Aspects for the week beginning 24 October 2021
Alec Baldwin
The actor Alec Baldwin found himself at the centre of a gun-related tragedy this week, at the time of the Mars-Pluto square. The cinematographer Halyna Hutchins on the film Rust died, and the co-director Joel Souza was injured. This haunting event has been described as “unfathomable” – it was an accident, but highlights many issues. Astrologically, three planets have volatile or combustible qualities: Mars, Uranus and Pluto. All of them are involved in the story.
Birth Chart
Alex Baldwin is no stranger to drama and crisis in his life, but this is a tragedy he will struggle to come to terms with, even for a man of his resilience. He has the Sun in Aries exactly sextile Mars (the Warrior Archetype). In addition, Mars opposes Uranus in his chart (the Activist Archetype, e.g. for animal rights). Mercury squares Uranus in his chart, bringing controversies, such as the occasional outburst and verbal gaffe he has made. It is easy to see why he has had such an eventful life. More gently, he has Mercury sextile Venus, (the Writer Archetype).
He has three younger brothers, all actors, and has had a distinguished acting career, known for roles in Mission Impossible series of films among others. He first married the actress Kim Basinger, with whom he had a daughter named Ireland, but the divorce was messy and acrimonious. The aftermath of the relationship took its toll over a number of years, and he later toured with a book on fatherhood and divorce, during the period of his Chiron Return. His second marriage was to Hilaria Thomas, with whom he has a further six children. He turned vegan in 2011, the same year he met her. In recent years, he has been acclaimed for his uncanny impersonation of Donald Trump.
In the Observer this morning, Vanessa Thorpe analyses his approach to what she terms a turbulent life, commenting: “It is tempting to see Baldwin’s recent bold claims to be in control of his life as a bad case of baiting the fates.”
Co-Director and Co-Writer Joel Souza
Earlier this month, on 6th October, filming began on “Rust” which was co-written by Alec Baldwin and Joel Souza, inspired by a true story. The story is about a grandfather outlaw (played by Baldwin) who goes on the run with his 13-year-old grandson who is wanted for accidentally killing a local rancher (chillingly, life imitating art again – see last week’s blog subject).
Joel has 0 Earth planets, and Mars square to an exact conjunction of his Sun with Saturn in his chart. In addition, he has the Writer Archetype, like Alec (Mercury conjunct Venus) and the controversial Uranus-Mercury square which Alec also has. In addition, Joel has Mars opposite Pluto, a difficult, high-energy combination. Baldwin had been very keen to work with Souza, and their charts show they have much in common. The synastry between Alec and Joel shows Joel’s Mars square to Alec’s Saturn (an abrasive combination), but Joel’s Jupiter conjunct Alec’s Mars (huge enthusiasm between them).
Accidental Shooting
Alec Baldwin’s transits for the accidental shooting included Uranus square his natal Mars (an explosive combination) and Saturn opposite his natal Uranus (often a transit for personal earthquakes). Joel’s transits for his shoulder injury sustained in the incident included Chiron square his natal Venus (a personal wounding).
No one has at this time been charged in the ongoing enquiry, but other people are implicated. Baldwin was handed the colt pistol by experienced assistant director Dave Halls who pronounced it “cold”, i.e. harmless, which he believed it to be. The guns were prepared by the armourer, a fairly inexperienced young 24-year old called Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, whose father Thell Reed is a veteran actor in the western genre. We do not have birth dates for Dave Hall or the armourer, though we do have one for Thell Reed (that would be a step too far removed from this investigation!).
The gun apparently had been used for shooting practice with real bullets. Some film crew members had protested about poor health and safety measures on the film. Was there a cavalier attitude to guns? We are more cautious about guns here in the U.K., but could this incident lead to more anti-gun lobbying in the U.S.? Could it be a more effective deterrent than all the school shootings have been in turning the tide of Republican support for the use of guns? Will it result in fewer “westerns”? And fewer children playing with toy guns (certainly in the U.K. that has lessened over the years).
As an example of the ferocity of a Mars-Pluto square, it is a supremely shocking event. In the U.K. this week we had the revelation that young girls were being injected with drugs in nightclubs – a new horrific crime, and certainly Mars-Pluto in nature.
Halyna Hutchins
And what of the victim of the fatal shooting, which has left Alec Baldwin “heartbroken”? She was only 42, and a rising star of the cinematography world, from Ukraine. She was married, with a nine year old son. We do not have a birth date for her, but if one presents itself, I will add a footnote under comments. By all accounts she was a vibrant soul.
“I am gutted by the loss of my friend and colleague, Halyna. She was kind, vibrant, incredibly talented, fought for every inch and always pushed me to be better.”
~ Joel Souza
Apologies for the lateness of the blog today. This was due to indecision on my part about the subject. As it happens, no harm done, for the first aspect of the week does not occur until Wednesday!
Wednesday’s (27th) aspect, Neptune squaring Venus, is not a straightforward one however, so it would bear some preparation over the next few days and clearance of illusions, especially in relation to personal relationships, money and the Arts. Sift out any paranoia, iron out artistic flaws, and financial insecurities. That may assist a smooth passage on Wednesday…and tread softly on the day, lest you tread on your own dreams, or anyone else’s.
Happier times await on Thursday (28th), with Venus sextile Jupiter, one of the high spots of the year aspectwise. The day could bring hope and happiness, socially or romantically. Engagements, celebrations and parties (virtual or otherwise) could be on the agenda. This sextile combines luck and love. Enjoy!
Sadly, more caution is due on Saturday (30th) morning with a square from Saturn to the Sun, so you may be excused for feeling a little flat that day. Perhaps you are still nursing a hangover from all the revelry of Thursday… This square can produce delay and frustration. The Sun-Saturn square is an opportunity to think through what you are doing, and your strategies. If you are making economies, are they the right ones, based on your optimum values? There may be something you need to let go of.
A change of pace may help in the early afternoon, or take your mind off current preoccupations. For Mars enters Scorpio and that is a brisker energy, though it puts some people automatically into battle mode. If you are a pacifist, just observe. If you are a warrior, your power may be heightened. If you are a diplomat, be ready. Mars will be in the battle zone until 13th December, so take your position, and may everyone do their best in the effort to express the best of this dynamism.
The week in bullet points:
- Wednesday – illusion in relationships
- Thursday – a high point
- Saturday – a slump, and some rallying!