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Aspects for the week beginning 1 November 2009

Are you experiencing the calm, serene entry of Saturn gliding into Libra?  You may be in the middle of a spiritual retreat, or contemplation based on healing from yesterday’s Venus trine Chiron.  Whatever you are engaged in, stay with it today and get the full benefit, while you can…For tomorrow is full-on and you will need the serenity to carry you through without a glitch.  On the threshold of tomorrow (Monday 2 November) Mercury squares Mars.  Therefore it will be evening in the States, and morning in the Australian territories.  Mercury squaring Mars can bring up health and safety issues.  On the first of the new series of the Restaurant last Thursday night, Raymond Blanc had to eliminate a contestant for handling a knife by the blade instead of the handle, and trying to open a coconut and then a tin and hammering on the handle.  It was an image difficult to eliminate from the memory, and contributed to insomnia.  So it seemed the comedian Harry Hill could not eliminate it from his imagination either, because last night he showed the clip again, then let his imagination run riot.  More insomnia of course ensued…  Anyway, the moral of the story is to be watchful of health and safety issues and to deal with them before they get out of hand.  If you are safely tucked up in bed in the U.K. the health and safety issues may work themselves out through your dream life.  In the States, there may be tensions on the rise (irritability from Mars square Mercury, then emotional fullness leading up to the Full Moon later).  In Australia, there may be the recounting of nightmares over the breakfast table.  The Full Moon in Taurus (10 degrees) arrives at 19.14 Hrs in the U.K. after a day’s work for some.  This may bring up financial issues, such as dilemmas over working hours, taxes, and in my case pensions.  It is about the use of one’s resources, money, time and energy, and balancing those in one’s own life but also in relation to others.  That will be lunchtime in the U.S. and the fairest thing would be to split the bill if you are dining out, or looking out for a meal deal if you are in a hurry and cannot prepare your own from wholesome ingredients.  In Australia, you will most likely be asleep for the Full Moon, in which case your dreams may be full and floridly visual, but may also contain some of the comfort vibes of the sign of Taurus, while accommodating the pull between the Moon and the Sun in Scorpio, wrapping it all up in the wisdom of the Higher Self.  At 23.21 Hrs in the U.K. Venus trines Neptune which does indeed  point to all being resolved on a higher level.  The mental tensions of Mercury square Mars and the emotional tensions of the Full Moon could all ebb away gracefully and a modicum of serenity could return.  Not that you won’t have things to mull over from earlier in the day, but you will have the leisure to absorb and contemplate and integrate things in a calmer atomosphere.  Spiritual love is something else that can steal in with Venus trine Neptune, without anything being forced.  So this delight takes place in the afternoon in the U.S. (perhaps you can down tools early and take advantage of this trine) and in the morning of the next day for Australians (a beaut start to the day, especially if you are on the beach).  Wednesday 4 November brings a sea-change for Neptune, which goes stationary prior to direct.  A good day to actually watch the waves rolling in and out if you live near the sea, experiencing the ebb and flow, and sensing the change in Neptune’s power and expression.  Neptunian issues should improve from Wednesday, and that includes anything of a fluid nature: water, oil, emotion, compassion and overseas aid should all be flowing more easily.  Complex issues should be understood more easily, from a greater listening capacity.  The Sun in Scorpio conjuncts Mercury on Thursday 5 November, enabling great insight at whatever level you are working.  If on the physical level, insight about physical health or the clearing of Autumn leaves in the garden, down on the ground.  If on the emotional level, the emotions you have projected on to others will come home to roost in your own psyche.  If on the mental level, some exquisite writing or communication can be revealed, conveying your best truth so far.  And on the spiritual level, awareness about the eternal soul and its relation to the now.  Don’t forget to work on your Saturn and Pluto issues, for instance by addressing your Victim Archetype, for the event of the square between these two heavenly bodies in the middle of November.

Aspects for the week beginning 25 October 2009

On reading last week’s opener “It’s all good news” someone complained straight away.  Another friend this week turned bad news into good news, in a real water-into-wine achievement.  And my mum says no news is good news any way…So I hope you did indeed have a good week, and are still enjoying yesterday’s aspects.  These are halcyon days, basking in a hammock between yesterday’s Mercury trine Neptune and next Thursday’s Venus trine Jupiter, so enjoy.  But in between we have the entry of Mercury into Scorpio on Wednesday 28.  Transactions that day will be hard nosed and you will be sure that the other party has an agenda equally as serious as your own.  So Thursday 29 will start with a done deal, and preparations for some sort of engagement or commitment party.  If you are doing lunch that day, you may be tempted to finish with cake.  Thursday continues with more good news as Mercury sextiles Pluto: the done deal seems like a win-win situation in that it serves the needs of both parties.  But hovering in the background may be a third party, perhaps an ex, prepared to erupt at the line of  “if any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace”…You may notice someone who rarely displays anger may now do so, and indeed may have started getting edgy towards the end of last week (as Sun squares Mars now).  But nothing can stop the entry of  Saturn into Libra.  Festivities on the evening of 29th (it’ll be a long day) have a  serious purpose in terms of partnership.  I have blogged separately about this event, but do tune in at 17.09 Hrs (UK time) and see what you sense about it, and what your first thoughts are.  I have noticed people are anxious for Saturn to leave Virgo.  So I have a personal confession to make.  Forty years ago I was at University and hit a low patch.  It was then that Astrology landed into my lap, and I discovered Saturn was on my Ascendant at the beginning of Taurus, having entered my first House.  That explained a lot to me, and when a couple of years later Saturn left Taurus, I celebrated by painting a picture entitled “Saturn leaving Taurus” (not “Saturn entering Gemini”, notice!).  But during those two and a half years, Astrology had turned my life around, and I had met my husband.  Did I stop and thank Saturn for this turnaround?  No.  Therefore, I now humbly and belatedly thank Saturn, and hope that Virgos are now doing the same.  Also, that Librans are looking forward to their Saturn experience to come.  Treats in your Halloween goody bag on Saturday 31 are Chiron going Direct, and trining Venus.  Let your inner Saboteur take the brakes off your inner Healer, come to terms with your emotional wounds, and find gentleness in the healing powers of nature, such as in homeopathy and flower essences.  As you read this you may want to review and take stock of the now established position of Pluto in Capricorn in your chart and life.  This will be deep work you have done in response to challenges such as economic stringencies.  It is  important to have this perspective before Saturn moves on into Libra and then squares Pluto in mid-November, to see the constructive aspect of Pluto’s placing, so that you can find the best complexion of the square  when it occurs.  Hopefully, Saturn will be able to fall into line with this in your life and find its level, e.g. Saturn in Libra in your 7th House being a co-operative partnership working in square to Pluto in Capricorn in your 10th House as formulating a more realistic career path.  There is a purpose for each planet in each house, and a higher purpose for them to work together.

Aspects for the week beginning 18 October 2009

It’s all good news this week…which is why it’s a good time to smoothly slip in an advance blog about Saturn’s upcoming entry into Libra.  You should have seen me this morning, ushering in today’s Libran New Moon which was at 5.33 a.m. here in the U.K.  I was a charicature of myself: starting a new journal, taking a homeopathic remedy which had been resisted for 6 weeks, re-framing a mandala, and reading through the Libra section of “Esoteric Astrology” by Alice Bailey.  Insomnia can be fun.  So you may want to change the energy and move some furniture today, while making your Libra New Moon wishes on relationships, art, music and justice.  You may also want to reorganize the Libran parts of your psyche.  If you have Libra emphasized in your chart you will recognize that two Archetypes which are prevalent with Libra are the Rescuer (all too willing to act on behalf of the other, even if it is only becoming what the other wants them to be), and the conditioned aspect of the Inner Child.  This month’s edition of Psychologies Magazine has a useful article about the rescuer within by Sasha Blake.  She writes that “the motives of the selfless rescuer differ hugely from those of the selfish rescuer”.  She quotes Professor Bornstein of Adelphi University in the U.S. in pointing out that “the motive underlying the selfish rescuer’s behaviour is the urge to control through creating indebtedness.  It’s the difference between fostering autonomy, or creating dependency.”  The article distinguishes 4 types of rescuers and recommends (among other wise offerings) “Build independent self-worth, redirect your energies positively to focus on you.”  You have to read it…Meanwhile, Felicity Cook’s recent blog “The Compliant Child” on her voicedbodymind website speaks eloquently for the Libra inner child.  Let’s get further into this week where there isn’t a cloud in the sky…By Tuesday 20th the results of your New Moon rituals will convince you that it’s safe to make a business transaction or two, and that your head can emerge briefly from the credit crunch parapet and take advantage of the day’s Mercury trine Jupiter.  If you have a unique selling point, now is the time to sell it.  On Friday 23rd there is a less material but more health-giving trine of Mercury with Chiron: the homeopathic remedy you took recently will start to kick in, and you may be able to articulate the why and the how.  Also that day the Sun enters Scorpio, and from the point of Libra balance we decide to take on more meaningful challenges.  With Saturn about to enter Libra too, we are starting to re-evaluate what we need from modern art.  A new kind of art and artist may come to the fore.  Pluto is currently opposite Damien Hirst’s Venus, just at the time that his influence seems to have peaked.   Saturday 24 October brings a sextile between Sun and Pluto and a trine between Mercury and Neptune for our entertainment.  Under Sun sextile Pluto we can do some profitable re-evaluation of our lives.  If we are performers, our gigs will be superpowered.  Under Mercury trine Neptune we can allow ourselves to feel impressions more sensitively, and understand more complex mental theories.  Channelling is smoother, too.  The big question of course this week is whether the 18-year old Libra twins will survive X-Factor.   They may not have the X-Factor, but they may have the John Sargeant or Kate Garraway factor, plus a spooky but fascinating karmic mission of North Node sandwiched between Neptune/Uranus.  Next time they are on screen, take a look at their karmic missions.   I do a lot of channel-hopping on a Saturday evening back and forth from Strictly Come Dancing to X-Factor, and am mesmerized by Phil Tufnell’s cheerfulness.  In an effort to discover what he is on, I found three very tight conjunctions in his birth chart: Uranus/Pluto (anarchic punk energy), Chiron/Venus (romantic poignancy) and Mars/Sun (say no more).

Saturn in Libra – Karmic Dilemmas

“Ahinsa.  Non-injury, or harmlessness.  The chief social virtue in yoga philosophy.”

~ Ernest Wood

Saturn, one of the Lords of Karma, enters Libra the sign of Peace and Harmony on 29 October, and raises a new set of issues for us collectively, a new focus.  The purpose of Saturn is to highlight our blocks, so that we can work on liberating ourselves from them.  Can Libra glide along on niceness alone?  Does that work karmically?  Librans are lovely, but Saturn may require them to change, or become more of who they truly are.  This goes for any of us, to the extent that we have the features of Libra in our birth chart.

For those of us brought up at school with Mrs. Doasyouwouldbedoneby, a character from “The Water Babies” by Charles Kingsley, then in the hippy era graduated to the concept of “Ahimsa” or harmlessness when we embraced Hinduism along with the Beatles, you may be focussing on the challenge of how to live out these concepts during the forthcoming period of Saturn in Libra.  Some of you will have been born during  earlier transits of Saturn in Libra such as mid-August 1951 to late October 1953, with a further intensity for some of having the Saturn-Neptune conjunction.  Judy Hall identifies this conjunction as a karmic dilemma and labels it as the Mystic/Pragmatist.  In a later generation those born from late September 1980 to late November 1982 also had Saturn in Libra, some of whom took on the conjunction of Saturn/Pluto, which adds truth and psychological depth to the sense of responsibility.  Those of you who have Saturn in Libra natally may have experienced growth through the bonds of relationship, e.g. taken on a challenging partner, and some may have renounced conventional relationship if it was too constricting.  One who found life-long-lasting love was the late Patrick Swayze, and his autobiography (co-written with his wife) is out now.

Libra as the sign of peace can when occupied by Saturn bring passivity to the character, relationship or situation.  The struggle which some Librans have with decision-making can apply to philosophies about taking right action, and karma.  There can be, for instance, a fear of hurting others.  In order to take action, it sometimes needs a combination with a stronger influence, as in the case of oft-cited double Libran Mahatma Gandhi who had the extra spiritual strength and courage of Scorpio planets in his first house.  Another oft-astrologically-cited Libran is John Lennon whose Sun in Libra came with a little help from Mars in Libra, Aries rising (energy, or sometimes aggression) and Moon in Aquarius (inclination to social activism) – all of which resulted in his ultimate gesture of the bed-in on behalf of peace.

Non-violent communication (as promoted in the work and books by Marshall Rosenberg and Kelly Bryson) was a concept I only came across when I joined i-peace a year ago.  The subtitle of Kelly Bryson’s book is “balancing passion for self with compassion for others”.  It would seem logical that communication has its own consequences and karma, and refining this is as important as any other kind of karma, and may head off more concrete conflict.  And sometimes the person you need to stop hurting is yourself.  Be mindful of what you say to yourself.

Issues around bullying, selfishness vs selflessness, self-esteem and self-assertion will be relevant during this time.  We may find that we need a dose of Libra’s opposite Aries in order to balance out extreme capitulation in a relationship.  How are parents to advise, support and protect children who are being bullied in the outside world?  Can or should their parenting be completely free of rules, restrictions and imposing their own values on the child?  Can the soul of a child escape endoctrination?  What would be the consequences of natural parenting as espoused by Rousseau?  I have recently been accused of asking too many questions…

Internationally, there is bullying going on, and peace will become a more insistent need for humanity as a whole during Saturn in Libra, possibly because of the existence of the nuclear capacity within nations who may have tenuous diplomatic links with leading “parental” nations.  But there may be other factors that emerge and make this even more of a necessity.  Such proceedings during Saturn in Libra need the utmost patience from diplomats, and the strength and resolve to keep going.  Let us hope that we see some progress from the Nobel hopeful candidates by next year.  Libra in Saturn represents the sense of responsibiltiy and the seriousness of their task.  It is an idealistic sign, but Saturn brings more practicality and need for compromise.  There is also the delicate balancing going on with Uranus and Pluto demanding their share in a T-square with Saturn.  The collective task for Saturn in Virgo was to work together on climate change, so it is interesting that in these last days of Saturn’s sojourn there we have the question over how far the U.S. will reduce carbon emissions, and protests in the U.K. over this issue.  The Chinese seem to be making more headway than the west, and the Maldives cabinet met under water this week.

For those Librans with worrying furrowing brows, before you think about botox rest assured that in relationships Saturn can bring commitment, maturity and solidity.  Be your own best friend, know yourself, and know your relationship.  Your own relationship with yourself is reflected in every other relationship you have.  If you have Saturn in Libra in your natal chart you will be about to experience your Saturn Return (within the next two or three years).  The blog Astro Harmonia has been a caring resource during my Saturn Return in Virgo and hopes to be able to help the Saturn-Librans.

If it’s fun you want hang around a Virgo now; they will be popping corks and they have a wealth of wisdom gained by the transit of Saturn through their sign.

Aspects for the week beginning 11 October 2009

The main event of this week is that Jupiter turns direct, and the main event of the run up to Christmas and the New Year is the square between Saturn and Pluto in the middle of November, part of the emerging T-square in early Cardinal signs with Uranus.  See the work of Financial Astrologer Raymond Merriman, who has been writing about this for years and calls it the Cardinal Climax.  Early next year we have the final onward-and-upward push from the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron.   In regression work, you sometimes need to see a series of lives in order to see one life in context.  Correspondingly, in Astrology, you need to see the bigger picture sometimes in order to put an astrological event in context, and the black-and-white representation of the Yin-Yang symbol is very apt for this bigger picture.  The black contains the seed of the white, and vice versa.  Jupiter, which represents hope, has retreated back as far as it could go at this time, and fear has been taking precedence.  You need to balance the two, if you are not to be engulfed by unrealistic hope, or despair from which there seems no way out.  This week I have heard people literally speaking about their fear of Pluto (Plutophobia).  There is no retreating from the continual research of our own psyche, which Pluto represents.  With Jupiter going direct, this is a shot of hope, a time when hope may start to wax.  To pick up a stitch I missed last week, Mercury is now in early Libra, and we can start to think about balance.  Indeed, the theme of Sound Pod at Felicity Cook’s tonight is balance and we are scouting round for a song to sing about balance, but it seems that not many songwriters have tackled this theme directly over the years.  Late tomorrow (Monday 12th) in the U.K. Mars is sextile Saturn.  This too is a balance of sorts, between action and non-action, so any action undertaken is deliberate, and needs to be meaningful, economic and measured.  Tuesday (13th) is the most significant day, and the day in which you may sense the balance between hope and despair.  Jupiter goes Stationary prior to Direct in the early hours in the U.K., so those living here can reorientate themselves in their dream state.  Australians and Antipodeans can refresh their Jupiter button on waking, and those in the U.S. can re-programme themselves in the hypnagogic state before sleep.  Re-acquaint yourself with the power of hope, if it has been dormant.  Venus conjunct Saturn occurring soon after may trigger an evaluation of what you have recently gained and/or lost in your emotional life, but again the yin-yang symbol shows the balance of the bigger picture.  Feel that conjunction, and it clears the way for you to enjoy the sextile between Venus and Mars which occurs later in the day.  That too is a balance, for Venus and Mars are one of the many pairings of planets, and these two represent love and sexuality, the sextile bringing them into balance.  Continuing on the balance theme, Venus enters Libra the next day (Wednesday 14th) and this promotes an emphasis on the search for harmony in relationships, and on a wider scale the green shoots of olive branches in international diplomatic relations.  In the viscissitudes of the search for balance, there may be an immediate challenge on Thursday (15th) when Venus is squared by Pluto.  Overtures for Peace (by the way I am delighted by Obama’s Nobel Award, and astrologically excited that it comes as Jupiter is on his Ascendant) receive a frosty reception from the intended recipients of the olive branch(es).  The olive branch is met with suspicion and cynicism, and hearts must somehow be prised open.  How did we get ourselves out of the Cold War?  A bit of warmth creeps in on Friday (16th) with the advent of Mars into Leo.  This may not be the answer to the dilemma of Venus squaring Pluto.  It may be more to do with National pride, and displays of self-will, as opposed to concern for global peace.  But the week ends with a glimmer of spiritual understanding on Saturday (17th) with the Sun trine Neptune, and close to a trine with Chiron.  Some of the overtures to the heart may be getting through, and a sense of humanity and healing emerges.  A final note about Jupiter: it stays in 17 degreees Aquarius the whole of this month.  If you have a natal planet or angle in this degree, you will find that the push to change things for the better will work through this planet or angle.  To give a personal example, I have Neptune at 17 degrees Libra in my 6th House, and hope to transform the spiritual nature of my working conditions through the turnaround of Jupiter this week.  Jupiter will probably (though not necessarily) be in the same area or House of your birthchart as at the end of May when the triple conjunction was first in operation in your life.  Any achievements from that time may spur you on in the same field.

Aspects for the week beginning 4 October 2009

In writing my last two blogs on the subject of Mercury, I hope to have cleared the ground for this blog and any Mercury references I may make.  Today started with a Full Moon in Aries, and self-will rules.  This Full Moon is saying: “I will do what I want to do”.  Your stroppy teeenager archetype may have caused you to have a lie-in despite household rules, but it’s in order to process your own emotions, and to arrive at a knowledge of what is right for you regardless of what is going on around you.  Mercury also sextiled Mars this morning, more or less a continuum of the last few days of feverish Mercurial activity.  I have detailed this in my Journal blog just now, which concludes with my emails going round in a loop.  Update: the problem is still not fixed.  The smooth emulsion of Mercury going direct from this point becomes more complex because the aspects it now makes (which in last week’s blog were shown to be revisitations of recent aspects) are more difficult.  So that may take the shine off this Mercury direct period (if you have experienced it as shine).  The change comes now because today we have the re-run of Mercury opposite Uranus.  This highlights the connections and differences between these two planets, which rule the lower mind and higher mind respectively, communication and technology respectively.  The trickster aspect of Mercury comes to the fore as it opposes Uranus which is the spanner in the works (both Coyote energy in Native American language) and this could disrupt any newfound awareness or settlements.  But the further ruminations which arise could also result in insight around these processes.  So it is an uncomfortable process which could result in important conclusions.  Tomorrow (Monday 5 October) Mars trines Uranus which is a better day for technology and engineers.  In terms of profundity this aspect is middle of the road, it carries neither the fleetingness of Mercury sextile Mars nor the semi-permanence of Saturn opposite Uranus.  Therefore technological matters may be repaired, but it may turn out to be a temporary fix.  If you are deciding to change your internet provider, to give a random instance, hold fire for a few days to see whether matters do improve or whether the situation really is insoluble.  For there is a test in relation to communication and health matters on Thursday (8 October).  Mercury conjuncts Saturn which is a revisitation of old examinations and tests concerning these issues.  It is a time when, if resolutions are not looking likely, you may decide to cut your losses.  It is certainly a time when you are likely to make decisions, but not necessarily a favourable time to do so unless you are very pragmatic, because you may be doing so for negative reasons.  I would advise holding on if you can, and look at the spirit behind the form.  On Friday 9th Mars in Cancer conjuncts the South Node, and action may be unavoidable, possibly for karmic reasons.  Family issues may come out into the open on that day, due to a family member reacting to overwhelm.  Also on that day Venus opposes Uranus, and that too may disrupt relationships.  In the UK this happens in the evening, so it may be more emotionally charged than if it were happening in the light of day.  If your relationship is already on the blink, it is not a time to put extra pressure on it.  If it is about to pass the point of no return, then look for more enlightened ways to look at or conduct your relationship.  Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius, and Aquarius gives rise to newer forms of relationship.  Saturday (10 October) morning looks more hopeful, with Sun trine Jupiter.  This may join two areas of your life in happy harmony, depending on where they fall in your chart.  You may see a way through a particular problem, or even enjoy a spot of luck if you are a lottery flutterer.  This is not a reason to buy a ticket if you are not in the habit of doing so, as the evening (and results time) brings a square between Mercury and Pluto (another difficult revisitation).  Saturday night out could find you listening to a sob story, and Saturday night in could find you listening to your own.   But if you need to have deep conversations with yourself or others, this is the right time to have them, and all things must pass (including intermediate Mercury aspects).

My Mercury Direct Journal

Tuesday 29 September 2009

13.13 Hrs Mercury goes stationary, prior to direct: I suddenly find myself able to think outside a box my mind has been in for some time, like waking up from a long sleep.  I see my way to catching up with jobs which have been stuck for some time.  Some part of my energy seems linked with Mercury, and not just my mind.  Because the things I had stalled at when Mercury was retrograde, I found I literally did not have the right energy to do, until now.  I’ve always been able to sense the timing of Saturn (Old Father Time), the sense of “the time is not yet right, it needs perfecting” and knowing when it is right to leap in.  I am not a Mercurial type astrologically, neither have I specialized in the study of Mercury, as have those Astrologers who have written books on the subject.  But today I am getting a new sense of Mercury as it connects with the wider mind, in life and psyche.  This may be a by-product of having blogged about it last week, that I am noticing more.  Something else is happening, something nagging at the back of my mind.  Part of my mind which has been clear or inactive suddenly has something tugging, like not having cleared an old desk somewhere, or opening up an old email account and finding an important old email in it.  Talking of email, we are having to change our passwords with our Virgin email accounts today (my hubby and I), and I wonder what will happen tomorrow when they change their email system over to the Google mail platform.  Seems like this is Mercury awareness week, and may have to do a separate blog.

Wednesday 30 September 2009

Dream: I have two karmic astrology clients, a man and a woman.  Was able to tell them a bit about their past lives connected with Earth healing.

9.00 Hrs: Going back to this tugging at the back of my mind, I am intuiting that it feels like the reptilian brain (not as in David Icke, but as in Chris Griscom who defines it as: “animalistic part of ourselves that warns us of danger, such as radiation or chemical poisoning in the environment”).  It is different from the intuition itself, which arrives in the Crown chakra from above, and which I equate with Uranus and Neptune.  And it’s different from gut instinct which comes from the Solar Plexus.  I must consult with a Neuro-anatomist.  I have also realized that this surfacing or resurfacing of the reptilian brain is connected with the tsunami(s) and earthquake(s) happening yesterday and today in the Pacific Ring of Fire.  No email function today…having to explain (until I wonder if I protest too much and am in denial) to enquirers who ask why it is happening when Mercury has gone direct, that this reorganization by Virgin is a classic manifestation of the  current Saturn-Uranus opposition.  Mercury rules the act of communication in general and the old fashioned forms especially, while it is Uranus that represents technology, IT and TV (today all Freeview owners are having to re-tune to receive their digital channels, that also is creating havoc).  As I blogged last year, Richard Branson has been in his Second Saturn-in-Virgo Return year.  But I wonder if someone told him it would be all right to go ahead with this re-organization when Mercury was direct…

Thursday 1 October 2009

An old friend of mine said it had been a weird day for phone calls – she had received two phone calls from people she hadn’t spoken to in years.  Still no emails today.  Hubby has them back, but he is the primary account holder.  He spent two hours on the phone to Virgin tonight, while I was doing astrological consultation.

Friday 2 October 2009

Human Design blogger Kim Gould writes today on her blog (I can hardly believe this):

“The Gate of Oppression (Mercury is there now) is a place where our “mind” connects with our reptilian brain and says…These are the things I know about struggling to survive on this planet.”

In the evening went to see Joan Baez in Concert in Cambridge, legendary balladeer, still in beautiful voice.  We were completely transported back to the 1960s.  Being transported back in memory is more a process of Moon and Neptune, but in defence of this digression, the link of my mind (Mercury) took me there.  All I had to do was close my eyes.  No planet functions in complete isolation.

Saturday 3 October 2009

Dream: An Aquarian friend said: “It’s about time we had a chat.  Tell me what’s going on in the heavens.”  I replied: “If we don’t embrace the joy (the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction) as well as the need for change (Pluto in Capricorn, Saturn opposite Uranus) then we would not be able to keep hope alive”

Hmm…spoken like a Sagittarian

9.15 Hrs: After another phonecall to Virgin, hubby reports back: “No hope this morning.  They say all secondary account holders are not able to access their accounts.  They have just looked at yours, and it is going round in a loop…”

Aspects for the week beginning 27 September 2009

I am hoping to make this blog short and sweet, a reflection of the slick planet Mercury as it moves across our skies this week.  It would be useful to have your diary handy, going back to 7 September, when Mercury went retrograde at 6 degrees Libra.  Because as Mercury goes direct this week (Tuesday 29 September), it will revisit some of those aspects you dealt with over the last few weeks.  This will give you a chance to connect to some of the teachings of those aspects and the opportunity to improve on some of your performances.  How have you found this recent retrograde path of Mercury since 7 Sept?  Easier than you thought, or more difficult?  What do you hope for when Mercury eases your communication path this week?  Just trains being on time (in East Anglia, we had some rail strike action, talks, suspense and then relief as more strike action was called off), post arriving (we had some postal strike action here, and it is estimated that millions of letters have been held up, and some may never reach their destination)… While Mercury direct periods are not free of hold-ups and miscommunication (and sometimes Uranus can play up, interfering with the smooth running of our computers, and people may attribute this to Mercury), Mercury direct periods are times that we can catch up at the very least, and sometimes make headway in plans – otherwise nobody would ever get anything done.  As this week belongs to Mercury, it would be good to focus on definite plans to forge ahead with this week which involve paperwork or communication.  This week and early next week hold the best chance of momentum.  For instance, I have a 12-year backlog of paperwork, which I am determined to start to clear.  Strangely enough, that coincides with the Labour Party having come into power, and they hold their Annual Conference this week.  There is no astrological connection.  However, Mercury’s positive turn may be helpful to them, at least in the short term (about a week).  Mercury squared Pluto on 17 September, which may have brought out health problems or deep mental processes.  This aspect will recur on 10 October as Mercury retraces its path, and you may have learned certain pitfalls of communication, such as failing to say things which would have made a difference.  Mercury was conjunct the Sun on 20 September, which I find helps the crystallization of thought.  It came to my notice on that day that (with my 3-month waiting list) I had been working on charts of babies born with the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction and was hearing stories of their being miracle babies, healing parents from the womb, and reviving family fortunes.  Mercury will again become conjunct with the Sun on 5 November, and there may be some inspiration which follows on from the earlier experience of this conjunction.  On 22 September Mercury was conjunct Saturn, which for some entailed some definitive dental work.  I was also trying to seal up matters surrounding my pension, another Saturn-related issue.  When this aspect recurs on 8 October, you may be able to tie up some paperwork in relation to the events of 22 September, if you didn’t let the more dampening mood of Saturn paralyse you into non-action.  If you are having difficulty following the to-and-fro path of this blog, and are handy with graphs, or spreadsheets, then that may help the process.  I am still taking lessons on the basics of Excel.  On 23 September so many people I know were affected by the Mercury opposition to Uranus: either they got something off their chest (sometimes very constructively), or were subjected to someone else doing so.  Even the U.N. was subjected to a lengthy rant, from Colonel Gadaffi.  When this Mercury aspect recurs on 4 October, maybe all the people who ranted will be silent, and listen to those who were on the other side of the fence last time.  That would seem fair when the Sun is in Libra.  I have nearly reached the climax of this convoluted blog…So time for a recap, get going on your filing or whatever you need to catch up on when Mercury goes direct on Tuesday 29.  Then on Thursday 1 October, there is a dynamic aspect of Mercury sextile Mars, which can really get things going for you if you capitalize on the new direction of Mercury.  Teaching also benefits that day, as there is a lively exchange of information.  Make the most of the momentum for the next few days as this aspect hovers, for Mercury sextiles Mars again early on Sunday 4 October and so this period is vital to any success with paperwork or communication in the near future.  If you like to work to a deadline, make that yours.

Aspects for the week beginning 20 September 2009

If you survived last week, you should find this one easier.  Not that it doesn’t have its sticky moments, but it should be a step nearer recovery.  Your best bet is to get a head start early in the week, with a golden bunch of aspects.  We start today with a conjunction of Sun and Mercury, traditionally known as “combust”, overflooding the mind.  But if you keep your mind open, you are open to receive inspiration and clarity, the influx of which can arrange and organize themselves in your head into a coherent phrase or saying.  The trine of this conjunction to the Mean North Node also today brings an excellent opportunity to clear out your karma and fulfil your dharma, and re-establish a new healthy patterning.  Venus also enters Virgo today, bringing about a harvest of some sort in your life.  Whatever you do today establishes a karmic and healing pattern which could extend throughout the autumn.  And then in the early hours of tomorrow morning (Monday 21) Venus trines Pluto, which re-establishes relationships in another dimension.  If a relationship needs to be transformed, this is a good time to re-harmonize at a deeper level, with greater awareness and understanding.  If you are not operating in a relationship context, then it is about recognizing a deeper layer of yourself and integrating that self-knowledge, so that you are expressing more authenticity.  All of these aspects have some connection with Virgo, so health and detoxification may be part of your new regime for yourself and any partnership.  Happy 75th Birthday Leonard Cohen, who is recovering from food poisoning.  Tuesday (22) sees a slight dipping of mood with Mercury conjunct Saturn.  You might say to the Inspector who checks your rail ticket “Good morning!” and get the reply “What’s good about it?”  At which point you may start to wonder, check your Customer Service inbox to find a couple of queries…Have you thrown off all those good vibes already from earlier in the week?  They were supposed to last you the whole Autumn, honestly, you must learn to manage your aspects a bit better.  By all means think in practical terms, but that doesn’t have to be negatively.  The Sun also enters Libra on Tuesday, which is the arrival of the Autumn Equinox and worthy of celebration, so bring your harvest to the dinner table and enjoy.  Use up all the veg from your organic box before it goes off, and buy Nigel Slater’s new cookbook “Tender”.  Come into Autumn on a high.  For on Wednesday (23) you may be excused for thinking you are back in last week with all its psychological wrangles and Saturn-Uranus opposition angst.  Maybe you’ll be having flashbacks, with Sun squaring Pluto (did you have a day of mourning in the office for Patrick Swayze?  If so, you will remember him again).  Then Mercury opposes Uranus, and you may have to sort out some documentation or insurance connected to the events of last week, speak out on behalf of the underdog, or simply voice your most contentious views which have been stored and gathering dust in your voice box, and need an airing.  It’s a day when what is inside has to come out, and the consequences taken.  After Wednesday you can have a rest from aspects if you want to, or follow the path of the Moon while it travels through Sagittarius and go into a philosophical reverie.  For weeks I carried Leonard Cohen’s interview from the Observer round with me, it seemed so profound, an interview originally conducted for the Canadian broadcaster CBC.  Every line is a quotable quote, and makes you think about life, but his zen training locks you into a place where you can’t reach a conclusion.  I can’t decide whether it takes you to enlightened thinking or a cul de sac, but it’s a fascinating exercise.  I leave you with one of the least enigmatic or contentious thoughts from Leonard, who has enigmatic Venus conjunct Neptune in Virgo in 12th House: “I don’t think I’ve had a darkest hour compared to the dark hours that so many people are involved in right now.  Large numbers of people are dodging bombs, having their nails pulled out in dungeons, facing starvation, disease.  I mean large numbers of people.  So I think that we’ve really got to be circumspect about how seriously we take our own anxieties today.”

Aspects for the week beginning 13 September 2009

For this week’s challenging aspects you will need as your manual “Heal Your Life” by Louise L. Hay.  The accompanying song, which I am hoping we will sing at Sound Pod tonight (the theme is Strength) is “Whatever gets you through the night.”  by John Lennon (1974): “Whatever gets you through the night.  It’s alright, s’alright.  It’s your money or your life, It’s alright, s’alright.  Don’t need a sword to cut through flowers, oh no, oh no…”  Venus opposes Chiron tomorrow, Monday 14.  This is looking at the vulnerability in relationship, the holding of each other’s soul, and how healing needs to be achieved.  The major aspect of the week occurs on Tuesday (15) with the third pass of the Saturn-Uranus opposition.  This is the aspect responsible for the dismantling of institutions which first occurred on 4 November last year, then returned on 5 February.  I have blogged on the bigger picture separately, but in your own life what issues were current around those times and how did you deal with them?  The issue now may be a continuation, or it may be a fresh strand to work on.  The good news  is that you will have been feeling the changes for some time, and will have some idea of what is going on for you, and aware of the need to access your intuition.  Know what you need to keep in your life, and why, and what you need to change, and why, and how that can constructively be achieved. “…Whatever gets you through your life, It’s alright, s’alright.  Do it wrong or do it right, It’s alright, s’alright.  Don’t need a watch to waste your time, oh no, oh no…”  Even if you have a handle on Saturn opposing Uranus and lifestyle changes, there are emotional complexities attendant on this day, on top of this, for Venus opposes Neptune.  If you don’t have enough emotional complexity in your life, or you don’t have enough emotional complexity in this lifetime, you can contemplate those in past lives and/or read my blog offering on the Pre-Raphaelites from a couple of days ago.  Slogging (sorry I mean blogging) on this week, the Sun opposes Uranus on Thursday (17) which may bring mini-aftershocks from the main event of the week, or if you are receptive some illumination on the issues.  Mercury also squares Pluto on that day, presenting mental challenges.  Health and ecology are very much on the agenda, plus technology and communication wrangles, and Mother Nature may choose the time to step in and make a statement of her own this week.  Be receptive to the messages of the Universe, and if the messages are negative then you need to firmly dismiss the way of paranoia after politely listening, and ask for more enlightened, all-inclusive and heart-centred ways of thinking, seeing and doing.  Finally, on the same day, the Sun conjuncts Saturn, a dose of reality and a summing up of conclusions regarding the week’s trials and tribulations.  You need to cut your suit according to the current stock of cloth oddments you might have, and get a good night’s sleep for a fresh start in the morning.  No good crying over spilt milk.  Friday (18) dawns with a little hope and possibility, we’re all older and wiser, and Mercury has moved from lyrical Libra temporarily back to prosaic Virgo, when we might be inclined to cut out the poetry (for the time being – some of us can’t live without it) and focus on what needs to be done.  Mercury in Virgo will engage brain with action at least on behalf of the planet, so it will be a good day for recycling and ecological projects.  And later in the day the New Moon in Virgo helps us to realize that in intention at least we are on purpose with our aims of cleaning up the planet, and cleaning up our personal act.  We just need to remember that when we are faced with temptation to excess, such as the row of muffins next to the coffee counter on Cambridge railway station.  You will need your rock chick armour this week, and for Lennon’s last lyric: “Whatever gets you to the light, It’s alright, s’alright.  Out the blue or out of sight, It’s alright, s’alright.  Don’t need a gun to blow your mind, oh no, oh no.”  You really don’t.  All you need is Love…