Aspects for the week beginning 4 August 2013
Robert Mugabe declared himself the winner in last week’s election in Zimbabwe, in a turn of events which seems to have slid back from the more even-handed result of 2008 rather than progressed. His opponent Morgan Tsvangirai has pointed to corruption and vote-rigging on a huge scale. Astrologically, it is not surprising, for the theme of the week is Power, and the aspect of the week is Jupiter opposite Pluto, which can make power fall into undesirable hands
Zimbabwe Chart
The Zimbabwe nation chart has a striking exact conjunction between the North Node and Mars squaring Uranus, violence and instability being part of its karmic make-up and path. The North Node/Mars conjunction is also trine the nation’s Sun, increasing the fieriness but heightening its self-expression and the will of its leadership.
Robert Mugabe
Robert Mugabe, in power since 1980 in Zimbabwe, unsurprisingly has power issues brought in from past lives, with his natal Sun conjunct the South Node (past lives), though maybe in other scenarios, such as Egypt. His Sun exactly trines Saturn, making politics and ambition major themes of his personality and life. What makes a man of 89 years cling on to power, I wonder?
Another interesting feature of his chart is his Mars conjunct Jupiter (indefatigable energy and enthusiasm combined) squaring his Uranus (changeable, unpredictable and incident-prone). Note that he and Zimbabwe share the Mars square Uranus instability.
Look away now, all decent and compassionate Pisceans:
There are different kinds of Pisceans, of which Robert Mugabe is one. One is the mushy type, another is the hard as nails type which is a clamping up response to the sensitivity, and another is the combined Saint and Sinner, and there is the World Saviour (to name but four). Robert Mugabe at the outset of his political career was not seen as a villain, the reputation for violence came later. Therefore he may be in the hard-as-nails category
He also has Venus exactly square his Pluto, which Judy Hall describes as an emotional black hole.
The chart of Zimbabwe is also the chart of Mugabe’s coming to power in 1980. This is clearly shown by Pluto (Power) exactly sextile his natal Mars (Self-Will) signifying that it has been a vehicle for his drives and ambitions.
In 2008 it looked like his power might be on the wane, with Morgan Tsvangirai the opposition leader having a better share in the election vote, and the compromise of his power being shown by Uranus squaring his own Mars (enforced compromise) in the chart of the power share.
This week, on the Mars-Uranus square (note the recurring theme), and with Jupiter’s looming opposition with Pluto, he seems to have seized power again, and this week’s and last week’s themes of power falling into the “wrong” hands (to many eyes) having become manifest.
Morgan Tsvangirai
The life battle between the two men is shown by Tsvangirai’s Sun in Pisces (which type is he?) conjunct Mugabe’s Uranus and thus squaring Mugabe’s Mars (again the importance of Mars squaring Uranus). Tsvangirai’s Sun trines his Mars, so he is a warrior, and he has fought hard and long for the right to lead Zimbabwe, with much adversity and heartache in his life (such as the death of his wife in a car accident in 2009 when Saturn was exactly opposite his Sun). One suspects the two of them have been battling it out for several incarnations. He is a much younger man than Mugabe, so is it possible that he might inherit the kingdom when Mugabe departs this incarnation? He has come out with fighting talk, but will he be able to last out the whole match?
He has Venus trine Neptune, so may well be more compassionate than his opponent. But in terms of longevity Mugabe has Sun trine Saturn, and Tsvangirai has the shorter fuse of Sun trine Mars. He does however have Jupiter trine Pluto, his best hope of power and integrity in the long run. His natal Pluto sextiles the Zimbabwe Pluto, which is also a promising indication of power. The astrology would suggest he shouldn’t give up.
Zimbabwe and the Jupiter-Pluto Opposition
Zimbabwe seems to be one place where the spirit of the Arab Spring did not reach…The Jupiter-Pluto Opposition this week suggests crises on the world’s stage in relation to power sharing, and where power has fallen into the “wrong” hands there is a slight possibility that there may be a dramatic karmic reversal overturning what seems to be a lost cause, and that tyrants will receive a come-uppance after reaching the limit of their power.
A bright start to the week today with Sun trine Uranus mid-afternoon (U.K. time). Be bold and creative, try something new, network on or off the web.
At the same time, you need to bear in mind the karmic consequences of whatever you choose to occupy your day, as later the Nodal Axis squares the Sun. If you are in a group situation, the karmic conditions of the group needs to be considered, allowing as far as possible the potential and individual viewpoint of each member.
On Tuesday (6th) there’s a New Moon in mid-Leo (14th) in the evening. Again the emphasis is on creativity, individuality and self-expression, so this is certainly the theme early in the week. It’s important to explore individual forms of power, because of the main aspect coming up this week.
The next evening (Wednesday 7th) you may need to take that personal expression of power and engage with the collective in a healthy and constructive way. Wednesday’s aspect of Jupiter opposite Pluto is a major one and would deserve blog on its own had I but world enough and time. This aspect is about power, power-mongering and power struggles, on a global, social and personal basis. Thus on a world scale you might see attempts at coups or the take-over of power. Maybe locally you have a company or even an individual trying to take a share of power, people may need to stand up for their rights. Any preparation you can do in terms of thinking about the fairness of the balance of power, and where the power should lie would ,at least be helpful in making a decision under pressure. In your personal life, you may witness an extraordinary tussle for power, or even experience it within your own psyche.
In March 2012 I wrote:
“Since I started this blog in January 2007, I have covered the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, the sextile between them, and the square, prior to this endeavour [Jupiter trine Pluto]. And in August 2013 God(dess) willing, I would like to blog the next Jupiter-Pluto contact, which is the opposition.”
Well I have blogged Jupiter opposite Pluto, though not to the extent I would have liked! Better luck with the trine in October 2015.
Finally , on Thursday (8th) Mercury enters Leo, and your thoughts may become clearer and brighter, less emotional and full of the joys of summer. It’s an attitude of “let’s just get on with life”, in contrast with Mercury’s previous position in Cancer (“Let’s take into account the emotional impact”) and the next sign Mercury in Virgo which will be “Let’s analyse every little detail.” Assuming there is still some sunshine around, let’s get on with enjoying the summer.
The week in bullet points:
- Today – scintillating; join with others constructvely
- Tuesday – a creative new beginning
- Wednesday – questions of power
- Thursday – looking at implementing personal power