Aspects for the week beginning 21 June 2020
Marcus Rashford
“This is not about politics; this is about humanity”
~ Marcus Rashford
Young footballer Marcus Rashford, aged only 22, procured a stunning U-turn from the government this week, on behalf of children living on the breadline. The government had refused to extend lunch vouchers through the summer holiday for schoolchildren who needed them. Marcus wrote an open letter to Parliament, and also opened up in an interview about his own dependence on lunch vouchers growing up, and how his mother struggled to make ends meet, bringing up several children.
His letter:
“On a week that would have opened Uefa Euro 2020, I wanted to reflect back to May 27th, 2016, when I stood in the middle of the Stadium of Light in Sunderland having just broken the record for the youngest player to score in his first Senior International match. I watched the crowds waving their flags and fist-pumping the three lions on their shirts and I was overwhelmed with pride not only for myself, but for all of those who had helped me reach this moment and achieve my dream of playing for the England national team.
Understand: without the kindness and generosity of the community I had around me, there wouldn’t be the Marcus Rashford you see today: a 22-year old Black man lucky enough to make a career playing a game I love.”
That date was an important milestone in his life, and that shows in his transits of the time: Saturn sextile his natal Jupiter – a formative moment in his life; Uranus trine his natal Mars – a life-changing moment in relation to his football career; Pluto trine his natal North Node in Virgo – A profound moment in his destiny.
Before this plea to Parliament, Rashford had been instrumental in raising £20 m for FareShare, a food distribution charity for the vulnerable. He also recently received an award of special recognition in Greater Manchester for his work in the community.
The government had been sticking to its normal annual policy of withdrawing lunch vouchers in the school summer holidays, with a government minister in the daily briefing reiterating the policy, but such was Marcus’ standing and articulacy, that Boris Johnson had a change of heart, claiming he had “only just heard” about Marcus’s plea. It was a feelgood moment in the country, in a time of frustration with our policymakers.
Birth Chart
Marcus has 5 out of his 10 planets in Fixed signs, so he does have stickability, both on and off the field. The Sun in Scorpio is associated with integrity, and also describes his playing style (quick and intense). He was born on a New Moon in Scorpio, with the Part of Fortune on his Ascendant: this means that he is able to start afresh regularly, and inject new energy into projects.
Like Vera Lynn (see mini-blog, below) he has the Sun conjunct Chiron and is a healer of sorts; in his chart this conjunction is exact. His Moon too is conjunct Chiron, symbolic of his mother’s struggle in his early life; he feels that wound deeply on her behalf. With Mercury sextile the North Node he also has the Teacher Archetype, and you can see that coming through in the future in his aspiration to do more on behalf of the struggling masses. Like Vera Lynn too, he has Venus closely conjunct Mars, but in the sign of Sagittarius (passion on the football field for the beautiful game!). Plus a largesse of heart.
Astrology of the U-turn
We were informed of the U-turn by the government at 1.04 pm on 16/6/20. The transits for Marcus were: Mars exactly square his Mars, he was fighting the good fight! And Uranus was exactly opposite his natal Chiron: his Inner Rebel (he has Sun square Uranus natally) was kickstarting his Inner Healer (Chiron), triggered by injustice.
The transits for the U.K. chart at the time were: Mars trine its Moon, power to the people! Jupiter sextile its Venus – a triumph. Uranus was opposite its Jupiter, and sextile its natal Uranus – a forced U-turn for its government. Chiron was sextile its Ascendant, bringing about a healing.
Marcus’s synastry with Boris generally gives Marcus the upper hand: Boris’s Saturn is squared by Marcus Pluto, where Pluto trumps Saturn, and Pluto is Marcus’ ruling planet. The transits for Boris on the U-turn (I think I need a separate file or blog now for Boris’s U-turns) were Saturn square his Moon (reluctance) and Saturn trine his Mars (being forced to act).
“I don’t even know what to say. Just look at what we can do when we come together. THIS is England in 2020”
~ Marcus Rashford
Coming hard on the heels of last night’s Summer Solstice, we have a New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 0 degrees Cancer early this morning. This is a conjunction of the Sun and Moon, and so qualifies as the only actual aspect of the week; the other astrological features are not actually aspects. It is the second in a series of three eclipses, and its appearance at 0 degrees of a sign makes it extra impactful in terms of change and new beginnings. Give it all the intention you’ve got! If you know where it falls in your chart, you can fine-tune your wishes, but otherwise the areas associated with Cancer are the human emotions, family, the home and security, women and mothers, plus roots and ancestry. On a global scale, nationalism and patriotism (contain the coronavirus within all borders!), and working within the local community, sourcing your food within your country or locality, charity begins at home, etc.
On Tuesday (23rd) again early in the morning, Neptune will be stationary prior to turning Retrograde (joining Mercury Venus Jupiter Saturn and Pluto in a super-retrograde line-up). What stone might you have not left unturned before one of these planets breaks up this nostalgic party later this week? What have you left undone, what loopholes are you looking to fix? What memories have you not yet worked through? Now is the time to address those. As far as Neptune itself is concerned, where are you on your spiritual path? And are you ready to have a period of revision? What spiritual insights have you gained during lockdown, which you can bank for the future? Consolidate on what you have learned, put it into practice, and walk your talk.
I am inserting a Fixed Star into the paucity of aspect for this week. On Wednesday (24th) our Sun is aligned with Tejat (Mu Geminorum), which in the heavens is the toe or front of the foot of the star Castor in Gemini (one of the heavenly twins). It states in “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld”:
“This star can gently and easily increase the ability to bring spiritual ideas into clear and expressible form as mental concepts and direct ideas, to be shared with others. There will also be a stimulation of the seventh and eighth chakras, so these ideas may come when least expected. There may be greater patience with abilities that do not seem to form patterns in the usual sense. Various cycles such as biorhythms and astrological rhythms will be easier for people. They will be more patient with themselves having utilized this star or its elixir. Individuals may also find that it is much easier to express what they have learned without judgement. They can simply allow the ideas and what they symbolize to fall where they may so that others might absorb them and work with them.”
Last up, this week, is another change of planetary direction. This time it is Venus which, again early in the morning, goes Direct on Thursday (25th). Notice your energy first thing on waking this week, it may more than usually indicate how your day will flow. You may have noticed the relationship testing taking place in her retrograde period since 13th May. With lockdown especially, we have been confronted with the real nature of our nearest and dearest, and ourselves. Some relationships have strengthened under this pressure, and some have been put under unbearable strain. You may now find an easing of pressure, especially now that lockdown measures are easing. You will be more able to stand back (2 metres, please) and assess the other coolly, and assess your part in the exchange.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – new beginnings and a turning point
- Tuesday – retracing of your spiritual path
- Wednesday – higher quality of thought
- Thursday – less pressure on relationships