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Aspects for the week beginning 7 January 2024


Welcome to the year 2024: Another year of great change.  Jupiter will again change signs, but more significantly, Pluto will entrench itself into Aquarius.  It had been in Capricorn since November 2008, and briefly entered Aquarius last year.  Times quoted are for the U.K.

If you want to start working with the aspects from now, here is a guide to some of the major astrological events coming up. This calendar is packed with information, so you may want to print it out for your fridge (people do, you know!)

2024 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:


Sun 21st: 00.50 a.m. – Pluto enters Aquarius – Pluto enters Aquarius – Catapults us into a new era, radical changes especially in technology and social media.

Sat 27th: 7.36 a.m. – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Change and progress, re-igniting the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.  Enabling progress for the New Age.


Tues 13th: 6.05 a.m. – Mars enters AquariusA time for quickening!… [applies till 22 Mar]

Weds 14th: 6.06 a.m. – Mars conjunct Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius – A very combustible combination!  Caution required…


Weds 20th: 3.06 a.m. – Spring Equinox – Sun enters Aries.  The beginning of the Astrological New Year.  Day and Night of equal length.

Friday 22nd: 23.47 Hrs – Mars enters Pisces – An energetic shift from a “get things done” mode, to that of compassion and charity. [applies till 30 Apr]

Mon 25th: 7.00 a.m. – Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 5 degrees Libra – A turning point, and emotional high tide.


Mon 1st: Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 25 April.

Mon 8th: 18.21 Hrs – Solar Eclipse and New Moon at 19 degrees AriesTurning point, and a closure in some sense.

21st: 2.21 a.m. – Jupiter conjunct Uranus at 21 degrees Taurus – Major entrepreneurial conjunction: catch the energy while you can!  An Opportunity.

Thurs 25th: Mercury goes Direct [end of Retrograde period].  Communications smoother.

Tues 30th: 15.33 Hrs – Mars enters Aries – Fiery energy, if you can take it and apply it! [applies till 9 June]


Thurs 2nd: 17.43 Hrs – Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde A level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.

Sat 18th: 18.45 Hrs – Sun conjunct Jupiter at 28 degrees Taurus conjunct the Pleiades – One of the luckiest days of the year.

Thurs 23rd: A Red Letter Day:

8.29 a.m. -Venus conjunct Jupiter – One of the best days of the year, socially and romantically.

21.44 Hrs – Jupiter sextile Neptune – magical, religious and spiritual.

Sat 25th:  23.15 Hrs – Jupiter enters Gemini – Lively minds, benefits education, science and transport.  Heralds a good year for Geminis.

Would be a good day for a General Election (for some), but Rishi Sunak unlikely to bite in the first half of the year.


Mon 3rd: 00.13 a.m. – Jupiter trine Pluto – Power and Glory

Sun 9th: 4.35 a.m. -Mars enters Taurus A slower, more purposeful energy, very grounding. [applies until 20 July]

Tues 11th: Pluto squares Mars – A very combustible combination!  Caution required.

Thurs 20th: 20.51 Hrs – Summer Solstice – Sun enters Cancer. The peak of the Light.

Sat 29th: 19.08 Hrs – Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground.  Retrograde period ends 15th November.


Tues 2nd: 10.42 a.m. – Neptune is Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde Some retrospection on the Spiritual path.  Retrograde period ends 7th December..

Sat 20th: Mars enters GeminiA livelier, more mental energy. . [applies until 4th September]


Mon 5th: 4.56 a.m.Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde  – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 28th August.

Weds 28th: 21.14Hrs -Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  Communications smoother.


(A happenin’ month)

Sun1st: 15.19 Hrs – Uranus Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde Rebellion, and bids for freedom.  Retrograde period ends 30th January 2025.

Mon 2nd: 00.10 a.m. – Pluto returns temporarily to Capricorn – The theme of bringing down structures and autocratic regimes and authorities returns for a final showdown.

Weds 4th: 19.46 Hrs – Mars enters Cancer – An energetic shift from a mental and analytical mode, to that of feeling and protectiveness.

Sun 15th: 5.34 a.m. – Venus trines Jupiter – The most congenial aspect in a year: social celebrations, romantic engagements.

Weds 18th: 2.34 a.m. – Lunar Eclipse and Full Moon at 25 degrees Pisces – A turning point, and emotional high tide.

Sun 22nd: 12.44 Hrs – Autumn Equinox – The Sun enters Libra – A time of balance.  Day and Night of equal length.


Weds 2nd: 18.49 Hrs New Moon and Solar Eclipse at 10 degrees Libra – Turning point, especially in relationships.

Weds 9th: 7.04 a.m. – Jupiter Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde – Revising your Philosophy.  Retrograde period ends 4th February 2025.

Sat 12th: Pluto Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Psychological journey more straightforward.  Comparable to the ascent from the Underworld.


Fri 15th: 14.20 Hrs Saturn is Stationary, prior to turning Direct – Less struggle.

Tues 19th: 20.29 Hrs – Pluto re- enters Aquarius – Pluto enters Aquarius – Establishing a new era, radical changes especially in technology and social media.

Tues 26th: 2.41 a.m. – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Retrograde.  – Communications more difficult.  Retrograde period ends 15th December.


Fri 6th: 23.33 Hrs – Mars Stationary prior to turning Retrograde – More stalling and backtracking over active projects.  Patience needed.  Mars Retrograde until 24th February 2025.

Sat 7th: 23.42 Hrs – Neptune Stationary, prior to turning Direct. Spiritual path clearing.

Sun 15th: 20.57 Hrs – Mercury Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  Communications smoother.

Fri 20th:  2.11 a.m. – Venus trines Jupiter – A congenial aspect during the year: social celebrations, romantic engagements.

Sat 21st: 9.20 a.m. Winter Solstice. The Sun enters Capricorn.  The beginning of the Return of the Light.

Tues 24th: 21.59 Hrs – Jupiter squares Saturn – A stand-off or impasse.  Not reliable for making decisions.

Good to see so many heralding 2024 as a turning point.  As a positive collective thought-form,  I will add my hopes!


The aspects begin with a square between Neptune and Mercury in the early hours of Tuesday (9th).  This can bring difficult weather patterns, for example the last time it occurred we had Storm Gerrit.  However, I gather they are predicting cold and dry weather for that part of the week, in the U.K.  Some indefinable snag may be nagging at you.  If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note.  Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go.  There could be some scandals in the news.  For example, highlighting the Post Office scandal, as Mercury represents The Post Office and Neptune represents scandal.  Equally, there could be chaos (Neptune) on the rail service (Mercury).

Wednesday (10th) brings an altogether happier aspect, that of a trine between the Sun and Uranus, again in the early hours.  If you are a night owl, you may tune into it late on Tuesday.  It’s a veritable new broom of an aspect!  This is a hopeful influence.  It may bring an unexpected go ahead to forge on with innovative plans and original creativity. That can include vivid dreams, with informative futuristic information encoded in them.  It is an ideal aspect for reinforcing New Year’s Resolutions and Affirmations for the coming year, or thinking up new ones to add to your list.  You may be in a position to spring a happy surprise on someone.

Also in the early hours of that day, a constructive aspect occurs, that of Mars sextile Saturn.  If you cannot sleep, you may do something practical with that time.  This aspect will give you the tools you need and possibly the opportunity to put into practice a project or scheme which you may have been trying to get to for some while.  It is good for both beginning and finishing practical and active projects, e.g. for putting that final piece in a jigsaw.  Some solid ground can be gained with the boost of this aspect, especially in the later waking hours of the day.

The first New Moon of the year occurs on Thursday (11th), taking place at 20 degrees Capricorn.  If you are using the optimum Capricorn energy, you could have good results today, especially if you are starting a new project connected with organization, politics, and relations with authority and the institutions of society.

Talking of optimum energy, Friday 12th brings just that, in the form of a trine between Mars and Jupiter.  More pushing forward with New Year plans is possible when Jupiter trines Mars, which boosts energy and combines it with enthusiasm.  It is a day for your favourite activities.  If you are self-employed, you could decide to take the day off and pursue your favourite  hobbies.  Any sports will be heightened by this trine, for instance.  The day is one of the highlights of the week: After the difficult start, you could be on a roll.  And with this being the last aspect of the week, you could continue that roll until next Sunday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – brain fog and other fogs
  • Wednesday – innovative plans and original creativity; construction and practicality
  • Thursday – new beginning
  • Friday – optimum energy

Aspects for the week beginning 31 December 2023

Review of the Year 2023

It’s that time again…Time for the Review of the Year!   It has been a harrowing year around the world, and for some personally, but I hope that you had some personal highlights.  Selections from the blogs, as usual, for those of you who like to review the year…



Jacinda Ardern stands down

“I know what this job takes.  And I know that I no longer have enough in the tank to do it justice.”

~ Jacinda Ardern

Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern suddenly announced she was stepping down from the role this week.  How many people keep going in a role long past the time they should have left?  Her popularity rate had plummeted recently, with issues in that country similar to worldwide problems, but there is no doubting her successes over the last few years (she led her party from 2017, and became Prime Minister later that year), and the strong feminine style of leadership admired by many.

…With her undeniable emotional intellligence, Jacinda has been an example to other politicians around the world, perhaps the model for a new kind of politician.  She has earned the right to step down.

“I hope I leave New Zealanders with a belief that you can be kind, but strong, empathetic but decisive, optimistic but focused. And that you can be your own kind of leader – one who knows when it’s time to go”

 ~ Jacinda Ardern



Nicola Sturgeon Resigns

“I am proud to stand here as the first female and longest serving incumbent of this office, and I’m very proud of what has been achieved in the years I’ve been in Bute House.”

~ Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish First Minister, heralded a major shift in politics with her resignation this week.  Not only does it shift the tectonic plates about Scottish Independence, but also touches areas such as Brexit, issues of gender, and a possible gain for Scottish Labour.  Coming after the shock announcement a few weeks ago by Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, who had overlapping concerns, their resignations may be part of a trend.

…I personally feel that she has been a politician of integrity, in a period of years where integrity has been lacking in the government at Westminster.  But I know others who have disagreed with me on that, so I am just sayin’.  I believe in the Union between England and Scotland, but I also believe England should be fair to Scotland.

“I admire her for not clinging too desperately to her dream of personally delivering independence.  It must be tough to give up such a large part of your life…”

~Dani Garavelli, The Guardian, 17th February



Pluto in Aquarius

While some aspects are life-changing, and transits (personal transits over sensitive points in  your birth chart) are even more so, this week’s ingress of Pluto to the sign of Aquarius is world-changing.  Coming hard on the heels of last week’s ingress of Saturn into Pisces, the impact will be all the greater, especially for those who have the Sun, ascendant or a planet at 0 degrees of a sign.

…The position now is very much the end of an age, the end of institutions.  The country is still (even with the pitiful ofer given this week to the nurses) under strikes from several unions of public sector workers, and the situation is similar in France.  Pluto in Capricorn promised the tearing down of structures and institutions: the NHS for one, is on its knees, and with no sign of the government coming to its aid.  Recent banking crises (banking being ruled by Pluto), such as the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and the threat to Credit Suisse, are potentially devastating.

…On a personal note, I can see a new era, as our neighbours of 30 years are moving this week.  They are moving close to the Spring Equinox, the first day of the astrological year, when the Sun enters Aries; and they are moving on the New Moon in Aries.  You can see what a momentous week this looks like altogether, after last week’s struggles.  So our lives will change, and those of our neighbours, and those of our new neighbours.  Perhaps you can already see changes coming up this week, in your life.  It is a time of endings and new beginnings.



Paul O’Grady (1955 – 2023)

…funny, fearless, brave, kind and wise”

~ Lorraine Kelly

The nation had many reasons to love Paul O’Grady: from those who loved to be entertained, to dog lovers, to the LGBTQI community.  He died at the age of 67 this week, unexpectedly, but peacefully.

Birth Chart

Paul O’Grady had the Sun in Gemini conjunct Mercury, which accounts for his tremendous versatility: he was a “Jack of all trades” in early working life, with a huge variety of jobs to make ends meet before he hit the big time as an entertainer.  Sun/Mercury in this sign also accounted for his quick wit.  There was also a multidimensional side to Paul: there was more depth to him than at first glance, with the Sun/Mercury conjunction being  trine his Neptune and sextile his Pluto.

…Lily Savage

The birth of his alter ego, drag act, Lily Savage, took place on the afternoon of 7th October 1978, inspired by his Aunt Chrissie, and Marylin Monroe.  Virtually the only precedent at the time for his type of act, was Danny La Rue.  His transits at the time included Mars exactly trine his natal Mars (an expression of his sexuality), Jupiter  opposite his natal Chiron in 7th House (his alter ego) and Uranus on his natal Saturn, (a daring act).

“I think I could lie there on my death bed and say, ‘Well, I’ve had a good time and filled a book. I’ve done everything I wanted to do’.”

~ Paul O’Grady, 2017



Tina Turner (1939 – 2023)

“There’s always been an emotion in my voice because it reached back to the life I was living. Where there were tears in stage, it wasn’t Hollywood, it was real”

~ Tina Turner

No prizes for guessing the subject of today’s blog (nor to guessing which stories I swerved this week).  Tina Turner, who died on Wednesday, was universally loved: for her music, and performance, for her bravery in freeing herself from domestic violence, and for her spirituality. I have never seen her live, but have watched and re-watched her concerts, marvelling at her sheer force of nature.


Tina was introduced to the Japanese Nichiren Buddhism chanting of  “nam-myoho-renge-kyo” by a friend of Ike Turner’s in 1973, and it probably saved her life, and her sanity.  She also credited one of her sons, Ronnie, as recommending the practice to her, suggesting it might help her.  It is the same strand of Buddhism followed by Boy George.  She noticed positive changes in her life, which she attributed to the practice.  She described the effect: “It is a sound and a rhythm and it touches a place inside you”. In later life, she was known to chant for up to four hours a day.  She has released a recording of this chanting.  She also met the Dalai Lama, the head of the Tibetan tradition of Buddhism, on 2nd August 2005.

 “But life has taught me that some of my most meaningful and memorable moments happen when I’m in repose, sitting, meditating, contemplating”

~ Tina Turner



Glenda Jackson (1936 – 2023)

“Any prize was a benign irrelevance for her.  People often say they don’t care about awards: Jackson really did not.  Neither gushing nor contemptuous…”

~ Susannah Clapp, Theatre critic for the Observer

Actor and Politician in equally effective measure, Glenda Jackson died this week, after a short illness, at the age of 87.  Here is a re-posting of a blog from December 2019, followed by some final thoughts:

Final Thoughts

Glenda had a strong work ethic, and worked up until the end of her life.  She had just finished working on a film with Michael Caine, “The Great Escaper”, directed by Oliver Parker.  Parker has written of their work together: “They’re both kind of working-class heroes, symbols of a kind of spirit of modernity.  They had a mutual respect and were very supportive of each other.  You felt these were titans carrying a wealth of experience on set with real ease.”

I admired her as both actor and politician.  There was a selflessness about her, a lack of ego, which is described by her natal South Node rising on a Cancerian Ascendant.

She leaves a space in our cultural and political life that can never be filled.  She played many roles with great distinction, passion and commitment…from award winning ator to campaigner and activist to Labour MP and government minister, Glenda Jackson was always fighting for human rights and social justice.”

~ Keir Starmer




“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky,
that would be like the splendour of the mighty one”.

~ Bhagavad Gita (XI,12), quoted by Robert Oppenheimer

The film “Oppenheimer” premiered on Friday (21st July), is being bizarrely pitted against the film “Barbie”, reflective of the aspect which occurred that day of Pluto (the bomb) opposite the Sun in Cancer (the female side of life).  J. Robert Oppenheimer was the scientist credited as “the father of the atomic bomb”, and the film features a glittering array of stars*, which include the lead role played by the charismatic Cillian Murphy, who is tipped for an Oscar, opposite Emily Blunt as his wife Kitty.  When I arrived at University in 1968, the big moral scientific dilemma was the creation of nuclear weapons, but since then we have had genetic engineering, man’s creation of climate change, and currently we are debating artificial intelligence and its implications.

…He died on 18th February 1987, having suffered ill health through smoking.  His Pluto was square to his Pluto.

A survey in this morning’s Observer showed more people queuing up for “Barbie” (mostly female, and pink-clad) than “Oppenheimer”, but I know which film I would rather see.

“For the most part,, the film is a towering achievement”

~ Wendy Ide, for the Observer



Michael Parkinson (1935 – 2023)

Michael Parkinson, whose chat show was a Saturday night staple across three decades, died peacefully this week aged 88, after a brief illness.  He had interviewed 2000 celebrities in his career, and is regarded as the most successful chat show host.

Birth Chart

His Sun was in Aries, with the Moon in Capricorn, giving rise to the no-nonsense, down-to-earth Yorkshireman that was his persona.  He was self-admittedly not given to introspection.  The sole aspect to his Sun was a close sextile with Chiron, so he was very individualistic, a free spirit, with some desire to heal.  Unlike some chat show hosts, he had quite a restrained mental function: Mercury in Pisces loosely conjunct Saturn and opposite Neptune.  A contemporary, David Frost, for example, had Mercury square Mars, a more interrogational style (The Critic Archetype), whereas Parky had a more cosy, conversational style for the most part.

…Being interviewed himself at one time by Irish broadcaster Gay Byrne, Parkinson described his religious stance as “an agnostic atheist”, which given his personality is not surprising.  I wonder what he would make of an afterlife.  He would certainly have an impressive and illustrious “meet and greet”!

 “The genius of Parky was that unlike most people – and most of his guests, me included, he was always 100 per cent himself. On camera and off. ‘Authentic’ is the word, I suppose.”

~ Stephen Fry



Rishi Sunak

“The UK was well-ahead of the rest of the world in decarbonising, so we would be doing other countries a favour if we slowed down a bit.”

~ John Crace

This I hope will be a short blog (his third from me), just to examine the question “What was he thinking?”, i.e. why has Rishi Sunak reneged on the standards for tackling climate change this week?  If you think it was a good policy, then avert your gaze, as I am one-sided on this.

…For Uranus transiting his natal Sun in Taurus, 24th October this year and 21st April 2024 are dates to watch, for the change in which he is doing politics.  Will it be the making of him, or the undoing of him?

…For his Uranus Opposition, 22nd May 2024 crystallizes his mid-life crisis and rebellion.  Will he throw in the towel, or call a risky general election at that time?

And for his opposition of Chiron to his natal Pluto, 11th April 2024 is crucial.  The stress of this transit may cause him to announce a general election.


I think Rishi is trying to pull the wool over the eyes of the public.  He has talked about honesty, while showing dishonesty; and he has talked about long-term solutions, while expounding short-term solutions.  As Caroline Lucas and Zac Goldsmith have said this week, what should be top priority has been relegated to neglect.

“Rolling back on certain policies will mean we need to find emisions reductions elsewhere if we are to meet our legally binding near-term carbon budgets and our internationally committed 2030 emissions reduction target”.

~ Alok Sharma



Matthew Perry (1969 – 2023)

“So no one told you life was gonna be this way
Your job’s a joke, you’re broke
Your love life’s DOA
It’s like you’re always stuck in second gear
When it hasn’t been your day, your week, your month
Or even your year, but

I’ll be there for you…” 

~ The Rembrandts

Tragically, the Friends star passed away yesterday, on the Eclipse, at the tender age of 54.  Oh, the hours we spent watching the ten series of Friends.  And though we liked all six friends, Chandler Bing was a favourite character, with a sarcastic wit.

Birth Chart

Matthew Perry was a born actor, with the Sun Rising in Leo (the acting planet in the acting sign) closely trine his natal Midheaven (Careerpoint).  The poignancy of addiction being a central theme of his life is astrologically due to Neptune (addiction, especially to drink and drugs) being exactly square his natal Sun.  Added to this, he had Saturn opposite his Moon, often predisposing him to depression.  He had a depth of emotion, with Moon and Neptune in Scorpio, and Pluto on his South Node.  Mercury was exactly sextile Venus in his chart, giving him a facility with words (at least, his character did have, and he did identify with Chandler).  Jupiter conjunct Uranus gave him the Entrepreneur Archetype.



“Napoleon” – the film by Ridley Scott

also featuring my own Napoleonic journey

Last night, we went to see the new film by Ridley Scott.  The subject, Napoleon, has strangely erupted in my life from time to time, as you will see.  I needed to revisit my connection with this historical era, and was glad I did.  The film was not wholeheartedly embraced by the French, partly because of inaccuracies, but was certainly a spectacle.  Some of the destruction of buildings and battlefield explosions were horrifically reminiscent of the scenes in Ukraine and Gaza which we have seen on our small screens these last two years.

Birth Chart

It is common knowledge that Napoleon embodies the Hero Archetype in his Sun Sign of Leo.  In his element balance, he had half his planets (5) in Earth signs, which groundedness may explain his expertise on battlefield layouts and monumental organization of the roads in Paris.  He had 0 planets in Air, which suggests a high proportion of reliance on instinct.  His Sun was square Jupiter, and he was an undoubted risk-taker, with a marked tendency to exaggerate.  We do have a birth time for him, and his Sun (and Sun ruler) was exactly conjunct his Midheaven (Careerpoint) and closely trine his North Node, both of which suggest his strong sense of destiny.

The Film

Not to give away too much, the film begins with the execution by guillotine of Marie Antoinette.  The Observer reports that one inaccuracy of the film according to Dan Snow was that “Napoleon…did not watch as Marie Antoinette was guillotined.” Many of Napoleon’s prominent battles were featured throughout the film, amazing huge spectacles.  The Observer further observes: “Biddiss and Scott have both earned plaudits for the military tactics displayed in the film. Snow, in particular, praised the defensive square formations of the French troops.”



Benjamin Zephaniah (1958 – 2023)

“…We can all be refugees

Sometimes it only takes a day,

Sometimes it only takes a handshake

Or a paper that is signed.

We all came from refugees

Nobody simply just appeared,

Nobody’s here without a struggle,

And why should we live in fear

Of the weather or the troubles?

We all came here

From somewhere”

 ~ Benjamin Zephaniah

Two poets died at the age of 65 within the last fortnight, Benjamin Zephaniah and Shane MacGowan.  Benjamin was born a few months after Shane.  Both were very much poets of the people.  Zephaniah, who died this week from a brain tumour, was dubbed “The people’s Laureate”.

… Benjamin Zephaniah is one of those rare people who can carry the accolade of National Treasure.  On Question Time last Thursday, Fiona Bruce paid tribute to his numerous appearances on the programme.  I can say that whenever he appeared,  his was always a sane voice.

Next Week: Astrological Features of 2024 for your Diary/Planner


In the early hours of this morning, Jupiter was Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  You may find this to be a welcome turning point.  It’s a light at the end of the tunnel. That might bring a breath of fresh air to your day’s plans, peppering them with promise.  Something may lift you, and point the way to your next direction.  In the words of Alice Bailey (the seed thought for Sagittarius): “I see the goal.  I reach that goal and then I see another”.  You at least get to the stage of seeing the goal, or resuming an earlier goal.  Prepare your New Year’s Resolutions, if you do them, accordingly.  Mine is to try some portraiture, inspired by the Portrait Artist of the Year 2023 programme on Sky Arts.

Tomorrow’s (New Year’s Day: January 1st) aspect is more challenging: that is, Saturn square Venus.  Maybe you are wrestling with a conundrum…Maybe you have felt let down by someone or you disappointed yourself in some way.  Forgiveness could be a solution, in that case.  Perhaps the way the changes are taking shape are not quite to your liking, but it is not too late to change them.  It may be about the way something looks, or the way something makes you feel, but some warmth of heart can make a difference.  Relationships need work.

Meanwhile you will be wanting to boost the beginning of your year in a positive way.  You may employ resolutions, affirmations, creative visualizations, and the like.  You may feel that the world has lost its way, with war in Gaza and Ukraine, and an uncertain political future in the U.K.  Two related books I read this year back to back gave a full picture: “How They Broke Britain” by the brilliant broadcaster James O’Brien, and “Politics on the Edge” by the politician Rory Stewart with aspiring integrity.

But there are lots of individuals and localized projects trying to make a difference, and that’s where the focus must lie.  So if Saturn squaring Venus brings the heavy heart, focus on the onwards and upwards mindset of Jupiter directing its energies forwards.

In the early hours of Tuesday (January 2nd) Mercury is Stationary, prior to going Direct – that will be two positive turnarounds in one week, helpful for keeping up those upbeat vibes.  If you can’t envisage a new start in the New Year, when can you? (Answer: on the New Moons).  This turnaround will be helpful for re-starting communications.  You may feel that you can catch up on chores which had been put on the back burner.  If you have been struggling with computers, I.T. and broadband connections, or delays in communications you may feel a sense of relief.  I am hoping to speak to someone at Amazon…You can certainly pick up momentum on some projects which involve paperwork and documentation, and make some more essential journeys.

On to Thursday (4th), and we have an ingress, that of Mars entering Capricorn.  This represents a change of energy from gung ho to quietly determined.  The philosophical approach of Mars in Sagittarius gives way to more practicality and greater action and ambition.  There may be a greater theme of the individual (Mars) standing up to authorities (Capricorn).

Let’s round off the week with a Fixed Star, that which aligns with our Sun on Friday (5th): Pi Sagittarii.  It is actually a group of 3 stars, one of which is a yellow giant. “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld tells us:

“This group of stars will assist individuals who wish to contemplate and understand their own genetic coding, their connection to their own DNA, and the awareness of their own lifelines through the physical body.  They may be able to understand their heritage and genetics, as well as their awareness of how these things could be changed by them more consciously.”

Here’s wishing you all a very Happy and Hearty New Year!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – A welcome turning point
  • Tomorrow – Letting go
  • Tuesday – communications improving
  • Thursday – quietly determined
  • Friday – contemplating genetics

Aspects for the week beginning 24 December 2023

Mary Earps

“I think what I have learned over the last couple of years is you’ve got to show a lot of resilience in life, a lot of character…It’s never easy.  We all go through hard times.”

~ Mary Earps

Goalkeeper Mary Earps, aged 30, heroine of last summer, entrepreneur of football shirts, and now Sportsperson of the Year!

Birth Chart

Mary has the Sun in genius Pisces, and the football focus is a trine to her Sun from Mars (the football planet.  Sun in Pisces can sometimes be scattered, but Mercury conjunct her Sun ensures that she applies herself mentally.  The genius element is augmented by a sextile from Neptune, ruler of Pisces, to her Sun.  Her dedication to her sport may be seen in her exact square between the Sun and her Nodal Axis – there’s a sense of destiny about it.  She has Mercury exactly sextile Uranus/Neptune, a bright mentality, which can encompass complexity.  Mercury trines Pluto in her chart, so she takes into account some serious concerns in life: she is very hot on female emancipation, for instance, being a role model for young girls.  Mars squaring Jupiter takes her energy to a high level combined with enthusiasm.  There is also a healing element to her personality, with Chiron closely trine her North Node, and closely trine Venus (creating a Grand Fire Trine).

Life and Career

Mary Earps was brought up in West Bridgford, Nottingham, and began playing football at the age of 10.  She quickly found that goalkeeping was her forte.  She played for various clubs early in her career, such as Leicester City and Birmingham City.  Her big breakthrough came on 12th July 2019 when she was signed for Manchester United.  At the time, Saturn was steadying her natal Sun in Pisces, and Pluto was making a life-changing transit to her natal Uranus.  She played for them for the first time on 7th September 2019, and at that time her ruling planet Neptune was really coming through for her: it was exactly conjunct her natal Sun in Pisces (an inner fulfilment), squared her Nodal Axis exactly (her karma brought her to it), plus Pluto transiting her natal Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn.  Pluto also sextiled her natal Mercury.

Sportsperson of the Year

So this year she won the Golden Glove in this summer’s Women’s World Cup on 20th August.  Who could forget the save of Spain’s penalty in the final?  Even I managed to catch it, wandering into the football television room at the time…Mars was exactly sextile her Pluto, to the day: physical prowess at its height.

Subsequently, she stood up to Nike when it was discovered they had not produced a shirt in her name and number!  That was an amazing achievement, and two editions of the shirt have sold out.

And so it came to the vote on Tuesday this week for Sportsperson of the Year, where she triumphed.  She stated that it was the “ultimate all-round sporting accolade”.  Neptune was again involved: it was trine her natal Pluto, and Uranus was trine her natal Neptune.  In addition Mars was trine her natal Chiron (her healing mission) in Leo (through sport), and Uranus was sextile her natal Mercury (acute mental acuity).

A star to watch!

“And in whatever walk of life we’re in, I think football is a vehicle, and we can all change the world in some small way.  So that’s kind of what I’m trying to do.”

~ Mary Earps


On Sunday 24th December, Christmas Eve, the Sun sextiles Saturn.  This aspect can take creative expression and ground it into reality.  Practical initiatives are supported by this aspect.  It is a good aspect for setting up solid foundations, for instance.  It’s a good aspect for finalizing details smoothly for Christmas Day plans.

Silent night, holy night!
All is calm, all is bright.
Round yon Virgin, Mother and Child.
Holy infant so tender and mild,
Sleep in heavenly peace,
Sleep in heavenly peace.

A couple of trines on Christmas Day (25th) may assist a better outcome than expected.  If there are karmic issues, such as internecine conflicts, they can be dealt with directly, with Mars trine the North Node.  Make your boundaries clear.  It is a good day for exercising bravery.  We might be more galvanized to action, especially from a karmic standpoint.  You may feel there is something you must do, or right a wrong, put something straight, in your own life or in the family circle.

The afternoon may slip into a mellow sweetness, with Venus trine Neptune.  Inspiration and spirituality uplift proceedings.  Dance is one of the art forms enhanced by this trine, so if you are watching the Christmas edition of Strictly Come Dancing, dance along!  Whatever your art form, it can be enhanced, and if you are an observer there is the great enjoyment in being an audience.  In relationship, there is a potential for spiritual bonding.

Bask in the memories of Christmas Day on Boxing Day, for there are more challenging aspects to deal with on the morning of Wednesday (27th). In the first hour, there is a Full Moon in Cancer – a high tide of emotion.  Tears may flow in private or public, as this is one of the most emotional of the Full Moons in the astrological year.  In your personal life, you may be torn between personal and professional loyalties.

Then, still in the early hours, Neptune squares Mercury.  Perhaps you are grappling with a mystery in your life, such as why a Christmas gift isn’t working as it should.  Some undefinable snag may be nagging at you.  If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note.  Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go.  There may be an emphasis in the news on boat people trying to cross the channel.

But in the afternoon, the rainbows come out, in the form of the Sun trine with Jupiter, bringing the mirth that you’ve been seeking.  .  For some that might mean a lucky break!  It’s all good.  This is a happy-go-lucky aspect where circumstances allow.  It may provide a day of good cheer, adventure, golden opportunity and looking ahead to the future with optimism.  If you are visiting friends, the afternoon could be a barrel of laughs.

In the early hours of Thursday (28th) Mercury conjoins with Mars in the 24th degree of Sagittarius, and you may be kept awake overthinking things.  For the day, you may feel highly energized, and you may get through some tasks efficiently.  You or those around you may be slightly irritable, however, and if so – you know why!  There may be a loosened tongue, sharp words, or a war of words.  On the more high functioning end of this conjunction, you could write or say something witty, such as a critical review.

Late evening, could be quite tricky, or over-emotional, with a square between Neptune and Mars.  Mars likes to act unimpeded, but Neptune forces it to be more sensitive, and possibly more spiritualized.  Energies may be frittered, and water currents could be flowing in unhelpful directions, e.g. leaks.  Generally under such an aspect, meditation can be helpful, and particularly those which combine physical movement with a stilling of the mind, such as Tai Chi.  So perhaps a spot of those activities earlier in the day could contribute to more harmony.

Friday (29th) is more constructive, starting with a sextile between Venus and Pluto at breakfast time.  This aspect has the capacity to get to the root of a problem, be it Love and/or Money, both of which are represented by aspects of Venus and Pluto.  It could be a time of difficult but rewarding soul searching with loved ones.  In finance, there could be hard won but satisfying bargaining and balancing.  If you are an artist or musician, you could take a step further in your art, and deepen the value and content of the material you are working with.

The evening brings an ingress of Venus into Sagittarius.  You may be in party mood, whether in person, socially distanced gatherings, or in virtual reality.  Venus in Sagittarius ensures that the mood stays around, right through till 23rd January.  It is there if you need it.  Venus in Sagittarius is a good-will-to-all men and women vibe.  Keep it going, at least through to New Year!

All that remains is to wish all my readers a Very Happy Christmas!

The week in bullet points:

  • Christmas Eve – calmer than you think
  • Christmas Day – constructive war, and peace
  • Wednesday – emotional high tide; mystery and wonder
  • Thursday – overactive; careless
  • Friday – deep interaction; conviviality

Aspects for the week beginning 17 December 2023

Me Me Me

It was my 74th birthday on Friday, and it seems to be my turn to be under the astrological spotlight!

Last Sunday evening, I discovered that I had correctly predicted the finalists for this year’s series of Strictly Come Dancing, from weeks back.

On my actual birthday, I visited the David Hockney exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery, which took me back to the blog I wrote back in 2012 about his exhibition of scenes of nature in his native Yorkshire.

I couldn’t sleep that night following my birthday, and wondered if my new book had been published, and found it on the Amazon website.  Needless to say, I continued to be sleepless.

Strictly Come Dancing – Correct Predictions

It has been a bumper year for my correct predictions about Strictly Come Dancing.  It is possible that my training on predicting for Wimbledon is paying off…

In my first batch of four, written on 17th September, I picked out Bobby Brazier as the only one capable of getting to the final.  I wrote:

“At the end of the tournament, Saturn is still on his Uranus (ouch!), but the North Node will be exactly trine his natal Pluto to the day (which is powerful and karmic!), so if he survives until then in the contest, he stands a good chance at the final.”

In my second batch of four, written on 15th October, I picked out Ellie Leach as the only one capable of getting to the final.  I wrote:

“For the final she has: Neptune still on her Sun, but exact to the day!  She will also have Chiron on her Venus (poignant) and Mars close to its Return (her energies on point), Mars on her Pluto (accentuating her powerhouse of energy, with slight danger of injury) and Chiron trine her Pluto (powerful healing).  These are powerful transits, so she could go from strength to strength, all the way to the final.  I would not underestimate her!”  This was before the judges started to see her potential, and before she appeared at the top of the leaderboard.

In my final Strictly blog, written on 19th November, I picked out Layton Williams as the only one capable of getting to the final.  I wrote:

“At the final he will still have Uranus trine his Sun (a great asset), Nodal Axis square his Uranus, Uranus trine his Neptune and Neptune trine his Pluto.  A strong set of transits.”  No prizes for tipping him, by that time.

Two other predictions stand out.  On 15th October, I wrote about Amanda Abbington:

“Her transits for the final have the Sun on her North Node, Saturn on her natal Mercury, and Neptune square her Nodal Axis still.  Not especially good transits…Despite my high hopes for this couple, the astrological picture does not look great.  Perhaps Amanda will have too much going on in her private life, and she will not be in a position to make the most of her potential.”  I strongly felt that she would withdraw for personal reasons, and she did, but we still do not know the reasons.

Again on 15th October, I wrote about Nigel Harman:

“Looking at the picture for the final, he will have Pluto square his Mars (dangerous!) and Jupiter square Jupiter (adventurous!).  Could it be that if he gets to the final, he will display his explosive side to the max (no pun intended for his name in Casualty) which has triumphed so far when unleashed in the competition?”  When I wrote that his later transits were “dangerous” I meant injury-prone, and he went out towards the end of the contest with a fractured rib.

So after last Sunday, people were asking me who I tipped to win, and I unhesitatingly said Ellie, purely on astrological grounds.  As you may see, from the above, her final transits were over and above the best.  However, I can’t prove that I called it for Ellie this week as I wasn’t blogging, so if any of you heard me say that, just put “yes you did” under comments!

David Hockney Exhibition

So for my birthday, I went to the David Hockney exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery in London.  Do consider a visit.  Here’s the blurb:

“The Gallery’s autumn programme will see the return of the five-star exhibition, ‘David Hockney: Drawing from Life’, which was staged for just 20 days before the Gallery’s closure due to Covid in March 2020. 

The exhibition explores the artist’s work over the last six decades through his intimate portraits of five sitters: his mother, Celia Birtwell, Gregory Evans, Maurice Payne and the artist himself. His familiarity with the sitters enables him to work with a range of mediums and styles, from pencil, pen and ink and crayon, to photographic collage and the iPad. The 2023 exhibition will also debut a selection of over thirty new portraits. Painted from life they depict friends and visitors to the artist’s Normandy studio between 2021 and 2022.”

I loved his work on nature from the 2012, and here is some of what I wrote then:

“David Hockney has Sun conjunct Mercury in Cancer, so he very much processes through his emotions: even his mind processes through his emotions. The colour in his artworks is an attempt to express the emotion he feels.  In the current exhibition, his landscapes and love for his native Yorkshire are on display.  Rosie Bramley, Head of Art at local school Driffields has said: “He’s an incredibly talented observer but when he introduces colour he’s clearly capturing his feeling about a place – and I think that does relate to how we view the Wolds.”  His ruler the Moon, also governing emotion, is trine Saturn, so he is a shrewd operator, and is able to turn his emotion into practical use.  This aspect would also give him proficiency in drawing, and his artworks are very clearly delineated, sometimes almost cartoon-like.”

But portraiture is my first love.  I enjoyed watching the commission for the winner of the Portrait Artist of the Year 2023 last week.  The subject was the 89-year old conservationist Jane Goodall, and the artist took the trouble to find the character within, with beautiful results.  So I was able to see the actual painting, on Friday’s visit.

The various sketches of intimate friends of David Hockney, going back decades, are well worth seeing in the current exhibition.  But the crowning glory of the exhibition are the friends and family he painted in lockdown during the covid times.  He paints in vivid colours which delight the inner child.

The Quiet Office – Volume II

Well I can hardly believe it!  In fact my paperback copy will be arriving tomorrow, so I will hopefully believe it then.  As described, I knew publication of Volume II of The Quiet Office ( ~ The Search for the Now) was imminent, but it was confirmed to me at 4.30 a.m. yesterday morning.  So I will take that as the birth moment, and that finds Venus exactly on the Ascendant in Scorpio in its chart.

Here is the blurb I have chosen for the cover:

“In this second volume of a trilogy, part-time astrologer Sharon continues her chronicle of the cloistered world of The White Rose magazine office in Cambridge in the noughties. She introduces new players and breathes life into some of the original characters. Having explored her past lives in Volume I, she begins a new adventure in consciousness, that of the search for the Now, via an uneasy relationship with an austere mentor. The story maintains gentle humour throughout and celebrates the art form of the mandala.”

and my bio:

“Lana Wooster has been an Astrologer for 53 years, having picked up a book on the subject while at Nottingham University studying History and Psychology.  She has worked in a variety of offices throughout her life, among them magazines.  She has written a weekly blog

since 2007 which has regularly featured in the top ten of U.K. Astrology blogs.  She now holds a Diploma of the Philosophy of Creativity from the Institute of Continuing Education at Cambridge University, a study which accompanied the writing of the book.  She specializes in Karmic Astrology, and also practises Future Life Progression which will be the subject of Volume III.”

During the writing of the book, I painted a mandala for each chapter, and the set will be available to purchase.  If you are interested, you can contact me by email from my Contact page here.

The book is just in time for Christmas! For those who enjoyed Volume I, you will find it a fitting companion to the first. For those who haven’t read it, you may wish to binge-read the two together!  It is available on kindle, though for me there is nothing like the form of a book.

And my own transits are very apt.  Jupiter is exactly trine my natal Mercury in the 9th House of Publishing (also being a Mercury Return to its natal position in my chart).  And Uranus forms an exact Grand Trine with my Saturn and Midheaven (Careerpoint).  It is also still part of my Solar Return, because the Sun was still in its natal degree.  Enough about me.


In the early hours of this morning, Neptune squared the Sun, and you may have dreamt deeply.  This aspect may bring some impractical elements to the day.  You may hit a snag in the implementation of your plans, or see through the illusion of a project.  Once you are through that looking glass, you may see how you can remedy things.  It may require some refining of details or technique, for instance.

Late lunchtime tomorrow (Monday 18th) Mercury trines Jupiter.  This aspect will help business transactions, and expand our horizons, minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, one that takes in great wads of information, produces good ideas and may incline one to travel, train strikes permitting of course.  There may be media opportunities, for those so inclined, and it could be a productive day.  A cause for optimism may be found.

Uranus opposes Venus on Thursday (21st) at breakfast time, so any attempts to persuade another of your point of view may lead to intransigence or detachment on their part.  Someone around you may be displaying skittish behaviour.  There may be strange social encounters, too.  Be clear from your heart, to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings, as cross currents and crossed purposes can occur.

At lunchtime on the same day, there is a more stabilizing aspect: that of Mercury sextile Saturn.  You may have taken in all the facts for dealing with an issue or project, and are ready to put in serious and solid plans based on sober thinking. This aspect favours exacting mental work and documentation.  Progress can be made, including possibly for health related checks.

The Winter Solstice arrives in the early hours of the morning on Friday (22nd).  For many this will be a relief, and a sense of a new dawn, especially for those who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (S.A.D.).  The Sun’s entry into Capricorn is a return to practicality, after the aspirational month of Sagittarius.  It is a time to look at the general structure and order of things, and your relationship with authority and the institutions which govern our society.

In the early evening that day, there is a conjunction of the Sun with Mercury, bringing an extra quality to the day.  It is a good time to apply your mind with clarity,  concentrate and focus,  and make important statements.  The focus may be on career, your work in the world, and relations with authority.  Mentally you may be able to see things clearly from the point of view of the structure of society. That may involve seeing things from a larger perspective than you are accustomed to seeing the issue in hand.

On the last day of the week, Saturday (23rd), Mercury in its retrograde motion re-enters Sagittarius from Capricorn.  This gives us a more cheery mental outlook coming up to Christmas.  We may be still very much aware of the problems in the world, but we may, in our seasonal spirit of good will, be more supportive of charities and be more innovative in thinking of ways we can help.  Mercury in Sagittarius brings more lightheartedness and expansion.  There’s an opportunity to hone your sense of humour, sarcasm-free; quick-fire wisecracks could bring a laugh a minute.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – confusing
  • Tomorrow – mentally upbeat
  • Thursday – strange encounters; stabler communication
  • Friday – return of the light; mental clarity
  • Saturday – mentally upbeat


Aspects for the week beginning 10 December 2023

Benjamin Zephaniah (1958 – 2023)

“…We can all be refugees

Sometimes it only takes a day,

Sometimes it only takes a handshake

Or a paper that is signed.

We all came from refugees

Nobody simply just appeared,

Nobody’s here without a struggle,

Andy why should we live in fer

Of the weather or the troubles?

We all came here

From somewhere”

 ~ Benjamin Zephaniah

Two poets died at the age of 65 within the last fortnight, Benjamin Zephaniah and Shane MacGowan.  Benjamin was born a few months after Shane.  Both were very much poets of the people.  Zephaniah, who died this week from a brain tumour, was dubbed “The people’s Laureate”.

Birth Chart

Benjamin Zephaniah was born under a conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Aries.  He is often described in Arien terms, e.g. pioneering, authentic, innovative, trailblazing.  With half his planets (5) in Fire signs, he was spirited.  Hugh Muir wrote in the Guardian: “He had fire, but not the visible anger the right seizes upon.”  The Sun in Aries conjunct Mercury would tell it like it is – the Obituary in the same newspaper by Peter Mason said he “could be relied upon to speak his mind with forthrightness, honesty and self-effacing humour”.  His Sun sextile an exact conjunction of Mars and Chiron in Aquarius marked him out as an Activist, e.g. on behalf of racism and Veganism.  In an exact trine with Saturn, his Sun was part of a Grand Trine with Pluto in the Fire element.  That was part of his great strength – Frankie Boyle has commented “the world has lost a strong, strong human being.”  But all these aspects to the Sun may point to the performer in him (not just in his poetry but in a dramatic role in Peaky Blinders), and if we had a birth time we might see the Sun even more prominent in his chart.  He has the poet in Moon conjunct Venus and Venus trine Neptune, but he was a different kind of poet, he was practical and performing, in some ways similar to John Cooper Clarke, bringing poetry into the mainstream.  Jupiter closely sextile Saturn represented wise and balanced judgement. His North Node in Scorpio was conjunct Neptune, making him a spiritual leader of sorts: poet Lemn Sissay, who has followed in his footsteps, has stated “He’s been a guiding light all my life”.

Life and Career

Benjamin was born and brought up in Handsworth, Birmingham.  He wrote, “When I hear the word Birmingham I feel pride, when I hear the Brummie accent I hear music, and when I see the people of Birmingham I see my family.”  He was a twin, and the eldest of  several children, but his father was abusive and he and his mother fled when he was 10 years old, leaving all the other children with the father.  At 11 he performed in church, and he left school dyslexic and unable to read or write at 13 after being expelled. By 15 he was making a name for himself in his community as a poet and wordsmith.  After that he went off the rails, which included a spell in borstal and in prison for burglary.  This is depicted in his birthchart by a complex square of Uranus and Neptune/North Node, a sense of confusion he had to work through, but which also shows up in his stated belief in anarchism.

The turning point came when he tired of that way of life, and went to live in London for the stated aim of becoming a poet, at the age of 22. In that year, he published his first book of poetry, Pen Rhythm.  In 1994, he published his first poetry book for children, “Talking Turkeys”.  In 2001 he published “The Little Book of Vegan Poems”.  He was offered an O.B.E. in 2003, but declined it for its association with Empire.

In 2011 he accepted a year-long position as poet-in-residence at Keats House.  He explained: “I don’t do residencies, but Keats is different. He’s a one-off, and he has always been one of my favourite poets.”

He has worked with Lemn Sissay for many years.  Lemn has posted this week “In 2013 we (Benjamin and I) adapted his hit novel Refugee Boy for the stage. Today our version is on the national curriculum as a choice text.”

He published an autobiography in 2018, with the title “The Life and Rhymes of Benjamin Zephaniah”, which earned the nomination of “autobiography of the year” by the National Book Awards.

Benjamin Zephaniah is one of those rare people who can carry the accolade of National Treasure.  On Question Time last Thursday, Fiona Bruce paid tribute to his numerous appearances on the programme.  I can say that whenever he appeared,  his was always a sane voice.

“Me? I thought, OBE me? Up yours, I thought. I get angry when I hear that word ’empire’; it reminds me of slavery, it reminds of thousands of years of brutality, it reminds me of how my foremothers were raped and my forefathers brutalised… Benjamin Zephaniah OBE – no way Mr Blair, no way Mrs Queen. I am profoundly anti-empire.”

– Benjamin Zephaniah


In the early hours of this morning, Jupiter opposed Venus, and there may have been a lighter moment in your dreams.  Venus and Jupiter are known as the lesser and greater benefic planets respectively, so they don’t tend to do too much damage to each other, and they may even have a good time.  There could be some much needed laughter for instance, hopefully at no one’s expense.  Or if at another’s expense, no harm done.  There’s the possibility of letting out some tension in light relief.

Tomorrow (Monday 11th) Mercury sextiles Venus, which is an ideal day for cafe culture, Christmas shopping and good conversation.  It favours socializing, and creative forms which combine art and writing.  There is potential for negotiation in diplomatic efforts, and harmony and agreement between kindred spirits.

The New Moon at 20 degrees Sagittarius arrives on Tuesday (12th), and Sagittarian New Moons are more upbeat than most, focussing on expansion, the planning of holidays, deep study and learning, global issues, and matters of faith.  Re-play your affirmations, with more confidence.  You can have powerful inner conversations under this New Moon.

Mercury goes Retrograde on Wednesday (13th), so be prepared earlier in the week in Mercury-related concerns such as communications, documentation and I.T. It’s not a good time for Mercury to retrograde, in the middle of the Christmas post season.  I have already had a cheque go missing en route to a catalogue.  Do what you can to minimize such occurrences.  Postal and phone scams may also arise – again, I nearly got caught last week.  Must have been Mercury’s shadow period, which I do not usually notice.  Be clear in your communications for the next three weeks, in order to avoid misunderstandings and loopholes.  Although technology can go awry, it can be a good period to upgrade such devices.  You may have developed your own strategies, according to past experiences.

On Friday (15th) our Sun is aligned with two Fixed Stars in the constellation of Scorpio.  Lesath, or Upsilon Scorpii represents the principle of inner healing.  According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld:

“There can be enhanced circulation as well as strengthened physical functioning.  This can bring insights based on unconscious concepts and beliefs or long-buried ideas.  The inner healing processes may be strengthened, but some degree of counselling or emotional release would be necessary for these to be ongoing in the person.  There can be great value in sharing the influence of this star for a group of  individuals who are looking for a common goal, who wish this to be a part of physical form in animals, plants, or people.”

Then the Fixed Star Shaula, Lambda Scorpii, also described by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld, represents the principle of working with emotion:

The ability of people to work with emotions in many different ways has created a shared emotional body amongst humanity.   The group soul of all of humanity is broadcasting feelings and emotions which are disturbing to the Earth.  This is an important contributing factor to some of the geophysical changes that occur, such as in volcanos and earthquakes, which are an important facet of the Earth’s cleansing.”

and on a more personal note:

“Repressed emotions can be brought into consciousness and understood with the use of this star.  These emotions can be released and the energy brought into coordination with other facets in one’s life.  This can enhance recall of emotional blocks felt in childhood and to a lesser extent from past lives.  The reasons behind the emotions are better understood and forgiven.”

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – off the wall socializing
  • Tomorrow – cafe culture
  • Tuesday – new beginning
  • Wednesday – strained communications
  • Friday – inner healing; working with emotions, both planetary and personal

Aspects for the week beginning 3 December 2023

Henry Kissinger (1923 – 2023)

“America has lost one of the most dependable and distinctive voices on foreign affairs with the passing of Henry Kissinger. I have long admired the man who fled the Nazis as a young boy from a Jewish family, then fought them in the United States Army”.

~ George W. Bush

Henry Kissinger died this week, on the same day as Shane MacGowan and Alistair Darling.  He had reached the grand old age of 100, and a later generation may relate to Alistair Darling (b. 1953), and a still later generation would prefer to read about Shane MacGowan (b. 1957, but whose Christmas song with Kirsty MacColl is still hailed the best ever).  But I (of the elderly generation) remember vividly his early involvement with Richard Nixon. He has been described especially in recent days as a “divisive figure”.  So how do you distil a hundred years into one blog?  I am about to try…

Birth Chart

Kissinger’s is a supremely intellectual and Mercury ruled chart: he had half his planets (5) in the Air element, he was a double Gemini (with the Sun and the Ascendant in Gemini, with the Sun and Mercury conjunct in Gemini.  Fortunately we have a birth time for him, and can see just how his personality and lifestyle is described by his birth chart.  Then there is the Warrior Archetype, shown by Mars rising (in Gemini, the Verbal Warrior) and a trine of Mars to the Moon.  The Moon is strong, too, in his chart, being exactly trine the Ascendant, in its home House, the 4th.  The Moon furthermore trines his Midheaven (Careerpoint), to create a powerful Grand Trine with which to manage his life.  Venus sextiles Pluto in his chart, and reminds us that he used the power of the cheque book in his diplomacy.  A factor in his success is a fairly rare exact conjunction between his Jupiter in Scorpio and his Part of Fortune in 5th House – I call this the “pot of gold at the end of the rainbow”.  The 5th House is often used to project the personality in dealings with others.  Added to this is a trine between Jupiter and Uranus – The Entrepreneur Archetype.  Jupiter closely trine Pluto indicates a love of power (he called power “the ultimate aphrodisiac”).  But his Jupiter didn’t have it all his way: a square with Neptune meant a confusion about religion and spirituality, which may be linked with what many saw as a lack of integrity.  Uranus conjunct the South Node may point to a past life as a manipulator in Atlantis.  But he was often a “fixer” in his career, some of that down to the sextile between his Midheaven and Chiron.

Life and Career

Kissinger was born in Germany, and as a Jew he recalled beatings by Hitler youth gangs as a child.   His family fled from the Nazis to settle in the U.S. in 1938.  At the time, transiting Uranus was exactly sextile his natal Uranus in Pisces in his 9th House of Foreign Lands, signifying a break with the past and a new direction in life.  He was forever grateful to his new homeland, and patriotic in his foreign policies in his career.  His high school years were spent in Manhattan, as part of the German-Jewish community.  He studied accounting at College in New York, prior to being called up for the army in 1943. Around that time, his naturalization papers came through, with transiting Pluto sextile his natal Sun in Gemini. He was later educated at Harvard College, graduating in 1950 having studied political science, and staying on in academia at Harvard, specializing in nuclear weapons and foreign policy.  From there, he became foreign policy advisor to the presidential campaigns of Nelson Rockefeller.  When Richard Nixon became President in 1969, Kissinger was appointed National Security Advisor.  Thus was a historic collaboration born.


Though he won the peace prize in 1973 for the Paris Peace Accords, his responsibilities for decision making regarding the Vietnam war under the Nixon administration came under fire on account of secrecy and manipulation.  He kept Congress in the dark regarding the U.S. bombing of Cambodia, for example.  In 1969 hundreds of thousands of people were involved with mass protests across the United States calling for withdrawal of troops from the Vietnam War.  He was notably outwitted by interviewer Oriana Fallaci on 4th November 1972, with transiting Mars on his Moon (clash with a female) and transiting Neptune opposite his Sun (exposure and accusation of duplicity).  It was an embarrassment for Nixon.  The charge of secrecy, often applied to his character, is one feature of the natal Sun in 12th House of Secrecy. The Vietnamese remain bitter about his work in this area, to this day.

Yom Kippur War

In his work on international relations he developed what is called Realpolitik, a system of politics or principles based on practical rather than moral considerations (hence my description of the slight shadiness of his Jupiter- Neptune square). At the height of the Yom Kippur War in 1973, a conflict which began with the invasion of Israel by its Arab neighbours, he persuaded the Israelis to stop the war when they encircled the Arab armies. In the aftermath of the Yom Kippur war, he became known for his “shuttle diplomacy”, travelling between all the countries involved to try to broker settlement (most specifically between Telaviv, Cairo and Damascus).  With his heavily Geminian chart, and the North Node in the 3rd House (the natural home for Gemini), this may have been a feature of his karmic mission.  He was responsible for settling the region after that horrific war between Israel and its neighbours, and there was a period of stabilization afterwards, but of course the issues were not solved, and we are seeing the same problems today in the Israel-Hamas war.  Notable transits for Kissinger at the onset of the Yom Kippur war were Uranus on his Moon in Libra in his 4th House (taken by surprise emotionally), Neptune opposite his natal Sun (confusion) and Pluto trine his natal Sun (a gargantuan task).  Simon Tisdall, writing in the Observer this morning, notes that Kissinger’s “contacts with the Egyptian president, Anwar Sadat, are credited with opening a path to the Camp David accords… Those accords led, in turn, to the breakthrough i979 Egypt-Israel peace treaty.”

Other foreign policy

Kissinger has been accused of war crimes and of supporting dictatorial regimes.  However, he initiated the policy of detente, as applied to the Soviet Union, and brokered a new relationship with China (notably with Zhou Enlai), a country that praised him highly this week.

Kissinger and Nixon

These two forged a tight working collaboration.  Their synastry points to a karmic bond, especially since  Nixon’s Ascendant was exactly conjunct Kissinger’s North Node.  Their charts have some similar aspects (despite their being born 10 years apart), and secrecy is a theme in both charts (Nixon had a natal opposition of the Sun and Neptune, which is the natural ruler of the 12th House).

Later perspectives

Also from Simon Tisdall:

“Today, as Kissinger admitted in recent interviews, the world has grown more geopolitically complex – multipolar, multilateral, multidimensional. Nations assert themselves. Non-state actors proliferate. Globalisation creates odd bedfellows…. However celebrated at the time, Kissinger’s approach to the big questions of his day – the China conundrum, the Soviet threat, Middle East instability – failed to produce lasting remedies. All three still pose daunting challenges for the US and its democratic partners.”

Even in this last year or two of his long life, Kissinger had things to say about the situation in Ukraine, including voicing the opinion that “Ukraine above all cannot give up territory that it had when the war started because this would be symbolically dangerous.”, and expressing admiration for Zelenskyy.  He met up with him as recently as September of this year.

He has also commented on the current war between Israel and Gaza, saying the goals of Hamas “can only be to mobilize the Arab world against Israel and to get off the track of peaceful negotiations”.  But his response to the destruction and loss of innocent life in Gaza has not been reported to my knowledge.

I include these commentaries on current situations to illustrate that he felt able to pronounce upon them even to his centenary year.

The divisiveness of his character, life and achievements tends to illustrate that public figures are rarely all bad or all good.

“A good negotiator is somebody who can give others the confidence to move in what they must each perceive to be their own interest and, since they are responsible for the future of their country, you would be reckless if you try to trick them about that.”

~ Henry Kissinger


Today Pluto squares Venus, which is not an easy aspect whatever way you look at it.  Deep feeling issues may be preying on your mind.  These will require some psychological soul-searching for a true interpretation, and may spur on honest-as-you-can-be interpersonal communication. I seem to have been receiving distressed and distressing texts and emails all morning, while writing this blog!  When Pluto squared Venus in October 2022, Liz Truss was forced to resign.

Venus enters Scorpio tomorrow (Monday 4th) ), so emotions and passions could be heightened.  This is a time when deep feelings can be experienced and expressed.  Her previous sojourn through Libra focussed on relationships, and on entering Scorpio the quality of relationship deepens.  You can take a relationship to the next level.  Venus will change sign again on 29th December, so make the most of the opportunity.

A calmer hiatus for Venus occurs on Tuesday (5th) when she forms a trine alliance with Saturn.  This brings hope, of people coming together with more commitment and loyalty.  Venus can provide a softening role to a hard line stance.  It is conciliatory, which may be just what is needed.  Relationships may need serious resolving, and this aspect can help, whether on a personal level, or between nations.

Some unravelling of thorny spiritual knots may become possible from Wednesday (6th), when Neptune is Stationary, prior to turning Direct.  If you have felt confused of late, there is a chance for more clarity, certainty, inspiration and spirituality.  If  you felt your feet were treading water, then your  path could be on surer ground.  It is an opportunity to fine tune relationships, art, or spiritual practices.  After the turnaround has been achieved you may detect greater flow and movement.  Interactions may be subtle, but subtlety can be powerful.

We end the week on a high note, with Mercury trine Jupiter on Friday (8th).  This is the veritable aspect of good news itself.  This could bring productivity, and good conversation.  .  Mercury trine Jupiter expands our minds and philosophies.  This is an upbeat vibe mentally, and can bring opportunities.  It is also helpful for writing projects and studying, so you may make progress on that novel you’re writing, for instance!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – emotional pain
  • Tomorrow – emotional intensity
  • Tuesday – loyalty and commitment; truce
  • Wednesday – spiritual ease
  • Friday – good news

Aspects for the week beginning 26 November 2023

“Napoleon” – the film by Ridley Scott

also featuring my own Napoleonic journey

Last night, we went to see the new film by Ridley Scott.  The subject, Napoleon, has strangely erupted in my life from time to time, as you will see.  I needed to revisit my connection with this historical era, and was glad I did.  The film was not wholeheartedly embraced by the French, partly because of inaccuracies, but was certainly a spectacle.  Some of the destruction of buildings and battlefield explosions were horrifically reminiscent of the scenes in Ukraine and Gaza which we have seen on our small screens these last two years.

My own story begins at school.  We all have an iconic teacher in our youth, and mine was Mr Burkimsher, my history teacher.  In the sixth form, he allocated a subject for each of us to produce a project over a period of three months.  For me, he chose Napoleon.  I read every book going on the subject from my local library in St. Albans, and literally wrote a book in that time!  It’s still somewhere in our loft.  As I am, and was, a pacifist, the chapter on battles and warfare was disproportionately short.  Needless to say, these themes dominate Ridley Scott’s film.  Mr Burkimsher gave me top marks, and was so taken with my offering that he showed it to a friend for a second opinion.  For the purpose of balance, I hasten to add that was the height of my academic success, which steadily declined after that point.  But it did give me the confidence to apply to study history at University…

Birth Chart

It is common knowledge that Napoleon embodies the Hero Archetype in his Sun Sign of Leo.  In his element balance, he had half his planets (5) in Earth signs, which groundedness may explain his expertise on battlefield layouts and monumental organization of the roads in Paris.  He had 0 planets in Air, which suggests a high proportion of reliance on instinct.  His Sun was square Jupiter, and he was an undoubted risk-taker, with a marked tendency to exaggerate.  We do have a birth time for him, and his Sun (and Sun ruler) was exactly conjunct his Midheaven (Careerpoint) and closely trine his North Node, both of which suggest his strong sense of destiny.  His Moon in Capricorn expresses his level of ambition, and it is opposed by Saturn, which points to a sense of melancholy in relation to the women in his life.  Mercury was square to his Uranus – he was not afraid of controversy, indeed he courted it.  But perhaps even more importantly, his Mercury was exactly trine his Chiron – a gift for problem-solving.  The poignancy of his love life is further illustrated by Venus closely squaring his Chiron.  Mars sextile his Jupiter gave him the zeal with which he approached each battle, while Mars exactly trine Uranus gave him an electrical energy and the ability to motivate his troops.  Mars closely trine Pluto bestowed a powerhouse of physical and psychological energy, and the stamina he needed in some of his protracted battles.  This Grand Earth Trine of Mars-Uranus-Pluto may be seen as part of his genius for warriorship and strategy.  Jupiter was exactly on his Ascendant, providing an unfailing optimism and much luck – even when exiled to Elba he summoned up the wherewithal to undertake a last battle, Waterloo.

…So I travelled up to Nottingham University for my interview to study Medieval and Modern History, for which there were just the two Professors.  I was interviewed by the Modern History Professor, whose specialist subject coincidentally was the French Revolution.  I was therefore able to draw upon my project in my interview!  In my third year I was under the tutelage of the Medieval Professor, Mr Bullough, whose expertise was Charlemagne.  Hubby still laughs at the fact that my whole third year was spent in our freezing flat with Donald Bullough’s book “The Age of Charlemagne” on my lap…

The Coronation of Napoleon

Napoleon considered himself a reincarnation of Charlemagne, and that was one of the reasons  why he had himself crowned Emperor at Notre Dame on 2nd December 1804 in emulation of Charlemagne, presided over by Pope Pius VII, just one of the spectacular scenes which featured in Ridley Scott’s film.  The sight of his own crowning of Josephine reminded me of King Charles’ crowning of Camilla this year!

Could there be any credence to Napoleon’s link with Charlemagne?  There are two notable similarities from their birth charts: they both had the conjunction of Mars and Neptune, and a trine between Uranus and Pluto.

The Film

Not to give away too much, the film begins with the execution by guillotine of Marie Antoinette.  The Observer reports that one inaccuracy of the film according to Dan Snow was that “Napoleon…did not watch as Marie Antoinette was guillotined.” Many of Napoleon’s prominent battles were featured throughout the film, amazing huge spectacles.  The Observer further observes: “Biddiss and Scott have both earned plaudits for the military tactics displayed in the film. Snow, in particular, praised the defensive square formations of the French troops.”  The relationship between Napoleon and Josephine was also featured prominently, and sometimes graphically.  His letters will have given a lot of detail to draw upon.  A glaring omission from the film was his own domestic policies and achievements.  But a highlight of casting, in my view, was that of the Duke of Wellington.

Ridley Scott and Joaquin Phoenix

Ridley Scott is a Sagittarian, and a strong tendency in Film Directors is to have the Sun in Leo (for total overall control).  This astrological feature is supplied by the Sun (Leo’s ruler) conjunct Ridley Scott’s North Node (karmic mission), showing up the grandiose vision of his blockbuster movies.

There is a filmic link between Ridley Scott and Napoleon.  Neptune is the planet which rules film, and Napoleon’s Nodal Axis bears an exact square on Ridley’s Neptune, and Napoleon’s Neptune exactly squares Ridley Scott’s Sun.

The acting was exemplary, and Scorpio Joaquin Phoenix gave a strong performance as Napoleon.  However, for me, he looked old from the very beginning, even when Napoleon was starting out, and his appearance never varied.  How easy is it to make a 49 year old actor look young, I wondered.  In reality, Josephine was a Creole and was six years older than Napoleon, and the actress Vanessa Kirby who played Josephine had a very modern western face and pale skin colouring. [Ooh, I promised myself I wouldn’t criticize the film!].  Joaquin’s chart connection with Napoleon includes a square between their Suns, and a square between Joaquin’s Pluto and Napoleon’s Venus.   The film promises success for him (Jupiter sextile his Jupiter) but also some stress (Pluto square his Mercury and Uranus).  However, the connections between Vanessa and Josephine’s charts are numerous, and while they often clash, I suspect that Vanessa captured the spirit of Josephine herself.

…The years rolled by, and I got into past life therapy.  I knew I loved Paris and Napoleonic history, but it took a while before I remembered a specific memory of living under the reign of Napoleon, centred around L’Opera.  Again, coincidentally, hubby and I stayed twice in Paris on holiday in the environs of L’Opera.  These days I still have a shelf full of books on Napoleon in my home.


As we came out of the cinema, I asked hubby how many stars he would give to the film, out of five.  He awarded four – he enjoyed the acting performances, and thought the battle scenes were well done.

Although I had gripes, I did award three stars, but am at the same time so grateful for all the hard work Ridley Scott put into the detail of vividly reconstructing the decors, costumes, buildings and battlefields.  It’s an amazing work for a man of eighty-five.  Most of all, I feel he has been able to give me back some of my history, both from this life and past lives.  If you feel you have a link with that time period, why not head over to your local cinema, and give the film a whirl!


First, a retrospective on the aspects for the last couple of days, when Israeli hostages were exchanged for Palestinian prisoners.  Friday went smoothly for the first day of the four day enterprise, with Mars entering Sagittarius.  But as predicted there were hitches and delays yesterday, with Mars squaring Saturn, and the hostages were not released until the early hours of this morning.  Unusually, when we arrived at the cinema yesterday to see the film Napoleon, they informed us we could not yet enter, as there was a technical hitch, and the film was delayed.

So this week’s aspects begin tomorrow (Monday 27th), with three astrological features, the first of which is Mercury trine the North Node.  This can help ensure that information and communications are accurate and karmically relevant.  You should be able to experience that on a mental or spiritual level.  It will contribute to progress generally, especially when preparing your week’s work, studies and communicative ventures.

Just after breakfast time, we have a Full Moon at 4 degrees Gemini.  The tussle of Moon in Gemini and Sun in Sagittarius is a tussle over communication, and that is the principle which can also bring them to a whole.  You may feel or see acutely the two sides of a story, e.g. some of the polarities occurring in the news and worldwide.  With the Moon being in Gemini, however, you may feel you cannot handle a depth emotional approach at this moment of time.

Around lunchtime we experience a square between Mercury and Neptune.  Some undefinable snag may be nagging at you.  If so, allow your subconscious to bring it up in its own time, but don’t shut up shop until you have identified the rum note.  Then you can deal with it, move on and let it go.  There could be some scandals in the news.

When we get to Wednesday (29th) we encounter a conjunction between Venus and the South Node.  There is a focus on love and relationship in a karmic context.  For example, you may find answers to current relationship issues in looking back at relationships in your past, which includes your past lives.  If you feel you have a link with the French Revolution and the Napoleonic era, why not head over to your local cinema, and give Ridley Scott’s film a whirl!

Moving on to later in the week, Friday (1st December) sees the entry of Mercury into Capricorn.  The mental mode of Capricorn is practicality, and systematic and methodical thinking. Mercury in Capricorn favours planning (so helps with planning events for next year. Official documentation may need to be worked on, forms to fill, authorities to interview, etc.  Mercury will turn retrograde next week, when it has barely made its mark in Capricorn, so make the most in these areas before 13th.

On the last day of the week, Saturday (2nd), we have a sextile between Mercury and Saturn.  Thoughts and feelings can be channelled and harnessed into constructive plans and ideas.  Mental foundations can be laid.  The aspect favours documentation and again knuckling down to form-filling etc.  Geminis and Virgos have the chance to regain their balance, if they need to.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – helpful karmic information; emotional high tide; then misleading information
  • Wednesday – karmic focus on relationships
  • Friday – practical thinking
  • Saturday – constructive plans

Aspects for the week beginning 19 November 2023

Strictly Come Dancing 2023 – Part 3

There are some contestants who have been eliminated who I did not get around to analysing before they were gone:  Eddie Kadi, Zara McDermott, Les Dennis, Nikita Kanda and Jody Cundy.

There are two I predicted would not make it to the final, who have been eliminated: Krishnan Guru-Murthy, and Adam Thomas.

There was one that I correctly predicted would leave for personal reasons: Amanda Abbington

That only leaves two for this final blog!  Angela Scanlon and Layton Williams:

Angela Scanlon

Angela Scanlon first caught my attention as the presenter of Your Home Made Perfect, though apparently she has worked a great deal in fashion.  She has a distinctive personality and sense of humour (Jupiter in Sagittarius).  With Mercury in Capricorn she can have a dry wit, and Moon in Scorpio gives it an acerbic edge.  Her sharp enthusiasm, from Mars sextile Jupiter, comes across in the home renovation programme.  Uranus conjunct the South Node in Sagittarius suggests adventurous past lives.  I have greatly enjoyed her dancing, and still hope that she can wow the judges even more than she has done, although she did come top of the leaderboard one week, and her paso doble last night did wow the judges.  There was a bit of controversy about her legs – this week Craig said they weren’t supple enough, yet in an earlier week he praised her knees (Capricorn, her Sun sign, rules both the legs and the knees).  Her current transits show Sun/Mars on her Venus (sensuality heightened), Neptune square her Jupiter (feverishness, though her natal conjunctio of those two planets will help her balance the square) and Pluto trine Chiron (deep healing).  That all sounds good.  The end of the contest finds her with: Saturn trine Pluto and Neptune still square her Jupiter.  These are not brilliant transits, but I still hold out hope.  She is partnered with Carlos Gu.  I did not have his birth date last year, and it still doesn’t appear online.  Therefore I can’t analyse his transits, or their chemistry.

Layton Williams

At this stage, Layton Williams looks like a dead cert for the final.  At the age of twelve he appeared on stage as Billy Elliot.  However, his history of experience in dance has proved controversial, as against someone like Ellie Leach who has not danced before.  His birth chart is complex, and includes the early 90s conjunction of Uranus and Neptune in Capricorn.  He is high on emotion (5 Water planets), and his Sun is in Virgo sextile Mars (great energy).  More importantly, his Sun trines the conjunction of Uranus and Neptune, and I believe this is his great power.  His chart speaks a lot of leadership and showmanship (5 Cardinal planets, Sun sextile North Node, Mars exactly trine the North Node).  The Sun conjunct Chiron suggests he tended to have felt himself to be an outsider, but indicates ability as a problem-solver.  With the Moon closely sextile Venus, he is at home with the female side of life, and is close to his mum (dedicating his dances to her).  Where his weaknesses lie may be through having 0 Fire planets (perhaps an underlying lack of confidence), but also Mercury square Mars (irritability).  Both those are counterbalanced by a Water trine of Mars and Jupiter, like Angela bestowing energy allied with enthusiasm.  Although Angela has Jupiter in Sagittarius, which is strong, her sextile between these two planets is a weaker force than the trine which Layton has.  An additional opposition of Uranus to Layton’s Mars gives an electrical quality to his energy, but may from time to time make him accident-prone (hopefully not during this season of Strictly).  His transits now show Uranus trine his natal Sun (a spectacular time), Jupiter sextile his Saturn (very balanced within himself), the Nodal Axis square his Uranus (capacity to surprise, or shock), Uranus trine his Neptune (heightened ability to command complexity), Mars on his Pluto (slight aspect of danger), and Neptune trine his natal Pluto (accessing the depths of his nature).  That’s a lot!  At the final he will still have Uranus trine his Sun (a great asset), Nodal Axis square his Uranus, Uranus trine his Neptune and Neptune trine his Pluto.  A strong set of transits.

He is partnered with Nikita Kuzmin.  In 2021 I wrote of him: “He has an unaspected Sun in Capricorn, which may mean he is a free spirit.  His Moon is in musical Libra, and he has a dynamic conjunction of Mars, Venus and Uranus in Aquarius.”  Their chemistry shows up Nikita’s Mars square Layton’s Venus (magnetism) and Nikita’s Saturn opposite Layton’s Mercury (Nikita conferring mental discipline on Layton) it is true that Layton has trained exceptionally hard (and he is a Virgoan perfectionist).  Nikita’s current transits show Uranus square his Jupiter (accentuating the power to surprise and pushing the boundaries) and Pluto on his Neptune (a psychological stretching), which seems a fair portrayal of what is going on.  At the end of the series, he will have Saturn sextile his Sun (a controlled success), Uranus still square his Jupiter, but also a double whammy because Jupiter will in addition be squaring his Uranus (this could betoken something exceptional, for a gay dance couple to win would be a first) plus Pluto still on his Neptune.  Strong transits for both of them.

Sorry this blog is so short this week, but hopefully sweet.  Astrologically, the three for the final would be Ellie, Layton and Bobby.  But Bobby seems to be on the middle ground consistently.  I would love Nigel and Angela S to be up there, too.  Keep watching!


Tomorrow gifts us with a sextile between the Sun and Pluto.  This can bring powerful help.  If you dig deep, you can find the treasure you need.  It is a profound aspect which may help to show us the direction we need to solve our collective problems, and understanding the meaning behind our dilemmas.  This sextile can bring a profound air of quiet contemplation.  Use the opportunity of this aspect to strengthen your situation…

Mercury trines Chiron on Tuesday (21st), so the day has real healing potential.  This aspect is all about finding solutions, especially in health matters.  Mercury trine Chiron describes healing on a mental level (positive thinking, writing and affirmations), and helps to combine conventional and alternative or complementary healing approaches.

On Wednesday (22nd) we have a sextile between Mars and Pluto so  you may have the energy to push through a pet project.  It is a dynamic and active aspect, and you may find yourself spontaneously clearing clutter.  That aspect occurs in the early hours, so you could have lively dreams!

Late lunchtime sees the Sun enter Sagittarius. This event ushers in the general festive pre-Christmas season of Sagittarius. ‘Tis the season to be jolly, at least in the preparation and anticipation of Christmas.  Christmas itself comes under the sobriety of Sun in Capricorn.  Your enthusiasm and preparations now can help create and inject warmth into the big day, in advance.  Sagittarius also represents philosophy, working out your ethics, values and how you feel about the meaning of life, and religion.

Later in the day Chiron opposes Venus, so that may bring up issues which need healing.  It may be a case of “Now I am nice and settled, what is next for me to deal with?”.  The issues may be connected with one’s inner female, or one’s relationships.  It may be an artistic conundrum.

We have a square on Thursday (23rd), that between the Sun and Saturn.  This may bring disappointing or deflating news,  delay or frustration.  There is no shortage of such material on our news programmes, certainly.  The Sun-Saturn square is an opportunity to think through what you are doing, and your strategies.  If you are making economies, are they the right ones, based on your optimum values?

Friday (24th) brings another ingress, that of Mars into Sagittarius.  This is quite a bright note.  Mars tends to be intense and combative in Scorpio, so in Sagittarius it can use its energy differently; it has permission to be an Adventurer!  A new fitness regime would have added gusto at this time, or the mental gymnastics of a new philosophical study.  Mars is in Sagittarius until 4th January, so for the rest of the year you have permission to challenge yourself, in a good way.

There could be a glitch in this strategy however at the outset, for on Saturday (25th) Saturn squares Mars.  This can bring awkwardness – for example, physically you may want to push an issue, but that approach may not work.  Think before you act, to avoid clumsiness.  It may be difficult to obtain co-operation (e.g. on worldwide climate agreements).  An example of this energy is that a friend of mine got stuck in a car park on this aspect, when it occurred two years ago.  You may experience fatigue, including compassion fatigue, discouragement, and a feeling of not having accomplished all you set out to do in the day.  But, tomorrow is another day…

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – a profound start to the week
  • Tuesday – healing potential
  • Wednesday – pushy energy; ’tis the season to be jolly; healing needed in relationships
  • Thursday – need to consolidate what you value
  • Friday – allow the Inner Adventurer
  • Saturday – disallow the Inner Adventurer; risk of stuckness

Aspects for the week beginning 12 November 2023

Barbra Streisand

I’m a very private person. I don’t enjoy stardom.”

~ Barbra Streisand

Eighty-one year old Barbra Streisand published her memoirs this week, which had been 25 years in the writing, with nearly 1000 pages to show for it.  She has also given some interesting interviews, and highlighted some interesting liaisons in her life.

Birth Chart

Barbra has half her planets (5) in Earth signs, so is very grounded, and over half (6) in the Fixed signs, so is very strong willed.  The main zodiacal areas of her chart are Taurus (The Singer) and Leo (The Actor and Performer), which sums up her strengths immediately.  She has the Sun exactly trine her natal Midheaven (Careerpoint), which marks out a successful career as an Actor and Performer.  What makes the expression of her talent more spectacular is a triple conjunction of Pluto/Chiron/and the Moon in Leo on the cusp of her 5th House of Performance.  Her Sun is exactly square Pluto, deepening her character.  She also has Mercury exactly square Chiron, problem-solving mentality honed through crisis.  Venus is conjunct her South Node by 6 degs, suggesting she has perfected her singing path in past lives.  It is also revealed in her book that she is a great foodie, another Taurean trait.


It is quite clear that Barbra is a private person.  Several features of her chart point to this.  Primarily this may be because all her planets are below the horizon, in the personal half of the birth chart, and the only  planet which isn’t, her ruling planet Venus, is in the 12th House of the Unconscious in shy Pisces.   Sun exactly square Pluto can also be retiring;  Mars closely square Neptune is secretive, and Mars is placed on the I.C. (Security Point) in Cancer,  which is home loving.  Last but not least, Neptune is square her Midheaven, a case of not seeking the limelight, as opposed to triple conjunction in Leo (so there must be some inner conflict there).  She said in an interview that she is a different person when she steps on stage to perform.

Life and Career

Barbra was born in Brooklyn of Jewish parents.  Her mother was a soprano, and a grandfather had been a cantor.  Her father died from an epileptic seizure when she was one year old: this is depicted in her chart by the exact square of Pluto (death) to her Sun (the father).  I hasten to say this is not how Pluto square the Sun plays out for all who have it.  Her mother re-married and Barbra describes her step-father as cruel.  Apparently at school she was intelligent and curious but lacked discipline.  Discipline is a function of the planet Saturn, which in her chart is unaspected except for an exact conjunction with Uranus (The Rebel) – it seems the rebel swamped the discipline, at least at that time of her life.  At High School in Brooklyn she sang with classmate Neil Diamond. He recalls:

“We were two poor kids in Brooklyn. We hung out in the front of Erasmus High and smoked cigarettes.”  Later, they were to duet together on the hit song “You Don’t Bring Me Flowers”.

In the early 1960s she performed in nightclubs, and also took a job as a theatre usher.  She has said: “I always hid my face because I thought someday I’d be well-known.”  Her mother begged her not to take up such a precarious profession, but, in Barbra’s words: “My desires were strengthened by wanting to prove to my mother that I could be a star.” (6 Fixed planets).  The role of the “critical mother” is hinted at in her chart by the Moon square Mercury.  Early on, her singing was encouraged by a boyfriend Barry Dennen, who said, of hearing her voice in an early recording session:

“We spent the afternoon taping, and the moment I heard the first playback I went insane … This nutty little kook had one of the most breathtaking voices I’d ever heard … when she was finished and I turned off the machine, I needed a long moment before I dared look up at her.”

She was able to venture into acting, which had been her first ambition, by at first accepting stage roles which involved singing.  She then signed with Columbia records, releasing her debut Album in 1963, but not before ensuring she had full control over the content of her work, accepting a lower rate of pay.  Some of the greatest hits in her long career were People, The Way We Were, Guilty, Evergreen, You Don’t Bring Me Flowers, No More Tears (Enough is Enough) and Woman in Love.

Her first film success was Funny Girl (1968), then followed Hello Dolly! (1969) “What’s Up, Doc? (1972), The Way We Were (1973).  She then ventured into directing, starring in “Yentl” (1983),  a film she had wanted to make since being introduced to the short story by Isaac Bashevis Singer in 1968.  Her journey to its creation is fascinating.

Her Voice

Her voice has been described as “peerless” and semi-operatic, and is in the range of a Mezzo-Soprano.  Apparently, she has the ability to hear complete melodies in her head.  As a singer, her Venus (ruler) is in the 12th House, so she sings from deep within, and the Moon loosely conjunct Pluto shows the incredible depth of her emotion she expresses when she is singing.   In one of her  interviews this week, she told how her grand-daughter is a promising young singer.


Barbra’s first marriage was to Elliott Gould in 1963 who she met while appearing in a musical comedy in 1962, with transiting Jupiter trine her natal Mars (favourable for meeting men) and Pluto trine her natal Mercury.  They divorced in 1971, but had a son Jason, who is now an actor.

They separated in 1969 and then followed a cavalcade of relationships and admirers, which included Pierre Trudeau (two year relationship), Don Johnson (one year), Richard Gere (brief relationship), Clint Eastwood (brief), Andre Agassi (two years), Liam Neeson (briefly), Jon Voight (also brief).  She also reveals in her book that Prince Charles and Marlon Brando found her very attractive.

She has been married to actor James Brolin since 1998.  They do not have children together, but they had a dog Sammie, which she has had cloned three times.  She is a Democrat, through and through.

What a sparkling read the book promises to be, when I receive it, hopefully tomorrow!

“This is a dangerous time in this nation, this republic: a man who is corrupt and indecent and is assaulting our institutions. It’s really, really frightening. And I just pray that people who are compassionate and respect the truth will come out and vote. I’m saying more than just vote. Vote for Democrats!”

~ Barbra Streisand, October 2018

Next Week: Strictly Come Dancing – Part 3


The New Moon at 20 degrees Scorpio arrives tomorrow morning, enabling a new start to the new week.  This can be seen as a sign of Regeneration.  There may be a certain amount of letting go required, before the fresh start can be established.

In the afternoon, Uranus opposes the Sun, which will require new insight, resolve and conviction.  You have to get with the programme, or be left behind.  Maybe you are challenged by an upgrade on your phone, and can’t use it until you sort it out!

On Wednesday (15th) Mercury sextiles Venus, a combination that aims to please.  This favours socializing and conversing, and creative forms which combine art and writing.  There is potential for negotiation in diplomatic efforts (hopefully helping the peace effort, though it is not a major aspect, so in baby steps), and harmony and agreement between kindred spirits.  Ideal for cafe culture.

We have a subtly harmonious trine in the morning of Friday (17th) in the shape of Mars trine Neptune.  Under this aspect the peaceful spiritual warrior can flourish skilfully.  You can combine your passions with your spiritual path.  Meditation with movement is favoured, e.g. yoga, tai chi and qijong.  Peaceful demonstrations also chime well with this aspect.

By early afternoon, its beneficent action is reinforced by another trine, that between the Sun and Neptune.  So it’s a positive day for the expression of spirituality.  The Sun trine Neptune, enhances the  inspiration of the first trine even further.  It promises a graceful day:   expand your consciousness, and allow your imagination to embellish your work, or project in hand.

Saturday (18th) looks more challenging, perhaps in a similar way to the management of the marches which took place this weekend in London, for the Sun conjoins with Mars early in the morning, at 25 degrees Scorpio.  This may be confrontational, but is also an aspect under which  you can get things done.  “Action” is the word.  It is not a great day to be taking risks, however.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – new beginning; an element of the unexpected
  • Wednesday – cafe culture
  • Friday – the peaceful warrior; creative inspiration
  • Saturday – dynamic, but caution needed

Aspects for the week beginning 5 November 2023

Victoria Coren and David Mitchell

Victoria Coren surprised us by concealing her pregnancy and giving birth at the age of 51 to her second daughter on 26th October, revealing the happy news a few days later.  She and her husband are an intriguing couple, by virtue of their sharp wits and endearing love story.  What must it be like in their comedic household, one wonders?

Birth Chart of Victoria

Victoria, like her brother Giles (the food critic) has the Sun in Leo.  As well as presiding over her mental-gymnastic quiz show “Only Connect”, she is a professional poker player. I wrote under the Gambler Archetype: “Victoria Coren has the perfect chart for a gambler: Sun in Leo (speculation) trine Jupiter in Sagittarius (luck and gambling).”  Leo is the sign of “speculation”.  Jupiter is also the planet of humour, and her comedian husband David Mitchell (and outstanding in humour, he is) also has the Sun trine Jupiter.  Victoria and Giles’ father, Alan Coren, was a high profile Satirist, and Victoria’s own brand of humour I would say is satirical, like her father’s. An interesting feature of their synastry is that Victoria’s Mercury at 10 degrees Leo is exactly conjunct her father’s Venus, and her Venus at 10 degrees Cancer is exactly conjunct his Mercury!  Victoria has the Sun conjunct Mars (the Warrior Archetype) which provides the killer instinct needed for a poker player!  Another feature which is part of the poker player’s persona is a love of power – she has that in Jupiter square Pluto, and North Node trine Pluto.  She has a secretive streak, in Mars exactly square Neptune, which she used to advantage in concealing her pregnancy!

Birth Chart of David

David Mitchell, like Victoria’s father, has the Sun in the family-orientated sign of Cancer.  We do not have birth times for David or Victoria, but we do have one for Alan Coren, which reveals his Ascendant as Libra.  David Mitchell does a sterling job heading one of the teams on “Would I Lie to You?”, and he is undeniably a comic genius.  My hubby is a great fan of one of his other enterprises, the sitcomn “Upstart Crow”, in which David Mitchell plays Shakespeare. So it is very fitting to find that he has the Sun trine Jupiter comedy gene, as well as having Jupiter exactly square his Nodal Axis.  David also has the Sun square Uranus, a desire to surprise.  He also has a dour side to his persona, depicted by Mercury conjunct Saturn, which he uses to great effect on “Would I Lie to You”.  That, combined with an exact square from Pluto to his Mercury, can incline him to despondency at times, as detailed in his autobiography “Back Story” (2013) in which he describes secretly pining over the impossibility of winning Victoria for years, before they got together.  Where he sparkles, is in his sextile between Mars and Uranus, which I think is the secret to his likeability.


The two of them first met at Jonathan Ross’ Halloween party in 2007.  Mars was on her Venus, and simultaneously on his Saturn, sparking something.  But Saturn was square his Neptune, beginning the long struggle to hide his feelings.  They were dating by December 2010 and married on 17th November 2012.  As mentioned, in their synastry, his Saturn is exactly conjunct Victoria’s Venus.  She is able to soothe some of his natural despondency.  They have a double whammy because his Venus is also conjunct her Saturn.  His Uranus also squares her Nodal Axis, so there is a mutual fascination.  They had their first daughter in May 2015.  It is interesting that their second daughter did not appear until literally Victoria had her Chiron Return.  Both parents have Chiron in Aries, and Victoria’s is at 16 degrees of that sign, and Chiron is exactly at that position now.  It suggests that perhaps something needed to be healed, for her, or for both of them, before daughter number 2 came along.  It’s a very personal healing for Victoria, but the synastry between David and his second daughter is sparkling (his Sun sextile her Uranus, his Mars square her Uranus, his Saturn trine her Mars, and karmically his Uranus on her South Node) and she will be a real daddy’s girl.  We do not have an exact date for their first daughter.

There is a strong theme of both Saturn and Uranus in their charts and in their interaction, which suggests that in addition to high humour in their household, there are also rules, conventions and surprises in their lifestyle.


Tomorrow starts the week with a trine between Venus and Pluto, which is not a bad way to start.  It is helpful for money and love.  Pluto settles your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  This aspect helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  It is about deep love, deep awareness of your relationship with money, and profound artistry.

Tuesday (7th) brings another trine, that between Mercury and Neptune, in the early hours of the morning.  This aspect brings the possibility of mysteries being solved, e.g. around health conditions.  In personal applications, things may fall into place spiritually, and you may be ready to talk about a sensitive subject.  This trine brings mental inspiration, transcendent wisdom, higher harmony, spiritual journeys, and insight.  A small kindness can bring about significant mental healing.

Equanimity is on the cards on Wednesday (8th) when Venus enters Libra.  Venus is very comfortable in Libra, one of her own signs. If you have design skills in art or music, they could be heightened now, and in the near future.  At the very least, polish up your vocal skills.  She is in residence here until 8th December.

Thursday (9th) brings a sextile between Mercury and Pluto, in the first hour of the day (in the U.K.)  You could make real progress, or have deeply meaningful dreams.  This aspect can produce profound thought and communication,  honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  If you have something important lined up, you may be successful in getting your point across.

Another ingress takes place on Friday (10th), that of Mercury entering Sagittarius, around breakfast time.  Mentally, that brings more lightheartedness and expansion.  There’s an opportunity to hone your sense of humour, sarcasm-free; quick-fire wisecracks could bring a laugh a minute.

In the afternoon, Saturn squares Mercury.  This brings up mental weariness, in contrast to the new mindset for Mercury.  So much so that you may have to put your thought processes on the back burner for a while, trying meditation or gentle exercise instead.  This may give your mind a rest and a refresh or a reset.  If  you are worried, send healing to the situation to your best level.  The stuckness may suggest a new strand to your philosophy of life, incorporating the quality of resilience.  “What is being required here?” is a useful question. More haste less speed may also be a useful mantra to follow. Travel and communications could be slow, and mirror this process.  There may be talks, or a further impasse highlighted, in the rail disputes.

The last aspect of the week, occurring on Saturday (11th) is an opposition between Uranus and Mars.  Be vigilant for the element of the unexpected.  If you are driving, for instance, check your tyres or any safety issues which may be on the brink.  Another possibility is tempers fraying.  It is also the sort of aspect which brings out the Activist Archetype, so you may be campaigning for a particular party or against climate change, or whatever is your highest priority.  Of course, it is Armistice Day, and there is already controversy surrounding proposed protests and marches planned for that day.  Very descriptive of this particular planetary opposition.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – deep issues in money and love
  • Tuesday – mental inspiration
  • Wednesday – fostering equanimity
  • Thursday – deep and meaningful
  • Friday – a lighter mental note; then a more sombre mental note
  • Saturday – activism; sparks flying