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Aspect for the week beginning 8 April 2012 – Venus sextile Uranus

Venus sextile Uranus is the only aspect this week, and it occurs tomorrow.  After the shenanigans of last night’s Venus-Mars square, you may find that tomorrow afternoon, love, relationships and the arts will take an unexpectedly better turn.

Tomorrow (9th), Easter Monday, you may bump into someone and have a great encounter.  I have long been interested in how people’s lives intersect and what brings them to meeting.  Venus sextile Uranus is not the only aspect under which such a meeting can take place however, and something of that nature can also take place a few days either side of the aspect, so be aware of such a possibility throughout the week.

I have noted over the years that some of my best friends (you don’t know who you are) have been first encountered under the aspect of Venus sextile Uranus.  Often the transiting Venus or the Uranus have significantly linked in with my chart or that of my friend.  It is an aspect which can occur approximately twice a year, and it may be your turn to link with this extraordinary aspect.  Venus will be at 5 degrees Gemini, and Mars at 5 degrees Aries, so if you have a planet which links in with either of those, it may be your lucky day in this respect.  The engineering behind these encounters is often assisted by a Jupiter or North Node aspect here and there.  The aspect occurs at 16.51 Hrs (UK time).

The meeting between Henry Morton Stanley and David Livingstone is one of the most memorable historical encounters of all time, and took place under a Venus-Uranus sextile.  It has all the hallmarks of this astrological event:  good will, fortuitousness and an element of the unexpected.  It took place in an exotic location – reportedly in a tropical forest near Lake Tanganyika, and produced a famous saying: “Dr. Livingstone, I presume”.  Stanley actually has Venus conjunct Uranus in his natal chart, which symbolizes the meeting for which he has gained fame.  The Sun/Mercury of the encounter chart were trine his Venus/Uranus conjunction and activating it.  Like Stanley, David Livingstone also had Venus in Pisces (a placing I associate with missionaries), but conjunct Chiron not Uranus.  This indicated a psychological wounding of sorts (being lost to society) to which Stanley’s Inner Rescuer responded.  The fact that Livingstone was an explorer is indicated in his chart by the wide-ranging energy of Jupiter trine Uranus.  Jupiter was trine his Sun when they met, and he also experienced a Mars Return (a significant meeting with another male).  He was also experiencing a Jupiter Return, and Uranus was close to his natal Jupiter.

Any such meeting may be a reunion from someone in the past, or actually getting to know someone who has been an acquaintance.

As it is a Bank Holiday, Easter Monday, there may be fewer opportunities for such encounters.  So perhaps knowing they may take place, will give them a helping hand.  If you have such a meeting, make note of the time, place and any potential famous sayings for my records.  The sad thing (for an Astrologer) is that often these gems go unrecorded…

Here are some possible meeting places:

A family barbecue – meeting a long lost relative

A D.I.Y. store – meeting a fellow enthusiast

Church – meeting your fellow parishioners

Meditation – meeting yourself

Cyberspace – meeting a real or virtual person

A Meadow – close encounter of an Andromedan

Planets Turning

On Tuesday (10th) Pluto turns retrograde towards a meeting with Uranus in their forthcoming clash in the summer, making it a prime time to look at your psychological issues.  Such issues are traditionally thought of as being part of the past, but many people work in the Now, or on the eternal plane, or even with Future Life energy (which can have a very positive vibe).  Decide on your focus now (if you have a choice) and your modus operandi.  If you know what house in your chart Pluto is currently operating in, this will help your work.

As a famous example, take Tom Jones, who is a current panellist on the new talent show The Voice.  Pluto is currently in his 12th House of the Unconscious, and he has been making headway choosing 8 female singers for his team.  He will now need to examine exactly why he did that.

Unlocking some of your psychological issues may release more energy, which contributes to a new momentum.  For on Saturday (14th) Mars is stationary prior to turning direct, in the early hours of the morning.  Mars isn’t such a big player as Pluto, but also represents drive and energy, so in the space of a few days you may find yourself switching the main focus of your energies, activities and passions, in a definite reorientation.  Mars will be going direct, so your personal energies could be flowing better.  Again, if you know what house in your chart is operating in, this will help to make the most of the aspect.

Continuing with the example of Tom Jones, Mars is currently in his 8th House of Sexuality.  Mars turning direct in this House is likely to raise the testosterone level to the hilt, which may impinge on his health.  I am hoping that he does not overdo it this week, and will be looking to see how glazed his eyes look next week.

And if you do have your own When Harry Met Sally moment, let us know!

The week in bullet points:

  • Tomorrow – Special meetings
  • Tuesday – Pull back psychologically, and examine your record
  • Saturday – Full steam ahead again

Aspects for the week beginning 1 April 2012


Bradford Spring

George Galloway is back on the political map, currently starring in a Bradford by-election victory at the helm of his political party Respect.  He hails his victory as momentous and sensational.  According to the Guardian:  ‘…But he never held back on the religious imagery. Reflecting on his victory in the early hours of Friday morning, he said we had witnessed something “miraculous” – in the biblical sense of the word. “And as a religious man, I have to believe that there is some divine intervention in this – the retribution of the main parties for the treason against the country and against their supporters that they have visited is something sacred. Justice has been done.” ‘

Here is how George himself sees the victory, writing in the Guardian yesterday:

“This peaceful, democratic uprising comes from the same wellspring of discontent and alienation that fuelled riots in British cities last summer.  But it is a positive counterpoint – bringing forth a new generation of political leaders, not another cohort trapped in the criminal justice system. Every politician should take notice, as they did not last summer.”

But Andrew Rawnsley writing in the Observer today observes:

“…ungorgeous George proclaims himself to be the herald of a “Bradford Spring”.  It is a very advanced form of narcissicim to view a byelection upset in a parliamentary democracy as the equivalent of the moral courage displayed by those who have risked their lives in uprisings against entrenched tyrannies.”

In the book “Chavs: The Demonization of the Working Class” by Owen Jones, published in 2011 (Quick book review: this book and its author talks a lot of sense) the background of the niche George Galloway has found for himself is analyzed:

“The left continues to champion the most marginalized groups in society – as indeed it should – but all too often this has been in search of something ‘to replace’ the working class with.   A classic example is  the Respect Party founded by George Galloway as a left-wing, anti-war alternative to Labour.  Respect rightly took a stand against the rampant Islamophobia that has gripped Britain in the era of the ‘war or terror’.  But Respect’s electoral base was overwhelmingly in Muslim areas, such as East London and parts of Birmingham.  It did not pitch to working-class people as a whole; instead, it substituted them for a Muslim community that was understandably particularly angered by the brutal invasion of Iraq.  Class politics was abandoned for communalist politics. ‘The left has accepted that it’s still class based, but it’s gone off on single-issue campaigns and not related them back to the class issue,’ says left-wing Labour MP John McDonnell.”

George Galloway is a showbizzy Sun in Leo (purrrh!), with Sun conjunct Pluto on his Ascendant, so he comes with a serious message.  He has the Jupiter-Uranus entrepreneurial conjunction, which tends to take political opportunities (e.g. against Oona King in East London in 2005…and in Bradford this year) if not financially-focussed opportunities.  He has an uncanny ability to read the sensitivities of society, with Moon conjunct Part of Fortune in Pisces trine Jupiter in his 11th House.The win in Bradford comes as transiting Jupiter trines his natal North Node in Capricorn (a political karmic mission), so surprisingly it is a karmic reward of sorts!  Maybe it is that the Lords of Karma find him to be a lovable rogue…But as with Jeffrey Archer who also has Pluto on the Ascendant, his life is full of ups and downs, and he should make the most of this opportunity, and learn the lessons of his failure to deliver to the people of East London.

The Aspects

As it is April Fool’s Day look out for the deliberate mistake… The week starts with a semi-sextile between the Sun and Jupiter on Tuesday (3rd) morning (UK time). You could receive a modicum of success in an ongoing venture so start the day with a swing, whether you are on the golf course, at the park, or working in your chosen profession. It may not be entirely smooth-sailing, as it may entail a movement off-piste to mix my sporting metaphors…later on, in the afternoon, Venus will enter Gemini and this will add even more lightheartedness. Venus in Taurus has been heart-centred but more serious. You might be starting to trust the Spring sun, let down your hair a little and share your heart. Some stargazing may also be a welcome activity on 3rd.  According to the Guardian, at 15.00 Hrs Venus will be 0.5 degrees South of the Pleiades (“Binoculars give the best view as it brushes past the Pleiades early in the month, lying only 0.4 degrees below-left of Alcyone, the cluster’s brightest star, on the 3rd“), and at 18.00 Hrs the Moon will be 6 degrees South of Regulus.

On Wednesday (4th) –  oh the relief! – communications start to unblock as Mercury is stationary prior to turning direct. Remember to write in your Mercury direct journal what you learned from this recent retrograde period. Has the phrase “Mercury retrograde” reached the Oxford English dictionary yet, I wonder?

Bask in the free air of Mercury direct for another day, before tackling Friday’s (6th) square between Venus and Neptune which takes place in the early hours, and which may occur in your dreams. It is an aspect which finds difficulty distinguishing between reality and illusion in relationships and may be something you need to examine in your personal life. If it occurs in your dreams, you may have such a vivid dream that on waking you may wonder if it was a dream or reality. On some level the event may have taken place. The tension and wonder may carry through for the rest of the day, working towards the early evening Full Moon in Libra, for which the theme is still relationship dilemmas. If you are not focussed on relationships the relationship dilemma may be lie within the self. A recent book has highlighted the hidden strengths of introversion (“Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World which Can’t stop Talking” by Susan Cain) and we all need to work on our inner journey, which always enhances the outer journey. A little goes a long way on such journeys, and this Full Moon also highlights the difference in the East and West pathways of consciousness, and how they might be brought
closer together, a marriage of the Right and Left Brain. For more information and inspiration, take a look at the website of the East West Sanctuary, linking different philosophies in holonomic enquiry, http://www.eastwestsanctuary.com/

Results of Poetry Competition

Last week’s Venus sextile Mercury Poetry Competition yielded a winner!

The result is a debut poem by Sarah Berry, entitled “Healing Process”.  Be inspired by her poem, which now graces the Poetry page of this website, especially if you are on a healing journey.

Stop Press!

Oops!  Missed a bit!  Very late on Saturday (7th) Venus squares Mars – Socially that means inappropriate behaviour: in other words, “don’t do anything I wouldn’t do”.  But it’s up to you…As it is very late on the Saturday night, this will also apply on Sunday morning.  It’s a good job Friday night is binge-drinking night in the U.K.

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Tuesday – a modicum of success; more lightheartedness; suggested stargazing
  • Wednesday – breathing and communicating more freely
  • Friday – be circumspect and discerning in relationships; connect your left and right brain
  • Saturday – be circumspect and discerning in social behaviours

Aspects for the week beginning 25 March 2012

Sir Alan Sugar

Sir Alan always pops up around his birthday (24th March), and we have just had the first of the new series of the Apprentice.  The Guardian called the candidates “ghastly”.  His firing this week was a surprise move, and caused much debate among my circle of Apprentice enthusiasts.  Last year I read his autobiography, and thoroughly enjoyed it.  I was looking for my Inner Entrepreneur at the time, which was hitherto virtually non-existent.  The title is “What you See is What you Get”.  Alan is just a textbook Aries, good with figures, straight talking, calling a spade a spade.  He has both the Sun and the Moon in Aries, and his engineering and electrical technology bias are shown in his chart by Mars (his ruling planet) square Uranus.  He is also from that aspect a risk taker, but he also has a cautious practical supportive trine of Saturn to his Sun, ensuring that money doesn’t run away from him.  It is quite clear from his autobiography that his approach to life, sales and invention is one of Aries simplicity and functionality.

Another First Decanate Aries

Singer Jessie J made her debut as a panellist last night in the new singing talent show “The Voice”.  She too has Sun in the early degrees of Aries (born on 27th March).  She really shone last night, some of the contestants sang her songs, and she walked away with three of them to mentor.  She obviously is immensely popular right now, and her chart has a stunning exact trine between Venus and Mars bisected and sextiled exactly by the North Node.  This is certainly one of the secrets of her magnetism.  Jupiter is opposite her Pluto at the moment, pushing some boundaries for her.

The Aries Guide to Authenticity

For straight talking you can’t do better than Aries, so if you haven’t already done so read Deborah Wade’s own take on it, especially if you feel the need to enhance that quality for yourself:–


A One Day Week

There is only one day this week, astrologically, and that is Thursday (29th), so mark it in your diary.  There are two aspects on that day, Venus sextile Mercury, and the Sun square Pluto.  Also there is only one Fixed Star associated with this week, Algenib in Pegasus, which also aligns with us on Thursday as it happens,  so focus on getting the most out of Thursday’s crop, and meanwhile the rest of the week explore non-astrological paths of consciousness.

Venus sextile Mercury

The first aspect on Thursday (29th) occurring at 17.43 Hrs in the U.K. is a sextile of Venus to Mercury, which is conducive to diplomatic talks, and artistic and verbal expression.  This aspect is one often found in writers, and indeed Jessie J (as songwriter extraordinaire) has it very widely.  It is also good for combining more than one Art form, such as illustrating and writing a children’s story book.

Poetry Competition

Dante Gabriel Rossetti, as the founder of the Pre-Raphaelites, had a close sextile between Venus and Mercury, and exhibited his paintings, as well as writing poetry.  I have a puny semi-sextile between these two planets, and have at times in my life written poetry, but not at the moment.  If the muse should move you this week, and you would like to submit a poem for this week’s poetry competition, the winning poem (or song lyric) can be posted on my Poetry web page, which currently sports a well-known poem by Yeats, together with a mandala of mine on the theme of fir trees.

Sun square Pluto

Less fun than the Mercury-Venus sextile, and slightly later on Thursday (19.55 Hrs U.K. time) is the square between the Sun and Pluto.  This may mean that despite good efforts from the Venus-Mercury diplomats, conflict may not be averted.  That doesn’t mean it wasn’t worth engaging in negotiation.  Opponents of intervention in Syria say we should try more negotiation…That seems daunting, but those who can try are to be commended.  It is always worth taking diplomacy as far as you can. The Sun-Pluto will remind you of the complex wrangles in your own life, and on the wider scale complex wrangles such as in the Middle East and the Eurozone. They are of course not going away, in fact they are slowly accumulating towards the Uranus-Pluto square becoming closer this summer.  So on Thursday you may be contemplating the end of something, and maybe also the beginning of something else if your Inner Phoenix is really on the ball.  The men’s team on the Apprentice decided to call themselves Phoenix, and managed to turn a disaster (messy merchandise) into a triumph, beating the much more creative women’s team.


Algenib is the Gamma star of Pegasus, and is aligned with our Sun on Thursday.  According to “Starlight Elixirs” by Michael Smulkis and Fred Rubenfeld it represents the principle of creative visualization.  This is helpful to both the aspects occurring on the day.  The mechanism of creative visualization and Algenib’s role is described helpfully in the book:

“When a visualization is created through the mental body to connect the aetheric body in the physical body, there will be a consequent flow of energy.  The energy will at first flow from the physical body to the aetheric body.  The visualization through mental body energies will then create an intertwining effect and the combination of information and energy will take place.  This energy will then flow from the aetheric body to the physical body in the specific form that  was visualized.  The ability of the mental body to modulate and work with this is an important part of the healing process.”

If you have not got a whole raft of appointments in your diary for that day, I suggest you assemble your quality notebook and fibre-tip pen/or computer file, or alternatively easel and acrylics/or I Pad well before the Venus-Mercury aspect time of 17.43 Hrs, and await the muse.  Creative visualization will help imaginative writing or painting.  Have a tea break before 19.55 Hrs and the arrival of the Sun/Pluto aspect.  If a natural antagonist does not arrive, then you can use the square to confront your own demons, or watch what is going on in the news on 24 Hrs BBC.  The Sun /Pluto aspect will also be helped to find solutions by creative visualization and the star from Pegasus.  If like me you are not good at creative visualization, start by visualizing the winged horse of Pegasus!

The Budget

As an over-60 something who has been clobbered this week by the now aptly named “Granny Tax”…I am not even going to look at George Osborne’s chart this week.

Thursday in Bullet Points:

  • Writing and broadcasting
  • Tackling difficult subjects
  • Creative visualization

Zodiac Masterclass Series – The Aries Guide to Authenticity!

Aries New Moon Mandala painted by Sarah Berry

Line Mandala from Mandala Colouring Book by Barry Stevens available at http://www.mandalas.freeserve.co.uk/colouringinbook.html

This is the fifth of an occasional series written about the expertise of each Sun Sign. I am still looking for the Capricorn who can write a guide to Ambition. The articles will be found under the category “Zodiac Masterclass” so that eventually there will be 12 such articles, e.g. “The Gemini Guide to Communication”, “The Leo Guide to Leadership”etc. by someone who has the Sun Sign in question.

Here guest blogger Deborah Wade lets us into the mysteries of being a straightforward Aries. As Aries is about individuality, we all in a sense need this process of becoming ourselves.

She is currently in that multitasking phase of her life known as motherhood-juggling-career, but combines left brain and right brain activity in an amazing way. I am glad for you to meet her!

A word about the mandala: I often give blue as a colour for Aries because it is the supreme balancing colour for their hotheadedness (Debs is an exception because of other factors in her chart). The fluorescent pink in the mandala represents the combination of red and white, both colours of the spiritual 1st Ray of Will and Power associated with Aries.

The Aries Guide to Authenticity

by Deborah Wade

“This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.”

˜  William Shakespeare

Who am I?

I’m a nearly 40 year old woman who has spent much of her life trying to be as unArian as possible. More on that later.

I divide my time as a Mum, a Software Engineer and a Bowen Therapist/Kinesiologist and I enjoy all of them. I have learned that I get bored quite easily and timeslicing and switching roles and activities works well for me. I also knit, spin wool, play the guitar and ride horses. I’ve also been known to paint the odd mandala.

What is authenticity?

To me this means walking your talk. Treading the path that feels like the right one.

The dictionary definitions include: undisputed credibility, genuine, real, free from pretense or hypocrisy, sincerity. The word “authenticity” comes from the Greek authentikos meaning author or origin.

Arian Authenticity

I am an Aries with Taurus ascending. You would think that with both Ram and Bull influencers and not a single water planet to be found in my chart that I would be strong a resilient and a leader of people and not in the least bit drawn to healing modalities. The truth is that these explosive, dominant and headstrong aspects only emerge when I am pressured. On the whole people find me to be balanced, gregarious, generous and philanthropic if a little tactless and unfluffy.

I have shared Arian experiences with other Rams and we concur that Aries tend to be actually fairly accepting of faults, mistakes and being given a hard time up to a point, but that is a point of no return and once this is passed the archetypal Aries explosiveness can be seen. That said, Aries tend not to bear grudges once the air has been cleared.

Most Arians don’t need a guide to authenticity; they need help in not being quite so authentic. Authenticity is all very well when it comes to following your own path, and the conversations and workings in your own internal world but when it breaks out into the wild then offense may ensue, albeit unintended.

I was visiting a good friend a few weeks ago and I complimented her on her awesome cardigan that she had crocheted herself. I particularly thought the colour suited her skin tones and I told her as much. She thanked me for my compliment and said how pleased she was that I liked it because I was personally responsible for the change in her wardrobe palette. I was reminded by her that over a year previously I had said that I liked her lime green top that she was wearing because it made a nice change from the dark browns and drab colours that I remember seeing her wearing!

I was of course mortified (but not totally surprised) at hearing my words repeated back to me. Those words, which could have been interpreted in a hurtful and unkind way, were not intended as such. My friend assured me that she hadn’t received them in that way and I wondered if it was as much a reflection of the temperament of the recipient as the deliverer. I don’t remember saying the exact words but I do remember thinking the thought. The problem with authenticity and Arians is that once a thought has occurred it’s pretty tricky to keep a lid on it.

And there you have it in a nutshell; the reason for the authenticity or more accurately, blatant tactlessness. We are quite straightforward uncomplicated people on the whole, and we expect the same from others. Deceit and untruths do really complicate life. This goes right from little white lies about how great your friend is looking in her new bright orange marshmallow dress right up to big blatant whoppers like lying on your tax return. Keeping track of what you said or what you didn’t say is pretty stressful. Better to be upfront and honest and then everyone knows where they stand.

I think it’s hardest for Aries to be Aries when they are children. As youngsters we are taught to be polite and speak when spoken to and do things we don’t want to. Aries are rebellious by nature and this when combined with childhood impetuousness makes for quite a difficult child to parent. I have always had a strong sense of ‘fairness’ on all sides and I think this is one of my primary drivers. Unfairness in any situation is something that does not sit comfortably with me. Unfortunately as a child lots of things don’t seem fair and on occasion I was left feeling quite hard done by.

In my early teens and with friendships both shallow and meaningful and through my dealings with teachers and relatives, what I learned as I grew up was one overwhelming message: “People like you better if you are nice”. It might occur to the sharp reader that this is very much at odds with being an authentic Aries. No matter, I didn’t really care about that at that point. Being nice opened doors, made situations easier and less stressful for all involved. On the inside I had to learn to swallow strongly negative thoughts and was careful not share insights I had that might upset others. I had to learn to integrate with humanity because teenagers are some of the cruelest and least tolerant people on the planet and standing out could have been social suicide. I wasn’t always successful on this front, my Arian tendencies to blurt out thoughts in my head would sometimes get in the way of being pleasant and unchallenging to people but on the whole this was how it was.

I carried this belief through University and my early career as a Software Analyst continuing to be overly nice to people but not respecting my own feelings or boundaries. I allowed boyfriends and friends to treat me badly and I forgave them. I eventually settled down in a cosy relationship with someone who I loved, there were frayings around the edges in this relationship but I glossed over them.

A changing point in my life in my late twenties was after being ill with a mystery illness for over a year I discovered a kinesiologist. She explained to me what my body had indicated the problem was (candida overgrowth) and what could be done about it. The treatment of candida did not just involve nutrition and diet, but also an extensive foray into Chinese traditional medicine, things called chakras and also examining many aspects of my way of being that I’d just never considered. Aries dive in with both feet when presented with a new challenge. I learned about boundaries in relationships and how it was actually OK to not put myself in a situation that I didn’t want to be in because I was no longer a child and could finally make my own choices. Quite a revelation, but in seemingly direct conflict with the ‘be nice to people’ lesson of my earlier life. To my surprise this approach worked brilliantly; it made me well again and gave me a thirst for more along the path of self-knowing.

I since trained in Kinesiology and I have met and helped many people with all sorts of issues but one of the things that comes through is that if you are living or repetitively behaving in a way that is at odds with your true self then it will manifest as some sort of malaise, be it physical, emotional or mental. This has helped me to make peace with the awkward and tactless inner Aries. This persona is trying in its way to help me to stay well by keeping me on the path made by my own paradigm for life.

How I came to blend these too oppositional concepts ‘be nice’ and ‘be true to yourself’, well I’m still working on it but I am getting there, slowly but surely.

For further information about Deborah’s work:

info@CambridgeBowen.co.uk http://cambridgebowen.co.uk/

Aspects for the week beginning 18 March 2012

The Special Relationship

President Obama and David Cameron “chose” the momentous Jupiter-Pluto trine to see if they could get their Special Relationship going, both in need of raising the quality of their profile at the moment, though not everybody found the energy of this huge trine so comfortable or manageable.  They had several issues to discuss, the Guardian assessing that the economy was top of their list, but Afghanistan was also high up there.

Is there a Special Relationship between the U.S. and the U.K.?  The historical link is undeniably unique, and the Astrological link between their charts is quite compellingly in favour of its existence.  The U.S. Uranus is exactly conjunct the U.K. Ascendant, which is symbolic of the breakaway nature of their original relationship history, as is the exact square between their Uranuses.  There are a couple of good sextiles in their synastry (astrological comparison), plus the U.K. Mars is conjunct exactly the U.S. Moon, so there is an emotional connection.

Can Obama and Cameron forge a relationship in the best tradition?  They may not have long, if Obama were to lose the November election (I hasten to reiterate my hope that he will obtain a second term).  It certainly was well staged, with David Cameron munching a hot dog with ketchup alongside Obama at the baseball game – an iconic image.  The male bonding is reflected in their synastry by David Cameron’s Mars being exactly conjunct Barack Obama’s North Node which is O.K. as long as Cameron keeps his Mars in check…Cameron’s chart receives a good link from Obama’s Jupiter, plus their Saturns are in sextile (promoting some sensible and co-operative behaviour e.g. in Libya, unlike some previous special relationships) but their Jupiters are in exact opposition (and some wild behaviours – more ketchup please!).  That may reflect their different politics – Barack Obama having his Jupiterian enthusiasm in cool and liberal Aquarius, opposite David Cameron’s more hedonistic and luxury loving Leo Jupiter.  One usually looks to Saturn for politics, but the opposition between their Jupiters may be more telling.  It is a reasonable match but not heart-stopping like some previous special relationships.

Not all serving Presidents/Prime Minister combinations are special.  For example, Gordon Brown was not accorded the same welcome as Cameron’s recent reception on the Jupiter-Pluto trine.

But notably, at least two relationships were!  Thatcher and Reagan were memorably portrayed as a “Gone with the Wind” style romance on a poster.  This week we touchingly saw doodles of Reagan’s from the Ottawa meeting, which Margaret Thatcher had handbagged.  Their karmic link is shown by Reagan’s South Node/Jupiter conjunct Thatcher’s Ascendant/Saturn (softening the dourness of her personality) opposite her Descendant and his North Node/Moon.  That does indicate a close connection, and they have several points of contact.  In their time, they are mainly credited with the achievement of having thawed out the Cold War.  But an aspect which is often overlooked in synastry is the aspect between the Parts of Fortune, and theirs are exactly opposite each other, which can signify a completion of happiness.  According to the Martin Schulman theory of Parts of Fortunes, this would mean that her Part of Impersonal Consciousness would be conjunct his Part of Fortune, and vice versa.

The other special relationship was that between Messrs. Bush (GW) and Blair, who are portrayed as having prayed together.  They gave us Afghanistan and Iraq.

Here is something I wrote earlier, in a blog of 5th July 2009 on their interaction regarding war:

“When he [George W. Bush] came to power, this karma was re-activated, setting the stage for the Second Gulf War of 2003.  He enlisted the help of the sympathetic U.K. Prime Minister of the time, Tony Blair, through the magnetic attraction of Tony’s Pluto being exactly conjunct with George’s Venus.  The extra karmic and compulsive element was provided by Tony’s Pluto sextile George’s North Node.    In the chart of the Second Gulf War (20 March 2003) Pluto was exactly conjunct George Bush Junior’s South Node.  It was therefore an obsession that George could not ignore, to go to war.  Operation Shock and Awe was instigated, the successor to Operation Desert Storm designed to finish off what his father had started.”

Only time will tell how David Cameron and Barack Obama’s relationship will proceed, and whether Obama really will learn cricket.  But Barack Obama has transiting Neptune trine his natal Venus, which would make him sensitive in his attentions to foreign dignitaries at this time.

Hot Aspects

Today’s aspect we met only recently: Mercury conjunct Uranus. It has come up again because Mercury turned retrograde soon afterwards. So we have another opportunity to re-visit sparky/sparkly communication, surprise phonecalls, unusual journeys (not foreign travel) and original ideas. As Mercury is retrograde, communications at the same time may have an element of disruption. Tomorrow is a good day for exploring warrior past lives, with retrograde Mars square the nodal axis, e.g through civil war re-enactments, if that is your cup of tea…group activities need to be well -organized in terms of avoiding the strife getting out of hand or health and safety loopholes. If you are living purely in the now you may find it difficult to remain in your usual flow and keep coming up against obstacles, or find yourself getting irritable. Keep your Ekhart Tolle book available near you if this happens. Tuesday (20th) is the Spring Equinox, as the Sun enters Aries. If the weather is not co-operating by producing suitably spring like conditions (I may be able to predict a riot, but am not so good at predicting weather), you will need to nudge yourself into the requisite mood, by picking daffodils or visiting new born lambs.  If you are gathering with others for earth healing or other purposes, to establish intent and a plan for working in the new season, you should be able to sense and work with this renewal of energy from 5.14 a.m. onwards (U.K. time).  Wednesday (21st) brings a conjunction between the Sun and Mercury in Aries: new thoughtforms and projects get the green light in line with the momentum of the Spring Equinox, providing a good start to your Spring initiatives, whether you’re a gardener sowing seeds, or an office worker taking stock of stationery.  New life may also spring forth in communication, but all that head energy may be starting to give you a headache, literally.  You may have been overdoing things or working too hard, and may need to take some pressure off yourself.  Factor in some relaxation, give yourself some space, and cut yourself some slack if this is the case.  There is also a minor aspect of a semi-sextile between the Sun and Neptune later that day, which may remind you to make sensitive adjustments to your bold plans – pausing for a slight dent in the momentum!  Thursday (22nd) brings a New Moon in Aries, continuing on with the momentum again.  No tea breaks up to then – it will still be full steam ahead, but you should have the energy to match.  The energy will turn the next day, so if you are bent on achieving something, use the first half of the week to get it done, and in your diary schedule in some me time for Friday (23rd) when Mercury retrogrades back into dreamy Pisces, and you may wonder where all that  oomph disappeared.  Here at last is a natural tea break, and proper time to ponder this week.  Communications may be less direct, and may need some gentle coaxing.   If you have a big day on Saturday, Friday may be a dress rehearsal, at least in your mind.  Finally, on Saturday (24th) the Sun conjuncts Uranus, re-igniting the spark, e.g. in your own enthusiasms, in local issues, or in Syria.  You’ve had the rest day, and now it’s time to show them what you’ve got, especially if you’re an Aries or a Leo. Maybe you have an audition for a talent show, or a job interview. It’s time to showcase your panache, pzazz and va va voom, for tomorrow there may be a completely different aspect!

I am hoping to post the latest in the Zodiac Masterclass series on the Spring Equinox, or soon after, if you would like to renew your Inner Aries.

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Today – sparky minds, again
  • Tomorrow – organizing inner warriors
  • Tuesday – welcome the Spring
  • Wednesday – bright new mental focus; minor adjustments
  • Thursday – more enthusiasm and new projects
  • Friday – dissipation of mental energy
  • Saturday – re-igniting the spark

Aspects for the week beginning 11 March 2012

Our first aspect this week occurs tomorrow morning.  It’s that Mercury Retrograde again, so use today for catching up with communication.  Technically it’s not an aspect, it’s a planet turning round, and it’s a well known phenomena even to those who have minimal knowledge of Astrology.  I have long yearned to rehabilitate its reputation, as I think the negativity attached to it actually contributes to poor results.  Joyce Mason (The Radical Virgo) has written a splendid blog trying to rouse us to a new outlook on the subject, entitled “Down with Mercury Wrecko! Up with Mercury Respecto!”.  If you have any negative thoughts about Mercury Retrograde, click here to read her article:


Two pillars of the fabric of our society ruled by Mercury are currently under attack by a government that seeks to save money but may end up destroying them, which will probably end up costing more.  One is the National Health Service, and the other is the rail service, both dear to my heart (in that order).

National Health Service Bill

I haven’t written about the National Health Service since before the Coalition came to power, and at that time I did not dream that any government could seek to dismantle it in the way that our Coalition seems to be doing, although credit to some Lib Dems for trying to oppose the changes.  I innocently blogged in September 2009 that the N.H.S. was “a national treasure on which we have relied, and often taken for granted”, little knowing what would happen when the Coalition came to power.

More recently I was horrified to hear Rick Santorum, a Republican candidate in the U.S. heats for an opposition leader use scathing words about our N.H.S.

I am currently reading the third book by a young doctor named Max Pemberton who also writes a regular column in the Daily Telegraph.  He is a talented and compassionate writer, and wrote on the defence of the N.H.S. on 26 February:

“There are few pieces of legislation that have caused such debate, furore and confusion as the Health and Social Care Bill. Since I started writing about it more than a year ago, I have received many letters and emails about it. Readers are concerned – but also deeply confused. They are not alone. Fellow medics, managers and nurses have cornered me in the hospital canteen and quizzed me about it. I have even been invited by members of the House of Lords to meet and explain it to them.

… My only concerns are that access to health care is affordable for all and that it is equitable. For me, it is a fundamental part of living in a fair, just society that all members are free from the fear of destitution should illness befall them. When a cohort of people live in the shadow of the fear of sickness, society is impoverished and weakened. The reason I support the NHS is because countless pieces of international research have shown it to be the fairest and cheapest way of providing health care…”

To read the whole article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/health/9106880/Read-this-and-prepare-to-fight-for-your-NHS.html

Rail Changes

While the government plans a high-speed railway at exorbitant cost which will benefit relatively few people, rail ticket prices continue to rise and the services do not improve despite promises.  Now it has been announced this week that the government seeks to close ticket offices, and remove the safety net of station guards.  Commuters face even higher charges for peak time travel, and the allure of rail travel is to be dented even further.  Contrast this nightmare unfolding with a charming film series being shown on television about the London Underground and the current project of reconstruction, entitled “The Tube”.  The series has covered many different aspects of life and work on this network, all entertainingly and fascinatingly presented.  Some of the issues covered have been serious (such as fatalities on the line) and some more lighthearted (if you can call the things that binge-drinkers get up to on a Friday night lighthearted), but all the staff interviewed have been natural and nice.  I have found it riveting, as a regular user of this service.

Tomorrow’s retrograde Mercury may make it easier for the government to de-rail the N.H.S. and make unhealthy changes to the rail service during the retrograde period, which lasts until 4th April.

After Monday, it’s a good news week (!) – I can hear the dissenters now, and the patter of feet to the Customer Service desk…Tuesday (13th) morning brings the most important aspect we have had for a long time: Jupiter trine Pluto.  I have blogged separately about it, and covered the unsavoury outcomes of the Jupiter-Pluto square of July 2010, and the hopes for the trine, which I have dubbed “Hope plus Courage”.  Read it, and work with it, and hopefully allow its gifts into your life.   It’s not often an Astrologer gets to give out good news, and as always it’s not even all good news (the Health bill could go through – an example of power being used to a destructive end unfortunately) but just better news than usual, so allow your positive imagination free rein.  It is a good day to get together in groups for meditation, or to work constructively on a personal or wider project.

We are in for a treat Wednesday (14th) morning, with three trines and a conjunction that link into the Jupiter-Pluto trine, and also create a Grand Trine. In order, they are:- Venus trine Pluto, Venus conjunct Jupiter, Venus trine Mars, and Mars trine Jupiter:

Venus trine Pluto – Feelings and relationships are fully functioning, though at the same time in the throes of change.

Venus conjunct Jupiter – There are social connections bringing pure pleasure, even celebration.

Venus trine Mars – Sensuality and enjoyment of the Arts are favoured.  If the young lass who tripped up in her proposal on Leap Day wants to try again, the stars are with her.

Mars trine Jupiter – All energy is available to you for personal and wider projects.  A day of implementation.

An extra trine occurs on Thursday (15th) in the shape of Mars trine Pluto, so efforts to act in constructive ways are favoured, but keep an eye on subconscious patterns which may act as the Inner Saboteur, or the weak link in a group chain which may have destructive subconscious patterns.  Though a trine is favourable, when Pluto is involved (as it is with the Jupiter-Pluto trine) you need to be super-aware of unconscious drives which may be countering what you are trying to achieve.

Having said that, these are the best set of weekly aspects we have had for a long time, or are likely to have for some time, so make hay!

Customer Service Desk opening hours: 10 am – 4 pm, Monday to Friday

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Monday – Communications starting to unravel
  • Tuesday – Excitement, and achievement
  • Wednesday – Social Whirl, very positive morning
  • Thursday – A deepening of your work and activity, but be cautious

Jupiter trine Pluto

Jupiter trine Pluto, Tuesday 13th March 2012, 4.43 a.m. in the U.K.

I have been encouraged to write about Jupiter trine Pluto since my blog of Jupiter square Pluto in July 2010 proved to be one of my most popular blogs. My focus was on the schism in society between atheism and religion, dark and light, as represented by the tension (square) between Jupiter (Religion) and Pluto (Atheism).  I thought therefore I would look now at what developments have taken place since then, and other applications of this astrological power struggle.  I will be updating the Jupiter square Pluto blog, looking at other implications of power issues which were learned from that square, glancing at some global issues, sketching what you might personally expect to experience, and finally looking at the Jupiter-Pluto cycle generally.

But first, a personal apology to any reader who has Jupiter square Pluto natally and does not consider themselves to be power-hungry or may have been offended by the term.  It may be that you have used power with integrity, and turned the square into the trine.

Atheism vs Religion

How far have we moved on since July 2010?

I wrote in my Jupiter square Pluto blog about the atheistic movement, spearheaded by Richard Dawkins (Sun in Aries, 26th March) and Christopher Hitchens (Sun in Aries).  The latter has since passed away, and the religious landscape has changed.  With North Node (karmic mission) conjunct Neptune (spirituality!), Richard Dawkins now finds himself as the head of an anti-spiritual movement.  The two men were very close, and helped each other in their cause.  Why would two Aries men originate such a movement?  Firstly Aries is a warrior sign through its ruler Mars.  Secondly there is the faith in the self which Aries represents.  There is also a sense of life stripped to its bare essentials, symbolized by Dawkins’ seminal work “The Selfish Gene”.  Dawkins recently conducted some research concluding from his results that religion “is largely irrelevant, even to those who still label themselves Christian.” A recent Guardian editorial stated: “Richard Dawkins has rattled the cage.  He has succeeded in creating just the polarization that he was warning against.  The curious thing is that it already seemed he had pushed his argument too aggressively.”

The starkness of the dark vs light of Jupiter square Pluto as time has moved on towards the more constructive and transformative trine has brought more voices to the fore, so that the argument is less simplistic.

Enter Alain de Botton (Sun in Sagittarius, the sign of Philosophy), a philosopher of agnostic persuasion who seeks to balance the religious and anti-religious forces of society more peacefully.  He proposes a temple to atheism in the heart of London.

Enter Baroness Warsi (Sun in Aries, 28th March) a Muslim, who recently went to see the Pope with her anxieties about what she called “militant secularism”.  Stirring up, perhaps, something which doesn’t need to be stirred…possibly the Aries warriorship at work, but also displaying the Aries quality of leadership.

George Cary, former Archbishop of Canterbury, agrees with Baroness Warsi that there is a threat, but from his Christian perspective says “there are deep forces in western society, hollowing out the values of Christianity and driving them back to the margins.”

Countering this paranoia the Rt Rev Vincent Nichols was quoted in the Guardian last month as saying: “Christians are not persecuted in Britain and should not claim they are, I personally don’t feel in the least bit persecuted.  I don’t think Christians should use that word.”

The writer Philip Pullman (Sun in Libra) seems to have taken up a Humanist position, and Humanism is also gaining ground in our society.  He asked “What does militant mean?  It means taking up and bearing arms, shooting, bombs, throwing stones.  No secularist I have ever met or heard of is doing that.”

The issue now emphasized is how far we are a Christian state, and the question being asked is whether we should be a secular state.  Even the Queen remarked on the importance of the Church of England in the first diamond jubilee event.  The debate now seems to be about separating religion and the politics of the state, which is something both sides ought to be able to agree on as it doesn’t actually harm anyone.

The Jupiter-Pluto trine will support interfaith work and the resolution of Atheism vs Religion.  Giles Fraser, the former canon chancellor of St. Paul’s Cathedral, has urged an attitude of “live and let live”.

Information as Power

What happened when Jupiter squared Pluto? We woke on the day of the aspect in July 2010 to find that Wikileaks had published a huge wealth of information which had been hidden (where Jupiter = Truth, and Pluto = that which is hidden).  This both shocked and delighted different spheres of society, depending on their stake in the information and on their beliefs about freedom of information.  There is no doubt that this unleashed power (Pluto) could be used in different ways.  Julian Assange (Sun in Cancer), at the helm of this power, is now facing extradition to Sweden, so his fate is still in the balance.  Governments and institutions were red-faced and forced to work more openly.  But other, more vulnerable people, have suffered because of this act.  At the first leak (Jupiter square Pluto) Uranus was trine Julian’s natal Neptune supportive to his surprise move.  As Jupiter trine Pluto Assange faces two hard squares: Neptune square his natal Saturn, and Pluto squares his natal Uranus, compounding the effect of the prevailing Uranus/Pluto square which all of us are now dealing with.

During the intervening period, another manifestation relating to power and information occurred a year later when Rupert Murdoch’s empire began to crumble with the phone-hacking scandal.

Power is a general theme for Pluto, and in the Arab Spring and elsewhere would-be tyrants or bullies such as Putin (Jupiter square Pluto) and Bashar Assad need to see they are part of the whole and not separate from their minions or victims.  They cannot rule indefinitely, at least not beyond this lifetime!

What transpired at the time of the Jupiter-Pluto square was non-divine revelation, or certainly uncomfortable revelation.  Jupiter represents truth, but Pluto represents truth which may be festering and in need of being revealed.

The American Scene

America of course has a huge religious force, some of the more rigid and dogmatic elements of which is helping to power the Republican opposition to Obama in the current Presidential race. The Democratic option and Obama himself, is on the level of higher spiritual principles – altogether more humane, upholding of freedom, and less judgmental in its values, if it had only been allowed to implement its policies in its first term by the opposition.

On the religious divide, the Observer has pointed out that “Dawkins is one of the stars of a group of thinkers sometimes dubbed ‘The New Atheists’ whose number includes the American thinkers Daniel Dennett and Sam Harris.”  We do not have a birth date for Sam Harris, but Daniel Dennett is another first decanate Aries, born 28th March.  It is the early first decanate of Aries which has been stirred up in the last couple of years by the transit of Uranus and its square to Pluto.

The Personal Experience

This is a hopeful opportunity, which will prove lucky for some.  Jupiter in trine relationship to Pluto equals Hope (Jupiter) plus Courage (Pluto).  If Jupiter square Pluto represented a shock of the unpleasant kind, could Jupiter trine Pluto produce a shock of the pleasant kind?

For the personal application, you will need a project, and the chances are that the Universe has already handed you one!   Connect the balancing of these two principles which occur in two different areas of your life with what is going on for you.   The area of your life (House, in astrological parlance) containing Pluto will be one which is challenging you deeply, and the area now containing Jupiter will be assisting you and encouraging expansion. In working with the project and the planetary energies, hold the best possible outcome in your mind.  It goes some way to building some force in your life which could act as a bridge of positive energy during the year, to combat to an extent the difficulties of the Uranus-Pluto square which none of us are escaping at the moment.  New life can be kicked into touch, and reconstruction after old forms have been released.  The trine may enable the resolution of a problem or conflict which has occurred, particularly on a group scale.  The resolution may not entail one party winning over another, but rather a balance of needs and forces being achieved.  The day it occurs may or may not be marked by an actual outward event, but should entail psychological gain and philosophical change.

The resolution of your own personal problem may bring you to link in with a wider project, which is in the community, or even global.  You may then shift to working with others who may be undergoing the same fears, for instance.

Remember this is an Earth trine, with Jupiter in Taurus and Pluto in Capricorn.  Anyone born around the third point of this triangle in Virgo (1st September) will hit the jackpot.  If your birthday falls on the Jupiter point (29th April) the day may be lucky for you.  If your birthday falls on the Pluto point (31st December) then it will be an opportunity to recognize and use your power wisely.  Unless Pluto is squaring one of your personal planets, people should feel the benefit, and even if it is you may still feel the benefit.

Babies born under this transit would have powerful personalities.  According to the Astrologer Alan Oken in Complete Astrology, for anyone having this in their natal chart “This is an excellent aspect for the type of philosophical mind which is constantly turning over the various contributions of the teachers of the ages and coming up with personal understandings.  It indicates a very lively mind, ever eager to dig deeply for truth.”

In the same way that Jupiter-Pluto in square brought revelation (see Information as Power, above) Jupiter trine Pluto can bring some experience of divine revelation, according to one’s own belief system: (e.g. through Maitreya in Buddhism, the Messiah in Judaism, and the Age of Aquarius in Astrology, or simply the experience of divinity within the heart).  When miracles occur, as they undoubtedly do, their revelation of divinity can convert skeptics.

Jupiter-Pluto Cycles

The last Jupiter Pluto trine occurred in March 1999, a time when fear was building up to the Millennium and the predictions of Nostradamus and the Millennium bug, just as we now have fear in society about the end of the Mayan Calendar, so dealing with apocalyptic fear is a theme common to both periods.  You may be able to recollect whether in your own life it was a year which defined your beliefs about life.

Since I started this blog in January 2007, I have covered the conjunction of Jupiter and Pluto, the sextile between them, and the square, prior to this endeavour.  And in August 2013 God(dess) willing, I would like to blog the next Jupiter-Pluto contact, which is the opposition.

To read Jupiter square Pluto click here:


Aspects for the week beginning 4 March 2012

Later today Vladimir Putin is likely to cement his position at the helm of Russia. He was President for two terms, 8 years between 2000 and 2008. For constitutional reasons he was not allowed a third consecutive term. His protege Medvedev took over as President for 4 years and Putin became Prime Minister.   A reversal of roles is now the expected outcome of today’s election.  In his natal chart Putin has the power-hungry aspect of Jupiter square Pluto.  His natal Mars (Inner Warrior) is at the galactic centre, magnifying his power and emphasizing warriorship.  His South Node is in Leo, indicating that he would be accustomed to power in past lives.  Jupiter trine Pluto this month may benefit his efforts to acquire power. Currently, transiting Neptune is squaring his natal Moon, bringing emotional illusion e.g. about the level of support he has from people.  Putin is often referred to as Medvedev’s mentor. Medvedev is a Virgoan, and that is the sign of service,  though we do not know how willing he is to serve Putin at this time. He may have other plans…Pluto is currently trine his Mercury, heightening his mental power at this time, and he would have a psychological grasp of his current situation. There is very interesting synastry (astrological comparison) between them, based on a pattern of Putin’s planets leading Medvedev’s by one sign, showing a symbiotic teacher-pupil relationship, and the capacity for close collaboration. The ability to collaborate is borne out by a trine between Putin’s Uranus and Medvedev’s Neptune, but although they have collaborated in the past there has to be the continued will to do so.  They may have drawn up a Soul Contract before incarnation, but may renegotiate it in their next lifetime, and reverse their power roles.  Venus opposing Saturn today will produce a sense of flatness or even disappointment for politicians trying to win hearts.

But generally, you will need to be realistic about relationships today. Where you might have expected romance, you may need to settle for friendship.  Where you might have expected excitement, you may need to settle for loyalty. Where you may have been hoping for spiritual growth within a relationship, you may need to settle for the limits of what the other person or persons can give you, remembering it is always an exchange.  It may seem you are the giver (the Venusian) or the receiver (the Saturnian), but it is good to look at how the relationship is perceived by the other party, and the whole package. The resultant feelings comes back to expectations.  Monday should be easier, especially for Venus types (Taureans and Librans), who may have found Venus going through Aries (since 8th February) quite tough.  Venus entering Taurus on Monday is cosy, in her element and in her comfort zone… Her power of attraction is heightened, whether in romance, or material wealth.  She will feel well looked after and pampered.  Bring on the Taurean foods of mushrooms and wild rice (according to Sabra Ricci’s book, reviewed last week!).  Mercury also conjuncts Uranus tomorrow.  Sparky mental contacts can be made and flashes of genius displayed.  Make a note of any ideas that come to you as the cosmos will be working hard to give you the ideas you need. For Aquarians, there may be a need to attend to the detail of health matters.  For Mercurial types (Geminis and Virgos) you may need to make changes, for example  in the way you think, but you may also be very inventive.  Again, it’s worth recording any whacky impressions you receive.  Some ideas may seem way out, coming from the future.  A gentle sextile between Venus and Neptune graces Tuesday (6th) at lunch time in the UK.  Where you had to be circumspect in relationships on Sunday, you can afford to dream a little on Tuesday.  It’s also a good day to write poetry, or paint in a fantasy style.  On Thursday (8th) the Moon is full in Virgo, and opposing the Sun in Pisces. There’s an element of balancing fantasy (how much is useful?) and reality (how much time can you spare off from housework?).  The tedium of routine may get you down and you may dream of holidays on desert islands. With Jupiter and Pluto working towards a trine mid-month you may need a pet project if you are not yet involved in one, to soak up those constructive vibes.  Whatever it is, whether it’s planning a holiday in the sun, a local environmental project, or a plan for world peace, it’s a good time to be musing…up to the big day of 13th March. I will be blogging Jupiter trine Pluto next week – that’s my project.

The week in bullet points:

  • Today – measure your expectations
  • Tomorrow – cosy feelings and sparky minds
  • Tuesday – poetic and dreamy
  • Thursday – balance between practicality and fantasy

Aspects for the week beginning 26 February 2012

Last Tuesday evening we could not help but be moved by a news report from a woman in an eye patch in Syria, telling us of a baby who died that day. As always when watching these foreign correspondents, we marvelled at their bravery. Tragically, it was to prove her swan song, whilst also ensuring that no one forgets what she was highlighting: the unspeakable cruelty of the Syrian regime.  The world took note.  It seems to me that Marie Colvin’s death brought about a surge in rescue efforts and international deliberations, at least in the short term.  With the Sun in Capricorn, Marie Colvin had an acute sense of responsibility, and Kate Adie this morning called her a “serious journalist”.  The Guardian obituary stated:  “She was not interested in the politics, strategy or weaponry; only the effects on the people she regarded as innocents. ‘These are people who have no voice,’ she said. ‘ I feel I have a moral responsibility towards them, that it would be cowardly to ignore them.’ ”  She had a very interesting chart, and her extraordinary courage is shown natally by Jupiter/Pluto squaring Mars/Saturn.  At the time she lost her eye in Sri Lanka in 2001, Pluto was transiting her natal North Node.

[Well my printer did a strange thing just now.  It printed a copy of Marie Colvin’s chart without my involvement or intention!]

Where was I?  Marie Colvin’s karmic mission is represented by her North Node in Sagittarius (representing the Foreign Correspondent) and Pluto transiting that point not only represented the losing of the eye (also transiting Saturn opposing her Mars = eye) but the choice of whether to go on, and she chose to go on.  The current question is why are Russia, China and Iran supporting the terrors of the Syrian regime, and how can the rest of the world put a stop to the suffering of the Syrian people?  And Turkey seems to have a key moderating position.  But that’s another blog, maybe for a specialist Mundane Astrologer to figure out…

The aspects this week are few and far between.  They start on Tuesday (28th February) with the Sun sextile Pluto.  We will be asking ourselves serious questions, and possibly receiving serious answers.  So it is a good day to meet up with your local think tank in a coffee shop, and brainstorm.  It is also a good day to get clear on issues around nuclear power (the television programme this week on the Fukushima nuclear plant was most illuminating) and if you have decided that you would not like such an event on our British island, then perhaps link up with Greenpeace or Friends of the Earth.  The following day (29th) is Leap Day, and any brave maiden who decides to pop the question in the time honoured tradition will have to go it alone without the support of a Venus-friendly aspect, or any major aspect at all.  There is an emotionally uneasy semi-square between the Moon and Venus near midnight, which is no help at all.  So hats off to your romantic bravery, if you are about to take the leap and you are reading this!  I saw this week a 1978 performance by Steve Forbert of his song “It isn’t gonna be that way” which might be worth seeing if it doesn’t go your way, but good luck because your own personal birthchart may support your move.  Mercury enters Aries on Friday (2nd March) which may add to mental tensions, partly because your inner Mercury sensor will know that it’s about to meet Uranus in the near future. But your inner sensor may be relieved to find that Mercury will stop short and start returning before it reaches a square with Pluto.  But there is a certain amount of vigour and renewal about Mercury’s ingress to Aries, and an atmosphere of “Let’s get on with it”!  Make a list, even if like me you are not a list person, and resolve to at least honour the first item on the list, or at least talk about it (you never know the ripple effect that could have).  Mercury at the beginning of Aries is like striking a match, and that can precede all sorts of action, such as singing Happy Birthday to a special Piscean.  Mercury at the beginning of Aries is a special announcement of intention, so it’s good to mark it.  It’s a hot Saturday (3rd) with the fiery planets Sun and Mars in opposition.  They cannot fully express their fire, because Mars is in an Earth sign (Virgo) and the Sun is in Water (Pisces), so there may be some passive aggression shown or hidden.  Psychological homework: keep control of your own Inner Warriors, and let others do the same.  It is not likely to be the day of the hoped-for breakthrough in diplomatic relations with Syria’s leader, and indeed may be a day of escalation of tensions, so work to minimize fall out once you have maintained control of your Inner Warrior.  Think of the efforts of the Red Cross, especially that day.

Book Review

On a lighter note, fortunate enough to be in line for a review copy of “Lobsters for Leos, Cookies for Capricorns” I was pleasantly surprised when it arrived in the post (from Thomas Dunne Books, New York) and on looking inside I found a fresh approach to cooking astrologically.  The book is written by Sabra Ricci, astrological chef to the stars of the Hollywood variety (Jim Carrey: “Sabra is an alchemist.  She cares deeply about everything she creates and lives in service to all of us – breakfast, lunch and dinner).  The premise of this book is one of  healthy foods assigned to each sign of the zodiac, and  selected on the basis of the health weakness of each sign.  So for Gemini the foods assist easier breathing (e.g. cantaloupe melon), and for Scorpio the foods are aphrodisiac (with the proviso that you don’t eat them all at once).  As a Sagittarian, I should be eating beetroots and avocados to cleanse my liver (the bodily organ associated with Saggies and those who like alcohol, sometimes both).  In that chapter, there is information about what I am like in the kitchen (“You will soon think your friend has lost track of the recipe, but not to worry, he doesn’t use one, but cooks from a place of intuition”), and what Sagittarian guests are like (“Archers are the heart and soul of a dinner party as they long for all things social”).  Each chapter also suggests optimum ways of serving (whether on the floor, or more formal styles) and gives a clear breakdown of what is contained in the selected foods that benefits us (like luteolin in artichokes which inhibits brain inflammation for Aries).  Then we are presented with recipes which combine these ingredients, and which Sabra has tested on her celebrities.  Some of the ingredients are unknown to me, or have different names here.  As with television programmes, I have to translate them into vegetarian recipes in my head.  But there is at least one vegetarian recipe per sign (the Sagittarian one being “Warm baby beet salad over grilled portobellos with brie”, which sounds appetizing and lovely, and appropriate for me when I am not trying to occasionally veer towards veganism).  All in all, I find Sabra’s approach to combining medical astrology and cooking very refreshing, a useful addition to my bookshelf, and a fun approach to dinner partying.

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Tuesday – Profound
  • Friday – A vigorous mental approach
  • Saturday – Explosive; try damage limitation

Aspects for the week beginning 19 February 2012

Further to last week…Falklands Blog 2

 Scene 1 – Tea-Time in Argentina

[Enter Sean Penn]

In his capacity as Ambassador for Haiti (?) he meets Cristina Kirchner, President of Argentina.  She makes an impression on him, having Pluto on his Uranus and Neptune sextile his Jupiter.  They both have Jupiter rising.

Kirchner: “I wonder how my appeal to the U.N. is getting on.  You couldn’t put in a good word, could you?”

Penn: “”I know I came in a very sensitive moment in terms of diplomacy between Argentina and the UK over the Malvinas islands. And I hope that diplomats can establish true dialogue in order to solve the conflict as the world is not going to tolerate any kind of ludicrous and archaic commitment to colonialist ideology. The way of dialogue is the only way to achieve a better solution for both nations.”

Kirchner: “That will do nicely.”

Penn:  “Had you thought of inviting Prince William to tea?”

Kirchner: “Don’t push your luck.”

[Exit Penn]

 Scene 2 – The U.K. At the Houses of Parliament

Tory MP Patrick Mercer O.B.E.: “What on earth has this got to do with Sean Penn? He’s neither British nor Argentine and seems to know nothing about the situation judging by this moronic statement.”

Ben Fogle: “Here Here!”

Scene 3 – Uruguay – Tea with President Jose Mujica

Mujica:  “Well, you know Sean.  We South American States like to stick together.  More tea?”

Penn:  “Thank you for your opinion.  I will make another statement.”

Mujica: “How did I get involved in this anyway?” [Mars is squaring his Mercury]

Penn: “It’s unthinkable that the United Kingdom can make a conscious decision to deploy a prince [William] within the military to the Malvinas, knowing the great emotional sensitivity both of mothers and fathers in the United Kingdom and  in Argentina who lost sons and daughters in a war of islands with a population of so few….”

[The South Node (past life karma) is currently transiting Penn’s Mars in Gemini representing his warriorship, and Uranus is currently transiting Penn’s I.C. which is unsettling his sense of security about the world]

The Sun enters Pisces early today, and you may rise in a befuddled state.  If you have a chance, go back to bed and have a lie in until you are feeling clearer.  However, this is not likely to happen, and you may be having a generally foggy day because by the evening the Sun conjuncts Neptune.  If you found the similar aspects with Mercury last week befuddling, then you may go through a parallel scenario today, but less mentally-focussed and more soul-focussed, i.e. a reorientation on that level, aligning the personality with the Soul, or attempting to.  You may be finding it hard, for instance, deciding what you think about a particular issue, even though you may be pressed to make your mind up.  My advice is: If in doubt, don’t.  Give yourself an extra day or so if you can, to be absolutely sure of where you stand, if you have the luxury to do so.  Tuesday (21st) is much more suitable for aligning the Soul and personality, and deciding where you stand on an issue.  For Tuesday brings a New Moon at 2 degrees Pisces, a chance for a real spiritual re-orientation, and an evaluation of complex personal and global issues. Thursday (23rd) is more confrontational, with Mercury opposing Mars.  A war of words, or at the very least carelessness, are on the cards.  Sean Penn may make another statement about the U.K. and the Falkland Islands.  If you feel like getting involved in a conflict, check whether it is in fact your conflict – that’ll give you a chance to pull out, and fewer people may get hurt. We have a happy ending on Saturday (25th) with Sun sextile Jupiter, optimal positive thinking, possibly yielding successful results.  All smiles.

If you are up before 10 a.m. you might catch Flick and I in the studio audience of The Big Questions in Cambridge, televised on BBC1.

The Week in Bullet Points:

  • Today – Fog
  • Tuesday – New Spiritual Order
  • Thursday – Confrontation
  • Saturday – Smiles