Aspects for the week beginning 11 November 2012
Nadine Dorries
Speaking earlier this year: “I think that not only are Cameron and Osborne two posh boys who don’t know the price of milk, but they are two arrogant posh boys who show no remorse, no contrition, and no passion to want to understand the lives of others – and that is their real crime”
Nadine Dorries MP, who has travelled to the Australian jungle to get our attention, has the Part of Fortune at the top of her natal chart, cusping her 9th House (representing the Jungle at the other end of the globe) and 10th House (Politics). Having no birthtime for her, we cannot be sure which side the Part of Fortune falls.
Her Moon is cusping Aquarius and Pisces, and squaring her Sun (a dilemma of whether to follow her conscious or subconscious impulses, which are often at odds), but given her delight in publicity, Aquarius seems more likely, and therefore she may also be more at home in the Jungle (the 9th House). That would also put Pluto opposite her Moon, causing her to constantly push her own emotional boundaries.
This is reinforced by the North Node’s position in Scorpio, meaning that in her karmic mission she does not seek the easy way, she enjoys a challenge, and challenging environments. The Nodal Axis is squared by Chiron, and she thrives on crisis and embodies this in her group life (having everyone on the edge of their seats, whether parliamentary or jungle).
The greatest asset in her Mercury-ruled chart (she is born at the beginning of Gemini) is Mercury exactly sextile Mars, so she has a sharp mind and wit and does not hesitate to use it.
Currently, Neptune is squaring her Sun, so in some respects she is lost and looking for herself, or escaping. But conversely, Neptune trines her Neptune, so she may be finding herself too, in a spiritual sense. These influences last for the duration of the programme, so as T.S. Eliot put it:
“We shall not cease from exploration
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”
Those she left behind
David Cameron – She has mixed aspects in her relationship with David Cameron, but notably one of conflict: her Pluto conjunct his Mars. But he may be pre-occupied at the moment, learning the lessons of the U.S. Presidential election. Saturn is currently conjunct his Sun, limiting his self-expression (he was unable to comment freely in his interview with Philip Schofield this week) and Pluto square his Venus (ruling planet) meaning that he will be recognizing at this time a need for transformation in his personal relations and wider applications. His transits at the moment are saying “Whoa! I need to take stock here”.
Boris Johnson – Dorries is an admirer of fellow-Geminian Boris, and this is undoubtedly linked to her criticism of David Cameron. Indeed Boris has been quoted as saying: “She’s got all the skills necessary to survive in the jungle”. He also supports the outcome of her jaunt: “As I understand it, she’s got to come back and explain her action and I’m sure she’ll be able to come back and give a very full and exciting account”. Dorries and Boris’ Moons are in trine, but they have a challenging square between her Saturn and his Pluto should they be in a situation in the future of working together more closely.
Eric Pickles – I am relying heavily on Observer quotes, for which I apologize, but irresistibly Eric is quoted as saying:
“I’ll obviously miss her and I’m going to have to struggle on bravely without her. But I, like a loyal friend, will be voting to keep her in as long as possible. I shall be ringing in religiously every week to keep her there”
Eric has got some good astrological connections with Nadine, but his Pluto does square her Nodal Axis, so he may find karmic relief in her temporary absence.
Her Constituents – Louise Mensch ex-MP, who recently abandoned her constituents in Corby to go and live in New York, has written an article condemning Nadine Dorries for abandoning her constituents. Neptune is one of the planets associated with abandonment, and while Nadine’s Neptune is currently trine her Neptune (though squaring her Sun), Louise’s Neptune has been squaring her Neptune since she left Corby. Nadine’s situation has obviously been a trigger for looking at Louise’s own abandoning issues.
Some of her current companions
Brian Conley – has an ambivalent Jupiter-Saturn conjunction, which is part of his comic charm, having you on the edge of laughter with his quivering nasal hesitant voice. His current aspects are strong, and he should do well in the initial stages of the competition. However, he may find the physical challenges very gruelling by the end stages, according to his transits.
Charlie Brooks – has several personal oppositions in her chart currently, so may feel very out of sorts at the beginning of the competition. She also has Jupiter conjunct Saturn in her natal chart, and may also be an indecisive character with the conjunction being in Libra. Her journey does not appear to strengthen her, as her final aspects are no easier, though as an ex-soap star she should have a solid following.
Linda Robson – may as a Piscean, roll with the punches of the challenging programme, and though she may go through the mill, she does emerge with a new outlook on life and spirituality, with Neptune trine her Jupiter at the end, although it simultaneously opposes her Pluto. This may earn her the public respect to make her a real contender.
Neptune goes Stationary prior to turning direct this morning. If like Obama you have been drifting lately, you can begin to move forward spiritually. You can refresh your spiritual button. A meditation could be formative in this. On this day, Remembrance Sunday, our remembrance can be idealized, spiritual and positive with Neptune’s forward movement.
On Tuesday 13th there is an eclipsed New Moon at 21 deg Scorpio in the evening. If it’s your birthday there may be changes and decisions in your life over the next six months. These may be issues you already know about and may be preparing for. For example, if someone your have been reliant on is temporarily leaving your life you may have to change your psychological dynamic and lifestyle. There may be career crossroads too, to consider. It signals a deeper way of being with yourself.
On Wednesday 14th Mercury squares Neptune, so take care when making decisions. It might be better to put them off until you feel clearer. You may be dreamy and absent-minded at this time. If you feel drained, consider it a signal to rest up, as the consequences of your actions may be less than satisfactory if you are performing below par.
Mercury then retrogrades back from Sagittarius to Scorpio, and mental tasks and decision-making may feel heavier than of late. There seems to be more resting on them, and responsibility starts to play an increasing role.
On Saturday 17th Mars goes into Capricorn – again bringing heaviness and responsibility, but this time in connection with energy and action. Train your Inner Warrior carefully in Peace skills, for Mars is about to come into confrontation with the Uranus-Pluto square, which will be very tricky. At work, consult your Health and Safety rep for tips in negotiating next week’s challenges, then visit Human Resources for advice on the human angle and to avoid clashes (e.g. over the holiday timetable).
In the meantime, step one in the training is a handy gift from Neptune, a sextile to Mars, which appraises you of the spiritual perspective of the tasks ahead. It is a good time to meditate on the spirituality of peace and war, and your own take on it. Do you believe, for instance, that life can be lived without any conflict? It is important to know where you stand.
Finally, on Saturday, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in Scorpio: crystallizing thought on Scorpionic issues, such as the cycle of birth-death-rebirth. Saturday is good preparation for next week, and if you address all these issues, you should feel good about yourself.
Eco Report
A new voice has been called forth to the blog! That of the hitherto silent Hubby. His message is one of encouragement if you have been contemplating fitting solar panels to your roof:
“Almost exactly a year ago, Lan and I invested in solar panels (of the photovoltaic variety). It was a reasonably large investment for people of our means but my impulsive Moon in Aries enabled me to go ahead with it and we were both pulled in by the positive environmental aspects in regard to reducing our carbon footprints. For about two months we marvelled (well I did, anyway) as the wheel on the meter revolved backwards showing that our electricity was flowing into the National Grid. E.ON, our energy company, soon cottoned onto this, and changed the meter. However, even considering the dreadful summer we have had, the output of our cells was almost exactly as promised and predicted, and it also made us some money. I don’t know what astrological aspects predicted or influenced this heliocentric investment but we are pleased with the outcome.”
The week in bullet points:
- Today – spiritual renewal
- Tuesday – being prepared for change
- Wednesday – be on the ball, or rest. Questions may be put to you.
- Saturday – change of emphasis, spiritual help, and deep insight