Aspects for the week beginning 3 June 2007
Tomorrow (4th) kicks off with a trine between Mars and Jupiter in fire signs. If you’ve had a lazy weekend, this may jump-start your enthusiasm for the task in hand, be it a work project or a leisure project. It favours both sporting activities and philosophical explaorations. So if you are planning something special this week and it’s a moveable feast then move it to Monday. Tuesday (5th) sees the arrival of Venus in Leo (more fire to your elbow). Feelings will transform from the sentimental approach of Venus in Cancer to the heart of the lion: courage and magnanimity ruling the day. Later that day you may begin to sense the challenge involved in the task you set for yourself at the beginning of this week (or at the Full Moon late last week). The tussle is between Sun in Gemini (seeing the minutiae of a project) and Jupiter in Sagittarius (seeing the whole picture or beyond). You need to see your next step as well as the end product in order to maintain the motivation. Geminis may get irritable with Sagittarians, whose character traits are just so magnified this year…it may take a Libran, Arien or Leo to help solve the situation. Many heads are better than one or two. That search for group consensus is likely to simmer for a few days until Saturday evening (9th) when the Sun squares Uranus, and something has to give. The nearest Aquarian could make the definitive or prophetic annoncements which goes unchallenged…stand back in amazement and re-group for a renewal of effort next week. If you haven’t got a project on the go or don’t have a group situation going on, take the planets as archetypes in your own interior drama/kitchen sink play/magical mystery tour – you decide.