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Aspects for the week beginning 26 August 2012

Parkinson’s Disease

Louise L Hay: (Probable Cause) – “Fear and an intense desire to control everything and everyone”

I have not specialized in medical astrology in my 42 years of following the stars, but as health is crucial to the quality of our life, I have paid attention.  And now that I am retired, even though I am busier than ever, I have more research strands than hours in the day. One of those research strands, among the other neurological and related conditions, is Parkinson’s disease.  Michael J. Fox, who was diagnosed as suffering from it in 1991, has recently announced a new television series he is making devoted to the subject.  The actor Bob Hoskins recently announced his retirement due to the progress of the disease.  So this exploratory blog is the first I am writing under the category “Medical Astrology”.

Parkinson’s disease is a degenerative disorder of the central nervous system.  The nervous system encompasses the brain, spinal cord and all the nerves involved that come off it.  I have always worked on the premise that the nervous system is represented in the birth chart by the planet Mercury, while the more subtle sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems are ruled by the more highly-strung planet Uranus.  Parkinson’s is caused by a loss of brain cells which contain dopamine, in a specific area of the mid brain.  Initial symptoms include tremors, and later symptoms can include dementia.  But we have two long lived celebrities in Michael J. Fox and Muhammed Ali, who have done much to advertise the cause and its progress.

What I would look for in trying to find an astrological signature for the disease is problematic placements or aspects to Mercury or possibly Uranus, plus extreme agitation from Mars in the chart which over-activates the nerves.  Mars might also be involved as the ruler of Aries, which represents the head and the brain.  Also relevant are the transits at the time of the onset of symptoms or diagnosis, i.e. what outer planets may have been exerting pressure or stress on key points in the birth chart of the sufferer.

Muhammed Ali

For Muhammed Ali, one of the most relevant features in his birthchart might be Uranus exactly trine with his Sun.  Although this is a favourable aspect, and accounts for his brilliance, there may have been a degree of strain to his nervous system involved.  His Uranus in turn is stressed by a conjunction with Saturn.  Mars squares his natal Pluto by 1 degree, which describes the violence of his profession, but also the strain on the physical body.  It has been thought that his Parkinson’s was caused by repeated trauma to the head during his boxing career.  He also has Pluto conjunct Chiron (extreme suffering) in the 12th House of chronic conditions.  Also causing difficulty would be Saturn exactly square his Venus.  For the planet I associate with the nervous system, Mercury, there is a trine with Jupiter (he has a way with words) but a close opposition with Chiron (the wounded healer).  A connection between Mercury and Chiron often disrupts the nervous system.

At the time of his diagnosis in 1984 he was undergoing his Uranus Opposition, and Uranus may be a key planet in relation to this disease.  Also in that year Neptune was squaring his natal Neptune, an aspect which may bring confusion and illness.

Michael J. Fox

Like Ali, Michael J. Fox has North Node in Virgo, but he also has it conjunct Pluto, which indicates a strong challenge in the area of health which galvanizes him for his karmic mission.  He also has Mars exactly opposite the Ascendant, putting his physical vehicle constantly under stress (flight or fight) and Mars is conjunct Uranus, which is a very tense and potentially explosive aspect.

He was diagnosed in 1991, around the time of his Saturn Return in 12th House of chronic conditions.  Also at the time his Progressed Sun was entering his 6th House of general health. Transiting Pluto was squaring his Mars in that year.  This transit can be a catalyst for many things, but in this case may have been a factor in triggering the disease.

Bob Hoskins

Popular actor Bob Hoskins has Moon conjunct Uranus and trine Neptune, giving him the subtle emotional range to be a good actor, but also putting his emotions under stress.  Like Muhammed Ali and Michael J. Fox he has North Node in Virgo (indicating the importance of health in fulfilling his karmic mission).  Chiron (the wounded healer) conjuncts this North Node and this conjunction squares the Moon/Uranus conjunction.  That is an intense set of demands on the body, mind and soul.

When he recently announced the diagnosis and the change to his lifestyle, Saturn was squaring his Jupiter, curtailing some of his liberties.  But Neptune was trine his Sun, and spiritually he may be more at peace with himself than at other times in his life when he was in the thick of the gangster roles that made him famous.

This is a tentative look at the subject, and if you have any of the astrological symptoms, do not panic, as there is no definitive interpretation here.  If you have North Node in Virgo (which cropped up in all three birth charts) I know of other sufferers who do not have North Node in Virgo so again rest easy, and again I know of many people with North Node in Virgo who do not have Parkinson’s.

Louise L. Hay: (Affirmation) “I relax knowing that I am safe.  Life is for me and I trust the process of life.”

For more information:



At the beginning of the week, on Sunday 26th August, Mars trines Neptune, which is conducive to looking at sensitive physical conditions (such as Parkinson’s), and favours action which takes into account psychology, feeling and spirituality, not just action (or sport) for action’s sake.  Sensitive issues can be explored in a vigorous way.

The in-depth approach is supported again on Thursday (30th), when the Sun trines Pluto and psychological issues are very much on the agenda, bringing deep insights and the ability to work at a level which produces real change and transformation.  Any creative work will hold a meaningful quality and energy, again not just art for art’s sake.

Mercury also sextiles Saturn on that day, and the mind will be able to consolidate plans and you will be able to carry them out constructively, or at least think about doing so.  So if you had profound ideas earlier in the week, you can start to apply them to practical reality.  If you have realizations of what needs to be done, the planets are supportive to this today.

The Sun also opposes Chiron on Thursday, so there may be some health or healing issues or crises occurring.  Chiron reveals the problem, but like the dock leaf for the nettle, the solution may be close at hand.

A Full Moon in Pisces late lunchtime on Friday (31st)  may plaice something fishy on your plate to contemplate.  The left brain (Sun in Virgo) may have been profitably engaged at the work desk, but something is nagging at you from the subconscious or from the wider world, of possibly equal importance (opposition from Moon in Pisces).

On Saturday (1st) Mercury enters its own sign of Virgo, and all Virgoan interests benefit: paperwork, health, working conditions and community.  I am returning to the Office for a few weeks, so the emphasis in the blog may revert to paperclips and commuting, rather than the more domestic  retirement perspectives.

However, Mercury then opposes Neptune on Saturday, and what might have seemed straightforward from an intellectual point of view is clouded by all sorts of complicated emotional and psychological issues, or even spiritual ones.  Environmental toxins or even every day drugs (such as paracetomol) may be affecting our consciousness in ways we are unaware of or think we have acclimatized to, accumulating in our systems.  So it is a good time to stop using various cleaning products or unnecessary medications and see whether that space makes us feel clearer mentally and spiritually.  It will be the second weekend in a row that we will be beset by Neptunian issues, so learn what you can from last weekend and that will help you to get a grip on the ungrippable.

North Node in Scorpio

Saturday is also important for a change of sign for the Mean North Node (which changes approximately every 18 months).  The switch on that day is from Sagittarius (fairly upbeat in theory, but collectively it has not been an easy 18 months) to the more challenging sign of Scorpio, but again we might start to get the answers and the meaning we need to move forward.  Blind or superficial responses or knee jerk reactions to society’s problems may give way to more informed choices and understandings.  In your own personal life too, there may be more realistic and brave solutions: it is an interesting synchronicity that the Paralympics are now in the air, and the issues around disability will hopefully be helped by this event.  This is an important aspect, and the start of an earnest karmic tone.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – sensitive action
  • Thursday – tackle in-depth issues, practical plans and attend to health
  • Friday – an emotional Full Moon
  • Saturday – start work early; emotions may disrupt work later; profound work and insights achievable even later

Aspects for the week beginning 19 August 2012

The Strange Case of Julian Assange, International Man of Mystery

Originally from Australia, they seek him in the U.S., they seek him in Sweden, while he is holed up in the U.K. and Ecuador hopes to rescue him.  Currently a man of Neptunian mystery transits, with the North Node transiting his Neptune and Neptune squaring his Saturn.

He has friends in high places, and many followers who believe in his ideology of freedom of information, an extreme stance which in some cases reveals information which has been withheld in order to protect.  It is difficult to judge the rights and wrongs of the matter, but he is an intriguing character.

He is a Sunsign Cancerian, and physically you can see that in the characteristic sensitive skin.  The relationship with his mother has been important in his life and work, another Cancerian characteristic.

He started as a hacker-activist, then founded Wikileaks in 2006.  The timing of his undercover (Sun in 8th House, Ascendant and Moon in Scorpio) operation, the expose of U.S. military files, was under the global and dramatic aspect of Jupiter square Pluto in July 2010.  I wrote: “ Jupiter in Aries (the individual, Julian Assange, WikiLeaks) square (versus) Pluto ( the Institution: United States, Defence) with Pluto also representing the uncovering of information.” Whatever has driven Assange, it is something bigger than himself, and the consequences seem set to rumble on.

For the world, the Jupiter/Pluto link seems key to his activities.  By the Jupiter-Pluto trine in March this year, it was observed on the blog that, by then facing the extradition to Sweden: “At the first leak (Jupiter square Pluto) Uranus was trine Julian’s natal Neptune supportive to his surprise move.  As Jupiter trine Pluto Assange faces two hard squares: Neptune square his natal Saturn, and Pluto squares his natal Uranus, compounding the effect of the prevailing Uranus/Pluto square which all of us are now dealing with.”

There is no doubt he is an intelligent man (good in Chess, I expect), and one of the intriguing questions is why he picked Ecuador, and it happens that they are willing to help.  Today, he is expected to give a speech from the doorstep or balcony of the Ecuadorian Embassy about the current diplomatic row between the U.K. and Ecuador.  If he steps actually outside, the British may seize him.

He has North Node conjunct Mars in Aquarius (karmic mission as Internet Warrior). A rebel by nature anyway (Sun square Uranus) he is working his way towards his Uranus Opposition, which comes exact next April, and soon after that Uranus squares his natal Sun.  We can expect more of the unexpected.

His relationship with the charts of the U.K. and Ecuador both show power struggles with Pluto involved (the U.K. started as a cosy option, and if he did manage to get to Ecuador it may not be as cosy as he thought).  His chart comparison with Sweden does show struggle and complexity.  Strangely, if the stars are to be believed, he would be most at home in the U.S., the country he probably most wants to avoid.  I don’t have a programme for Astrocartography, but that might reveal more about the international man of mystery and his connection with various parts of the globe.


What a scorcher!  Both the record high temperatures here and the aspect point to intense heat: Sun sextile Mars.  Temperatures yesterday reached 32 degrees C, and may be rising, but are likely to return to normal August levels in the middle of the week.  It’s a macho aspect too, and sport is still high on the agenda (especially football, which is ruled by Mars).  The Sun actually sextiles Mars tomorrow (Monday 20th) so it is likely to be an active day, but some people will be wilting and lolling about unable to process the energy.

Late last night there was a trine between Mercury and Uranus, which may be still hovering around today, bringing unusual conversations and debates, and innovative discoveries and announcements.  If you have been stuck on documentation lately, you may be able to zip through it today.

The Sun enters Virgo on Wednesday (22nd), so make the most of any remaining Leo sunshine on Tuesday.  There will be an end of holiday feeling about it.  Or the end of an era.  Wednesday is a mini-rebirth, with heads down workwise from the Sun’s entry to Virgo (a good day to plan your working schedules for at least the next year), and then Mercury sextile Jupiter (favouring business and sales, and communication and philosophical thought).

On Thursday (23rd) the Sun squares the Mean Nodal Axis, and you may need to co-ordinate your working diaries and schedules with others: there needs to be a group co-operation to prevent karmic snarl-up.  Teachers for instance could get hot under the collar about next term’s timetable.

Mars also enters Scorpio that day, so some may be spoiling for a fight.  Others will be in spotless integrity, but may still be fighting their corner or standing up for themselves.  The person who compiled the school timetable would be advised to take a late summer holiday break in the Maldives or some such far away destination.

On Friday (24th) confusion reigns with the Sun opposing Neptune.  Where is the timetabler when you need him, and the alterations made in his or her absence have made things even more chaotic.  Does anyone have a copy of the original draft, or even last year’s easier model? (it gets more complicated every year).  You can’t get the staff…

…Oh dear, there we have the end of the week, on a cliffhanger.  I will have to look ahead to see if things resolve by next Sunday….Thank goodness! Mars will be trine Neptune, helping to sort out some of the mess, very encouraging.  Seems like you will get hold of the staff eventually, and there may even be a scramble for jobs.  Saturday won’t be an easy time for decision making. See how the week pans out before interviewing.

The week in bullet points:

  • Monday – scorching
  • Wednesday – more focused, plus brisk sales
  • Thursday – karmic co-operation, followed by a new determination
  • Friday – confusion and mystery

Aspects for the week beginning 12 August 2012


After a quiet week, which astrological financial guru Raymond Merriman described as “the calm before the storm”, we have a challenging week emanating from the Uranus-Pluto square, with this time Venus becoming enmeshed.  That means relationships will be coming under the hammer, especially those already under strain.  Taureans and Librans may feel they are under stress more than most.  The T-square configuration with Venus and Uranus-Pluto is not as damaging as the Mars-Uranus-Pluto T-square a few weeks ago, but it is more up close and personal, given that many of us feel that relationships are central to our happiness. However, there are saving graces, which will go some way to mitigating the difficulties.

On Wednesday (15th) Venus opposes Pluto, an aspect which occurs once a year. This aspect last occurred 9/7/11.  This requires being true to yourself: if you bend over backwards to please another, neither of you may win.  It is a difficult day for the Arts, e.g. Arts Funding, but Sports Funding may win out after the euphoria of the Olympics.

Mars will then conjunct Saturn in Libra.  Much is made of this aspect, which represents deliberate and controlled action, in a negative light, by many astrologers.  Having this in my natal chart, I don’t see it as negative but it is a frustrating aspect, well-described by Alan Oken as “driving with the brakes on”.  It is not a good day, for instance, for taking a driving test.

However, the Venus opposition with Pluto may drag it down, and may even cause people to subscribe events to Mars conjunct Saturn which may derive from Venus opposite Pluto.  If it is in connection with your love life, it’s a Venus-Pluto issue.  If it is in connection with physical life or exercise (such as injury at the gym) it is indeed down to Mars-Saturn.

Saving Grace No. 1 occurs on Thursday (16th) in the shape of Venus trine Chiron, when a balmy interlude may occur and you remember how you can heal yourself, either from the love dart or the gym injury.

This may be balanced out, or cancelled out, by Venus squaring Uranus the same day, but rest assured the week starts to improve after that.  Venus squaring Uranus completes the relationship picture of the T-square between Venus, Uranus and Pluto this week.  You might be bailing yourself out using the meditative healing space of Venus trine Chiron, and as fast as you are doing that, unexpected relationship challenges may be occurring from the square to Uranus.  You need fast answers from the Universe about the true nature of relationships, so set up a high-wire contact with your guides or your Soul or the Masters or God from the start of the day so that the answers come through without too much delay.

Friday (17th) may find you shell-shocked from the T-square, but things will start to ease and there are a couple of easier, indeed quite nice, features to look forward to that day to help you let go and start anew.

Firstly (Saving Grace of the Week No. 2) the Sun sextiles Saturn, enabling you to take the lessons which have been dealt this week, and place the first brick in a new foundation.  Take practical steps to support yourself.

Secondly (S.G. No. 3) there is a New Moon in Leo just in the nick of time to save your morale: Dust down your Inner Hedonist Archetype and paint the town gold.  Count your blessings, and if you’re a gardener let go of any molehills on the lawns of your mind.

Olympic Round-Up

Sportsman of the Week

Usain Bolt declared himself to be Sportsman of the Week, pushing past all his rivals and other contenders with the words “I’m a living legend”.  He wins the trophy for Self-Esteem, which all of us pursue, but often when it is attained it is frowned upon by others.  Be proud of your attainments.  Always believe in your Soul.

Natally, Usain has Moon conjunct Jupiter (Pisces) in a T-square with Chiron (in Gemini – the sign for sprinting) opposite Uranus in Sagittarius.

He has Mercury sextile exactly Venus, Venus trine Chiron (the early aspect for Thursday this week, you may find it useful to oberve),  and Mercury sextile Chiron, this package making for a very sorted character.

For his first win this week, Sun exactly equidistant his exact Venus-Mercury sextile.

Saturn was conjunct his South Node this week, indicating he has fulfilled his karmic brief for a karmic cycle.

In addition, Mars was exactly sextile his Uranus (enhancing his speed).

Please note this is the last in the series

Gabby Logan

Gabby’s hand jive movements to “Gold” by Spandau Ballet at the evening Olympic round-ups on our TV screens should be made compulsory exercise in schools.  She also needs to reveal how she managed to look utterly fresh each evening.

Chris Hoy’s Mother

One of the most priceless images this week, was the sight of Chris Hoy’s lovely mother trying not to watch his winning cycling performance.  Chris’s mother is represented in his chart by Moon in Capricorn, so she has been through a lot.  Most people would be able to identify with her, mothers or not.  I know people who were not able to watch Andy Murray, for instance, and they are not even related to him.  And apart from what was at stake competitively and even if you were not involved emotionally, some of the events such as BMX biking looked incredibly dangerous.

Birthday Statistics

I spotted that Gold medal winners Chris Hoy, Jason Kenny and Mo Farah (all different years) were all born on 23rd March.  Toddlers with such credentials may be trainable from now for the 2030 games as per David Cameron’s instructions, but not all children are built to be future sports champions.

Changes to the English Language

New verbs which have been added to the English language include “to medal”, “to podium” and “to red button” (the last one from Lord Coe himself). Lynne Truss and the Oxford English Dictionary take note for your next editions.

Special Mentions:

Andy MurrayAfter the cathartic post-Wimbledon emotion, our lad came good, refuellling our hopes for next summer’s Wimbledon.  I have written about him astrologically this summer…

Nicola Adams – Modestly Nicola said the Gold had “made her day”, understatement of the week.  She seems such a sweetie.  Boxing is traditionally the province of Taurus, but her Scorpio Sun is suitable for boxing.   She has Mars at the powerhouse of the Galactic Centre, conjunct Neptune (physical sensitivity) and sextile Saturn (control).

Tom Daley – What self-control and precision that young man has.  He was genuinely happy with his Bronze medal, and has such an authentic smile.  David Beckham described that smile as lighting up the whole stadium.  He has North Node conjunct Pluto in Scorpio (karmic mission of Diving) plus Uranus conjunct Neptune in Capricorn (the ability to execute complex instructions).  The winner of his category U.S. David Boudia, who just pipped him to the post, has his North Node (karmic mission) in Pisces (also Diving) with the support of an exact trine to Chiron (a facility for Self-Healing).  By transit too, Boudia was blessed with a winning aspect of Uranus sextile his natal Jupiter.

I’m exhausted…My father (who is in a nursing home) has been placed in front of the Olympics coverage, in his wheelchair.  He was asked: “Have you been watching the Olympics?”  He replied: “Only when they make me.”  He has great difficulty in speaking, but managed to say “I don’t know where they get the strength and energy.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – Difficult day
  • Thursday – Saving grace interlude, followed by relationship upset
  • Friday – Restoring equilibrium, and partying

Aspect for the week beginning 5 August 2012 – Venus trine Neptune


Venus enters Cancer on Tuesday 7th August, and our collective feelings may become less analytical, and more emotional.  We may become mesmerized by water sports such as rowing and swimming.  Having watched a week of Olympics, hubby (re-inspired) is now down at the gym, while I am waiting for him to check the blog.  Seriously though, the rhythm of water, the rhythms of the sea and the tide, will be soothing for us now and may re-set our pace.  A planet changing sign re-sets the tone of life, though it is not an aspect (the relationship between planets).

Mercury goes direct on Wednesday 8th August, for retrophobes.  I ought to be a retrophobe after my computer outage at the last Mercury and Uranus retrogrades, but one incident has not created a phobia. Although Uranus is still retrograde, I am still hopeful that there is meaning in his madness.  If you have any lingering paperwork at the beginning of the week save it for Wednesday, which reminds me it is tax return time for me (allowing 3 months to do it).  I will leave it till Wednesday, and mark it accordingly in my diary.  This retrograde feature too is not an aspect.

Venus trine Neptune

So the actual “Aspect of the week” occurs on Thursday (9th) – Venus trine Neptune, an aspect which occurs twice a year, and last occurred on October 7th last year.  This is not a life-changing aspect normally, but it was for me then, as it was the time of the Future Life Progression course which I have derived so much from!  Neptune was just leaving my 10th House of Career, so it revealed a new aspect of my life’s work.  Thursday’s aspect occurs at 22.34 Hrs in U.K. time, with Venus at 2 degrees Cancer and Neptune at 2 degrees Pisces, linking two natal Houses or areas of your life harmoniously.

This aspect will bring benefits to art, music, dance, fashion, interior design, love and spirituality.  You may work all week on a project linked with these (e.g. at the Edinburgh Fringe) but Thursday will be the culmination, the peak, the piece de resistance of the project.  It can even represent perfection.

Famous Examples

Robin Gibb, who died in May, undoubtedly had the gift of musical inspiration as depicted by Venus (music) trine Neptune (inspiration) in his chart.  His Venus was exactly conjunct his I.C. (roots) sextile exactly his North Node in 6th House (the karmic mission of his work) and trine by 5 degrees Neptune in the 12th House of Unconscious (musical inspiration springing forth from that source).

Joseph Mallord Turner, the painter: With his whispy, foggy style of painting (Venus) produced very Neptunian effects!  The enhancements of Neptune in this aspect here shows the style of the painting very accurately.  A trine from Saturn to Venus for instance would produce a much more down-to-earth effect on the painter’s work.  Turner had Venus in his 5th House of Creativity and Neptune in his 9th House of Philosophy.

Barbara Ann Brennan: Within the field of healing, Barbara Ann Brennan (who wrote the seminal work for healers “Hands of Light”) has Venus trine Neptune. Her Venus in Capricorn is at 14 degrees in her 11th House and her Neptune is in Virgo (hands-on healing) at 22 degrees.  This represents the Love element or component of healing combining with spirituality.  She also has a Satellitium, a cluster of planets on her Ascendant in Pisces trine her Chiron “the wounded healer”.

Sir Paul McCartney and Brian Wilson were born two days apart in 1942 on 18th and 20th June respectively, and are both regarded as having musical genius.  Paul has Venus in Taurus (Music) in 8th House trine Neptune in Virgo rising within 1 degree of his Ascendant.  His Moon is in showbiz Leo in the 11th House of bands.

Born two days later, Brian Wilson, formerly of the Beach Boys, has Venus in Taurus in 12th House of Unconscious inspiration (and sometimes mental confusion) trine Neptune on the cusp of his Creative 5th House in Virgo (trine exactly his natal Ascendant).  His was a greater struggle for self-expression, with most of his planets below the horizon and the Moon in shy retiring Virgo, and he did in fact retire for many years.

If Venus trine Neptune is in your natal chart

Interpretations within astrology have changed or evolved throughout the years since I have been learning about it.  When I started out in 1970, Margaret Hone’s was the standard textbook.  This is what she had to say about Venus trine Neptune:

“Music, dancing, poetry, painting are necessities of life and bring happiness and benefit.”

A few years later, Alan Oken brought out his trilogy which were combined in 1980 to form “Complete Astrology”.  Here is what he wrote about Venus trine Neptune in the birthchart:

“Personal Magnetism flows or works well with illumination.  These aspects indicate tremendous creative potential, artistic imagination…this aspect also gives compassion and understanding in human relationships – the Lover of the Universe.”

Nowadays, this is what I might write in an astrological analysis (not necessarily better, just my individual take):

“This aspect provides a tremendously idealistic dimension to relationships.  It makes for great perfectionism in both relationships and in artistic work.  This is a positive aspect and its highest manifestation is a perfect spiritual relationship, or the creation of inspired designs or musical compositions.”

Sportswoman of the Week

After four years of fusing them in my mind, I have finally learned this week the difference between Rebecca Adlington and Victoria Pendleton.  This is not because I have been watching the Olympics, but because I occasionally took a stroll into the dining room/hubby’s study, where he has been permanently glued to the other television.

Jessica Ennis definitely claims the title of Sportswoman of the Week, with her achievement of a gold medal in the heptathlon, which requires seven sets of skills.  She has Sun in Aquarius exactly trine Chiron in Gemini, so is good at problem solving. Neptune in Capricorn trines exactly her North Node in Taurus, so her karmic focus is determined but firmly attached to her spiritual vision.  She has Sun/Mercury/Venus conjunct in quick Aquarius.  The planets are definitely with her at this moment, with Jupiter currently trine her natal Venus (personal success), Uranus (her Sun ruler) currently sextile her natal Sun (breakthroughs and excitement), Saturn trine her natal Jupiter (a steadying influence calming her performance), and Pluto sextile her Pluto (psychological balance at a deep level).

In praise of holidays

I took David Cameron’s advice and holidayed on our island last week, in exotic Salisbury.  It occurred to me that meeting new people and seeing new places opens up dormant segments of our consciousness. Away from the have to’s at home you have the opportunity to do things you don’t always have time for at home, such as self healing. Being away provides balances (e.g. a hard bed if you have a soft one at home, or a different magnetic bed position) and of course new perspectives on everyday concerns.  There’s a change from your normal food habits, the chance to rethink your food choices, which could be to your advantage and could help to re-think your habits (but might just go the other way).  Even the meditations I do are different: they are the ones my daughter put on my i pod, hence I exercise different spiritual muscles while I am away.  If you are a healer or consciously work with your guides you may borrow local guides while away and keep in touch with them afterwards. My mum, a Cancerian, says it’s always worth going away, for coming home.

We went to a wedding during this period, and sat in the Science section at dinner. Someone asked me what I do for a living. I replied “Astrologer”. The woman said “Oh I get mixed up between Astrology and Astronomy” then proceeded to assume I was an astronomer and put forward her pet theories about life in the universe etc. After 5 minutes, I gave up and just pretended to be an astronomer (just for a day).

We also visited Jane Austen’s house near Winchester, where she hand wrote all her famous works, on a minute table which was still there, placed by the window.  On entering the house, there was a lady who looked as though she had lived there at the time, and I asked if she was there to answer questions, to which she replied in the affirmative.  I then realized it was July and Jane had died in July, so I asked which date.  She then looked it up in her reference book, and not only provided the date, but also the time of her death in Winchester, so I was glad I asked, for the sake of the avenues of my researches, which gather apace every day (who knows where it will end?).

The coming week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – A new flow
  • Wednesday – Communications a go-go
  • Thursday – Inspiration and a hint of perfection

Aspects for the week beginning 29 July 2012

A Guide for getting through the Olympics

  1.  If you are a fan, just watch it
  2. If your spouse isn’t a fan, get a separate telly
  3. If you are an aspect-watcher bear in mind that on the opening ceremony Chiron is on the Ascendant, which indicates either that the event is a healer (buoying up hope) or that it will produce a healing crisis (not enough security staff) or the wrong national flags may go up…  There are contradictory aspects to the chart of the U.K.: Jupiter transits its Ascendant (jolly) while Saturn squares its Moon (deflatory).  Certainly we will have the anticipation of the Jupiter transit, and the Saturn square may refer to something political.  I will have another look at the U.K. transits on the following Sunday (5th August).
  4. If you are interested in the sports personalities, I may be drawn to look at one or two charts through the contest (see Bradley Wiggins below)
  5. If you want to approach the whole thing from a positive new age ley-line perspective, here is a link you may find interesting:


Here is a small extract from the newsletter:

“The Olympic village and stadium are as well positioned and plugged into the spiritual energies of London as any sacred site.

An alignment from Parliament Hill to Barking Abbey runs directly through it. The midsummer sunrise line from St Paul’s Cathedral goes through the Olympic Village.

The May Day and August Ist sunrise alignment to St Paul’s goes through the stadium.

August 1st is the old celtic festival of Lughasahd, a fire festival celebrating the celtic god Lugh, “The Shining One” a god of light and “solar hero” archetype.

The River Lea is named after Lugh. It rises in Luton (precisely where the famous Michael line runs through the town) and , on its way down to the Thames, it surrounds the Olympic stadium like a sacred enclosure.”

He advises:


7.Alternatively, avoid most of London, if you can’t face the crowds

8.If you like watching television, but are not a fan of the Olympics, I just can’t help you, but will let you     know if I find something else to do.

Sports Personality of the Week

Bradley Wiggins

At the start of Sports Month (Leo) and on the Jupiter-Uranus sextile (a peak of excitement), Bradley Wiggins accomplished an amazing victory.  He competes again this first week of the Olympics.

From last week’s comments box:

Sport Section:

Tour de France Special

Bradley Wiggins is the “man of the moment”. What strikes me about his natal chart from the perspective of karmic astrology is that he has Uranus closely square his Nodal Axis: the sign of a man that brings together his Soul Group (when the negative tendencies of Uranus square the Nodes has been worked through), and works well at the hub of a team.


After a memorable weekend due to Sun conjunct Mercury in Leo, we continue in a positive vein with two trines on Tuesday (31st).

The first trine is between the Sun and Uranus, which is excellent for setting up forward-thinking initiatives, such as from your future visions.  This supports innovations, originality, creativity, as well as scientific initiatives.  It favours individuals with new ideas, and group activities.

The second trine is between Venus and Saturn.  This favours long-term commitments in relationships, or joint projects of a practical nature.  It may be helpful to the elderly, e.g. special outings.  Declarations and contracts which have an emotional component too, such as pre-nuptual agreements, would also come under the blessing of this trine, as would engagements of a serious or long-term nature (as distinct from a passing fancy of being married in Las Vegas).

The mood may change the next day, under pressure from Thursday’s (2nd) Full Moon in Aquarius.  This requires us to understand the balance of individual need (Sun in Leo) opposed to group interaction (Moon in Aquarius).  We need to somehow gain an overview of both, so that we can work with this without too much discomfort, and may need to be less attached to outcomes, or to one or other side of the equation.

Here we are assisted by a sextile between Jupiter and the Sun later the same day.  There may be an element of luck assisting our approach.  We may feel more confident in a venture than usual.  We may feel in a holiday mood, or in the mood for a flutter on the lottery.  We may wrench ourselves from our list of worries, and decide to be carefree for at least a day.  Leisure outings in nature would be suitable for Thursday, such as a visit to a butterfly farm.  Or take a trip to the Orkneys, this week declared to be the happiest place in Britain.

Mel C as Mary Magdalene

Not only do we have a new Jesus (“Ben”) courtesy of Andrew Lloyd Webber, but we have the interesting choice of Mary Magdalene played by Mel C in the new production, as debuted on Wednesday night during the final of Superstar, singing “I don’t know how to love him”.  We all (including Dawn French) probably have a secret hankering to play the part and give expression to our inner Mary Magdelene archetype, but Andrew has chosen Mel.  Mel C currently has three powerful trines in her chart, including Jupiter trine her natal Venus (a musical opportunity).  Some felt her performance to be low key, but I like a bit of demureness in Mary Magdalene.  Mel’s Virgo the Virgin Ascendant with Moon rising assures that she understands the profundity of her task, and fits well with the role.  Not mixing her up with the Virgin Mary or anything, but they are both aspects of His anima.

Year Ahead Updates

I went to have my eyebrows shaped this week (as I am attending a wedding shortly), at the local Beauty Profile establishment in Downham Market.  I said “How much is that?”  The beauty practitioner said “That’ll be £7.50”  I giggled and said “That’s an interesting price!”  She said “Why?”  I said “That’s an unusual amount.  It’s what I charge for a Year Ahead as an Astrologer”.  I have kept my prices level for years, and they are displayed on my Astrology page.  My current waiting list is about 2 months long, if you are contemplating taking the plunge.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – Good for friendship, groups and the elderly; creative ingenuity and loyalty
  • Thursday – Tension from opposing needs, then a holiday atmosphere

Aspects for the week beginning 22 July 2012

Assad and Syria

Assad may have been protected for the moment (Jupiter transitting his North Node).  But Assef Shawkat, Assad’s brother-in-law, was killed last week as Pluto squared his Mars (a transit which often brings about violence, if it is karmically due).

For the chart of Syria itself, some progress by force is indicated for this time: Uranus trine its Pluto and Mars sextile its Pluto.  As a pacifist, I would not advocate progress by force!

Other Approaches

Sarah and I are continuing to focus on the situation in Syria in our Light Pod work (see my Light Pod page, if you would like to join in thought).

But another member of our circle, Laura, who occasionally contributes here, has had a series of visions about the future of Syria.

She recently reported:

“A small group of men (about 7-8) will emerge from within Syria itself to lead it forward into a new democracy.

The forces of equilibrium will calm the nation such that civil war will not continue and will be replaced by talk. The Syrian people will love their freedom to be able to talk openly. This will confound the US and Russia.

The present struggle is bringing a deep poison to the surface of the nation so that it can be eradicated.”

And in February, during the violence in Homs, she saw in response to her concern over the bombing of Homs:

1. The entire conflict is being monitored carefully by the Spiritual Hierarchy so that the transformation of power within Syria is along evolutionary rather than revolutionary lines.  It requires a careful balancing.  Also, the “paralysed” nature of the world response – symbolised by the huge cold high pressure over Russia and Europe (also a reference to “the Cold War”) – allows time for a new approach to be grasped and followed through.

2.  Russia would continue to have its port in Syria but as seen in 5 years’ hence, the port was being shared with NATO and that Russia was now partnering, if not already a member of NATO. Syria was at peace.

She believes that these visions reflect the growing influence of the Age of Aquarius – with its emphasis on brotherhood and sharing – on the life of humanity, which is gradually superceding the Age of Pisces with its emphasis on hierarchy and “strong leaders”. Many commentators and experts on the Middle East are viewing the situation through “Piscean” rather than “Aquarian” eyes and so assuming that the Syrian nation will fall apart without a strong man to unite the people.


In the early hours of today a big cheery aspect begins a cheery week!   Jupiter sextiles Uranus, and it doesn’t matter if you slept through it, this is a major aspect which will leave you with benefits and a major boost (even if in the form of an insightful dream).

The house in your chart where Uranus currently resides is where you are having your own Arab spring. The house Jupiter is in is where you may be experiencing improvements in communication, writing, or education (despite Michael Gove).

These two planets are working together to improve your life. Even if you have had a recent setback (Uranus turning retrograde) there may prove to be a blessing in disguise (a new upgrade of sorts perhaps?).

This aspect last occurred 4 years ago, i.e. in living blog memory.  I wrote for 21/5/08:

It’s a red-letter day in terms of achievement, surprises and possibly even miracles. If you find it so, you’ll have Jupiter sextile Uranus to thank. … you’ll  find everything clicking into place in a powerful way on Wednesday for those days were stepping stones to experiencing the full range of Jupiter-Uranus successes. Anthony Robbins, eat your heart out!”

Unfortunately, as I was not keeping such meticulous records at that time, I don’t have a record of what transpired, but I do know that I painted the Gemini Butterfly Mandala on the last Jupiter-Uranus sextile, which is pictured on my Future Lives page as it depicts future vision.  You may care to work with that in relation to today’s aspect.  This aspect is also good for working in groups or with groups.  There is also a sense of liberation with this aspect, because both planets express liberation.

Moving on slightly, at 10.01 a.m. in the U.K.  the Sun enters its home stage of Leo, as if to reinforce the upbeat mood.  There might be a burst of sunlight over the U.K. as the Atlantic jet stream edges slightly north. It has been raining as long as we can remember (since April). We may start to behave as though it is summer, and not some non-descript season. Of course in some parched areas of the U.S. they have been having a drought (as we did earlier in the year) and may be hoping otherwise.

Leo Guide to Leadership

The sign of Leo isn’t just about sunshine and having a good time.  One of the qualities of the sign Leo characterwise is the ability to take on power, and experiment with its right usage.  We have today the next in the series of the Zodiac Masterclass, and it’s entitled “The Leo Guide to Leadership”.  If power is something you are working on in this incarnation, do read this article for handy hints, if not for this lifetime maybe for the next.  Here’s the link:


Aspects contd.

The third gift of the day (we are still talking about Sunday 22nd), around Elevenses in the U.K., is Mercury sextile Mars, a brisk aspect conducive to getting things done, and getting things thought about and communicated.  Take your coffee on the go, and multi-task.

On Tuesday (24th) Jupiter squares Chiron and it might be the only fly in the week’s ointment.  A big project you might have successfully set up on Sunday may demonstrate a flaw in its development.  For instance if you started a painting, you may need to halt your work while you ponder a problem in its execution.  Any health crises will be along the lines of overstretching, e.g. tearing a hamstring.  Take note athletes in practice.

In the early evening of the same day Mercury sextiles Jupiter (more good news, possibly alleviating the news about the hamstring earlier). Good aspects just keep on coming. This aspect is excellent for sales and transatlantic communications. It is good for positive thinking (much to the chagrin perhaps of the fashionable anti-positive thinking movement) and philosophical ideas, for learning and all levels of education from primary to postgraduate.

On Wednesday (25th) Mercury makes another fortunate aspect, this time with Uranus (our mental equipment is working well this week by the way, although tempered by the fact that that Mercury is still retrograde).  Geminis and Virgos may benefit from this trend, even if they were hit for six by last Sunday’s retrograde turn.  We last met the aspect of Mercury trine Uranus on the day it was announced that the scientific discovery of the “God particle” had been made. There may be further or related discoveries in the news, and in our own lives we may make discoveries, which may be more pertinent to our own lives, and maybe more trustworthy.

At the end of the week, on Saturday (28th) the Sun conjuncts Mercury at 6 degrees Leo, which favours intelligent use of leisure, celebrations, such as weddings, children and creativity – Oh yes, and sport!  This may be my last reference to the Olympics – savour it (I may eat my words though).  If it is your birthday or you have 6 degrees Leo rising, you will have an intense experience of yourself.

Part 2 of the Computer Saga

I am glad to have found that my initial reporting of the computer saga produced some merriment in various quarters.  At the time I was too shell shocked to write Part 2, and anxious about the result.  So here is the less funny denouement:

The printer travelled to my brother-in-law’s house (because the computer appeared to freeze quite often while printing), together with the other components of my computer equipment.  It was placed in the hallway, and in fact did not need to be part of the investigation as it happened.  My brother-in-law completed the overhaul of the computer to his satisfaction, and was just finishing this task, when he picked up the printer and carried it into his living room and placed it on an antique chair.  (You may be beginning to sense what happened next…)…He was wearing a new and fresh pair of cream trousers…(Have you got the picture yet…?)…when he realized that there was black ink on the chair, then noticed a trail on the new cream Berber carpet tracing his route, and also on the smart trousers.

So it was that these horrors were revealed to us when we arrived to collect the perfectly mended computer.  In my brother-in-law’s considerable experience of mending computers nothing like this had ever happened before.

We were in suspended disbelief last Sunday, but at the start of the week the Insurance representative called and confirmed that this is a common occurrence with inkjet printers, and the damage to the carpet and antique chair will be compensated.  My brother-in-law would like to make it known that inkjet printers should always be carried straight and level so that the tray catches the ink.  Evidently, my hubby may have tilted it when carrying it to the car.  I now have a laser printer, which apparently would not leak in this way.

I am still trying to work out the spiritual and symbolic meanings of the event, with a little help from my friends.

Future Life Progression and Astrology

An unexpectedly strange phenomena has occurred in my working practice.  Normally, I would expect to work with someone’s astrological chart prior to doing a session of Future Life Progression with them.  Recently though, it was the reverse, i.e. that someone had Future Life Progression, then asked for an astrological reading for the year ahead.  So it was like looking at the year ahead through a different lens, one that already knew what the future would be for the client.

If you are interested in a mandalic depiction of today’s Jupiter-Uranus sextile, do have a look at my Future Lives page, where you can find the mandala I painted on the last Jupiter-Uranus sextile, which in the future of the past formed the vision of my Future Life work.  Many of my mandalas have destinies which I did not foresee when I painted them.

In my Future Life Progression work, I am working on a sequel to the South Node Archetype article I wrote last year.  The future article I see as producing 12 Future Life Archetypes for the North Node, from my understanding and experience of working on the future with clients.  That may sound like a stretch, but it is something I see for myself.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – A hooray! A salute to the Sun! A go-ahead day!
  • Tuesday – A hitch, but later good news
  • Wednesday – brilliant ideas, mental adventures and discoveries
  • Saturday – intense thought and creativity

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Leo Guide to Leadership

Leo New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry
Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens
available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the ninth piece in an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. I am still looking for the Capricorn who can write a guide to Ambition, but at this point in time I am no longer looking for a Libran who can write a guide to Relationships. I think I have found just the right person, but I haven’t asked her yet! If you think you are the Capricorn I am looking for, please get in touch. Or alternatively if you should know the ideal person. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Libran Guide to Relationships”, “The Capricorn Guide to Ambition”,”The Pisces Guide to Compassion” etc. Each article will be written by someone who has the Sun Sign in question.

Here guest blogger Neil writes through Daph about Leo as Leader. Daph is a family member, and also happens to have Leo rising. The blog will replace your copy of “Il Principe” by Niccolo Machiavelli, being a new guide to modern leadership! Please note the bullet points, a modern feature which Niccolo had not thought of. Enjoy this blog, as there won’t be another one in this series until at least September, for Libra. In the meantime, when it comes to the new academic season, and you feel like an Autumn spring-clean, you might want to review the Virgo Guide to De-cluttering…

A word about the mandala: It is painted in yellow and gold (its higher vibrational counterpart, and a symbol for royalty among other things), traditional colours for Leo. Colours that the lion feels at home with. The colours were represented in Sarah’s work with no knowledge of astrological correspondences, just the experience of painting them on the New Moon of the particular sign.

The Leo Guide to Leadership

By Neil, channelled through Daph

The first and most important aspect of Leadership is knowing how and when to delegate, and this blog post is very much a case in point. The author, a Leo, has completely delegated the writing of it to a Sun Sign Taurean (always happy to play second fiddle), albeit with Ascendant in Leo.

Delegation is important for two reasons. Firstly, you need to focus your energies where they are really needed in directing overall strategy – you have to be aware of the big picture as well as the detail; the wood as well as the trees. Secondly, it is good to give other people plenty of opportunity to express their own creativity in positions of trust. New leaders have to be nurtured and brought on and everyone deserves their moment in the sun (Leo ruler!), so part of the responsibility of leadership lies in recognising, encouraging and developing talent. Rather like being a parent and watching your children become independent, you should be pleased and proud whenever your protégées acquire the skills and confidence to move on to new challenges without you.

People may think that being a leader is simply a matter of issuing orders and expecting others to obey them without question. That is not leadership – it is dictatorship. Properly exercised, true leadership is about consensus and timing. There is an element of serendipity about being in the right place at the right time.

You need to recognise where people want to go almost before they know it themselves. It is no good being slightly behind the curve, as you would have no natural authority. You cannot afford to be too visionary either – that would be Piscean, and no matter how brilliant your ideas, if they are too far ahead of everyone else’s you would be judged, (however unfairly) as a revolutionary at best or a crackpot at worst, rather than a leader; I feel that path represents more of an Aquarian vibe.

Understand people’s individual strengths and weaknesses and what roles they can best perform in any given project – to use a military analogy you need cavalry and artillery as well as foot soldiers. Choose your team wisely as they will need to work well together in the heat of battle as well as in camp.

Lead by example. To demonstrate this principle, the author (taking on the persona of the creative director) has inserted plenty of paragraph breaks and a handy summary in bullet points below. For regular readers of this blog, that may or may not give you a clue as to the identity of someone who frequently adds comments. You will not inspire your troops to have courage if you cannot project a mask of bravery yourself, even if like the cowardly lion in The Wizard of Oz you are quaking in your boots. It is very bad for morale to burden your team with your own concerns.

An old family saying has it that a good general turns a defeat into a victory. This is a particularly tricky feat to pull off, but very rewarding if you can manage it. When things don’t go your way it may be because that wasn’t right after all, and if you can focus on the positives of your position rather than on your own feelings of resentment, you are more likely to see the way forward.

If all this sounds rather daunting, remember to be authentic and stay true to yourself. If you pretend to be better than you are, then the hypocrisy of your position will be obvious to the world. Some of the most inspiring and charismatic leaders in history (as illustrated), have nonetheless been deeply flawed human beings. However, they are still held in great affection.

Leadership in bullets

  • Delegation
  • Timing
  • Choose your team
  • Lead by example
  • Stay true to yourself

Aspects for the week beginning 15 July 2012

Is there ever such a thing as an accident, karmically speaking? The moment I pressed a pencil into the re-set button of my computer on the day Uranus went retrograde (don’t do it, dear reader) I set off a chain of events…It happened as I had tried three times to print a birth chart, and my computer froze each time. The pencil, of course, you’ve guessed it, went right through the hole. My computer then went to my brother in-law’s for the weekend; the whole kit and caboodle – computer, monitor, keyboard and printer. When we collected it I found out that it had 5 years of dust inside which I had not hoovered, and my brother in law removed it.  My inner Miss Havisham had been alive and well, accumulating cobwebs in there.  The conclusion of this tale, what my printer did next, I still at this point cannot bear to relate.  Suffice it to say that my brother-in-law and sister-in-law were kindness itself, and I am most humbled.  In the five and a half years of my blog history, this is the first time I have been late with the aspects for the week, though I have often wondered what it would take.

Mercury stopped in its tracks yesterday, prior to turning retrograde, and we all know what that means – uh oh!  Disruption to communications, and blogs.  Although we have the Uranus/Pluto square at our heels, that does not mean we cannot master the retrograde Mercury, if we have not already. I know I have not been a good example, but the key to Mercury retrograde is to be clear in advance, from the outset, and during the period, about our communications.  Mindfulness is a good practice to enable this.  I hope that is useful.

Today (Monday 16th) the Sun squares Saturn, so if you are not feeling flat at the thought of Mercury retrograde, something else could be getting you down.  It may be a sense of inertia at a project which is not easily getting off the ground, or someone around you could be suffering from depression. There may be delays to your normal routine, and you may feel you have a backlog of work. The key to this square is to have a sense of purpose, and steadily and persistently plod on with the task.  That may enable a breakthrough.  Even if you are not seeing the light at the end of the tunnel, just assume it is there.

A light at the end of a tunnel comes tomorrow, Tuesday (17th), with a trine between Mars and Jupiter, even if it may not necessarily be the one you were seeking.  Something gains positive momentum, whether it be the project you were slogging at over the weekend, or an improvement in the one who was suffering depression.  It could go the other way however, the project could go into overdrive, and the depressed one may become manic.  But aim for balance, and moderation, and you will be able to steer the ship.

However, towards the evening Mars squares Pluto, and you will need that centring, that point of balance, for there is a danger of overbalancing at that time, and particularly feelings of resentment, and the enactment of extreme feelings (more possibility of violence in Syria, or further risk of avalanches, for example).  Aim, in your meditations, to be the calm at the centre of the storm rather than be carried away by the storm-tossed waves.  In the midst of a crisis, especially in a group of people, there needs to be someone who can play that role.  If the storm or explosion is within your own psyche, then wait it out, meditate if you are able.  Lie down in a darkened room, and quietly observe your process.

I watched one of the Hay Sessions programmes this week, an interview between Stephen Fry (well known as a sufferer of bi-polar syndrome) and Kay Redfield Jamison, American Psychiatrist who practices at the John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore.  She herself is a bi-polar sufferer, or what used to be called manic-depression, and has written two best-selling books “The Unquiet Mind” and “Touched with Fire”.  It is a depressive-manic week, and Tuesday evening is touched with fire.  The book of that name is describing the feverish creativity of the manic space.  But feverish creativity is a good way of harnessing this energy, and not allowing it to become the fuel for anti-social behaviour, e.g. there is a danger we could see a mini-riot or two.  May Angels go with you.

The early hours of Thursday(19th) is still unpredictable in its energy, as Mars then opposes Uranus.  We may see graphically the results of the Uranus-Pluto square, enacted:  wilful rebellion, for example.  There are plenty of things to rebel about at the moment.  Our government is having to do U-turns constantly, at the merest whiff of rebellion.  As a pensioner, there are some unpalatable measures being taken towards my age group, which do not take into account the fact that pensioners by and large are not going to be earning much in the future, an example being the idea of giving them loans for their care…I can feel the Inner Rebel, responding to this.

That’s the tone at the end of the week.  As we attempt to express or manage our Inner Rebel, and cope with everyone else’s, we need to identify the Inner Tyrant.  Does he or she lie within, or without?  This is the continuing task of discernment while Uranus continues to progress through Aries.  The Arab Spring is still as expressive as ever, Egypt has elected a President but can he govern?  Libya has yet to decide on its process…this week may see more frustration turn to depression then unrest.  Keep meditating and centring, and don’t take the tablets (they will only flatten your perceptions and distort your responses), unless you are on lithium (Kay Redfield Jamison described it as a necessity for her condition).

At 4.24 a.m. on Thursday, about an hour and a half after the opposition between Mars and Uranus, there’s a New Moon in Cancer.  A renewal of all things domestic, emotional and familial.  You may start to feel that you are making a fresh start, while still dealing with the opposition.

End of the Week

Congratulations!  With having negotiated the challenge of Mars to the Uranus-Pluto square, you have passed a major test of this square.  Write down how you fared and coped or even triumphed, in your Uranus-Pluto square notebook or computer folder, for reference in September at the next phase of the square.  And give yourself a pat on the back.

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – communications set back
  • Monday – depressive
  • Tuesday – manic, then more manic with less sense
  • Thursday – still manic, with a rebellious streak; fresh start possible

Mercury Retrograde

When Uranus (ruler of computers) went retrograde, I managed to break my computer. It is currently at my brother- in-law’s.

Today we have mercury (ruler of communications) turning retrograde, well known for disrespecting communications.

I am hoping to be able to communicate the aspects for the week ahead later today, or tomorrow, but if not, you’ll know why!  Please bear with me, whether you are a regular reader or new to this site.

Bullet point for today:

. Communications set back

(apology: bullet point not up to scratch from my I phone)

Aspect for the week beginning 8 July 2012 – Mercury sextile Venus

The Square Background

The Uranus-Pluto square is still prevalent, slightly waning now until its next phase in September.  It was exacerbated yesterday by Venus square Chiron, an aspect I hadn’t mentioned, but which seems to have brought up relationship crises.

Global Round-Up

The global issues which are linked in my view with the Uranus-Pluto square continue to concern the world:

Syria: The slaughter continues, and Hilary Clinton gets tough with Russia and China for their obstructiveness towards intervention.

Eurozone: The Uranus-Pluto square seems to have highlighted tensions between Austerity Merkel and Anti-Austerity Hollande, while Greece struggles to fulfil its pledges with new Prime Minister Antonis Samaras.

Climate: More extreme weathers: record heatwaves in the Eastern U.S., flooding in the U.K., and in Russia where 150 people have died in floods in Krymsk.

The Aspects

Friday the Thirteenth

We have all week to prepare for Uranus turning retrograde on Friday (13th). This is not an aspect, the aspect of the week itself occurs on the evening of Saturday (14th), the very end of the week.  Uranus tends to turn everything on its head at the best of times, but when it is turning retrograde even more so.  Coupled with friggatriskaidekaphobia, fear of Friday 13th, some people may create their own dramas through fear.  While I would never tempt fate, it has always been my attitude and policy to debunk superstition.  A lot of people meeting me are puzzled by that, because they regard Astrology itself as a superstition.  But, never mind, eh?  What I would like to say about the prospect of change and turning moments next Friday, is do not panic.  Spend the whole day on Thursday meditating, and you’ll be really chilled…

The Aspect

This week’s aspect in question is Mercury sextile Venus and it occurs late on Saturday (14th) in the U.K.

“Er hang on…? Didn’t we have that one last Wednesday?” You might ask.  The cause is Mercury slowing down preparing to turn retrograde, so that Venus catches up with him.

Last Wednesday, the world of Science (Mercury and Uranus) was happy with the discovery (Uranus) of the God particle.  Mercury was trine Uranus that day, signifying scientific discovery, but the day started with Mercury sextile Venus, the announcement of the discovery.

The chart of Professor Peter Higgs who lent his name to the Higgs Boson particle has a very tight, almost exact fire trine, between Venus, Neptune and Saturn.  I had a spooky thought when I saw it: “What if that was the signature for the God particle? With Venus providing the human glue of love to balance the more Saturnian structure and scientific element, and Neptune representing the boundlessness of the Universe.”  This could provide the basis for new research.

Seriously though, in last week’s Comments to the blog, Sinhagupta pointed out: “I’m still suspicious of the Higgs Boson ‘discovery’ – it would seem with all that money and technology, they would be bound to find something – and all that fudging about whether they have enough evidence to call it a discovery or not – either they have or they haven’t! I’d keep it as one of the myths of the 21st century. Begs the entire question of ‘what is matter’?”

So what can we expect from Saturday’s sextile?  Announcements, engagements, and cultural developments.

This week is a creative space in which to develop your own art and culture.  I suggest you write chapter notes for your blockbuster sensation before Friday, write the first three chapters on Friday before 4 pm, then send it off to the publisher.  Mercury with Venus favours the combining of art and writing, such as more often found in children’s books, but sometimes in adults’.  If you have Mercury sextile Venus natally, this may be one of your talents.

Café Culture

You don’t have to be in a café in Café Culture Week, but it helps.

Every city has its equivalent:

Champs Elysees in Paris…Dizengoff Street in Telaviv…Brooklyn in New York…

We did go to the Café frequented by Jean Paul Sartre when we paid a visit to Paris, but all we got was a surly waiter…the aspects must have been against us that day.  I had hoped for a glimpse of the Café culture of the Rive Gauche.

When we were first married we lived near the Finchley Road in London, and there was a Café called Dorice…there was a high elderly proportion of clientele, and you could sit and listen into stories of the Holocaust, and philosophy debates going on.  It was as if you were being transported to Central Europe in the 1920s/1930s.  Hubby says: “Having coffee with Kafka came to mind”.  This was the early 1970s, mind.

Cafes if visited on one’s own are a chance to let the pen loose in a notebook, writing poetry or even channeling or automatic writing.  Other alternatives include poetry circles, or Cream Tea Shoppes in the West Country

The Signs in Café Culture

Here is a sample of what you may expect, sitting in cafes or in reading rooms, or both


You might find them still talking about the football.

Most likely line: “In the Euros England were technically inept!”

Reading:  “What you see is What you Get” by Alan Sugar (Sun in Aries)


You might find them talking about their next meal.

Most likely line: “I don’t agree with Michael Gove’s latest initiative on school dinners”

Reading:  “Jamie’s Italy” by Jamie Oliver


You might find them talking about talking.

Most likely line: “That Higgs-Boson particle – Have they really found God?”

Reading “Thinking about Thinking” by Antony Flew


You might find them talking about family news.

Most likely line: “Girls just want to have fun, that’s all they really want, when the working day is done”

Reading “Bring up the Bodies” by Hilary Mantel (Sun in Cancer)


You might find them talking about the Olympic Games.

Most likely line: “Does all power corrupt in the banking sector?”

Reading “The Prince” by Niccolo Machiavelli


You might find them talking shop, especially if accompanied by a fellow worker.

Most likely line: “It’s definitely a Health and Safety issue…we ought to do something about it.”

Reading: “Mars and Venus in the Workplace” by John Gray


You might find them, not talking, but just placing an art book on the table.

Sample conversation: “Was Yoko Ono (Libra rising) before her time in the 1960s?”

Reading: “An Autobiography” by M.K. Gandhi (Sun in Libra)


You might find them psychoanalyzing the other.

Sample conversation: “Are my borderline personality features showing?”

Reading: “The Bell Jar” by Sylvia Plath (Sun in Scorpio; Mercury sextile Venus)


You might find them discussing the meaning of Life, or Liff.

Sample conversation: “Why are we here?”

Reading: “The Book of Why” by Judy Hall (Sun in Sagittarius; Mercury sextile Venus)


You might find them discussing politics and accountability.

Sample conversation: “How long can the coalition hold out?”

Reading: “A Tale of Two Cities” by Charles Dickens


You might find them discussing Utopian societies.

Sample conversation: “Have you tried Future Life Progression?”

Reading: “The Time Machine” by H.G. Wells (Mercury sextile Venus)


You might find them discussing Euthanasia.

Sample conversation: “That programme about ageing had me in tears”

Reading: “The Long Earth” by Terry Pratchett

Wimbledon Watch

I am feeling epic this morning, as for two years running I have correctly predicted the Wimbledon Ladies’ Champion.  Scientist hubby, however, is unimpressed: he says he doesn’t know what the odds are for that.  The basis of my prediction was that Serena Williams had the least worst aspects of all the ladies, and that she wore the power colour of magenta in her bandanna and pants.

I would love Andy Murray to win the Men’s Final today, and fervently hope that he does!  However, I predicted that Federer would win (on the basis of his good aspects for the Final) before the start of Wimbledon.  So if Murray doesn’t win, that would be a double whammy for me, and for Astrology.

The week in bullet points:

  • Friday – Keep Calm and Carry On
  • Saturday – Announcements, engagements and cultural achievements