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Aspects for the week beginning 15 September 2024

Strictly Come Dancing 2024

Despite the controversies of the last few months, Strictly goes on.

Last night’s first show, in which the pairs are matched up, was a riot of colour and fun!

As usual, I will start with four contestants, and their professional partners…

Toyah Willcox

” I think dancing is one of the most extraordinary things about being a human being.”

Singer and actress Toyah Wilcox has over half her planets (6) in the Fixed signs, meaning that she is very strong willed.  She has the Sun in Taurus, and was born on a New Moon, which means she can always start afresh.  Her Ascendant is in Leo, giving rise to the Actress and Performer.  With Mercury square Uranus, she not afraid to be controversial.

Toyah was born in King’s Heath, Birmingham.  Her mother was a professional dancer.  She went to a private school, but suffered from dyslexia, and was a rebellious child.  At school she gained an O-level in music.  She felt at home with the burgeoning punk scene, formed a band, and also took up acting.  She then had to have corrective surgery on her feet (possibly the natal Sun/Neptune opposition).  She attended Drama School in Birmingham.  She produced two iconic musical hits in 1981: “It’s a Mystery” and “I want to be Free”, which describe her unique personality.

Toyah is partnered with Neil Jones, who is another Taurean with a triple conjunction of Mars/Mercury/Chiron in that sign.  Her Saturn is opposite his Venus, which may be problematic, but on the plus side her Uranus trines his Jupiter which could spark some enterprising performances.  Her Pluto sextiles his Saturn, which will challenge him to come up with his best work.  Her North Node sits on his Saturn, so this relatinship will be hard work, but with a strong sense of purpose.  Their Uranuses are exactly trine, so innovation will be a strong feature of their performance.  Her Pluto trines his Neptune, adding more depth.  It’s an interesting synastry.

Her current transits include Uranus on her Sun (an exciting new project), Saturn on her Mars (the requirement of a lot more self-discipline), and the North Node trine her natal Uranus (more excitement).  Neil’s current transits show Pluto square his natal Saturn (a significant challenge), North Node trine his natal Uranus (at the same time, excitement), plus Neptune square his Neptune (confusion).

At the end of the tournament, Neptune will be sextile Toyah’s Sun (she will feel at one with ballroom dancing), Jupiter will be square her natal Mars (even higher energy than normal for her), and Uranus will be square her Ascendant from the top of her chart (she will feel that it has been life-changing).  For Neil, Saturn will be sextile his Sun, he will feel a sense of achievement in a quiet way, and Pluto will still be square his natal Saturn (life will still be a challenge as much in his personal life).  This combination does not look like a winning formula, but they could go a long way, with hard work.

Chris McCausland

“I have found that the further out of my comfort zone I put myself, the more incredible the experience has been”

Comedian Chris McCausland is the first blind player to take part. He is a Geminian, with a very Geminian birth chart – he certainly has a quick wit, and interjected a great deal of humour into last night’s programme.  He is also a real individual, with no planetary aspects to his Sun, although it is trine with his North Node, so he  is living his life in tune with his karma.  Mars conjunct Chiron can mean wounding to the eyes, and this can be from a past-life cause.  He has Jupiter sextile Saturn, giving him generally balanced judgement.

He was born in West Derby Village in Liverpool, and his blindness (retinitis pigmentosa) developed gradually.  He took a degree in software engineering from Kingston University, then worked as a web developer.  His first stint as a stand-up comedian came in July 2003, with Jupiter sextile his natal North Node setting him on his path.

Chris is partnered with flame-haired Taurean Dianne Buswell.  She admits she is not sure how she will teach him!  But in their chemistry, their Marses are exactly sextile, so their energies will work well together.  Her Jupiter trines his Pluto, so she can encourage him and it will be a beneficial experience for him.  However in the inevitable complexities of their interaction, her Neptune is square to his Pluto and her Pluto is square to his Saturn.

Their transits now, as they embark on their journey together, show Jupiter trine his natal North Node (a positive experience) and Saturn squaring his natal Jupiter (some struggle).  For Dianne a Mars Return (let’s get on with the job!), Mars opposite her natal Uranus (it’s electrifying!), Uranus on her Venus (an exciting new relationship), and Neptune sextile her natal Venus (highlighting her skill as a dancer and dance teacher).

At the final, Chris will have a Jupiter Return (he will be enjoying the final!), and Jupiter will oppose his natal Neptune (he will be in a state of flux philosophically).  Dianne will have a Mercury Return (plenty to think about), Mars will be sextile her Mercury (she’ll be busy), Saturn will be sextile her Saturn (life will be steady), Saturn will be trine her natal Pluto (a big shift in her life skills), and Neptune will still be sextile her Venus.  Let’s hope Chris stays in as long as possible – he’s a great character and wit to have in the contest.

Sarah Hadland

Actress Sarah Hadland is best known as Miranda Hart’s sidekick in the comedy series “Miranda”.  Interestingly Miranda’s Mars squares Sarah Nodal Axis (an interaspect mentioned for Nick Knowles and Luba) – and there is an abrasive element in the roles played by Miranda and her sidekick.  Sarah has the Sun in Taurus closely conjunct Saturn, which may inhibit her in some aspects of dance.  She has Mars sextile Jupiter, energy allied to enthusiasm.  Jupiter exactly conjunct Neptune could help her in dance, certainly in having a good attitude. Saturn closely trine Pluto indicates a good strategist: she sniffed Vito’s shoe apparently to manifest him as a partner!

Sarah was born in Hertfordshire, and began dancing at the age of three.  At school, she was involved in amateur dramatics, then studied at an Arts College in Epsom.  She has had a variety of roles as an actress and appeared in West End musicals.  She worked in comedy with Mitchell and Webb, and starred in Waterloo Road.  She joined Miranda in November 2009, with Jupiter conjunct her natal North Node (the big opportunity).  Toyah says of Sarah: “I think Sarah Hadland is fabulous. She looks fabulous. She’s a wonderful person and great fun to be with. She’s a great mover too”.

She is partnered with Vito Coppola, last year’s winner of Strictly.  His Jupiter is conjunct her Pluto (another powerful pairing), and his Saturn sextiles her natal Chiron (a steadying mutual influence).  In last night’s pairing, he claimed they had the same energy.  This perception may be from the fact that her Mars is closely trine his natal Sun.

Sarah’s current transits show Uranus trine her Pluto, an important new project in her life energetically.  For Vito, Uranus is exactly trine his natal Jupiter to the day (he is excited at this enterprise), and Saturn is sextile his natal Neptune (he feels he can shape something from it).

For the final, Uranus will be transiting Sarah’s Sun (super-excitement), but Mars will be opposite her Mars (risk of injury).  However, the North Node will be trine her natal Jupiter /Neptune (some karmic reward).  Also worthy of note is Neptune exactly opposing her natal Pluto on the day.  She could be a dark horse, and it could be a nerve-wracking experience – perhaps she will get to the final.

Could Vito lift the glitterball two years running?  Neptune will be opposing his Jupiter, and Saturn will be sextile his natal Uranus.  These are not outstanding aspects, but last year I wrote: “Although his transits are not great, Ellie’s are very good at the time of the final, and I wonder if that can carry them through.” and of course it did.  Again he has a partner with interesting final transit, so maybe he could do it.

Nick Knowles

Television presenter Nick Knowles has the Sun, Uranus and Pluto in the constructive sign of Virgo.  Again, Nick’s Sun is also sparsely aspected, so he’s another individualistic personality.  Having Venus exactly conjunct Neptune will be a plus on the dance floor, with some musicality.  Three of his siblings are dancers.  Mars in Cancer adds rhythm, and he has played in a band.  Jupiter conjunct Chiron represents the Fixer Archetype, as in DIY SOS!  With Saturn closely conjunct South Node, may have been involved in construction in past lives, e.g. cathedrals in the Middle Ages!

Nick Knowles was born in Southall, and excelled at Rugby at school.  He began as a runner at television, then moved into presenting, and has presented a range of programmes.  He has been married twice and is currently engaged.

Nick is partnered with Luba Mushtuk.  There is a slightly abrasive side to their relationship, with her Mars square to his Nodal Axis, but her Mars works well with his Chiron.  Her Jupiter sextiles his Pluto, so there could be some powerful performances, for example for the Argentine Tango, which Nick is itching to try after sampling dance in Argentina.  Her Saturn also trines his Pluto, which is a stabilizing antidote to the earlier square mentioned.  Their Uranuses ae exactly trine too, so they could surprise or astonish us at times.  Lastly, her Neptune trines his Pluto, so there will be a deep understanding of each other at a fundamental level.

His current transits show Uranus trine his natal Sun (a shiny new prospect in his life), but Neptune opposing his Sun (there may be some self-deception).  Mars is trine his natal Jupiter (adding energy to his enthusiasm), as well.  For Luba, Saturn is trine her natal Pluto, so she will take this task seriously.

At the final, Neptune will still oppose Nick’s Sun, Saturn will trine his Venus (he will feel he has done his best), but Mars will oppose his Saturn (some frustration).  Although he seemed to dance well last night, I do not think he will reach the final.  For Luba, Uranus will be opposite her natal Mercury (disruption), and the Nodal Axis will be square her natal Uranus (more disruption), indicating that they will not reach the final.

Of these first four, Sarah Hadland looks to have the best prospects in the competition.  I will be back in a few weeks with the next instalment!


Venus was trine Jupiter early this morning, which is one of the brightest aspects of the year.  I am starting a new health and fitness regime today, and also beginning work on Volume III of my trilogy (“The Quiet Office – Windows to the Future”), which is a happy synchronicity.  Today could be a very social time.  Your dreams may have been heavily populated (mine were)!  The day may help in creating good memories.  It could be party time, too.  Close relationships are favoured, and romance may be in the air.

We also have Mars square to the Nodal Axis, so in contrast to the first aspect, there may be group battles and skirmishes.  Prepare preparing your lines of action.  Karma may dictate that you cannot sit and lounge around, you’ll be prompted to action, whether willingly or unwillingly!

Tomorrow (Monday 16th) there is an opposition between Venus and Chiron.  This underlines the need for healing in relationships.  Minor health conditions may be caused by stress, and reducing stress may help to ease the conditions.  Music and meditation may be the way forward.  The issues may be connected with one’s inner female, or one’s relationships.  It may be an artistic conundrum.

Tension builds towards a Lunar Eclipse/Full Moon on Wednesday (18th) at 25 degrees Pisces, in the early hours of that day.  This is an especially tender, sensitive and emotional Full Moon, so tears may flow.  Issues which may come up may be the plastic in the sea, or the fishing industry.  The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that we are all One.  Eclipses can be turning points, relating to a six month effect.

On the same day Saturn opposes Mercury, adding mental stress (sorry, folks!) but at least you will know where it is coming from!  Saturn promises more frustration and delay in communication and travel.  You will be urged to think before you speak, or even to remain tight-lipped in order not to deepen an existing crisis.  Documentation may be delayed, so you may have to tell someone “It’s in the post!”.  I used to post birthday cards the day before, then two days before, and currently three days before, to ensure they reach their target.  But new arrangements in the pipeline may mean posting by second class a week early, with the price of first class stamps due to go up.

A brighter aspect pops up on Thursday (19th), that of the Sun trine Uranus.  This trine may give you the go ahead to forge ahead with innovative plans and original creativity.  This is a hopeful influence, and can also bring surprise.  If your Sunday plans didn’t quite get off the ground to the extent you would have liked, today may be the day to make headway.

Saturday (21st) brings two challenges.  The first is Neptune opposite the Sun, just after midnight.  That could bring complications to your night’s sleep, or insomnia.  Fogginess could be obscuring your aims.  Try to apply yourself to the basics and look at the detail (though that may seem impossible).  Grounding may be needed.

The second challenge, around breakfast time, is brought about by Mercury squared by Jupiter.  This will stimulate us mentally, almost to the point of too much information!  There may be travel involved or planned.  It would be a good day to be out in nature, taking a good stroll, and picking up information.  Mercury square Jupiter is a refreshing aspect, if not a little over-stretching to manage, so you may find yourself travelling a little bit further than your comfort zone.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sociability and luck; some aggro
  • Tomorrow – need for healing in relationships
  • Wednesday – emotional high tide; frustration and delay
  • Thursday – bright innovations
  • Saturday – confusion; overstretched minds

Aspects for the week beginning 8 September 2024

The Tory Leadership Contest

Some of the candidates in the Tory Leadership Contest this week set out their stalls.  Priti Patel was eliminated, leaving 5 contenders.  Here is a snapshot of the candidates, starting with the front runner, Robert Jenryck.

Robert Jenryck

Robert Jenryck leads at the moment, with endorsement by 28 MPs, being 23% of the vote.  Jenryck is a Capricornian, Saturn-ruled, a sign most associated with politics and more specifically Conservatism.  The first three candidates in this contest have markedly strong Capricorn/Saturnian traits.  With half his planets (5) in the Air element, Jenryck may tend to live in his head.  But he does have half his planets in Cardinal signs, pointing to leadership being on his agenda.  He was born on a Full Moon (Sun in Capricorn opposite Moon in Cancer), which can result in a marmite character, who divides opinion.  The Sun square Saturn, emphasizes Capricorn/Saturn, possibly in a negative way.  Pluto also squaring the Sun may further add negativity.  Sun on the South Node points to a previous life as a ruler. With Mercury trine Mars, he likes to get things done.  This also implies that he likes to drive fast, and he has in fact been disqualified from driving in the past.  He has Mercury sextile Uranus, which  indicates an inventive mind.  Venus squaring Jupiter can lead to inappropriate social ideas, such as removing cartoons from the walls of the accommodation for child refugees.  At the time he had the cartoons removed, transiting Mars was sextile his natal Pluto in Libra, a heavy handed act.

Jenryck was born in Wolverhampton, and after being privately educated, read history at St. John’s College Cambridge.  He then went on to study political science at the University of Pennsylvania, after which he qualified as a solicitor.  He has held the seat of Newark since 2014.  In 2016 he opposed Brexit.  He resigned from Rishi Sunak’s cabinet on 6th December 2023 as he felt the Rwanda asylum plan did not go far enough in tackling illegal immigration.  He has worked in a range of departments, including Health, Communities, and Immigration.

On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, his transits are very lacklustre.  His closest transit is Jupiter trine his natal Saturn, which is mildly encouraging.  Kiran Stacey in the Guardian writes:

“While Jenryck is not one of the more high-profile candidates among the public, he has won support in Westminster by pitching to the right, especially on immigration, despite his reputation as a centrist.”

while Rowena Mason, writes:

“Robert Jenryck is outgunning his Conservative leadership rivals with big donors after raking in £250,000 by the end of last month, while some other candidates are stil short of the fundraising target required to stay in the race.”

Kemi Badenoch 

Kemi Badenoch is currently second in the race, with endorsement by 22 MPs, being 18.6% of the vote.

Kemi’s birth chart bears striking resemblances to Robert Jenryck’s.  Chief among these, she was also born on a Full Moon (the same combination: Sun in Capricorn, Moon in Cancer).  With the Sun trine Mars, she is a warrior.  She has the Sun closely trine Jupiter, so is a little more upbeat and positive than Jenryck.  She is also more grounded, with half her planets (5) in the Earth element.  She has Mars conjunct Jupiter, which gives her enthusiasm allied to energy

She was born in Wimbledon, and spent much of her childhood in Nigeria, coming to England at the age of 16.  She studied Computer Systems Engineering at Sussex University, followed by taking a Masters degree in Engineering.  In 2016, she supported Brexit.  She has held the seat of North West Essex/Saffron Walden since 2017.  She has worked in a range of departments, including Business and Trade, Children and Families, the Treasury, Equalities and Faith, International Trade and Communities.

On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, Jupiter will be opposite her natal Neptune (could she be handed a poisoned chalice?) and Neptune will oppose her natal Saturn (reinforcing that possibility).

In the Guardian, John Crace reported:

“Hard to believe, I know, but some Tories still feel the leadership of their party is a prize worth having…Mostly, Kemi just mumbled a bit.  Policy didn’t really get a look in other than in the Q & A when she took swipes at Tom Tugendhat for putting a figure on migration and Robert Jenrick for threatening to leave the European convention on human rights.”

James Cleverly

James Cleverly is currently third in the race, with endorsement by 21 MPs, being 17.8% of the vote.

He has the Sun in Virgo, but his Conservative credentials lie in having the only aspect to his Sun as a trine from Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn.  He likes to keep upbeat with an exact conjunction of Mercury with Jupiter, and talk up his party with a smooth sextile between Mercury and Venus.  Other interesting features of his chart are the conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus, part of a triple conjunction with Mercury, indicating the Entrepreneur Archetype, and the third component of this triple conjunction, Mercury conjunct Uranus, a mind that can turn things around easily.  Virgo is an adaptable sign, and in recent years we have seen the various Tory leaders turn to him time and time again to fill an embarrassing gap, or to justify a position in the media.  He also has Mars square Pluto, a combative aspect (“the Warrior Archetype”), which was fulfilled earlier in life by having a military career.  Mars closely square his Nodal Axis reinforces this.

He was born in Lewisham, and was privately educated.  He studied hospitality management at Ealing College of Higher Education (now the University of West London).  He became MP for Braintree in 2015, and in 2016 he voted in favour of Brexit.  He has been involved in a couple of controversies: suggesting British football fans should show “a little bit of flex and compromise” at the Qatar World cup over Qatar’s views on homosexuality.  And last year he made a joke, which fell flat, about spiking his wife’s drink with Rohypnol.  At that time, he had a Mars Return, Mars was square his Nodal Axis, and Neptune opposed his natal Pluto.  He has worked in a range of departments, including Education, Foreign Affairs, and as Home Secretary.

On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, Jupiter will be opposite his natal Mars, and Uranus will be opposite his natal Neptune: looks like an uphill struggle for him.

John Crace has written this week:

“Jimmy Dimly took the stage to share his experience, strength and hope.  His vision. Really, he needn’t have bothered…He was going to solve the housing crisis by getting everyone to build a two-bedroom flat on top of their existing home.” 

Tom Tugendhat

Tom Tugendhat is currently fourth in the race, with endorsement by 17 MPs, being 14.4% of the vote.

Tom does not have a classic Tory birthchart, but like James Cleverly, he does have a military chart, and also pursued a military career.  His Sun in Cancer closely squares Mars (“the Warrior Archetype”) and also Pluto, with Mars opposing Pluto (Cleverly has Mars square Pluto) in a T-square.  Like Robert Jenryck, he has 5 planets in the leadership quadruplicity (Cardinal) and the Sun on the South Node pointing to a previous life as a ruler. Also like Jenryck he has Mercury trine Mars, implying likes to get things done.  And, just like Jenryck, “This also implies that he likes to drive fast, and he has in fact been disqualified from driving.”!  Perhaps an opposition leader needs a combative nature? Apart from the absence of a Saturnian streak, the other feature than marks him out from the others, is a positive Neptune, which has trines from Mercury and Mars (forming a Grand Trine in Fire).  This suggests that he may have more refinement than the other candidates.

Tugendhat was born in Westminster – was that a sign that he was born to lead a political party?   It is said that he has “never made a secret of his ambitions to be Prime Minister one day.”  He attended a private school, St. Paul’s, and studied Theology at Bristol University and Islamic Studies at Gonville and Caius at Cambridge.  He entered the Territorial Army and served in Iraq and Afghanistan.  He became MP for Tonbridge in 2015, and in 2016 he opposed Brexit.  Controversially, he has recently said he might be in favour of leaving the European Court of Human Rights.  He has worked in the Ministry of Security, acting as Chair of the Foreign Affairs Select Committee.

On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, he has an array of strong transits, including Mars on his Mercury in Leo, Uranus sextile his natal Venus, the North Node on his Mars, and the North Node trine his natal Neptune.  He probably has the best transits for 2nd November.  Astrologically, I would tip him.

Jessica Elgot and Kiran Stacey write in the Guardian:

Tom Tugendhat has said people will ‘never vote for a party that they’ve stopped taking seriously’, promising to lead  a ‘Conservative Revolution’…”

Mel Stride

Mel Stride is currently fourth in the race, with endorsement by 16 MPs, being 13.6% of the vote.

Stride has a more uniting sign, Sun in Libra, and is thought of as a centrist.  Though he has Jupiter conjunct Saturn in Capricorn, he is not as Capricornian/Saturnine as the first three.  But that conjunction can get hamstrung.  In the last government, he was often found to be making apologies where other politicians were nowhere to be found.  He doesn’t particularly have a chart which lends itself to leadership.  But there is potential there, perhaps for service in a future government, with a striking North Node conjunct Uranus karmic mission as a reformer.  He would be a negotiator, smoothing over relations in his party as well.

Stride was born in Ealing, and went to Grammar School in Portsmouth.  He then read Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford, and became President of the Oxford Union.  He was elected MP for Central Devon in 2010, and in 2016 he was opposed to Brexit. Departments he has worked in include: Work and Pensions, Education, and the Treasury.  While acting as Secretary of State for Work and Pensions, he stated his opinion that the triple lock system was not sustainable in the long term.

On 2nd November 2024, at the time of the result of the Tory Leadership contest, Mars will be square his Mars, Neptune will be sextile his natal Jupiter, Uranus will be square his natal Nodal Axis, and Pluto will be square his natal Mars.  He is least likely to reach the last stage of the contest, and his transits at the time look fractious.

So, if I had to choose a candidate, I would say Tom Tugendhat has the better set of transits at the beginning of November.


Only four astrological features to take note of this week, beginning this morning with Saturn opposing the Sun.  Not the easiest start to the week, for this may bring be a touch of sadness to work through, a coming down to earth, a dose of reality (which could turn out to be a good thing or have a silver lining).

Tomorrow (Monday 9th) Mercury enters Virgo, and though this is a work mode, Mercury is at least at home in its own sign here, and it is a good start to the working week.  This signals a more studious change in focus and establishing the next academic term.  We will be thinking ahead, planning for our September schedules.  Students and teachers will be ready in their plans for the term ahead.  Businesses will be hoping for an extra push in efficiency for after the holiday period.  Parliamentarians will be setting out their policies, in their new roles, trying to balance out their difficult decisions, and oppositions to difficult decisions.  Mental application will be needed all round.

The aspect for Thursday (12th) is Mercury sextile Mars, which may bring about brisk action.  You may receive ideas to implement into your day.  Your mental reactions may be heightened, and this can lead to enhanced productivity.

Jupiter also squares the Sun on that day, an aspect which exaggerates everything it comes into contact with.  There is also a joyful, humorous side of Sun square Jupiter, so some laughter-yoga from time to time during the day would not go amiss!  It could be a fun day, but be aware of carelessness or overreaching goals.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – letting go
  • Tomorrow – work mode
  • Thursday – brisk action; lightheartedness

Aspects for the week beginning 1 September 2024

Sven-Goran Eriksson (1948 – 2024)

“I was looked upon as a distinctly average defender, but someone who rarely made mistakes”

~ Sven-Goran Eriksson

Football Manager Sven-Goran Eriksson died last Monday, aged 76.  He made his mark as the first foreign manager of England’s team, and under his regime they came tantalizingly close to victory.  He is a well-respected figure, however, in football history.

Birth Chart

Sven had an unusually high number of exact aspects in his birthchart, which will have given him the quality of precision.  His Sun was in Aquarius, a sign with the capability of leading in groups, supported by a trine with his Midheaven (Careerpoint).  There is a marked contradiction in his make-up: a coolness and caution, coming from Sun in Aquarius opposite Saturn, plus Saturn exactly square the Nodal Axis; and an enthusiasm coming from Ascendant and Moon conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius (he was praised for being “positive”.  The Moon closely square Venus may point to contention between females in his life.  Mercury exactly opposite Mars introduces the Critic Archetype into his make-up.  Venus exactly square Jupiter and Uranus point to a controversial love life, and Jupiter exactly opposite Uranus brings up the Chancer Archetype (which contradicts the cautious side). Jupiter trine Saturn will have contributed to balanced judgement.  Neptune exactly conjunct the Midheaven, showed some hint of scandal.  And Chiron at the South Node in Scorpio may indicate a Viking past life!

Life and Career

Sven was born in Sunne, Sweden, a place known for its lakes and streams.  His father was also called Sven.  He made his football debut in a Swedish team at the age of 16, and went on to a playing career as a right-back (a defending position).  He studied Economics at Saffle, and later worked as a physical education teacher.  After playing for a variety of Swedish teams, he retired in 1975 aged 27, after a relatively short career.

In “retirement” he worked with Tord Grip who promoted the English style of play created by Bob Houghton and Roy Hodgson.  He briefly worked in the post of assistant manager of the Swedish national team.  He then went on to manage IFK Goteborg (from 1st January 1979), which was a surprise as many had not heard of him.  This element of surprise was reflected in his transits at the time, having a strong representation from Uranus, the ruler of his Sun sign Aquarius, and the planet of Surprise:

Uranus was square his natal Saturn, a groundbreaking transit, and

Uranus was transiting conjunct his natal South Node, bringing a karmic note.

In this role, he improved results, but was not popular, being criticised for putting results ahead of flair, emphasising tactical awareness and work rate, and reining in the team’s cavalier style.

Then followed a variety of roles in parts of the world, such as at Fiorentina, and Lazio.  In October 2000 he was signed to manage the English team, after Kevin Keegan resigned in an emotional meltdown (Pluto was square to Keegan’s Venus at the time).  Kevin’s Pluto was square Sven Nodal Axis in their synastry – a Plutonian interaspect is often seen when someone replaces another in a role.  Sven’s debut for England occurred on 28th February 2001, with a promising start, and several upbeat transits, which included: Uranus sextile his natal Jupiter, a Great Opportunity; and  Uranus trine his natal Uranus, creating another surprise first with transits from his ruling planet (Uranus coming through for him, again) and Pluto sextile his natal Sun exact to the day, the foundation for a new life (for him). It is no wonder, from these transits, that he forged an important relationship with our national life and society.

In the qualifying stages for the 2002 World Cup, England lost to Germany at Wembley, but when they played them in Munich on 1st September 2001, they beat them 5-1, a truly remarkable result.  They then qualified for the finals by drawing 2-2 with Greece on 6th October of that year, with a great final minute equalizer by David Beckham, with whom Sven forged a good connection. England lost to Brazil 2-1 in the quarter-finals. The Guardian obituary by Richard Williams paints a verbal picture of Sven’s appearance in those early days:

Their new manager, a middle-aged Swede whose high forehead, rimless spectacles and reserved demeanour lent him the air of a man carrying the game’s higher calculus in his head.”

Sven improved England’s rankings in his five years as manager, and at that time was seen as its second most successful manager after Alf Ramsay.  The team again reached the quarter-finalsin the 2006 England World Cup, losing on penalties.  Sven went on to manage clubs such as Manchester City and Leicester.  Since then, he has coached in countries all over the world, and is regarded as one of the greatest football managers.

Nancy Dell’Olio

Sven was introduced to Italian-American lawyer Nancy Dell’Olio in May 1998, romance being in both their stars, in Jupiter on his natal Venus and Jupiter trine her natal Venus.  Nancy has the Sun in Virgo but with the Sun conjunct Uranus, has a fair proportion of Aquarius herself.  Her Sun conjunct the North Node in Leo may make her an agent of karma.  Her Ascendant and Mars in Libra lean towards a career in Law.  Her Moon exactly conjunct Saturn in Capricorn plus Chiron in 5th House may be factors in her childlessness.  In a 2011 interview with Cristina Odone she stated:

“I suffered five miscarriages – two with Sven. It was heartbreaking but if I am totally honest I felt a sense of relief after each one: I realized then that I was not meant to be a mother. Thank heavens, I had my wonderful spiritual support…My astrologer, Lia Aitkin… She was the most important influence in my life and predicted so much that has happened to me.”

Sven had a brief affair with Ulrika Jonsson during their relationship, but returned to Nancy, and they did not formally break up until 2007.

Nancy continued, “I would love to marry an English man, with a sense of humour, with respect for my independence but very protective. I’m a Virgo, with a Libra ascendant so I need my space, but I need to feel safe, too.”

Her synastry with Sven is fairly harmonious, and interestingly her Ascendant exactly conjuncts his Midheaven, indicating that her life became prominent through his career fame.

Nancy went on to appear in several reality TV shows, and is known as a “media personality”.

Ulrika Jonsson

Sven’s relationships with Ulrika and Faria Alam became media fodder, mild scandals at the time.  Ulrika’s Synastry with Sven reveals many strong connections, with 9 exact interaspects.  On the positive side, her Sun trines his Jupiter, and her Sun sextile his Uranus.  Two interaspects suggest an ending in separation:  her Uranus opposing his Venus and her Uranus squaring his Jupiter.  She herself has Uranus in Aquarius in her 7th House of Close Relationships, indicating such a pattern, and has been married three times.  In addition Ulrika’s Pluto trines his North Node, possibly adding a hint of karmic drama.

Ulrika shares her Swedish origins with Sven, which may have brought an affinity.  She began as a TV weathergirl, but has achieved success as a presenter in this country, presenting Gladiators for instance, and winning the reality TV show Big Brother in 2009.

His final year

In January of this year, Sven-Goran Eriksson made the sad announcement that he had at most a year to live, having been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer.  At that time, Uranus was square his natal Saturn.  He received much love and support, and in March he was allowed to fulfil a long held dream, to manage Liverpool Legends for a charity match against Ajax at Anfield.  It was a happy occasion, “absolutely beautifulin his words. Jupiter was square to his natal Sun, and Chiron was trine his natal Saturn.  He is survived by his current partner Yaniseth Bravo Mendoza, a former dancer from Panama, and his children.

He was known as a kind and courteous gentleman.

“Sven, thank you for always being the person you have always been – passionate, caring, calm and a true gentleman. I will be forever grateful for you making me your captain but I will forever hold these last memories of this day with you and your family… Thank you Sven and in your last words to me ‘It will be ok’.”

~ David Beckham


Uranus is Stationary prior to turning Retrograde  this afternoon.  It’s time for a real re-think, re-evaluation, reflection and revision.  Uranus of course is also the planet of rebellion and revolution.  You need to review the way you do things, and the way you think about things, and find new types of solutions suited to future working.

Tomorrow (Monday, 2nd) Pluto Retrograde re-enters Capricorn from Aquarius just after midnight.  This highlights the completing of issues in connection with its occupancy of Capricorn since January 2008, if you can think back to your life since that time.  Dot the i’s and cross the t’s.  In the wider arena, it was about the breaking down of Institutions and Authority.  When Pluto gets fully immersed into Aquarius its purpose will be to replace those outworn and broken down forms with new forms (some might say, “The New Earth”).  So we are finishing off the process while Pluto re-enters Capricorn.  If you experience a restless sleep in the night, this on some level may be what you are processing (its impact and implication on your own life)!

Another aspect occurring tomorrow will be Mercury trine Chiron, hopefully bringing some healing balm to the beginning of the week.  This aspect describes healing on a mental level (positive thinking, writing and affirmations), and helps to combine conventional and alternative or complementary healing approaches.  This is a problem-solving aspect.

Tuesday (3rd) brings another early-hours feature, a New Moon at 11 degrees Virgo.  The New Moon is always a good opportunity to start afresh.  If 11 degrees Virgo is a meaningful point in your chart that will intensify your experience.  Ecology and the environment are one of the provinces of Virgo, so benefits could accrue for the planet if enough minds are concentrated on this aspect of life. To frack, or not to frack, that is the question… Sleeping may be easier under the New Moon, though.

Neptune also squares Mars on that day: Confusion may reign, so take that time for thinking things through. Meditation and activities which combine meditation and movement, can be helpful for centring, during the day, if you sense that this aspect is operating on your consciousness.

Venus also conjuncts the South Node, and there is a focus on love and relationship in it karmic context.  For example, you may find answers to current relationship issues in looking back at relationships in your past, which includes your past lives.

Mars enters Cancer on Wednesday (4th).  This represents an energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness.  Mars stays in Cancer until 4th November, so it is a good two-month window to nurture those you love and foster family feeling.

On the last day of the week, Saturday (7th) Mercury Direct squares Uranus.  Be prepared for glitches as you open up your devices first thing.  Back up your computer files, and consider I.T. loopholes.  Speech may be controversial.  Use your intuition to be one step ahead – the Universe may be trying to show you new pathways, and possible new perspectives.  However, some new pathways may prove to be cul-de-sacs.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – a rethink
  • Tomorrow – longterm completions; healing balm
  • Tuesday – new beginning; physical confusions; karmic relationships
  • Wednesday – strong feelings and emotions; family emphasis
  • Saturday – communication glitches (even though Mercury is Direct)

Aspects for the week beginning 25 August 2024

Jennifer Lopez and Ben Affleck: “Bennifer”

Jennifer Lopez announced this week that she was divorcing Ben Affleck, after a second chance at romance failed for the couple.  They have been married only two years.  I look for clues about what went wrong twice (after going right twice).

Birth Chart for Jennifer

Three Archetypes stand out in J-Lo’s chart: The Performer and Actor (from Sun in Leo)

The Warrior Archetype (from Sun trine Mars), and

The Entrepreneur Archetype (from the Sun exactly sextile Jupiter/Uranus) – she is a businesswoman

She has a lucky Grand Fire Trine composed of Sun/Mercury, Mars, and Chiron, though she should be so lucky in love…

She has Mercury exactly trine Mars – very quick reflexes!  She was sporty and athletic at school.

Venus in Gemini may have a bearing on marrying the same person twice – I haven’t done any research stats on that phenomenon; though she didn’t actually marry Ben Affleck the first time round.  Venus squaring Pluto can mean explosive relationships.

Jen Life and Career

Jennifer famously was born in the Bronx (“Jenny from the Block” being a famous song of hers).  Her parents were born in Puerto Rico, and she has always been conscious of promoting Latino culture and rights.  She grew up with “lots of music” surrounding her, and West Side Story was an early inspiration for her. At 18 she attended the Phil Black Dance Studio in Manhattan.  She began her performing life in 1989, at the age of twenty, in a revue show which toured Europe, “Golden Musicals of Broadway”.  Her first album was made in 1999, “On the 6”, before going into acting.  Film successes included “The Wedding Planner” (2001), “Maid in Manhattan” (2002) and Monster-in-Law (2005).  But her career, like her love life, has been very up and down.  After many highs and lows, her career revived in 2011 when she appeared as a judge on American Idol.  She was paid up to $20 million per season.

Hannah Elliot of Forbes magazine wrote:

“Idol humanized her. Viewers who knew only an attention-grabbing siren met a hardworking, self-made, empathetic single mother, who got emotional when contestants did well and when they failed.”

She performed at the inauguration of Joe Biden as U.S. President in 2021.


She has had a chequered relationship history, having been married four times, and has twin boys. Her husbands were Ojani Noa, Cris Judd, Marc Anthony (the father of her twins), and Ben Affleck.

She was also in a relationship with the rapper Sean Combs (“Puff Daddy”).  On 27th December 1999 they were both arrested and charge with criminal possession of a weapon and possession of stolen property, after an incident in a Times Square nightclub.  Neptune was opposite her natal Mercury at the time, and the Nodal Axis was square to his Mercury and Saturn.  With his Uranus opposite her Chiron it was a “crazy, tumultuous” relationship” in her words.

Jen and Ben

Jennifer’s relationship with Ben Affleck became high profile in 2003, and affected both their careers adversely through the exposure and publicity.  It was one of the reasons they broke up, both times, as Ben was not as fond of the limelight as Jen.

They are both Leos, but Jennifer at this time acquired a reputation as a Diva.  That can be an extreme Archetype for Leo, given their nature, but some of the most famous divas are not Leos: Madonna, Barbra Streisand and Maria Carey, for instance.

Looking at the Synastry between Ben and Jen, we find:

His Venus sextile her Saturn – a strong sense of commitment

His Saturn on her Venus – a strong sense of commitment

His Pluto sextile her natal Sun – high impact, psychologically

His Pluto on her Jupiter/Uranus – high impact psychologically

His Ascendant sextile her natal Saturn – a strong sense of commitment.

There is much that draws them together, and as well as their Suns both being in Leo, their charts are very similar, though three years apart.  Though they would understand each other, maybe two Leos don’t always work well, with both needing the limelight (Ben not as enamoured of it, however).

I won’t enumerate all the similarities, but here are a few:

Both have Moon in Scorpio;  both have the Warrior Archetype (Ben has the Sun loosely conjunct Mars (and they have Marses squared as an interaspect); Ben has Sun trine Jupiter (while J-Lo has Sun sextile Jupiter; both have Sun and Mercury trine Chiron; both have Venus square Pluto.

The break-up, when it came, coincided with one of the lowest points in her life and career.  But they always spoke highly of each other in public.  When Jennifer released her documentary about their relationship in the film The Greatest Love Story Never Told early this year, she revealed that Ben had kept all their love letters from 2002.  He would have liked them to remain private.

They got back together again in April 2021, and got engaged again (their first wedding was cancelled four days before it was due to take place) in April 2022.  They were married on 16th July 2022:

Mars was on her natal Saturn, and Neptune trine her natal Neptune.  It could be argued that her Neptune principle has not yet matured, such issues being illusion, romance, and self-deception.

For Ben, Mars was sextile his natal Venus (romantic) and sextile his Ascendant; Jupiter was square his Ascendant,  Uranus sextile his MC (a change in his life direction); and Neptune sextile his natal his North Node.

With Neptune being prominent for both of them, it was a sincere attempt to realize their dream of love.

They separated on 26th April 2024, and the divorce was announced this week.  For the announcement, Pluto is trine her natal Uranus (drawing a line in her life); and for Ben Pluto trines his Pluto (self-empowerment).

Ben Life and Career

Ben Affleck was born in Berkeley, California.  He and his brother were surrounded by people who worked in the Arts when they grew up (Venus on his Ascendant).  His father was an alcoholic, and his parents divorced when he was 11.  His mother regularly took the boys to theatre performances.  He met his buddy Matt Damon in childhood, and they grew up together, with similar aspirations to become actors.  Ben’s Uranus is on Matt’s Sun, stimulating creativity; Ben’s Neptune sextiles Matt Mercury (bringing inspiration).  They wrote the screenplay for the film Good Will Hunting (1997) together, and the film won an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay.  At 25, he was the youngest ever writer to win an Oscar for screenwriting.  He starred in “Shakespeare in Love” with Gwynneth Paltrow, and the two of them were in a relationship.  He was married to Jennifer Garner for 10 years, and they had three children, a divorce which he is on record as having regretted. He later moved into directing films, starting with Argo in 2012.

Who knows if their relationship would have survived without all the publicity.  For the time being, they will both need to heal from this latest wound.


There’s a concentration of aspects involving Venus this week, so an emphasis on love and relationships.  An important week for Venus-ruled Taureans and Librans.

The aspects begin on Tuesday (27th) this week, when Venus trines Uranus.  This is a fresh and sparkling energy. The aspect may set you up with exciting meetings, or bring encounters of the illuminating kind.  In the field of the Arts, it can bring originality and surprise, e.g. to a performance of music.  Ideas for assisting the problems in our society may also crop up, such as community-based solutions.

On Wednesday (28th) however, Neptune opposes Venus, which may bring complications in love.  This may be uncomfortable in a way that you may not be able to put your finger on.  There may be some deception or illusion going on, especially in relationships or with money, so be cautious.  Don’t answer any cold calls or scam emails.  It is possible that you may be going to a social function in a context such that you don’t quite know where you stand.

The evening of the same day brings an end to communication disruptions, with Mercury Stationary prior to turning Direct.  You may feel that you can catch up on chores which had been put on the back burner.  If you have been struggling with computers, I.T. and broadband connections, or delays in communications you may feel a sense of relief.  You can certainly pick up momentum on some projects which involve paperwork and documentation, and make some more essential journeys.

Venus enters home territory in Libra on Thursday (29th) , making her graceful entrance with a sigh of satisfaction.  You may be pondering relationships or money issues.  Venus is happy and harmonious in this sign, and that may assist you in finding the sweet words to overcome any tensions.  This may dispel any discomfort from earlier on Wednesday.

As if to underline the point, Pluto trines Venus in the early afternoon of the same day, putting relationships on a deeper but firmer footing.  Some of the illusions questioned on Wednesday may be answered.  It is an aspect which is helpful for money and love.  Pluto settles your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  This aspect helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  It is about deep love, deep awareness of your relationship with money, and profound artistry.  [Jen and Ben take note]

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – fresh social fields
  • Wednesday – complications in love; communications clearer
  • Thursday – more harmony; depth of relationships

Aspects for the week beginning 18 August 2024

Zodiac Book Reviews

I’ve been keeping a list of the books I’ve read since 19 July 2015, and I have selected one for each sign.  How many of these have you read?  And have you any recommendations for your sign?


Dolores Cannon (2001) The Convoluted Universe – Book One. Ozark Mountain Publishing

This is the first book in a set of five, all enthralling in their breadth of vision and experience.  Dolores Cannon was a regression therapist, who developed a system of Quantum Healing (the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique).  She was a no-nonsense, pioneering and fearless Arien, who died in 2014 but left behind a wealth of writing on her life’s work.  As well as Sun in Aries, she had the Moon, North Node and Uranus in that sign.  Her karmic mission of exploration of human consciousness is shown by the close conjunction of the Uranus and the North Node in her 8th House of Spirituality.

”In ‘Keepers of the Garden’ Phil said many souls that had never known Earth lives had volunteered to come to help the Earth at his time in its history. They were the infusion or transfusion of new blood, the ones who have never known violence. Because they do not have this in their soul’s history they can help to change the vibration of the Earth and raise it to a higher dimension where such things as violence are impossible.”


Judy Collins (2011) Sweet Judy Blue Eyes – My Life in Music. Three Rivers Press.  New York 

A high proportion of my reading matter is autobiographical/biographical works, and this is the first of several  in this selection.  Taurus is the main sign for singers (Libra being the other).  This selection has three other singers, from other signs, but don’t let that confuse you, Taurus is still the main sign for singers with extraordinary voices (Barbra Streisand and Ella Fitzgerald also hailing from that part of the zodiac).  Judy has her Sun in Taurus close to her Midheaven (Careerpoint).  I always felt that the smoothness of Judy’s voice, in say “Who Knows Where the Time Goes”, betokened a life of serenity and harmony.  I was surprised to find, reading her autobiography, a much more turbulent life picture with more love and loss than I expected.  This was a well-written and absorbing account of her life up to 2009, which found me even more appreciative of her work and talent.  She is also a songwriter:

“My father always promised us
That we would live in France
We’d go boating on the Seine
And I would learn to dance

We lived in Ohio then
He worked in the mines
On his dreams like boats
We knew we would sail in time”


Chris Griscom (1987) Ecstasy is a New Frequency – Teachings of the Light Institute. Bear & Co.

I first read Chris Griscom’s book in 1988, but include it here because I read it every so often to renew myself.  I can honestly say it is one of the books that changed my life.  Here we have another regression therapist (the first being Aries Dolores Cannon), so another theme in my reading.  The book represents trainings and talks from her Light Institute in Galisteo New Mexico, delineating Structures of Consciousness, and spin points to higher consciousness such as the Inner Child and the Higher Self.  One of her important concepts is the power of the emotional/astral body and the need to raise its quality by feeding it with spiritual content.  Chris Griscom has 5 planets and the Ascendant in Gemini, as evidenced in the well-thought-through structures she gives to consciousness.

You are all multidimensional beings.  You are brilliant light-souls who have a frame of reference for being out of body, for being in light body, for knowing all things.  In fact, you have the capacity within your very being to heal yourselves, to heal each other, to perform miracles.”


Debbie Harry (2019) Face It: A Memoir.  HarperCollins

I often find that, for me at least, the best autobiographies are those with a high quotient of emotional honesty, and women tend to do this better (sorry, guys).  As a Cancerian of course Debbie Harry is very much in touch with her emotions, and that may be one of the qualities which makes her such a compelling singer.  I wasn’t sure what to expect from her account, but it was far more raw and raunchy than I imagined.  I should have realized from her raw and raunchy image, and her self-confessed emulation of Marilyn Monroe, that would be the case.  It was an enjoyable read, and would be recommended reading of a madcap life, for fans of Debbie: it includes her drug-taking, her relationship with bandmate guitarist Chris Stein, and some scary moments. Debbie was born to perform, and to represent a strong femininity, with the Sun exactly conjunct the North Node in her 10th House of Career.

“I was saying things in songs that female singers didn t really say back then. I wasn t submissive or begging him to come back, I was kicking his ass, kicking him out, kicking my own ass too. My Blondie character was an inflatable doll but with a dark, provocative, aggressive side. I was playing it up, yet I was very serious.”


Anne Jirsch (2020) Future Vision Your Working Life.  Watkins

Anne is a leading light in the U.K. of the futurist movement.  She also was a past-life regressionist, whose work suddenly evolved into the future when she started to work with a group of soldiers, and they were surprised to see in advance the destruction of the twin towers in New York of 2001.  Her first book on the subject “The Future is Yours” was published in 2007.  Since then she has trained thousands of people in Future Life Progression (including myself), and she has led explorations far into the future of the planet.  Anne is a Leo, and as such has the leadership qualities of that sign.  One of the qualities of Leo is that holistic sense of vision – a high proportion of Film Directors are born in that zodiac sign.  The 2020 book emerged as covid changed the pattern of our working lives, and so was spot on for timing.  Anne’s techniques bring the ability to spot emerging patterns in society and work with them to help our own evolution and those of humanity.  The book details ten strategies to help you get ahead.

“Just imagine if you had tools to give you the edge, to steer you in the right direction and filter out erroneous information, leaving you to focus full on exactly what you need to know.  Imagine being able to anticipate the future and know here you are heading, what you need to be doing, ad even creating your own innovations”.


Clive Myrie (2023) Everything is Everything – A Memoir of Love, Hate & Hope.  Hodder & Stoughton

Popular journalist, newsreader and presenter Clive Myrie has written his life story, but also given an account of the history of the Windrush generation and the difficulties of the black community over the decades.  He has his individual interesting story to tell, particularly about his exploits reporting on war torn areas he travelled to.  But his Windrush story is very much echoed in two other books I read around the same time, “Why we kneel and how we rise” by Michael Holding (reviewed under Aquarius, and the “Life and rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah”, providing a consistent story of society’s failure to deal with racism.  Clive has the Sun, Uranus, Pluto and Mercury in Virgo, and his book has the hallmarks of that sign, attention to detail and integrity.  He’s not just a pretty face: with Mercury conjunct Pluto in Virgo, he’s a deep thinker.  With 5 planets in Earth, 5 in Water, 0 in Fire, 0 in Air and 6 in Mutable, he’s Grounded, Emotional, Instinctual, Calm, and Adaptable.  There’s a lovely quote from Martin Luther King in his book:

“The arc of the moral universe is long, but it bends towards justice.”


Marianne Williamson (1992) A Return to Love – Reflections on the Principles of A Course in Miracles. HarperCollins

I have chosen this book for Libra, as its guiding principle is Love.  I read it many years ago, before I started my list.  But Nelson Mandela shared the quote from the book below in his inaugural speech, and it is often wrongly attributed to him.  Marianne Williamson was born to a Jewish family, but her work has been based on elucidating the difficult work “A Course in Miracles” which was transcribed by Helen Schucman, with an emphasis on it teachings on love.  Marianne is not a Libran (she is Cancerian), but her universal message speaks to the heart of human life: “Divine love is the core and essence of every human mind”.  In the course of my life time of New Age searching, my husband has only ever twice accompanied me to a workshop. The first was to a feng shui day, and the second was to a Marianne Williamson workshop in London in 2008, after he had read her book.  In recent years, she has entered the realm of politics, with the aim of bringing the principle of love into the forefront of that arena.  In this current climate, where there is much evidence of hatred bubbling over, her message is more needed than ever.

Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate.

Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.

It is our light not our darkness that most frightens us.

We ask ourselves, who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented and fabulous?

Actually, who are you not to be?”


Sohom Das (2022) In Two Minds [Shocking true stories of murder, justice and recovery from a forensic psychiatrist]. Sphere

I chased up this book after seeing Psychiatrist Sohom Das being interviewed on daytime television, and I am glad I did as it was a complete eye-opener.  I have often wondered how those who work in this sphere do what they do, and this book answers it in graphic detail, but told with humour.  He recounts his training years, and his responses to each new challenge he encountered.  Sohom Das was born in November, so could be Scorpio or Sagittarius, but Scorpio rules Psychiatry, and the even more specialized Forensic Psychiatry (the treatment of people with mental health problems who are in prison, a secure hospital or the wider community).

“Remember, psychiatry shouldn’t be over-complicated. Unnecessarily diagnosing always labels but rarely helps the individual. Simplicity is key.”


Britney Spears (2023) The woman in Me. Simon & Schuster

Britney Spears’ birth chart is dominated by the sign of Sagittarius, with Uranus, the Part of Fortune, Mercury, the Sun and Neptune all in that sign. We heard over the years the painful story of how she was challenged by the conservatorship of her father as guardian, but reading her story in her own words (after her liberation) takes your sympathy and compassion to another level – the experience of incarceration and disempowerment was far worse than your could imagine.  And on top of that, the exploitation of her talent and money-making is unbelievably cruel.  That she survived all that is remarkable.  She has been praised, in writing the book, for her “candour and humour”, both qualities associated with Sagittarius.  It’s not just “another tale” of the perils of starting as a child star. Britney’s response to the film “Framing Britney” prepared us for this memoir:

“Remember, no matter what we think we know about a person’s life it is nothing compared to the actual person living behind the lens”.


Mike Houghton ( 2015) I’ve always kept a Unicorn. Faber & Faber

Singer Sandy Denny did not live long enough to write her own autobiography, but Mike Houghton has produced a good account of her life here.  She is one of my all-time favourite singer-songwriters.  My favourite album of hers, “Solo”, was on constant replay at one point in my life, and the title of the book comes from the title track:

“Do you play solo?
Ain’t life a solo?
I’ve always lived in a mansion
On the other side of the moon.

I’ve always kept a unicorn
And I never sing out of tune.”

The unicorn is a mythological animal which can be associated with Sagittarius and Capricorn.  Though Sandy produced a prolific musical output, before going solo notably with Fairport Convention, there always feels to be a sense of what was missed from her early death precipitated by a fall on the stairs (not to mention drink and drugs).  I feel wistful when I think of this, but am grateful of the clarity and subtlety of her voice on such classics as “Fotheringay”.  Capricorn figures strongly in her chart, with Mercury, the Part of Fortune, her Descendant, the Sun and Mars all in that sign.  There’s a faint hint of melancholy in her life and work, and the search for a meaningful relationship.  The strife around her relationships is shown by the exact conjunction of the Sun and Mars in Capricorn in her 7th House of Close Relationships.  The book is a beautiful insight into her life and what made her tick. 

“She talks about being ‘zombie-esque’  and ‘sheepish’, ‘easily led’ and ‘easily persuaded’ but ‘without any deep conviction’. ‘Capricorn,’ her birth sign, she scrawls, ‘epitomises this quality, hence the adjective capricious’ – the last word is underlined.”


Michael Holding (2021) Why we Kneel and How we Rise. Simon & Schuster

This set of choices, for some reason (and I may return to the subject in a later blog) seems to have some running themes!  Regression therapists, female singers, and black history.  Alluded to under Virgo (for Clive Myrie) this book carries many of the same themes (together with Benjamin Zephaniah’s autobiography also read recently).  As an Aquarian, social justice is vital to Michael Holding, a well-respected and esteemed former cricketer (in fact, I borrowed the book from hubby’s bookshelf).  Written in 2021, it elucidates well the reasons behind the Black Lives Matter movement.  The movement itself was founded in 2013, but it was the shocking murder by a policeman of George Floyd that awoke people to the injustice of the treatment of the black population by the police force, as applicable here in the U.K. as in the U.S.  Though social justice and activism are the raison d’etre of the Aquarian personality, Michael regrets to some extent that as a successful cricketer he did not notice or act earlier in life on behalf of this cause, but this was due to the fear and vulnerability of their place in society.  With this thoughtful book, he emphatically puts this right.

“And what is wrong with being ‘woke’? It seems people don’t quite understand what woke means the Oxford English Dictionary defines is as being ‘alert to injustice in society, especially racism’. Please call me woke for ever.”


Lorna Byrne (2008) Angels in my Hair. Arrow Books, Random House

Lorna Byrne, Angelologist, has written a few books, but by far the most valuable is her own original telling of her life story, of someone with a unique talent: the ability to see angels.  She is not a Piscean, she is actually an Aries (which is associated with the eyes and vision), but the subject matter of Angels is very much a Piscean area.  She does have Mercury in the neighbouring sign of Pisces, which points to a mind that may communicate with other worlds.  My friend June and I did once take a trip to a workshop of hers in London, and found her to be a gentle soul of great sincerity.  The book tells how it was clear from a tiny child that her mind worked differently to others, and she was thought to be retarded.  Her gift however could not be suppressed, and as time went on she found it to be an asset rather than a hindrance in her life.  What is astonishing is the frequency and detail in which she sees Angels.  I have often thought an illustrated book would be wonderful, as her descriptions are riveting.  Many Angels have designated areas of expertise, such as working with the environment, or cheering sad souls.  But she calls a section of them “unemployed angels”, who she recommends calling on for any need.

“As a baby, my mother noticed that I always seemed to be in a world of my own.  I can even remember lying in a cot – a big basket – and seeing my mother bending over me.  Surrounding my mother I saw wonderful bright, shiny beings in all the colours of the rainbow…

Hosus looked – and looks – like an old fashioned school teacher.  He wears a swirling robe which is blue most of the time (but can change colour), and a funny-shaped hat and he carries a scroll in his hand.  His eyes are radiant and sparkle like stars and he looks like a young professor: a man full of energy and with great authority and wisdom.”


We have 10 Aspects this week, including 5 squares!  Today’s offering is the first square, Uranus square Mercury.  Be prepared for glitches as you open up your devices first thing.  Back up your computer files (mental note to take my own advice!), and consider I.T. loopholes.  Speech may be controversial.  Use your intuition to be one step ahead – the Universe may be trying to show you new pathways, and possible new perspectives.  Here’s hoping this blog makes it through!

Tomorrow (Monday, 19th) is a monumental day, featuring 6 aspects.  It’s an occasion to roll out the timetable, in order to facilitate your pathway.  Please forgive my idiosyncratic method of  delineating times.

1.58 a.m. – Sun conjunct Retrograde Mercury at 26 degrees Leo trine the Galactic Centre

It is a good day generally to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on your own growth and potential and physical wellbeing.  Mentally you may see things clearly, if egocentrically.  Creatively, this is a very helpful conjunction: If you are writing a play, for instance, the perfect line could come to you.  Coming in the early hours of the morning, ideas may keep you awake, or your dreams may be crystal clear.  The connection with the Galactic Centre may make the effect extra powerful, in what is already lined up to be an eventful and powerful day.

5.53 a.m. – Jupiter square Venus

You may be confronted with an awkward social situation.  Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences.  You may be socializing when you don’t feel like it, or feel that you have to force jollity.  There will be a meaning to it – there always is!  Even if it is one remark which makes you think deeply, or helps you to realize what you don’t need.  Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.

8.30 a.m. – Saturn opposite Venus

This means having to let go in relationships or having to make economies in finance.  The message of the power of love may be more difficult to sustain in the face of testing under this aspect.  But the cure for the situation is even more love.  The message in finance is having to examine your values, needs and necessities.  Social media over breakfast may make awkward reading.  “Return to Love” by Marianne Williamson would be a preferable read!

16.45 Hrs – Uranus square the Sun

You may have a breather over lunchtime to digest the first three aspects!  This mid-afternoon aspect may make you aware of possible loopholes through which the element of the unexpected can enter.  Disruption can occur, but unexpected twists and turns may give you new ideas for future reference.

18.26 Hrs – Full Moon at 27 degrees Aquarius

You may find some tension building towards this Full Moon, not least from the complexity of the day.  We might be torn by looking at an issue emotionally, then from a detached perspective, then back and forth.  This may produce heightened tension, or a stand off  between the individual and a group.

21.46 Hrs – Saturn square Jupiter

This is the main event, no matter how you may view the others!  It doesn’t come round very often, and represents an important dilemma, e.g. whether or not to have a Ceasefire in the Middle East, or in the local neighbourhood.  It represents difficult decisions, such as the fiscal ones so often talked of by Rachel Reeves (or in your own balancing of finances).  If it is not about your own internal wrangling, you and others need to bring good will to the table of negotiation.  You may use all the lessons of the previous five aspects of the day as a summing up of the situation, before making your mind up.

On to Thursday (22nd) which brings the entry of the Sun into Virgo.  It may seem too early (and you don’t have to completely let go of the holiday season!) but the need for knuckling down conscientiously to work and study schedules is reinforced with this ingress  The Sun in Virgo will underline the need for a sense of focus and purpose, and bring people together in common objectives.  Efficiency and Economy will be watchwords for how we organize the second half of our year.  There may be a new resolve to institute health and fitness regimes, and work rotas and practices.  Perhaps think about enrolling for training in new skills, in  September courses.  It may also be helpful for decluttering attempts.

Last square of the week is Mars square Venus, on Friday (23rd), which is hot (whatever the weather or climatic condition).  You may find during the day that you feel inclined to let your hair down a little, inhibitions loosened.  This square may also have a bearing on the battle of the sexes (within, or interpersonal).  If you are creative on an artistic or musical vibe, you may introduce a little cheekiness into your work.

We end the week on a constructive note, for on Saturday (24th) Mercury sextiles Mars.  Physical and mental energies can co-ordinate well.  If you are cycling a great deal to keep fit, you may find the wind behind your sails.  You may be able to cycle just that bit faster or longer, and your fitbit may register record stats.  You may also find shortcuts to your usual way of doing things.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – I.T. glitches
  • Tomorrow – mental clarity; social awkwardness; letting go; the unexpected; emotional high tide; big decisions
  • Thursday – setting up schedules
  • Friday – sensuality
  • Saturday – brisk action

Aspects for the week beginning 11 August 2024

Tim Walz

A major poll has shown Kamala Harris now pulling ahead of Donald Trump in three key swing states.  Only two weeks ago, I was writing about Kamala Harris, now she has picked a running mate as prospective Vice President.  So I am looking at this new arrival on the scene, and updating the picture a little.

Birth Chart

Tim Walz’s Sun is unaspected in Aries, a free spirit, a breath of fresh air, undaunted by the challenge.  With Mercury exactly trine Uranus, he has a brilliant mind.  Added to that, a trine to Mercury from Pluto, making him a deep thinker.  There are two Archetypes that stand out in his chart:

  1. The Teacher Archetype: Mercury sextiles the North Node (karmic mission). He and his wife were teachers for many years, and education has been a priority in his policy making.
  2. The Warrior Archetype: Mars in Aries exactly squares the Nodal Axis. He is a retired army officer.  Mars and Aries also rule football, and he has been a football coach.

He has Jupiter sextile Saturn, which can mean balanced judgement.

Life and Career

Walz was born in Nebraska.  His father, who died when he was in High School, was both a teacher and an army veteran, and Tim was to follow in his footsteps.  Tim moved to Texas and studied at the University there, also joining the Texas Army National Guard.  He gained a BSc in Social Science in 1989 from Chadron State College.  He became a high school social studies teacher and a football coach.  He met his wife while teaching, and they married in 1994, when Jupiter was trine his North Node.  He continued his role in the Army National Guard, and during that time he worked in various locations, and covered disaster response postings where there had been floods and tornadoes.

In 2004 he became involved in John Kerry’s presidential campaign.  On 10th February 2005 he applied to run for Congress to represent Minnesota.  This was a major turning point in his life, fashioned by exact Uranian transits:

His Uranian Opposition, transiting Uranus opposing its natal position, a major life cycle often seen as a Mid-Life Rebellion or U-Turn in life;

Uranus sextile his natal Mercury – an urge and opportunity to fulfil the potential of his natal exact trine of Mercury and Uranus representing mental brilliance;

And Uranus trine his natal North Node, a sudden orientation to his karmic mission.

In 2006 he gave up his teaching post to concentrate on his political path, and was elected congressman, having campaigned strongly against the Iraq war and the government’s continued entanglement in that region.

He was re-elected five times, and then in 2018 became governor of Minnesota, in which post he was re-elected in 2022.  His record there was impressive: tax modifications, free school meals, gun background checks,  and free college tuition for low-income families.

Out of the Ordinary

Tim Walz has been hailed as the ordinary guy, as part of his appeal.  But in many ways, he is a free spirit, and free from some of the baggage of typical politicians.

An interesting fact about him is that he owns no businesses, stocks or securities.  In 2013, there was a federal government shutdown, and at the time he chose to donate his congressional pay to charitable organizations connected with the relief of hunger, rather than keep it.  Where it is seen that some politicians are “in it for the money” he has demonstrated it is not the case for him.

Interestingly, he has met the Dalai Lama and supported Tibetan rights in relation to China.


Kamala picked him for her running mate last week, on Tuesday 6th August.  His policies are progressive, e.g. regulated gun laws, and forward climate change policies (where Donald Trump ignored the issue and Climate summits) and abortion rights.  Astrology is admittedly not clear over the next few months, but at the time he was picked it was quite an inflammatory moment for him (maybe it translated into enthusiasm), with Mars square his natal Pluto, and Jupiter square his natal Chiron.  The choice was a surprise, as Joe Shapiro was widely expected to be picked.

Walz was born six months before Kamala Harris in the same year, so they have an underlying understanding based on the positions of their outer planets. In their Synastry, his Jupiter is opposite her Sun, “keep smiling!”; his Saturn trines her Mercury, a helpful working combination; his Neptune sextiles her Venus, a high regard for each other; and his Jupiter sextiles her Saturn, good balanced judgements.

J.D. Vance

Double Leo (Sun and Ascendant) J.D. Vance was Donald Trump’s own choice as prospective Vice President.  He will have looked at this as a win at the time (with Jupiter sextile his natal Sun), but in the second half of this year he has Neptune square his Neptune (confusion) and Pluto square his Pluto (stagnation).  In his natal chart, he has a pugnacious placement of Mars on his I.C., which may make him react without thinking.  There are rumours that Trump may be regretting his choice, following the highlighting of various unwise pronouncements by Vance, such as his comment from 2021: “We are effectively run in this country via the Democrats, via our corporate oligarchs, by a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable at their own lives and the choices that they’ve made and so they want to make the rest of the country miserable too.”  With Walz’ catchphrase describing this dreamteam as “weird”,  the public perception of them has been, at least temporarily, skewed.

The Debate

A debate has been scheduled between Harris and Trump for 10th September, which may change public opinion.  Kamala Harris will have Saturn opposite her Pluto, so it won’t be an easy gig for her, she will need to be super-focussed.  But she will be realistic. Trump will have two bad-tempered squares (Uranus/Mars, and Chiron/Saturn) but in his favour Chiron will sextile his natal Sun.  However, if he is not flowing in a healing direction, he may not be able to make use of that influence, and it could produce a crisis.


As treated in my earlier blog two weeks ago, the election transits are similar for the prominent players as it is the slower-moving planets which dictate the more important events, with Donald Trump experiencing a boost from Jupiter to his (karmic) North Node. This pre-election year has been a roller-coaster, but there seems to be hope building that Kamala may grow through the campaign as her strength is tested, and people are responding to  her positive energy.


Just three aspects this week, and they begin on Wednesday (14th).

Wednesday brings an enthusiastic conjunction between Mars and Jupiter at 16 degrees Gemini.  There’s a lot that can be achieved by this high energy conjunction.  It is worth planning something special to begin on this date.  Whatever you decide to do, do it with gusto!

The following day, Thursday (15th) sees an ingress: that of Mercury into Leo, as it retrogrades from Virgo.  If you are wanting to revive or renew holiday atmosphere, spirits can be recovered.  Perhaps you have drawn up some autumn working schedules, and can reward yourself with another break.  This placing enlivens communication and debate and applies the mind to summer enjoyment.  Enjoy this trend, which lasts until 9th September.

And the last aspect of the week, occurring on Friday (16th), will be the most challenging: that of Mars square Saturn.  This may involve conflict, for example brinkmanship between two countries.  I think of this aspect as a square peg in a round hole, and a square peg which  you shouldn’t try to push through the round hole.  Energies clash, and there may be an impasse of some sort.  You may feel tired and a little discouraged, and unproductive.  Ride it out gently.  And observe others carefully, who may not be astrologically mindful.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – energy allied with enthusiasm
  • Thursday – holiday atmosphere
  • Friday – the greater the obstacle, the greater the achievement

Aspects for the week beginning 4 August 2024

Edna O’Brien (1930 – 2024)

“I rebelled against the coercive and stifling religion into which I was born and bred. It was very frightening and all-pervasive. I’m glad it has gone.”

~ Edna O’Brien

Prominent Irish novelist Edna O’Brien died recently at the age of 93. Much of her often explicit work exposed the repression in Irish society in the post-war years, and shocked her family and her native readership, so much so that she found it necessary to work from outside the country.  She created a new and unique genre, and her work was especially popular in the U.S. and in France.

Birth Chart

We have the luxury of a birth time for Edna, and can therefore give the signature of her chart as Sun in Sagittarius, Moon in Scorpio and Ascendant in Virgo.  With 0 planets in Air signs, she very much operated on instinct.  Her birth chart tells us she was a leader and trailblazer of sorts (i.e. in her field) with 5 Cardinal planets and the Sun trine the North Node.  She also had the Warrior Archetype (Sun trine Mars, and Mars trine North Node), her anger directed at the treatment of women by men in society, writing about unhealthy relationships and “women who love too much” and become victims in relationships.  Her Moon (emotional make-up) was in Scorpio, dictating the depth of intimacy she wrote about, and its sextile with Neptune adding an enormous sensitivity.  She wrote seriously, as befits Mercury exactly conjunct Saturn, with  mental precision.

There is plenty of evidence for her close square between Mercury and Uranus (unafraid to be controversial): her first book was banned and denounced by the clergy.  She was accused of subversion, and later in life her intervention in Irish politics was deemed offensive by some.  Venus square Mars and Venus trine Pluto further describe the sensuousness of her writing, and ability to shock.  But Venus trine Jupiter shows her very social side: in her prime she was known as a party girl, and in her glamorous and flamboyant lifestyle hobnobbed with the top echelons of American society, such as Marlon Brando, Jane Fonda, Jackie Kennedy, Mick Jagger, Princess Margaret and Harold Pinter.

Her I.C. (foundations of life, and security) is interesting, conjunct with Venus in Scorpio, showing that many of her themes spring from her experience of childhood, centring around love and intimacy.  She described her childhood as “fervid”.  Pluto exactly square Nodal Axis (karmic mission), found her writing about difficult themes, e.g. sexuality and the abuse of women.

Life and Career

Edna was born in Tuamgraney in County Clare.  Her father was a farmer and the family had known wealthier times.  Traditionally in Astrology, the father is represented in the birth chart by the Sun, and the mother by the Moon.  In Edna’s chart, this is very much the case.  Her father represented by Sun in Sagittarius was a horse-breeder, a drinker, a profligate and a gambler.  Her mother as represented by Moon in Scorpio was emotionally obsessive, strong and controlling.

Edna attended a boarding school run by the Sisters of Mercy, where she excelled in science (Mars trine Uranus natally) and worked part-time in a chemist shop in Dublin while at college.  Neptune rising close to her Ascendant represents pharmacy, as well as the sensationality of her writing.  She was awarded a licence as a pharmacist at the age of 20.

She was very much inspired in her reading by authors such as Tolstoy and F. Scott Fitzgerald, but predominantly by James Joyce.  His influence was seen in her writing and use of language in its attention to detail (her Ascendant in Virgo) and lyrical prose (Neptune rising).

She later wrote the definitive biography of James Joyce.  Their synastry was interesting, with his Uranus sextile her Jupiter (a dynamic energy), his Neptune on her Chiron (touching her deeply) and his Ascendant conjunct her Mercury (informing her writing).

Marriage and Publishing

It was while she worked at the pharmacy that she met her husband Ernest Gebler, an established novelist in his own right. Her family were opposed to the match, and the rebel within her became steadfast.  He wanted to see London, and they moved there in 1959, making it a permanent home.

Ernest introduced her to the publishers Hutchinson, and she began work as a reader there.  Impressed by her work, they gave her £50 as a commission to write a novel herself.  She wrote that first novel “The Country Girls” (Volume I of a trilogy), published in 1960, in three weeks.  “The Country Girls” was about two Irish girls educated together, and then making their way into the world of relationships, and was later made into a film. And so an illlustrious career began, which soon eclipsed that of her husband, and began to sow tension between them. By that time the couple had two boys.

The novel, in its harsh depiction of Irish society, was badly received by her family and harshly criticised in Ireland.  She needed that distance between London and  Dublin.  But her books (including Volumes II and III of the trilogy) were very much accepted outside Ireland, especially in America and France.  She described the reaction to her first book, and this period of her life:

“I felt no fame. I was married. I had young children. All I could hear out of Ireland from my mother and anonymous letters was bile and odium and outrage”.

The marriage broke down, and Edna faced a three year custody battle for the children.  In the synastry of the couple, Ernest’s Mercury trine her Neptune meant that he was able to help her concentrate and apply her imagination.  But when they divorced, he claimed to have written her books.

R.D. Laing

It is interesting to note that during the 1960s Edna was treated by the famous Scottish Psychiatrist R.D. Laing, author of “Sanity, Madness and The Family”.  During her treatment, he introduced her to LSD, which apparently unhinged her mind for a year.

“I thought he might be able to help me. He couldn’t do that – he was too mad himself – but he opened doors”

Her work evolved over time, becoming more experimental in the 1970s and 1980s, and involving media appearances, and scriptwriting.

She wrote  biographies, of James Joyce in 1999, and Lord Byron in 2009, and became more political (and thereby more controversial).  She interviewed Gerry Adams and called on Tony Blair in 1995 to begin talks with Republicans.

Admirers included Kingsley Amis, and Philip Roth, a close friend.  Her synastry with Philip Roth showed a closeness, and the possibility that they were from the same Soul Group, come to shake up the literary world:  there was a double whammy in that his Venus was trine her Pluto, and her Venus was trine his Pluto.  There Moons were exactly sextile (a mutual empathy) and his Pluto was exactly square her Nodal Axis (a strong karma between them).

Philip Roth interviewing her in 1984, describes her physically:

“Because everything she’s wearing for the interview is black, you cannot, of course, miss the white skin, the green eyes and the auburn hair; the colouring is dramatically Irish – as is the mellifluous fluency.”

She certainly had a striking presence, the gentility and dignity of her Virgoan outward appearance containing the cauldrons of her internal passions.  She described her writing:

“I have depicted women in lonely, desperate and often humiliated situations, very often the butt of men and almost always searching for an emotional catharsis that does not come.”

~ Edna O’Brien

The last summing up of her work goes to an Irish politician and poet:

“Through that deeply insightful work, rich in humanity, Edna O’Brien was one of the first writers to provide a true voice to the experiences of women in Ireland in their different generations and played an important role in transforming the status of women across Irish society”

~ Michael D. Higgins


We were gifted this morning with a New Moon at 12 degrees Leo.  This emphasizes the holiday making, creative and performing qualities of the sign and the season. In fulfilling the spirit of holidaymaking.  But it is some kind of a new beginning, so if you have experienced some testing times recently, you can press the re-set button.  If you know the House in your chart that this falls in, you can set your intentions accordingly.

Tomorrow (Monday 5th), there is a distinctively different theme, brought by Venus’ entry into Virgo.  This makes us tend to be more selective and discriminating in our tastes.  We become more aware of the issues around the environment.  Venus stays in Virgo until 29th August, so for this month refining our tastes and perfecting our contribution to the ecosystem, e.g. recycling procedures.  We may also be specializing in our work and studies, and maybe bringing artistry to a work project.

Also tomorrow there is a small matter of  Stationary Mercury turning Retrograde.  Do what you can to minimize communication slowness and glitches.  Postal and phone scams may arise.  Be clear in your communications for the next three weeks, in order to avoid misunderstandings and loopholes.  Although technology can go awry, it can be a good period to upgrade such devices.  You may have developed your own strategies, according to past experiences.  Mercury goes Direct again on 28th August, so the end of the month will see distinct changes.

Brighter prospects for the rest of the week: Wednesday (7th) gives us a sextile between the Sun and Jupiter (one of the best aspects in a year).  Time to embrace hope, or even celebration.  It will certainly be lucky for some.  Focus on what makes you happy, and make more of that.

And the final offering of the week is a conjunction of Mercury and Venus at 4 degrees Virgo on Thursday (8th).  This may soften some of the effects of Mercury Retrograde, and bring some happy socializing, with great conversations. It is good for cafe culture, is ideal for artistic or literary endeavours, or negotiations.  Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – new beginning
  • Tomorrow – earth considerations; communication glitches
  • Wednesday – bright horizons
  • Thursday – satisfying social and cultural exchanges


Aspects for the week beginning 28 July 2024

Kamala Harris

“There are some people who think we should be a country of chaos, of fear, of hate…We choose freedom”

~ Kamala Harris

Last Sunday, Joe Biden finally resigned from the candidacy for the Democrat leadership, but vowed to stay on as President until after the election.  In regard to the Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn last Sunday, Capricorn represents politics and the 29th degree of a sign represents outgoings, so that was fitting. In doing so, he endorsed Kamala Harris as his nomination to succeed him.  It was felt that she may not receive enough support among the Democrats, but it soon became clear that support was wholehearted.  Barack Obama stated a preference for an open contest, but Kamala is now confidently taking her place as the official opposition to the threat of a second term for Donald Trump.  He, predictably, has hurled insults at her, but she is starting strongly as she means to go on.  I wrote a blog about her in 2020, describing her birth chart:

Birth Chart

“Kamala has the Sun in Libra, the sign of the lawyer.  With half her planets (5) in the Fixed signs, she is strong willed.  She was born exactly on a full moon, and people have strong reactions to fullmooners (hence, she has her detractors, mainly based on her work in the past as a prosecutor).  The Sun conjoins Mercury across the Libra/Scorpio cusp, and  Mercury in Scorpio confers a forensic mind.  The Sun trines Saturn exactly, bringing great seriousness, inclining to politics.  The Sun also trines the Ascendant and Midheaven, creating a Grand Trine, very solid for the structure of her life.  The Sun also trines the North Node/Gemini Ascendant, making her an agent of karma, destined to be a leader.  With Saturn also at the Midheaven, this portrays one of her sayings, “Leadership isn’t about being perfect. Leadership means taking responsibility.”  The Moon in Aries trine Mars provides the cut and thrust she needed as a prosecutor, and will need in her future role.  Mercury trine Saturn shows an aptitude for mental application for exacting work and an eye for detail, which Donald Trump lacks (he has a foggy Mercury-Neptune square).  Add the social graces of Venus trine Jupiter, Venus closely sextile Neptune and Venus conjunct Uranus, and this rounds out her character.  Venus is also conjunct Pluto, giving her depth of feeling.  Mars in Leo square Jupiter,  provides fiery energy allied with enthusiasm.  In matters of religion she was brought up with Baptist and Hindu practices, and has married into the Jewish faith, a reflection of the Jupiter (religion) opposition to Neptune (spirituality) mixture in her natal chart.”

To which I would now add, and emphasize:

With the North Node on her Ascendant, she is a karmic driver.  And along with one version of the pronunciation of her name, she therefore could easily be called “Karmala Harris”.  Some pronounce is as in “Camel” but Americans often pronounce it as in “Karma”.  She was aptly named.

She has a leadership triangle in her chart, composed of the Midheaven (conventional career), the North Node (the karmic mission) and the Sun (her innate expression).

She also has a powerful triple conjunction between Uranus/Pluto/Venus in Virgo – capable of being forensic in interrogation, which she showed as an Attorney General.  Comparable to ex-barrister Keir Starmer’s natal Sun/Pluto in Virgo.

This Week

Looking at this week’s events in terms of transits to the figures most affected:

For Kamala: Jupiter square her natal Uranus (a stretch, suddenly presented)

Pluto square her natal Mercury (a huge mental challenge)

Both of these transits present a huge weight thrust upon her, but she appears to have taken up the opportunity cheerfully.

For Joe: his own personal transits:

Pluto square his natal Moon, a difficult emotional year for him
North Node sextile his natal Saturn, karmic necessity
Mars trine his natal Neptune, a sensitive action taken
Pluto trine his natal Neptune, having to face deep and delicate realities

which are plenty enough reasons to move on.

For Trump:

Recent assassination attempt:

Uranus was square his natal Mars, signalling danger – incidentally, the same transit as Alec Baldwin shooting his cinematographer.  There was a fatality involved for Trump, due to his shooting, for a bystander to the event.

Chiron square his natal Saturn exact to the day, a severe crisis

Jupiter sextile his natal Pluto – that he survived, he was given the power of survival

North Node trine his natal Pluto – ditto, his life enhanced, and his interpretation of being saved by God

Then this week’s reorientation for his campaign:

He still has: Uranus square his natal Mars, Chiron square his natal Saturn and North Node trine his natal Pluto

Mars is square his natal Ascendant.  There is still a great deal of danger surrounding him, and another peak time for this is in October (on 6th) with Uranus from Taurus square his natal Mars in Leo in 12th House – another assassination attempt?  The first one was Uranus/Mars/Algol on his Midheaven, and the Head of the Secret Service has now resigned.

He now needs to reorientate his verbal attacks (he has Mars sextile Mercury natally, so likes to wound with words).  He certainly succeeded against Hillary Clinton.  But his vocabulary becomes increasingly limited, using three letter words, such as “bad”.

For her husband Douglas Emhoff:

Jupiter squares his natal Uranus (a stretch, suddenly presented): notice this is a transit which Kamala also has.  This is because she and her husband were born close to each other in time.  This registers the considerable adjustment he must make for their lifestyle.

U.S. Chart: Chiron square the US natal Moon (a shock reorientation, ultimately for healing)

Jupiter exactly opposite the US natal Ascendant (a new, and fortuitous, relationship)


Kamala’s relationship with Trump: I wrote in 2020: “Her Synastry with Trump reveals his Saturn sextile her Jupiter, and his Uranus square her Venus, which is not easy for her.”

I would add:

Trump’s Moon trines Kamala Mars

Kamala Mars trines Trump Moon (this is known as a double whammy!)

i.e. they can certainly trigger each other

He is capable of causing her surprise and upset, and certainly he has the upper hand in the relationship, but that doesn’t mean she cannot prevail.

Kamala’s relationship with her husband Douglas Emhoff: How strong and supportive is his role in her life?

I wrote in 2020:


Kamala married Douglas Emhoff (a fellow Libran lawyer) on 22nd August 2014.  This looks to be a very solid relationship, from several angles, one of which is that they were born in the same year, within 8 days of each other (they know each other inside out).  In their synastry, her Sun is trine his Saturn (stability), and their Jupiters and Saturns are exactly conjunct with each other, as are all the outer planets.  Where there are a few weaknesses in their relationship, these are mirrors of their own weaknesses.  Emhoff has children from a previous marriage, so Kamala has step-children, but they do not have children together.

Her relationship with the U.S. Chart:

She has Uranus sextile the U.S. Uranus – she brings something fresh to the table

Her Jupiter sextiles the U.S. Mercury – good for communication and optimism

Her Mars sextiles the U.S. Mars – she has the energy, synchronized with the energy of the U.S. chart

The U.S. Pluto squares her natal Sun – the link with the U.S. is impactful upon her

Election Time

The day itself: November 5th has a Mars/Pluto opposition, which peaks the day before the election.  Fervour, if not violence, just preceding the election.

There is also a sextile between Chiron and Jupiter, with a prospect of healing.

For January, the karmic North Node changes signs, from Aries to Pisces, indicating a new karmic regime, together with a new administration in the inauguration month.

For Kamala: Saturn will oppose her natal Uranus, so she will have a mountain to climb.  If she wins, she will have to take a role of gravitas, and her own personal sense of freedom will be compromised.

For Joe Biden: Joe has a time of relief and comparative ease at that point in time: Mars square his natal Moon (which is emotional, however); Jupiter square his natal MC/Midheaven/Careerpoint, letting go to a more carefree state; Saturn trine his natal Mars (he still has a guiding role to play) and Neptune trine his natal Sun (he is free to pursue his spiritual path towards his advancing age).

For Trump: Chiron will be trine his natal Moon (emotional healing; will Melania stick by him?);  Uranus will be sextile his natal Venus, exact to the day (again beneficial, especially for unexpected support from females; Jupiter on his North Node in Gemini in 10th House (would be karmic rewards, but lawlessness – the negative form of Jupiter – may actually produce karmic comeuppance, especially for convicted felons); and finally, the South Node close to his Neptune in 2nd House – dodgy financial dealings may be a focus.  Generally upbeat transits, but if his character weaknesses are exposed, they may count against him.

For her husband Douglas Emhoff: the impact of this date on his chart are surprisingly good.  We may be looking at him becoming first husband… Jupiter will be exactly trine his natal Sun exact to the day, signifying a success (or maybe a liberation!); Chiron will be exactly opposite his natal Sun (a sacrifice may be involved); Uranus will be exactly transiting his natal Jupiter (exciting change); and Saturn exactly opposite his natal Uranus (as for Kamala, close in age).  This mirrors her transits, but stronger and more powerful in nature and effect on his life.

U.S. Chart: the Sun trines the natal Sun of the U.S. implying that the result is good for the U.S.  Saturn also trines the natal Sun of the U.S., implying a steadying, more stabilizing result.  Chiron sextiles the natal Mars of the U.S., healing some aspect of energy, such as the violence of its internal rifts (perhaps an opportunity to address gun laws); Neptune sextiles the natal Pluto of the U.S. chart (a deepening of self-reflection in the nation), and Saturn will be squaring the Ascendant of the U.S. chart on the 4th House cusp – perhaps ushering in a new foundation.

Trump has a dangerous moment in October, which may involve him taking a turn which does not endear himself to the general public.  It seems that he can do no wrong (witnessing his rallies) but with a basically hostile mindset (recently disguised), he could yet reveal his nature in a less popular way.  The truth will out.

As for Kamala, she is popular with some sections of society: with some women (who do not admire Trump, and who wish to turn back the overthrow of the Roe vs Wade abortion legislation); also some sections of the black vote, the youth vote, and the elderly vote.  She will be informed by the wisdom and experience of Joe Biden (who is still more sane than his erstwhile rival), and though her transits are not easy, she may grow through the campaign as her strength is tested.  She certainly has a positive energy.  And there are already signs that she is closing the gap in the polls with her Republican rival.

 “I was raised to take action. My mother knew she was raising two black daughters who would be treated differently because of how they looked.  Growing up, whenever I got upset about something, my mother would look me in the eye and ask: ‘So, what are you gonna do about it?’ “

~ Kamala Harris


The aspects begin on Tuesday (30th), and there are only three in all to consider.

Tuesday’s aspect is Venus trine Chiron, which has just turned Retrograde.  The healing power of Love may come to the fore.  Try to keep the heart open, and keep the faith.  There may be a real opportunity to re-group your healing energies and feel harmony within your being.

The second aspect occurs on Wednesday (31st), and that is the Sun trine the North Node, another kind influence.  It links karma with harmony and love, and reminds us that love is a force underlying a great deal of human interaction, e.g. standing up for one’s country, and protecting loved ones.  It also reminds us of the Hindu law of ahimsa, or harmlessness, required to neutralize and promote good karma (and Kamala).

The third aspect is more tricky, and occurs on Friday (2nd August).  This is Uranus square to Venus, and it might bring twists and turn in relationships. There may be a quirky end to a relationship or money saga, slightly out of your comfort zone.  Your plans may have to be modified at the last minute.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – healing power of Love
  • Wednesday – right action, karmically
  • Friday – relationship disruption

Aspects for the week beginning 21 July 2024

Farewell Gareth Southgate

“We have the best fans in the world, and their support has meant the world to me. I’m an England fan and I always will be…I look forward to watching and celebrating as the players go on to create more special memories and to connect and inspire the nation as we know they can…Thank you, England – for everything.”

~ Gareth Southgate

The sad departure of Gareth Southgate as England manager in the world of football may be the best thing for him, to quit while he is ahead.  He faced criticism throughout the Euro 2024 tournament, despite being the best thing that had happened to English football since sliced bread (or Alf Ramsey).  You never miss a good thing, ’til it’s gone.

I did write a blog about Gareth in 2021, when the extent of his talent and success was clear to see.  My analysis of his birth chart:

Birth Chart

We do not have a birth time for Gareth, but will make do with what we can glean from a Noon chart.  Half his planets (5) are in Earth signs, so he is very grounded.  He has 0 planets in Fire signs, hence his reputation for being calm, and not too excitable (except when his team wins).  He has the Sun in Virgo, and fashion-wise waistcoats and spotted ties are very much the Virgo style.  He has an immense attention to detail (Virgo), checking on the well-being of each individual player, and studying the form of the opponents carefully before selecting his team.  His Sun in Virgo is unaspected, so he is very individualistic and able to think outside the box.  With the Moon in Libra, again he is equable in mood, and has diplomatic skills – he says he adopts a listening approach. However, his Moon is conjunct Uranus, so he mixes that cool emotion with a high intuition, and is responsive to people.  Mercury (his mindset) is also in Virgo, conferring an analytical way of thinking.  It trines Saturn, so he is methodical and systematic in thought, and a good planner.  Mercury is his ruling planet, for his Sun sign, and has further qualities: a close sextile with Neptune means he is capable of receiving inspiration, and an exact conjunction with Pluto adds depth of thought and perception.  His Venus too, representing his ability to relate, is well connected: it is in Libra, the sign of diplomacy, exactly sextile the Galactic Centre, which may give him added power.  Venus sextiles Mars, providing some passion; it is conjunct Jupiter, giving him a love for humanity in general; and it is trine his North Node, making relationship and negotiation part of his karmic mission.  Mars is in Virgo, representing the economic use of  energy, and sextiles Jupiter (a sporting aspect).  In addition, Mars on the South Node shows he has built up the skills teamwork in past lives (e.g. on the battlefield).  Saturn trines Pluto in his chart, revealing great strength, an aspect I associate with good managers generally.”

Focus Now

From reading the sports pages of The Guardian and The Observer (something I don’t tend to do outside of Wimbledon season) the emphasis now seems to be on preserving his legacy, and ensuring that what he brought to the managing of players is honoured, and built upon.  Going forward, a successor is going to have to have the same skills of empathy and skill, and more, in order to advance Gareth’s record of two international semi-finals and one quarter-final, and raise it to the final level which would satisfy the experts, pundits and supporters: an actual win, which has eluded us since 1966.  Obviously a tall order, and I am not proposing to look at the various names which have been put forward so far (maybe in a later blog).

Looking at his qualities from my previous blog:

Walking his Talk

“Gareth has been clear about his ethics, and tried to adopt a positive philosophy.  His autobiography (“Anything is Possible”) notes:

“When working with the England football team, we focus on what we might achieve instead of worrying about what might go wrong. I honestly believe that with the right mindset, a willingness to learn from our mistakes, and the ability to cope with the highs and lows, every one of us can make the most of our lives.”

It has been noted that the current stock of players in the top team has been transformed.  In the Guardian, Simon Hattenstone has written this week:

“But there is something even more impressive about this group. After decades of seeing players get rich quick and keeping stumm in the face of social injustice, here is a generation of footballers with values. Many struggled in their childhoods, experienced first-hand what the years of Tory austerity stripped from society, and stood up to racism. Now they are determined to use their clout and wealth to support today’s disadvantaged kids.”

He has honourably kept the practice of players taking the knee before matches, on behalf of the Black Lives Matter movement (despite criticism).  And during the coronavirus outbreak, Southgate agreed to take a 30% cut in salary.”

Euros 2024

Even a die-hard fan would admit that England made a lack-lustre start at the beginning of the tournament.  Though they muddled and struggled through, they were not playing at their best.  At the start of the Euros, Gareth Southgate had no encouraging transits.

When they really showed progress, and possibly at their peak, England won at the semi-final against Switzerland on 7th July.  After drawing 1-1, they banished their long-standing phobia of penalties, to triumphantly score all five.  Though the manager’s transits are not the full picture, Gareth Southgate’s own transits were more encouraging, with a sextile from Jupiter to his natal Chiron.

In the final, England did not quite play to their full potential, whilst their rivals Spain played to theirs.  Gareth could hold his head up high, from an astrological perspective, with Jupiter exactly square his natal Sun, Uranus exactly trine his natal Mercury, and Uranus exactly trine his natal Pluto. This was last Sunday, 14th July, the day of the aftermath of Donald Trump’s attempted assassination and the Mars/Uranus conjunction.  Harry Kane did not live up to expectations in this tournament, and I wrote:

“At the time of the final, Kane will have Mars square his natal Chiron, Saturn still trine his natal Mercury and Saturn sextile his natal Uranus/Neptune conjunction.  These are transits necessitating care.”  The final was probably Harry Kane’s lowest point.

By the time Gareth decided to quit on Tuesday 16th, Mars had joined Uranus in transiting Gareth’s chart, to trine his natal Mercury and Pluto, a decisive trigger for him to quit while he was ahead.  This represents a fortunate  venture for him.  Recognizing the right time to leave a situation is an art!

Recognizing his Achievements

England Managers come and go, and many were pushed out after just a few failures.

Gareth wasn’t pushed out, but can claim several successes, and a long period of stability.

Here are some stats:

Gareth Southgate managed England 102 times, earning 61 victories at a win percentage of 59.8%. Of the remaining 41 matches, England drew 24 of them and 17 ended in defeat.

Jonathan Freedland wrote in the Guardian on 13th July:

“But if Southgate’s England have modelled a more enlightened stance on race, they have offered a different version of maleness, too. The Graham play focuses on how Southgate worked to fix the fear that haunted previous England teams: fear of penalties, fear of failure, fear of disappointing fans, fear of not matching up to England’s much-mythologised past. Part of the remedy was to bring in psychological help, to get the players to talk about their feelings, to encourage them to be kinder to themselves and each other.”

Freedland highlights the virtues of Gareth Southgate’s “woke” approach, and hints at the possibility of carrying his approach to new styles of government.

“A force for good that comes from the heart, kindness changes lives. It opens up opportunities and can be our greatest strength.”

~ Gareth Southgate


Today’s Full Moon at 29 degrees Capricorn occurred late morning, which may have been marked for you by a benchmark of achievement or an emotional peak (or trough!).  Full Moons can be a revelation.  Even if you were making an important start on your plans for the day, you may still be feeling some tension.  This Moon represents the pull between authority and individual needs.  There are questions about society, such as how far can authority be accountable for an individual’s fate, and how much can the individual expect from authorities – where does the balance of responsibility lie?

We have two aspects this evening.  The first is easy to work with: Venus sextile Jupiter, one of the brightest aspects of the year.  It’s a highlight, conducive to socializing, celebrating partying, and romancing.  This sextile combines luck and love.  Enjoy!

Still later in the evening, you may encounter some sort of glitch or gremlin, especially on the tech front, with Mercury square Uranus.  Back up your computer files (mental note to take my own advice!), and consider I.T. loopholes.  Speech may be controversial.  Use your intuition to be one step ahead – the Universe may be trying to show you new pathways, and possible new perspectives.  This influence may pick up on features and experiences arising from last week’s big Outage by CrowdStrike, or the Mars/Uranus conjunction which triggered an upswing in the affairs of Donald Trump.

Tomorrow (Monday 22nd) bestows upon us two trines and an ingress, which could be an opportunity to make some progress.  In the early hours of the morning, it first brings a trine between the Sun and Neptune: this is a sparkling time, especially good for receiving creative inspiration.  Expand your consciousness, and allow your imagination to embellish your work, or project in hand.  Hope springs eternal.

Soon afterwards, Mars trines Pluto, so a double trine effect almost occurs.  This aspect speaks of self-empowerment, but you have to remember that everyone also has this force!  This is a great aspect for tasks which need great energy.  There may be some upheaval involved, as when you are decluttering in earnest, but you should have the energy to start afresh once you have cleared some old ground.  Although this aspect occurs in the middle of the night, it may galvanize you into action come the daytime.

At breakfast time, the Sun enters Leo.  For many schoolchildren and workers, it is the start of holiday season, so have a good time.  Sun in Leo is about the expression of the human spirit, and that can be enjoyed whatever the weather.   For those of you on holiday by the sea, you may be able to enjoy a dip, alternating with lazing on a deckchair under a parasol sipping a pina colada, if the weather is fine  (the weather forecast is mixed).  For those staying at home, it is about enjoying aspects of life and being, generally.

A sharp dose of reality could occur on Tuesday (23rd), for Pluto opposes the Sun, posing challenges.  Perhaps you have a great deal of catching up to do, or some psychological processing you have put on the back burner.  There is an opportunity to look at deeper issues in your life, and re-assess what you need and don’t need.  It could be a day for sober reflection and unearthing the deep psychological significance behind events.  Being an opposition, there is a requirement to balance two opposing forces, and possibly blend them or transcend the polarity.  A good question to ask on this day is: what needs to be transformed, or transcended?

Moving now to Friday (26th), there is more opportunity for resolution, especially in issues of force or even violence – this is courtesy of the Sun sextile Mars.  It is another early-hours-of-the-morning arrival, so may keep you awake or enliven your dreams.  Energy is injected into our affairs for the day.  It should hopefully allow you to press on with active projects, and dynamically get your jobs done.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emotional high tide; then social harmony; then technical hitches
  • Tomorrow – spiritual inspiration; full steam ahead; holiday atmosphere
  • Tuesday – psychological challenges
  • Friday – getting things done

Aspects for the week beginning 14 July 2024

James Timpson

“Thanks to everyone for their kind words about my appointment as the new government’s Prisons, Probation and Parole Minister. It’s a real privilege and I’m looking forward to improving the system for hard-working staff, turning more lives around and cutting crime.”

~ James Timpson

This is my first blog in the new era of the 2024 Labour Government, outside writing about Wimbledon for two weeks (my most successful set of predictions to date) it was inevitable for me to turn to a political subject…

Today I am looking at the surprise appointment of the key-cutting entrepreneur James Timpson to the role of Prisons, Probation and Parole Minister.  It is not too soon to try to do something different with our Prison system, as it is reported that this very week prison overcrowding has reached emergency proportions. There are only 700 adult male prison places left in England and Wales.  The government are having to think about releasing some “softer” criminals to accommodate some “harder” newcomers.

Timpson’s appointment has had a mainly favourable reaction.  The broadcaster James O’Brien has recorded a You Tube video interview with him.  Timpson’s genius is evidenced by a proven record of rehabilitating prisoners through finding them work and supporting them.

Birth Chart

Fittingly for someone who has played an outstanding role in the rehabilitation of ex-prisoners, James Timpson has an outstandingly interesting birth chart (even without the luxury of a birth time).

James has the Sun in Virgo (like Keir Starmer), that hardworking sign.  His Sun is in a triple conjunction with Venus and Pluto, suggesting love and depth are at the heart of what he does.  Keir himself has the Sun in Virgo conjunct Pluto, indicating a forensic depth to his approach.  Mercury in Virgo in James’ chart squares onto a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune, which shows his great aspiration and faith in humanity.  Mercury closely squares Saturn, so his mind works in methodical ways.  There are several aspects to his Venus: it closely sextiles Jupiter/Neptune, another indication of his love for humanity, and a depth of compassion.  Venus trines Saturn in his chart, which makes him tremendously loyal.  Venus is exactly conjunct Pluto, adding a depth of love to his nature, possibly unconditional in nature.  Mars trine Saturn means that he gets things done, on a practical level.  Mars also trines Uranus, but exactly, so he is an expert engineer.  Mars/North Node with Uranus and Saturn make up a Grand Trine in Air signs, which is a great strength.  The Mars/North Node conjunction is also exact, and in Aquarius, so his karmic mission is in the area of technology and innovation, and also comprises the Warrior Archetype – that conjunction also indicates leadership.  As if Mars wasn’t placed strongly enough, it is also exactly sextile Chiron, which means he can use his energy in healing ways, and that can apply to his support for ex-prisoners.  The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction is also exact (notice how many exact aspects he has) and intensifies his faith and positivity.  That conjunction is placed at 0 degrees Sagittarius, which makes it super-positive.  Jupiter closely sextiles his natal Pluto, giving him the ability to handle power and wisely: something he must have used in his career, and will be used in his new role.  He has three more exact aspects, which I have to mention: Uranus exactly trine the North Node in Aquarius (a supreme innovator) and exactly opposite Chiron (healing in surprising ways, but confronting hard realities) and lastly but not least Chiron exactly sextile Chiron (The Healer Archetype).

Life and Career

James Timpson was born in Knutsford, Cheshire, to John and Alex Timpson, his father building the family business in key-cutting, a high street name as long as I can remember.

His parents had three children, adopted two, and fostered 90.  This life experience must have shaped his character, and attitudes about society and humanity.

James studied geography at Durham University, then joined the family firm.

His work in helping former prisoners into work led him to take the Chair of the Employers Forum for Reducing Re-Offending, and Chair of the Prison Reform Trust, as well as founding the Employment Advisory Board network.

During the Covid period, in 2021, Timpson wrote a column for The Sunday Times which subsequently led to him publishing a book in February 2024 titled “The Happy Index: Lessons in Upside-Down Management”.  He suggested that only a third of prisoners should be in prison.

Current Transits

Looking at the transits for James’ appointment as Prisons, Probation and Parole Minister is a supreme example of how a transit fulfils the potential of a natal chart.  He was appointed on 5th July 2024, and Neptune was opposing his natal Venus.  Neptune was trine his natal Jupiter/Neptune (Neptune rules prisons!); Neptune opposed his natal Pluto (his life about to become more complicated); and Pluto was sextile his natal Jupiter/Neptune, the taking power and an opportunity to utilize his extraordinary faith and compassion (the exact Jupiter/Neptune conjunction at 0 degrees Sagittarius) towards its full potential.  That is not just coincidence, it is part of the plan of his life.

Keir Starmer

As has been mentioned, like Keir he has the Sun conjunct Pluto in Virgo, but it is further elevated by the fact that it is joined in a triple conjunction with Venus, so his forensic work is imbued with unconditional love.

The partnership with Keir Starmer is a natural one, if you look at the Synastry between them:

Keir’s Mars exactly sextile James Timpson, Keir setting him to work and picking his brains!

Keir’s Jupiter opposite Timpson’s Mercury, Keir giving him a wider platform for his mental talents

Keir’s Jupiter square Timpson’s natal Saturn, Keir urging Timpson to expand

Saturns exactly trine: excellent for serious projects together

Keir Uranus square Timpson’s Jupiter/Neptune conjunction, again Keir maybe taking James out of his comfort zone

Shabana Mahmood

Into the mix comes the new Justice Secretary, Shabana Mahmood, also appointed just after the General Election, with North Node trine her natal Venus (the opportunity to put into practice her higher values), and two Neptunian (prison) transits: Neptune opposite her natal Saturn, and Saturn square her natal Neptune (illustrating the enormity of her challenge).

What is fascinating is that her birthday is the same as James Timpson’s (17th September), therefore their Suns are conjunct (they will understand each other) and that creates a Virgoan triangle of force to work together!

She has undertaken to strengthen probation by recruiting 1,000 trainee officers, something which is vital if offenders are to be released.

Other Initiatives

The Observer this morning carries a story about an Oxford brewery company, formed by Amy Taylor and Paul Humpherson which illustrates how this approach to offender rehabilitation works.  The Co-op, Greggs and Pret-a-Manger also have such initiatives.  And who can forget, years ago now,  Jamie Oliver’s innovative scheme in his restaurants.

We certainly need a miracle turn-around in this (as well as many other) areas of society, and I for one cheer on that hope.

 “If you are leaving prison and you have a stable job with employers that genuinely care about your wellbeing, you immediately have the framework that enables you to rebuild your life. That means less crime, less victims and less money spent on prosecuting and punishing people. There are no losers. It’s a no-brainer.”

~ Paul Humpherson


The dramatic attempted assassination today of Donald Trump expresses the approach of the upcoming conjunction of Mars and Uranus tomorrow lunchtime, so be aware that this energy may yet reach its peak.

Tomorrow morning (Monday 15th) the Sun squares Chiron, which in its own way is also challenging, so you may notice crisis situations to be solved, even before Mars’s tangle with Uranus reaches its peak.  Perhaps healing modalities were tried in the past with limited success, and now is the time to take a fresh look at what may be required.  What needs healing will be uncovered, and the answer may lie in the problem, or deep in the soul.  Time for self-mastery.  Look after yourselves, physically and mentally! This square may highlight current government attempts to solve aspects of the NHS need for healing, such as the Junior Doctors’ strike.

At lunchtime, Mars conjoins with Uranus, which is an explosive conjunction in itself, but which also aligns with the Fixed Star Algol which many Astrologers regard as malefic  Pent-up energy, tension, anger and enthusiasm are likely to erupt, so peacemakers will be much needed.  This morning rescuers came quickly to the aid of Donald Trump, who was injured in the ear.  Could Republicans re-think gun laws?  Engineering projects could benefit under this conjunction, but sparks are likely to fly both electronically and etherically.  This conjunction comes round every two years, but can make quite an impact.

More constructive outcomes can come about on Thursday (18th) with the Sun in a harmonious sextile to Uranus.  You can make this day count, in a spectacular way.  Spontaneity and innovation characterize the proceedings of the day.  Telepathy and higher consciousness, or liaising with a constructive group, are also favoured.

The week ends with two features on Saturday (20th), the first being Mars sextile Neptune.  This can be a soothing influence on Mars types (Ariens), or enlivening on Neptune types (Pisceans).  For the rest of us, it is conducive to refined and spiritual actions, meditations and exercises.  Yoga and Tai Chi are recommended under this influence.

In the evening Mars enters Gemini.  We go from the more sluggish energy of Mars in Taurus to a brighter, more expressive energy.  It’s a high action placing, with a spike in mental and physical energy, and the urge to get things done.  Certain sports, such as running and cycling, are highlighted.

There may be a lot of nervous energy about (Mars in Gemini) plus emotional energy building towards the Full Moon in Capricorn next Sunday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – healing crises; explosiveness
  • Thursday – innovative and sparkling
  • Saturday – spiritually soothing but also invigorating; heightened mental energy