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Aspects for the week beginning 18 June 2023

Glenda Jackson (1936 – 2023)

“Any prize was a benign irrelevance for her.  People often say they don’t care about awards: Jackson really did not.  Neither gushing nor contemptuous…”

~ Susannah Clapp, Theatre critic for the Observer

Actor and Politician in equally effective measure, Glenda Jackson died this week, after a short illness, at the age of 87.  Here is a re-posting of a blog from December 2019, followed by some final thoughts:

“Glenda Jackson (blog: 15th December 2019)

Glenda Jackson made a significant appearance on our television screens last Sunday, at the tender age of 83, in a drama production called “Elizabeth is Missing” about an elderly woman gradually suffering from increasing dementia.  This comes towards the end of a lifetime of achievement, starting with a dazzling film career in her youth (think back to “Women in Love” and “Sunday Bloody Sunday”), then as a Labour MP with integrity in her middle years.

Birth Chart

Glenda has half her planets in Earth signs, and that fits with her earthy image, reinforced by a gritty close sextile from Saturn to her Sun.  But the Sun also trines Neptune, ensuring that there is a higher focus to her nature as well.  She has an extreme emotional range: Moon conjunct Jupiter, so emotionally is able to focus positively, and Moon closely square Saturn, so she is able to portray the more negative states of emotion such as depression.  Moon also square Neptune is ideal for being able to portray the emotionally confused state of descending dementia.  And there is an added emotional sensitivity to trauma, from the Moon opposite Chiron.  She will have had a lifetime’s effort to alleviate the wounds of human emotion and suffering in society.  I believe she was an exceptionally sincere politician.  Mercury/Chiron squaring Neptune would show that she can see the nuances of arguments and points of view, sometimes to her own detriment.  Her Venus (ruling planet) conjuncts Uranus so she has a sparkling social side (despite being fundamentally introverted through Sun in Taurus/Ascendant in Cancer), which takes delight in provocation or shocking the established order.  This Venus/Uranus conjunction is sextile her natal Ascendant and trine her North Node, which gives her the charisma and sense of destiny of film star status.  Her Mars sextiles closely Pluto, which provides power and strength, and more grittiness.


Glenda played the character Gudrun in the film Women in Love (adapted from the novel by D.H. Lawrence), released in September 1969.  She was noted by Brian McFarlane for “Her blazing intelligence, sexual challenge and abrasiveness”.  The transits show a sextile of Pluto to her natal Pluto (self-empowerment) as a broad shift in her career, but looking at the detail of her transits we also see Uranus square her Ascendant (the ability to shock), Neptune opposite her Mars and square her natal Midheaven (sensationalism).  Twenty years later she played Gudrun’s mother in the adaptation of a sequel novel by D.H. Lawrence, the film of the Rainbow, also a Ken Russell film.  Other notable films were “Sunday Bloody Sunday” and “The Music Lovers”, both films of 1971.

In 1992, she completely changed course in her life, opting to become Labour M.P. for Hampstead and Highgate.  Jupiter was trine her natal Venus/Uranus conjunction in Taurus in 11th House, an auspicious start to a political career which lasted 23 years.  Jupiter was also trine her natal North Node, meaning that she was in true alignment with her karmic path.  Thus a Grand Trine was formed, and it often is when there are such good Jupiter transits that a person embarks on something new.  Another indication of a new path was the Uranus/Neptune conjunction of 1992 in Capricorn trine her natal Sun: that conjunction brought the winds of change through many peoples’ lives.  She felt that Thatcherism had destroyed society and she wanted to do all she could to alleviate that.

She served under Tony Blair for two years, but then became a critic of his, most notably over the issue of the Iraq war.  In June 2011 she announced that she would retire at the 2015 election.  She had a decisive transit of Mars sextile her natal Pluto at that point.  Saturn was trine her Mercury, which is more of a calculated type of decision making.  Uranus was square her Ascendant  and Pluto trine her natal Uranus (time for another complete change).  Pluto was transiting her natal North Node in Capricorn in the 7th House (she sensed the necessity of change).  She actually retired around the time of the 2015 election, with a Mars Return (a renewal of her energy), Mars squaring her Midheaven (in charge of her career path), Jupiter sextile her Chiron (new healing space for her), Uranus trine her natal Moon in Sagittarius in her 6th House of Working Conditions,  and Neptune square her natal Mercury (a relaxation of mental work, a new creative and spiritual mental space).

She returned to acting, and as an actress, in the third act of her extraordinary life, she has lost no power.  She took on the extraordinary and demanding role of King Lear, for example.  In her new role in the television drama, the transits show Saturn trine her natal Sun (a serious portrayal of the problems of being elderly).  The Guardian gave the drama five stars for its first episode.  It has been conjectured that in her portrayal of an elderly woman with dementia, she has drawn on her experiences as an MP in her community as well as researching the illness.  Social problems and deprivations were of great concern to her in her time as a politician (and she has criticized the  failings of  recent Tory governments to tackle problems such as poverty and homelessness).  She says dealing with dementia is still down the political ladder of priorities.”

Final Thoughts

Glenda had a strong work ethic, and worked up until the end of her life.  She had just finished working on a film with Michael Caine, “The Great Escaper”, directed by Oliver Parker.  Parker has written of their work together: “They’re both kind of working-class heroes, symbols of a kind of spirit of modernity.  They had a mutual respect and were very supportive of each other.  You felt these were titans carrying a wealth of experience on set with real ease.”

I admired her as both actor and politician.  There was a selflessness about her, a lack of ego, which is described by her natal South Node rising on a Cancerian Ascendant.

She leaves a space in our cultural and political life that can never be filled.  She played many roles with great distinction, passion and commitment…from award winning ator to campaigner and activist to Labour MP and government minister, Glenda Jackson was always fighting for human rights and social justice.”

~ Keir Starmer


Early this morning we had a New Moon in Gemini, which may have kept you mentally active.  This represented a new beginning with a fresh mental focus.  You may have needed to review recent events, to let them go for the new month: mental decluttering. There’s a fresh outlook, new learning and progress in communications.  New initiatives in the travel industry may also be helpful.

Tomorrow (Monday 19th), Neptune squares the Sun, also in the early hours.  That could bring bizarre dreams:

“Bad dreams in the night
They told me I was going to lose the fight
Leave behind my wuthering, wuthering
Wuthering Heights”

~ Kate Bush

Let’s just alter that slightly to “Weird dreams in the night”.  There are new considerations and issues arising, more sensitivity to consider.  You may be feeling a little confused, lost, or even  dizzy.  If you are on a journey tomorrow, take a moment to stop and reflect, over coffee at a service station on the motorway for instance.  It’s a good moment to surrender to the divine, and ask what you are supposed to be learning from the experience, seeking out where the illusion lies.

In the political arena, MPs will be voting for whether they endorse the report of the Privileges Committee who concluded that Boris Johnson misled parliament over breaches of lockdown rules in Downing Street.  Politicians lying is very much a Sun square Neptune province, and so is seeing through that.  As it is his birthday tomorrow, Neptune will also be square to his Sun, symbolic of his being called to account over lying.

Clarity is however possible on the same day, for the afternoon brings an important sextile, between Jupiter and Saturn.  This can bring balanced judgement, and points to a just settlement of the “politician lying” issue.  In your own life, you may be wanting to bring balance and resolution, and this sextile is supportive of this.  Notably it may come after a period of confusion and reflection (Neptune square to the Sun).  There is a chance to balance our actions and wisdom, between caution and adventurousness, realism and optimism.  This aspect may be a godsend to Librans trying to make up their minds, as they have permission to sit on the fence and see both sides of the story with confidence.  As it is such an important aspect, you may feel its influence all through the week.

Early afternoon onWednesday (21st) is the Summer Solstice, the day that the Sun enters the sign of Cancer.  Wring every ounce of enjoyment out of your daylight hours!  The weather forecast is for Sun, so a holiday mood is possible.  You may also be taking stock of your life.  The season just gone was about sowing seeds, and the coming season for watching projects grow and blossom, and keeping them “watered”.  There is an unusually high pollen count this summer, so factor that in.

Mid-afternoon on the same day, the tempo quickens with a sextile between Mercury and Mars.  Physical and mental energies can co-ordinate.  If you are cycling a great deal to keep fit, you may find the wind behind your sails.  You may be able to cycle just that bit faster or longer, and your fitbit may register record stats.  You may also find shortcuts to your usual way of doing things.

That is the last aspect of the week but we have a Fixed Star alignment on Saturday (24th), with Tejat, from the constellation of Gemini.  Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld write in “Starlight Elixirs”:

“This star can gently and easily increase the ability to bring spiritual ideas into clear and expressible form as mental concepts and direct ideas, to be shared with others.  There will also be a stimulation of the seventh and eighth chakras, so these ideas may come when least expected.  There may be greater patience with abilities that do not seem to form patterns in the usual sense.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – new beginning
  • Tomorrow – confusion; then balance
  • Wednesday – make hay while the Sun shines; keep busy and productive
  • Saturday – higher ideas

Aspects for the week beginning 11 June 2023

Boris Johnson and Donald Trump: A Parallel Journey

There are so many parallels in the lives and characters of Boris Johnson and Donald Trump that I couldn’t not write about them at this juncture, with Boris Johnson having to step down as an M.P. (on Friday) and Donald Trump possibly facing jail, and both claiming to be victims of  “witch hunts”.


Both Gemini, but their charts are not remarkably similar

(N.B. the following part of the list does not allude to Gemini traits)

Both blond, with unusual hairstyles

Both suspected of lying all the time

Both womanizers

Both right-wingers (Conservative and Republican)

Both charismatic, with a loyal following

Both facing criminal charges

Both vowing “to be back”

They may both be Narcissistic personalities

Both lack attention to detail

Both trust to luck to get them out of scrapes

Are they Brothers of Destiny?

Donald’s Uranus squares Boris’ Chiron (there is some abrasiveness in their interaction)

Donald’s Ascendant sextiles Boris’ Moon (an emotional affinity)

Donald’s North Node conjuncts Boris’ Mercury (ruling planet), which is a karmic link

As an aside, Donald’s Midheaven is conjunct Algol, traditionally a malefic star

A History in Blogs:


Boris Johnson – Lord Mayor of London

“I must include Boris here, as he is about to step down from his position of Lord Mayor of London, in which he has been fairly successful and popular, and was one of the three cited as possible replacements as Leader of the Party, by the Leader of the Party himself.  He is a flamboyant figure, lightening the political landscape, but is perhaps too wayward and unreliable to be material for the top job.”


Donald Trump

“Donald Trump this week was the subject of a huge petition to keep him out of Britain on account of his racist views (last week calling for a ban on Muslims entering the U.S.).  The Guardian headline yesterday was: “Trump takes some heat – but barely misses a beat.” His words also sparked a debate in the U.K. on how far free speech can be allowed. His bid for the Republican nomination in the U.S. is still holding good, and so we need to take him seriously enough to at least look at his chart!  Fortunately, we have a birth time for him, and we see a belligerent Mars conjunct the Ascendant in Leo: power is an aphrodisiac.  His Mars is exactly trine the Galactic Centre, which may also be a power significator.  He has been very inventive lately with his Leo mane.  His Sun is in Gemini conjunct the North Node (Leadership karma) and Uranus (controversy is his middle name) in the 10th House of Career, ambition, and prominence in the world.

Some of the coldness of his views, e.g. about women, may be down to his Venus conjunct Saturn in Cancer.  He was born on a Full Moon, which makes him a marmite character.

In matters of finance, he has a conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron in his 2nd House of Money, plus Neptune.  Perhaps more crucially, he has the Inner Entrepreneur (Jupiter trine Uranus) exact in his chart…

In his Human Design Chart, according to Chetan Parkyn, he has the money channel 21-45: ‘… to make money happily, you have to differentiate between times when you receive the benefit of allowing others to carry out resourceful work and times when you need to get your hands dirty.  Take US billionaire Donald Trump, who has this channel: he forever has the option of overseeing his empire or micro-managing it.’ ”

At this point in time, the trajectory of their power did not tend to be taken seriously.


At a toss of a coin, Boris backed Brexit in the run-up to the Referendum, the result of which was that famous percentage set: 52% for and 48% against.



“I feel utterly devastated by the result of the European Referendum vote (to leave the EU), and the suffering it is going to cause.  The nation has already been thrown into chaos. I was not so stunned, because in my heart I knew how the country felt.  But astrologically, I was not able to pull together my researches to make that conclusion.

However, looking back, events do make sense of some of my astrological researches, particularly Boris Johnson’s outstandingly success orientated transits, and events unfolding around Jeremy Corbyn this morning make sense of the transit of Uranus to his North Node.  According to the Astrologer Jessica Adams, the dwarf planet Ceres, which represents strong feelings, had an important part to play.”

At the time, Donald was battling against Hillary Clinton for the U.S. Presidency, and in November 2016, he won.

Donald hailed Brexit as a triumph, and congratulated Boris.



“From the Guardian:  ‘From its first moments, the Trump presidency defied normal conventions.  Witnesses reported that the former president George W. Bush left the scene of Donald Trump’s inauguration remarking: “That was some weird shit.”  On the day, Uranus was exactly sextile his [Trump’s] North Node (a weird manifestation of his karmic mission).  Saturn was pulling away from an opposition to his Sun, so the run up to this event may have been stressful to him.  But Jupiter was trine his Sun, and he was trusting his luck. Pluto was squaring his natal Jupiter, hinting at possible mis-use of power.’ ”


New Cabinet

“For his first outing in the Commons, Johnson had gone back to his more familiar default setting. The Fool. The court jester from whom no one expects the truth, so long as they are entertained. “Pifflepafflewifflewaffle,” he began.

John Crace

So it is Boris Johnson’s finest hour: he easily achieved 66% of the vote to become our new Prime Minister. From last week:

“Saturn from Capricorn in his natal 4th House of Home trines his natal Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House – could be a prestigious new House move (requiring apparently all new furniture, post divorce).  Uranus from Taurus in his 7th House trines his natal Uranus in Virgo in his 11th House – Successful realization of his long held dream and ambition.”

Now they were both in power, each one in the top job across the pond, firm allies with a strong affinity

In the event that Brexit would be “done”, in the future, Trump promised Johnson a trade deal between their two nations, which included “chlorinated chicken”.



Saturn conjunct Pluto

“As you may know by now, the two great planets Saturn and Pluto make a grand conjunction today, a conjunction which heavily impact our lives, and the world in general.  For ourselves, the conjunction may highlight a challenge which we may already be aware of.  In the world, there are current challenges connected with international relations, climate change (witness the Australian bush fires), and particularly in the U.K. Brexit challenges, and a crisis for the monarchy.”

This conjunction marked the beginning of our awareness of the Coronavirus Pandemic.

All countries dealt with it differently.  Neither Boris nor Donald took it too seriously at first.  Boris failed to attend the early emergency COBRA meetings.  Donald Trump advocated people injecting themselves with bleach.

Despite the fact that Boris was hospitalized with Covid early in April 2020, it seems that throughout the course of the pandemic and lockdowns, he did not seem to observe the necessary rules about social distancing that his government had set.

Coming Unstuck

In November 2020, Donald Trump lost the Presidential election to Joe Biden, a fact that he continually contested, and does so to this very day.


Blog by Alan Oken (1944-2022) re Donald Trump:

“On December 14, 2020, there is a Total Solar Eclipse at 23 Sagittarius eclipsing his natal Lunar Eclipse. As we like to say in the old country, “Bye-Bye!” (By the way, if you want to know what aspect in the natal chart shows chronic distortion of truth, especially re money, just look at Neptune in the 2nd square Mercury in the 11th with Mercury as the ruler of the 2nd–Virgo on the cusp.)”

Prior to Joe Biden’s inaugural date, on 6th January 2021, Donald Trump’s words (allegedly) incited violence into a mob which descended on the Capitol with destructive intent and consequences, such was his denial of the result of the election.  He retired to his estate at Mar-a-Largo in Florida, but has not kept a low profile, constantly vowing to be back.  A recent court case only strengthened his lead in the polls.


Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister

Following months of scandals, and mass resignations by his Cabinet and other Conservative MPS, Boris Johnson resigned as Prime Minister.


A farewell speech on the steps of No. 10 was made by Boris, making way for his successor, Liz Truss.  In it, he said:

“And  I know that Liz Truss and this compassionate Conservative government will do everything we can to get people through this crisis [the war in Ukraine]”

He referred to a historical figure: “And like Cincinnatus I am returning to my plough…”

[A reference to a Roman Statesman who returned, to serve a second term]

It was left to Liz Truss’ successor, Rishi Sunak, to “get Brexit done” and attempt to solve the problem of the Irish protocol, in the shape of the new Windsor framework.

This Week

This week, Boris received the results of the Partygate enquiry (whether he knowingly misled Parliament), and decided to resign on Friday as an MP.  His transits were:

Mars sextile his natal Ascendant (taking action)

Jupiter sextile his natal Saturn (a balanced decision, for him)

Saturn opposite his natal Uranus (an abrupt break)

Neptune square his natal Sun (uncertain where he stands)

Pluto square his natal Moon (a dark mood; he blames others)

He reiterated his intentions yesterday: “It is very sad to be leaving Parliament – at least for now”.

At the same time, Donald faces charges relating to classified documents found at Mar-a-Largo, some of which related to nuclear programmes.  His main transit is:

Mars transiting his natal Pluto (a clear and present danger – of imprisonment?)

Will either of them face imprisonment?  Will either of them return to power?

To be continued…


Today, Pluto in retrograde motion re-enters Capricorn from Aquarius.  This highlights the finishing of issues in connection with its occupancy of Capricorn since January 2008, if you can think back to your life since that time.  Dot the i’s and cross the t’s.  In the wider arena, it was about the breaking down of Institutions and Authority.  When Pluto gets fully immersed into Aquarius its purpose will be to replace those outworn and broken down forms with new forms (some might say, The New Earth).  So we are finishing off the process while Pluto re-enters Capricorn.

Relevant here, I feel, is the resignation of the MP with integrity, Caroline Lucas, of the Green Party.  Her book “Honourable Friends?”, written in 2015, lifted the lid on the outworn practices in Parliament.  Whenever she spoke in Parliament, she highlighted the view from the planet.  It is disappointing that we have not made much progress in that respect, but she is standing down as an MP in order to concentrate on green issues.  An article in the Guardian on Friday by Neal Lawson ends with the perfect description of what Caroline has tried to do, and of the decay of the institutions under Pluto in Capricorn and the need for change:

“Everywhere, except Westminster, change is in the air.  The brittle walls of the old politics will tumble.  A better politics of collaboration and putting issues before parties looks like Lucas.  We know what to do.  She has shown us.”

Following on from Pluto’s retrograde into Capricorn, and also this morning, Mercury was trine Pluto, suggesting positive outcomes to deep issues.  Mercury trine Pluto brings deep thought and psychological reflection, and earnest conversations.  Conversations could be life changing: the right word at the right time, striking home in the right place.

Almost in the same moment, Mercury entered Gemini, which will quicken our mentality and curiosity, and stimulate our communications during its short stay in this sign, which lasts until 27th June.

An aspect which occurs this afternoon, is Jupiter square Venus, so you may be confronted with an awkward social situation.  Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences.  You may be socializing when you don’t feel like it, or feel that you have to force jollity.  There will be a meaning to it – there always is!  Even if it is one remark which makes you think deeply, or helps you to realize what you don’t need.  Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.

The next aspect is not until Thursday, so today’s intense mixture of aspects can be followed through during the week.  Meanwhile, our Sun is aligned with Orion’s belt in the middle of the week, so you can also work with the Fixed Stars midweek.  The three stars of Orion’s belt are Mintaka, Alnitak and Alnilam.  Kyle Gray writes about Orion activation in  his “Gateway of Light Activation” cards.  He recommends affirming:

“Great wise ones of Orion, thank you for supporting my recreation and renewal.  I am ready to shine like a star”.

According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:

Mintaka can provide for most people a balancing of energies seen to be aggressive or animalistic in nature.  This can enhance physical functioning, but can also be applied where overemphasis of physical functioning is wished to be replaced with deeper attunement to spiritual ideals, spiritual goals, and spiritual development.”

Rebecca Campbell, in her “Starseed” pack of cards, says of Mintaka:

“The Seas of Mintaka card represents this crystalline clarity of potential and possibility. It’s about the ability and choice to see the potential in all people and situations. This could be one of your natural traits, or it could be a sign that what you’re currently doing has great potential. Mintakans are thought to have been a galactic race who saw the light in everything and everyone.”

The second star in Orion’s belt is Alnitak.  “Starlight Elixirs” states:

“Here potential is made more readily available to individuals for higher energies involved with psychic functioning.  These energies can lead to significant vibrational shift in the individual.  Thus, these abilities will be strengthened, as well as more energy will be provided to use these abilities.  These psychic abilities can include remote viewing, translocation, matter duplication, levitation, prescience and vision of the internal organs of the physical body.”

And the third star is Alnilam, of which “Starlight Elixirs” writes:

“The enhancement of the ability to work with responsibility, to understand its correct balance to awareness of opportunity. The shoulder region and musculature in the neck is strengthened and assisted. The ability to perceive shortcuts that bring the purpose of one’s tasks closer, without harm or difficulty, is enhanced.  Assists in more correctly balancing the ends and means and putting them in a proper perspective…Energies are temporarily stored in the shoulder region to be released by movement through the arms.”

That takes us to Thursday (15th), when Saturn squares Mercury.  If there are obstacles or delays in communication, you’ll know why!  Patience may be the key here (e.g. you may have to repeat yourself), and “more haste less speed” may be a useful mantra to follow.

By the end of the week, on Saturday (17th) we are facing a Retrograde, that of Saturn, so that planet will be grinding to a halt, before reorienting itself.  Turning inward for contemplation is one of the requirements of a retrograde period.  That entails going through a period of revision: often with Saturn, it is a lesson all about patience and timing, and one of those lessons is that you can’t rush things.  So that is reinforcing the lessons of Thursday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – intense and complex: tying up loose ends; deep conversation; mental stimulation; social awkwardness
  • Tomorrow – a wider renewal: spiritual orientation; seeing the light
  • Tuesday – psychic development
  • Wednesday – responsibility; shoulder healing
  • Thursday – patience
  • Saturday – more patience

Aspects for the week beginning 4 June 2023

Jeremy Paxman

“I’ve been lucky enough to work with an amazing team and to meet some of the swottier brains in the country. It gives me hope for the future.”

~ Jeremy Paxman

Last Monday night, with very little fanfare, Jeremy Paxman let go of his tenure of the role of chief inquisitor on University Challenge, at this year’s final.  He began hosting the show in 1994, so that is nearly 30 years.  We knew it was coming, but somehow missed the moment, and it was briefly mentioned on a news channel.  University Challenge is an important programme in this household, one of the few that hubby and I watch together.  I used to watch it before I went to University, I met hubby at University, and we challenge each other every week during its season.  The only problem is, he beats me about 98% of the time, and on the rare occasion, once or twice a year, that I beat him, I make sure everyone knows about it!  He mops up on the science questions, of which there are always quite a few.

I wrote about Jeremy, on the death of its previous chair Bamber Gascoigne in February 2022:

“Jeremy Paxman Era

Seven years later, the show was revived with a new quizmaster, Jeremy Paxman.  Jeremy displayed a much more hectoring style towards the students.  Jeremy is a Taurean, and also has a strong willed chart.  In 1997 he famously interviewed the politician Michael Howard and asked him the same question 12 times, leading to a nickname of “The Rottweiler”.  Interestingly, Jeremy has the same Quizmaster Archetype of Mercury trine Mars in his chart as Bamber Gascoigne!  The BBC decided to air the new series on 21st September 1994, the anniversary of the original, which meant that again the Sun was on Bamber Gascoigne’s Uranus.  However, Bamber stated that he only ever watched one or two episodes of the show with the new host.  Mars was prominent again in the transits for Jeremy when he took up the show, in that the planet was exactly sextile his natal Mars to the day.  Perhaps that reflects the combative nature of the show.  In addition, Neptune was on Jeremy’s Sun, Pluto exactly opposite his Mercury, and Uranus exactly trine his Uranus on the day (the same transit as Bamber Gascoigne had on taking leave of the show).  In this case it represented the new enterprise for Jeremy.”

To which I would add the Sun trine Mars in his natal chart shows his impatience “Come on!” and the Moon opposite Mars furthers his irascibility!  He also has the go-getting Entrepreneur Archetype from a close trine between Jupiter and Uranus.


Paxman became a presenter of Newsnight in 1989 and continued in that post until 2014.  He was an institution in that post.  As mentioned above, he was notorious for grilling his subjects, most memorably the encounter with Michael Howard (13th May 1997) in which he was expressing some potent transits involving Pluto, such as.Saturn trine his Pluto and Pluto square his Jupiter and trine his North Node.

He announced he was leaving Newsnight in April 2014.  At the time Jupiter was exactly square his natal Neptune, Saturn was opposite his natal Sun (a decision) and Pluto trine his natal Saturn (again, a decision to change).

The Transits for his last episode of Newsnight were Uranus exactly trine natal Pluto (big change) and Pluto still exactly trine his natal Saturn.

There was more fanfare on that night: he interviewed Peter Mandelson and Boris Johnson (then Mayor of London).  The programme included an appearance by Michael Howard.  And the song finale was “I’d Like to Teach the World to Sing” by the New Seekers.

He commented: “After 25 years, I should rather like to go to bed at much the same time as most people.”  For the record, in our house, we watch Newsnight every night, then retire for the day.


His autobiography “A Life in Questions” in 2016 revealed a childhood coming from a broken home with abusive parents, childhood beatings, and an adulthood alienated from his family, including his siblings. In his autobiography, he claimed that he had suffered on and off depression all his life, and it is easy to find the seeds of that in his life story.  It is a sad tale, and was published during a Saturn cycle, when Saturn was square his natal Saturn.  He traced his father to Australia, and tried to effect some closure, but the encounter was dismal: “I wanted to see if he was all right and I was slightly concerned in case I was turning into him,”  He hardly mentions his mother in the book.  In recent years, particularly since he left Newsnight, he has grown mellower: the Rottweiler image giving way to a mere hangdog expression, and his friends compared him to Eeyore.  He has been a lot gentler with the contestants on University Challenge!  It was observed by Anthony Andrew in the Observer as long ago as 2011:

“Has the formidable Newsnight anchorman lost his edge, or is he just bored with the show?”

Personal Life

He prefers to keep his personal life private, and separated from his partner of 35 years in 2017.  At the time transiting Uranus was trine his natal Chiron (which suggests a necessity).  They have three children, and the split was amicable.  He apparently enjoys fly fishing as a hobby, which may make sense of his Moon in Pisces!


In May 2021 he revealed the difficult diagnosis that he has Parkinson’s disease, when Neptune was opposing his natal Mars in Virgo (we do not have a birthtime for him).  It was at that time mild, and he carried on his role at University Challenge.  A spokesperson for Parkinson’s UK has said:

“Previously, Jeremy pledged to donate his brain to the Parkinson’s UK Brain Bank which will, one day, help scientists uncover the discoveries that will lead to better treatments and a cure for Parkinson’s.”

Last Programme 

For the last programme On Monday, Mars was trine his natal North Node (a karmic act) and Uranus was transiting his natal Sun in Taurus (a fitting change).

It was recorded last October, when Neptune was opposite his natal Mars, and Pluto trine his natal Mercury (a final word).

Taking over will be Amol Rajan, who was formerly Editor of The Independent, and who interviewed Phillip Schofield this week.  Amol is a Cancerian, but has the Quizmaster Archetype, in the form of a conjunction between Mercury and Mars.  Another quizmaster who has recently taken over Mastermind is Clive Myrie, and he also has the quizmaster showing in his chart, in the form of Mercury exactly sextile Mars.

Wishing him well, this is my fanfare to Jeremy Paxman… 🎼🎺🎷

“I am a political person. But I’m not a party political person. I don’t believe there is a monopoly of wisdom in any one party.”

~ Jeremy Paxman

“What’s sometimes neglected in discussions about Paxman’s style is that he is, or can be, a very astute and incisive interviewer, as well as a skilled and compelling presenter”

~ Anthony Andrew


At breakfast time this morning (unless you have a Sunday lie-in), there was a Full Moon in Sagittarius.  This particular emotional high tide concerns the expansive bigger picture (Sagittarius) in your life, your psyche, or the world.  If you are feeling such a maelstrom in your life, then you may need to start by going within to that still small spiritual centre, find peace, then make your responses from that place.

This evening, Mercury will conjoin with Uranus at 20 degrees Taurus.  Mentally it could be off the wall (well, the televised final of Britain’s Got Talent may be described as such).  You’ll be thinking inventively and out of the box.  There may be some interesting synchronicities happening.  Welcome the power of surprise!

Tomorrow (Monday 5th) Venus enters Leo at lunchtime, enabling you to make hay at least at lunchtime – they are at least predicting barbecue weather.  There is an opportunity to get out and about and enjoy the fruits of summer.  You can afford to be bold in seeking entertainment, and also polish up your performance skills.  Let your hair down.  But there is only a short window, before…

…Pluto opposes Venus in the late afternoon, which may end the day on a more dramatic note, especially in terms of relationships, and possibly in relation to money and the Arts.   In negotiations, people may be using negative tactics such as projecting fear. If your struggles are in the realms of art or music, you may have to go back to the drawing board on a creative project, or fundamentally change the values behind what you are creating, taking them to a higher level or a deeper level psychologically.

The next astrological aspect does not occur until Friday, so there is a Fixed Star which can be worked with in the meantime, that of Cursa in the Constellation of Eridanus.  We learn from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:

“This star has a capacity to increase endurance and strengthen the ability to do work of a mental nature with many individuals.  Some enhancement of thinking process will take place.  Physical stamina will be enhanced where concentration or direction of the energy flows in the physical body by the mind are necessary.”

– which sounds helpful!

Now on to Friday’s (9th) aspect, which is Mercury sextile Neptune.  This is a time of intense imagination, so it is helpful for creative visualizations..  This aspect will assist you in refining your mindset and remaining mental clutter.  Our minds will be able to receive higher guidance more easily.  Delicate conversations and channelling will also be made easier.  If giving or receiving gifts, be open to non-material gifts.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emotional high tide; mentally off-the-wall
  • Tomorrow – making hay; soul-searching
  • Tuesday to Thursday – endurance and stamina
  • Friday – intense imagination

Aspects for the week beginning 28 May 2023

Tina Turner (1939 – 2023)

“There’s always been an emotion in my voice because it reached back to the life I was living. Where there were tears in stage, it wasn’t Hollywood, it was real”

~ Tina Turner

No prizes for guessing the subject of today’s blog (nor to guessing which stories I swerved this week).  Tina Turner, who died on Wednesday, was universally loved: for her music, and performance, for her bravery in freeing herself from domestic violence, and for her spirituality. I have never seen her live, but have watched and re-watched her concerts, marvelling at her sheer force of nature.

Birth Chart

I wrote in 2014:

“Tina Turner has Sun trine Pluto within one degree…Her Baptist faith sustained her, and then was added to by a later addition of Buddhism.  She espouses a mixture of both faiths.  I happened to catch an interview with her the other day on the Oprah Winfrey show, where she had turned her life around completely, and was happily married as well.  She was asked about the philosophy that brought her there, and replied that she arrived at a point of desiring nothing.  This echoes the philosophy of St. John of the Cross: “In order to arrive at possessing everything, Desire to possess nothing.”  This was facilitated by her Venus being exactly trine Saturn and exactly square Neptune, not the Sun-Pluto trine.  The qualities shown by the working out of Sun trine Pluto in her life are endurance and regeneration.”

To which I would add:

She was born on a Full Moon, with wide open emotions.  She has the Sun exactly square Mars, that’s her raw energy:

You know that big wheel keep on turningProud Mary keep on burningAnd we’re rolling, rolling, rolling yeahRolling on the river

She also had a truth seeking trine between the Sun (in Sagittarius) and Jupiter.  Mars square her Moon was quick to react emotionally, and Mercury trine Pluto ensured a depth of thought.  Venus square Jupiter was uninhibited, but Venus exactly square Neptune contributed early on in life to a bizarre relationship, but later this square was transmuted into the opportunity to express a more spiritual relationship.  Venus sextile her North Node showed a karmic mission to sing, while Saturn on the South Node revealed responsibility and strife in early life, and in past lives.  She believed in reincarnation, and once revealed she was a reincarnation of Queen Hatshepsut of Egypt.  Jupiter was trine Pluto, giving her Power (with a capital P!).  With Pluto loosely square the Midheaven (careerpoint) and the Nodal Axis (karmic mission), again you can see the switch in life and career she had to make, eventually rising like a Phoenix.  Her Ascendant was in Performing Leo, which was a prominent part of her personality.

Life and Career

Really, Tina deserves a two-part obituary, but I will do my best to cover what was important, not to short-change the viewer, but neither to waffle or keep the viewer either from their Sunday lunch!  Tina (originally Anna Mae Bullock) was born in Tennessee and brought up largely in Nutbush.  “Ever since then, I have spent my entire life fighting my way through a climate of bad karma”.1

At an early age she picked cotton with her family, but did not enjoy it, as she recalls in “My Love Story”, her autobiography of 2018.  Her mother was largely absent in her childhood, and had not wanted her daughter, and her parents split up when her mother left when Tina was aged 11.  The family strife is shown in the difficult aspects to her Sun and Moon in her birthchart.  Tina and her sisters spent time with her grandparents, the paternal set being strict, and the maternal set easier. Singing at Church was a strong feature of their lives.  Her grandmother died when she was 16, and she went to live with her mother.

With their love of song and dance, she and her remaining sister (one had died in a car crash) began to frequent nightclubs, and Ike Turner came to their attention.  Tina “almost went into a trance” when she saw him.  She managed to persuade him to let her sing with his band, and later he persuaded her to marry him (though he was a patent womanizer).

The synastry between them was palpably telling.  I wrote in 2014:

“She has Saturn on the South Node of past life karma, and her Sun also squares Mars.  Ike’s Mars connected with her Mars and its square to her Sun directly (their Mars’ in square to each other) which brought out the worst karma between them, and violence towards her from Ike.”

I would add, his Neptune exactly square her natal Moon showed gaslighting, paranoia and entrancement.

He groomed her for his own success (she says he could not sing) and named her Tina, adding three Ikettes to the performing group.  She substituted on a demo record for Ike, and when he presented it to his R & B label, the president preferred Tina’s version.  Although Ike realized that Tina was bringing him success, at the same time he treated her badly – she said he treated her worse than the Ikettes.  The abuse was physical as well as verbal.

Tina would stay with Ike for several more years (her Venus-Saturn trine staying loyal), but there was a turning point of sorts when they came to the notice of Phil Spector, who treated her better (but then would go on to commit murder later on in life!).  He apparently could see how controlling Ike was, and in his own control-freak fashion could see exactly how Tina could make the best performance for his new song “River Deep – Mountain High”. He paid Ike 20,000 dollars to stay away.  He put Tina into a new environment, his own studio, complete with his orchestral “wall of sound”.  It was a revelation to her, and Spector invited her to a new way of singing, too, which suited her better.  He allegedly demanded thousands of takes from her!  I well remember when “River Deep – Mountain High” was released in May 1966.  It was an electrifyingly raw sound, very inspiring.  It went straight to number 1 in the U.K., but failed to make an impression in the U.S.  This was because the white stations put it down as an R & B records, and the black stations thought it was too white.  In mid-66, the record itself had Uranus exactly conjunct Pluto in mid-Virgo (15 degrees); it carried all the explosiveness of that conjunction, of that age.

In 1969, Ike & Tina Turner opened for the Rolling Stones in the U.S.  Her friendship with Mick Jagger was lifelong, and she claims she taught him a dance (the “pony”).  But sometimes, when I see her prancing on stage, there seems to me a huge element of Mick Jagger’s movement, too.  Ike and Tina’s biggest hit of 1971 was the fast-paced “Proud Mary”.

Ike had encouraged Tina to write more songs, and in 1973 she had a hit in Europe with “Nutbush City Limits”, one of her finest records.  In the song Tina recalls her home town with fondness.  Neptune was on her Sun (inspiration) and Pluto sextile her Pluto (some sense of self-empowerment).  By this time, she knew she wanted to leave Ike (she had taken an overdose in 1968, but realized that for her, that was not the way out).


“In the eleventh hour, something always told me when to run, how to survive”1

The split with Ike occurred in 1976.  Ike was heavily addicted to cocaine, and indeed his death in 2008 was described as a cocaine overdose.  He took Tina to Dallas to sign a new lucrative record deal, but she walked out of the hotel (without a penny to her name, but with her dignity intact, and a new sense of freedom).  Survivors of domestic violence especially relate to her heroism in this.  The transits for this formative moment in her life show Mars sextile her natal North Node (taking her karma into her own hands), Saturn transiting her natal Pluto (she had reached rock bottom, and had nothing to lose.  Time for a complete break from the past); and Uranus square her natal Pluto (an urgent need to transform her life).  They were divorced on 29th March 1978, with Jupiter trine her North Node (an upturn in her karma).  Change was indicated in Ike’s chart, too, with Uranus transiting his Midheaven (a sudden change in his career) and Pluto opposite his natal Uranus (complete, imposed, forced change).

It took Tina a few years to re-establish her career.  She appeared on some American shows, such as those of Donny & Marie, Sonny & Cher, and the Brady Bunch.  By 1977, she had a raunchier new image.  She was encouraged and supported by various artists in the U.K, making collaborations, such as “Hot Legs” with Rod Stewart.  In 1983, with Pluto entering Scorpio, time was ripe for a resurrection.  She released “Let’s Stay Together” and the following year her new album “Private Dancer”, the song of that name being written by Mark Knopfler.  “What’s Love Got to Do With it” was hugely popular.  The song had been offered to Cliff Richard, Donna Summer and Bucks Fizz.  It is my least favourite of her songs, and she herself disliked it initially.  But it was a real fit for her new image, and helped her resurgence.

She and Mick Jagger made an iconic duo on the stage of Live Aid in 1985, singing “It’s Only Rock and Roll”.  During this period of her life she performed with Lionel Ritchie, Eric Clapton and Bryan Adams.  The second Act of her Career was well under way.  In 1986, she released an autobiography “I, Tina”. A new album in 1989 “Foreign Affair” was especially notable for the song “The Best” (my personal favourite of all her records).  Time for another sing-along:

“You’re simply the best
Better than all the rest
Better than anyone
Anyone I’ve ever met
I’m stuck on your heart
I hang on every word you say
Tear us apart
Baby, I would rather be dead”

The song had been offered to Paul Young, and had been recorded by Bonnie Tyler.

A film was made of her autobiography in 1993, entitled “What’s Love Got to Do with It”, starring Angela Bassett.  At the time, Tina’s Progressed Sun was in a sextile with her natal Jupiter, and it was a validation and expose of all she had gone through with Ike Turner.  She performed with Beyonce in 2008, and officially retired in 2009. In 2018, a musical (“Tina”) opened in London, depicting her story.

Second Marriage

Meanwhile, Love and Health had taken over as top priorities in her life.  She met Erwin Bach in 1986 when he came to escort her to Germany, sent by her record company.  She claims it was love-at-first-sight. He was the man who made me feel dizzy the first time I saw him”.1  There was a 16 year age gap.  Their Suns were exactly sextile, which can be one indication of a soul mate connection.  His Pluto is also sextile her North Node, showing a deep karmic connection, and probable Soul Contract.

After several years together, he proposed again, and they arranged to marry on 21st July 2013 in Switzerland, where she lived with him.  The wedding itself went like a dream:  Mars, Saturn and Jupiter trine her Mars (the man in her life, and the life in her man), and Pluto was trine her natal Midheaven (a turnaround in her life).  But Neptune (mysterious ailments) was square her Sun and transiting her Mars).  Signs she was not well appeared on that day, and a few months later she had a stroke, followed by kidney failure.  She was persuaded by Erwin to accept one of his kidneys for transplant, an ultimate gift of life.  She regarded the date of the transplant (7th April 2017) as her new birthday.  Mars was on her Uranus,  Jupiter square her Chiron   and sextile her Ascendant,  Saturn was sextile her NN in Libra (kidneys) and Uranus trine her Venus (kidneys).  Pluto was trine her Uranus exact to the day and opposite her Chiron. For him, the Nodal Axis was square his Saturn and the North Node was sextile his Neptune, both indicating karmic sacrifice.  This enabled her to live another ten years.


Tina was introduced to the Japanese Nichiren Buddhism chanting of  “nam-myoho-renge-kyo” by a friend of Ike Turner’s in 1973, and it probably saved her life, and her sanity.  She also credited one of her sons, Ronnie, as recommending the practice to her, suggesting it might help her.  It is the same strand of Buddhism followed by Boy George.  She noticed positive changes in her life, which she attributed to the practice.  She described the effect: “It is a sound and a rhythm and it touches a place inside you”. In later life, she was known to chant for up to four hours a day.  She has released a recording of this chanting.  She also met the Dalai Lama, the head of the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, on 2nd August 2005.

Illness and Death

Tina suffered with several illnesses in her latter years, but also personal blows when one son committed suicide and another died from Cancer.  She had parented some of Ike’s children early in life, when establishing her career, and enduring an abusive relationship.  At her death, reportedly “after a long illness”,  Mars was on her Pluto in her 12th House of chronic illness, Saturn was square her Moon and Mercury; she had her Uranus Return, and Uranus was sextile her natal Chiron.  The astrological impact for Erwin is intense, including the Nodal Axis squaring his natal Sun, Saturn square his natal Mars, Pluto opposite his Uranus and square his Neptune.   She may at one time have sung “We don’t need another Hero”, but he certainly was one in her life, and it is hard to imagine what it must be like for him, losing the Legend that he lived with.

“But life has taught me that some of my most meaningful and memorable moments happen when I’m in repose, sitting, meditating, contemplating”

~ Tina Turner

Bibliography (1): “My Love Story” (2018) by Tina Turner. Pub: Century


This morning Saturn was squaring the Sun, and this may have brought disappointing or deflating news,  delay or frustration.  I certainly can think of some such issues, brought to our attention on Laura Kuenssberg’s Sunday morning news programme.  The Sun-Saturn square is an opportunity to think through what you are doing, and your strategies.  If you are making economies, are they the right ones, based on your optimum values?

Midweek is bereft of aspects, so I will highlight the Fixed Star Aldebaran in the constellation of Taurus, aligned with our Sun on Wednesday (31st).  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld advises us:

“There is a loving energy associated with this star that extends back in time…Individuals coming into contact with this compassionate energy find their own inner love and their own inner strength… With use of Aldebaran there are certainly many ways in which the entire grieving process is accelerated and assisted.  As a result of coming into contact with this compassionate energy, individuals can find their own inner love and their own inner strength.”

Friday (June 2nd) bestows upon us a conjunction of Jupiter with the North Node.  This is a hopeful sign for karma, both individual and group.  There is an emphasis on the lighter side of life.  So take heart, and draw from the Universal Heart.  It is the birthday of Chief Commentator to this blog, Sarah, so all happy birthday wishes are welcome!  And gratitude to her for helping to keep this blog alive.  I know she is not the only reader!

The last aspect of the week, also a beneficent one, is Venus trine Neptune that evening. This is a beautiful aspect from a social point of view, enabling spiritual links with people.  Artistically or musically, you can achieve inspirational heights.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – deflating
  • Wednesday – letting go
  • Friday – star studded

Aspects for the week beginning 21 May 2023

Ben Whishaw

“As an actor you have total rights to privacy and mystery, whatever your sexuality, whatever you do. I don’t see why that has to be something you discuss openly because you do something in the public eye. I have no understanding of why we turn actors into celebrities.”

~ Ben Whishaw

One of my favourite actors, Ben Whishaw, triumphed at the BAFTA TV Awards last Sunday evening.  Some celebrities hotfooted it from the Eurovision Song Contest late the night before, to attend the event.  Ben won the award for Leading Actor (for his role in “This is Going to Hurt”), and was part of the “most memorable moment of the year”, which was the voicing of Paddington Bear playing opposite the Queen at tea at her Platinum Jubilee last year.

Birth Chart

We do not have a birth time for Ben Whishaw, so can only analyse his chart from the perspective of Noon on his day of birth.  He was born under the sign of Libra, with Pluto exactly conjunct his Sun in that sign, giving him depth to his performances.  At the same time, Neptune, conjunct his Moon in Sagittarius, brings emotional sensitivity to his performances.  It is no wonder he has won so many awards.  He has Mercury loosely conjunct Uranus, which gives him the intuition to pick up what is required in the moment, so he would be a gift to a director.  He has, himself done some directing work.  His ruling planet Venus trines Chiron, giving him healing qualities.  He has Jupiter conjunct Saturn, so may suffer from the legendary Libran indecisiveness, but also does have the Jupiter sextile Uranus entrepreneurial spirit.

Life and Career

At 42 years of age, he is a mere youngster.  Born in Clifton, Bedforshire, he was one of twin boys.  He started out in Youth Theatre, then graduated from RADA in 2003.  By 2005 he was nominated in awards for his portrayal of Hamlet.  He played Keith Richards in a biopic about Brian Jones, and played Bob Dylan in 2007.  Watching the BAFTA Awards, I was musing how an actor can play so many different roles, so convincingly.  He has half his planets (5) in the Mutable signs (Versatility).  In preparing this blog, I came across the following quote from Ben Whishaw, which provides a clue to the answer:

“For me, it’s important to keep a level of anonymity. As an actor, your job is to persuade people that you’re someone else. So if you’re constantly telling people about yourself, I think you’re shooting yourself in the foot.”

There are three roles which have stood out for me, but many others which he has accomplished with great skill

John Keats

Ben Whishaw first came to my attention, and became my new favourite actor, when he appeared in the film “Bright Star” written and directed by Jane Campion, which screened in 2009.  He played John Keats, who happens to be my favourite poet!  The making of the film and its success will have coincided with his first Saturn Return, and is likely to have been a fulfilment of that.  As mentioned, in the analysis of his birth chart, he has the Pluto/Sun depth and the Moon/Neptune sensitivity for his performances.  In his synastry with Keats, there is plenty of scope to play the poet sympathetically and warmly: Keats’ Moon is exactly opposite Whishaw’s Neptune,  their Venuses are exactly sextile, Keats’ Mars is exactly conjunct Whishaw’s Jupiter, and Keats’ Ascendant is exactly conjunct Whishaw’s Venus.

Paddington 1 and 2

Hubby, with his television next door, has watched the films Paddington 1 and Paddington 2 umpteen times!  I like them, too, especially the dulcet and humble tones of Paddington as enounced by Ben Whishaw!

But his finest hour surely has to be when Paddington took tea with the Queen at the Jubilee last year.  And last Sunday, that took the award for Most Memorable Moment of the Year, deservedly so.  His delivery as the character of one of Britain’s best loved bears (other bears are available) is exquisite.  And it’s a lovely moment to remember the Queen by, as they each produced a marmalade sandwich they kept in handy places.  On that day, 4th June 2022, Ben’s transits were:

Uranus opposite his Mercury (mental excitement for him); Uranus square his Nodal Axis (surprising the nation); Uranus on his Chiron in Taurus (healing through laughter and surprise!); and Pluto trine his Jupiter (a lucky break, of great moment).

Adam Kay

Then last year Ben played doctor Adam Kay in “This is Going to Hurt” in the autobiographical drama written by the latter.  It was fast-paced and entertaining, hilarious in parts, but with a very serious message about the difficulty of working in the NHS, and containing a heart-wrenching twist in the tale.  Again, Ben was utterly believable in this role, and the series itself was brilliant.

The Synastry between Adam Kay and Ben Whishaw is nothing short of extraordinary:

Their Suns are exactly trine, Kay’s Sun exactly trines Whishaw’s Pluto, their Mercuries are exactly trine, Kay’s Mars is sextile Whishaw’s Mercury, Kay’s Saturn squares Whishaw’s Neptune, Kay’s Neptune exactly sextiles Whishaw’s Sun, and their Neptunes are exactly conjunct ( being born the same year, within six months of each other); finally, Kay’s Neptune is exactly sextile Whishaw Pluto.

The transits for last Sunday’s accolade(s) included: Mars sextile Ben’s natal Jupiter in Virgo (a recognition) and Neptune opposite his natal Jupiter in Virgo (charisma).

Does Ben Whishaw pick these iconic roles, or do they pick him (karmically or otherwise)?  And, having picked them, could anyone have played them better?  Could I be more of a fan?

Bright star, would I were stedfast as thou art –

Not in lone splendour hung aloft the night…”

~ John Keats


In the early hours of this morning, Pluto was opposing Mars.  It must have been very stimulating, as I didn’t get a wink of sleep, though my fitbit contests that.  It may be that I was over-stimulated by watching a Pet Shop Boys concert well over midnight, the beats thumping through my head all night long.  A Pluto-Mars opposition can bring conflict, tempers, and incident-proneness.  If you slept, you may have contained that energy within a vivid dream.  Or if you are living in other parts of the world, you may have had to deal with this energy during your waking hours.  The good news is that the peak of it has passed, however it manifested, or didn’t manifest, in your life.

The second feature of the day, the Sun’s entry into Gemini, occurred at breakfast time (unless you are one who has a Sunday lie-in).  The earthy preoccupations of Taurus may give way to a need for Communication and lightness of heart.  ‘Tis the season of chatting to the neighbours over the garden fence.  In the month of Sun in Gemini any kind of communication goes, writing your book, dealing with your documentation.  It all aids the general connectivity and circulation, which enables society to flourish.  It brings communities together.

At lunchtime, the Sun trines Pluto, so there may be the sense of an ending.  You may have to make a decision which brings about change.It is time to construct a new psychological mindset: one which is creative but also bears in mind the changes and cycles which are transforming our lives at this time. You may have felt that you haven’t got very far with a goal, but may receive an indication in this period that you have done better than you thought, your patience is rewarded, or that a pipe dream could become a going concern.  You may have cause to remember fondly the dearly departed.

Tomorrow (Monday, 22nd), around 6 a.m., there is a sextile between the Sun and Mars.  Things may seem more straightforward.  You may feel you can get things moving again, if they had stalled.  The energy and fuel is in supply, and the will is there.  This aspect favours the masculine elements of life, e.g. men, cars and dogs.  There may also be an aspect of competitiveness about it.

Tuesday (23rd) also starts early, with a square between Mars and Jupiter.  Excitement may spill over into uncontrolled action.  This combination can produce high jinx, fun and games, or just sheer over the top enthusiasm allied with energy – that’s what I would normally expect.  Emotions may be volatile.  Look for enthusiastic activity and fiery exchanges in your personal environment, and channel the energy constructively.

Venus squares Chiron on Wednesday (24th), which is sensitive for healing and relationship.  If there is an emotional crisis, then healing could be near at hand.  Equally, natural remedies may be readily found for minor physical ailments.  An aspect for care of the self and others.

We end the week with a vibrant sextile between Venus and Uranus, at breakfast time on Friday (26th).  There may be a social sparkle somewhere in your life, even if only on social media.  It’s a good day, for the most part, for socializing and meeting new people.  Meetings are significant with the combination of Venus and Uranus, and sometimes they can be strange and spooky with an air of serendipity.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – confrontational; chatty; psychological transformation
  • Tomorrow – go ahead
  • Tuesday – over the top
  • Wednesday – soreness in relationships; need of healing
  • Friday – vibrant socially


Aspects for the week beginning 14 May 2023

Eurovision 2023

It was a dream come true for British Eurovision fans to host, on behalf of Ukraine, the 67th Eurovision Song Contest, in Liverpool.  For many youngsters, it was the first time in their generation, the last time the U.K. hosted being 1998.  It was not, however, a dream come true, for the U.K. entry by Mae Muller to come second from bottom – more back to normal.  How different things were last year when Sam Ryder came second from the top…

Anyway, I would like to look at three charts pertaining to the night’s spectacular and hugely enjoyable event:  first, that of Mae Muller, secondly the winner’s chart belonging to Loreen of Sweden, and thirdly that of one of the hosts, Hannah Waddingham, who took a prominent presenting role.

Mae Muller

Born in 1997, Mae is a Virgoan, and began writing songs at the age of 8, and released her first album at the age of 22.

We do not have a birth time for her, so can only go on her natal aspects (without Ascendant and angles).  The Sun in her chart is almost unaspected and exactly squares Pluto.  Her parents separated when she was six years old, and that may point to a disrupted relationship with her father.  She has a powerfully aspected Venus (singing and songwriting) trine an entrepreneurial conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus.  She also has electrical energy, from a square between Mars and Uranus.

What do her transits tell us?  Her first album was released on 5th April 2019, with Mars square her Sun, Mars opposite her natal Pluto and Saturn square her Saturn.  We may conclude she thrives on challenge and adversity.  Her song “I wrote a song” is a confrontation to someone who “did her wrong”.

When she was announced as the U.K. entry on 9th March this year, Saturn was trine her natal Chiron, but Uranus was squaring her natal Jupiter (a gamble) and Pluto was square her natal Chiron (a huge challenge).

Her transits for last night showed Neptune sextile her Neptune (she felt inspired) but with Pluto still dogging her Chiron.

Her Eurovision entry was an upbeat number, a little repetitive, but that is in the Eurovision tradition.  There were many lacklustre entries, but Mae’s seemed no worse than average, which leaves us wondering if we are back to the political voting going back years and exacerbated by Brexit.  Whatever the merits of the song, she did perform it well.


After Johnny Logan of Ireland, Loreen was the second person to have ever won Eurovision twice in its history!  But her country, Sweden, is no stranger to the top spot.  It seems that sporting super long nails (at least two inches in my estimation)  is no clue to go by in determining your position in the ranks.  Loreen had them last night (in her words “made of stone”), and resembled a cat slinking across the stage with her claws; and Mae Muller had them (though displayed them less in her performance), but one performer came top, and the other almost at the bottom of the scoreboard.

I digress.  Loreen also has no recorded birth time, so again there is some guesswork involved in evaluating her chart.  She first won the contest in 2012.  Loreen has the Sun in the songster’s sign of Libra, and it is conjunct Pluto – there is something very primal about her performance.  That may be part of her success (I personally was not bowled over by her song, but she received 177 more votes than her nearest contender, so I suspect I am an old fogey).  She has the sensuality of Venus conjunct Mars.  Born 14 years before Mae Muller, she too has the entrepreneurial conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus (in the lucky sign of Sagittarius).  She also has an expansive energy, in her exact square between Mars and Jupiter, and like Mae, electrical energy from the square of Mars to Uranus.  The depth of her performance may owe much to her conjunction of Saturn and Pluto.

Her transits when she was originally chosen to represent Sweden in 2012 were not dissimilar to those of Mae Muller when she was chosen, and equally challenging: She had a Mars Return, Saturn on her Pluto, Neptune square her Chiron and Pluto trine her Mars.  At her first victory, she had Uranus trine her Uranus (the power of surprise).  The second time she was selected, this Spring, her main transit was Pluto square her Pluto, one of the main challenging astrological life cycles, which urges a person to take their own power.  For her second triumph, Saturn squared her Uranus (a sheer effort of will), Neptune squared her Neptune (a daze) and Jupiter opposed her Pluto (an exaggerated use of power) – so defying the astrological odds!

Looking at Johnny Logan’s chart in comparison, it seems that he had the Sun exactly square Pluto, so maybe the intensity and charisma of Pluto can help you in this game.  For Mae, it got her to the contest, at least!

Hannah Waddingham

There has been a lot of fanfare this week surrounding actress Hannah Waddingham, who has earned her place as a top presenter throughout the early heats and in the final of Eurovision in the U.K.   Many of us had not heard of her before, but apparently she was famous for acting in “Ted Lasso”.  She is a statuesque blond, and towered somewhat over the other presenters, in a matter befitting her queenly Sun sign of Leo.  She has half her planets (5) in the leadership quadruplicity, the Cardinal signs, and proved herself able to entertain, perform and ad lib with the best of them.  Certainly someone to watch in the future!  She too has a powerful Pluto, being exactly sextile with her natal Sun.  Mercury exactly trine Jupiter makes her well travelled and good at languages (she certainly proved her verbal proficiency in French, in conversing with Graham Norton).  She also speaks fluent Italian.  Her mother was an opera singer, and she has a four octave vocal range (in case you wondered how well qualified she was as a Eurovision presenter!)

Well, it’s another year over, and what a night!  One which the U.K., and Liverpool, won’t forget.  My favourite entries Switzerland, Australia and Poland, came nowhere near the top of the scoreboard, but the enjoyment of the occasion was undiminished.  For those who have asked, our trip to the Eurovision Song Contest will appear in my trilogy “The Quiet Office”, but not until Volume III (I am currently half way through writing Volume II).


It is an important and pivotal week, in many respects, with Jupiter changing signs and entering Taurus, and then squaring Pluto at the beginning of Aquarius.  If you are wanting to turn the steering wheel of your life and effect a major change, you could just do so; the effort may be tiring, but worthwhile.  Putting into play your intentions could help to avoid becoming a victim of change being foisted upon you.  On my Philosophy course, I am currently reading “Anti-fragile” by Nassim Nicholas Taleb, which is slowly turning my lifelong Taurean fear of change into an appreciation of other ways of perceiving.

Tomorrow (15th), Mercury is Stationary prior to turning Direct, around breakfast time, which is a help in starting the week and re-starting communications.  You may feel that you can catch up on chores which had been put on the back burner.  If you have been struggling with computers, I.T. and broadband connections, or delays in communications you may feel a sense of relief.  You can certainly pick up momentum on some projects which involve paperwork and documentation, and make some more essential journeys, after the recent train strikes. RMT Union boss Mick Lynch said he had to get the strikes in at that time because of a government policy, but of course the real reason was to make the Mercury Retrograde season deadline!

At lunchtime, Mars trines Neptune which ensures the sensitive use of energies, such as meditative activities.  Yoga, Tai Chi and Qijong all represent this vibe.  Mars represents the use of energy or anger directed (in a trine) in a constructive way, and Neptune represents empathy.

Tuesday (16th) is the day that Jupiter leaves Aries and enters Taurus, around tea time.  Jupiter stays approximately one year in each sign, and the new placement may bring new hope for the efforts to combat climate change, help perhaps for the farming community, and new initiatives for the world of finance and economy. Generally, if you are an April Taurean you will feel the benefit over the next few months, but if you are a May Taurean the benefits may accrue next year.  But for Taureans across the board, take heart, this is Your Year!  Your personal affairs may expand in ways they may not have done for twelve years.  It’s time for you to shine.

A note of caution for Thursday (18th), yes even for Taureans, for Jupiter runs into a square with Pluto in the early hours of the morning (you may sense this pressure the night before).  There may be presented difficult power struggles, either within yourself (e.g. two differing needs vying for attention) or in involvement with others or a group.  In politics, there may be further polarizing, e.g. between those who want Boris Johnson and Donald Trump to return, and those who don’t.  It is a fine balancing act, or near impossible, to please all of the people all of the time.

At breakfast time, there is a more conciliatory note, helpful, though not wiping out the impact of Jupiter square Pluto.  It’s a sweet sextile between the Sun and Neptune, and if you slept well, and dreamt well, you may be in an equable spiritual state to deal with what is on the day’s menu in a balanced way.  This aspect gives you a better chance of creating beauty and inspiration in your life, conferring spiritual harmony.

More practical progress on Friday (19th), with a sextile between Mercury and Saturn.  You have taken in all the facts for dealing with an issue or project, and are ready to put in serious and solid plans based on sober thinking. This aspect favours exacting mental work and documentation.  Progress can be made, including possibly for health related checks.

In the afternoon, there is another opportunity to re-set, with a New Moon at 28 degrees Taurus, aligned with the Pleiades.  This can herald a new beginning for all Taurean-related interests, and a chance to focus your intent on these for the next month.  You may take inspiration from looking at artworks or gardens.  You are helping to build the New Earth, as they say in New Age circles.  It is a fresh start for cooking, gardening, art, music or money.  Make the most of this wishing Moon.

If you are wishing to tune into the Pleiades, here are some encouraging words from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld”:

“Alcyone [the primary star of the Seven Sisters] as the most important of these can provide a significantly enhanced ability to channel from extraterrestrials in a balanced way, and to perceive the correct place of contact with entities from other planetary systems…Alcyone can also enhance the ability to perceive spiritual truths that may be shared and understood as universal principles.”

Mars enters Leo on Saturday (20th) which will bring energy to your self-expression, or you may observe displays of power.  Mars will stay in Leo until 10th July, so will especially energize the affairs of those born under the sign of Leo.  If you are making hay, you could feel Mars supporting you with extra oomph and bravery.  Drama and theatre also receive a boost.  And sporting interests generally will thrive.  Those who thrive on competition and holidaymaking will be having their season.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – restarting communication; reconnecting body and soul
  • Tuesday – hope for environmentalism
  • Thursday – significant power play; some spiritual input
  • Friday – serious progress; new beginning; cosmic influences
  • Saturday – vigour and holiday plans

Aspects for the week beginning 7 May 2023

King Charles III

Coronation 6th May 2023

The crowning of King Charles yesterday was a unique event in our time, and a rich spectacle of British tradition, in a bleak era in terms of our economy and world reputation.  It was a gathering of the great and the good from all round the world, and inclusive of all religions, while defending the nation’s faith of Christianity.  I was able to watch two hours of the ceremony yesterday, and especially enjoyed the people-watching, the costumes and the music.  A highlight of mine, and so it seems also for social media (such as Tik Tok), was Penny Mordaunt’s heroic sustained carrying of the sword, a role which she had to physically train for – and she would be up there for best costume, too.  Her physical challenge shows up in her transits as Mars squaring her natal Uranus.

Birth Chart

Strangely, I have never in all my 22 and a half years of blogging devoted a whole blog to His Majesty.  He has appeared in numerous blogs about the royal family, but never had a blog of his own!  I hope to remedy that, while keeping it short and sweet.  Taking a look at his original birth chart, as someone born to be King, there are clues to this destiny, such as Leo (royalty) rising.  His North Node (karma) conjoins the Moon (his mother) at the beginning of Taurus, conjunct the Queen’s own Sun and Part of Fortune. An intense karmic connection for them both.  His sporting interests, especially in early life (such as Polo) are shown by Mars conjunct Jupiter in Sagittarius in his 5th House of Sport.  He has the Sun in Scorpio square Pluto, so is a deep thinker, something we have seen evidence of all his life, in his refusal to clam up about the things that mattered to him.  I was dismayed when Liz Truss prevented him from attending the Climate Conference last year.  His complicated love life is seen in Venus conjunct Neptune (the search for ideal love) in Libra.  His chosen one, Camilla Parker Bowles, now crowned Queen, has her Sun closely trine his Sun in the Water element: which if Linda Goodman’s “Love Signs” is anything to go by, makes them soul mates.


He inherited the throne when his mother, Queen Elizabeth II, passed away.  At that moment of time, Jupiter was exactly trine his Ascendant, from the 9th House cusp, a huge forward step in his life.  Saturn (loss and responsibility) was also exactly sextile his natal Mars in his 5th House, highlighting his energy and will.

His transits for the Coronation yesterday have some interesting transit features.  The chart of the Coronation itself has Leo rising with the Sun (regality) right at the top of the chart.  The rising degree of the chart is conjunct Charles’ own Pluto (his ruling planet, and his deepest challenge).  In Charles’ birth chart he has Mercury sextile Saturn (a serious sense of judgement), and this locks into the Coronation chart in a stunning way.  The Coronation chart itself has Mercury sextile Saturn, and that sextile locks into his own original Mercury/Saturn sextile.  The Mercury of each chart opposes the Mercury of the other, and ditto for the Saturn: the Saturn of each chart opposes the Saturn of the other.  This speaks of many solemn oaths being taken!  Also, Charles has an exact Nodal Return, in that this weekend’s North Node at 3 degrees Taurus is exactly conjunct with Charles’ natal North Node at 3 degrees Taurus.  It means the end of one karmic cycle and the beginning of another, and also speaks of the fulfilment of his destiny from birth.  How amazing is that timing?  He also has his Saturn Opposition, a significant astrological cycle, and one of taking on responsibility.

Playing the Long Game

Having a long lived “mama” meant that he had to wait most of his life for a chance to show his own style of leadership.  I have always admired his support for environmental causes (even from his talking to plants in the 1970s).  I have also been warmed by his universal outlook on religions, though yesterday’s service was undoubtedly Christian (and influenced by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and the dictates of his office).  Charles tried to make the day as inclusive as possible.  It was sweet, for instance, that the Chief Rabbi was allowed to stay at Clarence House overnight the night before, so that he could walk to the Abbey and not break his sabbath law.

Ever since the early 1970s I had heard prognostications, mainly from New Agers, that Charles would never make it to the throne.  And even when he acceded, on the death of his mother, prognosticators were saying he would not make it to the Coronation.  Well, I am glad to say, he defied them all.  Long live the King!


Today, Venus enters Cancer in the early afternoon, which boosts family life and feelings, and applies more love and care towards other members of the family.  There could be memorable and sentimental occasions arising (Venus stays in Cancer until 5th June) such as family get togethers.  We need to be conscious about our emotional boundaries during this period.  But it bodes well for the sense of community today, when many street parties are taking place, and for this evening’s coronation music concert (where Venus = music and Cancer = rhythm).

The Sun conjoins with Uranus on Tuesday (9th).  Expect the unexpected.  It is a good day to demonstrate your originality and inventiveness, and in your leisure time begin a project which is highly creative or benefits society.  You may decide to join a group activity along those lines.  If you are feeling more contemplative in mood, new ideas can flash into your consciousness during meditation.  The evening’s television or film viewing (Netflix or whatever) could provide heightened interest.

Friday (12th) brings a sextile between Retrograde Mercury and Saturn.  Thoughts and feelings can be channelled and harnessed into constructive plans and ideas.  Mental foundations can be laid.  The aspect favours documentation and knuckling down to form-filling etc.  Geminis and Virgos have the chance to regain their balance.  Bear in mind this natal sextile in Charles’ chart (a serious sense of judgement), and that in the Coronation chart (the taking of solemn oaths)!

Saturday (13th) brings us two more positive astrological showings.  In the early hours Mercury will be sextile with Venus.  This is a smooth flowing sextile which favours socializing and conversing, and creative forms which combine art and writing.  There is potential for negotiation in diplomatic efforts, and harmony and agreement between kindred spirits. This of course is mainly extravert activity for the daytime itself, but you may acquire ideas in dreamtime which you can implement later.

At breakfast-time (in the U.K.) we will have a trine between Venus and Saturn, bringing extra balm.  It’s an aspect of practical compassion.  It can brings hope, of people coming together with more commitment and loyalty.  Venus can provide a softening role to a hard line stance.  It is conciliatory, which may be just what is needed.  Relationships may need serious resolving, and this aspect can help, whether on a personal level, or between the schisms in our society.

But, come Saturday evening, Europe at least will come together for the annual spectacle and extravaganza of the Eurovision Song Contest, of which I have been a lifelong enthusiast.  The Venus/Saturn element in this is the poignancy of the fact that the U.K. is hosting it on behalf of Ukraine (the Venus/Saturn loyalty meaning stand by your invaded friend nation).

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – a sense of belonging; music
  • Tuesday – surprise
  • Friday – serious judgement and oath-taking
  • Saturday – cultural ideas; love and loyalty; more music

Aspects for the week beginning 30 April 2023

Len Goodman (1944 – 2023)


~ Len Goodman

The top judge on the top show – it doesn’t get much better than that…the much loved Len Goodman passed away last week, at the age of 78.  His life seems to have been mapped out for a trajectory of dancing success in the ballroom.

Birth Chart

Len had the Sun in Taurus, the same sign as Fred Astaire, a musical sign.  It is also the sign of the programme Strictly Come Dancing, a supremely successful format which no one would have predicted, and which was copied worldwide, including in the U.S. as Dancing with the Stars (for which Len Goodman was also Head Judge).  Looking at the events of his life, they do look choreographed (if you’ll excuse the pun), and that makes sense of his square between the Sun in his chart and the karmic Nodal Axis, and also the conjunction of his North Node with Pluto.  The “Inner Healer” asteroid Chiron seems to have been a key feature of his life, judging (if you’ll excuse the pun) by the transits of key events in his life.  These become even important to look at when there is no precious birth time to focus the chart.  So, he had the Sun trine Chiron in Virgo, which enabled him to be a healer of sorts.  From accounts of his humour, it is likely his mode of healing was through bringing cheer.  His upbeat wit may have come from his conjunction of the Moon and Uranus in Gemini, though without a birth time we do not know exactly how close that was.  The Moon at Noon on the day of his birth was trine Neptune, the planet of Dance, and that is likely to have been a strong factor in his career path.  Mercury closely sextile Mars gave him quick physical and mental reactions, and Mercury square Jupiter accounts for his transatlantic lifestyle for many years.  In addition, Mercury trine Chiron provided a problem-solving, “can do” mentality.  His Venus in Aries squaring Mars may account for some colourful language, such as about “pickling walnuts” and the like.  Venus closely trine Jupiter spelled social success and charm, and  Neptune exactly sextile North Node added more than a dusting of ballroom excellence as part of his karmic mission.

Life and Career

Len Goodman was born in Farnborough, but his distinctively cheeky chappy East End persona and accent came from his upbringing in Bethnal Green.  He left school at 15 (his headmaster had told him he would be a failure), and began working as a welder in Woolwich.  The first twist of fate came at the age of 19, when after a foot injury a doctor (strangely?) recommended dancing as therapy.

Enter the next twist of fate.  He started learning dance at Henry Kingston’s Erith Studio, and dancing was to be his path in life.  There he met Henry Kingston’s daughter Cherry, who became his dance partner.  Together with Cherry, he won a Pontins dance competition, proceeding to win the final at the Royal Albert Hall.  They went professional and became Kent professional champions in 1969.  They married in 1972, and Len took over the studio when Henry Kingston died, opening his own Goodman Dance Academy in Dartford in 1973.  In his late 20s (around the time of his Saturn Return in Gemini) he won the British Championships at Blackpool, and announced his retirement from competition.


He and Cherry divorced in 1987, and Len developed a long-term relationship with a woman called Lesley Pine, which resulted in the birth of a son James on 26th January 1981.  When that relationship came to an end, James went to live with his mother in the Isle of Wight.  The distance in the relationship between father and son is shown in their synastry through Len’s Pluto opposite James’ Sun, and Len’s Uranus trine James’ Sun, both heavyweight outer planets in difficult aspect having a disruptive effect.  But they must have resumed a closeness later in life, as in 2012 James went to Len’s school to learn dance.  His second marriage, to dance teacher at his school Sue Barrett, took place on 30th December 2012.

In 2011, he took part in “Who Do You Think You Are?”.  On finding out he had Polish ancestry, he commented:

“I feel no different, I look no different, I am no different and yet I’m not what I thought I was. I thought that I was truly an Anglo-Saxon, English through and through.”

Strictly Come Dancing

A later twist of fate occurred when he was 60, and out of the blue he was asked to complete the original panel for a new show, Strictly Come Dancing.  He was invited to take part because the other three panellists (Craig Revel Horwood, Arlene Phillips and Bruno Tonioli) did not have expertise in ballroom dance, and was made Head Judge.  The programme was a risky venture at the time, but he described the effect of the show thus:

“It’s dispelled the preconception about what dance classes or schools are like.  The programme has changed things in dancing schools like  you can’t imagine.”

The date was 15th May 2004, airing on a dynamic close trine between Mars and Uranus.  The following year Len was invited to be Head Judge on the U.S. edition, Dancing with the Stars.  He became known for various catchphrases, such as “It’s a ten from Len!” and some quite fruity language, never mincing his words, and was from the beginning highly popular with the viewers.  It seemed inconceivable that he would ever leave, but leave he did, although he carried on with the U.S. version for a few more years.  On 9th May 2017 it was announced that Shirley Ballas would take his place, someone he had known for years: in fact she had known him since she was 9 years old.  His final appearance on the show was on the Christmas Day Special that year.  He did not finally hang up his hat in the U.S. version until 14th November 2022 – with Uranus on his natal Mercury in Taurus, Uranus square his natal Jupiter in Leo and Neptune square his natal Saturn in Gemini, this represented a break with the past.  He said he wanted to spend more time with his family.  Poignantly, he had about five months of his life to do that.

Len Goodman was well loved by the public, and especially by the world of dance.  The tributes to him are full of affection.  A life not only well lived, but seeming to fulfil his destiny to the letter.

“A kind and brilliant man. Full of twinkle, warmth and wit. Sending so much love to his family and friends. We love you Len xx.”

~ Claudia Winkleman

“I have been like this all day, a disaster. My old pal, Lord Len Goodman. We love you, Len.”

~ Anton Du Beke


A mixed picture this week, starting on Monday (1st May) with Pluto Stationary prior to turning Retrograde, in the afternoon.  This may give you a fresh set of preoccupations, or remind you of earlier ones.  You may recognize a psychological theme where you have been making headway, but now need to revise your steps, perhaps look further into the past.  If you’ve been knitting, you may need to unravel a few rows, for instance.  Eventually, you will recoup your ground and be stronger, richer and truer for it.

In the late evening, there will be a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 11 degrees Taurus.  The evening may therefore bring an opportunity to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on Taurean occupations such as cooking, gardening, painting or making money.  Mentally you may be able to see things clearly in terms of your values, and how they determine your choices.

Thursday May 4th, also known as council election day,  presents us with a square between Venus and Neptune, which could be socially confusing.  You may get paranoid about how other people are voting, for instance!  There may be a a sense of intrigue, involving relationship or money.  Maybe another political scandal…You need to look behind the illusion.  There could be uncertainty in the Arts or the world of Music.  You could experience frustrating flaws in creative works. Tread softly.

The early hours of Friday (5th) morning sees one of the brightest aspects of the year, Venus sextile Jupiter.  This bodes well for the pre-party atmosphere and anticipation on the eve of Coronation day.  It’s one of the highlights in a year, conducive to socializing, celebrating partying, and romancing.  This sextile combines luck and love.  Enjoy!

The atmosphere may become feverish as we approach the Full Moon and Eclipse at 14 degrees Scorpio in the afternoon.  This is the most emotionally intense Full Moon of the year.  A conversation could set you on a profound journey.  You will need to be in touch with your deepest emotions and be constructively authentic.  There may be a focus on shared finances and an attempt to balance material resources and needs between two people.  With the Moon opposite the Sun in Taurus, values and shared values may be the current issue on your mind.

Enjoy Coronation Saturday itself (6th May)!  I have already had a try out at making the Coronation quiche (not bad).  I’ll be back on Sunday 7th…

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – psychological revision; clarity of thought
  • Thursday – socially confusing
  • Friday – early party atmosphere; emotional high tide

Aspects for the week beginning 23 April 2023

Barry Humphries (1934 – 2023)

“Both Gifted and a Gift”

~ Anthony Albanese, Australian prime minister

Barry Humphries, otherwise known as his alter ego Dame Edna Everage, died yesterday at the age of 89, peacefully after complications from hip surgery. Adopted in the U.K. from his native Australia, he became a national treasure here.  We seem to have lost a few national treasures in recent months.

Birth Chart

We are fortunate to have a birthtime for Humphries, and though his Sun in Aquarius sextile Uranus liked to shock, there was a more genteel side, shown by his Piscean Ascendant.  We didn’t tend to see  the genteel side in his various alter egos, but accounts of his friendships in his private life reveal a more courteous side in that context.  Both Esther Rantzen and Joan Bakewell have said they will miss his friendship greatly. That he found fame abroad may be down to his trine between the Sun and Jupiter (foreign lands).  He had the Sun, Saturn/North Node and Venus in his 12th House, indicating the existence and expression of  shadow alter egos.  The Sun square his Midheaven may give rise to the description of Dame Edna as an “egomaniac”.  The Moon trine his Midheaven may give rise to the prominence of the female persona in shaping his career, and Venus sextile both the Moon and Midheaven meant he was comfortable with the female mode of expression.

Mercury conjunct Mars in his chart shows his scathing, acerbic, and cutting wit; while he allowed Edna’s speech (described as “acid-tongued” and “vituperative”), to go even more extreme.  Last week’s blog subject, Mary Quant also had Mercury conjunct Mars, and I wrote of her: “She had a quick and incisive mind, from a conjunction of Mercury and Mars,” and described her cutting material…Where Barry Humphries upped the ante for shock value, was in his Uranus sextile the Sun in Aquarius, plus a close square between Uranus and Pluto.  Mercury opposing Neptune meant that he enjoyed pulling the wool over people’s eyes, and the position of Neptune opposite his Ascendant showed the love of glamour and the deceptiveness in the way he related to the public.

Mars rising in Pisces in his chart is complicated by an opposition from Neptune.  On the one hand, it gives expression to his “priapic” alter ego Les Patterson, but on the other hand Neptune and Pisces soften the warrior.  He wrote in an interview only last month in the Observer: “I’ve always thought of myself as quite cowardly.  The sound of a cricket bat hitting a ball causes me to duck.”  His Jupiter also presents contradictions.  On the one hand Jupiter trine Saturn indicates balanced judgement, while his Jupiter closely opposite Uranus describes the Chancer Archetype.  Possibly even more significantly, he had Jupiter exactly square Pluto (in a T-square with Uranus), which brought power issues (which maybe he used his alter ego to play out).  And finally, Jupiter trine his North Node (karmic mission) may have ensured success.

Life and Career

Barry Humphries was born in Kew, a suburb of Melbourne, Australia.  He had a happy childhood, and he enjoyed dressing up.  He became more rebellious in his teens, earning his parents’ disapproval at his “artistic” turn.  He continued dressing up, and created characters for himself, discovering their entertainment value.  It was in 1955 that he introduced Edna Everage to the world.

He moved to London in 1959, at the age of 25, when his progressed Sun was trine Pluto (a time of major transformation), and performed in the West End.  He became friends with Spike Milligan and John Betjeman.

Dame Edna

Barry based Edna on his own mother.  The name Edna was “after an adored nanny, a symbol of my father Eric’s growing prosperity as a builder.  One day, she wasn’t there any more.  Had there been a quarrel?  Had she walked out?  I was told nothing.  But then I’d never even been told her surname.  I was only six or seven at the time – and I minded.”

According to an article in the Observer by Vanessa Thorpe the character was “satirising the stereotypical [Australian] lack of taste that British “pommies” enjoy looking down on.”

In the 1970s the Australian Prime Minister Gough Whitlam conferred “Dame” status on Edna.  In the 1980s, Edna had her own television show in the U.K., entitled “The Dame Edna Everage Experience”.

It was during that period, that as newsletter editor on the committee of the North Watford Residents’ Association in the late 1980s, I had occasion to see him/her live.  One of our committee members worked at London Weekend television and organized a coach trip!

Barry recalled that after Damehood, Edna glammed up: “I put her in a box after a while.  And then later, when I took her out again, she seemed to have become a bit brighter.  She started to wear diamante glasses and her hair was an implausible mauve colour.”

So we folk of North Watford got to see the full glamour package!

Marriage and Personal Life

He was married four times, and had four children altogether.  His widow Natasha Spender is the daughter of the poet Stephen Spender, and they lived in West Hampstead.  Humphries has been a lover of poetry, art and books, his collection of the latter numbering 25,000.

He suffered with alcoholism, which affected his first two marriages, but he declared last month: “I haven’t touched a drop for 50 years.”  He tried to help Peter Cook with the problem.

Paul O’Grady

It was only three weeks ago that I was writing about Paul O’Grady’s passing.  There are some parallels between them, in that they both had famous female alter egos with whom they made their name.  Other parallels include both having the feminizing sextile between the Moon (both in Aries) and Venus, and both describing indulged childhoods.

But with regard to gender issues, they differed.  According to the BBC Newsdesk, in recent years, Humphries had been criticized for describing transgenderism a “fashion”.  Paul O’Grady had drawn a line between them, explaining that Humphries was “never called a drag act because he’s a heterosexual male. But I’m called one because I’m a gay man. It’s homophobic and it’s wrong as there is nothing remotely sexual about what I do. I dress up as a woman for financial purposes, nothing else.”

His Passing 

The transits for Barry Humphries’ passing were: Jupiter  on his natal Uranus in Aries in his 2nd House (unexpectedness),  Saturn exactly on his Ascendant in Pisces (letting go) and the North Node sextile his Ascendant from the 3rd/2nd House cusp (the completion of a karmic cycle).

Joan Bakewell said yesterday “A world in which I don’t have the friendship of Barry Humphries is really painful. Because he was so resilient and energetic and loving and direct… that’s a great absence in my life now”.

“A true great who inspired me immeasurably.  It was a delight to call him my friend.”

~ Rob Brydon


There are four sextiles this week,  providing a generally harmonious atmosphere.

The first sextile is Retrograde Mercury sextile Mars in the early hours of tomorrow morning. This may bring about brisk action, hopefully not wakefulness and insomnia or trips to the loo.  Dreams may be very stimulating.  You may receive ideas to implement into your day.  Your mental reactions may be heightened, and this can lead to enhanced productivity.

The second aspect tomorrow is a conjunction between the Sun and the North Node, and this could bring a show of power by someone in your circle.  However, this show of power is firmly subject to the laws of karma. It could also heighten creativity if you are unattached to the power play of others.

We have two more sextiles on Tuesday (25th), the first of which is a practical and serious minded contact between the Sun and Saturn, late morning.  Duties and commitments are to the fore.  It makes for a good day with regard to laying foundations and establishing rules.  Creativity is firmed up, and decision making may be easier.

Next up is Venus sextile Chiron, which would be suitable for healing through the Arts, such as songwriting.  There’s a hint that relationships can be rescued, too.  It is a good day to engage with creativity which involves and brings about healing.

The fly in the ointment this week is a square between Mars and Chiron on Thursday (27th).  You might feel a bit discumbobulated.  There is a sense of “Well some things are working, but why can’t everything work together?”  It will take some adjustment to obtain complete harmony, both within yourself, in relation to others, and in physical and practical projects.  At the same time, health and safety factors will be important.

Last but not least this week is the fourth sextile, occurring on Saturday (29th), between Mars and Uranus, which promises dynamism for the day.  Engineering especially benefits from this aspect, but that also includes social engineering.  Electricity and Astrology are other areas which can be stimulated by this combination.  Cars, mechanics, mechanical goods and household appliances may receive a boost or a renewal.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – brisk action; a show of power
  • Tuesday – good commitment; art with healing
  • Thursday – the square peg in the round hole
  • Saturday – dynamism

Aspects for the week beginning 16 April 2023

Mary Quant (1934 – 2023)

A leader of fashion but also in female entrepreneurship – a visionary who was much more than a great haircut”

~ Alexandra Shulman

The swinging sixties fashion icon, Mary Quant, died this week aged 93.  She was responsible for the slick haircut, the mini-skirt (you had to have the legs), and the daisy motif.  Those were heady days – Twiggy was the clothes peg for that look, and she was born the same year as me.  I remember, aged 16, wearing long dangly black and white clip-on Mary Quant style earrings whenever I took a trip to London!

Birth chart

Mary Quant had Venus, Saturn/North Node and Sun in Aquarius – if that doesn’t speak of fashion innovator, and mover and shaker, I don’t know what does.  She had a quick and incisive mind, from a conjunction of Mercury and Mars.  Jupiter trine Saturn gave her a shrewdly balanced judgement, but a T-square between Uranus, Jupiter and Pluto brought a love of power and a willingness to take risks.

Life and Career

Mary was born in Blackheath, London, and both her parents had obtained firsts at Cardiff University before going on to teach.  She attended Blackheath High School, and went on to study illustration and art at Goldsmith’s College, London.   It was there that she met Alexander Plunkett-Greene whom she saw as “a great wit and a dish”.  She described him at that phase of his life, saying he “swanned around long-haired in his mother’s silk pyjama top, trumpet in one hand and film script in the other”, and subsequently married him.  Initial work in millinery found her ambition understretched, and her desire to design fashion saw her start with simple designs in the 1950s.  She learned dress-pattern cutting at night school to improve her skills. They struggled financially until he inherited £5000 on his 21st birthday, when she set up her shop in the King’s Road, title “Bazaar”.  This was in the year 1955, a year after Coco Chanel re-opened her salon in Paris after the Second World War.  But Mary departed radically from French couture, taking her inspiration instead from the Mod movement.

She popularized the mini-skirt (the inventor is disputed), fashioning it after the Mini car.  It symbolized freedom for her and the young women who were the clientele of her age, another Aquarian theme.  She added pockets to skirts and dresses to her designs, so that young women would not have to carry handbags. Her short shorts became the celebrated hotpants; and she also invented the duvet (Aquarius also being the sign of the Inventor).

Her hairdresser was Vidal Sassoon who says he “cut hair like she cut material.  No fuss, no ornamentation.  Just a neat swinging line.”, and she was great friends with the designer Terence Conran and the photographer David Bailey, who says he will miss her greatly.  In her autobiography Wonderful Tonight, Pattie Boyd wrote about her wedding to George Harrison on 21st January 1966: “I bought a Mary Quant pinky-red shot-silk dress, which came to just above the knee, and wore it with creamy stockings and pointy red shoes.  On top, because it was January and cold, I wore a red fox-fur coat, also by Mary Quant, that George gave me.  She made George a beautiful black Mongolian lamb coat.”

Marriage and Family

Mary Quant declared in her 1996 Autobiography Quant on Quant that “Life…began for me when I first saw Plunket”, although they did have a turbulent relationship and he was rumoured to have been unfaithful.  He died in 1990, but they had one child together, Orlando, born on 4th November 1970.  She wrote in an interview with the Guardian that she was happiest when her son was born.  He had Uranus trine her natal Venus (an exciting relationship), and in his own chart he had an upbeat conjunction of Sun and Jupiter.  He has helped to supervise her collection at the V & A Museum, and supported her in other ways.  She has three grandchildren.  In later life, she developed a relationship with Anthony Rouse.

She died peacefully, with Jupiter sextile her natal Sun.  A high impact, full life, well lived.

“I mostly felt, my God, what a marvellous life you had, you are very fortunate…I think to myself, ‘you lucky woman — how did you have all this fun?'”

~ Mary Quant, 2012 interview


It is a week of two halves.  The second half has some intense aspecting going on, while the first half is clear of aspects, but full of connections with the Fixed Stars.  So I will choose a star for each day early in the week to work with.

We can start, today, with Alrisha, the Alpha Star in the constellation of Pisces.  According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld (the text I shall use for all four Fixed stars):

“A balancing of this time transition into Aquarius can take place for many people with use of this star.  People who may be afraid of technology or who do not understand how to work with it will find that some benefits result in utilizing this star as many of these technological things are metallic.    There can be an awareness of how change takes place for people in a way that becomes much more comfortable and much more assimilable, particularly for older individuals.  Individuals who fear the future will find a soothing response from this star.”

Tomorrow, Monday (17th) focus can be trained on Petra, aka Alpherg, another star in the constellation of Pisces, which represents Beingness:

“This star can increase the ability to remember past lives and release sadness associated with them.  This can also be of great benefit with individuals who are suffering from a tendency towards addictive principles.  The unconscious aspects from past lives can be made much clearer, and a willingness to accept these truths and to move forward  with them can be enhanced.”

The next two stars come from Andromeda.  On Tuesday (18th) our Sun is aligned with the deep space spiral galaxy numbered M31 and aka Vertex, which represents Cosmic Consciousness:

“This galaxy’s influence enhances the ability to understand the long term purpose of humanity’s evolution.  This includes the ability to recall one’s past lives as different life forms, such as dinosaurs.  In some cases these remembered lives are extraterrestrial… but primarily incarnations in the mountainous regions of Earth, particularly the Himalayas is increased.  The ability to see the overall picture.”  This may be something you are working towards at the time.

Wednesday (19th) is favourable for tuning in to Mirach, the Beta star in Andromeda, which represents sound healing.  We are told by Smulkis and Rubenfeld:

“The ability to hear, to utilize the voice, and to release difficulties associated with the sounds one hears or speaks is strengthened.  A deeper connection to physicalness and an opening of the root chakra results.  The ability to hear the sounds of nature and the Earth will likely be enhanced as well.”  Bernadette Brady, in her book of the Fixed Stars, affirms the beneficence of this star traditionally: some of the ancient sources equate it with happiness.

So there is some deep food for thought, prior to the main aspects of the week, starting on Thursday (20th) with a Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 29 degrees Aries in the early hours of the day.  This may bring cheer and vigour, and a renewed sense of purpose.  It is a time to look to the future, as much as is possible.  It can certainly be a new beginning for you, even if it is just about re-organizing your lifestyle.  If a job is worth doing, it is worth doing well…The New Moon in Aries is one of the brightest of the year in terms of its potential.  However, being an eclipse increases the sense of it being a portent, together with the  square of the Sun-Moon conjunction to Pluto.  It increases the sense of having to let go of something, in order to create the space for what is new to come forth.

Around breakfast time, the Sun will enter Taurus, so more newness to be added, with a slightly different focus.  It betokens a time of the blossoming of the earth.  Gardeners will garden, artists will paint or sculpt, and dancers will dance.  So it is very much a cuspal and switchover day, embedding into a productive Taurean period.

But in the afternoon, the festive atmosphere (if that was experienced) may become more thoughtful and serious, with a square between the Sun and Pluto.  This is a deep soul-searching aspect.  It is the sort of aspect which can be looked upon as a gamechanger, or watershed.  So if you are in integrity, you may be able to influence what side the coin lands on.  Interestingly, at the same square last October, there was turmoil in Westminster when Suella Braverman was sacked, in the shortest Home Office stint since the 1940s.  She was later reinstated by Rishi Sunak, and is now under fire again, so could she be sacked again, I wonder?

Friday (21st) brings us the next round of Mercury stationing prior to turning Retrograde, in Taurus.  Be clear in your communications between these two dates, in order to avoid misunderstandings and loopholes.  Although technology can go awry, it can be a good period to upgrade such devices.  You may have developed your own strategies, according to past experiences.

A cheery note from Yasmin Bolland and Kim Farnell, from their book on Mercury Retrograde, regarding Mercury Retrograde in the Earth signs: “Anything that comes from the earth forms the basis of a great ritual while Mercury is retrograde in an Earth sign.  For example, you could use sacred stones, crystals and flowers to create a beautiful mandala while you ask the heavens to show you what you need to learn.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – healing technophobia
  • Monday – beingness
  • Tuesday – cosmic consciousness
  • Wednesday – sound healing
  • Thursday – new beginning; turning point; drama
  • Friday – communication glitches