Colour me Astrological
Do you have trouble choosing what to wear in the morning? Then look no further this week, and tune into the astro-colours of each day. I have often noticed that two or more people in my office turn up spontaneously wearing the same colour on a particular day, which turns out to resonate with the Moon’s sign. So this week I am offering a guide to your wardrobe based on the aspects for this week. Today, healing indigo can safely channel the energy of Mars square Pluto. If you are more inclined towards pastels, then use powder blue, though it may be too gentle and miss the mark. Monday (18th) wear turquoise to fan the flames of the Mercury-Jupiter celebration of communication. Mars in Libra on Tuesday (19th) intensifies the bluer end of the turquoise so deepen the colour. On Wednesday (20th) the Moon is in Aries and you’ll also need to rebalance after all the indigo, turquoise and blue, so red is the colour. Combine gold and indigo for Thursday (21st) to honour the Sun’s last rays of Leo combined with the deepest insights of Pluto. The Sun’s entry into the first degree of Virgo on Friday (22nd) highlights the shades of olive green if you are working on a practical level, or lime green if you are working on more ethereal tasks or beginning spiritual projects. And Saturday (23rd) brings the opposition between Uranus and Mercury/Venus – just slop out in your casual gear, because anything goes. Or if you would like to work with the karmic healing aspect of the current conjunction of North Node and Chiron, the alchemical colours of silver and gold could be most useful. As for me, I’m almost permanently operating in pink ‘n turquoise at the moment, right down to the scrunchie! The motto: “I wear what I am”