the next New Moon. I’m assuming by now that we are all each day wishing-along-a Barbel Mohr. Thursday 19th brings a trine between the Sun and Pluto: a chance to make meaningful your creativity or create a turn-around and salvage a situation you thought was lost. Saturn also goes stationary that day, so the immovable objects in our lives may be those Capricornians being really really sensible. So really really listen to them. The Sun goes into Taurus on Friday 20th, continuing the sensible theme: collectively we will lose our Arien hot-headedness and take on a more practical persona. And the final flourish of sensibility occurs on Saturday 21st with TWO trines to Mercury from Saturn and Jupiter – that’s the second grand fire trine in two weeks. Time to get the barbecue symbolism out again, and this time you can analyse it from two extreme viewpoints.