Aspects for the week beginning 8 March 2015
Scottish Nationalist Party
This is the third of the political blogs approaching the UK General Election, and if you are bored, look away now! It was revealed this week just how crucial the Scottish National Party performance is in the forthcoming election. Support for this party grew up to the Referendum vote in September, and then grew further beyond that point. The vote was close enough to almost split the Union, and the existence of the Labour party in Scotland is considerably threatened by a massive vote in favour of the SNP come election time, which it has been warned this week may result in a Conservative landslide. There are several angles to explore astrologically in seeing how various MPs may fare at the time of the election. Labour MPs in Scotland are particularly vulnerable to lose their seats, some of them established figures in the world of UK politics. So difficult to call is this election, that this week Kenneth Baker, a Tory grandee, boldly proposed a Labour-Conservative coalition. In a continuing saga, this week also saw David Cameron ducking and diving the TV debates. This morning it was suggested he have his own separate TV interview, a soft option I would have thought.
When I last wrote about the S.N.P. in mid-September, Alex Salmond was at its helm, and Nicola Sturgeon his deputy. Now she has taken over as Leader of the Scottish Nationalists, and Alex Salmond is seeking to take a seat in Parliament as M.P. for Gordon in order to have more of a say in Parliament. Thus the two of them can still create a powerful force-field.
Here is a re-cap about Nicola Sturgeon’s chart:
Nicola Sturgeon
“Nicola Sturgeon has been prominent on our screens for several years, appearing regularly on Question Time. She is a role model for the strong woman, and unflinching in her political aims, and in her solidarity with Alex Salmond. She is a Cancerian to his Capricorn Sunsign, the perfect combination to complete a job. She is comfortable with power, as her Sun is sextile Pluto”.
She believes that austerity has been too harsh and must be balanced with reducing debt, and that the resultant freeing of funds can go towards helping the N.H.S. She would also be in favour of getting rid of Trident from Scotland, or not renewing it.
She would be willing to work with Labour: “Post-election, if we are in a position of influence, I would hope that we could persuade the more progressive strands of opinion in the Labour party to see what we’re putting forward sits far better with the principles they profess to practice.”
On polling day, Nicola has an exact sextile from Mars to her natal Sun, so she should show up in a strong position which is forceful for bargaining.
And Alex…
Alex Salmond
“Alex Salmond’s birthchart displays spectacularly his life path. Alex is a Sun in Capricorn (ambition and politics) whose Sun is conjunct the North Node also in Capricorn (representing his karmic mission, which is also on side). He has the fighting spirit of Moon conjunct Mars in Pisces, which sometimes obtains what is desired by subterfuge. But his Ascendant is in Cancer, giving rise to the moon face and also the patriotism. Rising within 6 degrees of his Ascendant is an exact conjunction between Jupiter and Uranus (the Inner and Outer Entrepreneur) And we all know what his Enterprise is.”
Alex Salmond has a special interest in securing the living wage, and protecting oil interests in Scotland. He has said that after the election, the Scots will be able to “call the tune”.
On polling day, Alex Salmond has a curious mix of aspects: Neptune exactly sextile his natal Sun (he could be smug or at least at peace with himself), Mars exactly sextile his natal Jupiter (boundless enthusiasm) but Mars squares his natal Pluto (some personal danger, perhaps egg throwing directed his way?).
Some M.P.s Affected from other parties
Gordon Brown and Alistair Darling are standing down as MPs at the forthcoming election, and polls have shown that their seats may well fall to the S.N.P.
Jim Murphy
Jim Murphy is a late Leo leader, with a karmic leadership role shown by North Node trine closely his Sun. His appointment as leader to the Scottish Labour Party was controversial after the Referendum, but he came forward after Johann Lamont resigned due to her treatment by the main Labour Party. He has the rebellious mid-1960s conjunction of Uranus and Pluto in Virgo, a sensitive Mars-Neptune conjunction, and his emotional make-up (Moon) depending on whether he was born in the morning or afternoon would be either heavily involved with Chiron (emotional wounds) or Saturn (emotional realism). His Mars is exactly square Jupiter, so he is immensely enthusiastic. In addition, he has huge energy at his disposal, with Mars exactly sextile Pluto. Andrew Rawnsley in the Observer wrote that he “has got off to an energetic start that is attracting admiration from his colleagues”. Politically he has a difficult task – trying to serve the Scottish people, the Labour Party, and standing up to the force of the Scottish National Party. In some ways, the interests of the Scottish Labour Party are at odds with the central Party. This week’s poll suggests that he may just hold on to his seat in East Renfrewshire by a whisker.
On polling day, Neptune opposes his natal Venus, which may unsettle his personal life, but Chiron trines his natal Neptune, which may bode well for his greater role in society and healing divisions.
Charles Kennedy
The Ashcroft poll this week identified Charles Kennedy’s seat as one of those which was in danger of falling to the S.N.P. As former leader of the Lib Dem Party, he is a veteran politician. He is the M.P. for Ross, Skye and Lochaber. He’s a Sagittarian, and arguably drink was his downfall, leading to him standing down as leader of his party. However, he has Sun closely sextile his North Node, so leadership skills similar to Jim Murphy. He also has a very heavyweight exact trine between Saturn and Pluto, so if it were not for his addiction or frailty, he could have been an outstanding statesman. As it is, he seems much more comfortable these days in the less demanding role.
On polling day, sadly, Saturn is transiting his natal Sun in Sagittarius, and it looks as though the pollsters may be right, he could well lose his seat. If he does not lose his seat, he may be heavy hearted at the state of his political party. In two weeks’ time I intend to take an overall look at the Lib Dem party. A possible gain, one of many perhaps, for the Scottish National Party. If any Scottish readers are tuning in, perhaps you can leave a comment about the complexity of your electoral choices, and how it looks from the other side of the border.
It’s one of those weeks when you need to hold on to your hats, not just because of March winds, but because the aggressive planet Mars is about to activate the Uranus-Pluto square. The good news is that NEXT week sees the last actual Uranus-Pluto square, so I will be writing about that next Sunday.
The beginning of the week is the most positive and dynamic portion, so make the most of it! Mars trines Jupiter on Tuesday (10th) and you will see that as the green light on all sorts of matters, particularly practical and physical activities, such as planting spring bulbs in the garden. Hubby has promised to plant some of my favourite flowers, freesias, this year. The enterprise failed miserably when he first tried them, a few decades ago. But now there is global warming, I have persuaded him to try again. Both planets are in fire signs, so anything energetic, light and bright will be favoured. I will be meeting with Sarah for Light Pod, channeling and healing. Hubby usually rewards us for all our hard work with a beetroot, carrot or kale juice, or all three. “Ah, this is the life!” you might think, on Tuesday. Enjoy!
The middle of the week is very testing (I flinch to write about it!) but Mars conjunct Uranus on Wednesday (11th) will be the last time Mars encounters the Uranus-Pluto square in its intensity – further contacts will be as the square wanes. Uranus conjunct Mars is a lighting of the blue touch paper, it is electrical, explosive and fiery (especially as it is in Aries). Keep away from conflict areas and warlike people as much as possible.
I saw a clip on You Tube last week of Leonard Nimoy reading the poem Desiderata, and a few lines from that poem really resonate with what we need to achieve this week:
From Desiderata:
Go placidly among the noise and haste, and remember what peace there may be in silence
…Avoid loud and aggressive persons, they are vexations to the spirit
…and whatever your labors and aspirations, in the noisy confusion of life keep peace with your soul.”
Max Ehrmann (1927)
Later the same day, Mars squares Pluto, which is even more difficult: it’s energy gone out of control. Whereas Tuesday’s trine between Mars and Jupiter is constructive and positive energy, this is a conflict most people cannot engage with without getting burnt fingers. Tuesday may contain lessons about handling energy, which may help you on Wednesday. But if you are not confident, just keep out of the way of warring factions. Some people, such as those who have Mars trine Jupiter, Uranus or Pluto natally, are born to work on the coal face, as say firemen, in emergency services, or in the armed forces. And we need them, but we don’t all have that specific skill, courage or strength. Know yourself, and your limits.
Mercury enters Pisces in the early hours of Friday (13th), so the collective mindset changes from cool intuition to warm compassionate thinking. Both signs involve the collective in some ways, but there is a change of mental focus. As it occurs in the early hours, you may perceive the change from when you begin sleep through to your waking perceptions and guidance, which may present an alternative view of something you are working on, particularly if it is a collective issue.
Prepare to slide a little down the slippery snake of the game board on Saturday (14th) afternoon, for Saturn turns retrograde, requiring us to look back yet again at some piece of work, revise and rework it (groan…). Yes, Saturn is a hard taskmaster, but the method in its madness is always eventually revealed as wisdom. It’s just human nature to want quick results, and to resent having to take a step backwards. The long term view is what is needed right now, or even the higher overview. A spot of Future Life Progression may reveal the hindsight!
Next Week: The final crescendo of the Uranus-Pluto square
The week in bullet points:
- · Tuesday – a frabjous day
- · Wednesday – if you can’t stand the heat, stay out of the kitchen
- · Friday – a more deeply felt intuition
- · Saturday – be prepared to have to re-take your tests