Aspects for the week beginning 26 May 2019
Again, I am still hampered by the dislocated shoulder, which is healing, but am aiming to keeping this short.
Conservative Party
On Friday morning, Theresa May stood outside 10 Downing Street, behind her lectern, and declared that she had finally come to the end of her rope. Judging by the lack of sympathy around the country from various quarters, people in general had come to the end of their rope. But the country is as divided as ever.
Theresa May
Theresa listed the achievements of her government, none of which were recognizable, but her greatest heartbreak was not being able to deliver the one thing she had worked so hard and singlemindedly to achieve: Brexit. Her main transits at this moment in time, bearing in mind we do not have a birth time for this enigmatic Prime Minister, are Neptune opposite her natal Jupiter in Virgo (a sense of total confusion) and Chiron trine her natal Uranus (a chance at last for her to heal herself).
The contenders for the poisoned chalice of succeeding her in the post of Prime Minister/Leader of the Conservative Party were all ready at the starting post. It is said there are 17 contenders in waiting, though only a few have formally put their names forward. If my flesh was willing, I would go through all 17 (yes, really!), but I am a limited being at the moment, so I will go through a few now, and possibly look at others at a later date. Timingwise she formally leaves on 7th June, and it is expected that a new leader will be in place by the end of July. The next (and final?) Brexit deadline looms on 31st October, Halloween.
Boris Johnson (odds 5/4 favourite)
Have people forgotten what a hash he made of the post of Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs? Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe still languishes in an Iranian prison – a situation which he not only did not help, but made worse. It was a bad move on Theresa’s part to appoint him in the first place, but she had her reasons. Boris states that he would be prepared to leave Europe without a deal.
Transits for Friday 24 May
Neptune square his natal Mercury in Gemini in 9th House, which may have caught him slightly on the hop. Uranus was sextile his natal Saturn in Pisces in 5th House, positioning him for 7th June.
Transits for 7th June
Jupiter opposes his natal Mercury in Gemini in 9th House, so he may be a little overconfident. Saturn will be sextile his Chiron 0.9 in Pisces in 6th House, keeping him steady. Uranus will by that time have arrived exactly sextile his Saturn in Pisces in 5th House, very good timing for him. He may well make the shortlist! Neptune will still be square his Mercury, closer than Friday’s position in Gemini in 9th House, so with that overconfidence there is also uncertainty (in a different part of his psyche perhaps!). Neptune will be on his Chiron in Pisces in 6th House, so he may be more vulnerable than he seems.
Transits for 31st July
Uranus will be trine his Uranus exact to the day in Virgo in 11th House, which is a highly successful transit and may make all the difference for him. But Neptune on his Chiron is very close in Pisces in 6th House, so his health may be delicate, and he may wonder if he can deliver on his own promises.
Transits for 31st October
Saturn will be trine his Jupiter in Taurus in 8th House, so he will be feeling more realistic. Saturn will also be exactly sextile his Neptune to the day in Scorpio in 2nd House, and that may be significant if he is prominently involved with Brexit. He will certainly be looking at his own personal economic interests at the time. Neptune will be sextile his Jupiter in Taurus in the 8th House, so he should be feeling chipper. Neptune trining his Neptune in Scorpio in 2nd House will see him quite at ease with himself.
Michael Gove (odds 10/1)
I was not a fan of Michael Gove when he was Secretary of State for Education, he made some silly choices. I don’t think he made much impact as Secretary of State for Justice. But as Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs I think he has made more effort, and I do believe he was sobered by the public perception of him as a backstabber over the last Tory leadership election. He became the 8th candidate to declare himself today, so the media focus is now on the battle between him and Boris. He stayed loyal to Theresa May in her battles to pass her withdrawal agreement. He would be a more serious proposition than Boris, at least.
Transits for Friday
Uranus was trine his natal Mercury exact to the day. Inwardly he will have been more prepared than Boris, but still surprised. Saturn was sextile his natal Mars, so a plan of action will have been forming in his mind. The North Node was trine his natal Mars and he can dust down his inner warrior ready for battle. Pluto trine his natal Uranus is an excellent indication for profound change in his life, and Saturn trine his natal Pluto likewise. The North Node sextile his natal Pluto, like the North Node to his Mars, is an indication that an important time has come in his life karmically.
Transits for 7th June
Jupiter trines his Jupiter around that date, which is also an indicator of success and confidence. But Jupiter squares his Pluto closely, inflating his will and urge to power, not in an easy way, and may undermine his success. He will be torn.
Transits for 31st July
At the time around which the leadership issue should be settled, Pluto sextiles his Mars which is energizing, if not empowering. Pluto will be sextile his Neptune, bringing complex learning.
Transits for 31st October
At the time of our Brexit deadline, Uranus will be trine his Mercury closely – which as a Brexiteer may bring him cheer. Pluto will be nearer the sextile to his Mars. The Nodal Axis will be square his Saturn closely, bringing karmic responsibilities. Issues linked with leadership battles, and Boris, may be difficult for him to reconcile. Jupiter will also be square his natal Uranus closely, so there may be a sense of an opportunity missed, or a close run thing. He is concerned about crashing out of Europe without a deal, and at his department has worked hard on that issue, so it may be a tense time for him.
Jeremy Hunt (odds 12/1)
Another candidate I have been less than impressed by! He was Secretary of State for Health and Social Care when my daughter was a Junior doctor, on the picket line. His obdurate stare was chilling, and he gave no ground, contributing to the demise of the N.H.S. He seems more fulfilled as Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs, and more caring than Boris over the plight of Nazanin, but still has that chilling stare!
Transits for Friday
Uranus squared his natal Jupiter, bringing out his Inner Chancer. Pluto sextiled his natal Saturn, so he feels steady in terms of assessing his capabilities. Pluto also closely trined his natal Uranus, the same transit as Michael Gove had (an excellent indication for profound change in his life), and Saturn trine his natal Pluto likewise. The North Node sextile his natal Pluto, exact to the day, also like Michael Gove (an indication that an important time has come in his life karmically). Perhaps their fortunes will run parallel.
Transits for 7th June
Jupiter will be square his natal Pluto exact to the day, displaying an overweening love of power.
Transits for 31st July
Something may put him out of the race, because by the time the contest is due to be settled Uranus will be opposing his natal Venus, so he may have pulled out for personal reasons, or just not made the grade with his peer reviewers. Pluto will be sextile his natal Neptune closely as with Michael Gove at this time, bringing complex learning. It looks like he won’t make it that far.
Transits for 31st October
He may have new preoccupations by the time the Brexit deadline comes along: North Node sextile his natal Mars will give him a new karmic project. Jupiter square his natal Saturn may see him chasing his tail. Jupiter will square his natal Uranus as with Gove so there may be a sense of an opportunity missed, or a close run thing. Pluto trine his natal Pluto however coming into view may bring self-empowerment, but the timing is probably a little too late. He may have moved on to other things by then, and success may mean something different to him.
Rory Stewart (odds 25/1)
Relatively recent in catching the public eye, Rory Stewart is a (possibly sensible) Capricorn and seems to have a balanced head on his shoulders, having served in Afghanistan. As a remainer, he may not be highly considered for the post of getting Brexit sorted.
Transits for Friday
When May announced her leaving date, Neptune was closely sextile his Jupiter, so he may have been feeling a secret elation and the widening of vision for him. But Pluto squared his natal Uranus meaning change in his life, not necessarily the easy kind. Chiron trines his natal so his compassionate side is to the fore now.
Transits for 7th June
He will be happy that Jupiter is on his Venus but that may be a personal or family celebration rather than a political one. The South Node will be on his Jupiter again giving him buoyancy. But the Pluto square to his natal Uranus will bring difficult changes even closer.
Transits for 31st July
By the time the leadership question is settled, Jupiter opposes his natal Saturn and he may not feel quite as sure of his path. However, Chiron will be trine his natal Neptune exact to the day, so he may be ripe for a compassionate placing in a new cabinet. However balanced he may (or may not) be, he may not be sufficiently established for the top job.
Transits for 31st October
He will feel quite settled around the Brexit deadline, with Chiron trine his natal Mars benefitting his physical energies and interests, and with Jupiter sextile his natal Uranus (new opportunities beckoning).
Liz Truss (odds 50/1)
Just for fun. Liz Truss has not yet declared her candidacy, but is rumoured to be considering it. I only include her because she is my local M.P. Like Jeremy Hunt she unnerves me, but for different reasons. Her deadpan voice and slightly soulless gaze worry me, and some of the stances in parliamentary voting she has taken have lacked compassion. She sits in a Tory heartland, and most of the people I know who have met her have been underwhelmed by her intellect. She has Mercury conjunct Saturn, so there is some slowness mentally, but otherwise she has done well climbing on the political ladder without accomplishing anything remarkable. She has Jupiter exactly square Saturn natally, which can indicate a strong Inner Saboteur.
Transits for Friday
Nothing major showing up.
Transits for 7th June
Chiron opposite Pluto, like her odds, going nowhere.
Transits for 31st July
Neptune sextile her natal Mars, some compassion occurring. But Chiron opposing her Pluto may be difficult psychologically or healthwise.
Transits for 31st October
Chiron closely trine her Sun, may see her moving on, with new ideas about health. Jupiter will trine Jupiter, so perhaps a new opportunity opening up for her, and a new focus.
May be continued (if you see that your favourite is not here)…
These begin on Thursday, so conditions may apply from last week, or you may feel freer.
Mercury squares Neptune on Thursday (30th) so mentally we may be all at sea, or caught on the hop. Work to achieve clarity of consciousness and awareness in order to get the best results. Take particular care in your communications in order to circumvent misunderstandings. Travel too could be tricky.
In the afternoon Venus sextiles Neptune, which is a much more charming and harmonious aspect, and one which may oil the wheels in communication or travel where they may have got stuck. Even if verbal and written work is still difficult to concentrate on, social and artistic pleasures may be some compensation.
On Friday (31st) Jupiter opposes Mercury, which adds to any communication and travel complexity. You may feel you need to be in two places at once, and be summoned hither and thither. Exam candidates may feel mentally overstretched. Geminis and Virgos may need to factor in some extra relaxation time.
That afternoon Venus trines Saturn, again a soothing touch from Venus, but more earthy, realistic and practical. Friends and relations show loyalty. Hold steady in relationships, and show your caring. As with Venus trine Neptune, Taureans and Librans will feel the most benefit.
The week in bullet points:
- Thursday – mental confusion; artistic inspiration
- Friday – busy mind; loyalty and commitment in relationships