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Aspects for the week beginning 13 June 2021

Lilibet Diana Mountbatten-Windsor

born: 4th June 2921 at 10.40 a.m. Santa Barbara, Ca.

The new addition to the royal family, Lilibet, was born the Friday before last, but her arrival was not announced until last Sunday.  Though for her first name she has been given the Queen’s nickname, the issue has already aroused controversy.  Parents Harry and Meghan were happy for it to be known that the name choice was approved with the Queen, Buckingham Palace has denied it, and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex have issued a threat of  legal action towards the BBC over their reporting of the matter.  It has also been reported that Buckingham Palace intend to be more proactive in future in publicly evaluating such statements, but we have to take all statements with a pinch of salt.  What matters here is the truth, and for some it is all unnecessary reportage.  There is no contention, however, associated with the honouring of Harry’s mother Diana, in Lilibet’s middle name.

Birth Chart

The overwhelming flavour of Lilibet’s chart is that she comes over as a communicator, with the North Node/Sun, Mercury and Part of Fortune in Gemini, all in the 10th House of Career, Reputation, Life Direction and Highest Potential.  She will be most interested in press briefings.  She has the Sun exactly trine Saturn, giving her a sense of responsibility, and her Sun is conjunct the North Node, showing her Royal karma.

She has the Ascendant at 29 degrees Leo, which is conjunct the Fixed Star Regulus. itself traditionally a sign of Royalty.

One very interesting feature of her chart is the Moon exactly conjunct Chiron in 8th House.  Prince Harry spoke recently about “genetic pain and suffering”, wishing to break the cycle, provoking an outcry to some extent (partly as sharing too much information).  Curiously enough, the Moon conjunct Chiron in the 8th House of Ancestors indicates just such a wound!  To be fair, he made the comment in the context of wanting to address it.  Also, the good news is that finding this in Lilibet’s birthchart only indicates a wound present at birth that can be worked with.  However, although Prince Harry has raised the issue in relation to his own family, the Moon’s involvement highlights a wound within the female line as much as anything, so there is work to be done on Meghan’s side, too.

Lilibet’s chart has a high proportion (no less than 10) of exact aspects – she will have well-defined opinions, and with the Moon closely sextile the Sun, she will know what she wants.  Mercury is exactly square Neptune – so for all her communicativeness there is guardedness about privacy in relation to communication; she will be schooled in keeping secrets.  Venus in Cancer is exactly trine Jupiter, showing a love of humanity.  Venus sextile the Ascendant can indicate great physical beauty.  But Mars exactly opposite exactly Pluto could be difficult, indicating some level of anger in or around her.  Saturn exactly square Uranus, in common with her peer group, shows a conflict between the old and new, duty and freedom: she could be carrying this conflict to some extent for her parentsPluto exactly trine her Midheaven suggests she will want to do something meaningful with her life.


As to her close relationships, there may be some friction with her father Prince Harry when she develops the will of her Leo Rising.  They have three exact oppositions between them, and one exact square.  In addition, his Uranus lies on her South Node, so they have some sparky past-life karma between them.

She is very much in tune with her mother Meghan, and may seek to emulate her as a role model.  Meghan’s Sun is exactly trine Lilibet’s Moon, a very harmonious personal connection.  There are four exact trines altogether between them, which is a high figure.  Notably Meghan’s Uranus trines Lilibet’s Mars, so they could do some dynamic work together.  However, on the other side of the coin, Meghan’s Uranus conjoins Lilibet’s I.C. in Scorpio in 3rd House, so Meghan could keep Lilibet on her toes, and their Neptunes are exactly square, so they bring out each other’s sensitivities.

Lilibet’s relationship with her brother Archie is a mixed picture, and with his Mars on her Mercury, they could have their fair share of sibling squabbles!  There is a good social bond, with his Uranus sextile her Venus, but with his Ascendant conjunct her Uranus, she could be disruptive for him.

There is a strong bond with Queen Elizabeth II, for the Queen’s Sun trines Lilibet’s Ascendant and therefore trines Royal Regulus, emphasizing the royal connection.  Their Moons are exactly trine in Fire.  The Queen’s Pluto squares Lilibet’s Moon in Aries in 8th House, bringing a deep emotional respect, awe even, especially from Lilibet to the Queen, but it may also be mutual.

If the first week of her life is anything to go by, she and her family unit may face more ups and downs in relation to the wider family units (Meghan’s father has apparently begged to meet Lilibet, but again we have to take all statements with a pinch of salt).  With the Sun closely sextile Chiron in Lilibet’s chart, her soul does desire to bring healing, but as the Moon exactly conjunct Chiron in Aries shows, first the wound has to be aired.  “Starlight Elixirs”, by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld, indicates that Regulus is about identifying and working through emotional patterns.

“Regulus is a transpersonal pattern.  It promotes a belief that things must always revolve around a centre and that kings are needed to rule the people.  This archetype is called ‘the divine right of kings’ and it is heavily infused into human history.  Humans will let go of the need for kings when each person on Earth accesses his or her own powers of self-sufficiency and creativity”.

~ Barbara Hand Clow, from “Signet of Atlantis”


Early today Chiron squared Venus, an aspect which highlights self-nursing and relationship issues.  You may, for instance, be having to rest a knee through over-exertion in the garden, or be examining a relationship wound.  If there is an emotional crisis, then healing could be nearby – if in doubt, go within.

Luckily, another early aspect to Venus counteracts this to some extent, and that is Venus sextile Uranus.  There may be a social sparkle somewhere in your life, even if only on social media.  It’s a good day, for the most part, for socializing and meeting new people, but be aware of your own sensitivities from Chiron square to Venus.  Meetings are significant with the combination of Venus and Uranus, and sometimes they can be strange.

Much later on, nearing midnight, the Sun squares Neptune, which brings another kind of over-sensitivity.  A bedtime meditational practice could centre around the subject of Illusion, although you could overthink it!  You may be feeling a little confused, lost, or even  dizzy.  It’s a good moment to surrender to the divine.

A much more loaded aspect occurs tomorrow (Monday, 14th), which will be more difficult to ignore: that of Saturn square Uranus.  It last occurred in February, and hovers around the whole year.  This ensures that a continuing theme this year is the preservation of the age-old order (Saturn, but in Aquarius, a sign of progress) versus rebellion (Uranus liking to rock the boat, but placed in Taurus, the sign of entrenchment).  Note its appearance in Lilibet’s chart, showing the parental desire to break away from some aspects of the royal order, while clinging on to others.  In your life you may be struggling to cast off some shackles and declutter and streamline your life, while realizing you cannot throw out the baby with the bathwater, and acknowledging the role of everything in your life.  You need to know the value of something, before you throw it away.  You can see this in some of the post-Brexit dilemmas currently faced by Boris Johnson and his cabinet.

Fixed Stars:

After tomorrow, there are no more aspects this week, so it is over to the Fixed Stars to show us what they can contribute for the rest of the period.

Tuesday 15th: Alhecka, otherwise known as Zeta Tauri, at 24 degrees Gemini:

from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:

“The signature of this star has to do with individuals who are willing to break out of past patterns and come forward in ways in which they have not been seen before….this star can be helpful in encouraging individuals to look at their own sources, work with these levels of inner energy, and make decisions about how this is to be shared or revealed in the world.”

Thursday 19th:  Polaris – Alpha Ursa Minor, at 28 degrees Gemini:

Bernardette Brady in “The Fixed Stars” says that Ebertin linked it to a sense of guidance, and Rigor connected it with pioneering.  She equates it with a sense of mission, because it has been a guiding star.

From “Starlight Elixirs”:

“Polaris… represents at a deep level the unconscious ability of individuals to align with a common source to bring through energy that can be applied in the world. .. This shared energy will be utilized for whatever project or energies an individual wishes to put them to.  While they are utilizing such an energy, some characteristics of the collective consciousness will also come through.”

Thursday 19th:  Betelgeuse – Alpha Orionis, at 28 degrees Gemini:

Bernadette Brady says that its influence can bring unbridled success without complications.

From Starlight Elixirs:

“This star provides a substantial increase in communication with energies of a physical nature,  particularly with the Earth energies…Betelgeuse can significantly enhance the ability to perceive the difference between survival connected energies and true spiritual awareness.  As a result,  fears are lessened and insight into the source of the fears is strengthened.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – self-nursing; exciting meetings; confusion
  • Tomorrow – major tussles between the old and the new
  • Tuesday – breaking out of patterns
  • Thursday – unity; fears eased

Aspects for the week beginning 6 June 2021

Naomi Osaka

Naomi Osaka drew attention to mental health issues this week in relation to the post-match interviews that take place in tennis tournaments.  She decided to resign from the French Open at Roland Garros, when the authorities warned that she could be suspended for refusing to take part in the interviews.  She had been fined $15,000.  She then revealed the precarious state of her mental health, and the strain the interviews involved.  The authorities have been accused of lacking empathy.

Her Birth Chart

I wrote in 2019:

“Being born on a Full Moon (the Sun opposite the Moon), she may arouse strong emotions in others.  She says of herself “I fight myself a lot”.  She has the Sun conjunct closely Mercury in Libra, but has a difficult set of aspects in her natal chart: the Sun opposite Saturn and square Neptune. Mars sextile exactly Jupiter in her chart, bringing excellent energy and enthusiasm – she has a an aggressive playing style and a powerful serve.  Jupiter conjunct Uranus loosely in Aquarius (The Entrepreneur) may be a factor in her success.

Her ex-coach Sascha Bajin said of her:

‘I thought she was a little bit more of a diva because she didn’t talk much. She doesn’t really look at someone’s eyes, but that’s just because she was always so shy … Back then I didn’t know for what reason.’ ”

Tennis Career

Naomi came to the world’s attention when she beat Serena Williams in the final of the Miami Open in 2018.  She then won the Australian Open in January 2019, earning her World No. 1 status.  Her transits for this success involved Jupiter: Jupiter was trine her natal Saturn, indicating a triumph, and Jupiter square her Nodal Axis (indicating a karmic element to success).

However, there was an element of trauma in beating her idol Serena Williams who then ranted in the post-match interview.  Apparently, she was much affected by it.

But Serena has now come out in her support, saying: “I feel for Naomi…I feel like I wish I could give her a hug because I know what it’s like. I’ve been in these positions.”

It is not the first time Naomi has taken a stand.  In the U.S. Open in August 2020, she walked on to the court in each match wearing black masks with the names of African Americans who had been killed.  At the time I wrote:

“Pluto square her natal Sun, big challenges in her life (and asserting her integrity was part of that)

North Node trine her Mercury, karmic merit (and asserting her integrity was part of that)”.

This Week

Naomi pulled out of the French Open on Monday.  Her transits at the time were:-

Mars square her natal Sun (anger over an issue; making a stand; activism)

Uranus square her natal Jupiter (a disruption)

Pluto on her natal Neptune (deep psychological issues to work through)

The week’s events may lead to a review of the whole issue of post-match interviews.  Certainly, as a viewer, you tend to cringe at the idea of someone being interviewed who has lost and is the throes of deep disappointment.

“Whatever?  Never mind? Big wows?  Fred Perry never had to take this many questions, and maybe the players of the future won’t either.  I know we have to pretend there’s a continuum between this and actual totalitarianism, but let’s not”

~ Marina Hyde, The Guardian


If you’ve been working hard on your aspects lately, take a well-earned rest, for the first feature of the week does not appear until Thursday (10th).  This is a Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 19 degrees Gemini: a new beginning and possible turning point, with a fresh mental focus.  There’s a fresh outlook, new learning and progress in communications.  New initiatives in the beleaguered travel industry may also be helpful.

Friday (11th) brings a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 20 degrees Gemini.  That brings a touch of sparkle to your consciousness.  It is a good day to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  make important statements, and look to the future.  You may write or speak some memorable lines.  Look out for some telepathy, too!

The fiery planet Mars enters the fiery sign of Leo  at lunchtime that day.  This will bring energy to your self-expression, or you may observe displays of power.  The aspect favours and supports the performing arts, and the beleaguered (word of the week) theatre industry.  Mars represents football and Leo sporting interests, so it is fitting that the UEFA European cup (delayed) is beginning.  You may kick off an active project of your own.

The week in bullet points:

  • Thursday – new beginning, turning point in mental focus
  • Friday – concentration, sparkling minds; energetic activity and creativity


Aspects for the week beginning 30 May 2021

Bob Dylan turns 80

It was Bob Dylan’s 80th birthday this week.  In celebration, I would like to select a song for each Sun sign, and quote some lyrics.  I  hope you like them, but if you find better examples for your Sun sign, please comment below!


This Wheel’s on Fire

This wheel’s on fire

Rolling down the road

Best notify my next of kin

This wheel shall explode!

(covered by Julie Driscoll)


She Belongs to Me

She’s got everything she needs,

She’s an artist, she don’t look back.

She can take the dark out of the night time

And paint the daytime black


Blowing in the Wind

How many years can a mountain exist

Before it’s washed to the sea?

Yes, ‘n’ how many years can some people exist

Before they’re allowed to be free

(covered by Peter, Paul and Mary)


It’s All Right Ma

Darkness at the break of noon

Shadows even the silver spoon

The handmade blade, the child’s balloon

Eclipses both the sun and moon


Boots of Spanish Leather

Oh, but I just thought you might want something fine

Made of silver or of golden,

Either from the mountains of Madrid

Or from the coast of Barcelona

(covered by Joan Baez)


Subterranean Homesick Blues

Johnny’s in the basement

Mixing up the medicine

I’m on the pavement

Thinking about the government


Tomorrow is a Long Time

Yes, and only if my own true love was waitin’

Yes, and if I could hear her heart a-softly poundin’,

Only if she was lyin’ by me

Then I’d lie in my bed once again

(covered by Judy Collins)


A Hard Rain’s A-Gonna Fall

And what did you hear, my blue-eyed son?

And what did you hear, my darling young one?

I heard the sound of a thunder, it roared out a warnin’,

Heard the roar of a wave that could drown the whole world

(covered by Joan Baez)


Mr. Tambourine Man

Take me on a trip upon your magic swirlin’ ship,

My senses have been stripped, my hands can’t feel to grip,

My toes too numb to step, wait only for my boot heels

To be wanderin’.  I’m ready to go anywhere

(covered by The Byrds)


Love Minus Zero

My love she speaks like silence,

Without ideals or violence,

She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful

Yet she’s true, like ice, like fire

(covered by Joan Baez)


The Times They are A-Changin’

As the present now

Will later be past

The order is

Rapidly fadin’


Dear Landlord

Please don’t put a price on my soul.

My burden is heavy,

My dreams are beyond control

(covered by Joan Baez)


Early tomorrow (Monday 31st) morning Mars trines Neptune which ensures the sensitive use of energies, such as meditative activities.  Yoga, Tai Chi and Qijong all represent this vibe.  Mars represents the use of energy or anger directed (in a trine) in a constructive way, and Neptune represents empathy.

Later in the day the Sun conjoins the North Node, and this could bring a show of power by someone in your circle.  However, this show of power is firmly subject to the laws of karma. It could also heighten creativity if you are unattached to the power play of others.

On Wednesday (2nd June), the Sun is involved in a sextile with Chiron.  This can bring about healing, and the beneficial input from other worlds and planes.

At lunchtime that day, Venus will enter Cancer, which boosts family life and feelings, and applies more love and care towards other members of the family.  There could be memorable and sentimental occasions arising (Venus stays in Cancer until 27th June) such as family get togethers.  We need to be conscious about our emotional boundaries during this period.

The Sun is busy again on Thursday 3rd (let’s hope the weather stays fine…), this time in a trine with Saturn that evening.  This is a solid and productive aspect.  If you are engaged in creativity, it can help ensure that it works on a practical level.  It is also a good aspect for making plans and laying foundations.

The late evening brings one of the best aspects of the year: Venus trine Jupiter.  It may help in making good memories which may help to see you through Saturday’s most difficult line-up.  It could be party time, but there are some restrictions at least  until 21st June, so you may not be able to go all out.  Close relationships are favoured, and romance (e.g. engagements) is in the air.

Sadly, the prospects for Saturday (5th) are not so good, certainly from 7 pm onwards in the U.K.  Around that time Mercury squares Neptune, an aspect we met recently, before Mercury went Retrograde.  This aspect muddies the communication waters further:  It is a good day for sorting out your finer feelings, and extracting fact from illusion.  This aspect may contribute to misunderstandings too, so keep your communications clear.

But the real villain of the day is an aspect which comes at 7.45 p.m., one of the most difficult of the year: Mars opposite Pluto.  There could for instance be consequences to weekend demonstrations.  This may bring a confrontation of sorts, or some discharge of energy.  Tempers may flare, unexpectedly, and words may cause upset.  Keep a low profile today if you wish to avoid conflict, and  the watchword is tact.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – sensitive action; a show of power
  • Wednesday – healing, and family feeling
  • Thursday – practical foundations; party time
  • Saturday – mental confusion; aggravation

Aspects for the week beginning 23 May 2021

Lady Diana and the Martin Bashir Interview

Lady Diana’s interview which aired on 20th November 1995 had consequences this week: the Dyson report found that Martin Bashir acted deceitfully and faked documents in obtaining it, and that the BBC compounded the deceit by covering it up.  Heads have rolled (Martin Bashir’s and Tony Hall’s) and Princes William and Harry have expressed their horror and anguish over its consequences.

Martin Bashir

Are there traits in Martin Bashir’s birth chart which may point to him forging bank statements in order to ruthlessly obtain the interview?  Sadly, it seems so.  First, a disclaimer – if you have any of these features in your chart, you are not tarred with the same brush!  Martin has the Sun exactly conjunct his South Node, which means he has brought in karma around the use of power from his previous lives.  His Moon is closely conjunct Neptune, which would normally point to emotional sensitivity.  In his case, it is in Scorpio, and that may add to some deceit (the combination of the Moon/Neptune/Scorpio).  He has Venus square Jupiter, to which I often attribute inappropriate behaviour.  Venus also exactly squares Pluto (forming a T-square with Jupiter), pointing to coercive use of power.  Mars squares Neptune, which can be deceitful.  Jupiter opposes Uranus (widely) which I often describe as The Opportunist or The Chancer!  Jupiter exactly opposite Pluto can be power-hungry.  Pluto square his Ascendant on his 4th House cusp can mean he bases his life on power-mongering.  And Chiron at the top of his chart, at the beginning of his 10th House of Career and Reputation can bring wounding in that regard, especially where he has Chiron opposite Pluto, forming part of the T-square.


What does the comparison of Diana and Martin Bashir’s charts show?  Her Saturn is exactly on his Sun, and she has ultimately proved to be his downfall.  Her Chiron squares his Ascendant, compounding his natal wounding and self-undoing.


At the time of the interview,  Mars was trine her natal Uranus, an action of empowerment for her.  Mars was sextile her Midheaven, again an act of self-assertion.  Saturn was square her Ascendant: it was at a time of great anguish for her.  Uranus was on her natal Saturn: she was pushing the boundaries in a risky manner.  Neptune was square her Midheaven – no one would really know for certain what its effects would be, but she was at a time of her life when she was seeking a different role and in a state of flux.  Lastly, but not least, Pluto was square her Nodal Axis, a dramatic turn in the narrative of her life.

For him, the transits depict his success at the time, without hinting at the ignominy which lay far ahead in the future.  Mars was trine his natal Mars (obtaining his goal); Jupiter was trine his Mars (success in his goal); Uranus on his Sun (a sudden success) and Pluto trine his North Node (a profound moment in his karma).

Earl Spencer

Earl Spencer, Diana’s brother, is regretful over the role he played in introducing Martin Bashir to Diana.  He recalls a meeting exactly two years before she died, when he met with Martin about the possibility.  On that date, Jupiter was square Earl Spencer’s Uranus, so there was something risky about the venture.  Saturn was exactly opposite Earl Spencer’s natal Moon, so it may have been a sincere attempt on his part to alleviate the suffering of a woman in his life.

Dyson Report

Thursday’s verdict in the Dyson Report shows Jupiter (justice) exactly on the South Node (past karma) of Lady Diana’s chart!  Martin Bashir has mixed transits (and is apparently unwell), but Uranus square his natal Saturn stands out (extremely unsettled).  For Earl Spencer, he had an emboldening Solar Return (he felt the event hastened her end, and their initial meeting was fateful in a detrimental way to her subsequent fate).  He also had Mars trine his Neptune (speaking out his sensitivities).

For Prince William, Mars squares his Ascendant (some passionate emotions stirred, including anger), and Saturn square his Mars (great resentment).  But he is currently confident (Jupiter sextile his Moon and trine his Jupiter) and unpredictable (Uranus square his Moon and Jupiter).  Prince Harry had Mars trine his Midheaven (a time of action; he has been speaking out about mental health in relation to his upbringing), Jupiter trine his natal Pluto (also emboldening), Jupiter square his Nodal Axis (addressing injustices), Uranus trine his Ascendant (changes in ways of being) and Neptune opposite his natal Sun (some confusion).

For Lord Hall, former Director-General of the BBC, who has felt obliged to resign from his current post, the Nodal Axis squares his Sun (a karmic obligation), and Uranus sextiles his Sun (a sudden change).  For the institution of the BBC itself, the impact on its chart shows Neptune exactly opposite its Moon (hit by a scandal) and Uranus square its Mars (a harsh controversy).  When asked, Esther Rantzen on the Andrew Marr show this morning thinks the BBC will survive this difficult patch, and Uranus is sextile its natal Pluto so it is a time when change is forced upon it, but resilience likely.

In Conclusion

Reprehensible and inexcusable though his behaviour may be, in my opinion Martin Bashir is not solely responsible for what happened next in Lady Diana’s life.  She needed to say what she said, though she may have been rushed and harassed into it.  Her troubles had been going on for some time, and the marriage was already in trouble.  Andrew Morton’s book had already revealed much about her unhappiness.  Camilla Parker Bowles had been a spectre throughout their marriage, undoubtedly the love of her husband Prince Charles’ life.  Her chief aide Paul Burrell has told that she was without security before that time.  And she met her end because the paparazzi were obsessed with her, and hounded her to her death.


For those of a sensitive disposition, look away now!  Two planets go Retrograde this week, and we have a Lunar Eclipse, so it could be a wild ride at times!  Not only that, but we also have two squares to contend with.  One redeeming feature occurs at the end of the week, though.  I will try and bring you some antidotes in dealing with these features.

Some may have retired to bed in a state of confusion last night over not one vote given by Europe to our U.K. Eurovision entry…In the early hours of this morning, Neptune squared Mercury.  Some snag may be nagging at you.  It may even be indefinable.  If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note.  Then you can deal with it and move on and let it go.  One of the top news items of the day is still the Martin Bashir scandal involving the media (Mercury) and deceit (Neptune).

Following that, Saturn was Stationary prior to turning Retrograde.  Turning inward for contemplation is one of the requirements of a retrograde period.  That entails going through a period of revision: often with Saturn, it is a lesson all about patience and timing, and one of those lessons is that you can’t rush things.

There is a Full Moon and Lunar Eclipse on Wednesday (26th) at 5 degrees Sagittarius.  This particular emotional high tide concerns the expansive bigger picture (Sagittarius) in your life, your psyche, or the world.  If you are feeling such a maelstrom in your life, then you may need to start by going within to that still small spiritual centre, find peace, then make your responses from that place.  Eclipses can be turning points.

The second square of the week occurs on Thursday (27th), and also involves Neptune.  This time Neptune squares Venus, so the confusion or deceit involves relationship or money.  You need to look behind the illusion in each case, or both.  There could be further uncertainty highlighted in the Arts or the world of Music.  There may be paranoia in relationships, and frustrating flaws in creative works, as well as insecurity in finance. Tread softly.


Saturday furnishes us with a little light relief, in the form of  Mercury conjunct Venus at 24 degrees Gemini, which is a splendid literary and cultural aspect.  If you are publishing a book, it could be a very helpful influence.  It is also a good day for negotiation (take note politicians and diplomats).  Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative.

In the very late evening, Mercury is Stationary prior to turning Retrograde, so please employ your very best tried and tested strategies on the matter.  For a lighthearted look at things, “The Mercury Retrograde Book” by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell advises when Mercury is in an Air sign (in this case Gemini):

“When Mercury is retrograde in an Air sign, there’ll…be plenty of befuddled ideas and confusing chatter, so avoid too much talking that doesn’t go anywhere.  You’ve got your thinking cap on, but is it on backwards?  You might even be wearing a selection of thinking caps, each one leading your mind in a different direction.”

Wishing you Good Luck, this week…

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Mental confusion; some navel gazing required
  • Wednesday – emotional high tide; trying to look at the bigger picture
  • Thursday – emotional confusion, or financial disarray
  • Saturday – congenial for literature and the Arts; later communication glitches

Aspects for the week beginning 16 May 2021

Mary Beard

This week Mary Beard announced her retirement as Professor of Classics at Cambridge University next year.  In doing so, she intends to boost diversity by leaving an £80,000 fund for students from under-represented groups.

Birth Chart

Born with the Sun in Capricorn plus the North Node, Mercury and Chiron in that sign, Mary nevertheless has half her planets in Water signs, so is very emotional.  The Sun conjunct the North Node may indicate that part of her karmic mission is to illuminate, and she teaches us about Antiquity and Archaeology (some of the provinces of Capricorn, but also shared by some other signs), in particular Roman history.  Mercury sextile Saturn in her chart gives her mental focus and academic rigour.  Venus exactly trine Jupiter describes her as a lover of humanity.  Venus loosely conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, is another sign that she likes to dig and delve, though more in the realms of psychology, than in the literal earthy Capricornian sense.  Venus exactly trine Uranus makes her shine brightly in society, but may also point to her individualistic appearance.  Jupiter is exactly conjunct Uranus in her chart, the sign of an Entrepreneur.  Mars in Pisces trines Jupiter/Uranus indicating tremendous enthusiasm and excitability, which is of course very visible in her personality.  With Venus/Saturn in Scorpio, this completes a Grand trine in Water, so she has a powerful way of moving people.

Life and Career

Mary enjoyed archaeology from an early age, spending time on digs.  At eighteen she went to Cambridge University at Newnham College, where among other things she fostered the feminist attitudes which had been encouraged within her family background. She also paid her first visit to Pompeii.  She later completed a doctoral thesis, whose subject was “The State Religion in the Late Roman Republic: A Study Based on the Works of Cicero”.  She became Professor of Classics at Cambridge in 2004, around the time of her Chiron Return in Capricorn.

When she presented a television series Meet the Romans with Mary Beard in 2012, the late critic A.A. Gill gave a harsh review, and declared her not to be presentable enough for television.  She subsequently received similar criticisms of her appearance by the “trolls” of the day (the word had not yet come into its current connotation).

She has stated:

“I used to be scared of looking like this, but now I couldn’t wish to be any different.  Never mind the masochism of Botox.  I can’t even imagine dyeing my hair.  It’s not just the boring hours it would take.  It’s that every time you did it, you’d be reminded that you were hiding something.  And how do you stop once you’ve started?”

She would respond to detractors on Twitter directly at one stage.  Shortly after the initial fuss, I saw her get into my train carriage at Cambridge, and was very tempted to approach her and tell her how much I admired her, but thought better of it, as she seemed very comfortable in her own space!

On 4 August 2013, she received a Twitter-related bomb threat, which she reported.  At the time,  Pluto (bomb) was transiting her natal Sun!

She has presented an entertaining cultural programme on BBC entitled “Front Row Late”, where she engages in discussion with various guests.  It is a good vehicle for her erudition and her personality!  She identifies as a Socialist, politically.  She is married, with two children.

Current Transits

The current transits to her chart emphasize Pluto, and so do show decisions made on endings in her life:  Pluto is sextile her natal Venus in Scorpio; and Pluto exactly opposite her Jupiter/Uranus conjunction in Cancer.  She is responding to the call for change from Pluto, and hopefully new avenues will be rebirthed eventually.  But in the meantime, she will ensure that from next year, two students will receive four years of funding, who may not have otherwise been eligible.


The Sun trines Pluto tomorrow, so there may be the sense of an ending.  You may have to make a decision which brings about change.  It is time to construct a new psychological mindset: one which is creative but also bears in mind the changes and cycles which are transforming our lives at this time. You may have felt that you haven’t got very far with a goal, but may receive an indication in this period that you have done better than you thought, your patience is rewarded, or that a pipe dream could become a going concern.

Venus also conjoins the North Node in Gemini tomorrow.  On its own, it is helpful for expressing love in verbal or written form.  Taken together with The Sun’s trine to Pluto the interpretation and outcome may be deeper; for example, you may feel a situation is lost, then someone may remind you of the power of love.

On Tuesday, Venus in Gemini goes on to sextile Chiron, so some of the communication that day will be very healing, and may literally concern the subject of healing, especially for relationships.  It is a good day to combine the Arts with Healing, such as creativity which involves and brings about healing.

Venus is busy this week, and on Thursday (20th) she trines Saturn (in the early hours).  This trine is quite stoical and productive, and stabilizing in terms of feelings.  If you are catching up or socializing with someone you haven’t seen for some time during lockdown, it is a good opportunity to re-establish your relationship.  Those of you interested in the Fixed Stars may note that our Sun aligns with the Pleiades around this date.

In the evening, the Sun enters the sign of Gemini, and earthy preoccupations may give way to a need for Communication and lightness of heart.  ‘Tis the season of chatting to the neighbours over the garden fence.  In the month of Sun in Gemini any kind of communication goes, writing your book, dealing with your documentation.  It all aids the general connectivity and circulation, which society needs.

Friday (21st) brings a square between the Sun and Jupiter, very descriptive of the type of hype preceding the Eurovision Song Contest on Saturday!  This may make things more tricky than they need to be, as that aspect exaggerates everything it comes into contact with.  It’s the square of the Clown and the Prankster, among other Archetypes. Just try not to get side-tracked.  There is also a joyful, humorous side of Sun square Jupiter, so some laughter-yoga from time to time during the day would not go amiss!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – love, and endings
  • Tuesday – love, and healing
  • Thursday – love, and loyalty
  • Friday – laughter, at whose expense?

Aspects for the week beginning 9 May 2021

Ian Wright

“I can remember clearly seeing my stepdad manhandling my mum.  She was so small.  We were all living in the same room, so my brother and me would have to turn away.”

~ Ian Wright

Football pundit and former professional footballer Ian Wright has been on our television screen this week with a documentary about children affected by domestic abuse in childhood.  Now that we are coming out of lockdown, we are becoming aware of how it has enabled the growth of domestic abuse.  According to the Big Issue this week, “In the last year, 1.6 million women experienced domestic abuse, and in 90 per cent of cases there’s a child present.”

Birth Chart

With the Sun exactly conjunct Mercury in Scorpio and sextile Scorpio’s ruler Pluto, Ian is very driven and emotionally intense.  We cannot properly evaluate his Moon aspects, as we do not have a birth time, but we know that he had an unhappy childhood.  The Moon represents the mother and the relationship with the mother, and his mother told him all the time that she wished she had had a termination in her pregnancy with him.  His step-father subjected him to deliberate cruelty.

His mindset, as depicted by Mercury, is quite complex.  He fell behind in school (Mercury square Saturn), but clearly has some mental quickness (Mercury exactly sextile Uranus).  In addition, Mercury is exactly trine Chiron in his birth chart, which indicates problem-solving skills.

His Venus is unaspected:  when in the documentary he was asked by a specialist in child domestic abuse what his Inner Child would have liked to have, he replied “Love”.  Therefore, the unaspected Venus may point to this neglect in early life.  Mars in Sagittarius trine Jupiter means he can be very enthusiastic (like a puppy dog), but sometimes that can spill over into anger.  Sun in Scorpio is passionate, so the combination is intense.  Mars squares Uranus, which is an electrical energy, which can be explosive at times.

Mars loosely squares Pluto, and that is the classic square you would expect to see in such a background, though it shows up in a wide aspect.  It is volatile, and someone who has this (and may have been the victim of others in childhood) needs to harness, channel, and somehow control its force.

Mars square Chiron completes a Fixed Grand Cross, formed of  Mars opposite the Moon, and Uranus/Pluto opposite Chiron.  The Grand Cross is one of the most difficult features you can find in a birth chart, and shows that he had a lot to contend with growing up, and in adulthood until he realized what he needed to work on.

On top of that, he has Uranus conjunct Pluto in Virgo, an anarchic energy common to people who were born in the mid-1960s.  A saving grace is that with Neptune trine exactly the North Node, he can earn respect through his karmic mission.  Pluto is also exactly sextile his North Node, and part of his karmic mission has been to face his shadow (Pluto) and work to transform it.  The North Node trine Chiron indicates that he may also have a healing mission.  A Grand Water Trine formed of Neptune, the North Node and Chiron may compensate to some extent for the Grand Cross.

Life and Career

Ian grew up as the youngest of three brothers, and his older brother Maurice tried to shield him from some of the abuse from his step-father.

His school teacher Sydney Pigden (“the first positive male figure that I had in my life”) saved and nurtured him, put him on the road to literacy, gave him responsibilities, and guaranteed him football time in return for good behaviour in the classroom.  To this day, Ian gives profuse thanks for the role Mr Pigden played in his young life.  On Desert Island Discs, he said “I know he loved me.  I don’t know why he chose me. I’m glad that he did. Once he come in, everything was so much better.”

He was keen to become a footballer, but initially failed several trials.  It was not until the age of 22, when he was signed up for Crystal Palace, that he became a professional footballer.  Jupiter was sextile his natal Jupiter at that time, a transit of success, the signing of his life.  In his interview in the Big Issue this week, he says of that time:

” It was the biggest surprise I’d ever had in my whole life.  I wasn’t expecting it at all… When I signed it felt like coming out of a very dark room… I felt very enlightened and shining.  I can’t explain how I felt. It was like a burst of sunshine.  It changed my whole life, there and then.  It was the first time in my life when I was in control of where I was going.”

He thrived at Crystal Palace, becoming a record-breaking goal scorer, and subsequently moved on to Arsenal.  The transits for his transfer to Arsenal at a record fee were fuelled by a positive Uranian wave: Uranus exactly sextile his natal Sun/Mercury (a big break), Uranus trine his natal Uranus, and Uranus sextile his natal Chiron.  He also played for England, a role which his younger self could not have dreamt of.

After retiring, he became a television personality and football pundit on Match of the Day.  Poignantly, he tells in the documentary how his stepfather would make him face the wall during Match of the Day, a programme which was revered by him.

In 2019 he appeared on I’m a Celebrity Get me Out of Here! in the jungle, where he lost his temper under the pressures of the show, and vowed to take stock and address his issues.


Ian has eight children in all, from three different mothers.  He strived to be the father he wished he had had, and not to be the step-father he had.  Two of his sons are professional footballers.   Again from the Big Issue interview:

“…my oldest son Shaun means so much because the experience I had with my stepfather made me decide I wasn’t going to let that happen to Shaun.  When I started going out with his mum, I knew I wanted to treat him like my son.  He is my son… all I wanted was for Shaun to have a better upbringing in respects of having a stepdad than I did.”


In the documentary Ian Wright: Home Truths, he starts to learn to forgive. He visited his old school and spoke to the staff about how they would deal with the disruptive behaviour he displayed while there.  He spoke to others who had abusive childhoods in the documentary, and those trying to bring about healing.  He is grateful for having created a loving family around him in adulthood, anxious not to pass down the same pattern to his next generation.  He takes away from this investigation that “I didn’t realize the abuse you get is not your fault.”  His current transits include Uranus sextile his natal Chiron in Pisces, a time to suddenly emerge as a Healer.  The documentary is still available on iPlayer


Venus entered Gemini in the small hours of this morning in the U.K. and seems to have at least brought a favourable change in the weather.  Although Venus is most at home in the sign it left (Taurus), there is a lightness and freedom of heart with the new placement.  It brings a more mental focus to relationships, and increasing communication around love, art and money. Your diary is likely to be full of engagements during the period that Venus travels through this sign, which takes us up to 2nd June.  We’ll all be social butterflies, deftly spinning plates in social circles!  Certainly more than we were during lockdown.

Tomorrow, Monday 10th, Mercury conjoins the North Node in Gemini, bringing karmic information and communication of a subtle but revealing nature.  Follow the cues and clues – they may provide added interest to your creativity and acquisition of knowledge.

Mercury then forms a sextile with Chiron, and this can bring a satisfactory outcome in the arena of communication.  For example, something you might have been told was impossible finds a way through, and a problem may turn up with a solution.  This may be particularly true for health conditions.

Tuesday (11th) brings us a New Moon at 21 degrees Taurus – this is a new beginning for all Taurean related interests, and a chance to focus your intent on these for the next month.  You may take inspiration from looking at artworks or gardens.  You are helping to build the New Earth, as they say in New Age circles.  It is a fresh start for cooking, gardening, art, music or money.  Make the most of this wishing Moon.

Mars sextiles Uranus in the early hours of Wednesday (12th), which promises dynamism for the day.  Engineering especially benefits from this aspect, but that also includes social engineering.  Electricity and Astrology are other areas which can be stimulated by this combination.  Cars, mechanics, mechanical goods and household appliances may receive a boost or a renewal.

Gains can be consolidated in the evening, with Mercury trine Saturn, which will help you apply your mind to exacting tasks and documentation which may be outstanding.  It favours list-making, planning, and practical productivity.  Constructive serious conversations can also take place under this aspect.

A sublime aspect occurs on Thursday (13th) with the Sun sextile Neptune.  This aspect gives you the best chance of creating beauty and inspiration in your life, conferring spiritual harmony. It also prepares you for the mellow mood of the big event of the week astrologically, which is Jupiter’s entry into Pisces late on Thursday evening.

Jupiter into Pisces

Jupiter enters Pisces at 22.36 Hrs on Thursday 13th.  This brings a more emotional and devotional focus, with growing spirituality.  The forthcoming year ahead belongs to Pisceans!

During the last few months, Jupiter and Saturn have been in Aquarius, bringing a bittersweet experience to the area of your chart (the House) into which they fall.  Coupled with this, Saturn squaring Uranus has brought a clash between the old and new.

In the air sign of Aquarius, you can see this in the fortunes of the air industry.  While the industry has been hard hit and curtailed (Saturn), the quality of the air has improved through the decrease in carbon emissions (Jupiter).  We have a long way to go, as Greta Thunberg pointed out in her recent documentary, but this is an example of the push-and-pull phenomenon of Jupiter working with Saturn, and Saturn colliding with Uranus.  Saturn will continue to push against Uranus for the whole of this year.

In moving to Pisces (and it will return for some time from July to Aquarius), Jupiter will be in a comfortable sign (it originally ruled Pisces, before Neptune came along).  It will also eventually conjunct Neptune, bringing a new quality to our compassion and spiritual understanding.  So during the next year Jupiter will quite likely be in the same segment (House) of your birth chart as Neptune, and be working to subtler and more refined ways of being, especially for that area of your life.  Your inner resources will come to mean more to you.  So Thursday evening will bring a new beginning of sorts, and a new inner focus.  If you are Sagittarian, you may have a slight change of personality, too.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – social light-heartedness
  • Tomorrow – karmic information and problem-solving
  • Tuesday – new beginning
  • Wednesday – electrical dynamism; mental discipline
  • Thursday – creative inspiration; new inner focus and compassion


Aspects for the week beginning 2 May 2021


India has been the focus of much of the news headlines this week, bizarrely jostling for attention alongside Boris Johnson’s wallpaper.  My most surreal moment of the week was watching the documentary on Greta Thunberg on Monday evening, where she carefully took us through her wardrobe (which looked more like a sock drawer) explaining she doesn’t buy herself any clothes, and mends them when they get holes.  This was after the early evening news detailing the thousands of pounds spent on Boris Johnson’s flat refurbishment.  This, also juxaposed this week with the plight of covid sufferers in India, where they have run out of oxygen, and have barely started their vaccination programme, seems unbelievable, and is very upsetting.

Narendra Modi

Narendra Modi has been Prime Minister of India since 2014.  The progress of the coronavirus epidemic in that country had not been much worse than other poorer countries until fairly recently.  Modi’s refusal to lockdown in any substantial way, and a policy of encouraging “herd immunity”, has contributed to this.  Arundhati Roy, writing in the Guardian this week, said: “Modi…had not one word of sympathy to offer [at the peak of the European 2nd wave], only a long, gloating boast about India’s infrastructure and Covid preparedness.”  He very much has a Warrior archetypal chart: Sun/Mercury is exactly sextile Mars; Mars is exactly his conjunct Ascendant;  and Mars is trine his North Node – a karmic mission as a warrior.  He has a highly unusual exact triple conjunction of Sun/Mercury/Saturn in Virgo exactly sextile his natal Ascendant, on the 11th House cusp, but at the end of the 10th House in the Equal House system.  He can be intense and obsessive.  The triple conjunction is conjunct his South Node, indicating a complex karmic set up brought through from past lives.  The triple conjunction also squares Chiron, bringing a life accustomed to crisis.  He is emotional, with a conjunction of the Moon and Mars on his Ascendant in Scorpio.  He’s also passionately enthusiastic, with a square between Mars and Jupiter.

His current transits

He has a huge amount on his plate at present, going by his current transits: I counted 31 transits for today.  Maybe that symbolically represents the nation he governs being in crisis.  Two standout transits are Jupiter transiting his natal Jupiter/I.C. in Aquarius in his 4th House (of Homeland) – everything on a wide scale and out of control, even though Jupiter usually brings better things; and Neptune from his 4th House opposite his natal triple conjunction of Saturn/Sun/Mercury at the end of his 10th House of Reputation (utter chaos).


India itself has fewer transits.  Its chart is currently being triggered by Mars sextile its Moon (the people) and square its Ascendant on the 4th House cusp, stirring up home affairs during the next few weeks until the 18/19th June, when it will trine the Ascendant and move into the 5th House, which may be more constructive.  Saturn too is crushing its chart at the moment, exactly transiting its Venus and Jupiter (sadness and loss of hope).

There has been debate this week about how much aid we should send to India, given that we have cut the aid budget recently.  We have sent some oxygen.  Some in the media have posited that we should stop vaccinating our younger population and send vaccinations instead to India and other poorer countries, as we are all in it together.  In the meantime, our thoughts and deepest prayers go to India.

“Things will settle down eventually.  Of course, they will.  But we don’t know who among us will survive to see that day.  The rich will breathe easier.  The poor will not.”

~ Arundhati Roy


Mercury trined Pluto this morning, which is conducive to deep thought and psychological reflection, and earnest conversations.  Conversations could be life changing: the right word at the right time, striking home in the right place.  You may have set the tone for the day, or the week, as profound, positive and purposeful.

Late this evening, Venus will be sextile Neptune, which can bring a beautiful expression of spirituality and the Arts.  New artistic avenues are flourishing, ingenious ways for people to share art, music and performance over the internet with the closure of theatres etc.  Hopes are on the horizon for such things.

Tomorrow (Monday 3rd May) we have two squares.  The first is fairly upbeat: Mercury square Jupiter, which will stimulate us mentally, almost to the point of too much information!  There may be travel involved or planned.  It would be a good day to be out in nature, taking a good stroll, and picking up information.  Mercury square Jupiter is a refreshing aspect, if not a little over-stretching to try to manage.

The other square, occurring soon after, at around 10 a.m. in the U.K., is the Sun square Saturn.  This is a very different kettle of fish, so it could be a day of contrasts.  This square can produce delay and frustration.  The slowing of rhythm in Taurus may look more like a standstill.  You may start off bounding with enthusiasm, then come across an obstacle.  If both squares are equally operational, which they may not be, the rhythm may be slow slow quick quick slow, or quick quick slow slow quick.  The Sun-Saturn square is an opportunity to think through what you are doing, and your strategies.  If you are making economies, are they the right ones, based on your optimum values?

On Tuesday (4th) the pace may pick up slightly, with Mercury entering Gemini in the early hours.  Mercury, representing our communication, is at home in chatty Gemini, and free to express verbally or in writing whatever comes to mind.  The communication will come thick and fast, but the consequences of the communication is another matter entirely.  You may find yourself gabbling…!

Thursday (6th) is a more wholeheartedly positive day, with a trine and a sextile.  First, Venus trines Pluto settling your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  This aspect helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  If you were able to utilize Sunday’s Mercury-Pluto trine, you may capitalize on those gains on Thursday, but on a feeling level.  So if you planned something on the mental level on Sunday, you can profitably flesh out the project on Thursday.  Venus in harmony with Pluto benefits both love and money.  So, accordingly, where will you place your vote in the  U.K. local elections, especially if you are wanting to make a difference?  Will you vote with your heart, or will you vote tactically, among other questions…!?

There follows a sextile between Chiron and the North Node, which favours right action on a karmic level.  Psychological healing may be empowered, as well as creativity.  You may have insights about the reasons behind events, and your own motivations.

The last aspect of the week occurs on Saturday (8th), in the shape of another square, that between Venus and Jupiter, which may be socially awkward.  Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences.  You may be socializing when you don’t feel like it, or feel that you have to force jollity.  There will be a meaning to it – there always is!  Even if it is one remark which makes you think deeply, or helps you to realize what you don’t need.  Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – profound thought; beauty of expression
  • Tomorrow – jangled
  • Tuesday – picking up pace
  • Thursday – positivity in love, money, healing and karma
  • Saturday – inappropriate laughter


Aspects for the week beginning 25 April 2021

George Floyd 2

Black Lives Matter, almost a year on

Almost a year ago, the world watched as George Floyd was murdered in Minneapolis by a white police officer, during the course of eight minutes.  Everyone hoped it would be a turning point in race relations, and there were reverberations around the world, not least in the U.K.  This week, a landmark verdict was given in the trial of the perpetrator Derek Chauvin, guilty on three counts.  It has been seen as a long-awaited sign of hope in the cause of Black Lives Matter.

George Floyd’s birth chart

Re-post from last year:

What do we know of George Floyd?  We know that he had five children, and was a caring provider for them, and lost his job due to the coronavirus crisis.  We know that he has lobbied for a change in the gun laws.  We know that at the time he was being apprehended, his crime was attempting to pass off a fake banknote.  We know he was not a violent or dangerous criminal, therefore not remotely deserving to lose his life.  The actions of the policemen were extremely disproportionate to the crime.  He tested positive for the virus, but had been recovering.

The first thing which leaps out to me in his natal chart is an exact Venus-Neptune conjunction in Sagittarius, conjuring up a phrase often used about him, that he was a “gentle giant” (at 6 foot 4 inches).  Another nuance of this conjunction is that of “global martyrdom”, where Sagittarius = global and Venus exactly conjunct Neptune = martyrdom.  Another aspect in his chart which is definitely problematic is Saturn exactly square Pluto.  Mars square Jupiter gave exuberance and Jupiter trine Pluto a more powerful side (playing basketball in his youth).  Saturn on his South Node in Cancer may have caused him to bring through some difficult past life karma, and Pluto square his Nodal Axis may show that his death has been used karmically to show humanity a profound lesson.

Derek Chauvin

There is a lot of confusion within the birth chart of Derek Chauvin.  Firstly, he has Sun in Pisces, ruled by Neptune.  That Sun is closely squared by Mars, implying that he has a strong temper, which may be difficult to control.  Then Neptune squares his Mercury, bringing a great deal of mental confusion to his make up on top of that.  He has 0 Earth planets, which adds to his lack of grounding, and 7 planets in Water (very unusual) indicating a very high degree of emotionality.  His Jupiter square Saturn can be ham fisted, and Saturn square Chiron may lack the skills of healing (i.e. in not having the presence of mind to try to resuscitate his victim on the spot).  The whole picture shows someone who is not in control of his emotions.  That he has become notorious in a public murder is hinted at by his Moon (emotion; public) conjunct his North Node (karma) in Scorpio (a sign associated with death and rebirth).  George Floyd cannot be reborn, but his memory is living on in a profound sense.

Synastry with George Floyd

A karmic connection is clearly shown in their Synastry (compatibility).  George Floyd’s South Node (past life karma) is exactly conjunct Derek Chauvin’s Mars (anger); thus it would seem George Floyd may have been destined to bring out Derek Chauvin’s weakness (misdirected anger; a badly aspected natal Mars), and Chauvin was unable to control his impulse.  Floyd’s Neptune was also square Chauvin’s Venus (social confusion).

Transits at the time of the murder

Chauvin’s transits at the time of the murder  included Jupiter opposite his Saturn in Cancer (literally, over-restraint!) and Pluto square his Chiron in Aries (a horrendous expression of inhumanity).  Of course, while referring to it as a murder, I realize that he may appeal.

Transits at the Guilty Verdict 

Chauvin’s transits at the time of the verdict this week show Chiron opposite his natal Pluto (a reckoning), Pluto opposite his Saturn (the guilty verdict itself), the South Node on his Neptune and ruler (a karmic reckoning).  For anyone who has any of these transits currently – don’t stress – other interpretations are available…!

Transits for U.S. chart at this time

How much of a turning point is this for the U.S.?   Jupiter is on its Moon in Aquarius in the 3rd House at the moment; they have a new leader at the helm putting out new policies.  But there are also confusions, e.g. Neptune square its Neptune.  The U.S. has been undergoing its Pluto Return, and this landmark court ruling I feel is part of that process of transformation.  The South Node is also on its Ascendant in Sagittarius, putting an emphasis on reparations for past actions and omissions.


This morning served us a double dose of Saturnian reality, with first Venus square Saturn then Mercury square Saturn.

Venus square Saturn: Maybe you were wrestling with a conundrum overnight possibly triggered by events last night…Maybe you felt let down by someone or you disappointed yourself in some way.  Forgiveness could be a solution, in that case.  Your dreams may have held a key to the way forward.  We need a great deal of patience in our human interactions, and some may be dealing with rejection or sadness.  We need to acknowledge those feelings before we can move on.

After rising this morning, and while getting going with the business of the day, we may be finding it heavy going (unless we are having a total Sunday lie-in), submerged in paperwork (left over from last week’s schedule), or subject to delays or technical hitches.  Patience may be the key here too, but more on the mental level, and in communications or travel.  More haste less speed may be a useful mantra to follow.  So, for the early and mid part of the day, Forgiveness plus patience is the formula.


You may find that things come together more easily in the evening, especially late evening when Mercury conjoins Venus.  This conjunction is ideal for socializing, conversation, artistic or literary endeavours, or negotiations.  Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative.  You might even find that the struggles of earlier in the day have added grist to the mill, or lessons which enhance your evening activities or performance.

Tuesday (27th) brings a Full Moon at 7 degrees Scorpio, during the early hours.  You may feel the emotional tension building up the night before.  This is the most emotionally intense Full Moon of the year, and it is a Supermoon which may magnify that.  Something which came up in conversation the night before could set you on a profound journey.  You will need to be in touch with your deepest emotions and be constructively authentic.  There may be a focus on shared finances and an attempt to balance material resources and needs between two people.  With the Moon opposite the Sun in Taurus, values and shared values may be the current issue on your mind.

In the evening, just as you may laying such issues to rest, Pluto goes Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde.  This may give you a fresh set of preoccupations, or remind you of earlier ones.  You may recognize a psychological theme where you have been making headway, but now need to revise your steps, perhaps look further into the past.  If you’ve been knitting, you may need to unravel a few rows, for instance.  Eventually, you will recoup your ground and be stronger, richer and truer for it.

Friday (30th) looks more promising, with a sextile and a conjunction.  First, Mercury sextiles Neptune: Sensitivity towards others, and spiritual awareness, inform our minds easily, making delicate conversations and channelling easier.  You can receive inspiration, especially for writing and communication.  This occurs in the early hours of the morning, so again may influence your dream and dream guidance.  You may feel that you communicate with other dimensions on other planes.

Then in the evening the Sun conjoins with Uranus.  Expect the unexpected, in other words!  It is a good day to demonstrate your originality and inventiveness, and in your leisure time begin a project which is highly creative or benefits society.  You may decide to join a group activity along those lines.  If you are feeling more contemplative in mood, new ideas can flash into your consciousness during meditation.  The evening’s television or film viewing (Netflix or whatever) could provide heightened interest.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – deflation then equilibrium
  • Tuesday – emotional high tide; psychological reviewing
  • Friday – mental inspiration; creative invention

Aspects for the week beginning 18 April 2021

Shirley Williams (1930 – 2021)

a “Liberal lion and a true trailblazer” –

~ Ed Davey

Shirley Williams, who died at the age of 90 this week on Monday 12th April, was a member of that rare breed: a popular politician.  She became an M.P. in 1964 when to be a female M.P. was also part of a rare breed.  During the course of her career, she belonged to three different parties: Labour, SDP and Lib Dems.  In her most recent years, she led the Liberal Democrats in the House of Lords.


I wrote in 2015:

” National treasure Shirley Williams struggled to express the fine party line on Question Time this week.  Coming close to the election, she was trying to uphold the achievements of the coalition while re-defining the individual goals of her party.

Shirley has Pluto on the Ascendant, hence she changed her political afflilations a few times in her life, but never in a shallow way, always in a deeply considered fashion.

The mother figure is important in her chart, with a dominant Moon in Leo and a Cancerian Ascendant.  Her mother Vera Brittain wrote, and lived, the wonderful “Testament of Youth” account of a woman’s life in the 1st World War, which was subsequently made into a TV series and now a film.  Vera had the extremely challenging conjunction of Pluto and Neptune, one which many of her generation will have had.  She had no personal aspects to her Sun (except perhaps her Moon, if her birth time were known), and this comes out in her life and work as a deeply held sense of service, or surrender to the needs of her time.  Loyalty was also a theme, with Venus closely trine Saturn.

So Shirley had a rich heritage, and in her later years has married an American academic.  Shirley also has no aspects to her natal Sun, and a strong social conscience and sense of service.  She has a brilliant mind (Mercury exactly trine Uranus) but is hampered by an exact opposition between Jupiter and Saturn, which means she is sometimes hamstrung in decision making.  Her only cabinet post, as an Education minister under Labour, much earlier in her career, did not live up to her potential and promise.  And yet she was born to put herself into a meaningful relationship with society, with Pluto closely trine her Midheaven, and Chiron exactly sextile her Midheaven: she aches to make a difference.”

I would add

Shirley was a lioness, astrologically, being born under the Sun sign of Leo.  Lib Dem leader Ed Davey also picked out another Leo quality in his eulogy, that of “generosity”.  She had the chart of a potential leader, but for various reasons held back from that role in her life.  One possible astrological reason may have been that her natal Sun was unaspected except for squaring the Nodal Axis, so it may not have been part of her destiny to take the top job(s), although her ambition when young was to become Prime Minister.  David Steel spoke this week about her reluctance to take pole position in the new parties.  Maybe she did not reach her full potential, hung back a bit on it, or diversified into social causes and academia etc. instead of leadership.  She was not a very effective Education Minister, and this perhaps knocked her self-confidence, although there were wider reasons in the educational policy of the Callaghan government which contributed to that.  Polly Toynbee observed in the Guardian: “She never burned with the ambition that caused the bitter rivalry between Jenkins and David Owen…But some inner reticence held her back…That lack of cut-throat ambition may be why people warmed to her.”

Perhaps a clue is to be find in the description in the Guardian Obituary by Julia Langdon:

“In July 1981 Williams refused an invitation to fight as the SDP candidate in a byelection at Warrington, Cheshire.  Later she wrote: ‘I did not dither.  I quailed.’  She recognized her error swiftly and stood successfully in Crosby a few months later, but as she acknowledged: ‘My reputation for boldness, acquired in the long fight within the Labour party, never wholly recovered.’ ”

Her 2nd House of money and materiality contained the Moon (also in Leo), Neptune and Venus, so she would have had very idealistic views on the subject, and was initially a socialist.  With such a preponderance of Leo in her chart (Sun/Part of Fortune, Mercury and Moon) she considered an acting career, and auditioned for the part in the film National Velvet which was taken by Elizabeth Taylor.  The North Node in  Aries in 10th House, meant that her self-fulfilment and karmic mission lay in Politics.  She appeared on Question Time 58 times: with Mars in Gemini, she liked verbal gymnastics!

Life and Career

Shirley’s father George Caitlin was an English political scientist and philosopher, and her mother was Vera Brittain, whose book “Testament of Youth” was a moving portrayal of love and loss during the First World War.  Her mother was also a pioneering feminist and pacifist.  Shirley spent some time in Minnesota during her youth.  She was educated at Oxford (reading Philosophy, Politics and Economics), and took up journalism upon graduating.  She joined the Labour party at the age of 17, and became an M.P. in 1964, serving in the Labour cabinet from 1974 to 1979.  She lost her seat in 1979, and in 1981 was a prime mover in the “Gang of Four” who formed the breakaway Social Democratic Party.  Where does the Rebel Archetype show up in her chart?  Uranus is right at the top of the chart, exactly trine her Mercury.  So her rebelliousness is very much tied up with her intellect.

The SDP was an experiment which did not measure up to its early promise, and she was later instrumental in supporting the merger of the SDP with the Liberal Party in 1988, amalgamating to form the Lib Dems.  After 1988 she moved her focus to academia, becoming a professor at Harvard’s Kennedy School of Government.  While there, she helped draft constitutions around the world.  In 1993 she was elevated to the House of Lords.  She was passionate about our participation in Europe, and Multilateral Nuclear Disarmament, among other causes.  She said in 1972:

“I am not as much a passionate European, as I am a passionate internationalist, with a deep sense of the special and unique nature of Britain.  I see staying in Europe as being part of the price of living with reality.”


Her first marriage was to the prominent philosopher Bernard Williams, who she met in America, and married in 1955.  They have a daughter Rebecca.  Shirley said of that relationship:

“… [T]here was something of a strain that comes from two things. One is that we were both too caught up in what we were respectively doing — we didn’t spend all that much time together; the other, to be completely honest, is that I’m fairly unjudgemental and I found Bernard’s capacity for pretty sharp putting-down of people he thought were stupid unacceptable.”

Interestingly, Bernard Williams has in his chart the conjunction of Mercury and Mars, which is the Critic Archetype, useful though for a philosopher.  But in their synastry his Mars was square to her Pluto, which is quite a conflicting interaspect.  The marriage ended in 1974.  She found love again with a Harvard professor and historian, Richard Neustadt.

Maybe she had her reasons for staying out of the top echelons of her profession.  My guess is that she was too nice!

“Political life will be poorer without her intellect, her wisdom and her generosity”

~  Ed Davey


This week we have 3 ingresses (energy changes) and 3 conjunctions (intensity).

Tomorrow (Monday 19th) the Sun will be conjunct Mercury at 29 degrees Aries, a final focus of Aries energy.  It is a good day generally to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on your own growth and potential and physical wellbeing.

Mercury enters Taurus on the same day, and the quality of the mental energy may become steadier and calmer than the fieriness of the last two weeks or so when Mercury has been in Aries.  This placing is better for negotiation, which is something much needed at the moment.  Practical ideas will be the order of the day.  Mercury enters Gemini on 4th May, so this is a short window,  just before local elections take place.

Later in the day the Sun enters Taurus, a time of the blossoming of the earth.  Gardeners will garden, artists will paint or sculpt, and dancers will dance.  So it is very much a cuspal and switchover day, concentrating on Aries energy, saying farewell to that initial Spring energy, and settling down and embedding into a productive Taurean period.

Fast forward then to Friday (23rd), when we have a conjunction between Venus and Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus.  This conjunction may pep up your social life.  It is time to advantage of the new freedoms, see who’s in town, and seek out new experiences.  Innovations can be made in Taurean activities such as gardening, financial arrangements, art and music.  This conjunction occurs very early in the morning, so may bring you unusual dreams.

In the late morning, Mars enters Cancer, which represents an energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness.  Mars stays in Cancer until 11th June, so it is a good time to nurture those you love and foster family feeling.

The last feature of the week comes on Saturday (24th) when Mercury conjoins Uranus at 10 degrees Taurus, the same degree as the previous day’s conjunction between Venus and Uranus, so there may be some continuation in its themes.  Mentally it could be off the wall.  You’ll be thinking inventively and out of the box.  There may be some interesting synchronicities happening.  Welcome the power of surprise!  If you had some interesting conversations or encounters the day before, there could be a continuation of those.  If your creativity was soaring, you may introduce an additional intellectual element to your productions.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – initially mentally sparkling; then settling into a stabler and more productive groove
  • Friday – sparkling social life; then emotional intensity
  • Saturday – mentally sparkling but with a different focus from Monday

Aspects for the week beginning 11 April 2021

Prince Philip (1921 – 2021)

It is sad to think of the Queen without her consort of 70 years.  Prince Philip was in his own right a larger than life character, and these last two days his death at the age of 99 has dominated our screens and newspapers.  He has been praised, not least by Queen Elizabeth herself, for being a rock by her side for her all these years.  I will keep it brief this morning so that you can digest all the newsfeed!

Repost from 2012:

“There are a couple of breathtaking features in common between the Duke of Edinburgh’s chart and his wife’s binding them despite being opposites in many ways.  He has the Sun in Gemini, and so all that he processes is through his intellect and the mental plane.  He is known for his witty, acerbic comments, which sometimes hit the mark (Sagittarius Archer ascending) and sometimes emerge as gaffes (Sagittarius rising again).  Sagittarius is very different from Elizabeth’s Capricorn rising.  But he knows his own mind (Moon closely sextile to the Sun), and he undoubtedly came into this world to play a specific role.  One of his main roles is as a spiritual bodyguard to the Queen.  He has a warrior’s chart (Sun conjunct Mars trine his North Node) and karmic mission.  Mars conjunct the Sun in Gemini indicate a more verbal than physical style of warriorship.  The stunning similarities with the Queen’s chart are his Moon in Leo (born to rule) and his Saturn exactly conjunct the Midheaven just as she has (defining his Career Path as one of duty and discipline, and showing just how close his path has been to hers).”

I would add

Philip was born in Greece, of royal stock from the Danish and Greek royal families.  He met our future Queen early in life,  when he was about 13 and she was 7, and they began to correspond when she was 13.  They must have had an early inkling that they were destined for each other.  He had a difficult childhood: his father left and his mother Alice was diagnosed schizophrenic.  She had become deeply religious and converted to the Greek Orthodox Church. Then she claimed she was communicating with the divine and possessed healing powers.  After a spell in an asylum, she began good works, such as helping Holocaust victims.  Philip was separated from both his parents and attended the harsh regime of Gordonstoun School in Scotland.  This separation from the parents and specifically the mother is reflected in a virtual absence of aspects in his birthchart to his Moon (the mother and parentage).  He did however, have the Moon closely sextile the Sun, meaning that he knew his own mind.

He married Elizabeth on 20th November 1947, with Uranus trine his natal Node (an unusual new aspect of his destiny).  Neptune was sextile Elizabeth’s natal Moon, ensuring a spiritual foundation for their marriage.  They were both deeply religious.  In their synastry, her Venus is trine his Mercury, so with their ruling planets in sync theirs was a marriage of happy companionship.

The death of King George VI in 1952 sealed their fate: she was to take over the throne, and he was to be her rock in this lifetime assignment.  His transits were very telling: Mars was trine his natal Pluto in  Cancer in his natal 8th House (courage required going forward),  Jupiter was trine his natal Neptune in Leo in 9th House (a sacred entrustment),  Uranus was sextile his natal Jupiter (an opportunity) and Pluto was on his natal Moon in Leo in his 9th House (a huge task for his wife).


For him, the transits point to the right time for him to leave, especially with Jupiter trine his North Node (a lifetime’s karmic service successfully achieved).  The loneliness of the Queen at this point also shows in her chart: Saturn exactly opposite her natal Moon in Leo in 7th House (loss of the partner and emotional focus) and Nodal Axis square exactly her natal Venus in Pisces in 2nd House.  Sophie, Countess of Wessex, remarked yesterday after visiting, that “the Queen has been amazing!”  There is no doubt that the Duke of Edinburgh played the role assigned to him in life with the greatest of skill, leaving us with many moments of laughter and surprise.


In the early hours of tomorrow morning (Monday 12th) we have a New Moon at 22 degrees Aries.  The New Moon in Aries is the new of the new!  It is the first New Moon of the Astrological year, in the first sign of the Zodiac.  So it means the brightest of new beginnings.  Look to the future, unhampered by the past.  Coincidentally (?) it is a new beginning in the U.K. as it signals the easing of some restrictions, e.g. hairdressers and non-essential shops opening.  Set your intentions, wishes, creative visualizations and affirmations accordingly.  I shall venture forth to the hairdresser’s to make an appointment, after a year and a half of wild hair growing…

Very soon after the New Moon, also in the early hours, Venus squares Pluto.  This may impact on your New Moon experience, e.g. urging you to purge the old to make way for the new.  Venus rules relationships and Pluto represents the force of transformation or deep soul searching, and both planets rule money, so all these factors may be on your mind and vying for attention, in some cases conflicting.  For example, should I spend my money on a material desire or on a loved one?  The pulling apart may be even deeper and the dilemma wider, especially if the problem is a lack of money itself, or a lack of love.  Upping the love (Venus) quotient will always help, though, in a decision, against fear (Pluto), however difficult the circumstances.

Things may seem more straightforward on Tuesday (13th), at least at the very end of the day, when the Sun will be sextile Mars.  You may feel you can get things moving again, if they had stalled.  The energy and fuel is in supply, and the will is there.  This aspect favours the masculine elements of life, e.g. men, cars and dogs.  There may also be an aspect of competitiveness about it.

On Wednesday (14th) the feminine principle holds sway, with Venus entering her own sign of Taurus.  This gives a feeling of “all’s right with the world”.  Gardens flourish, money grows, arts are created, music is expressed, and there are sighs of satisfaction.  Venus is here until 9th May.

A splendid boost to fortunes occurs on Thursday (15th) when the Sun sextiles Jupiter, which is one of the brightest aspects of the year.  Time to embrace hope, or even celebration.  It will certainly be lucky for some.  Focus on what makes you happy, and make more of that.

As with Monday, it is later counterbalanced by another aspect, and this is the Sun square Pluto at lunchtime.  That brings up the darkness for healing with the light.  This is another deep soul searching aspect.  It is the sort of day which can be looked upon as a gamechanger, or watershed.  So if you are in integrity, you may be able to influence what side the coin lands on.

With four aspects on Saturday (17th) you will need a time schedule:

5.14 a.m. Mars trines Jupiter – a high note!.  This is a go ahead, spirited aspect which makes us feel we can achieve anything.  Enthusiasm and energy abound, and you may spring out of bed early full of the joys of the season. 

  1. p.m. Mercury sextile Jupiter – another high note! Some good news may be possible. This aspect favours communication, sales and travel.  Some worries about business may be alleviated.  Higher learning is also a benefit – This may be helpful to further education students awaiting their fate academically and in relation to the alleviation of covid restrictions.  It’s a good time to practice any new language skills, though you may not be able to employ them for a while yet.  Prince Philip had this aspect natally, which showed his great sense of humour.

7.09 p.m. Mercury sextile Mars – so far so good… this combination can also spark wit!  Some of your most enduring jokes could stem from today…So sharpen your pen, and if appropriate, loosen your tongue!  Physical and mental energies can co-ordinate.  If you are cycling a great deal to keep fit in these challenging times, you may find the wind behind your sails.  You may be able to cycle just that bit faster or longer, and your fitbit may register record stats.  You may also find shortcuts to your usual way of doing things.  My own exercise of choice at the moment is running, so I anticipate upping my running speed and cutting my running time (picture an appropriate emoji).

9.49 p.m.  Mercury square Pluto – Here comes the rub – did you overdo things today?  With the lovely trine and sextiles did you also remember to remain balanced and listen to your guidance, if not your body?   It is difficult sometimes, when you are on a roll, to know when or how to stop, but stop  you must, at least before 9.49 pm (in the U.K.) and take stock.   You may encounter awkward communications or travel.  Some ‘me space’ could enable the depth of thought you need to see things clearly, and put your priorities in order.  There could be some slight mental strain, e.g. some issues you have been able to put to the back of your mind during the day, but start to impinge.  A spot of evening meditation could help get things into perspective. 

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – new beginnings; heart and soul searching
  • Tuesday – active
  • Wednesday – pampering
  • Thursday – early luck; later challenge
  • Saturday – mainly super; later need to take stock