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Neptune, North Node and Chiron conjunction: Keeping Tabs

This one hasn’t gone away and in fact we are approaching the second phase, that of Chiron’s conjunction with the North Node. Over the summer months, Chiron which is now about one degree away from the North Node will conjunct and for a time travel together with the North Node, and still within the influence of the energies of Neptune. This will take place roughly over the summer months of June, July and August 2008, and I hope to say more on the subject later. It will take place for most of you in the same House (or area of life) as the Neptune/North Node phase of the conjucntion and the issues may be related to those happenings or sequential to them. There will be a greater emphasis on healing, old wounds, healing old wounds, and releasing attachment to them. The recent conjunction between the North Node and Neptune may have hinted to you of a healing project within the area of your life in which it was operating. So, hopefully, a summer of healing?

Aspects for the week beginning 4 May 2008

Today and tomorrow Neptune conjuncts the True North Node, and so there is still time to weave something beautiful out of this spiritual and karmic opportunity, using the information you have gathered over the last week. Why not have a get-together, or two/three or four…for after the stroke of midnight there is a New Moon in Taurus, so today is perfect for affirming that your needs will be provided for and meditating on what are your true needs and those of the planet: true needs for the true node. Tomorrow (Monday 5th) is good for material needs and for sharing any excess, like the bountiful Buddha whose birthday is close to this time. And if you don’t have materiality to share, then share your time or energy or other resources. Friday (9th) – what happened to the rest of the week? – two planets are making significant movements. Sorry, Jupiter doesn’t actually move, it goes Stationary prior to moving backwards. Sagittarians may pirouette and then suddenly take a necessary U-turn in some area of their life or philosophy. But Mars the Mover does move, into Fire sign Leo – salamander heaven. I am hoping that might mean sunnier weather, and we are due for a spot over the UK. Have we earned some, guilt-free? If so, enjoy. Looking ahead, after phase one of the Triple Conjunction (Neptune conjunct the North Node) I am taking a break from being a bore on the subject, but will be back soon with the new delights of phase two: Chiron conjunct North Node. Phase three (Chiron conjunct Neptune) will be later still…it is a work in progress. And for those who feel cheated of their Tuesday to Thursday forecast, create your own middle of the week and cut and paste it in.

Aspects for the week beginning 27 April 2008

To save me repeating myself, read my latest blog about the Triple Conjuction (of which this week’s Neptune conjunct the Mean North Node is the first phase) as it dominate’s the week’s experience – all the rest is mere frippery in comparison! If you can get it right on the main event, then the other aspects will fall into place more easily. So Neptune and the North Node represent the background and bigger picture, and Mercury represents the detail of the week and the more minor events. That said, it is worth paying attention to the detail this week to get the best results. Today may be a little frazzled mentally with Mercury square Chiron, but it may just be pre-triple-conjunction nerves as the next two days will see the most potent manifestation of the union of Neptune and the North Node (with Chiron trailing three degrees behind). If you are feeling edgy or irascible, then make the most of any opportunity to take your mind off your worries today. Get lost in a relaxing activity which bears no relation to your routine, and you may come back to your preoccupations with a different outlook. Monday (28th) and Tuesday (29th) will bring in the main results of the Neptune/North Node wrangles which have been building up in your life but may also impinge on the political scene (who will have the upper hand? Hillary or Barack, Ken or Boris, Mugabe or Tsvangirai?) in situations which remain on tenterhooks. The North Node/Neptune combination can also bring about true spiritual communion – and perhaps the Chinese government really will hold talks with aides of the Dalai Lama… Meanwhile, back to the main Mercury story, the winged messenger makes two helpful aspects on Monday, first a sextile with Uranus which will allow some lateral thinking and solutions to emerge, then a trine with Jupiter which widens the lens of vision and understanding all round. Tuesday and Wednesday (30th) see Mercury seeking attention again as it squares the Nodes and asks: “Whatcha gonna do about it?” like a sulky teenager. You will be forced to decide if you’re bothered. To make matters more confused, Mercury also squares Neptune on Tuesday, so that you may have to bypass the mind to understand what is going on. Reach for the higher dimensions, speak from the heart, or ground yourself. It’s as if there’s a message on your mental screen saying services are temporarily disrupted. This may enable a transition to take place, or a reconnection to other ways of looking at things. But by the evening (UK time) a transition may have taken place and reconnections may be established, because Mercury sextiles Mars, and the left hand will once again know what the right hand is doing and they may both have been manicured in the process. Wednesday also sees Venus changing signs (it’s not all Mercury-Mercury-Mercury) coming into her home ground of Taurus, where she operates better and feels under less pressure. If you Venusians out there have had a hard time while Venus has been in Aries, you may be able to set the pace and experience a more even flow once she changes signs. Artistic and musical ventures may get the go-ahead now. Andrew Lloyd-Webber may have spotted his Nancy. Thursday (1st May) brings more good news and good feeling emanating from Venus as she makes a Grand Trine with Pluto and Saturn. This favours the best laid artistic, musical and relationship plans. Proposals and engagements which may have been thwarted in recent weeks may achieve a breakthrough now. Mercury grabs back the limelight on Friday (2nd) by flitting into its home territory of Gemini, bringing a lighter touch to conversation and maybe a fit of the giggles. It forms a double act on Saturday (3rd) with Saturn, but in a stodgy way, going back over old ground mentally. “Do we really have to revise this?” asks the student. But actually, with Saturn going forward from its retrograde position on this day, you will see the reason for the revision and you may well understand a lot more than you understood the first time round. You may think it’s a drag, but it’s always good to have solid foundations to your studies.

Neptune, North Node and Chiron conjunction: Now

I wasn’t planning to write a fifth blog on the Triple Con at this point, but having lived and breathed it for the last four weeks, and observing how it is taking shape, I’ve got too much to say, not to. Even so I will try and keep it brief. This week sees the first phase of the first conjunction, between Neptune and the Mean North Node. Next weekend Neptune will be conjunct the True North Node which may give a slightly different perspective, and this week the experience will be in-between the two, so there may be slightly different nuances at these times. Slightly later in the year as the North Node and Neptune retrograde, they will in turn conjoin with Chiron, so I will keep monitoring these components of the triple conjunction. It seems to me that the categories of experience as we come up to the first main event are falling into three types, sometimes interconnecting. The largest category is that of “Disentangling Karma” and this seems to be formed by group patterns ranging from three or more persons. Neptune is a great planet for paradox, and one of the paradoxes is that you have to experience the karma to disentangle it. So groups are coming together, or sometimes being forced to rub shoulders, in order to recognize the karma and what needs healing, and possibly to change habits of lifetimes. You may find that people are moving out of homes or countries this week, or being shunted to new places to meet people they have seemingly never met before but in fact may know in their souls. The second category is that of “Spiritual Emergency” and you may already have noticed someone in your midst who is undergoing an intense psycho-spiritual crisis and needs constant attention. For some the crisis will be physical, even to the point of actual medical intervention, but it is probably something which has been coming on for some time. On a wider social scale, the ramifications of the current oil (Neptune) crisis in the UK for instance is a chance to work with issues of planetary karma. The third category is that of “Spiritual Communion” where Neptunian vibrations have already been worked on, and perhaps a person is very comfortable with its energies, leaving the channel free to the divine and openness to inspiration and higher frequencies. If you are fortunate to be on safer ground, you will realize that we all have a responsibility to the whole and that we are all one, and so we have to do our utmost to help a soul who is enmeshed in the Spiritual Emergency. It may help to tune into the work of Stanislav Grof on this subject particularly if an issue of mental health is involved, or appeal to the Master Jesus who is a direct line to Neptune, alternatively if you prefer to work with a female divinity Kwan Yin is a Goddess for compassion.

Exploring Colour, Light and Sound

Barry Stevens the Mandala Man is back in town in mid-May and so if it has ever crossed your mind to try your hand at painting mandalas, book yourself in for the next Exploring Colour, Light and Sound Workshop held by Barry and Felicity Cook who of course supplies the mellifluous dimension. She also holds a regular SoundPod and recently started a PaintPod for painting which spills over from mandalic work. Visit either of their websites through my Contacts page. The dates are May 16th-18th 2008, and the town is – well a village actually: Snailwell, near Newmarket.

Aspects for the week beginning 20 April 2008

It’s already afternoon, and I have missed blogging about the Full Moon which fell exactly opposite my Descendant, and am also behind in sending out the Moonpod questionnaires…The Scorpio Full Moon is a particularly intense one especially emotionally, as by now you will be able to testify. However, teatime will give you a chance to reassess and reaffirm how much your nearest and dearest mean to you, and how much life itself means, as the Sun trines Pluto. Tomorrow the Sun trines Saturn, completing a Grand Trine with Pluto, and so the best-laid plans can come to fruition. It’s a good day for instance for finalizing mortgage plans even in this tricky economic climate, if you have done your research and proceed with seriousness and commitment. Tuesday (22nd) brings another trine, this one more upbeat, in the shape of Mars trine Uranus. This one could favour buying electrical equipment (so long as you can’t find a more ecological wind or solar-powered alternative), or for renewing your energies and aligning them with progressive Aquarian values. Come Wednesday (23rd), your energy signals may be giving out the wrong messages, e.g. flirtatiousness when you meant Platonic ideals, as Venus squares Mars. So just as you have got your energy right with the planet, it all goes pear-shaped in your social interaction. More adjustment therefore to be made: you know when you’ve got the vibe right, it’s all trial and error, two steps forwards and one step back. Your body language needs a little more fine-tuning: the little finger may need to be at a slightly different angle in relation to your tea-cup, and beware of a false move of the eyelash…More fun and games on Thursday (24th) again concerning your energies and possibly with men in your life, with Venus square Jupiter (more social faux-pas) and Mars by now opposing Jupiter. This time your sense of humour could go a little too far. In an effort to compensate on your body language, you could find yourself using inappropriate laughter where someone else’s sensibilities are set to deadly serious. Or maybe you are on a mission to wheedle out the funny bone from the Bank Manager, or tickle the train ticket Inspector. Seriously it’s a day you may observe that people are taking risks, but the bread is likely to land butter side down. If the stakes are not too high, then maybe you can experiment with pushing the boundaries. Friday (25th) is totally different in mood with Venus sextile Neptune. After days of dubious shenanigans, Venus settles to cosying up to the upcoming North Node/Neptune conjunction. It is smoothing the path relationship-wise, artistically, musically and harmoniously, enabling the more refined possibilities to emerge from that combination. Venus is good at supporting, and so there may be some delicate supporting going on between people. Important dates and appointments are coming up for people, and those around them may be lending gentle encouragement from the wings. It’s time to foster the best in human nature, and put criticism on a mute button. Neptune conjoins the mean North Node on Monday and Tuesday (28th/29th April), and I hope I have drummed up enough interest in this fascinating conjunction to set up a forum.

Neptune, North Node and Chiron conjunction: Politics

Number four in my series, and just to recap there is a triple conjunction going on this year in Aquarius between Neptune and karmic features North Node and Chiron, which falls pretty much in one area of your life. The North Node/Neptune component, exact at the end of April, highlights the complexity of interaction between people, but can also bring about spiritual understanding between them. This week I am looking at where the triple conjunction falls in the charts of Politicians and Countries. In these charts, the North Node/Neptune may for instance have the effect of exposing scandal. For the more spiritually inclined it will refer more to spiritual and karmic factors. Integrity will be an important feature for Ken Livingstone as the triple conjunction straddles his 1st (Personality) and 2nd (Finance) Houses. There may be a microscope on his spending. Appearing in the 3rd House of the chart for Portugal, it highlights issues of communication, which may hint at the role of the media in creating and destroying illusion, secrecy and deception. Margaret Thatcher has this conjunction in her 4th House of home and family affairs, and in her later years her focus may be veering slightly more towards this area, for example the Neptunian complexities of her son’s worldly affairs. Neptune/North Node is transiting the 5th House of Nicolas Sarkozy and certainly it’s his love life, leisure activities and glamorous partner which have been receiving more intrigue and publicity than his political side recently. Tony Benn has the conjunction in his 6th House and in recent years has suffered some health complications in the nature of his Aries Sun Sign, but he continues to be passionately driven by his social conscience. The triple conjunction placed here enables him to continue to make a contribution of service, but he has to tread delicately and take into account health weakness with Neptune also opposing his Neptune (which was exact at the time he announced his comeback). Prince Charles has North Node/Neptune currently in his 7th House of Marriage and Close Relationships, and there may be emerging deeper layers of interaction between him and his nearest and dearest. For China, the conjunction appears currently in its 8th House of death and rebirth, and the deep challenges to its human rights record and image may reflect the presence of Neptune here while the North Node represents the clamour for change coming from world opinion. The Dalai Lama has the triple conjunction in the 9th House, and while the state of being in exile in foreign lands has been a theme all his adult life, the spiritual connotations of the 9th House also combine to make this a crucial time for him in combining his spiritual and temporal roles because of the karmic nature of the North Node. There is a similar theme going on in the chart of Tibet, which you will see under the 12th House. Going South, the new Labour Government of Australia may show what it is made of ethically and idealistically at the end of April, for instance on the issue of climate change, with the conjunction occurring in its 10th House of Politics. Our own Gordon Brown has the triple conjunction in his 11th House, and friendships and alliances are tricky for him at this time, and a test of sincerity both for him and those around him, conjuring up a picture of whispering corridors, and a cloak and dagger scenario reminiscent of a scene from Les Liaisons Dangereuses. And finally the chart of Tibet shows Neptune/North Node plus Chiron in the 12th House, a house of spiritual rescources but physical weakness. It is also the house of karmic justice, and this is a placement to watch with interest to see what is revealed over the coming year.

Aspects for the week beginning 13 April 2008

Sorry to be so late in reporting that there was a wonderfully flowing spiritual aspect this morning in the shape of Sun sextile Neptune – I was preparing the third in my Neptune/North Node/Chiron conjunction series. Indeed, the next couple of days are ideal for understanding and looking forward to the more positive benefits of this forthcoming conjunction, because we also have Sun sextile North Node tomorrow. Meanwhile, at tea-time today Mercury squares Jupiter. Those who have recently travelled to the other side of the world may find jetlag catches up with them, and the rest of us may be yearning for some exploration in far away lands, but having to juggle the here and now with our other aspirations. For those in academia, there just aren’t enough hours in the day to accomplish what their minds can envisage. Tomorrow (Monday 14th) also has Mercury sextile Neptune, again another positive linkeage with the forthcoming conjunction between Neptune and North Node at the end of April, and it’s a good time to apply information about it, for instance seeing how its celtic knot of complexities are mirrorred in the lives of those around us. Sun conjunct Mercury livens up proceedings on Wednesday (16th), and encourages us to really be in the moment and to emit zen poetry wherever we find ourselves at the time. Get really interested in what you are or are not doing midweek, become poetry yourself. Mercury moves into Taurus the next day (Thursday 17th) and we go from a very direct way of experiencing, to a more practical application of our mental processes, e.g. finally sowing our vegetable seeds in the potting shed after months of envisaging how the finished product will look and taste. Mercury is on a roll this week, with two trines on Friday (18th). First Mercury trines Pluto, and all these benificent aspects from the week can bring about some really profound shifts in your mindset – your mental processes may literally shift upwards a gear. Communication will have long-term significance. If you are travelling that day with others, the companionship could take on the quality of the tales of the Canterbury pilgrims. And as if to reinforce this, Mercury trining Saturn later in the day may find people acting on these profound ideas, even laying foundation stones to five-year plans, or four-year plans under the Mayan Calendar. If you are sharing a meal in a group by Friday evening, the atmosphere will be one of solid and loyal friendship, and commitment to a shared future. If dining alone, you should feel a sense of spiritual wholeness, and telepathically sense the spiritual sangha of which you form a part. On Saturday (19th) Sun moves into Taurus and there is more adjustment into reality, with an accompanying feelgood factor, but also a whiff in the air of the forthcoming full moon, so that we don’t get too complacent on our newly-arrived at plateau of awareness.

Neptune, North Node and Chiron conjunction: Celebs

This is the third in my series of blogs about this conjunction, and I will probably be writing about this combination long after the Neptune/North Node conjunction at the end of April, because after that event later in the year we have Neptune conjunct Chiron and North Node conjunct Chiron all occurring in the same area of our life. If this is the first blog you have come to, I suggest reading the Intro and the Houses I prepared earlier. What I have noticed this week is that many people have unusual or important appointments or trips booked for the end of April, and this event may encapsulate or crystallize the Neptune/North Node experience for them, with a karmic flavour. What I want to do this week is have a look at some of the Celebs, and see how the triple conjunction is panning out in their lives: David Bowie has the triple conjunction in his first house. He could decide to create a stir, as it’s the 36th anniversary of “Starman”. Gals who may have issues around money and values at the moment, with the triple conjunction occurring in their 2nd house are Heather Mills and Victoria Beckham. Oscar-winning Marion Coutillard may need to toe the politically-correct line in her communications with its occurrance in her 3rd House. Billy Bragg may have mastered political-correctness, but may have karmic connections with Glasgow and Gateshead where he is scheduled to appear – the triple conjunction falls in his 4th House. Rufus Wainwright (just to type his name is an amazing experience) may be cooking up a creative storm at the end of April with the conjunction in his 5th House. Virgo Ascendant Roger Federer, rumoured to be suffering from mononucleosis, may need to look into the mind/body implications of health. With Neptune/North Node/Chiron currently in 6th House, complaints do not easily respond to conventional medicine as they have deeper causitive layers, sometimes related to past lives. I suggest homeopathy or regression. Ascendant in Leo, triple conjunction in 7th House – who has marriage issues? For Angelina Jolie the triple conjunction falls in her 7th house of marriage and close relationships (she has Ascendant in late Cancer). And surprisingly, and by special request, Johnny Depp, whose triple conjunction falls close to his Saturn in 7th house which represents commitment issues. Mel Gibson may remember another lifetime in which he was of a different religion, with the triple conjunction in his 8th house of Rebirth. David Beckham continues to get to grips with his tricky transatlantic lifestyle (Ascendant in Gemini, triple conjunction in 9th House). Writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez will be undergoing another long, complicated and solitary career path which may result in an epic work in the distant future, having as he does Neptune/North Node currently in his 10th House. George Clooney is surrounded by women at the moment, and is working out his relationship with the wider feminine consciousness, with this combination of planets in his 11th House – he is being a triple conjunction groupie. And last but not least Gwynneth Paltrow may be feeling a little lost at the moment with the conjunction in her 12th house of unconscious, but should find her way through deep meditation in order to bring her spiritual ideas into concrete reality. Next week: Politicians and Countries.

Aspects for the week beginning 6 April 2008

Do you feel well and truly ready for a new start? What could be newer than the first New Moon of the Astrological New Year, in Aries? In the UK that will be in the early hours of Sunday morning, so make sure that you do something special on Sunday to mark how you mean to go on throughout the next month, if not the next year. You could spring up from your bed with a new outlook on life, or raring to start a new creative project. Venus also enters Aries on Sunday, symbolizing new life and new love. Monday (7th) could find you back at work, but preoccupied over new dilemmas revolving around the new life and love, for Venus squares Pluto and you may find it difficult to square the old and the new. It may be an opportunity to make a quantum shift in your understanding of love and relationships and the vulnerabilities of the human heart. A new understanding may ease things, and letting go of what you cannot fathom for the moment. The middle of the week is a bit of a transition period: from the square of Monday to two squares occurring on Thursday. You might feel tense or uneasy and not know why. Yes, realize you are in the transitioning zone. We are all experiencing these squares of the Cardinal signs, and learning to use our energies constructively and sensitively. So the two squares to tackle on Thursday (10th) are Sun square Jupiter and Mercury square Mars. Not too daunting – these should be easier, even if there are two of them, than Monday’s square. Jupiter and the Sun just produce a lot of enthusiasm and sometimes hot air, unless they are combined with binge-drinking, in which case they might get out of hand. Mercury squaring Mars can produce minor incidents, such as a tussle over the hole punch in the office, or the train arriving a minute early (just set out earlier, as you’re in the know). Practise your deep-breathing if you encounter any of these problems. Yes, practise deep-breathing, and meditating in public places. And if you are svelte enough, the lotus position.