Aspects for the week beginning 18 September 2016
(please note: there is a video on You Tube instructing you on the correct pronunciation)
The Poldark season is so important that during that time of year my friend Laura and I re-schedule our Sunday evening chats, which we don’t do for any other television programme. Apparently the original series was so successful that some vicars re-scheduled their church services.
In the mid-1970s my family were glued to the original Poldark production, and we read all the books by Winston Graham which were arranged on my mother’s bookshelf. He was her favourite author.
I loved that first production, starring Robin Ellis and Angharad Rees, and look back on it with fond romanticism. Hubby, who always remembers differently, thinks this current series is the better one. Tonight’s screening will be the third episode of the second series of the second production.
We always had some link to Cornwall. At the time of the first series, my parents had a long history of enjoying Cornish holidays, and my best friend from University (Ann Secombe-Stephens) hailed from there. Nowadays, our Cornish link is my brother-in-law and his family.
I will be looking at the Poldark theme from a few (or phew!) different angles, but those who are only interested in Aidan Turner can skip the rest.
Winston Graham
It seems fitting to look at the chart of the writer Winston Graham whose novels formed the basis of one of the most successful television programmes of all time. We are blessed to have a birth time for him, too. He was born, not in Cornwall, but in Manchester, and moved to Perranporth in Cornwall when he was 17. Winston had 6 out of his 10 planets in the Water element, all in Cancer, with the addition of the North Node: he was a master of the imaginative storytelling of human emotion. 8 of his 10 planets were in Cardinal signs, so he was very strong in leadership qualities, emphasized by his Sun being conjunct the North Node. He had the Moon (his ruling planet) closely conjunct Mars, so his emotions were easily roused, he could write about the quickened pulse. He had the classic Writer Archetype signature, of Mercury conjunct Venus (to one degree). Mercury was exactly opposite Uranus in his chart, so he liked to surprise in his communication, which made for good twists and turns of the plots. Mercury was also exactly conjunct Neptune, so there may have been an element of channelling in his mental processes, e.g. channelling the Spirit of Cornwall. The Mercury/Venus conjunction was exactly sextile his Midheaven (Careerpoint) marking out his career as a writer, and Uranus was exactly trine his Midheaven bringing him sudden success from his original creativity (Uranus in 5th House). There is an alternative birth time which gives 8 am instead of 8.30 am for his birth, and that delivers Chiron exactly on the Descendant, which would make his understanding of human relationships exceptionally poignant.
Aidan Turner
Aidan Turner has provided a mesmerizing portrayal of the lead character, Ross Poldark, with much made of his topless scything scene in the first series, on a par with Colin Firth’s wet shirt scene in Pride and Prejudice. For me, his birth chart is very riveting… He has 6 of his planets in Air signs (and is very witty in interviews). He has 0 planets in Water (contrasting with Winston Graham), and 0 planets in Earth. That is a very unusual line up of elements. He has 6 planets in Mutable signs. What he does have is a great deal of male strength in his chart, with a triple conjunction of Mars/North Node/Sun trine Pluto/Saturn. Note that his karmic mission (North Node) is, like Winston Graham’s lit up by the Sun. There is something he is able to convey for Winston Graham of his own nature and path. Sensitivity in Aidan’s chart is supplied by an exact opposition of Neptune to his natal Sun. With his Neptune also exactly sextile his Saturn and closely sextile his Pluto, he does have a great deal of innate spiritual intelligence. He is not just a pretty face. In addition, Winston Graham’s Pluto is exactly conjunct Aidan’s North Node, so he is supremely fitted to portray the power of Ross Poldark in this production after Winston’s death.
Eleanor Tomlinson
Actress Eleanor Tomlinson plays the lead woman in Ross Poldark’s life, Demelza. She has a beautiful colouring of blue eyes and red hair, and is a great hit with hubby Mike. It was disconcerting for me for a while, as I had remembered the buxom wench Angharad Rees and Eleanor, and the actress who plays her rival for Ross’s affections, are both understated in that department. Forgive me for being so physically graphic, I know it’s not my style. Anyway, it took me a long time to replace Angharad with Eleanor in my affections, but I do think Eleanor is a very good actress, and singer (she sang a song late in the first series, which was captivating). In contrast to Aidan, Eleanor has 7 of her planets in Earth signs! She is a Taurean, and her ruling planet Venus is exactly opposite Pluto, which is probably the feature responsible for red-headedness. That opposition would give her skill at portraying deep emotion, such as grief. Her Moon is most likely conjunct her North Node, making her a perfect female complement to Aidan’s Sun/North Node. It is interesting to note that the character Demelza was based on Winston Graham’s own wife, but Graham did not like the portrayal of Demelza in the first production, as he felt she came across as “promiscuous and loose”. I hope he approves of the latest production – she may in fact suit Winston Graham well as a female ideal, because her Sun is sextile with his Moon. She has an intense chemistry with the actor Aidan Turner, as his Chiron conjuncts her sun exactly.
Robin Ellis
These days the actor Robin Ellis writes an active blog, and has produced cookery books, and campaigns on awareness of diabetes. How did he match up for Winston Graham as his male hero of Poldark? Like Aidan, Robin has 0 Water signs, so with Winston’s abundance of water signs they may have found the role healing for them to play. Robin’s chart is high in Earth signs. I remember his portrayal of Ross Poldark as being softer, less dark and rugged than Aidan’s, but having compared notes with hubby, I don’t necessarily trust my memory on this subject. Robin is a thoroughbred Capricorn, having Sun in Capricorn trine its ruler Saturn. We do not have a birth time or Ascendant for his chart, but his Mars (representing the male lead) trines exactly Winston’s Ascendant, which is a good indication.
Angharad Rees
As I’ve said, I have a nostalgic fondness for Angharad Rees, also redheaded, who died in 2012. Robin Ellis wrote, when she died: “Her portrayal of Demelza in Poldark was definitive and the series could not have enjoyed the success it had without her unique spirit informing the role.” Although Winston Graham railed against the portrayal of Demelza in the first production, her chart indicates that she was the ideal female lead to portray his anima. One can assume that she does represent that, with the book character also being modelled on his wife. Angharad’s triple conjunction of Sun/North Node/Venus at 23/27/29 degrees Cancer conjuncts his Mars/Moon conjunction in Cancer at 25/26 degrees. Enough said, Q.E.D.
The first production began its screening on 5 October 1975, and with Pluto/Sun/Moon/Mercury in Libra would confirm my impression that it was a softer production with Robin Ellis portrayed as a classicl romantic lead (Aidan veering towards a more rugged persona). Though Neptune was trine Winston Graham’s Saturn, it is not surprising he was uncomfortable with elements of it, as Pluto was opposite his Saturn. For the actor Robin Ellis, it was a gift, with Jupiter exactly sextile his natal Venus. For Angharad it would have had a profound effect mentally, with Neptune trine her natal Mercury and Pluto sextile her natal Mercury.
The second production was first screened on 8 March 2015, with Sun exactly conjunct Chiron in Pisces, emphasizing much wringing of hands and hearts, possibly more stirring than the first, but we live in different times. Mars was conjunct Uranus, promising us an electrifying ride! Regular readers will be familiar with the concept of current transits impacting on posthumous charts. So would Winston Graham have been pleased with this latest production? Absolutely yes! He had a Jupiter Return at precisely that time. Neptune was exactly trine his Sun, so he will have been very much in tune with it, and possibly exerting some influence from spirit side. Pluto was exactly trine his Midheaven (Careerpoint) so his reputation was re-ignited. For Aidan Turner, Mars was trine his Venus, so he acquired a new fanbase overnight, and may have been bemused by the attention as Neptune was squaring his Mercury. Like Angharad, Eleanor will have had a profound re-think, with Pluto trine exactly her natal Mercury.
Theme Tune
With a nod to the theme tune, I would just like to say I think it captures beautifully the wild beauty of Cornwall. It is composed by Taurean Anne Dudley, who has strong chart connections with this second production, so has tuned in perfectly. Her Uranus in Cancer is conjunct Winston Graham’s Mars/Moon. She is quoted as saying: “The music needed to underscore the sweeping Cornish landscapes and passionate love story. Featuring the solo violin, it is based (loosely) on the modality found in Cornish folk music. Orchestrated for violin, harp, piano and string orchestra with occasional electronic elements, this was a dream job!”
Last week was quite challenging for many, and this week promises a more satisfying journey.
Venus was opposing Uranus this morning, which may make sense if you emerged a little out of sorts from the nightly search for a good sleep. You may be perplexed by some issue connected with relationship, money or art. Tonight’s episode of Poldark may distract you.
By tomorrow, you’ll probably have it all sorted, with Venus sextile Mars. Any confusion over sexual identity or orientation should be harmoniously ironed out, for the time being at least. The Yin should flow well with the Yang, and the Animus with the Anima.
This week’s interesting feature is Mercury turning direct again (interesting to many) with the added excitement of Mercury trine Pluto on days either side. Mercury trine Pluto is itself a profound gift, but there will be a second opportunity to get the message, when Mercury changes course and transits the same point again.
The first Mercury-Pluto trine occurs on Wednesday (21st) in the early hours of the morning. As you may have read in my Poldark piece, both lead actresses had Pluto in exact aspect with their Mercuries when their productions were aired. Mercury-Pluto gives a lot to think about, usually provides the space to think about it, and often answers a lot of questions. These answers can be so deep that they impact other questions, and may solve a long standing psychological issue you are working on.
On the morning of Thursday (22nd) Mercury is stationary, prior to turning direct, and opens out communication again. With Southern Rail (in the U.K.) at the end of its tether, reducing its commuters to hours of misery each day, it is to be hoped that this, in combination with the double rainbow of Mercury trine Pluto (x2) will reduce strike action, and get the two sides negotiating to some satisfaction. If there are any communication stalemates in your own personal life, hopefully there will be corresponding benefits, particularly for Geminis. Scorpios will find this period mentally stimulating.
Late lunchtime we see the Autumn Equinox occurring, with the advent of the Sun in Libra, the sign of negotiation. The Sun is on its way to meet Jupiter in that sign, and reap some of the first benefits of its peaceful, harmonious and beautiful influence.
Friday morning (23rd) brings the second wave of Mercury trine Pluto. If you built a strong foundation of thought on the first (Wednesday morning, or possibly even Tuesday evening especially in the U.S.), you can consolidate and even make further gains on Friday. To re-cap: from tomorrow (Monday) the week goes from strength to strength, so make your diary appointments count. Trust yourself with a bold schedule! If you have had deep psychological discussions earlier in the week, follow them up by searching further. You could make real progress.
Late lunchtime sees Venus change signs, from Libra to Scorpio. She may have lost a little of her grace and harmony, but will gain in bargaining power and strength. She will have assessed what needs to be done, and be willing to go slightly out of her comfort zone to achieve it. If you are a Venusian (Taurean or Libran) you may find yourself behaving along these lines, but even if you are not you may recognize some of this trend in yourself or others. If you do notice it, then give Venus a pat on the back of congratulation for her bravery, and yourself if appropriate.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – disruptive
- Tomorrow – sensual
- Wednesday – profound thought and discussion
- Thursday – communications clearing, and new harmony
- Friday – getting further to the heart of the matter, deep feelings