Aspects for the week beginning 22 October 2017
Brexit Update
When we were in Paris recently, we got chatting to some Californians from Los Angeles. They were apologizing about Donald Trump, and we were embarrassed about Brexit. Brexit seems to have reached a virtual impasse, with Theresa May reporting slight progress having been made with the EU, but Angela Merkel and Emmanuel Macron unimpressed. There will now be a break in negotiations until Christmas. I thought it would be a good time to review the subject.
The March Trigger
Our referendum which decided 52% of the population were in favour of Brexit took place on 23rd June 2016. This triggered a change of leadership in the Conservative Party, and Theresa May took over from David Cameron on 13th July 2016. She intended to steer us through Brexit, but it was not until 29th March 2017 that article 50 was triggered, beginning the process, for completion on 29th March 2019. This took place under the Jupiter-Pluto square (power struggle). Since then, it appears that nothing has really happened.
The trigger was an important moment for the chart of the European Union, as the North Node (karma) was transiting its Pluto (deep transformations). In addition, Saturn was on its Mercury (necessitating new contracts) and Chiron was square its Mercury (restructuring of communications). The only glimmer of light was Jupiter sextile its Saturn.
EU Players
Jean-Claude Juncker
Jean-Claude Juncker, President of the European Commission, has shown himself to be less than friendly towards the U.K. Despite having the Sun in Sagittarius, I would describe Jean-Claude Juncker’s chart as quite stark. He has an individualistic unaspected Sun, an irascible Mercury square Mars (the Critic Archetype), Venus conjunct Saturn (which can be hardline), a combative Mars opposite Pluto, Mars sextile North Node (leadership), North Node in Capricorn (karmic role as political authoritarian), Jupiter conjunct Uranus (Entrepreneur Archetype) and Jupiter square Neptune (confusion over religion and spirituality, though brought up Roman Catholic). He has a powerful trine of Pluto to the Galactic Centre.
Michel Barnier
We have a birth time for Michel Barnier, I am delighted to say. He was appointed European Chief Negotiator for the United Kingdom Exiting the European Union, on 6th December 2016. Was this a good role for him? He had a Mars Return at the time, suitable for the warriorship he needs, from his point of view. Jupiter was square his Sun, which was a bit of a gamble. Saturn trine his Pluto, giving him gravitas for his role. Saturn was square his Midheaven, so a difficult path for him. Uranus sextile his Mars provides energy in the role, however. Does he have a more congenial chart than Juncker? He is a Capricorn, so can be authoritarian. But Neptune is exactly square his Sun natally, so he may be more swayed than Juncker. He may also be more confused than his statements lead us to believe. Like Juncker he has leadership (Sun sextile Midheaven and North Node). His Career (Midheaven) and Karmic Mission (North Node) are as one, conjunct, in the sign of Pisces. With the heavy Neptune/Pisces emphasis, he would weigh things up finely. He has Moon conjunct Mars, so emotionally he can react with swiftness. Mercury sextiles Jupiter in his chart, so he has bargaining skills. But Mercury is also caught up in a T-square with Uranus and Saturn, and that may cause hold ups, even with those bargaining skills. Mercury is conjunct Chiron, so he has problem-solving skills, in a chart dominated by the Air element, so intellect is important to him. His Venus trines Saturn, which is a little warmer than Juncker’s conjunction of those two planets. Mars exactly opposite Pluto makes him even more combative potentially than Juncker! They do have great similarities. His Jupiter trine exactly Uranus mirrors Juncker’s conjunction of those two planets (The Entrepreneur). They could work very well together. On This Week however, Yanis Varoufakis, having learned a great deal through being the Greek Finance Minister at one time, advised that he would not negotiate with Michel Barnier!
UK Players
Divisions within our cabinet are not helping our image in Europe. Theresa May is held in place by fear of any alternative. One of the contentious issues is whether No Deal is a good deal, and a great sticking point is how much we should pay the E.U. and when. Also, should we or should we not have a transitional period?
David Davis
David Davis, Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, another ambitious Capricorn, has seemed to have blustered his way through the process, attempting to persuade us he has been making progress, but looking constantly embarrassed behind podiums. With 6 planets in the Cardinal signs, he likes to take a leadership role, though for many years he was on the fringes of power after an unsuccessful leadership bid. He has 0 Water planets, so may be able to take a dispassionate role towards his own project. His Sun conjunct Jupiter makes him quite optimistic, so he has a tendency to bounce back from adversity. His maverick quality within his own party is shown by Uranus opposing his Capricorn Sun. With Mercury exactly conjunct Jupiter, on paper, he ought to perform well in negotiation. But maybe his cause is not an easy one, and his opponents stronger than himself. Mercury also trines Saturn closely in his chart, so there is also some realism, in a chart dominated by Earth planets. He just doesn’t seem to be getting there though. At the time Brexit was triggered, the North Node was trine his Sun (he had campaigned for it for many years; his time had come, to show us what he could do). But Saturn was also opposite his Uranus, so he has found boulders all along the way.
Liam Fox
Virgoan Liam Fox, Secretary of State for International Trade and President of the Board of Trade, if anything looks more embarrassed and uncomfortable than David Davis. He looked like a rabbit in the headlights being interviewed about Brexit on the Andrew Marr show this morning. He is responsible specifically for our trade negotiations, and has admitted in the last few months that he has not achieved anything (because he is not yet in a position to do so, reportedly, until there is further progress in the general negotiations). Despite being ambitious, he has a very chequered political history, with some notable failures. Does his astrological chart bear this out, or is there more promise to be found therein? He has Sun closely trine Jupiter, so like David Davis can be optimistic. But his Jupiter is conjunct Saturn, so he can sometimes chase his own tail. He has Mercury conjunct exactly Mars, so can have extremely quick mental reactions, which may be hasty at times. Mercury sextiles his North Node exactly, so trade is a suitable area for him in a way. He has Venus conjunct exactly Uranus in Leo, so privately may be more colourful than he seems outwardly. Mars square Jupiter is extremely enthusiastic, in his chosen ventures, and he has been an advocate for Brexit for some time. But he is also very cautious, with Mars exactly square Saturn, a combination which can leave him stuck at times. When Brexit was triggered, Uranus was opposite Mercury, causing some mental strain, and also square his Saturn, emphasizing that although he had been waiting for this it was at the same time a shock to his system. But Saturn was trine his Uranus, and he took up the new role.
Boris Johnson
As Foreign Secretary, Boris Johnson has given new meaning to the role, that of agent provocateur. Aside from the jokes about his look-a-like across the pond who is also abrasive, he has lived up to his reputation of upsetting apple carts around the world. He has also intervened with sniping comments at his fellow Conservatives’ handling of Brexit, but when challenged as to whether he wants to replace Theresa May, he soft pedals. He has generally kept the Conservative Party and the Brexit process on its toes, without contributing anything of substance. With Sun exactly conjunct Venus in Gemini in his birth chart, the lovable rogue persona is beginning to wear a little thin, within the Conservative Party as well as with the general public.
Kier Starmer
Keir Starmer, the Shadow Secretary of State for Exiting the European Union, has been a solid presence by Jeremy Corbyn’s side since 6 October 2016, having previously established his integrity in the role as Director of Public Prosecutions. With Sun exactly conjunct Pluto in Virgo, he has great depth of character. He does have the potentially irritable Mercury-Mars square shared by Jean-Claude Juncker, and the leadership of Mars sextile Sun, so is not a pushover. It has been widely suspected that Jeremy Corbyn, leader of the Labour Party, was pro-Brexit, but he recently revealed that he voted remain. However, the Labour Party is trying to build a constructive Brexit policy, through Keir Starmer, in case they have to take up the reins, which would not be an easy task. Keir Starmer has a quiet but determined air about him which conveys confidence. One of the greatest assets he has in his chart is Mars exactly trine Jupiter, action combined with confidence and enthusiasm. If you recall, Liam Fox has these two planets in square aspect to each other, which does not so easily get results, and can overreach the mark. Starmer also has a Grand Trine in the Water element, of Mars, Neptune and Jupiter/Chiron, which can bring healing to situations. Pluto on the Sun is not easy, however, and Saturn on the South Node means he has brought some difficult karma in with this incarnation, but so far in his career he has performed well and overcome obstacles (e.g. he joined Corbyn’s force at an unpromising time, before the more recent rise in elective popularity).
The next phase of Brexit negotiations is due to take place around Christmas. What sort of Christmas is in store for Theresa May? It does seem very mixed, with the North Node sextile her Mercury (good for negotiation), but Chiron opposite her Mercury (a bit of a headache), Neptune on her Mars (some confusion), Chiron trine her Saturn (some issue settled), Uranus opposite her Neptune (more complexity revealed), and Uranus trine Pluto (perhaps a breakthrough). Saturn opposes the United Kingdom Pluto, which is not too happy a picture. Jupiter trines the European Union Uranus, which is a success for the E.U. – because of or despite the Brexit issue?
March 2019
The culmination of the process is due to take place on 29th March 2019. Whether these players still be in their places, or whether the picture will look very different, remains to be seen. The day itself has two murky conjunctions: Mercury conjunct Neptune in Pisces (mental confusion) and Moon conjunct Pluto in Capricorn (difficult emotions). Juncker will have Neptune square his Sun (confusion); Saturn will square Barnier’s Neptune (depressive), but Pluto will be sextile his North Node (maybe he will succeed in his aims); David Davis will have Saturn on his Mars (frustration, if not a sense of defeat), and Uranus will be on his North Node (a change in his destiny); Mars will be square Liam Fox’s Uranus (a little hazardous), but Jupiter will be sextile his Mars/Mercury (so if he is still in this role, he will feel some sense of triumph). Pluto will be also square his Mars and on his Saturn though, so he may feel a bit burnt out. Keir Starmer has few transits at that time, so he may not be in the same role. But the transit he does have is Uranus trine exactly his Uranus, which brings welcome big change into his life, perhaps pastures new.
Next Week: Strictly Come Dancing – Part 3
This evening Mars enters Libra, so the God of War is leaving the hardworking sign of Virgo where the work ethos will have been stimulated, and entering the Sign of Peace, which is always an interesting scenario. It means that Peace and War have to interract, and negotiate, and can no longer ignore each other. Either one can prevail, but they do have to try and acknowledge each other and if possible make progress. Whether you have an ongoing tussle in your circle, or are interested in the wider world picture, this movement of Mars could be crucial, especially if you have experienced an impasse. The Middle East peace processes seem as stuck as ever at this time, but the long-running outer war with ISIS seems to have reached a watershed this week, with the regaining of Raqqa. Of course we have not yet solved the war within our own countries, the terrorism inspired by ISIS. And the process of negotiation with ISIS seems near impossible, but Mars entering Libra gives fresh incentive and new peace energy. Mars stays in Libra until 9th December.
Tomorrow (23rd) there is another ingress, this time Sun entering Scorpio. So in some ways, the tone is going from that of peacemaking to the “driving a hard bargain” which is much more characteristic of Scorpio. Brexit of course is shelved until Christmas, but there are other battles to fight, and Mars in Libra and Sun in Scorpio will be engaging us both in negotiations and battles, even those of us who profess not to have an Inner Warrior Archetype. In matters where we have a deep inner resolve and conviction, we will keep our determination going for the next month.
The aspect which occurs on Tuesday (24th) is a harmonious union of mental and spiritual energy (Mercury trine Neptune). It is a good day for chilling out and connecting with your inner spiritual sources, especially for Geminis and Virgos. Pisceans will be able to firm up their mental processes, and focus more easily. A good day for chanting your favourite mantra, and staying on that wavelength.
Hope springs eternal that Thursday’s (26th) conjunction of Sun conjunct Jupiter in Scorpio comes up with the goods to match its reputation as one of the luckiest days of the year. It will be an especially happy influence for Sagittarians, Leos and Scorpios, with a feel good factor generally. Success can be yours, whether it be an interview, an audition, or a £2 lottery flutter. Even if you are naturally cautious, you may venture slightly more boldly on Thursday.
Saturday (28th) advises us, through Venus square Pluto, to rein in our expectations a little more. This square takes place at 3.21 a.m. in the U.K., so may invade your dream life. Relationships could be challenging, and demand truth and depth of response. If a heart to heart is long overdue with a loved one, you may need to face it with honesty and courage. There may be more revelations about sexual harrassment, e.g. more allegations against Harvey Weinstein, or another wave of people posting “Me Too” on Facebook.
Another aspect only 4 minutes later, Mercury sextile Pluto, could help the coming to terms of the Venus square Pluto, in rationalizing (but not superficially) your feelings. So you may wake up with a nightmare, and be able to re-set your dream life with more positivity. If you sleep through the two aspects, you may wake with an insight about your relationships or a close relationship. The combination may be very helpful in showing you how you need to proceed.
Carrying on into the day on Saturday you will be aware of emotional issues and psychological solutions and hopefully be able to bring the two together, perhaps in dialogue with loved ones.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – war and peace
- Tomorrow – increased resolve
- Tuesday – mind and soul unite
- Thursday – luck and hope
- Saturday – psychological explorations