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Aspects for the week beginning 25 September 2022

Strictly Come Dancing 2022

Strictly Come Dancing season has started, and we’ve had a taste of the enormous talent on offer this year!  As usual, I will start with four of the celebrities, and hope to gradually cover them all over the course of the run up to the final in December.

Kym Marsh

Kym Marsh first came to our attention in 2001, winning a place in the band Hear’Say on the programme Popstars.  Although young, she already had two children by that time.  The band released the single “Pure and Simple” which went to No. 1 in the charts, but the following year Kym left to pursue a solo career.  By 2006, she had decided to become an actress, and landed a part as Michelle Connor in Coronation Street, a role she played until 2019 (leaving at her Uranus Opposition, representing a clean break).  She is now a presenter on the television show Morning Live.  She has been married three times, and has two grandsons.

Kym is a Gemini, versatile in talent.  Her Sun is closely conjunct Venus, so her talents lie in music and the arts.  Her Moon is in Capricorn, signifying ambition.  Mars in Leo gives her performing zeal, and being square to Jupiter, she had huge enthusiasm.  One quality which will benefit her on the dance floor is Mars trine Neptune, making her a sensitive mover.

Her current transits (she opened the first dance last night, with a very sound performance) show the Nodal Axis square her natal Mars (an energetic challenge), Chiron trine her natal Mars (healing through activity), Saturn square her natal Jupiter (more discipline needed) and Uranus on her natal Jupiter (huge excitement).  At the end of the contest Mars will oppose her Neptune (parting is such sweet sorrow), Jupiter will sextile her Mercury (she will feel mentally nourished), Saturn will be trine her natal Venus (commitment in relationships), Uranus will be square her Mars (there may be an upset or minor injury towards the end), and Neptune square her Sun (she will be re-thinking her future).

She is partnered with Sicilian Graziano di Prima (with the trademark long curly hair), whose talent for dance is shown by Neptune trine his Sun and sextile his North Node.  They have an excellent synastry, with his Sun on her Jupiter (they bring each other luck), their Mercuries exactly conjunct in Taurus (they can think with one mind), his Venus sextile her Mars (good chemistry), and his Saturn trine her North Node (he can give shape to her karmic mission).

His current transits show Saturn square his Sun (he has a new hill to climb), Uranus on his Sun (very excited), Neptune trine his North Node (new prospects of refinement in his dancing), Pluto on his Uranus (a time of change in his life), and Pluto sextile his natal Pluto (self-empowerment).  His transits at the end of the contest show Jupiter trine both their Mercuries, giving a touch of luck and blessing, Neptune sextile his Neptune (a spiritual serenity), Pluto still on his Uranus and sextile his natal Pluto.

All in all, a strong couple in the competition.

Matt Goss

“I have a thick skin about things written about me.  The most ridiculous story at the height of Brosmania?  That Luke and I were genetically engineered.” ~ Matt Goss

Ah, Matt Goss, who together with his twin Luke (there are ten minutes between them) and one other formed the band “Bros”, was a favourite with the youngsters when my kids were young.  Then French and Saunders mercilessly impersonated them, singing “When will I, will I be taken seriously?” which may have dented their reputation.  But I have a sneaking affection for the boys.  The twins later went their own ways, and Matt has held a Las Vegas residency.  Though they did not always see eye to eye, they made a documentary in recent years (“After The Screaming Stops”) about coming together again, after their mother’s death.

He has the Sun in Libra, the sign for singers, and a songwriting Mercury/Venus conjunction.  He also has Jupiter sextile Neptune, which is quite spiritual, although Luke is more vocal about his spirituality.  He may lack mental self-confidence, with Mercury opposite Saturn.   Pisces Ascendant may help dance prospects, with its ruling planet Neptune.  Jupiter conjunct with Pluto is quite powerful, and may have led to a power struggle between the twins.

His transits now (with a patchy but sometimes inspired performance last night) show Neptune trine his Neptune (spiritual serenity) and Neptune opposite Pluto (at a deeper level, great confusion!).  His transits at the end of the competition show Chiron square his natal Moon (the possibility of an emotional wound), Jupiter opposite his natal Uranus (a risk too far), and Neptune still opposite his natal Pluto.  It is possible that he is too sensitive to take the rigours of this competition.  I don’t doubt his ability to dance, but there may be other factors impeding his progress.  He has stated he is most looking forward to a full body wax!

He is partnered with the lovely Ukrainian Nadiya Bychkova, and said he found her warm and welcoming, as a shy guy.  He stated he had been looking for kindness, patience and strength from his dance partner.  Having Sun, Mercury and Mars in Virgo makes her very perfectionistic, with a trine from Uranus adding brilliance.  Mars sextiles Pluto exactly in her chart, conferring all the energy she would need.  She worked wonders with Dan Walker last year.

In their synastry, his Moon is sextile her Pluto, trine her Mars, and opposite her Chiron, which is quite stirring for him emotionally.  His Venus is trine her Jupiter, which is favourable for friendship.  His Mars sextiles her Jupiter, providing enthusiasm for him.  His Neptune squares her Nodal Axis, so they may have some past-life dancing karma!  Her transits at the beginning of the contest shows Jupiter square her Jupiter (high enough hopes).  The astrological picture at the end of the contest shows Mars square her natal Mars (some friction), and Pluto trine her natal Mercury (she will feel she has done a good job).

Sadly, these don’t look like winning transits.

Kaye Adams

Scotswoman Kaye Adams, best known for being a Loose Women on the programme of that name, started out as a reporter.  She graduated from Edinburgh University having studied Economics and Politics, then famously landed a one hour interview with Margaret Thatcher, a kickstart to her career.  Later, she reported on the Lockerbie disaster in Scotland, as one of the first reporters on the scene in 1988.  She is married to a tennis coach, and has two daughters.

Kaye, as a Sun in Capricorn, comes across as quite dour at times, but her Saturnian nature is balanced out with a close sextile from Jupiter to her natal Sun: overall her dry sense of humour shines through.  She is very grounded, having 5 planets in the Earth signs, and with the Sun, Mercury and the Moon in Capricorn.  But the brilliance of Uranus also lifts her, with a trine from Uranus to her Sun.  There is a brooding quality about her, with the Sun trine Pluto and exactly sextile Chiron.  Having the Moon conjunct Mercury can engage rational mind with imagination.  Because she was born in Scotland, we have a birth time for her, which enables us to see the angles in her chart, and her precise Moon position.  Obviously she likes talking and we find Mercury closely sextile Venus (as befits a Loose Woman).  Mercury squaring the Nodal Axis implies talking in a group situation.  Mars rising in Leo counteracts the Capricorn shyness, and puts her in the limelight.  In terms of dance prowess, she has Jupiter trine Neptune, which could help considerably.

Her transits at this time (landing fairly low on the leaderboard) show the South Node on her Neptune, reconnecting with dance in this lifetime.  For the final, she has Neptune trine her Venus (she will have raised the art to the best of her ability), Uranus will be opposite her Neptune (a scary ride to some extent), but Mars square her Pluto may put a dampener on the length of her participation in the contest, possibly through physical discomfort.

Her partner is the lovely Kai Widdrington (they’re all lovely, really!).  I wrote last year:

“He is intensely disciplined, with Mercury exactly opposite Saturn, and he also has a complex conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn, common to those born in his year (1995).”

His Synastry with Kaye shows his Mercury sextile her Venus, which is good for communication, his Jupiter square her Chiron (slightly uncomfortable). and his Neptune sextile her Venus (good dance rapport and harmony).  His transits now include Neptune on his Saturn (he has some sensitive learning ahead), and Neptune sextile his Neptune (another one with spiritual serenity).  His transits at the final would be Neptune opposite his Mercury (mental confusion), Saturn trine his Mars (commitment and dedication), Pluto on his Uranus (difficult change) and Pluto sextile his Pluto (self-empowerment).  All in all, quite a dramatic set of transits for them both towards the end.

The glitterball doesn’t look like coming their way.

James Bye

James Bye plays Martin Fowler in the long running soap Eastenders.  The character was introduced in 1985, and James Bye is the third actor to play that role.  I thought it was always the same actor, but there was a long period of a few years when I did not watch Eastenders.  He joined Eastenders in 2014.  He is married, with three sons.

James Bye has his Sun in Pisces, one of the acting zodiac signs.  His enthusiasm and sensitivity are heightened by a conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune sextile with his Sun.  He has the Sun trine Pluto, like Kaye Adams, which I described as brooding for her, but is slightly lighter in his chart, which has the Piscean background.  His Mercury squares Mars, so he can be irritable and may have a strong Inner Critic.  In his role as Martin Fowler, he has got into a number of scrapes, befitting Mercury square Mars, an actor’s roles often reflecting their birth chart.  In an interesting tie in with Kym Marsh, James’ character Martin (prior to James’ takeover) once ran over the character played by Jack Ryder, who was one of Kym Marsh’s husbands!  He has Mars conjunct Saturn in Scorpio, and Mercury square Saturn, which could lack self-confidence at times.

James’ transits now (his first dance last night was competent) show Saturn square his natal Mars (some nervousness and lack of confidence), and the South Node on his Saturn (an engaged activity designed to tackle his long term insecurities and lack of confidence).  At the end of the tournament, Uranus will oppose his natal Saturn, which is a shaking up of his personality, but Chiron trines his natal Uranus, sharpening his intuition and healing ability and potential.

He is partnered with professional dancer Amy Dowden, who with 5 Earth planets can help ground his Piscean nature.  She is a Sun in Leo, born on a New Moon, and has the ability to start afresh easily.  With the Sun conjunct Jupiter, she is extremely positive.  But she has her own challenges in life, with the Sun exactly square Pluto, and battles long term with Crohn’s disease.  She has Mars closely trine Neptune,  sensitive movement, an asset in dance (a natal aspect which Kym Marsh should hope to capitalize on).  Mars also closely sextiles Pluto – huge energy.

Their Synastry shows her Mars sextile his Saturn, which helps them work on his lack of confidence;  her Jupiter opposite his Mercury, which will be mind-stretching for him; and her Saturn square his Pluto, a challenge to both of them to grow.  Her transits now show Mars sextile her natal Sun (an extra injection of energy – they started with a jive!), the North Node trine her Mars (another accent on her energy), the North Node trine her Neptune (a chance for karmic rewards in dance),  and Chiron square her Neptune – a healing challenge in her dance career.  The end of the contest brings the North Node to trine with her Uranus, which may bring a surprise for her.

Again, not a strong indication of the winning pair.

Of the four, I would give Kym Marsh and Graziano the best chances, but I will be back with four more analyses in two or three weeks’ time.  Keep watching!


We start this evening with a New Moon at 2 degrees Libra.  Artistic, musical and relationship issues may receive a boost, so any seeds sown in those areas may bear fruit.  Balance and harmony can emerge from your efforts.

Tomorrow (Monday 26th) in the early morning Venus trines Pluto, helpful for money and love.  Pluto settles your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  This aspect helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  It is about deep love, deep awareness of your relationship with money, and profound artistry.

Next up, at tea-time, Mercury conjoins with Venus, a splendid literary and cultural aspect.  If you are publishing a book, it could be a very helpful influence.  It is also a good day for negotiation (take note politicians and diplomats).  Your communications will have an artistic flair, so it’s a good time to get creative.

Thirdly, a little later, Jupiter opposes the Sun, when the general feeling could be optimistic, humorous and buoyant (e.g. if you are going along with the economic hype), but there is a balance to be observed, beyond which you could overreach yourself or overstretch your energy or someone else’s patience (for example, overdoing a joke).  Freedom beckons, but again, know your boundaries.

On Tuesday (27th) Mercury trines Pluto at lunchtime, suggesting positive outcomes to deep issues.  Mercury trine Pluto brings deep thought and psychological reflection, and earnest conversations.  Conversations could be life changing: the right word at the right time, striking home in the right place.  However, bear in mind that Mercury is still retrograde, and communications still need some care.

Mars trines Saturn early on Wednesday (28th), so early resolve catches the worm.  This transit favours practical action, and works that are deliberately planned and executed.  Hard work can pay off.

Thursday (29th) breakfast time sees the entry of Venus into Libra, making her graceful entrance with a sigh of satisfaction, into one of her home signs.  You may be pondering relationships or money issues.  Venus is happy and harmonious in this sign, and that may assist you in finding the sweet words to overcome any tensions.

Lastly, at tea time on Saturday (1st October), Venus opposes Jupiter, one of the more innocuous of oppositions available.  There may be some extra socializing in the offing.  This may include an awkward gaffe, but hopefully on the right side of humour.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – new beginning
  • Tomorrow – helpful for money and love, literary and cultural pursuits; over egging of the pudding
  • Tuesday – positive outcomes to deep issues
  • Wednesday – resolve and practical action
  • Thursday – gracefulness and harmony
  • Saturday – extra socializing; dubious humour

Hilary Mantel (1952 – 2022)

Hilary Mantel, prolific author, has died suddenly from a stroke at the age of 70.  She was a genius in her main chosen field of historical fiction, but  was denied a third Booker prize for the third novel in her trilogy “The Mirror and The Light”.  I am reposting parts of my 2013 blog, written before that was published:

From my blog in 2013:

“Mantel certainly has turned the Tudor tale on its axis, and turned the current literary scene too.  The Guardian printed an article last week imploring that she didn’t receive the award, and to let someone else have the opportunity!  She won the Man Booker prize for “Wolf Hall” in 2009.  Her second book “Bring up the Bodies” won the 2012 Man Booker prize, and the Costa Book of the Year award last week.

What has interested me about Hilary Mantel since I first set eyes on her is her astrology, and her past lives!  As soon as I saw her on television, I was hooked.  With her round face and big blue eyes, she looked like the textbook Cancerian which she is.  Moreover, she had Cancerian health issues, centring around the female reproductive system (endemetriosis).

These issues may also have stemmed from past life issues, according to an account she gave of a regression that she had, although she did feel ambivalent about it.  Her friend, the novelist Adam Thorpe (author of “Ulverton”, a work of English rural history) also seems to have an interest in past lives, and may well be a member of her Soul group.

The brilliance of her intuition and spellbinding storytelling is shown in her chart by Sun exactly conjunct Uranus in Cancer (a sign associated with literature and imagination), and her success assisted by an exact sextile of Jupiter to this conjunction.  Her dramatic perception and depiction of the past and historical power play is shown by Pluto on the South Node.  That she can sustain her writing almost in the manner of a Russian novelist, is enabled by an exact sextile between her Mercury and Saturn.

From the beginning, I had thought her level of interest and the detail plus the imagination of her original book “Wolf Hall” must have been written with some level of past-life recall, with an interplay between her conscious and unconscious mind. She may well have observed the material she writes about at close quarters, at the time it was played out.  And that is how I feel about several writers of the historical genre (fiction or non-fiction) who tend to write about and specialize in a particular era.

Hilary Mantel and Regression

Hilary wrote about her “brush” with regression in a Guardian article of January 2010.  She was not comfortable with her practitioner (you do need to choose a practitioner you are comfortable with), but did experience enough to grasp the issues involved and own her feelings about it.  She writes about being aware of her own current life at the same time as experiencing the past life (which is what I aim for when working).

In her own words:

…I was aware of everything around me…yet I was on board ship, I was in a railway car, I was in an alien land.  I was still inside Sara, or she inside me, when she reached her 70s and her heart failed’. “

Note the same age in the regression as her life span in this lifetime.  I think I speak for all when I say we are grateful she wrote as much as she did in the time available.

Aspects for the week beginning 18 September 2022

Virgo Careers

We are still in Virgo season (just about)!  This is the seventh in a series in which I look at careers for the various zodiac signs.  Maybe you have children or grandchildren born under this sign, and are looking at their potentials, or you are a Virgo looking at re-training for a change of career.  If you are a Virgoan (in Sun or Ascendant sign) and have found an ideal or fulfilling career, please do share that under comments.

Health and Safety specialist

You’ll find a high number of Virgos working in hospitals in some capacity, whether as doctors and nurses or in catering, dieticians, maintaining equipment or in alternative health such as Homeopathy or Naturopathy, as health and hygiene are often their top priority.  Virgoans are often found as health workers, e.g. Health Visitors and therapists, and Chiron “The Wounded Healer” is often ascribed to this sign.

Famous Example: Joe Wicks, the famous health and fitness guru, who kept people exercising during lockdown.


Looking after the planet and the life upon it is another top priority for Virgos, hence this area too is of top interest for their lifetime’s work.

Famous Example: Linda McCartney – In the culinary field, vegetarianism is associated with Virgo, and she produced a range of vegetarian foods in her lifetime, which are still being produced today.  She became vegetarian after watching lambs gambolling outside their farm window.  Her reasons were ethical on behalf of animals rather than for health reasons, Paul McCartney told Nigel Slater.

Archetype: Servant

Leos and Virgos work well together, because Virgos like to give good service, and Leos like to be served.

I previously wrote about the Servant as a Virgo Archetype:

“The Virgoan is just as talented and accomplished as anyone else, but often chooses to work behind the scenes.  Thus the Servant is a common Archetype for this sign.  Caroline Myss describes this Archetype as engaging ‘aspects of the psyche that call us to make ourselves available to others for the benefit and enhancement of their lives.’ ”


They say that Librarianship is a reasonably contented profession.  For Virgos, a Library as a place of work offers a quiet space relatively free from stress.  An Aries would miss the adrenaline in this workplace, but a Virgoan Librarian could be happy here (unless they have an Aries Ascendant!).  Virgoan authors often tend to present prolific work, with much detail and intricacy.

Famous Authors: D.H. Lawrence, Leo Tolstoy, Agatha Christie and Stephen King.  Also prolific historians and biographers Elizabeth Longford and Lady Antonia Fraser (mother and daughter).

Eternal Student

Virgos like to study in detail, and thus can become academics and specialists in their fields.

I have previously written about the Bluestocking Virgo Archetype:

The Bluestocking

“I have known several Virgo bluestockings in my time!  The Bluestocking is a studious, intellectual woman, so named after a society founded in the 18th Century by Elizabeth Montagu, who had her North Node (karmic mission) in Virgo exactly conjunct Pluto with Mars and Venus close by.  She gave birth to a sexual stereotype, depicted graphically by the planets clustered around her North Node in Virgo.”


Virgo is the sign of the Craftsperson, so if you as a Virgoan want to make a career of doing what  you love, making a business of  your favourite craft, be it carpentry, ceramics or making intricate greetings cards, would make an ideal career.


Such an area of craft, often associated with the country Switzerland (a country associated through many qualities with the sign of Virgo) is watchmaking.  That intricate work with the interior of a watch or a clock, and the association of time (ruled by its planet Mercury) all leads to Virgo.

Other Occupations:

Critic,  Clerical work/Book keeping, Cleaner, Record Keeper

Above all, a Virgoan will put perfectionism, painstaking attention to detail and conscientiousness in all they do, which should guarantee them employment!  The House associated with Virgo, the 6th House, is the House of Health, Working Conditions, the Environment, and Community – the Virgoan upholds the very fabric of society.


The pattern of aspects this coming week is similar to the last two weeks: aspects at the beginning of the week and the end of the week, with a gap in the middle!  Looking ahead to the following week though, there will be a more normal spread of aspects.

We start, today, with an opposition between Mercury and Jupiter, in late evening.  This is mentally stimulating but can lead to mental resources being overstretched.  Travel news may also be quite testing, e.g. people being in long queues.  Jupiter opposite Mercury is a learning curve, and can bring out some humour, but need some caution in the playing.  We have to remember that Mercury is still retrograde, so that doesn’t make things easier.  So  you may need patience in communication matters, e.g. in resolving technical issues.  There may be a lot on your mind, as you retire, tonight.

The early hours of tomorrow (Monday, 19th) brings a trine between the Sun and Pluto.  This is very fitting for the last mourners to join the queue at Westminster, as it is a dignified honouring (Sun) of a death (Pluto).  The last mourner will be allowed at 6.30 a.m., so the timing on the day is extra fitting.  Those queuing through the night will be sustained by the fortitude of the Sun trine Pluto, which is an aspect that deals with the important and deep stuff of life and psychology.  If you are not at the queue at Westminster, you may experience and contemplate (or dream) in great depth, and any creativity will have this profound quality imbued within it.  You may find that you have made more real progress than you thought, your patience rewarded.  There could be a revelation.

There’s another trine in the early hours of Tuesday (20th) morning, between Venus and Uranus.  This is a fresh and sparkling energy, suitable for a King to begin a reign and a new Prime Minister to get on with the job [what – no rest?].  If you’re dreaming in the middle of the night you may experience some vivid and upbeat images or guidance.  The aspect may set you up with insights for the coming week, or bring encounters of the illuminating kind.  In the field of the Arts, it can bring originality and surprise, e.g. to a performance of music.  Ideas for assisting the problems in our society may also crop up, such as community based solutions. This aspect is also favourable for spontaneous exciting meetings.

Fast forward to Friday (sorry, no Fixed Star this week) and it will be the Autumn Equinox, again occurring in the early hours of the morning.  At the Autumn Equinox the Sun enters Libra, and it is a good time for rebalancing and recalibrating.  There may be a lift in mood, accompanying a greater appreciation of the beauty of nature, and awareness of the quality of design, whether in or out of the home.  Libra may draw you to artistic or musical pursuits, new relationships, or an interest in the law and justice.  It may be time to switch to your Autumn wardrobe.

Around breakfast time, the Sun conjoins with Mercury at 0 degrees Libra, so it is a good day generally to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on relationships and relating.  Mentally you may be able to see things clearly from the other person’s point of view.   In a negotiation, for instance, it is easier for each party to save face, and achieve a win-win outcome.

At mid-day another ingress occurs, and that is Mercury’s entry into Virgo (moving backwards from Libra).  There may be some piece of work  you have not finished, or need to put extra touches on.  Look at your project with the detailed eye of the Virgoan.  Work and study schedules for the Autumn may be beckoning (hubby and I are starting our third year in Philosophy at Cambridge – having taken a gap year!).  Make an effort, while Mercury retraces its steps in Virgo, to revise your ecological and recycling policies, especially if you are a government cabinet minister in the new regime.

One final aspect, which occurs on Saturday (24th) at breakfast time, and that is Neptune opposing Venus.  So we start and end the week with an opposition, but very different in nature.  This one may be uncomfortable in a way that you may not be able to put your finger on.  There may be some deception or illusion going on, especially in relationships or with money, so be cautious.  Don’t answer any cold calls or scam emails.  It is possible that you may be going to a social function in a context such that you don’t quite know where you stand.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – mentally overstretching
  • Tomorrow – dignified mourning; deep strength
  • Tuesday – sparkling social vibe
  • Friday – Autumn mood; mental clarity; attending to unfinished business
  • Saturday – seeking the truth in relationships

Aspects for the week beginning 11 September 2022

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II (1926 – 2022)

“I declare before you all that my whole life, whether it be long or short, shall be devoted to your service”

~  Elizabeth, 1947

As a nation, and also in the wider world, we are shocked and stunned at her passing this week on 8th September, even though we always knew Queen Elizabeth wasn’t immortal.  It seems not just the end of an era, but maybe the end of the end of all eras.  She was a remarkable woman in her fortitude and dedication. And it has been said that one in every two people in the U.K. have met her, so that is a lot of memory, spanning the 96 years of her life and the 70 years of her reign.  I never met her, but I did dream about her, which apparently is a common phenomenon, as she is deeply ingrained as an Archetype in our psyche.  Her revealed personality has changed over the years, from stiff formality through to the later years when she increasingly revealed so much wisdom and humour.  She reigned longer than any other British monarch, and longer than any female monarch in the world (the record is held by Louis XIV of France).

Birth Chart

Elizabeth was born at 2.40 a.m. on 21st April 1926 at 17 Bruton Street, Mayfair

I analysed the Queen’s chart in 2012.  I was going to present an abridged version, but instead am re-posting almost the whole piece:

“Taurus (her Sun Sign) and Capricorn (her Ascendant) have been very evident in the hard work the Queen has put in to making her own Jubilee year a success.  She has the South Node conjunct her Ascendant, and that is often seen in one who puts their own wishes aside for others, i.e. in this case for public service.  These qualities are reinforced in her chart by Saturn on the Midheaven (Careerpoint) defining her Career Path as one of duty and discipline.

The wealth that has accompanied this destiny is very simply portrayed by Jupiter at the beginning of her 2nd House of Finance…

Her Jupiter is in conjunction with Mars which is at the end of her 1st House, which gives her indefatigability, but also I think reflects her love of horses and corgis too.  Jupiter rules horses and Mars rules dogs…

She has the Moon in regal Leo, and so to dominate emotionally comes naturally to her.  This is a role she doesn’t have to feign.  Her other female planet Venus trines Pluto, which as her ruling planet, gives her considerable strength and fortitude.  Venus is in Pisces, and this gives her the Vision required to carry out such an all encompassing role.  Especially when the Commonwealth was inherited by her and the size it was then, the trine gave her empathy with the Third World (Pluto in Cancer, the sign associated with the African continent).

Uranus (the capacity to support change) trines her Saturn/Midheaven, and her grandchildren have been praising her this week for her ability to adapt the monarchy into the 21st Century.

She also has Chiron at the end of Aries conjunct the Sun at the beginning of Taurus, and the life role designated to her will have been a tremendous challenge to her individuality, and a test of her strength and steadfastness. The Sun/Chiron conjunction is in the 4th House of Home and Family, thus showing her to be the upholder of tradition and her genetic heritage.”

Her Life in Transits:

Her parents were King George VI and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon, and she was brought up with her sister Margaret.

She met Philip in 1934 and 1937;  they were second cousins once removed.

22/7/1939 She met him for the third time at Royal Dartmouth naval college, reportedly falling in love.  Uranus was exactly sextile her natal North Node (an exciting karmic meeting).  In their synastry, his Neptune was on her Moon (fascination) and his Mercury trine her Venus (good communication).

During the second world war she joined the Auxilliary Territorial Service, and learned to drive and maintain vehicles.

20/11/1947 She married Philip Mountbatten at Westminster Abbey, and he became the Duke of Edinburgh.  Neptune was exactly sextile her natal Moon on the day, in her 7th House of Marriage, a sensitive heightening of emotion.  Uranus was on Philip’s Mars in Gemini in his 7th House of Marriage (great excitement).

14/11/1958 Their first son, Charles, was born

15/8/1950 Their daughter, Anne, was born

6/2/1952 Her father King George VI died and Elizabeth succeeded him.  The sudden death of her father is depicted in the transits by Pluto opposing her natal Mars.

She became Queen of the Commonwealth, to which she was extremely dedicated, and notably at the time there were seven independent Commonwealth countries, the U.K, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Pakistan and Ceylon (which became Sri Lanka).

As Queen she carried out engagements at home and abroad, too many to mention here, but the following tend to be more personal dates.

2/6/1953 The Coronation of Elizabeth II took place at Westminster Abbey.  Among her transits at the time were Jupiter sextile her natal Mercury (an expansion of the mind), Saturn square her Nodal Axis (the taking on of karmic responsibility) and Neptune trine her natal Mars (a spiritual pledge).

19/2/1960 Prince Andrew was born

10/3/1964 Prince Edward was born

27/8/1979 Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip’s uncle was killed by the IRA by a bomb in Ireland. Pluto was trine his Pluto at the time, and Pluto represents bombs in astrology.

The event rocked the whole family, and  Mars was on Queen Elizabeth’s Pluto at the time (an explosive event), but Prince Philip and Prince Charles (as he was then) were particularly deeply affected.  For Prince Philip, Mars squared his Chiron (wounding) and Neptune squared his Saturn (unfathomable pain).  For Prince Charles, Uranus was square his natal Pluto (an explosion in his life) and Pluto was sextile his Pluto (confronting death).  Their deep bond was shown in their charts by sextiled Plutos.

1992 was a big year for the Queen, as most people will remember.

In March Prince Andrew, separated from wife Sarah Ferguson

In April Princess Anne divorced Captain Mark Phillips

7/6/1992 The Sunday Times began serializing Andrew Morton’s book, “Diana: Her True Story”, in which the affair between Charles and Camilla Parker Bowles was revealed, and in which Diana’s bulimia and suicidal feelings were also revealed.

20/11/1992 Windsor Castle was partly destroyed by fire.  The transits for the Queen were quite graphic, and showed her sense of devastation.  There were 5 transits from Mars (fire) including Mars trine Uranus, Mars square Chiron in Aries in the 4th House of Home; in addition to which there were 6 transits from Pluto (destruction) including Pluto square her natal Jupiter in Aquarius in her 2nd House of Belongings.

24/11/1992 The Queen gives a speech.  She describes the last year as an “annus horribilis”.

9/12/1992 The “annus horribilis” continued…Prince Charles and Diana announced their separation, with an eclipse on Diana’s Ascendant.

31/8/97 Diana died in Paris, her car pursued by the paparazzi in a tunnel.  The Queen decided to stay away, and issued no statement, which was interpreted in the media as coldness.  But on the eve of Diana’s funeral, she gave a warm televised address.  She had been shielding William and Harry.  This proved a turning point in how she was perceived by the public, as she realized she needed to show a more human side.

Her transits at the time show Chiron opposite the Queen’s Sun in Taurus in the 4th House of Family, a heavy wound leading to a lesson of healing.

9/2/2002 Elizabeth’s sister Margaret died suddenly of a stroke (Mars on Margaret’s Uranus).  Uranus (shock) was square to Elizabeth’s Saturn/Midheaven in Scorpio.

30/3/2002 The Queen Mother died, on her Pluto Opposition.  For the Queen, Uranus was sextile her Chiron, another healing lesson.

17-20/5/2011 The Queen visited Ireland, historically the first British monarch to do so since Ireland gained independence in 1921, and throughout the “troubles”.  She spoke of reconciliation: Neptune was sextile her natal Sun in Taurus in 4th House, signifying a spiritual act.

6/2/2012 The Diamond Jubilee of the Queen’s accession to the throne.

27/7/2012 In the opening ceremony of the London Olympic Games she surprised everyone by playing herself with Daniel Craig in a spoof James Bond sketch, revealing a bold sense of humour!

9/9/2015 Elizabeth became Britain’s longest reigning monarch.

18/6/2017 from my blog after the Grenfell Tower fire:

“Queen Elizabeth II has been a sterling force these last few weeks, visiting patients in hospital who were victims of the London Bridge terrorist attack, and then visiting members of the community this week in Kensington.  In both cases she showed sincerity, compassion and genuine interest.

The Queen’s transits at the moment show Neptune on that Venus in Pisces (a greater opening of that compassion and love), and Jupiter squaring her Pluto (an awareness of the need to be positive in the face of tragedy).  Hence her very apt words: that the country has been “resolute in the face of adversity” and ‘This year, however, it is difficult to escape a very sombre national mood.’ ”

2/8/2017  Prince Philip retired from official duties as the Queen’s consort, at the age of 96.

20/11/2019 The Queen had to suspend Prince Andrew from representing the Royal family by giving him permission to “step back from public duties” after claims were made against him relating to the affairs of his friend, sex offender Jeffrey Epstein. This must have caused her immense emotional pain, and is reflected in her transits of the time by Pluto on her Ascendant.

19/3/2020 Due to the pandemic, Elizabeth and Prince Philip moved to Windsor Castle. Saturn (isolation) was square her natal Sun in Taurus in the 4th House of Home, representing a confinement.

31/3/2020 Harry and Meghan’s office was closed and the Sussexes stopped “undertaking official engagements in support of the Queen”.  In June, they bought a house in California.

5/4/2020  The Queen thanked key workers in a televised address in lockdown, and urged people to draw strength from the thought “We’ll meet again”, showing the skill and compassion of her delivery.  At the time, Boris Johnson was being hospitalized with Coronavirus, and the country needed that cohesive force at the helm.

7/3/2021 Harry and Meghan are interviewed on television by Oprah Winfrey, making some hurtful comments about the royal family.  Buckingham Palace put out a statement of ‘recollections may vary’.

9/4/2021  Prince Philip died aged 99.  They had been married for 73 years. The Queen said his death left a huge void in her life. Saturn was opposite her natal Moon in Leo in 7th House of Marriage, the huge void.  Pluto square her Chiron, an extremely painful point in her life.

17/4/2021 Prince Philip’s funeral.  The laxity of the partygoing the night before at Westminster provided a contrast between her values, as she sat on her own in St. George’s Chapel, Windsor, wearing a black mask in the Abbey, observing the rules religiously.  She set the example, but it was not followed.  We only found out later.

20/10/2021 Elizabeth cancelled a trip to Ireland, and that was the beginning of concern for her health.

4/6/2022 At the  Platinum Jubilee of her accession to the throne, the nation was again surprised by the boldness of her humour as she smilingly sat straight opposite Paddington Bear and proceeded to extract a marmalade sandwich from her iconic handbag!

6/9/2022 She fulfilled the duty of saying goodbye to outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson, and instituting the incoming Prime Minister Liz Truss, at Balmoral.  This was our last sighting of her, looking diminutive next to Liz Truss.

8/9/2022 The Royal Family were called to Balmoral at concern for the Queen’s health.  The time of death is disputed, but Saturn was on her natal Mars (a diminishing of life force) and Neptune was trine her natal Saturn in Scorpio (at peace).

King Charles III

This will take time to get use to, but he takes up his new position at a time when Chiron opposes his natal Venus (a personal wound) and the Nodal Axis squares his natal Pluto (a karmic death), but Jupiter trines his Ascendant from the cusp of his 9th House of Religion (he will be defender of faiths).

Liz Truss

This of course was to be a blog about one Liz (the new Prime Minister), and turned out to be about another (Queen Elizabeth).  Liz Truss’ relationship with Prince Charles will be very important.  Though he has promised not to intervene, he has such strong values, e.g. about the environment, that I hope that he will somehow influence her conscience on the matter (she currently proposes to cut back on green policies, where she should be forging ahead on climate change).  Her Mars squares Charles’ Pluto, which is a real clash, but where Prince Charles has the greater moral force, astrologically.

Queen Elizabeth II was treasured the world over.  And she couldn’t have done a better job!  Let us hope that her values stay in people’s hearts and influence the direction of society through all generations.

“Grief is the price we pay for love.”

~ Queen Elizabeth II, 11th September 2001


The Sun trines Uranus today, which may give you the go ahead to forge ahead with innovative plans and original creativity.  This is a hopeful influence, at a time when we need it, and we have a new King.  The aspect can also bring surprise – think of the surprises that Queen Elizabeth sprang on us in her cameo acting appearances!

The pattern of aspects is similar to last week, in appearance at the beginning and end of the week, so I again offer you a Fixed Star for mid-week.  On Wednesday (14th) Denebola from the constellation of Leo is aligned with our Sun.  Tuning in to this star, “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld offers us the following information, on the theme of Leadership:

“This star has a direct bearing upon will and leadership functioning, enhancing awareness of the deep meaning of leadership, and the ability to create more consciously the links usually unconscious between any leader and a group.  This is the basic form in which charisma comes, in the way in which one becomes the voice for many, in a way in which the many are unable to express that voice.

This star can also be beneficial anytime a group focuses on an individual, even when it is group healing or receiving energy of the group, as this group energy then becomes one-pointed and focused within the individual.

In many cases, this rise to leadership or awareness of charismatic principles in past lifetimes affects the consciousness of individuals now.”

This may have a message for the new King Charles.

There are two aspects on Friday (16th), the first being Venus square Mars.  You may find that you and/or others are letting your hair down with Venus square Mars loosening the inhibitions.  This square may also have a bearing on the battle of the sexes (within, or interpersonal).

On Friday evening Neptune opposes the Sun, so fogginess could be obscuring your aims.  Try to apply yourself to the basics and look at the detail (though that may seem impossible).  I am reminded of the phrase “there’s many a slip between cup and lip”, so that is worth bearing in mind.  Grounding may be needed, especially if Venus square Mars were responsible for inappropriate behaviours!  Maybe ask yourself, “What would the Queen do?”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sparkling
  • Wednesday – leadership
  • Friday – loosening of inhibition; fogginess

Aspects for the week beginning 4 September 2022

Mikhail Gorbachev (1931 – 2022)

One of the great statesmen of the 20th Century Mikhail Gorbachev of Russia died this week at the age of 91. He envisaged peaceful global relations, but against his wishes his domestic policies resulted in the break-up of the Soviet Union.  Thus it is that he is more fondly remembered in the West than in his own country.

Birth Chart

With the Sun in Pisces, Mikhail Gorbachev was a visionary and an idealist.  His Ascendant in Libra was peace loving and diplomatic.  The combination of these traits in his personality contributed to him gaining the Nobel Peace Prize in 1990, for his work in ending the Cold War.  He had a very optimistic and upbeat outlook (unusual among Russian leaders), and that was shown in his chart by the Sun exactly trine Jupiter.  His Jupiter was at the top of his chart, square his Ascendant, and at the end of his 9th House of Foreign Relations, something he excelled in.  He did apparently have a need for attention and admiration, and that was a display of his Moon sign, Leo.  His Venus conjunct Saturn showed up a quality of loyalty in his character.  The Reformer Archetype was very much a part of his style of leadership, and that was shown by the North Node conjunct Uranus, and Chiron exactly sextile his Midheaven (careerpoint).

Life and Career

His family were poor (the I.C. in his chart conjunct Saturn in Capricorn in his 4th House of Home and Family).  This configuration is also an indication of motivation in politics, and he joined the Communist party at the age of 19, rising up the ranks (the Capricorn goat politically climbing).  He was born when Russia was under the declining years of Lenin’s  leadership, but the period of his childhood was dominated by the rule of Stalin.  As a youth, he worked on a farm operating combine harvesters, harvesting grain with his father.

He met his future wife Raisa at Moscow State University while studying his first degree in law, where he worked hard and was known as a mediator.  Raisa was studying Philosophy. He graduated in 1955, having written his final paper on the advantages of social democracy over bourgeois democracy. The couple had a daughter Irina in 1957.  Later he took a second degree in agricultural production.

Within the Communist Party, he took part in implementing de-Stalinization reforms after Khrushchev succeeded Stalin.  Gorbachev had identified as a Marxist-Leninist, but now became more of a reformist. In his political role within the region of Stavropol at this stage of his life, he began to travel out of Russia, to Bulgaria, East Germany and Czechoslovakia, which enabled him to gain wider political perspectives. He also travelled to Italy, being surprised by the poverty and inequality he saw.  But travel in Europe began to open his eyes and change his political focus – he was particularly struck by the way in which Europeans were able to openly criticize their governments, and began to see the merits of bourgeois democracy.

In 1978 he was appointed a Secretary of the Central Committee, then in 1980 he joined the Politburo, and was elected its leader and General Secretary in 1985, despite his relative youth.  Saturn was trine his natal Mars in Cancer in 10th House (career advancement),  Neptune trine his Neptune in Virgo in 11th House (spiritually, he was on track) and Pluto was sextile his natal Neptune (a profound change in his life, allowing him to fulfill his purpose).  He became the eighth leader of the Soviet Union.

Even at that age, he could see that substantial reform was necessary, and this conviction grew after the 1986 Chernobyl disaster.  He made it a priority to withdraw from Russia’s war with Afghanistan, and began to reach out to the wider world, including President Reagan in the U.S., Mitterand in France, and Margaret Thatcher in the U.K. (who famously declared she could do business with him).  Gorbachev wanted to end the proliferation of nuclear weapons and end the Cold War.  Reagan was at first mistrustful of Gorbachev’s overtures, but eventually came to an amicable relationship with him. We in the western world learned about Glasnost and Perestroika, terms he used in his process of transformation.


UskoreniyeAn early policy of a path of controlled reform, aimed at accelerating domestic development by Gorbachev in Russia.

Perestroika – It soon became clear that restructuring was necessary, and so Perestroika replaced the policy of Uskoreniye. This involved decentralizing economic decision-making. Restructuring indirectly led to the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Glasnost – A policy of greater openness, transparency and honesty instigated by Gorbachev, allowing for more freedom of speech.

Gospriyomka – In domestic policy, this required quality assurance to improve output and production, marking a standard of state acceptance.


As a political rival, the role of Boris Yeltsin proved to be influential in the demise of Mikhail Gorbachev. Yeltsin felt that Gorbachev did not go far enough in his reforms, and was a long-term critic of his policies. The two were destined to work alongside each other as contemporaries, being born within a month and a day of each other in the same year.  Yeltsin came to head the opposition to his government, and after he ousted Gorbachev in some ways finished off what Gorbachev had left undone, but with a destructiveness which Gorbachev was not happy with.  Gorbachev had allowed the Eastern European states to develop their own nationality and socialist policies, expecting them to want to stay in the Union.  The Berlin Wall came down in 1989, an event hailed in the west, and credited to Gorbachev, together with the reunification of Germany.  At the time Saturn (wall) was exactly conjunct Neptune (dissolution) at 10 degrees Capricorn (on Gorbachev’s 4th House cusp). Under Gorbachev’s successor Yeltsin, the Soviet Union came to an end, the states each went their own way, and we are seeing a backlash now, in Putin’s desire to grab back Crimea and Ukraine, in his bitterness about the break up of the Soviet Union.  He declined to attend Gorbachev’s funeral yesterday, but there was support in evidence among the population.

Final Years

In his final years, Gorbachev devoted himself to research (into Russian and international problems, according to the Guardian obituary).  Raisa died of a stroke, after having suffered with leukaemia in 1999, having worked for children’s charities.  She had proved an elegant first lady.  At her death, Saturn was square to his Moon (his female counterpart).  Their daughter Irina had two children.  Gorbachev was reportedly traumatized by the invasion of Ukraine earlier this year, feeling that Putin had undone his life’s work.  To my mind, Gorbachev was a man who put the welfare of the world above nationalism and patriotism.

Words from mourners at his funeral, reported by the BBC:

“Gorbachev gave us hope, helped us dream of liberty. I hope our society is not saying goodbye to liberty.”

~ Stanislav

“This is a farewell to the person who has done his utmost to save the country from authoritarianism, from backwardness,”

~ Olga


We have slim pickings this week, aspect-wise!

We begin tomorrow (Monday 5th), with Venus entering Virgo (which is not even an aspect, it’s an ingress).  This makes us tend to be more selective and discriminating in our tastes.  We become more aware of the issues around the environment.  Venus stays in Virgo until 23td September, so less than a three week window of time to refine our tastes and perfect our contribution to the ecosystem, e.g. recycling procedures.  We may also be specializing in our work and studies.  Be prepared for the announcement of our new Prime Minister.

The pickings are so slim, mid-week, that I have selected a Fixed Star to work with for Wednesday (7th).  On that day, our Sun is aligned with Mizar from Ursa Major, and the enlightenment from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld offers:

“Use of this star system can enhance states of multiple awareness, ability to channel, and the ability to organize various components of one’s personality.  There is an ability to better understand the physical, emotional, and spiritual phases of one’s life…


Mental transference of ideas and concepts in whole form is enhanced by use of this star.  As a result, the deeper understanding of complex issues – economic, political, and social can be found with this elixir.  Diplomacy, ability to interrelate in times of national crisis, ability to transfer between countries diverse aspects of culture will be enhanced.  Some artists struggling with large concepts and visions will also be assisted.”

Moving to the end of the week, on Saturday (10th) we have Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde, in Libra (also not actually a bona fide aspect).  Sorry to disappoint those who are not fans.  It will not go direct until 2nd October.  Be clear in your communications between these two dates, in order to avoid misunderstandings and loopholes.  Although technology can go awry, it can be a good period to upgrade such devices.  You may have developed your own strategies, according to past experiences.

But there’s a cheery note from Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell in their book “The Mercury Retrograde Book”:

“The plus side of Mercury retrograde is definitely that old loves can come back into your life, if that’s what you’re pining for.  This can be for reconciliation…or for closure.  By the same token, if you really want to revive an old love affair, don’t wait for a chance meeting.  If Mercury is retrograde in Libra, the skies totally support you in getting back in touch.  That said, there are no guarantees!”

The Full Moon also occurring on that day, at 17 degrees Pisces, can be called an aspect as it represents an opposition between the Sun and the Moon.  This is an especially tender, sensitive and emotional Full Moon, so tears may flow.  Issues which may come up may be the plastic in the sea, or the fishing industry.  We hope here in the U.K. for some rain, which the Full Moon might grant us…The Pisces Full Moon reminds us that we are all One.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – selectivity and refinement
  • Wednesday – channelling, and negotiating complexity
  • Saturday – emotional high tide

Aspects for the week beginning 28 August 2022

Martin Lewis

Lowest point of the week for many in the U.K. was the much-dreaded energy price cap, which was announced on Friday.  At  £3,549 a year, it was just as feared, but had now become a reality, and this at a time when we are effectively without a government, and the two incumbent choices of prime minister were not really delivering the level of support needed.  A figure who has consistently tried to help those struggling financially over the last few years, and who had warned that people would not be able to pay their bills, was the financial pundit Martin Lewis.  Goodness knows how hard he had tried to keep the nation going, but when wheeled into the television studio on Friday, he threw up his hands and declared he did not know what to do, and made an impassioned plea to Boris Johnson, Liz Truss and  Rishi Sunak to do something.  He was on his knees (Mars opposing his Neptune at the time).  There has still been no meaningful response from the powers-that-be.

Birth Chart

Martin Lewis has 6 of his 10 planets in the Mutable signs, the adaptability of which may have helped him to navigate the stormy waters of the economy (up to now).  His Sun is in Taurus, the Money sign.  The Sun is unaspected, depicting an independent soul, a free spirit.  Mercury sextile Mars in his chart describes a mental acuity, a quickness of mental reactions.  He has personal warmth and popularity, from Venus closely conjunct Mars.  But what really pushes him is an exact square between Venus and Pluto, the two financial planets, rubbing each other up (the wrong way?) in his chart, so that he cannot rest when he sees a problem, either for himself or others in this area – an evolved response to this square.  Mars closely squaring Pluto gives him a powerhouse of energy.  Jupiter square Uranus is entrepreneurial (his estimated fortune is £123 million) and he does like to take a risk, himself, though advises others more cautiously and prudently (e.g. advising that refusing to pay anything in the present climate in the Don’t Pay group will not help the individual).  Apparently If someone doesn’t agree a payment plan with their supplier, the supplier might try to force them to have a pre-payment meter installed.  An aspect of great strength in his chart is Saturn trine Pluto, an ability to face difficult circumstances head-on, and with a sense of reality.  And one of his greatest assets for his line of work is Pluto (one of the money planets) exactly trine his North Node (karmic mission), bestowing that depth of understanding about finance and its implications for wider society, which is clearly his metier.

Life and Career

Martin was born in Manchester, and brought up in Cheshire.  His father was the headmaster of a Jewish school for those with special educational needs.  Martin still identifies with Judaism and is a practising Jew, but was bullied at school for being a Jew (there was only one other at his school).  With the South Node in Cancer, he has a strong sense of his tribe.  He lost his mother when he was aged 11, due to a horse riding accident (when Pluto was trine his natal Venus and square his Nodal Axis).

He studied Government and Law at L.S.E., then studied journalism, before entering the world of broadcasting.  He established his “Money Saving Expert” persona on a satellite channel radio show Simply Money presented by Angela Rippon, a slot which ended in 2001.  From there, he found other outlets for his special gift, in a Sunday Express newspaper column, and on a Channel 5 show with Gloria Hunniford, before “graduating” to the mainstream channels of  BBC and ITV.  In 2003, he created the website MoneySavingExpert.com, which he sold in 2012 to the Moneysupermarket.com group for £87 million, but is still involved with the enterprise.  He is now a household name, and is regularly consulted on news programmes, as well as regularly writing for newspapers on the subject of saving money.  In particular, he played an important role in advising the public at the time of the 2008 credit crunch, and has been vociferous this year in trying to prepare the public for the current “catastrophe” (his word).  He has provided charitable donations, notably for the Citizens Advice Bureau, and is involved in work investigating the deleterious effect of debt on mental health.  He has received various honours and awards for his work, such as the CBE.  He is married to another Taurean, weather and technology presenter Lara Lewington, whose Sun is exactly conjunct his own, obviously a good match!  They have one daughter.

Current Situation

That Martin Lewis is so caught up in this present crisis is graphically shown in the astrology of the day.  Remember back to the great triple conjunction of Uranus/North Node/Mars of 31st July?  I wrote at the time:

‘Aquarians and Taureans may be most affected, as well as anyone who has a planet or angle at 18 degrees in their chart.  World finance could also be affected, as the conjunction takes place in Taurus.  Financial Astrologer Raymond Merriman observes: “… with the rare conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the Moon’s North Node in the money sign of Taurus… This is a consistent signature for a sharp (but possibly short) drop in equity markets.” ‘

Well Uranus is still at 18 degrees Taurus, exactly conjunct with Martin’s Sun, so he feels personally responsible to try and address the crisis.  He has appealed to the heart of government, but has not been able to locate it thus far.  The irony is that he has always tried to be fair and apolitical – he says he is agnostic about how the problem should be solved.  Broadcaster James O’Brien has said he is the least political man he knows, and is always trying to be fair and neutral.

United Kingdom

He is, I am in no doubt, a servant of the people, and has incredibly positive links with the U.K. chart, i.e. is able to make a positive contribution.  His Uranus sextiles the U.K. Mercury/Sun, waking people up.  His Chiron (Inner Healer) trines the U.K. Sun/Mercury (bringing healing).  His Mars trines the U.K. Mars (energizing and motivating), and his Jupiter sextiles the U.K. Jupiter (can help the U.K. rise above problems – he has done much, but of course he needs help from the government to do so now).  It is possible that he sacrifices something of his own life and energy in the task, for the U.K. Neptune squares his Sun.  But, he is not just living a personal life, he is operating on a collective effort.

Campaign: Martin Lewis for next Chancellor of the Exchequer


There are only three aspects this week, two oppositions and a sextile, so make the most of them!

We have the most difficult first: at tea-time today,  Saturn opposes Venus.  This means having to let go in relationships or having to make economies in finance.  The message of the power of love may be more difficult to sustain in the face of testing under this aspect.  But the cure for the situation is even more love.  The message in finance is having to examine your values, needs and necessities.

Thursday (1st September) brings the easiest aspect to work with: Mars sextile Jupiter.  This brings expansive activities, such as running in the park, or strenuous gardening, or the pursuit of any sport or leisure activity with gusto.  You’ll be able to find that extra drive, for what you are wanting to achieve.  Pursue your enthusiasms!

The final aspect of the week, on Saturday (3rd Sept) is Mercury opposite Jupiter.  As it occurs in the early hours of the morning, you may find it operational the night before.  This may bring about communication and travel complexity.  You may feel you need to be in two places at once, and be summoned hither and thither.  Geminis and Virgos may need to factor in some extra relaxation time.  However, it is very mind-broadening, if not mind-stretching, if not information-overloading.  But in a good way, like when you come away from a workshop feeling you’ve learnt a lot, brimming with the empowering confidence that you have, but not quite sure what will be useful and what might not be.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – letting go
  • Thursday – finding that oomph!
  • Saturday – mind-stretching

Aspects for the week beginning 21 August 2022

Darius Danesh (1980 – 2022)

“He couldn’t have been a nicer, warmer guest [to The Kumars at No. 42] with a great sense of self-deprecation.”

~ Sanjeev Bhaskar

Do you remember Darius Danesh?  Who could forget his falsetto rendering of “Baby One More Time” in Popstars in 2001?  Sadly, we heard this week that he died at the tender age of 41 – in fact, he would have been 42 on Friday.  On that day, his single “Colourblind” went to number two on the UK Official Singles Download and Sales Charts.

Birth Chart

With the Sun in Leo conjunct his North Node, he loved the limelight, and its square to the Scorpio Ascendant/ Uranus ensured a strong individuality and karmic mission.  He was born for stardom. His Mercury was square Uranus, so he was not afraid to be controversial, and with Neptune exactly trine his Mercury and Pluto exactly sextile Mercury, he was capable of great inspiration, the ability to channel, and had an instinct for psychology.  Mercury exactly conjunct his North Node meant that he had the Teacher Archetype, too.  Some of his charisma came from Mars sextile his Neptune, and his drive to succeed came from Mars conjunct Pluto.  Jupiter exactly conjunct the Midheaven ensured success in his career from an early age.

Life and Career

Darius was born in Glasgow to a Scottish mother and an Iranian father (who was a gastroenterologist).  His parents would have liked him to be a doctor or a lawyer.  He began singing in his teens, and studied English Literature and Philosophy at Edinburgh University.  In 2001 he took part in the new programme Popstars, which aimed to create new bands.  He did not qualify for the bands Hear’Say or Liberty X, but made his mark, and captured the attention of the public.  He was clearly meant to be a soloist, and would not have melded easily into a band.  It was at that time that he performed the memorable version of the Britney Spears hit, but some thought him arrogant.

He later commented:

“I made mistakes and I was too cocky and I didn’t have humility”.  The lion was untamed or immature, but he was a fast learner, and in the new contest Pop Idol in 2002 he returned without the pony tail, hair sleeked back and minus the arrogance.  In that contest, he came third, after Will Young and Gareth Gates.  This was enough to launch his career, and Simon Cowell offered him a recording contract.  However, he could not see himself singing cover songs as Simon was offering.  The Leo was his own man, and would perform his own material!  He found producer Steve Lillywhite who enabled him to do just that.  He released his debut single “Colourblind”, which reached No. 1 in the U.K. Singles Chart.  In 2010 he won the contest Popstar to Operastar.

On Stage

Darius spent many years treading the boards, in musical theatre.  He had the old fashioned good looks of a Hollywood leading man, and many of his roles had been played by the old Hollywood greats.

2005/6 He played Billy Flynn in Chicago, a role previously played in the film by Richard Gere (admittedly not an old Hollywood great, but certainly a next generation heart throb!)

2007 He played Sky Masterson in Guys and Dolls, a role previously played in the film by Marlon Brando.

2008 He played Rhett Butler in Gone With the Wind, a role previously played in the film by Clark Gable.

2013 He played Warden in From Here to Eternity, a role previously played by Burt Lancaster.

2016 He played Nick Arnstein in Funny Girl, a role previously played by Omar Sharif.

He slotted right into those, often romantic, lead roles.  Of his performance in Gone With the Wind, Paul Taylor of the Independent wrote:

“The diabolically dashing Darius Danesh…brings a seductively insolent charm, a dark velvet voice and a genuine, fugitive pathos to the cynical blockade runner”


In 2010, he suffered a broken neck in a car crash in Spain.  That was the year of his Saturn Return, but also his progressed Sun reached his natal Saturn.  He was lucky to escape permanent damage.

In 2017, he accidentally drank Thames sewage water, contracted meningitis, and went into a coma. [Sewage water has been in the news this week, of course].  In that year, Neptune (water, polluted or not) was transiting his natal I.C. (one’s sense of security), and Pluto was square his Pluto.

The cause of his death on 11th August is unknown.  He was looking forward to an upcoming reunion tour with Will Young and Gareth Gates.


What comes across in descriptions by those who knew him was the quality of sweetness.  Gareth Gates said that he was a gentle soul who lit up every room.

And they showed a video this week on breakfast TV of him serenading an 82 year old bedridden fan, with great kindness and tenderness.  He had a healing trine between Jupiter and Chiron in his natal chart.

One thing always stayed in my mind from his time on Popstars, him saying “Can you feel the love in the room?”  I just felt that was a measure of his Leonine warm-heartedness.  And with the Sun trine Neptune,  there was a spiritual quality about him.


In his real life romantic lead, he met his Canadian wife in 2004, and they married in 2011.  Their synastry indicated great closeness (including conjoined Mercuries), but his chart has an unaspected Venus and almost unaspected Moon (his female planets) which may have impacted his close relationships. Though they filed for divorce in 2013, they did not finally divorce until 2018, and he is said to have felt this loss terribly.  She has written in tribute:

“I have found the paradox that is you love until it hurts. there can be no more hurt- Only more love -Mother Theresa. There are no words Darius… only Love Love Love. Forever Janam.”

~ Ex-wife Natasha Henstridge


This morning began with an opposition between Mercury and Neptune.  This opposition can bring mental confusion.  There may be for instance a mental dilemma, or you may be trying to get clarification on something.  It may be difficult to focus, if you are engaged in documentation work.  Journeys may be long and complicated, and for some a connection with water could be incident-prone.

Mental clarity is possible tomorrow (Monday, 22nd), especially by the evening when Mercury trines Pluto.  You may get more in-depth reality than you bargained for, because Pluto is not superficial!  Mercury trine Pluto is mentally harmonious if not challenging us to dig deeper.  If you were treading water on Sunday, you’ll meet your rescue vessel, so to speak, on Monday.  That aspect is conducive to psychological reflection, and earnest conversations.  It is good for in-depth consultations and negotiations, and researching past lives.

In the early hours of Tuesday (23rd), the Sun enters Virgo.  The need for knuckling down conscientiously to work and study schedules is reinforced with this ingress  The Sun in Virgo will underline the need for a sense of focus and purpose, and bring people together in common objectives.  Efficiency and Economy will be watchwords for how we organize the second half of our year.  There may be a new resolve to institute health and fitness regimes, and work rotas and practices, for those who still have their jobs secure.  The mind will have to focus differently for those who are looking at re-employment, new opportunities for self-employment, and perhaps the training in new skills, thinking about September courses.  It may also be helpful for decluttering attempts.

There may be an unexpected turn of events on Wednesday (24th), with Uranus Stationary prior to turning Retrograde.  It will complete Retrograde season, as we currently have Pluto, Neptune, Chiron, Saturn and Jupiter Retrograde.  Time for a real re-think, re-evaluation, reflection and revision.  Uranus of course is also the planet of rebellion and revolution.  We may hear of more strikes planned.  Industrial action is due to take place on 26th and 31st August by Royal Mail staff, so we are being urged to post early.  You need to review the way you do things, and the way you think about things, and find new types of solutions suited to future working

In the early hours of Friday (26th) Mercury enters Libra.  This can bring a new mental focus on cultural themes, which could bring more pure enjoyment: art and music being fundamental areas for Libra, and decision-making. Mercury in Libra is slightly more relaxed than Mercury in Virgo, but having laid plans and attended to essential detail under the previous placement Mercury in Virgo, we can embellish, beautify and smooth things over.  However, don’t rely on the post that day!

Brace yourself for a couple of squares on Saturday.  Early on Saturday (27th) Venus is squared by Uranus, so you may feel you are missing out, e.g. on your post.  There may be twists and turn in relationships, with this square.  There may be a quirky end to your relationship or money saga, slightly out of your comfort zone.  Your plans may have to be modified at the last minute.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.

Still early on Saturday, Mars squares the Sun, which is hot headed (whatever the weather or climatic condition).  This introduces an element of conflict or aggression, which may not be helpful personally, and may inflame things internationally, e.g. between Russia and Ukraine.  The energy, fire and enthusiasm which the Sun with Mars generates can be positively harnessed if you are especially mindful.

By breakfast time, we have the helpfulness of the New Moon in Virgo (at 4 degrees) maybe assisting us in cooling the vibe.  The New Moon is always a good opportunity to start afresh.  If 4 degrees Virgo is a meaningful point in your chart that will intensify your experience.  Ecology and the environment are some of the provinces of Virgo, so benefits could accrue for the planet if enough minds are concentrated on this aspect of life.

So, there are some tricky aspects this week, and it is to be hoped that with my guide to them, you’ll stay one step ahead!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – mental fog
  • Tomorrow – mental depth
  • Tuesday – knuckling down
  • Wednesday – reflection and revision; the unexpected
  • Friday – harmonizing
  • Saturday – social awkwardness; hot-headedness; new beginning

Aspects for the week beginning 14 August 2022

Olivia Newton-John (1948 – 2022)

“People don’t want to hear that you’re nice, but that’s what  I am.  In fact, I’m pretty boring”

~ Olivia Newton-John

Singer and Actress Olivia Newton-John died this week at the age of 73.  She made her mark on this world in several ways, not least in promoting health research, but the role which she is most remembered for was that of Sandra Olsson in the film Grease.  The film made a big impact on our household!  As a young mum, I remember singing “Summer Nights” to my first daughter as a baby, then later when my children were older, they put the video of the film on replay.  I asked one of them how many times they played that film, to be told “millions”!

Birth Chart

They say the beautiful people are born under Libra, and this was true of Olivia.  She also had the “nice” persona of Libra, and singing is one of the professions of that sign.  She did not however have a smooth-sailing life, and that is to some extent due to her Sun’s square to Uranus (disruption).  Her Moon trine Mercury gave her the ability to combine imagination with rationality, which would have been useful in acting.  Her Moon was in the sign of Cancer, giving her a strong femininity, and was conjunct with Uranus, firing her imagination. With Mercury also sextile Saturn and closely trine Uranus, she had a keen mind. Her Ascendant was in Virgo, providing an interest in health and wellbeing, the “wholesome and pure” element of her persona.  With Chiron trine her Ascendant, she was particularly interested in alternative medicine.  Venus trine Jupiter made her very sociable, a lover of humanity.  Another challenging feature of her birth chart was Venus conjunct Pluto, signifying upheavals, and often turbulence, in relationships.  Venus sextile her Midheaven pointed towards a Singing career.

Life and Career

Olivia was born in Cambridge in the U.K., into a comfortable middle-class background (Jupiter exactly conjunct I.C., though she was unaware growing up that her father had worked for MI5 on the Enigma project at Bletchley Park.  Her grandfather Max Born was an eminent scientist, and she would have liked to have been a vet but was not confident of passing the necessary veterinary exams. Her family moved to Australia when she was six, and she began singing at the age of 14Her first single, in 1966, failed to chart.  Back in the U.K., she became engaged to Bruce Welch of the Shadows, and appeared on Cliff Richard’s TV show, often duetting with him.  This led to her releasing the song “If Not For You”, a beautiful song written by Bob Dylan, in 1971, her first hit.  She had a lovely voice, but did need some beautiful songs!  Her astrological links with Cliff and Bruce show advantageous boosts to her career, for example Bruce’s Jupiter on Olivia’s Midheaven (Careerpoint), and Cliff’s Sun sextile her Jupiter and trine her Midheaven.  Her reputation established, she came fourth in the Eurovision Song Contest in 1974 with “Long Live Love”.


She played the role of Sandy in Grease in 1978, having been invited to do so by the film producer Alan Carr. It was a romantic musical film, with a happy ending, and the romantic interest was provided by John Travolta, playing Danny.  Olivia fought for equal billing. His Sun trine her Uranus, an exciting match, provided the spark!  Travolta’s Jupiter sextiled her Pluto, so they were empowering for each other.

At the time the film was released, Neptune was trine Olivia’s natal Pluto in Leo in her 11th House: a huge event in her life.  For Travolta, Saturn was sextile his natal Neptune exact to the day, cementing his charisma.  Pluto was on his I.C., also a life changing time for him.

The title song “Grease” was written by the prolific songwriter Barry Gibb.  The soundtrack Album from the film featured such classics as “Summer Nights”, “Hopelessly Devoted to You” and the sparky song performed after Sandy’s transformation from nice girl to femme fatale, “You’re the One That I Want”, a duet between Sandy and Danny.

Sandy’s transformation in the film helped Olivia make a change of image, and her subsequent song “Physical” released in 1980 was a huge hit.  In the same year, she starred in the film “Xanadu”, which produced another musical hit of the same name.  In the film, she played a reincarnated Greek muse.


Olivia’s first marriage was to actor and dancer Matt Lattanzi in 1984, whom she met on the set of the film “Xanadu”.  They had a daughter, Chloe Rose, in 1986, and divorced in 1995, citing spiritual differences.

In 1996, she met cameraman and lighting designer Patrick McDermott, and had an on-off relationship with him for nine years.  In 2005, Olivia was at her Gaia Retreat & Spa in Australia, and Patrick was on a fishing break off the coast of California. He disappeared, and he was never traced, though there were reports that he may have faked his death and gone to live in Mexico.  At the time, Mars from  Aries  in her 7th House was opposite her natal Neptune in Libra in 1st House (a mystery involving her male partner) and Pluto was square her natal Ascendant from 4th House cusp, a dramatic change.  In their synastry, his Neptune (disappearance and mystery) was opposite her Mercury.

She then married John Easterling, in Peru in 2008, in a spiritual ceremony.  Their marriage endured, and they collaborated on research into plant medicine.  This was a profound match, with his Neptune trine her Midheaven and his Pluto on her Venus, the outer planets encouraging their wider causes.


Olivia, in her own words “lived with” three bouts of breast cancer in her life, the first in 1992, the second in 2013, and again in 2017.  She set up the Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Research Centre in Melbourne, which looked into plant-based treatments for cancer (including the promotion of medical marijuana).  She was also an activist for environmental causes.  She was made a Dame in 2020 for her services to charity.

I re-watched the film Grease on Channel 4 yesterday afternoon, and was very amused, watching it several decades later, especially at Danny Zuko’s posturing, strutting, and combing of hair!  But there did seem to be a lot of Olivia in the sweetness and light of her alter ego Sandy – a role made for her, perhaps.  And a story which shows our desire to balance light and darkness.

“My dearest Olivia, you made all of our lives so much better.  Your impact was incredible. I love you so much.  We will see you down the road and we will all be together again.  Yours from the moment I saw you and forever!  Your Danny, your John!” 

~ John Travolta


It’s a good week for Trines!  There will be three this week, lightening up your week, and I hope that is not just about the heat.  We are promised some rain, so the lightness should come in other forms.  You might not be feeling the relief quite yet, for in the daytime today we have Saturn opposing the Sun.  This may bring be a touch of sadness to work through, a coming down to earth, a dose of reality (which could turn out to be a good thing or have a silver lining).

The first of the three trines comes this evening, possibly the most powerful of the three, that is Mars trine Pluto.  This aspect speaks of self-empowerment, but you have to remember that everyone also has this force!  This is a great aspect for tasks which need great energy.  There may be some upheaval involved, as when you are decluttering in earnest, but you should have the energy to start afresh once you have cleared some old ground

On Tuesday (16th) we have the second trine, that of Mercury trine Uranus.  This can inspire high functioning minds, intuition and good ideas.   Uranus will add extra spice to your plans, and documentation.  Computers and technology should be on sparkling form and assist your expression.

The third trine hugging the week arrives on Thursday (18th), and it’s one of the best aspects of the year: Venus trine Jupiter.  It may help in creating good memories.  It could be party time, too, but beware of disposable barbecues, even if we have a little rain.  Close relationships are favoured, and romance (e.g. engagements) is in the air.  Olivia Newton-John had Venus trine Jupiter in her natal chart, so she may be smiling down at us.  A good day to find the one that you want!

Mars goes roaring into Gemini on Saturday (20th), at breakfast-time.  We go from the more sluggish energy of Mars in Taurus (it has been difficult to do anything in this present heat) to a brighter, more expressive energy.  It’s a high action placing, with a spike in mental and physical energy, and the urge to get things done.  Certain sports, such as running and cycling, are highlighted.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sadness; self-empowerment
  • Tuesday – high functioning minds
  • Thursday – partying and romance
  • Saturday – busy minds and bodies

Aspects for the week beginning 7 August 2022

Nancy Pelosi

“The world faces a choice between autocracy and democracy”

~ Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House of Representatives in the U.S.) paid a risky visit to Taiwan this week, reportedly against the wishes of Joe Biden.  This is the second blog I have written about her, the first being in January 2021 on the occasion of the second impeachment of Donald Trump.  At a time when the world has been plunged into economic crisis resulting from the ongoing war against Ukraine by Vladimir Putin of Russia, her visit resulted in brinkmanship, this time with China.  While Ukraine has a valuable role in the world in relation to the distribution of grain, Taiwan itself has a vital role, as the source of much of the world’s microchips, without which the world’s computers would not be able to function.

Birth Chart

In 2021 I wrote:

“Nancy has the Sun in Aries, a sign of great self-belief.  Her Moon is in strong-willed Scorpio, and her Ascendant (from a birth time of14.30 Hrs, sometimes disputed) is in Leadership Leo.  She is very grounded (5 Earth planets), works on instinct (0 Air planets) and is extremely strong-willed (6 Fixed planets).  Her strength is increased by a trine to her Sun from Pluto in the 8th House.  The Moon in Scorpio in the 3rd House exactly trines Mercury, so in her chart rationality and imagination are working perfectly together.  The Moon is conjunct her I.C., which means she has strong emotional family roots.  Mercury sextile Venus gives her a way with words, and Uranus sextile Mercury conveys a brilliant mind.  A trine from Chiron to Mercury adds problem-solving ability.  Venus is positioned exactly conjunct Uranus in Taurus, either side of the 10th House cusp, both exactly conjunct with it, with Uranus in 9th and Venus in 10th – a most interesting description of her unusual role in society for her times.  With Venus trine Neptune, she is capable of  the finer feelings, and with Mars conjunct Uranus she can be forceful.   She may have acquired merit in past lives, with Jupiter conjunct the South Node in Aries in 8th House.  The North Node in Libra (Law) in 3rd House, points possibly to her karmic mission.  Chiron in Cancer may convey great patriotism.”

Visit to Taiwan

Why Taiwan?  Why now?  Nancy Pelosi’s term in office is drawing to a close, and she has felt a sense of injustice about various aspects of China’s policies since Tiananmen Square on 15 April 1989.  This may be connected with her Nodal Axis (North Node in Libra representing China and South Node in her 9th House of foreign affairs).

Her transits at the time of Tiananmen Square were powerfully provocative:  Mars was trine her natal North Node in Libra, invoking a sense of justice.  Jupiter was sextile her natal Sun, Saturn was opposite her natal Chiron (rubbing salt in a wound), Uranus was square her natal Sun in Aries (triggering her Inner Rebel), Neptune was trine her natal Midheaven exact to the day, invoking a sense of spiritual sensitivity, and Pluto trine her natal Chiron (alerting her to a need for healing).

Her stated aim in this week’s mission was to express solidarity with Taiwan in its aim to keep democracy.  The trip to Taiwan was part of a trip to that part of the world, the next stop being South Korea.  However, the President of South Korea did not meet her, in order not to offend China.  She also visited Japan, which apparently was also embarrassed by her visit, on Friday.  It is hard to know why she insisted on the visit, knowing it would be so contentious.

The astrological timing this week is quite revealing, however.  Natally, Nancy’s Uranus (Inner Rebel) is right at the top of her chart, at the end of her 9th House of Foreign Affairs, and squaring her Ascendant.  It brings to mind an itch that has to be scratched.  And at 82 now, she has her Uranus Return (to its original position in her natal chart).  This is like a time of elderly rebellion.  Around the age of 40, we have the Uranus Opposition, which is akin to a mid-life crisis, as part of Uranus’ cycle.  There is definitely a feeling for her of “now or never” with this issue, which she obviously cares passionately about.  Ostensibly, the visit was to show support for Taiwan’s democracy, and not necessarily independence (which is the more contentious issue for China).

Synastry and Transits

For the chart of Taiwan, I have used the date for its constitution.  There seems to be a strong tie between Nancy and Taiwan, but not an easy relationship:  her Uranus on its Moon in Taurus shows a keen interest on her part; their Moons oppose each other (her own Moon opposes her Uranus, which is confrontational); her Saturn square its Venus (an element of sorrow); Her Pluto opposes its Venus (she may have a profound effect); her Neptune squares its Uranus (she can complicate matters), her Chiron square its Neptune (however well-meaning, further complication); and her North Node sextile its Saturn in Leo in 11th House of Friends (the key to a serious karmic link).

Her transits for the visit on 2nd August: In addition to the Uranus Return mentioned above, Mars was on her Uranus in Taurus, triggering her Inner Rebel.  The transiting triple conjunction of Mars/Uranus/North Node was operational: that turning point and game-changer.  This was taking place in her 9th House of Foreign Lands and Trips.  Neptune was sextile her natal Mars: her motives a mystery (possibly self-indulgent).

The population of Taiwan had mixed feelings about the visit: Mercury was trine its natal Mercury (dialogue with the outside world); Mars/Uranus was on its Moon (inflamed emotions and shock); Saturn was (and is) opposite its natal Saturn (a major and serious decisive cycle).

For the president of Taiwan, Tsai Ing-wen, who gave Nancy Pelosi a warm welcome, Pluto was sextile her Saturn (a serious matter).  This transit gives Tsai Ing-wen a measure of strength at this time.

Joe Biden

Joe Biden’s transits, despite his recent bouts of covid, are also strong at this time: he has Pluto sextile his Sun (able to make profound changes) and Neptune trine his Jupiter exact to the day of the visit (extra-inspired by his faith).  He was riding high from his operation of the assassination of Al Quaeda chief Ayman al-Zawahiri just a few days before (with Pluto square al-Zawahiri’s natal Mars being a classic assassination transit).  Though this year is a difficult and pivotal year for the United States, experiencing its Pluto Return.  It has certainly stepped up in its involvement in the Russian threat to Ukraine.

For the U.S. chart, in addition to its Pluto Return, Saturn is on its Moon, Neptune trine its Mercury, and Jupiter sextile its Uranus – a mixed batch of transits, but there is a lot going on, not just Nancy’s visit.  Saturn transiting its Moon (female fertility) may be the issue of the new anti-abortion law, which saw the state of Kansas this week vote to keep the option of abortion.


For the chart of China, transits this week showed Mars trine its Sun, hackles rising and a show of force, and Chiron trine its Pluto (feeling strong in its response).

For president  Xi-Jinping himself, Pluto squares his Venus (sinking relations), Chiron squares his Uranus (crisis and discomfiture).


After Nancy Pelosi left Taiwan, China began military exercises around Taiwan, effectively a blockade at this point.  Taiwan is situated not far from the Chinese mainland, at around 2,103 kilometres, approximately two and a half hours of air travel.  Economic sanctions were also placed on Taiwan by China.

China also announced that it was abandoning its co-operation with the U.S. on various issues, crucially including climate change.

Nancy has a good record in the past for acting with integrity.  And whatever the rights and wrongs of her action, it is certain she believed she was being true to herself.  But what was right for her may not have been the best thing for the U.S. or the wider global community.  The Observer article this morning by George Yin and S. Philip Hsu advises other courses of action:

“It [the U.S.] should take steps to signal its commitment to Taiwan by deepening bilateral trade and economic relations, which would have less risk of provoking Beijing.”

“One of the best Speakers the House of Representatives has ever had.”

~ Barack Obama


A beneficent trine occurs mid-afternoon today, that of Venus trine Neptune.  This is a beautiful aspect from a social point of view, enabling spiritual links with people.  Artistically or musically, you can achieve inspirational heights.  However, be aware that on Tuesday Venus will be opposed by Pluto, so a satisfying point may be reached today, but may require adjustments later in the week.  Gather ye rosebuds today…

A different adjustment will be required even as early as this evening, for Mars will be square Saturn, and this may involve conflict, for example brinkmanship between the U.S. and China.  I think of this aspect as a square peg in a round hole, and a square peg which  you shouldn’t try to push through the round hole.  Energies clash, and there may be an impasse of some sort.  You may feel tired and a little discouraged, and unproductive.  Ride it out gently.  And observe others carefully, who may not be astrologically mindful.

Tomorrow (Monday, 8th) may see some healing achieved, with the Sun trine Chiron.  This aspect favours both physical and psychological healing, and a trip or leisure activity may be just the tonic you need.  You may put the world to rights, theoretically at least, over a coffee.

We then come to Tuesday (9th), which I have already warned about. In the early morning, Pluto opposes Venus, which may start the day on a dramatic note: perhaps the Sun bursts through your window, and you get out the wrong side of bed.  Struggles may apply mostly in terms of relationships, and possibly in relation to money and the Arts.  This again can symbolize brinkmanship in relationships, such as between the U.S. and China.  In negotiations, people may be using negative tactics such as project fear, or threats of no deal. If your struggles are in the realms of art or music, you may have to go back to the drawing board on a creative project, or fundamentally change the values behind what you are creating, taking them to a higher level or a deeper level psychologically.

At lunchtime on Thursday (11th) Uranus squares the Sun, which may throw an additional spanner in the works.  For some, it may be exciting.  Don’t rest on your laurels, provide for loopholes, and don’t take unnecessary risks.

Venus enters Leo at tea-time on the same day, which is a sunnier vibe.   You can afford to be bold in seeking entertainment today, e.g. in a summer break.  Alternatively express some rich creativity, dine out, or polish up your performance skills…just a few suggestions!

When we get to mid-evening, Mars sextiles Neptune, the pleasure intensifies. This can be a soothing influence on Mars types (Ariens), or enlivening on Neptune types (Pisceans).  For the rest of us, it is conducive to refined and spiritual actions, meditations and exercises.  Yoga and Tai Chi are recommended under this influence.

In the early hours of Friday (12th), we have a Full Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius.  The tension may be felt to be rising on Thursday evening, and it may be difficult to settle to sleep until after 1.36 a.m. on Friday morning.  We might be torn by looking at an issue emotionally, then from a detached perspective, then back and forth.  This may produce heightened tension, or a stand off  between the individual and a group.  But resolutions can be found, and you will probably release it and sleep it off.  Friday itself may have an “after the rain” feeling, though rain itself is a precious commodity at the moment.  Remember to be responsible in your use of water!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – beauty and inspiration; then stuckness
  • Tomorrow – healing
  • Tuesday – heavy relationships
  • Thursday – the unexpected; sunniness; sensual enjoyment
  • Friday – emotional high tide, evaporating early

Aspects for the week beginning 31 July 2022

James Lovelock (1919 – 2022)

“Even the best democracies agree that when a major war approaches, democracy must be put on hold for the time being. I have a feeling that climate change may be an issue as severe as a war. It may be necessary to put democracy on hold for a while.”

~ James Lovelock

James Lovelock, creator of the concept of “Gaia”, died this week on his 103rd birthday.  His groundbreaking book “GAIA, a new look at life on Earth” of 1979 proposed a hypothesis which was responsible for a whole new way of thinking.  It posed a scientific question which flew in the face of Darwinism, put him at odds with some other scientists, and in its solution also conflicted with some environmentalists’ views of how it should be dealt with.  He saw the Earth as a living organism in which its components were interconnected.  He brought up the danger of CFCs, greenhouse gas emissions, a problem which we are still dealing with.  He held very individual views about climate change, and it is interesting that he has left the planet at this time, a few days after the extreme 40 degree celsius temperatures in his home country.  People are still questioning whether climate change is real (deniers), and in our Tory leadership contest, there is no attempt to put this planetary issue at the forefront of their policies.

Birth Chart

The work and thought of James Lovelock appealed both to scientists, and to New Agers.  The Green Movement also owes a lot to his pioneering ideas.  The genial, open face which consistently presents itself in his photographs is the epitome of the sunny sign of Leo.  That he was born and died on 26th July would be especially significant to the New Age ascension movement, a proponent of which, Celia Fenn, declares that date annually to be the start of the Galactic or Planetary New Year.  His theories are holistic (“My role has been to bring separated things and ideas together and make the whole more than the sum of its parts”), and he insisted on working independently as a scientist, both hallmarks of the sign of Leo, ruled by the all-embracing Sun.  He stated:

“Any artist or novelist would understand,  some of us do not produce their best when directed.”

His Sun was in conjunction with Jupiter, giving him an expansive outlook.  Some of his scientific research was in relation to life on Mars.  His North Node (karmic mission) was at 0 degrees Sagittarius, the sign ruled in esoteric Astrology by the Earth.  His Mercury was exactly conjunct Saturn in Leo (capable of very precise thought and accuracy) and opposite Uranus  (not afraid to be controversial, thinking outside the box).  Venus in Virgo gave him a leaning towards Environmentalism.  Mars conjunct Pluto in Cancer bestowed upon him a powerhouse of energy.  Academically, he gained a PhD in Medicine, depicted in his chart by Chiron (the Inner Healer) in his 6th House of Health.  He had Uranus trine Pluto, depicting enormous strength, which may be one of the secrets of his longevity, but also gave him the ability to bring about constructive change.  Uranus in fact takes a pivotal role in his chart: it is exactly square his Nodal Axis, prompting him to smash prevailing world views, and marking him out as an inventor.  Neptune conjunct the Midheaven portrays him as a spiritual leader of sorts.  Last but not least, he has a full 9th House of publishing, containing Pluto, Mars, Moon, Jupiter/Sun.  He is known especially for the book which changed world thought: GAIA – A New Look at Life on Earth 1979 Oxford University Press.  The term GAIA was suggested by neighbour and friend William Golding, citing the Greek goddess brought forth the living world from Chaos.

Life and Career

James Lovelock was born in Letchworth Garden City, coming from a humble background, and could not initially afford to go to University on  leaving school.  A Quaker upbringing instilled in his mind that: “God is a still, small voice within rather than some mysterious old gentleman way out in the universe”.  After establishing himself as a scientist and inventor, he refused to take up any professional post in a university, so as to remain independent.  Instead, he used a home-grown laboratory in a barn on the Devon-Cornwall border for his continued explorations.  He was married twice and had four children.

The Science Bit

Lovelock’s scientific interests were wide and eclectic.  Early experimentation on mice (in connection with researching the possibility of life on Mars) had later applications for cryogenics, and he claimed to have accidentally stumbled upon the use of the microwave oven (though he did not claim to actually have invented it).  It was when designing scientific instruments for NASA, that he developed his GAIA hypothesis.  He invented the electron capture detector, which led to his pointing out the need to reduce CFCs, the proliferation of which was causing global warming due to the greenhouse effect, and their role in eroding the ozone layer.  To this end he proposed a method of climate engineering.  By 2001 the scientific community formally acknowledged the concept that the planet “behaves as a single self-regulating system comprised of physical, chemical, biological and human components”

But he was at odds with certain members of the scientific community, for example evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkings over Darwinism.  The Darwinian view was that life was shaped by the environment, but Lovelock felt that it was just as true that life shapes the environment.   Although his work had nurtured the Green Movement, he did not agree with their policy over carbon footprints, and felt that nuclear power was the only way forward.   He wrote in 2006:

“I find it sad, but all too human, that there are vast bureaucracies concerned about nuclear waste, huge organisations devoted to decommissioning power stations, but nothing comparable to deal with that truly malign waste, carbon dioxide.”

At odds with the Greens, he also surprisingly approved of fracking and disliked wind turbines.


His death, though coming after a fall, was graced astrologically by Jupiter trine his natal Neptune, a sign of being at peace after a life well lived.

In his various publications, he portrayed an apocalyptic future where much of the Earth would turn to desert, and then would from time to time row back on his own assertations, only to re-state his warnings.  Nowadays, scientists agree that we have virtually passed the tipping point of terrestrial climate resiliance, and that our targets are a damage-limitation exercise.  Even so, and despite warnings and efforts from David Attenborough, Greta Thunberg, Caroline Lucas and Chris Packham, our governments are still failing to tackle this all-pervading issue, or to meet their own proclaimed targets.

According to his Obituary in the Guardian, he had wondered how Earth might appear from the perspective of an extraterrestrial intelligence.  I like to think he was actually mentally attuned to guardians of the Earth from out in the Cosmos.  And hope that, from wherever he is now, he will still have a care and an influence on humanity and the planet.

“One thing that being a scientist has taught me is that you can never be certain about anything. You never know the truth. You can only approach it and hope to get a bit nearer to it each time. You iterate towards the truth. You don’t know it.”

~  James Lovelock


This week could be an important turning point, both on a personal level, and in society and global affairs.  For today,  the True North Node conjoins with Uranus.  You may have had inklings of such changes in the last few days.  This karmic conjunction can bring sudden and surprise events, and is good for innovation and innovators.  I think the passing of innovator James Lovelock is an indicator of the passing of one karmic (Nodal) cycle and the beginning of another.  Perhaps it heralds a new thinker, scientist or environmentalist coming to the fore – another Futurist.  As mentioned last week, it could be eventful for those engaged in Uranian professions, such as Electricians, Engineers and Astrologers.  On the world stage, there may be some startling changes.  Aquarians and Taureans may be most affected, as well as anyone who has a planet or angle at 18 degrees in their chart.  World finance could also be affected, as the conjunction takes place in Taurus.  Financial Astrologer Raymond Merriman observes: “… with the rare conjunction of Mars, Uranus, and the Moon’s North Node in the money sign of Taurus… This is a consistent signature for a sharp (but possibly short) drop in equity markets.”  Take note, financiers.  There may be events now for which the consequences may not be immediately clear or realized.

Saturn opposed Mercury early this morning, possibly while you were still having a Sunday lie-in.  Saturn promises more frustrating and delay in communication and travel, some being repercussions from yesterday’s rail strike.  You will be urged to think before you speak, or even to remain tight-lipped in order not to deepen an existing crisis.  Documentation may be delayed, e.g. passports and driving licences – well, even more delayed!  You may have to tell someone “It’s in the post!”.

In the late evening, in contrast we have one of the brightest aspects of the year, in the trine between the Sun and Jupiter.  If you have been feeling stressed, you may experience a welcome distraction.  It’s a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow.  So whatever lights your candle today, grasp the opportunity in the evening.  Good cheer, laughter, and adventure may characterize the later hours.  For those watching the Women’s football final, fortune may favour either side, but the astrology can promise a good match (though my remote control will be heading elsewhere!)

Tomorrow (Monday, 1st August) Mars may trigger events and specifically the Uranus/North Node conjunction at 18 degrees Taurus, forming a triple conjunction.  In the U.K., this is the day that Tory Party members receive their ballot papers: choose wisely!  The consequences could be indeed far-reaching.  At this time, Liz Truss seems to be a foregone conclusion to take over the role of Prime Minister.  Mars conjunct Uranus is an explosive and volatile mixture, and Liz is not known for her tact in her current role of Foreign Secretary.  I will say no more!  Similarly, in personal lives, try to take the heat out of events, and choose the more peaceful option, I would say.

This combination brings out the dignity of our own Inner Warrior, and the practice of asserting this in the most constructive way we can understand at this time.  It depends where you are with your own Inner Warrior…you may be in denial that you have one at all, you may be working on being a peaceful warrior or a warrior on behalf of women’s rights.  With Mars conjunct the North Node, we see the karmic results of our actions straight away, giving us the wisdom of knowing, instant-karma style, whether or not we are doing things the right way and learning the right lessons, including the way to conduct our Inner Warrior.

In the last hour of the day, specifically the Mars/Uranus element of the triple conjunction kicks in.  It is important to check health and safety practicalities, particularly before you retire, in the U.K timing.  Mars conjunct Uranus is very focussed action, sometimes conducted at lightning speed.  It favours engineering, mechanics and science, and could be explosive if the energy is not harnessed with some sense of control.  The energies could be very galvanizing. If you are engaged in a creative venture, your mind could be over-active on retiring at night, with original ideas.

While Mars dominates at the beginning of the week, Tuesday and Wednesday could have a more soothing vibe, being dominated by Venusian aspects (Venus sextile the triple conjunction).  This can take the edge off some of the harshness of Mars/Uranus.  The first, on Tuesday (2nd), is Venus sextile the North Node, which is ideal for smoothing over karmic issues, resolving relationship karma and easing connections. It is more about forgiveness and laying aside grievances than exacting karmic balance.  The law of karma works automatically – you don’t need to engineer it.  Your own knowledge may not be complete enough to judge.

At lunchtime, Venus goes on to sextile Uranus – There may be a social sparkle somewhere in your life, even if only on social media.  It’s a good day, for the most part, for socializing and meeting new people.  Meetings are significant with the combination of Venus and Uranus, and sometimes they can be strange.

The third Venusian aspect in the row occurs in the early hours of Wednesday (3rd), a sextile between Venus and Mars.  This is an altogether more relaxing prospect.  Time for some pleasure and enjoyment.  A better night’s sleep may be on the cards, with romantic dreams possible!

By the morning of Thursday (4th), we are in a more mental and practical mode, with Mercury entering Virgo.  This signals a more studious change in focus and presaging the next academic term.  We will be thinking ahead, planning for September schedules.  Students and teachers will be trying to plan for the term ahead.  Parents will be stocking up on essentials such as school uniforms and various kits.  Businesses will be hoping for an extra push in efficiency for after the holiday period.  Retail will be preparing for the run up to Christmas. Some services will be planning strike action.  Parliamentarians will be setting out their policies on strike action.  Mental application will be needed all round.

The rest of the week is free of major aspects, so I will leave you again with a Fixed Star for the end of the week (Saturday 6th).  The alignment of our Sun would be to Dubhe, the Alpha star of Ursa Major.  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld puts forward the following information:

“A particularly good application here is the pouring of such an energy into a clear quartz crystal to allow this energy to strengthen further and vibrate on its own.  The combination of free will and love can be better communicated to others.  These stars can also create certain deeper states of forgiveness of the elderly in your life, be it your parents, grandparents, or ancestors.”  This star is associated with the colour and substance of Gold.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – game changing; communication delay; a touch of luck
  • Tomorrow – explosiveness; karmic warriorship; engineering
  • Tuesday – smoothing over karma; social sparkle
  • Wednesday – sensuality
  • Thursday – knuckling down mentally and practically
  • Saturday – combination of free will and love; forgiveness; going for Gold