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Bush Senior and Bush Junior – A Karmic Cycle

The story of the two Bushes is not a new theme, and has been chronicled and analysed by Astrologers over the years.  With troops being recalled from Iraq, it seems that the karmic cycle which began when the North Node left Aquarius and entered Capricorn at the time of the First Gulf War (late 1990, early 1991) has come full circle round the zodiac.    The three main characters of this karmic tale are the archetypal villain Saddam Hussein, the elder President George H. Bush, and his son George W. Bush.  What astrological features befit these three for their roles in the story?  Saddam Hussein had Jupiter exactly opposite Pluto, a psychodynamic of overweening hunger for power.  The Senior George Bush has Mars on his South Node (the sign of a past-life connection with warmongering) but with the steadying and more mature balance of Saturn sextile his North Node and trine his Mars.  He would look upon his role as “doing what’s necessary”, but his natal Sun is exactly conjunct the Mars of the U.S.A. chart, so either way (personally and presidentially) war was on the cards.  And, as history would play out, his presidency would see the initiation of a war cycle.  That George W. Bush was gung-ho about his karma and everybody else’s  may be due to his natal Uranus conjunct the North Node and trine his Jupiter.  This North Node/Uranus conjunction links in karmically with the key charts: it is conjunct Saddam Hussein’s Chiron and the U.S.A Mars and his father’s Sun.

The well-known story of the First Gulf War started with Saddam’s annexation of Kuwait in August 1990, when Jupiter was exactly conjunct his natal Pluto and opposite his natal Jupiter, obviously shored up by the full hilt of Jupiterian energy to his natal opposition.  The world watched with bated breath through Operation Desert Storm in January 1991, when Mars was squaring George Bush Senior’s Nodal Axis (again, destined for war).  The U.S. (as part of a U.N. endorsed force) was in saviour role to Kuwait: the Jupiter in its chart sextile exactly the natal Kuwait Pluto.  Eventually, the situation simmered down, and was left simmering for years in the subconscious mind of his son George W. Bush Junior.  When he came to power, this karma was re-activated, setting the stage for the Second Gulf War of 2003.  He enlisted the help of the sympathetic U.K. Prime Minister of the time, Tony Blair, through the magnetic attraction of Tony’s Pluto being exactly conjunct with George’s Venus.  The extra karmic and compulsive element was provided by Tony’s Pluto sextile George’s North Node.    In the chart of the Second Gulf War (20 March 2003) Pluto was exactly conjunct George Bush Junior’s South Node.  It was therefore an obsession that George could not ignore, to go to war.  Operation Shock and Awe was instigated, the successor to Operation Desert Storm designed to finish off what his father had started.  Now at this point in time, as the North Node returns to O degrees Aquarius, a karmic cycle is complete.  The three main players have been removed from the scene.  The chalice of the new karmic cycle has been passed to Barack Obama, whose North Node at 27 degrees Leo is now opposed by the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron, symbolizing the complex clearing up job he has to do from the old cycle, and the new nuclear-bearing protagonists with which he has to deal.  Happy Independence Day!

North Node enters Capricorn – Intro

The North Node, which represents the karmic tone of the period, now stands at O degrees Aquarius in the process of moving into Capricorn, as it moves backwards.  It spends approximately a year and a half in each sign, and the shift is due to take place over the next two months.  The Mean North Node enters Capricorn on Sunday 26 July, and the True North Node on Friday 21 August.  If you have planets or angles (such as your Ascendant) at O degrees of a sign, there is likely to be a significant change of lifestyle.  In recent years the North Node has passed through Pisces, then Aquarius, both signs of global emphasis.  In retreating to Capricorn, it may seem a retrograde step in terms of spiritual evolution as for Capricorn charity begins at home.  But it is necessary to counterbalance to some extent the disadvantages of globalization, as nations take a hard look at economic stringencies and boundary issues such as immigration control.  When the North Node arrives at the cusp of Sagittarius in February/March 2011, it will be on with the global outlook again, but in more realistic terms.  In this transit of the North Node through Capricorn, the lessons and achievements of the North Node in the previous two signs are not lost, they are just integrated.  Capricorn is not a lesser mode karmically, it is just a different emphasis – whereas the signs around it are more idealistic, aspirational and concerned with the good of the whole, Capricorn addresses the letter rather than the spirit of the law, and takes into account the material reality.   It is ruled by Saturn, one of the agents of karma.  While the Aquarian way of managing karma is to rise above suffering and to create new sociological structures based on fairness and equality, the new karmic requirement as denoted by North Node in Capricorn will be that of acceptance and of working with what is, without frills and flourishes.  Some may find that a more real approach.  Together with the other end of its spectrum the South Node in Cancer, it spells a rise in patriotism and nationalism, again on the surface of things a retrograde step between nations and divisive for peace efforts.  However, it may allow people to re-draw their boundaries (an issue which is fudged under Aquarian and Piscean influences) to find out where their real needs lie for the short term.  The North Node has been giving impetus to the changes wrought by the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in Aquarius, but will be working soon with the necessities of Pluto in Capricorn.  These two forces will be squeezing our focus from both ends of Capricorn, Pluto at its beginning moving forwards, and North Node at the end of Capricorn retrograding, so that at a certain point (November 2010) the two meet and merge their focus.  This will be a defining moment worldwise, and personally: you need to understand what you are doing, and why, in order to avoid falling into negative Capricorn roles such as victim or scapegoat.  Instead, work with positive archetypes such as the teacher, the pathfinder and the leader, if Capricorn is strong in your chart, so bring those out of your repertoire.  Some of these will be contained within your panoply of past-life characters.  You will of course still be working on the function of your own personal North Node and its sign in your natal chart (karmic mission, as applied in its natal house).  But where your work links with the world, you will also work to some extent with the transiting North Node.  Think back to when the North Node was last at this point in December 1990, the world was on the brink, in the midst of the First Gulf War crisis, very much a me and mine issue to Saddam Hussein (annexing Kuwait) and George Bush Senior (protecting the oil wells).   Pondering this turned into an extra blog…But meanwhile in my own life the last time the North Node was at O degrees Aquarius and on my 10th House cusp (career) I was beginning my regression work and the deeper study of past lives as it transited my 9th House in Capricorn.  Now I have a queue of two regression clients waiting, because I have no curtains up in my regression room at the moment (though another brave soul decided to chance it anyway).  There is also the matter of no door, and a completely new flooring.  So with this feng shui, I am starting a new cycle in my own work in the field of karma.  Fascinatingly, the changeover links in with the Mayan Calendar for on 26 July it is the first day of the New Year in the 13 Moon Calendar and we are urged to celebrate the Day out of Time, the Day of Point Zero, a day of forgiveness and compassion.

Aspects for the week beginning 28 June 2009

There was a time in my old neighbourhood when all the women in our street sported a Farrah Fawcett hairstyle (Moon rising in Cancer, the essence of femininity) and all their men had the Kevin Keegan haircut (we had the same hairdresser)…Aah! Those were the days…And the life and death of poor Michael Jackson, who maybe could not face the hurdle of 50 upcoming concerts, was always defined by the planet Pluto.  At birth, Pluto was conjunct his Sun, in the early 80s when cosmetic surgery started to show Pluto was conjunct his natal Jupiter-Neptune conjunction, and at his passing Pluto was trine his natal Pluto, beckoning him perhaps to a more final reinvention.  This week’s rhythm is slow, slow, quick, quick, slow.  Nothing happening, then everything happening.  Underwhelm followed by overwhelm.  The “quick, quick” days are Wednesday and Thursday (1st and 2nd July).  If you are the contemplative type, plan to do nothing on those days!  If you would rather seize the day, then plan an activity for each event: On Wednesday (1st July): Jupiter semi-sextile Uranus (test out new constructions); Uranus Stationary, prior to Retrograde (test out electrical wiring); Venus square Chiron (suss out what you need ot heal next through your feeling nature); Mercury trine Chiron (apply the appropriate affirmation through your mental focus); Venus square Neptune (gently question your nearest and dearest about their feelings); then (these are all in sequence by the way) Mercury trine Neptune (re-draw plans to include all the lessons of the day and all the sensitivities of all who are involved).  Phew! Is that a world record for the number of aspects in one day?  It is the most aspects for a day I have had to blog in two-and-a-half years.  If that to-do list works for you, then for Thursday 2nd July try the following: Mercury trine Jupiter (try long distance travel or communication, and sales), but have a fall-back plan because the next aspect can put a spanner in the works.  Mercury square Uranus (turn back before you have reached the point of no return, as there may be a hitch in communication, travel and sales).  You may spot a loophole in the fine print before you sign on the dotted line.  You may ask why bother in the first place, but there is something in the process for you, e.g. you may make an important new acquaintance, who may be a kindred spirit but not a suitable business partner.  Expand your consciousness to see the bigger picture.  Even the hitch may have a purpose.   Venus also squares Jupiter that day, so keep social manners appropriate, e.g. no inappropriate laughter or inappropriate touching.  Read the body language correctly.   And it’s a day of contradictions because Venus also sextiles Uranus, so there may be a surprise social benefit.  You’ll find, despite earlier suspicions otherwise, that you really are in the right place at the right time meeting the right people.  It’s just your social manners that might be inappropriate, but they may overlook that.  You’ll probably be exhausted by Friday, when there is only the movement of Mercury from Gemini into Cancer to contend with.  Communication will have arrived at a more empathetic level after the initial awkwardness of the previous day.  Saturday is the test of meaningful communication, with Mercury forming an opposition to Pluto.  Someone will demand the truth.  If you are travelling that day, be vigilant, for there may be difficult passengers or scenarios.  You may need to play Samaritan and listen to a sob story for instance.  Tip of the week comes from my friend Laura, who started last night’s telephone conversation by (correctly) accusing me of being overly fond of conjunctions.  She then went on to say about the current triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron (one of my all-time favourites): “If we are attached to ideas or forms as to how our lives should be, the triple conjunction is likely to produce illusion and self-deceit.  If, however, we are open to new ideas and possibilities – each according to the house in which the conjunction falls – then we are likely to receive a subtle but powerful inspiration – You can quote me.”

Aspects for the week beginning 21 June 2009

Happy Summer Solstice!  Just after dawn in the U.K. the Sun entered the sign of Cancer, and summer became official.  The Part of Fortune today is in the 12th House, which denotes that it is the inner process which will bring you joy today.  At lunchtime, Venus will be conjunct Mars, and the inner alchemy between the expression of male and female can be glimpsed, or experienced.  Whatever you are hoping for today, the inside story is crucial.  The outer dance always flows from the inner dance.  If the outer dance looks right, and you are not feeling it, then it’s not real for you.  But if the inner dance is right, the outer can reflect that or may follow in future.  But the now within is what counts.  So getting the now right now is possibly on your to-do list for today.  Right now we are taking up carpet ready for the imminent arrival (in up to 2 weeks) of the new carpet for the Customer Service Desk, which got a little worn since I started this blog.  That will also count as phase two of the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction at ours, phase one having been successfully completed.  Today and tomorrow may see a changeover phase, focussing on the completion of an old project or the end of phase one, and the start of a new regime or phase two of a larger plan.  Tomorrow has two consolidatory aspects: Venus trine Saturn and Mars trine Saturn, followed by a defined new beginning (Cancer New Moon).  Venus trine Saturn brings meaning to relationships, and artistic and musical experiences.  Even difficult relationships could uncover the gold of loyalty, commitment and shared supportiveness.  Mars trine Saturn favours getting the job done, even jobs which seem hum drum, such as taking up old carpet.  If you get such issues out of the way by the evening, you can concentrate on the delight of the New Moon in the evening (19.35 Hrs in the U.K., 1 degree Cancer).  This New Moon favours home projects, such as carpet re-laying.  In an earlier version of this blog, I was still in Gemini mode mentally from yesterday, writing about Twitter.  Twitter strikes me as a very Geminian preserve, a wor(l)d of lite bites.  Although its Sun is in Aries (born on 21 March 2006) its ruling planet Mars is in the middle of Gemini.  I discovered this week that I have two followers on Twitter.  This was conveyed to me through my inbox.  It was a surprise to me, as a few weeks ago I did try to join Twitter, but didn’t think I had succeeded.  I am, however, a member of ipeace, and after listening to an evening of peace and anti-war songs from a delightfully vibrant 71-year old Julie Felix last night, I invited her to join.  She had recently sung “Forever Young” at David Frost’s 70th birthday party, and is a Geminian herself, the sign of eternal youth.   So far so good, and Tuesday (23rd) is time for a little drama, brought to you by Pluto opposing the Sun.  In the pecking order of transits, Pluto always has the final say.  Jupiter, Neptune, Chiron, all very fine and dandy, but if a project doesn’t cut the mustard with the very outermost planet, Pluto, then it may not hold.  Pluto holds the life (and death) cycles, and is the very barrel we scrape psychotherapeutically.  And while Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn now, everything needs to pass its test of being sustainable and ethical, both personally and planetarily.  So if your film doesn’t pass the censor, this is the reason.  But don’t let that deter you, for you do get extra marks for intention.  And if you fail to complete a task, all is not lost, because the work you have put in may get re-used later.  Just glance down at the cutting room floor, and make sure you have salvaged what you need.  The last aspect of the week occurs on Friday (26th) and it is another challenging one, Mercury square Saturn.  If you encounter difficulties in communication or travel, you may start to wonder whether Mercury is still retrograde, and on realizing that it is in forward motion, may start to question the whole phenomena of Mercury only causing problems when retrograde.  After all, communications can go right when Mercury is retrograde, and communications can go wrong when Mercury is travelling forwards.  Homework for the week is to polish your inner quicksilver Mercury.  You need to be in your eternal now Mercury, for communications to always work for you.

Aspects for the week beginning 14 June 2009

The big news today is Mercury’s entry into its own sign of Gemini, which is good news for Geminis who can express themselves fully and freely and be themselves, and good news for journalists and broadcasters who will have a steady stream of stories lined up and ready to roll.  For the rest of us, we may be able to clear our heads, and eperience fewer senior moments for the duration of this transit (which lasts until 3 July).  If you are still having senior moments, then try the Japanese tree supplement ginkgo biloba, combined with ginseng for concentration.  That, with Mercury in Gemini, should hopefully do the trick.  So the next couple of weeks is favourable for any work on the mental plane, such as sketching out a learning plan, writing short articles, and light conversation accompanied by tea and spelt toast.  Visiting relatives is also favoured under this transit, so a family get-together or catch-up is likely, particularly between siblings.  Tomorrow Jupiter is stationary, prior to going retrograde.  Foreign travel may be put on hold, suspense over exam results, u-turns on philosophy (e.g. by governments) – anything of a Jupiterian nature starts to contract after its unprecedented expansion over recent months, Jupiter being part of the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron (it was only a matter of time before I would mention the T-word).  However, triple conjunction plans and hopes continue to be consolidated.  They are just going into a different phase. Boundaries have been set, and plans re-drawn to take account of progress made or financial stringencies.  In early July, Jupiter will re-join Neptune and Chiron at 26 degrees Aquarius, and Uranus will still be wielding its influence acting as a counterpoise at 26 degrees Pisces, so we will see an encore of the original triple conjunction at the end of May.  With all four planets retrograde by then, it will be different – an inbreath after the outbreath.  If you are involved in a large-scale construction, you will be entering into phase two of the long and complicated process.  That is looking ahead somewhat, but you may be able to glimpse the next part of the vision and its significance tomorrow when Jupiter turns retrograde.   Wednesday (17th) is also important for assessing and refining progress, with the Sun trining Neptune/Chiron and squaring Uranus.  Last week was decisive for some, as Uranus semi-sextile Neptune allowed disengagement where necessary.  For instance, if you had lent your energies temporarily to the development of large-scale community plans (Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron) you may have sensed that you had come to the end of your soul’s contract with it.  Or you may have needed to retreat to work on your own healing.  If the plan is your plan, you will want to see it through, but if it is someone else’s plan, then your energies may be needed elsewhere or even in your own back yard.  Wednesday may be the time for that disengagement, with the Sun squaring Uranus.  However, you may keep a spiritual link with the group or an interest in the progress of the plan (Sun trine Neptune).  More of the healing significance of what is taking place may also be revealed at this time (Sun trine Chiron).  Complex structures are being built for the future, and groups are coming together now, but an individual may also be needed to attend to more than one group at a time.  Some people will be holding the energy of one group, and others moving between groups and projects.  There will be more dismantling at a later phase when the Saturn-Uranus opposition becomes exact again, but at this time it is several degrees wide and taking a back seat in the reconstruction process.  And so, on to Thursday (18th) when the Sun trines Jupiter and you can let your hair down, enjoy the fruits of your labours why don’t you.  Life can’t be all serious working at astrological aspects all the time, honestly.  It’s a relatively untrammelled aspect (although still tied to those other planets admittedly) but brings out the playful side of it all, the lighter side of life, the cosmic giggle.  Take time out from committee meetings, and plan some leisure activity or relaxation, communal or otherwise (you may need some space).  There may be a sense of anticipation in the air on Saturday (20th), the final day of Spring, with some gorgeous aspects to come right at the beginning of Summer.

Aspects for the week beginning 7 June 2009

At tea-time in the U.K. today and lunchtime in the U.S. and dreamtime in Australia we have a Full Moon in Sagittarius, opposing the Sun in Gemini.  If it is going to be a powerful Full Moon effect for you personally, you will already be feeling it and therefore know about it.  It’s the culmination of the three major spiritual festivals according to the tradition of the Lucis Trust, which is based on the teachings of Alice Bailey.  The first festival is Easter Full Moon, then follows Wesak Full Moon which is linked to the Buddha’s birthday.  This current Full Moon is known as the Christ’s Festival or World Invocation Day.  The seed thought for meditation for the Sagittarian Full Moon as given by Alice Bailey (through the Tibetan) is: “I see the goal.  I rech the goal and then I see another”.  Apparently this Full Moon is a transmission of Good Will and used by the Forces of Restoration (headed by an extra-planetary being called the Spirit of Resurrection) to transmit the energy of reconstruction to humanity.  People vary so much in their sensitivity to the Full Moon, and to each individual Full Moon, but there is always something to be resolved at this time because it is based on an opposition.  Today is the first day of a new week, and the first day of the rest of your life, so after the Full Moon there will be a sense of “done that, now it’s time to move on”.  Tomorrow, Monday 8th, Venus trines Pluto which is a profound aspect in terms of relationship, feeling, art and music.  If you are back at work after the weekend, you can put your heart and soul into what you do.  Tuesday (9th) marks an opportunity to examine and evaluate the progress of the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in your life, because Mercury (the planet of mental focus) makes contact with the Neptune-Chiron component of the conjunction by a square.  This will highlight the illusory nature of what has taken place or been created, and therefore by contrast also highlight what is real.  It will highlight too what has been healed and what still needs to heal.  You may have insight into the meaning of recent events, and if you have been engaged in a project you may see why it was created and how much was as a result of ego, and how much was of true service.  At the same time, Mercury sextiles Uranus (7 minutes beforehand: 9.46 pm in the U.K).   This is the easier bit, showing how there are surprise benefits in the turn of events, and possible other-worldly interventions in order for these events to come to pass (noo…noo…noo…noo…noo…noo…noo…noo…E.T. phone home).  If you are driving back home after an evening out, you may see a U.F.O.  Yes, literally, there were U.F.Os over Cambridgeshire last week, and let us not forget the jelly fish crop circle in Oxfordshire.  Is there some sort of message here about academic competition?  So, to recap, if you are driving back home after an evening out, you may see a U.F.O. creating a crop circle.  The early hours of Wednesday (10th) highlights another feature of this Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron climate, with Uranus semi-sextile Neptune.  Uranus has been semi-sextile with the conjunction, posing a challenge to it, and adding even more complexity to the proceedings.  The Guardian quoted Francine Blake of the Wiltshire Crop Circle Study Group this week who said: “This year started much earlier.  There’s one every day now.  It is very intense already.  I have never seen such complex designs in rape in all my years of studying this subject.  Usually, the season starts with a nice little pattern, a tri-petal flower or such like, one or maybe two in rape if we are lucky.  But this year they are big, complex and numerous right from the start.”   This phenomenon may be down to the triple conjunction.  Going back to the aspect to Uranus, it has taken on the role of arbiter, reserving the casting vote on things, and retaining its right to spring last-minute surprises.  You may be watching U.F.Os, or you may be fast asleep, but something may register in connection with the role of Uranus, the wild card, in your life at this time.  Accompanying music: “Maybe Angels” by Sheryl Crow.  The continuing theme of the decoding of the triple conjunction continues later that day with Mercury squaring Jupiter. Minds will range and roam freely, maybe  a little too freely, interpreting the events of the day.  Some people will feel the urge to literally travel to find out the truth, e.g. crop circle investigators will decide that the virtual reality is not enough.  This aspect will also urge us to see where we have exaggerated the truth in relation to big plans recently, therefore by contrast enabling us to reach a perspective.  If like me you don’t take a step without reading this blog, there are no more aspects and the rest of the week is your own.

Website contact email restored

If you have tried to contact me through my website contact email lately, and thought I was stand-offish for not replying, you’ll be pleased to know that the problem has been spotted and is now fixed.  Interesting factoid: The problem was due to transiting Uranus exactly squaring the natal Pluto of the website.


Aspects for the week beginning 31 May 2009

Last night a group of diverse stars, performing as one, triumphed in the Britain’s Got Talent contest.  It took me by surprise…I had been wondering all week whether a constant parade of fat bellies in the semi-finals was a new trend manifesting the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron in Aquarius.  What else happened last week?  A reminder that we have Pluto in Capricorn to contend with, in terms of the subterranean activity of the Korean nuclear testing.  The act itself was Pluto in Capricorn in nature, and the energy and emotion behind it a negative twist on the triple conjunction, i.e. bombastic action based on a lack of regard for the rest of the world: the arrogance of Jupiter, the paranoia of Neptune, and the wounding of Chiron.  The emotions of the triple conjunction (which is still around, though moving back stage a bit) are difficult enough for groups to contain, though it is very much a group-orientated aspect.  For the individual, such as Aries Susan Boyle to contain, it can be too much, and several times last week from several quarters I noticed the phrase “I am fit to blow” or “fit to burst”.  Before tackling the week’s aspects, I’d like to draw attention to a comment in last week’s blog which underlines the connection between the triple conjunction and the Galactic Centre (26 degrees Aquarius and 26 degrees Sagittarius).  It seems fitting that the triple conjunction could be a key to the Galactic Centre (symbolically our core process) and vice versa.  If one of the pitfalls of the triple conjunction is the inflation of the ego, it seems appropriate to ponder the relationship between false ego and our authentic core.  Mercury turned direct this morning, and that’s good for pondering but not deep processes.  It’s more about getting on with paperwork, essays, coursework, detailed work and other left-brain activities.  I am sure you have some piled up, somewhere.  Mars is also leaving Aries for Taurus tonight (UK time), so direct action will be replaced by slower movements.  Activism will give way to non-violent resistance.  It’s good news for Venus-ruled Taureans who don’t like to be rushed: they will now be able to set the pace according to their own biorhythms. Tuesday (2nd) looks to be the most pleasant day of the week, with the pace again set by Venus which sextiles the Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron conjunction.  It’s a good day for extravagant expressions of love such as over-the-top marriage proposals, and for musical performances and arts festivals.  Any international initiatives can be based on diplomatic relations (though you can lead a horse to water, but you can’t necessarily make him drink).  Thursday (4th) also looks promising, in a complete change of mood, with Mars trine Pluto.  This is a more energetic aspect, bordering on the coercive (which is where caution is required), but much can be achieved.  The use of energy, will or force can be successful, but needs to bear in mind the karmic boundaries of all concerned, and soul agreement needs to be requested and granted, e.g. if giving absent reiki healing to someone who is not in a position to give verbal permission.  I’m afraid Friday (5th) is a cut-your-losses type of day, with Sun squaring Saturn.  “Let go” may be the mantra to apply, particularly in relation to actions which seemed to work on a physical level the day before, but where now the emotions are not rallying to back up the actions.  Again, you can lead the horse to water…We end the week, on Saturday (6th) with the entry of Venus into her own sign of Taurus.  More Venusian energy accruing now, and a relief for Venus who has valiantly battled her way through Aries, more rough-and-tumble than her natural terrain.  Slow and steady wins the race at the end of this week.  A sigh of relief for the battle-weary.

Aspects for the week beginning 24 May 2009

How is it going?  You are in the middle of the influence of the triple conjunction, now!  Two news items stand out for me this week, out of a few contenders which illustrate breakthroughs arising out of the union of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron in Aquarius.  The first is scientific: research has shown that people with Down syndrome do not develop certain types of cancer because of their genetic make-up, which apparently brings up new avenues for finding anti-cancer therapies.  The other story is sociological, one for human rights: that women were elected as MPs in Kuwait for the first time, four of them!  On a personal level, what area of your life took a step forward this week?  Did you discover a talent you never suspected you had?  Did you strike a memorable deal?  Are your home refurbishments going well?  I paid a visit to the Mind Body Spirit Festival in London, and went in for some Cosmic Healing.  The Festival is still on today and tomorrow, and I do recommend it if you want to soak up the energies of this triple conjunction.  Actually, it is a good week to ask the Universe for healing.  Be bold.  Don’t be shy.  Going forward into this week, it really is more of the same, I am glad for a change to report.  The Sun is shining here in the U.K., as it conjoins with the Moon to form the Gemini New Moon.  Hopes and wishes today can be focussed on communication efforts, and if you know which house that falls in in your chart (3 degrees Gemini) you can fine-tune your focus.  The really, really interesting day this week is Wednesday (27th) when the connection between Jupiter and Neptune within the triple conjunction becomes exact.  Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron form a pyramid of energies in which a hologram of consciousness can be seen or focussed, in a healing situation or building a new construct, among other applications.  Chiron, for all the complexity of its condition, wounds and all, is at ease in this triple conjunction.  It has the good intent of Jupiter,  and the magic and wonder of Neptune.  The three make good bedfellows, for Jupiter and Neptune are also two sides of a coin: Religion and Spirituality.  The bringing together of these two in their highest form and application would erase the need for war.  I am not suggesting that as a species we are grown-up enough yet for peace, but that is the potential of Jupiter-Neptune coming together, and we may see a glimpse of that.  We may see some of the harmony of the spheres impinging on the imagination and courage of world leaders.  In our own lives, too, how about long-standing separations giving way to reunions?  But there is even more to Wednesday, for Mars sextiles Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron – how exciting is that!  Whatever the Universe has recently blessed in your life, or whatever ground you have just gained, is going to take another step forward in manifestation.  If you are working on a large-scale project for instance, you may receive unexpected help.  In the midst of all this excitement, do remember to go and have a lie down.  Some of the planets themselves are going to take a pause and rest for a moment on their laurels.  You, and they, deserve a break, having worked so hard to try to improve things.  On Friday (29th) Neptune goes Stationary, prior to retrograde motion.  If you have been travelling spiritually, you may peak around then, and then start to take stock of the validity of your experiences.   On Saturday (30th) Chiron goes Stationary, also prior to retrograde motion.  Healing initiatives may have reached a peak recently, and also need to take stock and test out the progress made.  So the week ends on a quiet day of rest, after all the excitement and achievements…The triple conjunction turns on its various permutations, with planets going back and forth, into next year, and the progress of this week will show its potential.  But all the time we know there are massive problems going on worldwise and in personal lives, with Saturn opposite Uranus hammering down outworn structures, and Pluto in Capricorn reminding us that the clock is ticking on ecological and financial meltdowns.  But there is some scope for using the good energies and inspirations and philosophies to help with the problematic ones.

Aspects for the week beginning 17 May 2009

The story which has dominated the last week in the U.K. has been the publication of politicians’ expense claims, across all parties.  Not that we are not used to scandal (one politician at a time, please), but it is the shock of finding how low politics (Pluto in Capricorn) and politicians (Saturn reaching its furthest point of retrograde) can sink.  Neptune and Chiron are square to the Sun today, so we are looking the scandal in the face and we are in a deep-seated crisis.  We are at a point of waiting with bated breath (the point where Saturn is stationary today) to see what the response of the people will be on 4 June.  What will the government do?  Do we have a collective philosophy, or will society be divided (across the Saturn-Uranus split)?  Interesting that the issue is about politicians being public servants (Saturn in Virgo)…There may be an area of your life now, in which you are waiting with bated breath this week.  The triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron which takes place this week is to a great extent about revelation, and the Neptune element elicits the truth behind the illusion, sleaze or scandal.  Truth is always better out than in, and we have nothing to fear from truth because it moves us on our path.  Astrologers too will be waiting with bated breath, interested to find out the truth behind the triple conjunction.  Will the anticipation of Sagittarian-style Astrologers be justified?  Or will the caution advised by more balanced Astrologers be wisely heeded?  I am hoping that the connection with Jupiter will bring out the best from Neptune (the truth behind the illusion) and Chiron (the healing which is allowed to take place when the wound is exposed).  The Sun is conjunct Mercury tomorrow (Monday 18th) and Saturn is beginning its reorientation to direct motion, so public scrutiny takes place, and the road to serious change, maybe towards the straight and narrow.  In your own life there may be examination and scrutiny going on in order to soberly reflect on the next step you need to take.  Will Lord Andrew Lloyd Webber be satisfied with Jade Ewen’s brave efforts at the Eurovision Song Contest?  She sang “It’s My Time”, as the North Node was transiting her Sun, very fitting.  The trio for Europe, which included the newly-installed Graham Norton, made a good team.  He and Andrew both have Sun in Aries, and have their Moons conjunct at the end of Leo, currently opposed by the triple conjunction of Jupiter-Neptune-Chiron.  And they did well on it.  Take heart anyone who has a difficult aspect in their chart from this triple conjunction.  You may not win this week, but you could do well.  On Wednesday (20th) there will be more scrutiny (sigh, you can’t avoid it this week) with Sir Alan Sugar (another Sun in Aries) in the boardroom.  For Mercury squares Neptune and Chiron, and it is a matter of getting down to the finer detail, or trying to avoid it, for the hapless budding apprentices.  The Sun also enters Gemini that day, so again scrutiny and finer detail apply.  The politicians’ expense claims may go under an even finer microscope.  At least the public will be a little more informed for the U.K. local elections.   Meanwhile, more wool will be bought to pull over the eyes, and more veils being drawn, but the general trend is for truth to come out.  On Thursday (21st) Mercury squares Jupiter and sextiles Uranus.  You may be travelling far from home that day.  The journey may broaden your mind and allow new possibilities to filter in, such as why not vote for the Green party?  You may settle on the unusual solution today.  It is certainly a day to investigate new avenues and pathways.  The piece de resistance of the week of the week, or year, comes on Saturday (23rd) when the first union of Jupiter, Neptune and Chiron takes place.  This unique trinity of lights, if you have not prepared a special project, could be encapsulated in some creativity on the day.  Carl Jung said: “Whatever is born or done this moment of time has the qualities of this moment in time”.  What are you going to do with it?