Aspects for the week beginning 25 October 2009
On reading last week’s opener “It’s all good news” someone complained straight away. Another friend this week turned bad news into good news, in a real water-into-wine achievement. And my mum says no news is good news any way…So I hope you did indeed have a good week, and are still enjoying yesterday’s aspects. These are halcyon days, basking in a hammock between yesterday’s Mercury trine Neptune and next Thursday’s Venus trine Jupiter, so enjoy. But in between we have the entry of Mercury into Scorpio on Wednesday 28. Transactions that day will be hard nosed and you will be sure that the other party has an agenda equally as serious as your own. So Thursday 29 will start with a done deal, and preparations for some sort of engagement or commitment party. If you are doing lunch that day, you may be tempted to finish with cake. Thursday continues with more good news as Mercury sextiles Pluto: the done deal seems like a win-win situation in that it serves the needs of both parties. But hovering in the background may be a third party, perhaps an ex, prepared to erupt at the line of “if any man can show just cause, why they may not lawfully be joined together, let him now speak, or else hereafter for ever hold his peace”…You may notice someone who rarely displays anger may now do so, and indeed may have started getting edgy towards the end of last week (as Sun squares Mars now). But nothing can stop the entry of Saturn into Libra. Festivities on the evening of 29th (it’ll be a long day) have a serious purpose in terms of partnership. I have blogged separately about this event, but do tune in at 17.09 Hrs (UK time) and see what you sense about it, and what your first thoughts are. I have noticed people are anxious for Saturn to leave Virgo. So I have a personal confession to make. Forty years ago I was at University and hit a low patch. It was then that Astrology landed into my lap, and I discovered Saturn was on my Ascendant at the beginning of Taurus, having entered my first House. That explained a lot to me, and when a couple of years later Saturn left Taurus, I celebrated by painting a picture entitled “Saturn leaving Taurus” (not “Saturn entering Gemini”, notice!). But during those two and a half years, Astrology had turned my life around, and I had met my husband. Did I stop and thank Saturn for this turnaround? No. Therefore, I now humbly and belatedly thank Saturn, and hope that Virgos are now doing the same. Also, that Librans are looking forward to their Saturn experience to come. Treats in your Halloween goody bag on Saturday 31 are Chiron going Direct, and trining Venus. Let your inner Saboteur take the brakes off your inner Healer, come to terms with your emotional wounds, and find gentleness in the healing powers of nature, such as in homeopathy and flower essences. As you read this you may want to review and take stock of the now established position of Pluto in Capricorn in your chart and life. This will be deep work you have done in response to challenges such as economic stringencies. It is important to have this perspective before Saturn moves on into Libra and then squares Pluto in mid-November, to see the constructive aspect of Pluto’s placing, so that you can find the best complexion of the square when it occurs. Hopefully, Saturn will be able to fall into line with this in your life and find its level, e.g. Saturn in Libra in your 7th House being a co-operative partnership working in square to Pluto in Capricorn in your 10th House as formulating a more realistic career path. There is a purpose for each planet in each house, and a higher purpose for them to work together.