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Aspects for the week beginning 31st January 2021


“Of all the things to be
I choose the kindness
And if you gave some to me

I think we’d find ourselves here dancing in the street
Everyone we meet would smile a little daydream
It could be amazing
Wouldn’t it be wonderful if everybody gave a little love?”

~ Celeste, from the John Lewis Christmas advert 2020

Another youngster this week:  Singer and songwriter Celeste issued her first album on Friday (29th January), entitled “Not your Muse”, on the Polydor label.  She won the Rising Star Award at the Brit Awards on 6th December 2019.  The first time I heard her voice, I thought: “Where does that come from?” I still wonder that.

Birth Chart

Sun conjunct Mercury in Taurus straightaway places her as a singer-songwriter.  One of her foremost musical influences was Taurean: Ella Fitzgerald, whose Sun was exactly conjunct Venus in Taurus.  Her Mercury trines Uranus/Neptune, giving her a bright mental awareness and receptivity to inspiration.  Mercury in Taurus is also on her South Node, suggesting past lives as a singer and communicator.  Her Moon is in poetic Pisces.  She has Venus exactly square Saturn, and another of her musical influences has this aspect: Aretha Franklin.  Venus square Saturn can give a touch of melancholy, but also may give an element of voice control.  She has the complex Uranus/Neptune of those born in her year (1994). All three of her outer planets (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto) aspect her North Node (karmic mission), so she may be destined to enter the collective consciousness with her talent.

Life and Career

Celeste was born Celeste Epiphany Waite (what an uplifting middle name!) in California, to an English mother (a make-up artist) and Jamaican father.  Her parents separated, and by the age of three she had moved to England with her mother.  Her father died when she was 16, and she wrote a song (“Sirens”) in tribute to him.  At sixth form, she studied Music Technology.  In 2016 she released her first single “Daydreaming”, a song which really showcases her voice.  She moved to London in 2017, and was signed with Polydor in 2018.

As mentioned, Aretha Franklin and Ella Fitzgerald were early influences: “I’d almost be pitting myself against these singers from a different era to see if I could do some of the things they could do.”  Her voice has been compared to that of Amy Winehouse and Billie Holiday.

When it was announced that she had won the Rising Star award, her transits included a favourable trio of trines composed of Mars trine her Saturn in Pisces, Uranus trine her Chiron in Virgo and Pluto trine her natal Mercury in Taurus.  She was all set for a sparkling 2020, but the coronavirus pandemic put paid to her plans for touring Europe.  Saturn and Pluto were transiting her natal Neptune/Uranus conjunction in Capricorn, but also sextile her natal North Node/Pluto conjunction in Scorpio (the latter conjunction possibly signifying a karmic mission as Soul Singer).

Meanwhile, she was also making a name for herself in fashion and style, appearing on the front cover of the Sunday Times Style magazine as “fashion’s new front-row star”, another province of her ruling planet Taurus.

Collaboration with John Lewis

John Lewis had hitherto relied for its Christmas advert on established records and covers, but for its 2020 campaign Celeste was commissioned to write and sing the accompaniment to their advertisement.  Her voice was amazing on this song, and the words of “A Little Love” might have been twee for the regular audience, but were perfect for the Christmas spirit:

Nothing better in this world to get than happiness
If I give this gift to you
Wouldn’t everybody get a little love?”

This song was launched on 12th November 2020, with a transit of Jupiter to her natal Neptune (reminiscent of her middle name, Epiphany).


She is currently seeing poet Sonny Hall (how romantic).  He is four years younger than her, but himself an interesting young man. “Being with someone who’s an artist in their own right has led me further down a path of intrigue, towards the relationship between artist and muse”, she has said.  Sonny Hall issued his first volume of poetry in September 2019, and also models for Kate Moss’ agency.  He has Sun exactly conjunct Mercury in Gemini, which makes him the wordsmith type of poet (as distinct from the dreamy Piscean type of poet).  His synastry with Celeste includes a dynamic sextile between his Jupiter and her Uranus, which suggests they could be successful in collaborative work.


Celeste is an intriguing singer, a performer on her own terms, bound for a beautiful future.  There are some duets on YouTube well worth watching, between Celeste and other artists. One is a performance of  “You Do Something To Me”, with Paul Weller.

A must-watch is her performance on the New Year Hootenanny with Tom Jones, singing “Blue Moon”:

Here is a link:



Mars squares the Sun tomorrow (Monday 1st February).  This is a hot-headed aspect which can result in minor cuts and bruises through slapdash inattention.  Aggro, irritation and conflict are all possible under this aspect, so set out to have a peaceful day starting with a spot of your best meditational efforts.  Then radiate that calm to all who cross your path, while self-distancing.  You might find people sounding off, in anger, about things that are going on in the world.  If so, some advance preparation may assist in defusing agitation.  The energy, fire and enthusiasm which the Sun with Mars generates can be positively harnessed if you are especially mindful.

Venus enters Aquarius late lunchtime, which may help to cool the vibe.  You may experience a slightly friendlier mood at that time, a shift in energy.  Venus will be in Aquarius until 25th February, so for most of the month the general tone will be more affable.  You will feel more connected to people, but not in a clingy way, more in the mode of a higher evolutionary consciousness.

Fast forward to Saturday (6th) – Tuesday to Friday you are aspect-free and fancy – and the morning brings a conjunction of Venus and Saturn.  The day may start with a sobering reflection about relationship or money.  Feel your feelings (e.g. the nostalgia, or injustice), or deal with them philosophically, and let them go if you can.  The care of the elderly may be a particular preoccupation.  The optimum condition for this conjunction would be loyalty and commitment, and perhaps some songwriting incorporating a touch of melancholy.

Saturday also holds its treasures…The first is Venus sextile Chiron, which again would be suitable for healing through songwriting.  There’s a hint that relationships can be rescued, too.  It is a good day to combine the Arts with Healing, such as creativity which involves and brings about healing.

The second bonus is the North Node trine the Sun:  this can help your actions and creations to fall in line with, and be in sync with, your own karma and the collective karma.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – hot, then cool
  • Saturday – sadness, healing, then karmic reward

Aspects for the week beginning 24 January 2021

Amanda Gorman

“When day comes, we step out of the shade aflame and unafraid.

The new dawn blooms as we free it.

For there is always light.

If only we’re brave enough to see it.

If only we’re brave enough to be it.”

Heroine of the week was 22-year old poet Amanda Gorman who gave a reading of her poem “The Hill we Climb” at the Inauguration of Joe Biden as the 46th President of the United States.  She quite literally stunned the world.

Birth Chart

Amanda was born under the poet’s sign of Pisces, with Mercury (mindset) and Jupiter (philosophy) also in that sign.  She has 0 planets in Earth signs, so there may be an extra celestial dimension to her awareness.  Her Sun is in harmony with her Moon in Cancer, though we do not know how close that aspect is, as we do not have her birth time.  Her Sun trines Chiron, an indication of a Healer.  She has Mercury sextile Venus, the Writer Archetype.  She also has Mercury conjunct Mars, indicating a sharpened pen and a critical eye.  Mercury sextile Neptune indicates a subtlety with words and the openness of the mind to spiritual inspiration.  Venus exactly conjunct Neptune brings the ability to create exquisite art forms.  Mars sextile Neptune allows the combination of activism with compassion.  Mars trine Pluto ensures a powerhouse of energy, which she uses in her creative processes.  Jupiter squares Pluto in her chart and she may struggle with using her power.  Jupiter conjunct the South Node brings in karmic merit from past lives.  Pluto square the Nodal Axis is her awareness of the “mountain we climb”.

Her Life and Work

She was born in California, and brought up with her two siblings by her single mother, who was an English teacher.  Growing up, she watched very little television.  She studied Sociology at Harvard College.  Her work has encompassed, already in such a young life, feminism, race, oppression, marginalization and the African diaspora.  She is the first National Youth Poet Laureate, and as such caught the attention of Jill Biden, now First Lady, in 2017.

She is hypersensitive to sound (Venus conjunct exactly Neptune), and had to overcome a speech impediment in order to perform as a poet.  She saw these as a gift, inspired by the words of Marianne Williamson: “Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate, our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure.”  Breaking through into her own power, she overcame the natal Jupiter/Pluto square.  She founded a youth writing programme in 2016, called One Pen One Page.

Others who have inspired her have been Malala Yousafzai and Maya Angelou.  She will be publishing two books of poetry in September 2021.  Needless to say, advance sales have gone through the roof.  Also, Penguin books have announced they will publish her poem in hardback in the spring.

Transits at the Inauguration

She had a spectacular set of transits for the event, as well as being beautifully turned out.  Guardian writer Liesl Schillinger described her:

“Erect as a statue, her skin gleaming as if burnished, her hair corncrowed, banded with gold and drawn tightly back into a red satin Prada headband, worn high like a tiara…”

Mars was exactly sextile her natal Jupiter in Pisces (heightening her poetic grandeur); Jupiter was exactly sextile her natal Pluto in Sagittarius (expanding the depth of her philosophy and power); and Uranus was exactly sextile her natal Jupiter (providing a golden opportunity).

She says she wants to run for president in 2036, and she means it.

There are some standout youths in the world today, some of whom we know about: Amanda Gorman is looking after our souls, Greta Thunberg is pricking our climate conscience, and Marcus Rashford is showing us the way to social care…That is a cause for optimism.

“The right words in the right order can change the world; and you proved that yesterday.  Keep changing the world, one word at a time.”

~ Manuel Miranda

“And so we lift our gazes not to what stands between us, but what stands before us.”

~ Amanda Gorman


In the early hours of this morning, the Sun was conjunct Saturn at 4 degrees Capricorn.  This conjunction bears a serious message: the government reminding us that we are to keep to strict restrictions even if the R number is coming down, and even if we have been vaccinated.  We still have a long way to go.  Caution is Saturn’s name.  Saturn demands responsibility, commitment, and common sense.

Tomorrow (Monday 25th) may lift our spirits with a sextile between the Sun and Chiron.  It’s onwards and upwards on a healing vibration, and also helpful for problem-solving.  What do you yearn to solve?  There will be an attempt to bring everything to a wholeness.

There is some disruption on Tuesday (26th) as Uranus squares the Sun – be prepared for the element of the unexpected, or the Trickster Archetype.  For some, it may be exciting.  Don’t rest on your laurels, provide for loopholes, and don’t take unnecessary risks.

On the same day, Neptune squares the Nodal Axis.  There is a need to grasp the subtleties and intricacies of karma, especially on a group level.  Confusion may reign until you stop to consider this picture, like a blurry picture that gradually comes into focus.   The composer Ennio Morricone had this aspect exact in his natal chart, so why not play some of his soft flowing Neptunian music to establish the right ambience for tuning in to what is and what needs to be?

A deeper challenge, in relationship and money, arrives on Thursday (28th), when Venus conjoins Pluto.  You may feel under a lot of pressure.  What is important, is to try to get to the root of the matter in hand, and for that you may need to go back in time.  There is much to reflect on about the enormity of changes, and the impact on humanity.  You may need to do some soul-searching in order to have a handle on your feelings.

The day is supercharged emotionally, due to the tension leading up to the Full Moon at 9 degrees Leo in the early evening.   The Moon in Leo can be dramatic, and bring about power struggles, especially in groups, as it opposes the Sun in Aquarius.  But Leo is creative, and can write its own screenplay, so do your best to create your own reality your own way.

There is a major upturn on Friday (29th) when the Sun conjoins with Jupiter at 9 degrees Aquarius.  It is one of the most fortunate aspects of the year.  A virtual party may be in store, or a grand self-distanced nature walk.  Alternatively, a good day for an elevated meditation on what makes you happy, then putting your enthusiasms into practice.  Allow yourself the indulgences of hope and gratitude, if they are not already part of your everyday repertoire.

On Saturday (31st) we have to take in our stride the rigorous routine which Mercury Retrograde entails.  As usual this would be for a three week period, in this case until 21st February.  This of course, may herald difficulties in communication.  We may need to upgrade our technology during the next three weeks, and we will need to practice mindfulness and stay alert for misunderstandings.  I was given a new book on the subject around Christmas “The Mercury Retrograde Book” by Yasmin Boland and Kim Farnell (2019).  For Mercury Retrograde in Aquarius, I read the following: “This is a great time for intellectual growth.  You can throw out any outmoded ideas based on what you think is right and replace them with real facts by looking into matters more deeply and asking questions”.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – sober, strategic and sensible
  • Tomorrow – a healing vibration
  • Tuesday – disruption and confusion
  • Thursday – a deeper challenge; emotional high tide
  • Friday – the best day
  • Saturday – communication difficulties

Phil Spector (1939 – 2021)

Legendary musician Phil Spector, famous for his “Wall of Sound”, and infamous for having killed Lana Clarkson, died on 16th January.

Birth Chart

Phil Spector had the Sun in Capricorn opposing the Sun in Cancer, therefore born on a Full Moon.  Full Mooners often arouse strong feelings in others, just as their own emotions are very powerful.  The opposition of the Sun and Moon was part of a T-square with the exaggerative planet Jupiter, which resulted in a grandiose style.  Mercury was opposite his Descendant, so he needed communication, while being lonely at heart.  Venus (music) is very prominent in his chart in terms of connectedness with other planets, both favourable and unfavourable: Venus closely sextile Jupiter spelled sociability, and success in the music industry; Venus trine Neptune brought sensitivity to sound and music.  However, Venus is loosely square Saturn in his chart (loneliness), and Venus was exactly opposite Pluto.   Could that aspect have been responsible for the rage and disappointment in love which led to his killing of Lana Clarkson?  Plenty of people have this aspect, and manage to control it, but it may well have been a factor.  In addition, Venus square the Nodal Axis indicates much karma with musicians and in the music world.  Mars conjunct Jupiter made him an intense ball of energy allied with enthusiasm, capable of going over the top.  While Mars in Pisces closely opposite Neptune contributed to a complex sexuality.  Worthy of mention too are Jupiter trine closely Pluto (a huge sense of power, or megalomania) and Saturn closely conjunct South Node, coming into this incarnation with a great deal of karmic baggage.  And Pluto square his natal Nodal Axis may have given rise to dark thoughts shaping his karmic path.

Early Life and Career

Phil Spector was born on Boxing Day in 1939, in the Bronx, New York.  In his late teens, he formed a band called the Teddy Bears, and their debut single “To Know Him is to Love Him” was number one in the U.S. charts (when Pluto was trine his natal Sun, a life-changing transit).  The title came from an inscription on his father’s grave – his father had committed suicide in 1949.  He formed his own record label at the age of 21, Philles Records, when his progressed Sun trined his natal Neptune in Virgo in his 4th House.  During the course of his musical career, he collaborated with many bands and artists.


In the early 1960s, he worked with the Ronettes, and was responsible for their big romantic hits.  The Ronettes consisted of two sisters and a cousin, who wore distinctive beehive hairdos and well defined eyeliner (interestingly, Amy Winehouse, a fan of Phil Spector, adopted the beehive).  Their honeyed-toned hits included Be My Baby, Baby I Love You, (The Best Part of) Breakin’ Up and (my own personal favourite) Walking in the Rain.

Here he developed his famous “Wall of Sound”.  In “I’m Your Man”, a biography of Leonard Cohen by Sylvie Simmons, it is well described:

“His records were ‘Phil Spector’ records, the artists and musicians merely bricks in his celebrated ‘Wall of Sound’ – the name that was given to Spector’s epic production style.  It required battalions of musicians all playing at the same time – horns bleeding into drums bleeding into strings bleeding into guitars – magnified through tape echo.”

The lead singer of the Ronettes, Veronica Bennett, or Ronnie Spector as she came to be called, married Phil Spector in 1968. She became a captive in her own home, and eventually escaped barefoot with the help of her mother in 1972.  Her synastry with Phil Spector shows: Her Sun on his I.C. (for a time, he made her his emotional foundation), her Saturn square his natal Mars (an abrasive contact), Saturns exactly sextile (some conducive working together) and his Jupiter opposite her Neptune (triggering his delusional side).

Other Collaborations


Jerry Lieber: he co-wrote Spanish Harlem

Ike and Tina Turner: he produced “River Deep Mountain High”

The Righteous Brothers: he produced “You’ve Lost that Loving Feeling” and “Unchained Melody”

The Beatles: he produced “Let it Be”, “Imagine” with John Lennon, and “All Things Must Pass” with George Harrison.  George Harrison would recall it would take “eighteen cherry brandies before he could get [Spector] down to the studio”.

Leonard Cohen: he produced “Death of a Ladies’ Man”.  Leonard Cohen found the production of this album a bit of a nightmare, and Sylvie Simmons devotes the whole of Chapter 15 to Phil Spector (pub. 2012) in her biography of Cohen, “I’m Your Man”.  She wrote:

“Where Leonard’s darkness manifested as ‘withdrawal and melancholy’, with Spector it was ‘megalomania* and  insanity, and the kind of devotion to armaments that was really intolerable…There were guns everywhere.  Phil was beyond control.’ ”

*Jupiter trine Pluto, among other aspects in Phil Spector’s natal chart

Injury and Killing

Phil Spector was seriously injured in a car crash in 1974, and was hospitalized with head injuries which necessitated hours of surgery.  The accident shows up in his chart as a transit of Uranus to his North Node.  It is likely that this event further exacerbated his extreme personality traits.

On 3rd February 2003, Phil Spector shot actress Lana Clarkson at his mansion.  One trial was aborted, and the process was restarted, eventually resulting in a 19 year prison sentence in 2009.  During the proceedings, possible diagnoses of bi-polar syndrome and Parkinson’s were brought up in relation to his health.  On the day of the shooting, Mars was exactly opposite his natal Ascendant, a transit which can be a trigger point in a volatile or unstable personality.  The fated interaspects in their charts included his Pluto square to her Venus, and her Pluto sextile his Moon.  Her transits on the day were harsh: Chiron squared her natal Sun, Pluto squared her natal Mars (danger) and Jupiter square her natal Neptune.  On the day he was sentenced Saturn squared his natal Mercury, Uranus opposed his natal Neptune, and Neptune trined his natal North Node in Libra in 5th House.  Neptune rules incarceration, and his natal Uranus is in the 12th House of Prisons.  He died in Stockton Prison in California, having tested positive for Covid a few weeks earlier.

At some point in his trial, he stated:

“No sleep, depression, mood changes, mood swings, hard to live with, hard to concentrate, just hard—a hard time getting through life, I’ve been called a genius and I think a genius is not there all the time and has borderline insanity.”

Aspects for the week beginning 17 January 2021

Nancy Pelosi

The Speaker of the House of Representatives, Democrat Nancy Pelosi, presided over the second impeachment of Donald Trump this week, itself a record number of times a  U.S. President has been impeached.  That is quite an achievement for an 80-year old, in a lifetime of achievement.

Birth Chart

Nancy has the Sun in Aries, a sign of great self-belief.  Her Moon is in strong-willed Scorpio, and her Ascendant (yes, we have a birth time) is in Leadership Leo.  She is very grounded (5 Earth planets), works on instinct (0 Air planets) and is extremely strong-willed (6 Fixed planets).  Her strength is increased by a trine to her Sun from Pluto in the 8th House.  The Moon in Scorpio in the 3rd House exactly trines Mercury, so in her chart rationality and imagination are working perfectly together.  The Moon is conjunct her I.C., which means she has strong emotional family roots.  Mercury sextile Venus gives her a way with words, and Uranus sextile Mercury conveys a brilliant mind.  A trine from Chiron to Mercury adds problem-solving ability.  Venus is positioned exactly conjunct Uranus in Taurus, either side of the 10th House cusp, both exactly conjunct with it, with Uranus in 9th and Venus in 10th – a most interesting description of her unusual role in society for her times.  With Venus trine Neptune, she is capable of  the finer feelings, and with Mars conjunct Uranus she can be forceful.   She may have acquired merit in past lives, with Jupiter conjunct the South Node in Aries in 8th House.  The North Node in Libra (Law) in 3rd House, points possibly to her karmic mission.  Chiron in Cancer may convey great patriotism

Life and Career

Born the youngest child of an Italian-American family, both Nancy’s parents were involved in politics, and she became so at an early age: “Our lives were about campaigns”.

Nancy Pelosi was first elected to the House in 1987, at the age of 47.  She became a U.S. representative from California (her father before her had been U.S. representative from Maryland). She has worked on many issues, including healthcare, environmental issues, gun laws, human rights in China, and AIDS.  She also opposed the Iraq war.

She became Speaker of the House of Representatives on 4th January 2007, with Mars sextile her natal North Node in Libra (Law) in 3rd House; Uranus sextile her natal Midheaven in Taurus in 9th House (a significant breakthrough) and Neptune sextile her natal  Jupiter in Aries in 8th House (an opportunity to play out her ideals).

Her speech included the words:

“This is a historic moment—for the Congress, and for the women of this country. It is a moment for which we have waited more than 200 years. Never losing faith, we waited through the many years of struggle to achieve our rights. But women weren’t just waiting; women were working. Never losing faith, we worked to redeem the promise of America, that all men and women are created equal. For our daughters and granddaughters, today, we have broken the marble ceiling. For our daughters and our granddaughters, the sky is the limit, anything is possible for them.”

This was an extraordinary first, the highest rank for a woman in the history of Congress. Until Kamala Harris’ recent appointment as upcoming Vice President, this remained true.  When Kamala becomes Vice President next week, on Wednesday 20th January, Nancy will be ranked third in power, after President Biden and Kamala Harris, in terms of the presidential line of succession.

She worked relatively harmoniously during the Obama administration, but clashed openly with Donald Trump who overturned many of the policies of the preceding years.  Her synastry with Donald Trump reveals a very intense set of interaspects:

Her Neptune squares his Sun, while his Neptune opposes her Sun – a very tricky entanglement.  His Moon sextiles her North Node, so they could have a karmic link.  Most tellingly, their Marses are exactly squared – their energies work differently and lock horns. Her Mars is in stubborn Taurus, and his in stubborn Leo, so it gets very personal.  Their Jupiters too are exactly opposite, so they have a different view of what constitutes justice.


Nancy married Paul Pelosi on 7th September 1963.  Their Synastry shows that Paul is also an Aries, born 3 weeks after her in the same year, so their generational planets are conjunct, which often gives shared values.  His Uranus is conjunct her Venus and squares her Ascendant.  Her transits on the day they married were significant: she had a Jupiter Return, in Aries in her 8th House; Saturn was sextile her natal Jupiter exact on the day (a good balance in life); Neptune was trine her natal Chiron in Cancer in 11th House (healing) and Pluto trine her natal Midheaven in Taurus in 9th House (a deep but constructive change in her life direction).  They have five children together and five grandchildren.


That Scorpio Moon (a long term determination) came into force through her actions in impeaching Donald Trump since she was re-elected as Speaker in January 2019.  The first impeachment took place on 18th December 2019, and the transits did not make much impression on Donald Trump.  It was more significant for Nancy astrologically: Saturn was trine her natal Venus; Mars was opposite her natal Uranus; Saturn was trine her natal Uranus.

The second impeachment, which took place this week on Wednesday 13th January 2021, looks to have more impact: Pluto was opposite his natal Saturn in Cancer in 11th House; the North Node on his Uranus in Gemini in his 10th House, calling him to account, and Chiron opposes his natal Neptune in Libra in 2nd House.  But it should be noted that he has a couple of trines, too (half the country willing to demonstrate on his behalf).  Nancy’s transits this time round are Jupiter exactly sextile her natal Sun in Aries in 8th House (feeling much more like a success), Neptune sextile her Uranus, and Pluto trine her natal Neptune (a deep satisfaction).  The impeachment was in direct response to the storming of Congress by Trump’s followers on 6th January, after his words of “incitement”.  The difference this time is that ten Republicans voted in favour of impeachment.


Joe Biden’s Inauguration as President is due to take place next Wednesday.  Some conspiracy theorists say that Donald will pop up at the Inauguration and declare himself re-elected.  But there is a conspiracy theory for every possible scenario these days.  I noted in 2020 for the time of the Inauguration:

“Pluto opposite his natal Venus (a shattering time for him personally), but with Pluto trine his Midheaven (a transformation in his Career, Life Direction and Reputation – which could go either way!)”

The transits for the U.S. chart for the day shows a strident Mars sextile its natal Jupiter, Jupiter on its South Node (some positive karma), Uranus sextile its Jupiter (an opportunity), Uranus square its Nodal Axis (big change), and Pluto opposite its Mercury (some upset, for some sections of society).

Widespread demonstration and violence have been predicted for the day, and there is a dicey Mars/Uranus conjunction on the astrological menu that very day.  Donald Trump and his “movement” will not go quietly.

Personally speaking, I don’t believe the conspiracy theories; I firmly believe that Joe Biden will take his place as President, and that he will try to restore sanity and order in his country.

“One of the best Speakers the House of Representatives has ever had.”

~ Barack Obama


This evening brings a momentous aspect, that of Jupiter square Uranus.  In a natal chart it can denote someone who is a Chancer, or an Opportunist.  In terms of events it could bring change by surprise opportunity or loopholes.  The change may be desired or unwanted, but the opportunity exists in the spaces that have been created.  Look closely at your agenda and your landscape, and you may already see what is likely to transpire.

On Tuesday (19th) evening, re-affirming the trend towards change, the Sun enters Aquarius.  We are more open to embracing change,  as we emerge from the stiffness of winter, like snowdrops from the ground.  We still have a way to go before Spring, but are ready to look at different ways of being.

Wednesday (20th), Inauguration Day, has the conjunction of Mars and Uranus.  This occurs in the evening in the U.K., but will be in daylight in the U.S.  Pent-up energy, tension, anger and enthusiasm is likely to erupt, so the peacemakers will be much needed.  Engineering projects could benefit, but sparks are likely to fly both electronically and etherically.  Note that Nancy Pelosi has this conjunction natally, and it is part of the force of her personality.

Mercury trine the North Node on the same day may ensure that the right people get the right information at the right time, and that karmic justice is carried out.

On Saturday (23rd) Jupiter squares Mars in the morning, and enthusiasm and excitement may spill over into uncontrolled action.  This combination can produce high jinx, fun and games, or just sheer over the top enthusiasm allied with energy – that’s what I would normally expect.  But in a week where a difficult Inauguration is taking place, and Jupiter has squared Uranus, and Mars has conjoined Uranus, anything can happen.  Emotions will still be volatile.  If your life is far removed from a U.S. Inauguration, look for enthusiastic activity and fiery exchanges in your personal environment.

The evening brings balm…for Venus sextiles Neptune, in harmless and soothing waves of serenity, as far as it can interpenetrate the fieriness of the day.  People may come more into tune with each other, having expressed their fire.  New artistic avenues may flourish, having found ingenious ways for people to share art, music and performance over the internet with the closure of theatres etc.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Opportunity knocks
  • Tuesday – Embracing change
  • Wednesday – Explosive; karmic improvement
  • Saturday – Energy allied with enthusiasm; soothing balm

Aspects for the week beginning 10 January 2021

Gerry Marsden (1942 – 2021)

“We went over [to Hamburg] with the Beatles and had a good laugh.  All they had over there were oompah bands…we took over this music, and they loved it.”

~ Gerry Marsden

Singer Gerry Marsden, frontman for Gerry and the Pacemakers, died last week.  He and his band were a fundamental part of the Merseybeat scene in the early 1960s, and his version of “You’ll never walk alone” was the soundtrack to many a Liverpool football match.

Birth Chart

Gerry had the Sun in the first degree of Libra, a singer’s sign.  He was born on a Full Moon (the Moon opposing the Sun), with the Moon either in Pisces or Aries.  With the Sun trine team-minded Uranus, he flourished in a band.  There’s a dreamlike quality about his chart, with Neptune winding its way through various features: his Sun is closely conjunct Neptune, his Moon may be in Pisces and opposes Neptune, and Mars is also conjunct Neptune.  We do not have his birth time, so we cannot see Neptune’s position in the context of the whole chart, but I think the dreamy Neptunian quality gives atmosphere to his iconic version of “You’ll never walk alone”, and the portrayal of “Ferry Cross the Mersey”.  The Moon is probably trine Jupiter in his chart, which would make him emotionally upbeat.  His vitality shows  up well, in respect of a strong Mars which is conjunct his Sun, trine Saturn and Uranus, and sextile Pluto.

Life and Career

Gerry, together with his older brother Freddie who was one of the Pacemakers, was born in Toxteth, Liverpool.  Freddie’s Sun in Sagittarius was exactly sextile Gerry’s Sun at the beginning of Libra, making for an excellent musical partnership.  Gerry joined a skiffle group at the age of 14, together with Freddie.  They went from being called the Red Mountain Boys to the Mars Bars (a short lived name).  In 1959 they were renamed The Pacemakers.  Having first signed up The Beatles, Brian Epstein signed up The Pacemakers in June 1962 – the Mersey sound was under way!  Then in December 1962 George Martin signed them up to the Columbia label.

Their first hit was “How do you do it?” In his memoir “All You Need is Ears”, George Martin writes about this reording debut:

“The next group he [Brian Epstein] brought me was Gerry and the Pacemakers.  For them, I dipped into my song-bag and once more produced ‘How Do You Do It?”, the song that t he Beatles hadn’t wanted to issue.  Gerry recorded it, and it went to number one… that was a little personal vindication of my faith in the song…”  

Hits that followed over the next few years were:-

I like it

You’ll never walk alone

Don’t let the sun catch  you crying

Ferry cross the Mersey

A film entitled “Ferry Cross the Mersey” was produced in 1965.

In 1966, the Pacemakers disbanded. Marsden subsequently appeared in musical theatre and television, occasionally re-recording collaborative versions of “You’ll never Walk Alone” and “Ferry Cross the Mersey” for charity.

In 1993, Marsden published his autobiography, also entitled “You’ll never Walk Alone”.

He was married, with two daughters.

The Football Song

“You’ll never Walk Alone” is a song from the Rodgers and Hammerstein film musical Carousel of 1945.  In the musical, it accompanies a poignant storyline about a widow.

The song is particularly associated with Liverpool Football Club, but is played at football matches all over the world, inspired by Gerry’s recording.

George Martin continues:

“…a more interesting recording Gerry made was of ‘You’ll Never Walk Alone’, the old American standard.  He always got a great reaction from audiences when he performed it, and it was Brian’s idea to record it.  For the first time, I backed Gerry with a large string orchestra, which was a great departure for him.  He had been a very jolly rock-and-roll star, doing little two-beat songs, and suddenly here was this big ballad with which his voice could hardly cope.  All the same, I think it was largely that record which was responsible for the song becoming the universal football-crowd song it is today.”

The song proved to be an enduring thread in Gerry’s life, and even in 2020 he released a version of it in tribute to the NHS.

The Beatles, together with Gerry and the Pacemakers, were the musical accompaniment to my early teens.  It is hard to convey to the current musical consumers, listening to Taylor Swift, Billie Eilish, Harry Styles, and groups I have never heard of, how exciting it was to hear those simple love songs in the early 1960s.  The Beatles themselves moved on from that genre, and a lot has happened since in the music world!


In the early hours of this morning Mercury conjoined Saturn at 2 degrees Aquarius, so you can forgive yourself a few gloomy thoughts (e.g. about the proliferation of the pandemic, or the violence at the Capitol in Washington last week), as the combination of Mercury and Saturn pins us down to reality.  Mercury conjunct Saturn brings communications of a serious nature.  You may have found yourself trying to come to terms with recent events or news.  The important thing about this conjunction is what conclusions you come to, and what constructive action you might decide to take, even if it is taking up the ever present demand of decluttering.

Tomorrow (Monday 11th), there could be better news, with Mercury conjunct Jupiter.  As Jupiter and Saturn are still conjunct, there may be a bittersweet edge to the news, but there should be some good news in there!  This conjunction takes place at 5 degrees Aquarius.  I had to re-check that: Mercury moving 3 degrees in a day?  But allowing for the fact that Sunday’s conjunction was very early in the morning, and Monday’s is late afternoon, and Mercury just is sometimes extra speedy, yes 5 degrees Aquarius is the position.  You can take special note if this is an important degree in  your chart.  This conjunction favours learning and education, communication and good news, sales and transport.  Education, business and transport have all taken a battering in these covid times, so maybe any glimmer of hope will be welcomed and grasped.

Mercury is also blessed with a sextile from Chiron the same day, so Geminis and Virgos may be especially happy.  This bodes well for health related issues, and problem-solving.  It is helpful for developing your Inner Healer, whatever your sign.

A more weighty benefit comes also that day from a sextile between Jupiter and Chiron.  That brings the possibility of some real healing, or more good news about health.  I do hope that this sextile can get past through the incompetent of governments, and the scale of the pandemic.  The U.K. hospitals are currently at their limit, so it would be good to hear that the figures are decreasing a little.  That would be my wish, but you can bring out your own wishes for Jupiter sextile Chiron on any issue in your life.  It is a really positive force.

Make the most of Monday!

Tuesday (12th) brings the spanner-in-the-works aspect of Uranus square Mercury.  Back up your computer files, and consider I.T. loopholes, as this is a time when you may experience glitches in this area.  Your Intuition is your guide to your way through these anomalies.  Set your antennae to a higher frequency!  On the covid scene, there may be more shocks recorded, and in Washington more headaches for Joe Biden as he prepares to take the reins of government.

Another square which could make Tuesday difficult is that of Chiron to Venus.  Self-nursing and relationship issues are highlighted by this square.  Healthwise, sore throats could be prevalent – leading to the question of whether or not to take a test or self-isolate.  But this is a fast-moving aspect, so the question would be resolved quickly.  If there is an emotional crisis, then healing could be nearby.

A New Moon arrives at 23 degrees Capricorn on Wednesday (13th) early in the morning, so you may wake refreshed, full of good new intentions. Plan a constructive month ahead.  New beginnings are possible in relation to the structures and organization of your life, relations with authority and the institutions of society.  Politicians may announce good new intentions.  It is a good time for Joe Biden to lay out new ideas and policies, and for Matt Hancock to take us through his latest strategies for dealing with the pandemic.

Work quickly, because things get more complicated around 11 a.m. when Saturn squares Mars.  I think of this aspect as a square peg in a round hole, and a square peg which  you shouldn’t try to push through the round hole.  Energies clash.  You may feel tired and a little discouraged, and unproductive.  Ride it out gently.  And observe others carefully, who may not be astrologically mindful.

Good news returns (you had good news earlier in the week, right?) on Thursday (14th) with a trine between Venus and Uranus.  This occurs in the first hour of the day, so may begin the previous night, or may take place during a bright dream.  The aspect may set you up with insights for the following week, or bring encounters of the illuminating kind.  In the field of the Arts, it can bring originality and surprise, e.g. to a performance of music.  Ideas for assisting the problems in our society may also crop up, such as community based solutions.

At  8.36 a.m.  Uranus Stations prior to turning Direct.  Intuition will flow better, and future vision come into view.  It will become easier to align with the new energies of Aquarius.

In the early afternoon, the Sun conjoins with Pluto, and that will be a profound wake-up call, both personally and collectively.  Practicing meditation and calming techniques would be a good way to proceed on the day as the deeper issues of life come up for assessment.  Any creativity will have depth to it, and you won’t be able to skim the surface of things. But you will emerge the richer for it.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – serious communications
  • Tomorrow – better news; healing ways; a breakthrough
  • Tuesday – spanner in the works; nursing
  • Wednesday – new beginning; clumsiness
  • Thursday – electrifying encounters; intuition flowing; a profound wake-up call


Aspects for the week beginning 3 January 2021

Pierre Cardin (1922 – 2020)

“I have always worked in my own style, which is different from all others. It was always my intention to be different, because that is the only way to last.”

~ Pierre Cardin

The fashion designer known for his space age designs, Pierre Cardin, died on 29 December at the age of 98.  He launched his space age look in 1964, at a time when Andre Courreges (he of the boots) and Paco Rabanne (chainmail dresses) were also promoting the style.  It was also in the mid-sixties that Mary Quant was designing ultra-short mini dresses in the U.K. and Terence Conran opened up his first Habitat in London.  In the whole of 1964 Saturn was in Aquarius (sign of the space age), as it also is in 2021.  So could this year be the year of the space age, or a return to space age fashion?

 “I was very influenced by the satellites, by the moon, by the entire cosmos, by astronauts.  My first designs were based on the moon.”

~ Pierre Cardin

Birth Chart

It is not difficult to find this space age theme in Cardin’s chart, as there are several factors which point to it.  Firstly, he has Uranus (the ruler of Aquarius) in Pisces in his 5th House, which describes inventive, futuristic and original creativity and creations.  Uranus and Aquarius also represents the unisex fashions that he created.  He had the Part of Fortune and his I.C. in his 4th House exactly conjunct in Aquarius, re-emphasizing this theme: the style was the foundation of his life; he was rooted in the future, always thinking outside the box.  With 0 planets in Earth (strengthening the space theme!), his clothes were not always practical.

With the Sun in the tenacious sign of Cancer, his calling was concerned with the life of women.  His father wanted him to be an architect, but from an early age he was passionate about dressmaking.  Some of his dress designs have been described as architectural.  His Sun (creativity) was exactly trine his natal Uranus (the avant-garde) in his 5th House of Creativity, again re-emphasizing the themes of originality and space age.  Moon trine Mercury in air signs meant that he was able to engage left brain with right brain, rational mind with imagination; and the Moon sextile Venus was congenial for relations with women and in the world of women.  His ruler the Moon was loosely conjunct Jupiter in Libra, spelling success (Jupiter) in designing (Libra) for women (Moon), and the Moon sextile Neptune added emotional sensitivity.  Ascendant in Libra lent the last word in elegance to a designer, and Midheaven in Leo gave him the Showman Archetype, the confidence to show his brand.  Venus exactly conjunct Neptune produced exquisitely refined artistry and this conjunction in the 10th House closely trined Chiron in Aries in the 6th House – a career healing through art and creativity.  Jupiter was conjunct the North Node in Libra in 12th House square exactly Pluto/Sun (exact) in 8th House – a love of power.  It pleased him to have his signature on numerous items of merchandise.  But his Midheaven was exactly sextile his North Node, so there was no conflict between his conventional career and karmic mission.  He enjoyed creating a dress design per day.


Cardin defined himself as “mostly gay”.  We do not have a birth date for his long-term partner and fellow fashion designer Andre Oliver, who died in 1993.  But in the early 1960s he had a four year affair with the actress Jeanne Moreau, and we are able to look at the synastry between them:

Her exact Jupiter-Uranus conjunction (her Entrepreneur) in Aries was exactly opposite his natal Saturn in Libra, which was very enlivening for him and inspiring for his work in design.  This was a constructive partnership (for as long as it lasted), with his Saturn trine her Sun, his Jupiter trine her Moon, his Mars sextile her Mercury, his Venus trine her Saturn and his Ascendant sextile her Neptune.  His Nodal Axis squared her Mars, so she would have had to assert herself; and his Venus/Neptune conjunction squared her Ascendant, which meant that there may have been some ambivalence, deception and paranoia – possible reasons why the relationship did not last.  But overall, it would have been a relationship which enhanced his life.


There was no cause of death given, but astrologically there is an air of psychological completion, with the transiting Jupiter/Saturn conjunction from his 4th House exactly trine his natal Saturn in Libra in 12th House.

“It is a day of great sadness for all our family. Pierre Cardin is no more. We are all proud of his tenacious ambition and the daring he has shown throughout his life.”

~ his family


The first aspect of the week occurs within the first hour of Tuesday (5th) morning, with Mercury conjunct Pluto at 24 degrees Capricorn.  This to remind us that although we have stepped over a threshold into the Age of Aquarius, there are still serious matters to attend to from the deeply Capricornian year of 2020.  Truth needs to be told, and words will have a profound effect.  Deeper motives may be revealed.  Listening too is important, and conversations may become cathartic, if sincerely transacted.

A necessary slowing down may occur on Wednesday (6th) with Mars moving into Taurus in the late evening.  Mars has held sway in its own sign since early July, and that energy has been very galvanizing most of the time (except for the period in retrograde motion).  But activity for its own sake has its limitations, and though Mars is not so happy in the earthbound sign of Taurus, the testing quality of this energy has its reasons and worth.  You may find yourself querying more often why you are doing something, and how to do it, e.g. working more resourcefully and more in alignment with planetary requirements.  Greta Thunberg has just turned 18, and with four planets in Capricorn she may have more grease to her elbow while Mars is in Taurus (it stays until 4th March).  Any enterprise on Wednesday/Thursday needs to take account of the new energy and attitude.  As Taurus rules the Arts, an aesthetic angle or a musical rhythm may need to come into the equation, for instance.

Another ingress takes place at Noon on Friday (8th), that of Mercury entering Aquarius.  That increases the balance of planets in Aquarius to three, with Jupiter and Saturn already there.  The asteroid Pallas Athena is also currently in Aquarius.  The Aquarian energy is gathering…Reality based Mercury in Capricorn as a collective mindset gives way to the futuristic, the avant-garde, the original, the inventive: all the qualities used to describe Pierre Cardin’s fashions and creations!  Look out for a surge in space-age related news items and influences.  Technology, too will flourish (although, curiously, Pierre Cardin did not like computers).

Yet another ingress takes place the same day, mid-afternoon, with Venus entering Capricorn, taking the place Mercury has just vacated.  Carefree Venus in Sagittarius gives way to a more sedate portrayal of love and affection, and the Arts.  Loyalty and stamina are more in evidence, after the more adventurous period of her sojourn in Sagittarius.  This too will help the efforts of Greta Thunberg during her stay here (the whole of the rest of the month, until 1st February).  Recent Januaries have seen a successful drive called “Veganuary”, encouraging vegetarianism and veganism, and this would be set to continue.  Thoughts may turn to the care of the elderly within the family circle, and the protection programme by vaccination of the elderly.  Last night’s special covid episode of Casualty focussed on the problems in the early stages of the original lockdown of discharging elderly covid patients from hospital back into care homes without testing them, and the havoc that caused.

Some inspiration creeps in later in the day, with the Sun sextile Neptune.  The saying goes that you can’t make a silk purse out of a sow’s ear, but the Sun sextile Neptune gives you the best chance of creating beauty and inspiration in your life.  If spiritual harmony and creativity are some of the goals and aspirations you have for the start of the year, you can safely cultivate them on Friday.

The early hours of Saturday (9th) bring a fractious square between Mercury and Mars into play, which means: minor irritations, minor cuts and bruises, and minor conflicts.  People may get out of the wrong side of the bed, and express their tiredness through mumbled expletives.  If this is so, might I suggest that a meditation can provide a re-set?  Though you may feel you want to make progress quickly, slowly is more holy at this time.  But paradoxically, after a refreshing meditation If you are centred, you may be quite productive, producing brisk work.

Some of the earlier irritation is smoothed over mid-afternoon, when Venus trines Mars.  The Venus effect is strengthened as Mars is in her sign of Taurus.  If there are other wars going on, the relations between the sexes will be harmonious, or the connectivity between your own inner male and female.  It would be a good opportunity for sharing and balancing roles, such as career and parenting.  And exercises of body awareness, such as qijong, may be helpful.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – serious communications
  • Wednesday – more considered activity
  • Friday – forward thinking; loyalty and resourcefulness; inspired creativity
  • Saturday – minor skirmishes; more harmony later

Aspects for the week beginning 27 December 2020


Welcome to the year 2021: A very much welcome new start.  We hope that it will be a year of recovery and progress.  It will certainly have a different feel to 2020, with an emphasis on Aquarius after the Capricornian emphasis of the previous year.  The challenging aspect this year is the square between Saturn and Uranus: a battle between the old and the new, so great adjustments to be made.

If you want to start working with the aspects from now, here is a guide to some of the major astrological events coming up.

2021 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:


Weds 6th: 22.27 Hrs – Mars leaves its long sojourn in Aries, and enters TaurusA necessary slowing down.  Slow and steady wins the race.

Thurs 14th: 8.36 Hrs – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Change and progress, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.  Enabling progress for the New Age.

Sun 17th: 22.50 Hrs – Uranus square Jupiter – Innovation and Opportunity (or Opportunism)

Sat 30th: 15.51 Hrs – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 21st Feb.


Weds 17th: 19.08 Hrs – Uranus squares Saturn – Earthquakes, environmental, and possibly personal.

Sun 21st: 00.53 Hrs – Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.


Brighter energies…

Thurs 4th: 3.29 Hrs – Mars enters GeminiHigh energy placing, with a great deal of mental and physical energy, and the urge to get things done.

Sat 20th: 9.37 Hrs – Spring Equinox.  The Sun enters Aries – the beginning of the Astrological New Year.  Day and Night of equal length.


Fri 23rd: 11.49 Hrs – Mars enters CancerAn energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness.

Tues 27th: 20.06 Hrs – Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde A level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.


Thurs 13th: 22.36 Hrs – Jupiter enters Pisces – A more emotional and devotional focus, with growing spirituality.  The forthcoming year ahead belongs to Pisceans!

Sun 23rd: 9.18 Hrs – Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground.  Retrograde period ends 11 Oct.

Weds 26th: 11.14 Hrs – Lunar Eclipse (Full Moon at 5 degrees Sagittarius) – turning point, and mentally adventurous.  Be clear in your direction of travel, both physically and metaphorically.   

Sat 29th: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 22 June.


Eventful month…

3rd June: 23.33 Hrs – Venus trine Jupiter – the most congenial aspect in a year: social celebrations, romantic engagements…The number 3 seems prominent.

10th June: 10.53 Hrs – Solar Eclipse (New Moon at 19 degs Gemini) – A new beginning, with a fresh mental focus.

Fri 11th: 13.34 Hrs – Mars enters LeoEnergetic self-expression, or displays of Power.

Mon 14th: 22.01 Hrs – Uranus squares Saturn – Earthquakes, environmental, and possibly personal, as 17 Feb but with Saturn Retrograde (more intransigence).

Sun 20th: 15.05 HrsJupiter is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – Revising your Philosophy.  Retrograde period ends 18 Oct.

Mon 21st: 3.32 Hrs – Summer Solstice – The Sun enters Cancer.  The peak of the Light.

Tues 22nd: 22.00 Hrs (all the 22s): Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Fri 25th: 19.18 Hrs – Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Some retrospection on the Spiritual path.  Retrograde period ends 1st Dec.


Weds 28th: 12.43 Hrs – Jupiter Retrograde re-enters Aquarius – Brave New World re-starts!  There are loose ends to tie in the realm of ideas and mental projects, before knuckling down to the more emotional heart-based projects.

Thurs 29th: 20.32 Hrs – Mars enters VirgoA more purposeful,  nose-to-the-grindstone shoulder to the wheel application of energy.


Fri 20th: 1.41 Hrs – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning RetrogradeRebellion, and bids for freedom.  Retrograde period ends 18 Jan 2022.


Weds 15th: 00.14 Hrs – Mars enters LibraA need for balance, especially between opposing factions.

Weds 22nd: 19.21 Hrs – Autumn Equinox – The Sun enters Libra – A time of balance.  Day and Night of equal length.

Mon 27th: 5.09 Hrs – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 18 Oct.


Mon 11th: 2.17 Hrs – Saturn Direct – Less struggle.

Mon 18th**: 5.30 Hrs – Jupiter Direct – straightening out your Philosophy.

15.17 Hrs: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Communications eased.

Fri 22nd: 4.19 Hrs – Mars square Pluto – one of the most difficult aspects in a ear.  Stay out of the fray.

Sat 30th: 14.21 Hrs – Mars enters ScorpioBattle mode; battle lines drawn; prepare to defend the underdog, or provide strength and support.


Fri 19th: 8.57 Hrs – Lunar Eclipse – (Full Moon at 27 degrees Taurus) – turning point, drawing a line in the sand.


Weds 1st: 13.24 Hrs – Neptune Direct. Spiritual path clearing.

Sat 4th: 7.43 Hrs -Solar Eclipse – (New Moon at 12 degs Sagittarius) – A new beginning, with an expanding global outlook.

Mon 13th: 9.53 Hrs – Mars enters Sagittarius. A bright, adventurous note.  Stays in Sagittarius until 25 Jan 2022.

Sun 19th: 10.36 Hrs – Venus Retrograde. More care and attention needed in relationships.  Retrograde period ends 29 Jan 2022.

Tues 21st: 15.59 Hrs – Winter Solstice. The Sun enters Capricorn.  The beginning of the Return of the Light.

Fri 24th: 7.17 Hrs – Uranus squares Saturn – Earthquakes, environmental, and possibly personal, as 17 Feb and 14 June but with Saturn Direct and Uranus Retrograde (more rebellion and change).

Weds 29th: 4.09 Hrs – Jupiter re-enters Pisces – The more emotional and devotional focus, with growing spirituality.  Another green light for Pisceans!

 ** A day when there are two significant shifts occurring


Happy New Year everyone!  Hope you can use the above calendar to your advantage.

Tomorrow (Monday 28 December) the Sun trines Uranus, which is a hopeful influence.  That may bring an unexpected go ahead to forge on with innovative plans and original creativity.

There is then a build up to the Full Moon at 8 degrees Cancer on Wednesday 30th.  This is one of the most emotional full moons of the year…time to watch that weepie movie on TV!  The Moon in Cancer opposing the Sun in Capricorn may lead you to reflect on  your work-life balance, ahead of the new working year.

We also have a square between Venus and Neptune the same day, which may complicate matters emotionally.  You may need to distinguish between reality and illusion in relationships, and also sift out the paranoia.  And it may also be helpful to distinguish between the issues of the Full Moon, and the square between the planets, as they may merge into overwhelm.  Looking at them with more clarity and discernment will help deal with them.

The first aspect of the year, on Friday 1st January, is a helpful sextile between Mercury and Neptune, which will assist you in focussing your mind and spirit on the year ahead, your New Year’s Resolutions (if any), creative visualizations and affirmations.  Our minds will be able to receive higher guidance more easily on that day.  Delicate conversations and channelling will also be made easier.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – sparkling clarity
  • Wednesday – emotional high tide and relationship confusion
  • Friday – mind and spirit working in harmony

Review of the Year 2020

Review of the Year 2020

That was the Year that Was.  You may not be eager to read it!  It is slightly more serious than earlier summaries.   But contains selections from the blogs, as usual…



Saturn conjunct Pluto

As you may know by now, the two great planets Saturn and Pluto make a grand conjunction today, a conjunction which heavily impact our lives, and the world in general.  For ourselves, the conjunction may highlight a challenge which we may already be aware of.  In the world, there are current challenges connected with international relations, climate change (witness the Australian bush fires), and particularly in the U.K. Brexit challenges, and a crisis for the monarchy.



There is merely one aspect this week, which is highly unusual.  It is the Full Moon in Leo (an opposition with the Sun in Aquarius), and it has already happened (at 7.33 a.m. today).  Moon in Leo can be dramatic, and bring about power struggles.  But Leo is creative, and can write its own screenplay, especially if working in a balanced way within a group.  It has been quite a turbulent morning in terms of the gales lashing the British Isles (storm Ciara), and the declaration that the Coronavirus crisis is now possibly deemed a pandemic and already outstripping the 2003 Sars outbreak in seriousness and casualties.  There usually is a crest of emotion at the peak of the Full Moon.  So this Full Moon may leave you with material to ponder…



Democratic Leadership Contest

On “Super Tuesday” last week, the search for a hopeful to oust Donald Trump from office took an unexpected turn, when candidates pulled out and gave their backing to Joe Biden, and he experienced a huge upturn in his chances against Bernie Sanders…

Joe Biden

Joe Biden has many points of similarity in his chart when compared to Bernie Sanders, and some of those are due to his being a similar age (now aged 77, he was born 14 months after Bernie).  One way in which he is opposite in nature is that Bernie has 0 planets in the emotional Water element, while Joe has half his planets (5) in Water. Joe also has over half his planets (6) in  the Fixed signs, giving him a very strong will.  He has the Sun plus three other planets in the sign of Scorpio in his 12th House, and has had more than his fair share of drama during his life.  He has endured much hardship, but with the Sun trine Jupiter he has been strong and positive.



Keir Starmer’s Shadow Cabinet

Keir Starmer, Leader of the Oppositon, put together his Shadow Cabinet this week.  Some of these I have already written about, and some are new to my researches.  There are nearly 100 listed, so I can only write about a few this week, and maybe come back to this theme another time.  Among the top members, Keir has tried to incorporate a spectrum from the left to the right of the party.

Lisa Nandy – Shadow Foreign Secretary

I wrote in January:

“Of all the charts, Lisa Nandy’s inspires me the most.  She is a strong willed Leo, a sign known for leadership.  She was born a month before Rebecca Long-Bailey in the same year. Whenever I have watched her, say on Question Time, she has seemed eminently sensible, and just nice (and that’s her Sun conjunct Venus).  I hadn’t thought of her as leadership material, until looking at her chart. With the Sun conjunct Jupiter, she could get lucky.  She has certainly surprised many with her success in impressing MPs in the initial weeks of her campaign.  Another surprise is that she has the Sun square exactly Uranus – The Rebel Archetype.”

She has landed a good, meaty role in that of Shadow Foreign Secretary, and I think she will shine.  I wrote for this period: ” But with Mars opposite her natal Mercury at the final, this does not seem momentous or  helpful enough to indicate a win.”  But she was one of the first appointments Keir Starmer made, and that is testimony to the good campaign she fought.



Jacinda Ardern revisited

The Prime Minister of New Zealand, Jacinda Ardern, kept her cool this week when an earthquake struck.  She has also been praised recently for her exemplary handling of the pandemic in her country.  I last wrote about her in March of last year after the massacre in Christchurch, so it may be time to revisit the astrology around this amazing woman.

It has also been pointed out that female leaders (e.g. Angela Merkel) are prominent among the nations which have produced low casualties in the epidemic.  In India, K.K. Shailaja a female health minister and former teacher produced a remarkably proactive regime in her state of Kerala. Could this be a sign of things to come, the rise of the wisdom of the divine feminine, replacing the age old patriarchy?



Marcus Rashford

“This is not about politics; this is about humanity”

~ Marcus Rashford

Young footballer Marcus Rashford, aged only 22, procured a stunning U-turn from the government this week, on behalf of children living on the breadline.  The government had refused to extend lunch vouchers through the summer holiday for schoolchildren who needed them.  Marcus wrote an open letter to Parliament, and also opened up in an interview about his own dependence on lunch vouchers growing up, and how his mother struggled to make ends meet, bringing up several children.

His letter:

“On a week that would have opened Uefa Euro 2020, I wanted to reflect back to May 27th, 2016, when I stood in the middle of the Stadium of Light in Sunderland having just broken the record for the youngest player to score in his first Senior International match. I watched the crowds waving their flags and fist-pumping the three lions on their shirts and I was overwhelmed with pride not only for myself, but for all of those who had helped me reach this moment and achieve my dream of playing for the England national team.

Understand: without the kindness and generosity of the community I had around me, there wouldn’t be the Marcus Rashford you see today: a 22-year old Black man lucky enough to make a career playing a game I love.”



Kim Kardashian

I was touched this week by the words of support given this week by Kim Kardashian on behalf of her husband Kanye West, a few days after an outburst he made when addressing his declaration to run for President again.  Her words can be used as a plea for consideration for those with bi-polar syndrome, or with any other form of mental illness.  For this reason, I will print her words at the foot of this short blog.

Kim’s Message:

“As many of you know, Kanye has bi-polar disorder. Anyone who has this or has a loved one in their life who does, knows how incredibly complicated and painful it is to understand.  I’ve never spoken publicly about how this has affected us at home because I am very protective of our children and Kanye’s right to privacy when it comes to his health. But today, I feel like I should comment on it because of the stigma and misconceptions about mental health.

I understand Kanye is subject to criticism because he is a public figure and his actions at times can cause strong opinions and emotions. He is a brilliant but complicated person who on top of the pressures of being an artist and a black man, who experienced the painful loss of his mother, and has to deal with the pressure and isolation that is heightened by his bi-polar disorder. Those who are close with Kanye know his heart and understand his words sometimes do not align with his intentions.

Living with bipolar disorder does not diminish or invalidate his dreams and his creative ideas, no matter how big or unobtainable they may feel to some.  That is part of his genius and as we have all witnessed, many of his big dreams have come true…”



Kamala Harris

“I have the great honour to announce that I’ve picked @KamalaHarris – a fearless fighter for the little guy, and one of the country’s finest public servants – as my running mate”

~ Joe Biden

On Tuesday last week, the Democratic presidential candidate in the U.S., Joe Biden, made his long-anticipated choice for a running mate.  In this crucial time, when many hope for someone with that extra something special which might oust Donald Trump, and prove a strong back up for the elderly Joe Biden, a seemingly promising choice has been made in Kamala Harris.  She is young, female and black, making this a historic moment.  What is more, she is more than capable of taking on Trump and Pence in debate.  This event enables us to take a fresh look at the prospects for the presidential race.



Ruth Ginsburg (1931 – 2020)

“It’s about time. For so long women were silent, thinking there was nothing you could do about it, but now the law is on the side of women, or men, who encounter harassment and that’s a good thing.”

~ Ruth Ginsburg

Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who died on 18th September, was an amazingly influential figure in the American justice system, as Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States for 27 years until her death.  She was notably a great champion of feminism and equal opportunities, and pushed forward a great number of progressive reforms. The timing of her death could not have been more poignant, for those hoping for a change of party, let alone a change of president in the United States in November’s election.

Birth Chart

She was born under the Sun sign of Pisces, the sign of compassion, and  could well have been an advanced Soul – symbolically Pisces represents the completion of the zodiac, and sometimes can denote a final lifetime on the wheel of incarnation.  She certainly worked all her life painstakingly for the betterment of conditions for society; at first she was moderate and non-confrontational, but later as she gained confidence and power, she asserted her voice increasingly.  With the Sun trine Pluto and the Moon in Scorpio added to her Pisces Sun, there was great depth and power about her work and character.



David Attenborough

With travel restrictions this year, the naturalist Sir David Attenborough has recently taken to social media to get his urgent messages across to humanity.  Among other vehicles,  he has recently set up an Instagram account (now totalling 5.1m followers).  Not surprisingly, he has a record number of followers, wherever he goes.  Among other transits for his social media expansion is Jupiter trine his natal Sun.  Governments may not listen, but his popularity grows.  He has been telling us about the effects on nature of climate change for years, with increasing urgency.  In the last couple of years, young Greta Thunberg has been bringing fresh pressure to bear on the cause, and they have become allies.

Birth Chart

Sir David has 5 (half) of his planets in the Water element, so he is really at home in that element (witness his Blue Planet series).  His Sun is in Earth sign Taurus, and he has done more to illuminate Life on Earth than anyone.  At the age of 94, he has made a huge contribution to its study, which is impossible to exaggerate.  Taurus also gives him a great deal of grounding.  His Sun is opposed by Saturn, so he feels a huge weight of responsibility, which he carries and conveys admirably.  His Sun is also square Neptune, showing great sensitivity, and again emphasizing the role of the oceans in his life and work.



Diego Maradona (1960 – 2020)

When Diego scored that second goal against us, I felt like applauding. I’d never felt like that before, but it’s true… and not just because it was such an important game. It was impossible to score such a beautiful goal. He’s the greatest player of all time, by a long way. A genuine phenomenon.”

~ Gary Lineker

The passing of Diego Maradona this week was mourned by football fans all over the world, but especially in the hearts of his homeland Argentina and his adopted home for a while, Naples.  He is hailed by many as being the greatest football player of all time.

Birth Chart

The film of Maradona’s life by Asif Kapadia was aired last night on television.  He also wrote an article about the making of the film in yesterday’s Guardian.  He pointed out some Archetypes, which were put on a poster:

“Rebel, Hero, Hustler, God. He didn’t like ‘hustler’ – he interpreted it as thief – and said: ‘This film is a lie, they’ve cheated me, I’m never going to watch it, I trusted them and they betrayed me.’ ” 

I found the film very sympathetic, and very illuminating, and you may spot some of the Archetypes in his birth chart.

Maradona had half his planets in Water, which made him highly emotional in make up.  He also had 0 Air planets, so he worked very much on instinct.

His Sun was in Scorpio (the sign of Light/Dark) conjunct closely Neptune  (the planet of the Saint/Sinner Archetype).



Barbara Windsor (1927 – 2020)

Another national treasure, Dame Barbara Windsor, has left us this week…Whether you were a fan of the Carry On Films, or a regular viewer of Eastenders, she will have been part of your lives.  Even if you weren’t a fan of either, you would have known her cheeky blond persona.

Birth Chart

Barbara Windsor had 0 Air planets in her chart, so operated very much on instinct.  She was born around a New Moon in Leo squaring Uranus, a born performer and a headstrong individual.  Her Ascendant was in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter and the Part of Fortune, and so comedy and cheeky laughter were very characteristic of her personality.  She had Mercury trine Uranus, which gave her a quick mind (she did exceptionally well in her 11-plus).  Romantic sorrows and heartaches are depicted by Venus square Saturn and conjunct Chiron (she was involved with a string of unsavoury characters).  She did not want children, but she had an undeniably sexy side: Mars exactly trine Pluto (a powerhouse of energy), and Mars conjunct the Midheaven in Scorpio (very Carry On!)  She also had great inner strength, with Saturn trine Pluto, which she especially displayed late in life in her courage in the face of Alzheimer’s.

Aspects for the week beginning 20 December 2020

John Le Carre (1931 – 2020)

“Le Carré was one of the giants of postwar English literature, a master of his chosen form and an exceptional prose stylist. He had an ear for the dialect of the governing classes of this country, perfectly tuned to their evasions, their deceits, their melancholy.”

~ Jonathan Freedland

The highly respected writer of espionage novels John Le Carre, died on 12th December.  He wrote, among other titles, The Spy Who Came in From the Cold (1963), Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy (1974) and The Night Manager (1993), which were adapted to screen.

Birth Chart

We do not have a birth time for John Le Carre, which is disappointing: I often look for 12th House planets in connection with espionage (he worked for MI5 and MI6).  But in the absence of that, significant Neptunian and Plutonic planetary aspects are indicators. He had the Sun in Libra exactly conjunct Mercury, a combination which lends itself to a very focussed and legal type of mind.  He had an extraordinarily difficult relationship with his father  and that is reflected in a T-square between his Sun/Mercury (representing the father) on an opposition between Saturn and Pluto.  His estranged relationship with his mother is also represented in his chart:  the Moon in detached Aquarius (his mother left when he was five) was square his Venus.  Mercury square Pluto hints at espionage, and the dark side of communication.  Venus closely sextiled Neptune in his chart, complicating relationships.  His chart is very energetic, with Mars square Jupiter (often over-the-top energetic enthusiasm) with Mars exactly trine Pluto – a huge powerhouse of energy, able to handle extremes within the human psyche.  Mars exactly opposite Chiron indicates wounding through men (the spy Kim Philby being an example).  The Entrepreneur Archetype shows up too, in Jupiter closely trine Uranus – he was able to use his experiences in Intelligence to write his books.  Saturn exactly square Uranus brought personal earthquakes, and loosely tied in to his T-square, completing a Grand Cross.  Uranus square Neptune increases the complexity of his make-up, and reflects the cloak and dagger nature of working in Intelligence, but as a saving grace Pluto exactly sextile Chiron meant that he knew the healing power of transformation.

Life and Career

Le Carre (or David Cornwell as he was originally named) was born in Poole, and did not really have any relationship with his mother after she left, briefly meeting her at 21.  His father was jailed for insurance fraud, was a friend of the Krays, and was declared bankrupt in 1954.  He and his brother learned to duck and dive their way through their childhood, constantly having to lie and cover up to get by, and on their father’s behalf. He later had a step-sister, who is the actress Charlotte Cornwell, who remembers him fondly as a wonderful older brother.  He attended Sherborne School, but chafed at its regimes and withdrew.  He developed a facility for foreign languages, especially German, and received a further education at Lincoln College, Oxford.  During the cold war, he worked with MI5 (The Security Service) spying to obtain information about possible Soviet agents. He transferred to working for MI6 (The Secret Intelligence Service) in 1960, around the time of his first Saturn Return in Capricorn (politics).  In 1964 Kim Philby identified John Le Carre as a spy, and he had to curtail his activities.  Kim Philby’s astrological signature for the Spy Archetype was North Node exactly sextile Pluto, with the North Node and Saturn in the 12th House.  Both Kim Philby and John Le Carre had the North Node in Aries.

The Spy Archetype

The Spy Archetype that Le Carre sought to portray was in sharp contrast to that of Ian Fleming’s James Bond, essentially de-glamourizing the role.  Ian Fleming himself was another air sign, Gemini, but had the Mercury-Pluto connection (in a conjunction, in Gemini).  He also had the Venus-Neptune connection (in a conjunction, in Cancer), representing deception in relationship.  There is also a strong macho Aries theme in the espionage genre: the birth of James Bond in fiction, in Casino Royale (published 13th April 1953) shows a triple conjunction of the Moon, Venus and the Sun in Aries.  The spy Guy Burgess had the Sun in Aries.  The James Bond franchise, of course, had been enormously successful in literature and film, but undeniably John Le Carre’s depiction in his creation of the character George Smiley would be closer to the truth.  George Smiley first appeared in the book “Call for the Dead”,  published in 1961, but we do not have a date of publication.  John Le Carre’s portrayals were deliberately unheroic, whereas James Bond is patently heroic.  In the Guardian Obituary for Le Carre by Eric Homberger, George Smiley is described as an unexpected sort of a hero who has “sacrificed his life to institutions but who is determined to protect what is worth protecting in a world of disintegrating values”. John Le Carre’s son Nick also writes espionage novels, under the name Nick Harkaway.

“But until le Carré came along, no writer had nailed the toxic combination of bad faith and blundering, the confusion of tactical cynicism with strategic wisdom, with such lethal accuracy.”

~ Simon Schama


Venus trines Chiron today, which may aid healing and recovery from the shock of Christmas being cancelled yesterday.  We personally are unable now to travel to see relatives, but since yesterday have been offered help with shopping etc. after it has been revealed that the new strain of the virus is spreading rapidly.  Try to keep the heart open; it is the antidote for many things.

The Sun conjoined Mercury early today, at 29 degrees Sagittarius.  John Le Carre had this aspect in exact conjunction, in the sign of Libra, and it characterized his precise and focussed style of writing and content.  If you have any paperwork, documentation, or novel-writing in process, that may aid your endeavours.  This conjunction favours philosophical conjectures, as well as sporting interests.  It also supports global vision and interests.

Mercury moves into Capricorn at the last hour of the day, urging us to be practical and realistic in our plans, and methodical and systematic in our mental approach.  Ah how the frivolities of Mercury in Sagittarius seem to have been so short lived (just 1st to 20th December)!  Again, this will favour official documentation needing to be worked on, forms to be filled in, authorities to interview, etc.: not what we would normally be expecting to be focussing on right now.  Maybe you are completing a house sale, for example.

The main event of the week, month, and second half of the year comes tomorrow, on Monday December 21st, in the form of the great Jupiter-Saturn conjunction.  The Winter Solstice precedes it, at 10.02 a.m., when the Sun enters Capricorn.  We often feel a sense of relief that the light is returning to our lives, and a special connection with the natural beauty of the winter season.  Again practicality is the theme, looking at the general structure and order of things, and your relationship with authority and the institutions which govern our society.

The long-awaited Jupiter-Saturn conjunction takes place at 18.21 Hrs in the U.K. on that day.  As an Astrologer, I have been pinning my hopes on it, ever since the devastating Saturn-Pluto conjunction on January 12th which brought the coronavirus crisis.

I would like to take a breath here, and say that I have been asking people lately “What have you achieved in your life that you would not have done if the covid crisis had not derailed your life style?” – with interesting results (mine is finishing my novel).

Jupiter conjoins Saturn every 20 years or so, but this one is super duper special, occurring at the very first degree of Aquarius.  Aquarius signals hope, goodwill to all men and women, a fairer society, and the beginning of a New Age.  There have been many dawnings proclaimed, but this one is the most promising (and the most needed!).

There is a tradition that the Star of Bethlehem was composed of this conjunction, though to believe it you would have to let go of the date of 25th December 0 A.D.  It doesn’t come up that precisely in the ephemerides!  Nevertheless, as it is visible to the naked eye and presents an extra bright  spectacle in the sky, it is a delicious romance to believe in it.

At this point in time it would be lovely to think that, just as 2000 years ago the Piscean Age began with the birth of Jesus, a New Age could follow now in the form of the Age of Aquarius.  The visibility of this pairing in the night sky is available in the lower South Western sky at around 4.30 p.m. – 5 p.m.

In terms of effect in our lives, we may feel a significant shift, maybe not so much in circumstances, but in our ability to see a higher perspective and a more socially beneficial collaboration – we are all in it together, in terms of our collective effort to reduce the spread of the virus.  We can employ our higher sense perceptions, such as telepathy, higher philosophy, higher guidance etc. in order to get ourselves through this, and help others negotiate their way through it.

Jupiter conjunct Saturn itself is not a particularly easy combination, however.  It represents opposites trying to come to unity.  Thus we may have bittersweet experiences: witness yesterday’s announcement from Boris at 4 p.m. in the U.K. cancelling Christmas, juxtaposed and followed immediately afterwards by the crescendo of the final of the nation’s favourite winter treat, Strictly Come Dancing (and a particularly delicious outcome of the 55-year old Bill Bailey’s triumph!).  That was a good distraction, and maybe doesn’t exactly weigh up with not being able to see loved ones, but it is one of television’s finest outputs.

So in your own life, Jupiter-Saturn in Aquarius is a signal that things will change for the better.  We know that 2021 will need a lot of repair work from 2020, but hope that sufficient numbers taking up the vaccines will make all the difference to the pattern of our lives.  Some cannot take up the vaccine, but maybe enough will.  I am still grappling with the individual liberty issue for my philosophy essay; it is a genuine dilemma.

The day may pass like any other, but on the other hand, you may experience or witness something, either globally or personally, which symbolizes the arrival of a new paradigm.  If this magic happens for you, take it to your heart and hold it through the challenges of the coming weeks.

There may be a great deal of tension coming up to Christmas, with a square between Mars and Pluto on Wednesday (23rd).  Normally, I would be describing crowds jostling and cramming their way into stores for last-minute Christmas shopping. At this time, it will be more like people vying for click and collect supermarket slots on the internet.  There may be disagreements, e.g. in terms of which relatives are in and who is left out of the Christmas Day mini-party.  Mars-Pluto requires physical care, but on this occasion equally feelings could be hurt or bruised.  It is one of the most difficult aspects of the year.  The last time it occurred, in October, there were riots in Bali of all places (one of the most spiritual locations on the planet).  You may need all your conflict resolution skills.

Providing even more tension, Chiron squares Mercury also on that day, so mini-crises may arise needing problem-solving skills, and solutions which may be to hand, like dock leaves near nettles, or may require soul consultation, digging deep.  The cause of this may be general pre-Christmas panic, the brain fog of whether you have got that last minute gift or card, for example.

Christmas Day itself (Friday 25th) has a benign trine between Mercury and Uranus. It might be a relief that you haven’t got too much to do, unless you are having a full set of three bubbles together.  This leaves mental energy for playfulness and creativity, and good ideas to come out of nowhere, always a benefit of Mercury and Uranus.  Some of the best inventions come out of this space.  The mind is uplifted, and computers and I.T. devices given or received, will be on good form and working satisfyingly well.  Mental brilliance, technological upgrades, lightbulb moments, and futuristic inspiration can be yours.  So even if you thought your re-arranged plans seemed rather dull, the day could surprise you.

Caution needs to be re-applied for Boxing Day (Saturday 26th) with a square between Chiron and the Sun.  It may pose a dilemma, or a problem to be solved, or even a healing crisis to be soothed.  It is a time to hone your Inner Healer, both for your self-healing, and for anyone who comes into your two-metre orbit.  Some lessons from the Chiron-Mercury square on Wednesday may prove useful, if you have taken notes.

All that remains is for me to wish you a Happy Solstice, a Happy New Age, and a Happy Christmas!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – healing and recovery, focus and practicality
  • Tomorrow – the return of the light, beginning of a new age
  • Wednesday – keep out of the fray, practise problem-solving
  • Friday – Christmas surprises
  • Saturday – Boxing Day healing needed and recuperation

Aspects for the week beginning 13 December 2020

Barbara Windsor (1927 – 2020)

Another national treasure, Dame Barbara Windsor, has left us this week…Whether you were a fan of the Carry On Films, or a regular viewer of Eastenders, she will have been part of your lives.  Even if you weren’t a fan of either, you would have known her cheeky blond persona.

Birth Chart

Barbara Windsor had 0 Air planets in her chart, so operated very much on instinct.  She was born around a New Moon in Leo squaring Uranus, a born performer and a headstrong individual.  Her Ascendant was in Capricorn conjunct Jupiter and the Part of Fortune, and so comedy and cheeky laughter were very characteristic of her personality.  She had Mercury trine Uranus, which gave her a quick mind (she did exceptionally well in her 11-plus).  Romantic sorrows and heartaches are depicted by Venus square Saturn and conjunct Chiron (she was involved with a string of unsavoury characters).  She did not want children, but she had an undeniably sexy side: Mars exactly trine Pluto (a powerhouse of energy), and Mars conjunct the Midheaven in Scorpio (very Carry On!)  She also had great inner strength, with Saturn trine Pluto, which she especially displayed late in life in her courage in the face of Alzheimer’s.

Life and Career

Her talent was spotted early by a dance teacher who remarked: “Barbara is a born show-off who loves to perform.”  She began appearing in the Carry On films in 1964 and stayed with the franchise for 10 years.  The Carry On crew may have been a soul group – I have not looked into this (yet) – and she forged deep friendships within that group, most notably Sid James and Kenneth Williams.  She starred in 9 of their films, and the most iconic scene of course was the projecting of her bikini top in Carry On Camping.  After 1974 she concentrated on theatre and other film roles to a great extent but was offered the role of Peggy Mitchell, landlady of the Queen Vic in Eastenders in 1994, which was a wider vehicle for her acting talent.  In some ways, life imitated art, because she had been running a pub with her second husband Stephen Hollings, and then later she married a Mitchell (Scott).  In 2006 she was made a Dame (when her Progressed Sun trined her natal Venus).  She worked in Eastenders, off and on, until 17th May 2016, when she portrayed the death of Peggy Mitchell in a special episode.  Jupiter was trine her natal Uranus (an opportunity), Saturn trine her natal Sun (a completion), Uranus was square her Ascendant on the 4th House cusp (big change in lifestyle), and Pluto was trine her natal Neptune in Virgo in 8th House (playing out the death of her iconic character).


Barbara had three marriages, dated numerous high profile men, included the Kray twins, and had five abortions.  Her first husband Ronnie Knight turned out to be a criminal: the potential for her emotional wounding is seen in his Chiron opposing her Mars.  However, they were together for 21 years, and there was also astrological glue (her Jupiter on his Sun, her Uranus trine his Mercury, and her Pluto sextile his Chiron).  Her second marriage, to Stephen Hollings, lasted 9 years and ended in financial ruin. It was third time lucky with Scott Mitchell, whom she married in 2000, and who supported her throughout her latter years with dementia – he described her as his soul mate.  We do not have birth dates for her last two husbands.

She was very close to two men within the Carry On circle, and while Kenneth Williams accompanied her and Ronnie on their honeymoon (they had a mental companionship with opposite Mercuries), she later embarked on an affair with Sid James.   While her last husband Scott was undoubtedly a successful match, of all the others Sid James has the greatest astrological compatibility, which includes exactly trined Marses, Jupiters within one degree, Saturns exactly sextile, and Sid’s Ascendant exactly trine Barbara’s Venus.  In contrast, the link with Reggie Kray was tenuous, based on His Neptune square her Nodal Axis – caught up in some dubious karma.

Latter Years

It was on 10th May 2018 that Barbara’s husband Scott announced the diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, although they had known about it since 2014.  At the time of the announcement Saturn was trine her natal Saturn (a serious news announcement), Chiron was square her Venus (focus on a health crisis) and Pluto was on her Ascendant (significant change in her life).  She became an ambassador for the Alzheimer’s Society on her 82nd birthday (6 August 2019),  with Jupiter trine her natal Sun, and Neptune opposite her natal Neptune (compassion and charity).  She died at 8.35 p.m. on Thursday, with Jupiter/Saturn sextile her natal Mars and opposite her natal Pluto, Chiron on her Saturn, and Neptune still opposing her natal Neptune.

The nation will remember her fondly.

“The Quiet Office”

The long-awaited novel (!) “The Quiet Office” is now completed, together with a set of accompanying painted cards.  It has only taken 14 years…I will take steps in the New Year to self-publish.


It is an important couple of week for stargazers, with an eclipse tomorrow, and hugely significant ingresses at the end of the week, then the life-changing Jupiter/Saturn conjunction at 0 degrees Aquarius on 21st.  Get ready to see changes in the landscape of your life and psyche over this fortnight!

Neptune squares Mercury today, so you may be in two minds: one clear, and one confused!  It is a good day for sorting out your finer feelings, because there is an eclipse tomorrow, and that gives today a sense of being part of a process of preparedness.  On a new moon, you need to post  your intentions, so before a new moon you need to settle your mind, so that  your choices are better informed.  This aspect may contribute to misunderstandings too, so keep your communications clear.

Mercury conjoins the South Node tomorrow (Monday 14th), prior to the eclipse.  This favours the exercise of the mind in relation to karma.  Review the teachers and teachings of your life prior to this moment, and review how you receive and process information currently: that will help you evaluate karmic factors.  Also under scrutiny is where you may play the role of teacher and student in  your life.

The main event tomorrow is the Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 23 degrees Sagittarius.  This New Moon and Eclipse can expand your focus and bring  you a larger perspective.

American Astrologer Robert Ohotto sees this as an important turnaround in  your relationship to Truth, if you would like to watch his video:


As if that is not enough for one day, in the evening Venus sextiles Jupiter, so the day could end on a happy note, socially or romantically.  Engagements, celebrations and virtual parties could be on the agenda.

Mercury trines Mars on Tuesday (15th) in the early hours.  You may find yourself wakeful, and raring to go!  Providing you have some sleep, and not too much mental activity, you will probably start the day bright and breezy.  It could be a very productive time.

It is a case of the early bird catches the worm, as the lunchtime energy is slower, with a sextile between Venus and Saturn.  Relationships need consideration, and will repay the time and loyalty you give them.  It is a helpful aspect for laying the foundations of artistic or musical work.

In the afternoon, Venus enters Sagittarius, the first of three ingresses this week.  You may be gearing up for Christmas or be in party mood, bearing in mind that virtually all parties are virtual these days.  Venus in Sagittarius ensures that the mood stays around, right through the New Year till Friday 8th January.  It is there if you need it.  Venus in Sagittarius is a good-will-to-all men and women vibe.

The second ingress occurs on Thursday (17th) when Saturn enters Aquarius. Saturn briefly sojourned at the beginning of Aquarius in March, around the time we were being urged to self-isolate in earnest.  So there may be some extra instructions along these lines.  As I wrote at the time, “Saturn = isolation and Aquarius = society”.  There may be a new slant on the issue occurring.  I went on to describe that “Saturn’s entry into Aquarius quickens the pace slightly from Capricorn, and may introduce a more telepathic element to communication.  There is also a sense of necessity being the mother of invention (where Saturn = necessity, and Aquarius = invention)… If you find yourself having ingenious ideas … how you can cope, or how you can help others, that will be down to Saturn in Aquarius.  It’s much more “we are all in it together” than “every man for himself”.  So this is such an important day in our history.”   You may sense a shift on Thursday, from the Earth (Capricorn) to the Air (Aquarius) or in the coming days after that, with subsequent planetary movements.

The new paradigm receives backing the next day, with Jupiter entering Aquarius on Saturday (19th).  This will be the wind beneath the wings for Saturn, which may have made heavy going of the shift.  Jupiter takes 12 years to move round the zodiac, so in your life think back to the benefits of 12 years ago: more precisely January 2009 to January 2010.

Back in 2009, I wrote: “If you have planets in Aquarius in your natal chart, they will be lit up by Jupiter this year, but even if you haven’t everyone will receive a helping hand from the Universe in some area of their life depending on where Jupiter is travelling in the natal chart.”  For Aquarians, 2021 will be your year, but for everyone there is the hope of greater vision and intuition guiding your life.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – confused
  • Tomorrow – karmic teaching and learning; turning point, new beginning and expansion; sociable and romantic
  • Tuesday – brisk; attentive; sociable
  • Thursday – serious consideration of society
  • Saturday – the lighter side of life