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Aspects for the week beginning 3 October 2021

Cressida Dick

The currently serving Commissioner for the Metropolitan Police, Cressida Dick, has again come under pressure to resign following this week’s sentencing of ex-policeman Wayne Couzens, who murdered Sarah Everard on 3rd March.  Sarah’s murder is a watershed in so many ways, highlighting violence against women, and mistrust of the police, misogyny in the police force, as well as the inadequacies of police vetting.  Should Cressida stay or should she go, and will she stay or will she go?  The whole issue raises, among other things, the question of the responsibility of individuals in authority

Birth Chart

I wrote in April:

“She is the first woman to hold the post.  In her chart, she has a close opposition between Mars and Saturn, so is capable of being tough in this post which would assume toughness!  Saturn trine Pluto in her chart is another sign of great strength, also a requirement.  Saturn exactly trine her natal North Node assumes a karmic mission of seriousness and discipline.  She took up the post on 10th April 2017, with transiting Mars squaring her Chiron (stressful, not healing), Saturn on her Jupiter (a limiting and disciplined event in her life), Saturn sextile her natal Chiron (requiring discipline for healing), Uranus trine her natal Uranus (a surprise), Neptune sextile her natal Saturn (complex discipline required), and Neptune on her South Node (a result of complex past karma).  In her position, she has had to contend with lack of funding by the government, who have refused to increase pay for the police, as with the NHS.  She claims that low recruitment can be laid at the door of the glamourization of violence and social media.”

To which I would add:

She has an extremely strong chart: the Moon conjunct Pluto links her with the police force, Mercury trine Mars can be combative in speech and able to debate, or stand up for herself; Mercury loosely square Uranus means she is not afraid to be controversial, and Mars sextile Pluto conveys the sense of strength and power you would expect from a Police Commissioner.

Sarah’s Murder

Sarah Everard’s murder may prove to be a defining moment for the Met, and for Cressida.  The event of course is beyond tragic for her family, and certainly changed Wayne Couzens life, as he has now been handed a Whole Life sentence, apparently a rare type of sentence.  Only a hundred such sentences have been handed out since its introduction in 1983 (the year Pluto went into Scorpio, a telling ingress).  A candlelight vigil was held for Sarah by the public.  At the time of the murder, Cressida’s transits were Jupiter square her Mercury, Saturn square her Neptune (very difficult) and Uranus trine Pluto (insistent change).

The transits for the chart of the Metropolitan Police at that time shows the North Node (karma) square its Venus (female issues), and Pluto square its Mars (the Institution in danger, or disrepute).  Jupiter sextile its Saturn indicated an opportunity.

Sarah’s chart shows a lighthearted and gentle spirit, with Sun sextile Jupiter and the Moon trine Venus.  Harshness towards her may be shown by a conjunction of Saturn and Uranus opposite her Sun.  Karmically, she had three squares to the Nodal Axis, which is quite unusual.

Her murderer, Wayne Couzens, was Sagittarian (of the opposite to her Gemini Sun).  He was a Full Mooner (very emotional), with the Sun square to Pluto, the planet of darkness, but also of the Police.  However, he has apparently shown no contrition.  Mars was unaspected in his chart, which could have been a problem (misdirected sexual urges, or something unattainable niggling at him).  Jupiter was loosely square Uranus in his chart, indicating a Chancer.  Was this a cocktail recipe for a murderer, or do other factors such as sociological considerations come into play in the development of such a psyche?

How did he chance upon his victim?  There is one karmic conjunction, which is her Mars on his South Node.  Their synastry shows: her Sun trine his Uranus (his power of surprise), her Mercury opposite his Jupiter, her Venus trine his Pluto, her Jupiter opposite his Uranus – in each exchange, his planet has the advantage.  That is not to say that her murder could not have been avoided, given the changes we know we need in policing and public safety for women.  This murder exposed loopholes which needed to be addressed.

Wayne’s actions impacting on Cressida’s life and work are also interesting to look at:  his Sun at 28 degrees Sagittarius is exactly conjunct her Jupiter (the psychological principle of trusting to luck), which in turn is sextile her natal Chiron.  His Uranus (shock) is on her Sun, and his Chiron (crisis) is square her Saturn, posing a troublesome problem.

The transits operational for Sarah at the time of the murder included Uranus opposite her natal Pluto, in this case devastating change.

And the transits operational for Wayne Couzens included Saturn sextile his natal Mercury, suggesting premeditation (a fact which is undeniable, in the face of all the preparation he made in the hiring of a van etc.)

Cressida’s Life and Career

Cressida’s career has had its ups and downs.  She earned a degree in Agriculture and Forest Sciences from Balliol College Oxford, before joining the Met in 1983.  She later took a Master’s degree in Criminology.  In 2005, she was at the head of the operation when the innocent Jean Charles de Menezes was shot and killed by the police.  Though the Met was blamed, she was cleared of responsibility. She commented about this in 2008, saying: “If you ask me whether I think anybody did anything wrong or unreasonable on the operation, I don’t think they did.”  Later still, she commented: “The events of that day stay with one; I think about it quite often. It was a traumatic period. It was an awful time for so many people, obviously and most of all Jean Charles’s family, the people who were there when it happened, the firearms officers, the surveillance officers.”  In 2012 she oversaw the security operations for the Met in the Summer Olympics.  She was selected for a five year term as Commissioner for the Met in 2017, notably being the first woman in that post.  The announcement came on 22nd February, with transiting Jupiter on her natal Sun (a promotion).She criticized the cuts in budget to police funding, and also in 2018 warned about the effects of Brexit on services.  In the same year, she initiated a campaign to recruit more female officers in the Met, something which is needed for the safety of women.

What Now?

81 women have been murdered in the 28 weeks since Sarah died, including the murder of schoolteacher Sabina Nessa in South East London on 17th September, for whom the public also paid a candlelit vigil. It is now clearer than ever that something needs to be done.  Is Cressida Dick the right person for the job?  She initially recommended that if women felt unsafe in an encounter with a police office in the future, they should resist arrest, run away and flag down a bus or call 999.  These and other recommendations which have been put forward all seem lame, and women have responded that the onus needs to be put on men to be educated and be responsible, and to act appropriately.  That is difficult to implement if you are dealing with a psychopath or deranged personality which is determined to act out aggression.

Today’s Observer Leader comments: All the emphasis is on women changing behaviour to protect themselves but there is an overwhelming lack of strategy to prevent male violence by working with perpetrators of domestic abuse and fostering healthy attitudes towards women and girls among boys.”

The transits for the Met currently show a Solar Return (a spotlight on the Institution), Jupiter trine its Mercury (a good time to look at improvements), the Nodal Axis square its Venus (a karmic need to revise its behaviour towards women) and Mars opposite its Uranus (triggering a needed shock).

The Observer this morning included suggestions going forward from prominent women, who came up with Compel Action, Improve Vetting (warning signs were ignored about Couzens), Changing the Culture, Earning our Trust (ironically, Boris Johnson urged us to trust the police), and the Police Listening to Us.  Shadow Minister for Domestic Violence and Safeguarding Jess Phillips advocated a change in culture, saying “British policing needs to, for the first time ever, prioritise violence against women and girls and include it as serious violent crime, with all the prevention strategies and resources that come with that.”

Catherine Bennett, also in the Observer, comments on Cressida’s role: “The kindest thing that can be said about Cressida Dick, given the evidence of employee mistreatment of women tolerated in police forces, is that this misogyny is so entrenched as to have defied any attempts she may have made to expunge it.”

In an article by Rajiv Syal and Vikram in yesterday’s Guardian,  they wrote:

“Asked if Dick could continue in the job, [Lord] Stevens said she should ask herself some searching questions. ‘You have to look at yourself and say: Can I continue?  Can I continue with confidence?  Can I continue in a way that brings around the change that’s necessary to make the public feel safe…Have we got people in the police service who should not be there?'”

Cressida’s transits for the sentencing this week show Jupiter trine her natal Sun, Uranus trine her natal North Node, Pluto sextile her natal Venus – someone has been brought to justice, but these transits imply she probably would not resign now.

As for my penny’s worth, I think it all comes down to psychology, needing to get to the root of why men need to do this.  And then the encouragement of violence through violent film and media.  No doubt there are similarities across the globe, so the human race may need to be rewired.  And yet, I believe that the human heart is fundamentally sound, so when and how does it get twisted in that way?  Answers on a postcard.


The Sun is opposite Chiron today, a day of wrestling with conundrums.  Apologies for too many Observer quotes in my piece about Cressida Dick, but I felt that this week’s issue was too important and too complex to skim over, as I am sure you will agree (!)  It is good to cultivate a good relationship with your Inner Healer today, and thus find more intuitive answers to any problems.  Look more deeply into the source of the symptom or problem.

Tomorrow (Monday 4th) brings us a splendid trine between Mercury and Jupiter (although Mercury being retrograde may take off a little of the shine).  This aspect will help business transactions, and expand our horizons, minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, one that takes in great wads of information, produces good ideas and may incline one to travel (as more countries are taken off the red list).

A New Moon at 13 degrees Libra graces us on Wednesday (6th).  Some of the artistic, musical and relationship issues you have been grappling with could receive new impetus and a more confident direction.  Where there has been struggle, there could be more harmony.  Where there has been vacillation, there may be more balance.  But whether or not you are conscious of beneficial changes or shifts in these matters, they may still be progressing and bear fruit over the next month.

Additional help arrives in the evening, with Pluto Stationing prior to turning Direct.  We may feel we are coming through a transition, or at least on a more salubrious path.  The ruminations of the entire retrograde period (since late April) bear fruit.  Breakthroughs can take place at this juncture, e.g. reunions where perhaps people have not been speaking to each other.

A fresh social vibe arrives on Thursday (7th) with the advent of Venus into Sagittarius.  You may be in party mood, whether in person, socially distanced gatherings, or in virtual reality.  Venus in Sagittarius ensures that the mood stays around, right through till 5th November.  It is there if you need it.  Venus in Sagittarius is a good-will-to-all men and women vibe.

On Friday (8th) there is an upsurge of energy (and possibly conflict) with the Sun conjoining with Mars in Libra.  This signals two days of intensity in relationships, due to a triple conjunction in Libra.  You can get things done, but also it can bring out the warrior in people..  If you are sure that you are entirely justified and constructive, then go for what you want.  If you are a peacemaker, then your work may be cut out.  It is not a day to take big risks, for either type of personality.

The next component of the triple conjunction is the Sun conjunct Mercury which occurs on Saturday (9th).  That brings a touch of sparkle to your consciousness.  It is a good day to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  make important statements, and look to the future.  You may write or speak some memorable lines.  Look out for some telepathy, too!

And the final side of the triangular process completes in the evening, when Mercury conjoins with Mars.  This brings brisk action, mental and physical stimulation, and again can help movement in your projects.  Again, there is a small element of risk of being incident-prone, as in minor cuts and bruises.  So mindfulness is a key to successful outcomes.  It is mentally acute and favours critical thinking, if you are composing an analysis, a review or critique.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – wrestling with conundrums
  • Tomorrow – educational and mind-stretching
  • Wednesday – new beginning; psychological progress
  • Thursday – party time or party planning
  • Friday – upsurge of energy
  • Saturday – mental clarity; brisk action


Aspects for the week beginning 26 September 2021

Clive Sinclair (1940 – 2021)

“Once you start to make machines that are rivalling and surpassing humans with intelligence, it’s going to be very difficult for us to survive. It’s just an inevitability.”

~ Sir Clive Sinclair

Inventor Sir Clive Sinclair died just over a week ago, and what a character he was!  His life and career were full of ups and downs, but he was inventing up until he died, at the age of 81.

Birth Chart

We have no birth time for Clive, but the picture we have from a Noon chart is quite vivid and apt.  He had 6 (over half) his planets in the Fixed signs, and was known to be stubborn – how else could he have brought his whacky inventions into birth?  His Sun was in Leo, the sign of Creativity, and squared Jupiter so he had a sense of adventure (and risk: he was a poker player).  But Jupiter in his chart was conjunct Saturn, so he had his failures as well as successes, and was hamstrung at times.  The Sun in his chart was also conjunct Pluto, so his character was also deep, and perceptive in terms of what he felt was needed in society.  What gave him specifically an Inventor’s Mind was Mercury (mind) exactly sextile Uranus (invention).  Mercury was also closely conjunct Chiron, a problem-solving conjunction: he may often have started with a problem to solve.  Added to that the inspiration of Mercury sextile Neptune, and the depth of thought of Mercury conjunct Pluto, and you have a unique mindset.  His Mercury was placed in Gemini, which is already a busy condition for the mind, and he earned his stripes and an honorary presidency at Mensa with an I.Q. of 159.  He has a generally well-aspected Neptune, a trine and two sextiles, making him a visionary, but with Venus square Neptune, he had two marriages, which did not last, but his first marriage produced three children.  Without a birth time, we cannot look at his 7th House of Marriage.  Mars squaring Jupiter gave him an over-the-top enthusiasm, which an inventor would need.  At the same time,  Mars squared Saturn from the Jupiter/Saturn conjunction – also bringing in some caution.  The enthusiasm in this combination probably won out, as with his stand-out failure, the electric car, he implied he had been too hasty in his timing as January was not a good month to launch something which required the use of the battery (it might have stood a better chance later in the year, as the battery was not suited to cold weather).  But Uranus trine Neptune gave him the ability to work with complexity.

Life and Career

Unsurprisingly, Clive came from a family of engineers, and both his father and grandfather had worked at the shipbuilders Vickers.  During the war, the family home  near Richmond was  destroyed by bombing.  Clive was not overly interested in academia, but excelled in mathematics and physics, and began inventing from an early age (at 21 he founded Sinclair Radionics Ltd.).  In 1972 he produced the first electronic pocket calculator.  In 1980 most notably he produced the hugely successful ZX80, the first home computer.  A member of my family was training in computers at the time, and bought a model!  So we had one in the family, but of course it didn’t do much!  It was very basic, requiring a television and a cassette.   He was knighted in 1983, for his pioneering work.  In that year, his Progressed Sun was trine Jupiter (awards and honours).

The failure which dented his record most adversely, was the Sinclair Vehicles C5 battery electric vehicle, in 1985.  He was subsequently forced to sell his computer company to Alan Sugar.  Ironically, he himself disliked using the Internet or email, and used a slide rule rather than a calculator.  He viewed having technical and mechanical things around him as a distraction from the invention process.

An interesting and lively Soul, and a rare talent.

“I never feel, my God, that’s the end of the world, I just get on with the next stage.  I am not a businessman by nature…I certainly have no desire to be hugely rich:…”

~ Sir Clive Sinclair


Today, the Sun is trine the North Node, which augurs well if you are trying to straighten out your karma! It can help you to stay on the right track.  Clarity emerging can throw up creative avenues and karmic insights.  It is good preparation for the impending onset of Mercury Retrograde.

As just promised, tomorrow (Monday 27th) brings Mercury to a stationing position, prior to turning retrograde, and we have to take in our stride the rigorous routine which Mercury Retrograde entails.  As usual this would be for a three week period, in this case until 18th October.  This of course, may herald difficulties in communication.  We may need to upgrade our technology during the next three weeks, and we will need to practice mindfulness and stay alert for misunderstandings.  Mercury Retrograde in Libra benefits the highlighting and resolving of old relationship problems, and bringing equality, fairness and justice to problems of that nature.

Venus trines Neptune on Wednesday (29th) which is always a serene planetary dance.  Dance is one of the art forms enhanced by this trine, and we are now well and truly in the pleasure season of Strictly Come Dancing.  Whatever your art form, it can be enhanced, and if you are an observer there is the great enjoyment in being an audience.  In relationship, there is a potential for spiritual bonding.

In the evening, the Sun trines Saturn, which is a more down to earth aspect, but you may still be able to incorporate some of the sensitivity, inspiration and spirituality of the earlier trine, and two trines in one day is a blessing.  Sun trine Saturn is a solid and productive aspect.  If you are engaged in creativity, it can help ensure that it works on a practical level.  Simplifying your plans, or making economies, may make them more workable. This is especially useful to bear in mind if you own a business, and are considering staffing and resources.  One solid step at a time, and one day at a time.  By the end of the day, you may feel that you have honoured more than one area of your life.

There’s a square on Thursday (30th), but probably the most benign square of the year: Venus square Jupiter, composed of the “greater and lesser benefic”.  It occurs in the last hour of the evening, so some of the afterglow of Wednesday’s trines may still be operational.  Venus square Jupiter is a very social and sociable aspect, but can be gauche, awkward, or inappropriate.  Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.

Friday (1st October) brings an opposition between Mars and Chiron, which may be tricky.  This can highlight wounds, mainly of the psychological kind.  Something may be flagged up for you to heal.  Perhaps a longstanding misunderstanding in the family, especially concerning the male of the species.  We may be surprised to hear how deeply someone feels about an issue, which might hitherto have been hidden.  We can only start to address something which has emerged in consciousness and awareness, so can thank Chiron for that process.

By lunchtime, our attention may be drawn to another issue (or a different facet of the same issue), with a square between Mercury and Pluto, highlighting analytical and psychological nuances.  You may be asked to take stock.   You may encounter awkward communications or travel.  Some ‘me space’ could enable the depth of thought you need to see things clearly, and put your priorities in order.  There could be some slight mental strain, e.g. some issues you have been able to put to the back of your mind during the day, but start to impinge.  A spot of meditation could help get things into perspective. 

Some balm arrives on Saturday (2nd), and not just the surface brush of a dock leaf, for Venus sextile Pluto has the capacity to get to the root of the problem, be it Love and/or Money, both of which are represented by aspects of Venus and Pluto.  It could be a time of difficult but rewarding soul searching with loved ones.  In finance, there could be hard won but satisfying bargaining and balancing.  If you are an artist or musician, you could take a step further in your art, and deepen the value and content of the material you are working with.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – straightening out karma
  • Tomorrow – communications disrupted
  • Wednesday – a serene dance; and a practical proposition
  • Thursday – awkward, but hopefully no harm done
  • Friday – highlighting wounds for healing; challenging mental processes
  • Saturday – getting deeper satisfaction

Aspects for the week beginning 19 September 2021

Strictly Come Dancing 2021

The series has begun!  Last night we saw the launch show for this year’s Strictly extravaganza.  The celebrities all seemed pleased with the professional partners that had been chosen for them.  As usual, I will look at the pairings and prospects.

So for the first four contestants:

Judi Love

Judi has the quick wit of Sun in Gemini, and facility with words of Mercury conjunct Venus.  She needs these qualities to be able to talk about anything on Loose Women, where she has been a panellist for over a year.  She is a great comedian, and a warm hearted personality. She has the North Node in Leo, The Performer Archetype, as part of her karmic mission.  Her transits now show Jupiter on her South Node in Aquarius, some past life karma to enjoy, perhaps a past life liaison.  She has transiting Uranus on her natal Chiron in Taurus, so her Inner Healer is receiving a kick start.  And Neptune squares her Neptune, dancing may make her feel dizzyingly a little at sea!  Around the time of the final, she has mixed influences: Uranus will be trine her natal Mars in Virgo – a surprisingly energetic finish, but Neptune opposite her natal Saturn, she may have let other things slide to make way for Strictly, and may need to catch up with herself.

She is partnered with Sizzling Sicilian Graziano di Prima.  There’s a little grit between them, with her Mars opposite his Saturn.  But there is also healing, with her Jupiter conjunct his Chiron (she will find his funny bone).  And there may be some fire between them, with her Pluto opposite his Mars.  His current transits show Jupiter squaring his Nodal Axis (a comedian comes into his life), and Pluto sextile his North Node (drama and passion).  At the close of the tournament Jupiter will be squaring his Mercury (he’ll still be laughing), Uranus will be sextile his Saturn (he will feel he’s done a good job), and Pluto will be on his Uranus (he will feel deeply changed, as a person).  Next week they will be dancing the American Smooth to Aretha Franklin.  I don’t think this is the winning combination, but I am certain they will be enormously entertaining.

Dan Walker

BBC Breakfast Presenter Dan Walker was born on a New Moon in Pisces.  With the Sun closely sextile Jupiter, and Mars square Jupiter, he has great enthusiasm for sport, especially football.  He is very tall, at 6′ 6″, so will look gallant on the dance floor.  He is the son of a church minister, and his Christianity is important enough for him that he refuses to work on Sundays – Pisces is especially connected to Christianity.  From 2016 until this week, he was partnered on the sofa with Louise Minchin.  For Louise this week, Saturn was trine her natal Venus, the end of a partnership, while for Dan this week Pluto was square his natal Venus (the severing of a long term partnership), while Jupiter is sextile his natal Venus (a new partnership arriving at the same time).  At the end of the contest, Saturn will oppose his natal Saturn (a stuckness), Uranus will square his natal Saturn (he could go out unexpectedly before the end) and Uranus opposes his natal Uranus (a mid-life crisis or rebellion).  I feel that emotions will emerge through this process which have not come up for him before.

His new partner Nadiya Bychkova is a very perfectionistic Sun, Mercury and Mars in Virgo, with all the brilliance of Sun exactly trine Uranus, and all the energy of Mars sextile Pluto.  Louise Minchin is also Virgoan, and Virgo and Pisces can provide a balance for each other, being opposite signs.  The chemistry between Nadiya and Dan shows her Uranus square his Mercury, so she could shock him at times.  Her Mercury trines his Jupiter, so he could open her mind with new information.  His Pluto also squares her Chiron, which could make for mutual discomfort at times.  Her transits now show Saturn trine her natal Venus, so she may need to be patient.  Her transits for the time of the final show Chiron square her natal Neptune, so she may be feeling a little disengaged by that time.  So overall, this does not look like the winning pair.

Nina Wadia

Born in Mumbai of Parsi ancestry, actress Nina Wadia has a powerful (Sun at the Galactic Centre) but challenging chart, with a complex T-square of Sun/Mercury conjunction on an Opposition between Chiron/North Node and  South Node/Jupiter/Uranus/Pluto.  This is helpful for channelling and expressing a wide variety of roles, and she says that is what she will most enjoy about her time at Strictly.  Among other roles she of course famously played Zainab Masood in EastEnders.  She has an entrepreneurial Jupiter conjunct exactly Uranus and may find that she has the confidence to tackle anything she sets her mind to.  One of her challenges is that she has 5 squares to her natal Mercury, so her mind could often be on overdrive.  The North Node is conjunct Chiron in her chart, indicating a healing karmic mission.  Her transits now show Jupiter trine her natal Mars, great enthusiasm for the task; the North Node trine her Jupiter, karmic reward and uplift; and Pluto trine her natal Pluto – self-empowerment.  That’s a good starting block!  By the end, her transits show Saturn on her Venus, disappointment; Mars sextile her Jupiter, enthusiasm still ongoing; Mars sextile her Uranus, electrifying; and Jupiter square her Neptune, disillusionment.  I wonder if that mixture means she could get to the final, and be pipped to the post.  She has said: “I’ve always danced like nobody’s watching, so if we blindfold the judges I could actually win Strictly 2021.”

She will be dancing with Neil Jones, a Taurean, with a sparkling triple conjunction of Mars/Mercury/Chiron in that sign.  Their synastry shows his Mercury trine her Pluto, so she will give him deep pause for thought.  Her Pluto also squares his Venus, so he will deeply feel some of that complexity and life experience she brings to the table (dance floor).  His Neptune squares her Chiron, so his dance expertise could challenge her physically (she is already complaining of sore feet!) and enable her to grow her Inner Healer.  They will be dancing a Samba next week.  Neil’s current transits are: Uranus on his Sun, which becomes exact on 20th October (that could be a defining moment for him in the contest); Pluto trine his natal Mercury (pause for deep thought), Neptune sextile his natal Mars (learning increasing sensitivity in his craft), and Saturn sextile his natal Uranus (patience and stability).  At the end of the tournament, he has Pluto still trine his Mercury (ever deepening mental development), Neptune still sextile his Mars, Chiron trine his natal Jupiter (a more optimistic view of life and the ability to heal), Chiron trine his natal Uranus (more healing, some possibly miraculous), Jupiter sextile his Neptune (“there is a God!”), and last but not least Jupiter trine his natal Pluto (great Power).  That certainly looks like a winning set of transits for him: so this couple could reach the final.

Robert Webb

Comedian Robert Webb has half his planets (5) in Air signs, so is mentally focussed and communicative.  He has Sun square Jupiter (comedy), and Sun sextile Neptune (which may be a factor for dancing success).  How well I remember his mesmerizing performance winning Let’s Dance for Comic Relief in 2009!  He has quite a serious side, too, with the Sun conjunct Pluto and Mercury trine Saturn.  His thought processes are lightning fast, with Mercury conjunct Uranus, and that may quicken his quickstep.  Mars closely squaring Jupiter gives him over the top enthusiasm at times, which can get out of control:  “I am ludicrously excited to be taking part in Strictly this year. It’s a big, generous, joyful show and I can’t wait to get packed into a spandex onesie”.  With Mars conjunct Pluto, he has a powerhouse of energy, which maybe sometimes he doesn’t know what to do with.  And Jupiter squares Pluto in his chart, so he may have issues around power.  He famously came to our attention as part of comedy duo Mitchell and Webb, having met each other at Cambridge.  They have good trines and sextiles between them. Robert wrote a memoir in 2015 entitled “How Not to Be a Boy”.  He is a confirmed atheist, having strayed slightly after the death of his mother, and returned to his original beliefs.  His transits now show Mars on his Pluto, which is over-strenuous.  He has a heart condition, but must have been passed for the show.  Saturn currently trine his Sun may help to steady him.  At the end of the contest, Neptune will be square his Saturn, so he could overdo things and need to rest at some point.

He is partnered with the very red-headed Dianne Buswell, who is still linked with her partner of 2018, Joe Sugg.  Dianne is a supportive Taurean, with Chiron, Mars and the Moon in Cancer (the sign of musical rhythm).  Dianne’s current transits are: Saturn trine her natal Mercury, so she will tap into Robert’s serious side straight away; Chiron sextile her natal Jupiter, so she will find him engaging and the humour will be healing; Uranus trines her natal Saturn – they will keep each other on their toes!, Chiron square her natal Neptune (there will be challenges, even possibly healing crises), and Uranus opposes her natal Pluto (a surprise a minute, she won’t have a restful time).  Next week they dance the Cha Cha to Rasputin.  At the end of the contest, Jupiter will be square her Venus (good socially), and Saturn will trine her Jupiter (she’ll be philosophical).  I think Robert will put in some good performances, but a minor injury or discomfort may put him out half way through the contest.

I’ll be back in a few weeks, when the contest has embedded itself into our consciousness, with another four analyses.  In the meantime, keep viewing!


A sparkling trine tomorrow (Monday 20th) between Mercury and Jupiter assists us in our learning in this new term, whether we are academic students, office workers, or mere students of life.  Mercury trine Jupiter expands our minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, and one which could just make the start of your week one to remember.  It can also help the currently beleaguered teaching profession and educational policies, foster dialogues between nations (we need that, with Liz Truss now at the helm of our foreign policy, and the Aukus crisis upon us), and even support struggling businesses.  The aspect occurs very late in the evening, so could spill out into Tuesday in its effect.

Even later, just before midnight in fact, we have a Full Moon at 28 degrees Pisces.  Pisces is one of the most sensitive and emotional Full Moons of the year, so treat yourself with tender loving care and you can then treat others with that sensitivity.  Issues which may come up may be the plastic in the sea, or the fishing industry.  The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that we are all One.  Dan Walker has his natal Sun at 28 degrees Pisces, so his emotional expression is likely to open up significantly!

On Wednesday lunchtime (22nd) Pluto squares Mercury, which can be mentally fractious, so you may feel grumpy and find it becomes a chain reaction, unless you consciously intend to make every word count in a constructive way.  You may encounter awkward communications or travel (if you are allowed to travel).  You may need extra ‘me time’ in order to separate yourself from worried pronouncements about the state of the world.  If you do engage in chatter, choose a worthwhile subject.  The weather may be turbulent that day, too.  Liz Truss’ gunboat diplomacy over Aukus may rattle, though she has already pledged Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe’s husband support for her release.  Nazanin faces her 2000th day in custody this week, and our new foreign secretary is due to meet the Iranian counterpart in New York.

Meanwhile, the Sun enters Libra signifying the Autumn Equinox in the early evening, which may bring some balm.  That could bring a change of pace and mood.  It is a good time to take stock of the events of the Summer, and embrace the colourful Autumn prospects: different, but equally beautiful.  Libra may draw you to artistic or musical pursuits, new relationships, or an interest in the law and justice.

The last aspect of the week occurs on Saturday (25th), offering us a constructive trine between Mars and Saturn.  It may seem unexciting, but it does mean that hard work can pay off.  Think through what you want to achieve, and set about steadily allowing it to unfold, with some concrete or physical input or ignition on your part.  A trine not to be sniffed at.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – new learning; emotional high tide
  • Wednesday – mentally fractious; new autumnal mode of being
  • Saturday – constructive, practical worth

Aspects for the week beginning 12 September 2021

Emma Raducanu

“Every time you watch her you think she’s going to win every point.  You don’t even get that nervous.  She’s the real thing, you don’t get someone head and shoulders above that often and she’s one of those.  She has an incredible future.”

~ Virginia Wade

Young tennis star Emma Raducanu has been electrifying us with good news and mounting anticipation this week at the U.S. Open, culminating in her astonishing win last night as champion of this tournament.  Since her surprise emergence at Wimbledon this year, she has received A* in A Level Maths and an A in Economics, and toured America, before the tournament which began on 24th August.  She has quipped that she was set for an early exit with a flight back, but is taking it all in her stride, focussing one day at a time, taking care of each day.  Maybe her approach is a masterclass on living in the Now…?

Birth Chart

What is it that marks Emma out as outstanding in her field?  Without the valuable information of a birth time, what stands out for me is her Sun exactly conjunct Mercury in Scorpio – a super intense focus of concentration and strong will, making for precision and depth.  This conjunction is part of a T-square with Jupiter opposing Uranus.  Mercury square Jupiter gives a wide-ranging mind, and Mercury square Uranus tends not to care what others think, which leaves the mind and heart clear in some ways.  Venus is involved in a Grand Trine with Saturn and Uranus, conferring personal strength, and the ability to see the value of the old and the new at the same time, which is a great balance.  She has Mars exactly sextile Jupiter, often found in tennis players, a combination of energy and enthusiasm – as evidenced in her smile.  Mars trines Uranus giving her the power of surprise in action, and at the same time Mars is closely sextile Pluto, providing a powerhouse of energy.  One of her great strengths is Jupiter exactly trine Pluto, a tremendous power, which can be a great force for good in its application.  With Neptune closely trine the North Node, she is already a spiritual leader, judging by the legions of very young tennis players inspired by her example.  Pluto at the South Node in Sagittarius implies that she has undergone intense training in past lifetimes, not just this one, in order to achieve this level of athleticism. Martina Navratilova quipped: “She’s been here before in another life”. Tennis is her chosen path, but one gets the impression she is capable in so many ways.


Emma was born in Toronto on 13th November 2002, of mixed parentage (Romanian and Chinese).  She came to England when she was two years old.  She started playing tennis when she was five and turned professional when she was 16.  She chose as her idols Simona Halep (of Romanian heritage) and Li Na (of Chinese heritage).  Now here’s a thing!:

Instinctively, she chose perfectly.  For her Mars (physical energy) is at 18 degrees Libra (the sign I most associate with tennis), and Simona Halep’s is so close to that at 19 degrees Libra, while Li Na’s Mars is spot on the same degree (18 degrees Libra).  Their energies are synchronized.  She was literally able to follow in their groove.  That made it easier to find her own individual physical path in the pursuit of perfection.

The Guardian reported last July:

“At 17 years old, Raducanu is the biggest young British prospect in the women’s game and she has shown why this week at the Battle of the Brits, her meaty serve and groundstrokes dominating throughout.”

In July this year, she came to our notice as a wild card at Wimbledon.  When she reached the third round, on 2nd, she was quoted as commenting: “Everyone thinks I’m absolutely fanatic about my school results. They think I have such an inflated ego about it. Actually, I would say I have high standards for myself. That’s helped me get to where I am in tennis and also in terms of school results.”

By 3rd July, at 18 years of age, she was being hailed as the youngest British female to reach the second week of Wimbledon since 1959.  In her transits, Jupiter was trine her natal Venus.

Sadly, on 5th July, she experienced breathing difficulties on court and retired from the fourth round.  Worry was raised over the parallels with young Naomi Osaka who burst onto the tennis world at a young age, then began to have mental health issues.  With Mercury exactly conjunct the Sun in Emma’s natal chart, the respiratory system may be a slight weakness, but it was generally thought to be a panic attack.

A Level results came out on 10th August, and she excelled in these:  her transits reflected that, with three trines (Mars trine her natal Chiron in Capricorn, Jupiter trine her natal Saturn in Gemini, and Saturn trine exactly her natal North Node to the day in Gemini).

The U.S. Open began on 24th August, and she has progressed steadily through the tournament, without dropping a set.  Jupiter was on her natal Uranus as she was riding high at the tournament.  She astonishingly qualified for the final against fellow teenager Leylah Annie Fernandez.

Leylah is another astonishing young woman, and the two are well known to each other.  Leylah was also born in Canada, and was playing for her home country.  She is also an exotic mixture – of Ecuadorian and Filippino heritage.  Both girls have arresting smiles.

At the final last night, Emma’s transits were:-

A Venus Return in Scorpio exactly at the time of the match

Mars square her natal Saturn in Gemini, exact at the time of the match, a test of her self-control

And Jupiter on her natal Uranus, an amazing surprise

For her opponent, Leylah Annie Fernandez, Mars is also square natal Saturn (also exact at the time of the match), for although Fernandez is two months older than Raducanu, their Saturns are conjunct.  It was a karmic meeting!  The recent New Moon during the tournament was supportive to Fernandez, for it fell exactly on her Sun in Virgo.  At the final, Uranus trined her natal Sun, though that does not become exact until October.  The Nodal Axis is square her natal Mars, and Saturn opposes her natal Jupiter in Leo.  There are other similarities in their charts, such as having their Venuses in conjunction, their Saturns and Neptunes.  Emma’s North Node makes two karmic connections, trines with Leylah’s Mercury and Neptune.


This week Emma has broken several records:

She is the only singles qualifier to win the U.S. Open final

She is the  lowest ranked U.S. Open semi-finalist since 2009

She is the youngest semi-finalist since 2005

She is the first British female in 53 years to reach the finals

The Match

The match was a superb display of women’s tennis, reflective of the power tussle of yesterday’s Jupiter-Pluto semi-sextile.  Emma was playing without the support of her parents there, and with the crowd volubly on the side of Leylah.  The first set was evenly matched, so much so that Emma’s win took me by surprise – it seemed to come suddenly.  Leylah started to trail in the second set, but saved a few match points.  Then came drama.  Emma scraped her leg on the ground and it started bleeding.  It was at a crucial point, for Leylah was on the verge of possibly breaking back.  The match was stopped while the leg was attended to, but Leylah was visibly upset at the disruption.  This incident (itself unheard of according to the commentators) may be reflected in the transit of Mars (blood) square Saturn (leg), which happened to Emma but affected Leylah – they both had this transit.  Eventually, Emma forged on and won the tournament on an Ace.  Leylah was upset, but composed herself enough to make a memorable and mature speech, praising the resilience of New Yorkers, on this the 20th Anniversary of 9/11.

Watching Emma, I became aware of her unusual body language, and open aura, as though stretching out to her full potential.  Ah, who knew the power of a Venus Return in Scorpio?…I suspect she has a Libran Ascendant.  But both girls were outstanding, and the future of women’s tennis is showing great promise.

“When you make history you do it at  one level or two.  Emma is doing it at so many.  We’ve been hyping her but it’s happening.  She’s backing it all up.”

~ Martina Navratilova


On Tuesday (14th) Neptune from its own sign opposes the Sun in Virgo, and careful schedules may be thrown into confusion.  Your concentration may not be so acute, and issues may seem more clouded.  Conundrums may present themselves to you.

There will a be a change of energy on Wednesday, from the early hours of the morning, with Mars (the planet of war) entering Libra (the sign of peace).  It means that Peace and War have to interact, and negotiate, and can no longer ignore each other.  Either one can prevail, but they do have to try and acknowledge each other and if possible make progress.  Whether you have an ongoing tussle in your circle, or are interested in the wider world picture, this movement of Mars could be crucial, especially if you have experienced an impasse.  Brave and hard headed negotiations could take place with the Taliban in Afghanistan during this sojourn of Mars, which lasts until 30th October.

Two contrasting aspects occur on Friday.  The first, in the very early hours of the morning, is a psychologically constructive and positive trine between the Sun and Pluto.  You may experience and contemplate (or dream) in great depth, and any creativity will have this profound quality imbued within it.  You may find that you have made more real progress than you thought, your patience is rewarded.  There could be a revelation.

The other aspect, occurring around waking time, is more sober: a square between Venus and Saturn.  Both influences may operate during the day, and possibly together may produce bittersweet experiences.  Maybe you were wrestling with a conundrum overnight…Maybe you felt let down by someone or you disappointed yourself in some way.  Forgiveness could be a solution, in that case.  Perhaps the way the changes are taking shape are not quite to your liking, but it is not too late to change them.  It may be about the way something looks, or the way something makes you feel, but some warmth of heart can make a difference.  Relationships need work.  If it’s any consolation, the power of the first aspect may overcome the difficulties of the second.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – mystery
  • Wednesday – galvanize for peace
  • Friday – psychological strength; sadness

Aspects for the week beginning 5 September 2021

ABBA Reunion

“Thank you for the music, the songs I’m singing
Thanks for all the joy they’re bringing
Who can live without it? I ask in all honesty
What would life be?”

~ Benny Andersson and Bjorn Ulvaeus

No more conjecture of will they or won’t they!  ABBA announced on Thursday evening that they are planning a reunion album and virtual tour.  With a huge fan base, the news was welcomed with great joy and celebration.

The Swedish group was formed of two couples, Agnetha Faltskog who was married to Bjorn Ulvaeus, and Anni-Frid Lyngstad who was married to Benny Andersson.  Bjorn and Benny were making music before they met their future wives, but they met them within weeks of each other, and eventually formed the group of four in 1972.  They went on to be one of the most successful bands of all time.


Blond Agnetha was five years younger than the other three (who were all born in 1945).  We have birth times (and therefore Ascendants) for the two women, but not for the men.  Agnetha has the Sun in Aries in the 8th House exactly opposite Neptune on the cusp of the 3rd House, so has a strongly shy and reclusive side to her nature.  Her Ascendant is in performing Leo exactly conjunct Pluto, which is very challenging both psychologically and through life circumstances.  She has several phobias, including apparently: a fear of flying, heights, stage fright, a fear of crowds, and agoraphobia.  They may be linked with her Pluto on the Ascendant.  She has a very Plutonic/Scorpionic chart altogether, with the Moon in Scorpio and the Sun exactly trine Pluto, making for great depth.  She has the ability to move people’s emotions, with her voice.  Sun exactly trines her Ascendant, again showing up the Performer Archetype – born for stardom!  Venus exactly conjunct Jupiter in 7th House depicts the successful double partnership.  Jupiter makes an entrepreneurial trine with Uranus in her chart.  And Uranus squares the Nodal Axis, implying a karmic entanglement in a Group.


With half his planets (5) in the Cardinal signs, he is a leader.  His Mercury/Venus conjunction in Aries immediately brings up the Writer Archetype, and he is the author of ABBA’s hits, together with Benny.  His Sun hails from the musical sign of Taurus, and his Moon hails from the other musical sign, Libra.  With Uranus trine Neptune, he is capable of dealing with complexity, and certainly there is great variety in the songs, and some complexity.  Bjorn first formed a band  called the “Hootenanny Singers”, then teamed up with Benny, who was also a talented songwriter.  Benny’s Venus is sextile Bjorn’s Jupiter, making for good musical collaboration, and their Jupiters are exactly sextile, so they were able to bring each other success.

Bjorn met Agnetha in a cafe in March 1969.  Mars was trine his Pluto at the time (a recurring trigger in his life) and Pluto was opposite his natal Mars.  The Nodal Axis was square to her natal Uranus, which echoes her natal Nodal Axis/Uranus square which speaks of group karma.  Their synastry is not easy, with her Neptune opposite his Mercury, and her Mars conjunct his Chiron.  They married on 6th July 1971, with Pluto on his Chiron (quite an impact on him), and Venus trine her Venus, Jupiter sextile her Mars, but Pluto on her Mars (so high intensity and a lot to process psychologically).  They had two children together but after 7 years they separated at the end of 1978.  It was the time of the Saturn Return for Agnetha, and she needed counselling after they divorced.  For Bjorn, Pluto was opposite his Venus, a classic relationship break-up transit.  When they were breaking up, Bjorn wrote the hit “The Winner Takes It All” (one of my favourite tracks).


Benny has Mercury, the South Node, the Sun, the Midheaven and Mars in Sagittarius.  Both he and his ex-wife Anni-Frid have 0 planets in Earth, which may have been tricky as a partnership trying to live in the real world.  He has the Moon and Neptune, possibly conjunct, in Libra, making for sensitive musicianship.  Like Agnetha, he has Venus exactly conjunct Jupiter, but in Scorpio (her conjunction is in Aquarius).  Venus squares Pluto in his chart, which can bring volatile break ups in relationships.  And with Jupiter (which is conjunct Venus) also squaring Pluto, there can be power issues going on in his life.  He has several aspects to his Nodal Axis, which makes for quite a karmically intense life.


Benny met Anni-Frid just weeks before Bjorn met Agnetha, when Jupiter was sextile his natal Mercury. Chiron was trine her Mars.  Their Synastry seems easier than that of Agnetha and Bjorn, with Benny’s Saturn sextile her Neptune, and his North Node sextile her Pluto.  Agnetha has the Sun trine the Moon in Water signs, so is deeply emotional.  Her Ascendant is in Libra with Neptune, Chiron and Jupiter (in the sign of Music and Partnership).  Her Sun is closely trine the Midheaven in her 10th House of Career, which gives her the Performer Archetype.  There is a great deal of sensuality in her chart, with the Sun in Scorpio, and Venus square Mars.  Venus closely trine the North Node points to music and singing as part of her karmic mission.  Like Agnetha, she has the entrepreneurial trine of Jupiter with Uranus, and hers is exact.

A Brief History of ABBA

They first played as a group on stage together on 1st November 1970 in Gothenburg.  It was a challenge astrologically for Agnetha, with Mars on her I.C. in Libra in 3rd House, and Neptune square her natal Venus/Jupiter in Aquarius in 7th House, which implies an element of surrendering in the group.  For Bjorn, there was again that transiting combination of Mars and Pluto, this time Mars sextile his natal Pluto in Leo.  He also had Uranus trine his natal Uranus in Gemini, exact to the day, so it was momentous for him. Benny had a Jupiter Return in Scorpio, and Uranus trine his natal North Node (a karmic opportunity).  Uranus was sextile Anni-Frid’s Pluto, a performance which would change the course of her life.

However, the Swedish public did not take ABBA to their hearts until they were selected as their Eurovision entry on 9th February 1974.  Their transits at this time were much more definitive and positive.  For Agnetha, Jupiter was sextile her natal Mercury and Midheaven in Aries in 9th House, Uranus trine her natal Jupiter/Venus, linking in with her natal Entrepreneur Archetype.  Pluto was on her natal South Node in Libra, a signal that her life was about to change fundamentally.  Benny too had an upbeat sextile of Jupiter to his natal Sun in Sagittarius (a success).

The rest, of course, is history, for their song “Waterloo” won the contest on 6th April 1974, a Solar Return for Agnetha.  Jupiter was trine Bjorn’s Saturn, a major boost to his confidence.  Pluto was sextile Benny’s natal Mercury, and for Anni-Frid Venus (her Ascendant Ruler) was trine her natal North Node in Cancer in the 9th House of Foreign Lands (the Eurovision Song Contest was held in Brighton that year).

After a few years of intense success and hit after hit, both couples separated, performing became less viable emotionally, and eventually the group officially disbanded in late 1982.  In this period, Uranus was trine Agnetha’s North Node in Aries in her 8th House (karmic change); Neptune was square Bjorn’s Chiron in Virgo, which will have been a complex time for him; Benny had Pluto sextile his natal Mars, drawing a line energetically in his life; and Anni-Frid had Saturn on her natal Venus in Scorpio in 1st House, a disbanding of significant relationships.

The reunion announced this week does not have very dramatic transits for the group.  There had been hints, and the performances will be virtual in some new technical technique using digital avatars in the future.  Three of the members are in their mid-70s, and the format does not sound too strenuous for them, although the recording was complex.  Agnetha has Saturn sextile her natal North Node in Aries in her 8th House (a deliberate and serious karmic choice/decision); Bjorn has Pluto sextile his natal Mars in Pisces, a new injection of energy into his projects, and that transit combination of Mars and Pluto again; Benny has a Saturn opposition to his natal Saturn, often a defining moment; and Anni-Frid has Neptune trine her natal Sun, a welcome chance to enjoy musical inspiration again.  They sound in good voice!

The public never seem to tire of their songs.  So much so that their songs were sculpted into a stage musical Mamma Mia in 1999, and Meryl Streep starred in the film in 2008,  Just when you thought they couldn’t cram any more songs into one musical, a sequel film was made starring icon Cher, singing “Fernando”.

“I’ve played all my cards
And that’s what you’ve done too
Nothing more to say
No more ace to play

The winner takes it all
The loser’s standing small
Beside the victory
That’s her destiny”

~ lyrics from “The Winner Takes It All” by Bjorn Ulvaeus and Benny Andersson


A high proportion of aspects occur in the very early hours of the morning in the U.K. so could affect our dream experiences.  In the U.S. they would occur the previous evening, so that would make for a different experience, which may be more emotional in tone.  In Australia, they would occur around breakfast time, so may be more motivating for the waking day.

The first of four trines this week occurred in the early hours of today.  The trines could give the impression of more flow and ease throughout the week generally. Today’s trine is Mercury trine Saturn.  This combines mental work with practicality, and brings focus and realism to the mental activities.  So it is a good day for making plans.  Serious conversations can also safely take place under this aspect.

If there is a fly in the ointment, it would be tomorrow (Monday 6th) early in the morning, with a square between Venus and Pluto.  Deep feeling issues may be preying on your mind and give rise to vivid dreams, or even nightmares.  These will require some psychological soul-searching for a true interpretation, and may spur on honest-as-you-can-be interpersonal communication.

Lunchtime brings more courage, conviction and dynamism, with a trine (second of the week) between Mars and Pluto.  There may be some upheaval involved, as when you are decluttering in earnest, but you should have the energy to start afresh once you have cleared some old ground.  This aspect speaks of self-empowerment, but you have to remember that everyone also has this force!

Yikes!  Two trines within an hour!  Closely following the Mars-Pluto trine and still at lunchtime, Venus trines Jupiter (one of the best aspects of the year).  Lunchtime could be very intense, or the lunch itself may be very rich.  Venus with Jupiter is so very social, and can be romantic too.  It’s an aspect to savour and enjoy.  Proposals and engagements often occur under this combination.

In the first hour of Tuesday (7th) we have a New Moon at 14 degrees Virgo.  Aspirations around the New Moon in Virgo could be very work-orientated.  Ecology and the environment are also provinces of Virgo, so benefits could accrue for the planet if enough minds are concentrated on this aspect of life.

Shortly after that time, again very early in the morning, the Sun will be trine Uranus (the fourth trine).  This could bring vivid dreams, with informative futuristic information encoded in them.  On waking, they may give you the go ahead to forge ahead with innovative plans and original creativity.

Venus enters Scorpio in the evening of Friday (10th), so emotions and passions could be heightened.  This is a time when deep feelings can be experienced and expressed.  Her previous sojourn through Libra focussed on relationships, and on entering Scorpio the quality of relationship deepens.  You can take a relationship to the next level.  Venus will change sign again on 7th October, so make the most of the opportunity.

A minor but potentially powerful aspect occurs on Saturday (11th) when Jupiter semi-sextiles Pluto.  This can bring power struggles, both personally and internationally.  In your life, you may be re-arranging the furniture in some way.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – constructive plans and conversations
  • Tomorrow – deep feelings need processing; dynamic activity; love and romance
  • Tuesday – new beginning; innovation and creative originality
  • Friday – deeper feelings
  • Saturday – power struggles

Aspects for the week beginning 29 August 2021

Don Everly (1937 – 2021)

“That´s the price of love, the price of love
The debt you pay with tears and pain
The price of love, the price of love
Costs you more when you´re to blame”

~ lyrics by Don and Phil Everly

Singer Don Everly, one half of the melodic duo with his brother Phil, died on 21st August.  I have fond memories of the Everly Brothers, as my school friend and I used to try and emulate their harmonies!  As a partnership, they were very successful musically, but had their ups and downs personally.  Don’s brother Phil died in 2014.

Don’s Birth Chart

Don had no Fire planets in his chart, so may have relied on the 3 Fire planets in Phil’s chart to provide the fuel at times, though Don was  a Sun Sign Aquarian (closely square Mars) and Phil a New Mooner in Capricorn, so Don may have overall been a more dynamic driver of their work.  There is no doubt that they were pulling in different directions at times, but apparently were always in sync when it came to singing in harmony: something else took over.

Don’s close conjunction in Pisces of Saturn/Part of Fortune/Midheaven in 9th House closely sextiles Mercury (brother) in Capricorn in 7th House (close relationships) – also displaying their connection in his life’s work.

They both had Jupiter early in the 7th House of Close Relationship, which seems to have signified the success of their partnership in each chart.  Often, when events occurred which concerned them both, their 7th House Jupiters would be triggered by transit.  In Don’s case, Jupiter was conjunct Mercury too, indicating commercial success.

Don’s downfall may have been drugs (which included Ritalin), and that is shown by Saturn opposite Neptune, whereas Phil specifically had chest weakness (Mercury being his Ascendant ruler) through smoking, and eventually died of lung disease.

The nadir of a chart, the I.C, describes the foundation and roots of life, and for Don Neptune conjoined this point in Virgo in 3rd House of Brotherhood, a sensitive foundation.  For Phil, Mars was at the I.C. in Scorpio in the 3rd House of Brotherhood, showing the importance of the male sibling.


Of course you would expect something very special in the way of harmony cropping up in their compatibility, and there is a “double whammy” of Phil’s Sun sextile Don’s Venus and Don’s Sun sextile Phil’s Venus, Venus being the planet of harmony.  Phil is reported to have stated: “it’s almost like we could read each other’s minds when we sang.” Phil’s Saturn sextiled Don’s Sun, and Phil’s Uranus was exactly trine Don’s Jupiter, a mark of entrepreneurial partnership, success, and opportunities.

The seeds of their discontent and the great rift between them are also shown: their Moons are exactly square, Don’s being in Libra and Phil’s in Capricorn.  The other striking factor causing disharmony in their personalities is Phil’s Uranus exactly opposite Don’s Mars, depicting sparks flying and anger issues.

Musical Career

Don and Phil’s parents were singers, and the boys first appeared on radio with their parents at a young age.  Their first hit was “Bye Bye Love” in 1957, which was written by Felice and Boudleaux Bryant.  “Wake Up Little Suzie” and “All I Have to Do is Dream” followed in 1958.  The Bryants themselves are another fascinating story, but looking at the factors which brought them to achieve success for the Everly Brothers, Felice’s Jupiter was exactly conjunct Don’s Jupiter.  Her Jupiter was therefore also trine Phil’s Uranus, keying into Don and Phil’s own trine, and enhancing the success of their enterprises.

Around this period (1957/8) they toured with Buddy Holly.  There is a definite affinity with him musically.  Buddy and Don had their Saturns exactly conjunct in Pisces.  The brothers were devastated by his death in February 1959: Don found he could not attend the funeral, and was reported to say: ” I couldn’t go anywhere. I just took to my bed.”  Both brothers had difficult Uranian transits registering shock at the time: Uranus was square Don’s Mars, and Uranus was square to Phil’s Uranus and his Nodal Axis.  That same year they released “Let It Be Me”.

They had been writing songs for a few years, and recorded one of their own, “Cathy’s Clown” in 1960 on a new label, Warner Bros. Records. “Til I Kissed You” came the same year.  “Walk Right Back” was released in 1961, followed by “When Will I Be Loved”.

In October 1961 they joined the Marine Corps Reserve – Don in particular had a heavy water presence in his chart: Midheaven/Part of Fortune/Saturn and Venus in Pisces, and Ascendant in Cancer. During their Marine service they performed “Jezebel” and “Crying in the Rain” on the Ed Sullivan show.  At this point in time, their success began to wane: the Beatles were on the rise, and they were emulating the Everly harmonies.

1965 saw the success of “The Price of Love”, but the brothers were struggling.  Eventually, they announced a final performance, to take place on 14 July 1973.  But in the middle of the performance, Phil walked off, leaving Don to complete it alone.  Both had challenging transits to their natal Jupiters in 7th House (which represented their partnership in each chart): for Don Mars squared his natal Jupiter (a trigger), and for Phil Neptune was square his natal Jupiter (spiritual confusion).  They were separated for over ten years.

They reunited at the Royal Albert Hall in London on 23 September 1983.  At the time, Don had some harmonious transits involving Venus.  For Phil Mars was square his Midheaven (careerpoint) in Taurus (music) in 9th House (foreign lands). A revival was shown by Pluto squaring Phil’s natal Sun in Capricorn in his 5th House.

Final Years

Their relationship was tense in later years.  Don was reported to have said they had different views on life and politics.  Phil died in 2014, and Don was shocked because as the elder brother he always believed he would go first.  At the time, for Phil, Pluto was transiting his natal Mercury (which represents the lungs, which had been a long term site of weakness).

A possible factor in Don’s departure this week is that the current Eris/Pluto square is at the degree of his Moon, with Eris opposing his Moon and Pluto squaring it.

For me, their songs will always be the epitome of musical harmony.

“Phil and Don were the most beautiful sounding duo I ever heard. Both voices pristine and soulful. The Everlys were there at the crossroads of country and R & B. They witnessed and were part of the birth of rock and roll.”

~ Paul Simon


The Nodal Axis (from Gemini and Sagittarius) squares the Sun in Virgo today, urging us to be adaptable in creating our lives.  We may consider we have to “roll with the punches” for instance, because other people, and bigger principles, and groups, are involved.  This may bring about power play.  However, the guiding principle, come what may, has to be individual authenticity.  The positioning of the Nodal Axis will ensure karmic justice within the structure of projects and power balances, though there may be a few personality clashes (you can’t always please everyone).

Tomorrow (Monday, 30th) Mercury enters Libra, which brings a new mental focus on cultural themes, which could bring more pure enjoyment: art and music being fundamental areas for Libra, and decision-making. Mercury in Libra is slightly more relaxed than Mercury in Virgo, and it’s a long stay (until 5th November) because Mercury will have a retrograde period during the intervening time.

Thursday (2nd) may be tricky, because Neptune opposes Mars that day.  There are elements of war and peace, and smoke and mirrors, about this opposition, so don’t try and be too clever, just try and stay away from unsavoury entanglements.  With it being an opposition between clean and tidy Virgo and its opposite number Pisces, domestic strife could erupt over who is going to do the dishes, and who is making more mess in the home!  In the office, there may be a dispute about procedures and filing systems!  There can also be a sense of illusion (Neptune) with this opposition: a few years ago when this aspect occurred, the news reported “Four climbers had to be rescued from England’s highest mountain, Scafell Pike, when they got stranded after taking cannabis.”  A scenario not to be repeated…

The last aspect of the week comes on Friday (3rd), when Mercury will be trine the North Node.  This can help ensure that information and communication are accurate and karmically relevant.  You should be able to experience that on a mental or spiritual level.  It will contribute to progress generally, especially when finalizing your week’s work and in preparing for the weekend or communicative ventures.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – be adaptable but authentic
  • Tomorrow – new mental focus on cultural themes
  • Thursday – trouble and strife plus illusion
  • Friday – karmic information and communication

Aspects for the week beginning 22 August 2021


Book Review: “The Places In Between” by Rory Stewart (pub: 2004 Picador)

The horrific scenes this week of people trying to flee Afghanistan at Kabul airport, people being crushed, women throwing their babies over barbed wire fences supposedly to safety, has shown us this week how absolute is the plight of the Afghan people, since the U.S. and the U.K. have pulled out their presence, and allowed the Taliban to encroach on every inch of the land.

A while ago, a friend sent me the book of Rory Stewart’s walk across Afghanistan, and this week I felt this was the right time to read it, while all our thoughts were trained on the tragedy that has befallen its people.  Another friend this week commented that Rory Stewart would have made a better Foreign Secretary, especially in the light of Dominic Raab taking his eye of the ball when the crisis erupted last Sunday.

The book is an absolute gem, giving a picture of Afghanistan in 2002, between the events of 9/11 and the added turbulence in the Middle East of the 2003 Iraq war.  I will look at Rory Stewart’s chart, that of Afghanistan, and the current transits; I will also try and convey the joys of the book.


(A Potted History): Afghanistan has a long history of internal strife and interference by foreign conquerors, and the 20th and 21st Centuries have been no different.  In 1979, the U.S.S.R. invaded Afghanistan.  In response, the Mujahadeen rebels united against them.  In 1988 the group Al-Qaida was formed, with Osama Bin Laden prominent amongst them, proclaiming a holy war against the Soviets, their aim being an Islamic state.  In 1995 a newly formed militia known as the Taliban arose.  At the time of the 9/11 attacks in the U.S., prime suspect Osama Bin Laden was thought to have been living in Afghanistan.  The U.S./Afghan war started in October 2001.  Bin Laden was killed in 2011, and  by 2013 NATO forces had trained the Afghan army to take over operations.  From then on, the intention of U.S. policy was to reduce their military presence in Afghanistan.  Last February, Trump signed a deal with the Taliban without reference to allies or to the Afghan government.  In April this year, Biden warned that the U.S. would be pulling out completely, and by last Sunday, the Taliban had taken over Kabul.

Sharia Law

The Taliban say they will rule according to the system of Sharia law, which is Islam’s legal system, derived from the Koran and the sayings of  Prophet Muhammed.

Rory Stewart wrote: “The Taliban and the majority of Afghans are Sunni Muslims. The Hazara Shia saw themselves as more civilised, more mystical, more tolerant towards women and other faiths. The Taliban saw the Shia as heretics or infidels. They thought the Shia reverence for saints’ shrines and pictures of the prophet’s family, and their respect for the twelve Imams (or leaders), was idol worship….”

The Chart of Afghanistan

For the Afghanistan chart, I use the 1973 version (there is a 1919 version).  Interestingly, it is the same year that Rory Stewart was born, so the outer planets are in alignment and in harmony with his chart.  In the Afghanistan chart, the Sun is exactly conjunct the I.C. in Cancer in  3rd House, possibly symbolic of its own struggle to retain its own power and unity.  The Moon is exactly conjunct Jupiter at the end of the 9th House, emphasizing the importance and idealistic fervour of the religious struggles of this country (Jupiter and 9th House representing religion).

The chart of the Afghanistan War itself – 7 Oct 2001 4.25 pm Kabul – is revealing: it has Chiron on the Midheaven in Sagittarius (wounding, and the attempt to heal, in a religious context).  Mars was exactly square the Afghanistan chart Mars, representing the ignition of a war.

 In current transits, Saturn is on the natal Afghanistan Moon/Jupiter in 9th House, describing the results of foreign abandonment.  Pluto is opposite the natal Sun in 9th House, and transiting by conjunction the natal Midheaven in Capricorn in 9th House, a moment of destruction and change, all to do with foreign involvement in the country.

Rory Stewart Birthchart

In his Element balance, Rory has 0 Water planets.  That can mean low emotionality, but in Rory’s character I think it shows objectivity: He records, in his book, sometimes shocking events and conversations with no trace of judgment.

He has Jupiter closely conjunct north node in Capricorn, twin themes of his karmic mission: to travel and to be a politician.  In addition, he has Mars conjunct Neptune in Sagittarius (more wanderlust).

Rory Stewart’s relationship with Afghanistan also reveals exactly trined Venuses (Love; he met his wife there), and healing (Rory’s Venus exactly trine the Afghanistan Chiron).

His Book

I don’t want to give out too many spoilers. His stories would be fascinating on their own, but in addition are seen through the lens of a fine mind and a character with a uniquely interesting take on life.

Rory has a distinctly gaunt appearance, and Capricorn can incline towards asceticism.  He certainly seem to endure the prospect of sometimes days on end of having only stale bread and sweet tea for sustenance.

The walk took 36 days, and took place in early 2002.  Rory Stewart modelled his trek on the earlier journey of founder of the Mughal empire Babur (1383 – 1530) whose poetic writings he quotes extensively.  Babur was born in Uzbekistan and was indirectly a descendant of Genghis Khan and Tamerlaine.  Babur was born with the Sun in Aquarius, and even mentions the sign in his memoirs:

My desire for Hindustan had been constant. It was in the month of Shaban, the Sun being in Aquarius, that we rode out of Kabul for Hindustan

There are some stunning similarities between his chart and Rory’s.  Babur has the Moon conjunct Mercury, like Rory Stewart, across late Capricorn and early Aquarius on the cusp.  Rory has the Moon conjunct Mercury, across the late Sagittarius/early Capricorn cusp.  Both have Neptune in Sagittarius (within 3 degrees of each other) closely sextile their natal Plutos in Libra (within 6 degrees of each other): that is quite remarkable, and may account for some of their shared life themes and aims in their contemporary contexts.  Might Rory be a reincarnation of Babur?

Rory describes every step of his journey:

 “I wandered down the womanless street, listening to the rich roar of the unemployed mullahs and the illiterate gunmen discussing cousin-marriage.”

He describes a constant refrain from its people (at the time):

 “There has been war for twenty-four years. There is no water. The villagers are poor, illiterate, mad and dangerous. Afghanistan is destroyed”

He is often poetic and lyrical:

“The snow had continued during the night, covering my stumbling tracks to the house. The air was cold and dry; the sky was a dark blue and the snow crust glittered. Sheets of ice spun across the surface of the swollen current.”

I would thoroughly recommend this best-selling book, to read at any time, but especially now if you want to be connected to the soul of the country.


Rory Stewart wandered through the literal minefields and the metaphorical minefields of this territory.  His book is a very worthwhile read, the opportunity to mourn for a lost country.

What has happened was predictable, knowing the U.S. policy and intentions, though the consequences moved faster than anticipated. and it will take a long time for Afghanistan to heal, and to deal with the traumas of the past.

“The US should not be in the business of spreading democracy by force. We seem to have learned nothing from Vietnam, let alone the US’ long history of instigating and interfering in regime changes. Instead of providing a model of a functioning democracy and human rights through the use of soft power to influence other countries, we come in charging with massive military to change the political landscape, only to end up retreating and delivering the country straight to insurgent forces.”

~ Alon Ben Meir, U.S expert on Middle East politics and affairs



This morning began with a trine between Venus and the North Node, which is harmonious and loving, with karmic notes.

The next aspect was Mars trine Uranus, which can bring great excitement!  In science, technology and mechanics there could be progress and advances.  Engineering and electrical themes also benefit, so sparks fly, but in a good way!  You may also notice some bold and controversial moves.

Around midday the Moon is Full in Aquarius.  Numerological repetition note for enthusiasts: 22 August 2021, at 12.02 p.m.  This occurs at 29 degrees Aquarius, right at the end of the sign, and conjoins the Moon.  There is even a resonance with the Afghanistan chart, which has the Moon conjunct Jupiter in Aquarius – certainly sympathies lie with that war torn land at this moment in time.  For us, in safer climates (with the luxury of not having to rush to the airport), we might be torn by looking at an issue emotionally, then from a detached perspective, then back and forth.  This may produce a stand off between the individual and the group.

As if that were not enough for one day, in the evening the Sun enters Virgo.  The need for knuckling down conscientiously to work and study schedules is reinforced.  The Sun in Virgo will underline the need for a sense of focus and purpose.  Efficiency and Economy will be watchwords for how we organize the second half of our year.  There may be a new resolve to institute health and fitness regimes, and work rotas and practices.  You may be thinking ahead to September courses.

Tomorrow, Monday (23rd) in the third trine of the week already, which can’t be bad, Venus trines Saturn.  This brings hope, of people coming together with more commitment and loyalty.  Venus can provide a softening role to a hard line stance.  It is conciliatory, which may be just what is needed.  Relationships may need serious resolving, and this aspect can help, whether on a personal level, or between the North and South.

In the early hours of Wednesday (25th) Neptune opposes Mercury.  This opposition brings confusion in the mind.  There may be for instance a mental dilemma, or a demand for clarification.  It may be difficult to focus, if you are engaged in documentation work.  Journeys may be long and complicated.  You may need to take care near water.

A fourth trine on Thursday (26th) brings mental harmony, with Mercury trine Pluto.  If you have been treading water, you’ll meet your rescue vessel, so to speak.  That aspect is conducive to deep thought and psychological reflection, and earnest conversations.  It is good for in-depth consultations and negotiations.

It’s a week in which much progress can be made.

The week in bullet-points:

  • Today – it’s all “go”; karmic love; excitement; emotional high-tide; knuckling down
  • Monday – loyalty and commitment
  • Wednesday – mental fog and confusion
  • Thursday – deep consultations

Aspects for the week beginning 15 August 2021

Una Stubbs (1937 – 2021)

Una Stubbs, veteran actress and dancer, died on Thursday 12th August aged 84.  She has been warmly praised for her kind nature by those who worked with her.

Birth Chart

Although we do not have a birth time/Ascendant, she has a distinctive Element pattern: 6 (over half) of her planets in Earth signs, and 0 planets in Air signs, making for a very instinctive mode of operating, and an earthy approach to life.

Her Sun was in Taurus, and as a characteristic of that sign she tended to play mostly supportive roles.  The Sun in Taurus would give her amiability, but its close conjunction with Uranus produced that perky personality she displayed.  The Guardian obituary by Michael Coveney described her as “geared to be fast and funny”, and she displayed that Uranian ability in her team captaincy of the game show “Give Us A Clue”.  The actor Mark Gatiss has declared that “Mischief was in her blood”.  Almost every Taurean possesses a talent for either art or music, and Una fulfilled her talent by becoming an exhibited artist.

Mercury trine Jupiter in her chart described an optimistic frame of mind – as evidence of that, she had a beautiful and generous smile.  But it was her Venus square Jupiter which showed a characteristic which crops up time and again in the tributes to her: her particular humour.  Venus square Jupiter can bring a slightly off-the-wall sense of humour, and even inappropriate laughter.  She was known for being good company, and was described as “wickedly funny”.  Chiron was at the South Node in her chart, pointing to training as a healer in past lives.


With the Sun trine Neptune (lord of the dance) in her natal chart, she started out as a dancer – her first performances were as part of the Dougie Squires troupe of dancers, on the television show “Cool for Cats” in 1956.

For me, in my early teens at the time, she will always be “Cliff Richard’s girlfriend” from the film “Summer Holiday” (1963) and “Wonderful Life” (1964).  Cliff’s Venus was trine her Sun/Uranus conjunction.  I always wondered how she could look perennially bright eyed and positive.  She had that glow from the inside, but was aided by the huge smile and naturally arched eyebrows – a look of surprise perhaps bestowed by the planet Uranus (lord of surprise)?  Coveney describes her role as “a docile, amenable dolly bird hanging around Cliff and the Shadows”.

Of course, she had to move on from that girl-next-door role, and the next role she became famous for ensured her presence on our screens for ten years in “Till Death Us Do Part”, and more years if you count the sequel “In Sickness and in Health”.  She played a slightly rebellious (Uranus, again) daughter of Alf Garnett, that character who was created to show us the worst excesses of bigotry and racism (1965-1975).  It seems so long ago, and though the nation laughed weekly at his antics, we still (2021) have bigotry and racism.

She then went on to play a life-sized doll and the love of a scarecrow’s life in Worzel Gummidge (played by Jon Pertwee), during the years 1979 – 1981.  From 1998 to 2001 she played Miss Bat in “The Worst Witch”.  But a new generation of viewers knew her as Sherlock Holmes’ landlady Mrs Hudson, playing opposite Benedict Cumberbatch, to great acclaim (2010 – 2017).

She had fine mental qualities of Mercury trine Jupiter (breadth of mind) and Mercury sextile Pluto (depth of mind), and in later years trod the boards in weightier roles, in plays by Shakespeare, Terence Rattigan and Oscar Wilde.


Una married twice, her first husband being Peter Gilmore, with whom she adopted a son.  She then married Nicky Henson in 1969, another actor, and both their sons have become musical composers.

A bright spark has left the stage…

“Oh, this is so sad. Such a funny, lovely, gifted lady – a marvellous actress with a special style & a great (and impish) sense of humour.”

~ Gyles Brandreth


“The Quiet Office” Update

Thank you to all who bought yourselves a copy of my newly published book “The Quiet Office”.  Thanks to you I had a wonderful launch day on Wednesday 11th: Under the category of “Astrology”, the book ended up at no. 10 on Amazon, and at no. 11 in “Paranormal”.  Under “Spirituality” it reached no. 45.  If you would like to purchase the accompanying Past Life Archetype cards, email me.  At current printing costs, they are available at £5.50 plus £1.25 first class post or 85p second class post.



The Nodal Axis squares Mercury today, which is an opportunity to tackle your karma!  We can give more thought and exercise more mindfulness in our processes and actions.  Whether it is personal relationship karma or environmental karma, we can put our minds to what needs to change for the future.  Put into practice what we can do now.

Mercury often relates to weather and climate.  We’ve had a major earthquake in Haiti overnight, and this square hit the chart of Haiti very precisely: Mercury exactly opposes the Haitian Pluto (destruction) and the Nodal Axis squares this opposition, implying karmic overtones. 304 lives have been lost.  The population have had their fair share of such disasters, and are still recovering from the huge earthquake of 2010.

Venus enters Libra tomorrow (Monday 16th), in the early hours, in the U.K.  Venus is very comfortable in Libra, one of her own signs. If you have design skills in art or music, they could be heightened now, and in the near future.  At the very least, polish up your vocal skills.  She is in residence here until 10th September.

The early hours of Thursday morning (19th) brings a conjunction of Mercury and Mars at 13 degrees Virgo, so your mind may be on overdrive while you are attempting a good night’s sleep.  If you are energized, you may get through some morning tasks efficiently.  But if  you are blurry-eyed through lack of sleep, you or those around you may be slightly irritable.  The morning may bring a loosened tongue, sharp words, or a war of words.  If you are incident prone, you may experience minor cuts and bruises.  On the more high functioning end of this conjunction, you could write or say something witty, such as a critical review, or be forceful in getting your opinion across.

Jupiter opposes the Sun very early on Friday morning (20th), and you may experience this opposition late Thursday night.  We may be trying to cover too much ground, and overstretching ourselves, erring on the side of arrogance, although likely to be in good humour.  You may want to be travelling, whether physically to far off places with the right covid colour code, or mentally in your armchair reading about travelling.  If lazing in a chair, philosophical reflections on the quality of freedom in your life can bring relevant insights for this Jupiterian aspect and timing.  Or if you can extend to a desk, writing a comedy script would also be a suitable occupation for the day.  Otherwise, enjoy the holiday, staycation, or the planning or prospect of one.  There is more than a touch of rebellious humour.

Soon afterwards, Uranus will be Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde.  Uranus of course is the trickster, so things may not necessarily go according to plan. Plan for the unexpected, if you can.  You may see some goalposts moving.

By 8.06 a.m. you may even have the opportunity to outwit Uranus himself, as a trine between this planet and Mercury inspires high functioning minds, intuition and good ideas.   Uranus will add extra spice to your plans, and documentation.  Computers and technology should be on sparkling form and assist your expression.  If not, then Uranus retrograde is having the last laugh.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – tackle your karma
  • Tomorrow – polish your talents
  • Thursday – mental activity
  • Friday – mixed influences: a funny bone, a trickster, and a lightbulb moment

Aspects for the week beginning 8 August 2021

Laura and Jason Kenny

I can’t get away from the Olympics at the moment…!  In another success story U.K. cyclist Laura Kenny won a Gold medal in cycling, together with her team mate Katie Archibald.  Young mum Laura was very emotional as she told of the bond between her and Katie which helped them achieve this feat in the first ever Olympic women’s cycling madison. And – Stop Press!  Jason Kenny, Laura’s husband, has just unexpectedly won a Gold!

Laura Kenny

I last wrote about both Laura and her husband Jason at the 2016 Olympics.  This week, they both won Silver medals for the individual track cycling event.  On her chart, I wrote:

” Cycling as a sport is ruled by Mercury, and that planet is an important focus when looking at her chart, also because she suffered asthma as a child, and a collapsed lung when born prematurely (Mercury related health conditions).  She has the Sun in the sign of endurance, Taurus, the Moon either in Capricorn or Aquarius (no birth time available) and Mercury is in Aries the sign of speed.  There are not planets in Gemini (the sign ruled by Mercury and associated with cycling) but Gemini may be her Ascendant.  Interestingly, Mercury is largely unaspected in her chart.  This sometimes means a failure to integrate the principle represented by that planet, but can mean the freedom to express it in a very individualistic way.  Mercury does trine Chiron (which is good for self-healing) and squares the Nodal Axis (which puts her in a leadership role with other cyclists).

She has 5 planets in Cardinal signs (leadership) and 5 planets in Earth signs (very grounded).

But the main outstanding feature of her chart is a Grand Trine in Earth between the Sun in Taurus, Jupiter in Virgo, and the North Node in Capricorn.  Luck and positivity are a major feature of her success…

She also has an important exact trine between Mars and Pluto (indicating superhuman energy and reserves!).  Uranus conjuncts exactly her Neptune (high energy, complex, anarchic quality too).”

Jason Kenny

For Jason, I wrote:

“Jason has almost the exact same element and quadruplicity balance as Laura, so they are alike in some ways.  Laura has 2 Fire planets, 5 Earth, 1 Air and 2 Water.  Jason has 1 Fire planet, 6 Earth, 1 Air and 2 Water.  Laura and Kenny both have 5 planets in Cardinal signs, 3 in Fixed and 2 in Mutable. In addition, both have Moons hardly aspected, which may make them equable in mood.

Jason’s brilliance is shown by Uranus conjunct his Sun.  His Mercury (the bike) is well-aspected: it sextiles Neptune and trines Pluto, and he’s got a good head on his shoulders.

Like Laura, he is strong on leadership, with Mars sextile North Node.  Jupiter trine exactly Saturn gives him great balance, in decision making as well as on the bike.  He also has as part of his toolkit Jupiter trine Uranus (The Entrepreneur), so he knows how to take advantage of opportunities.”


They are still the Golden Couple.  I wrote about their synastry:

“The compatibility between the two is phenomenal.  Jason’s Sun exactly trines Laura’s natal Chiron (keys into her Mercury-Chiron Trine), his Venus trines exactly her Uranus.  His Venus trines exactly her Neptune/Uranus, her exact conjunction. His Mars sextiles exactly her natal Mars – energies exactly in tandem!

But most importantly, his Jupiter/Uranus entrepreneurial trine keys right into her Grand Trine (with his Jupiter on her Sun and trine her Jupiter, his Jupiter exactly trine her natal North Node).  His North Node in Capricorn conjuncts her North Node, so they enable each other and magnify each other’s abilities.”

They have missed their son, Albert, while at the Olympics.  He was born on 23rd August 2017, at 22.44 Hrs in Knutsford.  His Sun in Virgo is trine Laura’s Sun in Taurus, and His Mars trines her Venus, which is super compatible and affectionate; while Albert’s Sun is trine dad Jason’s Uranus, making for an exciting and stimulating father-son relationship.


Within minutes, the couple won Silver medals this week. Jason had Mars trine his natal Jupiter (great impetus), and Mars trine his natal Saturn (precision and control).

For the Gold, Laura had Mars trine her natal Sun (on tip top physical condition), Mars on her natal Jupiter (energy added to her enthusiasm, great zest!) and Neptune trine her natal Pluto (a holistic, mind, body and spirit experience).

For the unexpected Gold which Jason has just acquired, his transits are: Neptune on his North Node (a karmic triumph under the radar) and Neptune square his natal Chiron (a measure of his overall health).

Katie Archibald

Katie has had great success in her own right.  She’s a sensitive and emotional Piscean, with Mars conjunct closely with Saturn, not known for speediness, but excellent for control.  She was born on a New Moon, which means she can continually start afresh.

Her exceptional partnership with Laura is fuelled by Laura’s Mars exactly conjunct Katie’s Sun, Laura’s Pluto exactly trine Katie’s Sun, and Laura’s Sun exactly sextile Katie’s Mars (a very high energy combination).

For the Gold medal, Katie had the same transits as Tom Daley for his Gold: Pluto on her Uranus, and Neptune sextile her Neptune.  Katie and Tom were born within two and a half months of each other in the same year.  So if you were born between 12 March and 21 May 1994, you may have earned your own personal Gold in some form this week!

Laura Kenny this week earned her fifth Gold medal and became the most successful GB female Olympian. Jason too has smashed records, winning seven Olympic Golds.  And I am sure we have not heard the last of Katie’s potential.


“The Quiet Office”

Well, at last…!  The Quiet Office book project has been going as long as this website, and longer than this blog.  Finally, the book has been published, and I am very pleased with the finished product.

For afficionados of the genre, I need to point out that the excerpts which appear under the category “The Quiet Office” on this blog, do not belong to Volume I (the volume which has just been published).  As the book is a trilogy, they may appear in Volume II or Volume III (I am not yet sure what the timeline will be for either writing those two volumes or ascertaining what periods they will cover.

But, in the meantime, should you choose to buy and read a copy, ideally purchase on Amazon on August 11th.  I hope you enjoy it.  The accompanying Past Life Archetype cards are available to buy separately, so email me if you are interested.  The cost will depend on current printing costs, plus postage rates.

Meanwhile, I am still having sleepless nights from the buzz of having completed writing it, and managing to publish it.  In the fourteen years it took, I had to rely on others to hold the vision, during long periods where I was not sure myself if it would ever come to pass…



A very special start to the week today…A sparkling New Moon at 16 degrees Leo, with the twist of a square with Uranus, so unpredictable and keeping us on our toes.  Nevertheless, the New Moon in Leo is about the soul quality of Joy.  This emphasizes the holiday making, creative and performing qualities of the sign and the season. It is some kind of a new beginning, so if you have experienced some testing times recently, you can press the re-set button.   Time to win that unexpected Gold!

Neptune opposes Venus on Tuesday (10th), in the first hour of the day.  This may be a challenge.  It involves sorting out your feelings, the real from the illusion, and especially in relationships.  In politics, there may be bluffs and double bluffs.  In relationships, more compassion is needed, and in finance more honesty.  Fine words may butter no parsnips.

In the early hours of Wednesday (11th) we have another opposition: that of Jupiter opposing Mercury, which adds to any communication and travel complexity.  You may feel you need to be in two places at once, and be summoned hither and thither.  Geminis and Virgos may need to factor in some extra relaxation time.

In the evening, Mercury enters Virgo, so the daytime is suitable for making the most of the celebratory qualities of Mercury in Leo.  Work themes may be really bedding down in your schedules.  There will also be more emphasis on health and ecological awareness, such as dealing with fires in Greece and California.

Finally, the evening ends with a strong and supportive trine between Venus and Pluto, helpful for money and love.  Pluto settles your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  This aspect helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  It is about deep love, deep awareness of your relationship with money, and profound artistry.

So, a full day on Wednesday, one of the reasons I picked the day for my book launch!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – new beginning
  • Tuesday – sort out truth from illusion in relationships
  • Wednesday – mentally overstretched, but could benefit sales; good for attending to detail; deep understanding of love and money


Aspects for the week beginning 1 August 2021

Tom Daley

Among the highlights for Team GB at the Olympics this week was Tom Daley’s gold medal, achieved with his synchronized diving partner Matty Lee.

Birth Chart

With half his planets (5) in the Cardinal signs, Tom is a leader, and with 4 planets in Water signs he is very much a natural in that element.  His Sun in Gemini is conjunct the North Node and trine Uranus, which amplifies the theme of leadership, and originality.  His Sun is opposite Pluto, which symbolizes the role of the father (Sun) and his early death (Pluto) in Tom’s development. Tom’s Moon and Mercury are unaspected, and as Mercury is his ruling planet, this again frees him up to be an individual.  Mars in Aries closely squares Uranus, giving him an electrical quality to his energy.  He says:

“I’ve always been an adrenaline seeker.  I love rollercoasters, waterslides – diving is an extension of that.  I grew up by the sea in Plymouth.  From an early age my parents encouraged my brothers and me to swim in case we got into trouble in the water.  Diving gives me that mix of being in the water, but at the same time the adrenaline rush of jumping off something really high.”

Jupiter trine Saturn gives him a balanced judgment, something well needed in the precision of his art.  His karmic mission as a diver is further described by Neptune exactly sextile his North Node in Scorpio, and Pluto conjunct his North Node.

Life and Career

Tom was born in Plymouth, and began diving at the age of 7, an age when Saturn squared his natal Saturn in Pisces, emphasizing that planet’s role in his life’s work.  In 2007 he won the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Young Personality award.  His first Olympics came in 2008, competing at the tender age of 14.  That is the time of the first Saturn opposition in a child’s birth chart.  He won two gold medals at the 2010 Commonwealth Games, and a bronze medal in the 2012 Summer Olympics.

His father had played a pivotal role in encouraging his talent and accompanying him to competitions. There is no doubting the closeness of father and son, and how much Tom openly acknowledges how much his father did to help him:

“My dad was my biggest cheerleader. He died from brain cancer a year before the London 2012 games.  Now I’m a parent I understand so much more about why he used to do the things he did.  You never understand how proud a parent can be of a child until you have a child yourself.”


Having set up a YouTube channel in 2010, Tom posted a significant video on 2nd December 2013.  In it, he announced that he had been in a same sex relationship for nearly a year.  It was a brave act on his part, and accordingly an important transit at the time was Mars sextile his natal Pluto in Scorpio.

“Coming out on  YouTube was terrifying.  I didn’t know what the reaction was going to be.  Luckily, it was overwhelmingly positive.  My message to kids who feel different?  That perspective you have will be what enables you to be a warrior.  It’ll give you resilience.”

The relationship was with Dustin Lance Black, an American screenwriter, twenty years his senior, but they are both Geminis so they make up a “twinset”.  We have a birth time for Dustin, which we don’t have for Tom, so studying his chart helps to reveal more of Tom’s chart.  Dustin had a difficult Mormon upbringing, and from the synastry, it seems the relationship with Tom has been very healing for him, for example Tom’s Saturn (which seems to be a key planet in his life) trines Dustin’s Mercury, providing extra stability.  The announcement Tom made was very healing and even life changing for Dustin: Saturn was trine his Jupiter, the North Node was exactly trine Dustin’s Saturn to the day, and Uranus was transiting his Descendant (relationship point).

At their engagement on 1st October 2015, Neptune was trine Tom’s Jupiter (spiritual upliftment).  Dustin’s transits were almost totally positive, including Pluto trine his Venus (deep love).  Uranus was a driver in their commitment to marry on 6th May 2017, with Uranus square Tom’s Uranus, and Uranus sextile Dustin’s natal Moon.  Tom had always wanted children, and they opted for surrogacy, with their son Robbie being born on 27th June 2018.  Tom dotes on his son and says he is the light of his life, but Dustin’s astrological connections with Robbie are particularly strong, including Robert’s Sun conjunct Dustin’s Saturn, and Robert’s Neptune conjunct Dustin’s Jupiter.  The family of three live in London.


Tom has had previous synchronized diving partnerships, but his partnership with Matty Lee has literally struck gold.  Matty Lee is Sun Sign Pisces, a much more traditional sign for a diver!  How synchronized are their charts?  An Astrologer would certainly match them together, if asked.  Although only four years younger than Tom, he admired Tom growing up, with Tom thrust into the limelight at such a young age.  Their synastry certainly makes them a dream team, with Matty’s Mars (energy) exactly sextile Tom’s Sun (self-expression), Matty’s Venus exactly trine Tom’s Sun (synchonization and harmony), and their Jupiters exactly sextile (a winning combination!).

Tom’s transits for the Gold medal included Jupiter square his natal Sun (high hopes), Jupiter trine his natal Venus (personal fulfilment) and Mars trine his natal Mars (superb physical co-ordination), plus Neptune sextile his Neptune (spiritual serenity).  Matty’s transits were Saturn exactly on his natal Uranus in Aquarius to the day (extreme self-control), Uranus sextile his natal Sun (sudden success) and Pluto sextile his natal Mercury (deep intelligence!)

It is amazing to think that Tom is still only 27 years of age.  He experienced his first Saturn Return this year (in April), which is regarded as a coming of age.

Quotations from interview in the Observer by Nick McGrath 18/7/21


Mercury is sextile the North Node today, bringing karmic information to light.  Communication is highly significant and imbued with meaning, though subject to differing interpretations according to belief.  It is a good day for writing, teaching, tutoring and revising for forthcoming tests, and possibly for health checks.

At lunchtime, the Sun conjoins with Mercury at 9 degrees Leo.  It is a good day generally to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on your own growth and potential and physical wellbeing.  Mentally you may see things clearly, if egocentrically.  Creatively, this is a very helpful conjunction: If you are writing a play, for instance, the perfect line could come to you.  Be productive and creative!

In the evening, Saturn opposes Mercury, so that could take a little of the shine off the clarity of the major portion of the day, perhaps pointing out further work needing to be done.  There may be a setback to a plan, or you may suddenly feel fatigued.  Challenges or blockages may occur to the smooth flow of earlier in the day.  You may find that after karmic insight (Mercury sextile North Node), you are having to deconstruct the more ambitious elements of your project or projects, and knuckle down to detail and more exacting mental work, to concentrate the mind.  Travelling back from a venue may be more delayed.

Tomorrow (Monday, 2nd August) first thing sees Saturn then move to oppose the Sun.  This could produce further frustration, but on a more creative rather than specifically mental level.  Pushing the whole project or projects further may be a struggle.  The skies may be a little overcast with some rainfall or showers…We need to assess all our exciting ideas in the cold light of day, whether they will work in practice, etc.  We need to digest the current state of progress, and discriminate about what is worthwhile, what may be pie in the sky or overly romanticized.  There may be feelings of deflation, or feeling unappreciated .

However, as the day wears on, you may achieve healing through a trine between Mercury and Chiron.  This aspect describes healing on a mental level (positive thinking, writing and affirmations), and helps to combine conventional and alternative or complementary healing approaches.  You may be able to pick up the more positive threads from the previous day, and pursue your project or projects with confidence.  Was that three steps forward and two steps backwards so far this week?  Or maybe you did a whole lot better.  This is a problem-solving aspect.

More plain sailing on Tuesday (3rd), with a trine between Venus and Uranus to start the day.  You might attend a social function such as a coffee morning, thinking you’ll give it a whirl and it may be quite pleasant, and then find you make exciting new connections or reunions, with laughter-filled conversations, telepathy, and possibly some personal moments of deja vu (have I known this person in a previous life?).

The spanner in the works crops up on Wednesday (4th),  in the shape of Mercury square Uranus.  Back up your computer files (mental note to take my own advice!), and consider I.T. loopholes, as this is a time when you may experience glitches in this area.  Speech may be controversial. Use your intuition to be one step ahead – the Universe may be trying to show you new pathways, and possible new perspectives.

Another helping of healing follows (the first helping was on Monday), bringing a further healing opportunity, courtesy of the Sun trine Chiron.  This aspect favours both physical and psychological healing, and a trip or leisure activity may be just the tonic you need, or those you share a “bubble” with of whatever size (depending on whether or not you are fully liberated, partially constricted, or cautiously isolating).

It could be a jagged, roller-coaster type of week (the adrenaline filled type that Tom Daley thrives on: see his quote, above), for on Friday (6th) Uranus brings more “surprises” through a square with the Sun, but late in the day, so Thursday and Friday could be fairly quiet before then.  In the outcomes of the day, you could find that the least likely option wins.  So don’t rest on your laurels, provide for loopholes, and don’t take unnecessary risks.  Those who thrive on a “seat of the pants” way of living, will find it easier, and the rest of us can practise living in the now.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – karmic information; clear thought; doubts
  • Tomorrow – doubts; healing
  • Tuesday – social excitement
  • Wednesday – spanner in the works; healing
  • Friday – late onset spanner in the works