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Full Moon Survey

With another Full Moon nearly upon us, as promised here are the results of the Full Moon survey based on the last two Full Moons. Of 10 people polled half were strongly affected by them. Of those 5, three had a long-term pattern of being affected. Most cited issues were boundaries, finance and self-esteem. One reported being in a state of transition, and another reported paranoia and betrayal. Lessons learned were self-esteem, recognition of own artistry, awareness, consciousness, harmony, letting go, taking own spiritual work seriously, need for boundaries, need for independence and last but not least clarity. Timing of shifts after the Full Moons ranged from 2 days to 2 weeks after the Full Moon. Of the 5 affected, four reported surprisingly that the April non-eclipsed Moon was more difficult than the March eclipsed Full Moon and the other felt they were equal. Also suprisingly, the prominence of the Moon in the birthchart was not indicative of how affected they were. One of the affected had very testing current transits, which would have added to or overridden the effects. Another commented that their work of breaking up the existing static energies at the April Full Moon will make the energies flow in more smoothly for them at the May (Wesak) Full Moon. We are now looking at the differences in wishing on New Moons and Full Moons, and will let you know if we have any findings. Thanks to all those who have taken part and who are still hanging on in the project! In the meantime, if anyone is skilled in producing pie charts, be my guest…

Excerpt from “The Quiet Office” No. 6

Sharon was grateful to Janine for driving her to Betsy’s for a Transformation Game to take her mind off the demise of the postman. Betsy was experienced in the Transformation Game, having played it at Findhorn. Each of the four was instructed to bring lunch to share, which turned out to be three quinoa salads and an onion tart. Verity arrived late due to having had four changes of outfit before she came out because of a chance remark by Sharon about colour healing. Halfway through the game Verity stopped to check: “Is this all going into ‘The Quiet Office’?” Sharon meditated for a bit and replied: “Well I think the bit about Verity declaring she would go on the Lighterlife sachet diet should go in”. Verity put on her best Brian accent to say: “You’ll never do it Verity.” Someone asked if Brian had a beard. Sharon said: “You have to wait till the end to find that out”. Verity now doubled as the narrator, with gravitas: “…Brian shaved his beard.” “So – he has a beard?” mused Sharon, grateful for the revelation.

Aspects for the week beginning 22 April 2007

Mixed fortunes tomorrow, so you need to get on track and start the week as you mean to go on. Mercury sextile Neptune favours businesses which have a spiritual angle (take note aspiring Apprentices). Venus squaring Mars however the same day will not let you get away with slightly dodgy morals (again, take note aspiring Apprentices). This is backed up by the conjunction between Mars and the North Node over Monday and Tuesday (24th), giving power to those who have a strong warrior archetype but at the same time ensuring instant karma. Also in the equation is Venus squaring the Nodes, so look for the hidden motives of desire or jealousy creeping in. All that and we’ve hardly begun the week, so get the tone right. Keep the rhythm going until Thursday (26th) when Mercury trine Pluto brings an opportunity to package the deal (take note, aspiring Apprentices) using all you have learned earlier in the week to promote a profound, life-changing product. There’s a change of wallpaper on Friday (27th) when Venus makes two contacts: squaring Uranus, it will promote – well, a change of wallpaper (maybe literally, you could make it your weekend project if you’re not an outdoors type). If you are not planning to change the wallpaper, someone may come along and do it for you (an aspiring Apprentice, perhaps?). Venus also sextiles Saturn so whatever changes may take place in the decor of your life may be set to stay for a while. And Mercury enters Taurus, so the Taureans among us may be using their brains to start a new business venture. They will also be pretty busy because yet another aspect to their ruler Venus occurs on Saturday 28th in the shape of Venus opposite Jupiter. The home decorating could turn into slapstick, relationships could become a tug-of-love, and those aspiring Apprentices could find they have taken on more than they bargained for. Have been watching a little too much TV lately…

Aspects for the week beginning 15 April 2007

You can have a lazy Sunday today: there aren’t any aspects to speak of. Just chill out. In fact, you can have an extra day off too, as you don’t have to work on any aspects until Tuesday (17th), which is the next New Moon. Here’s an experiment: Try making a special wish on the New Moon and see how long the results take to appear – maybe instantly, or at the next Full Moon or by the time of the next New Moon. I’m assuming by now that we are all each day wishing-along-a Barbel Mohr. Thursday 19th brings a trine between the Sun and Pluto: a chance to make meaningful your creativity or create a turn-around and salvage a situation you thought was lost. Saturn also goes stationary that day, so the immovable objects in our lives may be those Capricornians being really really sensible. So really really listen to them. The Sun goes into Taurus on Friday 20th, continuing the sensible theme: collectively we will lose our Arien hot-headedness and take on a more practical persona. And the final flourish of sensibility occurs on Saturday 21st with TWO trines to Mercury from Saturn and Jupiter – that’s the second grand fire trine in two weeks. Time to get the barbecue symbolism out again, and this time you can analyse it from two extreme viewpoints.

Quotation from “Four Acts of Personal Power” by Denise Linn

“To change the world, it’s invaluable to release any negative beliefs we may have about our planet’s future. We are all a microcosm for the macrocosm. If we can change some of our limiting core beliefs, we create an energy that emanates from us, touching the hearts and souls of those around us like ripples in a still pool. And, in turn, others around those people are affected as well.”

Aspects for the week beginning 8 April 2007

Over the next few days there’s a Grand Fire Trine, which might be good for among other things a barbecue. It sizzles together the Sun in Aries, Jupiter in Sagittarius and Saturn in Leo. Remember back to 16 March (what were you doing?) when Jupiter trined Saturn, offering the chance to balance two areas of your life. Here’s a chance to consolidate that, putting a third area of your life into that structure – temporarily at least. It’s not perfect, mind, because the actual Jupiter-Saturn trine doesn’t recur, it’s just pulled together by the Sun, but it could provide a nice Easter treat. Today the Sun trines Saturn and that’s the sensible side of the triangle (e.g. setting up the barbecue). Tuesday (10th) is mixed: starting out with the Sun trine Jupiter (the social side of the barbecue) when you may enjoy the results of what you put into place on Sunday. For those of you on a spiritual path, just take it all as a meditation exercise, i.e. an abundance of insights occurring on Tuesday from a seed thought on Sunday. But reality sets in and a cloud threatens the barbie soon after, so get your positive experiences on paper. The storm is of the mental variety, carried by Mercury square Pluto, and may come in the shape of challenging verbal exchanges. Remember the Sun is still there peeping through the clouds and the highlights of the past few days are still part of your total experience. More attitude later on Tuesday with Mercury moving into plain-speaking Aries and out of idealistic Pisces. A few heads may clear. The next aspect of the week is my personal favourite (even over the Grand Trine – well it takes all sorts to make a world): On Wednesday (11th) Sun sextiles Neptune, which offers a different type of balance – Sun in Aries matter-of-factness combined with Neptunian etheriality. Heaven on Earth? In your meditations. Venus goes into Gemini on Thursday, lightening the social scene, and you could also see a sharp rise in the proportion of salad leaves appearing on our plates. For those of you visiting Art galleries over the next month it brings a change of emphasis from a sensual approach to the Arts to a more intellectual focus.

Note on the April Full Moon

Apologies to those who had a difficult Full Moon. In my wishful thinking, and fed up with gloomy prognostications, I had played it down. I have put all the complaints in a file, and promise to try to find out why a high proportion of you reported that it was no better than the eclipsed Full Moon in March. My findings, if any, will be reported on the next Full Moon.

Today’s Squares P.S.

On Sunday I mentioned today’s 2 squares in the shape of Mercury square Jupiter (wild exaggerations, overstretched transport services) and then Venus square Neptune (deceptions and over-idealism). I suggested trying to turn the squares into trines: mind-broadening for the first square and subtle connections for the second. Further thoughts today might help: I have noticed that together they form 2 sextiles: one between Jupiter and Neptune (good for spirituality) and the other between Venus and Mercury (good for dialogue). So that might be another way of handling them or experiencing them in a positive way. The feeling I am getting from the pattern and structure of the two squares with the hidden sextiles between them is that whatever things may appear to go wrong today can be seen as part of a positive overall plan.

Aspects for the week beginning 1 April 2007

Today’s Mercury conjunct Uranus is exciting for the technophiles among us, and for those who are practising their telepathic skills. Tomorrow we might be a little more delicate, as we start with a flat Venus square Saturn (be realistic about your relationships). We’re gearing up to a Full Moon later tomorrow, but this time it’s just a common or garden one without an eclipse, so you should be able to handle that without any extra ideas. Just one tip though, with Sun in Aries and Moon in Libra, the theme continues to be tension around relationships. On Wednesday (4th) we are faced with a further two squares (it’s a week to master squares, then) in the shape of Mercury square Jupiter (wild exaggerations, overstretched transport services) and then Venus square Neptune (deceptions and over-idealism). If you are creative, you can turn the squares into trines: mind-broadening for the first square and subtle connections for the second. Try that. Early on Thursday (5th) Mars sextiles Pluto, which could provide the energy to get stalled projects back on track, and re-motivate the apathetic. Use that window, because on Friday (6th) Jupiter goes stationary prior to its retrograde motion, so some plans such as international projects could temporarily stall. Also on Friday Mars enters Pisces, and that will require more thoughtfulness about how you use your energy if you are not going to upset or neglect the vulnerable. And we seem to be kept busy with aspects this week because, last but not least, Saturday brings a sextile between Mercury and Venus. This gives a chance to put right any glitches from earlier in the week, through discussion and exchange of views under a harmonious sky.

Aspects for the week beginning 25 March 2007

Some of you may have felt today’s Mars conjunct Neptune stealing its way into our lives in recent days. This aspect could take your breath away, so be aware, be very aware. What else is in store this week? Nothing until Saturday in terms of major aspects, so you could have the luxury of dealing with the repercussions of this aspect the whole week long – remember less is more. It is going to make you more aware of sensitive issues, well as much as you can take on. Fast forward to next Saturday 31st, and Venus sextiles Uranus which could engineer weird and whacky meetings and reunions for us. Don’t ask the Universe how it happens, just enjoy it. At the same time, Pluto goes stationary, preparing us to re-visit old haunts, literally and symbolically.