Aspects for the week beginning 10 October 2021
Strictly Come Dancing 2021 – Part 2
I am posting this blog early, as I have to be away on Sunday, so cannot take into account Saturday night’s performances, but there is still plenty to write about! The standard of overall dance is so high this year, that it seemed a travesty for anyone to leave last week…Here are the next four in this series.
Katie McGlynn
Katie found herself in the dance off last week, which is why I am writing about her first, in case she should leave this week. Corrie fans will know her as Sinead, who left after a heart wrenching story line of a young mother dying of cancer. She has now moved on to Hollyoaks. In her birth chart, she has 0 Fire planets. You might think that is a disadvantage in the Latin dances, but she performed and scored well in week 1 in the Tango. She is a Cancerian, so should have a good sense of rhythm, but has a challenging T-square in her chart between Pluto, Chiron and Saturn. In addition, her Sun opposes an exact conjunction of Neptune and Uranus in Capricorn. She is not afraid to be controversial, and can be a little absent-minded, with Mercury opposite the Uranus/Neptune conjunction. But Mars trine the Uranus/Neptune conjunction helps her with movement and dance. And Chiron in Leo means she can experience healing through performance. She beat Nina Wadia in the dance off, with her energetic jive in a pink tulle skirt. I was disappointed to see Nina go, having tipped her as having good transits – either Nina’s happiness is due to other factors in her life, or she hugely values her experience. Katie’s current transits are: Saturn exactly trine her natal Jupiter to the day (she could be saved this weekend), Neptune trine her natal Mercury (inspired for dance), Neptune trine Pluto (deep internal changes). At the end of the tournament, she has Saturn trine her Venus (steadiness), Saturn sextile her North Node (she can hold her head up), Neptune sextile her Uranus (incorporating complexity), Neptune sextile Neptune (at peace with herself). So she will be happy she did Strictly, but is not likely to make the final.
She is paired with Gorka Marquez, of whom I have written “With the Sun exactly trine his Neptune, he is born to dance. The Moon square Mars means he could be quick to temper. But Mercury exactly trine Saturn at the same time gives him good concentration – he could be a hard taskmaster.” In their synastry, his Mercury trines her Neptune, which is helpful for him teaching her dance; his Saturn is on her Neptune, which is uncomfortable for disciplining her dreamy side. Not a remarkable rapport, yet in week 1 Shirley praised their chemistry. Currently, he has Chiron square his natal Neptune and Uranus opposite his Pluto, which are quite discordant. At the final, he will have Uranus trine his Sun (some excitement, even if just in the group dance!), Mars trine his natal Jupiter (energy and enthusiasm), and Uranus trine his natal Neptune (incorporating complexity), which are very favourable. My impression is that at the final he has moved on to something else. So I don’t think this partnership will last too long.
Adam Peaty
Olympic swimming champion Adam Peaty has the Sun in Capricorn, and half his planets (5) in Earth signs. With 4 planets in Water, the water is still an element he is very comfortable in. He has 0 Air planets, so relies heavily on instinct. Where swimming is indicated is his Moon in Scorpio conjunct the North Node – this is clearly where is karmic mission as a top swimmer comes in! He has Mars closely square Jupiter (over the top energy and enthusiasm) and really went for it in week 1! Mars square Pluto gives him a powerhouse of energy which needs to be properly directed, which it obviously is through swimming, and Jupiter conjunct Pluto gives him Power (with a capital P)! Apparently he is over 6 feet tall, with very large hands and feet, double-jointed knees and ankles, and an unusually strong cardiovascular system (that can’t be a disadvantage on the dance floor!) His current transits are: Uranus trine his natal Mercury (new experiences), and Pluto on his natal Uranus (change and challenge), plus Neptune sextile his natal Neptune (in harmony with his soul). At the final, his astrological picture will be: Neptune trine his natal Venus (he will be in love with dance), Mars on his Jupiter (all fired up), Pluto still on his Uranus, plus the South Node on his natal Pluto (psychologically life-changing).
He and his partner Katya Jones are both extremely competitive. Taurean Katya is well known now for being exceptionally creative and innovative. In their synastry, his Neptune is trine her natal Sun, so that is a direct line to a satisfying dance partnership, in enhanced creativity for her, and bringing out the dancer for him. However, his Saturn squares her Mercury which could bring some mental or communication challenges for her. His Saturn trines her Mars, so if she is not too much in her head, some of that blocking can be circumvented. His North Node sextiles her Neptune, so this is a destined partnership for their mutual spiritual growth. Her current transits are: Neptune sextile her Sun (sublime, and perfect for dance), Chiron sextile her natal Jupiter (enabling the healing component of her art), and Chiron squaring her natal Neptune (exquisite emotion, painful at times). Her main transit at the end is Chiron square to her Mars (possibility of injury). I think they will continue well into the process, but won’t be in the final.
Sara Davies
The judges considered entrepreneur Sara Davies to be comparatively lacklustre in the first week, but, my goodness, how that changed in the second week with her outstanding foxtrot, to the tune of “Dream a little dream of me”! She of course joined the dragons in Dragons’ Den (which was announced on her Solar Return in 2019), by virtue of her successful crafting business. As a Taurean, she has the practical skills and artistry which give her that particular expertise. With 6 planets in the Fixed signs, she is very strong willed. She has grace and elegance, with her Sun/Mercury trine Neptune, and that also accounts for a comment judge Shirley made in week 1 that she has “a good ear for music”. Her good business head is indicated by an exact sextile between Jupiter and Saturn (balanced judgement). Her current transits are: Mars sextile her Mars (so she should be putting on an energetic show), Chiron square her Jupiter (it is a learning curve for her), Uranus opposite her Saturn (learning new ways and being out of her comfort zone) and Chiron trine her natal Uranus (also stretching herself in a good way). Her main transit at the end of the process is Pluto sextile her Mars (improved fitness!), so she will feel the benefit physically.
She is partnered with Aljaz Skorjanec who is a veteran of Strictly, having danced with among others Alison Hammond, Daisy Lowe and Gemma Atkinson. His synastry with Sara shows up his Sun sextile her Neptune (a good dance partnership), his Sun trine her Pluto (she will teach him too, on a deep level), and his Sun square her Chiron (more deep interaction). His Jupiter sextiles her Mercury, which is excellent for communication; but his Jupiter also opposes her Neptune (so they may have differing views about life and religion). But his Jupiter trine her Pluto, could produce real power in performance terms. His Neptune on her Jupiter will deepen her sensitivity, and his Neptune sextile her Saturn will soften her on some level. His transits at the moment are Uranus trine his Mars (surprise moves), Neptune sextile his Saturn (inspiration added to his discipline), and Uranus trine his Neptune (incorporating complexity). At the end of the contest he has the Nodal Axis square his Sun (he may have a karmic decision to make), Neptune will still be sextile his Saturn, Saturn will be on his Mercury (he may be stressed), and Chiron will be square his Uranus (possibility of injury). There again, I think this couple will be middle of the road, but not at the front in the final.
Greg Wise
Actor Greg Wise, married of course to Emma Thompson, is trying his hand this year on the dance floor. He has 0 Air planets, and though he comes across as intellectual he operates on quite a deal of instinct too. His Sun in Taurus is conjunct Mars, so there may be something of a warrior about him. But with Neptune opposite his Sun he likes to confuse, too. He may like mysteries and riddles. His Sun is conjunct the North Node in his chart, so he is commanding and this also indicates the Thespian path. With Mercury trine Uranus, he likes the unusual, anything that tickles his brain cells. His Mercury also trines Pluto, as he has the anarchic energy of Uranus exactly conjunct Pluto in Virgo (a feature of the year he was born, 1966), so there is also depth of thought, and sometimes too much mental activity. He has Mars trine Uranus (electrical energy) and Mars opposite Neptune (also some confusing energy – he won’t always be confident on the dance floor). Mars trines his Pluto, so he has a powerhouse of energy, too. His Jupiter squares Saturn, so sometimes he is torn between two courses of action. He also has the desire to heal, through the Sun/North Node exactly sextile Chiron. This week he has Jupiter square his Sun (he will put everything he has got into performance), Pluto trine his Sun (he will infuse deep feeling into the performance), Chiron is on his Venus (feeling the pathos and poignancy of life, whether on or off the dance floor), Mars is opposite his Saturn (could be experiencing physical discomfort), and Uranus will be trine his Uranus (he has the power to surprise). At the end of the contest he has Saturn square his Mercury (a little disappointment), Uranus on his Mercury (nervous strain), Saturn sextile his Venus (re-commitment to family life), Neptune sextile his Mars (increased sensitivity) and Neptune sextile his Neptune (attunement with his Soul). He’ll be fine, but not likely to be on the dance floor at the final (except for the group reunion dance).
I wrote about his partner, Karen Hauer in 2015: “She has a dreamy Moon/Venus conjunction in Pisces, gliding with a trine to her North Node, so she will always do well in ballroom dancing!” She seemed to go through a radical change when she separated from Kevin Clifton, and we have seen a more raunchy and raw side of her. Their astrological relationship has a great deal of opposition and squaring, so they may not be a good fit. Where they may do well is in communication, because they have their Mercuries (intellects) conjunct in Taurus, and they are both Taurean Sunsigns, so there is that basic understanding. Her current transits show Uranus sextile her natal Venus (she will be enjoying the new relationship and challenge), Mars square her natal Neptune (her sensitivities may be aggravated), Jupiter is trine her Pluto (she feels her power) but Pluto squares her Pluto (at the same time, she has difficulty expressing it, and may feel challenged). Her final transits are Saturn square her Mercury (disappointment), Mars sextile her Mars (fighting spirit) and Pluto still square her natal Pluto. This couple may not go far in the competition.
Two of these couples may be in danger of going out this week (Katie and Greg), but I feel the other two (Sara and Adam) will get to at least the central midpoint of the process. But the show is as always top class for enjoyment and interest. I will be back in a few weeks with another four analyses
It’s all good news this week! At least on the astrological front…Not a cloud in the sky, astrologically.
Tomorrow (Monday 11th). Saturn is Stationary prior to going Direct (following Pluto last week), so we are gradually coming out of an intense retrograde period. This may be experienced as a relief to some, especially for Capricornians, and may release some of their chains or burdens. Climbing up that mountain may seem slightly easier. Depending on where this turnaround falls in your chart (6 degrees Aquarius), your efforts, struggles and hard work in that area may start to bear fruit, progress, and just get easier.
On Wednesday (13th) Venus will be sextile Saturn, and relationships need consideration, and will repay the time and loyalty you give them. It is a helpful aspect for laying the foundations of artistic or musical work.
We have one of the luckiest aspects of the year on Friday (15th), the Sun trine Jupiter. This is a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow. It is a day of good cheer, laughter, adventure, golden opportunity and looking ahead to the future with optimism.
Last, but not least, on Saturday (16th), Venus will be trine Chiron, and this may aid healing and recovery. Try to keep the heart open; it is the antidote for many things. The healing power of love comes to the fore. There may be a real opportunity to re-group your healing energies and feel harmony within your being. Personally, I am planning to attend a reunion in Cambridge of the Quiet Office!
The week in bullet points:
- Tomorrow – an easier climb
- Wednesday – loyalty and commitment
- Friday – lucky and expansive
- Saturday – relationship healing