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Entries Tagged as 'Astrology'

Aspects for the week beginning 22 July 2007

If it’s all been too much lately, what with needless worrying about the fate of Harry Potter, then it’s a good day to hibernate today. The TV images of underwater towns and villages in the UK will be swimming in and out of your dreams and meditations, and you need to rest and digest…and wonder […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 15 July 2007

The week begins and ends with a Mars aspect, so it’s Mars week. Time to dust down your Inner Warrior costume if it doesn’t get out much, and see if it needs pressing, mending or embroidering. Monday’s square between Mars and Chiron recommends we do that, because if we are not conscious of how we […]

Categories: Astrology

Pluto at the Galactic Centre

It may be no coincidence that Shelley Yates is urging us to Fire the Grid on Tuesday, or rather the Light Beings who are helping her. Pluto is a powerful planet in terms of shaping mass thoughtforms and it seems powerfully placed at the Galactic Centre. So environmental efforts on behalf of the planet would […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 8 July 2007

Someone asked me yesterday what was coming up in the week ahead…I had to confess that I wouldn’t know until this morning. Apart from the broad sweeping aspects like the Saturn-Neptune opposition we have just negotiated, I don’t get involved in the aspects until they are upon us. As I write this on Sunday morning, […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 1 July 2007

Hope you’ve had the sense to look at this blog early on Sunday this week, as there is a panoply of aspects queuing up for you to deal with, even if you are not the new Prime Minister. Today Venus is conjunct Saturn, which is a bittersweet conjunction like a chocolate with two sides. If […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 24 June 2007

This evening brings the arrival of Mars in the sign of Taurus. For those with a strong emphasis of Taurus in their charts, its presence will stimulate their creativity over the next six weeks. If new ideas for creative projects present themselves to you this week, you may be an honorary Taurean or responding to […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 17 June 2007

We’re embarking on a week of contrasting light and shade as we cruise towards the first major aspect of the week which comes on Tuesday. Consolidate the projects and wishes from last Friday’s Gemini New Moon in this period. The poet Walt Whitman said: “There was a child went forth every day, and the first […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 10 June 2007

The rhythm of this week’s aspects resembles the quick-step: slow, slow, quick-quick slow, or to be more accurate slow, quick, slow etc. Today you might be grateful for a slow start, in order to absorb the surprises of yesterday’s aspect. Perhaps someone got in touch from the past out of the blue, taking you back […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 3 June 2007

Tomorrow (4th) kicks off with a trine between Mars and Jupiter in fire signs. If you’ve had a lazy weekend, this may jump-start your enthusiasm for the task in hand, be it a work project or a leisure project. It favours both sporting activities and philosophical explaorations. So if you are planning something special this […]

Categories: Astrology

Aspects for the week beginning 27 May 2007

Mercury opposite Pluto today may start for some the build up of tension towards the Full Moon on Friday, especially if you are by habit susceptible. Our valiant Moon Researchers (Moonpod for short) are still beavering away trying to make sense of why some people are and some people aren’t sometimes or always. Back to […]

Categories: Astrology