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Aspects for the week beginning 15 January 2023

Jeff Beck (1944 – 2023)

“Jeff could channel music from the ethereal…his imaginations apparently limitless”

~ Jimmy Page

Jeff Beck, regarded as one of the greatest guitar players of all time (the “guitarists’ guitarist), died this week unexpectedly, after contracting meningitis.  He was 78 years of age, and many musicians have paid tribute to his skills.  In 2015 he was ranked 5th by Rolling Stone magazine in a list of the list of the “100 Greatest Guitarists”

Birth Chart 

The first thing to note about his birth chart, is that he had 0 Earth planets, so that may have been a factor in being able to reach the celestial realms.  I am studying “genius” at the moment in my philosophy course, and that word has been used frequently in connection with Jeff Beck. [we are studying whether genius is born or made].  Jeff Beck had an exact conjunction of the Sun and Venus (artistic and musical talent) in the sign of Cancer (which represents musical rhythm).  These two planets are joined in a triple conjunction by Saturn, which is a hard taskmaster, but can produce great concentration and discipline.  And Neptune is in close square to this triple conjunction, again bringing in the ethereal frequencies.  He had the Moon, Mars and Jupiter in performing Leo.  His Mercury was exactly sextile Jupiter, so that produced a wide-ranging mind, and a well-travelled life.  But with the Sun in Cancer, there were periods of time he retired from the limelight.  He collaborated with many musicians in his life, but Cancerians do like to belong to bands (e.g. in my research on Fleetwood Mac, that band was founded on the sign of Cancer).  It’s their sense of “family”.  Mars conjunct Jupiter in his chart was a high energy, enthusiastic, joyful, frequency, and perfectly expressed in his well known hit “Hi Ho Silver Lining”:

And it’s hi, ho silver lining
And away you go now baby
I see your sun is shining

But I won’t make a fuss

I have no idea what the song means, and he didn’t write it, but the melody makes it one of the most uplifting of songs.  It is the song I hear, when I think of him.  Ironically, though, he never liked it, because it was a light and fluffy pop song.  Incidentally, the title bears the Cancerian colour, silver.

Saturn exactly square Neptune may have made him susceptible in terms of health; he suffered from tinnitus, and also suffered ill health after a car accident.  Neptune sextile his North Node further cements his reputation as an inspirational guitarist – and this is as part of his karmic mission.

Life and Career

Jeff Beck was born in Wallington, London, and had a fascination with the electric guitar from a very young age.  He started out by hand-making his own guitars.  On leaving school, he attended Wimbledon College of Art, and was introduced to Jimmy Page, who was born in the same year and later founded Led Zeppelin.  Beck began playing in a variety of groups, including that of Screaming Lord Sutch in 1962 (long before the latter became an amusing diversion to serious politics).

In 1965, Eric Clapton left the Yardbirds, and Jeff Beck was recruited to replace him (on Jimmy Page’s recommendation).  He was with them for 20 months, but that period was a high point for the band, their hits including “Heart Full of Soul”, which included some sitar-style guitar playing by Jeff Beck.

However Beck was asked to leave the Yardbirds during a tour of the U.S. because he was failing to turn up, and his perfectionism (Chiron in Virgo) and explosive temper (Moon conjunct Mars) made working with him more difficult.  In 1967 he recorded “Hi Ho Silver Lining”, produced by Mickie Most (who twisted his arm to make it), then went on to form The Jeff Beck Group, which included Rod Stewart and Ronnie Wood.  The band lasted until July 1969, citing resentment, physical fights and touring incidents.

A period of ill health followed, and Jeff Beck resumed his musical career in 1970, with the drummer Cozy Powell.  The new group was also called “The Jeff Beck Group”, but they made little impact and he went solo in 1975.  He continued to collaborate with many artist over the years, including the Rolling Stones, Nile Rodgers and Brian Wilson.

In the 1980s he made a Grammy Award winning single with Rod Stewart of “People Get Ready”.  The recording, and the video, were a showcase for Beck’s guitar playing.  You can see him in his element, doing what he loved to do.

He also collaborated on an album with Johnny Depp in 2020, and they performed together at the Royal Albert Hall the week Johnny Depp won his court case against Amber Heard in July 2022.  They had made a cover version of “Isolation” by John Lennon.


Jeff Beck died on Tuesday 10th, with Pluto transiting his South Node, a karmic note.  My 94-year old mother died on the same day this week, and she too was born on 24th June.  That meant they both had Jupiter at the time squaring their Suns.  In an elderly person, this can be a release.  However, for Jeff Beck, contracting meningitis suddenly, his death came as a shock to his family, friends and fans.

“Jeff Beck was on another planet. He took me and Ronnie Wood to the USA in the late 60s in his band the Jeff Beck Group and we haven’t looked back since.”

~ Rod Stewart


In the early hours of this morning, Venus squared Uranus.  I woke with a start, at that time, and it took me a while to get back to sleep.  It may be an abrasive day for meetings.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.  Relationships can be disrupted, and subject to misunderstandings.  On the other hand, on another level, it can open up telepathic communication between individuals  on a higher plane.

At lunchtime on Wednesday (18th), Mercury will be Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  There is some relief from recent communication glitches and hopefully from the rail nightmares, when Mercury is Stationary prior to turning Direct.  There may be a turning point in your travel plans. It would have been useful to look at the transits of Mick Lynch, the astute rail union leader, at this point, but there is no available birth date for him.  Hopefully, if you have projects waiting to happen of a literary or technical nature, this may also be a go-ahead for you.  If you have been holding back on communication, you may feel the push to move forward again with it.

Just after lunch, the Sun conjoins with Pluto at 28 degrees Capricorn.  That may delay any benefits to the forward motion of Mercury, as it introduces a serious note into proceedings.  It may be a profound wake-up call, both personally and collectively.  Practicing meditation and calming techniques would be a good way to proceed on the day as the deeper issues of life come up for assessment.  Any creativity will have depth to it, and you won’t be able to skim the surface of things. But you will emerge the richer for it.

A fresher atmosphere arises on Friday (20th), with the entry of the Sun into Aquarius.  We are more open to embracing change,  as we emerge from the stiffness of winter, like snowdrops from the ground.  We still have a way to go before Spring, but are ready to look at different ways of being.

A definite new start is scheduled for Saturday (21st), with a New Moon right at the beginning of Aquarius (at 1 degree).  The New Moon is traditionally a time to focus on your wishes and intentions for a new beginning, and this one projects farther into the future than most.  It is time to imagine a better world, a time when we have overcome current obstacles and problems, the outlook has been so bleak in the last year.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – strange relationships
  • Wednesday – communications improve, but serious issues to be considered
  • Friday – a fresher outlook
  • Saturday – new beginning

Aspects for the week beginning 8 January 2021

Fay Weldon (1931 – 2023)

I was in two minds about writing a blog about novelist Fay Weldon, since Astrology and astrologers incurred her wrath after one of her husbands left her for an astrological therapist.  But I have to admit she was an interesting woman, who led an interesting life.  She died this week in a care home, at the age of 91, leaving behind an impressive progeny of three sons (a fourth had died), twelve grandchildren and five great-grandchildren.

Birth Chart

Fay’s vital astrological statistics were Sun in Virgo (a writer’s sign), Ascendant in Aquarius (loved to shock) and Moon in Aquarius (rising, the sign of a novelist).  An interest in the Arts is indicated by the Sun conjunct Venus, and that conjunction sits at the South Node, suggesting that this tendency has been cultivated through previous lifetimes.  It may also depict the fact that she came from a family of novelists.  The combination of Virgo and Aquarius as her main signs indicates a coolness and detachment in the emotions.  You may wonder at that, but the passion that came across from her, fuelled and drove her, was from her anger: Mars squaring her Ascendant.  Her capacity to imagine comes from Mercury conjunct Neptune, which is a conjunction which often occurs in people who are mediums, or who channel.  She was prolific and wrote with ease, and labelled herself as a “writaholic”.  With Jupiter trine her Uranus, she also had the Entrepreneur Archetype.  Her Jupiter was in her 7th House of Close Relationships, and she had three marriages, true to this placement.  Jupiter was also successful and expansive in her career (publishing 31 novels), placed in trine with her Midheaven (careerpoint).  Saturn, on the other hand, was closely square to Uranus – a sign of personal earthquakes, and  in fact there was literally an earthquake while she was in the womb in New Zealand.  Saturn was part of a T-square, being in an opposition with Pluto, so the whole T-square (with Uranus) would be activated from time to time, causing upheaval in her life.  Also worthy of note was Midheaven trine her North Node, enabling her career to be in harmony with her karmic mission.

Life and Career

Fay was brought up in New Zealand, but her parents separated when she was five, and her mother later brought her to England, together with her sister.  She studied Psychology and Economics at St. Andrew’s University, before going on to work in advertising, where she was associated with the enduring slogans “Go to work on an egg” and “Unzip a Banana”.  She published her first novel in 1967, entitled “The Fat Woman’s Joke”.  Two dominant themes in her work which she championed were the fat, plain, woman (“I was born large, blonde and big-boned into a family of small beautiful women”), and feminism (together with the fight against misogyny and inequality) depicted in her chart by the Moon rising.  She also wrote for television, notably for Upstairs, Downstairs in 1971.  She was most well-known for “The Life and Loves of a She-Devil”, which she wrote in 1983, arguably in a spirit of vengeance, after her husband left her for the astrological therapist.  This was later televised.  She admitted that she liked to shake things up (Aquarian Ascendant), often making controversial statements to draw attention to her newest book.  Her second husband was Ron Weldon, and she divorced him after he left.  Interestingly the reason cited for  his leaving was that the astrological therapist had told him his birth sign was incompatible with Fay’s (Virgo).  This seems a very flimsy statement for an Astrologer to have made.  Incompatible Sun signs have often made successful marriages, and the Sun is just one factor in synastry (compatibility analysis).  Ron Weldon died eight hours before the divorce was finalised, and we do not have his birth date.  She also judged literary prizes, most notably the Booker prize in 1983, and intriguingly wrote: “I’ve judged enough prizes in my time to know the most boring book wins. And that’s not the book you want to write.”  Which gives me heart, because my own first novel (see my book page) is deliberately boring – “The Quiet Office” being an antidote to the modern, rushing, adrenalin-fuelled modern lifestyle.

As I said, “an interesting woman, who led an interesting life”, with an interesting birth chart.


Today we have Mercury trine Uranus.  This can inspire high functioning minds, intuition and good ideas.   Uranus will add extra spice to your plans, and documentation.  Computers and technology should be on sparkling form and assist your expression.  You may spring pleasant surprises.  Writing projects may flow.

Tomorrow, Monday 9th, we see a trine between Venus and Retrograde Mars.  Other wars may be raging (Ukraine, for instance), but the relations between the sexes may be harmonious, or the connectivity between your own inner male and female.  It would be a good opportunity for sharing and balancing roles, such as career and parenting.  And exercises of body awareness, such as qijong, may be helpful.

Two squares are sent to challenge us on Wednesday (11th), the first being Venus square to the Nodal Axis.  This one challenges us to take note of the karma of personal relationships, and group dynamics.  You may work with past life patterns, or present life practicalities.

The second square is that of Mercury with Chiron, so mini-crises may arise needing problem-solving skills, and solutions which may be to hand, like dock leaves near nettles, or may require soul consultation, digging deep.  The cause of this may be confronting new year expectations, such as the apparent sliding back on unrealistic new year’s resolutions.  Cut yourself some slack, and do what you can.

On Thursday (12th) Mars will be Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  This may make energies more straightforward  (once Mars has turned).  If you have felt you were swimming against the tide, this direct turn can release some energy and sense of purpose. A lot of people, beset by seasonal viruses, have been experiencing  a mild chronic post-viral fatigue.  By the end of the day, or later in the week, you may be able to confidently say “Onward and Upwards”.

A lucky aspect for Friday 13th, in the Sun sextile Neptune.  The saying goes that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, but the Sun sextile Neptune gives you the best chance of creating beauty and inspiration in your life.  If spiritual harmony and creativity are some of the goals and aspirations you have for the start of the year, you can safely and profitably cultivate them on Friday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – bright minds
  • Tomorrow – sensuality
  • Wednesday – karmic relationship challenges, and health conundrums
  • Thursday – energies moving forward
  • Friday – inspiration and creativity

Aspects for the week beginning 1 January 2023


Welcome to the year 2023: A year of great change.  Saturn and Jupiter will change signs, but more significantly, Pluto will move into Aquarius.  It has been in Capricorn since November 2008.  Times quoted are for the U.K.

If you want to start working with the aspects from now, here is a guide to some of the major astrological events coming up. This calendar is packed with information, so you may want to print it out for your fridge (!)

2023 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:


Thu 12th: 20.56 Hrs – Mars Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  Energies more straightforward.

Weds 18th: 13.13 Hrs – Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Sun 22nd: 23.01 Hrs – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Change and progress, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.  Enabling progress for the New Age.


[No major astrological features]


Tues 7th: 13.35 Hrs – Saturn enters Pisces – Ushering in a period of inward focus until February 2026).

Mon 20th: 21.24 Hrs – Spring Equinox – Sun enters Aries.  The beginning of the Astrological New Year.  Day and Night of equal length.

Thurs 23rd: 12.13 Hrs – Pluto enters Aquarius – Catapults us into a new era, radical changes especially in technology and social media.

Sat 25th: 11.45 a.m. – Mars enters Cancer – An energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness.


Tue 11th: 22.07 Hrs – Sun conjunct Jupiter – One of the luckiest days of the year.

Thurs 20th: 04.12 a.m. – New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 29 degrees Aries – Turning point, and a closure in some sense.

Fri 21st: 8.35 a.m. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 15 May.


Mon 1st:  17.11 Hrs – Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde A level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.

Fri 5th:  4.03 a.m. – Venus sextile Jupiter – One of the best days of the year, socially and romantically.

17.34 Hrs [the same day] – Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio – A turning point, and emotional high tide.

Mon 15th: 3.17 a.m. – Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Tue 16th: 17.20 Hrs – Jupiter enters Taurus – A more abundant mindset and experience, hopefully [not just the rich getting richer].

Thu 18th: 1.11 a.m. – Jupiter square Pluto [Major Aspect] – Power Play, both personally and globally.

Sat 20th: 15.31 Hrs – Mars enters Leo – Energetic self-expression, or displays of Power.

Sun 21st: 3.12 a.m. – Mars opposite Pluto – High clashing energies.  Stay out of the fray.


Sun 11th: 9.47 a.m. – Pluto returns temporarily to Capricorn – The theme of bringing down structures and autocratic regimes and authorities returns.

Sat 17th: 17.29 Hrs – Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground.  Retrograde period ends 4th November.

Mon 19th: 15.53 Hrs – Jupiter sextile Saturn [Major Aspect] – Balancing extremes, including Optimism and Realism.

Weds 21st: 14.58 Hrs – Summer Solstice – Sun enters Cancer. The peak of the Light.

Fri 30th: 21.07 Hrs – Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Some retrospection on the Spiritual path.  Retrograde period ends 6th December..


Sat 1st: 10.26 a.m. – Sun sextile Jupiter – One of the best days of the year, where luck comes more easily.

Mon 10th: 11.40 a.m. – Mars enters Virgo – A more purposeful,  nose-to-the-grindstone shoulder to the wheel application of energy.

Weds 12th: Mean North Node moves from Taurus to Aries – a fresh karmic tone, with more self-responsibility.

Mon 17th: True North Node moves from Taurus to Aries – As 12th, with perhaps some fine-tuning or extra sharp nuance.

Sun 23rd: 1.33 a.m. – Venus Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – More care and attention needed in relationships.  Retrograde period ends 4th September.


Weds 23rd: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 15th September.

Fri 25th: 00.23 a.m. – Mars trine Pluto – a forceful and energetic day. Use power wisely.

Sun 27th: 13.20 Hrs – Mars enters Libra – A need for balance, especially between opposing factions.

Tues 29th: 2.40 a.m. – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde Rebellion, and bids for freedom.  Retrograde period ends 27th January 2024.


Mon 4th: 1.20 a.m. – Venus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Relationships breathe a sigh of relief.

14.11 Hrs: [the same day] – Jupiter Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Revising your Philosophy.  Retrograde period ends 31st December.

Fri 15th: 20.21 Hrs – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  Communications smoother.

Sat 23rd:  6.50 a.m. – Autumn Equinox – The Sun enters Libra – A time of balance.  Day and Night of equal length.


Mon 9th: 1.05 a.m. – Mars square Pluto – One of the most difficult aspects in a year.  Stay out of the fray.

Weds 11th: 1.10 a.m. – Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Psychological journey more straightforward.  Comparable to the ascent from the Underworld.

Thurs 12th: 4.04 a.m. – Mars enters Scorpio – Battle mode; battle lines drawn; prepare to defend the underdog, or provide strength and support.

Sat 14th: 17.55 Hrs – New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 21 degrees Libra – Turning point, especially in relationships.

Sun 22nd: 4.32 a.m. – Venus trine Jupiter – The most congenial aspect in a year: social celebrations, romantic engagements.

Sat  28th: 20.24 Hrs – Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus.   A turning point, and emotional high tide.


Sat 4th: 7.04 a.m. – Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Less struggle.

Fri 24th: 10.15 a.m. – Mars enters Sagittarius – A bright, adventurous note.  Stays in Sagittarius until 4th January 2024.


Weds 6th:  13.20 Hrs – Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Direct. Spiritual path clearing.

Weds 13th: 7.08 a.m. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde.  – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 2nd January 2024.

Fri 22nd: 3.27 a.m. – Winter Solstice. The Sun enters Capricorn.  The beginning of the Return of the Light.

Weds 27th: 15.28 Hrs – Sun trine Jupiter – One of the luckiest aspects of the year.

Sun 31st: 2.40 a.m. – Jupiter Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  An uplifting note to the end of the year.

Stay tuned!


Well, here we are, in a New Year.  Do you feel any different?  Does the New Year have a different vibration, or is the transition of 31st December to 1st January an artificial one?  In the second volume of my trilogy (currently four chapters completed now) I examine the Present, in the way I examined the Past in Volume I.  So the nature of time is a pre-occupation of mine, these days!

Early this morning, Venus was conjunct Pluto at 27 degrees Capricorn.  It may be a money or relationship issue that preoccupies you.  You may feel under a lot of pressure.  What is important, is to try to get to the root of the matter in hand.  There is much to reflect on about the enormity of changes, and the impact on humanity.  You may need to do some soul-searching in order to have a handle on the depth of your feelings.  Love and money will take up emotional energy.  Within that frame, you may be able to strike the right note with depth and meaning, to have a fulfilled New Year’s Day.

Tomorrow (Monday 2nd) is a more complex day.  On rising we have Mercury Retrograde sextile Neptune, an aspect which we last saw on Christmas Day when Mercury was still Direct.   This is a time of intense imagination, so it is helpful for creative visualizations for the New Year.  This aspect will assist you in refining your mindset and remaining mental clutter from the past year, which has been so difficult for some.  Our minds will be able to receive higher guidance more easily today.  Delicate conversations and channelling will also be made easier.  If giving or receiving late gifts, be open to non-material gifts.

Two more aspects tomorrow reinforce the theme of non-materiality, the first being the Sun trine the North Node, in this case the Universe bearing a karmic gift.  This can help your actions and creations to fall in line with, and be in sync with, your own karma and the collective karma.

The third aspect of the day requires more attention and mindfulness: Sun square Chiron brings up old wounds, for new healing.  Perhaps healing modalities were tried in the past with limited success, and now is the time to take a fresh look at what may be required.  What needs healing will be uncovered, and the answer may lie in the problem, or deep in the soul.  Time for self-mastery.  Look after yourselves, physically and mentally!

Tuesday 3rd sees Venus entering into pastures new, i.e. the sign of Aquarius.  It is a chance for her (and you!) to circulate and feel the more extravert side of your persona.  You may, for instance, become more involved with a community project.  Venus will be in Aquarius until 27th January, so for most of the month the general tone will be more affable.  You will feel more connected to people, but not in a clingy way, more in the mode of a higher evolutionary consciousness.

We can be cheered on Wednesday (4th) by an uplifting Venus/Jupiter sextile, one of the high spots of the year aspectwise.  The day could bring hope and happiness, socially or romantically.  Engagements, celebrations and virtual parties could be on the agenda.  This sextile combines luck and love.  Enjoy!

In the afternoon of Thursday (5th) there’s a revolutionary Sun/Uranus trine, a veritable new broom of an aspect!  This is a hopeful influence.  It may bring an unexpected go ahead to forge on with innovative plans and original creativity. That can include vivid dreams, with informative futuristic information encoded in them.  It is an ideal aspect for New Year’s Resolutions and Affirmations for the coming year.  You may be in a position to spring a happy surprise on someone.

Friday (6th) holds the tension of a Full Moon at 16 degrees Cancer, building up through the day until the last hour.  This is one of the most emotional full moons of the year…time to watch that weepie movie on TV!  The Moon in Cancer opposing the Sun in Capricorn may lead you to reflect on  your work-life balance, ahead of the new working year.  If interacting with elderly relatives, take a packet of tissues!

The last aspect of the week occurs around the middle of the day on Saturday (7th).  It’s a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 17 degrees Capricorn.  it is a good day generally to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on career, your work in the world, and relations with authority.  Mentally you may be able to see things clearly from the point of view of the structure of society. That may involve seeing things from a larger perspective than you are accustomed to seeing the issue in hand.

Here’s wishing you all A Happy and Healthy New Year!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – heart searching
  • Tomorrow – complex: non-material gifts; karmic alignment; healing required
  • Tuesday – the heart of the community
  • Wednesday – social and romantic
  • Thursday – innovation
  • Friday – emotional high tide
  • Saturday – concentration and focus

Review of the Year 2022

Review of the Year 2022

It’s that time again…Time for the Review of the Year!   Selections from the blogs, as usual, for those of you who like to review the year…



Barry Cryer (1935 – 2022)

“I haven’t had a career, just a series of incidents. I’ve been dogged by good luck all my life.”

~ Barry Cryer

Legendary comedian and scriptwriter Barry Cryer died peacefully at home on Tuesday, at the age of 86, surrounded by his family.  We owe many laughs to him over the years, as we watched Morecombe and Wise and other classic comedies.  He wrote for many, many comedians, among them Bob Hope, Dave Allen, Tommy Cooper, and Kenny Everett.

Birth Chart

We are fortunate in having a birth time for Barry, giving him a Capricorn Ascendant.  His Sun was in Aries, largely unaspected, making him very authentic and individualistic.  With Chiron trine his North Node, his karmic mission was in some ways as a healer.  Chiron was in Gemini in his birth chart – healing through words, to laughter.  With the Sun in his 3rd House, words were his stock in trade, and later in life he was a popular after dinner speaker.



Invasion of Ukraine

Added to the pandemic, and climate change, the world has a new threat: that of war between Russia and the Ukraine.  Wary of involvement after what transpired from the Iraq War, Syria and Afghanistan, NATO is trying to support Ukraine by other means than military forces.  Rhetoric has been ramped up against the chilling protagonist Vladimir Putin of Russia, whose sanity has been questioned.  Currently, Ukrainian citizens are literally fighting for their lives, reportedly today in the streets of Kharkiv on the outskirts of the capital of Ukraine, Kyiv.  The population of Kyiv have been told to stay underground, and the Prime Minister is staying firmly in the capital.


For the chart of the invasion, I have used 5.55 a.m. on Thursday 24th February 2022.  Mars (war) is still conjunct Venus (peace), in an unusually long conjunction – she has been worn down, and run out of diplomatic options.  Pluto is exactly trine to the North Node, which is a powerful time of reckoning karmically.  The transits to the Ukraine chart seem very karmic – Putin claims Ukraine should still belong to Russia, and won’t forgive the split.  Ukrainians feel they want the freedom and democracy which they would not have as part of Russia, and would like to belong to NATO.   Astrologically, the Nodal Axis is square the Ukrainian natal Mercury-Jupiter conjunction in the 7th House of Close Relations.  The North Node (karma) is about to enter Ukraine’s 4th House of Homeland.  Two more squares threaten Ukraine’s stability at this moment: Chiron square its Uranus (crisis) and Saturn square its Pluto (destructiveness).

Volodymyr Zelenskyy

The Prime Minister of the Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, is the hero of the hour.  He was born on 25 January 1978 in Kryvyi Rih, Ukraine.  We have a birth time for him, which gives Jupiter rising (he started out as a comedian).



Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe released

In the midst of another week of unbearable news from Ukraine, a miracle happened.  Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe, who had been detained in Iran, most of that time in prison, was allowed to come home and be reunited with her daughter and husband.  Heartwarming photos ensued of the three of them together again.  At a time when Ukrainian families are being torn apart, we should frame these photos in our hearts to remind us that reunion is possible.

Birth Chart

The birth date now accepted for Nazanin is 26th December 1978, though we do not have a birth time for her.  She has Sun in the sign of Capricorn, known for qualities of endurance (but can also be the scapegoat).  Her Sun conjoins Mars, giving her a warrior spirit.  She is also a healer, with the Sun exactly trine Chiron.  She certainly had to employ her inner healer in her six years under arrest.  Moon in Scorpio, will have given her extra emotional grit and determination.  In confinement, the Moon conjunct Uranus, will have given her a highly developed imagination to explore her inner mind: Terry Waite, one of the Beirut hostages, had the Moon opposite Uranus in his chart.



June Brown (1927 – 2022)

“Ooh I say!”

~ Dot Cotton

June Brown, and her alter ego, Dot Cotton, was a household name, even for those who didn’t watch EastEnders.  She died last week, at the age of 95.  Though it was announced that she left the soap in February 2020, for the viewers her character Dot is ostensibly in Ireland;  they are yet to break the news in soapland. She was often asked how similar she was to the character that was created, and she would reply that they both chain-smoked, and were both Christians.  She played the role, on and off, since 1985.  She has been described as a National Treasure.

Birth Chart

June Brown had half her planets (5) in the Water element, making her an emotional individual, though she would sometimes hide this under a deadpan expression.  This is something an Ascendant might reveal, but we do not have her birth time.  She could, however, be a cool customer, with the Sun in Aquarius.  She was born on a Full Moon in Leo, which would have given her strong likes and dislikes – if she did not like a scene, she would walk away from it.



Eurovision Song Contest 2022

“I’m incredibly excited to make some friends, chat some music, and just take in every moment of this beautiful, wild bonkers thing.”

– Sam Ryder

Long-term readers of my blog will know how much Eurovision means to me!  And I have to declare last night’s Eurovision Song Contest the best ever (and I have been watching since 1959).  I attended when Duesseldorf hosted in 2011, which apparently was the last time we were on the left hand side of the scoreboard, until last night of course.  It was such a special occasion, not least for the overwhelming unity and love for Ukraine, who won deservedly.

Sam Ryder

Last night was the first time I had been able to watch Sam Ryder’s performance all the way through his song “Spaceman”.  We had been told, as usual, that we stood a chance of winning, but they say that every year…So I was pleasantly surprised to find that I loved everything about the performance: the long strawberry blonde locks, the soaring falsetto voice which seemed to encompass the universe, and the imaginative set and costume (which a young friend texted me to declare it blogtastic).  For many of us, this year is the first we have heard of Sam Ryder, but in fact he has been singing since 2009 (at the age of 20).  He sang first in bands, then went solo in 2016, but in the interim has taken jobs, such as bricklaying, to make ends meet.



Olena Zelenska

This week, it will be four months since the invasion of Ukraine by Russia on 24th February.  It is being said that we are beginning to suffer “Ukraine fatigue”, so here I am keeping the flag flying, with a blog about the first lady of Ukraine, Olena Zelenska.  When I wrote about her husband Volodomyr Zelenskyy three days after the invasion, we had only just heard of him, but sensed his heroism.  Our admiration has increased as each war torn month has gone by, though not all nations are supporting his cause.  From that time, the war has taken a terrible toll on Ukrainian family life, with women and children fleeing to safety, and men and boys staying to fight for the state and their own survival.

Birth Chart

Volodymyr was born on 25 January 1978, and Olena was born only 12 days later on 6 February – often a sign of soulmates who plan to incarnate together, when their lives run parallel.  They are both Aquarians, first attending the same school (she noticed him performing in school plays), and then properly meeting at University.  Their birth charts have much in common.



James Lovelock (1919 – 2022)

“Even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.”

~ James Lovelock

James Lovelock, creator of the concept of “Gaia”, died this week on his 103rd birthday.  His groundbreaking book “GAIA, a new look at life on Earth” of 1979 proposed a hypothesis which was responsible for a whole new way of thinking.  It posed a scientific question which flew in the face of Darwinism, put him at odds with some other scientists, and in its solution also conflicted with some environmentalists’ views of how it should be dealt with.  He saw the Earth as a living organism in which its components were interconnected.  He brought up the danger of CFCs, greenhouse gas emissions, a problem which we are still dealing with.  He held very individual views about climate change, and it is interesting that he has left the planet at this time, a few days after the extreme 40 degree celsius temperatures in his home country.  People are still questioning whether climate change is real (deniers), and in our Tory leadership contest, there is no attempt to put this planetary issue at the forefront of their policies.



Olivia Newton-John (1948 – 2022)

“People don’t want to hear that you’re nice, but that’s what  I am.  In fact, I’m pretty boring”

~ Olivia Newton-John

Singer and Actress Olivia Newton-John died this week at the age of 73.  She made her mark on this world in several ways, not least in promoting health research, but the role which she is most remembered for was that of Sandra Olsson in the film Grease.  The film made a big impact on our household!  As a young mum, I remember singing “Summer Nights” to my first daughter as a baby, then later when my children were older, they put the video of the film on replay.  I asked one of them how many times they played that film, to be told “millions”!

Birth Chart

They say the beautiful people are born under Libra, and this was true of Olivia.  She also had the “nice” persona of Libra, and singing is one of the professions of that sign.  She did not however have a smooth-sailing life, and that is to some extent due to her Sun’s square to Uranus (disruption).  Her Moon trine Mercury gave her the ability to combine imagination with rationality, which would have been useful in acting.



Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1926 – 2022)

“I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service”

~  Elizabeth, 1947

As a nation, and also in the wider world, we are shocked and stunned at her passing this week on 8th September, even though we always knew Queen Elizabeth wasn’t immortal.  It seems not just the end of an era, but maybe the end of the end of all eras.  She was a remarkable woman in her fortitude and dedication. And it has been said that one in every two people in the U.K. have met her, so that is a lot of memory, spanning the 96 years of her life and the 70 years of her reign.  I never met her, but I did dream about her, which apparently is a common phenomenon, as she is deeply ingrained as an Archetype in our psyche.  Her revealed personality has changed over the years, from stiff formality through to the later years when she increasingly revealed so much wisdom and humour.  She reigned longer than any other British monarch, and longer than any female monarch in the world (the record is held by Louis XIV of France).



Liz Truss and Kwazi Kwarteng

Dream Team or Nightmare Team?

This new duo running the country have been re-named “Kamikwasi Kwarteng and Librium Liz” by John Crace of the Guardian.  What do their birth charts tell us?  I was originally set to write about Liz when the Queen died, but now find myself writing about the pair in the aftermath of Kwarteng’s “mini-budget” and the dramatic fall of the pound.

Liz Truss

I wrote about Liz in 2019, during the Tory leadership contest when Boris Johnson was elected:


Liz Truss (odds 50/1)

“Just for fun.  Liz Truss has not yet declared her candidacy, but is rumoured to be considering it.  I only include her because she is my local M.P.  Like Jeremy Hunt she unnerves me, but for different reasons.  Her deadpan voice and slightly soulless gaze worry me, and some of the stances in parliamentary voting she has taken have lacked compassion.  She sits in a Tory heartland, and most of the people I know who have met her have been underwhelmed by her intellect…”



Xi Jinping

This week, Joe Biden met up with Xi Jinping of China at the COP27 climate summit.  Named in recent years the most powerful man in the world, at this point in time Xi Jinping holds a crucial position in the power balance of the world.  Not only does his country hold great responsibility in reducing carbon dioxide emissions (as the highest emitter), but Xi Jinping in his closeness to Vladimir Putin may hold the key to the outcome of the war in Ukraine.  He is an inscrutable figure, and it is an interesting time to look at his chart and his life.

Birth Chart

With Sun conjunct Mars in Gemini, Xi Jinping is a warrior of the mind; he has called his attitude to foreign relations “wolf warrior diplomacy”.  The power and strength of his Sun is shored up by a trine from Saturn, a trine from Neptune and a sextile from Pluto.  We do not have a birth time, but we know that his Moon lies in the powerful sign of Leo, giving him a desire to dominate emotionally.



World Cup Final 2022

Strictly Come Dancing over, and the best person (Hamza) won…(sigh)

I don’t watch the football, but someone in my house does, and it can hardly escape my notice that there is a World Cup final today.  They are billing it as Mbappe for France versus Messi for Argentina, though both players are signed with Paris St. Germain.  Mbappe was born in 1998 and Messi was born in 1986, so there are 12 years (a Jupiter cycle) between them.  So they both have Jupiter in Pisces, actually conjunct with each other, and Jupiter is currently in Pisces (just about).  The World Cup 2022 has been a high tide for both of them, but how does the astrological picture look for them?

Kylian Mbeppe

Mbeppe has the Sun in Sagittarius, and therefore Jupiter is his ruling planet.  But what marks him out as a football player from his chart is Mars (the planet of football) rising, within 3 degrees of his Ascendant (which is in Libra).  He is also a leader (North Node trine his Sun), and a diplomat (Libra rising, with the Moon exactly conjunct Venus).  He has quick emotional reactions (Moon closely square Mars) and is close to his roots (Moon closely conjunct his I.C.)…

Lionel Messi

Mbappe may be on the rise, but for Messi this opportunity is being hailed as a possible swan song.  It is considered important for him to achieve a win at this World Cup final, as it is the only trophy which has eluded him in his glittering career, which has been compared to that of Maradona.

I have written about him, for a previous World Cup (in 2014):

”Lionel Messi Is being hailed as Argentina’s finest hope nowHis footballing brilliance chartwise is shown by Jupiter (success) exactly sextile Mars (football)… Messi has an inspirational exact conjunction of Neptune and the Part of Fortune in Capricorn in 8th House. ”…

Tomorrow: Astrological Features of 2023 for your Diary

Aspects for the week beginning 25 December 2022

Capricorn Careers

This is the penultimate in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under the sign of Capricorn, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Capricornian looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are Capricorn (in Sun or Ascendant sign) and have found an ideal or fulfilling career, please do share that under comments.


Capricorn and its House (10th) are associated with Politics, and people born under this sign often like to be in control, and follow rules.

Famous Examples: Nick Clegg, Richard Nixon, Alex Salmond, Andy Burnham, Anthony Scaramucci, Clement Atlee, Damian Green

Civil servant

Capricorns have the qualities you would wish for in a responsible civil servant: adherence to rules, integrity, administrative and organizational talent, upholding traditions, seriousness.

Medical Areas covered by Capricorn:


Specialism within Medicine, as Capricorn’s planet Saturn rules old age, and Capricornians are often skilled at interacting with the elderly


Specialism within Medicine, Capricorn’s planet Saturn rules the skin

Orthopaedics and Osteopathy

Specialism within Medicine, Capricorn’s planet Saturn rules the skeletal system


Capricorn’s planet Saturn rules the teeth as well

Estate agent

Saturn also has rulership over property, and over the often slow and serious process of buying and selling homes.  Capricorn patience is helpful here.


One of the Earth signs, Capricorn rules Mountains, where Taurus rules flat plains and Virgo valleys.  The famous symbol of the mountain goat for Capricorn climbs the craggy heights to get to the top.

Crystal Healer

Because of this Earth sign’s association with the long process of the formation of crystals and gemstones, Capricorns often have an affinity with rocks and gems, and can sometimes communicate with them, for the purposes of healing or acquiring wisdom.

Company Secretary

This is a highly responsible and serious role within a company, providing administrative support.

Other Professions:

Administrator/Executive/Project Manager

Capricorn itself is a sign known for its ambition, career-mindedness, and professionalism.  Their process is often to rise slowly to the top of their profession, e.g. if a teacher, then they may rise to being a Headmaster or Ofsted Inspector.


In the early hours of this Christmas morning, Mercury was sextile Neptune, a time of intense imagination.  Children may have been too excited to sleep.  Parents may have been listening out for their early alarm to put the turkey in the oven.  I have heard of a lot of people suffering winter viruses.  I was awake with ideas for the latest chapter of volume II of my trilogy.  And, of course, Father Christmas had a busy night.

This aspect will assist you in refining your mindset and remaining mental clutter from the past year, which has been so difficult for some.  Our minds will be able to receive higher guidance more easily today.  Delicate conversations and channelling will also be made easier.

Fast forward to Wednesday (28th) and we have another sextile to Neptune, this time with Venus. This can bring soothing waves of serenity, which hopefully you may experience.  People may come more into tune with each other.  New artistic avenues may flourish.

Just in time to keep you on your toes for the New Year, Mercury is Stationary prior to turning Retrograde on Thursday (29th).  Many of us may have teething troubles with new technology gadgets acquired at Christmas. But the three week Mercury Retrograde period is a helpful time for technological upgrades.  You know the drill by now: practise mindfulness in your communications.  The retrograde occurring in Capricorn suggests it is an appropriate time for planning career moves for the new year, setting goals, etc.  Though for implementation wait until Mercury goes Direct again on 18th January.  If health related, wait another couple of days, as the nurses are planning a strike on 18th and 19th January.

Thursday also gives us a conjunction of Mercury and Venus at 24 degrees Capricorn.  This may soften the start of the retrograde, and bring some happy seasonal socializing, and great conversations.  It fosters the celebratory mood through to the New Year, and supports eating, drinking and being merry.

Happy Christmas, Everyone!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – inspirational
  • Wednesday – inspirational
  • Thursday – communications tricky, but social life enjoyable


Aspects for the week beginning 18 December 2022

World Cup Final 2022

Strictly Come Dancing over, and the best person (Hamza) won…(sigh)

I don’t watch the football, but someone in my house does, and it can hardly escape my notice that there is a World Cup final today.  They are billing it as Mbappe for France versus Messi for Argentina, though both players are signed with Paris St. Germain.  Mbappe was born in 1998 and Messi was born in 1986, so there are 12 years (a Jupiter cycle) between them.  So they both have Jupiter in Pisces, actually conjunct with each other, and Jupiter is currently in Pisces (just about).  The World Cup 2022 has been a high tide for both of them, but how does the astrological picture look for them?

Kylian Mbeppe

Mbeppe has the Sun in Sagittarius, and therefore Jupiter is his ruling planet.  But what marks him out as a football player from his chart is Mars (the planet of football) rising, within 3 degrees of his Ascendant (which is in Libra).  He is also a leader (North Node trine his Sun), and a diplomat (Libra rising, with the Moon exactly conjunct Venus).  He has quick emotional reactions (Moon closely square Mars) and is close to his roots (Moon closely conjunct his I.C.)  He has a lightning quick mind (Mercury sextile Uranus) but also a mind which has depth (Mercury conjunct Pluto).  At school, he was regarded as “academically gifted but unruly”.  Mars closely trine Uranus gives him abilities in engineering (whether in science, or social engineering), and Mars sextile Pluto gives that huge super-charged store of energy (he is known to have exceptional speed).  Uranus is so well positioned, exactly on the 5th House cusp (ingenuity in sport) and trine his Ascendant.  Many of these features are what you would hope to find in a top class athlete.  He is also reported to be the highest paid footballer in the world; his 2nd House of Finance shows Chiron and Mercury/Pluto occupying that space.

Mbappe has a Solar Return within a day of the final, which can be a position of strength.  He has Mars trine his natal Mars, so his energies will be at their best.  Jupiter currently trines his Chiron (in the best of health) and  sextiles his Neptune (spiritually also on good form – he is a practising Catholic).  However, Saturn squares his Pluto, so the responsibility may be weighing heavily on his shoulders.

For the chart of France, Jupiter opposes its Sun (high spirits), Mars trines its Venus (great patriotic fervour), Chiron opposes its Venus (there may be a wound), Saturn opposes its Uranus (a possible disappointment) and Saturn transits its Pluto (a downbeat note).  So while Mbappe’s star is shining, that of France is not so much.

He has important transitions and opportunities to deepen his consciousness in 2023, as Pluto almost transits his natal Neptune at 0 degrees Aquarius, reaching that exact point for him on 10th February 2024.  As it takes place in his 4th House of Home, it is possible he may re-locate at that time.

Lionel Messi

Mbappe may be on the rise, but for Messi this opportunity is being hailed as a possible swan song.  It is considered important for him to achieve a win at this World Cup final, as it is the only trophy which has eluded him in his glittering career, which has been compared to that of Maradona.

I have written about him, for a previous World Cup (in 2014):

”Lionel Messi Is being hailed as Argentina’s finest hope nowHis footballing brilliance chartwise is shown by Jupiter (success) exactly sextile Mars (football)… Messi has an inspirational exact conjunction of Neptune and the Part of Fortune in Capricorn in 8th House. ”

The Neptune/Part of Fortune exact conjunction may be indicative of his unique skill at widening his consciousness to encompass the whole situation in a match, in order to deliver what is needed.  In addition,  he has precise emotional control (Moon exactly sextile Saturn) and the willingness to take chances (Jupiter square Uranus).  His natal Sun is in Cancer.

His transits at the moment show Pluto opposing his Mercury (a lot weighing on his mind), the Nodal Axis squaring his Venus (an important time for him karmically), and Neptune on his natal Jupiter (surrendering to his faith).

The transits for the chart of Argentina at this time show the North Node sextile its Venus (good for morale) and Jupiter trine the Ascendant from the end of the 4th House (patriotism) and beginning of the 5th (sporting competition).  So the prospects are looking good for Argentina, though challenging for Messi himself.

“He is 35 now, and we haven’t got much longer of him left, so let’s savour every second.”

~ Gary Lineker


So this is the run up to Christmas week, a week we’ll be trying to get right so that we can eat, drink and be merry on Christmas Day, or whatever kind of Christmas we plan.  We have just got our Christmas tree out of the loft, so I will begin in earnest after writing this blog…

Our first aspect of the week, Venus square Chiron, appears tomorrow (Monday 19th).  This highlights self-nursing and relationship issues.  You may, for instance, be having to rest a knee through over-exertion, or you may be having to examine a relationship wound.  If there is an emotional crisis, then healing could be nearby – if in doubt, go within.

Another Chiron aspect tomorrow involves Mars, in a sextile, and although Mars is retrograde, it can still contribute benefits through the unclogging of stuck energy.  This aspect may see you on a healing mission of some sort.  Compassionate action may be the tone of the day, a day where physicality combines dynamically with healing.  A hug or demonstration of affection may be just what’s needed.

Venus, meanwhile, also makes another aspect tomorrow: It trines the North Node.  Though wounds need to be addressed (Venus square Chiron), this can make way for personal karmic breakthroughs (e.g. through forgiveness).  This links karma with harmony and love, and reminds us that love is a force underlying a great deal of human interaction.  In the words of Jo Cox  “we are far more united and have far more in common than that which divides us”.  It also reminds us of the Hindu law of ahimsa, or harmlessness, required to neutralize and promote good karma.

Tuesday (20th) is quite literally a new day, with refreshing Jupiter re-entering Aries, the sign of the new.  I wrote in May:

” If you know the House occupied by Aries in your birth chart, you should find an expansion of its affairs this year: more joy, luck and protection in that area.  Jupiter in Aries is super-adventurous, devil-may-care, desiring to throw off the shackles which have been holding us back.”

And Wednesday (21st) brings back the light, with the Winter Solstice.  This last week has been harsh physically with the cold, bringing travel problems and heating problems.  I am currently wearing 2 pairs of fingerless gloves to type, and wearing 4 jumpers!  I also had to cut down to one run per day instead of 3, after some of the frost had melted away.  So I am looking forward to the forecast rise in temperature this week, though it may be linked with climate change.  We often feel a sense of relief that the light is returning to our lives, and a special connection with the natural beauty of the winter season.  Practicality is the theme, looking at the general structure and order of things, and your relationship with authority and the institutions which govern our society: all Capricorn provinces.

The Sun’s entry into Capricorn sets up a conflict which we may need to navigate on Thursday (22nd).  In the very early hours, the Sun squares Jupiter in Aries, so that newly found or re-found confidence and enthusiasm from Jupiter in Aries is challenged by authorities (the Sun in Capricorn).  This smacks of the frustration of those who will be on strike at that time with those they are negotiating with, or trying to negotiating with.  For pity’s sake, I would like the government to put the nurses at the top of their priorities, they deserve it, and to stop their “jobsworth” attitude to waiting for the independent pay review body.  This period is crucial as the strikes hit home, and the government may find themselves rather than the unions under fire.  For those not directly involved in the disputes, it could be a jolly scenario, with some over the top behaviour, in the mode of “devil may care”.  Throwing snowballs with impunity?

After breakfast, an altogether easier vibe arrives in the shape of Venus trine Uranus.  This can bring spontaneous exciting meetings!  The aspect may set you up with insights for the Christmas period, or bring encounters of the illuminating kind.  In the field of the Arts, it can bring originality and surprise, e.g. to a performance of music or a pantomime.  Ideas for assisting the problems in our society may also crop up, such as community based solutions. You may aim to get shopping early for those last minute finishing touches, and bump into an old friend.

Time for a breather on Friday (23rd) when we have a New Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn.  This is helpful for planning a constructive month ahead.  New beginnings are possible in relation to the structures and organization of your life, relations with authority and the institutions of society.  Politicians may announce good new intentions.  You may evaluate that you are making headway, either with Christmas plans or New Year planning.  Put your feet up and savour the moment, with a Bailey’s or a non-alcoholic designer water.

All that remains is for me to wish you a Happy Christmas, as you may be too busy to join me next Sunday.  But I will be blogging, Christmas morning… xx

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – wounds and healing
  • Tuesday – a new day, a new dawn
  • Wednesday – a seasonal celebration
  • Thursday – enthusiasm and challenge
  • Friday – new beginning

Aspects for the week beginning 11 December 2022

Ruth Madoc (1943 – 2022)

“Funny, kind, salty, shrewd and beautifully uncynical”

~ Russell T. Davies

Two comedy actresses left us this week.  One was Kirstie Alley, but it turned out there were three different birth dates in different years for her, so there was no basis for an analysis of her chart, interesting though it would  have been to look at the actress who played Rebecca in the comedy “Cheers”.

But Ruth Madoc made us laugh too, with her character from “Hi-de-Hi!”and she died this week at the age of 79…

Birth Chart

Born in Norwich, but raised in Swansea, Ruth had her Sun in Aries, a refreshingly uncomplicated sign. Her Sun was in an assertive sextile to Mars, reflecting her character Gladys Pugh in the comedy series “Hi-de-Hi!” (1980 to 1988).  Her Sun trined the North Node, implying a position of leadership, again an aspect of the role she played in the comedy as chief yellowcoat and sports organiser at Maplins holiday camp.  And with her Chiron conjunct the North Node and also trine her Sun, she will have aimed to heal through her comedy.  The exact North Node/Chiron conjunction, which expressed her karmic mission, was placed in performing Leo.  She loved to entertain.  Her Moon in contrast was in Virgo, so there was an element of emotional fastidiousness in Ruth’s own character.

Her relationship with holiday camp manager “Jeffrey” in the comedy was a memorable feature of the role she played.  The relationship between the two characters had chemistry, and elements of Ruth’s character were reflected in her iconic role.  Simon Cadell, who played Jeffrey, died in 1996.  Their synastry showed Suns exactly square to each other (some tension).  Her Pluto was conjunct his Mercury (she would weigh on his mind).  His Venus was sextile her Sun (genuine affection) and  his Mars square her Jupiter (over the top emotions).  Of course I am not implying that he was Jeffrey Fairbrother, any more than she was Gladys Pugh!  But there are often resonances between actors and their roles.

What you see is often what you get, with Aries.  She had Venus square her ruling planet Mars, and so found it easy to play the passion with which she pursued the often hapless Jeffrey.  Venus conjunct Uranus gave her social magnetism, which sadly Jeffrey was able to resist (his character left for Wisconsin).

Gyles Brandreth has written: “I was lucky enough to get to know her through my best friend from school, Simon Cadell. In Hi-De-Hi they were irresistible.”

Venus trine Neptune meant that Ruth was an idealist in love, and certainly Gladys pursued an ideal love, but Ruth herself married twice and her second marriage lasted until the death of her husband in September last year (at 39 years of marriage, you can say that’s lasting love).  She had two children.  Her chart without a birth time had an unaspected Jupiter, which may have left her free to take a range of comedy roles, such as a role in the second series of Little Britain comedy series with David Walliams and Matt Lucas, who have paid tribute to her.

“So sad to hear my lovely friend Ruth Madoc has passed. She was not only funny and highly intelligent, she was smart, kindly, a loyal trade unionist, and wore her heart on the left. She’ll be much missed.”

~ Tony Robinson

The catchphrase “Hi-de-Hi!”, as broadcast over the tannoy by Gladys Pugh, was voted 35th most popular comedy catchphrase in 2008.  So if you catch yourself using it this week, you’ll be remembering Ruth.


We have three aspects this week, at the beginning, the middle and the end.  So the first, which occurs tomorrow (Monday 12th) can last you the first few days, and it’s the Sun sextile Saturn.  This aspect can take creative expression and ground it into reality.  Practical initiatives are supported by this aspect.  It is a good aspect for setting up solid foundations, for instance.

The focus for the middle of the week is quite different, and there may be a point between Monday and Wednesday, when you need to take stock and monitor progress.  For on Wednesday (14th), Neptune squares the Sun, which is as impractical as Monday’s aspect is practical.  You may hit a snag in the implementation of your plans, or see through the illusion of a project.  Once you are through that looking glass, you may see how you can remedy things.  It may require some refining of details or technique, for instance.

The very end of the week is again a different kettle of fish, and you may sense, between Wednesday and Saturday, that things are turning around in your favour.  On Saturday evening (17th) Mercury trines Uranus which spells playfulness and creativity; good ideas can come out of nowhere, always a benefit of Mercury and Uranus.  Some of the best inventions come out of this space.  The mind is uplifted, and computers and I.T. devices given or received, will be on good form and working satisfyingly well.  Mental brilliance, technological upgrades, lightbulb moments, and futuristic inspiration can be yours.  So the day could surprise you.

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – practical
  • Wednesday – confused
  • Saturday – inventive

Aspects for the week beginning 4 December 2022

Sagittarian Careers

This is the tenth in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under the sign of Sagittarius, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Sagittarian looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are a Sagittarian (in Sun or Ascendant sign) and have found an ideal or fulfilling career, please do share that under comments.

Clown or Comedian

This is a superb choice for a Sagittarian, though not a common profession.  I wrote under Archetypes a few years ago:


Sagittarius is known for its humour, and the Clown is an old Archetype, and professes comedy but sometimes sheds a tear.  People often wonder why Sagittarians are not always jolly – often they will have some planets of their neighbouring sign Capricorn in their chart, so are no strangers to depression.  There are people who have a phobia of Clowns – this can be a past-life association or childhood trauma, and can be seen in the chart in a difficult aspect to jolly Jupiter.

Famous Examples: Miranda Hart, Christopher Biggins, Billy Connolly and Martin Clunes”

To which I would add Seann Walsh, recently an inhabitant of the Jungle!  Christopher Biggins of course was one of the original Kings of the Jungle.

Ellie Taylor, also Sagittarian, has taken part in this year’s Strictly Come Dancing.

Sagittarian actor and singer Bette Midler is also a comedian.

Comic actor Robert Lindsay is Sagittarian.

Veterinary Surgeon

Slightly more common as a profession is that of Veterinary practice.  Sagittarians are particularly associated with horses (so Equestrian is one of their careers) and dogs (especially big dogs), and many a young Sagittarian will aspire to become a vet when they grow up.  The Sagittarian comedy actor Martin Clunes is especially associated with working with animals and dogs.

Famous Example: TV Vet Noel Fitzpatrick (who lost his border terrier Keira last year)


Sagittarians tend to enjoy sport, and can be employed in the sporting world, e.g. as an Equestrian/Jockey, an athlete, or a sports physiotherapist.  Those with an earth Ascendant may be less keen, but a water Ascendant may produce a proficient swimmer.

Famous Examples: Gary Lineker (football pundit), Jockey Frankie Dettori


The previous sign Scorpio is drawn to psychology, and Sagittarius is drawn to philosophy. Those born on the cusp of Scorpio and Sagittarius can be masters of the combination of the two, and academically these two professions can blend (sometimes practically, too, such as in life coaching).  The Philosopher tries to make sense of life, and provide a sanguine way of looking at life.  Again, in its pure form, it is not a common profession.  The Philosopher bears a resonance with the Seeker Archetype, looking for Truth.  It is unusual, in this day and age, but some people do make a profession from it.

Famous Examples: Alain de Botton, Friedrich Engels, Thomas Carlyle, Baruch Spinoza


The world of publishing is ruled by Sagittarius and its planet Jupiter.  The left brain, magazines and broadcasting plus the 3rd House are ruled by its opposite sign Gemini.  Deeper thought, and book publishing belong to Sagittarius and the 9th House.

Other possible careers along this line might be rappers and performance poets.


There are two signs associated with the legal profession, the other being Libra (of the Scales).  So you might find barristers and judges born under Sagittarius, as Jupiter has a long standing association with wisdom.  A negative or badly aspected natal Jupiter can on the reverse side indicate lawlessness and excess!  A good indication of a chart of balanced judgement is to have  a sextile or trine between Jupiter and Saturn, a balance between optimism and realism.

Air Hostess / Air Steward

The travel industry is suited to the Sagittarian wanderlust.  This may include tour guides, and perhaps also couriers (who may also come under Gemini).  Working in the export industry also gives that sense of satisfaction of connecting globally.


Sagittarius is one of two signs especially connected with clergy, together with Pisces.  If anything, Sagittarius represents the conventional religious figures such as nuns and priests.  Pisces can represent more spiritual figures such as lamas and swamis.

Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh is an example of an Indian godman and mystic, who was born under Sagittarius.

University and College Lecturers

Another sphere of life experience associated with Sagittarius is academia, deep study and further education.

Astronomers and Astrologers

Reaching further into the Cosmos, Astronomy appeals to the traveller in Sagittarius, especially those with a scientific bent.  A large number of Astrologers also come under this sign, including myself.

Other Professions:

I have covered several professions here, but there is room for at least one more (you may know of more).  So for my last career, I offer The Explorer.  An academic philosopher may work cerebrally in his or her armchair, but a geographical explorer covers the ground more literally.

If you have a young Sagittarian under  your wing, you may sense that they need to know that “the sky’s the limit”, and this is one of those Jack of All Trades signs.  But for that very reason, they may need to understand boundaries, and knuckle down to learning a trade properly, and to find their niche.  The sky may be the limit within their niche!


Neptune went Stationary just past midnight this morning, prior to turning Direct.  The effect may have registered with you before sleep or during sleep, or may register during the day today.  Hopefully, you emerged from sleeping and dreaming refreshed and firmly re-orientated on your spiritual path from this!  This event is an opportunity to fine tune relationships, art, or spiritual practices.

The Sun trines Chiron today introducing a healing note.  For example,  you may have awoken with a desire to heal a particular issue.  Look for clues and insights today on this theme, which may help  you.  Healing is illuminated by clarity, and solutions may appear to conundrums which have been recently aired.  There is a sense of wholeness about this aspect.  Creativity and healing have a symbiotic relationship under this aspect.

By breakfast time, Neptune squared Venus, and you may experience sensitivity around a relationship issue.  Sift out any paranoia, iron out artistic flaws, and financial insecurities. That may assist a smoother passage…and tread softly on the day,  lest you tread on your own dreams, or anyone else’s.

On Tuesday (6th) Jupiter squares Mercury.  You may have far to travel, or a lot to learn, and feel overstretched, but could enjoy the ride nevertheless.  The aspect occurs around breakfast time, so any morning meetings could be quite stimulating.

In the evening, Mercury enters Capricorn.  The mental mode of Capricorn is practicality, and systematic and methodical thinking. Mercury in Capricorn favours planning (so helps with planning events for next year).   Official documentation may need to be worked on, forms to fill, authorities to interview, etc.  Mercury will be in Capricorn for the rest of the year, and until February 2023 in fact, because there  is a Retrograde period in between.

We then build up to a Full Moon at 16 degrees Gemini in the early hours of Thursday (8th).You may feel or see acutely the two sides of a story, e.g. some of the polarities occurring in the news and worldwide. With the Sun in opposition in Sagittarius, it is important to note that the principle of the polarity of Gemini/Sagittarius is Communication, whether in its more surface nature (Gemini) or on a deeper level (Sagittarius.  For example, with the Moon being in Gemini, you may feel you cannot handle a depth emotional approach at this moment of time.

Shortly after the Full Moon, Mars opposes the Sun, and the brusque energy of that event may cause early awakening.  For example, you may dream of being chased by a Ram!  People may be hot under the collar for some reason.  Energy will be high, so it is a good time to arrange activities which channel this energy constructively.  Also avoid confrontations, especially with cars, men and dogs.  So that means not engaging with road rage, male rage or canine rage.  So the day may be dominated by this aspect, as the tension of the Full Moon will have passed.

Friday (9th) brings us a square between Venus and Jupiter, around lunchtime.  This is a very social and sociable aspect, but can be gauche, awkward, or inappropriate.  Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.

The early hours of Saturday (10th) sees Venus enter Capricorn.  Carefree Venus in Sagittarius gives way to a more sedate portrayal of love and affection, and the Arts.  Loyalty and stamina are more in evidence, after the more adventurous period of her sojourn in Sagittarius.  Thoughts may turn to the care of the elderly within the family circle, and may possibly focus on the issue of their social care, one of the hotly debated topics of the day, which the government urgently needs to solve, in order to alleviate its impact on other hotly debated features which are stuck.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – spiritual flow; healing; relationship sensitivity
  • Tuesday – travelling in mind and body; practical thinking
  • Thursday – emotional high tide; physical energy
  • Friday – social moves; lack of decorum
  • Saturday – decorum

Christine McVie (1943 – 2022)

A Re-Post from 5 August 2018, about Christine McVie who passed away this week:

Fleetwood Mac – A Soul Group – Part 3:  Christine Perfect/McVie

“If you wake up and don’t want to smile
If it takes just a little while
Open your eyes and look at the day
You’ll see things in a different way”

from “Don’t Stop” by Christine McVie

Christine McVie

Time to introduce the first female member of the band, but before Christine’s arrival, they had to deal with the loss of founder member Peter Green.  The band were doing well, releasing two albums in 1968, “Fleetwood Mac” and “Mr. Wonderful”.  They continued to increase their fan base.

Although he had founded the group, Peter Green, was becoming increasingly unhappy with the way of life.  Belonging to the band gradually became dissonant with his developing philosophy of life.  He told Mick:

“Mick I don’t want to waste my life.  That’s what I’m doing.  I’m wasting my life.”

He was becoming increasingly sensitive to the suffering in the world, and wanted to give all his money to the poor.  He was obsessed with his search for God.  Mick described the reaction of the rest of the group: “We agreed with the beauty of his idealism, but we were practical.”

During their European tour of February 1970, he took LSD with some German hippies, and effectively left the band.  The effect on the band, according to Mick, was “like taking the rudder out of a sailing boat”.  Mick stepped into the role of leader, but there was a huge void: “Luckily we knew the finest blues-woman and piano player in all of England, Christine Perfect.

Christine was a member of the group Chicken Shack, who had married John McVie in August 1968.

Her Birth Chart

She fitted right into the band, astrologically.  As we saw in Part 1, three of the original members of the band were Cancerian (Mick Fleetwood, Jeremy Spencer and Bob Brunning).

The soul characteristic of the group was about expressing human emotion.  So of the 6 members introduced thus far, four were Cancerian, though one had left (Bob Brunning).  When I come to write my future blog on Music band Sun signs, Fleetwood Mac will represent that sign!  From Part 2 in the series, we saw that John McVie’s North Node in Cancer gave him a karmic key into the group.

As well as being a vocalist and keyboard player, Christine was a major force in terms of songwriting for the group, and this is shown by her conjunction of Venus and Chiron (across the cusp of Leo/Virgo).  Adele also has this conjunction, which has the ability to express the poignancy of love.  Christine’s hits would later form the core of the great album Rumours, which included Don’t Stop, Little Lies, Everywhere, and You Make Loving Fun.


In her synastry with John McVie, there was much tension (which may have been creative).  Her Sun squared his Jupiter, her Venus squared his Sun, and their Marses were squared.  On the plus side, her Jupiter was conjunct his Mars, and her Uranus trine his Neptune.

Their transits on their marriage (after a two week romance) were Mars sextile her Uranus (whirlwind relationship) and conjunct her Pluto (a force of nature); and for John the transits were more involved but positive (three trines), giving him more personal stability.

For her personal and working relationship with Mick Fleetwood: Mick’s Jupiter was trine exactly Christine’s Sun (success).  His Saturn was supportive of her Uranus in a sextile, balancing discipline and innovation.  His Saturn was also conjunct her Pluto, which was more difficult, and his Chiron aspects were a little antagonistic, so again there may have been some creative tension between these two.

As for her relationship with Peter Green, who had been best man at their wedding: harmoniously, her Jupiter trined his Venus.  And as so often when someone replaces someone else in a role or line up, there is an exact, powerful Pluto interaspect (as I have mentioned before) – in this case, her Pluto was exactly square his Sun.

Her synastry with the chart of the band (see Part 1) was largely harmonious: her Saturn sextile its Sun, her Mercury trine its Mars, her North Node conjunct its Jupiter (a beneficial karmic link), and her Sun sextile its Pluto.  Her Mercury squared its Saturn, so she may have brought some challenging thought to bear.


Christine joined Fleetwood Mac on tour at the start of 1970, and Mick Fleetwood describes the state of affairs at that time:

“The band’s new formula remained true to our roots, showcasing Jeremy’s skills, whilst allowing Danny to do more melodic rock…Christine became the glue…”

On a personal note, we went to see them at Nottingham University (before hubby and I were married) in early 1971.  We were a little disappointed by their performance at the time, Christine had already joined them, but it was before some of their dizzier heights as a group.  I do seem to recall they played Albatross, Black Magic Woman and Man of the World.  We always remember different things.  Hubby recalls some hiccups, such as a lack of co-ordination between the drummer and the bassist, while trying to get the rhythm right.  They were about to lose Jeremy Spencer (departing in February 1971) and Danny Kirwan, but about to gain Lindsay Buckingham and Stevie Nicks (subjects of Part 4).


“Play On” by Mick Fleetwood

Aspects for the week beginning 27 November 2022

Finding Solutions

A Guest Blog by Janet Leng

On Sunday 13th November I had a sudden brainwave and by the end of the day was starting to put plans in action with a meeting arranged for first thing Tuesday morning. During the course of the meeting my brainwave turned into an up and running partnership, taking off at the speed of light. Being heavily involved in these  plans I hadn’t looked at Lana’s blog (as it would probably be about Strictly and I wouldn’t have a clue as to who all the people were anyway ) so it was a couple of days later when I was telling her about my news that she jumped on the fact that it fitted perfectly with Tuesday’s aspects and asked if I would write about it in an upcoming blog. I had a quick look at the aspects for Tuesday 15th November and immediately saw exactly what she meant with the quick succession of Mercury sextile Pluto, Sun trine Neptune and Venus trine Jupiter through the morning.  So here I am.

I’ll start at the beginning. A year ago, I began volunteer work with an anti-waste organisation called Olio. I work three days a week, often more, on Olio contracts with the big store chains to collect surplus food and distribute it via an app to save it from being chucked in a skip and thrown away. During this year I have given away many thousands of food items in my neighbourhood.

In the beginning we often received ridiculously huge bread surplus which resulted in driving miles to community larders to pass on our own surplus stock. When Russia invaded Ukraine it struck me that wheat production and our imports would be seriously impacted and, to me, that meant this current overproduction was a real problem. I wracked my brains in an effort to find industrial size freezer space we could “borrow” for use to store bread in the community but got nowhere fast.

Moving on to Saturday 12th November I read a lengthy piece about the dire financial situation in schools whose dwindling budgets, already hit by spiralling costs, were having to feed pupils coming to school having had no breakfast and bringing no lunch with them either. Some schools were having to choose between feeding kids or paying a teaching assistant. I was shocked to learn that to qualify for free school dinners a family income had to fall below £9000 per year. How would a family manage on £10,000? I asked myself.

And that’s how I came to have a brainwave the next day. Why had I never thought of it before?

I remembered my son’s best friend (a school vice principal responsible for child safe guarding and wellbeing at a local academy school)  telling me how during the pandemic the teachers were taking out food parcels to families and that they were now continuing due to the cost of living crisis hitting some of their students living in areas of high deprivation. I asked him if they were doing breakfast clubs- they are – and by Sunday night he’d put me in touch with a lovely teacher whose remit is links with the community to ask if I could help with a supply of food. He immediately suggested we set up a partnership and arranged a meeting for Tuesday morning.

Within minutes we’d worked out a framework and I was introduced to the school chef and her deputy who are putting in extra hours providing a free breakfast for any child. I’d brought a few bits and pieces with me to get them started and then I was off home to collect more and I’ve been filling up their freezers since then. It’s a win-win-win and I’ve also succeeded in achieving my aim in reducing food miles and keeping everything in the local community.

A number of other volunteers like me have come on board and are letting me know when suitable items appear in their collections. I then have a team of local mums who have signed up to the app and will request the items for the school through the app so everything is correctly accounted for to Olio and to the big stores. And I run around collecting the food and taking to the school.  Volunteers who collect from Bookers the Wholesalers are on the case collecting items suitable for the fortnightly food hampers for me so we’ve gone way beyond the initial question of “What can I do with all this spare bread?”

The high point was Wednesday 16th when I picked up 42 packs of muffins, both blueberry and chocolate , and I was able to take in one for every child at breakfast club the next day.

Within the fortnight breakfast club has received supplies of milk, spread, ham and cheese for toasties, pepperoni and mozzarella slices to go on mini pizzas made from Milk Roll bread, sausage rolls, bagels, English muffins and endless types of bread. Towards the Fridays hampers we donated tins of spaghetti hoops, wraps, bake at home baguettes, sliced focaccia, sourdough rolls, tins of tomatoes, caramel filled crepes. And more bread!

So everyone is happy and the managers at my stores love it. I’ve told Lana that the inside of my head feels like a telephone exchange with all the coordination needed.  Funnily enough I didn’t spot anything relating to that in her aspects for the week but  I suspect that Mercury has a hand in it somewhere!


Janet is retired and lives in York.  She is doing sterling work, and it is to be hoped that these sort of initiatives spread and alleviate some of the problems in our society at the moment.  It is a shame that such people are having to remedy the shortfall of our governments.  But it’s an illustration of how work on the ground can bring hope.  The aspects for the week beginning 13th November were exceptionally helpful, a rare tidal wave of good vibes, and I had the expectation that they would together help to bring about useful shifts.

So, on to the prospects for this week: Tomorrow (Monday 28th), Mars trines Saturn.  This constructive trine may seem unexciting, but it does mean that hard work can pay off.  Think through what you want to achieve, and set about steadily allowing it to unfold, with some concrete or physical input or ignition on your part.  A trine not to be sniffed at.

On Tuesday (29th) Mercury opposes Mars, which could cause you may make minor slip ups because you will feel like going quickly and pushing through agendas fast.  Heated debates, irritability and incident-proneness could also be a feature of Mercury opposite Mars.  As Janet put it: “the inside of my head feels like a telephone exchange with all the coordination needed.”  Geminis particularly need to take note.

On Wednesday (30th) there is another pedestrian but progressive aspect, in the shape of Mercury sextile Saturn.  Thoughts and feelings can be channelled and harnessed into constructive plans and ideas.  Mental foundations can be laid.  The aspect favours documentation and knuckling down to form-filling etc.  If Geminis and Virgos were a little discombobulated on Tuesday, they have the chance to regain their balance.

There’s another opposition on Thursday (1st December), that between Venus and Mars, so there may be tension between the sexes, or a tussle between your own inner male and female.  Both may be wanting different things: Venus, from Sagittarius wants to spread the love, and Mars from Gemini wants to focus energy.  The battle for the remote control may centre around TV soap operas vs the World Cup.  Who is being the selfish one?  Is there a win win position?

Aspects are concentrated into the early hours of Friday (2nd), starting with a square between Mercury and Neptune.  This may disrupt sleep patterns, so you may have a wakeful period in the night, trying to sort your thoughts.  Some undefinable snag may be nagging at you.  If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note.  Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go.  There could be some scandals in the news.

Shortly after, but still in the early hours, Venus sextiles Saturn.  Relationships need consideration, and will repay the time and loyalty you give them.  It is a helpful aspect for laying the foundations of artistic or musical work.  During the course of the day, the two aspects may make themselves known, so you may have mixed results and for different activities, but some of the day will be smooth sailing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – constructive
  • Tuesday – fractious
  • Wednesday – constructive
  • Thursday – split desires
  • Friday – confusion; loyalty; mixed fortunes