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Aspects for the week beginning 12 May 2019

Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor

Welcome to the world, Archie Harrison Mountbatten-Windsor!  He is already creating controversy over his first name Archie, so could be an exciting addition to our royal family.  He was born apparently at the Portland Clinic in London, and not at home in Windsor as planned, so could be full of surprises!  But his mother Meghan has already pronounced him to be calm, with “the sweetest temperament”, both adjectives which can be applied to his Sun sign Taurus. The royal couple, Harry and Meghan decided to include the name Mountbatten in the mix, and there is a link with Lord Louis Mountbatten in that his Mars is conjunct with Archie’s Part of Fortune, so perhaps Archie has this ancestor watching over him.  His chart also has very positive ties to that of his grandmother Diana Princess of Wales, so again she will be cheering him on from the other side (this includes a telepathic link of her Mercury to his Uranus).

Archie is a double Taurean, in that his Sun sign and Ascendant are in that sign, so he would have many of its traits.  His Sun is rising close to the Ascendant (within one degree, in the 1st House), and as the Sun represents the father in the birthchart this depicts very well a prominent royal father (the Sun). Taurus as Sun/Ascendant  highlights many talents such as growing things, connection with the Earth, and musical and artistic expression.  Sun in Taurus inclines towards the Arts in general, and specifically fine art, sculpture and pottery.  The Sun rising brings in an interest in addition for drama and the performing arts.  There is a sensuality about this sign which inclines to his being a naturally “touchy feely” person”.  Mum Meghan will probably be into baby massage which would foster this.

He has his Moon placed at 0 degrees Gemini: According to “Star Names for Baby” by Dan Crawford, the name Archibald comes under this sign. The name means “bold”, and he says it depicts one who will take chances.  Like both the Queen and Prince Phillip, Archie has his Saturn conjunct his Midheaven (Careerpoint), so duty and tradition will be an important value to him.  This is emphasized by being in the sign of Capricorn, and also being conjunct his South Node, showing that this trait is established through past life links.

Mercury conjunct Uranus and trine Jupiter implies an original, wide, free-ranging mind, and ability to pick up information.  A great deal of curiosity here, and a love of travel and interest in other cultures, and philosophy.  It also shows a good business acumen, and entrepreneurial skill.  He’ll receive a good education and is likely to be poly-lingual.

He has some reserved traits (double Taurus, plus Venus square Saturn) but also has a sociable Venus/Jupiter trine and the Sun rising, so he may express both extraversion and introversion, perhaps wearing different hats or masks for different situations.  With the Sun, Part of Fortune/Moon in the 1st House his personality will always attract attention, but having Venus and Mercury/Uranus in 12th House he will also very much have a private side to his life.  Mars exactly opposite Jupiter suggests extreme enthusiasm, for example in certain sports or as a collector (they fall across his 2nd and 8th Houses).

Relationship with Harry

There’s an extremely dynamic and energetic link between Archie and his father Harry, as  Harry’s Sun forms a T-square with Archie’s exact opposition between Mars and Jupiter.  Harry’s Sun trines Archie’s Pluto, so Archie will have a profound and life-changing effect on Harry.  Archie’s North Node sextile’s Harry’s Moon, so that shows a family karmic link, likely to originate in past lives.  Archie’s Uranus trines Harry’s Jupiter, so he may be dynamically involved in some of Harry’s projects.  Harry’s Saturn is exactly opposite baby’s Ascendant, and therefore Harry may be quite a disciplinarian in their relationship.

Relationship with Meghan

Mother Meghan has Mercury trine her baby’s Chiron, so will be very much in tune with his needs, and in particular his health.  Her Pluto squares Archie’s Nodal Axis, so there is strong karma to be enacted between them.  Her Sun in Leo squares his Taurean Ascendant, and that might result in a clash of wills when he is older.  She may experience him as placid now, but he will have strong ideas of his own as he grows up. His Chiron is also exactly opposite her Moon, so emotionally he will have her on her toes from the outset.  But, love overcomes all, especially mother love, and her Venus is trine his Ascendant.

Relationship with Prince Charles

Just as Harry’s Sun trines Archie’s Pluto, so Prince Charles’ Sun sextiles Archie’s Pluto, and Archie will also have a profound and life-changing effect on his grandfather Charles.  Archie’s North Node closely trines Charles’ Sun, and that is a close karmic link.  Charles has Jupiter trine Archie’s Mercury, and so will be a factor in his education, and in expanding his knowledge, reinforcing Archie’s own natal Mercury-Jupiter trine.  Prince Charles also has his Ascendant trine the baby’s Chiron, and this soul may share some of Charles’ alternative views about healing, nature and anthropology.

Relationship with the Queen

Being the same Sun sign of Taurus gives the two a natural affinity, and in addition Archie’s Mercury falls close to his great-grandmother’s  Sun.  His Chiron falls exactly on her Mercury, so mentally he will help her to see life differently, with new eyes. They have a splendid sextile between their Jupiters, so will feel uplifted in each other’s presence.  Her Pluto sextiles his Ascendant, so he will feel the weight of her history and role (in a constructive way).  His Saturn/South Node falls on her Ascendant, so she will also keenly feel the sense of his serious purpose in coming into the world.  There will be some element of the male side of his energy which will remind her of her own husband, Prince Phillip, as Phillip’s Mars is exactly conjunct that of Archie in the sign of Gemini.  Perhaps Archie will inherit his great grandfather’s mischievous streak.


We may have made solid gains with yesterday’s Sun/Saturn trine, and may consolidate them when the Sun trines Pluto on Tuesday (14th).  So these three days (11th – 14th) have that potential, of the combined power of Saturn and Pluto supporting us to make real progress.  You may have been working along some lines or on a particular project, and have felt it to be a real hard slog.  You may even have felt that you haven’t got very far, but may receive an indication in this period that you have done better than you thought, or that a pipe dream could become a going concern.

Around lunchtime the same day, Venus sextiles Mars.  Saturn and Pluto are both serious dudes, but Venus and Mars may introduce some more lighthearted frivolity.  Your project may be acceptable and adequate and on firmer ground, but maybe you can introduce some artistry or romance.  Or maybe you take a break from the serious stuff, and join a social whirl or a coffee shop outing with friends.

Moving on to Wednesday (15th) we see Venus coming home to Taurus, which gives a feeling of “all’s right with the world”.  Gardens flourish, money grows, arts are created, music is expressed, and there are sighs of satisfaction.  Venus is here until 8th June.

Sweet music continues on Thursday (16th) but of a more cerebral kind, as Mercury sextiles Neptune.  The inspiration is certainly there, but its application may be less earthy and more ethereal.  You may play around with mystical possibilities, for example.

Mars also enters Cancer that day, and may see you putting more effort into family affairs, or being protective of others.  Nurturing instincts and nest building are to the fore.  Mars is here until 1st July.

Thursday may be an eventful and productive day.  The next aspect occurring is Mercury sextile the North Node, bringing karmic information to light.  Communication is highly significant and imbued with meaning, though subject to differing interpretations according to belief.  It is a good day for teaching, tutoring and revising for forthcoming exams, so if this is a goal in your life pencil out the day in your diary for that purpose.

Lastly, and late in the day (in the last hour), Mercury trines Saturn, and you could really feel you accomplished something today.  It may be right down there in black and white, on paper, or on your computer screen.  You might even feel a last minute spurt of  mental energy carrying you through to midnight or beyond.  An odd late night won’t hurt you, not if it is so worthwhile or productive.  It is a good time to assess what you have achieved and what you plan to do for the next stage of your work or project.

Mental activity is still supported on Saturday (18th) with this time Pluto trine Mercury, deepening the nature of the work and thought and giving it a more psychological slant.  Conversations could be life changing: the right word at the right time, striking home in the right place.

From mid-afternoon things are more capricious, with an exciting conjunction between Venus and Uranus pepping up your social life.  It is time to take another little break from work, see who’s in town, and seek out new experiences.

It’s also a time to look within and examine your emotional health.  The evening belongs to the Scorpio Full Moon, and you will need to be in touch with your deepest emotions and be constructively authentic.  There may be a focus on shared finances and an attempt to balance material resources and needs between two people.  There may be a need for collective decisions going forward, so everybody involved needs to be clear about how they really feel.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – profound; sensual
  • Wednesday – homely pleasures
  • Thursday – mental inspiration; family concerns; karmic information; detailed work
  • Saturday – deep conversation; surprise meetings; intense emotion

Aspects for the week beginning 5 May 2019

UK Politics

The people have spoken this week, and pronounced that the political system as we know it is indeed, as we suspected, broken.  The two main parties have suffered a severe dent in popularity, for various reasons.  They have declared it is because of Brexit, but there are other factors.  Meanwhile, the Lib Dems have finally risen from the ashes after being burnt from their involvement in coalition government.  And the Greens, benefiting from Greta Thunberg’s success (and rightly so) have had their best ever results.  Just when you thought our politics couldn’t get messier…Time for an astrological stock take.

UK Chart

Transits for the U.K. Chart for the 2nd May local elections show (for the 1922 Chart) Pluto from Capricorn in 8th House opposite its natal Moon in Cancer in 2nd House – a harsh emotional climate and verdict by the people.  And for the 1801 Union Chart Neptune square its Mercury in Sagittarius in 8th House (mental confusion), Jupiter trine its Saturn in Leo in 4th House (some balancing of its internal politics).

European Elections

We have a deadline to achieve a deal by 23rd May in order to avoid the European Elections on that day, so this is a date to scrutinize for transits to the U.K. chart. Some of the transits remain the same, but for the 1922 chart: Uranus squares its Midheaven in Aquarius in 8th House – a seismic shock in its direction, while Pluto still opposes its Moon.  For the 1801 chart: Uranus trines its Chiron in Capricorn in 9th House (sudden events or crises), and Neptune still squares its Mercury.

Conservative Party

Saturn was sextile the Sun of the Tory chart at the time of the Local Elections, which can indicate a sober result, though I would have expected a stronger astrological message.

Theresa May

Both major parties have been tearing themselves apart over Brexit, but Theresa May’s popularity is at an all time low, having handled the issue badly and not having achieved a deal on time.  Candidates for a new leader have been lining up for some time, but she refuses to give a definite date when she will leave. Neptune is currently opposite her Jupiter, bringing to mind the phrase “the triumph of hope over experience”.  She took as her message from the people a prompt to get on with Brexit.  She is still as single minded and one pointed as ever, and trying to ignore the wolves who are queuing up for the key to her door.

Gavin Williamson

Another story which has dominated her week is the sacking of Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson after a security leak from a National Security Council meeting  He has been a bit of a maverick (Sun trine exactly Uranus) and made some strange statements over the time he has been in office.  In November 2017 I wrote: “He has a reputation for slipperiness, and that may be connected with his close natal Mercury-Neptune opposition.”  On the date he was sacked, Chiron was square his natal Sun (a healing crisis), but Jupiter was trine his Mars and Saturn was trine his Jupiter (he has some fighting spirit); Uranus was square his Saturn (personal earthquakes), Uranus opposed his natal Uranus (the midlife crisis, or midlife rebellion), and North Node sextile his natal Jupiter (some freedom from a situation).  He has totally refuted Theresa May’s claim that he leaked information from a security meeting, and she refuses to reveal further information about it. In their synastry Theresa’s natal Sun is conjunct Gavin’s Pluto, and though he has been loyal, he is capable of turning on her.  The event is borne out by Theresa’s transit of Neptune opposite her natal Jupiter, showing her to be a victim of deception and leaks.  The senior civil servant Mark Sedwill who is involved in the story has Neptune currently opposite his natal Venus, another deception transit (whether victim or perpetrator we do not know).

Labour Party

Transits for the Labour Party at the Local Elections were: Jupiter square its Mercury (an influence of over-optimism), Pluto sextile its Mercury (some serious and soul-searching information), and  Jupiter opposite its Neptune (over-optimistic and unrealistic outlook).  On paper, Labour did not suffer as many losses, but clearly the public is not happy with them as an effective Opposition.

Jeremy Corbyn

Like Theresa, Jeremy is blaming it all on Brexit, but the elephant at their headquarters is the issue of anti-semitism.  Nick Cohen this morning in the Observer has written a cogent article on the subject, stating: “when Jews and genuine anti-fascists complained, he and his supporters treated them as if they were false witnesses hiding their real aim of advancing Israeli interests”.  Sad to say, Jeremy’s days may be numbered, for this country needs a government of socialist values to remedy the austerity of the Tory years.  The tide so nearly turned for him in the 2017 election.  He might have capitalized on that if he had made his party line more strongly pro-European.  Chiron was this week sextile his Sun, and he may need to work on personal healing.  Uranus also squared his Jupiter in April, so he may have been overconfident or complacent.

Lib Dems

Does the Lib Dem chart show a strong sign of resurgence?  Their firm Remain policy has paid off, as well as the public disenchantment with the two main parties.  Uranus has been trine its Uranus/Saturn conjunction coming up to the election, and the Lib Dems have been well-organized and clear in their message.  Good for them!  It is about time they were karmically rewarded for the scapegoating they suffered under the hands of David Cameron.

Vince Cable

Despite his promise a decade or so ago, Vince Cable has made a lack-lustre leader for the Lib Dems, and clearly not relished the job, announcing his imminent retirement.  Ironically then he finds himself at the helm of their rebirth.  Mars is sextile his natal North Node (he must have done something right, and the planets have put new fire in his belly).  Jupiter is trine his natal Chiron (a wonderful healing transit, which he should be thoroughly enjoying), Saturn opposes his natal Jupiter (he may feel torn at the moment, now that he will be leaving just as success has arrived), Neptune sextiles his Sun (a graceful spiritual completion to end this phase of his career).

Green Party

A big cheer was given to the Greens by the public (their most successful ever result), and again well-timed now that we officially have a Climate Emergency.  Caroline Lucas is one of the most honourable and hardworking politicians at Westminster, and though she no longer heads up her party she is still its most high profile proponent (recently triumphing on Question Time).  She has Neptune square her Sun in Sagittarius at the moment, manifesting as euphoria rather than confusion.  She may hardly believe this big breakthrough.

Jonathan Bartley and Sian Berry are the new joint leaders of the Green Party.  Jonathan has Pluto square his Sun at this time, again a huge challenge in his life, but a breakthrough for his integrity perhaps in trying to protect the planet. Sian too has a challenging main transit, that of Pluto square her Mercury (she may not be able to compute the enormity of her task ahead), but she has Neptune on her Jupiter (a spiritual high) and Jupiter sextile her Uranus (an enterprising opportunity).  She also has two seismic shifts: Pluto square her Uranus and Chiron opposite her Pluto.  Her life is likely to change drastically as a result of this set of local election results.

In Summary

The country is still in a huge mess, and likely to be for some time.  The immediate response of the two main parties is to get their heads together over a Brexit deal which can go through, though some are calling this prospect a stitch-up, enabling the type of Brexit nobody wants. But there are two ways of looking at the political landscape now.  One, it’s a disaster for the Conservatives and the Labour Party, neither of which has seemed to serve its population well recently.  Two, it is the beginning of a new political order, one based on new values such as care of the planet.  The Greens are also fervently Remain, and anti-austerity.  But if the smaller parties are able to consolidate, grow their position and unite (the Independents also did well in the local elections), they may have a chance to do things their way.


There’s a bouncy aspect of Mars opposite Jupiter today, which is a highly energetic opposition of energy and enthusiasm.  This may work well for you, but it could also get out of hand if it is not balanced.  You may be trying to multi-task, for instance, and find that you can’t keep hold of one of your spinning plates.  Sport and keep fit regimes may be happy areas for handling all that energy.

Tomorrow (Monday 6th) Mercury enters Taurus, and the mental energy may be steadier and calmer than the fieriness of the last two or three weeks when Mercury has been in Aries.  This placing is better for negotiation, which is something much needed at the moment.  Practical ideas will be the order of the day.  Mercury enters Gemini on 21st May, so this is a short window, pre-European Elections.

Tuesday (7th) could be deflating, with a square to Venus from Saturn.  Don’t expect too much of others, or yourself.  Self-care is important, so a pampering (such as an aromatherapy massage) would be a constructive and reviving antidote.  Relationships and finance are key areas where you must be prepared for adjusting your expectations, or cutting your coat according to your cloth.  In relationships, you may need to prepare to be a listening ear. Work with what you have, and love the one you’re with.

Wednesday (8th) won’t be a dull day!  Mercury conjoins Uranus on that day, so mentally it could be off the wall.  You’ll be thinking inventively and out of the box.  There may be some interesting synchronicities happening.  Welcome the power of surprise!

Thursday (9th) has a sublime sextile between the Sun and Neptune to bask in.  The day begins on a note of inspiration and spiritual harmony.  In your creativity, you may be able to reach the parts which have been hitherto unavailable.  Nature may be a real source of nurture.

Jupiter semi-sextiles Pluto that day, so there may be minor power struggles going on, more likely on a wider scale, such as internationally.

In the afternoon, Venus trines Jupiter, one of the best aspects of the year, so altogether it could be a powerful day which moves your social objectives on significantly.  Romance and celebration could be on the cards.  Feel the Love.

Hold the Love.  At the end of the afternoon, Venus squares Pluto, so there may be some turbulence after the engagement, wedding or honeymoon that is Venus trine Jupiter.  Perhaps there is some jealousy or mean-spiritedness, which can come up if people think they are not getting their fair share of the limelight, or are threatened by a display of high self-esteem.  So the day ends with some psychological soul-searching.  It might be a roller coaster of a day on the stock exchange, too.

If you found Thursday to be a roller-coaster, Saturday (11th) provides a chance at a more stable and equanimous state of affairs, courtesy of Sun trine Saturn.  You can pick yourself up, dust yourself down and start all over again.  If you found Wednesday easy (for some it will have been a high) then you can build something practical from that, such as a new chapter in your blockbuster.  It is a day of laying good and solid foundations.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – energetic and enthusiastic
  • Tomorrow – mental practicality
  • Tuesday – low key
  • Wednesday – mental excitement
  • Thursday- powerful
  • Saturday – stabilizing

Aspects for the week beginning 28 April 2019

“The Convoluted Universe”, Books 1 – 5

by Dolores Cannon (1931 – 2014)

Book Review

Dolores Cannon was an American past life therapist, who died in 2014.  I have just finished reading the fifth of her enormous volumes entitled “The Convoluted Universe.”  The content will seem bizarre to many, but I just found them wonderfully mind-expanding and endlessly fascinating.  Sometimes I could only read them in bite sized pieces for the sake of my mental digestion, but other times I would be entirely engrossed on a long railway journey, far away from my everyday preoccupations or the political wranglings of the day.

Early books of Dolores Cannon

Dolores was born in 1931, and married a US Naval man in 1951, with whom she spent 21 years travelling all over the world in relation to his work.  She was a housewife and brought up her children, until in the 1960s she began to work with hypnosis.  She began by using hypnosis to help alleviate physical illness, and one day (in 1968) a client spontaneously went into a past life.  Thereafter, Dolores developed her own way of working with past lives, bearing in mind that at the time it was a new practice.

I read several of her books written in the 1990s, centred around past lives (such as the Essenes, and Hiroshima) but also some accounts of clients who described lives in spaceships or other stars.  At the time, she tended to focus on past lives, but her work was to expand.  She began to work with the expanded intelligence of the client, which she thought of as the “Subconscious Mind”, and to ask questions about the person’s own health, and the meaning of life.  She developed a method of healing entitled the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

Her body of work increasingly took her into the realms of UFOs and extra-terrestrials, i.e. beyond lifetimes on earth.  She also identified “Three Waves of Volunteers” (her book of that name, published in 2011, in between volumes of the Convoluted Universe), some people who were reporting that this was their first life on Earth (coming in without karma), and they had come to help planet Earth (tying in with the Ascension and New Earth movements).  Stop reading now if you are cynical, or faint-hearted!  When her work became thus expanded, she started putting together the “Convoluted Universe” series, which initially she thought would only be one or two volumes.  It is an apt title, for nearly every page is mind-bending.

Birth Chart

Dolores had a pioneering Sun in Aries, with a futuristic close conjunction of Uranus and the North Node (karmic mission) also in that sign.  Her Moon was right at the beginning of Aries too, so she was completely fearless.  The ruling planet of all that pioneering energy, Mars, was conjunct the Part of Fortune, so it was her joy and passion to investigate the unseen (this conjunction occurring in her 12th House of the Unconscious).  Her Ascendant was in Virgo, with Neptune rising, which gave her both the rigour of examining detail (Virgo) and the  sensitivity to work with clients who might often have presented with a trauma, phobia or emotional turmoil.  She also had a wider, but powerful, conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto in Cancer (delving deeply into the past) in 11th House of Group Work.  Last but not least, Mercury was conjunct Chiron in Taurus, a conjunction of working with mental trauma to find solutions.  The expansiveness and breadth of her work is shown by Mercury exactly sextile her natal Jupiter.

The Convoluted Universe, Book 1 (2001) [509 pages]

The books are compiled by sections of transcripts from her sessions grouped by different themes.  In the first book, some of the material comes from earlier sessions going back to the 1980s which were considered too “out there” at the time.

There was a startlingly huge amount of new information that came to me with this first book, even though I have been a past-life therapist for nearly 30 years.  The first revelation was that some people come into this life with no karma.  Often this is because they may have had lives on other star systems, but it is their first lifetime on Earth, because they have taken up the call for help for our planet from the place or places they call “Home” in the Universe.  Most of my clients have had many lifetimes here, though I did have one who said it was her second lifetime.

Although this book takes you beyond the realms of “ordinary” past life work, there is still plenty of material for those interested to learn more about them.  For example, she investigates historical details of past lives in the ancient civilization of Atlantis, something many regard as mythical, but a subject I have had much personal experience of.  Some of our actual myths and mythological creatures originate in those times, such as mermaids, and there is a section on mermaid life in this volume, as well as in volume 5.

There is extensive documentary about life on other stars and planets.  Again, this is not a “normal” part of my work, but I have had clients who experienced origins on other stars.  One of them described crystal buildings, and that is a feature of some of the descriptions in this volume.  The fashion designer Paco Rabanne has described coming from the crystal star Altair thousands of years ago.  I think I have always believed in life on other planets.  When I was a young child I wrote a story about life on another planet, and even then the life forms I envisaged were not concrete but rather abstract in consciousness.  There is a huge body of work about such life forms in these volumes, and the only other literature I have come across with so much to say on this subject is “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld.

Time itself is highlighted in these volumes as being our human linear construct, whereas there are other ways of looking at it, such as seeing it as non-existent.  The client I had from a crystal planet, when asked when she was there replied “before the Earth was formed”.

By far the most electrifying, and mind-challenging, section of the book (for me) was the section on parallel universes.  But enough said, I don’t want this book review to be a “spoiler”.

” In “Keepers of the Garden” Phil said many souls that had never known Earth lives had volunteered to come to help the Earth at his time in its history. They were the infusion or transfusion of new blood, the ones who have never known violence. Because they do not have this in their soul’s history they can help to change the vibration of the Earth and raise it to a higher dimension where such things as violence are impossible”.

The Convoluted Universe, Book 2 (2005) [661 pages]

Each time she published one of these books she thought it might be the last in the series, and then more and more material came in.  Each book is able to build on the credibility of the last, for if you followed the earlier work you are more able to take in the next phase.  For this reason, she urges you to read her earlier material (and though I had read several, I certainly now intend to go back and fill in the gaps, because I read her first few books, then rested on my laurels for a while before coming to the new material).  She established her own publishing company, Ozark Mountain Publishing. and has a vast catalogue of books written.

So if you are still with me, what fascinating delights are contained in Book 2?  The book starts out with examples of healing various ailments through identifying past life causes.  This in itself is an element of past life work which is satisfying.  Dolores would ask to speak directly to the Subconscious for an overview of the physical and mental condition of the client (rather like in the healing sessions of Edgar Cayce), and then from the Source would direct healing into the auric field or the cells of the body to restore the body to a normal healthy state.  This she called Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique.

There follows in this volume insights into the mysteries of ancient civilizations such as that of Egypt, and other lost civilizations, from information gathered in her sessions.  A controversial subject, that of Underground Cities, is also explored, as well as more information about Atlantis.  She believed in checking, and cross-checking various topics with many subjects, to arrive at truth and verification.  There are whole sections on the intricacies of the subject of karma, too.

She also introduces us to lives in non-human bodies.  Some people have not only had ancient lives, but been instrumental in the creation of Earth itself.  Therefore, you hear about lives in different elements and aspects of nature.  This is something I have not come across in my practice, but I remember reading the books by Arthur Guirdham about his Soul Group, where he asserts that his first consciousness was within an amethyst.  This may seem a stretch, but if you consider that many people have had the experience of being one with nature, that may be akin to such an experience or memory.

“Some of the non-human lives that have been reported to me were life as a stalk of corn where enjoyment came from basking in the sun and swaying in the gentle breezes. Life as a rock where time went by with incredible slowness”.

The Convoluted Universe, Book 3 (2008) [693 pages]

In the Introduction to this volume, Dolores elaborates on the healing element of her work:

“The client is instantly cured in miraculous ways in only one session.  I have reported some of these cases in my other books…It is most important for people to realize that they can cure themselves.  That their minds are extremely powerful, and the body will heal itself if properly directed to do so.”

She did train many others in her method, and indeed there are hypnotherapists doing amazing work along these lines, such as Steven Blake in the U.K. who has developed a neurolinguistic programming based technique called OldPain2Go which involves connecting with the subconscious.  Dolores’ guidance was that she needed to train as many people as possible as it would be the “therapy of the future”.

Also dealt with in this volume are Parallel Lives and Walk-Ins, subjects introduced in the books of Ruth Montgomery a few decades ago.  Again, these are controversial subjects.  I was told by Judy Hall a few years ago that I had a Parallel Life, which I do feel sceptical about.  But when I was hosting a regular meditation group about 20 years ago, one of our attendees used to talk about 7 Parallel Lives she was experiencing.  So I have an open mind on the subject per se, just not about my own!

Life in non-human bodies (including part-robots and even inanimate objects) is expounded in more detail in this book, with many examples given:

“It doesn’t matter what you’re made of, you still see, are still aware. It doesn’t matter; flesh and bones or nuts or bolts. There is still consciousness”.

Again, I can even stretch my mind to this, when I consider that in meditation you can become one with a flame. Objects and crystals can take on the vibrations of people they are in close contact with.

She also writes a great deal about the New Earth, which many souls are working towards.  This is linked with the Ascension movement, and involves the Earth moving into a higher dimension.  The book was written before the 2012 end of the Mayan calendar, which was a key date for this happening.  There are many still developing this work, post 2012, notably Celia Fenn.

The Convoluted Universe, Book 4 (2012) [595 pages]

This book was published in 2012, in anticipation of the end of the Mayan calendar, but before the actual end, which took place in December of that year.  This was a watershed in people’s minds, as much as that of the Millennium and the end of the Nostradamus prophecies.  But, life goes on, and the world is in as much turmoil as ever!  This book continues to illustrate the hope for the evolution of mankind/womankind, and describes the limitless consciousness and awareness contained in the subconscious mind of the many people who continued to work with Dolores.  If I am going to be pedantic, I might put in a plea for the word “superconscious” rather than subconscious, but I continue to (as I always have done) look at different definitions of subconscious and unconscious, a subject which has intrigued me since my undergraduate days.  I have never settled with this issue satisfactorily, even with the diagram of Roberto Assagioli who does bring in the superconscious.

What is lovely in this book and Book 5 is that increasingly Dolores asks for a parting message from the subconscious of the client, which is always lovingly reassuring.  Here is one:

“You’re exactly where you need to be. You are on the right track. You are doing what you are exactly supposed to be doing. So just be who you are and know that you’re not responsible for anybody else. You’re only responsible for you. Take care of your people. Have fun”.

In this volume, she describes how sometimes very advanced souls take on very difficult lives and bodies.  There are also interesting ideas about the cyclical nature of events, overcoming fear, the importance of love, and many other metaphysical concepts.

Here is an example of the process of healing during one session:

“The SC [subconscious] then described how it was going to remove the growth. ‘We are going to melt it. And allow it to flatten back out to normal health, and the energy she has been building up is being released…as it melts, it moves back into where it came from’ “

The Convoluted Universe, Book 5 (2015) [336 pages]

I had assumed that, having made her transition in 2014, Dolores had not written any other books.  Imagine my surprise then when at Christmas my sister gave me Book 5!  This apparently had been almost finished by Dolores when she died, and her daughter Julia completed the work.  It is shorter than the other volumes, because it is not padded out by Dolores’ commentaries and reflections, but still as fascinating as ever, containing transcripts of many of her sessions, together with the encouraging “parting messages”.  There is a delightful description of a life as a mermaid, for example.

Earlier in her career, Dolores had written a book specifically about life between lives, but there is an interesting description in this book of something which is reported extensively in Michael Newton’s books on the between life state:

“D. Well, now the ones you’re waiting for are coming. Now you can find out about it. What do they look like?

K. They look like people that Leonardo did of the Last Supper. It looks like people in robes. Sitting all at a table

 D. Are there many of them?

K. I think there are nine

Many times when the spirit goes to the other side they report being before a group of robed beings. This council is usually composed of nine or twelve”.

Dolores Cannon passed away on 18th October 2014.  Her transits in passing were Mars trine her Sun (an energetic shift), Saturn sextile her Saturn (steadiness in the process), and Uranus conjunct her South Node exactly to the day (a cycle of her karmic work completed).

I leave you with one of the particularly uplifting “parting messages”, which you might want to adopt for yourself:

“You are worthy of loving yourself. You’ve done great things in the past. You’ll do great things in the future. You’re doing a great thing now. All will be revealed to you. You are Divine. Rejoice! The rest of your life will be  Jubilee, jubilant. Impart that to others, jubilation, and they won’t feel threatened by their own jubilation. They’ll revel in it. As you revel in yours, they will revel in theirs.”

Julia Cannon reported that she received a message as her mother passed, which was “I can do so much more on the other side than I can from this side now”.

These books have given me so much more perspective on life, the Universe, and the limitlessness of the human mind, and  are a source of strength and enlightenment.


In the very early hours of Tuesday morning (30th) Saturn in Capricorn will be stationary prior to going retrograde.  With Pluto also retrograde in Capricorn, we are learning deep lessons about patience and timing, and our relations with authority.  All over the world the existing order is being challenged, and this is yet another sign of the need for change.  It highlights what is not working, and where there is a need to revision certain structures of society, for example people keep saying that the political system (Capricorn) is not working.  It is a good time to re-examine the structures in your own life and take a cool look at how they are working and how they might be improved.  Some structures seem beyond repair (Pluto in Capricorn) but don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.  In France, the destructiveness of agents of change does not seem the way to go.  The Extinction Rebellion movement and the School Strike movement seem to be able to get their message across without damage.

On the same day, Saturn conjuncts the South Node, which hammers home the same message, adding a karmic emphasis.  The consequences of things people do that day will matter.  It may be a case of “It ain’t what you do it’s the way that you do it…”.  But it certainly will be important to think before you act.  If you are protesting or demonstrating, be mindful.  The principle of cause and effect will be highlighted.

Early on Wednesday morning (1st May) Mercury sextiles Mars, which may be a helpful start.  The early bird will catch the worm.  It is important to clear a path early on that day, because the rest of the day may be rather more complicated.  The energy of the early morning is brisk and efficient, so set your alarm for 6.37 a.m. (the time of the sextile) and accomplish some outstanding tasks.

The next aspect of the day is Mercury squaring the Nodal Axis, the second karmic aspect of the week.  Karmic information may come into your awareness, and communication in groups will be important.  Past life exploration may beckon, for some!  A good day to acquire a volume of  “The Convoluted Universe”!

Mercury also squares Saturn, so it could be a heavy going day if you are trying to wade through documentation or forms, or exacting paperwork.  There may also be communication or travel difficulties.  Patience may need to continue to be your mantra (one of the themes of this week).

Learn the lessons of Wednesday well, for a greater lesson awaits on Thursday (2nd)!  Mercury goes on to square Pluto, which is a deeper mental challenge.  Whereas Mercury square Saturn speaks of frustration and delay, Mercury square Pluto needs to get to the source of the problem in order to recalibrate.  There may be deep psychological conjectures, or challenging conversations to be had, in negotiating this square.  Approach this aspect in a spirit of constructiveness, positive speech, and a desire for peace.

Be heartened that your efforts will be rewarded, for in the early hours of Friday (3rd) Mercury wins through, after all the toil of the week.  Mercury trine Jupiter signals a big breakthrough of some sort, with a stroke of luck on your side.  You may be able to pull together some of the loose strands of this week, or achieve some enlightenment on its issues.  This aspect favours business, teaching and learning, travelling, and positive thought.

Finally, on Saturday (4th) we have a chance at a new beginning, for the New Moon occurs at 14 degrees Taurus, which is good news for those born around that date.  It completes the week with a flourish, and Taurus brings such a cornucopia of good things to our lives, the abundance of the earth, plants, food, money, art and music (I could go on) that you may benefit from one of these areas or several of them.  Remember to set your intentions for the month, and if you know the area of life (House) it occupies in your chart, your intentions can be even more focussed and potent.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – patience and timing, give what is due
  • Wednesday – the early bird catches the worm, otherwise slow
  • Thursday – think deeply
  • Friday – a bonanza
  • Saturday – the New Earth

Aspects for the week beginning 21 April 2019


One of the greatest and most beautiful Cathedrals in the world, Notre-Dame in Paris, was shockingly partially destroyed by fire on Monday evening.  The next day, as the damage was assessed, new hope arose and its rebuilding was pledged.

It is an incomprehensible marvel to contemplate how such an edifice was created over its 170 years of building, using medieval methods, the finest artistry, with the devotion of its workers, some of whom may have spent nearly their whole lifetimes on the project.

I am not well travelled, but I have been to Paris several times in this lifetime (as well as in past lives) and have a huge fondness and sentimentality for the city.  And Notre-Dame is undoubtedly the soul of the city.


Notre-Dame, a project started by Maurice de Sully, was built on the site of an ancient 6th Century church on the Ile de la Cite, and that was built on the foundations of a Roman Temple of Jupiter.

“Masons had to haul the stone from quarries far from the city; while a new street, Rue Neuve-Notre-Dame, was pushed through to enable materials to be brought up to the building site from quarries upstream on the Seine.  Pope Alexander III blessed the foundation stone”

~ Alistair Horne from “Seven Ages of Paris”

The date of the laying of the foundation stone in 1163 is most interesting astrologically.  6 of the 10 planets are in fire signs.  In looking at transits for last Monday’s conflagration, we need look no further.  For there is a double whammy of conflagration transits, namely Pluto square its Mars in Aries, and Mars on its Pluto.  There is also Chiron exactly on the Cathedral’s Sun, indicating that this event has a healing purpose.  In practical terms, the wooden constructions may be rebuilt with more enduring modern materials.  In psychological terms, the event has raised all sorts of issues about French society, and the world at large: the repercussions and chain of issues seem huge.


There are many who see this burning, at this point of time, as deeply symbolic.  Is it a warning of an ending?  Is it a divine judgement on the presidency of Emmanuel Macron, is it aimed at the European Union, or the state of western civilization itself? Or even more broadly, does it hint about our failure to address the dangers of climate change?  The religious and the mystical thinkers may think this way, but atheists too have loved this monument and find meaning in it.  Some have said it is only a building, and others have said it is not a tragedy because nobody died.  But, like the sight of a comet across our skies, deep down it feels significant in an unknown way.

Chart of the Event

The first intimation that there was anything happening came at 6.20 p.m. local time on Monday (15th April).  An alarm sounded during a service. There was no sign of fire, but the building was evacuated.  23 minutes later a second alarm was heard, and fire officially declared.

Eyewitness Agnes Poirier writes movingly in the Observer this morning:

“Of those moments, I remember a kaleidoscope of images and feelings: the stupor in people’s eyes, their mouths forming in silent screams, the vivid yellow of the smoke…The flames were bright red and orange like those tongues of fire in Renaissance paintings.”

The chart of the event shows Pluto on the South Node, a devastation which bears the hope of a phoenix rising from the ashes.  How does the timing of the event strike the chart of France itself?  Does it give any clue to its significance for the country?  For the last few months of agitation by the Gilets Jaunes, Uranus has been on the 4th House cusp, signifying the civil unrest, and that is part of the picture.  Last Monday transiting Venus was in the 2nd House of the nation (signifying its beauty and treasure) and Pluto from the 12th House of hidden dangers was exactly sextile Venus.  Again, there is a feeling that all is not quite lost.  In addition, Chiron is trine France’s Moon, showing the need for the emotional healing of the people (Moon).  Saturn trines its Mercury, sober thinking will be constructive.  And Uranus opposes France’s Jupiter (an unexpected event).


The 500 firefighters faced a gargantuan task, and at one point it looked as though the whole Cathedral would be destroyed, but much was saved, including the twin bell towers.  The fall of the spire was one of the most dramatic images of the night.  The next day’s stocktaking revealed that the trio of rose windows had been preserved, all the works of art from the ‘treasures’ area were preserved, Coustou’s sculpture Descent from the Cross, and the great organ, were all saved.  Father Jean-Marc Fournier was responsible for saving some of the holy relics, such as the Crown of Thorns.  And a few days later, the bees thought to have perished from the hives in Notre-Dame were found to be alive and well.

Emmanuel Macron

Just checking on Emmanuel Macron’s chart at the time of the burning, Mars was trine his Mars (a burning issue) and Uranus was sextile his Jupiter (an unexpected event, not necessarily detrimental to him).  He has pledged to rebuild Notre-Dame within 5 years, which many say is unrealistic.  A competition will be launched around the world for architects to unveil their ingenuity.


Almost immediately, Francois-Henri Pinault (the husband of actor Salma Hayek) pledged 100 m euros towards the rebuilding of Notre-Dame (moved by Chiron opposite his Ascendant), then another billionaire Bernard Arnault pledged 200 m euros.  The fund now stands at more than 1 billion euros.  It is clear that the fire and destruction of this beloved Cathedral means much in the hearts of many.

Very quickly too, the counter arguments began to unravel.  The population of Paris had stood strong together, singing hymns, that first night.  But the poverty highlighted by the Gilets Jaunes had not gone away.  Emmanuel Macron had postponed his speech on the subject. Many people argued that money pledged by billionaires should be more available to the plight of the poor.  Shades of the Ancien Regime and the French Revolution…And indeed the turnout in the Saturday riots yesterday had risen, far from being sobered by the shock of last Monday.

It has been upsetting these last few months to see the centre of Paris (e.g. the Arc de Triomphe and the Champs Elysees) destroyed every Saturday.  Peaceful demonstration is one thing, but the antiquities, burnings and graffiti showed no feeling about the historical preservation of the city.  There has been no suggestion that the fire at Notre Dame was started deliberately, but it seems to be a peak after all the destruction that has taken place.

Now in England we have a new movement, the Extinction Rebellion movement, which sprung up a week or so ago, causing disruption but so far peaceful, as has been Greta Thunberg’s School Strike movement.  Greta Thunberg this week gave a speech in Europe asking why the time and money spent on Brexit could not be spent fighting climate change.

So there is a highlighting of our values and what we pledge money to.  Do we value the preservation of antiquity, do we value the plight of the poor, or do we value the fight for our planet?  I think that it might be a good idea to have one of those pledge evenings such as Comic Relief and Children in Need devoted to Climate Change, with David Attenborough films interspersed, and see where people put their money.  In a scale of values, the planet ought to come first, and humanity’s suffering is also a priority.  There ought to be enough money for all these things.  The hearts of politicians, though, don’t seem to be in it.


Happy Easter!  I hope you are enjoying basking in the gift of the sunshine.

Tomorrow, Easter Monday (22nd), sees the Sun conjoined with Uranus.  Expect the unexpected, in other words!  It is a good day to demonstrate your originality and inventiveness, and in your leisure time begin a project which is highly creative or benefits society.  You may decide to join a group activity along those lines.  If you are feeling more contemplative in mood, new ideas can flash into your consciousness during meditation.  Unveil your ingenuity!

Wednesday (24th) may bring a deep realization that you need to go back and work on old psychological themes, without which you cannot progress in the long term.  For Pluto is stationary, prior to turning retrograde.  You may recognize a psychological theme where you have been making headway, but now need to revise your steps, perhaps look further into the past.  If you’ve been knitting, you may need to unravel a few rows, for instance.  Eventually, you will recoup your ground and be stronger, richer and truer for it.

On Saturday (27th) clumsiness or confusion may reign, so take extra time for activities and for thinking things through, for a smoother ride.  You may find it difficult to harmonize your spiritual ideals with your practical action. Meditation can be helpful, and particularly those which combine physical movement with a stilling of the mind, such as Tai Chi.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – originality and surprise
  • Wednesday – going over old ground
  • Saturday – trying to combine the spiritual and the physical

Aspects for the week beginning 14 April 2019

Darcey Bussell

“I believe that in life, if you are fearless and curious, allowing your ideas to evolve beyond their immediate boundaries, I think they can take you anywhere.  This is why I think creative arts like dance must always have a place in education, so that children and young people can benefit from the many attributes they provide.  Increasingly, complex societies rely on the creative individual, so let’s make sure we always encourage creativity.”

~ Darcey Bussell, “Evolved”

Dame Darcey Bussell announced this week that she would be stepping down from her role as one of the judges on the nation’s favourite programme “Strictly Come Dancing”.  The programme won’t be the same without her: we rely on her kindness and grace to prop up hapless contestants.  Other judges have other personas: Craig Revel Horwood is the pantomime villain, and Bruno Tonioli expresses superlative passion like no one else.

Birth Chart

In looking at her chart, the question of what makes such an outstanding dancer is posed.  She has half her planets in the element of Earth, so grounding presumably is a useful asset for dance.  The feet are ruled by Pisces, and so dance is associated with Pisces and its ruling planet Neptune.  In her chart Neptune is exactly sextile Jupiter, which is one feature of her genius in this genre.  Her Sun itself is in the sign of Taurus, a sign associated with beauty and the Arts in general.  She has tried to be a supporter of the Arts, not just of dance, and has in her life taken part in many collaborations in different areas of the Arts, as well as many different types of dance.  We do not have her birth time, but if she was born exactly at Noon her Sun would have been exactly trine her Moon, which would show that her right hand (or foot) knows what her left hand (or foot) is doing, again a useful attribute in dance.

Darcey has Mercury trine closely with Jupiter, denoting an expansive mind and sense of movement, and an intelligent application of her mind, with many interests.  A trine from Uranus to her Mercury adds the capability of original thought.  Pluto also lines up for the trine with Mercury, giving her the power of deep thought.  The triple conjunction of Jupiter/Pluto/Uranus is in itself a very powerful expression.  North Node in Pisces points to a  karmic mission as a dancer.  Venus trine Mars gives great sensuality, and Venus conjunct Chiron enables healing through the Arts, though it may link with childhood wounds.  Mars square Pluto may also link with childhood wounds, but also generates great energy.  Jupiter conjunct Uranus is the Entrepreneur, and Jupiter conjunct Pluto confers personal power.

Karmically, Jupiter closely conjunct the South Node in Virgo brings through good karma from past lives, which the North Node in Pisces trine exactly with Neptune re-emphasizes her potential as a supreme dancer (which she realized early in life).  She also has the North Node conjunct Chiron, an attempt to bring healing and wholeness in what she does being a part of her karmic mission.

Life and Career

Darcey was born in London to Australian businessman John Crittle and Andrea Williams, his English wife, who separated when she was three years old.  Her mother then married Australian dentist Philip Bussell, and they lived for a while in Australia.

She trained as a ballerina at Sadler’s Wells, then at the Royal Ballet, and became a principal dancer at the age of 20, when her progressed Sun trined natal Jupiter and opposed natal Neptune, thus connecting with her natal sextile which showed so much promise.

She was taken under the wing of Kenneth MacMillan, who also had the North Node conjunct Chiron, principal choreographer at the Royal Ballet.  When only 18 she had performed his Elite Syncopations with the Sadler’s Wells Royal Ballet School.  MacMillan created a new arrangement of The Prince of Pagodas and wanted Darcey to play the lead role: this was her big break, and a star was born.  Undoubtedly, he played a crucial role in her life in elevating her so early in her career.  Their Marses were exactly conjunct in Sagittarius (their energies in affinity), and his Jupiter was exactly sextile her ruling planet Venus (encouraging success).  The Prince of Pagodas was launched on 7th December 1989, with Jupiter closely sextile with Darcey’s Sun (her big break).  Jupiter was square MacMillan’s Uranus (an adventurous experiment) and Pluto trine his Pluto (self-empowerment).  Darcey went on to become one of the U.K’s most acclaimed ballerinas.

Retirement from Ballet

She retired from her first career on 8th June 2007, at the age of 38, and spent a few years in Australia bringing up her two young daughters.  She had married Australian businessman Angus Forbes in 1997.  At the time of her retirement Pluto was square her natal Jupiter (a sense of an ending), and Pluto was square her Nodal Axis (a karmic ending).

Viva la Diva

One of the collaborations in her life, the show Viva la Diva performed with songstress Katherine Jenkins in 2007, brought her into different genres of dance.  “When we met, Katherine and I clicked” recalls Darcey in her book “Evolved”.  You can see why, when you look at their charts.  Their Suns are exactly sextile (Katherine’s Sun in Cancer to Darcey’s Sun in Taurus) and their Mercuries are exactly sextile (Katherine’s Mercury in Cancer to Darcey’s Mercury in Taurus), so they are perfectly in sync!

Strictly Come Dancing

Darcey became a household name due to her involvement with Strictly Come Dancing.  She had made brief appearances in the programme, before replacing Alesha Dixon as a judge in 2012, after she had returned to live in England.  From the world of ballet, she was now demonstrating an expertise in the ballroom and Latin genres of dance.  She was a breath of fresh air, sitting among the veteran judges Craig, Len and Bruno, exuding a sympathetic and warm empathy.

Heroines and Heroes

Darcey has subsequently been involved in other programmes on the BBC.  In 2014, she presented a documentary entitled Darcey Bussell: Looking for Audrey.    Audrey Hepburn was “always a heroine” of Darcey’s, and a fellow Taurean.  There is a quiet, graceful, elegance which she shares with Hepburn.  Dress designer Neil Cunningham has designed dresses for Darcey along the clean cut 1950s lines of Audrey Hepburn’s couture, notably a red gown in her photoshoot at the restoration of the Albert Memorial.

Margot Fonteyn, also a Taurean, was the subject of another programme: Darcey Bussell: Looking for Margot, and Darcey had briefly worked with Margot when she was young.  Another Taurean, whose dances Darcey re-created in a production of 2011 (Darcey Bussell Dances Hollywood)  was Fred Astaire – she had to brush up her tap dancing for that.

So it is interesting, and worthy of note, that some very prominent dancers have been Taurean.  Taurus, through its ruling planet Venus, is associated with the Arts in general, but is not the first sign that comes to mind for dancing.  Nijinsky and Nureyev, born 12th and 17th March respectively, the subject of Darcey’s Ballet Heroes (2015) both fit the accepted mould of Pisces/Neptune.   But Taurus cannot be discounted for such talent.


A quirky fact: Uranus (the unusual) squared Darcey’s Sun in Taurus (models) in 1997 when her waxwork at Madame Tussauds was unveiled.  Her comment: It was certainly one of the more unusual experiences of my career”. Neptune (illusion) was also exactly sextile her North Node.

Stepping down from Strictly

Her announcement this week that she was leaving the Strictly family was a surprise.  Perhaps there is an inner process we don’t know about, for Neptune squares her Mars this week.  She says she would like to concentrate on other projects.  Certainly she has Pluto trine her Pluto currently, which means self-empowerment.  She soon experiences her Chiron Return (the emergence of the Inner Healer), on 8th May, and this may be a trigger for new pathways.

Her words:

“It has been a complete privilege for me to be part of Strictly, working with such a talented team. I have enjoyed every minute of my time and will miss everyone from my fellow judges, the presenters, the dancers, the musicians, the entire back stage team, and especially the viewers of the show, who have been so supportive.”


Today is a red letter today, with one of the best aspects of the year, Sun trine Jupiter.  If you found aspects of yesterday’s Sun-Pluto square tough, today should be much more easeful.  It speaks of eat, drink and be merry; laugh and the world laughs with you.  It is a good day to embark on voyages, and even to have a flutter on the lottery.  A touch of luck is possible.  It’s a great time for  positivity, affirmations and creative visualization of better outcomes in the future.

Late in the evening, just before midnight in the U.K., Venus sextiles Pluto, which is also constructive but much more soulful.  It favours the declaration of deep feeling, for example, where Sun trine Jupiter tended to just concentrate on enjoying life.  A steamy night may follow on from a heady day.

Tomorrow (Monday 15th) Venus squares Jupiter, so whereas Sunday was comfortably social, Monday is also social but more awkwardly so.  Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences.

Mercury enters Aries on Wednesday (17th), and plain speaking replaces the flowery language of Mercury in Pisces.  You will need to get to the point much more directly in your communications, and there is more sense of urgency about paperwork.

Emotional tension gathers for the Full Moon on Friday (19th) at 29 degrees Libra.  If meditating, you can use the energy more constructively.  This Full Moon is emotionally dedicated to relating, while the Sun which opposes it wants its own way.  Thus a delicate balance operates, which may be resolved in common aims.  The Brexit juggernaut will still be trundling along, as we are now in extra time.

On Saturday (20th) the Sun enters Taurus, a time of the blossoming of the earth.  Gardeners will garden, artists will paint or sculpt, and dancers will dance.  Channel your inner Alan Titchmarsh (Sun in Taurus), Joseph Turner (Sun in Taurus) or Darcey Bussell.

In the afternoon, Venus enters Aries, so we may be torn between impulsiveness (Venus in Aries) or patience (Sun in Taurus).  There might be a place for both: use the Venus in Aries if you want to get things done, or watch your asparagus grow, or the Sun in Taurus if you are watching the paint dry on your garden fence.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – joy bringing
  • Tomorrow – mind your p’s and q’s
  • Wednesday – plain speaking
  • Friday – balancing needs
  • Saturday – blossoming


Aspects for the week beginning 7 April 2019

“Becoming” by Michelle Obama

Book Review

“When they go low we go high” ~ Michelle Obama, 2016

I have had this book sitting in a pile, waiting its turn, since Christmas, and have just finished it, I am glad to say.  So here is the evangelical book review:  if you have it on your book list or in a pile, read it as soon as possible!  It is one of the best autobiographies I have read.  It is honest (one of the things I most look for in this genre), philosophical, and  of course contains a wealth of life experience, especially as First Lady during the two terms of the Presidency of Barack Obama in America.

Birth Chart

Michelle has the Sun in Capricorn, and she paints a classic textbook portrait of herself which describes her sign well:

“But that was me. And as I’ve said, I was a box checker – marching to the resolute beat of effort/ result, effort/result – a devoted follower of the established path…I was busy climbing my ladder, which was sturdy and practical and aimed straight up”.

Her Sun is conjunct Mars (giving her the Warrior Archetype), and she has stood up all her life for the rights of black people who in her experience were largely marginalized, and in particular the rights of black women.  She has a humanitarian Venus in Aquarius, probably conjunct the Moon (we do not have a concrete birth time for her).

Mercury is loosely square Jupiter in her chart, which gives a wide ranging knowledge, and the probability of a great deal of foreign travel in her life.  She studied and practised law, and of course travelled a great deal as First Lady.  Mercury trine Uranus gives her the ability to think outside the box, and Mercury conjunct the South Node implies the Teacher Archetype from past life experiences.  She also has a humanitarian sextile between Uranus and the North Node.

Early Life

Growing up in Chicago, Michelle’s mother Marion took a traditional role in the family as housewife, and her father was a city water planet employee who was very conscientious about work despite suffering from multiple sclerosis. Stretching back in her ancestry, her paternal great-great grandfather had been born into slavery in 1850.

The family rented a flat from a great aunt who lived on a lower floor and was a piano teacher.  Michelle learnt to play piano with her.  There was a supportive network of extended family.  Michelle’s older brother Craig was always very protective of her, and she followed him on to Princeton University, where she earned a degree in sociology and African-American studies.  She then took a Law degree at Harvard.

Her autobiography charts her struggle to prove her own worth (a very Capricorn process) against the odds and prejudices towards her race and gender, with the development of her philosophy of her life and her efforts to put the developing philosophy into practice (hence the title of her book: “Becoming”).  She was galvanized in her ideals and aims too by the loss of her beloved father (who was a Sun Sign Leo, like Barack Obama) and that of  a close friend Suzanne at a young age.  Michelle wrote in her autobiography:

“Suzanne’s sudden death had awakened me to the idea that I wanted more joy and meaning in my life.  I couldn’t continue to live with my own complacency.”

Barack Obama

While working at a prestigious law firm on marketing and intellectual property law, she was asked to mentor a young summer associate who was then studying for his degree, Barack Obama, and they socialized and grew close, though she was more intent at that stage on pursuing her career than settling down, so it took her a while to clarify her feelings about him.

Some of what she relates of his background can be found in his autobiography “Dreams of My Father”.  He above all was responsible for changing her view about life.  She admitted that she was much more uptight and controlled about detail (Sun in Capricorn), and he was more confident, optimistic and free of anxiety about outcomes (Sun in Leo).  Although his career was to predominate in their relationship, and she had to make significant accommodations (for one, she had an antipathy towards politics), he did encourage her in her ambitions and aims, especially when she was hesitant or doubtful. She writes:

“In the presence of his certainty, his notion that he could make some difference in the world, I couldn’t help but feel a little bit lost by comparison. His sense of purpose seemed like an unwitting challenge to my own”.

Their Synastry shows her Jupiter exactly trine his natal Sun (expansion and success), her Mars was trine his Moon (emotional encouragement), and her Mars opposite his Mercury (they did not always agree).  The proposal of marriage is one of the delights of the book, and humorously told (so much so, that I read it aloud to my 90 year old mother on my last visit).  I wouldn’t do a spoiler, but it is a must read.

Their marriage took place on 3rd October 1992.  Jupiter was sextile Barack’s Midheaven at the time (a step forward in life direction), but Saturn was opposite his Sun (a serious commitment).  Mars was on Michelle’s North Node in Cancer (a male influence on her karmic mission), Mars was trine her Chiron (energy for her Inner Healer), Saturn sextile her natal Jupiter (a steadying influence), Uranus trine her Pluto (big change) and Pluto square her Saturn (portending a huge challenge).

Valerie Jarrett

At some point, and after much soul searching, Michelle decided to put her ideals first, in terms of service to society, and left the law firm for literally half the pay to work in a more social context (in various public sector roles at City Hall) – enter Valerie Jarrett into her life.

Michelle was beginning to follow her karmic mission (represented in her chart by North Node in Cancer trine Chiron, healing society), and was put in touch with Valerie Jarrett at City Hall, a woman very probably from her Soul Group. She introduced Valerie to Barack and Valerie came to later work with them as a senior adviser for the duration of their time in the White House.  Valerie’s Jupiter was exactly trine Michelle’s Sun (as Michelle’s was to Barack’s), and the friendship proved a great asset to her life and the success of her aims.  Valerie who was a decade older also had Saturn sextile Michelle’s Mars, giving her the benefit of her wisdom, especially in public service.  Valerie’s Neptune was also trine Michelle’s Venus, and her Pluto opposite Michelle’s Venus, providing a deep bond.  Valerie clicked immediately with Barack, who was also deeply passionate about community relations (as detailed in his book “The Audacity of Hope”).  Her Jupiter trine his Saturn was to prove an enormous help, both practically and in keeping hope alive, which he needed for his mission.

Michelle summed up their connection thus: “Valerie Jarrett was now a part of our lives. Without our ever discussing it, it seemed almost as if the three of us had somehow agreed to carry one another a good long way”.

First Lady

The public perception of Michelle at first was at times one of an angry black young woman, but she took on board this perception and realized what she needed to work on within herself.  Very soon, the tide turned and  she won over (a significant proportion of) the American public.

At his inauguration and their move into the White House Jupiter was conjunct her Mars in Aquarius (a move!), and Neptune on her Saturn (the necessity of a change of consciousness to accompany the new living arrangements and demands on her).

In her role, she was determined to make a difference (as she had tried to do in her own career) and among other things she created a 1,100 square foot vegetable garden in the White House, inviting schoolchildren to help create it and educate them in the process of growing and harvesting.  This was the foundation for Michelle’s healthy eating programme for the U.S.  Donations from the garden were made to soup kitchens and the Food Bank organization.  She had been motivated by concerns about the diet of their daughters, Malia and Sasha.  Another cause close to her heart which she supported was the contribution, sacrifice and suffering of military families.

Marian Obama

Michelle’s mother Marian is worthy of note, having encouraged her daughter throughout her life, stayed at home during the formative years, and then moved into the White House to help look after Malia and Sasha during their eight years there.  Clearly Marion has been a rock in Michelle’s life.  Marion’s Mars is sextile Michelle Sun (lending energy and strength), Marion’s North Node trines Michelle’s Jupiter (happy karmic link),  and their Neptunes are exactly sextile (spiritual harmony).

Leaving Office

As with many politicians, their ideals before they attain power can be huge, and the reality of what they can achieve is more limited once in office.  Michelle realized early on, sitting in Congress as an onlooker, that the Republicans did not want Obama to succeed.  He achieved many aims during his eight years as President, but a fraction of what he set out to do probably.  He was particularly stumped on reforming gun laws.  He achieved a health care system, Obamacare.  With sadness, on leaving office, Michelle was acutely aware that their legacy would not necessarily be honoured by Barack’s successor.  The rest, of course, is history.  For Michelle, this huge moment of change in her life was accompanied by Pluto (transformation) trine her natal Neptune (sensitivities), allowing her more time to reflect and write the book.

The Book

Michelle’s book, “Becoming”, was released on 13th November 2018, with Uranus sextile Michelle’s Venus.  At the end of March it was reported by the Guardian as being “on track to become the most successful memoir in modern publishing history”.  It has now sold over 10 million copies.

Related Reading: “Dreams of My Father” by Barack Obama

“The Audacity of Hope” by Barack Obama


Mercury sextiles Saturn today, hence I am slightly late with my blog.  Saturn slows down mental processes, transport and written work.  Impatience has no place in the processes of today – “it” will take as long as it takes.  You may need to make economies (I have lost my meditation slot!), but with the sextile it is all constructive.  Delayed work may be of better quality for the extra thought, for example.  Work done accumulates the quality of maturity.  Good sense prevails.  Realistic evaluations of what might be done can take place.  This aspect is also good for planning.

On Wednesday (10th) Venus conjoins Neptune at 17 degrees Pisces, a much more whimsical aspect.  Wednesday is generally pretty busy aspectwise, so be mindful of your diary engagements accordingly.  Inspired artistic and musical expression are assisted.  Idealized and spiritual love may also be on the menu.  Love of the oceans and care of ocean life may also be highlighted.

The Sun also squares Saturn that day, so among the beauty you see that day, you also may be saddened by human suffering and the state of the world, the planet and the oceans, or specific personal problems.  There is an acute awareness of the contrast between the things that inspire you and help you to envision a better life or society, and how much there is yet to do to ameliorate current conditions.  As the Brexit screw tightens ever closer, for instance, the promise of a Leave Utopia contrasts even more with remainers’ fears.  Though we each create our own reality, we may feel stymied about our personal direction or plan of action, what we can realistically do for the plight of our country (or personal dilemmas).  Local elections loom, and many feel disenfranchised by the performance of the main parties here in the U.K. and there is the added complication of whether or not European MPs need to be elected.  Frustration is the name of the game for this aspect, whereas for the Venus conjunction with Neptune occurring earlier the same day, transcendence is the name of the game (and may be a slight antidote).

Just when you needed Jupiter to play ball, it is Stationary that day, prior to turning retrograde.  You may have been working along a particular line and making steady progress, but now have to re-assess.  There is a possibility of a U-turn by Theresa May, e.g. towards a Customs Union.

Finally, at the end of the day we have an aspect which may re-set things in a constructive direction, though radical thinking may be needed: Mercury sextile Pluto.  After working with the highs and lows of the day, something may click on a deep level, e.g. a solution may occur to you.  Negotiations may see a way forward.  There may be a late night vote in Parliament.

So we come to Friday (12th), the most recent day (up to time of writing) mooted as the Brexit cliff edge, when we might find out if it is deal or no deal.  Mercury squares Jupiter in the early hours, the aspect of information overload, and sometimes insomnia when occurring during sleep hours.  You may be able to do something with the wide-ranging knowledge coming in, as this square is sometimes beneficial in nature.  For example, the next chapter of your book may occur to you.

In the afternoon, Venus sextiles Saturn, encouraging the qualities of loyalty and stamina in relationships.  There is a focus on relationships and alliances, both personal and political.  You may be required to make a decision in this context.

Saturday (13th) looks to be a more crucial day, especially in terms of our current national obsession, for the Sun squares Pluto, and that is a deep soul searching aspect.  Maybe by then we have come out of Europe with a no deal, and nearly half the population is despairing.  We have to dig deep for the courage inside (Pluto) to deal with whichever way it goes, whoever we are and whatever opinions we hold.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – delays but thoughtful communication
  • Wednesday – a rich tapestry
  • Friday – a holding sort of day
  • Saturday – the final countdown


Aspects for the week beginning 31 March 2019

Scott Walker (1943 – 2019)

Scott Walker, frontman in the Walker Brothers in the 1960s and later hailed as a creative genius in a solo career, passed away on 22nd March, from cancer.  He was charismatic, but fought shy of fame, and his musical career went through distinctly marked phases.

Birth Chart

Scott Walker had the Sun in Capricorn opposite closely with Jupiter, lending a contrast of light and shade to his nature.  The Sun’s exact sextile to his Midheaven (Careerpoint) and Jupiter’s trine to the Midheaven gave him easy opportunities in his career, but Mars was closely square to his Midheaven, so there were disruptions in the trajectory of that career too.

Sun in Capricorn, the Moon in Pisces and  Ascendant in Cancer all paint a picture of introversion and shyness, a trait which led him to break away from the limelight from time to time.  He also fought depression quite often, as seen in the Moon in his 8th House square exactly Saturn in 11th.  Although he was very creative in nature (triple conjunction of North Node/Chiron/Part of Fortune in Leo in 2nd House), his emotions could be easily flattened by the square of Saturn to his Moon.

Mercury was conjunct Venus in Aquarius in his 7th House, and this was the songwriter in him.  The early songs and successes of the Walker Brothers were penned by other songwriters, but he wrote in an avant garde way in later years more successfully.  He had a Grand Trine in Air, composed of Venus, Saturn/Uranus and Neptune, and that was another factor in his genius.  Uranus (group consciousness) and Saturn (loneliness) were both in his 11th House of bands and friendship, so there was some tension between expression with others (sometimes for commercial reasons) and the need to be alone (the latter becoming ever more dominant).  In an interview with Sean O’Hagan in the Observer in 2008 he said “I have long since stopped worrying about fitting in.  I’m an outsider for sure.  That suits me fine.  Solitude is like a drug for me.  I crave it.”


Scott was born in Canada, then lived in California with his mother.  He teamed up with John Maus in 1961 and Gary Leeds in 1964, and they began to acquire a following as the Walker Brothers (they were not brothers, and their names were not Walker originally).  Their stunning vocals and harmonies marked them out, and if Scott had not got together with John and Gary, he may not have had the artistic and creative opportunities he explored later in his life.  The astrological harmonies were exceptional between the three of them, but it was a suggestion by Gary that they come over to the England of the “swinging sixties” (and the financing of the trip by Gary’s father) which brought them success (Jupiter trine closely Midheaven in Scott’s chart, a change of country, bringing luck in career).

Some of the highlights of their synastry were:

Scott and John’s Suns exactly trine; John’s Sun exactly trine Scott Midheaven (enhancing his career); John’s Mercury exactly trine Scott’s Jupiter; their Venuses exactly trine.

Gary’s Sun in Pisces also sextile exactly Scott’s Sun in Capricorn, which meant that Gary and John’s Suns were exactly trine with each other.  Gary’s Sun conjunct exactly Scott’s Midheaven  (again, supportive to Scott’s career).

For Gary and John, the third side of the triangle, apart from their Suns being exactly trine, Gary’s Mercury was trine John’s Mars.

Within a short time of their move to England in February 1965, they had their first No. 1 hit “Make it Easy on Yourself” (written by Burt Bacharach) in August of that year.  This was followed by the wonderful “My Ship is Coming In” (written by Joey Brooks).

As a teenager in those years, I can vouch for the fact that they were definitely swoonable, and the impact of initially hearing their ballads was heady.  My best friend at school went on to marry a Scott Walker lookey likey!  My teenage diary records, on 25th February 1966, liking their hit “The Sun Ain’t Gonna Shine Anymore”, which reached No. 1 in the charts in March (written by Bob Crewe and Bob Gaudio).

Scott’s own baritone voice was deep and affecting.  Later, Midge Ure was to give it the definitive description: “the man with the mahogany voice”.

After the highs of this first phase of Scott Walker’s musical career, and with at one point their fan club membership exceeding that of the Beatles, the group’s success began to dwindle, Scott became dissatisfied with the demands of his role (“I was having to find songs and getting the sessions together. Everyone relied on me, and it just got on top of me”). Eventually in 1968 they disbanded, and Scott pursued a solo career.

In the late 1960s, he continued to release albums in a baroque pop style, which sold with varying success. He had  found a new creative path in the inspiration of the steamy music of  Belgian singer Jacques Brel (composer of “Ne Me Quitte Pas”/”If You Go Away”).  That he found musical identity through Jacques Brel is very interesting astrologically.  Brel’s Mars was exactly conjunct Scott’s Ascendant, and Scott’s own Mars was unaspected (except for its square to the Midheaven) so its energetic expression may have been helped by this.  Brel also shared the sensitive Moon placing in Pisces with Scott.  Their Mercuries were exactly sextile, providing a mental link.  Brel’s Neptune was also conjunct Scott’s Chiron, which may have been a balm to Scott’s self-healing.

After his 1969 album failed to sell, he lost inspiration for a few years, while trying to fulfil contracts.  He also drank heavily.  The decline was halted in 1975 when the Walker Brothers reunited temporarily.  Their hit “No Regrets” (written by Tom Rush), very much in the musical vein of their heyday, reached No. 7 in the U.K. singles chart.  Their comeback only lasted three years, and Scott found himself again in a wilderness.

His career subsequent to that time (i.e. from the early 1980s) was led by a more purely authentic creativity, as distinct from the artistic compromises he felt he had to participate in earlier in his career.  His career was still patchy, but he was more able to express his unique path.  In his chart, Uranus (independence) squares his triple conjunction in Leo, and it seems that had to be expressed, even if it was not always appreciated commercially, or appeared bizarre (Uranus in square).  He freed himself to become the avant-garde composer he needed to be.

His controversial album of 2006, “The Drift”, was an example of this.  His transits at the time, Saturn sextile his Saturn and Pluto trine his North Node, attest to his seriousness about this new body of work. The subject matter was strange (e.g. Mussolini, and 9/11) and its execution even stranger (e.g. at one point incorporating the sound of raw meat being punched).  The New York Times described the style he had evolved: “he barely needs melody anymore. Instead, there are whirring synthesizers, great orchestral blocks of sound, noises of unknown provenance.”

He continued to work along the path he had set for himself, earning a solid reputation in modern composition, and increasing more comfortable in interviews.  scoring a notable success with the theme to “Vox Lux”, a film starring Natalie Portman in 2018.

Along the way, he married, had a daughter (Lee) and a granddaughter (Emmi-Lee), divorced, and leaves a partner, Beverley.


His transits at his death include a sobering Saturn on his Sun in Capricorn, and Saturn sextile his Midheaven in Pisces, drawing a line on his creative life.

He was emulated and admired by many other artists, including Marc Almond, who paid this tribute:

“He was enigmatic, mysterious and with some of his latter recrodings, to me, infuriating.  An absolute musical genius”.

And a final tribute from his current record label 4AD:

“Scott Walker has been a unique and challenging titan at the forefront of British music…Audacious and questioning, he has produced works that dare to explore human vulnerability and the godless darkness encircling it”.


Happy Mother’s Day!  Mars enters Gemini today, an invigorating, high-energy influence, good for exploring mental pursuits or analysing active pursuits.  It is stimulating for hobbies and highlights some sports, such as running and cycling.  There is a strong urge to get things done, but if you are served breakfast in bed at the start of the day, enjoy.

Tuesday (2nd April) brings back the conjunction of Mercury and Neptune which we saw last Sunday, as Mercury turned Direct in the meantime.  As I wrote last week:

“Mercury conjoins Neptune at 16 degrees Pisces.  Journeys could be complicated, but information could be inspiring.  Dreams, meditations and channelling may provide uplift by and large, though there is the possibility of some dubious sources providing confusion and misleading information.  You may need to sort the wheat from the chaff in this respect.”

Mars will be sextile Chiron on Wednesday (3rd), which may see you on a healing mission of some sort.  Compassionate action may be the tone of the day, a day where physicality combines dynamically with healing.

There is a sense of an ending on Thursday (4th) with a rare conjunction of Pluto and the True South Node at 23 degrees Capricorn.  There is a line drawn with the past, whether for this lifetime or previous lives, as the South Node represents the past, and Pluto represents endings.  Whether this will impact on the Brexit process in the U.K. parliament is anybody’s guess.  In your own life, you may decide on “No Regrets” or to “Make it Easy on Yourself”.  It is an appropriate time for soul searching and letting go, coming as it does the day before a New Moon, and the Aries New Moon at that, the first of the Astrological New Year.

Having taken stock on Thursday, you can look to the future, or at least the present, on Friday’s New Moon at 15 degrees Aries.  This may bring a constructive new beginning, unhampered by the past.  It is time for positive action (very much a theme of the aspects and astrological features of this week), and go-getting.  Set your intentions, wishes, creative visualizations and affirmations accordingly.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – activity
  • Tuesday – mental inspiration
  • Wednesday – healing with action
  • Thursday – taking karmic stock
  • Friday – new beginning

Aspects for the week beginning 24 March 2019

Jacinda Ardern

“We are One”

~ Jacinda Ardern

On Friday 15th March in Christchurch New Zealand, a white supremacist opened fire in two mosques, killing 50 worshippers.  The 38 year old Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern immediately stepped up to the plate in this crisis.  Her words were exactly on point, and reminded you of the admirable values of her nation.  Images of her comforting the Moslem community this week are iconic: wearing a black headscarf she demonstrated her unity with those grieving, while at the same time bringing to mind the Madonna archetype.  Not only did she demonstrate empathy and compassion, but she exemplified what we all need at the head of our nations, that spiritual leadership and integrity so often lacking.  Not only did she strike the perfect moral tone, but this week she has also spoken about other issues which need addressing in her country and the world.  She has taken active steps on gun law, and she has professed a desire to initiate reform worldwide around social media excesses and problems (because the gunman live streamed his actions).

Birth Chart

Jacinda has an unaspected Sun in Leo, indicating a very  individualistic leader.  Her North Node in Leo also indicates leadership as a karmic path.  I pointed out last week that she has Neptune trine her North Node, like Greta Thunberg the subject of last week’s blog, showing spiritual leadership.  With Mercury trine Uranus she is also a very independent thinker.  Venus is closely sextile with the North Node in Leo, depicting her warmth.  Jupiter trine Chiron describes her positivity, the ability to see solutions.


After obtaining a Bachelor of  Communication Studies degree in Politics and Public Relations from the University of Waikato in 2001, she worked as a researcher for Prime Minister Helen Clark.  From there, she moved to London and worked as a senior policy advisor to Prime Minister Tony Blair in the U.K.  When she returned to New Zealand, she had a rapid career trajectory, becoming the Leader of the Labour Party on 1st August 2017.  The transits for her leadership were Saturn opposite her natal Venus in Gemini (responsibility), Saturn trine her natal North Node in Leo (responsibility and leadership) and Pluto trine her natal Chiron in Taurus (power to her Inner Healer).  With a general election imminent, she declared that her campaign would be one of  “relentless positivity” (putting her natal Jupiter trine Chiron into practice).

Just a few months later, at the age of 37, she became Prime Minister, on 26th October 2017, in a coalition government.  She declared that her government would be “focused, empathetic and strong”, and she has proved true to her word.  The chart of that day has the Sun exactly conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio, which helps.  For her, at the time she was sworn in, highlighted the importance of her North Node in Leo (leadership as karmic mission) as the North Node had returned to its natal position.

In an interview with the BBC last November (2018) she was quoted as saying “it takes courage and strength to be empathetic, and I’m very proudly an empathetic, compassionately-driven politician.”  Again, she has proven that she can walk her talk.


Jacinda’s partner is television presenter Clarke Gayford (a Scorpio Sunsign), who has his Sun square to Jacinda’s and his Venus conjunct her Mars.  They were introduced in 2012 and started dating in 2013.  Their daughter Neve, who is now 9 months old,  was born on 21st June 2018.  Neve’s Sun is in the last degree of Gemini, and her Ascendant in Sagittarius.  Jacinda’s synastry with her daughter includes an exact conjunction of their Mercuries in Cancer in Neve’s 7th House (close mental rapport), Marses exactly trine in Air signs (energies working well together), and positive connections with Jacinda from Neve’s Neptune.  It is clear that Neve’s arrival in Jacinda’s life was a positive and strengthening event, and has inspired her in many ways.

Christchurch Mosque Shootings

The terrorist attack on 15th March has brought out Jacinda’s qualities of leadership and eloquence.  Her immediate words were:

 “Our thoughts and our prayers are with those who have been impacted today. Christchurch was the home of these victims. For many, this may not have been the place they were born. In fact, for many, New Zealand was a choice, a place they actively came to and committed themselves to, the place they were raising their families, where they were part of communities they loved and who loved them.

“It was a place that many came to for its safety, a place where they were free to practice their culture and their religion. For those of you who are watching at home tonight and questioning how this could have happened here … We, New Zealand, we were not a target because we are a safe harbor for those who hate.”

The event itself brought out stories of heroism and bravery, and acts of kindness within the community.  It demonstrated the very values the New Zealanders prided themselves on.

Jacinda was clear from the outset that something needed to be done about gun laws, and within days had set new laws in motion, banning semi-automatic weapons and assault rifles.  She has also called for  international action about the misuse of social media, as mentioned.  She appeared at the funerals as a genuine shoulder to cry on.

Her transits for the time of the shootings were: Jupiter square her natal Saturn in Virgo (a challenge), Saturn square her natal Pluto in Libra (great pain), Neptune trine her natal Mercury in Cancer (channelling spiritual sentiments), Neptune sextile her natal Chiron in Taurus (a conduit for healing) and Pluto trine her natal Saturn in Virgo (responding to difficulties with depth of character).


Jacinda patently has a strong ethical and moral sense.  She was raised as a Mormon, but left the church in 2005, and declared herself an agnostic in 2017.  She certainly is humane in her values, and a spiritual leader in some sense of the word.

New Zealand Charts

We have a chart for New Zealand dated 1907, and also a chart of the constitution dated 1853 to work with, looking at connections with Jacinda and transits at the time of the shootings.

Jacinda connects to the Constitution chart with her Jupiter opposite its Neptune, an attempt at  bringing clarity.  She connects with the New Zealand chart with her Sun trine its Venus, and its Uranus square her Mars (a high energy interaspect, with some disruption to her life).

At the time she was sworn in, Uranus was square the Constitution chart, heralding a time of change.  Chiron was sextile the Constitution Sun, indicating that healing was needed.  The Sun and Jupiter were sextile the Constitution Mercury, supporting effective legislation to come.  The transits of her becoming Prime Minister to the New Zealand chart is energetic (Mars conjunct its Sun) but holds some challenges, such as Saturn opposite its Pluto, and Chiron square its Pluto.

For the Constitution chart, transiting Uranus was conjunct its natal Pluto at the time of the Christchurch shootings (a violent shock).  It also indicates that changes will be made as a result of the event.  For the New Zealand chart, the Christchurch tragedy shows transiting Chiron opposite exactly the New Zealand Sun (a wounding and healing, coming together).

Other Policies

Jacinda describes herself politically as a social democrat and a progressive.  She has supported same-sex marriage, and removing the status of  abortion as a crime.  She is also strong on action in relation to Climate Change:

“We’re small, and our contribution to the global emissions profile is even smaller, but we are surrounded by island nations who will feel the brunt of climate change acutely. I see ourselves as having a responsibility to demonstrate that we can and we will lead the charge.”

According to Amelia Lester in the New Yorker:

”When Donald Trump made a condolence call and asked what support the U.S. could offer, she told him, ‘Sympathy and love for all Muslim communities.’ ”


Today, Mercury conjoins Neptune at 16 degrees Pisces.  Journeys could be complicated, but information could be inspiring.  Dreams, meditations and channelling may provide uplift by and large, though there is the possibility of some dubious sources providing confusion and misleading information.  You may need to sort the wheat from the chaff in this respect.

Venus enters Pisces on Tuesday (26th), and whereas Venus in Aquarius has been community minded, its entry into Pisces deepens the level of compassion.  Your heart will be touched, and this trend towards tenderness lasts until her entry into Aries on 20th April.  This will enable charities to be heard, and the Arts to acquire inspiration.

Venus is again the focus of attention on Wednesday (27th) when she makes an exciting sextile to Uranus, re-charging our social life and social interest.  A friendship, group or meeting may cause us to sit up and take notice, for its sense of novelty and future vision.  Relationships are arresting!

Last but not least, on Thursday (28th), Mercury goes Direct, and we are more able to know where we stand with communications, which may bring less uncertainty and paranoia, and greater functionality in our technological devices and public transport.  Forge ahead with your paperwork, correspondence, documentation and writing the book you have inside you.

Of course, Thursday is also the deadline of the day before official Brexit and the cliffhanger that is no deal (looking less likely as I write).  At Christmas, our next door neighbours (who happen to be Brexiteers) gave us a small box of chocolates on which the best before date was 29th March (I am sure they were not aware of that).  So we have said that, whatever happens, we shall demolish it on the day.

The newspapers this Sunday morning are full of warnings that plots are afoot to oust Theresa May as Prime Minister, so I shall take one last look at her transits for Friday (29th):

The Sun opposes her Sun (very confrontational), Mars trines her Mercury (she won’t go down without saying her piece!), Jupiter trines her Venus (normally a happy social transit, but maybe it will free her), Neptune opposes her Jupiter (great confusion, losing her way), Mars opposite her Saturn (being blocked), and Mars square her Pluto (personal danger).

The transits for the United Kingdom on Friday 29th shows Pluto opposite the Moon (unrest in the population), the North Node on the Moon (a karmic moment for the population), Pluto on the South Node  (huge karmic drama), and Mercury square its Mercury (mental conflict).  That doesn’t sound very uplifting, but with the whole country holding its breath, it is possibly that it will be an anti-climax (i.e. not even a no deal).

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – right-brained
  • Tuesday – compassionate
  • Wednesday – social sparkles
  • Thursday – eased communication



Aspects for the week beginning 17 March 2019

Greta Thunberg

“Skolstrejk for Klimatet”

School Strike for the Climate

Swedish schoolgirl Greta Thunberg was nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize this week, a week which saw the second day of school strikes on behalf of the climate (a month after the first) in the U.K, with similar action around the world.  She began this action last August in Sweden, with the powerful words:

“We kids most often don’t do what you tell us to do. We do as you do. And since you grown-ups don’t give a shit about my future, I won’t either. My name is Greta and I’m in ninth grade. And I refuse school for the climate until the Swedish general election.”

At the age of 16, she is a similar age to that of Malala Yousafzai at the time she won the Peace Prize, but it is quite rare for one so young to make such an impact.

Birth Chart

Greta has a concentration of planets in Earth sign Capricorn, the sign of seriousness and responsibility.  Her Sun in Capricorn exactly conjunct Chiron, so she is a healer and problem-solver.  Both her Sun and Moon are in this sign, and they may be conjunct, i.e. she may have been born on  a New Moon, or at least close to one.  That would confer the ability to  bring a freshness of outlook, energy and thought to bear on a longstanding problem.  Jupiter trine closely with Pluto gives her an enormous power and energy with a global reach.  Mars in Scorpio gives her a power and intensity, which can have great integrity in that sign.  She has Neptune trine her North Node, which gives her a spiritual karmic mission, but can also make her a spiritual leader.  Mercury sextile Venus gives her eloquence.  Saturn trine Uranus gives her a strong personality structure, and one which knows how to balance and preserve what is valuable in the old, while bringing in the new.  Her Venus is exactly square Uranus, a rebellious aspect.  Half her planets are in the Fixed signs, which gives her a strong will.


Greta has an interesting family background. Her mother is a Swedish opera singer who took part in the Eurovision Song Contest in 2009.   She refuses to travel by airplane because of its effect on the climate.

A distant relative of her father was the famous scientist Svante Arrhenius.  Arrhenius made calculations showing that increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide increase the Earth’s surface temperature, which led in the 1960s to the discovery that carbon dioxide emissions can cause global warming.  Greta’s North Node sextiles the Saturn in Svante Arrhenius’ chart, indicating a karmic link, or perhaps a baton passed on, on behalf of climate change.

According to the New Scientist: “After learning about climate change when she was 8, Greta later developed depression when she was 11, which she links partly to the issue.”  She also has Asperger syndrome, obsessive-compulsive disorder and selective mutism.  She was responsible for her family becoming vegan and giving up flying.  However she sees her Aspergers condition in a positive light, that it helped her to see the crisis clearly.


Greta started her protests on 20th August 2018, sitting outside the Swedish Parliament in Stockholm.  Her astrological triggers at the time were Mars on her Mercury (taking action), and Jupiter exactly square her natal Jupiter (a huge risk, breaking the law).  Thus was a movement born.  She wasn’t planning a worldwide revolution, but from small acorns mighty oaks do grow.

The Movement grows

At Stockholm in November, she spoke about her awareness from the age of eight about climate change and its threat.  “We can’t change the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.” she said, expressing the rebelliousness of Uranus squaring her Mars/Venus conjunction in Scorpio in her natal chart.

On 23rd January, she took a train to Davos, to attend the World Economic Forum.  There she gave voice to the Saturn-Pluto opposition of her peer group, desperation fuelling a sense of urgency: “Our house is on fire” adding “I want you to panic. I want you to feel the fear I feel every day.”  She had a good few important transits during that time: Mercury returned to its natal position, so she was speaking with a clarity of intellect; Jupiter was exactly trine her natal Jupiter, bringing success to her endeavours (the world was listening); Uranus was square to Mercury (she was not afraid to shock), Pluto was sextile her natal Mars (speaking with great energy and moral force).  She added  “We owe it to the young people, to give them hope.” (giving voice to the transit of Jupiter trine her natal Jupiter, on behalf of all young people).

School Strikes around the World

February 15th 2019

Friday February 15th marked the first school strike in the U.K. as well as in Europe (notably in Paris and Berlin) and around the world.  Greta’s message had taken hold, and spoken to the younger generation. 10,000 schoolchildren here in the U.K. joined in the strike, 3000 in London, 2000 in Oxford, 1000 in Exeter and 1000 in Brighton, with hundreds in other cities.

At this time, Pluto (power) was still trine her Mars (energy), and the North Node (karmic path) trine her natal Venus, but the whole issue had gone beyond the personal.  Perhaps the chart of her original strike takes over in importance, after a certain point of the growth of her movement.  Jupiter trined Neptune exactly in that chart: a huge trine in importance, from which indeed small acorns can grow into mighty oaks.

March 15th 2019

By the time of the second U.K. and worldwide strike on Friday, the whole movement had grown.  The Guardian reported: “From Australia to America, schoolchildren put down their books yesterday to march for change in the first global climate strike…Across India and Uganda, and in the Philippines and Nepal – countries acutely affected by climate change – tens of thougsands of children and young people went on ‘strike'”.  30,000 children marched in Sydney.  Dear Donald, are you listening?

Crowds gathered in Stockholm to hear Greta speak: “We are facing the greatest existential crisis humanity has ever faced.  And yet it has been ignored.  You who have ignored it know who you are.”

Awards and Nominations

On International Women’s Day (8th March 2019) in her home country Thunberg was declared the most important woman of the year in Sweden in 2019.  On 14th March she was nominated for the Nobel Peace prize.  But Greta only wants action.

When Caroline Lucas of the Green Party recently called for a debate on climate change in our parliament, hardly any MPs (40 out of 650) turned up, so engaged are they with the subject.  In spite of this, Michael Gove, the Environment Secretary endorsed Friday’s action:

“Collective action of the kind you’re championing can make a difference, and a profound one.  Together can beat climate change.  It will require us to change the way in which our energy is generated, change the way in which our homes are built, change the way in which our land is managed and farming operates.  But that change is absolutely necessary.”

~ Environment Secretary, Michael Gove, 15th March 2019

The Observer Leader this morning concludes with the words of Anastasia Martynenko from Kiev:

“We are happy to be the driving force..because when our children ask us what have you done for our future, we will have an answer.”


Tomorrow in the early hours, Mercury is sextile Mars, a good time to start a worthwhile movement of your own!  This makes the start of the week (be it a working week or a more leisurely break) quite dynamic.  You can put new offices practices into play, new initiatives in your lifestyle, or plant new seeds in your garden.  It is a day to take action.  You may find shortcuts to your usual way of doing things.

The engine is still running on Wednesday (20th), when Mars is trine Pluto.  You may act with great energy and moral force, for example on projects you initiated on Monday.  This aspect speaks of self-empowerment, but you have to remember that everyone also has this force!  It is the sort of energy with which Hercules would have cleaned out the Augean stables.  This of course may run the risk of using a sledgehammer to crack a nut, so if you do feel empowered, tailor the force of your action appropriately!  At this point, you may be feeling on a roll…

The next aspect, also on Wednesday, is a little more measured.  So after you have expended all that energy, you might need to pace yourself (don’t run the risk of adrenal burnout!).  A great aspect for sitting down, taking stock, and doing the practical paperwork or planning, or making serious phonecalls to back up your more physical efforts appears in the form of Mercury sextile Saturn.  If you are ladies who lunch, the conversation could turn from a passionate survey of the state of the world to a realistic evaluation of what might be done.  If you are still in the office, the overall work ethic is spot on.

In the evening, the Sun enters Aries (the Vernal Equinox), and on some level you may register that Spring has sprung.  It is the start of the Astrological New Year, the beginning of a generally more active, conscious, dynamic way of relating to the world (from the Sun’s more introspective time of its recent passage through Pisces).  If you have been wallowing, or experiencing compassion fatigue, it is time to do something about the issues you might have been fretting about, whether personal or worldwide in nature.

But first, there is the hurdle of managing emotional tension, either within your own psyche or from those around you, as the Full Moon in Libra occurs in the early hours of Thursday (21st).  The Full Moon in Libra requires balance, equilibrium, harmony, but is opposed by the Sun in Aries.  So while Sun in Aries likes everything his own way, direct and immediate, it gets off to a more complicated start in this sign, and may take a while to reach its stride.  Other people have to be considered, and the Ram’s impatience has to be curbed for the time being.  Aries and Libra have to come to some negotiation, just as the U.K. and the E.U. have to.

There is a bit of a battleground of the sexes occurring that day, because as well as the fact that Venus rules Libra and Mars rules Aries, Venus actually squares Mars that day.  You may want different things than your partner, and different parts of you may want different things again.  It is a time to examine your wants and desires, and put them perhaps in order of priority.  Look at what you really need, what you might need, and what you don’t need, and put them in appropriate piles according to whether they spark joy (!).  Then let go of one pile or another and if practical, take them to the nearest charity shop, or if not release them to the ethers in meditation.

Help is at hand, though, for a trine between Venus and Jupiter follows on (one of the best aspects of the year, if not the best).  Just as you may be flagging from emotional tension (the Full Moon) and the war between Venus and Mars, you may get happily distracted by a social whirl, a celebration, or a new friendship.  Someone may lend a hand with your baggage, or a stroke of luck may rescue a difficult situation.  Thursday should end happily!

Friday (22nd) may bring a new conundrum, with the Sun conjunct Chiron.  This may be a healing crisis, or an awkward situation – do you have space in your life for all these new contacts you made at Thursday’s party now on Facebook?  Fortunately, Chiron transits often come with their own in-built solutions, because its ultimate purpose is healing.  You just need to turn the appropriate key.  It is a bit like being on the Crystal Maze…Something is ready to be released, and if your mind can’t work it out immediately, take a quiet moment and allow the answer to emerge.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – brisk work
  • Wednesday – full steam ahead; attend to the fine print; celebrate the Spring
  • Thursday – emotional tension; men are from Mars, women are from Venus; more joy and celebration
  • Friday – healing crisis and solution


Aspects for the week beginning 10 March 2019

Dealing with difficult transits


The Transits are the current planetary positions in relation to your birth chart.  These can be ascertained from an Ephemeris, from a website such as Astrodienst, or from an Astrologer (as in a Year Ahead forecast).  Knowing your transits will assist you in working constructively with them ahead of time (as in planning or in a psychotherapeutic context) or as they occur, as conscious co-operation is more enlightened and produces better results than a lack of awareness or understanding of events and influences.  Transits are part of a psychological process, and if you do not complete the process you will have a chance when the same aspect comes round again.  If it is a once-in-a-lifetime aspect it is usually very profound in nature, but a similar aspect may come round.  Each time an aspect comes round in your life, it is an opportunity to refine the process, and raise your game with that issue.

Variation in Difficulty

Transits vary in their scale of difficulty.  The outer planets, such as Pluto and Neptune, move very slowly and their effect can be slow to build and slow to wane.  Mars at the other end of the scale moves much more quickly, and passes rapidly.  Generally speaking an easy or harmonious transit such as a trine or sextile will be constructive, whereas a square or opposition is likely to be more challenging.  We also have different relationships with the planets and someone might find a particular planet challenging where another may sail through the same transit.  The following guide is to assist you with the more difficult manifestations of the planetary transits, bearing in mind that much also depends on the planet they are interacting with, especially when it comes to a conjunction.  The aim would often be to turn the nature of a square into the experience of a trine, while fulfilling the lesson of the square.  The following transits appear in approximate order of difficulty, with Pluto as the most challenging.

Pluto in Transit

Pluto in transit will see you in a process of transformation of the aspect of your character and life represented by the planet it is applying to. You are likely to be researching a corner of your psyche, and that may be self-initiated, dictated by circumstances or triggered by an important event.  This can mean significant or dramatic change.  The approach to this transit may have been coming for some time, but the tide is bringing the wave now.  Pluto can liberate by forcing you to be yourself.  You realize the blocks to the Light are only your own illusions and fears.  Pluto transits require patience, as their timing can be lengthy, and often demand that you look at your shadow side.  Don’t be too hard on yourself throughout this process, and factor in some pampering, and a friendship which acts as a sounding board.  If all is proceeding smoothly with a Pluto transit, you go deeper into your experience and find it rewarding.

Recommended Reading: “Pluto: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul – Volume I” by Jeffrey Wolf Green

“If I can open a new corner in a man’s own heart to him I have not lived in vain.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Neptune in Transit

Neptune is very nebulous in its action, and also subtle, so that its effect can creep insidiously into your experience without you immediately noticing it.  Or you may suspect something, and wonder if it is your imagination.  Though not as slow moving as a Pluto transit, a Neptune transit is still slow.  Under a Neptune transit you may find that physically and personality-wise you are becoming more sensitive and spiritual.  For example, you may become aware of food sensitivities such as gluten intolerance.  You may also experience some absent-mindedness.  As I mentioned in last week’s Aspects “how you experience it may to some extent depend on your own evolving relationship with Neptune, and the clarity on your mystical path.”  Dealing with a Neptune transit contrasts with a Pluto transit which required examining the depth of feeling.  For Neptune, you need to meditate more, and even achieve a sense of transcendence.  Paradoxically that also means you need to be grounded. When you have your head in the clouds you also need to feel the weight of your feet on the ground.  If all goes smoothly with a Neptune transit you will be able to receive subtle impressions without feeling you are so split in your consciousness.  As I also mentioned last week it “can bring high spiritual experiences and inspiration, especially if you are channelling or working with your creativity, in art or music for instance.”

Famous example: Leader of the Opposition Jeremy Corbyn this week learnt that the Equalities and Human Rights Commission was considering investigating anti-semitism in the Labour Party.  Neptune (scandal or suspicion) was squaring his Mercury/Venus.

Recommended Reading: “The Gods of Change” by Howard Sasportas

“…what the soul knows is often unknown to the man who has a soul.  We are infinitely more than we think.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Uranus in Transit

A Uranus transit heralds Change, with a capital C.   That other great agent of Change, Pluto, can work very slowly but can also bring sudden dramatic change.  With Uranus, it is usually sudden, rapid change, often out of the blue.  Uranus is Master of the element of the unexpected, the spanner in the works, and the new broom sweeping clean.  You may be exposed to new ideas, and possible changes of work or residence.  You may also work more intensely with Astrology under this influence!  Physically, the ankles may be a vulnerable spot.  The best way to work with Uranus, is in advance (beat him at his own game!) by honing your Intuition and looking at loopholes in advance.  Once you are overtaken by events, use your Intuition from moment to moment, seeing the art of the possible.  Expand your consciousness, and look at whether Uranus is asking you to consider the best interests of society, not just your own.  If all goes smoothly with a Uranus transit, you anticipate and even choose the change, and it may have a wider application for humanity.

Famous example: Work and Pensions Secretary Amber Rudd this week accidentally referred to Diane Abbot as “coloured”, causing a furore.  Uranus was square her natal Venus, an accidental social faux-pas, which left her “mortified”.

“A man can be free without being great, but no man can be great without being free” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Chiron by transit

A typical manifestation of a Chiron transit is a “healing crisis”, as asteroid Chiron represents the Wounded Healer, or the Inner Healer. Often the healing crisis is designed to point the way to what needs healing, and to concentrate the mind to that end.  The nature of Chiron has similarities with Pluto in that there is a depth to the issue, and often pain to be released.  It moves more quickly however, and healing when it comes can be instant, once the remedy (often at hand) is identified.  Chiron represents alternative medicine, and  the healing can often come from that quarter.  If more psychological in nature, the healing can come from a deep dive into the soul.  Problem-solving can also be undertaken under such a transit.  If all goes smoothly during a Chiron transit, you unwrap a new layer of your Inner Healer, and your ability to help others who have the same problem.

Famous example:  Home Secretary Sajid Javid this week was under fire for letting Shamima Begum’s baby Jarrah die in a refugee camp in Syria.  At his age of 49 he is about to have his Chiron Return (on 25-26th March, just before Brexit).  He has some deep soul searching to do.

Recommended Reading: “Chiron and the Healing Journey” by Melanie Reinhart

Saturn by transit

Compared to the above transits, a Saturn transit is more fast moving, but in terms of its nature it encourages patience, maturity, and slowing down.  It may teach us about loss, and value.  So a Saturn transit may be a little tough going.  It may be a struggle to think positively, as it can bring our your fears. “Perfect love casteth out fear” is one of the truest sayings in the bible.  But Saturn is also known as a teacher, Old Father Time, for which the maxim “All Things Must Pass” also has great meaning and solace.  Saturn may put barriers in your way or cause frustrations, but always leaves a gift, which is the thing it came to teach.  If all goes smoothly during a Saturn transit, you may be rewarded by previous hard work and planning, or present integrity.

Famous example: The singer R. Kelly was jailed this week on sexual charges.  Saturn was on his natal Sun and squaring his natal Mars.  He was released on bail a couple of days later, as these transits were easing.

Recommended Reading: ” Saturn in Transit: Boundaries of Mind, Body, and Soul” by Erin Sullivan

“A true hermit goes to the wilderness to find not to lose himself.” ~ Kahlil Gibran

Jupiter by transit

Jupiter transits can prove beneficial even if the aspect itself is a difficult one (such as a square or opposition).  It moves more quickly again than its predecesssor Saturn.  But whereas Saturn teaches with a stick, Jupiter employs the carrot method and invites us to expand and exaggerate.  It tempts us to go beyond known boundaries,  and trust our luck (or God/Goddess if we are religious).  Opportunities can open up to spread our wings and use our talents.  Where we can come a cropper is that we can become arrogant, or become hoisted by our own petard!  Then we might need to try and keep our ego in check.  If all goes smoothly under a Jupiter transit, we can increase our confidence and expand our personal empire.

“The idea of God is different in every man, and one can never give another his own religion” ~ Kahlil Gibran

North Node by transit

The North Node is not a planet, but nevertheless the transit can affect us profoundly according to the state of our karma, and the karmic mission we are working on in this lifetime.  A Nodal transit can seem like being touched by destiny, or contain an amazing synchronicity or meeting with someone we have known in past lives.  It can point our way to any obligations we have outstanding, or where we might be of service.  It may ask you to take a karmic stocktaking, such as thinking about forgiveness in a long standing coldness of heart.  We may be able to see a Soul Contract, remember past lives, or glimpse future possibilities.  If you do not believe in karma or past lives, you may see events in terms of cause and effect or moral consequences.  If all goes smoothly with this type of transit, there can be a great meeting of minds, merging of destinies, or awareness and fulfilment of one’s karmic mission.

Recommended Reading: “Karmic Astrology Volume I – The Moon’s Nodes and Reincarnation” by Martin Schulman

I have been here before,
But when or how I cannot tell:
I know the grass beyond the door
The sweet keen smell,
The sighing sound, the lights around the shore.”

~ Dante Gabriel Rossetti

Mars transits

Of all the transit agents described, Mars is the quickest, spending two days only on the degree of a natal planet.  But it can act as a trigger for events, and make us incident-prone.  Some are more affected by Mars transits than others, for example people born under the sign of Aries are more prone to its influence.  Children, too, are susceptible to Mars transits because they have not yet mastered the art of discipline, or self-control (they can however be protected by their own innocence).  As you might expect, carelessness and impulsiveness can often result in bumps and bruises under the influence of a Mars transit.  Confrontation or conflict can also occur.  When Mars is applying to the natal Mercury, hasty speech can bring problems.  Antidotes to the negative manifestations of Mars can be love and patience, harmony and care, diplomacy and physical awareness.  If all goes smoothly under a Mars transits, you can get outstanding jobs done, assert yourself satisfyingly, or achieve a physical fitness goal.

Famous example: North Korean leader Kim Jong Un this week, after his 2nd summit with Donald Trump, is preparing to launch missiles again.  Mars is opposite his natal Saturn, so he is in defiant mood!


This afternoon Mars sextiles Neptune, bringing refinement to your actions and activities.  This favours flowing exercise such as Tai Chi, Qijong and Yoga.  Combining the physical with the spiritual is ideal, and achievable.

Wednesday (13th) graces us with another sextile, that of the Sun and Pluto, not to be sniffed at.  If you enjoy navel gazing and getting to the nitty gritty of psychological issues, then this one is for you!  If it is not your cup of tea, someone may ask you a question which is more searching than you would like, or life throws you a poser which stops you in your tracks until you have given it some thought.  In parliament, it will be the day after Theresa May’s new Brexit vote, and a good time to ask “What’s next?”

Thursday (14th) will be the day to pick up the mood and even find the humour in events, with the Sun square Jupiter. In some cases, the laughter may be inappropriate, but the clowns among us can try and lighten the mood.  It’s a fairly high-spirited day.  Just be sure not to promise more than you can deliver.

Mercury also trines the North Node on Thursday, which could bring mental insights around karma and past lives.  If you are Gemini or Virgo, or have a strong Teacher Archetype, you will feel in tune with your destiny, and confident of your contribution.

Also featuring on Thursday is a trine, between Mars and Saturn.  This favours translating the humour, philosophical insight, and karmic teachings of the day into practical action.  You can think through what you want to achieve, see what needs to be done, and set about steadily allowing it to unfold, with some concrete or physical input or ignition on your part.

The Sun conjoins Mercury on Friday (15th) at 23 degrees Pisces.  It is a good day to apply your mind even if the subject matter is unfathomable (Pisces).  As you enter into the mystery, with your mind, you can be richly rewarded.  Your imagination may also be stimulated by the process.  A sense of compassion may spark new ideas of how to proceed in the bigger picture.  Clarity can emerge from an investigation into a confused situation.

There is also a trine between the Sun and the North Node on Friday.  Clarity emerging can throw up creative avenues and karmic insights.  If power issues are involved, you may need “permission” from another.

Late on Friday (in the U.K.) Mercury squares Jupiter, which keeps the mental mood upbeat, but may overstretch the mind (such as in information overload when you are trying to sleep).  It’s another lavender and chamomile job.

Last but not least, on Saturday (16th) we end the week with another sextile, between Mercury and Pluto.  This continues the themes of the week as being deep and constructive thought.  So there is another opportunity to put good ideas to work, or to have those difficult conversations which might have been in your mind for a while, with the expectation that the time is right for success in the matter.  Your conclusions and discussions will be able to make sense to both parties, and provide a focus for moving on, for example in business negotiations.  It is a day when  you might be able to reach the parts previously unattainable.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – refined action
  • Wednesday – psychological depth
  • Thursday – complex but satisfying
  • Friday – insightful, karmic and mentally stimulating
  • Saturday – deep and constructive thought