Aspects for the week beginning 8 May 2022
Taurus Careers
This is the third in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs. Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under this sign, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Taurean looking at re-training for a change of career. If you are Taurean and have found an ideal or fulfilling career, you could share that under comments. Other than Pisces, Taurus is arguably the most talented of signs, and Taureans therefore have a panoply of occupations to choose from in terms of doing the work that they love.
Famous Taurean artists include: Salvador Dali, J.M.W. Turner, Joan Miro, Eugene Delacroix, Dante Gabriel Rossetti and Georges Braque. By virtue of its element, Earth, Taureans are particularly gifted in Sculpture and Pottery.
In an earlier blog, I wrote about the Artist Archteype:
“The Artist is one of the most basic of Taurean archetypes. In my Past Life Archetypes, I go back to the cave paintings of bulls for my Taurean archetype. That is in itself such a basic image and imbued with such meaning for this sign.
In previous centuries there was a prevalent Archetype of the talented artist starving in a garrett in his lifetime, and possibly gaining success posthumously. The memory of this may unconsciously hold you back if you are an aspiring artist in this lifetime.
Caroline Myss brings the Archetype much more up to date in her book on the subject. She observes: “In our society, art is generally regarded as a risky, if not altogether reckless, occupational choice, and any activity that isn’t financially rewarding is automatically classed as a hobby.”
She is very encouraging to the budding artist, and her final thought is: ‘The Artist/Creative archetype has an inborn calling to contribute to life creatively. It is a privilege to possess artistic gifts and talents. Cultivate yours. To deny them is true suffering.’ ”
Famous Taurean singers and musicians include: Barbara Streisand, Adele, Billy Joel, Ella Fitzgerald, Roy Orbison and Cher.
Ruled by Venus, Taurean singers have especially melodious voices.
Taureans are notoriously green-fingered, and close to the Earth. One such gardener, who has been on our screens for decades, is Alan Titchmarsh, who celebrated a birthday last week. He had left school at 15, with just one O-level, in Art, and just followed his passion.
Taureans have a facility for acquiring money, and keeping it.
In an earlier blog, I wrote about the Midas/The Moneylender Archetype:
“The Taurus/Scorpio polarity has a cluster of Archetypes around the theme of money. Taurus generally represents one’s own earnings and possessions, and Scorpio (its opposite) represents dealing with other people’s money, e.g. through banking or insurance. But of course money has to flow between these two ends of the polarity, and as has already been mentioned the current crisis over the Panama offshore tax havens [written 17th April 2016] highlights aspects of this relationship. Is the rich man hoarding wealth the Midas? The literary archetype of the moneylender is embodied in Shylock in the Merchant of Venice. The moneylenders of the Bible have also coloured our perceptions of the profession. More recently, the banking crisis of 2008 adversely altered the reputation of those who have monetary power.
Again, the last word goes to Caroline for the description of this Archetype: ‘Entrepreneurial or creative ability to turn anything to gold. Delight in sharing life’s riches…look for a pattern of creating wealth and/or confronting how far you’re willing to go to create it; also for a pattern of difficulty sharing wealth’.”
It is in the Taurean nature to patiently build firm foundations, with solid structures on dependable support systems, both practically and figuratively. So you often find that Taureans are employed in the building trade, from bricklaying to architecture.
Kevin McCloud, the presenter of the TV programme “Grand Designs” has carved a niche for himself in bringing innovative building to our screens, highlighting the blood, sweat and tears which go into the projects, and waxing lyrically, even poetically at times, about the end products. He was brought up in a house which his parents built. With the Sun in Taurus, he left for Florence after A-levels to study as a Singer at the Conservatorio. He then studied art and architecture at Cambridge. His son is an architect. His life story suggests he was born to exemplify the Builder Archetype, but with Singing and Art also available choices.
Famous Taurean boxers include: Sugar Ray Leonard, Joe Louis, Sugar Ray Robinson and Sonny Liston. Taureans are known for their endurance, and staying power. Of course, their ruling planet Venus is peace and harmony-loving, so Boxers would need a strong Mars or Pluto in addition to the Sun in Taurus. In terms of the Taurean nature, it is the rock-like, steadfast quality of immovable strength which contributes to the success in the boxing ring. Muhammed Ali pointed out that as a boxer you also needed to “float like a butterfly, sting like a bee”. His Jupiter was in the butterfly and fast-talking sign of Gemini. He was a Capricornian, but had Mars, Midheaven, Saturn and Uranus in Taurus.
Through their ruling planet Venus, Taureans love their food and the sensuality of cooking. The way to a Taurean heart is often through the stomach, so Taurus may also qualify you to be a professional gourmand or gourmande (though this is quite a rare career)! Famous Taurean chefs include: Brian Turner, Clodagh McKenna, Simon Rimmer and Antony Worrall Thompson.
Other occupations: Masseur/Masseuse, Herbalist, Botanist, Conservationist (David Attenborough is Taurean, as is Chris Packham)
Above all, if you are Taurus, you are highly likely to find satisfaction in your chosen career, if you select such a path stemming from a hobby or interest.
The most important day this week is Tuesday (10th), starting with that notorious bugbear – for Mercury is Stationary, prior to turning retrograde at 11.48 a.m. Many of us have current frustrations with technology (maybe because there is so much of it, now!), and I have an issue with my emails. But the duration of the three week Mercury Retrograde period is a helpful time for technological upgrades. We had our broadband unexpectedly upgraded two days ago (in advance of Mercury Retrograde), an engineer coming to investigate a problem, and informing us that our broadband was not up to speed, and spending about three hours upgrading it. It whizzes along now, though we had no idea we had a problem. My email issue still remains, but I can’t fault the engineer. Sorry to digress! You know the drill by now: practise mindfulness in your communications, and revise old ground.
The Mercury Retrograde Book” by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell details the effect of Mercury Retrograde in each of the signs. Mercury Retrograde in Gemini is particularly impactful, as it is in its own sign. Here is a wise snippet from Mercury Retrograde in Gemini:
“It’s worth checking and re-checking anything you’re told. Other people tend to be more critical than usual – but here’s a top tip: you probably don’t need to point out everything that’s wrong.” Mercury turns direct again on 3rd June.
Jupiter in Aries
At the other end of Tuesday, at 23.22 Hrs, we have a major ingress, that of Jupiter entering Aries. Aries, it’s your year! Pisces, yes, it is still your year too, as Jupiter will dip back temporarily into your sign (fear not). The sign Jupiter is leaving, Pisces, is spiritual in nature, thus we had the clergy speaking up about injustices in society, we had an outpouring of compassion around the invasion of Ukraine, and we experienced unprecedented unity in the world over Putin’s aggression, to give some examples of its effect in that sign. If you know the House occupied by Aries in your birth chart, you should find an expansion of its affairs this year: more joy, luck and protection in that area. Jupiter in Aries is super-adventurous, devil-may-care, desiring to throw off the shackles which have been holding us back. The coronavirus constraints seem to be loosening, though they always improve during the summer months. People will be determined to do the things they have dreamed of in the last two and a half years of privation. It is a good time for expressing the fire of the human spirit. Aries is great ground for giving birth to new ideas and feeling your enthusiasm. Just one cautionary note: it may be a more selfish time, with the feelings of others disregarded. We still need the lessons of Jupiter in Pisces to avoid the sense of “every man for himself”.
Friday (13th) brings a conjunction between the Sun and the North Node, at 22 degrees Taurus, which gives a karmic flavour to the day. This could bring a show of power by someone in your circle. However, this show of power is firmly subject to the laws of karma, and if you have faith in the justice of that you’re O.K. (aren’t you?). It could also heighten creativity if you are unattached to the power play of others. Listen to the subtle instructions of the Universe…
Saturday (14th) is an opportunity to regain ground, with a constructive sextile. The North Node sextiles Mars, where warriorship can be expressed reasonably safely. You may be able to get your message across directly and actively, in speaking your truth or setting an example. If you are a follower of Dan Millman (the “Peaceful Warrior), I’ll be preaching to the converted… If you are a timid type, there is scope to embolden yourself slightly.
Also on Saturday, our Sun aligns with the Fixed Star Capulus, the Double Star Cluster H and Chi Persei, at 24 degrees Taurus. Bernadette Brady in her book of “Fixed Stars” concludes that “Capulus energy is clear, decisive, focussed, and possibly even ruthless”. That chimes well with Jupiter in Aries.
“Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld give a theme of Individualization for this cluster. They advise that it “can make one aware of the deliberate separation that one has allowed in coming into incarnation in the first place. This can give some remembrance of past lives and some awareness of the time before birth in which contracts were made with individuals one is yet to meet. It enhances remembrance of the strong survival energies poured into the child.”
The week in bullet points:
- Tuesday – communication disruption; throwing off restrictions
- Friday – karmic power play
- Saturday – fight the good fight; individualization