Aspects for the week beginning 28 July 2019
New Cabinet
For his first outing in the Commons, Johnson had gone back to his more familiar default setting. The Fool. The court jester from whom no one expects the truth, so long as they are entertained. “Pifflepafflewifflewaffle,” he began.
~ John Crace
So it is Boris Johnson’s finest hour: he easily achieved 66% of the vote to become our new Prime Minister. From last week:
“Saturn from Capricorn in his natal 4th House of Home trines his natal Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House – could be a prestigious new House move (requiring apparently all new furniture, post divorce). Uranus from Taurus in his 7th House trines his natal Uranus in Virgo in his 11th House – Successful realization of his long held dream and ambition.”
Accordingly, and as is his right, he has fashioned a new cabinet, who will be seeing us through Brexit and ruling our affairs for at least a few months. As there are 22, I won’t get through them all at this stage, but I would add Jacob Rees-Mogg (appointed Leader of the House of Commons) and Dominic Cummings (architect of Johnson’s victory).
“In would come a cabinet shaped in his own image. A cabinet of shits, charlatans and shysters. One in which having been previously sacked for lying was almost a precondition.”
~ John Crace
Sajid Javid, now Chancellor of the Exchequer
I wrote earlier:
“Prospects look brighter for him at the time of the settlement of the contest, with Jupiter on his Sun. Perhaps the new leader will offer him a plum role, or he will be pleased to keep his current role. He looks to have some happiness come his way at that time.”
Dominic Raab, now Foreign Secretary
A staunch supporter of Boris during his campaign to become Prime Minister, he deserved a plum role.
I have written, previously:
Transits for 31st July (by which time a leader should have been chosen)
Uranus sextile his natal Sun, which is more promising as it can be very personally successful, and offers up an opportunity to be fresh and original.
Transits for 31st October (the deadline for Brexit)
With a Mars Return and Mars trine his Venus, he may be seen as Action Man around this time. Perhaps he has taken a crucial role in some negotiations. Jupiter is transiting his natal North Node, which can bring karmic reward for merit. This looks like a favourable period for him, whatever his role at the time.
Priti Patel, now Home Secretary
I haven’t worked with her chart before, but it is extraordinary how she got here! Two years ago she resigned as Secretary for International Development because it had been found that she had taken some unauthorized trips to Israel.
With Sun in Aries she is very direct, and closely squaring Jupiter makes her a risk-taker too. Mercury conjunct exactly Chiron could give her capabilities as a problem-solver. Mercury opposing Uranus means she is not afraid to be controversial. Mars trine closely with Pluto confers extreme force, energy and strength. And Mars trine exactly the North Node, with Aries Sun and 6 Cardinal planets, she is a leader.
Transits for 24th July, her appointment:
She has Uranus trine her Jupiter (an Opportunity), Chiron square her Jupiter (she will be super excited), Saturn square her natal Uranus (slightly rattled) and the Nodal Axis square her natal Uranus (she will be challenged to rein in her Inner Rebel).
Andrea Leadsom, now business, energy and industrial strategy secretary
I have previously written about Andrea Leadsom:
“She is a strong-willed Sun in Taurus (a financier), with the Sun in a T-square with Mars and Saturn, and her Sun is closely sextile her North Node (born to lead some). She seems to be a catalyst, as pulling out of the previous leadership contest paved the way for Theresa to win.”
Transits for 24th July, her appointment:
Pluto still trine her natal Sun, a position of power, though maybe not as powerful as she would like, and Mars square her Neptune (she may be in two minds about the appointment). Though as a Taurean, business is a suitable place for her.
Matt Hancock, stays as Health Secretary
There have been hints that Matt Hancock would have liked a more senior position, but the position of Health Secretary is not to be sniffed at. And he is lucky, because half the previous cabinet lost their jobs (including his predecessor at Health, Jeremy Hunt).
Previously I wrote:
“His background suggests more of a talent for economics than an interest in health .. . He was born under a New Moon in Libra, with a keen, forensic type of mind (Mercury conjunct Pluto in Libra).”
Of this period I wrote:
“Neptune still trines his Venus, but Saturn squares his Pluto, which may spell disappointment politically. In addition, the Nodal Axis squares his Pluto, so the force does not appear to be with him.”
Gavin Williamson, now Education Secretary
I have previously written:
“He is a bit of a maverick, with Sun exactly trine Uranus …Uranus in Scorpio is also conjunct his North Node, and this may be connected with his karmic mission. He has a strong desire to change things, and enjoys taking people by surprise. Rowena Mason, writing in the Guardian, said: ‘Gavin Williamson has often been likened to Francis Urquhart, the ruthless parliamentary enforcer in Westminster TV drama House of Cards’. At the Conservative conference he stated: “I don’t very much believe in the stick, but it’s amazing what can be achieved with a sharpened carrot”. He has a reputation for slipperiness, and that may be connected with his close natal Mercury-Neptune opposition.”
Transits for 24th July, his appointment:
Mars sextile his natal Mercury (mentally galvanized), Uranus sextile his natal Venus (excitement), and Pluto trine his natal Jupiter (a thirst for power satisfied), so he looks pleased with his new position.
Amber Rudd, now Work and Pensions Secretary
Amber notably acted as the fall guy for Theresa May’s Windrush mistakes, but has managed to trundle along to this position, despite being a forceful voice for Remain during the referendum days.
Transits for 24th July, her appointment are remarkably quiet and uneventful.
Liz Truss, International Trade Secretary
Liz is my local M.P., who I wrote about in May:
“Her deadpan voice and slightly soulless gaze worry me, and some of the stances in parliamentary voting she has taken have lacked compassion. She sits in a Tory heartland, and most of the people I know who have met her have been underwhelmed by her intellect. She has Mercury conjunct Saturn, so there is some slowness mentally, but otherwise she has done well climbing on the political ladder without accomplishing anything remarkable. She has Jupiter exactly square Saturn natally, which can indicate a strong Inner Saboteur.”
Transits for 31st July
Neptune sextile her natal Mars, some compassion occurring. But Chiron opposing her Pluto may be difficult psychologically or healthwise.
[Apparently she hoped for something better, given that she put her wholehearted support behind Boris]
Transits for 31st October
Chiron closely trine her Sun, may see her moving on, with new ideas about health. Jupiter will trine Jupiter, so perhaps a new opportunity opening up for her, and a new focus.
[Jupiter trine Jupiter may give her a travel boost in her new International role]
Grant Shapps, now Transport Secretary
Anyone who succeeds Chris Grayling is likely to do well in the job in comparison. With the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Gemini (both Mercury ruled), transport would seem a fitting placement for him (Chris Grayling is an Aries with an Aquarian Moon). With Mars closely trine Saturn, he might get things done. However, he did have to stand down from a ministerial post in 2015 because he had not dealt with cases of bullying within the party.
Transits for 24th July, his appointment:
Pluto exactly trine his natal Sun to the day, a significant shift of power. He will feel he is back in business! The Nodal Axis square his Mercury – karmic challenges in relation to Transport. Jupiter is sextile his natal Venus – he will be pretty happy at the moment. Neptune is opposite his natal Jupiter (he may have some delusion). North Node sextile his natal Jupiter (his karma is definitely on the up!)
Jacob Rees-Mogg, now Leader of the House of Commons
Jacob Rees-Mogg, one of those who hounded Theresa May out of power, has lost no time in laying down all sorts of rules of grammar and other protocols for his department, so they will be having to mind their p’s and q’s. With Sun and Mercury in Gemini, language is an important preoccupation, but I only hope it does not interfere with the performance of his staff. Mars is opposite his natal Mercury, which can make him very bossy or critical in this regard. A notably retro eccentric, he will be getting his teeth into his new role, keen to deliver Brexit. Please note I still adhere to the two spaces after a full stop rule, which is one of Rees-Mogg’s stipulations to his staff.
Transit for 24th July, his appointment:
Aah! Pluto trines his natal Pluto, he is coming into his power at long last. It feels as though he has been waiting centuries.
Dominic Cummings, now Special Adviser to the P.M.
Dominic Cummings was the chief architect of Vote Leave, and also assisted Boris’ recent campaign to be Prime Minister. He is known as a slippery character, and remarkably 8 (out of 10) Mutable planets, and no Fixed planets, so slippery by astrological nature. He has the Sun exactly opposite Saturn, so can be very strict in what he believes in. His Sun is exactly conjunct Neptune, so he is very Piscean too. His Sun sextile exactly Pluto makes him a very powerful character. Jupiter sextile his Uranus gives him the Entrepreneur Archetype. North Node sextile Chiron makes him a “Fixer”.
Transits for 24th July, his appointment:
Mars trines his natal Jupiter, sparking up his energy and enthusiasm (he has Mars square Jupiter natally, making him super-energetic anyway). He has a Jupiter Return, so this is a red-letter moment for him. Saturn squares his natal Uranus, which may curb his Inner Rebel a bit at this time; he may have to conform more to other people’s rules (he’ll have run-ins with the civil service). Also the Nodal Axis squares his natal Uranus, so karmically he may have to answer for some of his past waywardness.
“But then he had just appointed as a special adviser Dominic Cummings, the former Vote Leave campaign director, a man so toxically divisive he couldn’t even unite himself”
~ John Crace
Let me know if I have missed out any of your favourites. I see that one section of society, the Impressionists, are benefitting, having a field day, with a new batch of politicians to impersonate. Meanwhile, John Crace is taking the summer off.
Early this morning, Venus entered Leo which should be an aspect of making hay, but the record breaking hot weather from last week (Mars trine Jupiter) has now given way to rain here in the U.K. In fact, on Friday, we sat in an open air theatre in York watching “The Tempest” in a real thunderstorm. Amazing!
If your planned barbecue is cancelled, you will have to make hay indoors, and find some fine rainy day indoor entertainment to honour Venus in Leo. Or some richly creative inward expression. Indoor performance would do it, as Venus in Leo loves a show. Let your hair down.
The Sun also trines Chiron today, so it is a good day for being mindful of your own healing, and rest and recuperation if that is appropriate. If you overdid it last week (with all the Mars trine Jupiter over-activity) today may be good for catching up with yourself. There may be things that you could not do under the sweltering Sun last week, which you can do under the pouring rain or indoors. A day of quiet healing, but if you are performing and being creative under the entry of Venus into Leo, there is room for both, perhaps interspersed.
Monday (29th) is a little more hair-raising, with the Sun square Uranus. Be prepared for the element of the unexpected, or the Trickster Archetype. You may sail through the day, as the actual aspect does not occur until the last hour of the day, but it is good to be prepared. Some of the effects could disrupt sleep time, or carry on into the next morning. So don’t rest on your laurels, provide for loopholes, and don’t take unnecessary risks.
Look forward to August, for on the first day of the month (Thursday 1st) there is a New Moon at 8 degrees Leo, which is a joyous one. This emphasizes the holiday making, creative and performing qualities of the sign and the season. Looking at the weather forecast the rain still seems to be hanging around, so any solutions you found at the beginning of the week for indoor activities or challenging outdoor activities can be re-presented on Thursday, with bells on. Above all, it is some kind of a new beginning, so if you have experienced some testing times recently, you can press the re-set button. It is helpful to know what House the eclipse fall in within your chart, so that you can apply the energies with more consciousness.
More good news the same morning: Mercury is Stationary, prior to turning Direct – do I hear a chorus of “Thank goodness!” I don’t normally suffer much under Mercury Retrograde, but have been assailed by a number of low-grade tech crises from the moment it started, so it’s a muted “thank goodness” from me. Forge ahead with your paperwork and documentation and let’s hope they have mended all the buckles in the rail system from the heatwave last week.
Uranus has a final flourish in store on Friday (2nd): a square to Venus. You’ve got to feel for her this week, battling against the rain, struggling to express herself in the sign of Leo. And the last straw is a challenge from Uranus. She needs to assert her full allure and power, and charm the Trickster into submission. I see that the New Age guru Marianne Williamson (author of A Return to Love) has put her hat in the ring as a candidate for the Democratic leadership, hoping to find a new way forward in politics and overturn Donald Trump through love, harmony and mindfulness. She’s actually not a Venusian, having the Sun, Venus and Uranus in Cancer, but she knows the power of the divine feminine. So if you are having difficulties with the Trickster on Friday, try turning up the Love to the max, and prove that love conquers all.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – let the sunshine in; quiet healing
- Tomorrow – the element of the unexpected
- Thursday – new beginning; communications improved
- Friday – disruptive relationships