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Aspects for the week beginning 14 January 2018

Oprah Winfrey

“I believe in the God force that lives inside all of us, and once you tap into that, you can do anything.”

~ Oprah Winfrey

The story so far:

Jupiter went into Scorpio, Harvey Weinstein was brought down, the “Me Too” movement was born.  Kevin Spacey was also brought down by sexual allegations, and parts of his film (“All the Money in the World”) had to be re-shot.  On 1st January the Time’s Up fund was set up to support sexual assault survivors.  On 7th January the 75th Golden Globes saw all the women on the red carpet dressed in black protesting against sexual misconduct.  Oprah Winfrey made an iconic speech, accepting the Cecil B. de Mille lifetime achievement award.  She is hailed as a possible contender for President. Cometh the hour, cometh the woman.

This week also saw a small backlash against the movement: French actress Catherine Deneuve and actor Liam Neeson tried to put other views forward.  Catherine Deneuve defended men’s “freedom to pester”, while Liam Neeson sees allegations as a witch-hunt.

Oprah’s Birth Chart

On the Andrew Marr show this morning, Tom Hanks described Oprah as a social force which has brought people of differing views together over the years.  In an interview, Hanks, Meryl Streep and Steven Spielberg all endorsed her credentials for leadership.

Oprah Winfrey has the Sun in Aquarius, a sign which at its most evolved has great integrity, is humanitarian and visionary.  She has built up a formidable career in broadcasting, has been an actor, and is one of the world’s wealthiest women, as well as its richest black woman.

She has her Ascendant and Moon in Sagittarius, with a deep interesting in philosophy, global issues and bringing ideas to people.

“…it’s the insatiable dedication to uncovering the absolute truth that keeps us from turning a blind eye to corruption and to injustice. To — to tyrants and victims, and secrets and lies. I want to say that I value the press more than ever before as we try to navigate these complicated times, which brings me to this: what I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.”

~ Oprah Winfrey, from her Golden Globes speech

The first thing that strikes me about the birth chart of this outstanding woman is that she has three exact conjunctions:

  1. Chiron exactly conjunct North Node in Capricorn in 1st House of Personality – Karmic Mission as a Healer, which can be placed in the political sphere. She started life wounded (a childhood which included sexual abuse), but emerged to teach others about woundedness and how to heal.
  2. Sun exactly conjunct Venus in Aquarius in 2nd House of Finance – A Lover of Humanity, and enormously wealthy. She is also a great philanthropist.
  3. Neptune exactly conjunct the Part of Fortune in Libra in 10th House – The combination of Sensitivity and Joy, and a mystical route to the divine, channelled into her career path.

Other notable features of her chart are Saturn square exactly her Sun/Venus, depicting in part the  suffering in her origins; an unaspected Moon, possible neglect as a child (she has chosen not to be a mother, which is a function of the Moon); Mars exactly square Pluto, the victim of violence early in life; and Jupiter exactly trine her Midheaven, the unqualified success of her career.

She also has Mercury square Mars (Thandie Newton once said: “She’s got a mind like a razor blade.”).  Sharp interviewer and chat show host David Frost also had Mars square Mercury.  At the inauguration of The Oprah Winfrey Show Uranus was exactly sextile her natal Mercury, an apt transit for what she was to make an artform.

At the Golden Globes this week, transiting Uranus (change) was exactly trine her Pluto (deepest psychology), so she was truly expressing her intent to be the change she wanted to see in the world.

Time’s Up

The Time’s Up fund was set up on New Year’s Day, when the Moon went into Cancer (a supportive placement for women).  This morning it was announced that actor Mark Wahlberg would be donating his fee for re-shooting the scenes with Christopher Plummer (replacing Kevin Spacey) to this fund.  It is interesting that natally, like Oprah, Mark Wahlberg has Neptune exactly conjunct the Part of Fortune (a heightened compassion) – in his case it is in Sagittarius in 5th House.


I am not sure how motivated Oprah Winfrey is to satisfy the need of the nation for a humane President, but her transits and progressions are certainly interesting, and encouraging for the time period of the next election.  Her progressed Sun will be positioned close to her I.C. in Aries in the 4th House, in a sextile with her natal Jupiter; and Jupiter will be transiting her natal Sun/Venus conjunction in 2nd House of Finance.

“So I want all the girls watching here, now, to know that a new day is on the horizon! And when that new day finally dawns, it will be because of a lot of magnificent women, many of whom are right here in this room tonight, and some pretty phenomenal men, fighting hard to make sure that they become the leaders who take us to the time when nobody ever has to say ‘Me too’ again.”

~ Oprah Winfrey, from her Golden Globes speech


The Sun squares Uranus today, so even if you are not thinking about change, it may come your way.  Better to think around the subject in advance, and mull over your preferences, and be open.  The aspect occurs this evening in the U.K.

Tomorrow (Monday 15th), there are possibilities for healing, with a Sun sextile Chiron favouring dental and health check-ups.  At the start of the working week in the office, initiatives may be successful which try to solve existing problems.  You may decide to call a meeting to bring staff onto the same page.

Tuesday (16th) holds the most important aspect, and may be the key to the whole week: Jupiter sextile Pluto.  This denotes a wise balance of power, and possible philanthropy.  Generally speaking, it is a day for grand gestures of the beneficent variety.

The New Moon at 26 degrees Capricorn appears on Wednesday (17th), applying its refreshment to matters of politics and administration.  It is a good time to focus your intentions on new beginnings related to the structures and organization of your life.

Venus enters Aquarius on Thursday (18th), and a greater quality of humanitarianism may steal into our hearts.  Venus will be staying in this sign until 10th February, so there is plenty of time to practise good works and express good feelings.  Oprah has Venus in Aquarius natally, and you can spread the love even if you don’t have the money to be philanthropic.

On Saturday 20th, we have a sweet sextile between Mercury and Neptune, so the mind is affected by the finer feelings.  Compassion influences thinking, and inspiration flows into words.  Mind and spirit are aligned harmoniously.

The Sun also enters Aquarius that day, bolstering Venus’ attempts to widen our social initiatives.  You may find yourself rebelling against recent schedules, and looking at different choices, options and avenues which will give the next month more vision.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – revolutionary
  • Tomorrow – healing
  • Tuesday – wisely balanced power
  • Wednesday – new beginnings
  • Thursday – humanitarian; healing activities
  • Saturday – mental inspiration and new vision

Aspects for the week beginning 7 January 2018

Karma Chameleon No. 1

Emily Bronte/Kate Bush

Emily Bronte was in the news this week, so that’s my opportunity to launch the first in a new occasional series “Karma Chameleons”!  She is in the news because it is the bicentenary of the year of her birth.  A row has erupted about the appointment of supermodel Lily Cole to the Bronte Society in order to assist this celebration.

The reason I have chosen Emily Bronte for the first “Karma Chameleon”, apart from the fact I have always been a fan of her novel Wuthering Heights and her poetry, is that she bears a remarkable resemblance to Kate Bush, whose big hit single of the 1970s bore the name “Wuthering Heights”.  It is tempting to think that she may, just may, be a reincarnation of Emily.

Emily Bronte

Emily Bronte had the Sun in Leo (Power and Drama), Ascendant in Scorpio (Passion, Power and Drama) and Moon in Cancer (love of Home and Family).  Her Venus and Mars were exactly conjunct (the alliance of love and sexuality, very much the tone of Wuthering Heights).  She was arguably the most sensual and passionate of the Bronte clan.  Emily had Saturn conjunct I.C. in Pisces in 4th House, symbolic of an impoverished, restricted and cloistered home life.  She had 0 Air planets, so processed life through instinct.  Her Sun was unaspected, except for a square to the Nodal Axis and a trine to Chiron, increasing Emily’s individuality. Her Moon was sextile Mars, giving her courage.  One of her poems begins:

No coward soul is mine

No trembler in the world’s storm-troubled sphere

I see Heaven’s glories shine

And Faith shines equal arming me from Fear

She had Mercury trine Uranus  (an original mind) and Mercury trine Neptune (a sensitive mind).  Pluto was trine Scorpio Ascendant from the early 5th House, showing the depth of her creativity and its theme of death in the ghostly Cathy Earnshaw, the heroine of Wuthering Heights.

The chart of the novel Wuthering Heights, published on 27th December 1847, has Sun in Capricorn and Moon in Virgo, representing the earthy environment and background of the Yorkshire Moors.  The Sun is exactly trine Mars, showing its energy and passion.  The Nodal Axis squares the Sun, reflecting that aspect in Emily’s own chart.  Mercury also trines Uranus, as in Emily’s chart.  Venus trines Jupiter, enabling the romantic element of the work to succeed.

Two trines stand out as transits for Emily on the publication of Wuthering Heights: Jupiter trine her Saturn in Pisces in 4th House conjunct closely I.C. (her impoverished and cloistered background), healing to that aspect of her life.  The other is Pluto trine her Neptune in Sagittarius in 1st House – a profound achievement.

Emily died aged 30, around the time of her Saturn Return.

Monsieur Constantin Heger, the mentor of Emily and her sister Charlotte in Brussels, said of her:

“She should have been a man – a great navigator. Her powerful reason would have deduced new spheres of discovery from the knowledge of the old; and her strong imperious will* would never have been daunted by opposition or difficulty, never have given way but with life. She had a head for logic, and a capability of argument unusual in a man and rarer indeed in a woman… impairing this gift was her stubborn tenacity of will which rendered her obtuse to all reasoning where her own wishes, or her own sense of right, was concerned”.

*Sun in Leo and Ascendant in Scorpio

Claire Harman in her biography of sister Charlotte tells us: “Emily’s violently suppressed feelings and her strong personality were a source of awe to Charlotte  , who later described her nature as ‘ standing alone’ from all others.”

In Claire Harman’s evaluation: “the reclusive and misanthropic second daughter of the parsonage turned out to have a romantic vision more extravagant than any. Novelist before her. It was primal, visceral and decidedly heretical”

Kate Bush

The first and most striking coincidence or comparison between Emily Bronte and singer Kate Bush is that they share exactly the same birthday: 30th July.  They are therefore both 7 degree Leo Suns.  It is a sign associated with creativity, and often with one big idea or creation, e.g. one child. In a biography by Rob Jovanovic. Kate is quoted as describing herself: ” I had such an excess of emotion that I needed to get it out of my system and writing was how I did it.  I could actually create something out of nothing.”

At the age of 19 in 1978 Kate made her debut record, “Wuthering Heights” (from her album “The Kick Inside”), a record which was more of a total experience than just a song, with the indelible image of Kate’s distinctive gyrations to her creation on video.  Countless performers have imitated her, but there’s only one Kate Bush!

Emily Bronte wrote one book, “Wuthering Heights”, and that too was iconic.  While Kate Bush has written and performed more than just that one song, it is this song which always comes to mind when her name is mentioned.

What’s in a name?  There are often recurring initials in a person’s incarnations, and their surnames both begin with B, and Emily’s heroine Cathy is a variation of Kate.

In the links between their charts, Kate Bush’s North Node (karmic projection) is exactly conjunct Emily Bronte’s Part of Fortune (joie de vivre).  We have a birthtime and Ascendant for Emily, though not for Kate.

They do look alike (and I hope to include an image at some stage with this blog)!

Like Emily, Kate is very strong willed, having half her planets (5) in the Fixed, strong willed signs.

Kate’s modern life has been much more empowered and self-determined than that of Emily, and Kate has an amazing triple conjunction between North Node/Jupiter/Neptune.  She was born on a Full Moon, and  wrote the song Wuthering Heights on a Full Moon (5/3/77).  Kate has Mercury trine Mars, and proved to be a prolific songwriter from childhood.  She shares the aspect Mars square Uranus with Emily – a sign of great electrical energy.  In fact, Kate does have formidable energy, in Mars trine Pluto.

Like Emily, she came from a talented family: her brothers have been dancers, musicians and poets.  Like Emily too, she is family-centred: ” I think I am most definitely a strongly emotionally-based person, and my family are totally integral, I think, to everything I do.” (from the same biography).  Kate is a proficient piano player, as was Emily.  Both Emily and Kate have reclusiveness in their make up.

The synastry between Kate and Emily as well as their Suns being exactly conjunct, includes Emily’s Mercury exactly opposite Kate’s Chiron, Emily’s Neptune sextile exactly Kate’s Jupiter, and as mentioned Emily’s Part of Fortune conjunct Kate’s Jupiter (a conjunction which shows a shared source of joy, and a delight in Emily’s work from Kate whether or not there is a soul connection).

Kate once gave a plug to Astrology, which is worth quoting here!

“I think there’s a lot in astrology. I think it’s a very ancient, well mathematically planned-out thing that a lot of people boo-boo. And I think it’s very unfair, because there’s a lot o very strong,  scientific knowledge in there. I think it’s been commercialised a lot, which is why people become so cynical. But I think the fact that people are born at a certain time, on a certain day, with stars in certain positions is bound to have some effect on that person because we are ruled by everything around us .”

“When I sing that song I am Cathy ~ Kate Bush

Lily Cole

Though not a contender as a Karma Chameleon, Lily Cole’s birthday (27th December) is also the publication date of the original novel Wuthering Heights.  She was born 140 years after its publication.  Saturn transits her natal Sun in Capricorn on February 4th this year, which may be connected with the current controversy.  But she will also have Uranus trine her Uranus on 2nd April this year, which may indicate a sparkling success.

According to the Guardian “Bronte Society member and author Nick Holland said he would resign over Cole’s appointment, which he called ‘rank farce’ “.  I personally find it hard to believe that he objects on the grounds of her being a supermodel, for what is wrong with that?  And besides, Lily Cole has a double first degree from the University of Cambridge in the History of Art, and is also an actress.  So she has other talents and accomplishments as well as being a supermodel.  She is producing a film about Emily Bronte for the celebrations.

With Mercury exactly conjunct Neptune in Lily’s (rhymes with Emily by the way) chart, Lily has a supersensitive mind and the ability to channel.  Her Uranus squares exactly the Nodal Axis, so she is capable of stirring up controversy.  The news erupted on Thursday 4th this week, when Uranus (controversy) was sextile her natal Chiron, and Neptune trine her Pluto.  She is capable of handling this, her statement being that she wished her film to be “judged on its own merits, rather than on my name, my gender, my image or my teenage decisions”.

She has a very strong exact conjunction of her Sun to Emily Bronte’s Jupiter, and Lily’s Jupiter trines Emily’s Mercury so she should do a good job of interpreting her work and life.  Furthermore, her Pluto (depth and insight) are exactly sextile Emily’s natal Venus/Mars conjunction, so she will do justice to Emily’s passion.


We have 14 aspects to get through this week, a lot to handle, so without further ado:

There is an exuberant conjunction of Mars and Jupiter today in the sign of Scorpio.  Any task in hand today is likely to be handled with gusto, relish and passion!  It’s a high energy conjunction, and one you may need to pour enthusiasm into your New Year’s resolutions.  Pharrell Williams, he of the song “Happy” has this conjunction exact in his natal chart.

We also have a square between Mercury and Chiron today, which is not quite in the same groove.  Healing may be an issue, or a problem may need solving.  The answer lies in the question, therein lies a clue.

Tomorrow (Monday 8th) is a celebratory day, with a sextile between the Sun and Jupiter.  Success, luck and travel are all well-starred – party on!

We also have, the same day, the even more celebratory Venus sextile Jupiter, an aspect associated with romance and engagements, and enjoyable social gatherings.

In the evening, Mars sextiles Pluto – a strong forceful energy, which enables you to conduct your projects and operations with strength, power and vigour.

On Tuesday (9th) the Sun conjuncts Venus, a very loving vibe, and one under which artistic and musical projects can flow harmoniously.  Relationships can also flourish under this conjunction.

Venus also conjuncts Pluto, in fact it is a close triple conjunction in time in the morning.  This component of the triple conjunction is more challenging, requiring a deep soul searching, especially in the realm of relationships.

The third manifestation of the triple conjunction is the Sun conjunct Pluto, which means all creativity will have a great deal of depth that day (worthy of the Wuthering Heights novel).  You won’t get away with superficiality on that day – someone will call you out if you try to!

In the evening, Venus will be sextile Mars, a passionate and sensual sextile, again worthy of the Wuthering Heights novel.  This can of course be channelled into creativity too.

So, as you can see, Tuesday is intense and full on!

Wednesday (10th) has the Sun sextile Mars, providing even more energy and fuel for us this week!  You can continue the momentum on projects you were working on earlier in the week, knowing the planets are providing the stamina.  This sextile is often found in charts of sportspersons (I often come across it when researching tennis players in the Wimbledon season).

On Thursday (11th) Mercury enters Capricorn, bringing the lighter notes of the festive season well and truly to a close, and maybe you need to knuckle down to serious New Year projects.  The collective mind will be more focussed that it was in Sagittarius, and more methodical and systematic in its working.

That theme continues on Saturday (13th) with a conjunction of Mercury and Saturn.  Concentration and application are the order of the day.  Even if you are not at work, you’ll more than likely be engaged in something which requires planning and attention to detail in the home sphere.  Travel may be difficult or delayed.

We also have two Venus aspects occurring that day, the first of which (in the evening) is Venus square Uranus, disruptions in relationships.  Travel delay may mean a disruption in social plans for instance, or your phone battery may let you down when you are trying to inform the other party of delay or difficulty.

But then Venus sextiles Chiron, so there may be a happy ending after all.  Those who have been kept apart by Mercury/Saturn delay and Venus/Uranus disruption, may get together after all, and if so that could be very healing for their relationship.  That’s the possibility!

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – Energy plus enthusiasm; healing crisis
  • Tomorrow – Celebration, and energy
  • Tuesday – Intense, and full on
  • Wednesday – More energy
  • Thursday – Attention and concentration
  • Saturday – More concentration, some relationship disruption but then healing harmony

Aspects for the week beginning 31 December 2017

A Look at 2018, the Year Ahead

First, the Year that Was (2017)

The overwhelming memory of 2017, to my mind, was of having Tweedledum and Tweedledee (aka Trump and Jong Un) hovering over our global destiny, accusing each other of being immature.  Boris Johnson, our very own Foreign Secretary, made some inflammatory gaffes home and abroad.  Vladimir Putin continued to wax in power, while a tyrant, Robert Mugabe, was miraculously and peacefully removed.  You may have your own highlights, lowlights and overviews.  If so, why not share them under Comments?

At the end of March, Theresa May triggered Brexit under the no-going-back square formation between Jupiter and Pluto.

In June, with Jupiter going Direct, she suffered a surprise defeat at a hastily called General Election, and Jeremy Corbyn’s stock rose.

What are their possibilities for 2018?  More uncertainty for Theresa, especially around 20th February, with Neptune still exerting an influence on her Mars. 22nd July may be karmic for her and bring sudden changes in her life, with the North Node transiting her natal Uranus.  November is also an important time for her, when she may recoup, or be relieved of her duties, with Jupiter transiting her natal Saturn (4th) and her North Node (15th).

For Jeremy, will this be the year that he can seize power? 8/9th December sees a transit of Jupiter to his Chiron, which could be a breakthrough, especially if Theresa gives up prior to this.

The August 21st New Moon and Eclipse last year was a turning point for many Leos, but for Donald Trump, whose Ascendant was close to the end of Leo where the eclipse fell, it wasn’t the change that many hoped for.  He survived his first year of office.  Is there any chance of unseating him this coming year?  On 10th May the North Node transits his Pluto in 12th House, which could indicate a possible unseating.  If not, he may still be around in October, when on 12th of that month Jupiter transits his I.C. in 3rd House: he could cause a twitter storm on that day.  On 8th November Jupiter squares his Ascendant, causing even more than usual exaggerated behaviour, then moves into his 4th House of Home – could there be home changes? 16th November sees the North Node on his 12th House cusp, and entering his 11th House, so he may be making new karmic alliances at that time, possibly away from the White House…Looking at the U.S. chart, on 4/5th July (2018) Uranus will be transiting its natal Chiron in the 5th House, which may be a sudden healing crisis.

As Jupiter neared the cusp of Libra/Scorpio around 10th October, there was a monumental occurrence in the nature of that point of the zodiac, which represents the point of meeting between relationship (Libra) and sexuality (Scorpio).  The unmasking, after decades, of Harvey Weinstein’s casting couch techniques.  This has come to be a watershed moment, and as Jupiter entered Scorpio, we saw the “me too”  movement, and the Westminster sexual scandals, as a direct knock on effect.

If you are interested in the retrospective blog experience, have a look at my previous post

2018 Dates for your Diary if planning ahead:


Tuesday 2nd: Uranus stationary turning Direct, at 24 deg Aries preparing to go into Taurus – change and progress

Tuesday 16th: Jupiter sextile Pluto – Wise balance of power

Wednesday 31st: Full Moon and Eclipse in Leo – Emotional power.  May be a turning point.


Thursday 15th: New Moon and Eclipse in Aquarius – Brave New World


Friday 9th: Jupiter stationary, prior to turning retrograde – The need to go back and look at the detail

Friday 23rd: Mercury stationary, prior to turning retrograde – Communication disrupted


Saturday 14th: Jupiter sextile Pluto (see 16th Jan) – Wise balance of power, incorporating lessons from 16 Jan.

Sunday 15th: Mercury goes Direct again – Communications restored

Tuesday 17th/Wednesday 18th: Chiron enters Aries – simplifying health matters

Wednesday 18th: Saturn stationary, prior to turning retrograde – The need to secure foundations, and go over previous ground.

Sunday 22nd: Pluto stationary, prior to turning retrograde – A deeper level of setback, necessitating psychological understanding and awareness of reality.


Tuesday 15th: Uranus leaves Aries and goes into Taurus – Changes in the economy, both personal and international.

Saturday 19th: Venus sextile Uranus – Perfect for excitement at a Royal Wedding, and Surprises in the Football Cup.

Monday 21st: Mean Node transits natal 3rd/2nd House cusp of UK chart – Karmic changes in the economy of the U.K.

Friday 25th: Jupiter trine Neptune (see my blog for Christmas 2016) – Religious and Spiritual harmony and flow, and Idealism.


Monday 18th: Neptune stationary, prior to turning retrograde – Some retrospection on the Spiritual path.

Tuesday 26th: Mars stationary, prior to turning retrograde – Pause for reflection on active projects.


Tuesday 10th: Jupiter stationary, prior to turning direct – Momentum and enthusiasm returning.

Friday 13th: New Moon and Eclipse in Cancer – New beginnings and re-births in family matters.

Thursday 26th: Mercury stationary, prior to turning retrograde – Communication disrupted.

Friday 27th: Full Moon and Eclipse in Aquarius – The rise of the Inner Rebel


Tuesday 7th: Uranus stationary, prior to turning retrograde – More rebellion, and bids for freedom.

Saturday 11th: Mean Node transits UK natal I.C. in Leo in 2nd House – Karmic economic developments for the U.K.

Also, on the same day, New Moon and Eclipse in Leo – Power changes

Sunday 19th: Mercury goes Direct again – Communications restored.

Also, on the same day, Jupiter trines Neptune again (see 25 May) – Religious and Spiritual harmony and flow, and Idealism.

Saturday 25th: Grand Earth Trine between Sun in Virgo, Uranus in Taurus and Saturn in Capricorn – Extremely constructive, in a practical sense.

Monday 27th: Mars stationary, prior to turning direct again – The go ahead for active projects.


Thursday 6th: Saturn stationary, prior to turning Direct – Movement where there has not be any for some time.

Wednesday 12th: Jupiter sextile Pluto (as 16 Jan and 14 Apr) – Greater wisdom in the balance of power.

Wednesday 26th/Thursday 27th: Chiron retrogrades back to Pisces – refinement of old healing


Monday 1st: Pluto stationary, prior to turning Direct – Psychological progress

Friday 5th: Venus stationary, prior to turning retrograde – Relationships need work.

Friday/Saturday19/20th: Jupiter to natal U.K. Venus in Scorpio in 6th House – Health and Environmental benefits for the U.K. Could that extend to the NHS?


Tuesday 6th: Uranus retrogrades into Aries – Some unfinished business

Thursday 8th: Jupiter enters Sagittarius – A new hopeful dawn

Friday 16th: Venus stationary, prior to turning Direct again – Relationships eased and enabled.

Saturday 17th: Mercury stationary, prior to turning retrograde – Communication disrupted.

Sunday 25th: Neptune stationary, prior to turning Direct again – Progress on the Spiritual path.


Thursday 6th: Mercury stationary, prior to turning Direct again – Communications restored.

Saturday 15th: Saturn transits the U.K. 8th House cusp (for a two and a half year sojourn) – Difficulties in economic relations with other countries, possibly linked to Brexit.

Thursday/Friday 20th/21st: Jupiter transits natal U.K. Desc in Sagittarius, opposing Ascendant and entering 7th House – This helps international relations, so enables some progress to counterbalance the previous transit.  This transit will be effective for about a year.


Tuesday (2nd) brings us a Full Moon at 11 degrees Cancer.  Emotions are likely to flow freely!  Personal emotions will come to a peak, but also there may be a collective event which causes tears to flow.  Tears of joy are possible.

On the same day, the Sun sextiles Neptune, and the higher, finer emotions may also be in play, bringing the creativity and inspiration of the Soul.  You may be able to take all that emotion, both personal and collective, and make of it something in your particular art, craft or musical expression.  Embodying the emotion in that way may be a good use of excess emotional energy.

Uranus is stationary, prior to turning Direct on Tuesday, as well.  Uranus, which entered Aries in 2010 bringing the Arab Spring, is now in the final stages of its dynamic mission in Aries, and preparing to go into Taurus.  For the purposes of Tuesday, it re-ignites the more positive facets of the element of the unexpected.  There may be long term (7 year) projects (probably collective or communal) that you have been engaged in, which can receive the final push now.

Wednesday (3rd) offers us a sublime sextile between Venus and Neptune, and if you started work on a creative or spiritual project the day before, you can add more artistry, poetry and music to it.  Relationships could be in divine harmony.

A sparky aspect reoccurs on Saturday (6th), with Mercury again trine Uranus (an aspect we enjoyed in November and December).  This aspect can bring bold and futuristic ideas, stimulating conversation, and successful technological upgrades. Have a yabba dabba doo time!

Wishing you all a very happy and Progressive 2018!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tuesday – a full day: emotion flowing, expressed and channelled
  • Wednesday – inspired Arts
  • Saturday – out of the ordinary

Review of the Year 2017


For those who like Retrospectives – Selections from the blogs…



John Hurt (1940 – 2017)

Actor John Hurt died on Friday, he of that beautiful, craggy, vulnerable face which never failed to move me. As an Aquarian, I always felt he had an aura of untouchability too.  His birth chart is very indicative of that exquisite combination of sensitivity and detachment.

Birth Chart

His Sun was at 1 degree Aquarius, the essence of the trailblazer and the groundbreaker, ahead of his time in the roles he undertook.  But Pluto was exactly opposite the Sun in his chart – not an easy life, and he didn’t take on easy roles either.  With Chiron and Pluto in the 12th House of Unconscious, he used the power of his unconscious as a resource to convey the subtlety of his roles.



Claudio Ranieri

“Yesterday my dream died.” ~ Claudio Ranieri

In this fast moving era of replacing football managers, the sacking of Claudio Ranieri this week as the Leicester City Football Club manager would seem a routine event.  But to someone like me, who tends to have little interest in football, it is the culmination of a touching story.

“…Lineker admitted he shed a tear when he heard the news, and that very human reaction will have been replicated all over the country, even by those with no Leicester affiliation.”

~ Paul Wilson, writing in the Sunday Observer today

Birth Chart

Claudio Ranieri has 5 Cardinal planets, a sign of leadership.  As a Libran, and known as a “nice guy”, he is not as colourful or tempestuous in his emotions as the stereotypical Italian.  Indeed, he has been described as having a modest English temperament.  As a past life therapist, it is tempting for me to imagine that he does indeed have positive past life links with Leicester itself, giving rise to this dream-like episode in his life.



Westminster Terror

On Wednesday, Westminster Bridge was the scene of a terrorist incident and Parliament and its surrounding buildings were in lockdown. A British born man, Khalid Masood, drove into passersby then tried to enter the gates of Parliament, and stabbed a policeman to death.  Five people died in total, including the perpetrator, and fifty people were injured.  Though many potential attacks have been foiled since, this was the first attack of its scale in London since 7/7/05.  There are many questions yet to be answered and issues raised, such as whether he was acting alone, what were his motives, and how far he was influenced by radicalization by ISIS, whether police in the City should be armed, and how far the police can keep tabs on all suspects. I will have a brief look at the charts of some of those involved, though crucially some important dates are currently missing, such as the birth date of the brave and heroic policeman who lost his life, Keith Palmer.

Khalid Masood

The birth date of the killer, Khalid Masood, was clearly announced on the evening news on Thursday as 25th December 1964.  His age of 52 was remarkable as being untypical of the usual young radicalized Moslem involved in incidents of this type.  So far they have not established that he was working with a team, and there may be a strong element of mental illness involved. These rogue factors make it difficult for the police to identify who constitutes a strong risk.  Over the last year or two, there has been a pattern of cars or lorries on the continent driving into pedestrians, a method of killing which does not require sophisticated planning.  There was a copycat such incident the next day in Antwerp.



Emmanuel Macron

France goes to the polls today, in the first round of their national elections. Following on from my blog two weeks ago about Marine Le Pen, I would like to concentrate on the other front runner, centrist Emmanuel Macron.  Since that blog, the other two candidates have come up in the ratings, and now there is only 4% in the polls between the top four candidates.  However, there is a chance that Emmanuel Macron may be the next French President.

“A victory for Macron would be the best outcome for the French and the least worst option for us too.” – Martin Kettle, writing in the Guardian.

Emmanuel Macron is only 39 years of age, which is very young for a French candidate for the presidency.  He has had a meteoric rise in politics over the last few years, and while he worked within the socialist sphere (he was a former adviser to President Hollande) he now declares that what France needs is for someone to bring the country together in the centre.

Martin Kettle goes on to say:

“There is a Macron-shaped hole in the centre of British party politics.  Corbyn doesn’t want to fill it.  May probably can’t.  Tim Farron isn’t strong enough.  yes somehow, some time, someone will have to fill it.  At least a Macron victory would prove it can be done.”

Marine Le Pen, leader of the Front National is an extreme right politician, Francois Fillon is also to the right, and Jean-Luc Melenchon is to the far left (the Corbyn and Bernie Sanders territory).  Needless to say, the choice of French President will be crucial for the EU, the Brexit process and globally.

Birth Chart

Mercifully for the Astrologer, all four French candidates have available birth times, so you can see the full picture of their chart.  Emmanuel Macron has an extremely strongly integrated chart in my view, with 10 exact aspects between planets and with angles.  The Sun is conjunct exactly with Mercury, giving him the capacity for concentrated thought, at the end of Sagittarius in his 12th House of Inner Vision. He studied Philosophy (Sagittarius) at University, and in debate has a considerable mental agility.  The capacity for application and hard work is further accentuated by the Sun/Mercury trine Saturn.  His Ascendant is in Capricorn, the sign of Politics.



Eurovision Song Contest 2017

As you may know, there is a tradition of writing about the Eurovision Song Contest on this blog, and this year is no exception.  So look away now if you are not an enthusiast!

Salvador Sobral

The winner of this year’s contest last night was Salvador Sobral, from Portugal.  It was a sensational win for several reasons.  It was the first win ever for Portugal (in 53 years), he won by a mile (gaining 758 points), and he had been unable to perform the first rehearsals because of a serious heart condition, plus the performance and presentation was stripped down to the basics.

Salvador has 6 of his 10 planets in Capricorn (Uranus, Moon, Sun, Neptune, Saturn and Mercury), and certainly managed to convey the pathos of that sign in his performance.  He was born on a New Moon in that sign.  He has the Rebel Archetype (Sun closely conjunct Uranus), but also great sensitivity and vulnerability (Sun conjunct Neptune).  His heart condition (or at least strain on his heart) shows up in his chart through difficult aspects to his Sun (the heart): oppositions from Jupiter and Chiron, and the complex conjunction with Uranus and Neptune.  His emotional sensitivity, which comes through in his singing, comes from a conjunction of the Moon and Neptune.  His Mercury is unaspected, and I suspect that enables him to bypass the mind when he is singing.  He has Jupiter exactly opposite Uranus, the mark of the Opportunist, who knows when to promote himself.



Grenfell Tower – Emotional Responses

It has been an intense few weeks in the U.K. and we are recovering from the Manchester bombing, closely followed by the London Bridge terror attack, then an extraordinary election, and now this week the horrifying spectre of the Grenfell Tower, black against the London skyline.  There has been so much emotion around it all, and the emotional responses of public figures especially have been under scrutiny.

There are so many angles and layers to the Grenfell Tower disaster, which will go on being analyzed for a long time to come.  There are so many stories yet to be told, identities of bodies to be unearthed, and responsibilities and blame to be attached.  I was unable to obtain birth dates for the new Labour MP, for the talented upcoming artist who died, the date of the building, and other possible subjects, and so I thought I would look at the emotional responses of key figures.

Chart of the Fire

On the morning of the disaster, I wrote:

“A chart drawn up for 1 a.m. shows the Mercury-Neptune square on the Ascendant and 4th House cusp, and the Sun-Saturn opposition on the Midheaven-I.C. axis, so these two difficult aspects of the week are not to be underestimated. The 1824 chart for London has transiting Saturn square its Sun (loss).”



Wimbledon 2017 – Week 1

It’s that season again!  May the sun shine on Wimbledon lawns this next fortnight.  I  hope to be on hand to catch every astrological nuance, starting here with the first four seeds in the ladies and men’s game.  Look out for extra information under comments as we go along, and possible extra blogs.

Roger Federer  – No. 3 Seed

By the end of Wimbledon, he has Jupiter sextile his Sun (an excellent prospect), he still has Pluto strengthening his Venus, Jupiter square his Mars has lifted, Neptune still trines his Mars (you could see some stunning work if he is in the final), the Nodal Axis still squares his Uranus, Saturn still sits on his Neptune, but in addition Saturn is sextile his Pluto.  That could be a winning combination!



Diana, Princess of Wales (1961 – 1997)

The 20 year commemoration of her death

 Diana is probably the most photographed woman and style icon there has ever been in the world, and acres of material have been written about her.  Unprecedented tears were shed at her death, and this year at the 20th anniversary of her death on 31st August, it’s a chance for us to re-evaluate how we feel.

Birth Chart

Diana had all the textbook traits of  her Sun in Cancer: shyness, emotionality, maternal qualities, and a special fondness for children.  The Sun in her chart was placed in 7th House, emphasizing the importance of her marriage.  Great sensitivity, a mystical bent, plus a talent for dance, were added to this Sun by a trine from Neptune.  She had a special healing Grand Trine in the Water element, consisting of Sun/Mercury, Chiron and Neptune.  Shaking hands with AIDS patients at a time when it was unheard of comes to mind with this. In her own words: “HIV does not make people dangerous to know. You can shake their hands and give them a hug. Heaven knows they need it. What’s more, you can share their homes, their workplaces, and their playgrounds and toys.”



Strictly Come Dancing 2018 – Part 2

No apologies for another Strictly blog so hard on the heels of the last one!  Last night’s first display of dance was a feast of talent, with some outstanding performances which I think surprised the judges.

Joe McFadden

Now to my favourite programme Holby City, and we have two stars from Holby this series, not forgetting that Tom Chambers from Holby won the series in 2008 (the year Alexandra Burke won X Factor!)  Joe plays Scottish doctor Raf di Lucca in Holby, but he threw himself into the Jive in the first round on the Strictly dance floor last night, and inspired  a score of 8 from one of the Judges.  His character in Holby is described as “A dedicated, driven and passionate doctor” and Joe describes himself as “over-enthusiastic”.  But what does his birthchart tell us?  He has an exact conjunction of the Sun and Mercury in Libra, so he is musical and eager to please, with an intelligent way of going about things.  The extra enthusiasm, and the smile which won praise, may be a product of his Moon in Sagittarius and Jupiter opposite the Sun …  At the end of the series, there is a distinct lack of transits, so despite his brilliant start, circumstances may see him out of the competition before the final.

He is paired with Katya Jones, who was responsible for the sensational dance act of last year together with Ed Balls, so without looking at her chart I can say she has tremendous ingenuity and flair!  She is a solid dependable Taurean, with the nimbleness of a few planets sprinkled in Gemini.  She has a very positive mindset from Mercury conjunct Jupiter, which together with Joe’s positivity can move mountains…  At the end of the competition, she still has Neptune squaring her Jupiter, but Jupiter sextiles her Saturn (an uplifting and steadying factor), Mars sextile her Uranus (electrifying moments), Neptune still sextile her Neptune, but the added bonus of Jupiter conjunct Pluto, so if the planets don’t come forward for Joe maybe her planets might pull them both through.



Jupiter into Scorpio

Jupiter moves into Scorpio on Tuesday (10th) at 13.20 Hrs in the U.K., a giant leap for mankind.

Jupiter will uplift and support whichever House (sphere of life activity) it occupies in your chart, bringing luck and expansion to those affairs.  Collectively, it will support and enhance a deepening of relationships and a sharing of resources, in the nature of the sign of Scorpio.  If your birthday falls within the sign of Scorpio, then at some point or points you will reap some sort of bonanza, the like of which comes round once every twelve years.  If you have several planets in this sign (a satellitium), it could be the gift that keeps on giving.  If your Ascendant is in Scorpio, it will also be your year, beginning from when Jupiter transits the degree of your Ascendant.  For all of us it will be an intense ride, as Scorpio may bring out the best and the worst of this sign, and this sign is known for its excesses.

Jupiter last entered Scorpio in November 2005, and left the sign in November 2006.  How was that year for you?  You may expect some similar experiences, though you have grown and moved on, and the world has changed, so you will need to make a translation accordingly.

Jupiter in Scorpio

Scorpio among other things rules the world of finance, and various factions around the world, including our own Labour Party, are hoping to overturn the neo-liberal regime as promoted from the time of Margaret Thatcher, as an outdated system which does not work.  Jupiter in Scorpio may address this.

Scorpio also rules Psychiatry, and so there may be the long-awaited improvements in mental health services, the poor relation of the poor National Health Services.  Politicians in recent years have paid lip service to the need to put more resources into this area, so there is a possibility that they may put their money where their mouth is while Jupiter is in Scorpio.



Robert Mugabe Revisited

There were extraordinary scenes on the streets of Harare and Bulawayo in Zimbabwe yesterday, as the hitherto repressed populace marched in favour of a new regime and in favour of replacing the long time dictator Robert Mugabe, watched on by a friendly militia who seem to have engineered a bloodless coup, the outcome of which is still uncertain.  Is this a new model for how to replace a tyrant peacefully, or will they be unable to sustain the peace?

Robert Mugabe Record

93 year old Robert Mugabe has been in power in Zimbabwe for 37 years, and began as a freedom fighter against white minority rule, winning the battle against Nkomo to found a government.  The initial years of Mugabe’s government was characterized by social and economic reforms.  After two years, Nkomo fled the country, when Mugabe denounced him as a “cobra in the house”.  Since then, Mugabe has had a reputation for unpredictability.  In recent years, and increasingly, Mugabe’s regime has come to be known as one of repression, poverty and economic failure. He and his wife have become embroiled in accusations of corruption and profligacy.  In the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, he has become “a cartoon figure of an archetypal African dictator”.

Birth Chart

I wrote about Robert Mugabe’s chart in August 2013:

” Robert Mugabe, in power since 1980 in Zimbabwe, unsurprisingly has power issues brought in from past lives, with his natal Sun conjunct the South Node (past lives), though maybe in other scenarios, such as Egypt.  His Sun exactly trines Saturn, making politics and ambition major themes of his personality and life…

Another interesting feature of his chart is his Mars conjunct Jupiter (indefatigable energy and enthusiasm combined) squaring his Uranus (changeable, unpredictable and incident-prone).  Note that he and Zimbabwe share the Mars square Uranus instability.”



Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Royal Engagement

“All the stars were aligned…This beautiful woman just . . . tripped and fell into my life.”

~ Prince Harry

Prince Harry

Prince Harry has grown into one of the most beloved of the royal crew.  From a gawky young prince of the faux pas (e.g. wearing a Nazi uniform at a party), he has become a responsible supporter of worthwhile causes like his late mother, with a special fondness for Botswana.  Harry’s chart is quite grounded, with Mercury, Part of Fortune and the Sun in Virgo, the Moon in Taurus and Ascendant in Capricorn!  He is probably growing into his potential for serious purposes, shown in his Ascendant  and Jupiter in Capricorn, and Midheaven, Pluto and Saturn in Scorpio.  His Sun ruler Mercury is in the 8th House, which may be the emphasis on the death of his mother in his life.  He is creative, with Moon, North Node and Chiron in his 5th House.  The North Node loosely conjunct his Chiron could point ultimately to a healing karmic mission.  He is fond of foreign travel, with the Sun in 9th House, and could make a loving and profound contribution to the world with Venus and Pluto in the 10th House.  With Saturn in 11th House he may have few true close friends, but can co-operate in large group enterprises with Uranus later in that House.  Mars, Neptune and Jupiter in the 12th House of the Unconscious means he has a lot of inner drive, vision and dreams.

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle has been an actor in a Canadian TV series Suits since 2011, showing commitment, skill and steadiness.  In addition she has undertaken responsible roles outside the acting profession, in raising awareness of various causes, such as feminism, and clean water in Rwanda.  Some have found her mixed race background controversial, but many see this as an asset, bringing diversity to the royal table.  Some have made comparisons between her, an American divorcee, and Wallace Simpson, but times have moved on and Meghan is a different proposition.  Meghan has Sun in Leo, so she is at home with royalty, and has pursued the Leo profession of acting, having a degree in theatre studies.  She also has the Sun, Leo’s ruler, in the 1st House and trine exactly the Midheaven, reinforcing the Sun/Leo theme.

Aspects for the week beginning 24 December 2017

Damian Green

Damian Green, Theresa May’s deputy (First Secretary of State), was sacked on Wednesday, the day Saturn went into Capricorn.  His transits were very telling, in that I had written that anyone with planets at 0 degrees of a sign would be very affected by that ingress.  What is remarkable about his chart is that he has Uranus, Jupiter, Neptune and Saturn all at 0 degrees of signs!  So transiting Saturn at 0 degrees Capricorn was quincunx his natal Uranus, trine his natal Jupiter, sextile his natal Neptune and semi-sextile his natal Saturn. In addition, Saturn was exactly sextile his natal Venus at 29 deg 53 mins Aquarius, which is virtually 0 degrees Pisces.

Birth Chart

Damian Green was born under the politician’s sign, Capricorn, but his Sun is part of a complex T-square opposing Uranus and squaring Neptune.  His Moon (emotional make-up) is unaspected.  Mercury is closely sextile his natal North Node, making him a gifted communicator.  Venus squares Mars/Saturn in his chart, a tendency to sensation seeking, possibly linked with the issue causing his resignation (that of pornographic material being found on his computer dating back 9 years).  This square is part of another T-square formed by Venus opposing Pluto/Jupiter (a powerful conjunction) and squaring the Mars/Saturn conjunction.  He does have some good trines in his chart: Venus exactly trine Neptune, Mars closely trine Uranus and Saturn trine Uranus, giving him some notable capabilities.

Theresa May and her Cabinet in Turmoil

Three of Theresa May’s cabinet have had to be sacked in just a few weeks (Michael Fallon, Priti Patel and now Damian Green). With the climate of tolerance on sexual abuse being changed by the Harvey Weinstein scandal (followed by the Westminster sexual scandal), Michael Fallon and Damian Green had to leave, whereas a year ago that may not have been the case.  Journalists have marvelled at how resilient Theresa May has been in the face of adversity, as many expected her to be removed from power by Christmas, after the debacle of the hastily called General Election.  David Davis said he would resign if Damian Green left, though he shows no sign of following through.  Boris Johnson continues to embarrass Theresa May at home and notably abroad.  A diplomatic trip to Russia this week resulted in an open spat with his foreign counterpart.  It is possible he may have pulled back some of the original damage in Iran, as it is hoped Nazanin Zhagari-Ratcliffe may still be released.

Damian Green’s Synastry with Theresa May

Theresa May has known Damian Green for 40 years since university days, and he was a very close and trusted member of her cabinet.  His departure is another nail in her coffin.  Their compatibility is unusually strong, with a myriad of interaspects, although some of these are challenging.  She was born three and a half months before him. Their best interaspect is her Neptune trine his Venus and sextile his Jupiter, ensuring a personal and idealistic bond.

Current Transits for Theresa

Currently Theresa has Mars square her Uranus (shock), Mars square her Chiron (irritation), Saturn sextile her Neptune (resilience on a spiritual level), Saturn trine her Pluto (strength), Uranus trine her Venus (unusual relationship events), and Pluto trine her Jupiter (the luck of being able to hold on to power).

Transits for Damian

The sacking of Damian Green came about as a result of him having lied about the extent of his knowledge of police investigations in the past.  The allegation of possessing porn on his computer was not actually illegal. At the time of his original arrest in November 2008 Pluto was sextile his Venus, sextile his Neptune and trine his Jupiter (a shocking set of event but resolved for the time being without harm to him).  Current transits have already been described in my opening paragraph.

Kate Maltby

Journalist and family friend Kate Maltby claims that Damian Green once put a hand on her knee fleetingly at a pub in 2015, and in 2016 sent her a suggestive text message.  This information has not helped his case, but as there is no date of birth available for Kate I cannot investigate further astrologically.

Police Involvement

Bob Quick and Neil Lewis, former police officers who revealed the existence of the material on Damian Green’s computer from 2008, have faced criticism from Theresa May and other Conservative politicians, and may be themselves the subject of an investigation for making the revelations.

Bob Quick was a senior police officer from 2008 to 2009.  In October 2008 it came to light that there had been leaks of official documents from the Home Office, and Damian Green’s then parliamentary office was searched (he was in the Shadow Cabinet at the time).  Damian Green was arrested at the time and released.  Quick was forced to resign on 8 April 2009, having inadvertently exposed a secret document.

Bob Quick’s transits for his original resignation were Neptune on his Chiron (chaotic), Pluto trine his Sun and Pluto (results of his use of power).  This week Neptune was square his Venus (involvement in a scandal) and Mars sextile his Saturn (feeling some harshness).  Quick has said: “I bear no malice to Damian Green”.

I do not have a birth date for the other police officer, Neil Lewis, who is retired but analysed Damian Green’s computer in 2008.  He offered up his notebook from that time, has been criticized for breaching confidentiality, and some have hinted at a possible vendetta by the police against Damian Green.

Commissioner Cressida Dick has said: “If offences have been disclosed and that can be proved, there could be a prosecution.”

In Conclusion

Damian Green’s removal is a personal blow to Theresa May, reporter Laura Kuenssberg having described him as knowing her best: “To lose one of the few who understood her, who she trusts, leaves her a lonelier figure”.


Sunday 24th (Christmas Eve) promises to be a lively day karmically, with Jupiter squaring the Nodal Axis.  This may be characterized by a great deal of interaction, and attempts at jollity.  For those spending Christmas Eve alone, there may be some vigorous introspection, and possible insight into past life interaction with groups.  There is a chance for groups to be upwardly mobile in their evolution.

One would hope for a buoyant aspect for Christmas Day itself (25th) but Venus enters Capricorn that day and then conjuncts Saturn, so emphasis may be on serious issues for at least parts of the day.  Venus leaving Sagittarius and entering Capricorn may have a sense of anti-climax, and Venus conjunct Saturn (at 0 degrees Capricorn) ensures that there will be at least one grumpy family member keeping the excitement low key.

On the other hand, the more serious messages of Christmas may be more easily seen and felt, e.g. the charitable feelings about those who are homeless and in crisis, and the material versus the spiritual issues may be more easily realized, understood and even acted upon.  There may be an emphasis on elderly relatives, too.  Christmas may seem quieter than usual, with some of the gathering insisting on having their daily meditation or keeping the volume turned down.  And of course, Venus conjunct Saturn also can turn the attention to departed loved ones and their place in our hearts.

A different mood arrives on Thursday (28th) with Mars trine Neptune.  There is a renewed spiritual energy, and sense of the sacred, with this trine.  Perhaps you have had a chance to reflect on the messages of the week, and are forming charitable, idealistic and even rosy conclusions, in retrospect.  It is the sort of aspect that brings about attitudes such as “there’s a meaning behind everything”, “everything is meant to be as it is”, and “everything has a purpose” and that meaning is often found in retrospect.  This is also a day when you may experience magic or inspiration, or achieve subtle interactions.  Activities which combine physicality and spirituality flourish and prove beneficial, such as Tai Chi, Qigong and Yoga.

Friday (29th) offers us a trine between Mercury and the North Node, so we can make more sense of our karmic interactions and information.  This favours teaching and learning, and exchanging information.  With Mercury having changed directions, we have had this aspect recently, and you may have noted its effect for you.

All that remains is for me to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!

The week in bullet points:

  • Sunday – lively karma
  • Monday – restrained
  • Thursday – inspired
  • Friday – mentally stimulating


Aspects for the week beginning 17 December 2017

Keith Chegwin

Keith Chegwin, a household name in the 1970s and 1980s especially in children’s television, passed away this week from a rare condition called idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis.

Birth Chart

He had, as you’d expect from such a bouncy character, half his planets in the irrepressible fire element.  His Sun, though in the more restrained sign of Capricorn, was square to fiery Mars.  More upbeat traits come from the Sun trine Jupiter the joybringer.  We are all familiar with his story of descent into alcoholism – to my mind, that comes from a square to his Sun from Neptune.  More fire, and showmanship, come from Moon in Leo – he was born to entertain us.  That he sometimes took things too far, e.g. the nude showmanship, may come from the square between Venus and Jupiter (not always knowing where to draw the line, socially).  There was a great need to be a communicator at heart (Mercury conjunct Venus), useful in a profession in live television where improvisation is required.  Energy was his middle name, and that is provided by Mars trine Pluto.  He also had an entrepreneurial sextile between Jupiter and Uranus, knowing where to take the opportunities in life.

Maggie Philbin

He and his first wife Maggie Philbin made a sweet couple.  I remember them on the Multi-Coloured Swap Shop, or some programme of that era, before they got together.  Maggie had been sent out to some oriental location where she consulted a soothsayer, just for fun.  The soothsayer directly predicted she would marry Keith, and so it came to pass!  Sadly, he was unfaithful and the marriage eventually broke up.  But she made a heartfelt tribute to him this week.

Maggie was his opposite number in the zodiac: Cancerian to his Capricorn.  Their Leo Moons were conjunct, brought together in showmanship.  Their Jupiters were exactly sextile, magnifying the enthusiasm and exuberance.  But the eventual separation may be shown by her Uranus opposite his Sun.


Keith’s career went into a hiatus while he dealt with his alcoholism.  That natal Sun square Neptune showing the tendency to possible alcoholism by 1992 had become Progressed Sun trine Neptune, and he declared his condition to Richard Madeley and Judy Finnigan on This Morning.  Thus he had reached a turning point where he was ready to deal with it.  He managed to turn his life around, and later took part in Dancing on Ice in 2013.


Royal Wedding Date Announced

The royal wedding date has been announced as 19th May 2017: I promised an update on this.  On that day, Venus goes into Cancer, and sextiles Uranus which will have just entered Taurus.

Venus in Cancer is perfect for a sentimental occasion, and an excuse to buy a box of kleenex.  However, with the Football Cup Final being held the same day apparently there will be household battles for the remote control.

The main aspects are more descriptive of and suited to a royal wedding, though I would not go as far as to say that women will win the battle of the remote (and I would not wish to make such a sexist assumption)!  Venus sextile Uranus provides an air of romantic excitement: people may fall in love on that day, or realize they want to marry!  That aspect too is perfect for the occasion, in providing an extra special social atmosphere.

In my original blog on the engagement, I  reported general transits for May.  I can now refine these slightly:

The transits for Prince Harry that day show Pluto trine his natal Moon (complete transformation of his emotional life, and the way he experiences his inner female), Neptune square his natal Mars (confused energies), North Node trine his natal Uranus (karmic change) and Uranus opposite his natal Pluto (again change and drama).

The transits for Meghan Markle are mainly distilled into one huge astrological statement: Pluto square her natal Pluto (unfathomable change, and a huge undertaking on all levels).

The Football

Prince William was to have presented the trophy for the Football Cup Final, though it is difficult to see how he could hotfoot it from one event to the other.  As President of the F.A. he may be torn to an extent, but what do his transits show about his state of mind on the day?  He has more transits than the happy couple put together.   Venus will be on his Sun, so he will be totally devoted to the romance of the day and his affection for his younger brother.  Uranus will be sextile exactly his natal Sun, so he will enjoy and be surprised and delighted by the proceedings of the day (on and off the football pitch).  The North Node will be sextile his natal Mercury, so he will find it mentally stimulating, informative, and karmically engaging.  Saturn (restriction) will be square his natal Mars (football), so maybe therein lies the conflict.  The North Node will be sextile his natal Mars (so he will catch up and enjoy the match!).  Mars will be square his natal Jupiter (so there will be a lot of energy and enthusiasm for him that day).  Uranus opposes his natal Jupiter (surprises will keep him on his toes).  Mars sextiles his natal Uranus (and so the excitement is piled on…!)  Chiron trines his natal Uranus (there is healing too, and a feeling of being high on that quality).

As promised, I will also post this piece under Comments for the original posting about the royal engagement.



Tomorrow morning, bright and early, there is a New Moon at 26 degrees Sagittarius (close to the Galactic Centre) to usher in the new working week.  Due to its position it may be more powerful than the average New Moon, and while a Sagittarian New Moon is normally global in reach, this one could be galactic!  Watch for the interweaving of several worlds, and levels of consciousness.

Very early on Wednesday (20th) Saturn is saying goodbye to Sagittarius and hello to Capricorn, its own home sign.  This is the most heavyweight astrological feature of the week, and likely to impact everyone in bringing reality home.  Whether it is the reality of Brexit, or the cost of living, or the impact of climate change, no one will be able to keep their head in the clouds while Saturn is in Capricorn.  Saturn enters the next sign Aquarius in March 2020, so that may cover the entire Brexit process if we get an extension.  Saturn and Capricorn are united in their stone cold sober message and philosophy about life, and perhaps our governments will finally get to grips with the realities of what has been created and what needs to happen.  The alternative would be unthinkable (extra austerity piled on).  Other qualities associated with Capricorn are a sense of responsibility (people taking charge of their own lives) and organization (making life work for you and those around you).  These are the best hopes for Saturn in Capricorn, which beginning at such a cold and bleak time of year, could easily seem daunting.  Wednesday itself may be good for laying foundations on realistic grounds.

Some much lighter and welcome relief at the other end of the day, on Wednesday evening may be offered, though it doesn’t counteract the sober tone of the day.  Venus trines Uranus, which is similar to, and even brighter than, the aspect which occurs on the royal wedding day next year:

“…provides an air of romantic excitement: people may fall in love on that day, or realize they want to marry!  That aspect too is perfect … in providing an extra special social atmosphere.”  It bodes well for the office Christmas party!

We have the Winter Solstice, the Sun’s entry into Capricorn, in the afternoon of Thursday (21st).  Though there is some relief in knowing that the light is starting to return, this will also reinforce the “getting real” message of Saturn’s entry into Capricorn the day before.  The Venus-Uranus trine of the night before may feel like a bit of escapism, but on the other hand its warmth may carry you through the frost.

Keep that spark going as long as possible, for there is another snow flurry arriving in the evening, in the shape of Sun conjunct Saturn (at 0 degrees Capricorn).  If you have any natal planets at 0 degrees of the signs, this could be an important week for you.  If you have been ignoring the messages of Saturn and Capricorn thus far this week (unlikely) then Thursday evening will make things loud and clear, directing you to change what you need to change or make the decisions you need to make, for instance.

Travel prospects improve on Saturday (23rd) for those wishing to relocate for the Christmas period, for Mercury is stationary prior to turning Direct.  It is too late, sadly, for the second or even the first class postings, but it may help your last Christmas shopping transactions to go with a swing.  If you are working right up until Christmas, you’ll be pleased at that last burst of work and a sense of having caught up and being up to date.

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – good intentions
  • Wednesday – big dose of reality; some partying
  • Thursday – return of the light; another reality check
  • Saturday – green light on travel


Aspects for the week beginning 10 December 2017

Christine Keeler (1942 – 2017)

1960s Model Christine Keeler, who died this week, was a link to, or influenced the destiny of, some notable figures of her era.  She occupied a central role in “The Profumo Affair”, which was unprecedented for its time in being the first major “sleaze” scandal involving politicians.  Such scandals became more and more commonplace as time went on, but this one brought down a government.  So here is a slice of early 1960s history, the main characters of which are now deceased.

Birth Chart

Christine’s Sun in Pisces with 0 Cardinal planets, and the Sun square to the Moon, suggests someone who drifts through life, rather than being calculated.  This may be one factor in her ultimately being seen as a victim, whereas her friend Mandy Rice-Davies (the blonde to her brunette) seemed to take charge of her life to a greater extent. One of the interesting facets of the whole story is not just that the lives in her circle were greatly affected by the scandal, but how they variously dealt with the notoriety. Christine seems to have fallen prey to the most negative sides of Neptune and Pisces: scandal, drifting, lack of clarity of thought (she changed her story a few times) and being imprisoned.

What stands out in her birthchart is a close quadruple conjunction, or satellitium, in the sign of Taurus, composed of Saturn/Mars/Moon/Uranus.  This may hold the key to why she was such a focus of the group.  Her emotional make-up, as represented by the Moon, holds an intense electro-magnetic charge surrounded by the other planets.  We do have her birth time (her Ascendant is Gemini), and find that this quadruple conjunction falls across the cusp of two Houses: the 11th and 12th.  Thus it partakes of the power of the group (11th) and her own subconscious forces (12th).  The Saturn conjunct Uranus component is capable of causing earthquakes.

There is another strand of her chart which can be described as detached: the Moon exactly conjunct Uranus, the Sun square Uranus, and the Moon conjunct Saturn (the Ivory Tower Archetype), plus Mercury, Venus and the Midheaven in the detached sign of Aquarius.

Pluto was conjunct Chiron situated in her 2nd House, a pocket of potentially dark energy, which in her financial area meant that money burned a hole in her pocket and she continued to write and communicate (Mercury conjunct Venus) about her life in order to replenish her purse.

Her Early Life

Neptune in her 4th House of Home and Family describes a neglected early life: the family were abandoned by her father, and she was reportedly abused by her step-father.  The 4th House also represents the final years of life, and these were secluded, in the manner of Neptune.  At the age of 17, she had a son, born prematurely, who only lived for six days.

Stephen Ward

Osteopath Stephen Ward met Christine Keeler in 1959, and was a lynchpin of the circle and events which would lead up to the scandal, and his role makes me wonder whether maybe there is a Soul Group phenomenon in this story.  He moved in aristocratic circles, but hosted parties where all levels of society would meet.  It was thus that the 19 year old Christine Keeler met the Russian Ivanov, without whom there would not have been a scandal of such proportions (adding the dimension of espionage).  She embarked on an affair with the Russian.  Stephen Ward’s Sun in Libra was close to Mandy’s Sun, but Ward had the Sun square exactly with Neptune in his natal chart, which predisposed him to scandal, and may have been eventually a factor in his suicide.  As a Libran, he liked to introduce people socially.

As well as osteopathy, Stephen was an aspiring artist (Sun in Libra) and attended art classes at the Slade School of Art.  Through his portraiture he met Lord Astor, and it was at Lord Astor’s country house that Ward introduced Profumo and Christine.

An interesting fact in his backstory is that when practising osteopathy in India in 1944, he treated Mahatma Gandhi.  He said of the encounter: “Although much of his policy was opposed to that of my own country. I knew that when I was with him I was in the presence of greatness, and my encounter with him was certainly the most important meeting of my life”.

As has been mentioned, he was one of the victims of this story, for during a trial in 1963 Ward was convicted of living off immoral earnings, and took his own life.

Mandy Rice-Davies

Mandy Rice-Davies, the model and showgirl friend of Christine Keeler, was part of the circle, but as has been mentioned, was much more resilient and carved herself a different role for her future.  An upbeat Moon in Sagittarius may have contributed to this.  She met Keeler at a Cabaret Club, and Christine introduced her to Stephen Ward.  Mandy is famous for a remark that she made when she heard that Lord Astor denied having met her: “Well he would, wouldn’t he?”  Her chart shows strong links with Christine’s, though not all easy ones, for example her Mars square to Christine’s Pluto.  A few years after the debacle, she married an Israeli businessman and opened businesses in Tel Aviv.

Mandy was also linked with another historic figure, Peter Rachman, the notorious unscrupulous landlord whose name gave rise to the term Rachmanism.

Yevgeny Ivanov

As mentioned, the Profumo scandal would not have been such a huge affair had it not been for the fact that Yevgeny was known as a Russian intelligence officer to MI5, and had it not been for the fact that Christine Keeler had an affair with both of them at the same time, with the possibility of transmitting information from one to another.  So here is another central character.  Christine Keeler’s interaspects with Ivanov were largely very positive, e.g. her Chiron trine his Mars, and more karmically her North Node sextile his Pluto.  But his transits at the time of their liaison were decidedly dicey: Uranus square his Saturn and Uranus on his Neptune, sowing the seeds for future trouble (for it was two years after their affair that the scandal broke).  Ward’s friendship with Ivanov was through the former’s interest in portraiture.  Their friendship, though a strong one, is beset by squares, including the karmic Ward Sun squaring Ivanov’s Nodal Axis, and Ward’s Neptune (scandal) conjunct exactly Ivanov’s North Node.

Ivanov was one who got away: he was recalled to Moscow in 1962 and continued his naval career.  He died in 1994.

John Profumo

John Profumo, appointed the Secretary of State for War in 1960, is of course the most central character in this affair.  He was an Aquarian, with his ruling planet Uranus exactly conjunct Christine Keeler’s Mercury (implying an exchange of information). His Venus in Sagittarius is exactly conjunct Keeler’s Descendant (Relationship Point), indicating that there may have been some real affection between them.  They were introduced on the weekend of 8th to 9th July 1961, a date when Mars when was exactly conjunct Pluto (perhaps indicating the inherent danger of their liaison).  Transiting Jupiter was opposite Christine’s Pluto (an exaggeration of power) and Uranus was exactly trine John Profumo’s Venus (an unusual, arresting meeting).  There was also a reversal of his Nodal Axis at the time, a point of choice karmically.  Their relationship lasted a few weeks or a few months, according to differing accounts, and apparently he did not pay her for sexual services (ironically there was little evidence to convict Stephen Ward of immoral earnings therefore).  In August 1961 he was warned by the Cabinet Secretary about mixing with Ward’s group – at the time Neptune (scandal) was squaring his natal Sun, but the affair was still hidden from the public.

The fate of John Profumo, or the life that he created for himself after the scandal, was an unusually positive one in terms of redemption.  He took menial jobs in the East End of London and quietly performed “good works”.

“Lucky”  Gordon

After splitting up with John Profumo, but before the scandal came to light publicly, Christine Keeler was involved with a musician called “Lucky” Gordon, who died in March this year.  He had met Keeler on 7th August 1961 selling marijuana in a Cafe in Notting Hill: Uranus was exactly sextile his Venus at the time (an unusual, arresting meeting, like Profumo’s own introduction).  At the same time as she was seeing Gordon, she was involved with a man named Johnny Edgecombe, and the two became rivals.  The liaison between Christine and Lucky ended when he allegedly assaulted her in the street.  He was a rough diamond in these years, but apparently mellowed in later years.  John Edgecombe was also an unsavoury character, once firing a gun at Mandy Rice-Davies’ door when Christine was visiting her.  It was during the trial of John Edgecombe that Christine came to public attention, giving out communication freely on the matter, and exposing her private life and connections.  Thus it was that her involvement with Profumo came to light in 1963. Profumo denied the connection at first, then had to resign.  Christine Keeler was later jailed, on 6th December 1963, with Uranus exactly square her Moon (emotional shock) for perjury (she had tried to get Lucky Gordon convicted of assault).  Lucky Gordon was a colourful character: he had prepared food for Bob Marley in his native Jamaica, and become a friend of Reggie Kray in prison.  He never forgot the stunning model Christine Keeler, declaring his love for her later in life.

Harold MacMillan

Another victim of the affair was the Prime Minister at the time.  The position of Harold MacMillan was put under severe strain by the Profumo scandal.  He used a prostate operation in October 1963 in order to bow out of office.  Uranus was square to his Pluto (considerable strain) at the time.  He was a victim, but arguably at the same time he freed himself, for Jupiter was transiting his North Node at the time.

Christine’s Later Life

She subsequently had two children, and took low paid jobs such as that of a dinner lady, a telesales agent, and worked in a dry cleaner’s shop.  She was divorced twice, and spent her later years reclusively.


She died at the age of 75 on Monday 4th December at 11.30 p.m., having suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.  Neptune was squaring her natal Jupiter, and the Ascendant at that moment was exactly conjunct her North Node.

“It’s been a misery for me, living with Christine Keeler”

~ Christine Keeler, 2001


Retrograde Mercury is trine Uranus today, revisiting its position from 25th November.  This aspect favours telepathy, technology, scientific advances, and futuristic ideas.  This retrograde version may not be as ideal as the original, but I certainly benefited on that day from a member of the younger generation coming along and upgrading my i phone, bringing it into this decade.

Venus also squares Neptune, which is deceptive in terms of relationships, bringing a need to look at illusions.  The “sleaze” subject of today’s blog fits well with that, in its most extreme negative form.

In addition, Mercury squares Chiron, which may bring health issues into light in order for healing to begin.  You may find yourself exercising your mind with mental conundrums, either imposed on you, or through your own efforts to keep your mind nimble.

Wednesday (13th) brings an enlightening conjunction of the Sun and Mercury at 20 degrees of Sagittarius.  This is a wonderful aspect for having philosophical conversations, and putting the world to rights with friends.

Harmonious Karma is the tone of the day on Thursday (14th), with Venus trine the North Node.  You may catch up with old friends, and renew warm links.

Friday (15th) favours catching up with writing projects with Mercury conjunct Venus at 17 degrees Sagittarius (methinks I might resume my novel “The Quiet Office”).  It also favours convivial meetings in cafes, and such light social interactions.

There may also be an element of healing crisis in the air, with the Sun square Chiron.  This may be something which popped up as an issue on Sunday, or an entirely different matter, but either way not something which can be ignored.  It may demand immediate solutions.

We are blessed with two trines on Saturday (16th), the first being the Sun trine Uranus.  This is inventive, creative and original.  It would be a successful time to unveil your new portrait, or perform your latest poem or play.  If you are more scientifically inclined, your new scientific discovery may be unveiled, or your new invention.  It’s a dynamic, go-ahead vibe.

The second trine is between Mercury and the North Node, which I associate with the coming to light of karmic information, a useful aspect, and good for teaching and teachers, and the exchange of communication.  If you’re hesitant about sharing information, go ahead – it could make all the difference to someone.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – complex and varied
  • Wednesday – enlightening
  • Thursday – harmonious karma
  • Friday – communicative, with health considerations
  • Saturday – smooth sailing

Aspects for the week beginning 3 December 2017

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle: Royal Engagement

“All the stars were aligned…This beautiful woman just . . . tripped and fell into my life.”

~ Prince Harry

Prince Harry

Prince Harry has grown into one of the most beloved of the royal crew.  From a gawky young prince of the faux pas (e.g. wearing a Nazi uniform at a party), he has become a responsible supporter of worthwhile causes like his late mother, with a special fondness for Botswana.  Harry’s chart is quite grounded, with Mercury, Part of Fortune and the Sun in Virgo, the Moon in Taurus and Ascendant in Capricorn!  He is probably growing into his potential for serious purposes, shown in his Ascendant  and Jupiter in Capricorn, and Midheaven, Pluto and Saturn in Scorpio.  His Sun ruler Mercury is in the 8th House, which may be the emphasis on the death of his mother in his life.  He is creative, with Moon, North Node and Chiron in his 5th House.  The North Node loosely conjunct his Chiron could point ultimately to a healing karmic mission.  He is fond of foreign travel, with the Sun in 9th House, and could make a loving and profound contribution to the world with Venus and Pluto in the 10th House.  With Saturn in 11th House he may have few true close friends, but can co-operate in large group enterprises with Uranus later in that House.  Mars, Neptune and Jupiter in the 12th House of the Unconscious means he has a lot of inner drive, vision and dreams.

Meghan Markle

Meghan Markle has been an actor in a Canadian TV series Suits since 2011, showing commitment, skill and steadiness.  In addition she has undertaken responsible roles outside the acting profession, in raising awareness of various causes, such as feminism, and clean water in Rwanda.  Some have found her mixed race background controversial, but many see this as an asset, bringing diversity to the royal table.  Some have made comparisons between her, an American divorcee, and Wallace Simpson, but times have moved on and Meghan is a different proposition.  Meghan has Sun in Leo, so she is at home with royalty, and has pursued the Leo profession of acting, having a degree in theatre studies.  She also has the Sun, Leo’s ruler, in the 1st House and trine exactly the Midheaven, reinforcing the Sun/Leo theme.  She has a complex triple conjunction of Sun/Jupiter/Saturn in Libra, so weighs things up very carefully, seeing both sides of an issue.  Mercury is conjunct the North Node in Leo, so the royal role may be part of her karmic mission, and teaching may also be a role in the future, or educating people in some way.  She has great enthusiasm, as evidenced by Mars square Jupiter, and has already taken up some passionate causes in her life, though she is to wind down her roles and take up new ones in Britain.  With Saturn also squaring her Mars, she combines these interests with a deep sense of responsibility.  Karmically, she is a mover and shaker, with Ascendant conjunct the North Node.  There may also be a healing role for her later in life, with Chiron at the end of her 10th House sextile her Ascendant.

When Harry met Meghan

Were the stars aligned at their meeting?  They were reportedly introduced by a friend (name unknown) on a blind date (date unknown).  This may have been last June, but certainly by July they were seeing each other.  A chart for the beginning of July 2016 tells us that Mars was sextile Harry’s Sun, Jupiter was square his Mars, Jupiter was sextile his Midheaven, Neptune was trine his Saturn, Neptune was sextile his Ascendant, and Pluto was sextile his Midheaven: a mixture of passionate and inspirational influences for him.  Saturn was trine her natal Sun, Uranus was square her Ascendant, and Neptune was trine her Mars.  That is a mixture of seriousness, change and inspiration coming into her life in different ways.


The interaspect between them are not all smooth sailing, which is possibly why they both needed to build some maturity before meeting.  Her Neptune squares his Sun, so he is arrested by her glamour.  Her Chiron is exactly conjunct his Moon, helping him to deal with the wounds surrounding his mother.  Her Sun is exactly square his Saturn, so involvement with him brings the need for more discipline and commitment in her life.  Her Venus is sextile exactly his Saturn, which is an aspect of loyalty and commitment.  Her Nodal Axis is exactly square his Pluto, so their lives together will bring never a dull moment, and be demanding psychologically.  Her Mars is exactly opposite his Ascendant, so there is some fieriness between them, but it does also emphasize the passion.


The engagement reportedly took place privately over a chicken dinner at the beginning of November.  Transits for them at the beginning of November show Jupiter sextile his natal Jupiter and Mercury – a successful declaration, Neptune sextile his Ascendant (spiritual alignment), Pluto square his natal Venus (drama and transformation in his love life), and Pluto sextile his natal Midheaven (transformation of his direction in life).  For her, Mars was on her Jupiter (great enthusiasm – she told how she interrupted his spiel and said yes before he could finish!), Jupiter square her Mercury (happy communication), and Neptune trine her Mars (inspired passion).

But the engagement was not announced until around 10.30 a.m. on Monday 27th November.  Pluto was exactly square Harry’s Sun: a moment of dramatic and life changing importance.  Neptune was exactly sextile Harry’s Ascendant, so spiritually it felt right.  For Meghan, Mars was sextile her Neptune  (uncovering a secret), Mars was conjunct her Pluto (again drama and intensity), Uranus was square to her Ascendant (changing her status on Facebook!), and Neptune trine her Mars, spiritualizing her passion.


They have announced that the wedding will take place in May at St. George’s Chapel in Windsor.  When the actual date is announced, I will add a piece under the comments of this blog.  In the meantime, a chart for the middle of May reveals:

Mars will be square his Pluto (again, drama – security will be stepped up).  Jupiter will be on his Midheaven (a joyous stage in his life), Uranus opposite his Pluto (again change and drama), Neptune square his Mars (confused energies), Neptune trine his Midheaven (spiritual alignment in his life direction) and Pluto trine his Moon (complete transformation of his emotional life).  For Meghan, Pluto will be square her Pluto (a huge undertaking on all levels), and Pluto will be trine her Chiron (a depth of healing).


At the engagement of Prince William and Kate Middleton in November 2010, I wrote:

“She and William also have shared Moon signs (Cancer) and that may be a resonance which brought his mother’s engagement ring to her, but possibly even more significantly her Moon is exactly conjunct with William’s North Node, which denotes a karmic connection of the mothering kind.  This may indicate that one of the primary purposes of the union is in order to bring in the next generation.”

Kate is now on her third pregnancy!

Although Prince Harry has a paternal Moon in 5th House, the synastry of this relationship is different, and building a family or dynasty may not be the central theme.

Higher Purpose

While the aspects between this couple are not easy, my own feeling is that it is one of those karmic relationships where people are brought together for a common purpose and a higher purpose.  Quite clearly they are both motivated to work in service in the world (Prince Harry is a Virgoan, a sign associated with Service), and they do have a great deal of energy and dynamism in their interaction, and in their potential.  I think that the relationship will last at least enough years for them to build a lasting and constructive legacy.  Their love and commitment are very evident and genuine, and healing for them both.

“Today, we need the hope that the forthcoming royal nuptials offer more than ever. Prince Harry and Meghan’s marriage could be a healing ritual for our ruined land, a joining of races that fascists would have us divide” ~ Stewart Lee, in this morning’s Observer


In the early hours of this morning Jupiter trined Neptune, the most important aspect of this week.  If you felt a certain flow in your life’s purposes yesterday, coming up to this aspect, you can thank Jupiter and Neptune.  Although there are some more challenging aspects taking place during the day today, Jupiter trine Neptune is such a major influence that its effects may continue to be seen throughout today or even throughout the week.  Jupiter is about hope, luck and beneficence, while Neptune is about faith and wishes. Their current harmony urges us to dare to hope and dream.  Martin Luther King had this trine natally, and he did dare to dream.  This influence may also encourage us to look at wider philosophical and religious issues, such as how much compassion a heart can hold, and how deep is the ocean (if you are watching Blue Planet II) – it is an aspect which speaks of boundlessness.

Later this morning, Mercury was stationary prior to turning retrograde. I need say no more – the phrase has become part of mainstream parlance!  Any blip in communication or computer access has come to be blamed on Mercury retrograde, even when it is not retrograde!  And things go wrong with computers when Mercury is direct.  I would like to draw a distinction between Mercury and Uranus.  Mercury represents the traditional ways of communication, such as rail and snail mail.  Uranus represents technology, and to a great extent computers.  Of course, their functions are intertwined, so often the effects coincide.  But recently a friend had terrible trouble over a scam email, and it turned out that Uranus was square to her Uranus at the time.  That was a good illustration of the fact that Uranus represents the more futuristic ways in which we communicate.

In terms of dealing with the Mercury retrograde period, we can do much if we are mindful of our own personal communication and its effect in interacting with others.  Uranus, by contrast, is by its very nature unpredictable, and we can’t do much about it.  It is helpful to know about a Uranian transit in advance, and working with Uranus transits is about honing our intuition (a Uranus function) to anticipate loopholes and deal with them in advance.  But Mercury is more of a personal responsibility, representing the left brain and logical function, and one which we are more in control of.  Mercury is retrograde virtually throughout the run up to Christmas, until 23rd December (just in time to make Christmas travel a better prospect), so be mindful, and let us know if you have any insights to share on your retrograde journey.

Late morning, the Sun squares Neptune (as if Jupiter trine Neptune, and Mercury retrograde were not enough to occupy you today).  This is an aspect which causes fogginess and confused thought.  It is counteracted to some extent by Jupiter’s trine with Neptune, which is more powerful, but is likely to make itself felt, e.g. in a senior moment (at whatever age).  Together with Jupiter trine Neptune, it increases our engagement with the Collective Unconscious.  We may find ourselves pondering deeply on a news item, or about politicians trying to pull the wool over our eyes.

Did I hear you say enough already?  Well the aspects haven’t quite finished with us for the day.  In the afternoon, the Moon opposes the Sun in Sagittarius and is Full at 11 degrees Gemini.  You might be exhausted by then!  The theme of the Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is communication, both superficial (Gemini) and deeper (Sagittarius).  If you have had any ruminations as a result of listening to the media, you may be emotionally full by then, reflecting the Full Moon.  It is a good time to mentally sift through what is important and what is not worth wondering about, what is fake news and what is real, and focussing on dealing on one idea that engages your heart and mind.

Tuesday (5th) finds the asteroid Chiron stationary, prior to turning direct.  This is a helpful turning of the path on your healing journey.  If you are hospital visiting or having a health check up on that day, this development may help you see things in a new light, e.g. realizing the purpose behind the condition.  From Tuesday, you may be finding new healing avenues.

On Wednesday (6th) you’ll be well on your way to processing Sunday’s bonanza and complexity of aspects.  Wednesday finds us in a serious mindset with Mercury conjunct Saturn, at 28 degrees Sagittarius.  That may be a day when you do have to wrestle with the effects of Mercury retrograde, and slowed communications and travel lines.  As Mercury has only just turned retrograde, we start to revisit some recent aspects, and this one last appeared on Tuesday 28th November, if you still have your diary for that month to hand: “Its placement in Sagittarius, lifts it slightly in mood and also widens its consciousness.  So we may be able to see the detail and its context, the trees and the wood.”   Serious purposes and mental application may receive the rewards of hard work.

In the afternoon, communication may be actually heightened and speeded up, thanks to Mercury now in a sextile aspect with Mars, so there may well be alleviation of slowness from earlier in the day.  We also encountered this aspect recently, on 17th November. This should be a busy and productive day, but you could also get waylaid and sidetracked by trivialities!

In the evening, Mars sextiles Saturn, so some solid ground could be regained and more practical achievement is possible.

There’s a karmically toned aspect on Friday (8th) in the form of the Sun trine the North Node.  This can be very creative, if the space has been earned.  If power issues are involved, you may need “permission” from another, e.g. to modify some of their original material.  Draw up a contract if this seems likely to raise legal issues, e.g. of plagiarism, in the future.  You know what happened to Gary Kemp in Spandau Ballet!  Ownership of Creative Property may be the issue.

Mars enters Scorpio on Saturday (9th), and that puts some people automatically into battle mode.  If you are a pacifist, just observe.  If you are a warrior, your power may be heightened.  If you are a diplomat, be ready.  Mars will be in the battle zone until 26th January, so take your position, and may everyone do their best in the effort to express the best of this engagement.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – complex: a wider harmony, communications playing up, confusion, and mental and emotional tension
  • Tuesday – the prospect of healing
  • Wednesday – a serious mindset, some progress, some solid ground
  • Friday – karmic creativity
  • Saturday – may the force be with you


Aspects for the week beginning 26 November 2017

Charles Manson and Charles Bronson

I’m not a fan of crime, but I did work for four years in the Criminal Department of a law firm.  What I concluded from that was that many criminals, looking at their history, don’t stand much of a chance from their early life, whether from psychological or sociological reasons.  With the level of violence in society showing no signs of abating, I wonder if criminal tendencies could be spotted earlier and rehabilitation begun at an earlier age.  But then criminals are innocent until proven guilty.  This week (on Thursday 23rd November) Jon Venables, one of the killers of James Bulger, was sent back to prison (for unrelated offences).  It is possible from his chart (no birth time is available) that he had the Moon conjunct Chiron, indicative of early psychological wounds.  His main transit at the time of committing the murder was Saturn opposite his Sun.  He was responsible for the joint killing at the young age of 10 years, and been given anonymity after leaving prison.  His later conviction (possession of child abuse imagery) was of a lesser crime, but one wonders how far rehabilitation can be successful, and what more can be done in this area.

Charles Manson

American 83-year old Mass murderer Charles Manson died in prison on 19th November (last Sunday) of natural causes.  He was the head of the “Family” cult, and had the Moon (family) exactly conjunct his North Node (karma), symbolizing this. On 6th August 1969 Sharon Tate, the wife of film director Roman Polanski, and others were killed  in Los Angeles.  His transits on that day were Mars exactly opposite his natal Chiron, Jupiter was exactly trine his natal Moon/North Node (he may have been high as a kite) and Neptune was exactly trine his Pluto. In their synastry, Sharon Tate’s natal Sun/Mercury in Aquarius was exactly conjunct Charles/Manson’s Moon/North Node, which proved to be a fatalistic combination.  Her Pluto was exactly square his Ascendant, moreover.  Several other people were killed that night, and he was said to have ordered the killings, and not actually carried them out himself.

His birth chart has the Sun/Venus in the strong willed,  emotional and charismatic sign of Scorpio but squaring Saturn, showing a lack of feeling but also depicting his thwarted musical ambitions, which were a source of bitterness.  Mars was exactly conjunct Neptune in his chart, and he led a drug fuelled existence on cannabis and LSD in the late 1960s.  Nodal Axis exactly square Midheaven/I.C. Axis may say something about being at odds with his karma.

He was born to a 16-year old unmarried mother, and he never actually knew his father (Pluto conjunct the I.C. depicting his origins).  The first crime of which he was convicted was armed robbery, at the age of 13.

He once told a prison psychiatrist: “I’m special.  I’m not like the average inmate.  I have spent my life in prison. I have put five people in the grave. I am a very dangerous man.”  Among the labels given to him were that of schizophrenia and paranoid delusional disorder.

At his death, Uranus was exactly square his natal Pluto (ruling planet) in Cancer in 3rd House.

Charles Bronson

British prisoner Charles Bronson recently married an ex-soap actress from Emmerdale and Coronation Street (on 14th November).  Like Charles Manson, he has tried to draw strength from his alliances and admiration from women in his life.  He has been referred to as the “most violent prisoner in Britain” and has spent time in high-security psychiatric hospitals.

He was not born with the name Charles Bronson, but named himself after the American actor of the tough guy image (whose chart bears no resemblance to his, but there is a possible karmic link or glamour-inspired motive with the actor’s Neptune on the prisoner’s South Node).  His early life does not seem to have been blighted in the same way as Charles Manson, indeed he seems to have come from a respectable background, and an aunt offered a portrait of the young Bronson:

“As a boy, he was a lovely lad. He was obviously bright and always good with children. He was gentle and mild-mannered, never a bully; he would defend the weak”

Like Manson, he was caught stealing at the age of 13, and embarked thereafter on a life of crime.  He attempted to poison a fellow prisoner in 1976, and in December 1978 was sent to Broadmoor, where he counted Ronnie Kray among his friends.  He attempted to strangle another inmate, Gordon Robinson.  However, he has never been convicted for murder.

While in prison he has produced artworks and written books, and re-named his surname Salvador after Salvador Dali.

The birth date of this his third wife, Paula Williamson, is not available.  At the time of this marriage Mars (again playing a key role in his life) was exactly sextile his Sun.  Uranus squared his Venus (changing his relationship status!).  Neptune was sextile his natal Chiron (a healing) but Pluto was opposite his Uranus (signifying some extreme change going on, which seems to have more to it than a wedding). She says  “I’m madly in love with Charlie and he’s madly in love with me. But even I can’t believe I’m marrying Britain’s most notorious prisoner”.  She has this year done the rounds of daytime television talk shows, and there may be genuine feeling there with Venus conjunct Jupiter in the marriage chart.  But the marriage time of 2 p.m. on that day reveals Neptune closely conjunct the Ascendant in Pisces, hinting that some illusion is prominent.

Mercury in Sagittarius in Bronson’s chart is unaspected, which can denote lawlessness.  Venus squares Saturn (lacking feeling), like Charles Manson but exact, with Venus in Capricorn exacerbating the coldness.  Venus also squares Neptune (sensation-seeking), but Neptune closely conjunct Saturn shows a tendency to depression.  Depending on the position of the conjunction in his chart (we do not have a birth time), it may well show up the fact that his life has been mostly spent in incarceration.  Mars is strong in Bronson’s chart, with the Sun sextile Mars, and Mars in Aquarius conjuncting his North Node – as well as the emphasis on violence in his life, he has written fitness books: “I’m the king of the press-ups and the sit-ups”.

Psychiatrists have not settled on labels for Bronson, but have considered Psychopathy and Schizophrenia.  Another feature of his personality is narcissism, with the Moon opposite Mars and in the sign of attention-seeking Leo.

He says of himself: “I’m a nice guy, but sometimes I lose all my senses and become nasty. That doesn’t make me evil, just confused.”  A self-evaluation very different from Charles Manson’s, which could be seen as a product of his more upbeat Sunsign of Sagittarius as against Manson’s Sunsign Scorpio (which is often wrongly maligned).


Venus trines Chiron today, which offers the opportunity for some healing, especially in the realm of relationships or money.  The healing power of love comes to the fore.  This aspect reminds us of the healing power of love.  Keep the heart open, and the results are always rewarding.

On Tuesday (28th) Mercury conjuncts Saturn at 27 degrees in Sagittarius (at the Galactic Centre).  This conjunction on its own assists us in our powers of concentration, although some might experience this as drudgery.  However, its placement in Sagittarius, lifts it slightly in mood and also widens its consciousness.  So we may be able to see the detail and its context, the trees and the wood.  Travel may still be delayed or difficult, though.

This mental focus dominates the middle of the week, and then on Friday (1st December) Venus enters Sagittarius.  This is the signal for more uplift, and anticipating the festive nature of the season and party atmosphere (the works do, for instance!).  Hearts under Venus in Scorpio are intense, but under Venus in Sagittarius more naturally expansive in contrast.  You may be more open to friending on Facebook, for instance, having deleted a few to prune and declutter while Venus was in Scorpio!

Another influence on Friday, that of Mars opposite Uranus, is more disruptive, and incident-prone.  Try to minimize health and safety risks under this aspect, especially in connection with cars, dogs, machinery and electrical appliances.  You may find people extra excitable (perhaps there may be another suspected terrorist incident in the news) and calmness may be a valuable commodity. Brush up your meditational skills, and be a port in the storm.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – healing relationships
  • Tuesday – concentration, but also wider application of the mind
  • Friday – social uplift, but unpredictability

Aspects for the week beginning 19 November 2017

Robert Mugabe Revisited

There were extraordinary scenes on the streets of Harare and Bulawayo in Zimbabwe yesterday, as the hitherto repressed populace marched in favour of a new regime and in favour of replacing the long time dictator Robert Mugabe, watched on by a friendly militia who seem to have engineered a bloodless coup, the outcome of which is still uncertain.  Is this a new model for how to replace a tyrant peacefully, or will they be unable to sustain the peace?

Robert Mugabe Record

93 year old Robert Mugabe has been in power in Zimbabwe for 37 years, and began as a freedom fighter against white minority rule, winning the battle against Nkomo to found a government.  The initial years of Mugabe’s government was characterized by social and economic reforms.  After two years, Nkomo fled the country, when Mugabe denounced him as a “cobra in the house”.  Since then, Mugabe has had a reputation for unpredictability.  In recent years, and increasingly, Mugabe’s regime has come to be known as one of repression, poverty and economic failure. He and his wife have become embroiled in accusations of corruption and profligacy.  In the words of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, he has become “a cartoon figure of an archetypal African dictator”.

Birth Chart

I wrote about Robert Mugabe’s chart in August 2013:

” Robert Mugabe, in power since 1980 in Zimbabwe, unsurprisingly has power issues brought in from past lives, with his natal Sun conjunct the South Node (past lives), though maybe in other scenarios, such as Egypt.  His Sun exactly trines Saturn, making politics and ambition major themes of his personality and life…

Another interesting feature of his chart is his Mars conjunct Jupiter (indefatigable energy and enthusiasm combined) squaring his Uranus (changeable, unpredictable and incident-prone).  Note that he and Zimbabwe share the Mars square Uranus instability.”

Transits for Robert Mugabe today show forcefulness from Pluto in a sextile to his Uranus (Change) and Pluto square his Chiron (enforced healing).


I also wrote:

” The Zimbabwe nation chart has a striking exact conjunction between the North Node and Mars squaring Uranus, violence and instability being part of its karmic make-up and path.  The North Node/Mars conjunction is also trine the nation’s Sun, increasing the fieriness but heightening its self-expression and the will of its leadership…

The chart of Zimbabwe is also the chart of Mugabe’s coming to power in 1980.  This is clearly shown by Pluto (Power) exactly sextile his natal Mars (Self-Will) signifying that it has been a vehicle for his drives and ambitions.”

Today’s transits for Zimbabwe show Saturn trine its Mars (decisiveness), Saturn trine its North Node (karmic discipline) and Uranus trine its North Node (karmic change), with Neptune sextile its Chiron (spiritual healing).

Emmerson Mnangagwa

As I have been preparing this blog this morning, it has been announced that Robert Mugabe has been removed as the leader of the Zanu-PF party and Emmerson Mnangagwa has replaced him.  Whereas Mugabe denounced Nkomo as a cobra, Mnangagwa was known as “the crocodile”, and was fired by Mugabe on 6th November (an act which led to this crisis).

Ex-vice president and former intelligence chief Mnangagwa is a Sun in Virgo (the opposite sign of Mugabe), with Mars conjunct Neptune exactly in that sign (which can be deceptive), and Moon in Scorpio.  He also has a disruptive square between Uranus and his Nodal Axis.

Mnangagwa’s relationship with Zimbabwe is not an easy one, and indeed some fear that his rule might not be that different from Mugabe’s, but it is hoped that he will preside over a coalition with opposition leaders.  There is a lot of repression between his chart and that of Zimbabwe, which might characterize his rule (its Saturn is conjunct his Sun, its Venus is conjunct his Saturn, for example).  A struggle for power is shown by its Pluto square his Jupiter.

On the day he was fired and fled,  Jupiter was square his Pluto (power struggle) but sextile his Venus (potential silver lining) and Neptune was square his Saturn (banishment).

Grace Mugabe

Grace Mugabe, the wife of Robert Mugabe and would-be president in her own right, comes across as a combination of Marie Antoinette (“let them eat cake”) and Imelda Marcos (“let me buy shoes”).  She is unpopular in the country generally, but had a following in some younger members of the population.  She is a strong-willed Leo, with a very individualistic unaspected Sun, and an extra hunger for power shown by Jupiter square Pluto.  She is also a warrior (Mars trine the North Node) and has disruptive features (Uranus square the Nodal Axis).  Her bid for power was one of the precipitating factors for this crisis.  She has been expelled from the party today.  Saturn is trine her Mercury, Pluto is sextile her Saturn, and Pluto is sextile her Neptune, sombre but not too damaging transits (maybe the Universe is protecting her from herself).

In a State of Flux

When I began writing this blog this morning, there was a great state of flux in events.  Something has since been resolved, though things are still in a state of flux for this nation.  Let us hope that the anticipation of change and joyfulness of the peaceful revolution  on the streets, and the exemplary conduct of the military so far bears fruit for a nation which has suffered for so long.


Today’s Mars square Pluto speaks of coercion, and we have already had a graphic example of that in the enforcement of Robert Mugabe’s departure by the military in Zimbabwe today.  In this case it was peacefully executed, and for the common good.

In your own life, you may forced to act, and hopefully it will be a peaceful event and for the common good also, but bear in mind that under this aspect there are elements in our society which will continue to have unruly drives which don’t help anyone.  In today’s removal of a tyrant, there is hope that constructive forces can outweigh the destructive ones.

A happier prospect to contemplate occurs on Tuesday (21st) when Venus sextiles Pluto.  Love and money prosper under this  combination.  Both Venus and Pluto represent money in Astrology, so it may be a good time for investments or cashing in insurance policies.  Love is not frivolous under this aspect, so it is not flirtatiousness which flourishes, but deep understanding and feeling, and coming to a new psychological level between you.

On Wednesday (22nd) the Sun enters Sagittarius, one of the more joyful sojourns for the Sun, and including the pre-Christmas warm up and planning festivities, taking us up to the Winter Solstice.  For those of us who enjoy the Sun in Sagittarius, this period goes a long way to dispelling the seasonal affective disorder of the lessening of the light.  For those who find it a strain, e.g. finding the money to fund all the jollity, it can be a positive time for philosophical contemplation, one of the resources of the Sun in Sagittarius.

Wednesday has an additional gift for us, in the fact that Neptune is stationary prior to turning Direct.  Neptune has been retrograde since the middle of June 2017, the 16th of that month to be precise.  Perhaps that was the beginning of a spiritual process of self-examination for you, for example in relation to sensing the suffering in the world.  So Wednesday may give the gift of extra spiritual lightness and the ability to move forward in this respect.  For example, some insight into how you can help someone, or balance your feelings and responsibilities in such a way that you do not feel overburdened.

The last gift of the week comes on Saturday (25th) in the form of Mercury trine Uranus, a mental light bulb of an aspect.  Minds work quickly under this aspect, computers tend to work more efficiently (which is fortuitous, timely and welcome because Mercury goes retrograde on December 3rd), and ideas can come from the realm of genius and invention (even from the future). It is a good aspect for scientific discovery, and weird and wonderful tales.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – keep a cool head
  • Tuesday – a deeper level of relationship
  • Wednesday – seasonal uplift, and spiritual progress
  • Saturday – mental light bulbs