Aspects for the week beginning 6 December 2009
This week we re-visit the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron which has been a feature of this year. In looking back over the year, you may remember economic stringencies, ecological wrangles and psychological challenges of Pluto in Capricorn. You’ll also remember the crumbling institutions, erosions of structures and tugs of war of the Saturn opposition with Uranus. But was there an area in which you excelled and made progress, maybe effortlessly through innate talent? Go on, admit it – stop me if you’ve heard me say it all before – It may not have been in an area you would have liked, but it would have been evidence of the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron effect. Jupiter conjuncts Chiron again tomorrow (Monday 7th) at 22 degrees Aquarius, emphasizing the miraculous. The recognition and blossoming of Susan Boyle is a classic picture of the hype of this aspect. No matter that her time and even date of birth have been under contention. The phenomenon itself is in the nature of, and a clear case of the action of this triple conjunction, and the timing of her entry onto the global stage was at the time of the first meeting of these three planets. She struggled with working out the healing crisis of Chiron in her life during the second phase, and now as the third phase is beginning she has been crowned with a number one album in the U.K., the U.S. and Australia. She has been forced to grow (Jupiter) and has been at the mercy (Neptune) of the process. Among the great Exhibitions of this year (another manifestation of the triple conjunction) is the new Turner Exhibition at Tate Britain. I visited this “magnificent and hugely ambitious exhibition” (accolade by The Times) yesterday, and was reminded of his mastery of light and colour, nebulosity and luminosity, and of how he lifted early 18th Century British art. He was a Taurean (one of the birth signs associated with art) but again, his birth date is nebulous, generally thought to be late April 1775. The Exhibition continues until 31st January 2010. The third phase of the triple conjunction continues on 21st December when Jupiter conjuncts Neptune, continuing the billowing nebulous theme. At the beginning of January the triple conjunction will linger, so if there is extra mileage to he had, you need to recognize and honour the opportunities and make the most of them, while also recognizing the pitfalls and the more serious issues prevailing. The other aspect which occurs tomorrow (Mercury conjunct Pluto) reminds us of the latter. The weight of the economic and ecological issues are undeniable (though the climate change deniers are having their day). It is as though on this first day of the week, at 9 o’clock in the morning, the Universe means business. All the extremes of light and shadow are out on display. On the one hand all that we have before us in trying to deal with the serious issues, and all the divine light and spiritual resources on the other (if in doubt pick up a self-help book). Some deny the economic crisis, talking of green shoots, some deny the climate change, and some deny that we have souls and are divine in nature. It feels more whole to acknowledge them all and to use our spiritual resources to back up our lack of material resources and our efforts to solve our personal and collective problems. Tomorrow is both a reckoning and a possible launch pad to a new effort. Mercury as the planet of weather, a component of climate change, is assailed again on Tuesday (8th) by a square from Saturn. Those who have tried to put forward constructive and enlightening strategies on Monday may be deflated or knocked back and forced to retract slightly on Tuesday. Their “reach may exceed their grasp” as Browning put it, but the push was necessary to progress. Mercury squaring Saturn is a reality check, showing you exactly what you have yet to achieve, and highlighting the difficulties of this transition period. Sometimes in a transition you are needing to do twice the work: implementing the change and propping up the old structures until they can safely be put away. That applies to our psychological structures, too. Friday 11th starts with an energetic trine between the Sun and Mars, fire planets in fire signs. You will have more than enough fuel for the day, if not beyond. On Saturday 12th Jupiter is semi-sextile Uranus which, though uncomfortable, may show you the potential of next year’s Jupiter-Uranus conjunction. In showing you in a grand way what is not working, it may provide the Vision you need to power you through next year. The triple conjunction has been linking with Uranus in this way for most of this year. And Jupiter and Uranus together are also carrying the seed of working constructively with the T-square of Pluto-Saturn-Uranus over the next two years. Like Susan Boyle you may have a dream…but your dream needs to encompass the depths as well as the heights of living on this planet at this time. Shall I compare the triple conjunction to a skyscape by Turner? On reflection, yes.