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Wimbledon 2014 – Men’s Final

Federer vs Djokovic


The chart for this match is a similar shape to that of the women’s final, with Mars (now exactly on the Ascendant)/North Node rising in Libra, except that the Moon has joined the conjunction.  This may mean that the match is a little more balanced than that of Petra Kvitova against Eugenie Bouchard.  I don’t think it likely that it will be as one-sided.  Jupiter in the chart of the event is exactly on the Midheaven, so I think the quality of play will enhance the reputation of tennis and Wimbledon!

Their playing history would show more wins for Roger, as would his playing history with all the tennis players!  But it is still worth looking at their charts in relationship:  they have a karmic tie, being Roger’s North Node exactly sextile Novak’s Sun.  They came into incarnation to be part of the big four, competing against each other, and had interacted before.  But one gets the sense that Roger and Rafael Nadal have more issues between them, cast aside for now.  Roger’s Jupiter also squares exactly Novak’s natal Neptune, so there is a fundamental difference in approach to life and faith between them.  All part of life’s rich tapestry.

What can be written that is new about these two opponents today?  The fascinating thing is that both appointed old champions as their coaches at the same time, at the beginning of this year.  So I will find myself writing about their huge support from Stefan Edberg (weighing in on the side of Roger) and Boris Becker (weighing in on the side of Novak).  This magnifies the power on both sides, and certainly explains some of Roger’s astonishing return to tip top condition.  It also provides more polarization of styles: the coolness of Edberg plus Roger’s unflappability, and the more passionate style of Boris and Djokovic.  Could this be a set up from the Universe for the greatest men’s single final of all time?  Six months into their coaching relationship, they have had time to really get their acts together.

Roger Federer

At the beginning of this Wimbledon tournament, Roger was seeded 4th and I wrote:

“Mars sextiles his Sun at the beginning of Wimbledon, so he will start out with plenty of energy and resolve.  At the end of Wimbledon there are a couple of minor personal congenial transits, but nothing indicating that this will be a special Wimbledon for him.”

I have been reviewing the situation since, especially with Roger Federer doing so well throughout the tournament, and through the encouragement of Tri, a commentator to this blog, who kept me on my toes!

So at the semi-finals I added:

“I still feel Raonic has a fair chance of getting through, but Roger does not have any real adverse aspects, so if he wins it will be “all in a day’s work”, because of the calibre of man that he is and where his consciousness is.  If Roger gets to the final, he will be strong in heart and mind at that time, with the Sun on his Mars and Venus sextile his Sun. Those are not major transits, but he will be equinanimous at that time.”

Fine-tuning for the actual time of today’s match, 2 pm, I cannot add more, other than a sextile by Saturn to his Venus has caught my eye as being a very solid and satisfactory aspect.  Could it be that Roger Federer, who has overcome many players and many astrological aspects over so many years, actually transcends astrological forces?

Coach: Stefan Edberg

Stefan Edberg has an outstanding chart, and Federer has chosen well in this respect.  Between them, they would bring a great deal of finesse and sensitive skill to a game already at the top level.  Highlights of his chart include: Mars trine exactly Jupiter (Energy, Enthusiasm and Luck); Mercury trine Uranus (quick thinking and telepathy – maybe he is able to transmit his advice to Roger from the sidelines); Mercury exactly trine Pluto (psychological perception, so his comments to Roger about his opponents could be very incisive) and Uranus closely conjunct Pluto (a powerful wild energy, which can knock opponents off their stride).  At the time he became coach, Uranus sextiled exactly Roger’s natal Sun (a significant change in his life).  Jupiter was transiting his natal Mars (new luck in his physical path)  and Pluto was exactly trine his natal  Ascendant (very profound changes physically).  There are good aspects between them, most notably Stefan Edberg’s Mars (energy) exactly trine (supporting) Roger’s Pluto (power).

Novak Djokovic

At the beginning of this Wimbledon tournament I wrote:

“…At the start of Wimbledon, he has some of those scintillating aspects: Neptune sextile his Neptune (spiritual centredness) and Neptune trine his Pluto (a deep sense of truth), so he should be starting on good form.  By the end of Wimbledon, only one of those prevails (Neptune trine Neptune) so it is possible that he may not make the final, but he will be philosophical at the end of the day.”

But then I picked him to have the best bunch of aspects of the top four!

For the semi-final with Dimitrov I added:

“Though Novak Djokovic and Andy Murray are only born a week apart, the fine difference is that at the moment Neptune is closer to a trine with Djokovic’s Pluto, which is helping him, and likely to see Djokovic into the final.”

Coach: Boris Becker

I would think  that Boris Becker is a towering figure to have standing behind you.  He symbolizes strength and force (he has Mars exactly trine Pluto in his chart).  His Sun is exactly sextile Uranus, so he has brilliance and originality.  His Moon (females) is exactly square his Nodal Axis (karma) which is why he has had such a difficult relationship history with women.  There are a lot of strong connections between their charts: In his relationship with Novak Djokovic their suns are opposite, so he would be able to complete Djokovic’s thinking, complete the circle for him.  Mars was sextile Novak’s Mercury when Boris became his coach (the appearance in his life of a male who completes and stimulates his thinking).  Jupiter sextiles exactly Boris’s natal Uranus by transit at the final, which supports a win.  It depends how important to him in his life, whether such a win would show up.


I don’t know!  My heart goes with Roger Federer, partly because his playing in this tournament has made my heart sing.  But my head goes with Novak Djokovic.  May the best man win.

Wimbledon 2014 – Ladies’ Finals

Kvitova vs Bouchard


2 pm today when the match is due to start, under cover of Centre Court if it continues to rain, sees Libra (tennis) rising with Mars/North Node (a karmic battle!) close to the Ascendant.  Certainly each of the two ladies is going to fiercely contest this title.  Petra Kvitova as a former holder of the title of Wimbledon champion, and Bouchard as a determined and confident “newcomer” to the top echelons.  The final is always fiercely played, but these two are very strongly motivated in this unique opportunity, with some of the older guard out of the way.

In the comparison of charts between Petra Kvitova and Eugenie Bouchard, the weightier planets overall weigh in for Bouchard.  Kvitova’s Mars is heavily involved, as in the picture of the match chart: Kvitova’s Mars sextiles Bouchard’s North Node/Pluto – could be Petra’s fight of her life in a sense.  Eugenie’s Neptune conjuncts Kvitova’s Saturn: Kvitova may try to play it straight but Eugenie’s Neptune may pull rank and bamboozle.  The strange thing is that they are both Pisceans, i.e. Neptune ruled.  So there could be a lot of inspiration and imagination in this match.  Transitwise it may be the battle between Chiron which transits Kvitova’s Sun, and Neptune which transits Bouchard’s Sun (both exact conjunctions by transit), and there again Neptune (Bouchard’s transit) could pull rank.

Eugenie Bouchard

I first wrote about Eugenie Bouchard on Tuesday afternoon in an update:

“Eugene Bouchard has a twin named Beatrice. Eugenie is a Piscean, with Sun conjunct Saturn in that sign, so serious and deep. Her Sun/Saturn conjunction is opposite her Chiron, so she does not have an easy path, yet there is a journey towards healing and wholeness, and a wide consciousness. She also has Mars conjunct Mercury in Aquarius, so she is fleet of mind and foot. Her Pluto exactly conjuncts her North Node, so whatever she will do in her life will have profound meaning. The Nodal Axis is currently squaring her Uranus, which brings surprises. But by the end of Wimbledon, Jupiter trines her natal North Node/Pluto conjunction. We could be looking at the winner, and the winning transit.”

Much has been made in the press this last couple of days of her relationship with our Laura Robson.  Looking at her chart comparison with Laura’s they have an intense and to some extent difficult set of interlinks:  Their “estrangement” is shown by Eugenie’s Uranus (estrangement) exactly conjunct Laura’s Mars (self-esteem).  Laura’s Saturn opposes Eugenie’s Moon, so they may have fed into each other’s teenage angst.  Laura’s Uranus is exactly conjunct Eugenie’s Neptune (a complex interaction – plus Laura’s Pluto conjuncts Eugenie’s North Node (definitely a heavy relationship from past lives).  Her relationship with Laura Robson is irrelevant to this final, but for the fact that some members of the audience might be holding resentment over this item of publicity, so the viewing audience may not be so much behind the “underdog” as she would be against the former title holder.

Apart from the Neptune transit to her Sun mentioned above, Saturn trines her Venus (a personal consolidation of some sort), the Nodal Axis squares her Uranus (surprises, possibly upsets) and Jupiter trine her Pluto (all power and triumph to her elbow).  So all not entirely plain sailing.

Petra Kvitova

I correctly predicted Kvitova’s triumph in gaining the title in 2011:

“Imaginative Piscean Petra Kvitova has some solid planets in Capricorn which help her focus.  Her nerves could get the better of her at the weekend (Mars squaring her Mercury), but her inspirational streak is likely to be her most helpful factor with Neptune trine her natal Jupiter at the weekend….”


“I redeemed my Wimbledon blogging reputation slightly yesterday at the Ladies Singles Final, by remarking that Sharapova’s aspects were not too good, and that Kvitova (who won) would be inspired. “

Last Sunday I updated my comments:

“Petra Kvitova is upbeat at the moment, and just beat Venus Williams to a place in the second week of Wimbledon.  She has a good set of transits at the moment.  Saturn is trine her Sun, which is very steadying.  Chiron is on her natal Sun, which is healing.  Neptune is on her natal Mercury, which can be insiring.  And Chiron is trine her Pluto. Which is very profound.  The latter aspect highlights the sheer strength of her natal Sun-Pluto exact trine.  The only fly in the ointment is Saturn on her natal Pluto, but I think she is handling that.    All these transits remain with her until the end of Wimbledon, and are joined by an opposition of Jupiter to her Mars, which may just be enthusiasm about winning Wimbledon.  She is a definite contender for the title.”

So she is now through to the final, and her current transits (there is an hour before the match starts, as I write):

Saturn trines her Sun exactly (she should put in a solid performance) and Chiron transits her Sun (she is on a healing journey at this time).  Neptune conjuncts her Mercury (normally that would be mental confusion, but Neptune is her ruling planet, as a Piscean, so you could see a wide consciousness there, maybe some shots that make you think “where did that come from?”!).  Jupiter opposes her Mars, so at some points of the match she may make unforced errors, trying to focus, exaggerating wide of the mark).  Saturn conjuncts her Pluto (psychologically she may be working through some heavy issues at the moment) and Chiron trines her Pluto.  That could work for her if she is really working through her issues.


I have to go with my statement of Tuesday about Bouchard:

“The Nodal Axis is currently squaring her Uranus, which brings surprises. But by the end of Wimbledon, Jupiter trines her natal North Node/Pluto conjunction. We could be looking at the winner, and the winning transit.”

I will update this blog later, to write about the Men’s Final


Aspects for the week beginning 29 June 2014


I have come across at least 4 “biting” stories this last week, which ties in with last week’s Mars opposition to Uranus.  Most prominent was the story of Luis Suarez teeth accidentally colliding with Chiellini’s shoulder.   Biting is not uncommon in toddlers, so Piaget if he were alive might have said he was fixated at the biting/toddler tantrum level.

Luis Suarez

In his chart, his skill as a footballer is shown by Mars exactly sextile his natal Mercury: extremely good co-ordination and quickness.  Mars is conjunct his North Node, so colours his karmic mission to achieve athletic prowess.  There is some underlying sadness, with Venus exactly conjunct Saturn, although this conjunction is in the enthusiastic sign of Sagittarius.  Chiron is also exactly sextile his natal North Node, which might hint at healing, once he works through his biting issues.  I doubt he can sell himself as a healer through biting.  His Moon is in Scorpio, so this may be the emotional sting, or bite, trined as it is with Jupiter making it very enthusiastic.

Uruguay and England

He seems to have played a crucial role in the destiny of his birth country in the World Cup and the country he currently plays in, as a Liverpool player in England.  Pluto sextiles Suarez natal Sun, so he would be very passionate and dramatic about his nationality.  His Jupiter squares his birth nation’s Ascendant, so he can go over the top in relation to his tie with his motherland.

England and Uruguay were placed in the same group in the initial rounds of the World Cup tournament 2014.  Suarez scored a goal against England when the two teams met, which was crucial in knocking England out of the qualifying rounds.  Suarez has some great natal interaspects with the United Kingdom chart (while we are still in union with Scotland) but there is a dangerous square between his Mars (biting) and our Pluto (definite ouch factor) which can surface from time to time.

He was then hailed as a great asset to his home country team, but the bite at the end of the match with Italy earned him a four month ban from football.  So he was unable to prevent his team Uruguay from a defeat yesterday again Columbia.

Chiellini and Timing

This was a karmic bite!  Or so says the Astrology…for transiting Mars was exactly conjunct Suarez’ natal South Node.  Perhaps it was a set up for him to deal with his biting habit from past lives (literally).  Mars was also exactly trine his natal Chiron which may have helped his footballing success at the time, but it is possible he could not help himself, as he was expressing a deep wound of his own (Chiron).  In the context of the Mars-Uranuz opposition of last week, Uranus is positioned at Suarez’ North Node, which indicates a drastic change of circumstances. His natal Pluto is exactly conjunct Chiellini’s natal Saturn, which may indicate a fated quality to their interaction.  Finally, the victim, Chiellini, had a transit at the time of Neptune (the bizarre) squaring his natal Chiron (wounding).

The Astrology is very clear that it was almost unavoidable that Suarez bit, but the time has come for him to do something about this habit, and I hope FIFA can book him into some sort of suitable rehab.  There must be experts in the subject.


The weather may be damp (in the U.K.),but spirits should be high today.  There is a chance of a spiritual shift, with the Sun trine Neptune, from early in the morning.

But as the day progresses, and towards early evening, Venus squares Neptune, and some aspect of your spiritual perspective may be deceptive.  Someone may not be all they seem, for this evening aspect especially concerns relationships.

Tuesday 1st July is a day some of you have been waiting for, as Mercury turns direct after 3 weeks in retrograde motion.  Hopefully, communications and computers can operate more smoothly.  Contracts can be signed and processed.  Stuck situations may now start to move.  All these activities can be consolidated mid week.

After midweek you may be increasingly uncomfortable with a situation that is developing.  For on Friday the Sun opposes Pluto, and it’s not a day to chance your luck, unless you’re taking part in a tennis tournament and are scheduled to play that day, in which case you may have as much luck as your opponent across the net.  If you find yourself immune to doom laden soothsayers, and are fairly upbeat, you may find yourself supporting someone close who has not been able to rise above the day’s aspect.  We, and you, can overcome.  A little rain may fall, but the sunshine will follow the rain.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – spiritual uplift, then a test of illusion
  • Tuesday – a sigh of relief in communications
  • Friday – some tough tension to work through

Wimbledon 2014 – Week 2

The rain stopped play yesterday for all but a handful of matches at Wimbledon yesterday.  What a difference a week makes!  I had my annual strawberries last week, but it doesn’t seem right to eat them in this grey weather, and while Wimbledon is at a hiatus.  Hopefully the Sun will be out again tomorrow, and play will resume.  Certainly the schedules are now lagging behind.  Here are 8 more tennis charts to ponder:

Stan Wawrinka

With Mercury exactly conjunct Venus and the pair trine exactly Uranus in his natal chart, Wawrinka would have considerable talent for writing and broadcasting, maybe later in life.  Mercury trine exactly  Uranus makes him fleet of mind and foot.  He also has Mars exactly square Jupiter, which gives him a great deal of energy and enthusiasm, a strong “bounce”.  As we approach the midpoint of Wimbledon, Mars opposes his Mercury-Venus conjunction, so he may slip or sustain an injury, but at the same time Mars sextiles his Uranus, which should sustain him through the tournament.  By the end of Wimbledon Jupiter trines his Saturn, so he could have staying power, and may make the final.

Maria Sharapova

Maria Sharapova won the French Open tournament, despite transits putting her under pressure from Mars.  She had Neptune sextile her natal Neptune, which brings spiritual poise. As we come up to the midpoint of the tournament, Jupiter adds brightness to her prospects by providing a trine to her natal Venus.   By the end of Wimbledon Mars will be sextile her Saturn, which should work well for her as she was not bothered by a difficult Mars transit in the French Open final.    She is due to meet Kvitova in the next round.  They are well matched, and whoever wins that match could go on to win the tournament.

Jo-Wilfried Tsonga

In 2012 I wrote:

“Tsonga is a tough opponent, and may well endure to the final.  Natally he has an opposition between his Mars and Saturn which runs in conjunction with his North Node and South Node axis.  Like Djokovic, Murray and Bhagdatis he was born in 1985!  A good vintage year for tennis players.

Jupiter is currently trine his natal Saturn, sustaining him in the tournament.  It squares his Sun by the end of the tournament, so he could overreach himself in the meantime.  Good spirits, but perhaps more overshooting or inaccuracy than usual.

Petra Kvitova

Petra Kvitova is upbeat at the moment, and just beat Venus Williams to a place in the second week of Wimbledon.  She has a good set of transits at the moment.  Saturn is trine her Sun, which is very steadying.  Chiron is on her natal Sun, which is healing.  Neptune is on her natal Mercury, which can be insiring.  And Chiron is trine her Pluto. Which is very profound.  The latter aspect highlights the sheer strength of her natal Sun-Pluto exact trine.  The only fly in the ointment is Saturn on her natal Pluto, but I think she is handling that.    All these transits remain with her until the end of Wimbledon, and are joined by an opposition of Jupiter to her Mars, which may just be enthusiasm about winning Wimbledon.  She is a definite contender for the title.

Milos Raonic

Milos has 5 planets plus the North Node in the sign of Capricorn- a steadfast line up for a tennis player.  His Venus is exactly trine Pluto, giving him a strong presence on and off the cour.  Mars trines his North Node closely, so it is important for him to attain and sustain a peak fitness.  His serve is highly praised in the tennis world, and that may be a product of his Mars-North Node trine.  Jupiter transiting his natal  Chiron has been a feature of getting to this stage.  Transits for the beginning of week two do not look so promising, with a square from Mars to his Venus.  But if he can get over that hurdle, he has Jupiter sextile his natal Mars at the end of Wimbledon (all power to his health, fitness and energy) and Jupiter also transits his South Node )a re-match from past lives!).  His chances are fair, I would say.

Angelique Kerber

Angelique Kerber beat Victoria Azarenka  at the end of last week to gain a place in the second week of Wimbledon. Like Milos Raonic, she is a steadfast Capricorn Sun sign (and Moon sign too).  She does not have an easy chart, and may have inner struggles, with Saturn conjunct Uranus both opposing Chiron.  Her sporting prowess may be down to Mars in Sagittarius plus Jupiter sextile her Chiron.  She also has the Sun sextile her North Node, giving her leadership qualities.  Pluto is sextile her natal Pluto at the moment, which means she is coming into her power at this time.  By the end of Wimbledon, Jupiter will also oppose her Sun, so she will be happy to have  reached her potential in the tournament, but I don’t think that it is her time to win Wimbledon.  I think she will be pleased with her performance and how far she reaches.

John Isner

John Isner has the Sun in determined Taurus, and Mars conjunct Gemini in fleet footed Gemini.  That proved to be a recipe for taking part in the longest ever match at Wimbledon, agains Mahut in 2010.  Taurus is an unusual sign for a tennis player, but it does have endurance.  He has Venus conjunct Mercury which is good for writing and broadcasting, but not as exact as Stan Wawrinka’s conjunction. His match against Lopez has been postponed during this rain-soaked patch in Wimbledon, but the delay may help him recoup, as Jupiter trines his Saturn currently. However that helpful trine has waned bu the end of the tournament, and I do not think he will go much further in the competition.  Despite his respite he may be beaten by Lopez, who has a stronger interaspect in their relationship, and whose Jupiter is currently trined by Uranus.

Aliza Cornet

Seemingly out of nowhere has come Aliza Cornet, who beat Serena Williams yesterday in the upset of the first week.  She did apparently previously  beat her in the semi-finals at Dubai, but has surprised herself by getting into the second week round at Wimbledon.  Who is she?  She is an Aquarian, with a preponderance of planets in Capricorn.  She is artistic (Sun conjunct Venus and quick thinking (Mercury conjunct Uranus).  Much was made of her ability to vary the play (Mercury-Uranus disruption) in order to prevent Serena from staying in rhythm.  She is playing with great depth at the moment, with Pluto transiting her Neptune.  The North Node (karmic reward) is also sextile her Mars (athletic prowess).  At the end of the tournament Chiron sextiles her natal Saturn, which is satisfying but not especially uplifting.

I will be back in a few days with an update, reviewing other tennis players and emerging figures.

Aspects for the week beginning 22 June 2014

Wimbledon 2014

I have made a separate blog for Wimbledon, so that those who are interested can easily find it.  So click on the link to the right or find the blog immediately below this one.  As in previous years, I hope to provide updates throughout the tournament.


Tomorrow Venus enters Gemini, and you may feel lighter and freer, especially if you are a Taurean or a Libran (i.e. Venus-ruled).  If you are an uninhibited type, you might loosen up and talk about your feelings..  If uninhibited,  you’ll be even more open and friendly.

By Wednesday (25th) you’ll need to draw in your horns and re-draw your boundaries.  Mars opposes Uranus which is incident-prone, if not accident-prone, and unless you are a dedicated warrior at the coal face, or a member of ISIS fighting in Iraq, you may want to keep out of the fray.

After licking your wounds and leaving behind the dramas of mid week, Friday (27th) brings a fresh outlook with a New Moon at 5 degrees Cancer.  This is an excellent time to re-build bridges in family relations or in the garden, or refurbish the home in a one day makeover.  If you know what House this falls in, in your birthchart, this will provide further insight into its application.  For example, it falls in my 3rd House of Blogs, and I anticipate writing a Wimbledon follow up blog, written with an influx of sensitivity and emotion based on some viewing!

We are experiencing some lovely summer weather here in the U.K. at the moment, so enjoy the strawberries and cream if you are here.  If elsewhere on the globe, hope your weather is fair.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – Social
  • Wednesday – Incident-prone
  • Friday – New Beginning

Wimbledon 2014

I was doing increasingly well blogging Wimbledon until last year.  The top seeds seemed to fall away early on, and a new crop of tennis players came to the fore.  I indicated that I may not blog again, but here I am getting back on the horse.  I always learn from each wrong prediction…  As usual I will start with a handful of tennis players, and then look at others who emerge later.


Serena Williams

At the start of the French Open, Serena’s transits were lacklustre, even difficult.  She went out in an early round.  The end of Wimbledon looks very promising for her with Jupiter conjunct her North Node and trine her Uranus.  Perhaps she will avoid injury and last the course, triumphing once again.  The positioning of these transits is particularly good for doubles.

Li Na

I have not looked at Li Na’s chart before.  She is the first Asian to win a Grand Slam.  Her Sun sign is Pisces, which often shows outstanding talent.  She has Mercury square Jupiter, indicating a wide ranging mind, and a global traveller.  Her Venus squares Pluto which is extremely intense in relationships (her husband is her coach).  She does not have an easy chart altogether, and must have overcome many hurdles to reach her current status.  At the start of Wimbledon, Neptune transits her Sun, a confusing transit.  At the end the same transit is operational, being a long lasting influence, and additionally Jupiter opposes her Venus which could bring overoptimism.  The transits do not look very promising.  She could be a finalist, but I would expect her to remain No. 2 if so.

Simona  Halep

Here is another player I have not investigated before, though I did see her doing well in the French Open.  She is Romanian, and has Neptune conjunct her North Node natally.  This points to spiritual leadership potential, so she may have many followers who do not only follow her for her tennis playing.  She is Libran, one of the commonest Sun signs for tennis skill, because it involves a close monitoring of the person the other side of the net!  At the end of the French Open, Chiron was trine her Pluto, a supportive and profound transit.  This transit is still operative at the beginning of Wimbledon, so she should start well and continue throughout the tournament.  She may do at least as well as in the French Open.  She will also have the North Node sextile her Venus (ruling planet) at the end, so could be a finalist.

Agnieszka Radwanska

She has a bouncy, enthusiastic and energetic conjunction of Mars and Jupiter in her chart, which is useful in a sporting life.  But   Agnieszka has a natally depressive exact conjunction of Saturn and Neptune, and that conjunction is transited this year by Pluto, which is an enormous personal and psychological challenge.    Unless she is able to tackle it head on and overcome it, I imagine that it would take its toll on her in a tournament, with all she would need to process.  At the start of Wimbledon she also has Neptune conjunct her Venus (confusion in her personal life).  However the end of Wimbledon looks a little more upbeat, but this may be for social reasons.  The North Node trines her Mercury, and she may be thinking of taking up a teaching role.  Jupiter sextiles her Mars, so she will be super-energetic.  But Pluto will still be on her Saturn-Neptune.  In mid-July Jupiter will be sextile her Jupiter, so depending on where she is on or off the circuit, she could be very successful at that time.


Novak Djokovic

Novak Djokovic put up a brave fight against Rafael Nadal in the French Open, with the crowd largely supporting Nadal.  At that time he had some scintillating transits, and I would have expected him to do well, but crucially Saturn was squaring his Ascendant, which may have been the deciding factor in losing the ultimate prize of that tournament.  At the start of Wimbledon, he has some of those scintillating aspects: Neptune sextile his Neptune (spiritual centredness) and Neptune trine his Pluto (a deep sense of truth), so he should be starting on good form.  By the end of Wombledon, only one of those prevails (Neptune trine Neptune) so it is possible that he may not make the final, but he will be philosophical at the end of the day.

Rafael Nadal

Nadal avoided all obstacles and outshone Novak Djokavich in the final of the French Open a few weeks ago.  At the time he had Jupiter trine his Jupiter (luck and success) but he did also have Uranus square his natal Venus, which could have caused an upset, or may be connected with his private life.  At the start of Wimbledon he has a Mercury return, so will be mentally focused.  At the end of Wimbledon he has Mars sextile his Uranus which is promising, but I would not predict a win on the basis of that alone.  However, he seems to have a good relationship with Uranus, which also supports him doing well.

Andy Murray

Sadly, Andy Murray only reached the semi-finals the French Open this year.  Being born a week apart from Djokovic, he had some of his good transits, plus a trine from the North Node to his Mars, which at least would have made him resolved at the start.  What made the difference was by the middle of the French Open Neptune from his 6th House was square to his Midheaven (Careerpoint) signaling confusion about his direction.  At the end of the French Open he had announced that he had a new coach Amelie Mouresmo, having parted amicably from Yvan Lendl in March.  Her chart shows her to be a strong and disciplined teacher (North Node conjunct Saturn).  That she is in a teacher role to him in this lifetime is clearly shown by an exact trine of his North Node (karma) to her Mercury (teacher/guide/coach).  The start of Wimbledon shows Neptune sextile his Neptune, which is spiritually sound.  At the end, Jupiter squares his Venus, Neptune still sextiles his Neptune, and the Sun sextiles his Ascendant – pleasant and sociable aspects, but not special enough for an outright win.  I may be missing something.

Roger Federer

Roger Federer has not done so well over the last year, which transits at the beginning of Wimbledon last year hinted at.  However, in his personal life he has gained another set of twins, (born on 6 May 2014) and so some of his energy may be a little diverted at this time. – certainly from their charts they look to claim some of his energy! Mars sextiles his Sun at the beginning of Wimbledon, so he will start out with plenty of energy and resolve.  At the end of Wimbledon there are a couple of minor personal congenial transits, but nothing indicating that this will be a special Wimbledon for him.

At this time and based on the above analysis, I would go for Novak Djokovic for the men’s title and Serena Williams for the ladies’ title.  But as the picture changes, and more players emerge, new information may throw up a different verdict.

I will be back in a few days with an update, reviewing other tennis players and emerging figures.

Aspects for the week beginning 15 June 2014

Iraq (Update)

 Iraq is arguably at its worst low ever, having been taken over by the extremist Islamist group i.S.I.S.  Next door, Syria too is also arguably at its worst low ever, with Assad newly “elected” while continuing to slaughter his own subjects.

The Guardian reported: “The UN has warned that the Isis fighters have committed  summary executions and rape on their irresistible advance”.  So they have not been listening, then, to the anti-rape in war conference this week hosted by Angelina Jolie and William Hague.


 I.S.I.S. (The Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant) whose army are marching steadily towards Baghdad, are apparently even more extreme in their outlook and methods than Alkaida.  Last week they “took” Mosul and Tikrit.

The chart for Isis shows a successful use of force (Mars sextile Pluto) while current transits show Isis being dealt a free will hand currently with Jupiter exactly trine its North Node.

U.S. and Iran

 Meanwhile, ironically, the U.S. and Iran talk of co-operation in rushing to help Iraq.  Suddenly the two countries, at loggerheads over Syria and nuclear weaponry, find themselves on the same page.  An air campaign is under consideration.

President Obama is deliberating how much intervention,  or non-intervention, he can get away with.  Hillary Clinton published her second volume of memoirs this week, entitled “Hard Choices”.  I bought a cut price copy from a supermarket, but it is as yet pristine and unread.  She tends to infer that in the past, as in the choice to go to war in Iraq,  she has favoured intervention, but has learned to respect and negotiate with Obama, whose choices have been more restrained.

Tony Blair

 Tony Blair tells the same old story, reportedly “amazed” that the current situation has been blamed on the act of war taken by himself and George W. Bush in 2003.  His interview on the Andrew Marr show this morning showed an increasing tendency towards cognitive dissonance, or denial.  Goodness knows what he says in the confessional box.  Meanwhile the Chilcot inquiry into the Iraq war and Tony Blair’s role rumbles on.

Current Transits

 For such a dire situation the coming week’s transits are surprisingly tame, though sitting between the activation by Mars of the Uranus-Pluto square.  Mars squared Pluto yesterday, with tension mounting in the area.  Mars will oppose Uranus on Wednesday 25th June.  This week is a hiatus wherein may lie more hope and more negotiation, and it may be back to a show of force next week.

Toby Dodge, writing in the Guardian yesterday, states:  “Those who want to see a stable, democratic Iraq should support the heroic people within the country who are still there, trying to build a new country from the ground up.”

The South Node is currently transiting the Mars (warriorship) of old Iraq, so there is old karma going down.  For Maliki, current president of Iraq, Neptune is transiting his Jupiter and squaring his Mercury, so he faces a period of confusion and uncertainty and a reorientation of his faith at this time.



 Four of the five astrological features this week carry the morning energy, and can be used to seize the working week early on.  If you are wanting to make headway at work, this could be a week to do so.  The aspects are kind, and not as disruptive as some we have had of late.

First up is Mercury re-entering Gemini from Cancer on Tuesday (17th) morning.  You may have gathered important emotional information while Mercury has been in Cancer, but now you can re-examine the facts in the cold light of day.  In the office, you may be called to re-examine those facts or data, as part of a project, and understand how the meaning and the statistics can come together.

On Wednesday (18th) morning, there is a chance to consolidate achievements and push towards success, with Venus sextile Jupiter.  There may be a chance to network from one Office to another, as this aspect is excellent for socializing and P.R.  You may introduce creativity or artistry into your working practice.

If you are retired, Wednesday would be an excellent time for a coffee morning, to bring people together,  in a self-help group, or to raise funds for charity.

Loving relationships could take a step towards the altar, with an informal engagement party (attended only by friends and family who are retired or on benefits or can spare the day off work).

The aspect occurring on Thursday (19th) partakes of evening energy, occurring just over an hour before midnight. The Sun conjuncts Mercury at 28 degrees Gemini. The Sun conjunct Mercury, especially placed in Gemini, is a superb point of focus.    Depending where it falls in your chart, i.e. which House, you may have scintillating insights.  It falls for example in my 2nd House of Finance, so I should be able in theory to come up with an efficient money-making scheme…  As an evening aspect, you may be in emotional mood and pour out the insights into a poem or creative piece.

Saturday (21st) brings the Summer Solstice, the celebration of the peak of the light in the year.  Here in the U.K. it again partakes of morning energy, with full appreciation of the light illuminating nature.  A woodland or forest venue would be ideal, to see all the trees in full leaf and enjoy all the shades of green.

But first, Chiron turns retrograde and throws a curveball in the shape of a healing initiation.  Perhaps you literally are stung by a nettle and find a dock leaf nearby, or something similar and suitably symbolic, after which you are free to celebrate the onset of Summer, and unpack your picnic. Wasps may not be celebrating with you, as it is not their season.  So enjoy your Summer Solstice celebration, even if it is under the guise of a music or beer festival!


 The majority of the aspects or astrological features happen in the late evening in the night before in the U.S., and so may take on a different hue in that continent.

Monday evening (16th) will see the re-entry of Mercury into Gemini.  You may have started the working week in an emotional vein, but on reflection on Monday evening may see things in more rational terms, and formulate a new plan accordingly to work towards for Tuesday morning.  As Mercury is retrograde, you may need to wait until the beginning of July to implement a new beginning, but can start to see things differently now and understand how to implement new understandings in an informal way.

Your mind may not at all be on the workplace on Monday evening, in which case the new understanding which incorporates emotion and rationality together can be applied to your personal life, for example in instituting new personal boundaries.

If you are having an early night, you may be subject to deep insights in the hypnagogic state between wakefulness and sleeping.

Tuesday evening (17th) will see you making merry, with Venus sextile Jupiter.  This could be an anniversary party or an engagement party.  Hopefully, you can let your hair down without a care in the world.  Even Barack Obama may find an outlet for relaxation between responsibilities.

Thursday (19th)  mid-afternoon the Sun conjuncts Gemini, and work ethics are blessed.  Here is a chance for real concentration, getting the job done, and making progress through application.

Friday (20th) in the early evening brings a chance to honour the Summer Solstice, the Sun’s entry into the sign of Cancer.  Here the focus may be Moon gazing, just over its half-Moon phase.  The Summer Solstice is as much about the Moon as the Sun, marking the Sun’s entry into the Moon’s sign.  Any social event on Saturday night may illustrate in some way its connection with this seasonal event.  Just before this revelation, look out for an incident of healing significance or challenge, with Chiron turning retrograde.  It highlights something as yet unhealed, which will mark a new healing journey.  Once that is understood, you can let the wine flow!


Please excuse me in advance, dear antipodean reader, for although hubby Mike has been to Australia once, and my youngest daughter has been three times, I have not visited your fair land.  My stereotypical vision therefore consists of having watched Neighbours for its first few years, and I am almost bound to mention the word barbecue at least once.  Here goes:

Your main planetary energies this week are going to be expressed mainly in early evening energies and events.

On Tuesday (17th) early evening Mercury enters Gemini from Cancer in retrograde motion.  You may start the evening with new insights and ways of perception, having garnered emotional input recently which you can put together with a satisfying intellectual structure.  Thus you may have put in your diary a casual social arrangement, but change your mind as there is a new idea you want to work on.

Wednesday (18th) early evening is the one to socialize.  It is party time, with Venus sextile Jupiter, so you can invite the Neighbours round if you had to put them off the evening before.   It may be that you had planned for some time an engagement or anniversary party.  If you are not a party animal, the evening is perfect for artistic, musical or creative pursuits.

Late morning on Friday (20th) is the time to enjoy the Sun’s conjunction with Mercury in late Gemini.  So if you are ending your working week in the office, on a winter’s day,  you will be able to concentrate, perhaps doing a whole week’s work in one day.

Saturday (21st ) in the early evening the Sun enters Cancer in Australia.  Here the focus may be watching the emerging Moon, just over its half-Moon phase, as it comes into full splendour towards the night.  It is the best day for a barbecue. You may reflect on the week past as a period of balm, with Wednesday as social icing on the cake.  As Chiron turns retrograde, you may become aware of a healing mission, which lasts at least until 24th November when Chiron turns direct again.

Next Week: Wimbledon

The week in bullet points (see U.S. and Aussie timings above):

  • Tuesday –  retracing your steps mentally
  • Wednesday – divine for social events
  • Thursday – pinpointing the truth
  • Saturday – attending to healing and celebrating the Solstice


Aspects for the week beginning 8 June 2014

Theresa May vs Michael Gove

 I had hoped to steer clear of British politics for a little longer, but the spat between Home Secretary Theresa May and Education Minister Michael Gove has dominated the headlines since Wednesday, when a letter written by Theresa May was made public, criticizing lack of action by Michael Gove on security against extremism in schools, after he had criticized her record on the same issue in a wider context.

Theresa May

 Theresa’s chart shows Saturn conjunct the North Node (a serious responsible life purpose working through politics) squaring Pluto (her struggles have a life or death quality to them).  Mercury sextiles the North Node/Saturn conjunction, so she is able to concentrate her mind and apply it to concerns which are important to her.  Her Sun in Libra sextiles Uranus, and she is capable of thinking outside the box.  Her Jupiter opposite Mars shows a fiery side, but there is also an interest in healing situations (Sun trine Chiron) and diplomacy (Mars in Pisces and Sun in Libra) which may show up later in life.  She has been tipped as the next Tory leader, but her health is of some concern (she recently revealed that she has diabetes).  She recently lambasted the Police, feeling strong with Pluto sextile her natal Mars and Jupiter sextile her natal Jupiter.

Michael Gove

 Michael Gove has a strong chart, and like Theresa May, has endured in a cabinet post since the Tories came to power under David Cameron in 2010.  He has never been a teacher, but has been in charge of education policy, introducing measure after measure of policies which hark back to his own childhood.  The latest of these this week is a suggestion of punishing parents for children’s misdemeanours.  I think his awareness of psychology is fairly superficial.  He has a studious chart, with 5 planets in Virgo and the Moon harmoniously placed in Taurus, so that he is secure in his own childhood memories and plays them out through trines to his Virgo planets.  He is also a warrior, with a powerful Mars in Scorpio exactly sextile Pluto.  Mars is also conjunct Neptune, so some of his warriorship is subversive, but then so is Theresa’s, with her Mars being in Pisces.

There is power karma between them, with Michael Gove’s Sun (power) squaring Theresa May’s Nodal Axis (karma).

David Cameron

 Libran Prime Minister David Cameron must arbitrate between these two bulwarks of his administration.  I don’t think he would want to lose either of them.  He has a lucky karmic link with Theresa May (her North Node trine his Jupiter and sextile his Ascendant) and a sympathy with Michael Gove from a longstanding friendship (his Neptune is conjunct Gove’s Neptune/Mars conjunction and therefore also sextile Gove’s Pluto).  Karmically, they are old mates from ancient battlefields, and Cameron may feel he owes Gove something, unconsciously.


 I would not like to choose between them!  Michael Gove has a very tenacious chart, but equally Theresa May is a very strong woman.  The spat may well be smoothed over, having been triggered most likely by a show of strength from some of Theresa’s current transits (she also has Saturn currently sextile her Jupiter).


The Sun squares Chiron today, so you may be wrestling with a problem or healing issue, trying to work out how to put a square peg in a round hole for instance, solving a dispute, or putting into practice a healing regime.

Tomorrow Venus trines Pluto which is good news for finding diplomatic solutions, or solving relationship problems.  Any art or music will be profound in its expression.

Towards the end of the day, Neptune is stationary prior to turning retrograde, prompting a review of your spiritual path, and some retracing of your steps.  It is a chance to rectify any lapses, red herrings or culs de sac.  Perhaps you have seized upon a new teaching and need to de-programme some of it.

The end of the week is tricky, and although Fridays and Saturdays are often the focus of social activity, a quiet retreat may be easier to negotiate.  I am not superstitious about Friday 13th, and I do not have trouble with the emotional tension of a Full Moon (which is in Sagittarius that day) but these in combination with Venus opposite Saturn could bring a lot to process that day.  Tension could be rising or incidents occurring the night before, on Thursday evening, for just after 4.a.m. on Friday 13th Venus opposes Saturn and the Moon opposes the Sun.  This could bring some sadness, e.g. a well loved figure could pass away on the world stage.

Saturn also trines Chiron that day, bringing some stabilization and healing to difficult situations.

However, on Saturday (14th) Mars squares Pluto, which can bring aggression to the fore.  Keep away from spats with colleagues.  If you show your hand or reveal your Inner Warrior, you may need to be sure you can handle the consequences.

I have pencilled out Friday and Saturday in my diary, and the Customer Service desk will be shut.  But I hope to bring brighter news next Sunday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – problem solving
  • Tomorrow – deep isnights
  • Friday – sadness and tension
  • Saturday – confrontation


Aspects for the week beginning 1 June 2014

Heroes of the Week

Maya Angelou

“But a bird that stalks

down his narrow cage

can seldom see through

his bars of rage

his wings are clipped and

his feet are tied

so he opens his throat to sing.”

~ Maya Angelou

It is ironic that Maya Angelou, author of “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings” has died in the same week that Michael Gove has pushed through his  recommendations that British schoolchildren should only study British texts – a retrograde step if ever I heard one.  We need to hear voices from other parts of the world, and expand our consciousness, not to narrow it

When I was at University in the early 1970s I studied American Negro history (it might be called something else now).  This included the literature of Langston Hughes, Richard Wrght and James Baldwin, but it was just after Maya Angelou had published her first autobiographical novel and before she appeared on a syllabus.  Her work was on the curriculum by the time my eldest daughter studied A Level English.

Neptune rising in her chart makes for a highly sensitive individual who may have difficulties with boundaries, especially early in life.  Her Ascendant is in Leo (at 6 foot tall) and she was a performer in many facets of the Arts.

Her courage (shown by Mars opposite the Ascendant) is combined with her great sensitivity (Mars/Descendant opposing  Neptune/Ascendant).  This warriorship gives rise to the various themes of her writing and activism:  the pain and injustice of racism, and rape, and her philosophies of endurance and affirmation of life.  It was James Baldwin himself who encouraged her to write her first and seminal work.

Two other conjunctions stand out in her chart:-

Sun conjunct Jupiter – a positive philosophy

Mercury conjunct Venus – the Writer Archetype

Two wonderfully expressive conjunctions, but nothing came easily  because both are “caged” (Sun/Jupiter is squared by Pluto, and Mercury/Venus is squared by Saturn).

However, she was destined to endear herself to humanity, with Moon (the people) trine her North Node (karmic mission).

Her Saturn in Sagittarius is another metaphor for the caged (Saturn) bird of freedom (Sagittarius). Her work and her message are very relevant this year as Saturn reaches the end of Scorpio and enters Sagittarius on 23rd December.  I remember when Saturn last entered Sagittarius in 1985 it registered instantly with me as a sense of wings being clipped, a pinning down of that natural Sagittarius expansion.  All things of course happen for a reason and in right timing, we discover later.  Such an experience can help concentrate (Saturn)  the higher mind (Sagittarius) and produce literature which in Maya Angelou’s case  carries the essence of wisdom. Her first book would therefore make an ideal stocking filler at the end of this year.

“You may not control all the events that happen to you, but you can decide not to be reduced by them…” ~ Maya Angelou

Stephen Sutton

A very different hero here in the U.K. this week found a few minutes of fame at the end of his life, but made a huge impact.  Stephen Sutton, dying of cancer in his hospital bed, endeared himself to the masses on social media, and raised 4 and a half million pounds in a short space of time for the teenage cancer charity he sponsored (The Teenage Cancer Trust).  He received a huge send off last week, with a wave of thumbs raised.  His attitude to life was extremely positive, and he was relentlessly joyful about life.  Humour was a marked characteristic of his communications, along with courage.   Like Maya Angelou, his soul was irrepressible.

In looking at his chart we can start with his Sun sign Sagittarius, an equivalent to Maya Angelou’s  Sun closely conjunct Jupiter: a naturally positive thinker, with a philosophical view of life.  Mars squares exactly Jupiter in his chart, giving him extremely enthusiastic energy.  Love is his karmic mission (Venus closely conjunct North Node) in Scorpio (achieved just before his death).  Jupiter in its own sign of Sagittarius (magnifying the positivity) conjuncts Pluto in its own sign of Scorpio (emphasizing the death experience, as a vehicle for the positivity to flow).  This conjunction is enormously powerful, and is squared by Mars, showing the poignancy and pain of its expression in his life.  Chiron squares his natal Sun/Mercury, indicating the severity of his wound which took him at such a young age.  Pluto was exactly sextile his North Node when he died, showing that he had profoundly expressed his mission.

“Life isn’t measured in time, it’s measured in achievements” ~ Stephen Sutton


The aspects this week consist of two sextiles followed by a change of direction by our friend Mercury.

The first sextile appears on Wednesday (4th) so the intervening time can be spent, if you wish, making the most of Saturday’s (31st) trine between Mars and the Sun and preparing for Wednesday’s sextile between Venus and Neptune.  Purposeful action can occupy you till Monday therefore, and then a more passive reception of inspiration from Monday to Wednesday.  The crossover moment between may be characterized by a blend of the two: burn-out from overdoing things, and a quiet insistence from the Soul to sit still and listen.

So on to Wednesday (4th) and the first of the two sextiles, that between Venus and Neptune.  This favours any activities which are Venusian in nature that you wish to take up, then incorporating a spiritual dimension.  Venus represents a wide range of pursuits and qualities, and its heightening by Neptune creates a variety of possibilities:

Love (Venus) combined with Compassion (Neptune)

Money (Venus) with Limitlessness (Neptune)

Gardening (Venus) with Spiritual awareness (Neptune)

Relationship (Venus) with a Spiritual bond (Neptune)

Artistic creation (Venus) with Inspiration (Neptune)

Musical expression (Venus) with Upliftment (Neptune)

You may already know what path you are approaching for Wednesday and where you can look for the source of spiritual energy or input.

A different sextile (Sun with Uranus) presents on Friday (6th).  There is a strong creative theme from the Sun, but it is combined with a desire for change (Uranus).  This can produce innovation in Engineering, I.T.,  original creativity, stunning performance art, and high energy for your chosen activity.  It’s also good for networking.  Pass the star shaped canapés, please!

Saturday (7th) brings a reversal of direction by Mercury, standing still before turning retrograde.  Make a special effort to express your communications clearly for the rest of the month.

For a refreshing take on Mercury retrograde read Larry Schwimmer’s post on the subject:


The week in bullet points:

  • Wednesday – art and inspiration
  • Friday – creativity and originality
  • Saturday – trying to get your communications straight

Aspects for the week beginning 25 May 2014

Pope Francis (Update)

I found it interesting that Pope Francis launched his latest middle eastern initiative at the constructive trine between Jupiter and Saturn.  It is as though he has been raiding the astrological archives in the Vatican to best use.

I last looked at his chart when he became Pope, and he certainly seems to be shaping up to being the most no-nonsense, hands-on and grounded Pope in living history.

Recap on his Chart

In a recap from my blog of 17/3/14 my first impression of his chart included:

“Sun in Sagittarius is traditionally the sign for conventional religion, and pontification.  His Sun is close to the galactic centre, so he may be aligned with spiritual realities, and it is conjunct the North Node (karmic mission) which confirms that his path is a true one (for him at least).  He is comfortable with religious power.  There is a down-to-earth quality about him, and if he is of a certain evolutionary level it may be significant in his life and works that Earth is the esoteric ruler of Sagittarius.”

Current Mission

The Pope is travelling to Jordan and Israel, and visiting even-handedly the occupied territories and the Jewish Holocaust memorial at Yad Vashem.  What I love though is that he is taking with him a Rabbi and an Imam (colleagues from Argentina) to foster religious relations.  Religious Unity is one of my pet hobby horses!

Friday’s Guardian stated that “The Vatican is publicly insisting that the main point of the trip is to mend fences between Catholic and Orthodox Christianity”.  Internal unity within Christianity is important, but I am hoping for some unity to happen between religions, too.

However, he may upset the applecart altogether as he is known for speaking his mind, and has arranged his itinerary to honour the Palestinian factions first, whereas the custom for Popes in the past has been to visit Israel first.  If he alienates some parties, an opportunity may be missed for being an agent of religious unity.  But his political concerns may take priority at some point.

Current Transits

The transits to Pope Francis’ chart are most interesting, in that they actually do provide support for his mission.  The balancing Jupiter-Saturn trine at the inception of his journey keys perfectly into his Neptune (spirituality) which sextiles both planets at their midpoint.  This is an ideal line up in which to attempt to balance different faiths and their interests.  In addition, the North Node (world karmic interest) sextiles his natal Sun, so this sort of work is part of what he is here in incarnation to do.  However, his Sagittarian fire may still cause problems as Jupiter will be squaring his Mars, so he may be at the centre of some volatility at some point, and safety is an issue (9000 police are on the case to protect him).


The Pope’s trip may not produce any significant shift in the intransigeant and long search for peace in the area, but bringing people of different faiths together  I feel is always worth doing and will shift the evolution in the right direction, making some people think more deeply and widely.


You can bask in the constructive energies of Saturday’s Jupiter–Saturn trine (or Grand Trine with Chiron) for at least a couple more days.

On Tuesday (27th), the South Node conjuncts Venus, so there may be a nostalgic flavour of revisiting old loves and lives.  For some however there may be a question of literally paying back money owed!

Wednesday (28th) continues fine at first, with a sextile between Venus and Mercury, which you may remember popped up on Thursday 15th and as it was not so long ago, you may remember what you did with it.  Maybe you wrote a masterpiece or composed a symphony, or said soothing words to the neighbours.  If it worked, then you may repeat the winning formula.  These two planets have been rubbing shoulders ever since 15th, so fine words may have been bubbling under the surface all this time.

A New Moon at 7 degrees Gemini will follow on that day, and enable you to anchor a new initiative which may be based on teaching, communication, or transport, or broadcasting.

However, just before midnight the Sun squares Neptune, which may or may not affect your earlier successes in the day.  Confusion may reign, and if earlier high-flown words were based on illusion, then actions based on them may collapse.  So make sure earlier communication is based on authenticity.

On Thursday (29th) Venus enters Taurus, and it will at least be easier to create artistic and musical work which is heartfelt and beautiful.  Venus is not at ease in the previous sign of Aries, simply because it doesn’t like to be rushed.  Creativity can now take on its true rhythm.

Another planet changes sign later in the morning, when Mercury enters Cancer.  Though it is leaving its natural sign of Gemini where it speaks freely, Mercury in Cancer is able now to translate emotions into words, so you will get another side of the picture, and not just the mental insight.  You will get the colour of mood, for instance, if you are constructing characters in your latest novel.  This may be welcome if you have felt you were just describing cardboard cut-outs in the early chapters, and may inspire you to go back over your work and fill in the missing nuances,  fleshing out your characters.

The last aspect of the week, appearing on Saturday (31st) is an all male character, Sun trine Mars.  No need for nuance there, or feminine wiles,  this aspect will tell it like it is.  As a trine, it is a positive aspect, but it will favour males and the male approach to life.  The “man of the house” will symbolically if not literally take over the remote control, and insist on the viewing of some sporting highlight.  It would probably be best if women had a ladies’ night out rather than resist or insist on equality.  It may not be possible to express the feminine energy within the context of this strong and uncompromising aspect.  So I recommend a lads’ night in with the lager, and a hen night out decked in handbags and glad rags.  That’s right, I recommend stereotyping on Saturday.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – relationship karma
  • Wednesday – favours writing, a new beginning, then confusion
  • Thursday – good for art and music, and literary imagination
  • Saturday – male bonding