Excerpt from “The Quiet Office” No. 6
Sharon was grateful to Janine for driving her to Betsy’s for a Transformation Game to take her mind off the demise of the postman. Betsy was experienced in the Transformation Game, having played it at Findhorn. Each of the four was instructed to bring lunch to share, which turned out to be three quinoa salads and an onion tart. Verity arrived late due to having had four changes of outfit before she came out because of a chance remark by Sharon about colour healing. Halfway through the game Verity stopped to check: “Is this all going into ‘The Quiet Office’?” Sharon meditated for a bit and replied: “Well I think the bit about Verity declaring she would go on the Lighterlife sachet diet should go in”. Verity put on her best Brian accent to say: “You’ll never do it Verity.” Someone asked if Brian had a beard. Sharon said: “You have to wait till the end to find that out”. Verity now doubled as the narrator, with gravitas: “…Brian shaved his beard.” “So – he has a beard?” mused Sharon, grateful for the revelation.