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Aspects for the week beginning 12 November 2023

Barbra Streisand

I’m a very private person. I don’t enjoy stardom.”

~ Barbra Streisand

Eighty-one year old Barbra Streisand published her memoirs this week, which had been 25 years in the writing, with nearly 1000 pages to show for it.  She has also given some interesting interviews, and highlighted some interesting liaisons in her life.

Birth Chart

Barbra has half her planets (5) in Earth signs, so is very grounded, and over half (6) in the Fixed signs, so is very strong willed.  The main zodiacal areas of her chart are Taurus (The Singer) and Leo (The Actor and Performer), which sums up her strengths immediately.  She has the Sun exactly trine her natal Midheaven (Careerpoint), which marks out a successful career as an Actor and Performer.  What makes the expression of her talent more spectacular is a triple conjunction of Pluto/Chiron/and the Moon in Leo on the cusp of her 5th House of Performance.  Her Sun is exactly square Pluto, deepening her character.  She also has Mercury exactly square Chiron, problem-solving mentality honed through crisis.  Venus is conjunct her South Node by 6 degs, suggesting she has perfected her singing path in past lives.  It is also revealed in her book that she is a great foodie, another Taurean trait.


It is quite clear that Barbra is a private person.  Several features of her chart point to this.  Primarily this may be because all her planets are below the horizon, in the personal half of the birth chart, and the only  planet which isn’t, her ruling planet Venus, is in the 12th House of the Unconscious in shy Pisces.   Sun exactly square Pluto can also be retiring;  Mars closely square Neptune is secretive, and Mars is placed on the I.C. (Security Point) in Cancer,  which is home loving.  Last but not least, Neptune is square her Midheaven, a case of not seeking the limelight, as opposed to triple conjunction in Leo (so there must be some inner conflict there).  She said in an interview that she is a different person when she steps on stage to perform.

Life and Career

Barbra was born in Brooklyn of Jewish parents.  Her mother was a soprano, and a grandfather had been a cantor.  Her father died from an epileptic seizure when she was one year old: this is depicted in her chart by the exact square of Pluto (death) to her Sun (the father).  I hasten to say this is not how Pluto square the Sun plays out for all who have it.  Her mother re-married and Barbra describes her step-father as cruel.  Apparently at school she was intelligent and curious but lacked discipline.  Discipline is a function of the planet Saturn, which in her chart is unaspected except for an exact conjunction with Uranus (The Rebel) – it seems the rebel swamped the discipline, at least at that time of her life.  At High School in Brooklyn she sang with classmate Neil Diamond. He recalls:

“We were two poor kids in Brooklyn. We hung out in the front of Erasmus High and smoked cigarettes.”  Later, they were to duet together on the hit song “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers”.

In the early 1960s she performed in nightclubs, and also took a job as a theatre usher.  She has said: “I always hid my face because I thought someday I’d be well-known.”  Her mother begged her not to take up such a precarious profession, but, in Barbra’s words: “My desires were strengthened by wanting to prove to my mother that I could be a star.” (6 Fixed planets).  The role of the “critical mother” is hinted at in her chart by the Moon square Mercury.  Early on, her singing was encouraged by a boyfriend Barry Dennen, who said, of hearing her voice in an early recording session:

“We spent the afternoon taping, and the moment I heard the first playback I went insane … This nutty little kook had one of the most breathtaking voices I’d ever heard … when she was finished and I turned off the machine, I needed a long moment before I dared look up at her.”

She was able to venture into acting, which had been her first ambition, by at first accepting stage roles which involved singing.  She then signed with Columbia records, releasing her debut Album in 1963, but not before ensuring she had full control over the content of her work, accepting a lower rate of pay.  Some of the greatest hits in her long career were People, The Way We Were, Guilty, Evergreen, You Don’t Bring Me Flowers, No More Tears (Enough is Enough) and Woman in Love.

Her first film success was Funny Girl (1968), then followed Hello Dolly! (1969) “What’s Up, Doc? (1972), The Way We Were (1973).  She then ventured into directing, starring in “Yentl” (1983),  a film she had wanted to make since being introduced to the short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer in 1968.  Her journey to its creation is fascinating.

Her Voice

Her voice has been described as “peerless” and semi-operatic, and is in the range of a Mezzo-Soprano.  Apparently, she has the ability to hear complete melodies in her head.  As a singer, her Venus (ruler) is in the 12th House, so she sings from deep within, and the Moon loosely conjunct Pluto shows the incredible depth of her emotion she expresses when she is singing.   In one of her  interviews this week, she told how her grand-daughter is a promising young singer.


Barbra’s first marriage was to Elliott Gould in 1963 who she met while appearing in a musical comedy in 1962, with transiting Jupiter trine her natal Mars (favourable for meeting men) and Pluto trine her natal Mercury.  They divorced in 1971, but had a son Jason, who is now an actor.

They separated in 1969 and then followed a cavalcade of relationships and admirers, which included Pierre Trudeau (two year relationship), Don Johnson (one year), Richard Gere (brief relationship), Clint Eastwood (brief), Andre Agassi (two years), Liam Neeson (briefly), Jon Voight (also brief).  She also reveals in her book that Prince Charles and Marlon Brando found her very attractive.

She has been married to actor James Brolin since 1998.  They do not have children together, but they had a dog Sammie, which she has had cloned three times.  She is a Democrat, through and through.

What a sparkling read the book promises to be, when I receive it, hopefully tomorrow!

“This is a dangerous time in this nation, this republic: a man who is corrupt and indecent and is assaulting our institutions. It’s really, really frightening. And I just pray that people who are compassionate and respect the truth will come out and vote. I’m saying more than just vote. Vote for Democrats!”

~ Barbra Streisand, October 2018

Next Week: Strictly Come Dancing – Part 3


The New Moon at 20 degrees Scorpio arrives tomorrow morning, enabling a new start to the new week.  This can be seen as a sign of Regeneration.  There may be a certain amount of letting go required, before the fresh start can be established.

In the afternoon, Uranus opposes the Sun, which will require new insight, resolve and conviction.  You have to get with the programme, or be left behind.  Maybe you are challenged by an upgrade on your phone, and can’t use it until you sort it out!

On Wednesday (15th) Mercury sextiles Venus, a combination that aims to please.  This favours socializing and conversing, and creative forms which combine art and writing.  There is potential for negotiation in diplomatic efforts (hopefully helping the peace effort, though it is not a major aspect, so in baby steps), and harmony and agreement between kindred spirits.  Ideal for cafe culture.

We have a subtly harmonious trine in the morning of Friday (17th) in the shape of Mars trine Neptune.  Under this aspect the peaceful spiritual warrior can flourish skilfully.  You can combine your passions with your spiritual path.  Meditation with movement is favoured, e.g. yoga, tai chi and qijong.  Peaceful demonstrations also chime well with this aspect.

By early afternoon, its beneficent action is reinforced by another trine, that between the Sun and Neptune.  So it’s a positive day for the expression of spirituality.  The Sun trine Neptune, enhances the  inspiration of the first trine even further.  It promises a graceful day:   expand your consciousness, and allow your imagination to embellish your work, or project in hand.

Saturday (18th) looks more challenging, perhaps in a similar way to the management of the marches which took place this weekend in London, for the Sun conjoins with Mars early in the morning, at 25 degrees Scorpio.  This may be confrontational, but is also an aspect under which  you can get things done.  “Action” is the word.  It is not a great day to be taking risks, however.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – new beginning; an element of the unexpected
  • Wednesday – cafe culture
  • Friday – the peaceful warrior; creative inspiration
  • Saturday – dynamic, but caution needed

Aspects for the week beginning 5 November 2023

Victoria Coren and David Mitchell

Victoria Coren surprised us by concealing her pregnancy and giving birth at the age of 51 to her second daughter on 26th October, revealing the happy news a few days later.  She and her husband are an intriguing couple, by virtue of their sharp wits and endearing love story.  What must it be like in their comedic household, one wonders?

Birth Chart of Victoria

Victoria, like her brother Giles (the food critic) has the Sun in Leo.  As well as presiding over her mental-gymnastic quiz show “Only Connect”, she is a professional poker player. I wrote under the Gambler Archetype: “Victoria Coren has the perfect chart for a gambler: Sun in Leo (speculation) trine Jupiter in Sagittarius (luck and gambling).”  Leo is the sign of “speculation”.  Jupiter is also the planet of humour, and her comedian husband David Mitchell (and outstanding in humour, he is) also has the Sun trine Jupiter.  Victoria and Giles’ father, Alan Coren, was a high profile Satirist, and Victoria’s own brand of humour I would say is satirical, like her father’s. An interesting feature of their synastry is that Victoria’s Mercury at 10 degrees Leo is exactly conjunct her father’s Venus, and her Venus at 10 degrees Cancer is exactly conjunct his Mercury!  Victoria has the Sun conjunct Mars (the Warrior Archetype) which provides the killer instinct needed for a poker player!  Another feature which is part of the poker player’s persona is a love of power – she has that in Jupiter square Pluto, and North Node trine Pluto.  She has a secretive streak, in Mars exactly square Neptune, which she used to advantage in concealing her pregnancy!

Birth Chart of David

David Mitchell, like Victoria’s father, has the Sun in the family-orientated sign of Cancer.  We do not have birth times for David or Victoria, but we do have one for Alan Coren, which reveals his Ascendant as Libra.  David Mitchell does a sterling job heading one of the teams on “Would I Lie to You?”, and he is undeniably a comic genius.  My hubby is a great fan of one of his other enterprises, the sitcomn “Upstart Crow”, in which David Mitchell plays Shakespeare. So it is very fitting to find that he has the Sun trine Jupiter comedy gene, as well as having Jupiter exactly square his Nodal Axis.  David also has the Sun square Uranus, a desire to surprise.  He also has a dour side to his persona, depicted by Mercury conjunct Saturn, which he uses to great effect on “Would I Lie to You”.  That, combined with an exact square from Pluto to his Mercury, can incline him to despondency at times, as detailed in his autobiography “Back Story” (2013) in which he describes secretly pining over the impossibility of winning Victoria for years, before they got together.  Where he sparkles, is in his sextile between Mars and Uranus, which I think is the secret to his likeability.


The two of them first met at Jonathan Ross’ Halloween party in 2007.  Mars was on her Venus, and simultaneously on his Saturn, sparking something.  But Saturn was square his Neptune, beginning the long struggle to hide his feelings.  They were dating by December 2010 and married on 17th November 2012.  As mentioned, in their synastry, his Saturn is exactly conjunct Victoria’s Venus.  She is able to soothe some of his natural despondency.  They have a double whammy because his Venus is also conjunct her Saturn.  His Uranus also squares her Nodal Axis, so there is a mutual fascination.  They had their first daughter in May 2015.  It is interesting that their second daughter did not appear until literally Victoria had her Chiron Return.  Both parents have Chiron in Aries, and Victoria’s is at 16 degrees of that sign, and Chiron is exactly at that position now.  It suggests that perhaps something needed to be healed, for her, or for both of them, before daughter number 2 came along.  It’s a very personal healing for Victoria, but the synastry between David and his second daughter is sparkling (his Sun sextile her Uranus, his Mars square her Uranus, his Saturn trine her Mars, and karmically his Uranus on her South Node) and she will be a real daddy’s girl.  We do not have an exact date for their first daughter.

There is a strong theme of both Saturn and Uranus in their charts and in their interaction, which suggests that in addition to high humour in their household, there are also rules, conventions and surprises in their lifestyle.


Tomorrow starts the week with a trine between Venus and Pluto, which is not a bad way to start.  It is helpful for money and love.  Pluto settles your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  This aspect helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  It is about deep love, deep awareness of your relationship with money, and profound artistry.

Tuesday (7th) brings another trine, that between Mercury and Neptune, in the early hours of the morning.  This aspect brings the possibility of mysteries being solved, e.g. around health conditions.  In personal applications, things may fall into place spiritually, and you may be ready to talk about a sensitive subject.  This trine brings mental inspiration, transcendent wisdom, higher harmony, spiritual journeys, and insight.  A small kindness can bring about significant mental healing.

Equanimity is on the cards on Wednesday (8th) when Venus enters Libra.  Venus is very comfortable in Libra, one of her own signs. If you have design skills in art or music, they could be heightened now, and in the near future.  At the very least, polish up your vocal skills.  She is in residence here until 8th December.

Thursday (9th) brings a sextile between Mercury and Pluto, in the first hour of the day (in the U.K.)  You could make real progress, or have deeply meaningful dreams.  This aspect can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  If you have something important lined up, you may be successful in getting your point across.

Another ingress takes place on Friday (10th), that of Mercury entering Sagittarius, around breakfast time.  Mentally, that brings more lightheartedness and expansion.  There’s an opportunity to hone your sense of humour, sarcasm-free; quick-fire wisecracks could bring a laugh a minute.

In the afternoon, Saturn squares Mercury.  This brings up mental weariness, in contrast to the new mindset for Mercury.  So much so that you may have to put your thought processes on the back burner for a while, trying meditation or gentle exercise instead.  This may give your mind a rest and a refresh or a reset.  If  you are worried, send healing to the situation to your best level.  The stuckness may suggest a new strand to your philosophy of life, incorporating the quality of resilience.  “What is being required here?” is a useful question. More haste less speed may also be a useful mantra to follow. Travel and communications could be slow, and mirror this process.  There may be talks, or a further impasse highlighted, in the rail disputes.

The last aspect of the week, occurring on Saturday (11th) is an opposition between Uranus and Mars.  Be vigilant for the element of the unexpected.  If you are driving, for instance, check your tyres or any safety issues which may be on the brink.  Another possibility is tempers fraying.  It is also the sort of aspect which brings out the Activist Archetype, so you may be campaigning for a particular party or against climate change, or whatever is your highest priority.  Of course, it is Armistice Day, and there is already controversy surrounding proposed protests and marches planned for that day.  Very descriptive of this particular planetary opposition.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – deep issues in money and love
  • Tuesday – mental inspiration
  • Wednesday – fostering equanimity
  • Thursday – deep and meaningful
  • Friday – a lighter mental note; then a more sombre mental note
  • Saturday – activism; sparks flying


Aspects for the week beginning 29 October 2023

Matthew Perry (1969 – 2023)

“So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job’s a joke, you’re broke
Your love life’s DOA
It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear
When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month
Or even your year, but

I’ll be there for you…” 

~ The Rembrandts

Tragically, the Friends star passed away yesterday, on the Eclipse, at the tender age of 54.  Oh, the hours we spent watching the ten series of Friends.  And though we liked all six friends, Chandler Bing was a favourite character, with a sarcastic wit.

Birth Chart

Matthew Perry was a born actor, with the Sun Rising in Leo (the acting planet in the acting sign) closely trine his natal Midheaven (Careerpoint).  The poignancy of addiction being a central theme of his life is astrologically due to Neptune (addiction, especially to drink and drugs) being exactly square his natal Sun.  Added to this, he had Saturn opposite his Moon, often predisposing him to depression.  He had a depth of emotion, with Moon and Neptune in Scorpio, and Pluto on his South Node.  Mercury was exactly sextile Venus in his chart, giving him a facility with words (at least, his character did have, and he did identify with Chandler).  Jupiter conjunct Uranus gave him the Entrepreneur Archetype.

Life and Career 

Matthew was born in Massachusetts, but raised in Ottawa, Canada.  His parents separated when he was one year old, and he stayed with his mother.  He moved to Los Angeles at the age of 15, to be with his father.  It was there that he took up acting.  He took various TV roles, and was apparently chasing fame, when he read for the pilot of Friends, a role which was to change his life.

His transits at the time of the first airing of Friends on 22nd September 1994 were weighty:

Mars was sextile his natal Pluto in  Virgo in the 2nd House of finance, which did wonders for his bank balance; Mars trined his natal North Node in Pisces in his 8th House, kick starting his karmic mission; Saturn was trine his natal Moon in 3rd House, pinning him down to a long running sitcom and making him a household name; Uranus sextiled his natal North Node exact to the day, an overnight success and big breakthrough; Pluto squared his natal Sun in Leo in 1st House, plunging him into extremes of emotion, and untold pressures; and Pluto transited his natal Neptune in Scorpio in his 4th House, activating the depths of his natal Neptune-square-Sun addictions.

He claims that he “lost” three years of memory filming the series due to his addiction to various substances, most notably Vicodin.  It must have taken a lot of strength and patience for him to have persevered at the height of success of the sitcom, as well as strength and patience from his co-stars and producers.  The incentive to continue would have been great, as his was a central role in the group.  He attended rehabilitation clinics over the years in an effort to overcome addiction.

The sitcom came to an end on 6th May 2004, and his transits for that time showed a finality, though part of him may have been relieved from the pressure of constant performance.  He had at that point, Jupiter trine his natal Saturn in Taurus in 9th House, exact to the day (freedom); Saturn from Cancer in his 11th House of Friends and friendships sextiled his Saturn (end of Friends, and a sense of greater control); and Pluto square his Nodal Axis (a finality, involving  his karmic mission).


The addiction to painkiller Vicodin began after a jet-ski accident in 1997, around the age of his Saturn Return.  In 2018 he was severely ill and hospitalized due to opioid abuse which affected his colon, around the time of his Chiron Return.

He was found unresponsive last night in his hot tub.  A huge shock, and a sad end to a difficult life: It was a lunar eclipse opposing his Moon.  And although Pluto was square his Midheaven (a life transition), Uranus was sextile his North Node and Neptune was trine his Neptune, so he may have been at peace with himself on some spiritual level.

“All of us loved Matthew Perry, and I did especially. Every day. I loved him unconditionally. And he me.  And I’m broken. Broken hearted. Sweet dreams Matty. Sweet dreams.”

~ Selma Blair


There are four oppositions this week, so you may find you have balancing acts to manage.  The first came in the early hours of this morning, while we were trying in the U.K. to make the most of an extra hour of sleep, Mercury was opposite Jupiter.  This aspect is mentally stimulating but can lead to mental resources being overstretched.  Travel news may also be quite testing, e.g. people being in long queues.  Jupiter opposite Mercury is a learning curve, and can bring out some humour, but need some caution in the playing.

This afternoon, Mercury conjoins with Mars, which may assist you in getting things done.  It brings brisk action, mental and physical stimulation, and again can help movement in your projects.  Again, there is a small element of risk of being incident-prone, as in minor cuts and bruises.  So mindfulness is a key to successful outcomes.  It is mentally acute and favours critical thinking, if you are composing an analysis, a review or critique.

Best aspect of the week comes on Halloween, Tuesday (31st), with Venus trine Uranus occurring  at lunchtime.  This is a fresh and sparkling energy. The aspect may set you up with exciting meetings, or bring encounters of the illuminating kind.  In the field of the Arts, it can bring originality and surprise, e.g. to a performance of music.  Ideas for assisting the problems in our society may also crop up, such as community-based solutions.

Into November next, and on Friday (3rd) Jupiter opposes the Sun, in the second opposition of the week.  We may be trying to cover too much ground, and overstretching ourselves, erring on the side of arrogance, although likely to be in good humour.  You may want to be travelling.  If armchair travelling, philosophical reflections on the quality of freedom in your life can bring relevant insights for this Jupiterian aspect and timing.  Or if you can extend to a desk, writing a comedy script would also be a suitable occupation for the day

A second opposition on the same day (late at night), involving Venus and Neptune, demands that you  sort out your feelings, the real from the illusion, and especially in relationships.  In politics, there may be bluffs and double bluffs.  In relationships, more compassion is needed, and in finance more honesty.  Fine words may butter no parsnips.

Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Direct, on Saturday (4th) at breakfast time.  This may be experienced as a relief to some, especially for Capricornians, and may release some of their chains or burdens.  Climbing up that mountain may seem slightly easier. Depending on where this turnaround falls in your chart (0 degrees Pisces), your efforts, struggles and hard work in that area may start to bear fruit, progress, and just get easier.

The afternoon brings the last opposition of the week, that between Mercury and Uranus.  This could be tricky for communications, such as I.T.  Social media could be a bit fraught!  A spanner could enter into the works.  But if you are tuned into a higher mental wavelength, e.g. that of telepathy, you may achieve progress and flow.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – mindstretching; brisk action
  • Tuesday – illuminating encounters
  • Friday – overstretching; sort out your feelings
  • Saturday – steady progress; but plug in loopholes

Aspects for the week beginning 22 October 2023

Sir Bobby Charlton (1937 – 2023)

“There has never been a more popular footballer.  As near perfection as man and player as it is possible to be.”

~ Sir Matt Busby

The legendary footballer Sir Bobby Charlton, one of the greatest footballers of all time, died yesterday morning, at the age of 86.  He was famously one of the England squad who won the 1966 World Cup, and the only one remaining now from that triumph is Geoff Hurst.  Bobby played most of his career for Manchester United.

Birth Chart

Bobby Charlton had the Sun in Libra, and was known to be a gentleman, and an unusually graceful player across the football pitch.  Arthur Hopcraft described his movements thus:

“The flowing line of Charlton’s football has no disfiguring barbs in it”

He was a calm and balanced Libran, with the Sun exactly square Jupiter.  His older brother Jack had Jupiter opposite his Sun, so there must have been something upbeat in their upbringing.  Bobby was known to have been a happy-go-lucky type, until he was involved in the Munich Air Crash which killed seven of his team mates on board.  We do not have his birth time, but it may have been close to Noon, giving his Moon the football connection from Mars.  His mother’s family were the famous footballing Milburns, and Moon (Mother) conjunct Mars (Football) would depict that.  Mercury square Mars will have given him quick mental and physical reactions.  Venus in Virgo exactly conjunct Neptune gave him quite a refined nature, and a great deal of modesty.  The conjunction of Venus and Neptune was part of a Grand Trine in the Earth signs, which may have been part of his outstanding talent.  It is worth noting that he had 0 Water planets, which may have added to his Libran calmness.  He had Mars trine Uranus – The Engineer Archetype, electrical energy – and as his back up plan he originally began an electrical engineering apprenticeship when he left school.  He also had Jupiter trine Uranus – The Entrepreneur Archetype – which formed part of his Grand Trine.  His exact trine of Saturn to Pluto, is often present in people who succeed significantly with a serious attitude.

Life and Career

Bobby Charlton was born in Ashington, Northumberland, younger brother to Jack who also became a top footballer.  The two brothers for many years were part of a long running family feud (their Marses were exactly square to each other).  Bobby was talent-spotted at the age of 15 on 9th February 1953.  His transits at the time included Jupiter transiting his Uranus, often associated with a lucky break.  A curious fact about Bobby Charlton was that he did not sustain injuries in his football career (which must be very rare).  However, the exception was that at the very start he sustained an ankle injury just before his debut.  It was on 6 October 1956, and Mars (injury) was sextile his natal Uranus (ankle) at the time.  He went on to become one of the “Busby Babes” nurtured and trained by Sir Matt Busby at Manchester United. On 14th December 2008 Bobby Charlton was presented by his brother Jack with the BBC Sports Personality of the Year Lifetime Achievement Award.  Uranus was trine his natal Jupiter in Capricorn at the time, a classic transit for winning awards and prizes.

Munich Air Crash

The English footballing world suffered a major trauma on 6th February 1958.  The English team were refuelling at Munich Airport catching a flight home, and the weather conditions were treacherous, with slush on the runway.  There was an exact conjunction of the Sun and Chiron in Aquarius that day, possibly contributing to flight problems.  Just before they boarded, Bobby and Viollet swopped places with Taylor and Pegg (who were nervous), two of the players who did not in the event survive the plane crash.  He was rescued by team mate Harry Gregg, who was uninjured. A very promising player, Duncan Edwards, another of “Busby’s Babes”, perished as a result of his injuries that day.  Duncan Edwards’ prowess shows up in his chart as Sun conjunct Mercury in Aquarius trine Chiron, and North Node sextile Mars.

Bobby’s transits for that fateful day included a miraculous trine of Jupiter to his Chiron, and a karmically saving transit of Uranus trine his North Node.  Bobby suffered cuts to his head and severe shock. He became a much more serious personality as a result of this event, and admitted to suffering from survivor’s guilt.  Before his death, he had been the last survivor from that crash.

1966 World Cup win for England

At the time of the iconic English win at the World Cup in 1966, Bobby played a crucial role in the final.  Even though he was deemed the best player, Alf Ramsay instructed him “to concentrate on stifling the influence  of Franz Beckenbauer, the key element of the West German team.” (Richard Williams writing in the Guardian).  Geoff Hurst scored a hat trick, and England won 4-2.

Both Charlton brothers took part in that victory.  Mars was again sextile Bobby’s Uranus that day, Jupiter was opposite his Jupiter exact to the day, Saturn was trine his Pluto, Neptune was sextile his Venus and Jupiter, and sextile his own Neptune.  Quite a heady cocktail of transits!  For Jack, Jupiter was trine his Jupiter (a textbook win in Astrology), Saturn was sextile his Mercury (precision), Uranus trine his Sun (a brilliant surprise), Neptune on his Jupiter (euphria), and Pluto trine his Sun (a profound event).  Jack was allowed to take a more active role in the match.

His last match for Manchester United

Bobby Charlton played his last match for Manchester United at Stamford Bridge, Chelsea, on 28th April 1973.  It was not only historic for him!  Hubby and I got married at Fulham Registry Office on the day, and as his family were local, and Chelsea supporters, some of them had to miss the occasion to attend our wedding!  They also incurred parking tickets, by the way.  His Uncle Bert gets a special mention for his sacrifice.

“In the collective memory Charlton exists as a force for good, made of light and speed”

~ Richard Williams, The Observer


In the early hours of this morning Venus was trine Jupiter: So last night or today, would be a very social time.  Or your dreams may have been heavily populated!  This is one of the best aspects of the year.  It may help in creating good memories.  It could be party time, too.  Close relationships are favoured, and romance may be in the air.  Here’s hoping this trine can bring more aid into Gaza.

Early in the day, Mercury entered Scorpio.  This implies that collectively, we will look into matters more deeply and forensically.  In your own personal life, you will have more courage to look at what really matters, and to worry less about how things appear to others.

In the afternoon, Mercury trines Saturn, which combines mental work with practicality, and brings focus and realism to the mental activities.  So it is a good day for making plans.  Serious conversations can also safely take place under this aspect.

Tomorrow, Monday (23rd), the second ingress of the week takes place, with the Sun entering Scorpio.  Now we need to confront the deeper issues in life (such as how to actively go about achieving peace and balance in our society and world) and find more lasting solutions which treat the causes and not just the symptoms of a situation.  For this we need more insight, resolve and conviction, qualities of this sign.  Discussions and interviews are taking place in the media, about what needs to be done when the current Middle Eastern situation is stabilized.  It seems a long way away to bring ease and reconstruction to Gaza, but Victoria Derbyshire has been searching on Newsnight and on the Laura Kuenssberg show for how the vacuum of power would be managed in Gaza if Hamas was dismantled.  Something for the U.N. to think about.

Tuesday (24th) brings a stabilizing trine between the Sun and Saturn.  This is a more down to earth aspect, but solid and productive.  If you are engaged in creativity, it can help ensure that the creativity works on a practical level.  Simplifying your plans, or making economies, may make them more workable. This is especially useful to bear in mind if you own a business, and are considering staffing and resources.  One solid step at a time, and one day at a time.  By the end of the day, you may feel that you have honoured more than one area of your life.

Mars opposes Jupiter on the evening of Saturday (28th).  This is a highly energetic opposition of energy and enthusiasm.  This may work well for you, but it could also get out of hand if it is not balanced.  You may be trying to multi-task, for instance, and find that you can’t keep hold of one of your spinning plates.  Sport and keep fit regimes may be happy areas for handling all that energy.

There may be tension throughout the day, culminating in a Full Moon and Eclipse at 5 degrees Taurus in the evening.  Your emotions may be stirred and you may be motivated to try to resolve in an issue you care passionately about (Taurus and the Sun in opposite sign Scorpio are Fixed signs).  If you are of an artistic bent, you can plough this feeling into your creativity.  You may get a sense of how an issue will pan out over the next six months.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – social and sociable; mentally intense; practical mental work
  • Tomorrow – confronting the deeper issues
  • Tuesday – stabilization
  • Saturday – fiery energy; emotional high tide

Aspects for the week beginning 15 October 2023

Strictly Come Dancing – Part 2

The standard in the first few weeks has been high again, with some astonishing performances.  We have lost Les Dennis, so I won’t have the opportunity to write about him (!), but will now launch into the analysis of four more contestants.

Amanda Abbington

I will start with the actress Amanda Abbington, who wowed us in the first week in a deep blue dress with Giovanni Pernice, dancing a Viennese Waltz, scoring highly at the outset and praised for a magical performance by head judge Shirley Ballas.  After her Rumba, Shirley said: “I have had 55 years of learning how to master the Rumba walk and you have had three days, I have to commend you.”  For many reasons, I would say that Amanda has a Five Star birth chart.  She has the Sun in Pisces, the sign of Dance, exactly square to Neptune, the planet of Dance – this may confer an extra special skill, and an extra dimension of compassion and sensitivity.  Mercury is closely square Mars in her chart, indicating quick reflexes and co-ordination, with some possible irritability or self-criticism.  Mercury conjunct Jupiter shows intelligence and curiosity.  What especially marks out her chart is the Exact Grand Air Trine (between Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus), very useful in life, for turning lemons into lemonade.  Venus exactly trine Mars gives her great magnetism.  Mars square Jupiter depicts over-the-top energy allied with enthusiasm, while Mars trine Pluto shows a powerhouse of energy.  Jupiter exactly trine Uranus, part of the Grand Trine, is the Entrepreneur Archetype, the ability to make the most of opportunities. Jupiter sextile the North Node brings a positive approach to karma, while Saturn conjunct the South Node, holds the likelihood that she has had to deal with adverse karma from previous lives.

Amanda was married to the actor Martin Freeman, and they had two children together.  In 2021 she became engaged to the Escapologist Jonathan Goodwin, who has appeared on Britain’s Got Talent.  His spine was seriously injured on America’s Got Talent, and he is currently suing the producers of that show.  He proposed to Amanda within an hour of meeting her.  Amanda says that he has remained “positive and upbeat, and so strong.  His courage and his strength is something that I just aspire to be like. He’s just incredible, honestly, like so happy, just like a very happy, positive human being, just liquid sunshine. He’s amazing.”  He also has the Sun in Pisces, a good placing for an Escapologist, and he has a risk-taking conjunction of Jupiter and Mars.  Her transits this weekend show Mars trine her natal Mercury (good for getting her nerves under control), Neptune square her Nodal Axis (important for her as a dancer) and Pluto square her Uranus (a lot of change in her life, not necessarily related to Strictly).  Her transits for the final have the Sun on her North Node, Saturn on her natal Mercury, and Neptune square her Nodal Axis still.  Not especially good transits.

Amanda is paired on the dance floor with Giovanni Pernice, and they are rumoured to have a stormy relationship, but on the first week Shirley alluded to their chemistry.  There are points of tension in their chemistry, with their Suns opposite each other, her Pluto square his Uranus and their Marses conjunct, but on the positive side her Saturn and Uranus form a trine with his Venus, which keys him into her Grand Trine.  Giovanni’s main transit this weekend shows up Jupiter trine his Sun (he’s working well).  The final transits for him bring Jupiter trine his natal Uranus (success), Jupiter square his Nodal Axis (important for karma), Saturn square his natal Mars, Uranus trine his natal Saturn and Neptune trine his natal Chiron – a much better picture than Amanda’s, but a mixed picture.  Motsi said last night that Amanda “ndever disappoints”, and Craig praised her “magnificent musicality”.  Despite my high hopes for this couple, the astrological picture does not look great.  Perhaps Amanda will have too much going on in her private life, and she will not be in a position to make the most of her potential.

Adam Thomas

Next up is Adam Thomas, who together with his brother Ryan Thomas, have had longstanding roles in British soaps: Adam in Emmerdale, and Ryan in Coronation Street.  They look so alike, that I can hardly tell them apart.  Adam has 6 of his 10 planets in Fire signs, and was praised for his enthusiasm, early on.  His Sun in Leo enjoys performance, and is almost unaspected, so he may be strongly individualistic and independent, though he is a twin.  His Moon is also in Leo, giving a consistent approach to life (we do not have his birth time).  He has Mercury exactly trine Uranus giving him a telepathic mind (maybe with his twin?), and that could be useful with a dance partner.  Venus exactly conjunct Chiron could point to emotional wounds – he has a problem with alcohol, and that may be connected.  He has a difficult Cardinal T-square between Mars, Chiron/Venus and Neptune, which a potential partner would have to navigate.  Also Saturn closely conjunct Uranus can bring personal earthquakes from time to time.  So he does not have an easy chart, but Pluto trine his North Node and his Chiron provide some deep-seated support.

He was announced for the part in Emmerdale on 21st May 2009: the transits for that event show up Jupiter sextile his natal Saturn in Sagittarius at the Galactic Centre, a stabilizing career feature.  Saturn was on his natal South Node, tying him into a solid contract.  And Neptune was sextile his natal Saturn/Uranus.  He married on 27th August 2017, with Uranus trine his natal Mercury and Uranus, marking an upswing in his life.  He has two children.  His transits this weekend show Neptune square his Saturn, and despite this he topped the leaderboard at one point.  The waltz proved to be his dance, and he was praised for his topline.  As we do not know his birth time, it is possible that something else is going on, e.g. Jupiter on an angle in his chart.  His transits for the final show Uranus square his Sun – he may surprise everyone, or it may be that he will find it hard to say goodbye to the other contestants, and the whole experience.

He is partnered with Russian Luba Mushtuk who has been a Strictly Professional for two years.  She has the Sun and three other planets in Scorpio, and four planets in Capricorn.  Her Synastry with Adam shows her Mars sextile his Neptune (she can stimulate his dance talent), her Jupiter square his Mars (she can fire him up), her Jupiter trines his Pluto (she can empower him), among other interaspects.  They were born a year and a half apart, which gives them some generational understanding of each other.  Her main transit this weekend was Uranus opposite her natal Sun, the element of the unexpected, which took them briefly to the top of the leaderboard.  At the end of the tournament, Neptune trines her natal Mercury, so she should be serene about her performance.  The transits don’t look strong enough for a win, but Adam’s current transits show that we cannot be too sure.

Ellie Leach

Actress Ellie Leach played the young Faye Windass for many years in Coronation Street.  Like Amanda Abbington, she is born under the dancer’s sign of Pisces, and like Adam Thomas was born in Manchester, starring in a northern soap.  The role of Faye Windass (which she played for 12 years) was fairly bland in character, so it has been delightful to see the actress blossom in different dances.  Having half her planets (5) in Mutable signs gives her good adaptability for the various changes of pace of different dances.  In the first week, Craig Revel Horwood praised her sharpness and precision.  She has the ability to apply herself, with the Sun closely sextile Saturn in her chart.  Her Moon is in Sagittarius, so she has an adventurous side.  With Mars conjunct Pluto in Sagittarius, she has a powerhouse of energy.  She has Jupiter trine Neptune, which is a good balance of religious and spiritual energies.  Her current transits include: Neptune on her natal Sun (concentration on dance!), Netpune trine her Saturn (serious about dance), and Uranus square her natal Uranus (her Inner Rebel coming out and trying something different).  For the final she has: Neptune still on her Sun, but exact to the day!  She will also have Chiron on her Venus (poignant) and Mars close to its Return (her energies on point), Mars on her Pluto (accentuating her powerhouse of energy, with slight danger of injury) and Chiron trine her Pluto (powerful healing).  These are powerful transits, so she could go from strength to strength, all the way to the final.  I would not underestimate her!

She is partnered with Vito Coppola, who debuted as a Professional on the programme last year, and made the final as I predicted:

They [he and Fleur East] could make the final, but I don’t think they will lift the trophy.” – which is exactly what happened.

Vito has the Sun and Moon in Libra (great musicality).  Their synastry shows Ellie’s Jupiter trine Vito’s Sun (they bring out the best in each other), her Mars sextile his Mercury (movement in sync, co-ordinated), and her Saturn trine his Jupiter (a balanced partnership).  So far, so very good!  His transits at the moment include Pluto trine his Jupiter (power), Jupiter square his Saturn (not entirely balanced within himself) and Mars on his Venus (perhaps over-excitable – they did a Latin dance last night!)  They danced to Copacabana, and Ellie was sensitive to some of the judges’ comments. I have to say, I enjoyed her performance, dressed in pink like a flamingo, and channelling Lola.  Vito’s transits at the final bring up Saturn trine his Venus (steadiness) and Chiron square to his Neptune (tricky).  Although his transits are not great, Ellie’s are very good at the time of the final, and I wonder if that can carry them through.

Nigel Harman

Actor Nigel Harman stole the show and topped the leaderboard in the first week with his Paso Doble, dance to the tune of Entertain Us by Nirvana.  Last night three of the judges joked that he was channelling his inner Patrick Swayze – what higher compliment could he receive?  Last night he dazzled with his Salsa, which Shirley said showed his competitiveness and musicality.  Well, Casualty’s loss is Strictly’s gain, and I hope he continues to enjoy performing dance, because he did slump for a week or two after that initial triumph.  Nigel, like Adam Thomas, is a Leo, and therefore someone who enjoys performance per se.  He has the Sun closely sextile Uranus and trine Chiron, so is orientated towards forward thinking and solutions.  His Moon is trine Venus, which may produce harmony with women.  Mercury exactly squares Mars in his chart, so like Amanda Abbington he has “quick reflexes and co-ordination, with some possible irritability or self-criticism.”  Also like Amanda “Mars square Jupiter depicts over-the-top energy allied with enthusiasm”.  He has Jupiter exactly sextile Neptune, which may give him good religious/spiritual values.  And Jupiter trine Pluto gives him power, inclining to its wise use.  It’s unusual to have so much in common with his fellow contestants, but as with Amanda “Saturn conjunct the South Node, holds the likelihood that she has had to deal with adverse karma from previous lives.”  That leads me to conclude that he will play a key role in the “family” of the class of Strictly 2023, a group bond which may be karmic in nature.  The key role is borne out by his 6 (over half his planets) in Cardinal signs, which show leadership, in addition to his leadership Sun sign of Leo.  His transits now show Chiron trine his natal Sun (in a year which is his Chiron Return, the emergence of the Inner Healer), and Saturn trine his Saturn (taking on responsibility and commitment).  These transits also reinforce his role behind the scenes, within his group.  It may be that the recent “doldrums” showed him hanging back in the realization of this central role.  Looking at the picture for the final, he will have Pluto square his Mars (dangerous!) and Jupiter square Jupiter (adventurous!).  Could it be that if he gets to the final, he will display his explosive side to the max (no pun intended for his name in Casualty) which has triumphed so far when unleashed in the competition?

He couldn’t have a better partner in crime than the supremely creative and innovative Katya Jones (she who memorably made a dancer out of Ed Balls).  I have previously written of her that she’s “a solid dependable Taurean, with the nimbleness of a few planets sprinkled in Gemini.  She has a very positive mindset from Mercury conjunct Jupiter”.  It’s an important year for Katya as Uranus in Taurus transits her Sun in the middle of the contest (29th October), and next year Jupiter in Gemini will transit her Venus, Mercury and Jupiter.  She will have a Jupiter Return during next year’s contest.  She may not lift the glitterball this year, but could well do so next year.  But at this time, Jupiter trines her natal Saturn (doing a good job) and trine her Neptune (inspiration) and opposite her Pluto (wielding her power).  Plus Saturn square her natal Venus (some personal sorrow) and conjunct her North Node (some difficult karma, exact to the day), plus Uranus on her Sun (great changes in her life).  She could have a lot going on behind the scenes in her life at the moment.  For the final, she will still have Saturn square to her Sun.  Katya’s transits do not look hopeful for the end result, however much I (and maybe you too) like this partnership.  Therefore I think they could at a pinch make the final, but not hold the glitterball.

For my first batch of four, Bobby Brazier was the standout candidate to win, and in this batch of four Ellie Leach stands the best chance astrologically.

I will be back in a few weeks with the next batch of four.


Our Aspect narrative begins this week on Wednesday (18th), with the Sun on the South Node.  It may take that intervening time to digest the experiences of the Eclipse on Saturday (14th).  In the worldwide news, the Middle East was poised between the atrocities dealt by Hamas on the kibbutzim in Southern Israel, and the threatened reprisal of rooting out Hamas and their infrastructure in Northern Gaza, via a perilous instruction to the inhabitants of Gaza to make their way South.  It seems an impossible situation, and a long way to peace and to the cessation of suffering on both sides.

The Sun on the South Node can mean past karmic glory coming home to roost; for the most part that can be a positive gain.  The South Node in Sagittarius relates to past lives in connection with religion, pioneering, adventure, exploration, academia and publishing.  This can also refer to earlier phases in this lifetime.  On the world stage, there seems nothing glorious anytime soon emerging from the current conflict – the karmic lessons of this aspect need yet more time to work out.

The upside of this aspect can bring light and insight into past actions and memories, and fostering existing talents.  It can bring forward the talents you developed in past lives, but also enable you to release habits you no longer need.

The karma of consequence continues its theme on Thursday (19th) with Mercury conjunct the South Node.  This favours the exercise of the mind in relation to karma, intelligent wisdom.  Review the teachers and teachings of your life prior to this moment, and review how you receive and process information currently: that will help you evaluate karmic factors.  Also under scrutiny is where you may play the role of teacher and student in  your life.  I wrote last week about war and peace, in relation to Pat Arrowsmith.  This week there has been a debate about the definition of terrorism.  It may be worth noting that Irishman Gerry Adams, who started as a “terrorist” and turned statesman, has the South Node conjunct Mercury in his natal chart: the possibility of evolving a terrorist being shown by this conjunction.  But it can be a slow process, in an individual life, let alone in a movement.  It would be interesting to see if there is a change of mind of sorts occurring on Thursday.

Friday (20th) could bring an oasis of crystal clarity to the proceedings of the week, with the Sun conjoining with Mercury at 26 degrees Libra (and sextile the Galactic Centre).  It’s a good day to apply your mind,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on relationships and relating.  Mentally you may be able to see things clearly from the other person’s point of view.   Negotiation (something much needed at the moment) is favoured, and within that context, for instance, it is easier for each party to save face, and achieve a win-win outcome.  In the Middle Eastern situation, a ceasefire is urgently required, in order for any negotiation to begin.

Saturday (21st) may bring more drama, with Mercury and the Sun squaring Pluto.  The first hour of Saturday (in the U.K.) brings the square between Mercury and Pluto.  There may be a setback or a reversal (even if a fragile ceasefire was under way), so make sure your actions in the morning are solid if you have a conflict to resolve in your own life.  Perhaps there is a twist in the plot.  You may encounter awkward communications or travel.  You may need extra ‘me time’ in order to separate yourself from worried pronouncements about the state of the world.  If you do engage in chatter, choose a worthwhile subject.

The second square, Pluto squaring the Sun, occurs at 14.09 Hrs in the U.K.  This is a deep soul-searching aspect.  It is the sort of aspect which can be looked upon as a gamechanger, or watershed.  So if you are in integrity, you may be able to influence what side the coin lands on.  In the last year or two, this aspect has brought about political turmoil in the U.K., so focus may be closer to home than the Middle East.  In your own life, continue to seek positive avenues for yourself, and remove yourself from drama.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – past glories and talents
  • Thursday – lessons from the past
  • Friday – best day of the week
  • Saturday – detach yourself from drama


Aspects for the week beginning 8 October 2023

Pat Arrowsmith (1930 – 2023)

The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament

War and Peace

“In plain words: now that Britain has told the world she has the H-bomb she should announce as early as possible that she has done with it, that she proposes to reject, in all circumstances, nuclear warfare.”

~ J.B. Priestley, 1957

Peace campaigner, a co-founder of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament (C.N.D.), Pat Arrowsmith, died this week at the age of 93. I am constantly researching the charts of peace campaigners, diplomats and negotiators, as it is a subject that fascinates me.  Last year I wrote an astro-obituary about Bruce Kent, also a co-founder of C.N.D., and will draw upon his chart for clues about what makes a good peace campaigner. I wrote “The chart of Bruce Kent bears weight to the fact that in order to be a successful and effective peace campaigner, you also have to have the Warrior Archetype in your chart!”  Today is an appropriate moment to write about such matters, as we have a warmongering square between Mars and Pluto peaking in the early hours of tomorrow morning, and a dramatic escalation of Middle Eastern tensions between Israel and Gaza, coming at the anniversary of the Yom Kippur War.

Birth Chart

Pat Arrowsmith had her Elements nicely balanced (a 2-2-3-3 distribution), which may be advantageous for a Peace campaigner, though I am not putting it forward as a necessary requirement!  She had the Sun in Pisces, which can be a gentle and peace-loving sign, with the Sun conjunct Venus, which can also be known as peace-loving.  Sun trine Pluto depicts a deep character, and Pluto provides a link with the concept of “ban the bomb”, because Pluto represents the bomb.  The Sun closely sextile Chiron provides a problem-solving mentality.  Mercury in Aquarius exactly conjunct Mars, is surprising in a peacemaker, and more likely to be found in a verbal warrior, but it does incline towards activism, and Mars in Aquarius itself can signify The Activist Archetype.  But Mars is not strongly featured, other than the conjunction with Mercury, unlike in Bruce Kent’s chart, so his chart more typically showed the Warrior Archetype.  Bruce’s Peace credentials to some extent lay in his conjunction of Venus and the North Node in Taurus opposite his Ascendant.  Venus in her chart was exactly trine Pluto, which can give a strong moral compass.  Jupiter was closely sextile Uranus, giving her The Entrepreneur Archetype, and she helped to found something new.  Jupiter was square Neptune, so she may have been confused about religion and spirituality.  Though her father was a Reverend, she herself was an atheist.  Her deep convictions may have stemmed from a humanistic aspect of her sensibility, too.  Interestingly, I wrote about Bruce Kent that “Conflicts and controversies around religion are shown in his chart by Jupiter (religion) square (vs) Neptune (spirituality)” and he himself was a priest. Saturn exactly square Uranus speaks of an iconoclastic and uncompromising side of her nature – she never thought of risks to herself in relation to imprisonment if she believed in the truth of her cause(s).

There were more comparisons to be made with Bruce Kent’s chart, considering they were born within a year of each other.  They may have been among a wave or vanguard of souls wishing to work on the issue of disarmament.  They both had the North Node (karmic mission) in Taurus: armic Missions to stabilize the world after the First and Second World Wars and the invention of the bomb and to engender a feeling of safety, although not everyone would be of that persuasion: some feel safer with more armaments. They both also had their Chiron (healing mode) in the same sign of Taurus, both working towards solutions for stability in the world.  Pat’s Chiron and North Node were conjunct, so her karmic mission allied with her healing mission, and they were mutually strengthening.  Chiron is currently in Aries, so perhaps when it enters Taurus a new generation of peacemakers will be born, or a new climate of fostering peace could arise, but even if that is the case it would not be until June 2026, so we may need to look elsewhere for signs of peace in the meantime.

Life and Career

Pat Arrowsmith was a very different character than Bruce Kent, even though their zeal for Peace was equally strong.  She was born in Leamington Spa, and was the youngest of three children.  Her father, as mentioned, was a Reverend.  She was brought up for a few years in Torquay, and Cheltenham, then studied history at Newnham College Cambridge.  She completed her education at Liverpool University and Ohio U.S.A.

As well as being a peace campaigner in the context of the C.N.D. movement, she was also an anti-Vietnam War activist, campaigned for the removal of British troops from Northern Ireland, an end to the Gulf War, and also stood up for feminist and lesbian issues.

Pat was one of the main organizers of the First Aldermaston March, which took place from the 4th to 7th April 1958.  At the time, Venus and Mercury were exactly conjunct Pat Arrowsmith’s Sun and Venus conjunction in Pisces, an expression of her desire for peace.

Pat was also a signatory at the founding of the Committee of 100 by Bertrand Russell in 1960.  Its supporters used mass nonviolent resistance and civil disobedience in the pursuits of their cause. This has an interesting contemporary parallel, as environmentalist Chris Packham has been examining the necessity (or otherwise) for civil disobedience in relation to the government’s failure to act on the environment, and in relation to the Just Stop Oil and similar movements.

In her life, she served 11 prison sentences, on one occasion breaking out, in 1974, when Mars was sextile her Sun (symbolic of a breakout moment!). She also worked for Amnesty International, and ran unsuccessfully for Parliament.  And she published novels and poetry (poetry being especially associated with Pisces).


The above quoted words by J.B. Priestley in November 1957 were a motivating force for the establishing of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament.  A public meeting was arranged, headed by Bertrand Russell (who had Sun in Taurus), at Methodist Central Hall, Westminster, on 17 February 1958.  This date can be taken as the chart inception for this institution.  The chart has the forward thinking Sun in Aquarius, with Venus, the Moon, Mercury and Chiron also in that sign.  Mercury conjoins with Chiron, signifying an attempt at a solution.  The North Node is exactly conjunct Neptune in Scorpio (an idealistic attempt to deal with the threat of the bomb).  The transits to Bertrand Russell’s chart are also very significant: the C.N.D. exact North Node/Neptune idealistic conjunction fell exactly on Bertrand Russell’s Ascendant, possibly embodying an important part of his personal philosophy.

Pat Arrowsmith and Bruce Kent brought different relationships, strengths, weaknesses and experiences to the movement.  For Pat, Uranus was trine her Uranus (a vehicle for her activism) and Pluto was on her Neptune (plumbing the depths of her sensitivies).  The connection for Bruce Kent is even deeper, showing great involvement and power, with his Neptune opposite its Sun, his Sun trine its Jupiter, his Midheaven sextile its Neptune, and his Sun sextile its Pluto.  There is more of a spiritual theme than for Pat, but spirituality was his “profession”.

Other Peacemakers

Yitzhak Rabin had the Sun in Pisces conjunct Venus.

Antonio Guterres has the Sun in Taurus conjunct Venus

Kofi Annan had Mercury conjunct Venus in Taurus

Recurring themes for peacemakers seem to be the signs of Pisces and Taurus, and the Sun conjunct Venus.

Many have tried…!


Simmering tensions may be occurring today, prior to a square between Mars and Pluto (the two warmongerers squaring up to each other) in the early hours of tomorrow morning (1.05 a.m. in the U.K., to be precise).  I consider it to be one of the most difficult aspects of the year.  It’s a volatile combination, which can give way to riots or situations which can get out of hand.  Prepare your stock of peaceful vibes beforehand so that you can send out a blast of soothing comfort wherever you go.  You may need all your conflict resolution skills.  When this aspect occurred two years ago, the Film Director Alec Baldwin accidentally shot Halyna Hutchens.

Just six minutes later, Venus enters Virgo, from its recent sojourn in Leo.  So maybe you may find yourself laying the foundation for next term’s educational or working schedules now.  We may also be discriminating about the company we keep (if we subscribe to such a philosophy), and be exercising caution.  Someone criticized Keir Starmer this morning to me, for his lack of enthusiasm – I pointed out that he is a Virgo!  They tend to try not to get too excitable, but he did show great joy at the by-election win in Scotland this week.  Hopefully, Venus will bring him harmony and confidence for his Party Conference this week.  We choose the catering (in a healthful, Virgoan or Vegan way), and we tailor our practices to ecological ways under this placement.  Virgo entering Pisces at the same time as Mars square Pluto may help to tone things down.

Saturn opposes Venus on Tuesday (10th) in the morning. This could be emotionally deflating (e.g. a prominent, well-loved public figure could pass after a long and worthwhile life). It is time to value those around you, and to renew bonds of love and loyalty.

On Wednesday (11th) Pluto is Stationary prior to turning Direct, in the very early hours of the morning.  This may ease the path a little, and bring relief that the deep issues are being tackled.  We may feel we are coming through a transition, or at least on a more salubrious path.  The ruminations of the entire retrograde period (since 1st May) bear fruit.  Breakthroughs can take place at this juncture, e.g. reunions where perhaps people have not been speaking to each other.

But progress may be slow at first, as Chiron opposing the Sun highlights certain issues or crises which are ongoing and in need of healing.  That may be an opportunity to work on your Inner Healer and your Inner Problem Solver, and find intuitive answers to problems.

The path to peace itself may be difficult this week, as in the early hours of Thursday (12th) Mars enters Scorpio, a notoriously belligerent placement.  It is a signal to work on your constructive strategies.  Scorpio can be skilful in peace when evolved.  If you are a pacifist, just observe.  If you are a warrior, your power may be heightened.  If you are a diplomat, be ready.  Mars will be in the battle zone until 24th November, so take your position, and may everyone do their best in the effort to express the best of this dynamism.

So we come to Friday 13th, lucky for some.  May four leafed clovers be strewn in your path, if you are superstitious.  Remember that it is a collective astral thoughtform, even if like me you do not subscribe to the fear.  However, we are collectively, in luck, because we have the best aspect of the week, Mars trine Saturn, which, despite being a connection between the two traditional astrological “malefics” can be very constructive, in a non-dramatic way.  It does mean that hard work can pay off.  Think through what you want to achieve, and set about steadily allowing it to unfold, with some concrete or physical input or ignition on your part.  A trine not to be sniffed at.

Saturday (14th) is an important day, being an Eclipse and a New Moon, at 21 degrees Libra.  Some of the artistic, musical and relationship issues you have been grappling with could receive new impetus and a more confident direction.  Where there has been struggle, there could be more harmony.  Where there has been vacillation, there may be more balance.  But whether or not you are conscious of beneficial changes or shifts in these matters, they may still be progressing and bear fruit over the next month.  Relationships, too, may be assisted.  As an eclipse, these new moon opportunities are heightened, and the consequences can prove a turning point (with effects possible up to six months).

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – warmongering;
  • Tuesday – ecology and detailed artistry
  • Wednesday – psychological progress; issues needing healing
  • Thursday – strength of purpose
  • Friday – constructive moves
  • Saturday – new beginnings; turning points


Aspects for the week beginning 1 October 2023

Michael Gambon ( 1940 – 2023)

“Gambon’s iron lungs and overwhelming charisma are able to command a sort of operatic full-throatedness which triumphs over hard walls and long distances”.

~ Simon Callow

One of the greatest actors of our time, Michael Gambon, died this week at the age of 82.  He was able to undertake roles of gravitas, such as that of Albus Dumbledore, the headmaster of Hogwarts, in the film franchise of Harry Potter.  Among other well-known roles, he played the Singing Detective in Dennis Potter’s series of that name.

Birth Chart

Michael Gambon had Sun in Libra, unaspected, save for a square to Chiron.  This accounts for his very independent, individualistic character, with a slightly mischievous edge.  He was very much a prankster.  As we have no birth time, we only know that his Moon might be in Taurus, or Gemini.  At noon on the day he was born, it was exactly on the cusp between those two signs!  He had Mercury loosely opposite Jupiter, so there was a wide-ranging mind, but with a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, he could be indecisive, often a feature of the Libran personality.  Though with 5 Earth planets and 5 Fixed planets, he would probably stick rigidly to a point of view once decided.  He had Venus closely trine Jupiter, which made him a very social being (added to his Libran side).  A sense of loyalty was strong, too, with Venus also closely trine Saturn.  Mars was unaspected, save for a close conjunction with the North Node, indicating a karmic mission both as a warrior (Mars) and a peacemaker or tough negotiator (the conjunction being in Libra).  Uranus closely trined Neptune in his chart, enabling him to take on complex roles.  Pluto conjunct Chiron meant he was able to tackle the dark side of humanity in some of his roles – he was adept at playing villains.

Life and Career

Michael Gambon was born in Dublin and brought up in Ireland until he was six years old, when his family moved to London.  He was brought up as a strict Catholic, and educated in Kent, but left school at 15 without any qualifications.  This may be a reflection of the opposition to his Mercury by the huge exact conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn, giving him a lot to overcome.  In his first employment path, he went into engineering, which may be a reflection of his North Node/Mars conjunction.  At the age of 24, he fabricated his CV and was taken on at Dublin’s Gate Theatre.  This fabrication again is reflected in that Sun/Chiron square of his birth chart.  He was known to be an inveterate fibber as a raconteur.  At the theatre, he played in Othello, and auditioning with a piece from Richard III he was noticed by Laurence Olivier who was looking for actors to join his new National Theatre Company.  Other actors recruited by Olivier at the time were Derek Jacobi and Frank Finlay who also became heavyweight actors.  His first film role was in Othello in 1965, and he played a vet in Ayckbourn’s play The Norman Conquests in 1974.  He went on to star in several plays by Ayckbourn and Pinter. In 2001 he played in the film Gosford Park, and from 2004 he took over as the headmaster Albus Dumbledore in the Harry Potter franchise, after Richard Harris died, which is probably his most well-known role among the younger generations.  His acting range was vast and versatile.

In latter years he found it difficult to learn his lines, and he started to withdraw from stage work in 2014.  He was well loved and highly regarded for his acting ability, and although his role as Dumbledore was less demanding than some of his Shakespearean roles, the image of him in his “flowing beard and tassel hat” (as described by Chris Wiegand in the Guardian) is probably the most iconic.


Neptune opposes Mercury tomorrow (Monday 2nd October), which can spark mental confusion.  There may be for instance a mental dilemma, or a demand for clarification.  It may be difficult to focus, if you are engaged in documentation work.  Journeys may be long and complicated.  You may need to take care near water.

On the same day, Venus trines the North Node, a more harmonious influence.  This links karma with harmony and love, and reminds us that love is a force underlying a great deal of human interaction, e.g. standing up for one’s country, and protecting loved ones.  It also reminds us of the Hindu law of ahimsa, or harmlessness, required to neutralize and promote good karma.

Tuesday (3rd) has a very constructive aspect, that of Mercury trine Pluto.  Mercury trine Pluto is mentally harmonious if not challenging us to dig deeper.  This aspect is conducive to psychological reflection, and earnest conversations between friends or colleagues.  It is good for in-depth consultations and negotiations, and researching past lives.  It may help to heal some aspects of the problems encountered on Monday.

Mars on the South Node on Wednesday (4th) could bring some age-old or ancient strife, some of it karmic.  We already know there is a train strike that day, which will bring anguish to many.  This conjunction is about addressing past conflicts, particularly in a group setting.  In this lifetime, we may be training to be a peaceful warrior, or we may be pacifist.  But in some way we come across conflict, just by participating in society.  It is a chance for us to look at our anger issues and how we choose to deal with them.

Mercury enters Libra on Thursday (5th).  This can bring a new mental focus on cultural themes, which could bring more pure enjoyment: art and music being fundamental areas for Libra, and decision-making. Mercury in Libra is slightly more relaxed than Mercury in Virgo, but having laid plans and attended to essential detail under the previous placement Mercury in Virgo, we can embellish, beautify and smooth things over.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – mental confusion; karmic harmony
  • Tuesday – deep thought
  • Wednesday – old conflict needing to be resolved
  • Thursday – new cultural mental focus

Aspects for the week beginning 24 September 2023

Rishi Sunak

“The UK was well-ahead of the rest of the world in decarbonising, so we would be doing other countries a favour if we slowed down a bit.”

~ John Crace

This I hope will be a short blog (his third from me), just to examine the question “What was he thinking?”, i.e. why has Rishi Sunak reneged on the standards for tackling climate change this week?  If you think it was a good policy, then avert your gaze, as I am one-sided on this.

His Birth Chart

Writing in 2020 when Boris Johnson hired him as Chancellor of the Exchequer, I wrote:

“He has the Sun, Mercury and Chiron in Taurus, the sign of money… He has a preponderance of planets in the Mutable signs (adaptability and flexibility), but he also has Uranus opposite his Sun (so is capable of rebellion).  It is an intriguing combination, in terms of his future role.  He has Mars closely conjunct Jupiter, energy allied with enthusiasm, which I feel has contributed to his success.”

Net Zero Speech

After a press leak early in the week, on Wednesday Rishi Sunak was forced to make a speech about his intentions regarding climate and environmental policies.  This he did at 4.30 p.m.  John Crace has written, in the Guardian:

“You could sense the panic when news was leaked of Rishi Sunak’s plans to water down some of his climate change targets. Instead of a controlled speech later in the week – probably somewhere with green connections: Rish! never knowingly undersells the irony – we got a hastily arranged press conference.”

Rishi has never shown any enthusiasm for the environment, except for saying once that his daughters were interested.  But gradually, he seems to have let go of all efforts to stem the tide of climate change, the rapid growth of which scientists have been reporting with increasing alarm throughout the years.  We are already as a nation, and as a global entity, far behind reasonable projected aims in that regard.  Ironically, this week Prince William has promoted his Earthshot project, and King Charles in France has committed to tackling climate change.  So, what planet is Rishi Sunak on?  And how sincere is he – is he, as he purports to be, suddenly caring for the poverty in our nation which the Tories have allowed since Cameron and Osborne initiated austerity? Or is he making a political ploy, based on an assumption, from the Uxbridge by-election, that the public don’t care about the planet? – beginning the process of preparing for the general election which will be forthcoming some time over the next year.

His current state of mind

Some of the statements Rishi made in his speech, do not stand up to scrutiny, such as policies he is abandoning which do not exist.  Leaving that aside, examining his current transits gives a picture of his current state of mind.  The main transits are (as for the time of the speech):

Uranus transiting his natal Sun in Taurus – this indicates a radical change in his thinking or policy.  He says “we have to change how we do politics”.

Saturn is opposing his natal Mars in Virgo – he is making economies in resources, including his own character.  He is shrinking his aims, while purporting to be looking at the bigger picture.

He is undergoing a major astrological life cycle, that of the Uranus Opposition.  The Uranus Opposition (when Uranus opposes its natal position) is the mid-life crisis or rebellion.  He feels compelled to be doing things differently from what is expected, and from how he has done things hitherto.  Many Conservative MPs have been shocked by his U-turn.

Chiron is opposing his natal Pluto in Libra – he is rocking the boat, at a fundamental level, and taking a huge risk.  Would that we had a birth time for him, we would be able to see this more precisely, in terms of what Houses these two planets occupy in his birth chart.

Dates to Watch

I now look at some forthcoming dates, based on these transits, which is when they become precise.  This is to watch the implications, significances, and outcomes resulting from this speech and change in policy. There are many other transits going on in the next year, but I am focussing on the transits which relate to this event.

For Uranus transiting his natal Sun in Taurus, 24th October this year and 21st April 2024 are dates to watch, for the change in which he is doing politics.  Will it be the making of him, or the undoing of him?

For Saturn opposite his natal Mars in Virgo, 23rd December this year is a date to watch.  Will he make a pre-Christmas announcement of further cuts?

For his Uranus Opposition, 22nd May 2024 crystallizes his mid-life crisis and rebellion.  Will he throw in the towel, or call a risky general election at that time?

And for his opposition of Chiron to his natal Pluto, 11th April 2024 is crucial.  The stress of this transit may cause him to announce a general election.

The Role of the Uxbridge By-Election

I wrote a blog about the by-elections in July:

“For Conservatives

Jupiter sextile its Uranus (may do better than they think)

They probably are in immense fear of the results, at this time.

For Rishi Sunak

Has he impressed?  Will that performance be reflected in the result?

Uranus on his natal Sun (surprise or shock result)

North Node sextile his natal Venus (karma gentler on him than he might think)

Chiron opposite his natal Pluto (some heavy shock, possibly affecting health)…

Uxbridge and South Ruislip

This will be a close contest due to the unpopularity of the London Congestion charge and introducing Ulez to improve air quality, brought about through the London Mayor Sadiq Khan.

Labour Candidate:  Danny Beales – birth date unavailable (only available data, birth year of 1988)

Lib Dem Candidate:  Blaise Baquiche – birth date unavailable

Conservative Candidate:  Steve Tuckwell – birth date unavailable”

Well, the Conservatives won the Uxbridge and South Ruislip by-election, on the issue of air pollution, by a small majority.  This gave Rishi the impression (which may be false) that the public do not have tackling climate change at heart.  Since then, he has veered further into ignoring the issue.  Keir Starmer also wobbled on the issue, but Sadiq Khan, Mayor of London, stayed firm on his principles.

As you can see, some of the ongoing long-term transits to Rishi’s birth chart were operating back then, and are part of his astro-psychological picture.

Results of the Policy

It is difficult to ascertain at this time, how much the public believe in the pronouncements of Rishi Sunak this week.  The Party Conferences this season will be important on taking the temperature of public opinion and clarifying what all the parties actually stand for.  On the Laura Kuenssberg show this morning, the Greek economist Yanis Varoufakis called the speech cynical.  He has the freedom, away from British politics, to say what perhaps others could not or would not say.  Despite what Rishi Sunak is saying, we cannot possibly make progress on stemming climate change under the new policies.


I think Rishi is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.  He has talked about honesty, while showing dishonesty; and he has talked about long-term solutions, while expounding short-term solutions.  As Caroline Lucas and Zac Goldsmith have said this week, what should be top priority has been relegated to neglect.

“Rolling back on certain policies will mean we need to find emisions reductions elsewhere if we are to meet our legally binding near-term carbon budgets and our internationally committed 2030 emissionns reduction target”.

~ Alok Sharma


Today’s opposition between Mars and Chiron highlights wounds, mainly of the psychological kind.  Something may be flagged up for you to heal.  Perhaps a longstanding misunderstanding in the family, especially concerning the male of the species.  We can only start to address something which has emerged in consciousness and awareness, so can thank Chiron for that process.

Tomorrow (Monday 25th) Mercury trines Jupiter.  During its retrograde period, Mercury made a trine to Jupiter on 4th September, if you want to consult your diary.  I myself note from my diary that I made progress on writing the second volume of The Quiet Office at that time!  This aspect will help business transactions, and expand our horizons, minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, one that takes in great wads of information, produces good ideas and may incline one to travel, train strikes permitting of course.  There may be media opportunities, for those so inclined, and it could be a productive day.  A cause for optimism may be found.

There are no aspects in the middle of the week, and there was not a Fixed Star in sight to fill in the gap, so amuse yourselves!

On Friday (29th), there is a Full Moon in the morning, at 6 degrees Aries.  You may feel some emotional tension building on Thursday, with possible insomnia on Thursday evening, if you are susceptible to the Moon’s phases.  The Full Moon opposes the Sun in Libra.  This is about being aware of your own needs and that of the other, and bringing the two into balance.

Late afternoon, early evening on Friday, brings a square between Venus and Uranus, which might prevent the usual feeling of being settled after the Full Moon.  It may prolong the tension.  There may be twists and turn in relationships, with this square.  There may be a quirky end to a relationship or money saga, slightly out of your comfort zone.  Your plans may have to be modified at the last minute.  The way through is to use your intuition, and stay one step ahead.

Mercury trines Uranus on Saturday (30th), so it’s a strong week for the Mercury-ruled signs of Gemini and Virgo.  They may be feeling entrepreneurial.  This aspect can inspire high functioning minds, intuition and good ideas.   Uranus will add extra spice to your plans, and documentation.  Computers and technology should be on sparkling form and assist your expression.  You may spring pleasant surprises.  Writing projects may flow, as with Monday’s aspect.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – issues come up for healing
  • Monday – expanded minds
  • Friday – emotional high tide; relationship wrangles
  • Saturday – high functioning minds

Aspects for the week beginning 17 September 2023

Strictly Come Dancing – Part 1

The partners of Strictly Come Dancing 2023 were introduced to each other last night, gracefully kicking off the season.  So as usual, I am starting with four contestants, and will come back to this topic in a few weeks’ time.

Angela Rippon

from 6 August blog:

“Angela’s Sun Sign is that elegant and musical sign of Libra, so musicality won’t be a a problem in her performance.  And she has her Ascendant in twinkle-toed dancing Pisces, so again, she is perfect for her new venture.  She has intelligence a-plenty: Sun conjunct Mercury trine Uranus.  Her Moon is exactly sextile Mars, so she has quick emotional responses, and so I should think she will excel at portraying emotion in her various roles around the dance floor.  The Moon in her chart exactly trines her Midheaven, so she is a household name, with the public.  Mercury sextiles Pluto in her chart, which will have made her a newsreader capable of gravitas when it was required.  Venus is closely sextile Jupiter in her chart, which makes her very sociable.  Venus also trine her North Node makes the expression of her Venusian abilities (music and dance) part of her karmic mission.  Mars is exactly sextile her Midheaven, so she is able to assert herself in the world (ideal quality for the  programme Rip Off Britain).  Another quality which suits the programme she currently presents is Jupiter square Uranus (the Chancer), so she is alert to the way scammers work.  She’s a healer, too, from North Node sextile Chiron.  Her catchphrase last night was ‘Angela, rippin’ up the dance floor!’ ”

Her transits now, show:  Mars on her Mercury (excitement!) and trine Uranus (more excitement!), Uranus sextile her North Node (even more excitement!), Neptune opposite her Chiron (some frailty), and Pluto sextile her Ascendant (an important event in her life), which is a good start.  If the end of the contest is the middle of December, she will have Mars square her Jupiter at the time, which is the overstretching of energies.  Neptune will be opposite her natal Chiron, so she may have some physical niggles through a prolonged period of dancing.  Pluto will still be square her Mars, so she may have to pull out before the end, and Pluto will still be sextile her Ascendant, so that may help her through.  But we all hope she endures and thrives in the competition, and there will be no shortage of fans cheering her on to win!

She is paired with Kai Widdrington, which delighted them both.  I wrote in 2021:

“He has his Sun in performing Leo conjunct Venus in fastidious Virgo, and is a superb impressionist.  He is intensely disciplined, with Mercury exactly opposite Saturn, and he also has a complex conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn, common to those born in his year (1995).”

Their synastry: Her Mars sextiles his Sun and conjoins with his North Node – a vigorous, vibrant partnership!  His current transits: Kai has a lot going on – Uranus sextiles his natal Saturn exact to the day (an exciting partnership with an older woman!), Uranus trines his natal Neptune (interesting times for him), Neptune sextiles his Uranus (more interesting times), Pluto transits his Uranus (big changes of consciousness), Pluto sextiles his Pluto (self-empowerment) and trines his Chiron (deep healing).  This partnership will be good for him. His transits for the final: A lot can change in three months.  Pluto will be square his Nodal Axis (a significant ending in his life) and Pluto still trine his Chiron (deep healing ongoing).  This does not look like a win for him, either.  But let’s hope Angela gets her wish to last until the Argentine Tango.

Bobby Brazier

Bobby, famously, is the son of  presenter Jeff Brazier and the late Big Brother star Jade Goody, and he recently won NTA award for best newcomer.  A rising star within Eastenders, as was Rose Ayling-Ellis two years ago.  Bobby has Sun in Gemini, and portrays a ditzy young character in that acting role (sorry, that’s a term usually used for women, but I think it describes the role).  In his chart Bobby has a close sextile of Jupiter to his Sun, which gives him good opportunities in life.  His father gave him the motto “because I can”, according to his speech at the NTAs.  His Sun is also closely trine Neptune, so he is close to spirit, possibly in his connection with his mother who died young.  He plans to dedicate a dance to her in the competition.  His Moon (mother) is sparsely aspected in his chart, a reflection of the lack of her physical presence.  But his father Jeff seems to have done a good job of bringing up Bobby and his brother.  Bobby has Mercury conjunct Venus, so like his Eastenders character, he can be a smooth talker.  Mercury closely trines his Chiron, so like his character, he can think up quick solutions to any scrapes.  Mars trines Saturn, so he has the ability to work deliberately and in a disciplined way, useful in his acting career.  Jupiter opposes Neptune exactly in his chart, so he may be confused in matters of religion.  But Jupiter trine Pluto gives him an awareness of his own power.  He tells us he has “great rhythm”, and practises mindfulness.

His transits right now show: Uranus square his Mars (danger of initial sprains in early practice sessions), Mars sextile his natal Jupiter (great enthusiasm), Saturn on his natal Uranus (he really does need to be careful), Mars exactly trine Neptune to the day (dance prowess displayed) and Chiron trine his natal Pluto (a deep self-revelatory experience).  At the end of the tournament, Saturn is still on his Uranus (ouch!), but the North Node will be exactly trine his natal Pluto to the day (which is powerful and karmic!), so if he survives until then in the contest, he stands a good chance at the final.

He is partnered with redhead Dianne Buswell.  I wrote in 2021: “Dianne is a supportive Taurean, with Chiron, Mars and the Moon in Cancer (the sign of musical rhythm).” She says she thinks of Bobby as her little brother. Their synastry: Her Sun trines his Chiron, so he will be a healer for her.  Her Jupiter conjoins his Sun, so she is lucky for him, which bodes well for their success.  Her Pluto squares his Jupiter, so she will assert her power in the relationship.  At the same time her Pluto squares his Neptune, so she will shake up his religious/spiritual views.  Her current transits: Pluto is trine her natal Venus (showing a new in-depth relationship coming into her life), Mars is square her natal Saturn (so initial physical adjustments might be awkward for her) and square to her Neptune (a further challenge).  Her transits for the final: Jupiter will be sextile her natal Mars (a sign of success and enthusiasm, particularly for the men in her life: Joe Sugg, and Bobby).  This may not be enough for an outright win, but could propel this couple into the final.

Annabel Croft

Annabel is a tennis commentator and former tennis player, who lost her husband just before Wimbledon this year.  She is a Cancerian, and has an emotional chart generally, as half (5) of her planets are in Water signs.  That may mean that she will be adept at conveying emotion in her expression of dance, though she has stated she may struggle to lose her inhibitions.

Annabel has the Sun in Cancer (attuned to rhythms) conjunct Jupiter (her love of sport).  She has a sparky side, with Sun sextile Uranus, and dance prowess (Sun exactly trine Neptune).  Her Mercury in Leo looks competitive, but unaspected, so she has an independent mind.  However she disputes having competitiveness, claiming the word makes her shudder – we’ll have to see!  Mars closely square Saturn could make her moves awkward at times, but if she lets her Neptunian side take over, it should smooth over that trait.  Jupiter closely sextile Uranus means that she is able to take advantage of opportunities in life.  She also has the chaotic/anarchic mid-60s conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, so watch out for the wild child when she does release her inhibitions!  Like Angela Rippon, She’s a healer with North Node sextile Chiron.

Her transits now show: Chiron square her natal Sun (she is currently out of her comfort zone), but Chiron sextile her Venus (so her musicality is being exercised).  She also has Jupiter sextile her natal Jupiter, so a happy start.  At the end of the tournament, she will have Uranus sextile her Sun (she could surprise us!), Mars square her natal Uranus (possibly strain or sprain).  Pluto will sextile her Saturn, which is strengthening, but  Uranus will oppose her Neptune (she may get confused) and Mars will square her Pluto (which is sticky).  She may not make the final.

She is partnered with: Johannes Radebe.  He has proved to be a legend, but when he first appeared in 2019 I wrote:

“He has 6 Fire planets, and was born close to a New Moon in Taurus.  His dance credentials include the Sun closely trine Neptune.  He could do well in the dramatic dances such as the Paso Doble, with the Sun opposite closely Pluto.  He has Mercury trine Uranus, so could surprise us with ingenious choreography.  With Mars sextile Jupiter, he has energy combined with enthusiasm.  Venus/Jupiter conjunct his North Node could bring him luck in life (in the right place at the right time with the right people).”  Seems like an understatement, to read that now.  Their synastry: His Uranus squares her Chiron, so despite their initial mutual enthusiasm, the relationship may prove to be an awkward fit.  His current transits: The North Node transits his natal Mercury (indicating an important teaching role for him), Mars opposes his natal Jupiter (he will be excited and enthusiastic), Neptune is square his Uranus (a complex scenario), and the North Node trines his Uranus (a karmic opportunity to display his ingenuity).  His transits for the final: Jupiter will transit his natal Sun (a superb indication of success).  As Annabel’s transits for the final are not on the same page as those of Johannes, his high at that time may be due to something other than lifting the glitterball.  But it’s a poignant journey for Annabel, as her husband loved Strictly.

Krishnan Guru-Murthy

Krishnan Guru-Murthy, the news journalist and broadcaster has a free-spirited unaspected Sun in Aries.  He confesses to the Aries trait of impatience.  He has Mercury conjunct Venus – which lends itself to broadcasting and writing.  He has a very Aries chart altogether, with the Sun, Chiron, Mercury and possibly also the Moon in that sign (we do not have his birth time).  This can give him a combative interview style, but not to be confused with Diana’s interviewer Capricorn Martin Bashir, a mistake people have often made in the past.  Mercury opposite Jupiter gives him a wide ranging mind, suited to broadcasting and journalism.  And Mars trine Pluto bestows a powerhouse of energy.  He studied Philosophy, Politics and Economics at Oxford University.

His current transits show: Pluto squaring his Mercury (quite a mental strain; he says “physically catastrophic!”), Saturn sextile his natal Venus (a demand for discipline in relation to musicality), Saturn trine his natal Jupiter (mastering a new activity) and Neptune opposite his natal Pluto (a deep psycho-spiritual challenge).  At the end of the tournament, he has Mars trine his natal Sun (energy), Chiron on his Sun (a possible health challenge), Pluto still square his Mercury, Saturn still sextile his Venus, and Neptune still opposite his Pluto.  Doesn’t look good, so he is likely to be out of the contest before the end.

He is partnered with: newcomer Lauren Oakley.  Lauren has Sun exactly conjunct Mercury in Pisces, so she is super-focussed in dance terms, with a touch of genius about her.  There’s a bit of a warrior about her (Sun square Mars), so that might make her super-competitive.  Mercury square Mars may be very critical or sometimes irritable, which might affect Krishnan, were it not for the fact that he is a combative Aries anyway, and used to combat.  They could get irritable together!  They both also have Jupiter opposite Saturn and can get hamstrung, so hopefully not both at the same time, as that might see them both stop at the same time on the dance floor.  Her best feature is an exact trine between Pluto and Chiron, which is an ability to alchemically change someone’s psychology, or alter the mood of a place at a deep and subtle level.  However, this relationship does look distinctly dicey, and very stressful.  One of them may storm off at some point!  Looking at their actual synastry: His North Node is conjunct her Sun (they do have a karmic link, perhaps as old adversaries).  This is further borne out by his Sun sextile her Mars (on battlefields together in past lives, perhaps).  But her Saturn squares his Venus and Jupiter, so personally they may not gel.  Furthermore, her Neptune squares his natal Sun, and although Krishnan is a confident man (off the dance floor) he may not know how to handle her. Last, but not least her Pluto opposes his Mars (clashes galore!).  That is all very stark.  However, she will be wanting to make a good fist of her debut in this programme, and will want to hold it all together if she can.  Her current transits: Mars squares her natal Uranus (sparks flying!), but Jupiter trine her natal Neptune (a beautiful dance opportunity for her).  Her transits for the final: Chiron square her natal Neptune (a dream possibly shattered) and Uranus opposite her Pluto (difficult changes).  That does not support her chances at the glitterball, either.

So of these four, Bobby Brazier looks the most promising for the final, which is fairly predictable without the Astrology (!)

I will be back in a few weeks, with the next set of four.


All aspects occur in the morning this week!

This morning, Venus squared Jupiter, first thing.  You may be confronted with an awkward social situation.  Behaviour may be gauche or a little inappropriate, and that may have consequences.  You may be socializing when you don’t feel like it, or feel that you have to force jollity.  There will be a meaning to it – there always is!  Even if it is one remark which makes you think deeply, or helps you to realize what you don’t need.  Social non-conformists won’t care, but conformists may lament the lack of sticking to the rules.

On Tuesday morning (19th) Neptune opposes the Sun, which is not exactly murder on the dance floor, but more like confusion on the dance floor. It’s early days for our contestants. Careful schedules may be thrown into confusion.  Your concentration may not be so acute, and issues may seem more clouded.  Conundrums may present themselves to you.

A much more constructive influence awaits us on Thursday (21st) when the Sun trines Pluto early in the morning. You can be sustained by the fortitude of this aspect, which is deals with the important and deep stuff of life and psychology.  You may experience and contemplate (or dream) in great depth, and any creativity will have this profound quality imbued within it.  You may find that you have made more real progress than you thought, and your patience is rewarded.  There could be a revelation.

Even more mellow, the Sun enters Libra on Saturday (23rd), which is the Autumn Equinox, also occurring first thing.  This may bring some balm.  That could bring a change of pace and mood.  It is a good time to take stock of the events of the Summer, and embrace the colourful Autumn prospects: different, but equally beautiful.  Libra may draw you to artistic or musical pursuits, new relationships, or an interest in the law and justice.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – socially awkward
  • Tuesday – confusion, on and off the dance floor
  • Thursday – psychological depth, in a good way
  • Saturday – mellow fruitfulness

Aspects for the week beginning 10 September 2023

Mike Yarwood (1941 – 2023)

The groundbreaking impersonator of the 1970s Mike Yarwood left us this week, aged 82.  I will try and give an impression of his birth chart.

Birth Chart

Of the great impressionists, a high percentage of them turn out to be Geminis, and Mike Yarwood, born on 14th June, had the Sun and Jupiter in this sign.  It is quite a mercurial profession, employing linguistic skill and versatility.  The animal totem of that sign, the monkey, is known for aping.  Other planets which feature heavily in impressionist charts are Neptune (for illusion) and Uranus (for surprise).  Mike Yarwood’s Sun was square to Neptune, and in a T-square with his Mars-Neptune/North Node opposition.  Perhaps the North Node/Neptune conjunction (The Illusionist Archetype) is the most telling depiction of his karmic mission of shapeshifting into other people – and it occurs in his 3rd House of Verbal Expression.  We do have a birth time for him, which reveals an Ascendant of Cancer with Venus rising, and Moon placed close to the Midheaven (careerpoint), showing a career in the public eye.  Uranus (ingenuity) is strongly placed in his chart, being trine his Neptune (working with complexity), exactly squaring his Midheaven, trine his North Node (a strong element of surprise and innovation in his karmic mission), and closely sextile his Chiron (healing through humour).  Oh, how we parodied his impression of Edward Heath in the 1970s…  He also had the Entrepreneur Archetype (Jupiter conjunct Uranus).  Mercury conjunct Venus gave ease of verbal expression, and was placed close to the Ascendant (an integral part of his personality).

Life and Career

Mike Yarwood was born in Cheshire.  When leaving school he took up the Geminian pursuits of messenger and salesman.  He was also involved in football (Sun square Mars). He took part in a talent show and came runner-up, then started touring in pubs and clubs, eventually breaking into television.  He appeared on Sunday Night at the London Palladium in 1964, airing his famous impression of Harold Wilson.  The BBC gave him his own regular show, which was avidly watched by millions (an average of 18 million).  His genius pushed the art of impressionism to new heights: he would morph almost physically into the portrayal of another persona, but also put in comic verbal scripts which were inspired.  This was utterly new at the time, although he has had his own impersonators, subsequently.  He in effect created a new artform.

He flattered and pilloried many a celebrity of his day, among them Brian Clough, Robin Day, Magnus Pyke, Alf Garnett, Columbo, Prince Charles, Patrick Moore and Frank Spencer.

He married a dancer in November 1969, and had two daughters.  Like several comedians, he suffered depression, and had  a spell of treatment at the Priory in October 1999 (when Neptune was opposite his natal conjunction of Pluto and Chiron in his 1st House).

Other Impressionists

Four other notable Gemini impressionists are John Culshaw (who directly credits Mike Yarwood as inspiration), Debra Stephenson, Harry Enflield and the relative newcomer Luke Kempner (who came to fame impersonating all the Big Brother contestants consummately).  John Culshaw (born 2nd June), a star of Spitting Image and Dead Ringers, has the Sun, Venus and Mars in Gemini, and is especially known for his impersonation of Tony Blair.

Debra Stephenson (born 4th June) and also from Spitting Image and Dead Ringers, is a double Gemini, with the Sun exactly conjunct its ruling planet Mercury in the sign of Gemini, together with Mercury and Saturn also in that sign.  Her Sun/Mercury conjunction is exactly trine Uranus, giving her brilliance.

Harry Enfield is also Gemini (born 30th May), with Sun, Mercury, Venus and Uranus all in Gemini.  His performances are usually centred around characters he has created, but he has played Prince Charles in The Windsors.  The Observer reports him as saying:

“It started with Mike Yarwood for me.  His impression of [Prince] Charles was one you did at school, because there was nothing too rude in it.  So I did Mike Yarwood doing Charles, rather than Charles, along with his Harold Wilson.  I probably did Charles with quite a lot of cuff action.”

Luke Kempner (born 5th June) is an amazing young impressionist, born in 1987, and has worked on the Tracey Ullman Show.  Luke has the Sun and Chiron conjunct in Gemini.  His chart bears similarities to Mike Yarwood’s, with Mars opposite Neptune and Saturn conjunct Uranus, both features of Yarwood’s chart.  In common with John Culshaw, he has Jupiter trine Saturn.  He has been seen to impersonate almost anybody at the drop of a hat, but particularly known subjects are Andy Murray and Tom Daley.

See what you started, Mike Yarwood?  We are so glad you did!  Laughter is still the best medicine.

“He absolutely made people better informed, even giving people catchphrases…He seemed to have an affection for those he impersonated, turning them into fun characters.”

~ Steve Nallon

The Quiet Office

I am pleased to announce that I have finished writing the second novel of my trilogy, “The Quiet Office”.  If you enjoyed Volume I – “The Mundane and Mystical”, you will love catching up with the characters in Volume II – “The Search for the Now”.  This volume maintains the gentle humour of Volume I.  Volume III will be taking us into Future Life Progression.

I have also painted an astrological mandala for each chapter, and they will at some point be available to buy as a set – enhancing the reading of Volume II itself.

Volume I is available on Amazon, if you have not yet started on the trilogy.

Will keep you posted!


All the action comes at the end of the week!

I am starting with a Fixed Star, Denebola, the alignment of which takes place on Wednesday (13th).  Denebola is the Beta star in the constellation of Leo.  We gather from “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:

“This star has a direct bearing upon will and leadership functioning, enhancing awareness of the deep meaning of leadership, and the ability to create more consciously the links usually unconscious between any leader and a group.  This is the basic form in which charisma comes, in the way in which one becomes the voice for many, in a way in which the many are unable to express that voice.”

They add:

“This star can also be beneficial anytime a group focuses on an individual, even when it is group healing or receiving energy of the group, as this group energy then becomes one-pointed and focused within the individual.”

You may come to the end of a line of enquiry or a work project during the course of the week, ready for the New Moon at 21 degrees Virgo in the early hours of Friday (15th), when new experiences can take place.  Aspirations around this New Moon in Virgo could be very work-orientated.  Ecology and the environment are also provinces of Virgo, so benefits could accrue for the planet if enough minds are concentrated on this aspect of life.

You may also be feeling upbeat or that things are about to change for the better, as that evening Mercury is Stationary prior to turning Direct.  There is some relief from recent communication glitches and if we’re lucky ease from some rail nightmares.  There may be a turning point in your travel plans. Hopefully, if you have projects waiting to happen of a literary or technical nature, this may also be a go-ahead for you.  If you have been holding back on communication, you may feel the push to move forward again with it.

Saving the best to last this week is the Sun’s trine with Uranus in the early hours of Saturday (16th).  If you’ve read my blog diligently you might have noticed that impressionist Debra Stephenson has an exact trine between the Sun and Uranus, so you may find that your impressions that day are extra talented.  The trine may give you the go ahead to forge ahead with innovative plans and original creativity.  This is a hopeful influence, and can also bring surprise.

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – leadership issues and solutions
  • Friday – new beginnings and smoother communications
  • Saturday – innovation and brilliance