Aspects for the week beginning 18 November 2012
Yesterday Mars went into Capricorn, preparing to come into confrontation with the Uranus-Pluto square. When this destructive square is triggered by Mars, we tend to see violence or social unrest in some form. It is not difficult to imagine the escalation of bombardment between Gaza and Israel resulting in a peak of violence, and this may well coincide with Mars first squaring Uranus (on Friday this week) then forming a conjunction with Pluto on Tuesday of next week (27th). Mars squaring Uranus is explosive, and Mars conjunct Pluto sparks violence. It is difficult to imagine what both sides think will be achieved by violence. I am a pacifist and would like everyone to lay down their arms, thank you very much. Can thoughts of peace by peacelovers all over the world overcome the desire for war in a specific region of the world? There must be peacelovers among the ordinary citizens in that region, and maybe our thoughts can connect with their longing for peace, and overcome the desire of governments and military men who lack the imagination to think outside the box of war.
As we continue our journey mindfully with Mars, which features strongly in aspects towards the end of the week, we encounter some mixed aspects along the way, some of which are helpful to the cause of peace. The Sun enters Sagittarius on Wednesday 21st. Sagittarius is the sign of Good will to all men and women, which is part of the equation that we are seeking. If you would like to re-acquaint yourself with the positive energy of Sagittarius, you can read or re-read “The Sagittarian Guide to Optimism” by Marion Kobylinski:
The Sagittarian bonhomie may kick in automatically for you on Wednesday, but just in case it doesn’t, this contribution to the Zodiac Masterclass Series may refresh that part of you.
Venus enters Scorpio on Thursday 22nd, and Venus represents the Peacemaker. She can get swamped by the passion and intensity of Scorpio, but needs to hold her own if her mission of peace is to succeed. Shore up your Libran qualities of peace and harmony in the lead up to Thursday, so that those qualities can make a significant contribution while Venus is in Scorpio (up to 16th December). For peace to succeed, Venus needs to be able to express herself in Scorpio. Your own Venus principle also needs to combine positively with the Scorpio powers (getting things done, galvanizing people out of apathy, facing difficult issues, psychological honesty). Meditate on peace every day so that it becomes a significant force in your life and on the planet. Many people see peace as an ineffectual or even uninteresting issue: it needs to become a significant force for good. When you bring it forth in your meditations, it is a palpable force, not just a flat idea.
There is a fly in the ointment operating that day, in terms of the Sun squaring Neptune. This may throw confusion into the mix, or indecision. Remain true to yourself and your convictions, while being open to the sensitivity and spirituality of the positive rays of Neptune, which will be there somewhere in the mix even when it is transmitting more negatively as with the square to the Sun. Be clear in your own mind what is right for you.
Another aspect that day is more helpful: Venus trine Neptune. This brings together all the peace and harmony of Venus and the positive spiritual perspective of Neptune. This can in a real way help peace initiatives, in this period just before Mars triggers the Uranus-Pluto square. Again, be clear, and don’t let the glamours, illusions and false ideals of the Sun square Neptune occurring on the same day, blind you. You can use the Venus-Neptune trine to make practical headway in your cause. Venus can be a practical force, through its connection with Taurus.
On Friday (23rd) the Mars aspects start to kick in, beginning with its square with Uranus. Those dedicated to aggression may throw a tantrum and display explosiveness. You may need your Venus peace spray, or meditational vibes, to apply to the disturbed area. Maybe your local health shop or crystal shop has something of that nature in stock, such as a space clearing spray. Peace loving crystals include blue lace agate for peaceful communication, and chrysocholla for world peace. Amethyst can steady people and raise their vibration, deflecting lower energies.
If there is a problem in the workplace, seek safety in numbers by joining forces in your Union. If it is a more personal matter, as I said last week the Human Resources department is the place to hang out and air your views. And the Health and Safety rep is a must stop when Mars issues are about. Mars sextiles Chiron that day, so Chiron will help those who help themselves.
On Saturday (24th) although Mars is still on its trajectory to Pluto, it does form a sextile with Saturn, which will help to steady your energies and support your cause. If you have made headway in your mission (such as promoting peace), then you may start to think about how foundations may be laid to support a future you can believe in, or sow some seeds. You may feel as though you are on a battlefield still, but there is work that can be done. Remember to rest or meditate and recuperate, if there is the opportunity. You need to know you are acting from the best place.
And there we leave it at the weekend, in the middle of a Mars-strewn path. Peace may be hanging by a thread, but you can always find it, if you look.
The Jungle
If you are still following the celebrities in the jungle, here is an update on a few more contestants, continuing from last week:
Helen Flanagan – is a Sagittarian, a “natural comedian” as Brian Conley described her early in the week. Now, he and his fellow contestants may not be so sure about that. In being up for the bush tucker trial every day virtually, and failing at every one, the hungry pack is beginning to lose patience. It was revealed this week that she does have one Sagittarian trait, a dislike of housework, and I don’t think she has contributed much to tidying and cleaning in the jungle. With Mercury conjunct Uranus, conversations with her take a surprise turn, which entertained initially but it is proving irritating to the campers now. Uranus is currently square her Uranus, and if she is still in the camp on Friday, the Mars square may find the other contestants rebelling.
Eric Bristow – is known in the Darts world. He is a Conservative but doesn’t seem a fan of Nadine’s politics. He has endeared himself to the other contestants by being skilled in mental arithmetic, which was useful on at least one occasion. He has Mercury on his South Node in Taurus natally, which means that in a former life he may have been a teacher figure. Some of those numerically-challenged, such as Linda Robson, do look up to him in this way. His North Node in Scorpio may reflect his karmic mission as a darts player, but he may be one of those losing his temper on Friday. He also has no phobias, which may be a fearless North Node in Scorpio trait – I haven’t done enough research on it.
Limahl – another Sagittarian, has wasted no time in continually mentioning the fact that he sang the theme song for Never Ending Story. Boastfulness can be a Sagittarian trait, but this song which was an inspiration to many (including it seems fellow contestant Ashley Roberts) reflects his exact natal sextile between Venus and Neptune. With Moon in Aries and Sun in Sagittarius, his truth-talking has already (he was a late entrant) caught the public attention and admiration. He describes himself as obsessive compulsive, which may be down to his exact natal conjunction between the Sun and Saturn, but he also has a fear of confined spaces, which is a classic Sagittarian phobia. He could do well in the competition, with Saturn sextile his Pluto when he entered the jungle, and Saturn sextile his Venus towards the end of the series.
The week in bullet points:
- Wednesday – Good will possible
- Thursday – Pre-empt with Peace
- Friday – Some elements determined on aggression
- Saturday – A deliberate forward step can be taken