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Aspects for the week beginning 9 April 2023

Nigel Lawson (1932 – 2023)

“My golden boy”

~ Margaret Thatcher

Nigel Lawson, famously a Chancellor of the Exchequer in Margaret Thatcher’s government, has died this week at the age of 91.  Many people would quarrel with his values, but  he did not care what others thought.  He was a Piscean, normally a sign that cares too much, but also a sign that can live in a world of their own.

Birth Chart

Nigel had Mars, the Sun, North Node and Mercury in the 12th House (a world of his own).  His Sun in Pisces was exactly trine Pluto, born to take power (in tribute, Keir Starmer called him “a powerhouse”).  Politics and Conservatism are shown in his Capricorn Midheaven (Careerpoint) with Saturn in the 10th House of Career.  But his strongly and strangely individualistic stances are shown in his placement of Uranus in the 1st House.  He was resolute about not following the herd, but enjoyed leadership (Ascendant in Aries).  He helped to shape Thatcherism, and as such the karmic economic path of his day, with the Sun conjunct his North Node.

His aptitude for finance and economics are shown by Mercury in Aries (accountancy) and a conjunction of the Moon and Venus in early Taurus (the financial sign), together with a problem-solving conjunction of Chiron and the Part of Fortune, also in Taurus, in his 2nd House of Finance.  He also had the Entrepreneur Archetype, in the shape of Jupiter trine Uranus.

Life and Career

Nigel was born into a non-Orthodox Jewish family in Hampstead, with his mother coming from a family of stockbrokers, while his paternal grandfather was a merchant from Latvia. From Westminster School, he won a mathematics scholarship to Oxford University, where he obtained a first class degree in Philosophy, Politics and Economics.

He initially pursued a career in journalism, starting on the Financial Times, and then moving to the Sunday Telegraph, and then to The Spectator.

In 1972 he wrote a book entitled “The Power Game” with Jock Bruce Gardyne, about power and decision-making.  According to the Guardian obituary by Julia Langdon, its conclusion was that “so often it is pure hazard which tips the scale of decision in the end”.

In February1974, he entered parliament as MP for Blaby in Leicestershire, a position he held until 1992 when he retired.

When Margaret Thatcher became Prime Minister, she appointed Lawson to the post of Financial Secretary to the Treasury.  In June 1983 she promoted him to Chancellor of the Exchequer, a post he held for the unusual length of six years. In this period of influence, he is said to have helped shaped Thatcherism, which he once defined as a:

“mixture of free markets, financial discipline, firm control over public expenditure, tax cuts, nationalism “Victorian values” (of the Samuel Smiles self-help variety), privatisation and a dash of populism.”

He had a strongly reforming aspect in his birthchart of Uranus square Pluto, and set about privatising British Airways, British Telecom and British Gas, paving the way for numerous other privatisations and deregulation.  He declared “We are seeing the birth of people’s capitalism”.

During his years of tenure, tax rates went down, as did unemployment, so for a time his policies seemed to be working.  In 1986 the City of London financial institutions were deregulated, and Lawson conceded in 2010 that this may have had repercussions in the 2008 financial crash.  Towards the end of his years serving under Margaret Thatcher, she began to favour a different economic approach, from Alan Walters (an advocate of the floating exchange rate) which ran counter to Lawson’s vision.

He resigned in October 1989, this relinquishing of power being shown by the transit of Pluto to square his natal Jupiter.  The Guardian obituary recounts that after his resignation William Whitelaw wrote to him:

“that Thatcher could not bear to be on the losing side of any argument and added: ‘That failing may ditch us all.’.”

The Uranus rising in his chart had a lot to answer for in some of his later involvements, as a Contrarian.  He campaigned for Brexit (arguably not controversial), and then for the denial of Climate Change (definitely contrarian).  He argued long, hard and passionately for both; they were not fleeting whimsical ideas for him.

He also tackled the issue of weight, Moon conjunct Venus in Taurus being a prominent factor in that necessity, and wrote “The Nigel Lawson Diet Book” in 1996, a book which sold well.


Nigel Lawson had six children altogether, depicted in his chart as Jupiter early in his 5th House of children.

His first marriage was in 1955 to socialite Vanessa Salmon.  They had four children together, including Dominic Lawson, firstborn, who followed his father into journalism (a Sagittarian depicted in Nigel’s chart as Jupiter at the beginning of the 5th House); and the domestic goddess herself Nigella Lawson, known for her unctuous cooking.  I wrote in 2013:

“Nigella was born into a political family: indeed her father Nigel Lawson is graphically portrayed in her chart as Sun in Capricorn (politician father) conjunct Saturn (accentuating the politics).  She did not have a good relationship with her mother, who did not treat her well.  She describes her as depressed, but as she is depicted in Nigella’s chart she comes over as fiery and volatile (Sun in Aries trine Mars and Jupiter)… She has a highly entrepreneurial exact trine between Jupiter and Uranus.” Note that her father handed down that trine.

Nigel had two more children with his second wife Therese Maclear, a marriage which lasted until 2012.  He later formed a relationship with Tina Jennings, a visiting fellow at Oxford University.

He has a unique place in history: hardly palatable to left-leaning climate-upholding remainers, but it was the life of his choice.   We all have that prerogative.


In the early hours of Tuesday (11th), Venus enters Gemini.  Although Venus is most at home in the sign it is just leaving (Taurus), there is a lightness and freedom of heart with the new placement.  It brings a more mental focus to relationships, and increasing communication around love, art and money. Your diary is likely to be full of engagements during the period that Venus travels through this sign, which takes us up to 7th May.  We’ll all be social butterflies, deftly spinning plates in social circles!

Mid-morning on the same day, Venus will be trine Pluto in Aquarius.  This aspect can settle your deepest feelings into a more comfortable psychological context.  It helps us through changes and transformations on a human level.  Venus in harmony with Pluto benefits both love and money.

Late on Tuesday brings even more benefit(s), with the Sun conjunct Jupiter, one of the most favourable aspects of the year.  It takes place at 21 degrees Aries.  It is an aspect of hope, or even celebration.  It will certainly be lucky for some.  Focus on what makes you happy, and make more of that.

The mood dips a little towards the end of the week, with the last aspect, on the afternoon of  Friday (14th) being a square between Venus and Saturn.  Perhaps your concerns are about close relationships and money, both of which are ruled by Venus, and under constraint by Saturn.  Maybe you felt let down by someone or you disappointed yourself in some way.  Forgiveness could be a solution, in that case.  We need a great deal of patience in our human interactions, and some may be dealing with rejection or sadness.  We need to acknowledge those feelings before we can move on.  Try and look at things differently.

Something may be salvaged later in the day with a sextile between Saturn and the North Node.  This is a chance to stabilize your karma, or listen to what is required to right things.  The answer may come during a spot of meditation, or while taking a power nap.  Allow your left brain to rest, and allow your right brain to provide the next constructive step on your path.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – lightness of heart; deep feelings and meanings; luck and hope
  • Friday – acknowledged sadness; constructive karma

Aspects for the week beginning 2 April 2023

Paul O’Grady (1955 – 2023)

funny, fearless, brave, kind and wise”

~ Lorraine Kelly

The nation had many reasons to love Paul O’Grady: from those who loved to be entertained, to dog lovers, to the LGBTQI community.  He died at the age of 67 this week, unexpectedly, but peacefully.

Birth Chart

Paul O’Grady had the Sun in Gemini conjunct Mercury, which accounts for his tremendous versatility: he was a “Jack of all trades” in early working life, with a huge variety of jobs to make ends meet before he hit the big time as an entertainer.  Sun/Mercury in this sign also accounted for his quick wit.  There was also a multidimensional side to Paul: there was more depth to him than at first glance, with the Sun/Mercury conjunction being  trine his Neptune and sextile his Pluto.  He will have been a performer in past lives, with the Sun conjunct his South Node. His North Node was at the Galactic Centre, which is a powerful position for his karmic mission.  His caring side (he worked in several “social work” scenarios before he was famous) came from his Ascendant in Cancer, which was exactly conjunct Uranus (the Activist Archetype, always sticking up for the underdog).  His Moon in Aries ensured he was always straight talking on an emotional level.  His ruling planets Moon and Mercury were square to each other, and coupled with the Gemini emphasis, meant that he had a strong alter ego needing to be expressed, i.e. Lily Savage.  But with the Moon exactly sextile Venus, there was great gentleness and affinity with women, and that was very much expressed in the care work, the observation of female family members, and his work with dogs.  The Moon closely trine Jupiter kept him positive and emotionally buoyant.  Jupiter joined Uranus on the Ascendant, and gave him the Entrepreneur Archetype, which helped his success (trining his Midheaven or Careerpoint), and defined an effervescent personality.  He had Venus exactly sextile Jupiter, a very sociable sextile, with a love of humanity.  Even so, it was often said, that he loved animals more than humans.

Early Life and Career

Neptune was exactly square his Ascendant, on his 4th House cusp, suggesting a secure, cloistered, childhood, which he described thus:

“When I look back on my childhood I have no bad memories. Our family was loving and full of affection. I never knew what divorce was until I moved to London. I was an indulged child and completely protected from anything bad.”

Paul was born near Birkenhead, to an Irish family, the youngest of three.  He left school at 16, and worked at various jobs (including the civil service), before getting involved in Liverpool’s gay scene, at a time when homosexuality was still illegal.  He attended meetings of the Campaign for Homosexual Equality.  While still uncertain of his sexual identity, he fathered a daughter Sharon, who was born on 16th May 1974.  She has her Mars conjunct his, in their synastry.  Among his jobs, he worked in that period in a care home for disabled and abused children. He also lived in London part of the time, and worked for Camden Council as a live in carer for the elderly, and for dysfunctional families.  All the while, he practised the art of performance in working men’s clubs.

Lily Savage

The birth of his alter ego, drag act, Lily Savage, took place on the afternoon of 7th October 1978, inspired by his Aunt Chrissie, and Marylin Monroe.  Virtually the only precedent at the time for his type of act, was Danny La Rue.  His transits at the time included Mars exactly trine his natal Mars (an expression of his sexuality), Jupiter  opposite his natal Chiron in 7th House (his alter ego) and Uranus on his natal Saturn, (a daring act).  Lily Savage herself, in her own chart, had Sun/Pluto in Libra, with Mars/Uranus in Scorpio, two highly charged conjunctions.  When his career progressed, around 2004, he hung up his drag act, around the time of his Chiron Return in 7th House – Lily had achieved the healing for him he had needed, for his life.

He presented various television shows, including Blankety Blank and Blind Date, before landing his own Paul O’Grady show, which ran for several years in different forms.  The show which he was most known for in this decade, was “For the Love of Dogs”, in which he was instrumental in re-homing numerous pooches from Battersea Dogs Home, a role he took on around the time of his Second Saturn Return.  Such was the response of the British affection for Paul and for dogs, that in the few days after his death, Battersea Dogs Home has been overwhelmed with donations.


In the first decade of this century, Paul suffered a couple of heart attacks.  But his death was unexpected.  His partner Andre Portasio described it as peaceful – Paul had six Neptune transits at the time.  Paul had only a couple of days beforehand appeared on stage in the musical “Annie” as Miss Hannigan, enjoying the part with great zest.

“I think I could lie there on my death bed and say, ‘Well, I’ve had a good time and filled a book. I’ve done everything I wanted to do’.”

~ Paul O’Grady, 2017


Today promises to be most dynamic, with a sextile between Mars and the North Node.  This is a positive expression of Warrior karma.  You may be able to get your message across directly and actively, in speaking your truth or setting an example.  Lines may be drawn (Mars has a short fuse at times, and is not suited to long-drawn out debate).

Tomorrow (Monday 3rd) sees Mercury enter Taurus, and the quality of the mental energy may become steadier and calmer than the fieriness of the last two weeks or so when Mercury has been in Aries.  This placing is better for negotiation, which is something much needed at the moment in this climate of strikes.  Practical ideas will be the order of the day.  Mercury will stay a while in Taurus, as at some point it will turn retrograde, but enters Gemini on 11th June, so this could be a productive time mentally.

Tea-time tomorrow could be stressful mentally, however, as Mercury makes a square to Pluto.  We have a great deal of travel disruption in the U.K., with Easter holiday traffic stuck in queues at Dover.  It is a square which requires you, among other things, to rise above negative thinking, or to get to the root of it.

Some of Monday’s issues may be cleared by Wednesday (5th), with a more user-friendly sextile from Saturn to Mercury.  This practical, studious, and ideal for planning.   This favours exacting mental work and documentation.  Progress can be made, including possibly for health related checks.

If you experience emotional tension on Wednesday evening, this could be due to the advent of the Full Moon at 16 degrees Libra in the early hours of Thursday (6th).  The Libra Full Moon entails a balance between the needs of two people in partnership, and hopefully works towards harmony.  This is the most equable of the 12 Full Moons of the year.

Friday (7th) has a most pleasant sextile, between Venus and Neptune.  It’s a delightful aspect – a beautiful expression of spirituality and the Arts.  New artistic avenues can flourish, ingenious ways for people to share art, music and performance can ensure the Arts are kept alive.

Finally, another sextile on Saturday (8th) this time between Mercury and Mars.  Physical and mental energies can co-ordinate.  If you are cycling a great deal to keep fit, you may find the wind behind your sails.  You may be able to cycle just that bit faster or longer, and your fitbit may register record stats.  You may also find shortcuts to your usual way of doing things.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – dynamic
  • Tomorrow – calm; then stressful
  • Wednesday – practical progress
  • Thursday – emotional high tide
  • Friday – delightful
  • Saturday – in sync

Aspects for the week beginning 26 March 2023

Putin Alliance with Jinping

Early this week Vladimir Putin of Russia met with Xi Jinping of China, presenting a chilling prospect to the world in their alliance, and trying to demonstrate they are a superpower to be reckoned with.  They present themselves as a balance against the U.S./European alliance supporting Ukraine, the country being invaded by Russia.  Xi Jinping declared that they were ready to “stand guard over the world order based on international law”.

On Friday 17th an arrest warrant was issued by the international criminal court, for overseeing the abduction of Ukrainian children.  The Guardian editorial stated in evaluation: “For now it is more of an annoyance than a threat or even a serious obstacle to him.”

It is interesting that recent years have brought alternative birth dates for both Putin and Jinping, which complicates the evaluation of their charts.  But I wonder if the new charts have been promoted in order to deflect and confuse Astrologers!  I am working with the original charts.

Vladimir Putin’s Chart

I wrote in 2012: “In his natal chart Putin has the power-hungry aspect of Jupiter square Pluto.  His natal Mars (Inner Warrior) is at the galactic centre, magnifying his power and emphasizing warriorship.  His South Node is in Leo, indicating that he would be accustomed to power in past lives.”

I added in 2015:  “He has Saturn conjunct the Sun natally which could be draining, but has Mars trine Pluto so that would normally keep him energetic”.

I would also add that Mercury sextile exactly Pluto, giving him mental strength and the employment of psychology.

In 2018 a television profile of Putin suggested that world domination might be on his wish list, but I don’t think the 2022 invasion of Ukraine was then on most people’s radar, though those who watched the situation in the Crimea seemed to suspect subsequent events.

The transits operating in Putin’s chart at the time of the invasion of Ukraine in February 2022 were Mars square his natal Mercury (irritability), Uranus opposite his natal Venus (burning bridges in relationships), Saturn trine his natal Saturn (a deliberate act) and the North Node trine his Ascendant (a karmic act).

Last night, Putin announced an escalation of the conflict in retaliation for Britain’s support for Ukraine, in stationing tactical nuclear weapons in nearby Belarus.  BBC News stated, in evaluating the situation, “US said it did not believe Russia was preparing to use the nuclear weapons after the announcement.”

Putin transits for Meeting

The meeting took place on the Spring Equinox, which favours new ventures!  A conjunction of Venus and the North Node favoured karmic relations, and the Sun sextile Pluto favoured profound discussions.  They picked a good day for it.

Pluto, powerfully, is exactly trine Putin’s Moon, and will be until 11th June, when Pluto turns retrograde without having advanced further than 0 degrees Aquarius.  Putin may be feeling powerful during that time, but Pluto does not return to 0 degrees Aquarius until next year.  Saturn squared Putin’s Moon at the time of the meeting, so there will be some disappointment or constraint in the meeting, probably due to having to keep a power balance with Xi Jinping himself.  Neptune opposed his Ascendant, which may indicate deceit in personal relationships, either in himself or the other, or both.

Xi Jinping Birth Chart

I wrote in 2022: “With Sun conjunct Mars in Gemini, Xi Jinping is a warrior of the mind; he has called his attitude to foreign relations “wolf warrior diplomacy”.  The power and strength of his Sun is shored up by a trine from Saturn, a trine from Neptune and a sextile from Pluto.  We do not have a birth time, but we know that his Moon lies in the powerful sign of Leo, giving him a desire to dominate emotionally.  His mental make-up is more complex, and as Mercury is his ruling planet it carries weight in his chart and his life: Mercury squares Saturn (a serious frame of mind), conjoins Uranus (some brilliance), squares Neptune (an air of mental mystery) and opposes Chiron (having to think quickly to solve problems).  Jupiter trines his North Node (karmic mission) and inclines him to leadership.  Saturn is exactly conjunct Neptune, a difficult conjunction which occurred in 1953 and affects most people born that  year.  The conjunction is squared by the opposition of Uranus and Chiron, forming a T-square.  Uranus squaring Neptune when overcome enables a person to handle complexity.”

Also last year, I wrote:

“In recent years, he has been sabre-rattling against Taiwanese independence, and human rights have been violated against the Uighur population (often described as amounting to “genocide”).  On October 23rd this year, like Putin, seizing advantage and opportunity with transiting Uranus sextile his natal Uranus, he cemented his third term and political longevity.”


Relationship with Putin

“Xi Jinping is a long term friend and ally of Putin.  The two of them were born about six months apart, and share positionings of the outer planets. During the early stages of Putin’s war against Ukraine expressed solidarity with Russia.  This stance cooled a little, as it became clear that the consequences affected world trade and world relations, and Jinping’s attitude has become a little more ambiguous.  President Volodymyr Zelensky of Ukraine hopes that China can tip the balance in ending the war, because of his relationship with Putin.  In the meantime, Xi Jinping is keeping us guessing!”

Jinping’s attested purpose for last week’s meeting was to position himself as a potential peacemaker in the current conflict between Russia and Ukraine, and bringing a proposed plan to the table, to that end.  However, in reporting back from the meeting, it does not seem very much was achieved.

Jinping’s transits for Meeting

Xinping had some high energy transits for that meeting, and the indications are that he had the upper hand overall.  Jupiter was square his natal Mercury (foreign travel), Uranus sextile his natal Mercury (lively discussion), Chiron square his natal Mercury (a headach, requiring problem-solving), Saturn trine his natal Mars (practical action) and Jupiter square his Uranus (taking a chance).


Jinping’s Sun is conjunct Putin’s Midheaven – Jinping can strengthen Putin’s career, or world position

Jinping’s Saturn is conjunct Putin’s Neptune – an air of suspicion and mistrust

Jinping’s Uranus square Putin’s Uranus – there could be a schism between them in the future

Neptunes exactly conjunct – there is a spirit of co-operation, to an extent

Jinping’s Pluto is sextile Putin’s Neptune – Jinping can be of considerable help to Putin if he so chooses

My question is, can they trust each other?  They are both strong, ruthless and autocratic, and know what the other is capable of.


Did you feel any sort of shift or notice anything symbolic when Pluto went into Aquarius?  Just before the event, I suddenly felt a sense of excitement and freedom, so I think that will be an element of Pluto’s stay in Aquarius.  As I mentioned under comments last week:

“Pluto doesn’t get past 0 degrees Aquarius this year, it moves so slowly, retrograding from the beginning of May. This means that most Aquarians won’t experience the transit to their Sun this year.

But we will feel the vibe from now until the beginning of May, to give us a taste of what to expect.”

This week’s aspects are not so dramatic, after two dramatic weeks, but contain three conjunctions, which are intense spots of planetary interaction.

Today, Mercury conjoins with Chiron, which can produce minor healing crises, but can also pave the way for problem-solving. One area which is especially suited to this conjunction in Aries is finance and economy.  Chancellor Jeremy Hunt may have an important announcement, or there may be a major development concerning banks.

On Tuesday (28th), Mercury conjoins with Jupiter, which favours learning and education, communication and good news, sales and transport.  The enjoyment of mental expansion and philosophical awareness should bring about a major uplift.

We have a trine between Mars and Saturn on Thursday (30th) evening, which favours practical action, and works that are deliberately planned and executed.  Hard work can pay off.

Later still, on Thursday evening, Venus conjoins with Uranus.  It is a vibrant social aspect, which may carry an element of serendipity.  People may question your sanity, however, or you theirs.  And it is not a good time for taking financial risks.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – healing crises and problem-solving
  • Tuesday – good news and mental expansion
  • Thursday – practical action and social excitement

Aspects for the week beginning 19 March 2023

Pluto in Aquarius


While some aspects are life-changing, and transits (personal transits over sensitive points in  your birth chart) are even more so, this week’s ingress of Pluto to the sign of Aquarius is world-changing.  Coming hard on the heels of last week’s ingress of Saturn into Pisces, the impact will be all the greater, especially for those who have the Sun, ascendant or a planet at 0 degrees of a sign.

Pluto has been in Capricorn for fifteen years.  I wrote, in January 2008:

“The principles of Pluto in Capricorn are subterranean activity (both emotional and geographical: “Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, nor secret that will not be known”) and also the breakdown (Pluto) of outworn structures and even traditional institutions (Capricorn) to make way for future rebuilding when Pluto enters Aquarius.  Some of these effects are already in evidence, such as the possibility of economic recession.”

The position now is very much the end of an age, the end of institutions.  The country is still (even with the pitiful ofer given this week to the nurses) under strikes from several unions of public sector workers, and the situation is similar in France.  Pluto in Capricorn promised the tearing down of structures and institutions: the NHS for one, is on its knees, and with no sign of the government coming to its aid.  Recent banking crises (banking being ruled by Pluto), such as the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, and the threat to Credit Suisse, are potentially devastating.  Capricorn also rules politics, politicians and authorities.  Politicians have an all-time low credibility, and those recently aat the top have reached unimaginable lows: Liz Truss trashed the economy in recordd time, Donald Trump thinks he will be arrested in a few days, Boris Johnson will be testifying on Partygate this week, and to top it all, Valadimir Putin is under an arrest warrant by the Internaational Criminal Court.  It sounds like a bad plot in a television drama, but it looks clearly like the end of a Pluto era, completing a job of work.

Pluto and Saturn are slow moving planets, but Pluto can also bring overnight changes.  Look out for symbolic events as Pluto moves into Aquarius, even before it beds in for its long stay in Aquarius which lasts until March 2043.  One cannot imaging the amount of change which will take place during that time, but Pluto (itself an agent of deep change) is entering the sign of Aquarius (the sign of sudden change), so change and transformation will be a constant, and that means we will be having to evolve!  As the element of Air, Aquarius may bring an emphasis on solutions based on this element, e.g. a dramatic increase in wind farms, and space exploration.  Aquarius also rules networking, so the internet, social media, and global communications, will all increase exponentially.  The Big Society will be more possible under Pluto in Aquarius, and community links can grow closer and more efficient in helping the underdog, such as the schemes tackling food waste and redistribution and sharing of resources.  Green shoots of the Age of Aquarius will struggle through the tilled soil of Pluto in Capricorn, so we may have more of the brotherhood/sisterhood of man/woman.

On a personal note, I can see a new era, as our neighbours of 30 years are moving this week.  They are moving close to the Spring Equinox, the first day of the astrological year, when the Sun enters Aries; and they are moving on the New Moon in Aries.  You can see what a momentous week this looks like altogether, after last week’s struggles.  So our lives will change, and those of our neighbours, and those of our new neighbours.  Perhaps you can already see changes coming up this week, in your life.  It is a time of endings and new beginnings.


Today’s aspects reflect the theme of endings and new beginnings, and the completion of jobs.  The first aspect occurred in the early hours of this morning, in the shape of Mercury sextile Pluto.  Mercury in harmony with Pluto in this way can produce profound thought and communication, honouring the gravity of a situation if necessary, and enabling meaningful debate to occur.  It is a good space for reading something profound.

Soon after, so also occurring during sleep and dream time, or possibly insomnia time, Mercury entered Aries.  Plain speaking replaces the flowery language of Mercury in Pisces.  Mercury makes a fairly rapid tour of Aries this month, so there is only a short window of this fast-track vibe: we have until 3rd April (i.e. just over a fortnight), which is unusual.  Mercury in Aries favours mental work which is unemotional and without frippery, such as accountancy and tax returns.  You will need to get to the point much more directly in your communications, and there is more sense of urgency about paperwork.  If  you feel overwhelmed by paperwork, stay in the moment and you may be able to stretch time.

Monday (20th) brings three astrological features, one of which is the Spring Equinox.  We begin with a conjunction of Venus and the North Node.  This tells us that it’s an important day in terms of personal karma. The karmic aspects of love (or the loving aspects of karma) are unearthed.  This conjunction takes place in Taurus, the sign of groundedness and solid values, so you will have a firmer idea of where you stand in your relationships.

Next up, in the evening, the Sun sextiles Pluto.  This can bring powerful help.  If you dig deep, you can find the treasure you need.  It is a profound aspect which may help to show us the direction we need to solve our collective problems, and understanding the meaning behind our dilemmas.  This sextile can bring a profound air of quiet contemplation.  It is a valuable time of assessment just before Pluto enters Aquarius.  Think about the events of the last 15 years, decide what you can let go of, and what you would like to project for the next 20 years.

At 21.24 Hrs in the evening, the Spring Equinox takes place, with the Sun entering Aries, marking the beginning of the astrological New Year.  It is the beginning of a generally more active, conscious, dynamic way of relating to the world (from the Sun’s more introspective time of its recent passage through Pisces).  For the population generally, if your energy has been a little low lately, you may feel revived.  You may have been wandering lonely as a cloud earlier in the day, and come across a host of golden daffodils.

Tuesday (21st) sees the New Moon in Aries, another new beginning, at 0 degrees of the sign.  The New Moon in Aries is the new of the new!  It is the first New Moon of the Astrological year, in the first sign of the Zodiac.  So it means the brightest of new beginnings.  Look to the future, unhampered by the past.  Set your intentions, wishes, creative visualizations and affirmations accordingly.

Around mid-day on Thursday (23rd) the main action of the week, month, year, decade or two, takes place: that of Pluto’s entry into Aquarius.  Yes, it is a Big Deal.  As mentioned above, it is World Changing!  It’s a time of flinging off old patterns, and bringing on the new.  Some of these we will consciously choose, and some may be imposed on us.  Look out for symbolic signs of a new era for yourself, your society and your globe.

The last feature of the week, which comes on Saturday 25th, is another ingress: that of Mars into Cancer.  It has been in Gemini for a long, long time, and Geminians have been super-active!  The new placement may see you putting more effort into family affairs, or being protective of others.  Nurturing instincts and nest building are to the fore.  Mars is here until 20th May.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – profound thought; plain speaking
  • Tomorrow – personal karma; powerful help; new beginning
  • Tuesday – another new beginning
  • Thursday – paradigm shift
  • Saturday – family energetics

Aspects for the week beginning 12 March 2023

Chaim Topol (1935 – 2023)

“If I were a rich man, yubby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dibby dum/All day long I’d biddy biddy bum/If I were a wealthy man…”

~ Tevya, Fiddler on the Roof

Chaim Topol (whose name means Tree of Life in Hebrew), passed away this week at the age of 87.  It is rare for an actor to be so closely associated with one role (though he did play others) as Chaim was for playing Tevye in the film and stage musical “Fiddler on the Roof”.  Among his other roles was as Milos Columbo in the Bond film “For Your Eyes Only”, the scientist Dr Zarkov in “Flash Gordon”, and Othello to Keith Michell’s Iago.

Birth Chart

Chaim Topol had the Sun in Virgo (the sign of the Specialist), Moon in Capricorn and the Ascendant in Leo.  Leo is the performing sign, and his Moon was in his 5th House of Performance, with his  Sun (ruler of Leo and his chart) was in Chaim’s 1st House – theatricality was in his veins.  But he was primarily an earthy individual, with half his planets (5) in the element of Earth.  With the Sun closely conjunct Venus he had a lovable quality, and also a penchant for art (something he originally wanted to pursue as a career).  Singing too is a talent shown by this conjunction.  The Sun and Venus were in a triple conjunction with Neptune, adding spirituality and idealism to his fundamental nature. In addition, he had a great deal of energy and enthusiasm (Mars conjunct Jupiter, and Mars closely trine Pluto) and was very sociable (Venus sextile Jupiter).  Religion and spirituality were nicely balanced in his psyche (Jupiter sextile Neptune).

Life and Career

Topol’s family had fled from Poland in the 1930s.  He left school at 14, and was not particularly academic.  His Mercury was unaspected, and he had only one Air planet, so worked predominantly by instinct.

Being born in Tel Aviv in 1935, before the founding of Israel in 1948, he fought in three wars: the Sinai war of 1956, the Six Day war of 1967, and the Yom Kippur war of 1973.  This is reflected in his exact conjunction of Mars and the I.C. (his security dependent on flight or fight).  He began acting while serving in the military.

The month of October 1956 seems to have been pivotal for his life.  On 2nd October he was discharged from military service, with Jupiter sextile his natal Jupiter (freedom).  On 23rd October, he married Galia Finkelstein, a fellow member of his troupe, with Neptune trine his natal Mars.  However, on 25th October he was called up as a reserve in the Sinai Campaign.  At that time, Mars (military duty) was exactly opposing his natal triple conjunction of Venus/Sun/Neptune.  He performed for the other soldiers while there.

After the war, he and his wife settled in a Kibbutz, and they had three children, later moving to Telaviv.

The Role of Tevye

When an actor is inextricably linked with a role, the persona usually shows up strongly in the actor’s birthchart.  In Chaim’s case, we are lucky enough to have his birth time, so we know the exact position of his Moon.  The Moon closely trine the Midheaven (Persona) means that he would be in the public eye, and he played a dairyman (a Moon ruled occupation).  The Moon is conjunct the North Node (a karmic mission in the public eye) with a trine between that conjunction and his Midheaven (so harmony between his conventional career and his karmic mission).  He also had Saturn exactly sextile Uranus – echoing the basic dilemma of Fiddler on the Roof – tradition versus progress.

Topol played the lead character in a 1964 film “Sallah Shabati” which was about a Sephardic Jewish immigrant family and its hardships.  This brought him to the attention of Harold Prince, who was looking for someone to play the lead role in the London stage version of “Fiddler on the Roof”, which opened on 16th February 1967, the play being an adaptation of one of the stories of Shalom Aleichem. Speaking little English, Topol had to be coached before taking up the role by Cicely Berry.  Considering the importance of the role in his life, the astrological transits were suitably momentous:

Jupiter was conjunct his natal Pluto (finding his power), Uranus was trine his natal Moon in Capricorn in his 5th House, establishing that Archetype for him, and Uranus also trined his natal Midheaven (careerpoint) in Taurus in 9th House, forming a Grand Trine.  Neptune was on his natal Mars/IC in his 3rd House, portraying a soft side to his courageous inner warrior; and Pluto was trine his natal North Node in Capricorn in his 5th House, establishing his karmic mission!

The film told the story of the dairyman Tevya bringing up three daughters in the village of Anatevka in the Ukraine in 1905.  It tears at the heartstrings in many ways: the harshness of the way of life, the pogrom visited upon the village by the Russian soldiers, the matchmaking of his three daughters (each match producing an ever increasing cause for concern and heartsearching in its dilemmas for Tevya), and in Tevye’s relationship with God.  Chaim portrayed the lead role with immense warmth.  In the Guardian Obituary, Michael Coveney writes:

“Irving Wardle again hailed Topol’s Tevye as ‘a living memorial to the comic genius of a tragic people’ ”

We have a fondness for “Fiddler on the Roof” in our family.  When the children were young, they used to dress up, act out and sing the musical with their friends, and we adults would enjoy the viewing.

When it came to the film version of “Fiddler on the Roof” in 1971 directed by Norman Jewison, Topol was chosen for the lead role over Danny Kaye, Rod Steiger, Walter Matthau, Richard Burton and Frank Sinatra!  Topol won a Golden Globe Award for his part in the film.

Topol did not stop there…he went on to play Tevye in this iconic role on stage, all over the world, until his last performance (3500 performances in all) in Boston on 15th November 2009.  The final transits included Jupiter square his natal Jupiter in Scorpio in 3rd House, Uranus sextile his natal Moon in Capricorn in his 5th House (severing this Archetype) and Neptune square his natal Midheaven in Taurus in 9th House (letting go of an important part of his career path).

He was made for this iconic and poignant role, and obviously loved the playing, judging by his never-ending appetite for the role.  His son revealed last year that he had a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, but at 87 he had a good innings and fulfilled the Leo rising aim of giving pleasure.

“Anyone who plays Tevye knows he can never top Topol. God rest his soul.”

~ Omid Djalili


It’s a roller coaster week, with ten astrological features, four squares, and a strong Neptunian dose of confusion – hold on to your hats!

Today, a rare conjunction of Jupiter and Chiron takes place.  This highlights the Healer Archetype, but can also bring about healing crises, and opportunities for problem-solving.  The possibility of the miraculous may also be on the table. and faith in yourself can be part of that.  Jupiter’s effect on Chiron is to magnify its Healing, and Chiron’s effect on Jupiter is to make life meaningful.  You know innately that the solution lies within the problem, and where there are nettles, dock leaves are not far away.

The last hour of Tuesday (14th) brings the first square, between Mars and Neptune.  Confusion may reign, so take that time for thinking things through. Meditation and activities which combine meditation and movement, can be helpful for centring, during the day, if you sense that this aspect is operating on your consciousness.

Confusion is also a theme on Wednesday (15th), and especially also in the last hour of the day, with the Sun conjunct Neptune.  Neptune combined with the Sun so intensely can bring high spiritual experiences and inspiration, especially if you are channelling or working with your creativity, in art or music for instance.  But for some, for example if you have a difficult aspect to Neptune in your natal chart, it may bring confusion.

Thursday (16th) is the big day in terms of astrological features, and so I have a timetable for you, which starts late afternoon:

17.13 Hrs: Mercury conjunct Neptune: This is not conducive to exacting and detailed mental work and documentation, but it can favour dreams, mystical states and spirituality.  They in turn can affect creativity, art and music in an inspired way.  If you are feeling below par, you may experience added confusion or brain fog, so it is best to plan your diary accordingly.

18.10 Hrs: Sun square Mars: The second square of the week, Sun squaring Mars, is a hot-headed aspect which can result in minor cuts and bruises through slapdash inattention.  Aggro, irritation and conflict are all possible under this aspect, so set out to have a peaceful day starting with a spot of your best meditational efforts.  Then radiate that calm to all who cross your path, while self-distancing.  You might find people sounding off, in anger, about things that are going on in the world, such as rows about people in boats.  If so, some advance preparation may assist in defusing agitation.  The energy, fire and enthusiasm which the Sun with Mars generates can be positively harnessed if you are especially mindful.

19.59 Hrs: Venus square Pluto: Another square, and it is time to contemplate, and reflect, rather than to dig even deeper, as it is time to digest recent experiences in a loving and healing way.  That may even include a damage limitation exercise.  Venus rules relationships and Pluto represents the force of transformation or deep soul searching, and both planets rule money, so all these factors may be on your mind and vying for attention, in some cases conflicting.

22.34 Hrs: Venus enters Taurus: Late in the day, with this ingress, Venus settles into a a happy bunny (or a contented cow) phase.  This may help to end a hectic day with a feeling of “all’s right with the world.  Within yourself, and in your relationship with nature (edging towards Spring), you are capable of feeling much more settled and harmonious.  This placement of Venus in her home sign continues right through to 11th April.  Those born under the Venusian signs of Taurus and Libra will especially feel its benefit, their normal sense of steadiness and balance.

The next day, Friday 17th, brings us another three aspects, so I might as well continue the timetable, starting in the early hours:

4.48 a.m.: Mercury square Mars: The last square of the week (you can utter a sigh, or a “phew!” after you negotiate it), occurs in the night for most of us (unless you are a shift worker) so it may influence  our dreams.  If you’ve been sailing along on a bright new health and fitness regime, be careful not to overdo things as you may be slightly incident-prone, partly through carelessness or complacency.  Another possible hazard of this square is argumentativeness and verbal conflict.  A careless word could have consequences. Dreams or nightmares may centre round trouble and strife.

10.45 a.m.: Sun conjunct Mercury at 26 degrees Pisces: As the day gets under way, you may become aware of the deeper issues, such as the compassionate implications of things.  The Sun and Mercury together may come up with some insightful solutions, and coming after the intense week may be accompanied by a little more calmness and relief from its dramas. Hope may be rekindled and the light at the end of the tunnel glimpsed.

22.25 Hrs: Venus sextile Saturn:  Last but by no means least, at the end of the day, comes a sextile between Venus and Saturn, which is a constructive aspect, a re-affirmation of where you are going, especially in terms of relationship, or art.  In the realm of human relations, it is about steadiness and loyalty: cementing commitment.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – healing and crisis resolution
  • Tuesday – confusion
  • Wednesday – more confusion, and inspiration
  • Thursday – spirituality; conflict; deep soul searching; peace
  • Friday – irritabililty; concentration; loyalty

Aspects for the week beginning 5 March 2023

Betty Boothroyd (1929 – 2023)

“The passion, wit and sense of fairness she brought to politics will not be forgotten.”

~ Rishi Sunak 

Betty Boothroyd, the first female Speaker of the House of Commons, died this week at the  age of 93.  An affable personality, and capable politician, she stood out as a straight talking supporter of the working class and for her all round popularity.

Birth Chart

Betty was a good advert for her Sun sign of Libra, having a good proportion of the sign’s attributes: popularity, charm, fairness, beauty (she won a contest) and musicality.  This was concentrated in quality by virtue of an exact conjunction of her Sun with Mercury in that sign.  So she had the sign’s spiritual and mental qualities.  The Sun/Mercury conjunction was trine Jupiter, giving her an expansiveness which drew people to her.  Mercury trine Jupiter is by nature a Speaker.  The office of Speaker in the Commons is the head of parliament, and this trine befits the office.  She proved to be successful and popular in the role.  Her Part of Fortune was in the 3rd House of speaking, too.  With the Moon also in the Jupiter-ruled sign of Sagittarius, she had a cheery smile and was known for her humour. The opposition of Sun/Mercury to Uranus meant that she was not afraid of being controversial, and there are some good examples of this in her life, such as a controversial maiden speech.  She ignored advice from Bob Mellish to “Keep your trap shut, girl, and you will get on”.  A journalist described her as having the “lip of a barmaid.”  Chiron exactly conjunct the North Node in Taurus gave her a very specific karmic mission, as a healer of sorts in her profession, and a steady hand on the tiller.  Mars in Scorpio gave her some toughness to counterbalance Sun/Mercury in Libra.

Life and Career

Betty was born in Dewsbury, and was an only child of textile workers.  She was brought up with political awareness, with her father being a trade unionist.  At the age of 12 she won a scholarship to Dewsbury Technical College.  She loved dancing (Mars closely sextile Neptune) and worked as a dancer from 1946 to 1952, which included a stint as a Tiller girl at the London Palladium.  That showed a performing side, which may be linked with Sun in Libra, but  a birth time would possibly  emphasize this.  When she recorded “Desert Island Discs” in 1993, she chose Ethel Merman’s “There’s no Business like Show Business” as one of her tunes.  A turning point in her life came though when she suffered from a foot infection, and sought a different life direction.

She had already shown an interest in politics, with her mother’s encouragement. She had became a member of the Labour League of Youth when she was 16, at the time when her progressed Sun moved from Libra to Scorpio.  The following year, with her progressed Sun conjunct her natal Mars in Scorpio, she was the winner in a speaking competition which took place for young socialists.  In the 1950s she worked as a secretary to the Labour politician Barbara Castle, a foot in the door of the political world.  She also held such a supportive post in politics in Washington for a while.  She was not academic in her school life (and had failed the 11-plus), so it may have taken her a while to build confidence: some of her humour has a distinctly self-deprecatory flavour.  Her first foray into direct political responsibility came in 1965, when she won a seat on Hammersmith Borough Council.  Eventually, after four unsuccessful attempts, she became an M.P. in 1973 (for West Bromwich).  Her star was rising, and she gradually built a good reputation among her fellow M.Ps, and a growing popularity.  She became a Deputy Speaker in 1987, and finally in 1992 she “smashed the glass ceiling” and became the first female Speaker.

Her Speakership

Before Betty took up this office, speakers were addressed as “Mr Speaker”, but when asked what she would like to be called, she said “Madam Speaker”.  Another tradition which she changed was the wearing of wigs.  She declined to wear the wig, and after her speakership the tradition was not resumed.  She had a signature catchphrase, and that was “Time’s up!”  She announced her resignation, after eight years, on 12th July 2000.  Transiting Jupiter was square her natal Neptune in Virgo: she was restless on her inner journey.


She collected an enormous amount of awards and honorary degrees during her life.  Naming just a few: In 1993 she was awarded an honorary Doctor of Civil Law from City University London; in 1999 she became an Honorary Fellow of St Hugh’s College Oxford; She gained a life peerage in 2001 (with Pluto sextile her natal Sun/Mercury), and an Order of Merit in 2005.

Personal Life

For a Libran, it was unusual for Betty Beecroft not to have married or had children.  But she would have liked children, and said that she had at least three offers of marriage, which never arrived at a convenient time.  Her Venus in Virgo may have made her very discerning in relationships.


She took up paragliding in her 60s, a hobby which  would suit an Air sign such as Libra, and described it as “lovely and peaceful”, a phrase which is distinctly Libran in nature.

House of Lords

She took up her peerage, and campaigned against Brexit.  The future of the House of Lords is currently under question by the Labour party, as the entry of members has been used inappropriately over the last few years by the Tory government.  Keir Starmer would like to see an elected House.  However, Betty had clear views to the contrary, saying:  “It is wantonly destructive. It is destruction that hasn’t been thought through properly.”  She was worried about power struggles and constitutional disarray.

Though she had a colourful personality, she was not a radical politically, coming from the right of the Labour Party, and honouring most protocols and traditions, while dispensing with some.  Like the Libran scales, a curious balance or mixture, but one that endeared her to a wide range of people.

“You never know what people are capable of until you give them the opportunity to show it.”

~ Barbara Castle


Today Mercury from Pisces sextiles the North Node in Taurus, setting up a productive element to the day: the karmic wind will be beneath your wings.  Communication will be highly significant and imbued with meaning, though subject to differing interpretations according to belief.  Solutions can be found: today after ten years of negotiations The High Seas Treaty has been agreed to protect marine life.  We have something to show for Mercury (contracts and agreements) in the water sign of Pisces harmonizing with the North Node (karmic necessity).

Tomorrow (Monday 6th) we have another sextile, that between the Sun and Uranus.  You can make this day count, in a spectacular way.  Spontaneity and innovation characterize the proceedings of the day.  Telepathy and higher consciousness, or liaising with a constructive group, are also favoured.

Tuesday lunchtime brings a Full Moon at 16 degrees Virgo, which is likely to bring some emotional tension and a desire towards perfectionism and practicality, at the same time as honouring spiritual ideals represented by the opposing Sun in Pisces.  Work and service are also principles of this polarity of signs.

Not long after the Full Moon and its tension, we have a major shift, in the shape of Saturn entering Pisces.  This is a big deal, and may be a relief for Aquarians (who will have their big deal arriving soon in the shape of Pluto’s entry into that sign).  Pluto will enter Aquarius on 23rd March, so enjoy the hiatus, Aquarians!  As you can see (if you don’t already know), March is going to be an important month, especially for people who have their Sun or any other planet at 0 degrees of a sign.  There will be changes, some expected, and some not so.  Saturn has a slow application, so you may see these changes coming, and some of them may arise from your own cuts and economies.  Simplifying your life may be an option.  Saturn stays in a sign for two and a half years, so you have time to work with it.  One important consideration for Saturn in Pisces is to work charitably for those struggling in society, e.g. in poverty.  By the end of the period, the government of the day may be able to put into place something to help, possibly after a huge public outcry.  Compassion is always a watchword for Pisces, but excruciatingly so for Saturn in Pisces.

There are two more sextiles on Saturday (11th), the first being Venus sextile Mars, which takes place in the afternoon.  This aspect is given over to pleasure and  indulgence, and maybe romance is also on the cards.  Art will have vigour, and movement will have artistry or elegance under this influence.  Social plans should flourish.

In the evening, Mercury will be sextile Uranus, giving rise to spectacular and unusual communications.  This encourages us to use all the new technology for our communications, and brings new ideas, heightening intuition and telepathy.   This aspect can amaze you and help you find that “wow” factor.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – the wind beneath your wings
  • Tomorrow – spontaneity and innovation
  • Tuesday – emotional high tide; deepening compassion
  • Saturday – sensuality; sparkling technology

Aspects for the week beginning 26 February 2023

Shamima Begum

“Shamima knew when she made the decision to join Daesh, she was going into a country where there was no embassy, there was no consular assistance, and I’m afraid those decisions, awful though it is, they do have consequences”

~ Jeremy Hunt

Shamima Begum, who as a 15-year old schoolgirl, went to join ISIS, lost her appeal this week in relation to the removal of her British citizenship.  She is currently stateless in a Syrian camp, and her situation is subject to much debate and disagreement.

Birth Chart

Shamima’s chart is very reflective of her character and situation.  First of all, she has 8 out of her 10 planets in the Fixed signs, which is very unusual, and describes someone who is stubborn once set upon a course of action.  Secondly, she has no Cardinal planets, which may show she is easily led (one of the arguments surrounding her is whether she was groomed).

Her Sun in Virgo square Mars is not averse to danger, though it is a loose aspect, and may be the sign of the Warrior Archetype.  Her Sun trines Jupiter  (a thirst for adventure and foreign travel), squares Pluto (deep transformations in life) and squares Chiron (acclimatization to crisis).

Her Moon is in Aquarius, which combined with a Virgo Sun, produces a cool and detached personality.  The Moon opposite Mercury  indicates that her imagination and rational brain can be out of sync. But the Moon’s conjunction with Uranus in Aquarius strongly speaks of the Rebel Archetype being very influential within her psyche.  This conjunction close to the South Node may be linked with the loss of babies (three in total), and may be karmically linked with Atlantis in past lives.  She’s not afraid to be controversial (Mercury opposite Uranus), and with Mercury also conjunct the North Node, she may eventually be a teacher, if rehabilitated, having that potential as her karmic mission.  Venus exactly square Mars means that she could be motivated by sensuality, but Venus square Saturn can betoken disappointment in love; while Venus square Chiron shows emotional wounds.  Mars loosely opposite Saturn indicates some harshness, and Mars conjunct Chiron is interesting: I associate this in karmic astrology with wounding on battlefields in past lives.  In Shamima’s case, she certainly experienced a war climate, in this lifetime.

Her birth chart analysis continues to reveal a great deal.  Jupiter square Neptune is an aspect which classically represents confused ideologies, especially between religion and spirituality.  She may have been in a state of aimlessness before being groomed by ISIS, and certainly would not have been thinking clearly on such matters.  Jupiter square the Nodal Axis may represent international karma, as someone who is half-English half-Bangladeshi, and married to a Dutchman, and is now stateless.  Finally, Saturn square Uranus denotes personal earthquakes.  Her camp is situated in Northern Syria close to the border.  It may not be very close to where the recent earthquakes took place, but it is certainly in an unstable territory, geographically and politically.


Shamima was brought up as a Muslim in Bethnal Green, and left the U.K. with two school friends in February 2015, after being groomed online and attracted towards a “better life” as a bride of ISIS in Syria.  The MET Police had had intelligence information originating in Canada hinting at the possibility of this happening, and had sent warning letters to the Bethnal Green trio’s parents, which were intercepted by their daughters.  The tragedy could have been averted (the other two girls are reported to have died).

On leaving London, Chiron was sextile Shamima’s natal Saturn (a deliberate decision with the hope of improving her life), Uranus was sextile her natal Uranus (her Inner Rebel had come into its own) and Neptune was squaring her natal Pluto (deepening her problems, and entering into dangerous waters).  The girls arrived at Gaziantep in Turkey (interestingly also the site of the epicentre of the first earthquake this year) where they were picked up by pre-arrangement and taken across the border to Syria.

Ten days after Shamima’s arrival she was married to a Dutch ISIS fighter.  Two of the transits mentioned for her arrival were still operational, plus Venus trine her North Node (a karmic romantic connection), and Mars trine her natal Pluto (a warrior connection).  They had three children together, one of whom (a daughter I believe), Shamima was particularly attached to and tried desperately to keep alive – her death (from starvation) was heartbreaking.

Found in a Camp

In February 2019, Shamima was found in a Northern Syrian camp by a war correspondent named Anthony Loyd.  The North Node was trine her natal Mars at the time (karmic exposure), and Saturn was trine her Saturn (an important turning point).  It must have been a crucial professional scoop for the journalist.  Anthony Loyd has the Sun exactly conjunct Uranus in Virgo in his chart (in an affinity with Shamima’s chart) opposite a conjunction of Saturn and Chiron in Pisces.  His transits on finding her were  Jupiter square his natal Sun (a lucky break journalistically!), Pluto trine his natal Mercury (a deep, hard-hitting piece of reporting!) and Jupiter exactly square his Uranus (a risky venture, in some way, a transit exact to the day).  Their synastry showed:   Her Jupiter trine his Venus (she provides him with a lucky break, or a scoop) and her North Node conjunct his Mars in Leo (a karmic connection).  In talking to Anthony Loyd, and later to Quentin Sommerville (no birth date available) she sounded uncaring and blase about the sufferings brought about by ISIS, though to some extent she was still wary of them.  Indications were that she had actively participated in the way of life of the fighting community.

The next day (with virtually the same transits for Shamima), Sajid Javid, who was Home Secretary at the time, revoked Shamima’s British citizenship, which meant that she could not return to the U.K.  For Sajid, Saturn was sextile his natal North Node (making a historic decision or judgement).  At the time, it was wrongly believed that she had joint Bangladeshi citizenship and would be able to go to Bangladesh, but it turned out that she would face the death penalty there, as she would be regarded as a terrorist. It is technically illegal (under international law) for the U.K. to leave someone stateless, which she now was.  She was deemed a threat to national security.

Heavily pregnant at the time, her baby, a son named Jarrah, was born on 17th February.  I wrote at the time:

“Shamima Begum, who as a 15-year old went to join ISIS, and who wishes now to return to the U.K., gave birth to a baby boy this morning.  The issue sparked a lot of debate last week, revealing a great deal of complexity around it.  If he survives, he is likely to have a complex destiny.  If his mother is allowed to bring him into the U.K. she would have to face the music, and may be separated from him.  With the Moon in Cancer, his psyche will be very much tied to that of his mother.”

Additional features of his chart were the Moon’s conjunction with the North Node in Cancer, the babyhood being part of his karmic mission, and Venus conjunct Saturn (a cause of heartbreak).  At his birth, Shamima had Mars exactly trine her natal Sun, to the day (birth of a boy!), Mars square her natal Neptune (uncertainy and precariousness) and Saturn trine her natal Saturn (facing the music). Jarrah died of a lung infection just a few days later, on 8th March 2019.  She had been found, but her newborn son, though hospitalized, had not been saved.

Appeal Denied

Shamima’s unsuccessful attempt to appeal against the government’s decision this week comes under the following transits: Neptune trine her natal Mars, and Chiron sextile her natal Uranus, not difficult transits.  In a recent television programme, BBC’s “The Shamima Begum Story”, she seems almost resigned to her current fate.  The programme included an interview with her Dutch husband.  In another programme recently aired, SKY’s “The Return: Life After ISIS” she is shown living amongst an international group of ISIS brides trying to return to their countries of origin (Britain being one of the most intransigent) supporting each other, and trying to keep up morale.

In an LBC radio broadcast this week, James O’Brien expressed the view that she should be accorded the same treatment as white teenagers from Rochdale and Rotherham who were seen as victims of child trafficking and sexual exploitation.

My own view is that she need not be a threat to our national security, as she would be under surveillance here in Britain, we would be able to obtain information about ISIS from her, and she could face justice in a court.  Life in prison, if that would be her fate, would be preferable to being stateless forever in the desert under the conditions in which she now lives.  In my opinion, that is no state for a human being.  Others might consider it just desserts, (or deserts – excuse the pun).

“The spectre of the supreme court’s ruling on Begum in early 2021 hangs over this decision by Mr Justice Jay and his colleagues. Reflecting that earlier judgment, we see a determination to defer to the widest possible extent to government on the grounds of national security, as well as a lack of any moral urgency in relation to the alleged breaches of Begum’s core human rights.”

~ Conor Gearty, The Guardian


As we have no aspects until Thursday, I will begin with a Fixed Star which aligns with our Sun on Tuesday, 28th.  The star is SCAT, the delta star in Aquarius.  We have a few applications from  “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld, the first of which I might find helpful on my Philosophy course:

 Further Education

“Scat can encourage people in their tasks when they need to delegate or to form a group interaction that goes on to delegate others. This is  especially helpful in research projects or the teaching profession where interaction of clear hierarchy is an important part of the work, an example being graduate studies under the auspices of various professions.  Such academic relationships are often made a little more acceptable to the people involved by work  with this star.”


There is also an ability her to accept and release some of the naturally occurring difficulties that are produced by bureaucracies.  The ability to  pierce through the veils created by bureaucracies is improved.    Thus individuals seeking to move through red tap to accomplish their goals appropriately may have insight and understand how the group interaction has created such red tape.  At a higher spiritual level, there can be a telepathic concordance between the people involved in such research projects or between those on a bureaucracy  who would seem to oppose you and your progress.  Various new ideas may come forth from this in the dream state.”

This may assist Rishi Sunak’s attempts to break the deadlock over the Northern Ireland Protocol.


“At the highest spiritual level there is a shedding of fear.  This can produce a deep willingness to become one.  This is only for those who are already open to such ideas, perhaps having studied Buddhism, Taoism, or other forms of understanding this oneness amongst people.”

Minor chakras

“This star can stimulate the heart chakra and the minor chakras in the palms.  The astral body is soothed.  For those who seek to use the astral body for deeper communication in the dream state, a natural strengthening and more healthful sleep will take place.”

Thursday (March 2nd) is the main day for working with the aspects this week.  First we have the great conjunction of Venus and Jupiter in the early morning at 12 degrees Aries, which has been visible of late as the two planets come together spectacularly in the night sky.  In terms of beneficence, this is one of the year’s highlights.  It is an aspect of celebration, social pleasure, and romance.  There may be announcements of engagements, for example.  Look out for some good news, and crack your best jokes.

In the early afternoon, we have a more exacting influence, that of Mercury conjunct Saturn at 29 degrees Aquarius.  The combination of Mercury and Saturn pins us down to reality, and brings communications of a serious nature.  You may have found yourself trying to come to terms with recent events or news.  The important thing about this conjunction is what conclusions you come to, and what constructive action you might decide to take, even if it is just taking up the ever present demand of decluttering.

In the late evening of the same day, Mercury enters Pisces, which increases mental focus and communication around compassionate issues, such as the vulnerable, those with mental health issues, and the state of institutions, such as prisons and the NHS.  In the period of its rapid jaunt in this sign (up till 19th March) compassion will be more easily shown and charity given, and it will be easier to receive ideas of creativity and inspiration.

The next day, Friday 3rd, brings a third conjunction, that of Venus and Chiron, at 13 degrees Aries.  This can warm the cockles of the heart, while as the same acknowledging wounds.  So it is very poignant, and some of the greatest writers of love songs have it in their natal charts!  Notable examples are Adele, Christine McVie, Burt Bacharach and Joan Armatrading.  So if you’re feeling it, write a poem or a song.  Forgiveness and healing are positive manifestations of this conjunction.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – progress in study, negotiation to cut red tape, alleviating fear, and healing minor chakras
  • Thursday – beneficence and celebration; exacting paperwork; compassionate mindsets
  • Friday – expressing personal wounds creatively

Aspects for the week beginning 19 February 2023

Nicola Sturgeon Resigns

“I am proud to stand here as the first female and longest serving incumbent of this office, and I’m very proud of what has been achieved in the years I’ve been in Bute House.”

~ Nicola Sturgeon

Nicola Sturgeon, the Scottish First Minister, heralded a major shift in politics with her resignation this week.  Not only does it shift the tectonic plates about Scottish Independence, but also touches areas such as Brexit, issues of gender, and a possible gain for Scottish Labour.  Coming after the shock announcement a few weeks ago by Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, who had overlapping concerns, their resignations may be part of a trend.

Birth Chart

I have previously written:


“Scottish Deputy Nicola Sturgeon … is a role model for the strong woman, and unflinching in her political aims….  She is comfortable with power, as her Sun is sextile Pluto… Nicola started young on her course: she was 16 when she entered politics”.

I added in 2021:

“She has the Sun conjunct Mars, the Inner Warrior Archetype.  Her strength comes from the Sun closely trine Neptune and closely sextile Pluto, and in addition the problem-solving exact trine between Mercury and Chiron.”

I have always found her formidable in debate, albeit arguing from an agenda of Scottish Independence.  However, I can empathize with her frustration about Scotland being forced against its will to leave the European Union, and being “under the thumb” of Westminster.  Recently, of course, the government at Holyrood was directly blocked by Westminster over its attempt to introduce progressive legislation about transgender rights (the “gender recognition reform bill”), which is a complex issue.

She was criticized about certain areas of her political performance, such as the recent record of Scottish education, but the progressive nature of Scotland’s tax system has earned praise, and heroically she faced her nation daily during the covid years.

She started young in politics, and has spent almost three decades in frontline politics, and ten years as First Minister.


Some of Nicola’s statements now echo those of Jacinda.  Here are some phrases from her resignation speech:

“I have believed that part of serving well would be to know almost instinctively when the time is right to make way for someone else…

In my head and in my heart I know that time is now…

my decision comes from a place of duty and of love…

I am a human being as well as a politician…

there is a much greater intensity – dare I say it? – brutality to life as a politician than in years gone by”

Her resignation comes with the following transits to her birth chart:

Saturn trine her natal Jupiter (a decision carefully weighed and balanced)

Saturn square her natal Neptune (soul searching and anguish, encountering complex and almost unanswerable questions)

Pluto sextile her natal Neptune (recognition the necessity for deep change, both for herself personally and in the wider concerns of her party and society)

Yes, she is right to resign at this time.

I personally feel that she has been a politician of integrity, in a period of years where integrity has been lacking in the government at Westminster.  But I know others who have disagreed with me on that, so I am just sayin’.  I believe in the Union between England and Scotland, but I also believe England should be fair to Scotland.

“I admire her for not clinging too desperately to her dream of personally delivering independence.  It must be tough to give up such a large part of your life…”

~Dani Garavelli, The Guardian, 17th February


Today’s aspect is Venus sextile Pluto, an aspect which encourages soul-searching and arriving at deeper concepts and perceptions.  You can add extra artistry and harmony to your current projects.  You can also experience profound connections between people, and it’s a good time for evaluating what people mean to you.  You may experience a volcanic eruption of creativity!

Tomorrow (Monday, 20th) starts with a New Moon at 1 degree Pisces.  This is the most sensitive New Moon, and a time to set intentions, make affirmations, and creatively visualize along the lines of peace in your own environment, and the plight of war torn nations around the world.  Lessons we have recently learned can be put to good use.  Issues around water are also in the spotlight, such as plastic in water, and sewage in water.

Venus also enters Aries early on in the day, which sets up bolder feelings to express and contend with, bearing in mind the general tone of the month will be the gentler Piscean spirit and idealism.  Venus is not entirely comfortable in Aries and therefore Venusian types may feel that they are being pushed to a faster pace of life than they are comfortable with.  There is a warmer and more demonstrative feel about Venus though while she is in Aries, so hugs may be more forthcoming.

All in all, it is a positive and constructive day, as we also have a sextile between Mercury and Chiron.  It is a good day for combining natural and scientific medicine, or alternative and conventional healing.  So you may be making or attending appointments of this nature.  This can also bring a satisfactory outcome in the arena of communication.  For example, something you might have been told was impossible finds a way through, and a problem may turn up with a solution.

Tuesday (21st) brings an awkward square between Mercury and Uranus, so be prepared for glitches.  Back up your computer files (mental note to take my own advice!), and consider I.T. loopholes.  Speech may be controversial.  Use your intuition to be one step ahead – the Universe may be trying to show you new pathways, and possible new perspectives.

The next day (Wednesday 22nd) is more dynamic, with Mercury trine Mars.  Communications may zip along, and the day could be very productive.  Much can be accomplished.  You can put your ideas into practice.

And we have a subtle aspect with a karmic flavour on Friday (24th): that of the North Node sextile the Sun.  This favours and supports creative plans.  It is a good day to settle on your direction in life, or for the week at least.  You may find that everything falls into place.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – soul searching
  • Tomorrow – new beginning; bolder feelings; healing
  • Tuesday – square pegs in round holes
  • Wednesday – communications more straightforward
  • Friday – favourable creative karma

Aspects for the week beginning 12 February 2023

Burt Bacharach (1928 – 2023)

“Burt was clearly bound to go out on his own. He was an exceptionally talented, classically trained pianist, with very clear ideas on the musicality of songs, how they should be played, and what they should sound like. I appreciated his musical gifts.”

~ Vic Damone

The legendary composer Burt Bacharach died this week, of natural causes, at the age of 94.  Hubby and I broke out into random duetting when we heard the news.  Some of his songs were the backdrop to our childhoods, and some came later.  Before the Beatles came along and changed pop music, his ballads were some of the best words and music combinations around.  His successes included 73 top 40 hits in the U.S. and 52 in the U.K., and his musical output spanned six decades.

Birth Chart

Burt Bacharach was born under one of the two Venus-ruled signs, the musical sign of Taurus (the other being Libra).  Taurus is very descriptive of the sort of melodic ballad which he wrote.  He had Venus in Taurus, too; Venus and the Sun in Libra would be lighter, more airy compositions.  With Venus closely conjunct Chiron in Taurus, he often wrote about the wounds of love, playing at the heartstrings.  Adele also has Venus conjunct Chiron.  With Jupiter closely trine Neptune, he could create a sense of moods on an inspirational level.  the brilliant success of his career is shown by Uranus exactly trine his Midheaven (careerpoint),

Life and Career

He was born in Kansas City, and his mother encouraged his musical talents – she herself was a songwriter.  As a teenager, he enjoyed jazz, especially Dizzie Gillespie, Count Basie, Thelonius Monk and Charlie Parker.  He went on to study music at Montreal, New York, and California.  He was drafted into the U.S. army in 1950, and teamed up with the singer Vic Damone while in Germany.  He subsequently toured with Damone as a pianist, and Damone was later to recall how much he valued his contribution (see the above quotation).

By 1956, he was working with Marlene Dietrich as her musical director, and this collaboration lasted for five years, at the same time as he was building a career out of songwriting.  She wrote in her autobiography:

“As a man, he embodied everything a woman could wish for … How many such men are there? For me he was the only one.”

Meanwhile, in 1957, he met the lyricist Hal David, who played a huge role in boosting Bacharach’s success.  While their fortunes were tied, they were guaranteed success, but they later fell out, and their synastry is mixed.  The height of musical inspiration was produced by Hal’s Venus exactly trine Burt’s Neptune. [please note this week’s Venus/Neptune conjunction, which could make a songwriter or poet out of you!].  Reinforcing that, was Hal’s Neptune sextile Burt’s North Node, so the inspiration was mutual.  Hal’s Pluto also supported Burt’s Venus in a sextile, which deepened their experience of feeling, useful in songwriting.  But the stumbling block was a square between their Saturns, which could be stubborn on both sides on an issue.  They wrote over a hundred songs together.

Burt Bacharach was married four times, and was quoted as saying: “I didn’t mean to hurt anybody, but when you wind up being married four times, there are a lot of bodies strewn in your wake.”

Remembering his Songs

Musically, he was described as producing “easy-listening” music, whereas in fact his arrangements were quite complex, and encompassed different genres.  He also wrote some highly regarded film scores. Here are a few of his memorable songs by just a few of the artists he worked with (sing along, if you will):

1957 The Story of My Life – Marty Robbins

Someday I’m going to write
The story of my life
I’ll tell about the night we met
And how my heart can’t forget
The way you smiled at me

1957 Magic Moments – Perry Como

Magic moments, memories we’ve been sharin’
Magic moments, when two hearts are carin’
Time can’t erase the memory of
These magic moments filled with love

1962 Don’t Make me Over – Dionne Warwick

Dionne Warwick worked with Bacharach and David for several years, and her relationship with Bacharach broke down around the same time as his relationship with David.

Burt’s relationship with Dionne shows up the following interaspects:

Her Mars was square his Moon, so quite fiery emotionally.  Her Mars was trine his Pluto, a driven relationship on both sides.  Her Jupiter on his Chiron in 3rd House, her ability to bring out the best and most healing from his songwriting.  Her Saturn on his Venus in his 3rd House, that is where there may have been too much demand on her part.

Don’t make me over
Now that I’d do anything for you
Don’t make me over
Now that you know how I adore you

1963 Make it Easy on Yourself – Jerry Butler and The Walker Brothers

If you really love him
And there’s nothing I can do
Don’t try to spare my feelings
Just tell me that we’re through

1964 Anyone who had a Heart – Dionne Warwick and Cilla Black

Anyone who ever loved could look at me
And know that I love you
Anyone who ever dreamed could look at me
And know I dream of you
Knowing I love you so

1967 I say a Little Prayer – Dionne Warwick and Aretha Franklin

The moment I wake upBefore I put on my makeup (makeup)I say a little prayer for youWhile combing my hair nowI’m wondering what to wear now (wear now)I say a little prayer for you

1967 The Look of Love – Dusty Springfield

The look of love
Is in your eyes
The look your heart
Can’t disguise

1968 This Guy’s in Love with You – Herb Alpert

You see this guy
This guy’s in love with you
Yes, I’m in love
Who looks at you the way I do

1970 (They Long to Be) Close to You – The Carpenters

Why do birds suddenly appear
Every time you are near?
Just like me, they long to be
Close to you

[Apologies if I have left out your favourite!] 

Of his own performances of songs, he wrote: ““I [tried] to sing the songs not as a singer, but just interpreting it as a composer and interpreting a great lyric that Hal [David] wrote.”

They don’t make ’em like they used to.

“Burt was a hero of mine and very influential on my work.  He was a giant in the music business.  His songs will live for ever.”

~ Brian Wilson


In the early hours of today Mars was sextile with Chiron.  Wilful types may see that their way of doing things is not working in a group situation (it may work for them on their own), and invite some healing input from others.  Healing actions and efforts can thrive under this aspect.  If it influenced your dreaming time, it may have rebalanced your system somewhat, between activity, rest and healing.

We have a sweet conjunction on Wednesday (15th), the afterglow of Valentine’s Day.  If you had a romantic time the day before,  you can savour it, or dine out on it.  Inspired artistic and musical expression is assisted.  Idealized and spiritual love may also be on the menu.  You may find inspired ways to show love.  With Neptune being in Pisces there is an idealized element to love (being in love, as distinct from loving):

“Rows and flows of angel hair
And ice cream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere
Looked at clouds that way…”

We experience a sharp contrast the day after, on Thursday (16th).  First, the challenge of the Nodal Axis squaring Mercury, a much more analytical way of looking at life, probably triggered by necessity or a demanding communication.  But it is an opportunity to tackle, or honour, your karma!  We can give more thought and exercise more mindfulness in our processes and actions.  Whether it is personal relationship karma or environmental karma, we can put our minds to what needs to change for the future.  Put into practice what we can do now.

Next, on the same day, is an unromantic conjunction of Sun and Saturn, which may deflect your attention if you are still basking in the Valentine’s week mood.  This conjunction bears a serious message.  Take note of the area/House it falls in, if you know it, as that will help you to ascertain the purpose of this event.  There is a great sense of concentration about this conjunction, focussed on practicalities  such as “what can we do about the situation?”  Caution is Saturn’s name.  Saturn demands responsibility, commitment, and common sense.

“…I’ve looked at love from both sides now
From give and take and still somehow
It’s love’s illusions that I recall
I really don’t know love
Really don’t know love at all”

~ Joni Mitchell

Saturday (18th) is a chance to recoup some joie de vivre, starting with a sextile between Mercury and Jupiter in the early hours, so sweet dreams of travelling may be on the cards.  This sextile encourages mental development and learning (if you are on a course of study, for instance), and is helpful to businesses in need of a lift.  If you are learning a new language, you may experience a shift and take off with it!  It will also be favourable for the teaching profession.  If you are travelling, remember St. Christopher is with you.

Then, at the other end of the day, late evening, the Sun leaves Aquarius and enters Pisces, and the general tone of life will become more soft focus.  We become more introspective and aware of our deeper emotions with the Sun in Pisces.  We also become more aware of the sentience and oneness of all life, especially the plight of the creatures of the ocean and the state of the waters.  This is the last stage of our winter introspection before the coming of the spring.  We are also preparing for the imminent entry of Saturn into Pisces, and taking into account a more empathetic outlook towards the general suffering in the world.  Perhaps a change in government handling of and attitude towards refugees and asylum seekers.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – rebalancing your system
  • Wednesday – sweetness and light
  • Thursday – karmic information; sober reflections
  • Saturday – widening horizons; charitable behaviour

Aspects for the week beginning 5 February 2023

Paco  Rabanne (1934 – 2023)

“I have always had the impression of being a time accelerator, of going as far as is reasonable for one’s time and not indulge in the morbid pleasure of the known things, which I view as decay.”

~ Paco Rabanne

The fashion designer Paco Rabanne died this week at the age of 88.  He was a textbook Aquarian in character, but fascinates also in his recall of his various past lives.

Birth Chart

Paco Rabanne is an Astrologer’s dream, because everywhere you turn this non-conformist conforms to all the Aquarian stereotypes!  He was futuristic (though was said not to regard himself as one – the classic Aquarian arguing that black is white!), unusual, and rebellious.  With the Sun exactly square Chiron in his chart, he enjoyed putting square pegs into round holes – he famously made clothes out of unwearably metal objects.  His Moon conjunct Uranus increased the Aquarian lode on his chart, bestowing great imagination.  Mercury conjunct Mars, represented the “Inner Critic” in him.  His sensation-seeking Mars exactly opposite Neptune is a key feature in his chart, and plays a role in some of his key astrological progressions for events in his life.  That he was self-possessed and in charge of his life is partly down to his Moon in Aries, and Jupiter trine Saturn – he was able to make judgements that served him.  Jupiter closely opposite Uranus, gave him the “Chancer” Archetype, always pushing boundaries.  He also liked Power (Jupiter exactly square Pluto).  Jupiter in Libra in his 5th House indicated great creativity, artistic and fashion talents, and it was trine his Midheaven, so easily put to use in his career.  But a stunning almost exact triple conjunction of Saturn/North Node/Midheaven in Aquarius tells a great deal about his story, and ensured that his conventional/unconventional career was exactly aligned with his karmic mission, and pushing forward into the future.  This triple conjunction also trined his Ascendant, making his life work more powerfully.

Life and Career

Paco Rabanne was born in the Basque region of Spain.  His mother worked as chief seamstress at Balenciaga, but his father  was executed during the Spanish Civil War, and his mother moved the family to Paris when Paco was aged five.  He trained in Architecture (one of the classic professions for Aquarius) and worked for ten years at a firm which developed reinforced concrete (represented in his chart by Saturn on his Midheaven).

In his spare time he made sketches for jewellers and fashion houses in Paris, and by 1966 he established his own fashion house.  He made his reputation in his  manifesto of “12 unwearable dresses in contemporary materials” in that year.  The dresses were made of metal, paper and plastic, and had a space age style (again, Aquarius).  At the time, his progressed Sun was entering Aries in his 10th House, denoting a very individual expression.  In 1968, his fashion designs were used for Jane Fonda in the film Barbarella (an Aquarian Archetype if there ever was one).   In the same year, he began marketing his trade mark perfumes, with the Spanish fashion and fragrance company, Puig.  He gave up fashion in 1999, but was a keen follower of Nostradamus, whose predictions ended in that year, and one of his own predictions failed to materialize in the same year.

Past Lives

He published a book in 1994, entitled “Has the Countdown Begun?  Through Darkness to Enlightenment.”  It was around that time that his past lives began to be publicized.  he would have recently had his second Saturn Return, and a transit of Saturn to his North Node and Midheaven, and this may have been a factor in his decision to make a stand on the material about his life, and to release information about visions he had had from early life.  It proved shocking (again, an Aquarian tendency), and led to some question over his sanity.

I wrote in a blog in 2011:

“One of the fascinating stories about Altair comes from the Paris fashion guru Paco Rabanne, who says he came from this “crystal planet” several thousand years ago.  In pre-Atlantean days, he said “`I travelled to Earth from the planet Altair. I simply came to help organise civilisation on this planet. There is no great mystery to it. Logistically speaking,’ he added, `that trip was simply a matter of applied physics.’  This story appeared in articles from the early 1990s and he has written about it in his books.”  The position of the Fixed Star Altair is the first degree of Aquarius.

He claimed to be 75,000 years old.  This may be fanciful to some, but not to past life therapists.  The books of Dolores Cannon (“The Convoluted Universe”) Parts 1 – 5 are an in-depth testament to  this sort of material.

Other lives mentioned by him involved the murder of Tutankhamun, knowing Jesus in a previous life, and prostitution at the time of Louis XV.  In his mystical life, he claimed to have seen God three times, and to have been visited by aliens.

He was undoubtedly a visionary, and his fashion house saw him as inspiring a future of limitless possibilities.  Whether or not you believe in his space age fashion and extraordinary spiritual claims, he must have opened a few minds, in his time.

“That radical, rebellious spirit set him apart”

~ Jose Manuel Albesa, fashion president of Puig


This morning in the early hours Venus was square to Mars, which may have produced sensuous dreams!  You may find during the day that you feel inclined to let your hair down a little, inhibitions loosened.  This square may also have a bearing on the battle of the sexes (within, or interpersonal).  If you are creative on an artistic or musical vibe, you may introduce a little cheekiness into your work. This aspect may produce some tension, but there is also tension gathering for the Full Moon.

At tea time, there is a Full Moon at 16 degrees Leo, so another stand off between the male and female principles (i.e. the Moon opposes the Sun).  Moon in Leo can be dramatic, and bring about power struggles.  But Leo is creative, and can write its own screenplay, especially if working in a balanced way within a group.  Interestingly, the disgraced ex-Prime Minister Liz Truss, a Leo, is launching her comeback today, which I don’t think is a good idea.  There usually is a crest of emotion at the peak of the Full Moon.  So this Full Moon may leave you with material to ponder…

Tomorrow (Monday 6th) brings a much easier aspect, that of Mercury sextile Neptune, ushering an influx of intense imagination.  This aspect will assist you in refining your mindset, because our minds will be open to receiving higher guidance more easily.  Delicate conversations and channelling will also be made easier.  Artistic efforts may also be rewarded.

The constructive vibe continues on Wednesday (8th) in the shape of another sextile, that of Venus with Uranus.  Whereas Mercury sextile Neptune can be a very inward process, Venus sextile Uranus is more social and may produce more outward manifestations.  For example, a chance meeting on a walk in the park or while out shopping is not out of the question, and may result in an impromptu coffee interlude.  Sometimes Venus-Uranus meetings can be strange or seem random.  Venus sextile Uranus is on the pleasantly uplifting side of the equation, and can bring reunions.  The three S’s come to mind: spontaneity, synchronicity and serendipity.

Friday (10th) brings greater challenge, with Mercury conjunct Pluto, with a need to pull together your most profound ideas and leave behind any wishy washy thinking.  This conjunction may have the effect concentrating the mind, possibly seeming to make the task in hand more difficult, but actually giving it more meaning, depth and thought.  This conjunction brings great scrutiny but goes deep psychologically.  Conversations and communications deepen in nature, and causes of situations and circumstances may be uncovered, such as motives.  We all become detectives.

Time for a change of mindset on Saturday (11th), when Mercury leaves methodical Capricorn and enters futuristic Aquarius.  We might all take a leaf out of Paco Rabanne’s book (but which one?!).  This is about big, bold envisioning of the future.  Perhaps there are ideas we have not quite been ready to accept before this point.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – the battle of the sexes
  • Monday – intense imagination
  • Wednesday – stimulating meetings
  • Friday – deep thought and communication
  • Saturday – space age thinking