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Aspects for the week beginning 23 October 2016

Strictly Come Dancing – Part 3

Here are the next four contenders in this competition.  I hope to get round them all in due course!

Danny Mac

Ex-Hollyoaks actor Danny Mac has been my favourite since week 1 (and not because he looks like a suave young Pierce Brosnan).  From his week 1 cha cha to his week 4 quickstep (very Fred Astaire) he has seemed at home with all genres of dance.  He is a Piscean, the sign of dance, with his Mercury exactly trine Neptune, the planet of dance.  He is a natural.  He has complex energies: his Mars is caught up in a satellitium of Uranus/Saturn/Mars/Neptune in the first decanate of Capricorn, so he is very determined.  I could easily see him in the final, though his astrological transits are not outstanding for the time.  Jupiter will be opposing his Venus, Uranus will be on his Venus (not a straightforward victory) but Neptune will be sextile his Neptune, so he will be true to the spirit of dance and his own spiritual aspirations.  He is partnered with newcomer Oti Mabuse, who so far has done a brilliant job of bringing out excellence.  She is very grounded (5 Earth planets) and instinctual (0 Air planets).  She’s a Sun in Leo performer, with a very driven Sun/Mars/Pluto T-square.  She has Mercury exactly trine Neptune (dance inspiration) which forms a Grand Trine with Mars.  In their compatibility, her Venus trines his North Node, which is a good karmic link.  At the final, she will have Pluto trine her Mars, in fighting spirit mode.  I think they will make the final, but may just be pipped to the post by Ore or Louise.

Ore Odube

Judge Craig Revel Horwood has said TV Presenter Ore is the one to beat. I would add do not underestimate a Scorpio – they go for it hell for leather!  He has Venus/Pluto, Mercury and Sun in Scorpio, and with 5 Fixed planets is very determined.  Mercury trine Jupiter in his chart gives him a wide capacity for learning, and Venus sextile Neptune combines a flair for dance harmoniously with musicality.  He also has an electrical energy (Mars sextile Uranus) and great personal power (Jupiter trine Pluto).  In addition, he has the North Node exactly sextile Chiron, so he also has healing qualities.  So he has a lot going for him in life, in whatever he undertakes.  The week before last he gained three 10s from the judges!  Currently, Pluto (his ruling planet) is exactly sextile his Mercury, enabling him to focus in the most profound way.  At the end of the competition the North Node sextiles his Venus (a karmic uplift).  And although he will have a few squares in his transits, Uranus will be exactly trine his Uranus, so he could pull off the final surprise!  He is partnered with  Joanne Clifton who has been taking part in Strictly Come Dancing since 2014.  Joanne has a quadruple conjunction of Pluto/Mercury/Sun/Saturn across the cusp of Libra and Scorpio, which is very intense, with a great deal of mental focus when it comes to musicality.  Like Ore, she has Sun in Scorpio.  There is a strong sensuality about her chart, with Venus exactly conjunct Mars closely square her Nodal Axis.  Relationships are a strong karmic focus of this lifetime.  She has a very go-ahead streak too, with Jupiter conjunct Uranus in Sagittarius.  Bruno said yesterday that their chemistry and connection were outstanding, and in their astrological compatibility they are both born under the steamy sign of Scorpio!  There are also good mental and physical connections (his Mercury sextile her Venus/Mars), though her Saturn is conjunct his Venus which keeps control in the relationship.  Her transits are fairly quiet at the moment, but at the final Pluto trines her Mars (a supreme effort), and the North Node sextiles her Saturn (karmic honour). She also has surprise in her toolkit at the end, with the Nodal Axis squaring her Uranus.

Daisy Lowe

Statuesque model Daisy Lowe is born under the long-limbed sign of Aquarius, and is so far holding her own in the contest.  Although she is an Air sign, she has 6 planets in Earth signs, so is quite grounded.  With the Sun trine the Moon in her chart, she knows her own mind.  She has great energy (Sun and Mercury square Mars), and like Ore has Mercury trine Jupiter (a wide capacity for learning).  She is capable of controlled action (Mars trine Saturn), and also has electrical energy (Mars trine Uranus) and subtlety in dance (Mars trine Neptune).  She has Pluto trine her natal Pluto at the moment, so the force is with her.  At the close of the competition Uranus squares her Venus, so she may make a sudden exit before the final.  Daisy is paired with Aljaz Skorjanec.  I have written in the past: “Aljaz Skorjanec is an out and out Capricorn with several planets in that sign, but normally fairly lucky with Sun exactly trine Jupiter.”  Their synastry (interaspects between their charts) is particularly intense, with her Pluto sextile his Mars, her Chiron on his Jupiter, her Venus on his Saturn and her Saturn on his Uranus.  At the moment Aljaz has Pluto on his Mars, so he may be sailing close to the wind in some area of his life.  Jupiter is also square his Uranus, and Uranus square his Saturn, so in some way he may be taking risks (perhaps nothing to do with the dance competition).  At the end of the competition Chiron sextiles his Saturn, so he may be engaged with healing an aspect of his life, but Uranus will still be square his Saturn.  Therefore, it looks likely that they will be knocked out before the end of the competition.

Greg Rutherford

Greg Rutherford is another out and out Scorpio (witness the red hair), with Venus/Pluto, Mercury and the Sun in Scorpio.  Well, unbelievably, he is an astrological twin of Ore Odube, born exactly the same day of the same year. It’s fascinating that fate has placed them in the same batch of contestants at this time.   Greg is a sportsman, and Ore is a sports commentator.  Most of what I have said about Ore will apply to Greg, so I don’t need to re-hash the information.

On second thoughts, I will re-hash:

Mercury trine Jupiter in his chart gives him a wide capacity for learning, and Venus sextile Neptune combines a flair for dance harmoniously with musicality.  He also has an electrical energy (Mars sextile Uranus) and great personal power (Jupiter trine Pluto).  In addition, he has the North Node exactly sextile Chiron, so he also has healing qualities.

What is different, as well as the birthtime and Ascendant which are unknown, is the partnership and synastry, which will present a slightly different picture.  There is no doubt that in the last two weeks Ore has pulled right ahead in the competition, and Greg may possibly leave the competition soon, if not tonight.  He and Ore have just come through their first Saturn Return, a point of maturity. Greg is partnered with Natalie Lowe, of whom I wrote last year: “Natalie Lowe… has Sun, North Node and Mercury in Leo which makes her a natural performer.  She has Moon, Mars and Pluto in Libra, which makes her very intense in relationship.”

Their chemistry is harmonious, with trined Venuses, his Pluto trine her Venus, his Uranus sextile her Mars, and his Chiron trine her Pluto.  There is a karmic tie, in his South Node conjunct her Pluto, which is an intense learning.  He will have learned a lot from the last few weeks, at a deep level, about himself.  Currently, he has the same transits as Ore, to rehash:

“Pluto (his ruling planet) is exactly sextile his Mercury, enabling him to focus in the most profound way.  At the end of the competition the North Node sextiles his Venus (a karmic uplift).”  He will also have Uranus trine natal Uranus, but at the moment it does not look like he will be up there with the front runners.

So what difference will the transits to Natalie’s chart make?  She currently looks strong, with Pluto trine her Jupiter, and Chiron trine her Uranus.  She certainly danced well yesterday!  At the close of the competition she will have Chiron trine her Uranus (helpful), Saturn on her Neptune (a dampener), and Jupiter on her Pluto (powerful), as well as Uranus trine her Neptune and Saturn sextile Pluto.  She will be mega-busy, but not likely to be engaged in the final of the competition, other than in the group dances.

More Soon…


At 13.33 Hrs today there is a minor aspect (a quincunx) between two major planets (Jupiter and Neptune).  Some uncomfortable truth may be presented to you to try to incorporate into your philosophy of life, which requires a slight expansion of consciousness to accommodate.

Tomorrow (Monday 24th) in the evening Mercury enters Scorpio, leaving the measured debate of Libra to plunge into a more intense mental focus, researching mysteries and enabling you to see into the heart of things.

Wednesday (26th) puts the limelight on Venus (so the attention will be very much on Taureans and Librans).  First, in the very early hours (possibly affecting the previous evening, and certainly that will apply in the U.S.) Venus squares Neptune, bringing to light illusions around relationships.  What is concealed will be revealed this week, generally.  There is then the choice of how to deal with this revelation, whether to forgive and forget, or to change the thoughts and beliefs around the matter, or to transcend the current level of the relationship.  Any other possibilities on a postcard, please.

In the afternoon, with Venus sextile Jupiter, there may be an opportunity to right things, perhaps along the lines suggested.  Magnanimity, generosity of spirit, and pure love may heal the situation.  Venus sextile Jupiter is one of the best aspects all the year round, so good will and expansion of the heart are likely to be in evidence.

Thursday (27th) in the afternoon brings an opportunity to focus the mind, with the Sun conjunct Mercury at 4 degrees Scorpio.  Mysteries and investigations are capable of further elucidation (that does seem to be the theme for the week).  Two further aspects fine-tune the information and experience to be had that day.

First, Venus squares the Nodal Axis, and that again puts relationships in the spotlight, but in a karmic sense.  You may acquire specific information about a past relationship, which aids your karmic understanding.  This may involved a group situation, or even a love triangle.

Then Mars sextiles Chiron, and there is an opportunity for healing with energy, whatever that should mean to you.  For some it may mean going down the gym, for others it may be one of the new age alternative practices in energy medicine.

Saturday (29th) may be tricky, in that energy may come adrift again with a square between Mars and Uranus.   Some people could prove cantankerous, others very edgy and unpredictable.  If you can keep the energy harmony of Thursday, then you are contributing to the general pool of harmony, which may help to bring the loose cannons under control.  Ultimately, of course, we can only be responsible for our own energy, but if the hundredth monkey syndrome is as real as they say, our contribution makes a difference.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – religious and spiritual recalibration
  • Tomorrow – intense mental focus
  • Wednesday – illusions tackled and good will to all women and men
  • Thursday – also intense mental focus, plus relationship karma, and healing energy
  • Saturday – electrical disturbance


Aspects for the week beginning 16 October 2016

Bob Dylan

“Flashing for the warriors whose strength is not to fight
Flashing for the refugees on the unarmed road of flight
An’ for each an’ ev’ry underdog soldier in the night
An’ we gazed upon the chimes of freedom flashing”

~ Bob Dylan

What took them so long to award Bob Dylan the Nobel prize for literature?  It happened finally, this week on Thursday 13th October.  The expanse of his work is so large, that I will have to look at it with a personal eye in order to confine it into the nutshell of a Sunday morning blog.  His songs are poetic, and in turn political, philosophical and romantic.

In the dime stores and bus stations
People talk of situations
Read books, repeat quotations
Draw conclusions on the wall

Both myself and hubby Mike were teenagers in the 1960s when Dylan began as a recording artist, and we both went through the same process: we liked his songs, then loved some of the cover versions by Joan Baez, Judy Collins and The Byrds which unlocked the beautiful melodies, then came back to appreciate his own raw voice.

Birth Chart

For many years I avoided working with Bob Dylan’s chart, as I once knew an Astrologer who vehemently used to query his date of birth.  He is generally accepted now as being born on 24th May 1941 at 9.05 pm in Duluth, Minnesota.

The majority of his planets are clustered around Taurus (song) and Gemini (writing) and so his work is revealed, a natural expression of the art of songwriting.  And five (half) his planets are in his 6th House of work, describing the prolific nature of his output.

He has Mars in 3rd House (Protesting communication) square his Sun, expressing his anger and activism.

North Node conjunct Neptune (spiritual leadership) in Virgo in 10th House of Reputation is an interesting feature of his chart.  In the late 1970s he was heard to say, after his conversion to Christianity:

“Years ago they … said I was a prophet. I used to say, “No I’m not a prophet” they say “Yes you are, you’re a prophet.” I said, “No it’s not me.” They used to say “You sure are a prophet.” They used to convince me I was a prophet. Now I come out and say Jesus Christ is the answer. They say, “Bob Dylan’s no prophet.” They just can’t handle it.

There’s no doubt he has always had a huge following, but he handles the potential illusion of the Neptune/North Node with realism and self-effacement.  He has 0 planets in Cardinal signs, his Mars is in Pisces, and he has no desire to lead anyone.  He is a commentator, a communicator (Sun in Gemini, Mercury in Gemini in the 7th House of Relationship close to the cusp).

He has Venus in Gemini, a mark of the Troubadour:

Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
I’m not sleepy and there ain’t no place I’m going to
Hey, Mr. Tambourine Man, play a song for me
In the jingle jangle morning I’ll come following you

(although, apparently, he meant something completely different).

His Midheaven (Careerpoint) is in the musical sign of Libra.  There is also a romantic theme in many of his songs:

My love, she speaks like silence
Without ideals or violence
She doesn’t have to say she’s faithful
Yet she’s true like ice, like fire

and the lovely

There’s beauty in the silver, singin’ river
There’s beauty in the sunrise in the sky
But none of these and nothing else can touch the beauty
That I remember in my true love’s eyes


Blowin’ in the Wind” was the first sound of his voice that registered.  This was on his 2nd album “The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (1963).

Someone interviewed this week observed that while the Beatles were writing “I Wanna Hold Your Hand”, Bob Dylan was writing “A Hard Rain’s Gonna Fall” (on the Freewheelin’ album):

“Oh, where have you been, my blue-eyed son?
And where have you been my darling young one?
I’ve stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains…
And it’s a hard, it’s a hard, it’s a hard, and it’s a hard
It’s a hard rain’s a-gonna fall.”

“The Times they are A Changin’ ” (1964) also alerted us to his wider vision.  But I remember so vividly when his unique combination of phraseology and distinctive emotion hit me, as I walked into a coffee bar as a teenager after school one day in 1965.  But I will forever debate what the song was.  It was either “It ain’t me Babe”, “Just like a Woman” or “She belongs to Me”.  I have the date (10th May) and the name of the coffee bar (Sally’s, in St. Albans) in my diary, but the song remains elusive.

In our 6th Form Common Room, there was always a Bob Dylan album blaring, mainly I think “Highway 61 Revisited”.  I was part of the “heater set”, permanently draped round the radiator, while others were out serving as Prefects.

Hubby particularly likes the covers of his songs by The Byrds, and different generations will have their favourite covers:  Adele first came to my notice, when she sang “To make you feel my love” on her first album 19.

Joan Baez

It is probably Joan Baez, more than anybody, who has brought his songs to life, and revealed the melody and emotion underneath the lyrics to such an intuitive degree.  They were equally passionate about the causes they took up, and looking at their charts, they are a true brother and sister (her Moon conjuncts his Sun exactly).  They lend power to each other, with her Mars exactly trine his Pluto, and they have karmic ties (her Neptune exactly conjunct his North Node, her Descendant exactly conjunct his North Node).

She says: “The Nobel Prize for Literature is yet another step towards immortality for Bob Dylan. The rebellious, reclusive, unpredictable artist/composer is exactly where the Nobel Prize for Literature needs to be. His gift with words is unsurpassable. Out of my repertoire spanning 60 years, no songs have been more moving and worthy in their depth, darkness, fury, mystery, beauty, and humour than Bob’s. None has been more of a pleasure to sing. None will come again.”


His award comes as Jupiter establishes itself in his 10th House of Career and Reputation.  But also, Uranus sextiles his natal Mercury (Ruling Planet) in Gemini in his 7th House.

Some of the lines in “The Times they are A-Changin'” read like today’s papers on politics and climate change, and are as relevant today as when he wrote them in the 1960s.



This week’s aspects are challenging, so I will try and show any possible upside if I can.  If you are reading this today (Sunday 16th) you may already have dealt with two of them, so that is a plus.

It could be that while you slept (in the U.K.), you processed the Pluto square to Mercury and the Full Moon in Aries conjunct Uranus, so all well and good.  Others of us were having the customary night of insomnia which often accompanies a Full Moon.  Pluto square to Mercury will have meant you had much on your mind, and the Full Moon will have brought a full flood of emotion.

Tuesday (18th) to be fair does not constitute a challenge, so could represent a bright spot in the week.  For Venus enters Sagittarius that day, after a period of intensity in Scorpio.  Feelings become more expansive, and sociability comes more easily.  Philanthropy and benefaction may come through, e.g. we may see the declaration of more generosity from the wealthier at the top trickling down.  They need not all rush at once, because they have until 12th November when Venus moves into Capricorn to make their donation.

On Wednesday (19th) Mars conjuncts Pluto at 15 degrees Capricorn, and that of course means conflict. There may be skirmishes between Russia and the U.S. over Syria for instance.  In your own life, try to keep any loose cannons in your life under restraint, harmlessly redeployed, or distracted.  On the world stage, Donald Trump or Boris Johnson may say something offensive towards another nation.  Hopefully the peacemakers, the diplomats,  the negotiators, mediators, healers and lightworkers can step up their efforts.  They may be inspired to raise their game.

On Thursday (20th) Uranus opposes Mercury, which can bring a war of words, perhaps slightly less physical than the fisticuffs of Wednesday.  It may still be very tense, and make uncomfortable listening, privately or on the world stage.  You yourself may feel like a spot of unvarnished truth telling.  If so, I recommend listening to the whole speech on You Tube of Michelle Obama, talking about Donald Trump’s treatment of women.  It is the definitive speech on the treatment of women, a positive manifesto.  And her delivery is superb and polished.  If you need to make a speech that day, you could do no better than to study it.

Finally, on Saturday (22nd), and very late in the day, the Sun moves into the sign of Scorpio, from Libra.  Again, a change of sign is no bad thing.  But last ditch attempts at diplomacy are best attempted during the day itself, for when the Sun is in Scorpio the bargaining does get tougher.  You start to realize the consequences of your actions more clearly, and more intransigent lines are drawn in the transaction.  On the plus side, there is more sincerity and often more integrity on the table, whatever your enterprise.

To finish, a line of hope from Bob:

“I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – simmering down from high emotion and intense ideas
  • Tuesday – feelings expand
  • Wednesday – conflict
  • Thursday – controversy
  • Saturday – a state of flux

Aspects for the week beginning 9 October 2016

A Compatibility Guide for Librans

Are you a Libran, or do you have a friend, relative or partner born under that sign? Librans can generally harmonize well with other signs, and are the romantics of the zodiac.

Libra Sun with Aries Sun

These two signs pull in opposite directions, but can balance each other.  Libra can bring peace to Aries, and Aries can bring energy and movement to the equation.  The colour for Aries is red, and the colour for Libra is blue, so the combination in purple or violet can bring the two together in unity.

Famous Example: Ola Jordan and James Jordan, dance partners and married 13 years

Libra Sun with Taurus Sun

Both these signs are ruled by Venus, so they both enjoy the Arts, including music, and harmony.  When collaborating on an artistic or musical venture, they each contribute to their strengths: Taurus contributes form, such as in pottery and sculpture, and Libra contributes composition and design.  Therefore they can start an art gallery together, or a singing choir.

Libra Sun with Gemini Sun ****

One of the best combinations, with good communication (both Air signs) but Gemini able to make the Libran think, and Libra driving the conversation along cultural lines of interest.  These two signs are very comfortable with each other.  If they both have Venus in Leo, they’ll enjoy trips to the theatre, or performance arts.

Famous Example: Jeremy Corbyn and Diane Abbott (good working colleagues!)

Libra Sun with Cancerian Sun

This is not such an easy pairing, the two signs being squared.  However, if they are both interested in home-making, they can pull together, with Libra having a say in interior design, furnishing and fabric.  Another possible area of bonding is music: Cancerians are skilled in musical rhythm, such as the drum section of a band, and Libran talents include singing and playing other musical instruments.  There is also a basic gentleness about both signs, which could prove a harmonious backdrop to a life together.

Libra Sun with Leo Sun

This is a lovely partnership, which can be great fun in art, music and general creativity.  They can really inspire each other, and Libran people skills result in a fine handling of Leo’s power issues.  For example, Librans can tactfully smooth things over and harmonize situations, and help appropriate boundaries to be drawn.  These two can share a love of luxury.  There’s a quote from romantic Libran Brian Blessed about his relationship with Leo wife Hildegard Neil (married since 1978):

“Every day I wake up with my wife and we both can’t wait for the day to start.  We hold hands and we’re immensely happy. The love just grows”

Libra Sun with Virgo Sun

Neighbouring signs often share planetary proximities, so a Virgo may have Libran planets giving rise to artistic or musical understanding, and a Libran may have Virgo planets encouraging conscientiousness in working ideals.  The Virgo highly sensitive nervous system will be soothed by the Libran’s harmony, and the Libran will be spurred on to greater achievement in their musical or artistic aspirations.  However, Virgos can sometimes think of Librans as lazy.

Famous Example: Lenny Henry and Dawn French, who were married for 25 years

Libra Sun with Libra Sun

This can be a dream team: fostering peace, love and harmony between them.  If one of them has a very strong counterbalancing sign, say as their Moonsign or Ascendant, then they may get bored, or try to sway the other.  But they are both trying to achieve balance, and can help each other do so.  Meditating together for instance, can produce a centre of tranquillity.

Famous Example: Catherine Zeta-Jones and Michael Douglas have been married for 16 years, and share a birthday on 25th September

Libra Sun with Scorpio Sun

This partnership may not be so easy, as the preferred Libran boat of harmony, tranquillity and attempted balance may be frequently rocked by the more intense and deep and meaningful existence of the Scorpio.  However, this duo may be a chosen path in itself, in order to bring some peace to the Scorpio and some extra challenge to the Libran.  That in itself may bring meaning to their union.

Libra Sun with Sagittarius Sun

This partnership could be a lot of fun, and encourage self-expression in positive ways.  Libra may focus on interests in the Arts, and Sagittarius may be inclined towards globe-trotting, but their communication will be excellent and they can share each other’s interests fairly happily.  One area of interest which they do both share is Law: they might both enjoy watching television programmes or films of this nature, e.g. Judge Rinder!  Sagittarius can enthusiastically endorse Libra’s love of fairness and justice in society, and Libra may enjoy intellectual banter and a sense of freedom with Sagittarius.  Outdoor pursuits too may unite them.

Famous Example: Davina McCall and Matthew Robertson have been married 16 years

Libra Sun with Capricorn Sun

This combination may not be quite so easy, as they are both Cardinal signs (wanting to lead), and this may be difficult for Libra who wants to please, in the face of Capricorn who may want to stamp his or her authority on their plans.  They can be united in working for the same ends, e.g. a large scale project, in which they have their designated areas of expertise. For example, in a small firm where Libra handles the Human Resources, and Capricorn is in charge of general administration.  In family life, they may similarly have to divide their chores.  Capricorn can help shape Libran aspirations, and Librans can help keep Capricorns buoyant.

Libra Sun with Aquarius Sun****

This is one of those ideal matches, both Air signs, understanding each other through mental communication of the lower mind (rational exchange of ideas) and the higher mind (through telepathy).  These two can be truly in tune with each other.  If in a group of friends, a working group or team mates, the Aquarian may take charge of overall organization and Libra may connect with each member of the group through a one-to-one heart connection, thus both contributing their strengths.  This is a good partnership for setting up groups and workshops together.

Libra Sun with Pisces Sun

Though the angle between these two signs is not an easy one, both do well in compatibility generally.  Libran is people-pleasing and likes to promote harmony, and Pisces can easily blend emotionally and empathize with the other.  Both are idealistic, and Pisces is imaginative and dreamy, and will enjoy the vibe that Libra puts out.  These two can create a cocoon of love between them: others may enjoy this ambience, but some may find it too sugary with the absence of edge.  Some who are drawn to their company like a quiet life and will enjoy this, but some unconsciously seek drama, which they won’t find so much with these two.


A full compatibility analysis details every component of the two birthcharts in relation to each other, not just the Sun sign.  As there is a lot of work involved, it is my most expensive service, at £45.


The aspects begin on Tuesday (11th) this week, which is a good day for them.  First, Mercury conjuncts Jupiter at 6 degrees Libra, which will delight everyone.  The prospects are bright for sales and business, learning and education, communication, positive thinking, and travelling.  The conjunction’s placement in the sign of Libra enhances relationships, art and music, and promotes harmony and peace, too.  Diplomacy and negotiations are likely to have good outcomes.  There is something for everyone in this conjunction.

Next, Venus trines Chiron, which is excellent for the healing of relationship wounds.  The time may have come to identify the wound, find the consciousness that will heal it, and release it.  So, more good news, for more people.

In the late afternoon, Mars sextiles Neptune, which will enable the fine tuning and recalibration of energy.  Those who are particularly sensitive will find the correct physical movement or activity which does not upset their system.  After all the buoyancy of the morning, and the relationship healing of the middle of the day, there is a beautiful opportunity to create the perfect action, spiritual and physical poise.

Hold that pose (whether it is a balletic arabesque, or a yogic tricornasana)!  Maintain it meditatively for two days…  For on Thursday (13th), Mercury squares Mars and things could go a little out of kilter.  There can be mental irritability, minor accidents or incidents, or a disconnect between mind and body, mental and physical energies.  You may witness an argument, or at least a heated debate.

Friday (14th) brings another point of balance, and it will be easier to maintain your poise or pose.  Mercury sextiles Saturn, so there is scope for the practical application of the mind, mental discipline, drafting plans in detail, etc.  It is a good, solid working day.

On Saturday (15th) you could feel initially that you are getting somewhere, with Mars trine the North Node, supporting the masculine side of life, righteous indignation, and active projects which are karmic in nature.

Tension may then be starting to build, for there is an opposition between the Sun and Uranus (you could get caught out by loopholes in your plans, or the spanner in the works) later in the morning.  This opposition will still be operation throughout the weekend, caught up with the Full Moon to come on Sunday, and a square between Mercury and Pluto, so make cautious plans for the weekend, with contingencies of Plans B, C and D.  For example, you may have planned an outing, and one member of the group doesn’t feel up to the activities.  You may need to be flexible enough to change plans mid-stream.  Or you may need to store some emotional energy to deal with the sensitivities of others, especially if they are pushed further than their physical or emotional limits.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – A mighty fine day
  • Thursday – fractiousness
  • Friday – steady progress
  • Saturday – expect the unexpected

Aspects for the week beginning 2 October 2016

Shimon Peres

“Better to negotiate for peace in pain and frustration for five years than have five minutes of gunfire and bullets.”

Shimon Peres, the last of the founding fathers of Israel, died this week aged 93.  Like many advocates of peace, he started out as a “hawk” but undeniably worked for peace in the Middle East for most of his life.

Middle East Peace Process

There was a time, in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s, when various Middle Eastern leaders appeared on platforms together visibly working towards peace between the Arabs and Israelis.  In 1977 Anwar Sadat of Egypt visited Israel, met the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, and spoke at the Knesset.  In 1979 an accord was made between them at Camp David, overseen by U.S. President Jimmy Carter.  In the 1990s, the Oslo Accords brought together the PLO chairman Yasser Arafat, and Israeli ministers Shimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin, overseen by President Bill Clinton.  In 1994 Peres shared in the Nobel Peace prize for his efforts.  Two men were assassinated as a result of their bravery in taking part in this process, Anwar Sadat and Yitzhak Rabin.  Ironically, both were killed by their own countrymen objecting to their part in peace processes.  The current Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Nethanyahu, is an unreserved hawk who has dominated his country’s politics for many years.  He would argue with Shimon Peres that security must come first, then peace.  Shimon Peres argued back that peace must come first, to ensure security.

Birth Chart

Shimon Peres was a Leo, with four planets in that sign, and 5 planets in the Fixed signs, indicating leadership and a stubborn nature (he never gave up).  There are alternative dates of his birth, but Astrologers have settled on 16th August 1923, 5.15 a.m. Wiszince, Poland.  The warriorship and the peacemaking both figure in his chart.  Mars conjuncts his Sun (The Warrior) and his Moon is in Libra (The Peacemaker) sextile his Venus.  His Ascendant in Virgo was hardworking, and there was some shyness in his personality (with his Leo planets in the 12th House).  He was an orator, and polyglot, with Mercury sextile Jupiter, and in addition had a very cultured and poetic side (Venus conjunct Neptune) – some of his songs were performed by Andrea Bocelli.  He has strong chart links with the actress Lauren Bacall, who was his cousin.  He could be controversial in speech, with Mercury opposite Uranus, and was destined to be a catalyst of karmic change, with the North Node conjunct Mercury and the Ascendant.  He may have had some confusion between religion and spirituality, with Jupiter square Neptune.  But Jupiter trine exactly Pluto was very balanced for holding public office and political power – he often had to step in during times of crisis and transition in his country.


Shimon Peres suffered a stroke on 11th September.  At the time, the Nodal Axis had returned to its position at birth.  Karmically, it was his time to go.  He may not have achieved his dream of peace, but he had sustained his efforts to the end.

It was gratifying to see leaders from around the world honouring his life at his funeral, such as Barack Obama, Prince Charles and Mahmoud Abbas (the Palestinian president).  His most fitting eulogy would be for Benjamin Nethanyahu, who acknowledged his virtues and efforts, to emulate him, in what Barack Obama called the “unfinished business” of the peace process.

At the funeral, Abbas shook hands with Netanyahu and said, poignantly: “Long time, long time.”

Bill Clinton, a long term friend since the days of the Oslo Accord collaboration said: “He started life as Israel’s brightest student, became its best teacher and ended up its biggest dreamer”.


Mercury opposes Chiron today, so there may be some poignant news or developments in relation to health and healing.  You may be required to be a listening ear, and send out healing vibes at least, if you cannot make a practical contribution.  The message today may be an emphasis on the contribution that mental states make to physical well being.

Tuesday (4th) is likely to be a serious day, with Sun sextile Saturn, but it can be constructive, and practical.  It is a day for making plans and laying foundations.

Wednesday evening (5th) brings a couple of aspects within the space of 23 minutes: Venus sextile Pluto at 21.22 Hrs (in the U.K.) and Mars square Jupiter at 21.45 Hrs.  Venus sextile Pluto can be enormously helpful in stabilizing relationships and finances, and injecting meaning into the Arts.  The second aspect Mars square Jupiter may be a little disruptive, with a possible flare up of anger, but may be highly enthusiastic as well.  The two aspects could feed into each other in a complex mix of emotions and passions, which you may or may not need to untangle.  There may be enjoyment for some in the sport of the evening.

Friday (7th) brings more contrast: in the morning, Mercury enters Libra, the sign of Peace.  In the evening, the Sun squares Pluto, the planet of drama and challenge. You may have been working hard to set up the autumn schedules, with much mental application, while Mercury was in Virgo.  Now the mind can relax a little more, bringing in a more enjoyable element to the programme, perhaps finding applications for your autumn schedules which have a lighter note.

Pluto from Capricorn squaring the Sun in Libra may ruffle a few feathers at the start of the weekend.  Perhaps authorities have been stamping on one of your leisure pursuits, or withdrawing funding for your Arts project.  Your favourite weekend activities may be disrupted by a heavy handed attitude from someone, or a reminder of reality.  It may be difficult to reconcile duty and pleasure on Friday evening.

Saturday (8th) doesn’t look any easier, with Saturn squaring the Nodal Axis.  You may need to come together in a group to discuss how you go forward on a practical matter.  For example, you may be involved in a project which needs to implement economic cutbacks.  At the same time, you may be interested to find certain karmic links with those involved, which you had not noticed before.  Perhaps there are Soul Contracts behind meetings that day, and realizing that may bring a greater sense of purpose.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – mental soothing needed
  • Tuesday – constructive
  • Wednesday – passionate
  • Friday – peace and war
  • Saturday – karmic interactions

Aspects for the week beginning 25 September 2016

Strictly Come Dancing – Part 2

Time now to put the astrological microscope on the next 4 contestants in the new season of Strictly Come Dancing, now that all the contestants have competed for the first time.  The standard was incredibly high, for the first week of the contest.

Louise Redknapp

Louise, former singer with the girl band Eternal, is married to the footballer Jamie Redknapp.  In her chart she has 6 of her 10 planets in the Water element, so may be able to convey all that emotion through dance.  She has been a judge on So You Think You Can Dance so she must have some expertise in this medium.  Her Sun is conjunct exactly Venus – she definitely has musicality, being a singer by trade.  Her Sun is trine Jupiter – she is lucky, and may be saved by the public even in her weaker weeks.  She has Mars trine Jupiter, making her enthusiastic, and that’s another quality which may come across.  Her energy is electrical, with Mars conjunct Uranus. Louise currently has Mars sextile her natal Uranus, so she makes an electrifying start.  Saturn conjuncts her North Node, so she may find the commitment hard, or difficult to balance with her family life.  At the close of the competition Mars is still trine her Uranus, so she may be able to sustain the excitement and freshness throughout.  Jupiter will be square her Saturn, so she will feel she has done her utmost, effortwise.  Saturn will be trine her Chiron, which will feel as though she has conquered some weakness or fear.  Uranus will conjunct her Chiron, so there is a slight danger of injury along the way, but all in all I think her efforts will be sustained.

Louise is partnered with Kevin Clifton, whose wife Karen and sister Joanne are also involved with Strictly.   Previously I have noted his “great natural elegance with several planets in Libra”.  There is also great dexterity, with Mercury sextile Uranus”.   In their compatibility, her Saturn squares his Sun, so he may not find it easy teaching her. On current form, Kevin is buzzing, with Jupiter on his Mercury.  Pluto is sextile exactly his Jupiter, so he is also a powerhouse now!  At the finishing line, Jupiter is on his Sun, so could it be another win for Kevin?  He seems unstoppable!  Saturn will be sextile exactly his Sun, so he will also be controlled.  Could well be in the final.

Tameka Empson

As Kim Fox in Eastenders, Tameka never fails to put a smile on our faces.  In the storylines, she has been teaching dance to the locals of Albert Square, and hilarity is her middle name.  She is a bubbly Aries (was in an appropriate red costume), and has half her planets in the Fire signs!  Her birth chart shows Mercury opposite Uranus, which can be controversial in speech; Venus trine Neptune, which could be captivating on the dance floor; and Saturn square Uranus, which might bring eruptions from time to time.  The Sun and Chiron conjunct the South Node in Leo, may mean she could have been a healer in ancient Egypt!  During her first dance(s), she has Saturn trine her natal Venus, so she is likely to be slow and sure building up her skills.  Jupiter trines her Jupiter, so she’ll have some flamboyant touches up her sleeve, and start strongly in the competition.  Neptune is trine her Uranus as well, so she will be taking in new complexity.  At the close of the competition, Chiron will be conjunct her Mars, so again there is a possibility of injury.  Neptune stays trine her Uranus, so she will feel she has learned a lot!

She has been partnered with Gorka Marquez, a newcomer.  With the Sun exactly trine his Neptune, he is born to dance.  Mercury trine exactly Saturn gives him good concentration – he could be a hard taskmaster.  Mars sextile Jupiter, provides energy allied with enthusiasm, and will ensure he laughs along with Tameka.  Jupiter conjunct closely South Node in Leo indicates he could have known Tameka in ancient Egypt, as a priest.  How will they get on?  His Venus trines Tameka’s  Sun, so there will be a mutual admiration. Her Jupiter is conjunct his Mars, energizing him.  Their Jupiters are sextile, so they can bring each other luck.  Her Pluto squares his Neptune, so she could literally floor him at times! At first dances, Saturn will be square his natal Sun, so he will find it hard work.  The North Node will be conjunct his natal Sun, indicating it is an important time for him karmically, putting him on the map.  Jupiter will be sextile his Jupiter – he will be happy with early outcomes.  The North Node will be trine his natal Neptune, showcasing his dance in his time to shine.  Pluto will also be sextile his Pluto, an empowering time – he will feel masterful.  At the close of the contest, Jupiter squares his Saturn, so he will feel he has done as well as he can, but that does not look like a winning transit.

Judge Rinder

I think I speak for everybody when I say Judge Rinder’s dancing left me gobsmacked.  I have never sat down to watch his courtroom television programme, but judges do sit very stiffly.  So to see him come on the dance floor and throw away all abandon and inhibition was a total surprise!  The dance judges praised him for flamboyance, and good hip action.  In interviews, he has displayed a sharp wit.  He is the grandson of a Holocaust survivor, and gained a double first class honours degree from Manchester University.  Apparently, he gave up acting because he was not as good as Benedict Cumberbatch (who is a friend).  Sadly we do not currently have a birth date for him, but on the strength of his first performance I would say he will get at least to the middle of the contest, if not to Blackpool.

He is partnered with Oksana Platero, another newbie.  We do have her birth date, so hopefully can assess some of his chances through her birthchart.  She is a passionate Scorpio, with Sun sextile closely Neptune, another dancer born to the profession.  Her Sun conjuncts Pluto and  is exactly trine Chiron, so she feels deeply and has healing qualities.  She does have a Grand Cross in her chart, so probably has not had an easy life.  I imagine some deep conversations in the practice room as they get to know each other.  For their first dance, Jupiter was trine her Jupiter, another great start in the contest, with Mars conjunct her Uranus adding sizzle.  North Node is sextile her Pluto, showing this is an important time on her life’s path.  Plus she has a Nodal Reversal from its original position, so this will prove to be a turning point in her life.  By the end of the contest, the North Node sextiles her Sun (important karma), and Mars sextiles her Saturn (she has plenty of fighting spirit).  On that score, I think she and Judge Rinder will get past Blackpool, but not quite make the final.  If I obtain his birth time in the mean time I will keep you posted.


Anastacia is a survivor, having come through many illnesses, but says she feels very nervous about this contest.  She made a good start last night, however.  She has the challenge of Sun conjunct Pluto in Virgo, but also some of the luck of Jupiter conjunct her Sun, in a triple conjunction.  Her Sun also conjuncts Uranus, so she is capable of pulling surprises out of the bag.  Another aspect to her Sun is an exact sextile from Neptune, so dancing is one of her strengths.  In all, with so many strong aspects to her Sun she has a tremendous sense of her own individuality.  The feminine side of life is not straightforward, with three squares to her Moon.  But she also has Pluto and Neptune supporting her Moon, so again when it counts she can dig deep and find what she needs.  Jupiter conjunct Pluto lends more power to her elbow, and Uranus conjunct Pluto gives her an anarchic energy, which can be useful at times.  She showed a steamy side in last night’s dance, but could come into her own with the wilder dances.  At the beginning of the competition, Uranus conjuncts her natal Saturn and Chiron opposes her Pluto, so it is quite an effort for her.  At the close of the contest, Uranus opposes her Mercury, so she may be feeling the accumulated strain of the competition.  Looking at the midpoint of the competition (to try and find some supportive transits, as there is no doubt she has dancing talent), Mars trines her Sun (she finds her fighting spirit), Mars squares her Saturn (working really hard) and Mars sextiles her natal Neptune (she is really in her rhythm).

She is partnered with the incomparable Brendan Cole, one of my favourites.  I have written in the past: “His ‘bad boy’ image funnily enough comes from his conjunction of the Sun and Chiron, which wants to do things his way – in the past it got him into hot water with the judges.”  In their chemistry, her Pluto trines his Mercury, so she makes him think.  Their Venuses are in exact opposition, which could provide tension but could be complementary in the way they express their art.  Her Jupiter sextiles exactly his Mars, so they support each other’s energy well.  His Pluto sits on her South Node, so there may be heavy past-life karma between them.  At the start of the competition, Chiron is sextile his Mercury, so he is mentally stimulated.  Saturn will be on his Neptune in the middle of the contest, which suggests some dampening circumstance.  At the finish however, he has North Node trine his Jupiter, which could be personally gratifying (he has been mooted as possible successor to Len).  He won the first ever Strictly contest, but I don’t think he will win this year, taking his transits into account together with Anastacia’s.


Tomorrow (Monday 26th) is the stand-out day this week, with the stand-out conjunction of the Sun and Jupiter occurring in the morning.  This is one of the best aspects to occur during the course of the year, and depending on what House it occupies in your chart, it will bring corresponding benefits.  If you need further clarification, read my blog of 4th September about Jupiter in Libra.  It is a time to go for goals and go for gold.

“Always believe in your soul
You’ve got the power to know
You’re indestructible”

in the immortal words of Spandau Ballet, or more specifically Gary Kemp, who wrote this song as a spoof on James Bond themes.  It’s good enough for tomorrow.

More rewards come in the afternoon, with Pluto stationary prior to turning direct.  Psychological researches start to yield fruit.  You may feel that you are starting to make progress in a fundamental way, and that the tide is with you.

On Tuesday (27th) morning Mars enters Capricorn.  You may have gone as far as you could, pushing with a line of philosophy, e.g. goal-centred growth.  Now you will need to apply your philosophy, or modify it, in order to try to achieve something practical to show for your outlook on life.  You’ll need to be more organized in the use of your energies, and think about a structure for your life to put those energies into.

Just past midnight on Friday (30th), in the very early hour of Saturday (1st Oct), we have a New Moon at 8 degrees Libra, a chance to put into practice your newly applied philosophy and structures if you have been working on them this week.  If you have been working on other lines also, you can create a new beginning, especially if it concerns relationships or the Arts.  New harmony or peace may break out in some quarters, too.  This New Moon has a soothing quality.  It will be likely to occur in the same House in your birthchart as Monday’s Sun-Jupiter conjunction, so if you experienced benefits in your life on that day, the new beginning may pertain to the same area of your life.

Saturday has further delights in store: late afternoon brings a trine between Venus and Neptune, which is absolutely inspired for artistic and musical ventures.  Practising your dance moves could be an ecstatic experience, and Strictly Come Dancing will see some exceptional moves.  Saturday afternoon and evening should prove positively breathtaking for all, both participants and audiences, in the field of the arts.  There is also a subtle aura of romance in the air.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – luck and progress
  • Tuesday – forging on ahead with ambition
  • Saturday – new beginning and inspiration

Aspects for the week beginning 18 September 2016


(please note: there is a video on You Tube instructing you on the correct pronunciation)

The Poldark season is so important that during that time of year my friend Laura and I re-schedule our Sunday evening chats, which we don’t do for any other television programme.  Apparently the original series was so successful that some vicars re-scheduled their church services.

In the mid-1970s my family were glued to the original Poldark production, and we read all the books by Winston Graham which were arranged on my mother’s bookshelf.  He was her favourite author.

I loved that first production, starring Robin Ellis and Angharad Rees, and look back on it with fond romanticism.  Hubby, who always remembers differently, thinks this current series is the better one.  Tonight’s screening will be the third episode of the second series of the second production.

We always had some link to Cornwall.  At the time of the first series, my parents had a long history of enjoying Cornish holidays, and my best friend from University (Ann Secombe-Stephens) hailed from there.  Nowadays, our Cornish link is my brother-in-law and his family.

I will be looking at the Poldark theme from a few (or phew!) different angles, but those who are only interested in Aidan Turner can skip the rest.

Winston Graham

It seems fitting to look at the chart of the writer Winston Graham whose novels formed the basis of one of the most successful television programmes of all time.  We are blessed to have a birth time for him, too.  He was born, not in Cornwall, but in Manchester, and moved to Perranporth in Cornwall when he was 17.  Winston had 6 out of his 10 planets in the Water element, all in Cancer, with the addition of the North Node:  he was a master of the imaginative storytelling of human emotion.  8 of his 10 planets were in Cardinal signs, so he was very strong in leadership qualities, emphasized by his Sun being conjunct the North Node.  He had the Moon (his ruling planet) closely conjunct Mars, so his emotions were easily roused, he could write about the quickened pulse.  He had the classic Writer Archetype signature, of Mercury conjunct Venus (to one degree).  Mercury was exactly opposite Uranus in his chart, so he liked to surprise in his communication, which made for good twists and turns of the plots.  Mercury was also exactly conjunct Neptune, so there may have been an element of channelling in his mental processes, e.g. channelling the Spirit of Cornwall.  The Mercury/Venus conjunction was exactly sextile his Midheaven (Careerpoint) marking out his career as a writer, and Uranus was exactly trine his Midheaven bringing him sudden success from his original creativity (Uranus in 5th House).  There is an alternative birth time which gives 8 am instead of 8.30 am for his birth, and that delivers Chiron exactly on the Descendant, which would make his understanding of human relationships exceptionally poignant.

Aidan Turner

Aidan Turner has provided a mesmerizing portrayal of the lead character, Ross Poldark, with much made of his topless scything scene in the first series, on a par with Colin Firth’s wet shirt scene in Pride and Prejudice.  For me, his birth chart is very riveting…  He has 6 of his planets in Air signs (and is very witty in interviews).  He has 0 planets in Water (contrasting with Winston Graham), and 0 planets in Earth.  That is a very unusual line up of elements.  He has 6 planets in Mutable signs.  What he does have is a great deal of male strength in his chart, with a triple conjunction of Mars/North Node/Sun trine Pluto/Saturn.  Note that his karmic mission (North Node) is, like Winston Graham’s lit up by the Sun.  There is something he is able to convey for Winston Graham of his own nature and path.  Sensitivity in Aidan’s chart is supplied by an exact opposition of Neptune to his natal Sun.  With his Neptune also exactly sextile his Saturn and closely sextile his Pluto, he does have a great deal of innate spiritual intelligence.  He is not just a pretty face. In addition, Winston Graham’s Pluto is exactly conjunct Aidan’s North Node, so he is supremely fitted to portray the power of Ross Poldark in this production after Winston’s death.

Eleanor Tomlinson

Actress Eleanor Tomlinson plays the lead woman in Ross Poldark’s life, Demelza.  She has a beautiful colouring of blue eyes and red hair, and is a great hit with hubby Mike.  It was disconcerting for me for a while, as I had remembered the buxom wench Angharad Rees and Eleanor, and the actress who plays her rival for Ross’s affections, are both understated in that department.  Forgive me for being so physically graphic, I know it’s not my style.  Anyway, it took me a long time to replace Angharad with Eleanor in my affections, but I do think Eleanor is a very good actress, and singer (she sang a song late in the first series, which was captivating).  In contrast to Aidan, Eleanor has 7 of her planets in Earth signs!  She is a Taurean, and her ruling planet Venus is exactly opposite Pluto, which is probably the feature responsible for red-headedness.   That opposition would give her skill at portraying deep emotion, such as grief.   Her Moon is most likely conjunct her North Node, making her a perfect female complement to Aidan’s Sun/North Node.  It is interesting to note that the character Demelza was based on Winston Graham’s own wife, but Graham did not like the portrayal of Demelza in the first production, as he felt she came across as “promiscuous and loose”.  I hope he approves of the latest production – she may in fact suit Winston Graham well as a female ideal, because her Sun is sextile with his Moon.  She has an intense chemistry with the actor Aidan Turner, as his Chiron conjuncts her sun exactly.

Robin Ellis

These days the actor Robin Ellis writes an active blog, and has produced cookery books, and campaigns on awareness of diabetes.  How did he match up for Winston Graham as his male hero of Poldark?  Like Aidan, Robin has 0 Water signs, so with Winston’s abundance of water signs they may have found the role healing for them to play.  Robin’s chart is high in Earth signs.  I remember his portrayal of Ross Poldark as being softer, less dark and rugged than Aidan’s, but having compared notes with hubby, I don’t necessarily trust my memory on this subject.  Robin is a thoroughbred Capricorn, having Sun in Capricorn trine its ruler Saturn.  We do not have a birth time or Ascendant for his chart, but his Mars (representing the male lead) trines exactly Winston’s Ascendant, which is a good indication.

Angharad Rees

As I’ve said, I have a nostalgic fondness for Angharad Rees, also redheaded, who died in 2012.  Robin Ellis wrote, when she died: “Her portrayal of Demelza in Poldark was definitive and the series could not have enjoyed the success it had without her unique spirit informing the role.”  Although Winston Graham railed against the portrayal of Demelza in the first production, her chart indicates that she was the ideal female lead to portray his anima.  One can assume that she does represent that, with the book character also being modelled on his wife.  Angharad’s triple conjunction of Sun/North Node/Venus at 23/27/29 degrees Cancer conjuncts his Mars/Moon conjunction in Cancer at 25/26 degrees.  Enough said, Q.E.D.


The first production began its screening on 5 October 1975, and with Pluto/Sun/Moon/Mercury in Libra would confirm my impression that it was a softer production with Robin Ellis portrayed as a classicl romantic lead (Aidan veering towards a more rugged persona).  Though Neptune was trine Winston Graham’s Saturn, it is not surprising he was uncomfortable with elements of it, as Pluto was opposite his Saturn.  For the actor Robin Ellis, it was a gift, with Jupiter exactly sextile his natal Venus.  For Angharad it would have had a profound effect mentally, with Neptune trine her natal Mercury and Pluto sextile her natal Mercury.

The second production was first screened on 8 March 2015, with Sun exactly conjunct Chiron in Pisces, emphasizing much wringing of hands and hearts, possibly more stirring than the first, but we live in different times.  Mars was conjunct Uranus, promising us an electrifying ride!  Regular readers will be familiar with the concept of current transits impacting on posthumous charts.  So would Winston Graham have been pleased with this latest production?  Absolutely yes!  He had a Jupiter Return at precisely that time.  Neptune was exactly trine his Sun, so he will have been very much in tune with it, and possibly exerting some influence from spirit side.  Pluto was exactly trine his Midheaven (Careerpoint) so his reputation was re-ignited.  For Aidan Turner, Mars was trine his Venus, so he acquired a new fanbase overnight, and may have been bemused by the attention as Neptune was squaring his Mercury.  Like Angharad, Eleanor will have had a profound re-think, with Pluto trine exactly her natal Mercury.

Theme Tune

With a nod to the theme tune, I would just like to say I think it captures beautifully the wild beauty of Cornwall.  It is composed by Taurean Anne Dudley, who has strong chart connections with this second production, so has tuned in perfectly.  Her Uranus in Cancer is conjunct Winston Graham’s Mars/Moon. She is quoted as saying: “The music needed to underscore the sweeping Cornish landscapes and passionate love story. Featuring the solo violin, it is based (loosely) on the modality found in Cornish folk music. Orchestrated for violin, harp, piano and string orchestra with occasional electronic elements, this was a dream job!”


Last week was quite challenging for many, and this week promises a more satisfying journey.

Venus was opposing Uranus this morning, which may make sense if you emerged a little out of sorts from the nightly search for a good sleep.  You may be perplexed by some issue connected with relationship, money or art.  Tonight’s episode of Poldark may distract you.

By tomorrow, you’ll probably have it all sorted, with Venus sextile Mars.  Any confusion over sexual identity or orientation should be harmoniously ironed out, for the time being at least.  The Yin should flow well with the Yang, and the Animus with the Anima.

This week’s interesting feature is Mercury turning direct again (interesting to many) with the added excitement of Mercury trine Pluto on days either side.  Mercury trine Pluto is itself a profound gift, but there will be a second opportunity to get the message, when Mercury changes course and transits the same point again.

The first Mercury-Pluto trine occurs on Wednesday (21st) in the early hours of the morning.  As you may have read in my Poldark piece, both lead actresses had Pluto in exact aspect with their Mercuries when their productions were aired.  Mercury-Pluto gives a lot to think about, usually provides the space to think about it, and often answers a lot of questions.  These answers can be so deep that they impact other questions, and may solve a long standing psychological issue you are working on.

On the morning of Thursday (22nd) Mercury is stationary, prior to turning direct, and opens out communication again.  With Southern Rail (in the U.K.) at the end of its tether, reducing its commuters to hours of misery each day, it is to be hoped that this, in combination with the double rainbow of Mercury trine Pluto (x2) will reduce strike action, and get the two sides negotiating to some satisfaction.  If there are any communication stalemates in your own personal life, hopefully there will be corresponding benefits, particularly for Geminis.  Scorpios will find this period mentally stimulating.

Late lunchtime we see the Autumn Equinox occurring, with the advent of the Sun in Libra, the sign of negotiation.  The Sun is on its way to meet Jupiter in that sign, and reap some of the first benefits of its peaceful, harmonious and beautiful influence.

Friday morning (23rd) brings the second wave of Mercury trine Pluto.  If you built a strong foundation of thought on the first (Wednesday morning, or possibly even Tuesday evening especially in the U.S.), you can consolidate and even make further gains on Friday.  To re-cap: from tomorrow (Monday) the week goes from strength to strength, so make your diary appointments count.  Trust yourself with a bold schedule!  If you have had deep psychological discussions earlier in the week, follow them up by searching further.  You could make real progress.

Late lunchtime sees Venus change signs, from Libra to Scorpio.  She may have lost a little of her grace and harmony, but will gain in bargaining power and strength.  She will have assessed what needs to be done, and be willing to go slightly out of her comfort zone to achieve it.  If you are a Venusian (Taurean or Libran) you may find yourself behaving along these lines, but even if you are not you may recognize some of this trend in yourself or others.  If you do notice it, then give Venus a pat on the back of congratulation for her bravery, and yourself if appropriate.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – disruptive
  • Tomorrow – sensual
  • Wednesday – profound thought and discussion
  • Thursday – communications clearing, and new harmony
  • Friday – getting further to the heart of the matter, deep feelings

Aspects for the week beginning 11 September 2016

A Compatibility Guide for Virgos

Are you a Virgo, or do you have a friend, relative or partner born under that sign? Famous Virgoan Greta Garbo may have wanted to be alone, but she was an extreme Virgo.

Virgo Sun with Aries Sun

These two have very different energies, but can bring out what the other needs.  The Virgo could have a quiet energy, with a patient attention to detail.  In contrast, Aries can be impulsive and fiery.  They can both be practical, though, in different ways.  Virgo can persuade the Aries to slow down, and Aries can influence the Virgo to flow more and not get bogged down.  Virgo practicality brings realism, and Aries practicality brings physical momentum, so in this way they can work together.

Virgo Sun with Taurus Sun ****

This can be an ideal combination, and full of mutual admiration.  Virgo can admire Taurus’ artistry, while Taurus can admire Virgo’s craftsmanship, so a good working partnership.  There can be a great deal of harmony between them, but it is possible for them both to get in a rut without outside interests.

Famous Example: Rebecca Miller (film maker, daughter of Arthur Miller) and Daniel Day Lewis, married 20 years

Virgo Sun with Gemini Sun

They are both mentally-orientated, ruled by Mercury, and so communication should be good between them.  However, with too much mental energy, they may both get a bit irritable at times.  Virgos can find their Inner Extravert in relationship with a Gemini, while equally Geminis can find their Inner Introvert in the relationship!

Famous Example: Prince Albert and Queen Victoria (topical on TV now); their Suns were exactly square, so this combination can work, despite the difficult angle

Virgo Sun with Cancerian Sun

This is another harmonious pairing.  It can also assist domestic bliss.  The Cancer/Virgo emphasis may be on getting the home shipshape.  Virgo will get everything just so, and Cancer will make the place feel like home.  They may also have a shared interest in nutrition, the Cancerian liking to nurture in general, and the Virgoan having an interest in healthy eating.  A healthy eating catering business could be a going concern.

Virgo Sun with Leo Sun

This is a classic pairing, and not just because they are neighbours in the zodiac and may have planets in each other’s sign.  With the Leo penchant for leading, and the Virgo desire to give service, you often find a Virgo in Leo’s pocket.  These two signs seem to follow each other around.  For example, you may find they share a bond within the theatrical world, with Leo treading the boards and Virgo working behind the scenes to make a perfect production.

Virgo Sun with Virgo Sun

People of the same sign by and large understand each other well.  This combination could be excellent in a working partnership, as they both have a strong work ethic.  They could both be specialists in their field, and so when they are working in the same field can achieve near perfection.

Virgo Sun with Libra Sun

Neighbouring signs often share planetary proximities, so a Virgo may have Libran planets giving rise to artistic or musical understanding, and a Libran may have Virgo planets encouraging conscientiousness in working ideals.  The Virgo highly sensitive nervous system will be soothed by the Libran’s harmony, and the Libran will be spurred on to greater achievement in their musical or artistic aspirations.  However, Virgos can sometimes think of Librans as lazy.

Famous Example: Lenny Henry and Dawn French, who were married for 25 years

Virgo Sun with Scorpio Sun

This is a harmonious placing, and can achieve great depth of work or psychological understanding between them, if both are constructive.  The Virgo practicality can be a helpful backdrop for the Scorpio’s psychological searching.  The Scorpio can encourage the Virgo to look deeper than the surface detail, and allow feelings which may have been repressed.

Famous Example: Jeanette Winterson and Susie Orbach, in which Susie is the Scorpio psychotherapist, but writer Jeanette has her Sun exactly conjunct Pluto, giving her Scorpio qualities of her own

Virgo Sun with Sagittarius Sun

Traditionally, these two have a very different world view, the Virgo being less able to see the wood for the trees, and the Sagittarian being less able to see the trees for the wood.  If they are able to co-exist, they can balance each other’s world view, and Virgo will be able to take a wider perspective, and Sagittarius being less apt to ignore important details.  That’s one gift they can bring to each other.  They also share adaptability, so may be able to travel happily together.

Virgo Sun with Capricorn Sun****

Another potentially successful pairing.  Again, these two can work together harmoniously, with Virgo having a strong work ethic, and Capricorn believing in ambition.  Capricorn likes to administer and delegate, and Virgo likes to get on with the job, so when it is that way round, the relationship is easiest.  These two can gel well in a business partnership, or be a formidable alliance in the workplace.

Virgo Sun with Aquarius Sun

These two may not have a great deal in common, but socially they both like to keep a little bit of distance, so will respect each other’s boundaries.  Each can see the other as cool, in different ways.  Aquarius may be regarded as cool, as in hip, and Virgo may admire that.  Virgo can be cool and efficient, and Aquarius may admire that, and see Virgo as a valuable ally.  Both are idealistic signs, in different ways, and in a group or in teamwork their friendship can especially flourish.

Virgo Sun with Pisces Sun

These two are opposites, and well aware of it.  Traditionally Virgo is tidy and Pisces is messy, but in some humorous cosmic twist when they are in partnership the Pisces can accuse the Virgo of being messy, and the Virgo may find the Piscean too tidy.  They can merge quite a lot in partnership, having a direct line to each other in the zodiac.  In addition, the Virgoan can be quite susceptible to Piscean emotion, and the Virgo may encourage the Piscean to put a lid on it!

Famous Example: Alison Steadman and Mike Leigh; their Suns are in opposition by only 1 degree ~ they were married for 22 years


A full compatibility analysis details every component of the two birthcharts in relation to each other, not just the Sun sign.  As there is a lot of work involved, it is my most expensive service, at £45.


Pluto squared Venus this morning, which may have been tough if you did not have a lie in.  I myself was sleepless in Downham Market last night, and found that I was prompted to get up at exactly the time of the square: 7.47 a.m.  I was ejected from my comfort zone by the reality that I just wasn’t going to get any more sleep.  So this may have been a time of psychological awakening or hard truth for you today.

Tomorrow (Monday 12th) Mercury squares Mars, so you may be fractious or irritable, possibly through lack of sleep, no doubt through some superficial discomfort rather than any profound cause.  Mercury square Mars is incident-prone, producing for instance minor cuts and bruises, and minor verbal skirmishes.  It takes place at tea-time in the U.K.  Try to arrange a non-confrontational seating plan at the dining table.

In the late evening, the Sun conjuncts Mercury at 21 degrees Virgo, and now is the time to have that absorbing chat, or write the next Chapter of your novel.  I would stop short of trying to tackle your tax forms, even though this would ordinarily be an ideal placing, as you could be left with the overactive-mind-at-bedtime syndrome which is the exact thing you might be trying to avoid.

There is more aggro on Tuesday (13th) as the Sun goes on to square Mars.  You may find you ignored warnings not to over-use your mind the night before or the night before that, and wake up somewhat grumpy, which won’t help your interactions and inner peace.  Try to stabilize your mood during the day, for the square occurs mid evening.  Be in command of your equanimity. If you have any Libran planets in your chart, harness them now.  That will ensure that any conflict occurring in your vicinity may be water off a duck’s back.  Send them your best Reiki healing efforts.

The need for healing continues on Thursday (15th) when there is a T-square operating between the Sun opposing Chiron, and both squaring Mars.  It is possible that you may have not been able to wholly contain the conflicting energies of Sun square Mars on Tuesday, unless you have a strong Peacemaker Archetype.  So the situation may rumble on, or you may leave one situation and walk into another similar one.  Again, apply my advice from Tuesday or follow your own suggestions, solutions and experiences from that day.  The purpose of the T-square, heavily involving Chiron, is ultimately healing.  As Sarah’s guide commented at Light Pod this week “Most challenging situations bring about improvement.”

Friday (16th) brings an Eclipse and Full Moon in Pisces, so it may feel as though there has been no let up in tension all week!  Full Moon in Pisces is the most emotional and sensitive of all the Full Moons, and you may at this time feel overwhelm, or a sense of drowning in your emotions or your reactions to other people’s emotions.  If you can centre yourself in the Universal Consciousness, you may find the calmness or perspective you need.  This may require sitting in meditation for a short while.  This Full Moon occurs early evening, but the emotion and tension should then start to dissipate, bringing all round relief.

As your reward for a challenging week, the Universe is producing a trine on Saturday (17th) for you to fashion something creative and some success from the wisdom gained.  For Mars trines Uranus at tea-time on Saturday.  This time you can position the chairs round the dining table however you like, any sparks will bring creativity and innovation, rather than a stand-off.  You may feel excited about the gains you have made this week, and the possibilities that lie ahead.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – out of your comfort zone
  • Tomorrow – over-excitable; later, good conversation
  • Tuesday – healing manoeuvres
  • Thursday – hot headed
  • Friday – emotional
  • Saturday – appropriately excitable

Aspects for the week beginning 4 September 2016

Strictly Come Dancing 2016 – Part 1

It’s back!  The hugely popular Strictly Come Dancing returned yesterday for its launch night.  It is the last year for head judge Len Goodman, who reportedly plans to spend his retirement on the golf course.  This is borne out by his transit picture, which looks remarkably quiet going forward, partly because the structure of his chart shows half the zodiac occupied and the end of several years of excitement.

Here are four of the contestants, to kick off the Strictly blogging season:

Ed Balls

I have mentioned Ed Balls a few times over the years, in the context of his political persona, notably just before the last election:

“Ed Balls is another Labour politician who has failed to gain real popularity for some reason.  He is a Pisces, which can bamboozle the public perception of him.  He also has Chiron conjunct Mercury, which can lead to an odd way of thinking, but also a penchant for problem-solving.  Pluto also opposes his natal Mercury, which is challenging – he probably does advanced Sudoku in his sleepless hours!  He is an affable enough type of chap, reaching out to George Osborne on Andrew Marr’s sofa, though there are elements of shyness in his nature (Sun in Pisces, Venus conjunct Saturn).  One of the best features of his chart is an exact trine between Jupiter and Neptune (endless faith) which forms a Grand Trine with Saturn, giving him the ability to translate pie in the sky into concrete reality.”  I felt that he would keep his seat, which he famously did not.  He has just written his political memoirs “Speaking Out”, in which interestingly he points out that one of the lessons he has learned from the past is that politicians have a tendency to “let things drift” – that is a Piscean trait, so a lesson well learned for him.

Enter the new persona: as competitive dance contestant.  Never mind twinkle toes, I always find him to have twinkly eyes.  He has written his political memoirs, but his recent interviews have brought out a different side of him. “You can do politics and be a human being” he has asserted.  He is born under Pisces, the dancing sign, but he claims his dance style is that of a “camp rugby player”.  He feels taking part in the contest is part of his mid-life crisis, but astrologically the mid-life crisis is around 39-42 when Uranus opposes its natal position.  At 49, he is almost at his Chiron Return, which is the emergence of the Inner Healer, and this may be what the contest brings out for him, or it may be a manifestation of this. Chiron returned to its natal position in May, and is now in retrograde motion, then retrograded over this position in July and August.  The third pass takes place next March, when the process will be complete.

At the launch, Jupiter opposes his Saturn, encouraging him to loosen up.  Chiron also trines his Neptune, bringing out his Inner Healer and his Dancer Archetype.  At the end of the series, Saturn squares his natal Pluto, which may not be a happy ending, but the North Node sextiles his ruling planet Neptune (lord of the dance) so spiritually he will feel some satisfaction in the experience.

Ed Balls is partnered with Katya Jones, who is new to Strictly, and I do not have a birth date for her.  If one becomes available during the course of the contest, I will report back.

Will Young

Will Young won Pop Idol on 9/2/2002 shortly after studying politics at Exeter University. In his birth chart, transiting Uranus from Aquarius in his 5th House of Self-Expression was  exactly trine his natal Moon in 1st House at that time, changing his life.  We have his birth time, and he is born under the Sun sign Aquarius, with Ascendant in Virgo and Moon in Libra.  He has Sun exactly conjunct Mars, and on winning famously made a joke about his father and a shotgun (very apt). With the Sun in his 5th House, performing comes naturally to him.  His Mercury trine Saturn lends itself to the study of politics, but he has not been drawn to take it up as a profession.  Mars opposite Jupiter gives him energy and enthusiasm, which should shine through his dance performances. As first Pop Idol winner, he is a pioneer, with his ruling planet Uranus  exactly sextile his North Node.  Neptune exactly squares the Nodal Axis, so he likes to play with subtlety.  With Neptune exactly sextile his natal Pluto, he has psychological strength and resilience, though he may have a delicate nervous system with Mercury square Pluto.  In true Aquarian style, he called his autobiography “Funny Peculiar”.

At the launch of Strictly Come Dancing yesterday Uranus, his ruling planet opposes his natal Moon in Libra in 1st House, so he may again find a life-changing experience.  The Nodal Axis squares his Venus, and he may find it brings relationship changes, and a change in his relationship to music.  The North Node transits his natal Saturn in 12th House so he will take it seriously, believing it has something to teach him. At the close of the contest, Jupiter sextiles his Neptune, which is quite a rapturous transit, but Saturn conjuncts his Neptune (he may be sad that it is ending!).  Furthermore, Jupiter conjuncts his Pluto in Leo in 11th (power within groups) and Saturn sextiles his natal Pluto.  This could be a winning combination of transits.

Will is partnered with Karen Clifton, who danced with Jeremy Vine last year.  I wrote: “She has a dreamy Moon/Venus conjunction in Pisces, gliding with a trine to her North Node, so she will always do well in ballroom dancing!  With three planets in Libra, she also connects well in partnership, and she married another professional, Kevin Clifton” [in 2105].  In their synastry, Will’s Sun squares Karen’s Mars, so there could be sparks flying on the dance floor!  Their Suns are also square, and both are fixed signs, so there could be a battle of wills, too, no pun intended.  Her Saturn squares his Mercury, so he will find her mentally exacting.  But her Uranus trines his Jupiter so she can bring out his luck and success streak.  Her Neptune (dance) is on his I.C., so she will bring about a new adaptable foundation in his consciousness, and he could find this inspiring.  At the launch, Neptune was sextile her Mercury, so she is inspired by the pairing.  Mars squaring her Venus and Pluto sextile her Venus will fire up her energy, too.  The close of the contest sees Mars sextile her Sun: if they make it to the final, she will have that extra oomph of energy.  Neptune will still be sextile her Mercury, so she will have plenty of creative and inspired ideas for the choreography throughout.  The North Node ends sextile her Jupiter, which could bring her karmic reward.  So it is looking good for her, too!

Lesley Joseph

At 70 actress Lesley Joseph is the oldest ever contestant on the show, but always seems very young at heart.  With her raunchy persona and raven hair as Dorien from Birds of a Feather you’d think she would have a lot of Scorpio in her make up.  This may be her Ascendant sign, but she has no planets in that sign.  Five of her ten planets are in Libra, the sign of musicality.  She has Jupiter trine Uranus in her chart, the Entrepreneur Archetype, and she certainly has made the most of her character Dorien.  Jupiter sextiles her natal Pluto, which may hold a clue to the success of her raunchy alter ego.  Jupiter is exactly conjunct Chiron in Libra, and Pluto exactly sextile them both, which is intriguing.  She may have hidden healing talents, e.g. on the dance floor.

At the launch, Chiron opposes Venus, and she may have an early injury, perhaps in the preparatory training.  Saturn sextiles her Jupiter, providing resolve.  Uranus squares her natal Saturn, again some incident-proneness.  Chiron trines her Saturn, so again she may pick herself up and overcome problems.  At the end of the season, Uranus will be opposite her natal Sun, again she may be nursing a minor injury, but Jupiter will be square her Mars (her enthusiasm will be indomitable!)  This does not suggest she will make it to the final, sadly.  However, she may put in a memorable performance around 8th October when Jupiter transits her natal Neptune, no doubt in character as Dorien with the stem of a red rose between her teeth.

Lesley is paired with none other than Anton du Beke – what a duo!  Anton is hotly tipped to take over from Len Goodman as head judge next year.  But these two together are guaranteed to raise a lot of laughs!  Anton, a veteran of the programme, managed to reach the final last year.  I wrote:

“Anton has Sun, Mars and Jupiter in Cancer, which makes him very responsive to his partners personally.  But his Sun trine Saturn has a very traditional and formal side.  And contrasting with that he has the rebellious Uranus-Pluto conjunction in Virgo.  So a quirky, contradictory character.”

How do they fit together?  His Mercury sextiles her Jupiter, so he will have a surprising understanding of how she ticks.  His Venus also trines her Mercury, so there will be easy conversation and communication between them.  There may be some confusion physically, however, with his Mars trine her Neptune, the right foot of one not knowing what the left foot of the other is doing.  She will find the square physically exacting, and he will find the square confusing and may even lose concentration.  Their Uranuses are also exactly square, and they may need a separation break at some point during the tournament in order to resolve some fundamental difference, or be happy to go their own ways after the ball is over.  Paradoxically, Her Mars trines his Neptune, so his inspiration could override some of her clumsiness. Finally, her Pluto squares his Uranus, so she may cross the line for him at some point, and equally he may alienate her.  But I am sure they will override their differences, be perfectly professional, and keep their smiles for the length of her stay in the competition.  At the start of the tournament, Saturn is trine Anton’s Mercury, he is in proper professional mode.  Jupiter squares his Venus, so at the same time he may also make a faux pas during the training period of three weeks which ensues.  Jupiter opposes his Saturn, so he could feel overstretched, and Dorien may take him to places he has never been!  At the close of the tournament, the North Node will be sextile his Mars, and he will feel he has put in his best effort.  Pluto will be opposite his Jupiter, and his hopes may have recently been dashed.  On the plus side, Pluto trines his Uranus, plenty of raised spirit for his life in general, and Pluto trines his Pluto, so he is entering a period of self-empowerment (possibly as head judge in waiting).  So he won’t be down in the dumps watching the final from the sidelines…

Naga Munchetty

If you are up before 9, eating your breakfast in front of the telly, chances are you will know Naga Munchetty.  Like Ed Balls, she has her Sun in Pisces, the dancing sign.  In fact, they share a birthday (25th February).  A golfing enthusiast, Naga has an altogether versatile chart, having her planets spread out round her chart.  Her Sun is exactly square the Nodal Axis, so she is able to work with large groups of people.  She has Mercury sextile exactly her Neptune, so her mind is sensitive and open to subtlety.  There is also a depth of thought, with Mercury trine Pluto.  Venus is loosely conjunct Jupiter in her chart, making her sociable and able to mix well in company.  Mars is exactly sextile Jupiter, so here is another very enthusiastic personality.  She confesses to being a tomboy, and unused to glitz and glitter: ” Outside of work I’m in jeans, jogging bottoms, and golf gear mostly.”  She also says her secret weapon is her death stare – that might be down to her Ascendant sign (hitherto unknown), or Mercury trine Pluto.

Chiron will be conjunct her Jupiter as the dance tournament starts, which may be challenging but should be enjoyable.  The North Node will be sextile her natal Saturn, so like Will Young she will approach it with determination.  The Nodal Axis will also square her natal Neptune, which will probably assist in bringing out her Dancer.  At the close of the tournament, the South Node will be on her natal Sun, a karmic moment.  I don’t think her transits would be strong enough to reach the final, but if she did, the glitterball might be snatched from her at the last moment, maybe by Will Young!  But I will take a look at other contestants in the coming weeks.

Naga is partnered with Pasha Kovalev, who danced with Carol Kirkwood last year (hopefully Carol, also of breakfast BBC, will be able to pass on some secrets and tricks of the trade).  I wrote last year:

“He has an intelligent Sun/Mercury conjunction in late Capricorn, which can be calculating and cool, but balanced by a warm and energetic conjunction of Mars with Jupiter.”

In their partnership, her Jupiter trines his Uranus, which is an interaspect which speaks of success and making the most of their potential as a pairing.  He can bring out the best in her. Her Mars sextiles his Uranus, so there will be electricity and great energy between them.  Her Chiron trines his Neptune, and she can bring some healing qualities to the partnership, and there may be higher or spiritual communication. At the same time, his Pluto opposes her Chiron, so there may also be some difficult lessons for her, such as rigid habits which need to transform (such as a golfing stance).  At the launch of the tournament, Mars squares his Mars (high energy, uncontrolled) but Pluto trines his Mars (more energy, deeper and more controlled).  Saturn squares his Jupiter – he may have some personal blocks that he is working on, perhaps in his private life.  In addition, Chiron trines his Uranus, so he is open to new healing and learning.  At the close of ceremonies, Neptune opposes his Jupiter, so a dream or fantasy may not be realizable.  Chiron also squares Neptune, reinforcing this message.  Again, there is a feeling of the glitterball being snatched, but they may not make the final.

I will be back in a few weeks with Part 2


It could be a dramatic week, with benefits accruing, but also some thorny issues.

Today, the Sun is conjunct the North Node, so you may have to put in some extra effort with your karmic obligations, but it should be rewarding and fulfilling.

On Wednesday (7th) the Sun trines Pluto first thing, so it is a good day for digging and delving psychologically, and achieving something profound.  Set out with a plan in mind, know where you are going, and what you want to achieve, and you will make the most of the psychological explorations.  The Force is with you!

Later in the morning, Venus sextile Saturn, so you will know where you stand in a relationship, or with your nearest and dearest.  They will be there for you, and you for them.

On Friday (9th) Jupiter changes signs, from Virgo to Libra, and I prepared a special blog for this important event, earlier this morning.  Please read, if you want to maximize the experience!  I quote:

“Jupiter enters Libra at 11.18 a.m. on Friday 9th September in the U.K… Whichever House (sphere of life activity) Jupiter currently occupies in your chart receives uplift and support from the Universe, and you are able to expand its activities during Jupiter’s transit through this House…  the movement of Jupiter into Libra will bring a change of emphasis or mode in the way the benefits come into your life.  One obvious way will be through partnership or relationship.”

On Saturday (10th) Mercury opposes Chiron in the morning (in the U.K.) so you may start the weekend with a problem to solve, before you can start implementing your plans for the day (assuming you have plans).  For instance, a planned journey may encounter a hitch, or there may be a minor health crisis to consider.  If you do not have a plan, the Universe can provide you with distraction and occupation according to the nature of this aspect.

But, all the while, you will need your full faculties for a situation which is brewing nicely for lunchtime.  I recommending starting the day with a good meditation on waking, a low sugar breakfast, and some green tea.  Thus, if the first hitch arises, you can deal with that smoothly and segue smartly on to the main event.

The main event is a recurrence, the third pass, of the difficult Saturn-Neptune square which has been plaguing us since November 2016.  This has all sorts of effects, from personal inaction and psychological paralysis, to planetary chaos such as flooding and in current affairs political leaks.  We have been dealing with these for a while now, and this influence may at this time come to a conclusion, showing us its lessons.  In a flurry of optimism in January, I conjectured: ” If we were to convert the discomfort of the Saturn-Neptune square of this coming year into a trine, we would be indeed manifesting (Saturn) magic (Neptune).”  Well, that’s the aim.

You might want to plan a light lunch for Saturday, for digestive purposes.  If you are apt to throw off the manifested teachings, and tell yourself “tomorrow is another day”, you will have more to digest the next day (Sunday 11th) when Venus squares Pluto.  Better to stay with the programme, and deal with what is presented, on the day.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – karmic enlightenment
  • Wednesday – a most constructive day
  • Friday – a new direction of Hope
  • Saturday – difficult; try to take things in your stride

Jupiter enters Libra


Jupiter enters Libra at 11.18 a.m. on Friday 9th September in the U.K.  It is interesting that we have just received new pictures and sounds of the planet Jupiter via the Juno spacecraft: we have been able to” inspect” (Jupiter in Virgo) the planet more closely.  Apparently, Jupiter helps keep us safe as it sucks up passing asteroids and meteors and prevents them from reaching our orbit.  In Astrology, Jupiter is the Protector.

Whichever House (sphere of life activity) Jupiter currently occupies in your chart receives uplift and support from the Universe, and you are able to expand its activities during Jupiter’s transit through this House.  For many, the 0 degrees Libra point comes somewhere in the middle of the House, so Jupiter may have been bringing its blessings to that House while in the sign of Virgo.  So the movement of Jupiter into Libra will bring a change of emphasis or mode in the way the benefits come into your life.  One obvious way will be through partnership or relationship.

When Jupiter entered Virgo last year, I wrote: ” …there may be advances in ecological areas and the battle to arrest climate change”, and at this eleventh hour, with Jupiter at the very end of Virgo (28 degrees) there has been a commitment by China and the U.S. on climate change.  The Guardian writes:

“The United States and China, the world’s biggest emitters of greenhouse gases, have announced they will formally ratify the Paris climate change agreement in a move campaigners immediately hailed as a significant advance in the battle against global warming.”

Health is another area ruled by Virgo, and over the last year there have been a number of reports about health breakthroughs, most notably for Alzheimer’s research.  Scientist hubby however urges caution about overestimating their value at this stage.

Jupiter’s year long transit through Libra will in general improve relationships, romance and marriage, negotiations and the prospect of peace treaties.  It will bring a boost to the Arts, including the world of music.

If you know the House occupied by 0 degrees Libra in your birth chart, you may expect the following switch of emphasis starting this week, and benefits along the following lines:

Jupiter transiting the 1st House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 1st House of Personality and Lifestyle at this time, you may already have started to experience an upswing in some key areas of your life which are very personal to you.  You may be finding that you have more talents, and begin to spread your wings with these.  More opportunities may be opening out for you, too.  You may also be even more extrovert than usual!  If your Ascendant is in Virgo, this effect may have been a marked departure from your usual mode, and you may have gained in confidence.  As Jupiter turns into Libra, you will want to extend that confidence outwards in your one-to-one relationships, and may begin a new relationship or deepen an existing one.  You may explore some latent artistic talent, or take up a musical instrument.  If you are already very involved in artistic or musical pursuits, then you’ll make great progress.  Social justice may also be an area which engages you in this period.

Jupiter transiting the 2nd House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 2nd House of Finance and Earnings, you will probably be a bit more flush than usual at the moment, despite the economic climate.  You could be experiencing anything from a bit more money in your pocket, to a positive cornucopia of material benefits.  It’s a good time to practice your abundance affirmations (starting with “I am the Source of my Abundance”*), creative visualizations of wealth and inner riches** and materializing your future with Future Life Progression ***.

Book Resources:

*”Creating Money” by Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer

** “Creative Visualization” by Shakti Gawain

***”The Future is Yours” by Anne Jirsch

If your Ascendant is in Leo, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have heightened your attention to the detail of your accounting.  As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may invest in financial partnership, while taking care to balance your own needs.

Jupiter transiting the 3rd House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 3rd House of Communication, you may be finding there is an emphasis on expansion within your verbal and written expression.  If you are thinking of doing any writing, even within a regular journal, it could become a very rewarding exercise.  It may help you develop your philosophy of life, and you may even want to share it with others in some way.  This planet here also expands your contact with the world of education. This placing also enhances relationships with siblings, and short term travel and visits within your locality, or within the British Isles (or your own country).  If your Ascendant is in Cancer, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have enriched the use of your imagination in writing and your ability to expand on detail.  As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may collaborate with a co-writer or travel with a companion, in order to expand your experience of this life area.

Jupiter transiting the 4th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 4th House of Home and Family, you may have home improvements or changes in residence recently to your benefit, or you may have recently moved.  It is also a good year to work on family relationships.  So home and family is the area of greatest joy at this time!  This may incorporate additions to the family and home extensions.  If your Ascendant is in Gemini, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have brought more fulfilment to family life and increased your drive to perfection.  As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may focus more on the quality of family relationships, and how you can foster communication within the family for further improvement.

Jupiter transiting the 5th House:

Oh Joy! This is one of the most pleasurable placings.  If Jupiter is transiting your 5th House of Love and Creativity at the moment, you may well have become aware of a new phase of expansion in relation to creativity. You may be searching out new ways to be creative and find joy in life.  There is also the opportunity to take advantage of a trend to make special new friendships and blossoming relationships.  Jupiter in the 5th is also favourable for building on your self-esteem and self-validation.  Write that novel, paint that painting, take up that Olympics-inspired sport, perform that Shakespearian play, perfect your flute-playing! If your Ascendant is in Taurus, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have brought more perfectionism to your playing and creating. As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may refine the elegance and grace of your artistry.

Jupiter transiting the 6th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 5th House of Health, Community, and Working Conditions.  There may have been some office improvements in your place of work lately, and health issues may be improving.  You may also have acquired a new pet in the last year, or be about to.  There may be more involvement or service within the community, or the Sangha if you are a Buddhist!  If your Ascendant is in Aries, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have brought more exacting attention to these areas of life.  You may have been having carefree health conditions, or conversely lots of check ups which were hopefully passed with flying colours.   As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may find there is a different way of attending to your health, focussing on harmony and balance, with possibly meditation aiding your awareness.

Jupiter transiting the 7th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 7th House of Close Relationships and/or Marriage, this bodes well for such affairs.  A relationship may recently have blossomed, or there may be a significant renewal of affection.  It is a good time as well to seek the quality of freedom within a close relationship, so that you can express yourself more widely.  There may be a celebration this year in connection with such a close relationship.  If your Ascendant is in Pisces (a rare placing), Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have enabled you to work at your primary relationship and seen corresponding rewards.  As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may be able to relax more within the relationship, and enjoy the underlying harmony and peace of your Soul connection(s).

Jupiter transiting the 8th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 8th House of Spirituality and Financial Arrangements with Others, so you should gradually be seeing improvement in these areas. There may be some material gain through other people, and a greater faith in life.  If your Ascendant is in Aquarius, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have increased your sense of detachment and perspective about finance as it pertains to relationship, and you may have coolly reached certain conclusions.  As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may from that viewpoint which is advantageous to you be able to extend further and more warmly towards others, knowing that your assets are secure and there is nothing to fear from further engagement.  There may also be more passion in your life.

Jupiter transiting the 9th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 9th House of Religion, Philosophy and Foreign Travel, these areas in your life may be currently enhanced.  You may be stimulated to start some deep study, perhaps when the new courses start this month.  It can open up a deeper connection with God and the Universe, as well as a more all-embracing philosophy of life.  As mentioned, where Jupiter is at any given time is where the Universe is on your side, and where you receive the most assistance in your life during this period.  It is also where the Universe urges you to grow, and also literally cover the most ground!  A trip abroad this year could be very helpful.  If your Ascendant is in Capricorn, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have increased your thirst for knowledge about life, and expanded the Seeker Within. As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may explore relations with those abroad, past life memories within other countries, and global connections.

Jupiter transiting the 10th House:

 If Jupiter is transiting your 10th House of Career, Life Direction and Highest Potential, there are opportunities on the horizon and beneficial life changes: a chance to get out of a rut, if you feel that you are in one.  It’s a good time to seize opportunities in this area of your life.  If your Ascendant is in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have encouraged you to pay attention to the detail of planning your future (e.g. making a five year plan, as distinct from winging it), and fostered the discipline of sticking with a course of action. As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may look for those connections which will be of assistance in your career, those kindred spirits, some of whom you have known and worked with in past lives, and some of whom you will have made sacred contracts with to carry out your work.  Some of these new career connections could become significant relationships in your life.

Jupiter transiting the 11th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 11th House of Groups and Friendships, these factors take an upturn in your life.  New friendships and old friendships alike blossom, and joining and membership of groups is favoured and expands you.  The accent may be on humour within friendships in this time period, and the relationship between creativity and humour.  More Sagittarian Clowns may feature in your life this year.  If your Ascendant is in Scorpio, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have encouraged you to expand your circle of friendship and trust within your relationships, letting more people into your life. As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may concentrate on a few of the good people you have got to know recently, and cultivate your shared interests, thoughts and ideas.

Jupiter transiting the 12th House:

If Jupiter is transiting your 12th House of the Unconscious, Dreams and Meditations at the moment, there is a focus on benefits to these areas of your inner world.  This is a placing which fosters Emerging Hope, prior to Jupiter’s transit of your Ascendant and entry into your 1st House (most probably occurring next year). Though you may not be aware of better things to come, your subconscious may be, and your dreams may show a growing sense of hope, trust and faith. You will be successful in this year in exploring your inner world and altruistic work such as helping those in need and efforts on behalf of the planet and humanity in general.  A little more seclusion may be needed in order to achieve this.  If your Ascendant is in Libra, Jupiter’s transit through Virgo will have encouraged you to trust your inner knowing, and psychological self-reliance. As Jupiter turns into Libra, you may seek new relationships which encourage your inner growth.

If your Ascendant is at 0 degrees of a sign, look to the previous Ascendant sign (in bold). If you do not know your Ascendant and its degree, or are simply confused, then ask an Astrologer!

Aspects for the week beginning 28 August 2016

Sir Richard Branson

Whenever Richard Branson comes up in conversation, he seems to arouse either great admiration or great resentment.  He has been in the news this week for two reasons: first his contretemps with Jeremy Corbyn about the state of his rail service, and then his accident in which he reported he “nearly died”.  He is also facing calls for his knighthood to be scrapped this week.  I will look at his chart, and what is going on now in terms of transits to his natal chart.

Birth Chart

Sir Richard has Pluto on his Ascendant in Leo, showing leadership and power as dominant features of his life and personality.

Richard Branson has his Sun unaspected to any planet, a feature which he has used to free himself from conventional restraints in his business philosophy, which may be part of his success.  People with an unaspected Sun can initially have difficulty “finding themselves” but clearly he succeeded in business in such a young age, that he never had that problem.  His Sun does square his Midheaven in Aries, so he wilfully took his career path head on, taking a path authentic to his own nature.  There is also a loose trine from his Sun to his North Node, showing leadership.

His Moon is not strongly aspected either, having a loose but upbeat opposition with Jupiter, and a trine to his Midheaven, assisting his career fortunes.  The Moon in the first degree of Virgo somehow gives rise to the brand name, “Virgin”.

Mercury too is largely unaspected, though its close trine with his North Node indicates business success and karmic rewards in that sphere.  Venus is also largely unaspected, with a wide trine to Mars, indicating a very sensual nature.  All these personal planets lacking aspects often show a destiny which easily becomes hitched to more global or impersonal projects.

Mars receives significant aspects: a close conjunction with Neptune (physical sensitivity and sensationalism) and an exact sextile with Pluto (great energy, and a love of danger), plus another exact sextile with Chiron (the ability to make things happen and a talent for problem-solving).  Mars sextile the Ascendant and Pluto on the Leo Ascendant show the flame coloured hair of his physical appearance.  Pluto exactly trine Chiron shows he can be a great healer, when he puts his mind to it.

Entrepreneur Archetype

Jupiter combined with Uranus is “the Entrepreneur Archetype”, especially when in conjunction, but even more so when in trine, as he has it.  Not only that, but he has the trine exact, and that is the outstanding feature in his chart which is responsible for his success.  In his autobiography “Losing my Virginity” he says: “In my life, I have come to expect the unexpected.  It sounds easy enough to say, but all the things that have happened to me, to the family and to Virgin have taught me that you have to be prepared at all times to deal with surprises.  You just develop a way of picking up your feet and getting on with it… In whatever world you make for yourself, you can keep embracing the new and the different over and over again.  That’s what I have always wanted for Virgin.”  This mindset very much illustrates the working of Jupiter trine Uranus.

The Rail Dispute

Neptune is exactly sextile Richard’s Ascendant natally, on the 3rd House cusp of Communication, including Rail networks.  This gives rise to his sensitivity to the needs of the traveller.  I have to say that our trip to the U.S. in 2008 on his airline was the best flight we have ever had, but we are not great travellers in terms of experience.

The rail controversy this week centres around a trip which Jeremy Corbyn took about 2 weeks ago on the Virgin rail line, in which he was seen crouching or sitting in a corner of the train, claiming not to be able to get a seat.  Jeremy would like to re-nationalize the railways, and this was a way of making his point.

However, this week Richard Branson claimed there were spare seats, and showed footage of Jeremy walking past empty seats.  Jeremy then said he was looking for two seats together so that he could sit with his wife.  Some claimed this dispute benefited Jeremy, and some portrayed the opposite.

On Tuesday, when Richard Branson took up the fight, Uranus was squaring his natal Sun, so there is a bit of the Rebel about his actions.  Uranus was also sextile his Venus, so he was trying to protect his financial interests.  Pluto was exactly trine his Saturn in 2nd House of Money  – he felt the need to exercise his power.  But Pluto was also exactly square his Neptune – there was a lot of confusion about his thinking, and he may have made an unwise move.

Jeremy Corbyn

For Jeremy, Uranus is still conjunct his North Node, his karmic mission is still in a great state of flux, and there is still a great deal of insecurity surrounding him.  He is not yet able to sit comfortably…

Their synastry is mixed, but notably Richard’s Saturn squares Jeremy’s ruling planet Mercury, so he is able to make Jeremy uncomfortable.

The Accident

In his blog of 26th August 2016, Sir Richard wrote:

“A couple of nights ago I went cycling on Virgin Gorda with Holly and Sam …when it suddenly got really dark and I managed to hit a ‘sleeping policeman’ hump in the road head on. The next thing I knew, I was being hurled over the handlebars and my life was literally flashing before my eyes.”

Uranus squaring his Sun would make his more accident-prone than usual, though he has diced with danger many times in his life.

He continued: ” My attitude has always been, if you fall flat on your face, at least you’re moving forward. All you have to do is get back up and try again. At least I’m practicing what I preach – though a little too literally!”

And he noted:

” The date of the accident just happened to be the fifth anniversary of the fire on Necker Island.”

At the time of the fire, Saturn was transiting his natal Neptune, signifying a loss which is depressing in its effect.

So, quite an eventful week for Sir Richard Branson, and I am sure he will have further adventures and dramas as the future unfolds, as befit his adventurous and risk-taking nature.


Not an easy week, this week, as most Astrologers would agree.  The UK Bank Holiday starts congenially enough tomorrow, with a conjunction between Mercury and Venus.  It is a good morning for ladies who lunch to meet a little earlier for coffee and a light bite.  Artistic endeavours too will be assisted by this conjunction, and diplomacy and negotiation in the wider world.

Later in the day Mars squares the Nodal Axis, and some issue of conflict may be brought to your attention, possibly involving two groups.  Avoid talk of politics and religion, don’t invite road rage, and you’ll be fine!

Tuesday (30th) starts reasonably enough, with Venus smoothly entering Libra. [In the U.S. this elegant entrance takes place the night before].  Whatever your plans, be up bright and early, and take advantage of this harmonious hour.

For at lunchtime, Mercury is stationary, prior to going Retrograde, and yes you know the drill!  There is a need for getting clear on your messages, leaving plenty of time for travels, and double checking everything.  Cultivate your Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for the next three weeks.  Practise punctiliousness and perfect punctuation (the consequences of that misplaced apostrophe could be profound).

The New Moon on Thursday September (1st) is an Eclipse at 9 degrees Virgo.  This could be an important day, with far reaching consequences.  Ecology and Working Conditions will be an especial focus.  If you are working with a fastidious sense of ethic, you may achieve a turning point.  But whether you have a focus or not, be aware that the Universe may have an agenda of its own, which may not be what you had in mind.  Try to see the purpose behind it.

Most of Friday (2nd) is taken up with a T-square, composed of the Sun first squaring Saturn and then opposing Neptune.  There may be a complicated web of events which try as you might you find it difficult to disentangle yourself from, so try to work within the conditions you find (unless you can rise above it entirely). A problem may present itself to you first of all, and then the further complications.  Try to take things one step at a time, don’t allow yourself to feel defeated, and look for the complexity of the underlying issues, e.g. the sensitivities within a group of people.

At 17.18 Hrs in the U.K., Mercury conjuncts Jupiter, and you may see some progress, if not in the central issue of the day, success in another field or area of your life.  That may be enough to lift your spirits, or enable you to think outside the box.  Sales and business will benefit from this influence, and travel will be brighter too.  You may think of some positive affirmations or soundbites, which can assist your enterprises, and the general effort.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – social, then conflicting
  • Tuesday – smooth operations, then communications awry
  • Thursday – tricky and exacting, new regimes
  • Friday – stuckness and complication, then some breakthrough