Aspects for the week beginning 13 May 2018
Uranus Enters Taurus
“It’s been a long time, a long time coming
But I know a change gonna come, oh yes it will”
~ Sam Cooke [Sun in Aquarius]
This week’s arrival of Uranus in Taurus on Tuesday 15th May has been widely broadcast of late, and it probably hasn’t escaped your notice, especially if you use Facebook. Uranus takes 84 years to tour around the zodiac, and 7 years per sign and House.
Nature of Uranus in Taurus
Uranus, an Air planet is the planet of sudden change, sees no ideological reason why change should not take place, and the Earth sign of Taurus is resistant to change as it registers the practical obstacles and ramifications. Thus, the combination of Uranus and earth can sometimes result in earthquakes, both climatic and personal.
Historic Considerations – Finance
On its last entry into Taurus, in 1934, we were in the throes of the Great Depression, a financial crisis which began in 1933 when Uranus was still at the end of Aries. But Taurus is equated with finance, which is why many Astrologers predict a major overhaul in the area of finance. They also equate it with the rise in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin.
Raymond Merriman, an award winning Financial Astrologer, writes this week:
“…the interference of trading in bitcoin, or any market, by government regulators, fits with the symbolism of Uranus entering Taurus (disruption of monies), at the same time Pluto is in Capricorn (government interventions).”
Jessica Adams, who has been writing about this phenomenon for some time ahead, has done some impressive research into financial institutions which strongly indicate such changes. She states:
“From May 13th on, if you are not completely across Bitcoin, Blockchain and the rapid rise of competing cryptocurrencies, you need to be. The astrology is really clear. We are seeing a crisis and transformation for the banks and the finance industry.”
Historic Considerations – World Politics
In 1934, Hitler was cementing his power, becoming president and chancellor of Germany. His natal Sun at 0 degrees 49 m Taurus was transited by Uranus on 28th June of that year. Uranus had entered Taurus on 7th June, and on 30th June he instituted the Night of the Long Knives, purging the “Stormtroopers”, in the pretence of restoring order. Thus he managed to use Uranus on his Sun to enhance his power.
We have some crackpots and tyrants around the world leading our governments at the moment. Putin has just arranged to add 6 more years on to his powerful regime. The President of China has given himself a lifelong lease of power. Erdogan of Turkey has clung on to power for years, and cemented his position, becoming more entrenched and hard line as time has gone on. We have the wild and unpredictable Donald Trump heading up the United States of America, and the equally unpredictable Kim Jong Un heading North Korea with its nuclear aspirations. Donald Trump has challenged the nuclear aspirant Iran (headed by Houssain Rohani and the Ayatollah Khamenei), but is seemingly forging links with former rival Jong Un. They are to meet on 12th June. Much of the world power play centres upon the increasingly unstable Middle East.
Do any of these leaders have significant planets at 0 degrees Taurus, or at 0 degrees of a sign?
Vladimir Putin of Russia has his Moon at 0 degrees Gemini in his 9th House of Foreign Relationships. Uranus semi-sextile this point from his 8th House may deliver an emotional shock to his Moon, but he may quickly analyze it and incorporate it into his Philosophy of carrying on clinging to power regardless. A recent television profile of Vladimir Putin suggested that world domination might be on his wish list, but until the Russian economy improves this would seem unlikely.
Xi Jinping of China does not have any significant planets at 0 degrees of a sign. However, we do not have his Ascendant, which could conceivably be affected.
Recep Erdogan of Turkey likewise does not have any significant planets at 0 degrees of a sign. Neither do we have his Ascendant, which might be involved.
Donald Trump’s Ascendant is so nearly at 0 degrees, being at 29 degs 58 m Leo. His actions may trigger changes, with Uranus going into Taurus. Uranus trines his Ascendant 14-15th May (Monday (tomorrow)/Tuesday), and this actually will put him in a position of power in relation to fashioning change (whether we like it or not). Uranus enters his 9th House of Foreign Relationships, so Change will be a feature of this area of his life for 7 years (i.e. even when he leaves power), and some of that change will come from him, and some of that change may be successful.
Kim Jong Un of North Korea has two possible birth charts, one for 1983 and one for 1984 (both without times). In my previous researches, the 1984 has tended to look more accurate, but I will look at both:
For the 1983 chart, Pluto is at 29 deg 21 m Libra. On 3rd May Uranus opposed that point, and Jong Un was making peace around then with South Korea. This is not a convincing transit, as he would be more likely to be antagonistic under this influence.
For the 1984 chart (my preference), Mercury is at 0 deg 52 m Capricorn. This would see him around 2nd June making surprisingly lucid choices (Uranus trine his Mercury), and if he is limbering up to his meeting with Donald Trump, and continuing to spin the plates for China and South Korea, this does, again, look like the more convincing chart.
Hassan Rouhani of Iran has Uranus at exactly 0 degs 0 m Cancer! He will register change precisely at the outset of Uranus in Taurus, at 15.16 Hrs our (U.K.) time on Tuesday. Uranus sextiles his Uranus, giving him the power of change and choice, even more so than Donald Trump. This is extraordinary timing, though we do not have a birth time for him to provide more information.
Ayatollah Khamenei, the religious leader of Iran, has two planets at 0 degrees, Saturn at 0 degs 37 m Taurus, squaring his natal Pluto at 0 deg 52 m Leo. Again, we do not have a birth time. This gives him double relevance, and maybe some influence, but it does not strike his chart in a constructive way. Uranus transits his natal Saturn in Taurus on 27th May, which may affect his health. Squaring his Pluto, it may also affect his overall wellbeing or psychology. There is a danger that he may strike out unpredictably, if he is not preoccupied with health matters. He may have disagreements with Hassan Rouhani, who would be in a stronger state of mind, but may not find it easy to deal with the relationship.
The Queen
A special mention must be made that Queen Elizabeth II’s Sun is early in the first degree of Taurus, at 0 deg 10 minutes. The change will register very early for her, this week, 18/19th May, i.e. during the proceedings Royal Wedding itself. It may be a dramatic event, but equally it could be a realization that comes to her during the course of the day or weekend. It may be pertinent to the history of the monarchy.
Chiron in Aries
Looking briefly back at the ingress of Uranus into the preceding sign Aries in 2010, it was equated immediately with the phenomenon of the Arab Spring. Aries representing Energy and Force, combining with Uranus the Rebel, brought this phenomenon and the activism of the Occupy movement. The movement started in Tunisia, and then spread to many other Middle Eastern countries which followed suit, rebelling against tyrannical rulers. Some were removed (notably Mubarak in Egypt) and some proved obdurate (notably Erdogan in Turkey). A great deal of turmoil followed; the removal of Gaddafi in Libya resulted in chaos, and the upsurge of refugee movement towards Europe. Hope gradually gave way to despair. Tunisia was the last nation to admit that the Arab Spring movement had come to nothing, last year, just as Uranus was in the last degrees of Aries. Yes, some tyrants were removed, but the rise of ISIS and increase in terrorism came to inhabit the vacuum which was created. No great inspired leaders were able to bring coherence to their societies. Aries is a sign noted for initiating ideas, but not always being able to follow through to practical reality – a province which does fall within the brief of Taurus. Taurus tends to be determined to uphold the status quo, and needs to be persuaded that changes are necessary. It can follow through the ideas and ideals of Aries, if there is anything for instance to be salvaged from the Arab Spring. In other areas of life activism has had burgeoning success, notably in the “Me Too” movement, which came in at the culmination of this seven year sojourn.
Personal Impact
You will be most affected this month if you have a planet or angle at 0 degrees of a sign. I myself have Ascendant at 0 degrees Taurus, so am expecting the unexpected. Otherwise, you may feel the changes when the first transit from Uranus touches on one of your personal planets or angles. You will in any case see changes occurring for friends and family, or in society or the world, which may be thought-provoking or eyebrow-raising. If you are Uranus-ruled, i.e. have Sun, Ascendant in Aquarius or Uranus on the Ascendant in your natal chart, you may experience a personal change of focus or character as Uranus changes sign. For example, you may have been more spirited and fiery over the last 7 years, and may become more placid or earthy.
Thinking Positive
Taurus is a multi-talented and faceted sign. As well as finance, it represents Art and Music, the Earth, and Food. So innovations in all these areas can take place in this 7 year period, and some of these could be beneficial indeed. Uranus represents science and technology, and so these advances will become more concrete in this Earth sign, and often directly linked to Taurean related themes. Uranus has the power to shock, but it also has the power to surprise, excite and delight. Your own reaction to such changes may be dependent on how in tune your intuition is with the flow of what is coming and what is needed. Cultivating flexibility, we can enjoy the spontaneity of it all. We can learn that we can deal with changes that arrive unexpectedly, and feel stronger in that knowledge. It may also be that being pro-active in the changes you want to see will be more successful and empowering than standing about reacting to change when it arises.
Interaction between Chiron and Uranus
I wrote last month, for 17th April:
“More importantly, Chiron enters Aries that day: a major sign change. Chiron has been journeying through Pisces in recent years, a sensitive crucible of healing. Chiron coming into Aries will be more overt, and possibly more physical in its approach to healing. If you have important points in your chart at 0 degrees, you may have healing issues come up. If you have a difficult angle to one of your planets, then Uranus moving into Taurus in May may help, as it may counteract that difficulty. And vice versa, if your Chiron transit is an easy angle to a personal planet, then the Uranian transit may be more awkward. The two planets are performing a balancing act this spring.”
Reflections on Change
Some initiate change, and some have change thrust upon them. As I have Taurus rising, if a change of plan occurs I tend to see it as a disruption to my plodding pace of life. I hope to evolve my perception towards seeing it as an opportunity being created to do something differently. I need to be ready for that instead of trying to revert to my default pace.
Phrases you might hear (yourself saying)
“Something’s got to give”
“I didn’t see that coming”
“That was a bit left field”
*Ooh, Betty!”
“Surprise, Surprise!”
“I flow with Change”
“Surprise, surprise, the unexpected hits you between the eyes
The unpredictable, that’s the surprise you see, surprise! Surprise!”
~ Cilla Black [Sun exactly conjunct Uranus]
Eurovision Song Contest 2018
“We are back to caution for Saturday (12th), the day of the Eurovision Song Contest. Don’t go out rashly and put all your money on the Royaume Uni entry, for instance. The day could be incident prone, with minor upsets and abrasions. One Eurovision entry may nearly have to pull out, for example! Near misses may demand that you carry your sticking plasters wherever you are headed, and be prepared to issue kind words and soothe egos.”
(from last week’s blog)
Deconstructing the above, there is a lot that sadly proved true. Our U.K. entry came 24th out of 26, the Czech Republic nearly had to pull out due to injury, we actually had an “incident” during our performance, and dear Graham Norton issued kind words and soothed egos over and over again, rightly praising SuRie’s brave handling of the crisis and her spirited performance, and affirming our pride in her.
Our SuRie is a late Aquarian, with transiting Uranus sextile her natal Sun, providing great excitement at this time. She had two adverse transits from Jupiter, which can mean overconfidence (Jupiter square Venus and opposite Mars). It is not clear how much the Brexit factor influenced the voting, though we did much better last year, after Brexit had already been triggered.
The winner, Netta, from Israel, is a very early Aquarian, with Mercury at 1 degree of the sign, and her Sun at 2 degrees. Currently, Uranus is squaring her Mercury/Sun, and the working out of this will become clear in June and July. But her “Me Too” message was clearly a sign of the times, and as quirky as Eurovision songs come.
Interviewed a week before the final by the Independent, she said:
“[I was told] dress like you have nothing to celebrate. Dress in black. Dress big. Short skirts are not for you. Short sleeves are not for you. You’re not sexy or beautiful. You’re funny – that’s what you are. And you are a good friend. Well I am here to break that because this is a great evil that is done in the world to so many people.”
That success has come when she has Uranus challenging her planets is a reminder that we should not have any fear about being ourselves, and reassures us that if change is meant to be, and is in the flow of positive social evolution, it can be personally empowering. She said “I am very happy”. Uranus can be a progressive force in your life.
Mercury conjuncts Uranus today, so your mind may be bursting with information and ideas. Your memory may still be bombarded by the spectacle of 26 Eurovision songs last night. And then the voting from 43 countries…
But that’s enough about me. Communication should be at the pinnacle of brilliance today, polishing the diamond that is your mind (unless you are nursing a hangover from last night, in which case you may not feel the full benefit). It is a good day to welcome the power of surprise, and inspire others with your mental inventiveness. Telepathy, too, thrives under this conjunction.
At lunchtime, Mercury enters Taurus. The collective mental outlook moves from the direct and straightforward to more practical considerations, and earth-centred preoccupations. It is prime time for being in the garden and working out the best way to plant your seedlings and in what order. Whether or not rationalizing your gardening exploits is your thing, you’ll be bringing the focus of the mind on Taurean skills and occupations: Art, Music and Banking, to name but a few. To Bitcoin or not to Bitcoin, that is the question.
Tuesday (15th) is the biggest event, starting with a New Moon at 24 degrees Taurus. This is a new beginning for all Taurean related interests, and a chance to focus your intent on these for the next month, or year. You may take inspiration from visiting gardens or art galleries for instance, and looking at the achievements of the highest potential in these areas. You are helping to build the New Earth, as they say in New Age circles.
In the middle of the afternoon, Uranus enters Taurus: the unstoppable force meets the immovable object, as it were. You may register this if you are sensitive to Uranus and/or Taurus (see above), or you may observe it in events in society or on the global stage. For others, it may pass them by for different reasons, e.g. the timing is not critical in their charts or with their planets, at the moment. But it will be the beginning of a new process, and a new way of seeing progress and the way forward. We have exhausted the possibilities of Uranus in Aries, and must find new ways to circumvent and deal with new challenges, or new ways around old challenges we haven’t given up on.
Another ingress occurs on Wednesday (16th) with the entry of Mars into Aquarius. We may be in the month of Taurus, but Aquarius is such a strong theme this week. Mars breathes life and energy into social initiatives and projects, and especially those that support the underdog, and the vulnerable. Team spirit works well under this influence, and people pulling together as communities.
Also that day Mars squares Uranus, which is more tricky and erratic energy, but does emphasize the combination of Mars and Aquarius from early in the day. Mars plus Uranus/Aquarius spells Activism, but Mars squaring Uranus can bring awkward clashes. The electricity in the air could be tangible with the day’s mix of astrological influences. It is one of those days you need to proceed with caution, though you could be straining at the leash!
Better practise restraint and wait until Friday (18th) to make progress on practical plans and realities. Mercury trine Saturn on that day will help you to steadily build on initiatives from early on in the week, and good ideas which you haven’t yet been able to get off the ground. If you were bursting with ideas but unable to see where to start, things may fall into place in your mind regarding how to proceed and plan, even if just step by step.
And so we come to another big day, Saturday (19th), not so much an astrological big day, but certainly one full of vast expectations from football fans and royalists.
The service for the marriage of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle begins at Noon, with the royal sign of Leo rising.
Manchester United will take on Chelsea at Wembley Stadium at 17.15 p.m., when the Ascendant will have reached Libra. I don’t do football predictions (only Wimbledon) but wonder if Libra is a clue that Chelsea (the Blues) will win.
In between these two events, Venus enters Cancer (the fourth ingress of the week), at 13.11 Hrs. When the date of the wedding was announced, I wrote:
“Venus in Cancer is perfect for a sentimental occasion, and an excuse to buy a box of kleenex. However, with the Football Cup Final being held the same day apparently there will be household battles for the remote control.”
Venus in Cancer brings out our softer side, and sentimentality over family history and emotions held within its framework.
Just after the beginning of the football final, Venus sextiles Uranus. I went on to describe that:
“The main aspects are more descriptive of and suited to a royal wedding, though I would not go as far as to say that women will win the battle of the remote (and I would not wish to make such a sexist assumption)! Venus sextile Uranus provides an air of romantic excitement: people may fall in love on that day, or realize they want to marry! That aspect too is perfect for the occasion, in providing an extra special social atmosphere.”
So it looks like the sentimentality will carry on through the day, and somehow permeate the football event. Perhaps there will be a romantic proposal that day centred around the football world. Certainly there will be a celebratory atmosphere, and dudes will be partying on. Important new connections will be made. Venus sextile Uranus usually delivers on excitement.
This blog has begun, and ended, with Uranus…!
The week in bullet points:
- Today – brilliant ideas; practical thinking too
- Tuesday – new beginning, and big changes
- Wednesday – action allies with revolution
- Friday – progress on practical plans
- Saturday – hope, sentiment and emotion; vivid social meetings